Grant Agreement No.: 280371 Project Acronym: G.EN.ESI Project Title: Integrated software platform for Green ENgineering dESIgn and product sustainability D. 1.3: G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Collaborative Project Start Date of project: 01/02/2012 Duration: 36 months Name of Beneficiary responsible for this deliverable: INP GRENOBLE Version: Final Version 1.0 Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme Dissemination Level Public PU X Restricted to other Programme Participants (including the Commission PP Services) RE CO Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Version: 1.0 Date Draft: Due Date of Deliverable according to Annex I: Editor: Contributors: 31/10/2012 31/10/2012 Responsible: CHANGE CONTROL: Version Date 0.1 04/06/2012 0.2 24/10/2012 0.3 29/10/2012 0.4 29/10/2012 0.5 30/10/2012 1.0 31/10/2012 INP GRENOBLE INP GRENOBLE UNIVPM UBATH VECTRON ENEA INP GRENOBLE Description First draft version Second draft version Third draft version Fourth draft version Fifth draft version Final version This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 2 of 116 Author UNIVPM INP GRENOBLE UNIVPM UBATH INP GRENOBLE UNIVPM Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................. 6 FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. 7 TABLES ............................................................................................................................... 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 10 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 11 2 DEFINITION OF THE G.EN.ESI ECO-DESIGN METHODOLOGY........................... 12 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 12 2.2 Framework ................................................................................................................................................. 13 2.2.1 Life cycle concept for design.......................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.2 Designers view points during the design process .......................................................................................... 13 2.2.3 Concurrent engineering ................................................................................................................................. 14 A multidisciplinary group ............................................................................................................................................. 14 From the willingness to integrate to the need for cooperation .................................................................................. 15 A concurrent design is always distributed ................................................................................................................... 16 Two concurrent approaches ........................................................................................................................................ 16 A concurrent design can be parallel ............................................................................................................................. 17 A concurrent design can be integrated ........................................................................................................................ 18 2.2.4 Integrated design characteristics................................................................................................................... 18 New organizations ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Cooperation ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Project manager ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Tools ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 2.3 Changes induced by Eco‐design at different levels of the company .............................................................. 26 2.3.1 Data fluxes ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 2.3.2 Partnerships ................................................................................................................................................... 28 2.3.3 The design process ........................................................................................................................................ 28 2.3.4 Companies strategies .................................................................................................................................... 28 Policy: the environment as a value .............................................................................................................................. 29 Definition of the specifications .................................................................................................................................... 29 2.3.5 Knowledge and skills ...................................................................................................................................... 29 2.3.6 Cultural change .............................................................................................................................................. 30 2.4 The G.EN.ESI. methodology ......................................................................................................................... 30 2.4.1 Working hypothesis ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Actors ........................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Faber Example ............................................................................................................................................................. 32 The design organisation ............................................................................................................................................... 32 The product model ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 2.4.2 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 34 Indicators ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34 The sustainability calculation module.......................................................................................................................... 34 Dashboard .................................................................................................................................................................... 34 CBR ............................................................................................................................................................................... 35 This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 3 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Reports ......................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Specific tools ................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 2.4.3 Steps of the methodology ............................................................................................................................. 38 3 INDICATORS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES TO IMPROVE PRODUCT SUSTAINABILITY ..................................................................................................... 41 3.1 Indicators for the simplified life cycle assessment tool ................................................................................. 41 3.1.1 Resource depletion ........................................................................................................................................ 42 3.1.2 Climate change .............................................................................................................................................. 43 3.1.3 Water consumption ....................................................................................................................................... 43 3.1.4 Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) ................................................................................................................ 44 3.2 Design guidelines ........................................................................................................................................ 44 3.2.1 Standard components of mechatronic products ........................................................................................... 45 3.2.2 Eco‐design guidelines classification ............................................................................................................... 47 3.2.3 Knowledge about past design choices ........................................................................................................... 52 4 BRIEF APPLICATION OF THE G.EN.ESI ECO-DESIGN METHODOLOGY TO IMPROVE ECO-SUSTAINABILITY OF AN HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE: COOKER HOOD CASE STUDY ................................................................................................ 53 4.1 Functional analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 53 4.2 Assessment and determination of environmental hot spots ........................................................................ 55 4.2.1 Determination of the environmental strategies and deployment in indicators ............................................ 59 4.3 Guidance ..................................................................................................................................................... 59 4.3.1 Analysis of components with high impact during the use phase .................................................................. 60 4.3.2 Analysis of components with high impact in the material selection phase .................................................. 64 4.3.3 Analysis of components with criticality on disassembly ................................................................................ 68 4.3.4 Analysis of components with criticality on transport phase ......................................................................... 69 4.4 Sustainability check ..................................................................................................................................... 70 4.5 Impacts of the decisions in the long term company strategy ........................................................................ 73 4.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 73 5 ECO-DESIGN APPROACH IN COMPANIES............................................................ 74 5.1 Research Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 74 5.2 Outcome ..................................................................................................................................................... 75 5.2.1 Collaborative Activities During Eco‐Design Projects ...................................................................................... 75 5.3 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 79 6 DEFINITION OF THE NEW TO-BE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS FOR FABER AND VECTRON ................................................................................................................. 80 6.1 Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 80 Environmental Design Manager .................................................................................................................................. 80 This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 4 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Eco‐design Software Tools ........................................................................................................................................... 81 6.2 Inputs ......................................................................................................................................................... 82 Environmental Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 82 Life Cycle Data .............................................................................................................................................................. 82 Environmental Report .................................................................................................................................................. 82 Cost report ................................................................................................................................................................... 83 6.3 Design Process Stages ................................................................................................................................. 83 6.3.1 Feasibility (A.1) (Figure 31) ............................................................................................................................ 83 6.3.2 Development (A‐2) (Figure 33) ...................................................................................................................... 84 6.4 Knowledge Feedback Loop .......................................................................................................................... 85 6.5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 86 7 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 93 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 95 Methodology References ....................................................................................................................................... 95 Eco‐Design Guidelines References .......................................................................................................................... 97 APPENDIX 1: ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF BONFIGLIOLI-VECTRON ................................................................................... 98 IDEF Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 98 Description of the Bonfiglioli‐Vectron Development Process .................................................................................. 99 Description of resources .............................................................................................................................................. 99 Feasibility (A‐1) .......................................................................................................................................................... 101 Development (A‐2) ..................................................................................................................................................... 102 Series production planning (A‐3) ............................................................................................................................... 105 Maturity phase (A‐4) .................................................................................................................................................. 105 Used and planned tools in the product development process .................................................................................. 116 This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 5 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Acronym/Abbreviation Description S-LCA Simplified life cycle assessment S-LCC Simplified life cycle cost CBR Case-based reasoning This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 6 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION FIGURES Figure 1: Two approaches in concurrent engineering ........................................................ 17 Figure 2: The different actors within the company required for classical integrated design (on the left) and for integrated design associated to ecodesign (on the right).................... 31 Figure 3: Elements of the methodology ............................................................................. 37 Figure 4: The G.EN.ESI. methodology .............................................................................. 40 Figure 5: Energy consumption for each life cycle phase of the cooker hood ..................... 55 Figure 6: CO2 Footprint for each life cycle phase of the cooker hood ............................... 56 Figure 7: Energy consumption for life cycles (use excluded) of the cooker hood .............. 57 Figure 8: CO2 Footprint for life cycles (use phase excluded) of the cooker hood .............. 57 Figure 9: Energy for cooker hood standard components in material selection................... 58 Figure 10: CO2 Footprint for cooker hood standard components in material selection ..... 59 Figure 11: Energy consumption for Current/Alternative Solution in the use phase ............ 62 Figure 12: CO2 Footprint of Current/Alternative Solution in the use phase ....................... 62 Figure 13: Energy consumption for Current/Alternative Solution in the material selection . 63 Figure 14: CO2 Footprint of Current/Alternative Solution in the material selection ............ 63 Figure 15: Energy consumption for Current/Alternative Solutions in Material selection ..... 65 Figure 16: CO2 Footprint for Current /Alternative Solutions in Material selection .............. 66 Figure 17: Energy consumption for Current /Alternative Solutions in Material selection .... 67 Figure 18: CO2 emission for Current /Alternative Solutions in Material selection .............. 67 Figure 19: CO2 emission related to transport phase for Current /Alternative Solutions of lamps in transport phase.................................................................................................... 69 Figure 20: CO2 emission related to transport phase for Current /Alternative Solutions of motor in transport phase .................................................................................................... 70 Figure 21: Comparison of energy emission for Current / Alternative solution .................... 71 Figure 22: Comparison of CO2 Footprint for Current /Alternative solution ......................... 72 Figure 23: Level 0 for the eco-design process SADT representation ................................. 75 Figure 24: Level 1 for the eco-design process SADT representation (preliminary design) 77 Figure 25: Level 1 for the eco-design process SADT representation (detailed design) ..... 77 Figure 26: Level 2 for the eco-design process SADT representation (environmental assessment activity) ..........................................................................................................78 Figure 27: Level 1 for the eco-design process SADT representation (production)............. 79 Figure 28: Environmental Knowledge Feedback Loop ...................................................... 85 Figure 29: General product development process with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology ...................................................................................................................... 87 Figure 30: Product development process with the four major phases and with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology ............................................................................................ 88 Figure 31: Feasibility phase with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology .................. 89 Figure 32: Preliminary design with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology................ 90 Figure 33: Development process with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology .......... 91 Figure 34: Detailed environmental development................................................................ 92 Figure 35: IDEF0 methodology .......................................................................................... 98 Figure 36: General product development process ........................................................... 106 Figure 37: Product development process with the four major phases ............................. 107 This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 7 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 38: Feasibility phase ............................................................................................. 108 Figure 39: Development process ..................................................................................... 109 Figure 40: Mechanical design phase ............................................................................... 110 Figure 41: Electrical design phase ................................................................................... 111 Figure 42: Electronic design phase .................................................................................. 112 Figure 43: Software development phase ......................................................................... 113 Figure 44: Specific testing................................................................................................ 114 Figure 45: Final product release ...................................................................................... 115 This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 8 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION TABLES Table 1: Tools for design project management .................................................................. 26 Table 2: Functional groups and standard components for cooker hoods .......................... 45 Table 3: Functional groups and standard components for washing machines................... 46 Table 4: Eco-design guidelines related to products .......................................................... 48 Table 5: General eco-design guidelines related to components ....................................... 50 Table 6: Specific eco-design guidelines related to components ....................................... 51 Table 7: Values for Energy consumption and CO2 Footprint ............................................. 56 Table 8: Values for Energy consumption and CO2 Footprint (use phase excluded).......... 58 Table 9: General Guidelines referred to the use phase ..................................................... 60 Table 10: Specific guidelines referred to cooker hood ....................................................... 60 Table 11: Current Solution motor characteristics ............................................................... 60 Table 12: Alternative Solution motor characteristics .......................................................... 61 Table 13: Absorbed power for Current/Alternative lamps .................................................. 61 Table 14: General guidelines related to material selection phase...................................... 64 Table 15: General guidelines related to end of life phase .................................................. 68 Table 16: Modifications proposed ...................................................................................... 70 Table 17: Values of Energy consumption for Current/Alternative Solution ........................ 72 Table 18: Values of CO2 Footprint for Current/Alternative Solution ................................... 