GEORGE • HENRY • GEORGE • PARTNERS 21st Century University Leadership in Economic Development Research Park Feasibility Strategic Campus Planning Technology Development Strategies Incubator Feasibility Community Economic Impacts Housing Needs and Feasibility Workforce Development Technology Transfer Systems Continuing Implementation Services Research and Technology Parks and Incubators Services: Research Resource Assessment Evaluates key researchers, their grants and their relationships with potential corporate tenants for the park. Market Demand and Marketing Strategies Combines the research resource assessment and our comparable research park marketing experience model to predict floor space absorption. Recommends relationship marketing program, needed collateral and other features. Virginia Biotechnology Park Location and Site Assessment Considers site characteristics and essential interrelationships with researchers, as well as availability. Recommends the properties which will best support the development program. Feasibility Analysis Revenue estimates from the market analysis and cost estimates from the development planning are input into our research park financial model used to determine cash flow and financial requirements. Piedmont Triad Research Park Optimum Financing Approach Potential financing sources are identified, based on comparable research park experience, and their availability explored. Recommends alternative financing approaches to meet capital and operating needs. The recommendation of financing approaches for speculative multi-tenant buildings is an important part of the services, including optimum use of creative private developer financing approaches. Organization and Governance Successful approaches from other parks are tested with the key participants in the subject park. The optimum approach is recommended. University "Value Added" Policies Potential park tenants seek committed access to university faculty, facilities and services. Creating this "Value Added" approach requires both new and revised policies, which we recommend. Penn State Innovation Center Technology Transfer Policies and Approach Documents the financial and recruitment benefits of effective technology commercialization. Recommends the staffing and procedures which will be most cost effective. Continuing Implementation Services These services include: working with local leadership in putting the implementation organization in place; identifying, screening and attracting key staff; gaining agreement on the operating and capital financing approach; identifying and assisting staff in contacting high potential marketing prospects; and other services as needed. Recent Clients: Denver Economic Strategic Plan ■ Illinois Institute of Technology, Park Market Reconnaissance ■ Ohio State University, Scitech, Assessment and Mid-Course Correction ■ Mississippi State University, Research Park Feasibility and Implementation Strategy ■ Maryland Technology Development Corporation Survey and Documentation of Post Incubator Company Wet-Lab Space Needs ■ Los Alamos Research Park, Reconnaissance and Recommended Priority Institutional Marketing Initiatives ■ Scranton Economic Development Strategic Plan Scranton, Pennsylvania ■ Delaware State University Incubator Feasibility and Business Plan ■ Denver Economic Development Strategic Plan ■ University of Georgia and Georgia Medical College Technology Transfer Enhancement Potential and Management Plan ■ Auburn Research Park Feasibility and Business Plan ■ University of Maryland Biomedical Research Park Feasibility and Implementation Strategy ■ Cleveland Biotechnology Incubator Feasibility and Design Program Recommendations University of Wisconsin Research Park ■ UNC G/ NC A&T Research Park Resource Analysis and Market Feasibility GHG Research and Technology Assignments ■ Wisconsin/Madison Research Park and Incubator Feasibility and Strategy ■ VCU Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Biomedical Park Feasibility and Strategy ■ Princeton Forrestal Center Technology and Business Park Feasibility, Fiscal Impact and Public Approval ■ Miami Valley Research Park Feasibility ■ Oakland Technology Park ( Suburban Detroit) Feasibility ■ Johns Hopkins University Human Science Research Park Feasibility ■ Stapleton Tomorrow (Denver) Technology Park Component Feasibility ■ Lowertown (St. Paul) Technology Park Reconnaissance ■ University of New Hampshire Research Park Feasibility and Implementation ■ Hershey