T H E C IT IZ E N , P r in c e G e o r g e — F r id a y , J a n u a r y 8, 1982 — 33 144 H o m e of th e w e e k T h is solid and co m fo r ta b le o ne-an d-one-h alf s t o r e y h o m e d e s ig n is w e ll s u ite d to th e m ed iu m -to -w id e fr o n ta g e r esid en tia l bu ildin g lot and p ro v id es in e x c o s s o f 2.200 sq u a re feet o f w ell-o rg a n ized fin ish ed floor a rea. A full b a se m e n t p ro v id es abu ndant sp a c e for th e fu­ ture d e v e lo p m e n t o f ad d ition al r ecrea tio n a l fa c ilitie s and-or liv in g a c co m m o d a tio n s. T he s ty lish e x te rio r is fin ish ed in m ixed v e rtic a l and h o r iz o n ta l c h a n n e l s id in g , w ith b ric k ch im n e y and h e a v y s h a k e roof. F or th o se who p refer, the ro o f could a lte r n a te ly be fin ish ed in m ore trad itio n a l sh in g le s . T he d e e p ly w ea th er-p ro tected m ain en try lea d s into a sp a c io u s r ecep tio n foyer and out­ e r w e a r s to r a g e a r e a , from w h e n c e tr a ffic m o v e s e ith e r right and into th e size a b le r ec ­ ta n g u la r livin g room , or left and into the frontfa c in g lib ra ry -lo u n g e. T he liv in g room fe a ­ tu res a raised -h ea rth m a so n r y fir e p la c e and sw in g-ou t doors le a d in g onto the rea r-fa cin g patio. T he form al d in in g room adjoins th e liv ­ ing room and h as a se c o n d a c c e s s to th e rea r patio. A w ell-p la n n ed g a lle r y -s ty le kitch en -d in ette com b in atio n is p o sitio n ed m id -w a y b etw een the form al din ing room and the la rg e fa m ily room -T .V . loun ge — th u s p roviding for e x c e l­ lent sep a ra tio n o f fo rm a l dining w hen e n te r ­ tain in g and m o re r e la x e d fa m ily m e a ls. The k itch en fea tu res a ste p -s a v in g work tr ia n g le, a b u n d a n t c u p b o a rd s t o r a g e and g e n e r o u s cou n tertop work s u r fa c e s . T he fa m ily room fe a tu re s a seco n d m a so n r y firep la ce and a s lid in g g la s s w a lk -th r o u g h le a d in g o n to a secon d rea r-fa cin g p a tio . A tw o -p iece v a n ity ba th ro o m and an e x c e l­ lent lau n d ry -u tility c o m p le x a re p o sitio n ed im m e d ia te ly a cro ss fro m the sta ir w a y to the full b a se m e n t. P r o x im ity to the tw o-car g a r ­ a ge a llo w s the u tility c o m p le x to do dou ble duty a s a m ud room fa c ility . AU fou r b e d r o o m s a r e p o sitio n ed on the seco n d lev el — tw o a r e front-facing and two fa c e th e rea r o f the floor plan. E a ch has e x c e l­ lent e x p o su r e for v ie w and natural ligh t, and e a ch h a s g en ero u s c lo s e t sto r a g e. The la r g e m a s te r bedroom h a s a th ree p ie c e e n su ite w ith tub and a full w alk-in c lo se t. T he cen tra l b a th ­ room is four p ie c e , h a v in g both a tub and sh ow er. A la r g e un finished a r e a con n ectin g w ith one o f th e front-facing s ec o n d a ry b edroom s could be d e v e lo p e d a s an e x c e lle n t stu d y -o ffice for the b u sin ess-o rien ted fa m ily , or one w ith stu ­ d en ts. T his fa c ility co u ld e a s ily be sh a red by both front-facing b ed ro o m s s im p ly by in s ta ll­ ing a door in the e x te r io r w all o f the ad join in g b edroom . T his is a lu x u rio u sly sp a c io u s hom e d esig n w hich o ffers the la r g e r fa m ily all o f the mod- 126 lUllDINC LOTS FOR SALE 126 BUILDING LOTS FO* SALE DUPLEX LOT LOT in bowl area, 10% dis­ Large double, serviced du­ count for cash. Or will carry mortgage at 12%. 