73 This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 9 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This deliverable has been realised to present the eco-design methodology developed in the G.EN.ESI. project and to illustrate how to implement this methodology in a traditional product design process. The first part presents the methodology and has been structured with different sections: -To provide a framework to apply the methodology; -To show the changes induced by eco-design in the company, from the design process to company policy, including the project management team; -To describe the different elements and the different steps of the methodology. This part shows that eco-design must be implemented in companies working in a context of concurrent engineering. Furthermore it shows that different actors and tools are required to properly actuate the methodology. The second part presents two studies: the first one is about indicators for the simplified life cycle analysis and the second one is about the basis of the case-based reasoning (CBR) database which will be used in the specific phase of guidance. Indeed, the CBR tool assists designers in redesign to improve the environmental performance of their product. The CBR tool is divided into two groups: eco-design guidelines and knowledge about company design choices. In the next part, the eco-design methodology is applied succinctly to a cooker hood to illustrate how the methodology can lead to redesign choices that reduce impact on the environment. After the illustration of the methodology to a cooker hood, the next objective consists in the deployment of the G.EN.ESI ecodesign methodology. In order to achieve that, the next section presents the analysis of the results obtained by a survey carried out in five French companies. This part provides an overview of eco-design practises in those companies: the scenarios constructed are generic but describe the current actions needed for the successful implementation of eco-design that should be supported by the GENESI platform. In the final part, the eco-design methodology is matched against the current actions needed for the successful implementation of eco-design within the FABER design process; this offers an illustration of how eco-design could be implemented. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 10 of 116 Final Version 1.0 1 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION INTRODUCTION Regarding the economical and environmental pressure from consumers, legislation, competitors etc, companies need to be proactive and to propose new products in shorter times. For this, they need to change/adapt their design methods. The design phase is an important phase of the product life because it determines the success or failure of the commercial offer. Moreover, even if only 20% of the financial costs related to product life cycle are spent during this design phase, more than 80 % of them are committed. We can easily imagine the same proportional division for environmental costs. So, design approaches have to be developed to consider environmental constraints early during the design process. The first objective of this deliverable is therefore to develop a G.EN.ESI eco-design methodology for the improvement of ecological and economical aspects. The methodology guides the design team from the early design stages, to the integration of environmental concerns in the product development process, which induces changes in the company organisation. Due to the companies’ limited eco-design knowledge, the different elements (actors, organisation, tools, steps, etc.) required to the methodology have to be studied and described to facilitate the setting up. However, the framework and the steps of the G.EN.ESI methodology are not sufficient to fully understand the actions the designers must carry out. A focus on the resources available to aid designers in eco-designing their product highlights two of interest: eco-design guidelines and knowledge about previous company design choices. Thus in the first part of this deliverable the G.EN.ESI methodology is presented. Then the second part analyses existing eco-design guidelines which will constitute a basis for the development of a tool in the G.EN.ESI platform. Next, the methodology is superficially applied to a cooker hood and it constitutes a first case study to test a few points of the methodology. The last purpose of this work is to implement the methodology and thus the platform in the traditional design process. The objective here is to show a way to set up the integration of eco-design actions supported by the elements of the methodology. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 11 of 116 Final Version 1.0 2 2.1 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION DEFINITION OF THE G.EN.ESI ECO-DESIGN METHODOLOGY Introduction The design process should not only be considered as an activity to solve problems, but as a complex activity to answer technical, social, strategic and economic concerns. Tools supporting the plurality of the domains and parameters to consider in a design process exist. Design for X tools is an example of this evolution. Those tools, issued from design for X methods, recommend a very early consideration of parameters that are typically considered later in the design process (when the design is too constrained to allow detailed consideration). The « X » represents the Assembly (Design For Assembly), the Manufacturing (Design For Manufacturing, Design For Machining), the Recycling (Design For Recyclability) etc. They introduce a new point of view during the design process to describe not only the technological requirements but also all the future life cycle aspects of the product. With these new approaches considering the product life cycle, the way the organisation supports design also has to be reconsidered. Concurrent engineering, distributed design, simultaneous design or integrated design, have all developed to answer a common goal: how to better design a product while considering all aspects throughout its life cycle. In the G.EN.ESI program, we will propose a methodology and a platform that supports integrated design and, more precisely, eco-design within a company. The aim of this document is to describe the G.EN.ESI methodology. That means we will have to consider tools, actors and organisations in eco-design projects to propose a methodology and then a platform supporting this methodology. Before the description of the methodology, we will introduce different concepts we need to make the reader able to understand the foundations for the G.EN.ESI methodology. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 12 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION 2.2 Framework 2.2.1 Life cycle concept for design To be able to consider all the product life cycle aspects the designer needs to understand the specific problems the product will have to solve for each life cycle phase. Here, the design process has to consider the point of view of all life cycle actors. This highlights two notions that were not really considered in previous sequential design methodologies: the product life cycle and the life cycle actor’s viewpoints. The life cycle notion groups together the changes to which the product is subjected at specifics points. This means that the life cycle considers all the successive states a product encounters during its life: from its definition, to its manufacturing, assembly, distribution, usage and end of life. To take all those aspects into account during the design, implies that designers have to consider the future, to imagine the product in the different life cycle phases, to define, during the design phase, solutions that will be able to solve specific questions encountered by the product. Recycling for example will be optimised only if the product has been developed to be recycled. This is not easy, because designers have to plan what will happen in the future in order to identify the best recycling process. Taking the automotive industry as an example, designers have to consider what processes or technology may be in use 15 years into the future, in order to design a product that will be easily recycled. To be able to consider all the aspects of the life cycle, we will see that we have to integrate viewpoints of the different life cycle actors, during the product design process. 2.2.2 Designers view points during the design process A viewpoint of an actor of the design process represents his vision of the future product, when positioned at a specific stage of the lifecycle. He then captures the product from his perspective. This look becomes a point of view only when it is finally formalized in the design process. The viewpoint represents a potential solution, or concept, developed within the designer’s field of expertise. This concept provides the basis for this same expert to describe the constraints the product will encounter during each life cycle stage. It is also a means by which each expert can express their objectives for the product. So, a viewpoint is the expression by an expert of: This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 13 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ― Their knowledge ― Constraints linked to their field of expertise ― Specific objectives to optimize the product within each expert field. The final design should represent a combination of the viewpoints of each of the relevant actors throughout the life cycle. This global product perspective demands that all relevant actors within a company, or supply chain, are able to express their viewpoint at relevant points during the design development. As such they need to be aware of the design process taking place and be able to communicate their ideas to the wider design team. This is known as concurrent engineering. “Concurrent engineering is generally recognized as a practice to integrate various life-cycle values into the early stage of design. These values include not only the products primary functions but also their aesthetics, manufacturability, assembly, serviceability, and recyclability” (Ishii 1993). Concurrent engineering is often presented as a balance between technical design constraints, the designers’ goals and costs throughout the life cycle. From now, we will call “designer” every actor of the product life cycle involved in the design process, that means, for example R&D, manufacturing engineers, materials specialists, environmental experts, recyclers. All the designers together form the design team. 2.2.3 Concurrent engineering In this section we will present the concept of concurrent engineering, in accordance with Poveda (2001) and Prudhomme (1999). In order to develop a product a designer, or more often a design team, looks for information to generate and assess solutions that satisfy both the requirements and the constraints (Janthong et al. 2010). The product design process consists of a set of actions realised by different actors. Each actor has his own jurisdiction but the design team work together. To facilitate well integrated design teams, that can work together, companies are now developing more “project oriented” processes. A multidisciplinary group Within a product oriented process, a multidisciplinary group is created to enable different company departments and perspectives to be voiced during the design This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 14 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION development. Through this process, compromises are established that provide the balance between the desirable, technical and economical factions. This organisation is necessary to avoid a poorly considered viewpoint, or the ‘locking in’ of undesirable design solutions. In this organisation, a project manager is needed to maintain a global overview and resolve conflicts. They also manage the market study and define the economic and technical objectives. They are responsible for the level of risk but also for the commercial success of the products being designed. They are also the direct link between all the different areas of expertise. Within this multidisciplinary group, representatives from each area of expertise have the opportunity to assess the project from their viewpoint and communicate their perspective to the project manager and other experts. From the willingness to integrate to the need for cooperation Concurrent engineering aims to allow all disciplines concerned by the product, to intervene in its design, by taking into account all the different expert viewpoints to help make design decisions. However, even when the design objectives are clear, this it is not always an easy approach to implement. To begin the recommendations and constraints from the different life cycle experts need to be captured. These then need to be translated from recommendations and constraints, into product requirements. In addition to this, there is the even more difficult question of how the different viewpoints coexist. There are often antagonisms (i.e. manufacturing constraint vs aesthetics). To help with this implementation, a company needs to determine general rules or guidelines that can be followed when translating differing viewpoints into product requirements. These rules must dictate which, if any, viewpoints they prioritise and define how to develop an optimised product solution that addresses all viewpoints. The way a company defines these parameters is not the jurisdiction of one actor but must instead be agreed by all actors in the design process. Achieving this may require new relationships to be established and new communication channels to be used. During a project, the different members of a design team construct specific knowledge and know-how related to their own expertise, and communicating these areas of expertise is not always easy because their vocabulary, references and goals This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 15 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION may not be the same. To really cooperate, they may need to expand their viewpoint and consider issues outside their field of expertise. They may also have to develop more cooperative methods of working and in doing so adapt their goals and usual references. This can radically change the design process. The goal is not only to share data but to share and modify their own expert logic. A concurrent design is always distributed Knowledge sharing is an important point because a design team will always be distributed in some way. This distribution could be between the different actors or the different areas of expertise. The required transfer of knowledge may need to overcome (Brissaud, Garro 1998): ― Knowledge distributed amongst the design team and separated in both time and space. Numerous technological fields of knowledge developed as the designed products became more complex (mechanics, automatic, electronic, materials, etc.) when the design became divided (functional studies, structural analysis, calculations, manufacturing approaches, etc.). These varying fields are likely to use different technical languages which must be translated to other fields in an understandable manner; ― The different tools or techniques (i.e. industrial design) that are used by the different members of the design team to create the different versions of the solution. Those tools are usually used inside the same field of expertise, but the different representations of the solutions will be distributed in both time and space. Two concurrent approaches Thus concurrent engineering is described as a design process where all product life cycle characteristics are considered simultaneously. Various structures were developed to model the design activity and to try to encourage this concurrent approach. Two main ways were developed (Errore. L'autoriferimento non è valido per un segnalibro.): ― The first is by dividing up the design task amongst different groups who simultaneously work on different life cycle stages, dependent upon their expertise. This is referred to as parallel design. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 16 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ― The second is to develop a multidisciplinary group who consider the whole product life cycle together. This is called integrated design. Parallel design The total design task is divided amongst different groups who work simultaneously Concurrent engineering Integrated design A multidisciplinary group consider the whole product life cycle together Figure 1: Two approaches in concurrent engineering Having defined these two concurrent engineering approaches we will now discuss each in more detail. A concurrent design can be parallel As described above, parallel design is when the tasks are shared among the design team and those design tasks are realised in parallel with one another. This concept is a simultaneous design approach that is characterised by parallel design activities which often rely on a common database. This parallelism is necessary to decrease development time. This can be induced by the fact that: ― The study is very large and has to be separated into different studies. This is typical in the case of aeroplanes or cars. To encourage successful design integration, an interface has to be developed to achieve consistency between the different results; ― The project is subcontracted by a prime contractor; ― A task has been separated into sub tasks dependent upon the design teams knowledge. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 17 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION A concurrent design can be integrated In an integrated design approach a design team is developed with the aim of integrating the constraints from different areas of expertise, early in the design process. When the concept of integrated design was first conceived, the first step was to collect expert knowledge linked to the product life cycle (i.e. manufacturing) and make this knowledge available to designers through the creation of databases. Two major problems have been identified with this approach: ― The difficulty of formalising the knowledge used by different experts; ― The fact that knowledge may not be easily understood in the different contexts. As integrated design evolved,a new approach appeared. This second approach involves the integration of the expert themselves within the design team. The objective is to integrate all life cycle actors into the design process and to provide them all with the data necessary to think about the solution and to allow them to act on the product definition. This does not only involve problems related to knowledge formalisation, but also requires the creation of new tools that favour cooperation between the different actors, whilst addressing the different viewpoints they have on the product, during its definition. Currently, two perspectives of this integration coexist: ― The first gives priority to the effective cooperation of the different life cycle actors, working on common objects created during the different interactions of the design team; ― The second is software tools oriented. In that case, the work of each actor of the life cycle is realised taking into account its own knowledge. The inclusion of each experts viewpoint is represented in a common database. According to the above definition, we promote an integrated design approach for the G.EN.ESI methodology. 2.2.4 Integrated design characteristics To promote an integrated design approach, the G.EN.ESI methodology has been developed to support it. This section presents some characteristics of integrated design, to provide a better understanding of how this approach functions. These This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 18 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION features can be considered as requirements for good implementation of the G.EN.ESI. methodology in the product development process of a company. New organizations The success of an integrated design approach is based on its capacity to provide designers with tools that support knowledge production in their field of practice, and to make this knowledge directly usable in other fields of practice. Integrated design also needs an environment common to everyone within the design team to make cooperative work and knowledge sharing easier. This common environment must support knowledge exchange within the design team and be organised to help people cooperate. In this approach, questions concerning the organisation of the activities, the management of competences and know-how, and the organisation of cooperation must be considered. The answers depend on a lot of parameters, such as the product nature, the company, or the design context. No strict rules govern the implementation of integrated design; instead, they are often defined on a case by case basis, and differ from one project to another. Thus, the main changes for companies choosing to pursue an integrated design approach lie in their organizational process. The objective of these changes is to create a productoriented design. A product-oriented design approach means that the product does not evolve through successive actions of designers, instead the product is central. This requires an adapted environment for exchange and communication, a productoriented organization and specific tools able to communicate and manage the different competences. Cooperation Within the framework of concurrent engineering, i.e. actors with different expertise will work together, share data, coordinate and cooperate to create a new product. Cooperation is not restricted to an exchange of partial representations of the product but includes different types of physical interactions (oral, physical, etc.) representing the common result and the resources used. Coordination must take into account the group dynamics created by the different actors as they move towards a common goal. Jeantet and Boujut (1998) defined conditions to promote the cooperative coordination: This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 19 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ― The establishment of a period of informal work dedicated to the cooperative coordination ― The inclusion of this informal period in the planning of the project; ― The decrease of daily constraints of the different stakeholders, so they stop focussing on the day-to-day and can enter into a long-term anticipatory logic; ― The existence of a single information support about the product allowing modifications and intervention of different actors. To reach an integrated approach for the designers and promote good coordination, it is essential to appoint a project manager. The following section has been provided to help explain and understand the activity of the project manager. Project manager The design development towards integrated design involves changes in the process and requires an actor to carry out the management of the activities and the coordination of the design team: this person is the project manager. This section describes the role and the activities of this actor. The project manager makes sure that the rules and measures defined in the concurrent engineering process are respected and applied. He or she is also responsible for internal organization and external representation. Internal organization Each project has its own rules or guidelines for functioning. These rules contribute to role and activity of each team member. Thus, even if the project manager has a specific position he does not independently determine the operation of the project and the activity of each team member. Instead it is the functioning of the project which guides the role and the activity of the project manager. External representation The project manager or the team who leads the project represents the link between the project and its external environment. This actor is the project spokesperson in the company and the special correspondent with the company. The project manager is then the main vector of the constraints imposed on the project by the external business environment. This explains a number of constraints demanded by the project manager in the design process and to the different actors. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 20 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION The project manager leads all the operations necessary for the completion of a project. These can be divided into four areas that represent the framework of the project manager activity: ― ― ― ― Supporting the current state of the product and its evolutions Integrating the different points of view Organizing the cooperation Taking decisions Supporting the current state of the product and its evolutions In a context of integrated design, the product is in the centre of the activity and the process develops with each product evolution. It means there is no product checkpoint between each actor to confirm choices, decisions or constraints, as it is the case in a sequential process. The product, or rather its representations, are therefore not stable but are subject to change at all times, in all aspects. A representation is a way for a designer to present a potential solution; this representation is mostly a CAD model, such as a component, an assembly, or a sketch. These representations are important because they are used as common references for the actors and lead their actions in the design process. However if the current state of the product was the only guide of the design activity, the product would struggle to meet all the objectives and satisfy all the constraints of the different design actors. That is the reason why the project manager regulates the activity, according to the product evolution, in order to maintain a unity between the various product design viewpoints (including the environmental point of view). The manager assumes the responsibility for leading the design process towards an optimum solution. To lead the design process, he must integrate the different points of view and establish cooperation within the project (that is particularly true if the (environmental) expert is a consultant). Integrating the different points of view Each actor of the design process brings a viewpoint which depends on his status, his experience and his position in the product lifecycle. The integration of all the viewpoints involves a double translation: a translation of the actor’s knowledge in order to capture it and communicate it, and a translation of his objectives and his constraints on the product in progress. The project leader manages this translation task and controls the coherence of the possible evolutions to create a solution that satisfies specifications and constraints. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 21 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Organizing the cooperation In addition to this the project manager must also encourage cooperation between the different actors. His role is not just to bring the various perspectives together, but also to direct the activity of each one and help bring the actors to common expectations. His role aims to establish a concurrent engineering approach in the definition of a single product to meet everyone's expectations. Taking decisions There is a difference between managing and steering a project. Steering a project involves a greater influence on the project development and involves taking an active part in design development decisions. Decision-making depends on different criteria and takes into account constraints. The external environment and the state of the product or of the process are all factors that influence the decision-making of the project manager. Nevertheless, decisions are taken dynamically and are linked to the product’s evolution and to the process configuration. They can, therefore, be difficult to plan. The nature and the origin of the project influence the management activity. However, whatever the project configuration, a project manager has to meet the industrial features required, within the constraints of cost, deadline and required quality. According to the importance of each constraint, the management will steer differently. The guidance is based on the management’s priority and on the time limitation. For example, an economic management describes a management technique where the cost control is a primary concern. Considering technical parameters as a priority in order to reach a specific quality still represents a different way of management. In reality the project manager has to consider many different aspects as well as environmental concerns. The special feature of concurrent engineering consists in integrating the different viewpoints during the product definition. This integration of knowledge and know-how must be organized, decided and planned to get the best coherence in the process and to reach an optimum for the product. This integration must take into account the classical concerns: cost, deadline and quality. The multiplicity of viewpoints, methods and objectives is a source of conflict. Steering a project does not involve settling conflicts but rather bringing the actors together to identify these conflicts and resolve them themselves as soon as possible. The same applies to crises and the project manager makes sure that solutions to This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 22 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION crises and conflicts will fit into the optimal solution for product and process with the financial, technical and temporal demands. However, the three previous constraints are not the only constraints that the product must adhere to. Other features such as managing uncertainty, risk management, innovation, and environmental concerns have to be considered by the project manager. Thus, steering a project requires a definition of the activity of each expert regarding all the constraints. The project manager does not determine all the measures taken within the project, but he guarantees that all the operations move in the same direction to meet the different constraints. He carries the identity of the project while the others actors work, in general, on specific aspects. This section has shown that the steering activity is complex. Indeed, being a project manager is a multidisciplinary activity and the activity evolves over time, according to the process configuration. That is the reason why the current trend is to develop multidisciplinary teams to support the leading task. Tools In the approach of concurrent engineering, the design team’s knowledge and also the tools supporting this knowledge must evolve to be disseminated within the company. The need for mutual exchanges in the design process, results in the creation of new expert tools designed to enable a concurrent approach. Thus, a new generation of tools is developed to allow easy reorganization and diffusion of knowledge in order to quickly and efficiently integrate them into the product design process. Different fields were concerned with these changes, including assembly (Rejnéri 2000), calculation (Fine et al. 2000), manufacturing (Brissaud 1992) (Paris 1995) (Blondaz 1999), or even ergonomics (Zwolinski 1999). Moreover, a multitude of tools for project management were developed in order to facilitate the steering work. Some of them are commercially available and others have been developed internally by companies to manage the projects in a way specifically tailored to their products or their functioning. These tools cover almost all of the tasks that are required in a steering team. However a single tool cannot support all of these tasks. These tools are therefore built to meet specific features concerning the needs of the management activity. The following section presents tools dedicated to the project management and they are summed up in Table 1. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 23 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Specific management tools Some tools have been developed specifically for the activity of steering a project. They are intended to allow steering actors to lead their activity with regard to the constraints that the project must meet. Planning and resource sharing The project manager is designed to promote a concurrent engineering approach. To achieve that, he has a mass of tools including for example PERT and Gantt diagrams. These tools enable the steering team to plan, monitor and control the allocation and the execution of the project tasks. Investment and cost tracking Many financial tools, cost calculation or investment calculations are also available in order to determine the economic approach of the project. Tools supporting integration Other tools are also used to support project management. Some of them are not originally designed for that purpose but they can be useful because they represent tools with common formats, able to support the integration of different expertise. Assembly The CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools can be used as steering tools. They make it possible to quickly visualise the assembly of solutions and the steering team can thus detect technical, geometrical or functional design problems. Although they were not developed for this purpose, they nevertheless represent a support that has now become essential to manage integration. Simulation Simulation tools, as with CAD tools, are not specifically dedicated to project management but their contribution is important. They help encourage awareness within the management team of the performance of different components, and help them define the next tasks required to create a coherent whole. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 24 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Data management Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) aims to structure, capitalize on and reuse the different technical information produced and used in a project. As described in the previous sections, an integrated design project involves cooperation and information sharing between the different actors of the project. This leads teams to focus on two specific criteria in the data structure; scalability and non-repetition. This approach aims to promote a better flow of information and thus a better coordination between actors with different skills and knowledge. There are also many other tools to address other specific aspects such as control of risks, innovation management or marketing position. However, whatever the tools used in project management, they do not deal with all the complexities of steering problems. The tool for technical management does not exist Providing effective management tools that meet the physical reality of the project is a challenge for tool development companies. This challenge has still not been entirely addressed. Currently tools only partially meet the specific needs of a project. Effective management tools are those that approach the steering activity through the common fields shared by all projects, such as market, budgetary or time constraints. However it appears that no tool (as far as we know) takes into account the physical or technological translation required to translate multiple viewpoints. This integration is different according to the nature of the product being designed and the development process. In this context, how can a tool support project steering with regard to the physical reality of a project, when there are many perspectives relating to the design outcome? Thus there is a paradox. The manager of a concurrent engineering project remains responsible for cost, time and quality. Moreover, the primary objective of a design project is to define a product and the optimum outcome will be one that addresses all viewpoints and translates these into specifications for the product. While many tools consider the constraints of quality, cost and time, no tool assists the project manager in ensuring consistency and cohabitation of technical solutions, developed by the different actors in the process. This aspect is usually managed with the expertise and the experience of the management team. As such a steering team will require skills in design in addition to communication, management and economics in order to achieve satisfactory integration. We will see that a steering team needs skills in environmental aspects to ensure its integration as well. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 25 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Table 1: Tools for design project management Specific management tools Tools supporting integration Aim User Manage a specific task of a project Steering actors Support project Designers, management & support management the integration of team different expertise Examples Planning and resource sharing (PERT & GANTT diagrams) Investment and cost tracking (Investment & costs calculation tools) Tools for assembly solutions (CAD tools) Simulations tools Data management tools (PLM) The next part explains the main changes to consider in an integrated design approach, in order to include environmental targets in the design of a product, and implement an eco-design approach within a company. 2.3 Changes induced by Eco-design at different levels of the company Currently, mechanical designers provide technical solutions to meet companies’ and customers’ needs, in relation to the functional performance, product cost and mass production. Despite increasing interest in environmental issues, very few design specifications include environmental targets. According to Bovea and Pérez-Belis (2012), three key factors are required to optimise the design process in term of environmental performance: ― The integration of the environmental aspects in the early stages of the design process; ― The consideration of a life cycle approach; ― The consideration of a multi-criteria approach. The methodology developed for the G.EN.ESI. project aims to fit in with these key factors and integrated design is seen as the best approach to reach our future environmental goals. However for this integration to be effective changes may be required in the company. The life cycle perspective, required to integrate environmental goals into a design process, separates them from other technical constraints and demands the This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 26 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION consideration of organisational aspects. In accordance with Le Pochat (2005), we will show how this new viewpoint, considering a multi criteria approach during the assessment and the improvement of the product induces important changes in a company. We will have to consider those singularities in order to be able to apply the GENESI methodology. 2.3.1 Data fluxes A variety of data needs to be compiled to be able to realize an environmental assessment and environmental improvements for the products. The data can be technical, organizational but also sociological. Moreover, this data will also come from inside and outside the boundaries of the company, from the raw material extraction phase to the end-of life phase. This inventory shows that beyond the classical design teams, eco-design projects require the involvement of all the divisions of the company. Bertoluci et al. (2005) showed on an industrial example that the informational fluxes were transformed and that a real transverse approach is necessary inside and outside the company. Sarkis (2003) showed that when strategic decisions have to be made at the strategic level of the company, they have to modify their internal organization and the relations with the customers and the supply chain. As mentioned by Gondran (2001), environmental data is necessary to manage environmental impacts for a company and the network of data is really important to integrate environmental aspects during the design process. The more a company constructs relations with others, the better environmental aspects are integrated. At this stage it is worth noting two potential problems: ― On one hand, the necessary environmental data are outside the boundaries of the company and are spread on numerous suppliers, subcontractors, customers, recyclers, etc. ― On the other hand , that data is not always directly available. In fact the need for the data may appear gradually with the eco design emergence in companies. As that data was not needed before, it was not collected. This shows the necessity to create those environmental data fluxes to complete the existing data fluxes. Many companies are now working on these questions. Indeed, this modification is not trivial for the company, because: ― The data networks are not usual. This leads the company to modify the habits and relations with the life cycle partners; This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 27 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ― The data are rare and distributed, generating difficulties in the collection and inducing time consuming processes and additional costs. 2.3.2 Partnerships One of the barriers for the eco-design approach in companies is the separation between the « environment division » and the classical structures (the « green wall »). And yet the representation of the fluxes linked to environmental concerns in the company and toward external partners shows that all the actors of the company are affected by eco-design. Beyond the actors of the company, industrial partners from the supply chain have to be implicated in the eco-design processes. This implies a network involving internal and external partners and changes in the works of those partners. 2.3.3 The design process Sherwin and Bhamra (2001) state that eco-design implies a concurrent engineering process. But the integration of environmental aspects during the design process is also dependent upon the use of new tools, new design processes and new knowledge (Millet 2003). Tonnelier (2002) also underlined that technical aspects have to be considered for eco-design as well as management aspects. So, the new organisation for eco-design, based on concurrent engineering, should consider the following transformations during the design process: ― The use of new tools (eco-design tools); ― The creation of new indicators to be able to assess the product under design from an environmental point of view; ― The use of new data; ― The implementation of new procedures to allow definition and validation that include environmental constraints into the product requirements. 2.3.4 Companies strategies Integrating eco-design involves changes within the corporate strategy at two levels (Sarkis 2003): ― At the level of its policy; This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 28 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ― At the level of the strategic approach of the product development, i.e. for the definition of the specifications. Policy: the environment as a value The company has to define the environment as a value in order to explain its involvement among the workforce of the company. This involvement is necessary (Argyris 2000) to ensure the success of the integration. Thus, the integration of this environmental constraints change the hierarchy of usual values within the company (performance, quality, cost, etc.). This hierarchy has then to be redefined. Millet (2003) mentioned a paradigm shift in the business. This change in the corporate strategy will contribute to the modification of the communication system of the company, both internally (information, involvement and motivation of staff) and externally (marketing, CSR, etc.). Definition of the specifications Defining the product specifications is difficult in the evolving context of the company. The integration of eco-design, changing the influence of each constraint to each other, will force the company to change its business strategy to enable the project team to prioritize constraints, and define product specifications. 2.3.5 Knowledge and skills Eco-design integration, through the integration of new and complex constraints, modifies the required knowledge. All the modifications presented in this section require knowledge and skills which need to be created because they do not culturally exist in the company. They will enable the company to: ― Define the strategy; ― Use the eco-design tools; ― Manage the environmental data of the product. Jacqueson (2002) declares that this environmental knowledge is the driver of the eco-design integration. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 29 of 116 Final Version 1.0 2.3.6 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Cultural change Eco-design integration also changes the vision the designers have of their product because of the life cycle approach and the new environmental dimension. Each lifecycle phase of the product shows this product with characteristics different from those usually considered. The specification is not only expressed as functions that meet the performance requirements for the customer. The product must also be considered in terms of "disutility" (Millet 1995), expressed as functions of environmental impacts. Eco-design forces designers, and even the wider company, to adopt a different approach to their product. They must not only consider the phase of design and manufacturing of the product, but also the phases of use and end of life and the phases of extraction and production of raw materials, materials and energy. Moreover, the design team has to consider, in addition to the usual technical criteria such as hardness, strength, weight, etc., the environmental technical criteria such as environmental toxicity, the embodied energy, the CO2 emitted, the disassembly, etc. Eco-design requires adopting a systemic vision of the product. 