24 HOURS FROM 3 A.M. TO-DAY. FOR Cool and changeable, with showers. Details on Page Three. /mk ucklandStr ■ I passing PERSONAL. ; HENNEY ARTHUR CARVER, write friend, 30 venrs aso.— CO.. Star. x'Jl TJROKE.N hearted from TUuriaiiy niglir. •" " i 0 ' =-t.- , Saturday; valued L o^,,^'? M reward.—Apply 4UI. 21 rtu Sanex - '-"'""day, 14th. L°nT" i! Queen St.; reward.—Phone jc-jg3. 23 s M>a.ikc, . , . T.OST, Train Ticket, Wellington return: reward—2l. Islington Jtilm, years. loved Tliames, at 1.30 p.m. to-morrow (Friday). BOYNTON—On March residence. Road, 20, Courthope. ICO. j vicini'tv OST— .fStone ACHING ™>-2i ACNE. jsliugtou I/ 0??' , Bl1 ,"' Constance, dearly loved widow or Francis William Absent from tlie liocly, present Boynton. with the Lord. Interred mis day. p DEAFNESS DETECTIVE DOUGLAS. —On die residence or Street. Otaiiiihu. Her daughter, Knkn i:iiz..l)elh (lirannie) Flynn, wife or the late John Flynn, in her nincty-tlrst year. R.I.P. Funeral'on Saturday at Otiiliulm Roman Catholic Cemetery. QHARLES Hula notice later. HARDING.—Qn March 20, at Auckland Hospital, Emma, dearly loved wire or Harding. The funeral her late residence, HauraKl Street, Blrkenhead, to-morrow (Friday) 2 for the p.m. at Birkenhead New Anglican Cemetery. Walter Seddon will leave March 10, at Portland, beloved father, or Mrs. Forth, Portland; Mrs. Howe, Hamilton; Mrs. Forth, South Australia, and Mrs. Everson. Remuera; aged S2. To know him was to love him. MAUNDER.—On March SI, 1910, at St. Joseph's Home. Shelly Beach Uoart, John J. sciinloii; aged 71 years; late or Wailil and Te Aroha. n.I.P. The runcral will leave C. Little and Sons. Limited, 20n, Hohson Street, at 10.30 a.m. to-morrow (Friday) ror Waikumete Cemetery. . SCANLON.—On ■ reward —2:;. East St. x2l OKT> "■.Hull. gold, expanding between ■L, -Mr. Albert Prcsi.yl erl in Church Stihvell K,|.. .SundayXFi,,,|er King 15-2SO T, T OST 21 Front '"f Pittm'.mm Tintt-lUnr,. ,„■ blue racing cycl... viri ."U ML A!l rt Wheel CVI "' - iVlin. ShUioi, ' " x2l -Hull -Notes, between Uevonport ■U Ferry and Wnipu Main South Highway— Would Under -get Willi in toucli Hickson. In.iikit .St., Otahuliu. Reward. x23 JUST. STRAYED AND lIVIPOUNDED. Blue Bolton Setter STRAYED, reward.—ll7. Cliiirch St., Onelmngii. 25 Do-• CJTKAVBD, Fox Terrier Puppy, black and ™""*SI »""*""»' CJ.TKAYED, Grey Tabby Cat (Peter), vicinity Blue Cross Hospital, Penrose. Ring 30-072. x2l i° — QTKAYED, K3 Spaniel, iTiidto Black answering Apply OBn. Grafton Uond. White Lucky; reward. Cocker WANTED 21. 1010, at his -CiTakapuna, Road, Buy loved husband or Mary or John and Margaret, SUITS. JEWELLERY. on Easy Terms from STERLING'S, 12. His Majesty's Arcade. Wear FUKS. . j . . PLUXK ■ ~ [ GREY Unnecessary! , HEALTH. HEKBS CO.,° , INECTO" MADAME PLUXKETTE •1030. nesting- where no shadows rail, In perrect peace she awaits us all. Insertedby herloving- son Roy, Lottie, and grandchildren Bert and Len. LEES.—In loving- memory or our dear daughter, Alice, who passed away March 21, 1930. Dearer to memory than words can tell. Inserted by her loving- rather and mother. LEES In loving, memory or our dear sister, Alice, wlio passed away March 21, 1930. Inserted by Frank and Florence. LEES.—In loving memory or Sister Alice, who passed away March. 5T I'ROTECT Fond memories still remain or one wo loved. John and Vera. LONGHURST.—in loving, memory of our dear wire and mother, Rona, who passed away, March 21, 1036. Not forgotten. . Inserted by her loving husband and ■ daughter. . ■ over loving memory of dear departed this lire March 21, dear 1937;. also my sister, itenc, February 21, 1936. Ever remembered. Inserted by Ruby. ' mum/who in loving- memory or our clear and brother. Luka, who paifsed away a result or accident) on March 21, YELAVICH son (as 1939. Not rorgotten. by his loving mother, brothers , Inserted and sisters. V- DIRECTORS. John, Funeral Director, Three Lamps. Ponsonby. I'honc 20-137. /"COOPER AND CUHJD, .V Directors.—Phone LTD., i « a XV natural liair tonic; 4/B-—John Court, . K. Ltd. HMOIJRIS, j. AS Wellingp. 4U-o!iy. Write, phone or B Coals, Renovated. Keinodolled.— It. Wittuer, 2SU, Karangahape ltd. KEYS Wakeliold St. 4;{-j3:j. Sliiirpeneil by LAWN.MOWERS Engineers.—Kyans, St. Paul St. FLOORS, LINOS. GOOD DESERVE A GOOD & FURNITURE POLISH. experience.—Cranston, Eden Terlonsest-l-i:i7r,. race. ' D PAINTEK, Before Selling Phone 41-210. Customs St. W. Phone 4S-471. ffiZ SHOE FACTORY. Apply DEARSLY'S. LTD., 7. A DAV-A-DBNK" — SOLUIKUS' — M B I. E R r. — APPRENTICES. ■•■ yy LIMITED, West. Pliono -Hi-SOS. City lirancli. Vulcan Lane. HOLIDAY ACCOMMODAT'N VACANT A above Town jt\.BEHCORX, 30y, Queen St., Hall—Bed, Breakfast, Tree parking.— ■JTi-254. D —Easter Accoin. available— AWAXKA 2S-aO. Uplipr Qlicon St. l'il. 11-011. x25 sleep 1, Titirangi bus terminus; BACH, vacant, autli.—Apply \V. T. Howse. xlil {-> Bed. Breakfast.—Phone' 30-7S:°." ACCOM., seaside, /COMFORTABLE v^ , S L'ATELIEK (Ollieial Photographers i)AV AM, SA'rrUDAX AXD EASTBK MOXUAX FOR SOLDIERS OX LEAVE AND COUXTUV VISITOItS. ARCADE. Colle(;t Vans mA P of experience...to.. A J TD., AND — DRIVES PATHS Phono Returns ONLY ,«40. KOTR.