Medical (Penn State/Hershey) Research Park Feasibility ■ Colorado State University Research Park, Mid-Course This map shows the locations of many of the research park, incubator and technology strategy assignments carried out by the partners of George Henry George Partners. Research Park assignments are depicted by red circles, Incubators by green and Technology Strategies with blue. Reconnaissance ■ Newark Science Park Feasibility Average Multi-Tenant Park Absorption ■ Western Michigan University Research Park Feasibility ■ Dallas Economic Development Strategy ■ Piedmont Triad (Winston-Salem) Research Park Feasibility and 40,000 Site Selection ■ Eastern Tennessee University Med-Tech Corridor Feasibility 35,000 ■ University of New Orleans Research Park Feasibility and 30,000 Strategy ■ University of Arkansas Research Park Feasibility ■ Louisville Medical Center Development Corporation, Developer Selection and Negotiation 25,000 20,000 15,000 ■ Riverside Center for Research and Technology (Roanoke) ■ Cornell (Geneva) Ag Tech Park Feasibility ■ Shady Grove Life Science Center (Maryland) Lease Analysis ■ University of South Florida Research Park Resource Analysis ■ Louisiana Incubator Development Strategy ■ Eastern Idaho Research and Technology Retreat 10,000 5,000 0 Built Leased Source: Survey of Actively Marketing Parks Planned Pre-Leased Floor Space By Type ■ University of Southern Indiana Research Park Feasibility ■ University of Connecticut Research Park Feasibility Advance Mfg. 20% ■ University of Arizona Research Park Market Analysis and Prof. Services 10% Marketing Strategy ■ Montgomery County, Maryland, Biotechnology Site Social Science 4% Software 24% Development Strategy Business Services 6% ■ Oklahoma Health Science University Research Park and Incubator Univ/Gov 12% ■ Oklahoma State Biotechnology Strategy Biomedical 18% ■ West Virginia High Technology Consortium, Development and Other 6% Marketing Strategy ■ University of Louisville Biotechnology Incubator Feasibility ■ Wayne State University Technology Park Business Plan ■ Research Triangle Foundation, Evaluation of the Local, ■ Texas Tech University Incubator Feasibility and Business Plan Regional and State Fiscal and Economic Impacts of the Park ■ Northwest Louisiana Biomedical Research Park Feasibility and Strategy and Surrounding Community (InterTech) Plan ■ SUNY Brookhollow Biotech Corporate Facility Financing ■ West Virginia State Technology Marketing Strategy ■ Southeast Massachusetts Advanced Technology and Marketing Center Feasibility ■ Rockbridge County (Va) Technology Development Strategy and Park Feasibility ■ Detroit Regional Technology Marketing Strategy ■ Lubbock Regional Technology Development Strategy ■ Worchester County Maryland Technology Park Feasibility ■ Southern New Jersey Technology Land Needs and Park ■ UC Davis Research Park Site Potential Analysis ■ Louisville Health Science Park Continuing Implementation Strategy ■ West Virginia University Research Park Feasibility ■ Wisconsin/Stevens Point Economic Competitiveness Strategy ■ Downtown Phoenix New Economy Strategy ■ Albany Central Avenue Technology Corridor Leasing Strategy ■ Louisville Shelby Campus Telecommunications Park ■ Mississippi I 59 Technology Corridor Marketing Strategy ■ Buffalo Biomedical Strategic Plan ■ Los Alamos Research Park Feasibility ■ Oregon (Portland) Health Science University Research Park ■ Suburban Detroit Private Technology Park Market Analysis Feasibility ■ Lehigh University Business and Technology Park Feasibility ■ University of Illinois (UC) Research Park Developer Selection and Negotiation ■ Technology Park Conversion of the Syracuse Lockheed Complex Feasibility ■ University of Southern Mississippi Research Park Feasibility ■ Sioux Falls Technology Park and Accelerator Feasibility ■ Medical College of Georgia Research Park and Incubator Technology Park Tenant Mix Feasibility ■ Florida Atlantic University Research Park Feasibility Advance Mfg. 17% Prof. Services 8% Social Science 6% Software 32% Business Services 4% Univ/Gov 6% ■ University of the Virgin Islands Research Park Feasibility ■ Northern Virginia Private Technology and Business Park Feasibility ■ Jefferson Parish (New Orleans) Technology Strategy ■ Rowan University Technology Park Feasibility Biomedical 32% Other 7% ■ Southeast Raleigh Virtual Incubator Business Plan Other Important University Economic Development Initiatives Services: Technology Development Strategies Governments and universities