2.4 The G.EN.ESI. methodology 2.4.1 Working hypothesis Actors At the beginning of a project, a design team is constituted to develop a product. This team consists of designers from the design office but it also includes other actors from different departments, like research and development, methods, production, purchasing department, etc. Within this G.EN.ESI. methodology, we have used the term « designer » universally to refer to every actor in the design team, regardless of the department they come from. The design team is managed by a steering team, usually one person known as the project manager. In a context of integrated design, this project manager has a multidisciplinary role. He ensures the coordination between the different actors and their points of view in order to meet all the constraints. In addition to this an environment expert is strongly recommended in order to manage eco-design and the environmental issues in the product design process. In this methodology, this expert is called the Environmental Design Manager. Indeed, This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 30 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION the project manager needs to be assisted by this environmental expert because he usually does not have the skills to understand the environmental data, the environmental indicators and thus he cannot take informed decisions. Thus the Environmental Design Manager is a member of the steering team. The Environmental Design Manager can be an environmental expert of the company or if there is no environmental expert, it can be a consultant. In the same way, an environmental expert may be required occasionally within the design process to manage environmental issue in a particular field. By working alongside the environmental manager, the project manager can learn environmental skills. As this knowledge increases, environmental responsibilities will tend to be shared throughout the design team and the need for a distinct Environmental Design Manager reduces. In addition to internal information environmental data is also required from suppliers to eco-design a product. The suppliers are therefore requested to share information about their products, components, materials, factories or other. The shared data will be useful to realise the environmental and cost analysis of the designed product. This close relationship between the suppliers and the design team is quite new and requires careful management. Figure 2 shows the different actors involved in the design process and their connections. It compares the difference between a classical integrated design and an integrated design associated to eco-design. Project management team Environmental expert Actor n Actor 2 Actor 1 Actor n Actor 2 Actor 1 Supplier portal: lifecycle data Project management team Environmental Design Manager Figure 2: The different actors within the company required for classical integrated design (on the left) and for integrated design associated to ecodesign (on the right) This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 31 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Faber Example In the following section, this methodology has been exemplified by applying it to Faber, a company who design and manufacture domestic cooker hoods. In Faber different types of designers contribute to the product development process: mechanical designers, packaging designers, electrical designers and electronic designers. Each section has its manager; who constitute the management team. As they do not have an environmental expert within the company, they would need to bring in a consultant to perform the role of the Environmental Design Manager or to dedicate training time to one of their engineer to increase their level of knowledge on the subject. The Environmental Design Manager is also included in the management team. The design organisation The methodology aims at integrating environmental issues into the design process while keeping the traditional design tools. Below are presented some classical tools often used in design activities and particularly using computer-based resources. ― The most commonly used software is Computer Aided Design (CAD) software; it enables the development of geometric models: 3D parts and assemblies (Noël and Brissaud 2003). ― Expert software is employed for specific tasks. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a method of mechanical computer analysis, used to determine stresses and strains in complicated mechanical systems (Dar et al. 2002). Designers use FEA simulations to validate the models developed. ― The Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a specific methodology to evaluate a system, design, process, or service for possible ways in which failures can occur (Stamatis 2003). After identification and evaluation of the known or potential failure, an action plan is carried out to minimize the probability or the effect of this failure. ― Steering tools are used to help the project manager lead the design process. These tools can be able to manage the product model and different indicators. ― Expert tools have been developed to help the project manager prioritise each criteria and each constraint. After this step, this kind of tool helps the project manager make suitable choices. ― Reporting tools are used to automatically generate reports. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 32 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ― Tools to help designers to solve design problems or to easily improve the product. These tools can be in the form of guidelines. ― Faber example: Designers mainly use these tools during the development phase: CAD tool, electrical CAD tool for the wiring design, FMEA and FEA. None of these tools integrate environmental concerns even though the decisions made when using these tools can contribute to the environmental impacts. The product model The product model is based on the CAD-model and it also contains the function model, the life cycle model and the usage model. They are not always formalized but appear as essential for environmental aspects integration. Many different representations of the product life cycle model are completed within PLM software. So, the solution model has to be established with classical design tools and with others tools corresponding to each simplified model. ― The function model is obtained by carrying out a functional and a modular analysis. Thus as a product aims to fulfil one or many functions to satisfy a need, the functional analysis enables the design team to identify the functions of the product and determine the optimal way of providing them (Hauschild et al. 2004). The modular analysis consists of defining sets of components in modules. Each module corresponds to a specific function of the product. ― The life cycle model consists of models of the different life cycle phases; manufacturing, supply chain, use and end-of-life. The objective of this model is to provide designers with the information needed to make life cycle choices that benefit the product from an environmental and economic viewpoint, and to encourage their implementation. Life cycle choices significantly influence a product’s final environmental impact. ― The usage model enables characterization of the use phase. The objective of this model is to better consider the use phase, during the design process. This would be particularly focused on products which need energy and other resources such as water to operate and/or processes that produce waste. The development of clear environmental indicators to assess the use phase, in terms of consumed resources (energy included) and waste generated; is important to enable designers to design a more responsible use pattern. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 33 of 116 Final Version 1.0 2.4.2 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Requirements In this section, the different requirements needed for the development of the G.EN.ESI methodology (and of the G.EN.ESI platform) such as indicators, sustainability calculation module or specific tools are presented. Indicators Different types of indicators are used in the G.EN.ESI. methodology to assess the product; environmental indicators, coming directly or indirectly from the LCA, cost indicators, indicators typically used by the designers, energy efficiency of electrical motors, and other ad hoc indicators such as the recyclability rate or the disassembly rate. The cost indicators consist of two different indicators, the first one representing the financial cost and the second one representing an environmental cost (Kara et al. 2007; Jing and Songqing 2011). Within the G.EN.ESI. methodology, only the cost of design decisions in a traditional sense will be considered. The sustainability calculation module The sustainability calculation module consists of three modules: a simplified life cycle assessment (S-LCA), a simplified life cycle cost module (S-LCC) and a specific calculation module for ad-hoc indicators. This module is managed by the Environmental Design Manager and returns indicators. Data to carry out the calculations come from the suppliers and from the designers’ tools. Here are some details concerning the life cycle assessment (LCA). In eco-design an environmental assessment is about the main function of the product. Thus, the functional analysis will help to determine the functional unit - the reference unit required for the LCA. The modular analysis will also be useful for the life cycle analysis; indeed the contribution of each module to the environmental impacts could thus be calculated. It enables the designers to know the weakness of each module in term of environmental considerations. Dashboard The dash board consists of a panel of suitable indicators that represent the product and then guide the design towards the objectives. The management team chooses This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 34 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION these indicators which will be visible by all the actors involved in the design process. The indicators could come from the calculation module or from indicators directly used by the designers. CBR The CBR tool assists the designers in improving the environmental performance of the product through the utilisation of existing knowledge and relevant eco-design guidelines. The CBR tool is divided into two groups: eco-design guidelines and knowledge about company design choices. Reports With the assistance of the Environmental Design Manager two kinds of reports are generated from the calculation model each with different goals. . The first is dedicated to the management team and consists of an environmental report and a cost report. This report, associated with the dashboard, aims at having a comprehensive vision of the product under development and highlight areas of weaknesses. The second type of reports is dedicated to the designers. The management team can select different features to be shown and reported, for example: ― The component point of view; ― The product point of view (assembly, etc.); ― Another point of view: material, distribution, etc. According to the results described in the report, specific rules and guidelines are suggested to improve the critical points of the product. Specific tools As described above, the calculation module consists of a S-LCA, a S-LCC and a specific calculation module for ad-hoc indicators. In order to realise these calculations, a variety of data is needed. The data required for a simplified LCA often just describe the materials and their manufacturing processes. As such we have to define both for each material used. . In order to carry out an LCC, the cost associated to these materials and processes also have to be collected. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 35 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION The G.EN.ESI. methodology promotes the use of specific tools to assist data collection. To perform a more in-depth LCA data concerning all the life cycle phases must be collected. It is therefore appropriate to distinguish the different types of data according to the life cycle phases. As the energy consumption is a driver for the mechatronic products, the energy efficiency is a crucial issue. To address each life cycle phase we have developed four specific tools reflecting different kinds of data: Eco-Material, 0km tool for the transport phase, DfEE (Design for Energy Efficiency) for the use phase and LeanDFD (Lean Design for Disassembly) for the end-of-life phase. These tools also have the objective to guide the improvement of the environmental performance of the product. Indeed, after the assessment realised by the calculation module, feedback is generated for the designers in order to give them objectives for redesign. As such these tools include optimization modules, that compare design changes and help the designer identify hoe to improve the environmental assessment. Therefore these tools are required to gather information about the life cycle data of the product, but also to provide optimisation modules in order to improve the environmental features of the product. Structure Figure 3 represents the main elements described in this section and the relationships between them. To sum up, the project manager is in charge of the product model and the dashboard including indicators. The Environmental Design Manager works on the sustainability calculation module to get indicators and reports. Obviously, the project manager and the Environmental Design Manager work together to manage the project and to make the decisions. The designers use their tools to realise their tasks and satisfy the requirements and the constraints. Suppliers provide data to the specific tools. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 36 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Project management team Product model Dashboard Relevant indicators Environmental Design Manager Sustainability calculation module LCA Specific calculation module LCC Indicators CBR Reports Previous knowledge Guidelines Designers Classic design tools Specific tools EcoMaterial 0km DFEE LeanDFD Data collection and Optimisation Communication Data fluxes Feedback Suppliers Figure 3: Elements of the methodology This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 37 of 116 Final Version 1.0 2.4.3 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Steps of the methodology The G.EN.ESI. methodology (Figure 4) consists of six main phases: ― ― ― ― ― ― Functional analysis Determination of environmental hot spots Determination of the environmental strategies and deployment in indicators Guidance Sustainability check Impacts of the decisions in the long term company objectives The phases are described in the following paragraphs. 1) The first step of the methodology is to carry out a functional analysis and a modular analysis for an existing product. This approach is useful either for the realization of a new product and for the optimization of an existing product (D1.2). The modular analysis concerns only the redesign of an existing product; it consists in defining sets of components in modules. Each module corresponds to a specific function of the product. This is a necessary step because with eco-design the goal is to maintain functionality whilst minimising environmental impacts and using resources efficiently. 2) The second step of the methodology is to realise an initial environmental assessment of an existing product. This consists of identifying the most environmental critical points, called “environmental hot spots”, during the life cycle of the product. The environmental hot spots represent the worst environmental impacts in the product life cycle, for example the energy depletion or the waste production during a specific life cycle stage. Different ways are used to find them, the designer will carry out this step based on: The literature and legislation. The literature is useful to find similar case studies already analysed. One objective of this step is to determine the legislation and standards to which the product is subjected. This can help to determine some priorities to improve the environmental performance of the product; Previous experience. The designer uses their own experience about previous products to guide them in their task; An initial assessment phase. In cases where the product is well defined (e.g. in the case of redesign), the initial assessment is done by a This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 38 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION simplified life cycle assessment (S-LCA) of the existing product. A more qualitative LCA or life cycle approaches can be used to identify potential environmental hot spots when the product is not sufficiently well defined (Hauschild et al. 2004). 3) The next step enables the company, and specifically the design team, to establish the environmental strategy, according to the environmentally critical points highlighted in the second phase. The strategy is then deployed in indicators: the designer’s team set design targets translated in values for the chosen indicators. The design targets depend on different criteria mainly the environmental hot spots, the company objectives, the product or other minor criteria like the place where the product will be used or the type of end-users. 4) Step 4, called the guidance step, aims to help the designer improve the environmental performance of the products using guidelines, checklist, etc. and respecting the standards. The product is optimised according to the priorities and targets established in the previous steps (Hauschild et al. 2004). It is a continuous and iterative phase of assessment, advice and action. Specific modules help the designer in the advising activity: Rules Guidelines CBR tool: the concept of this tool is based on the adaptation of previous solutions to solve the current problems (Janthong et al. 2010). It contains a data base which lists the previous design solutions. This tool enables the reuse of company knowledge and experience. DFD advisor: it provides a specific guideline based on the design for disassembly (DFD) 5) During this step the final sustainability check is carried out. This evaluation highlights the potential points where the design still does not reach the targets. The evaluation phase is based on a collection of data from experts and contributes to the establishment of the different reports. 6) The last step is to assess the impacts of the previous decisions from two perspectives. The first one is about the project itself in order to redefine the strategic indicators if needed. The second one concerns the impacts of the decisions on long term company objectives. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 39 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION 1 Functions and functional unit 2 Environmental hot spots and Legislation Initial assessment Sustainability calculation module 3 Distributed enterprise strategy and Indicators Strategic decisions Dashboard 4 Guidance Actions to improve CBR 5 Sustainability check (collect, evaluate, report) Evaluation phase Sustainability calculation module 6 Impact of the decisions in both the project and the long term Strategic decisions Figure 4: The G.EN.ESI. methodology The next part presents the principle of the case-based reasoning (CBR) database which will be used in the specific phase of guidance (phase 4, Figure 3). It explains how eco-design guidelines can be used to improve product sustainability from the CBR database. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 40 of 116 Final Version 1.0 3 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION INDICATORS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES TO IMPROVE PRODUCT SUSTAINABILITY The aim of this part is to present the first study realised on the indicators for the simplified life cycle assessment (S-LCA) and on the design guidelines to improve sustainability. These contributions give first results but this work will evolve and be continued during the tools specification. 3.1 Indicators for the simplified life cycle assessment tool As far as the indicators for the simplified Life cycle Assessment (S-LCA) tool are concerned, an analysis on how to select them was carried out in WP 1, adopting a twofold approach: i) firstly, the midpoint impact assessment categories and indicators recommended by JRC-IES were considered. ii) Secondly, an analysis of the emerging eco-standards for mechatronic products has been done in order to evaluate whether specific indicators were explicitly required. Overall, the analysis resulted in the identification of the following impact categories and indicators: ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― climate change ozone depletion eutrophication acidification human toxicity (cancer and non-cancer related) respiratory inorganics ionizing radiation ecotoxicity photochemical ozone formation land use resource depletion water consumption energy consumption. In order to select a subset of meaningful impact categories and indicators, the following elements were taken into consideration: This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 41 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ― the tools already available. Since the S-LCA tool will be developed starting out by the GRANTA software, the main characteristics (e.g. impact categories and indicators presently considered, databases used) and constraints (e.g. possibility to conduct the assessment only for a limited set of impact categories, due to license agreements) of the existing software tool were taken into account; ― the final user of the tools: designers, with limited knowledge about the environmental aspects and about the life cycle assessment method; ― the main aims of a study carried out with this tool: to provide information about the main environmental aspects of concern of the product at hand, in order to identify Ecodesign strategies for its improvement; ― the data inputs: data about the materials used, the energy consumption in the manufacturing and use phases, the destination of the product at the end of its life and thus the amount of materials that can be recovered, reuse or disposed off, depending also on its disassembly rate. Moreover, considering that: ― the LCA study should not be carried out according to and in compliance with the ILCD Handbook “General Guidance on Life Cycle Assessment”; ― the purpose of a study carried out with the simplified LCA tool is not to get any third-party certification, such as an Environmental Product Declaration or any other Type III labels. The following short list has been drafted: ― ― ― ― 3.1.1 Resource depletion Climate change Water consumption Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) Resource depletion This impact category is recommended by the ILCD Handbook “Recommendations for Life Cycle Impact Assessment in the European context”. This category is classified as Type II1, i.e. recommended but in need of some improvements, and it makes use 1 The recommended impact categories at midpoint, indicators and characterisation models are classified according to their quality into three levels: "I" ‐ recommended and satisfactory, II”‐ recommended but in need of some improvements, “III” ‐ recommended, but to be applied with caution. "Interim" ‐ a method was This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 42 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION of the CML 2002 method for the life cycle impact assessment calculation (Guinée et al., 2002). The characterisation factors are named ‘abiotic depletion potentials’ (ADP) and expressed in kg of antimony equivalent - to be multiplied with the amount of a given resource extracted - which is the adopted reference element. Characterization factors are given for metals, fossil fuels and, in the case of reserve base and economic reserves, mineral compounds. In addition, the method covers most of the substances/materials identified as critical by the European Commission’s Ad-hoc Working Group on defining critical raw materials. 