NILES OCTOBER 29, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION *WWW.PIONEERLOCALCOM *saoo THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS ASTRO BOY He's having a blast! Check out the action in this week's Film Clips. J4 SEE PAGE BZ FOOD HALLOWEEN DILEMMA How to manage that 'trick or treat' loot. SEE PIONEERLOCALCOM NEIGHBORHOOD HAUNTS Zombies Natalie Reczek, Maggie Grabowski and Cara Nastali, ail 11, wait for the haunting to begin Saturday as teenagers and preteens joined in to create the Haunted Garage in the basement of the Howard Street Inn in Nues. The annual event allows members of the Niles Teen Center to dress up and scare visitors as they walk through the haunted maze. PAGE 9 (Allen Kaleta/For STh» Visit Oakton. S0E-t'TL0g U S31IN ..LS N0L>10 P'i 0969 ..LSW AI?JX1 OIl8fld S311N .LsIa AIWe49I-1 oriani T 000000 6003 5OO-3LO7 s-w.i BO609 Come and discover why Oakton is the ideal place to begin or continue your college education. Wednesday, November 4, at 4 p.m. Room A145-152, Skokic campus )fl Reserve your seat at www.eakJonedu. Community College 7701 North Lincoln Avenue, Skokie 2 Www.pioneerocaLcom Nl THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 nevvs i PAGE 3 ColeracT: Matt Schmitz, Assistant Managing Editor p: TOB.524.4433 e: Go Mobile! DISTRICT 207 Baird & Warner's New Mobile Search application will forever change the way you search for homes. You can now download our Mobile Search Application to your phone for FREE* by visiting, or by texting BAIRD to 87778. *Ths service s typically free for most mobUe phones. For some devices/carriers, a nominal monthly carrier charge may apply, billed directly to your carrier statement. Union responds to call for concessions Teachers union insists district Fias 'cushion' to weather storm Dy TONY DERTUCA Maine Township High School District 207 offidais aro facing deep cuts to staff and school programming this year in light ofa $17-million deficit. Ken Wallace, the distiici Evanston $899,000 Newer N tyaneon gem W/QPCS-concept kitch/fam im. WBFP,gazebo, media mom BobbiChasiji D893109111 847-491.1t55 MortonGrove $795,000 New coat.45r 4 bah brkk home.(5,1, kllchen,nat, br sulte,hdwdtJo,recrn, Georgekicosla 1D184108270 773-775-1855 Gtencoe,379JeffeonAye $700,058 Charming Custom-Built Brick Iwo-Story on 100x185 LoI, 4B97.lBAattgar. Delialoyce 10183108197 847-491.1855 LIncInwood $599,000 Genwlew PresI lincolewood loweril 8, raimh tn ama,lng park like, llotiotyccad 10194409574 IenrySills 773-775-1855 superintendent lias said the district has ap- a statement saying the associntion voted to table dis- decisions based on incotn- proached the local teachCI'S Union about possibly cussion of the issue because members needed renegotiating their contract, which is not set to plete information." The statement also said more time to roseareis 164TA officials believe the district has enough cash in expire until 2012. The district has yet to revoal details regarding proposed staff cuts, but Wal- "This response was not intended to avoid the sub- lace said concessions made on behalf of the union could save teaching jobs. District officials pitched tite idea to the Maine Teacher's Association on Oct. 9 and gave them 10 days to respond. The MTA recently issued facts. trict tax payers to make solutions that meet the educational needs of our students and fiscal responsi- bility of the district." District 207 officials said a major factor contributing to the large deficit is the low consumer price clistrioct's proposed staffing its general fund to "cushion" itself for a while, "We believe the tax dollars (residents) have contributed in previous years provide a 'cushion' for this difficult economic period," the statement read. "This cuts," according to the 'cushion' will allow the finances will continue to statement. "MTA Leader- community, Board of Education, administration and ject, but rather to allow time for MTA to carry out due diligence in researching the facts, figures and educational impact of the sisip feels it would be a dis- service to students, association members, and dis- $589,000 index, or CPI, which is used to calculate how schools are funded. But the CPI has suffered due to the failing economy and district officials said don't think it's possible to predict what the CPI will do in the future ifthe economy bounces back. "The MTA appreciates the long term concerns and financial projections presented by the administration and Board of Edu- cation," the statement read. "However, even the finest economic minds in the nation cannot predict what vvili happen with the CPI in 12 months. MTA time to make in- deteriorate ifthe economy doesn't rebound and bring CPI with it. tise quality ofeducation de- formed decisions toward MTA leaders said they Coni,ne,it: pio,iecrlocal.covn "Our primary concern is livered in District 207." NLES PUBLIC LIBRARY Upgraded N Redetigned 31- bd!3.lba duplexl Pull lnthd btmnt-e106llentyuluel lDl93l09l10 NatalleKante, 847-491-1835 Event celebrates multiculturalism in village A wide l'ange of ethnie pet-foi-mers and restauraLeurs took part in Nues Pub- tic Library's inaugurttl In- Evanston $519,000 NW twsln (Jiflmeg We;g 251 b,Hwd flus.Sep IA w' FP.Be.3cgirtopkgspc 101t310915g DeliaJoy,, 84749J-Thgs .-'..