—Many Imil to !ie turned down for il similar Irip to North Auekland recently. BOOK EAIUA' KOR THIS TRIP! INDIVIDUAL TOURS : No. 1. TO KXimHTION-M.rave .Mit-klnnd G.lO p.m. FRIDAY, arrive Lack t1.30 a.m. MONDAY. Only £3 u/B for Travel ;nni Ae(roinnioiial ion. No. 2 —WKKK A'r WELLINGTON—Leaves each "hij*)it. Travel unci Accommoda- mllE 47-3 SO. THE TYPISTE CLERK, With Two Is required ni NO MAN. OR CARTAGE TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE. a NNOUXCIXG the New Quiet Model VALUATION TYPISTE CLERK, With Two FEES. IS (Last of SEEN CHOICE 3rd WIXSTOXE'S MODERN ' TYPEWRITERS. Also North ot "DEMOVAL OORI3, grade. SHARES AND DX E Y GOLDEN Oilier E A C H E S. QUEEN. Apply AND GARDEN. Bulbs, brilliant selection of PLANTS Brown's Mill, Lane. Durham behind H.M. Theatre, B Mignonette, for summer sowing; excellent flavour.—George Sinclair. Queen St. F Season's Broad Beans, (id packet.— r:eorj;p Wnclalr. K2l. Qiipimi St. II LETTUCE. DEBENTURES. !)21. -*-> Slinrcbroker, COn. Dlhvorth liuildiiifc-. Auckland. C.I POULTRY in Tcli-plinnc: 4 3-9-IC. WANTED. TH .V. 3/C: RANUNCULUS. guaranteed most to HOSPITAL AUCKLAND Private rpHE 1 - Bag. AUCKLAND selection obtainable. HOUSES OP ALL AWAITING DESCRIPTIONS. HAVE GENUINE BUYER, VILLA C" K 3-"t> BONUS House JJ OU THE RENT W HOSPITAL only mitted. — LakelanJ 3/0 UCKLAXD o£ testimonials to be sub- 21 OOKBAN'S QABL wanted T TDOBINSONS, THE SECRETART, ETC. active 7003. DOGS PANIEL 1340. SPOT CASH. FOR ■\/"ET. » order- x2l to lease; handy P ARMLET Write B. 0846, Stak. FARM IMPLEMENTS Auckland i>3 FOR SALE. Harrows—Unequalled for Pasture BEVIJJ Renovation.—Borin, 38, Albert St. r> Phone 43-G37. TOWN HALL A SALE. Puppies, Blue Roan, Livers and Enalish Setters, Males. l'o I'arrot Shoppe. Victoria St. s2l Clinic, Boardinc Kennels, Papakura.— J. Jarvle. Vet. Practitioner: Phone 171. B White, Koxies. WANTED.' OUR NEWS PAGES. IMITED, OPP. AMERICAN. ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIAN PRICE. IMPLEMENTS LEASE WANTED. Currency, Drafts, Cheques, Etc. TOP list! 23 Phone 40-370. P.O. Box BUY AND SELL CANADIAN, Duties involve the 'Management of the reconstructed Club, having a present membership of WOO. and full control of the SlnlT. but do not include secretarial duties. Salary £S per week, with prospects to by 500.—Worker, . 332-334. QUEEN ST., — Oiler Windmill, in Kood SELF cheap.—J. Glavlsh, Wellsford. FINANCIAL, Stak. FOR THE AUCKLAND WOHKIXGMEX'S CLUB, ■ • Kitchener Street, Auckland, CX . 21 FARM SB X, 21 rartnersliip CJOUXD io worker ivith f D WANTED. HONEY, THONE 146G, THAMES. CLUB. MAXA G E R OF TUB ABOVE CLUB. WINES. \J Wines Safest for Invalids; Hoepitals claim it. Send for price All Varieties. b 001b tins?, white smooth texture: merchant.—C.P.0., Box 521. x2l THAN 30/ MORE PARTNERSHIPS, P. R. SMYRK, Managing Secretary. 30th March to SEEDS, AND PLANTS, ETC.. WANTED 21 WINES Or brilliant Chickens, Turkeys, Hens, Drakes. PRIME —Carlton Seed Co., 263, KaraXola, 53G. Mt. Albert Ed. Ph. 14-864. SHALLOTS. 25] neahnpe Rd. Phone 46-165. AVENUE, Dcvonport. PRODUCE WHAREPOA, the- underposition o£ APPLICATIONS ARE IN'VITED POSITION OP address: 02, HINEMOA jy£AKCH. OF Reply J BOARD. WORKIXGMEX'S SALE. Wine and Spirit Mcrohante. 28. FORT STREET. AUCKLAND. ROOMS, S PEIt WEEK. I'UKEORA .SANATORIUM. Conies A NOT or copies FOR C.I. annum. writing, enclosing BOATS "DURGESS, the Original Outooard Service -1 , Station. All proved reliable makes sold and serviced.—Only Anznc At. B new, Oft and 10ft; cheap.— Phono 27-201. S2l INGHY, new, Sft, £10; Punt, Sft, £3.— Apply Star 403. 23 INGHY. new, lift ein. 3ft beam; £10. 138. Rlddell Rd- St. Heller's. 21 —22FT L-iONCH, needs extensive <^—« repairs; owner been reconstrucUng. Good engine, gear, dinghy. Owner leaving. Consider as deposit on car. Ports from 33/ to 06/ case; Sherry, Frontignac. 57/: Sherry, Cocktail. 21 Madeira. you to pay more 06/, freight poid. It pays for superb quality. All brands Ales and Spirits supplied at wholesale, prices. Composted on request. list plete ANTED, A. A. CORBAN AND SONS, LTD.. Tx; S E JJIUO.M "J7JND testimonials, to the Secretary. Auckland Hospital Board, Private Bag, Auckland. ■VXTAIrAWA SHOP. SHOP. Auckland Dental Hospital, in Apply Flat. 3-4 0830. *23 Goldberg Advertising Agency, Ltd., P.O. Box 114::, NURSE Commencing Salary £u2 per or ItENT, TO 4 OR Kitchener Street. Asso- sentence. Sales on the. Auckland Stock Exchange to-day were:—Bank of New Zealand, £2 1/0; U.K. Manufacturers (2), 5/3; Woohvortlis (X.Z.), 17/0, (Sydney), £1 4/; Wiiihi, 7/1; Broken Hill South, £1 11/: Farmers' Trading (ord.), £1; Gillcspie's Beach (odd lot), 4d. S.S. Onewa sails for Ostend direct at 0.30 to-morrow, Good Friday.—(Ad.) unfurn.—Reasonable, CIIIiISTCHURCH, HOARD a FOR DENTAL WOItKKOO.M the some Furniture-; 23/.—Adults, 5053. Buy RENT advance, House rooms, . .'