3.1.2 Climate change This impact category is recommended by the ILCD Handbook “Recommendations for Life Cycle Impact Assessment in the European context”, and it is classified as Type I, i.e. recommended and satisfactory. It makes use of the baseline model of 100 years of the IPCC for the life cycle impact assessment and the indicator considered is the “Radiative forcing as Global Warming Potential (GWP100)”. 3.1.3 Water consumption This is an indicator suggested by the MEEUP methodology for Ecodesign products and as such it is relevant and needs to be considered for the simplified LCA tool. Originally it includes both process and cooling water. However, LCA usually deals with process water, i.e. water from the public grid that is used in a process and is then disposed off through the sewage system or as water vapour to air. Cooling water is often water from a nearby river that is used to cool a process and then returned to the same river. The impact of this “Thermal pollution”, as it has been defined also in the MEEUP methodology, is not well defined and many LCA data sources do not even consider cooling water. An analysis of the Ecoinvent database, which is one of the most used LCA database and also the one used also by the existing GRANTA tool, resulted in the identification of the following types of water included in the database: all water extractions (rivers, lakes, ocean, sole, from wells) except for the water used for cooling and used in turbines in hydroelectric power production, which are not characterized in the impact assessment.. considered the best among the analysed methods for the impact category, but still immature to be recommended. This does not indicate that the impact category would not be relevant but further efforts are needed before a recommendation for use can be given. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 43 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION For these reasons, given that consistency with the Ecoinvent database needs to be guaranteed as it represents the database behind the simplified LCA tool, only the process water will be accounted for with the indicator “Water consumption”. It is measured in m3. 3.1.4 Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) Together with the water consumption, the MEUUP recommends to take into account also the total consumption of energy. As indicator, the CED has been selected. It represents the direct and indirect energy use of a product/service/system throughout the life cycle, including the energy consumed during the extraction, manufacturing, and disposal of the raw materials. Given the existence of diverging concepts for the characterization of the different primary energy carriers and given the consistency to be assured with the Ecoinvent database, the method used by Ecoinvent is suggested for the simplified LCA tool. According to the method adopted in Ecoinvent, the following categories and flows are accounted for by the CED method: Non-renewable resources (fossil: hard coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas, coal mining off-gas; nuclear: uranium; primary forest: wood and biomass from primarily forests) Renewable resources (biomass: wood, food products, biomass from agriculture; wind (wind energy; solar: solar energy, used for heat and electricity; geothermal: geothermal energy; water: run of river hydro power, reservoir hydro power). The cumulative energy demand (CED) is also used as a screening indicator for environmental impacts. Furthermore, CED-values can be used to compare the results of a detailed LCA study to others where only primary energy demand is reported. 3.2 Design guidelines The knowledge which will be the basis of the CBR database can be divided in two groups: eco-design guidelines and knowledge about company design choices. The eco-design guidelines can be divided in general purpose guidelines and specific guidelines. The general purpose ones are grouped by life cycle phase (material selection, process selection, transports, use, end of life), and objective (the purpose achieved after the application of the related guideline) and they are retrieved by the This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 44 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION state of the art in this topic. Specific guidelines for mechatronic products are essentially the EuP directives for each product type and they look mainly at the use phase, in particular at the reduction of the energy consumption and other in-use consumables (water, etc.). The knowledge is represented by all the choices made from designers in the development of other similar products. Using this knowledge, the design process can be assisted and guided in the selection of the best materials, components and so on. 3.2.1 Standard components of mechatronic products The first step in the definition of eco-design guidelines and in the knowledge management is a selection of the mechatronic products to which the study applies; in particular two product families have been chosen: a cooker hood and a washing machine, as they are considered to be illustrative of other mechatronic products. Then for each of these products, functional groups and standard components are defined. Standard components are those components that are common to each model of a specific product family; functional groups represent each of the major functions of a product, each of which is performed by a collection of different components, as shown in the following tables. These tables present the functional groups and standard components for a cooker hood and a washing machine. Table 2: Functional groups and standard components for cooker hoods FUNCTIONAL GROUP Motor + Impeller STANDARD COMPONENT Electric Motor Capacitor Motor Impeller Blower (to the right) Blower Blower (to the left) Chimney Cover Cover Aesthetic Panel Electricity Supply Transformer This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 45 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Electronic Control Board Electronic Board Grease Filter Filters Carbon Filter Lamps Lamps Support Supports Plastic Parts Metal Parts Others Wiring & Connectors Packaging Table 3: Functional groups and standard components for washing machines FUNCTIONAL GROUP STANDARD COMPONENT Frame Cover Support + Cover Top Panel Aesthetic Panel Raer Panel Electric Motor Motor Pulley Belt Drum Rear Drum Flange Front Drum Flange Crociera Washing Group Crociera Shaft Window Glass Window Frame Window Rubber Seal Top Door This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 46 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Pressure Switch Dispenser Hose Cold Water Hose Drainage Hose Idraulic Group Water Pump Hose Water Pump Water Tub Water Tub Hub Water Tub Flange Soap Dispenser Soap Dispenser Heat Converter Electric Resistance Damper Spring Damping Group Counterweights Rubber Foot Electronic Board Electronic Board Plastic Parts Others Metal Parts Wiring & Connectors Packaging 3.2.2 Eco-design guidelines classification The second step of the study is the individuation and the selection of eco-design guidelines. The definition of these eco-design guidelines is based on the state of the art research, completed in Deliverable 1.1. From the literature it is possible to notice that eco-design guidelines often provide general indications related to different stages of the design process and to different phases of product life cycle. In this analysis, each specific eco-design guideline is classified on the basis of the life cycle phase to which it is related, the objective that the guideline aims to reach and the standard component to which it is connected. In order to facilitate the guideline consultation and to make it effective for designers, a first subdivision is proposed. Eco-design guidelines can be, at first, subdivided in guidelines related to products and to components. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 47 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Eco-design guidelines related to products are all those indications that can be associated to different product families, and provide general recommendations valid for different products. An example of guidelines related to product is “Minimize components number”, which is applicable to all products in order to improve their recyclability and minimize disassembly time. Through consideration of each of these general eco-design guidelines, the designer is able to develop a global understanding of the best design choices and identify critical areas upon which to focus. This typology of these guidelines does not refer to a specific life cycle phase, but can concern different stages of the product life cycle and design process. Ecodesign guidelines related to the product are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Eco-design guidelines related to products (Sources: see Eco-Design guidelines References) GENERAL GUIDELINE LIFE CYCLE PHASE OBJECTIVE Minimize component number Material selection, Production process, End of life Improve product recyclability, Minimize disassembly time Minimize material types used in the product Material selection, End of life Improve product recyclability, Minimize disassembly time Optimize product functionality All Increase product life time Prefer simply, easily dismountable and reparable parts Material selection, Production process, End of life Improve product reparability, improve disassemblability of the product, Improve product reparability Avoid painted parts of plastic parts Production process Improve product reparability Facilitate access to product components Use (maintenance), End of life Improve disassemblability of the product, Increase product recyclability Optimize product functionality Use phase Minimize resources and energy consumption Optimize product efficiency under its most common conditions Use phase Minimize resources and energy consumption Permit to use product and its components as much as possible Use phase Minimize resources and energy consumption Appropriate selection of materials and their compatibility (*) End of life Improve product reparability, Improve disassemblability of the product This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 48 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Prefer simply, easily dismountable and reparable parts End of life Improve product reparability, Improve disassemblability of the product Minimize the number and typology of fasteners used in an assembly End of life Improve product reparability, Improve disassemblability of the product Standardize fasteners used End of life Improve product reparability, Improve disassemblability of the product Facilitate access to product components End of life Improve disassemblability of the product, Avoid the use of screws, adhesives, welding, fast coupling End of life Improve product reparability Pay attention to the complexity of disassembly instruments End of life Minimize disassembly time (*) Related to metals some indications can be suggested: ― ― ― ― Unplated metals are more recyclable than plated ones. Low alloy metals are more recyclable than high alloy ones. Most cast irons are easily recycled. Aluminium alloys, steel, and magnesium alloys are readily separated and recycled from automotive shredder output. ― Contamination of iron or steel with copper, tin, zinc, lead, or aluminium reduces recyclability. ― Contamination of aluminium with iron, steel, chromium, zinc, lead, copper or magnesium reduces recyclability. ― Contamination of zinc with iron, steel, lead, tin, or cadmium reduces recyclability Eco-design guidelines related to components, instead, can be divided further on general and specific indications. The general ones are applicable to almost all components of different product families and provide suggestions about specific components of a product. Designers can use this advice to understand how to improve the environmental sustainability of the components they design. General eco-design guidelines related to components are shown in Table 5. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 49 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Table 5: General guidelines related to components (Sources: see Eco-Design guidelines References) GENERAL GUIDELINE LIFE CYCLE PHASE OBJECTIVE Prefer high quality materials Material selection, Use, End of Life Minimize component weight, Reduce wear in the use phase, increase product lifetime. Avoid toxic substances Material selection Minimize component toxicity Use a low number of material and prefer the use of the same material in different parts of the product Material selection Increase product recyclability Avoid the use of alloy and composite materials Material selection Increase product recyclability, Minimize disassembly operations Use recycled materials Material selection Increase product recyclability Identify component material with code Material selection Increase product recyclability, Minimize disassembly time Prefer materials with a high level of recyclability Material selection Increase product recyclability Prefer surface treatments or structural arrangements to protect products from dirty, corrosion, and wear Production process Reduce maintenance, Increase product life time Consider emissions in air of greenhouse effect gas, volatile organic compounds, and acidification phenomena Production process Minimize emission impact of production process in air Consider introduction in water of heavy metals and organic pollutions Production process Minimize emission impact of production process in water Consider ground introduction of pollutions, leachate Production process Minimize emission impact of production process in ground Reuse in secondary processes waste of primary processes Production process Minimize waste generation in production process Prefer high efficiency components Use phase Minimize resources and energy input This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 50 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION . It is possible to notice that the general eco-design guidelines for components different life cycle phases of the product. Another important note is that not all guidelines can be related to all the components, in fact the suggestion concerning the use phase, like for instance “Prefer high efficiency components” can be referred only to energy using components (e.g. electronic motor, lights) and not to the other (e.g. covers, supports, etc). In order to avoid the visualization of useless information, the implementation of the CBR tool will be organized to ensure that only relevant indications, related to the specific component being analysed are presented, and therefore selected, by designers. Specific eco-design guidelines related to components, derive from EuP directives and are associated to the specific components of the product family (cooker hoods, washing machines). These guidelines refer to the use phase and aim to minimize the energy consumption of the relevant components. These are shown in the Table 6. Table 6: Specific guidelines related to components (Sources: see Eco-Design guidelines References) SPECIFIC GUIDELINE Prefer high efficiency motor Prefer high efficiency pump Prefer resistance with low power absorbed Prefer high efficiency motor Maximize air flow rate for the same quantity of absorbed power LIFE CYCLE PHASE PRODUCT CATEGORY Use phase Washing machine COMPONENT OBJECTIVE Electric Motor Maximize energy efficiency index Use phase Washing machine Water pump Maximize energy efficiency index Use phase Washing machine Electric Resistance Maximize energy efficiency index Electric Motor Maximize energy efficiency index Motor Impeller Minimize energy efficiency index Use phase Use phase Cooker hood Cooker hood This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 51 of 116 Final Version 1.0 Prefer lamps characterized by low energy consumption D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Use phase Cooker hood Lamps Increase of lighting efficiency These rules are all sourced from literature or from companies practice. To be applicable during the design process, they have to be well described and help designers make decisions. They should be classified depending on their importance regarding the product under study. They should also be quantified to help designers to measure improvements. Because they are context dependent (a designer won’t choose a rule about which he has limited understanding) a procedure for selecting the rules has to be developed. 3.2.3 Knowledge about past design choices The knowledge is composed of all the design choices made by designers through previous use of the G.EN.ESI Platform. During the design process, the designer chooses the product family and assigns each component to a specific standard component. In this way the tool is able to collect all the data selected in the platform tools (materials, processes, third part components, transports, use information and end of life strategies) for each product component and to store the knowledge in the CBR database. Also environmental and cost indicators are stored in the database for each component allowing classification under these factors. During the design process a designer can consult both guidelines and knowledge; guidelines help him to make the right choices in the different life cycle phases, the past experiences permit him to evaluate the choices for the specific standard component. Given that both guidelines and past choices are linked to standard components, a link between guidelines and previous choices can be observed. Through this link it is possible for the designer to easily identify the relevant eco-design guidelines, based on the previous design choices stored in the CBR tool. This knowledge is visualised by the designer each time a component is analysed and selected, retrieving the past choices for the specific standard component. The users also have the ability to order and show the knowledge from each different database query. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 52 of 116 Final Version 1.0 4 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION BRIEF APPLICATION OF THE G.EN.ESI ECO-DESIGN METHODOLOGY TO IMPROVE ECO-SUSTAINABILITY OF AN HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE: COOKER HOOD CASE STUDY This part exemplifies application of the G.EN.ESI methodology to a cooker hood, redesigned through use of the previously described guidelines. It is not a complete study, presenting only two indicators, but it is instead use to illustrate the application of the methodology. The six main steps of the methodology are highlighted in the different sections. 4.1 Functional analysis The analysed cooker hood is a Faber product, a basic model with these principal characteristics: ― ― ― ― ― ― ― Maximum flow air: 660 m3/h Maximum power consumption: 230W Speed number: 4 Touch control Lighting: 2 halogen lamps Air filter: Aluminium Noise emission: 68 dB(A) The cooker hood standard components are those described in the previous paragraph. For the S-LCA analysis the GRANTA CES Software is used and the following scheme has been followed. ― Aim of the study: the S-LCA analysis has the purpose to identify the most critical cooker hood components in order reduce the product environmental impact by its redesign. ― Functional Unit: the functional unit analysed is a standard size, steel cooker hood of medium-high category, both in terms of cost and of extraction efficiency, with a maximum air flow of 660 m3/h, a maximum fan efficiency of 17%, an electrical motor consumption of 230W and two 20W lamps. The considered lifetime is 9 years. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 53 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ― Modelling hypothesis: the phases that have been studied in the S-LCA of the cooker hood are the following: Material: this phase concerns the analysis of all the processes that come before the realization of a component, i.e. the raw materials procurement, their extraction and their transportation to processing sites. Manufacturing: this phase pertains to all the manufacturing processes necessary for the realization of components. Transport: in the case of the analysed cooker hood, not all the components are internally manufactured by Faber. Some of them are bought from suppliers, and are subdivided into two categories, local and foreign, on the basis of their distance from the manufacturing site. In this phase, the transport of the finished product to the final user is not included as is considered out of scope. Use phase: the information relative to the cooker hood use phase comes from a preparatory EuP study and from Faber departments. The use phase concerns the electrical energy consumption of a cooker hood used for 2h/day for 9 years as ventilation and lighting devices. The electrical energy consumption derives from the functioning of electrical motor and lamps. End of Life: EoL phase has been analysed by hypothesizing product disposal in line with the reports of the Italian consortiums that retrieve and recycle household appliances (Liu et al., 2009; WEEE, 2002; ECODOM, 2008). ― Simplification rules: the analysis did not take into consideration small parts like screws and other parts whose percentage weight was negligible when compared to the total hood weight. Another simplification was to omit the manufacturing phase of the purchased components, due to the difficulty of mapping their whole manufacturing cycle. For those components the manufacturing phase is simplified by appropriate assumptions on materials and processes. ― Indicators: The considered indicators are CO2 Footprint (Kg) and Energy Consumption (MJ). Those indicators are those included in the GRANTA CES software. The first one is an environmental impact (CO2 emission) and the second one could be classified as a designer indicator (consumed energy). This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 54 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Due to their interdependency, we should define if it is pertinent to present the both indicators but here, they provide a useful illustration of the results for both kinds of indicators. ― Modelling: GRANTA CES Software is used to perform the S-LCA. This software enables the designer to conduct an analysis of a product considering all the life cycle phases. 