-----, -. v . -. , 4 . .' - . !.z;. '. NUes . . $510,000 488 Twnl,m clew, paiN. 2505 SF. Sand. Deck. Sam mn w/ l'pi'. Fin bimtj:ecrm. 0193109118 feb51 (hailn Skokie $485,000 Oetlrablefal,yiewrelghbo,dl tpetleraethe4le,rlt oltnlalliving. RebeccaCleal Lincoinwood $440,000 10194409485 Welcmrne bowel Newer taweheme w/toariirg telling & romerNteplacelnthel, 10194409347 773-77$-0093 lpnnPufp,l 773.775-1835 Evanston 'l'ho event showcased eight different dance groups performing traditional and .:: modern dances from all over tise world. . l'erformers iosclucled: Cisoom Sarang Korean Dance Group (Koi'ea); :. : $299,000 10194409515 773775-1855 Northfjefd $275,000 3bed,1.lba,gleaming NW 000rs,f,eihly palnled. Latge FR on LU pkngnpotn. 10191109164 Barbara Palmen 847-495-1855 Northbrook Troupe Nctmastc (Middle $260,000 tilatetale. SoldI, at-lSnnditlon. 3 bedroomnanch w/ latgntun6r,bo,nt CatherineBytne Des Plaines $254,900 Mutt come leidet Ibis home lt quite the bolet. 4 bed- 10194409565 tonmt.twolullba,h 15194405459 773-775-1855 tina Putdy 773-773-1805 Skoke $239,000 Brick Georgln.0rlglraI cnn wIgrt potential t curb appeal. 3br,greatlnc. 15184408156 lrenetungem,an 713-775-1855 Des Plaines $229,900 Whit a dailing br ranch. lldwd (Ir I/out, Updated kit t balh.Puil, Snb,mt 10194409614 Donna Bol,, 847-8051655 Evanston, 584Sheridan Sq $179,900 Updated I bedroam In artage building with garage. Slepttnbeach&patk. 10193909011 IettGn,d,n 041-446-1655 Evanston l8i;6tmi,,w $148,000 Beautiful Sunny Rei,ah 1BRw/5rag, New Kitchen. New [Iec,hardwood. lDI83103000 Gen6lbbt $249,900 Brghl tpci top fir newet oondo.lrg Rugit chIt t 011g InuntW/D.Garpbg. 10193109196 JulleNaumiak 847 451 1855 r Skokie ternoational Celebrtotion ort Sunday. $400,000 daIly teuttodeled 3-bra. 2-loi, ranch. tat-In kilchen penttohugepR. 10993109219 cOwIng 947-471-1955 . Lots oltying space ¡n thu bl-lecci feiturng cith ceiling, in liv(dí,rm Dine5taton Evanston 847-4911655 0911es 8 $145,000 Renai,tance2tidfl 1 br orille in kitohen.laund,yln unit Oalheatrd09r. 1099440713, Patricia Hutton H47-833-1855 East); Soko Folkore Dance Halloween safety tips u Set a curfew far your child. I Give your child a cell phone to use in case of an emergency. Try to dress your children in bright, sale costumes. Do not allow a costume that may be clumsy or cause them to trip or fall, Make sure they can sue through any masks. Give your child some sort of glow stick or light that will be visible by drivers. Hass them take a flashlight as well. Tell them to stay in the neighborhood and only go to homes that are well it and look like they welcome trick-or-treaters. . Tell them to never enfer anyone's home that they are not familiar with and to notify you if they enter a home they are familiar with. u Tell them to not take shortcuts through private property or unfit areas such as parks and forest preserves. Tell them to stay away from animals or puts. STelI them to use extra caution when crossing streets and to cross only at legal crossings. u Tell them not to eat any of the treats until you are able to go through them. 5ourcc 1111es Police Sepurimont Pioneer Pies, G,-osi1 (Serbia); Polonici Ensemble (Polatid); Young Crotctn Dancers (Greece); Stuti Dosai (India); 'I'i'esble Mal<- ei's (Ireland); and Soko Palme,- Square Dance Crl'oup (Serbia). Food vendors offered an ott-i-dy of cultural tietots, ineluding Polish, Mexicotn, Indinis, Seibiais and Chinese. An itrsportcint gocot of tise Nilcrs Public Libi-ctry's Inissiols is to enrich tite continu- nity's cultural and recre- The Choorn Sarong Korean Dance Group performs a fan dance to open the celebration as dance troupes representing various ethnic groups entertained visitors Sunday afternoon at Niles Public Library's Interna tional Festival. Vìsitors also had a chance to taste various foods prepared by local food vendors in hiles. (Allan laleta/For SING) cotioncul needs," Librctiy Di- reetos- Linda Weiss said. c,,t t,ic1 offer a taste of otis- Nibs lizos morpised into a "Ou,' first listcincttionctl Cclebration is con nspportunity to alsoweotso soisse of oui' lr,ccil culturctlly diverso toil- Itic food itcnssgenerosisly inulticultui'al f0800 to be reckoned with in i'eeent tinsciting ctbout 30 tIercent ofali business ai-e foreigitownod. y000's witis village economic-sievelopinunt officials es- Cetiuticity: pieiiet'rfetcaf.cottt donated by a variety of circa restnurants in a fun sind oistertcsining way." mews 4 LAST WEEK 'top FIVE STORIES 1. Ex-trustee sties to clear name A man who was Eorced to resign from his position as village board trustee in Aies wants the Cook County States Attorneys office fa clear his name once and for ail and erase cenvicfed (eion from his record. George Aipogianis was eiected vitage trustee by Nitos residents in Aprii 2009, following sews reports that he had pleaded guilty to six felonies as a teenagor. A PIONEER PRESS PUBLIC&TION . NI Snap a photo. Tell a story. Send it in. SERVING READERS SINCE 1951 INSIDE THIS WEEK CAENDR 16 OPINION 12 POLICE BLOTTER lo 14 and the storyteIIfn? There are photos and stories we want to publish In our new section, SHOWIIMES 83 Your 9(Iie Heriad-Spectator. But we need your help. E-mail Assistant Managing Editor Matt Schmitz at 'I'OURPAGE 20 EDITORIAL Auhtant Masaçin EdttcçHii tisai sz44433 Matt Schnitts Emaii z. Gunshots lead cops to nearly 19 pounds of pot mschmitz@pioneerlocalcom loin 4O6T495 Fao: Mw E4ftorSeadz Rich Munis (0471 4867481 rmortinApioneeriocai cens E-mail. Fa,. Nibs pulicn arrested a local man Oct. 12 after they discovered more than 19 pounds of suspocted marijuana and u firearm in thy trunk of 1047)303-3678 Manakiç EditorDtversIois 10411 405-7350 Jenniler Thomas llhomaswploneeriocal corn Emuli: Send us your crazy football fan photos. Foç go calendar listings er queslisos, e-inuit spaikerAploneeriocal