564-3628. plex loi. Footings poured, ready to build. Qualifies as tax SKDI9250 shelter, MURB certificate pro­ FULLY treed 4 acre lot with vided. Includes plans, per­ well. Power and telephone to mits, etc. You build it and property. Close in $34,500. save. Priced to sell, terms. Large portion assumable at Located in good rental area. 12Vi% till 1988. 564-0037. 564-1399 SKCDTF-1 DI222 79x120' DUPLEX lot in bowl .34 ACRE building lot. city area. Located corner ot Nor­ sewer 4 water. Ph 962-7432. wood & Porter Ave. Priced GS7251 $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . 5 6 4 -4 3 8 1 . VIEW lot St. Law rence SKC5252 Heights $32,000 Phone 9644944. SKDI22245 DEAL for builders, two lots 100x300’ in city limits, on PRIME residential building Chief Lake Rd. City water and sle, lot 68, Wildwood Cres. sewer coming - price well bo- Hart Highlands $85,000. Ph. low market value at $18,900 562-1619 or 962-6600. TF1 each. 962-9012. DI83 129 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEAR College Heights Shop­ ping Centre. .43 acre with large double garage $22,000 LOCAL moving and delivery company for sa'e. 3 trucks 962-7496. DI223 and contracts. Call 562-8105 BEAUTIFULLY treed building evenings. GS224 lots, 1 acre and over, west of town. 563-1184. TF1 WANTED $50,000 at 22% se­ 10% DOWN on fully serviced cured by 1st mortgage on clear title properly downtown. bowl area • residential lots, Flange Cres. 4 Range Place, Phone 564-7072 GS74 some lots backing onto beautiful park area, full price WAREHOUSE $29,500 will carry balance at A business of your own at a 16% interest. 564-6514 or price you can afford The 964-6635. TF-1 potential here is unlimited Perfect family business LOTS for sale in North Health forces sale Nechako, please call 964564-7788 or 4424 between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 564-2685 TF1 WILL trade lot in Birchwood Sub as downpayment for house in bowl area. Call 5639623 days TF1 5 ACRE LOTS CREEK FRONTAGE We have several 4 and 5 acre lots situated on year-round creeks, close to city limits Call in at Matte Bros 813 Victoria St. CDTF-1 BUILDING lots tor sale in Mount Alder Estates, under­ ground wiring, curb and gut­ ter, 60 to 70 foot frontage, $28,500 to $30,500. Phone 964-4286 home or 564-7182 office. TF1 B U D G E T SURPLUS WAREHOUSE SK-CD-10-247 © r \ fcr c i n_ ag- ^ _ j ) •:::::::::: wt © y © :%-r T jr u, 1 _______d ______ , i '6.3mt o I 53-6" " T 1 L > (i) ffl u „ J „ © © O © * 3 4.4 »0 1I4-J- PLA N n ;m - u V nyv" t P B U IL D E R T E R M S $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 In M illar S u b d i v i s i o n . Thirty three foot lot. City has a p p r o v e d . Good p l a n s a v ia l a b l e Call WARREN at 5 6 3 - 1 2 0 5 or '5 63 -18 98 INTE RMET REALTY LTD. 730 SQ. FT. office space for rent. Carter Light Industrial $400 per month. Available im mediately. 563-8102. TF1 OFFICE space for rent 850 sq ft. located on S. Queens way • rent includes taxes, util ties hydro, air cond. Parking front 4 rear of building Ph days 564-5252 nights; 564 8906 or 564-0475. TF1 AVAILABLE for immediate occupancy, new 2500 sq. ft warehouse, with 500 sq. ft front office, overhead mezza­ nine, suitable for storage street frontage with 12x14 overhead door, 1669 Lyon St Phone 564-0505 or 964 7858 TF5 S end for th e cu rren t edition o f S e le c t H om e D e sig n s m a g a z in e , s e r ie s 48, featu rin g im ­ a g in a tiv e d e c o ra tin g and h om e im p ro v em en t id e a s, plus 250 q u a lity hom e plan s o f ev er y typ e. A v a ila b le for $2.75 ($2 plus .75 c e n ts p ost­ a g e and h an d lin g). To order an y o f th e se ite m s p le a s e sen d c h e ­ que or m on ey order p a y a b le to th e H om e o f the W eek. A d d ress to: H om e o f th e W eek, c-o The C itizen , 382 W est B road w ay, V an cou ver, B.C. V5Y 1R2. 