. AND SPIRITS FOR SALE. Wanted to Rent, Shop, with frontage WINE CO., Rutland Street. about-IS to 14 feet in main shopping area, Order our Special Assorted Cases. 37/0. D freight paid: Nelson Cider. 30/. Queen St. or Knrangahnpc lid. Apply GOLD MEDAL riORBAN'S FAMOUS Care JUNIOR FEMALE ASSISA-XT At or . .■ . Committees' dren for tonsilitis and minor ailments should be free of charge under Social Security' Act. Parents of about 20 children, who have been absenting themselves from West Coast school, to T>e told by Canterbury Education 'Board that further action will be taken unless children resume attendance.' Young labourer, who pleaded guilty to charges of failing to stop and failing to render all practicable assistance to a man knocked down and injured 'by hie car, committed to Supreme Court for DINGHIES, RENT. TO about Auckland- School - 3 Bedrooms, gar., clean; DBSI'EISATE— very urgent.—Urgent. OS4:i, -Stau. 28 Garage, vicinity Grnfton.—Ph. LOCK-UP between 0 and 7 only. 21 40-34(5, Shaw. HOARD, HOSPITAL JUNIOR DENTAL 23 -Bldg. Auckland. Requires - WANTED. Victoria THE SECRETARY, the. right man. Applicants should state their age and Gardens. experience in uuinngciiiQiiti and supplv D copies of all references not later than the Anemones, vigorous, 100; Takapuna. LAND laid.toodeeply;__.,..v.:,.'•; --: • ciation, suggests that operation on chil- AUCKLAND enclosing copies of writing, testimonials, B A NEMONE double?; best value obtainable • 2/G 10O.—Mardpii, Box G. Tnl;apnna. D VERGItEEN Lawn Grass Seed, 1/ lb ■"- U-SSO. Three Years' Experience, Applications, addressed to signed, are invited tor the Variclies. IKICKIiBBiSK, ■\TE\V Teleonuna : "TBAXK." or •W'nlpiiknran. H SI J~ Season.) Henderson —Delicious, oxport Cookers; Bottling l'ears shortlv SEEDS, VyiXSTOXE, TIMITED, PHONE BEACfIBS. all 0/; railed. ? . I Post Office, HENDERSON. Sister at I'uUcorn Sanatorium, Waipukurau. X2l Salary £l:lu to £ITS per annum, accordins to (iunliflcntions. with free uiiitonus and free lionril and lodgings. FRUIT WANTED. ' TpUHXITURE ■ 23 Bumper'business lias depicted my lists. If you want to sell send me particulars at "Ty ANTED- REQUIRED FOR TUB AUCKLAND GENEROUS 5j Entirely made in England. ... BUNGALOW, /"CLIENTS Stab. A COMPETEXT JUNIOR FEMALE Q.EORGE TTAVE YOU /.- bedrooms or porch, to cash. —V.W. 5039, STAU. ■ x2l with Govt. mortgage, handy cars.—King 38-033 any time. Stewart, rpllß AUCKLAXD HOSPITAL BOARD. f'Oft HOSPITAL. PEACHES E A CH E S AND HOUSES WANTED writing, enclosing copies of to the .Secretary, Aiicklnnd A Hospital Board, Private Bag, Auckland. WE WILL PAY SPOT CASH, AUCTION, OR TRADE SAME FOR NEW. West. 1 -..L • FEMALE Throe Wars' Experience. Tor the Auckland Hospital. or Apply in (Any Quantity). BEST. . 3 BUNGALOW, £1130; £700 WE testimonials, Are your suits bejrliinins to show those unmistakable si«ns o£ wear—spots, stains, \;yALKER, T TD., creased collar and lapels. lnil K y Dockets, wrinkled liack? Tiien it's time for TriPHONE 42S1S. Clcniilne, the better way to sut elcaniiiK AUCTIONEERS, and rejuvenation. Our vans collect and 240. QUEEN STREET deliver. D SUL'ITA' LAUNDRY AND TRI-CLEAXERS. 'is "only ; OR BUNGALOW, vicinity Dominion Rd. BOARD. £1100, deposit £300.—Particulars to MILES J. CASSIDY, -pIUKNITDRE TT SED LTD.. MAKE CLOTHES to-morrow. MILLINERS. WANTED AUCKLAXD HOSPITAL A COMPETENT .TDXIOK TTD., Power Board Buildings. WILL BUY FOR CASH. COURTS. Tramway l!uildinj!s. Customs Street Phone 32-203 (2 lines). April 10. milE PRICES. RTHUR. ! A. W. r.UYA'XT, JOXES, LTD., City Markets. TH4 yyANTED. Next D S A N D I N G. — J. 101, QUEEN STREET, QUEEX STREET. AND Widespread damage reported to have been done to German (base by Britkk raiders. Eighteen yachts, competing in tworaces to Coroinandel, starting 0 30 a-m years' experience. ABELCO. LTD., 3040, Vivian St., Wellington, C.3. Dilworth DEMAND. BEST and Deliver. U R IN G CHRISTCIIURCH, FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER, MAItl, BOROUGH .SOUNDS. P.ULLKK GORGE, HOTORUA, ETC. COST J) YE \yOKKS, STRAND CAVES, FRIDAY. BIG 13H, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. 1 ' INCLUSIVE IS UNEQUALLED. JJIURNITURE ' WASH OFFICES. , machines, all makes duplicators, all makes. Wo Pay Highest Cash Prices. JJSED "T\RY rtUSANIXG AXD TYEEING SOUTH ISLAND CELEBRATIONS AT Leaves GOOD 20 BRITISH TYPEWRITERS, 37, Victoria Street West. PERFECTION TO D makes. adding 30 Street (just past St. James'). TWF Opposite Amusement Park. YXfOMAX OFFICE. all typewriters, (20 per cent Discount to Men in Uniform.) pORTEES X. A. OVERALL, 113. Arcade. 21 WANT HOUSES, within 2nd section, about £COO. Urgent Buyers with cash waiting. 1C you want a sale, give particuCLEAN lars of your property to n live agent. FRED BALL, B.M. Arcade. Phone 40-050. D Inquiries Properties, Epsom, "VTUMEROUS -L> Rcmuera. good deposits: Piirnell, B vacant possession.—Wade, Newmarket. Urgently—s-Roomed Bungalow, £1000 cash.—Farmers' Land Agency, Queen St. D 41. m METAL. "STAR" FOREMAN. £qq TFS 522, Qiieon good "CJXHIBITIONI AK A U O A to All OrEX FRENCH WAITO.MO n TYPE OLD Apply T H K L E - Mililnry Camps). R — — AUCTIONEERS. - B—ORER ■" -— — TUNING. 