corn bio car. Get n.wo? News tlpx Sports tips: 3. Sentencing elusive for both Blase and his co-conspirator parkridgepioneeriocal corn L-rnud: Edtto hi Otdef dote. 10411 406-6048 lwj5oerpioneeriocdl corn E-mail- HAIL Th sentencing of a codefendant in the federal corruption case against former Hiles Mayor Nicholas Blase has bnen rescheduled without a new 10471 4067259 10471405-7460 Jell wisser Ileraid-Spvctaioe Nsie 3701 W. takeAve, Glenelew, 160026 Send us your photos of your scary, and not-so-scary Hafloween decorations. CUSTOMER seovice AND DELIVERY 1530ES Hours: Non-Fol. 630 a m-4 p m SaL 5-3Oam-i2 prn Sun, O arn.12 Jim 18471 406-9300 Plions To SUBSCRIBE Phone: E-mali. 10411 486-9350 circuiatlonPpioneo,iocatcem 413 00011560G DIsplay adeerttthso Upload stories, photos to Community page Oiepiay ado E-mail OlsIslay SaIi RepceeeetaUym BeInning this week, you can upload your stories and photos directly to us. The information will be posted on the Suits 20120 sets its sights on new Nues location Suits 20/20, which purports to he Chicago's largest meso clothing store, boosts having more than 5,000 designer suits uttering af fordable luxury 130- to 6Opercent sift on designer suits" by Calvin Klein, Ralph laures, Joseph Abboud, Barberry and just about every other well-known designers, according to a news release. Community paqe on the paper's Web site, Selections from the page wIll appear each Thursday 1 -a 'A', Stage set for face-off with union on concessions to curb massive deficit Officials from Maine Township High School District 207 mot Oct 13 with concerned pareots at Maine South High School to discuss likely teacher layoffs, pregramming cuts and new fees that will be needed to help the district deal with a Sf7-million struc' turai deficit, Tofindstoriesgo to www.pioneerlocaLcorn. classived ads E-mali P!ONEERLOCAI i,, , 3 By TONY BERTUCA tbertuca@pioneerlocal,Com Haliowoen is a busy time at Anioricaru Science & Surplus, where items are pour- Ing into its warehouse in the following items: u Remote Controlled Rat An assortment of X-rays (priced at $15). What would along with some ofthe nao- tiest bone fractures the send Mom and Dad (or even your Halloween hoedown iments, but the mad seien- lackingambiance? The folks tists of AS&S stress the at AS&S recommend fold- Tesla Coil is not a toy just ing the X-ray sheets into totally awesome, I Chemiluminescence Kit ($8.95). It's the attack of the Nifes and flying off the shelves at its store in Edison Park, u Zombie Brain Ge1tin AS&S, gave Pioneer Press a list featuring a few of his biggest sellers. So anyone doing some last-minute Halloween shopping might consider da The Tesla Calf might be a big shuck to Some shoppers at American Science & Surplus, a Halloween staple in area. (Photo courtesy of AS&S) Halloween be without remote-controflcd vermin to a timid-hearted grandparont) shrieking in fear? Philip Cable, owner of from both man and beast, Mold ($7). Some peoplejust have sweets on the brain this time ofyear or, in some cases, sweets in the brain. Remember kids there's always room for gray matter. u CreepyX-ray Sets ($26). human body can endure. Is lampshades. w Tesla Coil ($229). Possi- bly the most shocking item ever offered by AS&S, the Tesla Coil generates 50,000 volts of high-frequency enorgy. Great for classroom demonstrations and exper- syllables! You might want to spare yourself the tongue-twister andjust tell the kids its a uugtow.,in4he dark kit." u Finger Hooks ($3, pack 104714064017 of four). They're hooks that look like fingers. No, really. The whole science thing is internal light-emitting diode a bit of a stretch with this ing energy. Not really, but it'll sure look that way. one, but sometimes the simpiestgags are the most gripping. will turn any stream of water into bright, blue pour- For more wacky Hal- . Water Faucet LED loween items go to wn' American Science ($14.95). This item is hailed by AS&S as aruseless weird, & Surplus' retail store is at 5316 N. Milwaukee Ave., and very cool." A small faucet attachment with an Chicago.,pt (8471938-3400 ciasslfleds®pioneeiiocatcorn Jo Bw 4 Here you can uptoad photos and press releases. The h.,i i.o..,,,_,,,,_,, ---------- NEWS BRIEFS F005100IIT 6140 PO0USHER 'O ..t, UWp I,Id& i,.,, -----,-.. Open the page and fili out the form, starting with the paper in which you want the information to appear, 10-Iii 406-7320 u-, ScrutI down to and click the with the bright yettow pias sigo. Oavid T. Sherman Talk about brain foodl The Zombie Brain Gelatin Mold sells for Si. See it jiggle this Halloween season at American Science & Surplus. (Photo courtesy of AS&S) ClassIfied Sates eepmueitattees E ThfldVO,.,.lOd_,,. ,,d n.w.ep. to pI 2 Dbector of MvertIsbi Michael Spaoling aøoflcNtw, Send Us Your News button. 