129 BUSINESS 130 ( C o p r ig h t * 1 9 8 1 ; S c le c t H o m e opportunities 147 HALLS FOR RENT 137 LAKE FRONTAGE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FACILITIES for celebrations or dinner meetings up to 50 persons. Inquire about our complete wedding packages, unlimited parking, Rosal's Dining Lounge. 562-4972. GS223 CLUCULZ LAKE CABARET 1 Vi ACRES Industrial in 800 SQ. FT. cabin on two twoSmithers, many improve thirds acre lots, year-round ments, trades accepted. 964 access, electric heat. Boat 4556. C65 launch and dock. 441-3211. SKCD74 COMMERCIAL corner, acres plus, zoned tourist FRANCOIS LAKE commercial or highway com mercial. Good motel or auto­ One acre lake front lot in Birch Bay Sub $10,500 lor quick motive site. 964-4556. C65 cash sale 441 -3211. SKCD74 PRIME hi-rise Multi-tamily PROPERTY 138 site, approximately 2Vi acres FOR SALE in core of Prince George P ro p e rty fo r s a le w ith architects' plans for 92 units RESIDENTIAL lots in College Contact Mr. B.C. Tomlin Heights. Phone 964-4424. Crest Homes 4 Develop­ TF1 ment. 562-5521 TF1 PROPERTY 142 134 COUNTRY HOME EXCHANGE 1 ACREAGE WHO wants to trade? Have 2 ACRE semi-serviced lot, c- commercial and industrial w 1 bdrm cabin 963-9575. acreage, will trade up or Dll 03 down, property, vehicles, NEW home on 5 acres, cen­ etc. 964-4556. C65 Mackenzie B.C. 107 seats, all leasehold improvem ents completed. Ready to open. Financing available. Call Gor­ don McCormick at Sabre Realty 112-936-0422. N33 POSSIBLE $3000 a month profit, looking for ambitious husband & wife team who wish to operate their own business. No investment necessary, training provided. Call 964-7997 between 6 & 7. DI53 POTENTIAL $300. per day profit, business is now for sale. Ideal for family or any­ one wanting to be their own boss 564-1940 or 563-0775 after 5 p.m. or come 4 see us at 2101, Ogilvie St. during business hours. GS62 tral vacuum. Sloped cedar ceiling living room, Fireplace up, wood down. 962-9031 or 964-4019. C74 LIMITED drywall company. No a s s e ts . 5 6 3 -0 7 4 7 . C10248 FARMS I RANCHES 136 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN 14 bodroom rooming house, capable of producing $2,400 160 ACRES 3 bedroom per month, includes all furni­ ho use c lo s e to n a tu re ture. Ideal for older couple, $84,000 112-967-4266. C65 will consider trades. Call Stan i 137 LAKE FRONTAGE 562-6671 or 563-2790 even­ LOOK investors - for sale or ings CD51 trade beautiful bright sido lake lots. New sub, also 300 10-ACRE hwy. property in acres re creational land, Houston, zoned light indust­ Vimile lakefront. Will take rial - commercial, ideal for P rin c e G e o rg e ho m e , warehousing, shops, truck acreage, ? in trade Contact wash, etc. Contact Mr. B.C. 306-845-2693 or Box 54. St. Tomlin Crest Homes & De­ W alburg, Saskatchewan. velopment. 562-5521. TF1 DI42 P re s e n tin g D e s ig n s ) HELLENIC Community of Prince George, brand now hall at 5th and Tabor, kitchen facilities, capacity 250 per­ sons. P lenty of parking space. For reservations phone 562-1507 or 5634071. SKCDTF50 CATERING for weddings 4 parties. 562-4927. Li. No. 3237. TF1 PRINCE George Rod and Gun C’db Hartman Road - in­ quiries phone 563-4027. TF1 bOWERHOUSE full catering services, receptions, parlies, m e e tin g s. C o m fo rta b le atmosphere. 