7/C; C 0., FEEs! Victoria .Street B • Early fixture to be made by Arbitration Court for -hearing of watersiders' Dominion dispute. Ideal conditions. Permanent work. Late shopping to-night, but Wages according to ability. close at 4.30 p.m. and will be butchers open on Saturday morning. Sentence of seven days' imprisonment Apply passed on man found in half-drunken PItESTIG-E MILLIXERY, LTD., sleep in his motor car. 73, Lome Street. Indian Congress demands complete Phones: 42-20S, 42-209. freedom beyond orbit of British 21 Imperialism for India. Many yachts and motor toats leave AXD PYJAMA CUTTER. to-night on their Easter cruise, Kawau CHIRT and Coromandel favourite resorts. Melbourne man appointed country tutor-organiser for Auckland branch o"f 'Wanted, the Workers' Educational Association. A FULLY EXPERIENCED SHIRT AND Hotel booking in Auckland in most PYJAMA CUTTER. cases good, for Easter; one report is Position of Head Cutter in one ot Now that visitors are being diverted to other Zealand's largest and most progressive hotels. ■'■ . factories would be open to applicant with Reported to Papatoetoe Town Board the necessary ability. that drainage system for State houses m Reply, giving full detailed, information district is not satisfactory; pipes being CLEAN MT. ST. N. We still require — ARMSTRONG AXD SPRING HALL. LTD., Borsr Tuning. quotes, etc.—Dominion Pianos. Free AND - l! 0 p.c. HILLVUE — P4-ANO x23 Nugent Street. -ftWellesley Street West, High-class Shirt and I'yjama Manufacturer?, HAVE VACANCIES FOR FEMALE *J '■ I FULLY QUALIFIED 23 IMPItOVEIIS, with over 2 3 weeks, night duty, "Gladstone." SOVEREIGNS (Anti<|ue "VTUHSE. i-N I'lloiKi 4U-I!I7. 21 Purchased for Cash. INDUS T It Y. Prices Paid. "FLEXILE" BRAND. ROBINSON'S. LTD.. P.ENCHMAN FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. Queen St., opp. Town Hall. B BOYS FOR SACKS, L L MAN for "PXPBIUE-NCED D 37. Victoria Street West. EMINGTON Junior Portable, £13 13/; Imperial Good Companion, £13 15/ ; Remington Remington £24; Do Luxe. t DVIC IreaVdd; Noiseless Portable. £23. Terms arranged. : .1 n-KnS; ARMSTRONG AND SPKINGHALL. LTD.. 17. Commerce St.. Auckland. MH Krniliciitecl. Melting. Tuning, RiMioliHliins: 5 years' guarantee: free UnderSecond-hand, MONUMENTAL and quotations.—Atwaters. Phone woods. Remingtons. Royals, L. C. MAS OS, advice .\ a u A X D-Smith, Woodstocks and Imperials. Guaran47-047. and eold at true value.—Beechey and ion. Synioiirii- Str-et, Auckland. teed Workmanship: And Bridge' anrl ore Streets, Hamilton. —UNING, Repairs Expert Underwood, Ltd., Agents British Undermoderate characs.—Chas. Begg and wood Champion Typewriter. 2nd Floor. Co.. Ltd., corner Vulcan Lane and Queen JtAXCIfACTUKEKS B Winstone Bldgs., Queen Street. B Street. Phone 32-320. * . B TYI'EWHITERS. Kadios, MICROSCOPES. Scienlilic Instruments. Tools if. HPMES"*ANb - • Department; also Sausage HYDKA BACOX AND MEAT CO., Three Lamps, Ponsouby. London HACKS. BOTTLES Mr. Churchill says Xazi exaggeration of petty raid on Scapa Flow is encour- 44-457 for appointment. AN, experienced, for Small Goods and Tallow Department. SILVER, GOLD. or otherwise), 332-4. I for benes of earthquake shocks disturb residents in various ports of Hawke's 47, Waketteld Street. Phone ■jir x TYPEWRITERS, For BcautiCul Wedding Bouquets. 23 I'ii. Id I).-;:,. Residence i-t-inu. tlic IMrk Kll. Florists—Artistic -Wreath:.. l;oi:.iiipts.-ftc—l'il. 43-032. 1! 'V'J./ 31OM;.MEXT, MA .SONS ■ B Maori committed for sentence MISSES O'BRIEX AXD CATER, Or at the Office. closes for vacation until April 1. provincial golf championship over week-end at Titirangi. Jfnori soldier remanded in Police today on manslaughter charge. Court Russia objects to proposed" Finland-Norway-Sneden defensive alliance. iastor bowling and hard court tenuis championships commence to-morrow. Auckland assaulting elderly man in Cook Street. Apply personally to— "Apply 'Star'" Advertisements snould not bo "eplied to by letter. The address may be obtained by applying rj.OI.D-Broken or otherwise.—Kissin, 10, SINGER SUPER SYLVIA ItOAD, TMiiIKW. Previous experience absolutely essential. Xoiing person favourably considered. x2l GIRL, I'aperhauger, PAINTIXO. World." r.OLFE'S WAX BOLFE'S WAX Cars, Ltd., experienced, fruit dept.; refs; J" wages £2.—Smith. Grocer, Parncli. x2l good opportunity learn machining. boot trade.— J. Crocker nnd Co., in. Shechan St.. Ponsonhy. x2l _ d Wanted immediately. Thoroughly Capable Person as Assistant Designer In our 23 Night permanent work; references ew-nlial.—Apply ImaAUAGE nn. mediately, Shorter's Rental Street. D E S I O X E K. T> B S I O X E Is. D E S I G X B R. FROCK Attendant, AND METALS. WANTED TO BUY. Apply 37 years' expeBest Prices at FACTORY MANAGER. 23 rlence: first-class work.—Ph. !in-551. A McKENDRICK 8P.05.. LTD D PapcrlinnsliK,'. Hatlsfnction Kins Us—Phone 47-227. A Kliarantecd ; 110 job too siim!l.