10471405-7203 Vice PraIdmot of Ad In the print edition. Go to 1047)406-9200 moperlingOploneeriocal corn Rich Branlions items will then be sent to the Community Update puge on that paper's Web site. Submissions will be monitored for libel, hate speech, profanity and other inappropriate content, ADnnTsssSB TUBS AND OK55flONS Aoo,pieOiainsw,3byesbi40e, i'pseooiyoo' ataeond,,n,,iiolveIae,i,n,,, 500 lues 09 ihi PubJu,su ihty n eAten any ici. omlinion. fallu,, to pu5ii, o, erro, n tile nwlbroArq of n5 ad ,rfl noi e000 if, rasato, unoh au unan, nocuounrutanoes Cli iilJWluhCn eoerb,tlubiofonurryilrdlroei.onoof,nilntno, at dalf,5eLO, unCoil,, routa arìuirqoot on rebind to any coi. Omission. reliure to pubilsil. or error in iCe PCntiflÇ5-biIthlrlO Of anod it ir theorie nes500rlbli Ityoiih eaesriIun io thnoCtherorrenir,nr,of ruth inonrtlonPtht,rher aururruesno reil0000lbliltyfoo the rrwidenoi enrono in aoioentoin4 COrred ter nno, the eno Cuestor, odes, rodloed 140000 the vetes oCh,rg lime onihe seme Oayihe error 000urrea Pubiirhen renenoenitreriqhttotmt ihOCCCt ri adOnriio,05. io edii.onrrleni an000py, are to Cannel any advrrilsrn4 ai itssoiydlron,tion without rotlrt edoertlrnn aalen. io inaejrrnity ana Cria Pubiluhen Carniers ibm ana aQalnrianyilut,ilty.iorsoneapenrytiootuth yC000fl' abienttoynrfltanrt ariamo rOlC any riunrla. inuillalr bui rIot i5olted sr, ilhei. arfoIr rrrnrntitmnau 5-uy arr... l0trIemefli ri iradernarCe Onoopyrightr,o,olotatmorr oiaishtuoimineoy00pruAloltynnourtln trornwsioa' iron be P05115Cm ri the Monrilres'r ads. PttnUc*TSON nuoIMAnIoN elles itenaidopantaton (500390 tOSi You 64. ear es. PrubbuO,ad m'neO by r,ormnr Kneuyaçen. fr,... yr5C Wert Lake Ao, Orroin iL 5002& Smn5my 005Cy 55 Pedod,uair portane Paia at COrroyo it 00025 arrt addItional armes. One-your asuosoriptmon $3100 in rOurniy only eau noti 466-9300 ir r0550nibe Ponimnuier larry addrr utunotna lo Cher ii,raia' 5peoiatra,0aPrrnenn Nynopepnrstno,alOtbeniuke Oon,Grnaino E 00016. 5 Here's thought for food: The zombie brain gelatin mold 018 CROSSWORD SCHOOLS He a part at the story newsi AMERICAN SCIENCE & SURPLUS NI1ES 1l ERAl,I t. SPECTA'I'ÜR WEARLYOUR NILES herald-spectator ThURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 Nt Search continues for new District 64 superintendent As part of the process of selecting a new superin- the Leadership Profile Asseosment and establish a cnt is one ofElia most im- tendenta Nibs-Park Ridge timeline for the search School District 64 board does, Heyde said. process, according to documents written by Saisdra Stringer, assistant superbotendent, human resources, and available at the school board's Oct. 13 meeting. Mikaclian is with search firm Hazard, Young, Attea members were expected to have met Wednesday with Sam Mikaclian, load outside consultant working to help the district in the search process. 551t's basicallya kickoff for the superintendent search," said school board President & Associates, Ltd., which the school board selected John Heyde ofthe upcoming meeting. Oct. 3 to help with tise search. The district has vIore specifically the goal agreed to pay the search firm $18,000 for its assis- of the meeting is to plan public forums, determine groups that will complete tance. Hiring the superintend- portant things the board Dance Slam comes to Skokie Dance Slam, boosting to be 'the world's largest event ofito kind," Will comeat 7:30 hip-hop, breakdancing and street to jazz and modern, each work io 5 minutes or less and will be voted on by the audience and a panel of end reaches crescendo witis the 15th Anniversary Spec- judges. Many Chicago choreoga-aphors (including Lauri Stailings, Jon Lehrer, dano Jazz Dance, Thodos Dance Chicago and River Eduardo Villaro and Eddy Dance Chicago's choreog- p.m. Friday to the North Ocanspo), dance companies Shore Center for the Por- and daacersgot their start forming Arts in Skokie, 9501 in Dance Slam. Local dancers from Res- Skokie Blvd., Skokie. More than 1,000 performers from 50 Chicago-area companies will participate in the interactive competition. urrection High School Orchesis Dance Co. will perform. The Dance For Kids, Too! Featuring a variety of Halloween Show will be at dance styles ranging from 1 p.m. Saturday. The week- tacular performance at 8 p.m. Saturday, with dancers from Joffroy Ballet, Gior- North, mixing it up with rusphers featuring six world premieres ofsome of Chicago's new ensembles; guests Omaha Theater Ballet and Eisenhower Dance Ensem- bIc; brenkdaaciag wizards Phaze II; ballroom champiens Brandon and Serena; a world premiere by Von Hei- decke's Chicago Festival Ballet; tap stars Jus'LisTeN; and the Mexican Dance Ensemble. Dance Chicago continues at other venues in Chicago, Wheeling and Evanston. Ticket prices for all performances range from $10 to $35. Tickets and information for Dance Chicago 2009 are available at vwv.dancechìcago.eom. Save $5 per ticket and purchase tickets online or by calling the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts box office, (847) 6726300; mention or enter coupon code DC2009. mews 6 NI Parks commissioner sought Tise Nues Park District Board ofCommissioncrs is looking to appoitsi a park commissioner due to the resignation of James Hyises. 'l'ho Slightly Blemished NEW Appliances & Rebuilt Used Appliances in Bedding By TONY BERTUCA FOB DEVELOPERS & REHABS 773.463.2050 Mon. - Sat. 10-7 Mon. - Sat. 10-6 Closed Sun. Closed Sun. *r:f':. EATURED GREY GOOSE VODKA 750 ml I reg $29.99 e-r..r JRI SALE $23.99 JOHNNIE WALKER SALE BLACK LABEL $24.99 750 ml I reg $29.99 LUCID ABSINTHE 750ml I reg $71.99 SALE $65.99 2553W NORTH AVE. . er Usan the average diesel truck, but they weigh 1,000 pounds less causing less A Nibs refuse Isauler xviII weal. and teal' on roadways, soon begin using cleaner, and tisey 11l'e 50 percent lighter and quieter velsi- quieter," according to a cies, which village officials Sometime tisis winter the statement from the village. Village Manager George Van Geem said: 'The only problem I see is that I used to isear tise garbage truck village's refuse hauler, coming to alert me to put Groot Industries, will begin out. my trash." said viIl a positive impact LARGE qUATITIE$ AVAILABLE 4250 W. MONTROSE Log Installation ee Store for Details FIREPLACESPLUS www f I,.s isdiivns, Wood Holders, Coal Grates and Much