optimize technology-based economic growth by working with us to assess their research and technology strengths, prepare the communications and total infrastructure plan, focus the educational system, create the venture capital resources, and put in place an effective marketing system. Community Economic Impact Many universities find it important to carefully document their economic and fiscal benefits to their communities. Using detailed data from the institutions and our economic impact models, the impacts are analyzed and presented in reports and graphically effective summaries. Oklahoma Biomedical Strategy Strategic Campus Planning Traditional physical campus planning is being challenged in this time of fiscal stress to ensure that all of the university's real estate is most effectively deployed to generate income as well as to meet academic needs. We carefully project academic space needs and then draw on our extensive real estate expertise to assess income potentials and recommend development strategies. Housing Needs and Feasibility Our university clients are turning more and more to the private sector to meet housing needs. We analyze the needs and effective demand and then recommend the optimum development approach. Princeton Graduate Student Housing Retail, Athletic and Other Ancillary Services In these times of keen competition for students, our university clients often ask us to define the needs and analyze the financial implications of building and operating ancillary, retail and athletic facilities. Workforce Development Our role in this important aspect of economic competitiveness is to analyze the existing and future economy and clearly describe future technical and total workforce needs, and to benchmark existing programs in the process of developing the strategy. University Neighborhood and Community Strategies The relationship between a university, its neighborhood, and local jurisdictions needs to be a partnership with effective communication, sound university development, and neighborhood planning. New Orleans Teleplex Recent Clients: ■ Princeton Forrestal Graduate Student/Faculty Housing Feasibility ■ Davidson College Campus Plan ■ University of Connecticut Graduate Student Housing Feasibility ■ Indiana University-Purdue University Natatorium Feasibility ■ Howard University Faculty Housing Feasibility ■ Syracuse University Campus Retail Market ■ University of Pennsylvania Campus Retail Market ■ Wesleyan University Conference Center Feasibility ■ Duke University Land Resource Utilization Strategy ■ Kent State University Conference Center Feasibility ■ Indiana University Campustown/Downtown Reconnaissance ■ University Circle (Case/Western Reserve) Hotel and Conference Center ■ Cleveland State University Campus Development Economic, Potential Analysis ■ Los Alamos Conference Center Feasibility ■ UNLV Consultation ■ Montgomery College (Maryland) Technology Park Strategic Planning, Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy ■ Locational Assessment for U.S. Dataport Communications Hotel CU Health Sciences Strategic Campus Plan GWU Red Lion Row Adaptive Retail Reuse The Forrestal Center at Princeton What an Effective Economic Development Effort Brings To the University: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Enhanced Research Funding Recruitment Success Stronger Budget Support Enhanced Relationships with the Community More Productive Use of Real Estate Assets Enhanced Student Experience To the Community: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Fully Competitive Economic Development Effort Focused Technology Growth Strategy Effective Workforce Development Successful Outreach Marketing Quality Jobs to Retain the College Educated GHG Technology Mission Technology-led development is the foundation of the economy and the quality of life it supports. Universities, communities and companies partner in various ways to apply their resources to advance the tech-led economic development objectives. The partners of George, Henry, George Partners continue to work closely with them in this effort. Research assessment, feasibility analysis, financing and organizational strategies and continuing implementation support are among the tools they use to work closely with top leadership to achieve impressive results GEORGE • HENRY • GEORGE • PARTNERS Vernon George • Clifton Henry • Timothy George 1038 Dead Run Drive, Suite 101 McLean, Virginia 22101 703-286-6334 phone 703-734-9148 fax email