—Phono A SSISTANT INSPECTOR OF MIXES Cabinet Treadle Sewing Machine a"-057. n X willing take over time payments—ll FOB FIJI. MATRIMONIAL. YOUK HOUSB NOW. 7i)!12, Stak. 23 GERARD, 03, Queen St.—lntro- "pAINT BAGS—In Any Quantity, Highest A vacancy has occurred for the early ductions, Acquaintances, I'enCrieuds, phoxh STEUiiixo, •10-μ^, Market Priccß. Prompt Cash. appointment of a Assistant Temporary View .'.Matrimony; Call, Write for Friendly FOR Sl'itEAD I'AYAIKXT QUOTE FOR CLAItK BROS., Inspector of Mines in the Fiji' Government Service. D LASTIXO OUAHAXTEKD .101!. B Suck Merchants. subject to terms and conditions Street, City, mid Kingdon Street. Service, . which, can be obtained from the office of T> I.!. S-W AN A N.I) - C 0., Drake ■ Kcivniarlret.- ■ TITFS this-pn|«T.. : ' .IX: TAXATION SI'JOCIAI.ISTS. ■21 ATTENTION. rpOOLS! TOOLS! CARPENTERS', Land, Income, Social Security and Sales •L ENGINEERS'. SCIENTIFIC. and Rest Mothers, Tax Adjusters: SHORTHAND TYPISTE Highest Cash Prices. V^, Bailies and Waiting Patients.—llS DOT. snoiiT's mm.nixGS. Required for LTD., ROBINSON'S. Select Convalescent I'i-I. Qiicpii Street. I'linnc lIJ-7SO. D Phono -J(i-::7.j. MEAT BXrOKTKK'S OFFICE. I'UOTOGKAL'US Home, yiK. Mt. Eden Kd. Spacious 3.-12--WI. Queen St. (npp. Town Halli. H Rooms. Day and Night Nursing.—-Phono smcinl quick serve discount and Duties n SETS Bagpipes.—Price, make, to ,!a.-. to commence April 1. ■IG-SOII. B uniform. L'ATELIBR all men in ;;20 \V. Shaw. Hastings. AND REST STEELE, Official Piiotocrapliers, ;STI, Queen CONVALESCENT HOME, Street (just aliovi- St. .lames'). Oi>i-n SaturWrite USED FURNITURE 11, Dilworth Avenue, Itemiiera. days till u, and this Thursday till U p.m. WANTED URGENTLY. Sunny Rooms, Ualconles. EFFICIENCY, 79SS, STAR. TWF ANY QUANTITY. Every Comfort and Attention. WASHING. . I'IIONM 3U-U-I!). ra TJLAS K-E T lIIGIIEST PRICES GIVEN. SPOT C\SFI (U). WITH UP TO 2 YEARS' NO CARTAGE OR VALUATION VIEW Hpsilit.U, Medical and ConVJ Wliy wltll heavy blankets at FACTORY EXPERIENCE. J. K. ROBERTSON. LTD., valescent. 0. EsplauiiJe Itil., Mt. Eden. home? KtrucKle Supply Laundry and Tri-Cleaners. FOR LIGHT CLEAX Ii Social Security Bcnclits.—Phone 14-TO7. WHITE WORK Ltd., do Oils work, keepiiiß them llulTy and No Saturday work. SYLVESTER, 01, Norman's Hill ltd., soft, free from uiipluasaiil odour, li.v tlic 201. QUEEN STREET (opp. .Tolui Court's! Oneliunga. Our process Post-operative, use of only rain-soft water. Medical, Phono ■α-lttn. E Social XATIOXAL BKUSII CO. (X.Z.). I/I'D Security Convalescent; Benelits; prevents "feltins." A van will call. trained staff.—Phone 12-4 SO. Wli'S SUl'lTA' U5, Federal Street, Auckland. A N T 'E D T O LAUXDISY AXD TUI-CLEAKEKS, BUY, FEIDAI' EVENINGS, 7 5.30. - — -- MASONRY.- to Manager, Vulcan P.O. Box 77. Xapier. /IAItI'KXS (SU), lu good condition.—Dad's v Shop, -llil. Queen St. I'll. 43-50S. B 2s Torth Island faster FROCK It O C K permanent job to TfIIXTEK. J- 1 suitable lirst-elass, man.—Apply, statins nge anil experience, Foundry. — Saws, Sharpened; LAWNMOWEUS, lected, delivered: latest USUAL. PORTABLE P TfIIRST-Class ■Sliortlnml is most selemn Enster traffic. Auckland Stock Exchange l'ainlers for country, long Jhours, hoard paid, and one able to fake charge.—Phone 40-211 between S-5.30. p Machinery, ulc.. etc. II SPOT CASH HIGHEST PIiICES. Kxpert ROIiINSON'S, LTD.. 11-929. ■152-1. Queen St., opp. Town Hall. B B /~»FFICE Table.—lting 42-300. colx2O machinery; SMARTEST oF".MONUMENTAL 44-240. c<T Christian - USED FUItNITUItK. H TTiURS, Con In. Kcnaviitcd, Ueniodellod.— J? Dominion Fur Co., St. Kevin's Arcade. Kliraiisnlllliii; Kniid. II to codi- or duplicate.—Smith'ci, Jl. PHONE 4G-232. HOURS Nelson.' B MASONS. TOP PRICES PAID. Phono 11-lfid TfIOMALH Q Alterations, Ui)p e<l, ■.•(■!• Collected and delivered. ■10-052. (Next "Herald.") S1 MISS EASTEIt Me IT. FUUNITUP.E. u Included.—Kmle'na. TiuwT -mil' Heci) IDEKDOW.V.S ITWItS, .Miss CORNER QUEEN AND WYNDHAM STREETS : Coslumrs. (lale D.1.C., ton), ;j»; sir.inil Arcade. [ 8-i-OSfiIUOUS- ware, WOMEN Tractor Mechanic, cater- •\7-OIJXU Mnn. an ounce. nlalit work in cafe.— -LJ pillar Good Friday to-morrow 21 experience preferred.—Write B. X Friendly Inn. 372, Queen St. nS2I. Sr.Mi. 23 -yOUTIIK (:i), for Tiee lMimt'.iifr. about day in year. -L G weekf' work, near Clevorton. ;!0 miles Cleaner, slroiiir. active, early All arterial routes in -1 riser; apply immediately, with refs.— from Auckland, on sea beach: state age. open for Cm-otakor. Technical College, Wellesley St. height, weight.—Vox 3f1.-.. Auckland. 21 BUY. CARLAW'S MART, iFt7= • GO. KARAXGAIIAPE USED SuTuS DRESSMAKING. Jliss Ilmiwick " Funeral 'EMBLEMS. TO THAT 21, Wyndhain Street. • W" WANTED WE WANT ltimsc Coal T)IiEhi.S.\IAKING. Pukekoue. A TF 17, Commerce St., Auckland. and Retains the LTD., Funeral Directors, Ouicklr Cleans. Brines Out ABY Empire, All-British Portable .Typcagainst: Wear . Devonport. Pri. Chapel. Ph. 22-130. B Kch Colour and Protects Easy terms writer, £13 13/ cash. B ivlth its Specially Durable Finish. arranged.