Mote. The Bmt Selection of Gas Logs", Glass Doms and Screens, Tholsels. ocilinot on. corn 700 Norf5 Ao Vornon HHS 1111,105 6(106 T Toolsets StrausbottrgWmughtr Iron Andiross Serillo Hand CraftcdTool Srl r 47.54-67OO 200 W 01,10 St. .cHoO NOW OPEN!) rI,op!000 Eqlpoen, Only VILLAGE GOVERNMENT on the environment and 3240 W. LAWRENCE Nov. 10. The Cross Timbers Free Gas New trash trucks run cleaner . Stoves Heaters Washers Dryers Air Conditioners Lowest Prices eluding tise reason they would like to serve on the Park Board to Ilse attention of Jo Ann, (847) 967-6639, by 'Wood Holcicro EXCELLENT CONDITION . Refrigerators . Freezers applicaist must be a resident ofNiles and live in the Nues Pork District taxing districL Applicants slsould fax tlseir resume aisd qualifications in- 7 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION ' NI ;;LAPPLIANC .. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29,2009 residents' quality of life. collecting resident and Nibs officials also say business waste, as well as studies slsow that CNG velsicles are better for tise villege's air quality. recycling, using vehicles fueled by compressed nat- ural gas, referred to as Mon - Sat.95:3O CNG. "These CNG vehicles are Closed Sun. not only 80 percent clean- "According to the EnviProtection ronmental Agency (EPA), compared to vehicles fueled by con- 's Scroll,, Lcsvcs & ,' Scrccns hallt Screco ventional diesel and gaso- line, natural gas vehicles can produce significantly lower amounts of harmful Finesl Shwro OIl thMtrthshoíe Sco 13 : AellabI, DendabIe, i'rusted FamIly Owned & Operated for Over 14 Years, , ,or1OsCIa4 ,t,e '{ ur . , .. -U,--- Stoiá.HOUrsMon. & Thtjr1OAM-BPM. Tues;, Wed, FrC,sat. 1OAM.BPM ..:. Sun.11AM-6PM emissions such as nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and toxic and carcinogenic pollutants as well as the gi'eenlsouse gas carbon dioxide," according to a statement from the village. The announcement from Groot marks the latest cffort on belsalfofthe village to "go green." In April, Nues retrofitted six diesel trucks in its public-service fleet with diesel oxidation catalysts, or DOC, through a grant from Clean Air Counts. Do you suffer from pain, tingling, numbness, coldness or burning feet and hands? . . GREAT LAKES NOSFERATU 4pkl2oz I reg$12.99 Explore new treatment for . europathy SALE $11.99 DOGIFSH HEAD PUNKIN BEER 4 pk l2oz I reg $9.99 SALE $8.99 All OKTOBERFEST BEERS ARE 15% OFF: Bell's, Magic Hat. Capilal. New Belgium & Sam Adams 750 ml I reg $9.99 TILIA MALBEC 750 ml I reg $9.99 MONTAND BRUT ROSE 750ml I reg$12.99 DIABETIC AND NON-DIABETIC SALE $7.99 SALE . Reduction lit acute & cbronicpaln . Restores sensallon infect and bands . Inipmved balance - ¡essfalls ,4 . Polenilal loprevent amputation $11.99 jj Ñ DESIGN CENTER at THE MERCHANDISE MART ft a Screening s l?remter PHYSICAL THERAPY THE DOOR S OPEN ,tore Than 8 Years Success ofTrealing Neuropatby Symptoms 6929 N. Lincoln Avenue Lincoinwood. IL Hinsdale (630) 230-0303 Munster, IN (219) 836-2800 ...AND YOU'RE INVITED APRIL 17 Jouet (815) 744-6666 Orland Park (708) 460-8080 Evergreen Park (708) 423-7900 View the work of these talented interior designers as they use the world's Largest collection of home furnishings to create the ultimate library. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE MERCHANDISE MART - FIRST FLOOR Skokie (847) 676-1212 847.983.8541 Monday . Saturday lOAM . 9PM Sunday 12PM . 7PM Sale prices good 10/19/09 thru 11/1/09. Sale items not eligible for additional discounts. DECEMBER 18, 2009 Libertyville (847) 680-3020 Reselle (630) 295-9900 ccept Medicare I Bute Cross BIlle Shield I PP I" afl(1fll()%tOt1lL1\fl'i1lesflCC -14 SPONSORED If Y DESIGNER PORTFOLIOS PIØNEERPJ1ESS c cc mercha nd Ise ma rtd esig n ce n ter. co m/d rea m horn e . 8 mews A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION Thrill seekers puii in to Sun-Times group sale to Tyree is complete The sale of the parent ors, readers and employces." Tyroc faces a challonge in reversing a slide company of the Chicago Sun-Times and Pioneer in advertising revenue that today, as a local group of the case of the Sun-Times, financial losses pushed the old company close to insol- mont banker James Tyree became the newspaper's new owners. The sale, valued at $26.5 million, includes the company's seven other subur- ban daily and 51 weekly newspapers. Under a deal approved Oct. 8. in U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Tyree and his part- fers acquired Sun-Times Media Group Inc. for $5 million cash and the assumption of$2L5 million in liabilities. The Tyree group will control the company The Haunted Garage is planned, designed, created and performed entirely by members of the Nibs Teen Center. The Haunted Garage was open Oct. 23-25 at Tam Golf Course below the Howard Street Inn Restaurant, 6700 Howard St. Admission was a suggested donation of $4 per person. vency because a liability to the Internal Revenue Service prevented it from getting additional credit. The bankruptcy-bro- kered sale clears the corn- pany ofdebt. Tyree said his partnership will invest capital into the newspapers to improve their campetitive standing. Ho said the papers will continue as "high-quality, ties, to adapt and lead change in the rapidly transforming news indus- Mesirow executives or try, and to become prof- clients. "Our investor team behaves there is tremendous opportunity and untapped itable," Tyree said. papers and Web sites, which combined serve an impressive 3.7 million readers each week, more than