4.2 Assessment and determination of environmental hot spots This part aims to present the results of the cooker hood assessment, realised using the Eco-Audit tool developed by GRANTA Design. Energy and CO2 footprint are the only two indicators considered in this study. The first two charts show the environmental impact in terms of Energy and CO2 Footprint, of the whole life cycle of the analysed cooker hood, subdivided into Material, Manufacturing, Transport, Use and End-of-life phases. Figure 5: Energy consumption for each life cycle phase of the cooker hood This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 55 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 6: CO2 Footprint for each life cycle phase of the cooker hood Table 7: Values for Energy consumption and CO2 Footprint Energy [MJ] Energy [%] CO2 [Kg] CO2 [%] Material 1680 9.7 99.3 9.5 Manufacture 106 0.6 8.03 0.8 Transport 147 0.8 10.4 1 Use 15400 88.8 927 88.7 Disposal 13.2 0.1 0.92 0.1 End of Life -907 -43.8 These results are useful to help understand where the major environmental impacts are located and as a consequence the environmental criticalities for the analysed cooker hood. The first criticality is represented by the use phase, which has the most important impact on the whole result. However in order to properly evaluate the the other phases, the use phase has been excluded from the analysis. The results obtained are summarized in the Figures 7 and 8. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 56 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 7: Energy consumption for life cycles (use excluded) of the cooker hood Figure 8: CO2 Footprint for life cycles (use phase excluded) of the cooker hood This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 57 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Table 8: Values for Energy consumption and CO2 Footprint (use phase excluded) Energy [MJ] Energy [%] CO2 [Kg] CO2 [%] Material 1680 86.3 99.3 83.7 Manufacture 106 5.4 8.03 6.8 Transport 147 7.6 10.4 8.8 Disposal 13.2 0.7 0.922 0.8 End of Life -907 -43.8 We can notice that the environmental impact is due principally to materials used in the cooker hood, which determine almost all the CO2 produced in the whole life cycle of the product. In particular in order to identify the components with the highest environmental impact, a chart with the environmental impact of material for each component is presented. Figure 9: Energy for cooker hood standard components in material selection This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 58 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 10: CO2 Footprint for cooker hood standard components in material selection 4.2.1 Determination of the environmental strategies and deployment in indicators We can conclude that the components that require attention are: ― Use Phase: Electric motor and halogen lamps (energy using components, responsible of energy consumptions in the hood); ― Material Phase: Chimney, cover, aesthetic panel, and filter (which are the components with the highest environmental impact related to materials). (The deployment of indicators into quantitative targets are not realised here, but would be done in a more complete study...) 4.3 Guidance From the criticalities highlighted in the previous paragraph, the eco-design guidelines are consulted. In this case, there is no possibility to use previous design choices, which is why only the guidelines have been used. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 59 of 116 Final Version 1.0 4.3.1 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Analysis of components with high impact during the use phase At first, the focus is on the energy using components. The specific eco-design guidelines related to the use phase of the cooker hood are considered and applied in addition to general guidelines related to the use phase. They are shown in the following tables. Table 9: General Guidelines referred to the use phase GENERAL GUIDELINE LIFE CYCLE PHASE OBJECTIVE Optimize product functionality Use phase Minimize resources and energy consumption Prefer high efficiency components Use phase Minimize resources and energy input Table 10: Specific guidelines referred to cooker hood SPECIFIC GUIDELINE LIFE CYCLE PHASE PRODUCT CATEGORY COMPONENT OBJECTIVE Prefer high efficiency motor Use phase Cooker hood Electric Motor Maximize energy efficiency index Prefer lamps characterize by low energy consumption Use phase Cooker hood Lamps Increase of lighting efficiency In order to reduce energy consumption the first suggestions provided by guidelines are to use more efficiency components to optimize the product functionality. Then the specific guidelines suggest focusing on specific components and in particular to use a “high efficiency motor”. The motor currently mounted in the cooker hood (called in the follow CS Motor =Current Solution motor) is a Single-phase AC asynchronous motor (8/40x80 K 4V 220-240V 50Hz) with the following characteristics: Table 11: Current Solution motor characteristics Cooker hood motor CS W V m3/h rpm Nm Efficiency Mechanic power (W) Single-phase AC asynchronous motor 230 230 680 1800 1,22 24% 54,464 This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 60 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION A possible alternative motor (referred to in this report as the AS Motor =Alternative Solution motor) for this specific case is represented by a brushless motor, which in these conditions of work can guarantee a higher efficiency and as a consequence a lower energy consumption. The motor proposed has the following characteristics: Table 12: Alternative Solution motor characteristics Cooker hood motor AS W V m3/h rpm Nm Efficiency Mechanic power (W) Brushless motor 150 230 680 1800 0.80 50% 75 In particular the proposed brushless motor can provide a mechanic power of 75 W (close to the mechanic power provided by the CS motor mounted in the hood) by absorbing a power of 150W (compared to the 230 W of the CS motor). The second element taken into consideration in order to reduce the environmental impact of the use phase, as it is suggest by the specific guideline for the cooker hood, is the lighting device; the current lamps mounted in the hood are two halogen lamps of 20W (Current Solution). The alternative lamps proposed are LED typology ones, which guarantee a lower energy consumption (3W) while providing the same luminous of the CS. Table 13: Absorbed power for Current/Alternative lamps Cooker hood lamps Power (W) Halogen lamps 20 LED lamps 3 In order to evaluate the overall reduction in environmental impact due to these two substitutions the following chart has been developed, in which the Current Solution (Single-phase AC asynchronous motor + halogen lamps) is compared in terms of CO2 Footprint and Energy consumption with the Alternative Solution (Brushless motor + LED lamps). This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 61 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 11: Energy consumption for Current/Alternative Solution in the use phase Figure 12: CO2 Footprint of Current/Alternative Solution in the use phase It is possible to notice that the Alternative Solution has a lower environmental impact than the Current Solution mounted in the cooker hood. In particular the CO2 Footprint This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 62 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION and the Energy consumption of the Alternative Solution is about the 58% of the Current Solution. The Alternative Solution proposed, defines a modification of the materials used to make the motor. This modification also effects on the environmental impact of the material selection, as is shown in the following chart. In particular due to the different materials the impact of the material selection is higher for the alternative solution. Figure 13: Energy consumption for Current/Alternative Solution in the material selection Figure 14: CO2 Footprint of Current/Alternative Solution in the material selection This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 63 of 116 Final Version 1.0 4.3.2 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Analysis of components with high impact in the material selection phase The second step of the cooker hood redesign is the analysis of eco-design guidelines referring to the material selection phase. This analysis resulted in the selection of the following suggestions Table 14: General guidelines related to material selection phase GENERAL GUIDELINE LIFE CYCLE PHASE OBJECTIVE Prefer high quality materials Material selection, Use, End of Life Minimize component weight, Reduce wear in the use phase, increase product lifetime. Avoid toxic substances Material selection Minimize component toxicity Use a low number of material and prefer the use of the same material in different parts of the product Material selection Increase product recyclability Avoid the use of alloy and composite materials Material selection Increase product recyclability Prefer materials with a high level of recyclability Material selection Increase product recyclability These indications are considered and applied to those components of the hood with the highest environmental impact. Chimney, cover and aesthetic panel The first components analysed are the chimney, cover and aesthetic panel. All these components, which represent the highest contribution to the weight of product, are realized in Anodized Steel AISI 430. By the use of the CES software is possible to search an alternative material in the database, considering many characteristics, such as chemical, physical and mechanical properties, cost, energy consumption and emission during the manufacturing processes, energy consumption during the dismantling processes. By considering all these data of several different materials,Wrought Annealed AISI 410S was selected. This material can be This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 64 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION considered as a valid substitute of the current solution. The following chart shows the results in term of CO2 Footprint and Energy consumption for the Current Solution (cooker hood with Anodized Steel AISI 430) and Alternative Solution (Wrought Annealed AISI 410S). Figure 15: Energy consumption for Current/Alternative Solutions in Material selection This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 65 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 16: CO2 Footprint for Current /Alternative Solutions in Material selection It is possible to notice that the Alternative Solution has a lower environmental impact both in terms of CO2 and Energy than the Current Solution. Grease filter From the Eco-Audit we identified the filters as critical elements contributing to the impact of the product cooker hood; in fact the amount of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, when compared to their weight, have significant value. The current filter used by Faber, is manufactured in Aluminium 3103 wrought O, which has a high level of environmental impact, due to the complexity of obtaining and producing the raw materials, as well as the energy consumption required to produce the finished product. Through reference tothe guidelines presented in the Table 11, different material solutions for the filters are analysed. In particular two possible alternatives are analysed, a Al 3103 O Mn filter and stainless steel 18/10 AISI 304 L – X5CrNi1810 filter. In both cases, the alternative solutions, presented a higher environmental impact than the current one. For this reason the material substitution is not advised. Reduction flange In the particular model of hood analysed, this component has the scope to transport air towards the filter and then outdoors. It is made from PPhp30%talc and the redesign process aims to find a material with a lower environmental impact on the overall life cycle of the product. The methodology followed in this research is the same for the other materials: definition of physic, chemical and mechanical properties, cost, energy consumption and emissions related to the alternative materials and selection from different solutions of those that respect all the defined property values. In this case, a possible alternative solution is another polymer, PPhp 40%talc that can be considered as a valid substitute of the current solution. The following charts show the results in terms of CO2 Footprint and Energy consumption for the Current Solution (Reduction flange with PPhp30%talc) and Alternative Solution (Reduction flange with PPhp 40%talc). This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 66 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 17: Energy consumption for Current /Alternative Solutions in Material selection Figure 18: CO2 emission for Current /Alternative Solutions in Material selection It is possible to observe that in this particular cooker hood model, the function of transporting air is realized only by the reduction flange, while in different models, in particular for filtering cooker hood, this function is realized by a higher number of components. For this reason, the small environmental improvement obtained with this modification may be higher in different cooker hood designs. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 67 of 116 Final Version 1.0 4.3.3 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Analysis of components with criticality on disassembly The application of Design for Disassembly principles can be summarized in specific eco-design guidelines, as presented in the following table. These guidelines allow the designer to consider a wide range of environmental impacts. For example the consequences of operating on the basis of DfD rules, can have significant impacts on the recyclability of a product, resulting in a reduction of environmental impacts of the end of life phase. Table 15: General guidelines related to end of life phase GENERAL GUIDELINE LIFE CYCLE PHASE OBJECTIVE Appropriate selection of materials and their compatibility End of life Improve product reparability, Improve disassemblability of the product Avoid the use of screws, adhesives, welding, snap fit, fast coupling End of life Improve product reparability Pay attention to the complexity of disassembly instruments End of life Minimize disassembly time Prefer simply, easily dismountable and reparable parts End of life Improve product reparability, Improve disassemblability of the product Facilitate access to product components End of life Improve disassemblability of the product, By following these Eco-design guidelines, the relative cooker hood criticality is highlighted. For thie model under analysis, a glass panel is used for the controls and glued on to the hood. Because its total detachment from the metal sheet is impeded by adhesive, thei prevents all the glass from being recycled,. In order to guarantee a higher percentage of glass recyclability, a punctual fixing procedure, realized by drilling of glass and inserting screws, is proposed. This solution allows all the glass to be isolated from the hood by the simply unscrewing it from the metal. Furthermore this glass processing is realized by an Italian company, so the environmental benefits obtainable by this alternative solution are not only related to the end of life phase, but also prevent the transportation impacts associated with the adhesive. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 68 of 116 Final Version 1.0 4.3.4 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Analysis of components with criticality on transport phase The most critical components in terms of transportation impacts are the lamps and motor, both of which are bought from Chinese suppliers. In order to apply the indications suggested by general eco-design guidelines for the transport phase, the alternative solution proposed is to acquire these two products from Italian suppliers. The following charts show the results in term of CO2 Footprint for the Current Solution (lamps and motor acquired from China) and Alternative Solution (lamps and motor acquired from Italy). The graphs show the significant reduction of CO2 emissions by choosing local suppliers for the two commercial components, lamps and motor. Figure 19: CO2 emission related to transport phase for Current /Alternative Solutions of lamps in transport phase This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 69 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 20: CO2 emission related to transport phase for Current /Alternative Solutions of motor in transport phase 4.4 Sustainability check It is useful to summarize all the modifications proposed for the cooker hood, by the application of the eco-design guidelines. This allows us to compare the new solution with the old one and check the potential improvements. Table 16: Modifications proposed Component Modification Description of modification Chimney, cover and aesthetic panel Material From Anodized Steel AISI 430 to Wrought Annealed AISI 410S Reduction flange Material From PPhp30%talc to PPhp 40%talc Motor Typology From Single-phase AC asynchronous motor to Brushless typology Supplier From Chinese to Italian This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 70 of 116 Final Version 1.0 Light Glass D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Typology From Halogen to LED Supplier From Chinese to Italian Manufacturing process From glued to punctual fixed glass In the following charts the LCA analysis results for the Current hood and for the redesigned one are shown. Figure 21: Comparison of energy emission for Current / Alternative solution This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 71 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Table 17: Values of Energy consumption for Current/Alternative Solution Energy [MJ] Current Solution Alternative Solution Material 1680 1690 Manufacture 106 121 Transport 147 49.8 Use 15400 8910 Disposal 13.2 13.8 Eol potential -907 -970 Figure 22: Comparison of CO2 Footprint for Current /Alternative solution This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 72 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Table 18: Values of CO2 Footprint for Current/Alternative Solution CO2 Footprint [Kg] 4.5 Current Solution Alternative Solution Material 99.3 99.8 Manufacture 8.03 9.13 Transport 10.4 3.54 Use 927 536 Disposal 0.92 0.963 Eol potential -43.8 -48 Impacts of the decisions in the long term company strategy This step is not developed in this case study but we can illustrate it with an example. We have shown some components changes to environmentally improve the product. We showed notably that we change suppliers from Chinese to Italian suppliers. The change of supplier for a local one could become a long-term a company strategy. 4.6 Conclusion The precedent analysis of this specific case study shows how specific and general guidelines can be used for redesigning a product in order to improve its environmental performance. The aim of the G.EN.ESI platform will be to link specific and general guidelines with existing environmental data of the product, in order to give the company new ways to integrate eco-design in the design of new products. After defining the methodology of the G.EN.ESI platform through this specific case study, the following parts of the document will present how this methodology could be implemented within a company, in order to improve the environmental performance of its products. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 73 of 116 Final Version 1.0 5 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION ECO-DESIGN APPROACH IN COMPANIES This chapter presents the results of a survey carried out in companies aiming at understanding their position on eco-design and at showing how eco-design is implemented in the design process. 5.1 Research Methodology From November 2010 until April 2011, the eco-design or recycling managers of five companies located in France were interviewed. One of these companies was from the automotive sector, and four from the electrical and electronic equipment. The interviews were telephone based and lasted an hour, with the questions divided into the following five sections: A – Presentation of company: a set of questions about the size and activity of the company; B – Presentation of a product stated as an example for the corporate ecodesign practices C – Design practices: questions about the corporate design practices such as main steps, average duration, persons involved, tools used (CAD, PLM, etc.); D – Eco-design objectives: what motivates the company into practicing ecodesign (regulations, labels, markets, etc.); E – Experience in eco-design: how eco-design is organised within the company. The aim of these questions was to establish an understanding of current design and eco-design practices within companies, how they are integrated into design projects and the motivations and goals behind their use. From these interviews, a common pattern was aimed to be found and a SADT model has been proposed to summarize these practices and the interactions between the various actors involved in design projects. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 74 of 116 Final Version 1.0 5.2 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Outcome Despite focusing on only five companies, the study showed in particular a high diversity of practices and the difficulty to draw a generic eco-design process. Consequently, it has been decided to focus on the identification of collaborative activities observed in eco-design projects and means to support these activities. This scenario is described in the following sections with IDEF0 diagrams. 5.2.1 Collaborative Activities During Eco-Design Projects Due to the large number of different tools in the studied companies (guides, guidelines, etc.), their format (PDF, MS Excel, etc.), and their use by corporate experts or contractors, no generic scenario could be identified. However, a first generalisation including alternatives has been possible; in particular all participants declared that eco-design happens during preliminary and detailed design. Figure 23: Level 0 for the eco-design process SADT representation In Figure 23, the design steps (preliminary design and detailed design) indicated by the interviewees as the steps when eco-design happens are represented. Basically, both design steps are similar, only the level of details of the available data varies This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 75 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION along the design process. More precisely, the customers’ requirements enter as specifications into the preliminary design step. This function is carried out by the joint action of a design team and their design tools, an ecodesign guide, guidelines, an ecodesign expert with knowledge about the integration of environmental criteria into the product, and possibly contractors to carry out specific studies. The activities are dependent on the decision to launch a design project, the use of technologies which have never been used before by the company, the choice to hire a contractor to perform environmental studies, and the corporate strategies. The outcome is a design configuration which is then used during detailed design. Detailed design involves the same mechanisms and controls and its output is the detailed specification of the product. Finally, this specification is used during production by the ecodesign expertise and the marketing department in ways described later but still dependent of the corporate strategies and decisions. The output is a gain in experience which upgrades the ecodesign guide, the dashboard, and other design documents. The ecodesign expertise is not necessarily a person per se but represents the knowledge and know-how which can be owned by one of the members of the design team. Another issue here is to determine whether the environmental assessment will be carried out by a corporate expert or a contractor. A closer look at the scenarios during preliminary design and detailed design is given in the following Figure 24 and Figure 25. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 76 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 24: Level 1 for the eco-design process SADT representation (preliminary design) Figure 25: Level 1 for the eco-design process SADT representation (detailed design) This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 77 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION The interactions between the different design actors do not change from one design step to the next, whereas the level of details vary as the design project moves forward. For the 5 case studies, the environmental assessment function was represented graphically in Figure 26. Three tools, fed with the product bill of materials, were used. Firstly, a life cycle assessment (LCA) can be performed by a corporate ecodesign expert. The choice depends on the corporate strategies and the corporate policy in the choice of contractor. Secondly, recyclability rates may need to be estimated with an internal or commercial tool or data from recyclers. In this case also, corporate strategies and policy for selecting a contractor is influential. Finally, the BOM is an opportunity to collect information about the suppliers and to analyse the substances. These three functions end up with the redaction of a specific environmental assessment report which is the outcome of this phase. Figure 26: Level 2 for the eco-design process SADT representation (environmental assessment activity) This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 78 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION During the production step, the outputs of the previous phases (environmental assessment report, commitments, key results, final detailed design) are used in three ways (Figure 27). Firstly, all the knowledge and experience gained is used by the corporate ecodesign expert to update the ecodesign guide. Secondly, this information is translated according to the corporate strategies in order to update the dashboard. Thirdly, it is used for external communication after adaptation by the ecodesign expert and the marketing department, which add value to the environmental assessments. Figure 27: Level 1 for the eco-design process SADT representation (production) 5.3 Conclusion This study provides an overview of eco-design practises for 5 companies in France. The scenarios constructed are generic but describe the current actions needed in relation to eco-design that should be supported by the GENESI platform. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 79 of 116 Final Version 1.0 6 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION DEFINITION OF THE NEW TO-BE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS FOR FABER AND VECTRON This section aims at integrating the eco-design methodology into the traditional design process. To achieve that, the G.EN.ESI. methodology described in section 2 and the results highlighted in section 5 are used. The IDEF methodology and the design process of FABER (see deliverable D.1.1) was used to implement these steps. Many of the activities are common with VECTRON (APPENDIX 1), thus the work is easy to implement in the VECTRON design process. 6.1 Resources In this section, resources (Figure 29) required to implement the G.EN.ESI eco-design methodology are briefly presented. Environmental Design Manager The environmental design manager is responsible for the introduction and integration of environmental issues within the design process. This individual may come from the existing design team following intensive training or from outside the company, either as a new employee or a consultant. This will depend upon available man power and budget, but should also consider the likelihood of acceptance by the wider design team, as some may be resistant to change. This manager would be required to understand the environmental perspective of the product and development process and have knowledge of LCA and costing processes. Their primary role would be to support the introduction of environmental issues throughout the design development team. This would be achieved by working alongside existing management and design teams, representing and discussing relevant environmental issues with each department. This would include helping management define environmental requirements, particularly during a company’s first environmental design project; partaking in project kick-off meetings; working alongside design teams to perform assessments and develop concepts; and communicating the environmental needs of the product and design process to those outside the design development team. In the long term the aim would be for this role to be removed once environmental awareness had reached a level suitable for shared responsibility. At this point designers would be able to integrate environmental considerations into their daily activities without assistance. The environmental expert could then return to their original role or be given a new role within the development team. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 80 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Eco-design Software Tools As part of the introduction of the G.EN.ESI methodology and platform, companies will need to familiarize themselves with a number of new software tools designed to help streamline eco-design application and learning. 1) Calculation Module The calculation module consists of the S-LCA, S-LCC and specific calculators for ad-hoc indicators, such as recyclability rate, energy consumption in use, etc. These are the primary software tools of the platform, calculating the environmental impact and through life cost implications of a design. These tools are used in a very simplified form during the feasibility phase of the product development process and in a more detailed form during the development process. 2) Life Cycle Impact Tools In addition to the whole life cycle tools, the platform also provides a suite of tools dedicated to each life cycle phase; eco-material tool, in-use energy consumption tool (DfEE), transportation tool (0km), and end of life tool (lean DfD). These tools aim to reduce the burden of data collection required for life cycle design, by making information from supplies, databases and previous experience available to designers during the design process. Due to the conceptual nature of the design at the feasibility phase, only the ecomaterial tool would be utilised for the low-detailed analyses, with the remaining life cycle information coming from generic databases and previous experience. Once component selection and design details become more concrete, the additional tools, listed above, can be used to conduct first detailed environmental and cost analyses, during the development phase. Due to the late stage at which some detailed analyses takes place, their primarily function would be to inform the next product generation (see Knowledge Feedback Loop in Section 1.5). 3) Life Cycle Information Tools To power these tools information input tools are required. Within the G.EN.ESI platform there are two specific tools for this function. CBR Tool: The cased base reasoning tool (CBR) contains best practice eco-design guidance and life cycle data from previous product generations or similar products, informing target setting, benchmarking and design development activities. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 81 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Supplier Web Portal: This tool is vital to the operation of the platform and requires suppliers to input life cycle information (both environmental and economic) about the products they provide. To ensure the success of the web portal, it is essential that trusting relationships are built between buyer and supplier. This will demand considerable resource commitment and appreciation of the sensitivity surrounding certain information requests. 4) Dashboard The dashboard is embedded within the designers CAD package presenting dynamic and visual feedback of the life cycle calculations. The purpose of this dashboard is to help encourage environmentally considered design decisions during the feasibility and development phases. 6.2 Inputs Environmental Requirements The environmental requirements for a new product will embody the environmental business objectives set by the company management team. For the first environmental project within the company, the environmental expert will be needed to help the management team set objectives and define requirements. This process would be helped through use of the case-based-reasoning tool, which will contain information relating to existing LCA’s and best practice approaches within the relevant industry. Once the company has completed their first environmental design process they will be able to draw on this experience, and the understanding it has given them, to set requirements for second generation eco-designed products. Life Cycle Data Life cycle data results from the assessment completed by each tool of the platform. For the first low level assessment this data may need to come from the CBR tool, guidelines and the knowledge of the environmental design manager. However, as progress is made previous outputs from each of the dedicated tools will become available and will be captured within the platform. Environmental Report Environmental reports detail the life cycle impacts of a product, focussing particularly on the results of the check, to highlight the impact design changes have made. Two environmental reports are developed during the product development process; a low detailed report documenting the environmental process undertaken during the initial This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 82 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION preliminary design (A1.3) and identifying environmental hotspots for the current design development project, and a high detail report documenting the environmental process undertaken during the detailed design (A2.5) and identifying environmental hotspots for the next design development project. The first report is generated to inform the current design team. This report would include a comparison to the previous generation where this exists. The results contained within this report are used by the design team and environmental design manager to help shape the development phase. The second report is generated to inform the eco-design objectives and environmental requirements for the next product generation. Both reports are captured in the CBR tool. Cost report This will summarise the cost data from the platforms LCC tool, detailing the cost implications of the design decisions made. Again two reports would be produced from the low and high detailed assessments, helping to steer project progression and inform next generation development. 6.3 Design Process Stages 6.3.1 Feasibility (A.1) (Figure 31) Kick-off meeting (A.1.1) Design managers and environmental design manager meet to discuss the new development project. The inclusion of the environmental design manager ensures that environmental issues are addressed from the start of a project. As time goes on and awareness of environmental issues within the management team increases, the need for this environmental design manager should diminish. Preliminary design (A.1.3) (Figure 32) Preliminary design (A.1.3.1): Design team and environmental design manager conduct initial concept development with regards to all design requirements including environmental requirements. Data extraction (A.1.3.2): Collection of the relevant design details from initial concepts and, where computational collection is unavailable, input of these details into the platform. This data collection enables the initial assessment. This would require contribution from the design team, environmental design manager and BOM manager. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 83 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Preliminary assessment and determination of environmental hot spots (A.1.3.3): The calculation module is used to perform a low detailed assessment (S-LCA and LCC) of the preliminary design and compare this to previous generations where data is available. The results of this assessment would be visually displayed to the design team and captured in the first environmental and cost reports. Translation of the results in targets (A.1.3.4): The environmental design manager and design team work together to understand the design implications of the preliminary assessment and translate these into design targets for the next stage of development. Design Change (A.1.3.5): The design team and environmental design manager work together to improve the environmental performance of the design concepts based on the design targets defined in the previous steps (A.1.3.4). This can be supported by input from the CBR tool and eco-design guidelines contained within the platform. Check (A.1.3.6): Environmental and cost implications of design changes are dynamically represented to the design team allowing them to check against targets. This is likely to result in iterative changes and checks until the team is happy with the concept. The final output of this step is captured in the first environmental and cost reports. It should be noted that although these steps are described distinctly and at length, in reality they relate to a dynamic and fluid process that takes place between the design team and the software. As the tools would provide instant feedback and comparison to previous generations, the design team is likely to repeat these steps, or at least a collection of them, several times within one product development project. 6.3.2 Development (A-2) (Figure 33) Detailed Environmental Development (A.2.5) (Figure 34) Data extraction (A.2.5.1): Extraction of relevant design data from each departments design models and outputs from the low level LCA and LCC. This should be achieved automatically by the platform software. Detailed assessment and determination of future environmental hot spots (A.2.5.2): The calculation module is used to perform a high detailed assessment of the design and compare this to previous targets. The results of this assessment would be visually displayed to the design team and captured in the final environmental and cost reports. Translation of the results in targets (A.2.5.3): The environmental design manager and design team work together to understand the design implications of the detailed This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 84 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION assessment and translate these into small design targets (those involving simple and easy design changes) for the current design project and more complex design targets to be carried through to the next product generation. It would be the environmental design manager’s job to communicate these larger targets to higher level management; those who set the environmental design objectives. Design Change (A.2.5.4): Where possible the design team and environmental design manager work together to improvement the environmental performance of the detailed design. This can be supported by input from the CBR tool included eco-design guidelines contained within the platform. Check (A.2.5.5): Environmental and cost implications of design changes are dynamically represented to the design team allowing them to check against targets. This is likely to result in iterative changes and checks until the team is happy with the final design. The outputs of this step are captured in the final environmental and cost reports. 6.4 Knowledge Feedback Loop As shown in the previous description this product development process aims to support a gradual learning process within a company. This is done through capturing environmental development between generations of a product. This allows assessments of completed designs to set targets for the next generation of a product, it also ensures that knowledge developed within the design team are communicated to management and integrated into design specifications. This knowledge feedback loop is seen as essential to support a continual reduction in environmental impacts. This feedback loop is shown in Figure 28. Environmental Design Objectives Environmental Requirements Product Development Process Full LCA and LCC data A.0 Figure 28: Environmental Knowledge Feedback Loop This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 85 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION We also need to underline that if the objectives are not reachable with current optimizations, we need to provide CBR for designers to change the paradigm related to their products. Then new selling offers could be proposed for example. 6.5 Conclusion This part highlighted the changes induced by the introduction of the G.EN.ESI ecodesign methodology in the traditional product development process of a mechatronic product manufacturer. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 86 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 29: General product development process with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 87 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 30: Product development process with the four major phases and with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 88 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 31: Feasibility phase with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 89 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 32: Preliminary design with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 90 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 33: Development process with the elements of the G.EN.ESI methodology This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 91 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Figure 34: Detailed environmental development This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 92 of 116 Final Version 1.0 7 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION CONCLUSIONS This deliverable has been realised to present the eco-design methodology developed in the G.EN.ESI. project and to see how the G.EN.ESI methodology could be implemented in a traditional development process within a company. In Section 1 the context and the aims of the activities described in this deliverable are reported. Section 2 defined the G.EN.ESI eco-design methodology. The framework study permitted to highlight the need to apply the methodology in a context of concurrent engineering and specifically in an integrated design approach. Integrated design involves a multidisciplinary team working together on the whole product life cycle. The cooperation between the different individuals is essential and a project manager or a steering team is needed to support the coordination. The changes induced by the introduction of eco-design into an integrated design are then presented. These changes concern all the levels of the company, from the design process to company policy, including the project management team. Section 2 went on to describe the different elements and steps of the methodology. The need for an Environmental Design Manager to supervise environmental activities is highlighted. This person is a member of the steering team and is responsible for the introduction and integration of environmental issues within the design process. The G.EN.ESI methodology is described in six phases: - Functional analysis - Determination of Environmental hot spots - Determination of the environmental strategies and deployment in indicators - Guidance - Sustainability check - Impacts of the decisions in the long term company objectives. Section 3 is divided in two sub-sections: indicators for the S-LCA and design guidelines to improve product sustainability. In the first sub-section, four indicators were highlighted: resource depletion, climate change, water consumption and Cumulative Energy Demand (CED). The second subsection provides the basis for the case-based reasoning (CBR) database, which will be used to provide environmental design guidance The CBR tool is divided into two groups: eco-design guidelines and knowledge about company design choices. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 93 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION In Section 4, the eco-design methodology was succinctly applied to a cooker hood to highlight the possible redesign choices. All the results obtained in this deliverable will enable the team to define the G.EN.ESI software platform. Section 5 presents an analysis of the results obtained by a survey carried out in five French companies. This part provides an overview of eco-design practises in these companies. The scenarios constructed are generic but describe the currently needed to eco-design actions that should be supported by the GENESI platform. In section 6, the matching of the eco-design methodology and the current actions needed to ecodesign (highlighted in a previous part) with the FABER design process were presented in order to illustrate the way eco-design could be integrated. All the results obtained in this deliverable will enable the team to define the G.EN.ESI software platform. The different case study presented in this deliverable can be used as examples in order to implement the G.EN.ESI methodology within a company. The next step for the team is to define precisely the use scenarios of the G.EN.ENSI platform in order to develop the software that will support this methodology. This will be the aim of the next deliverable (D.1.4). This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 94 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION REFERENCES Methodology References Argyris C., 2000. Savoir pour agir. Surmonter les obstacles à l'apprentissage organisationnel. Paris, Dunod. Bertoluci G., Le Pochat S., Le Coq M., 2005. Intégrer l’éco-conception : quelles implications pour les entreprises ?, 6ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Besançon. Blondaz L., 1999. 