—Reliable Typewriters, Ltd., T. MORRISON, Funeral Director, 307, H and G. Bldga.. Auckland. I'll. 40-135. Parnell Ril. Ph. 43-768, any hour. B OROX A," Underwood. Keminston, Used AUCKLAND HOMES BETA' /"I \J Portable Typcivrilcrs Iroin £7 10/. FLORAL ON B Colwill and Keating, 11, Swniison St. Typewriter. Olympia. pracCARNEY, UO, K'hapo Ril., AuckROLFE'S WAX slil tieally new: £10.—King 10-liOn. land's Lending Florist; Bridal Bouquet ROLFE'S WAX Specialist!!.— Iting 40-035. Night IS-317. H ECONDITIONED TYPEWRITERS, all makes. Every machine guaranteed ; new BRIDES.—Don't delay, call ut vrith" cover, ribbon, etc. From £ 5 upwards. -MISS CARNEY'S To-day, The Floor, Lino, and Furniture Polish B Auckland's the Quality Reputation. Leading Floristc. BRITISH la. D ,10-720. and Mnchiiicry Knives, renairs, LIMITED, work No. tion £,!>■ iil/. 11-DAY TOUR—lncorVictoria Street West. Phono 40-S!)B Brazing, Setting, Sliarycnliig ; GOLD BUYERS. porating Wellington Exhibition, Cliristgunrnntorcl.— Thompson, Sims. Cook St. B F City Branch. Vulcan Lan<\ Seed—«ush Burns, CASH PECIAL Mixed Grass Country; Gd ]b. PRICES Cost Goriro aiid S.-1X 5A mHB ON OLD BREAD FOR SANDWICHES Swamps. Broken DIAMONDS. DIAMOND Book. Now tlic Auckat Jones, Ltd., JEWELLERY OR OLD GOLD. Samples on request.— J. TOURIST ISUIiEAU, GOVERNMENT . land. B TITATHIESON'S 07, QUEEN STREET. Bring Your Old Gold nnd Broken Phone 4'l-SOO (4 lines). TH ARICOSE ULCEUS Permanently Healed Jewellery to home by VAREX. Simple, inexpensive, T>XE OAXDWICH T OAVES, JAMES PASCQE, LTD., Varex, Ltd., treatment. Get Free Booklet. Local RepresentaIOIiSZ, Bon 'Wellinßton. 202, Karansaliape Road; SO, Queen Street, Health-giving and Nutritious. HOLIDAY ACCOMMODAT'N WANTED tive- Nurse Vane-Wallace, 12, St. Kevin's Auckland. ItD RD Arcade. Karangahnpe Rd.. Auckland. miTIRANGI —Board, Lodgings wanted, PHONE 14-112 FOE DELIVERS. JL aged couple.—Write 4-13, Manuknu ltd.. RD FRUIT FOR SALE. Auckland. 25 — suits.—General Trailing. Co., White- AWS hnll Ctiamhers. FUNERAL E T T E B T T E r'UItIO TOILET SOAP. ■r>ACUEL Hair Tonic is not n dye, but . WRIGHT,—In PLUNK LUNK SKIN Phone 7~vENTAL 'THE TENDER WITH Driwr: "- hVNK K T T E PERFECT ■ Ut;u.S., Terrace. y pBSUSlini BABY'S TIJCKEi: QHESTEItFIELD y,, su PURE TOILET SOAP baby's tender skin— Gcnllv cleanses bountifully soft and leaves it . B smooth. Shampoo—Sbeena Soapless, Liquid; "Blonde" for fnir hair, "Brunette" for dark hair, I/O.—John Court, Ltd. - ° w<IKK, Jμ Classes Firelil-lces BRICK Mo.liM-nised CoaerotikS α-lllii' «ti'Plione T TD.. call. Saturday aWOUSEK EXI'ERIENCEIJ ' - ■ (ATJCK.), Auckland on due at ' -'- — table; "safe beach : . iigns per week.—• B Collings, Whangatcau, Leigh. BAY Titirangi.—Bach, ail-elcc., 3 inins. bead-.—l>s, Asquith Ave., .Mr. Albert. x>l rHITIRANUI.—Vacancies Easter Quests: Smooth. J- nice location; linndy bus.—Particulars X!l AUTHUR PASCOE, M.X.Z.A.M.11., Phone 47-flS(i. will bo in Auckland from March 11 to moUII S ! 10 inclusive, and may be consulted at THIS EASTER Join the Rooms,. ppxA -, i/TD., HEALTII /CONDUCTED rpOUU B :j3G. Queen Street. KJ X TO LUNKE T T 13 21, 1930. AND HOLLAND, Made and Hepuired. -S--'H. SURGEON DENTISTS, Kaimiro morning. »' — While DR. Apply, — QIIESTKRFIELDS VT7 23 YOUTH ACTIVE IU-IS. Fruit in demand owimr to approach of Easter. FBKKIXS AND SONS LIMITED, preferred, but not essential!—Wrlto^'oSM, City Markets. x2l Eleven rugs stolen from Grey Lynn SITUATIONS WANTED. /"11IARWOMAN, young; must live in PonMachinists, also Apprentices. factory. T>AKER. competent bread anil smalls, cap- Vdistrict. Britannia Apply 1 sonl.yto-nlglit. ■ Harry Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 131. Surprise resignation of French Prime J> ahle taking charge.—Write 05.17. Staii. x2_l Albert St. Thoatro. x23 Minister. 2J 11 O Y (15), JUNIOR 15-17. \XT A N T 10 D (MALE), ( IAPAP.I,I.) I'ianiste. open for euga-emenls trading reported to be ~ood bv Kaster ' poll QLERK, A-^, over Easier.—I'll. 2D-225. OFFICE. X23 city retailers. Wages 20/. XI'ERIKXCED DressniaKers Apply own handwriting. rcuuJre Shon Xazis try to hush iip result of British Work; sallsfaction.-7n, Ut. North U.I. BOX C.P.O. 223. Apply raid on Sylt. x2l I'.O. BOX IW4. AUCKLAXP. 23 T_TAIRI)RESSBR. Several coastal cargo boats expected Truck nki one Lady, i.x|>erh'nced OVBIt 21, WITH XO over (4), -1 1 desires position.—Salon, 71)00, STAR. Faclory Hand.—King Churches, 10-niin. week-end. I'UEVIOrS EXI'EItIEXCB. x2l Xew regulations gazetted FOII I.ICIIT CI.EAX WHITE WORK. to Cleaning by day.—ll. 7115: Waitress wauled inimedi17IXPER1EXCED Xo Saturday work. Apply Tuesday. yyANTED, netting of salmon. nlply.—Apply 11, Customs Street East. XATIOXAI, li'iaiSll CO.. Top Floor Jolin Silver quoted in London to-day at Ili-iiili-rson Uldgs.. 'JH. Fi-iloral St. D 4 x2J ll'clier-a AXD SONS. A LEY Karaugahape Koad. Fountain DOLL 3T. Victoria Street STOKEMAX gOYS A A l'l'AßEl,.