any of our competitors," Tyree said. We are Tyree's partners are: businessman Kevin Flynn; real ostato executives Andrew Agostini, Ed Heil and Ed Ross; insurance oxeoutive William Perrillo; his brother, attorney Robert Parrilla; Chicago Blackhawks owner and proper- locally managed." Tyree has retained most. of the company's top man- ty and liquor magnate W. Rockwell "Rocky" Wirtz; and Mesirow executives Michael Mackey, Richard Price and Bruce Young. "Wo are pleased to have bean able to lind now ownership and new investment agers, including Jeremy in our award-winning, Halbreich, who was chair- highly regarded publica- proud that these distinguished newspaper titles will be locally owned and man of the outgoing corporate owners. Halbreich tions, many of which hava been serving their commu- will be chief executive officer and vice chairman of nities for decades and Sun-Times Media Hold- century. We look forward legs. Halbreich called the sale Skokie contractor, feds seRle on overcharges A Skokie-based defense contmctor has agreed to pay the government $25 million to settle fedei-1 allegations that lt overcharged the got'- crament in a series of militory contracts - brought to light in 2003 by a whistle- blower employed by the tors, the release said. The company will plead guilty to a felony wire fraud charge, which was named in a criminal complaint filed earlier this month in U.S. District Court, the release said. The company has also agreed with the governnwnt to a long, prosperous futurc with our now owners." - Sun-TimesNews Group puto filed in 2003, he was told in 1990 to falsify costs justifications so that MPG could increase its profit tractors by falsifying cast o1 pricing data usad to negatiate 11 separata contracts and margin on government eon- basic ordering agreements tracts as a means of lowering its bids for private sector business. Also charged in the crimmal case were two former between 1993 and 2005, the release said. In the criminal case, MPG has agreed to admit that be- that the parties will ask a MPC Products Corp. has agreed to pay a $2 million judge to impose a sentence oftwo years' probation end criminal fine nd an addi- to impose a $2.5 million fine. and Wayne G. Penfold, 57, of tional $22.5 million civil judgmont, according to a U.S. De- The settlement calls for Fort Collins Colo. and for- The wire fraud count to the whistleblower, identified as Joe Caputo, ofChicago to merly ofGlenview. Both held which MPC will plead guilty vaiious positions at differ- receive $4.5 million as his ont times including vice carries a maximum penalty of five years' probation and president ofsales and mar- a maximum fina totaling partment ofJustice release. MPC - which also has facilities in Nibs -. is a man- share ofthe government's parts used in the constructian and repair of various military defense systems, primarily aircrafts including lighterjets and helicop- pricing analyst..The government will also pay on additional $252,320 for Caputo's attorney feos. According to the suit Ca- MPG executives, Michael A. Norwood, 57, of Wheaton keting. They were each charged with one count of obstruction of a federal audit. Court information for the two were not immediately available. The defendants overcharged the De- Evil Doctor' Akis Melissinas, il, waits Saturday for his next unfortunate pattent as teenagers and pceteens joined in to create the Haunted Garage in the basement of the Howard Street Inn in Niles. The annual event allows members of Nils Teen Center to dress up and scare visitors us they walk ttirosgfs the haunted maze. (Allen Kaleta/For SING) fense Dept. and prime can- company. ufacturer and supplier of settlement. Caputo was some even more than a electronic and mechanic hired by MPC in 1990 as a "a new beginning and a great day for our advertis- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE "On the business side, the company by seeking new revenue opportuni- Media portfolio of news- Aniya Revoulus, of Chicago, Angie Guercia, of Park Ridge, and Sabrina linek, of Des Plains, all 3, were contestants. (Tamara Bell/Staff Photographer) tians that emphasize local content. called Sun-Times Media potential in the Sun-Times Toddlers and tiaras Golf Mill Shopping Center hosted Miss Sunburst Model Search and BabyContest on Saturday in the Center Court. high-integrity" publica our intentions aro to grow chairman of Mesirow Financial, has named 10 coinvestors, all either ara e Area Center's eighth annual Haunted Garage, according to a news release. I has affected newspaper through a partnership Holdings LLC. Tyree, aunte residents were invited last. week to bring their families and friends to experience the frightening creatures of the Niles Teen Press was completed publishers nationwide. In investors led by invest- 9 NILES TEEN CENTER BUSINESS BY DAVID ROEDER newsi Nl NI . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 ginning in the IPOOs until 2005, it intentionally overcharged the government by falsifying cost data. twice the gross gain or twice the gross loss. If convicted, Norwood and Penfold each face a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. - Sun-TimesNews Group Kilter Klown Seni Mernbreno, il, holds up an extracted "funny bone" Saturday as teena0nrs and preteens jainsd in to create the Haunted Garage in the basement of the Howard Street Inn in Hiles. The annual event allows members of Niles Teen Center to dress up and scare visitors as they walk through the haunted maze, (Allen (aIuta/Far SING) Left, Zombie Cara Nantali, il, waits Saturday for an unsuspecting visitor as teenagers and preteens joined in to create the Haunted Garage in the basement of the Howard Street Inn in Hiles. The annual event allows members of Hiles Teen Center to dress up and scare visitors as they walk through the haunted maze. (Allen Kaleta/For SING) "Death-row inmate" Andrew Grabowski, 13, waits for an unsuspecting group to pass as teenagers and preteens joined in to create tIse Haunted Garage in the basement of the Howard Street Inn in Hiles. The annual event allows members of Hiles Teen Center to dress up and scare visitors as they walk through the haunted maze, (Allen Kaleta/For SING) lo mews A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION - Nl Nl . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 11 9TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT So far, no one facing Schakowsky Tiie World's FINEST lrticia1 .hristma s Trees »-gt, 1oo! '...;' . Tree Classics is proud to intrduce By KAREN BERKOWITZ U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-9th, dropped her bid for a possible U.S. Senate run in June and decided instead to seek re-election to a seventh term representing the 9th Congressional District. As ofMonday, the Chief Deputy Whip in the House ofRepresentatives faced no icons her top legislative pri- challengers either in the onLy. Feb. 2 primary or the general election in November. District includes all or por- The filing period closes Lions ofEvanston, Wihnette, Monday. Glenview, Norridge, Skok- The six-term Congress- The 9th Congressional io, Lincolnwood, Morton woman from Evanston Grove, Niles and Park holds positions of influence Ridge. as a member of Steering The district also includes pontions of Chicago's lakefront. and Policy Committee and has made universal health care coverage for all Amer- I Comment:pioneerlocal.cOm Silverado beaded jewelry! __J .2 High-quality, beautiful, unique designs at grand-opening prices! - ::-" Come to our Trunk show on Sat., Nov. 7th & Sun. Nov. 8th at Tree CIasscs' showroom! POLICE BLOTTER Thefollowingincidents were land avenues. He was re- Four calculators were ii,cted in the official reports of the Nues Police Department. leased on $1,000 bond and is due in court Nov. 16. stolen Oct. 19 from a store on the 9500 block of North THEFT Greenwood Road. Each was valued at $150. Readers are remindedthatan arrest bypolice does not constituteafindingofguilt. Only a court allow can make that determination. OW WINFOUR FREE TICKETS! . / . '1:-s i ' . ,- No purchase necessary. Stop in to Tree Classics' showroom this weekend. nd sign up foryour chance to win four . FREE tickets to A Christmas Carni. . . ., s t. p, Broughttoyouby IIstlact.-jnú ( Tree Classics and . . : ...: . GOODMAN to ¿«&iti&to / GOOdman Theatre Chicago. weeidteM and Offering you the best value and selection tn quality name-brands. The World's Finest Artificial Christmas Trees (38 years in business, 14 years on the web) B5S5retOV1ItoWW4)OU$5I EnJsyhoppIngw1thwarebsuseuvIn5s InaMenspadoasnd beautiful fmfly tfeSHeSSsfInWOOfl1 and odedreuIThoppeg b&,JndI lOeßOesq.ft.fadifty pkß200preHtaeesofl dISp with . OpenmursdaythmughSundayonly. Handicapped-Accessible. Hours:Thurs. 12pm - 8pm; Frl. i Oam - 5pm; Sat & Sun loam - 4pm. Located In Barrington, IL at 221 02 Pepper Road, 3 mlles west of Route 59 and Route 14 on Pepper Road. Phone: l-800-71 l-2816 or visit us on the web at and See us on facebook (search Tree Classics) and ttwltter (twltter.comltree_cIasslcs). Maria Sierra, 23, of 590 Piper Lane, Prospect Heights, was charged with retail theft Oct. 18 after al- DRUGS svp f(ir oir twiiarI se hiar: i -800-382-4548 Date: Location: Hampton Inn & Suites 5201 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 60077 Faizal Vakhania, 21, of 8547 N. Chester Ave., Nues, Joo Kyung, 28, of 8012 legedly stealing $825 of merchandise from a store on the was charged with possession of marijuana within- Lyons Ave., Nues, was 500 block of GolfMill Cen- tent to distribute Oct. 17 on ehargedwith driving under ter. She was released on the 9700 block of Green- the influence ofalcohot Oct. 21 near Mayland and Court- $50,000 bond and is due in court Wednesday. wood Road. He was released on $15,000 bond. For a complete list of seminars, please visit Part I Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans* Part II Prescription D r ug Plans Time: 10:00 AM & 2:00 PM Thne: 11:OOAM&3:OOPM PROPERTY TRANSFERS Intorination provided by Record information Services, P.O. Box Jenniter & Slootmans, Karl; 894, Elburn, IL 60119; Phone (630) 557-1000; Fax (630) 551- 7850 W Lawrence Ave 1 Olejnlk, Malgorzata M 6 Leozek Z; 1001. $177,000. HILES PARK RIDGE 1945 N Nordica Ave: Baloch, Ouratulain K & Khaiid Hussain; $130,000. 7901 N Oconto Ave: Mujanovic, Sevko: S21.O00. 8036 N Odell Ave: Desal, Katankumar V & Kesal, Dipti K; $360.000. 1900 N Oketo Ave: Ranke, Roger; $108,000. 1141 W Howard St: Sajwani, Shehzad S 6 Rozina S; $253,000. 502 Etmore St Gleason, Gregory $210,000. & Emily; $630,000. 1602 Hoffman Ave: Niczyporuk, Andrzej 6 Teresa; $181,500. 1300 Linden Ave: Orlando, Sarah A; $245,000. 2060 Manor In: Wojcieszak, Piotr & Agniesoka; $300,000. 109 N Deiphia: Hartranit li, Gardon D 6 Hartrantt, Candice M; $310,000. 1513 Potter Rd: Ban, Hyun Pyo; $131,500. NORRIDGE 5008 N Knight Ave: Schilaci, Thomas J 6 Susan M; $253,500. 5040 N Overhiti Ave: Orellana, Reynaldo D L Vela, David A; $275,000. 4128 N Ozark Ave: Lamas, Elizabeth; $132,000. 8024 W Courtland Ave: Costa, Kenneth P 6 Linda A; $320,000. 