30 to 170 peo­ ple 963-9563. TF1 LAND for sale or trade on ' BUSINESS 148 house in Prince George, LOCATIONS area, of same approximate value. If sale, terms are avail­ 1840 TO 6600 sq ft. of prime, able. 154 acres $70,000 30 ground level retail or office miles west ot McBride on space in new Plaza Parkade Main Road, Box 343 McBride on 5th Ave across from new 569-2678. SKC54 150-room Holiday Inn Hotel. Rental rate is $6 50 per sq. ft. per annum, triple net. Phone 147 HALLS FOR RENT Peter Drummond at 563F R A T E R N A L O rd e r of 7880 for details. SKTF-1 Eagles Hall, rentals - 568 George St. (air conditioned) OFFICE space lor rent, 1990 and Mile 6 Hart Hwy. Hall ren­ Ogilvie St. Available im­ tals 564-8546 Catering 962- mediately, Phone 563-8871 GS52 8485. TF1 ELKS HALL 1116 Sixth Ave­ OFFICE rooms for rent in nue 563-1228 Reception, Caine Building, apply Room rentals, catering, diningroom. No 9, Caine Building, 245 Quebec. GS54 TF1 1600 SQ. FT. ol retail or office space, available 2nd floor in Ospika Plaza, corner 5th Ave. & Ospika Blvd. Reasonable rent. Ph. 563-7775 ask lor Bruno or 564-8783 eves. TF1 tab or g len IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2500 or 5,000 sq. ft. of ground floor store front tor lease. Vendor anxious and willing to negotiate term and price. Location on 5th near George. St. Contact Carl Benson, Buchanan, Benson & Co. 563-8811. CDTF-1 4th AVE & QUEENSWAY 1200 sq. ft. main floor plus full basement. Ideal for repairs plumbing, electrical shop or office complex. Vendor in­ terested in lease offers. Con tact Carl at BUCHANAN BENSON 4 CO. LTD. 563 8811 days or 564-4790 eves CDTF1 WILL build to tenants' sped fications - 90x100 on 6th 4 Quebec Phone Roy Yip 5644745. SKTF172 360 SQ. FT. office space and 500 sq. ft. warehouse space, zoned light industrial, rent in eluded, heat, light and air con­ ditioning, available Feb. 1st. Phono 562-1418. GS62 STOREFRONT OFFICE FOfc RENT $275 Nochako Ind. Park. 5622566, 562-3473 and 5633320. CDTF2 OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 1500 sq !t. 1,000 sq. ft. shop, with 18' door plus storefront o ffic e w ith m e zzanine . Nechako Ind. Park. $500. 562-2566, 562-3473, and 563-3320. CDTF2 VACANT 4 a c re lo ts w ith I n d iv id u a l w e lls near T a b o r G ood r e s tr ic tiv e E v e ry ty p e o f su m m e r and R e c r e a tio n and o n ly P r ic e s 1 0 m in u te s to w in te r a t y o u r d o o rs te p ra n g e $ 3 3 ,0 0 0 Lake c o v e n a n ts fro m d o w n to w n . fro m • 2 ,5 0 0 s q . ft. unit with office and mezzanine. • Located in recently renovoted b ui ld in g ideal downtown location. • 14 ft. overhead loading door • Only $1 0 0 0 per rnqnth • For further information Coll Myles B r e a d n e r at 5 6 3 - 4 5 5 5 d a y s or 96 4-6963 eveninqs. $ 3 7 ,0 0 0 CALL DAVE AT 963-7910 or STAN AT 963-7414 F O R D E T A IL E D IN F O R M A T IO N P .G . In d u s tria l Park 196 9-89 1st Avenue ? TF-1 3 BDRM duplex, upstairs, fridge 4 stove. 563-2301. C74 QUIET 2 bdrm duplex located at 363 Nicholson, includes heat, hot water, fridge 4 stove, plug-ins tor car, drapes 4 carpet, laundry room, $370 monthly, adults only, no pets Phone 964-9705 for appoint­ ment. TF4 NEW la rg e 3 bedroom '^duplex, drapes, Iridge 4 stove. College Heights area 563-4580. DI74 3 BDRM fridge 4 stove, re­ cently redecorated, centrally locatod, availablo immediate­ ly $435 including hydro. Phone 564-6267 after 5. C24 3 BDRM duplex, stove, fridge, drapes included. Colloge H&ights. Close to bus, shop­ ping,'schools, no pets $525 per mo. plus utilities. Phone 562-8070. TF3 2 BDRMS full basement, no pets. Available immediately, $400 per month. Call 5645499 or 563-6852. GS83 2 BEDROOM clean, includes fridge, stove, drapes. Car­ port, full basement, Oak Street. $425 per month. Days 564-0770 ask for Doug. 5630877 eves after 5:30 GS53 3 BDRM duplex. Fridge 4 stove. Ph. 564-8319. C63 3 BDRM Vi duplex, full bsmt, carport, fridge 4 stove, avail­ able Feb. 1 $550 monthly. Phone 564-5273. DI33 NEW duplex 3 bdrms; 1Vi baths, sunken livingroom, fireplace, 5 appliances. Fla­ mingo Rd. - Hart Hwy. $575 monthly. 