—l'errys requires Suits, Foot-c"i wear. Books. Highest prices. We call. ( )A «I'EXTEK—Alterations, JJiin- 31-101. .Umlurn galows; reasonable; anywhere—Klni; Next Sunshine Beauty Slioppe. UCKLAND Auctioneering 4 '-"•'-■ Buys, li IMrone 41-GSS. Auctions Furniture.—279 Broadway Parcel Delivery, Mission liaT Newmarket. 42-238. D pIHECKER D Orukcl, Kolii., St. daily.— USTRALIAX Currency state wnuteil; -in-;)2-i. " i'lione n 2.T amount, price.—Jl, SOl2, Stak. Uecovered, Jlodernisod, T>AB1"8 Folding piny Pen. good order; -*-> £0 15/. Chesterfield .Furnishers 37 reasonable.—Phone 3 7-S.-.1. x2O" ' I'onsonby Rd. TTOWEI TXfALKER, DENTIST, TTJIiN'OCULAIiS. any make; highest price Kvcovered, ■*-' pnld; urgent.—Kissin, 10. Customs St. '' 200. QDEEN STREET -MuilernlKccl (experts), Tapestries 'V|,!; tA (Corner Building, ■pINOCULARS AND CAMEItAS Required *-» ("IOXCUETING, Tennis Courts Grounds Will pay up to £30. — Out, Laid Stone Work. Tarring Opposite John Court's.) Bishop ana Phone 40-375. JlcNair, 7, King E<|«-ard Avc, Or Apply . p. Phone 41-538. liT" 01 " ROBINSON'S, LTD., Plale Uepairiug Spoclallstb, 23r>2-l, Queen St.. opp. Town nail. B -' J hour service; Tooth, 15 hours.—23, A K L .A \V ' S, 1) Palmorstoii llor.'l. Bldgß.. opp. Waverley Usual Hours. Designiutf. ..erfect GIVING HIGHEST PItICES FOR YODR J- , Julie Held. i!)l, Symonds St. :JO-!121. II Also Friday Evenings. XT Friday to-morrow. .. VENETIAN - BLONDES! 008 CONSTIPATION ,, UT, Jβ Queen St. Phone Uncles' ■ AT satin, material You Pay. A Booksellers. 225. opp. Court's, for i'en liepairs; work guaranteed. A Golden radiance revealed in hair with Shecua lilomle So.ipless Shampoo; od.—John Court, Ltd. _H Liver Oil, 4-Gallon Tins, S/9 Ballon; 1 Gallon, 0/9, for Calves, rigs. ASTON.—In loving memory of dear little Poultry.— J. Jones. Ltd.. Auckland. B nay, who left us March 22, 1935. Cured. —McLeod Crate's Another little lamb .to the Tola. Herbal Syrup, St. Kevin's Arcniio. B ': Still sadly, missed. CONSULTING Chemist for VToineu—Hours Jack, Bill, Aunt Vennle and VJ 0 to D—Elizabeth Powell, 10G, Colonial '■ .':. : family.; .; . Mutual Bid?s. Ph. 40-U4S. D BEACHAM.—In or our loving memory Hospital—Toys, Kiddles , Furniwlio ' Ulocl March 22, darling Lennio, ture. Novelties.—4UO. Karansaliape Kil., months:' near P.O. D 1921; aged nine PAKKEIi'S Hair licstorer,:grty hair God's sweetest gict, remembrance or our loved ones. to natural colour; stops-dandruff; S/li., Inserted hjr';lils- loving- -mother and postage Sd. —I. Phillips, Chemist, Newton. Nannie Wilson! OR Comfort wenr the Kay BRADY.—In loving," memory or dear wee Guod^iUK Correction Slioc:--personal alientilrtr Mouna, died March 22, 1938", rased eleven months. assured.—2lo, Dihvortlt'.-Bldgi 'Ph. iiHSg, gone A little angel to Daddy. Give Your Baby lie:resiling,Baths '■ Nana.; 61 Beauty with my dear E T T B BUEf?.—ln- loving: memory or husband! Tom, who passed away March liONK H T T E .'.21, 1035. '.;. A rpiiE TOILET SOAP. ■■■' '■ ' -Always remembered. Hair Rejuvenate roots, restore natural colour with ' Inserted by his loving, wire and son, ' Wallace. Rachel Hair Tonic; 4/G.—John Court, Ltd. H CAMPBELL;—In loving memory of our rlear the STOU asset. Neuritis, rather, who passed away March 20, 1939. Rheumatism, High Frequency TreatWhat happy days we once enjoyed ment.—Nurse Vane-Wallace, 12, St. Kevin's When we were all together, Arcade. A How sad and changed it all seems now for nil complaints; consult us.— That you are gone ror ever. F Mackny's Dispensary. Wellesley St. inserted by Winnie and Mack, and APPLIANCES & SUNDRIES. grandchildren,Bobbie and Parry, grand- TXYGIE.S'IC ;,.•■. dad's Write for Free Complete Catalogue to . loving, ' memory or our CHEMISTS' SUPPLIF.S dear J>r6ther-in-law, Bill, who passed Dept. S. 117S. Chrlstc-liiircli. D away March, 20, 1939. Inserted by his Hair Dye, set 3/, box IG/B.— loving brother and sister-in-law. Ivy, Miss r.brsolte.' City Chamber?. B Dick and family. and i'ding T ADIES-r-Katliant Health for John loving memory or DUNCAN In I) William Duncan, who passed away Holy JU Old —Particulars, De-war. Box 1021. ' S, I T 13T -H A B Y Thursday, 1923. 0, sacred heart of Jesus, have mercy on 10. STRAND ARCADE. his soul. Have tho BUST STOCK OF UMBRELLAS H.I.P. H ill New Zealand. Inserted by his loving: wire and family. iiyland, Phrenologist, 3, WlnHOIYIAN In memory or our loving- son chestcr St., oft Xcwton ltd. Friends. B and brother, Dick, accidentally killed MADE ESPECIALLY FOR BABY ! Helena Bay, March 21, 1929. Inserted by his rather, brothers and sisters. LUNK E T T E PUKE TOILET SOAP. , In of dear loving memory my JEFFRIES Protects the skin and leaves it mother, who passed away March 21, A Beautifully Soft r.nd IN MEMORIAM. Phone'2o-257. Sandringliain. A NY Umbrella Work undertaken— Downey's, 2, Pitt Slrei-t. J! Patricia Paton—Eugene; ilachineless l'eriiliiuent Waving from lu/. —fhono ■I4«sti. D AUWASH—AII Household Linen Ironed and Personal Linen Dried. Xolllin-' returned wet. From 3/U per Ims.'. starcheil bag from u/li. Wet bag from ;s/0. LAUNDKY CU., BRITISH 25», 2UI. fnrnell Itoail. Phone -lU-4D2. I! ■DLINDS, best Holland, wliolcdata prieie.