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La simulation de l’activité comme outil d’aide à la conception et à l’innovation, PhD thesis of Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 96 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Eco-Design Guidelines References Wimmer W., Pamminger R., Stachura M., Grab R., 2005. ECODESIGN in the electronics industry - achieving legal compliance with the EU-directives and environmentally improving products by using the new EEE-PILOT. Fourth International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing. Eco Design 2005. Luttropp C., Lagerstedt J., 2006. EcoDesign and The Ten Golden Rules: generic advice for merging environmental aspects into product development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14 (15-16), pp.1396-1408. Wever R., van Kuijk J., Boks C., 2008. User-centred design for sustainable behaviour. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1 (1), pp.9–20. Rose C.M., Beiter K.A., Ishii K., 1999. Determining end-of-life strategies as a part of product definition. Electronics and the Environment, 1999. ISEE-1999. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on. pp. 219–224. Rose C.M., 2000. Design for Environment: A Method for Formulating Product End-of-Life Strategies. A dissertation submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Committee on Graduate Studies of Stanford University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Georgia Institute Improve.ppt#3 of Technology: Design for disassembly, Co-design: the interdisciplinary journal of design and contextual studies, Dowie-Bhamra, T., 1996 Design for Environment Guidelines, Active disassembly research, February 2005 Design for Disassembly Guidelines, Active disassembly research, January 2005 This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 97 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION APPENDIX 1: ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF BONFIGLIOLI-VECTRON In this section, the product development process of BONFIGLIOLI-VECTRON, an electrical motors manufacturer is presented. IDEF Methodology The IDEF methodology has been used for the formalisation of the design process. Figure 35 illustrates the decomposition principle of an IDEF model. Figure 35: IDEF0 methodology This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 98 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Description of the Bonfiglioli-Vectron Development Process Basically this description refers to the main drive elements, including the software. It is essential that the design of each element is dependent on the complete system. Only by compliance with the rules of modularity and communication can interaction of units work and economical solutions be possible. For example, the typical motor needs a control unit (inverter) and corresponding software to enable operation as well as positioning. The product development process is split into the following four distinct major phases; these phases are also presented graphically and in more detail in Figure 37: Feasibility Development Series production planning Maturity phase Description of resources The following resources are used in the development process (Figure 36): Test facility … is involved in testing of prototypes and series product for life time and efficiency. Mechanical design department … is responsible for the design of mechanical parts and the coordination with production. Electrical design department … has to design electric parts such as wires and connections. Electronic design department … is involved in the design of the control unit and electronic units. Production and assembly … has to check the feasibility and assemblability of new developed parts. Series production preplanning … is responsible for the PPS. Rapid prototyping … is involved in the design (forming, moulding). This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 99 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Supplier … can take effect by appropriate products. BOM … will generate the different BOMs for mechanical, electrical and electronic units. Product management … is responsible for the comparison with competitors and the implementation of minimum requirements. Cost precalculation … is responsible for the determination of preliminary manufacturing costs and monitors the compliance with target costs. Documentation (department) … has to create the product documentation and manuals. Quality department … needs to create the conditions for compliance with quality and safety standards. Used tools: CAD system … refers mainly to the mechanical design (e. g. motor parts and housings). Energy efficiency software … calculates the expected energy consumption under specified load conditions. Simulation software … calculates and simulates the mechanical and electrical “behaviour” of components during interactions with typical applications. Finite element calculation … determines the different influences of mechanical stress and electrical fields. E-CAD … refers mainly to the layout of circuit boards. Compiler … compiles the source code of the controller software. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 100 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Feasibility (A-1) The feasibility phase (Figure 38) determines which efforts are necessary, by what means and in what time a project can be realized. The main target is the proof of the project conception. If the result is negative the project will be rejected. Production customization request (A-1-1) During this phase, it is decided whether a customer request can be realised. In this initial assessment the ,continued product development will be decided based on expected profitability as well as on existing vicinity. This meeting is customer focused and is mainly influenced by the distribution department. Kickoff meeting (A-1-2) During this meeting, concrete details for the realisation of the project will be made. For example, it is decided how the development team is composed and what methods are used to realise the product. Requirement analysis (A-1-3) The development departments determine the requirements of the product. At the end of this process they create a list of specification. Design conception (A-1-4) Here initial concepts and models are presented. Depending on the effort of product development, the models will be detailed or the test phase will start directly thereafter. Prototyping (A-1-5) If necessary more expensive prototypes will be produced and can be used for load tests. It is also possible that an external supplier receives the order to machine special parts or details. Testing (A-1-6) If necessary, some test can be performed. The main objective is to test critical parts or new methods. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 101 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Cost Calculation (A-1-7) The required production cost will be estimated. Especially if new machines are needed, the investments will be crucial. Feasibility release (A-1-8) This is the formal release to start the product development. Development (A-2) The illustrated process (Figure 39) refers to the full range of drive technology. One main goal can be to develop a complete drive package. However, it may be also possible that only a limited series of products has to be developed (e. g. motors). Design FMEA (A-2-1) The FMEA is intended to prevent errors by problems and risks which have already been identified early during the design process. Therefore, appropriate procedures are taken to avoid errors. Ideally, the FMEA should be a process which promotes the innovation of a product. Mechanical design (A-2-2) This phase includes the design and calculation of all mechanical motor parts like shafts, bearings, housing, covers etc. The parts have to be defined in accordance to their strength, life time, assemblability and compatibility. The material selection (and the followed production) should enable the acceptable energy efficiency (e. g. copper instead of aluminium) as well as the cost optimised solution. The primary software tools are CAD and FE. As shown in Figure 40, this phase is as follows: System coordination (A-2-2-1): Here the conditions are set, as the new products can be integrated into an existing product system. This is important (for example) if appropriate control units already should exist for new motors. Preliminary design (A-2-2-2): First drafts and calculations (strength, life time, load capacity, …) are made. Overall installed sizes and dimensions of product parts are already foreseeable. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 102 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION System matching (A-2-2-3): Final check whether the new products conform to the system. FEA and simulation (A-2-2-4): Finite element analysis (mainly mechanical parts like shafts and bearings) and drive simulation. Prototyping (A-2-2-5): Manufacturing of first prototypes for test (including rapid prototyping). Detailed design (A-2-2-6): Detailed drawings and BOM of all parts. Electrical design (A-2-3) Basically, this phase (Figure 41) includes electrical motor parts and connecting elements for motor and electronic. The development takes also into account the design, calculation and definitions of plugs, motor winding and similar hardware. Additionally the material selection and basic design will be realised in accordance to the results of the required motor efficiency. System coordination (A-2-3-1): This development step includes the consideration and completion of the different drive elements. FEA and simulation (A-2-3-2): FE calculation of electrical motor elements and definition of proper simulation models. Mechatronic design (A-2-3-3): Adaptation to mechanical (e. g. couplings and gears) and electronic (e. g. inverter) elements. Electronic design (A-2-4) This development phase is mainly related to electronic components such as circuit boards for inverter. In accordance to Figure 42 the main steps are: System coordination (A-2-4-1): This development step includes the consideration and completion of the different drive elements. Circuit design (A-2-4-2): The design of the circuits is done mainly by means of the E-CAD software. Wiring design (A-2-4-3): This relates mainly to the internal cabling and interfaces of the control unit (inverter). Model (A-2-4-4): Preparation of a model, mainly for inverters. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 103 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Software development (A-2-5) This phase mainly refers to the programming of the software to operate the motor together with the inverter. In some cases also the special programming for customers is required. The main steps, as highlighted Figure 43, are: System coordination (A-2-5-1): Definition of requirements to adapt the software to the motor. Simulation (A-2-5-2): This step is used to verify the software in a simulation process. Temporary software tool (A-2-5-3): This version of the program is tested internally but is not released yet. Final software tool (A-2-5-4): This program version is installed to the real application and has to be accepted by the customer. Specific testing (A-2-6) Depending on the specific components the following tests are required (Figure 45): Endurance test (A-2-6-1): This test is intended to demonstrate the calculated life time of the components. Overload test (A-2-6-2): Here, the drive elements are overloaded up to the limit at which first damages occur. Temperature test (A-2-6-3): Here, for example, the steady-state temperature at rated load is determined. Tightness test (A-2-6-4): Depending on the degree of protection the casings are tested for leaks. Corrosion test (A-2-6-5): This test will simulate the environmental conditions in time lapse. Noise test (A-2-6-6): The noise level of each unit will be measured under different load conditions. Final product release (A-2-7) Certification (A-2-7-1): In this phase, the drive elements are certified to various (international) standards. For special application internal certifications in accordance to the customer specifications are possible. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 104 of 116 Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Final acceptance (A-2-7-2): The departments and the customer accept the product. Product release (A-2-7-3): Finally the product will be released by the product management. Series production planning (A-3) During this phase, the necessary steps are taken so that the product can go into production. These include adjustments to the production machines and the introduction of new manufacturing processes. In practice the difficulties can still lead to small changes in the product. After this process, all drawings and specification have been completed, all parts are covered by the production planning system, assembly instructions and manuals are created and the packaging procedure is described. Maturity phase (A-4) Within this phase the development is completed and the product is presented to the market. The 0 series (pilot series) is then used by special customers for the planned applications. Additionally, if the new development is not a very limited edition, it may be necessary to create catalogues and service programs. This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 105 of 116 Page 106 of 116 Figure 36: General product development process and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Mechanical design department Energy efficiency software BONFIGLIOLI_IDEF0_GENERAL.EDX Test facility CAD system Safety requirements Technical requirements Update previous parts Internal proposal Customer request New technical standards Market analysis Electrical design department Simulation software Knowledge Electronic design department Specific calculation Customer agreement Seriesproduction preplanning Compiler Rapid prototyping Quality department Supplier Cost precalculation Production control A-0 DEVELOPMEMT PROCESS Production and assembly E-CAD Cost control BONFIGLIOLI-VECTRON Schedule Bonfiglioli-Vectron General Product Development Process Software development Finite element calculation Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) BOM Documentation Supplier Node: A0 Product management 0 series Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Page 107 of 116 Figure 37: Product development process with the four major phases and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_1.EDX Technical requirements Update previous parts Internal proposal Customer request New technical standards Market analysis Knowledge FEASIBILITY Competitor A-1 Cost estimation Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Cost control Special components A-3 SERIES PRODUCTION PLANNING Cost calculation FMEA Sample assembly Prototypes Schedule Bonfiglioli-Vectron Product Development Process A-2 DEVELOPMENT Rapid prototyping Customer agreement Production control A-4 MATURITY PHASE Supplier Node: A0 General 0 Series Electronic/print catalogue Quality certification Packaging Manual Assembly instruction PPS implementation BOM Calculation report Soft tool (control unit) Investment Production cost Project plan Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Page 108 of 116 Figure 38: Feasibility phase and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Electronic design department Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_A1.EDX Update previous parts Internal proposal Technical requirements New technical standards Market analysis Software development group PRODUCT CUSTOMIZATION REQUEST A-1-1 Competitor analysis Customer agreement Cost control Rapid prototyping A-1-4 DESIGN CONCEPTION Test facility A-1-5 PROTOTYPING Test planning List of specifications Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Bonfiglioli-Vectron Feasibility Study Seriesproduction preplanning A-1-3 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS Product management A-1-2 KICK OFF MEETING Mechanical design department Knowledge Supplier Test report A-1-7 COST CALCULATION A-1-6 TESTING Schedule Node: A1 A-1-8 FEASIBILITY RELEASE Production cost Investment Rapid prototyping Project plan Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Simulation software Energy efficiency software Rapid prototyping Figure 39: Development process and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Page 109 of 116 Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_A2.EDX Software development group A-2-5 SOFTWARE DEVEOLPMENT Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Mechanical design department Bonfiglioli-Vectron Development Process Supplier ELECTRONIC DESIGN Quality department BOM generator A-2-3 ELECTRICAL DESIGN CAD system Finite element calculation A-2-2 MECHANICAL DESIGN Customer agreement A-2-4 E-CAD A-2-1 DESIGN FMEA FMEA documentation Competitor analysis Production cost evaluation Technical requirements Customer requirements Rapid prototypes Project plan Knowledge Electronic design department Test facility A-2-6 SPECIFIC TESTING Cost control Production and assembly department FINAL PRODUCT RELEASE A-2-7 Node: A.2 Provisional catalogue Cerification FMEA report Service manual Series production preplanning Noise and efficiency test report Electrical BOM Mechanical BOM Calculation (design) report Provisional production plan System compatibility Prototypes Software conception Electrical layout Accessory structure Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Page 110 of 116 Figure 40: Mechanical design phase and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Electrical design department Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_A2_2.EDX Customer requirements Styling requirements System requirements Technical requirements CAD system A-2-2-1 SYSTEM COORDINATION Customer agreement Simulation software A-2-2-3 SYSTEM MATCHING Rapid prototyping machine A-2-2-4 FEA AND SIMULATION Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Bonfiglioli-Vectron Mechanical Design Phase Mechanical design department A-2-2-2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN Finite element calculation Knowledge Supplier conditions A-2-2-5 PROTOTYPING Cost control A-2-2-6 FINAL DESIGN Time schedule Node: A.2.2 BOM Supplier order Prototypes Assembly definitions Simulation report Mechanical system layout Calculation (design) report System structure Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Page 111 of 116 Figure 41: Electrical design phase and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_A2_3.EDX Customer requirements System requirements Technical requirements Mechanical design department A-2-3-1 SYSTEM COORDINATION Knowledge CAD system Electrical design department Calculation report Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Bonfiglioli-Vectron Electrical Design Phase E-CAD system A-2-3-2 FEA AND SIMULATION Customer agreement FE caculation and simulation A-2-3-3 MECHATRONIC DESIGN Cost control Energy efficiency calculation Node: A.2.3 Prototypes BOM System structure Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Page 112 of 116 Figure 42: Electronic design phase and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_A2_4.EDX Customer requirements System requirements Technical requirements A-2-4-1 SYSTEM COORDINATION Mechanical design department Knowledge Electrical design department A-2-4-3 WIRING DESIGN Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Bonfiglioli-Vectron Electronic Design Phase E-CAD system A-2-4-2 CIRCUIT DESIGN Customer agreement Software development Electronical production A-2-4-4 MODEL Cost control Node: A.2.4 Prototypes Supplier order BOM System structure Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Page 113 of 116 Figure 43: Software development phase and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_A2_5.EDX Customer requirements Safety requirements System requirements Technical requirements Electronic design department A-2-5-1 SYSTEM COORDINATION External programmer Knowledge Simulation software Compiler A-2-5-3 TEMPORARY SOFTWARE TOOL Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Bonfiglioli-Vectron Software Development Phase Software development department A-2-5-2 SIMULATION Customer agreement A-2-5-4 FINAL SOFTWARE VERSION Node: A.2.5 Application System structure Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Page 114 of 116 Figure 44: Specific testing and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_A2_6.EDX Customer requirements Safety requirements System requirements Technical requirements A-2-6-1 ENDURANCE TEST A-2-6-2 OVERLOAD TEST Knowledge Bonfiglioli-Vectron Specific Testing A-2-6-4 TIGHTNESS TEST Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Test facility A-2-6-3 TEMPERATURE TEST Test planning A-2-6-5 CORROSION TEST A-2-6-6 NOISE TEST Node: A.2.6 Test report Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Page 115 of 116 Figure 45: Final product release and made possible within the VII Framework Programme This project is co-financed by the European Commission Bonfiglioli_IDEF0_A2_7.EDX Customer requirements Safety requirements System requirements Technical requirements FMEA report Electronic design department A-2-7-1 CERTIFICATION Project schedule Mechanical design department A-2-7-3 PRODUCT RELEASE Quality department Standards (ISO, DIN, IEC, ..) Bonfiglioli-Vectron Final Product Release Software development group A-2-7-2 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Cost control Supplier Product management Node: A.2.7 Application Project documentation Production cost report Certification documents Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Final Version 1.0 D.1.3 G.EN.ESI METHODOLOGY DEFINITION Used and planned tools in the product development process Type of Tool Name / Example Comments on its ability to be used Solid works Substainability Solid works to check Thermal and Mechanic simulation tools. Different types to check Energy consumption and cost calculation tool for (gear) motors. Developed by Bonfiglioli‐Vectron available Energy consumption calculation for drives systems up to 40 axis. Servo Soft available Simulation software for drive units and mechanical elements. ITI SimulationX test phase LCA Database GABI to check Material Database Altium Designer to check Standards/ Directives / Regulatios RoHS 2011/65/EU to interpret Standards/ Directives / Regulatios REACH to interpret Standards/ Directives / Regulatios WEEE 2012/19/EU to interpret Standards/ Directives / Regulatios ISO14001 to interpret Standards/ Directives / Regulatios Product safety 2006 / 95 / EG to interpret Standards/ Directives / Regulatios Electromagnetic compliance (EMC 2004/108/EG) to interpret Tool: Rapid Prototype Alphacam dimensioning printing. available Tool: Heating and humitity cabinet Vötsch VC 4034 Two available Tool: Heating cabinet Vötsch Thermo available Tool: Vibration tester RMS Test manager 1200 available This project is co-financed by the European Commission and made possible within the VII Framework Programme Page 116 of 116