564-2275 or 5634898. DI63 AVAILABLE immedaitely new 3 bdrm duplex $Q25 to $725 per month Located in College Heights. Close to schools and bus routes. 5638102 9 to 5. TF1 6ARA6ES FOR RENT GARAGE to rent for auto storago $75 per month. Phono 563-6899 DI35 ATTENTION RV boat 4 car owners wanting heated win­ ter storage. Reasonable rates. Immediate. Contact Carl 563-8811 days; 5644790 eves, weekends. TF1 15) HOUSES FURNISHED BASEMENT suite behind Spruceland $300 per month, utilities not included. 563 5215. DI25 port, finished basement. 1Vi baths, fridgo, stove, washer, dryer $600 Phone 562-1947 after 5 C52 SHOP OR WAREHOUSE 1000 sq. ft. two 14 ft. doors, 3 phase power, individual heat 4 liqht $550 per month, basic, gas heat, floor drains, well lo­ cated. Call Robin Stoddard. 964-4647 - eveings. 5639201 days. CDTF1 INDUSTRIAL property for rent: Ongman Rd. Viacre for storage, parking, etc. 5639917. TF-1 DOWNTOWN 1040 2nd Ave. 1148 sq. ft. building contains 3 offices, storage room and attached garago, parking tor 20 cars, some plug-ins. Im­ mediate occupancy, zoned C-1 $875 per month, phone 56 3-09 12 or 563-0700. D16252 3652 Massey Drive • 2100 sq fl consisting of 14G0 sq ft. warehouse 360 sq ft office space 360 sq ft office or storage • 10 ft overhead doors • Ample parking — 6 to 8 vehicles • $900 per month • Storage yard available For further information call 5 6 2 -2 0 0 9 Prime location opposite Massey Square, available Feb 1, 82 3 BDRM home in Quinson area. For information call 962-6766 if no answer, call 563-6011. DI24 3 BDRM townhouse. fenced yard, fireplace, fridge 4 stove, 1Vi baths, available Feb. 1st $450 per month. 562-8584. GS34 FOR rent 3 bedrooms, full basement. Fridge and stove included To view or for more information call 563-7895. DI74 AVAILABLE Jan 1 dose to Hart Highland school, 3 bdrm house with carport, fridge, stove, deepfreeze, drapes, fireplace, 1Vi baths, fenced backyard $625 per month plus utilities, married couples only, no pets 962-6253 or 564-6115. TF4 HERITAGE AREA MALE with house in Pineview looking for female roommate. $200 per month. Before 3 963-8275. DI52 OFFICE space lo r rent, downtown location. 5635624. TF1 OFFICE Carter Industrial area, available immediately. 564-7065. TF1 SMALL 3 bdrm house, no ap­ pliances, large lot. North Nechako $475 per month. Call 564-6254 or 562-4321 84 ask for Don. DI224 EASY-going, non-smoking NORTH Meadows 1144 sq. working person to share fur­ ft. deluxe ranch style home, 3 nished home in College bdrms w.w. full bsmt. $650. Heights. After 6 phone 964- 562-6622. GS83 2082. DI35 WANTED person to share 3 3 BDRM 1Vi baths, full base­ bdrm full basement. 964- ment, double carport, fire­ place. Fridge, stove, dis­ 9872. DI65 hwasher, drapes included. WORKING female roommate Q uality home. $650 per wanted for 3 bedroom town- month 564-2161. DI223 house $150 per month plus '/^utilities, Upland St. Ph. 562 3 BDRM house for rent with basement $375, a month. 9478 after 7 p.m. C25 562-5270. DI43 WANTED clean, classy, re­ sponsible non-smoking male O L D E R 2 b d rm n o n * or female to share large ex­ basement home, with fire­ ecutive home, $250 per place, and fam ily room. month. Call Rick 564-8485 or Fridge 4 stove, included. Available immediately, Free­ 562-8261. DI54 man St. $450. 