— -L> 27-,-iOS. p. L 1 N Eden immedi- Star. into Modern Fireplaces; Hanges part payment. Jllus 110, Dilworth Buildings, Lower Queen Street, — And ACCOUNTANCY, Returns, any HI, OY wanted for Grocery Store ately.—Apply IS, Princes Street. x2l 21 ■*-* house.—Apply personally James Payne. Taxation T ADY Ili'lp, callable of-all dutien: linishwl Secretarial, Lid., Courthouse Lane. 21 time, anywhere, town, biiKwnsli : Milford; commence March (2) wanted, for old-established 27.—Phone 23-1.T7. x23 OUSEKKEI'ER 11 ConverL y,,ur I^ liIorCKWOHK— old-fashioned openings x2l KNOWN. OVERCOATS. iric: liv<. in.—l'lioiu- i:i-7211. x2j pciiaiunc-r, easy place, small wages, look after lady.—H. S0(». CE Transport—Luggage, Furniture, Pareels. Oiieliunga Ser.'ici: twice daily.— aJ D Sinclair, and rather he held at his late residence on Saturday at 0.15 a.m.. arterwards leaving for O'Neill's Point Cemetery. ■Street, 2S-U(i(i. DENTIST, SURGEON Newton: A BOUT SINCLAIR.—On .March residence. Clirton dearly George, TQi QLARKE, ■ Hospital, Lillian Joyce, dearly liclovcd eldest or Frederick and daughter Elizabeth K. Pricker, Road, Papatoetoc, and darling sister or Ena and Winifred. So loved, so mourned. Funeral — Good High water to-day, 6.2 p.m. Tin prices in Loiidon a little firmer. Sunset to-day, 6.33; sunrise toOpportunity to work into a well-established morrow, 0.25. Wniana scheduled to sail on SaturBRITISH TYPEWRITERS. - - FREE ' ■"■'•■' l I'illow T; 0!?7- FLVMN. —On March si, at FRICKER—On March 21. at the Auckland — — * BUSINESS PERSONAL. 44-141. Lasting "Goe-Easie" Shoes. grace and ease to Indies with tender feet. Extensive selection. A pleasure to serve you at .Limes Adams Shoe Stores. Wellcslcy St.. East. B Diamond Ring, in Feet. Corns.—Russell nnd Long, St.; reward-Apply St. Kevin's Arcade, opp. Rendells. 42-S4O. B aml IVMtc Mncklntusli beEczema, Psoriasis. Seborrhoea. *& Biildness. Alopecia nnd Baby Eczema successfully treated at KLEXEMA ROOMS. Phone 31-010. Consultations Free. .Open Friday Evenings. 401. DINGWALL BLDG., S7, Queen St., Auckland. New Invisible Aids, no wires, batteries. Consult Mr. Hart, British Hearing Aids. 171. Qiioi-n St. II (private) always available; fees and moderate.—Corner Gittos Cliiireliill Sts.. Auckland. WFS Illustrated Catalogue Hygienic D Appliances.—Spitz. 103. Broadway. Shams. AueHnnd good unless, A wide or her Mount Fdcn March 21. at Auckland Hospital, nrier much suffering;, Catherine Cairns, loving wile or David Douglas, and devoted mother or .Margaret, David and Taumata iioad. Siuiclrinslium; Robert. 11. With Christ, which Is aped r.T years. tar hotter. Funeral will leave \v. 11. Toniriie and Son's Chapel, Saturday, at 2 p.m. l'or Waikantka. -»-> ABOUT eonirort. 1910, at Elizabeth Auckland, j TABLE TALK. VACANT. • ' , Auckland T husband or Jane isr. Blockhouse Bay lioad, and late or Thames; 'ag-cd 61 Interment at Sliortlaml Cemetery Hospital, Bice, or Auckland, x2:: 23 you Slltlirilay.—"Nippy." x2l ' ' SITUATIONS VACANT. Alligrr. . -"- aho've BICE—On March 21, IOiO, at the and urgentlr SITUATIONS _ PRICE—TWOPENCE, duties—35. capable, all wanted to learn Knitted "OLUMBEH. lor Government housing good ■*-> Stewart ABANDON Dirty Work—Chimneys swept,B If-VOMESTIC Road. Mt. x2£! AI'I'KENTICES Wear Trade, excellent conditions and -L vragea tor tradesman.—H. Porter, Ph. prospects.—Apply Woolcraft, Ltd., When replying to Advertisements, Roof Plume 47-442. 23 I'aintMig—Houses, Hoofs; Cabinetmakers Apply wanted. ABOUX otherwise stated, copies only Repairs, etc.; low estimates.—Phone T3OOT Trade.—fressinan wanted.—Tren- SIX Jfuriiiturc Ftictnrv. M t Eden D 2S-:i2:;. x2l Willi Bros.. Wahelield St. x2l Hoad. A BOUT Machineless Perms.—Full Head, HOY AS WANTED .MESSENGER smart, for butchery.—Apply evciiti 10/. V>l.—.Marigold Salon, 3, Darbv domestic; lilienil rime olV; all-elec- J> ings. 2. Onslow lid.. Epsom. x2l SMAUT AND OFFICE JUXIOK, 14-16 years. ("Sy&it, T 41--|27. B : {suddenly), communicate WANTED. (14 PAGES.) ■ 10-iO at his residence, Boscawen Terrace ;XJ Point Chevalier, lames Phillip, dearly beloved hushand or Elizabetn Bennett and rather or Jim and Dotty; in His eightvtliirfl year. Funeral will leave Hie address at 2 p.m. to-morrow (Friday), Tor Waikumeto Cemetery. L.M.M. ""VrilTV." —See I I BENNETT—On March 20. 13, 21 Ivy —Please Stab, " ■" DOMESTICS 1940 21, MARCH . DEATHS. WANTED. WORK ALBERT l>lense SU.'iO. 20-102. THURSDAY, I £.0, notes N. Z., , AND FOUND. ; reward.—l'lione AUCKLAND, / ■ LOST Newspaper at\ I BIRTHS. —On Jlarcli TO, at To Wliaro-itl;! Epsom, to Mr. and-Mrs. T. J. Franklin ' ' , daughter. Both well. FRANKLIN. as a G.P.0.. London. - v j /Registered I LXXL —NO. 69. VOL. . TheA WEATHER IN AUCKLAND. Pages 7 Cartoon, "Two Strings To Her Bow" 0 5, 0, S, 0, 10 General News Cables 3 Illustrations In the Public Mind Leading Article,. "It.A.K. In Action" Legal Inquiry Miiil .Notice Market, and Commerce Racing Prospects Shipping News ■-' Sports • Wdnion's World •■••"•••••"•.••*••*" .... G 0 ° ° * ™ •" u •