563-3551. WANTED responsible work­ DI43 ing girt or student to share house, vicinity of Ferry Ave. IMMEDIATE board, close in. 564-3101 DI33 Private room, own bath, nonsmoker $250, evenings 564WORKING person to share 2467. C43 furnished house $250 Phone 563-4618 DI83 FAMILY home. F.P., rec room, freshly repainted, near CONDO to share, available elementary 4 high school. immediately, phone 562- W.W. carpets, fridge 4 stove, 4073. C42 4 bdrms, private bsmt entr­ WANTED quiet gentleman to ance. available immediately. share rent in fully furnished College Heights. $600 per home, Available Jan. 15, for month. Ph. Jerry at 964-0296. more information call 562- TF3 1948. DI42 BDRM full bsmt, fridge, 3 BEDROOM home with full stove. F.P.. $475. 562-8292 6 basement, carport 4 fire­ place, $565 per month, stove to 10 p.m. DI62 only - call Jim 563-6666 or BDRM duplex for rent. Car­ 964-6191. DI65 QUEENSWAY location - con­ crete block warehouse for lease; 2 bays of 1500 sq ft for $700 each 563-3332. Or 563-3760 TF-1 HOUSES UNFURNISHED EXECUTIVE HOME VAN D ER H O O F 2 bdrm house in town $450.112-971- 1700 sq. ft., fireplace, garage, 2477. D122252 fenced and landscapod. fami­ ly room, appliances, 3 baths, 2 BEDROOM basement suite 3 bdrms, intercom $800 per $315 per month, utilities not month. Available Jan. 20th Included. Ph. 563-5215. DI25 Phone 562-3277. CDTF4 WANTED female roommate 3 BDRM duplex with F.P., 2 to share 3 bdrm condominium baths, carport, fridge 4 stove. - non-smoker please. Phone $550 per month. Ph. 563- after 7:30. 564-3853. DI33 0822; 564-5828. DI223 HOUSES 155 UNFURNISHED BDRMS full basement, dose to school and shopping, 3 BED R O O M house fridge 4 stove, included. 1 Seymour Sub to share with 2 block off Ospika on 2nd Ave others semi-fumished, all ap­ $440. 563-9874 or 563-8519. pliances. $240 per month, DI52 each. Plus utilities. Available Feb 1, 1982. Call Barry 5623 BDRM Vi duplex for rent, 2121 564-0076. DI35 w.w. carpet, F.P., carport, sundeck, utility room, washer 3 BEDROOM townhouse for 4 dryer facility. For further in­ re n t, stove, frid g e , dis­ formation. 562-4996 4-10 hwasher, included $450 per month. Phone 963-9981 after p.m. DI42 4. C15 LARGE 3 bdrm, duplex, 1461 Burden $485 Hospital vicinity to view from 5-7 p. m., no pets. GS62 155 AVAILABLE immediately, 2 bdrm duplex on Hart High­ way, dose to Hart Shopping Mall, newly painted, appli­ cants must be dean and have references $450 per month indudes fridge & stove, call 563-9623 days. 562-8221 eves. TF1 152 SxS DUPLEX 758 Alward St. 2 bdrms. fridge, stove, no pets or children. 9 a.m. • 7 p.m. C34 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 1000 sq. ft. warehouse plus 1500 sq ft. fin'Shed office space, located 2270 Nichol­ son St. 562-3200 or 5624712. CD 152 CARTER S U B D IV IS IO N W a re h o u s in g ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm duplex, upper. Fireplace, fridge & stove, off Queensway $425 per month, references re­ quired. Available Feb. 1,5640864 or 564-7142 DI65 AVAILABLE February 1st. 3 bdrm duplex, College Heights area, close to Malaspina Elementary $525 per month, fridge 4 stove, drapes 4 fenced yard. Call 563-9623 days. 562-8221 eves TF3 LEASING prime industrial space suitable (or repair shops, warehousing, contrac­ tors, ^tc. 14' overhead doors, see John Hartway rentals or phone 962-9602. SKTF-1 R IV E R CDTF-1 3 BDRM$ Vi duplex, fridge 4 stove included close to down­ town, near by school 4 bus route $500 per month, 5626822 after 4 p.m. C15 149 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR I ENT RESIDENTIAL lots in Collego Heights Phone 964-4424 TF1 I ACRE LOTS — WITHIN CITY PAVED ROADS Open Southern Exposure And Protective Building Covenants Nechoko Ridge Properties 5 6 3 - 2 1 8 3 — 564-2903 600 SQ. FT. office space for rent, 1551 Ogilvie Street $450, per month. Phone 564 6115. TF1 PRIME RETAIL SPACE Corner 4th & George, over 4,000 sq ft. two floors, avail able early 1982. Phone 564 9250 9-5 p.m. CDTF-1 ern c o n v e n ie n c e s in an a ttr a c tiv e and w ello rg a n ized p a ck a g e. P la n s for d e sig n No. 81-2232 m a y be pu rch­ ased e ith e r by th e s in g le s e t at a c o st o f $110 for the fir st s e t and $20 for e a ch a d d ition al s e t , or by the p a c k a g e . A fiv e -se t plan p a c k a g e , in­ clu d in g th e first se t, is e c o n o m ic a lly p riced at $165 and an e ig h t-se t p a c k a g e , a lso inclu ding the first s e t, is on ly $200. W hichever m eth od you ch o o se, p le a s e in­ clu d e $5 for p o sta g e an d han dling. B.C. r e s i­ den ts add fou r-per-cent s a le s ta x . 1S1 2 BEDROOM duplex near Hart Shopping Centre $390 per month, available Jan. 16, 1982, 564-0051. DI35 800 SQ. FT. office space Nechako Industrial Site A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly Phone 563-4400 or 564 8233 TF1 N° 8 1-2 2 3 2 DUPLEXES FOR RENT RETAIL and office space in downtown 1300 block on main traffic route, good expo­ sure, phone 563-5826. TF1 RETAIL and wholesale lo­ cated 980 - 4th Avenue across from Block 400 Ideal for electrical or plumbing out let. 1500 sq ft. main floor, full bsmt, with rear door. Call 563 0824 after 6 p.m. or 563 9623. TF1 2 ACRES down Fisher Rd off H art Highway Close to school Completely serviced for mobile home, lots of room to build your house, has good potential Will take pickup as part trade. Askina $37,000 962-9979 DI22237________ N E C H A K O IS1 PRIME retail space, located in the Nicholson Centre. Siz able to siut most needs For more info, phone Tim at 564 3077. TF1 Zl) 94.2 m» // 1014 sq ft / pi* ll3'2m i/r >218sq (t / p.* BUSINESS LOCATIONS 1050 sq ft home 3 bdrms up, one down. In excellent condi­ tion, fridge, stove, washer 4 dryer, recroom with wet bar, large fenced yard, $640 per month, Availablo Feb. 1, ma­ ture responsible persons only need apply 963-8155 ask for Dennis Perret. CD63 1ST & TABOR AREA 1200 sq. ft. 3 bdrm home in immaculate condition, fridge, built in stove, oven 4 dis­ hwasher, fully carpeted, fireplace full bsmt. $725 per month. No pets. Mature re­ sponsible persons only need apply. Available Feb. 1, 963SI 55 ask for Dennis Perret. CD63 AVAILABLE Feb. 1 2 bdrm house in Lower College Heights, wall to wall in livingroom, fireplace, full basement and carport. Appliances in­ dude fridge, stove, washer 4 dryer $650 per month. To view call 562-1812. DI63 4 BDRM homo, behind Pine Centre, fridge 4 stove, in­ cluded. Available Jan. 15. $550 per month, 962-6844 DI42 LOVELY ono bedroom Aframe home with carport on Cranbrook Hill $550 per 4 BEDROOM dose to school, month plus hydro. 563-6888 bus, pets welcome $600 per month. 564-6677. DI42 DI105 AVAILABLE immediately, 3 NEW house $600, available bdrm duplex in excellent con­ OLDER 4 bdrm house, close immediately, 964-0229 or dition. Located close to down­ to downtown, no fridge or 564-3774. Davis Rd. DI62 town $450 monthly. Call 962- stove $450 per month. Phone 563-7447. DI65 3 BDRMS. F.P. ensuite, mint 6139. DI222 cond $600 per month. Ph. af­ ONE bedroom cabin 8 miles BDRM duplex suite in Lake­ ter 6 964-6721. DI42 wood area, $500 per month west of town $275 with oil heat, fridge, stove 4 kitchen 563-6051. DI62 HART HIGHLANDS table included. Call after 6 4 bdrms. F.P., family room, 3 BEDROOM 1Vi baths, rec p.m. 964-7067. DI25 large sundeck. Available Jan. room, garage $550 per month plus utilities, 563-3175 avail­ 960 SQ. FT. clean 3 bdrm 1st, 4247 Highland Dr. Call house, in Hart area, upstairs, Doug at Visa Realty. 564able Jan. 15. 1982. DI52 laundry room downstairs, 1131. CD62 DUPLEX lor rent, 2 bdrm. $450 per month includes ap­ AVAILABLE fridge 4 stove included Cen­ pliances *62-8635. DI35 IMMEDIATELY trally locatod $400.562-9295 TOWNHOUSE 1080 sq. ft. 3 Large clean 3 bdrm with fire­ DI222 bdrms, 1Vi baths, carport, place, dose to town, Iridge 4 fridge, stove, drapes, plus re­ stove, quiet neighborhood COMFORTABLE duplex for croom in basement, no dogs Big yard front 4 back. Phone rent, centrally located Fridge please. $450 per month. 564- today for immediate occupan­ 4 stove, w.w. - drapes. 5029 TF5 cy. 562-6595. CD52 Appointment 964-6846. DI51 CARIGAN Reni-A-Home for vacancies of all types, call 564-8270 days, Mon. to Sat. 9 to 9 (fee). TF1 2 BDRM house, centrally lo­ cated, fireplace, fridge, stove, dishwasher, all utilities, ab­ stainers and married couples preferred No pets. $550 per month. 564-2431 964-4766. DI55 3 BDRM upstairs, lor rent. In­ dudes, drapes, stove, fridge. No pets. Couples 562-6045. C42 3 BEDROOM up, 1 down, Oak St. close to schools and downtown • oil heal, 1-car CLEAN 3 bdrm house in garage, fridge 4 stove $600. Heritage Fridge 4 stove, in­ 564-8279 after 10 a.m C52 cluded $550 562-8532 days, COLLEGE HEIGHTS 963-9441 eves SKGS5251 3 bdrms, fireplace, fridge 4 LARGE home, lamily room, stove Available, Jan. 15th or Feb 1st $600. Phone 9643 BDRM duplex, 1550 sq. ft. double garage, built-in ap­ 9727 eves CD222 Coin Op laundry, available. pliances. Located in quiet Utilities included. Carpet, area, North Heritage 564- AVAILABLE immediately, 2 drapes, fridge 4 stove. Close 1399. SKTF-1 bdrm house, 290 Fern Cres. to shopping centre 4 schools. Near school, bus 4 Pine Cen­ No pets. Asking $500 month­ OLDER 3 bdrm, Millar Addi­ tre. F.P 4 carport, stove, ly. Phone 563-9682 or 563- tion, freshly painted, inside- fridge, dishwasher $600 per outside Now carpet $560 per 2863. DM 1252 month 562-6339 after 6 month Plus $300 Damage deposit. R eferences re­ 3 BDRM quiet duplex, Quin­ DI44 quired Ph 964-7359 DI52 son. self-dean stove, fridge, new carpets, fresh paint, 2 BDRM house $500 per 3 BDRM full basement house $480. 1 child welcome, no month Ph 563-4845; 563- for rent, immediately. 564pets 964-9467 after 5 p.m. 1183 DI74 3360. DI42_______________ weekdays GS7251 FO R RENT RENOVATED 2 bdrm home 3 BDRM duplex, double in Millar Addition $500 per HOMES, DUPLEXES, driveway, in town, available month 563-6614 TF2 SUITES at Jan. 15. For further informa­ Various prices 3 BDRM home in bowl area, tion phone 564-8224 DI6252 and locations fridge, stove, garage 4 full LARGE 3 bedroom duplex, throughout the city basement. $550 month - re­ ensuite, fndge, stove, garage, ferences required Call 563near Woodward's, available C A L L C A R O L 6616 C42 Dec. 31st. Phone 563-2363 a t 5 6 4 -8 2 7 0 or 563-6161. TF251 BEAUTIFUL 3 bdrm log home Mon. - S a t . , 9-9 ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm townon 7 acres, for rent im­ C A R I G A N RENI A HOME house on McArthur, large mediately $650 Plus utilities. I7 0 5 3rd Ave ste no. 2 1 6 master bdrm, carpeting, lull Call Pauline 564-0631 days FEE bsmt, fenced yd $525. 563o r 5 6 2 -1 4 6 5 eves. S K- CD -T F -2 I 3332 TF1 SKDI22245 BLACKBURN AREA 1 bdrm side by side duplex. No bsmt. Incl. stove 4 fridge. Ideal for single person or cou­ ple 7 miles from downtown. $275 per month. Call CarN eff H ld g s. 5 6 3 -6 6 2 9 . CDTF1