8560 W Foster Ave 409: Mack, 1236 S Fairview Ave: Ninni, James M 6 Kristen; $150,000. 1217 Vine Ave: Brentanos, Alex & June; S315,000. 530 Wisner St: Romagnoli, Travis L & Gana G; $629,500. 2004 Woodland Ave: Soto, Eric 6 Wendy; $305,000. SKOKIE 3870 Brummel SL Hornick, Limited Seating November 3, 2009 Michael S 6 Jessica E; $251,500. 5314 Davis St: Mirza, Khurram 6 Khurram, Shaista; $212,000. 3606 Dempster St: Apostolakis, Robert S; $900,000. 5301 Farwell Ave: Patet, Asmita 6 This Medicare Supplement seminar will discuss: .Manish; $410,000. a Selecting a plan 9445 Kenton Ave 205: Potok, Veniamin; $130,000. 8308 Kotmar Ava: Weber, Paul D & Simon, Maria L $620,000. 8908 Lamon Ave IN: Eubanks, Claude S 6 Wannapa Pimtong; $134,000. 9400 Lavergne Ave: Saba, Mo- . What Medicare does and does not cover e Our Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Leonora M 6 Freedman, Steven M; $220,000. 8938 Pottawattami Dc Gradwohi, Runen; S355,000. 5129 Sherwin Ave: Souleles, Panagiota 6 Chrisovalantis; $276,000. 9519 Terminat Ave: Makda, Arif; $193,000. 7635 Tripp Ave: Talaboc, Russell E 6 Tina O; $315,000. 9725 Woods Dr 805: Hovey, Eileen Sheehan; $325,000. . An overview of 3 plans . Our formulary, including 2,500 covered Prescription Drugs . The Annual Enrollment Peiiod (AEP): (November 15th - December 31st) For more information on Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans call: For accommodation ofpersons with special needs at sales 1-000-646-3000 Central time, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Monday-Fday speech-impaired, please call 1-888-285-2252, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. *Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare Program. SM Service Mark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield hamad 6 Deeqa; $285,000. 1450 LIncoln Ave 203: Leihlk, This Blue MedicareRx (PDP)5 seminar iiill discuss: Medicare Supplement plan offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. S571 5_MRK_TMP_IL_SNSAD2O1 O meetings, call 1-800-382-4548. For the hearing or Central time, 7 days a week. Association, an Association of Independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. A Medicare Prescription Drug plan offered by HCSC Insurance Services Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association under contract S5715 with tile Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. A sales representative will be present with information and appTications. ari pÎnion I 1000 WORDS Going as Lady Gaga PAUL SASSONE Answer: Kate Gosselin Lady Gaga, Sarah Palm, Bernie Madoff. Question Name four people with whom I am unhappy to share a planet. Alternate question: Name four of this year's most popular Halloween costumes. But wait, there's more. Another big idea for costurnes this year is dead celebrities. Popular cogturnes in 2009 are Michael Jackson, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays and Heath Ledger. Bchold the state of Junerica today. But beyond the question of taste, there's our new constant companion: The Recession. The National Retailers Federation estimates that Americans will spend 18 percent less on Halloween - $4.75 billion down from $5.77 billion - than last year. The group figures the average consumer wIll spend $56.81 on Halloween, as opposed to $66.54 in 2008. We're spending even less than that at our house. Mostly on candy. Not for me. For the kids. Here in Oak Park and River Forest, trick-ortreating viIl be from il to? p.m. on Saturday. What kind ofcnndy will the witches, ghosts, yampires, ballerinas and Transformers (this year's hot costume for kids) receive? Just off the top of my head, I would have picked Snickers, the caviar of candy bars. But my wife (aka the Voice of Reason) reminded me that some children have peanut allergies. Did I want to send some children to the emergency room? No, no, I don't want to send some children to the emergency room. So, we went with MilkyWays and Three Musketeers, which by a miraculous coinci- economy, and an antici- pated 5-percent increase in teacher salaries. Recently, the Park Ridge Herald-Advocate stated that the district is in a $17 million predicament. Continning this trend, the deficit will be $36 million by 2014. according to the school district. But where have ail current funds gone? Perhaps it has gone to a new football tin-fend an increase in salaries. ExpectSing the 5-percent increase in salaries, why was it not planned for prIor to being implemented? Knowing that the salaries would increase this yea why were other unnecessary items purchased? With the economic downturn why was the loas ofincome not considered? With lack of consideration, the districthas fell Into a hole. Having to pay the 5percent salary increases will leave the district struggling in future years. Knowing that the Increase would come, and with obvions signs of economic downturn, more deliberetian should havebeen used, rather than believing money would alwaysbe available in an instant. Wtthout a constant influx of money, the Just football's turf t« PROPERTY /. UAVE 10ESED2 ____________________ Eth i_, Pat Lezters, PAGE 13 and stale saltines, 'Sorr" the homeowner year." Well, Charlie Brown got a CHERYL O'DONOVAN deficit. . smiles crookedly at me. "We're cutting back this some left. district should be saving money rather than spending it. lfthe district doesn't take action soon, what will be left in 20 years? Nothing. With the district facing this crisis, a plan needs to be implemented immediately. Expecting salary Increases, and continued economic downturn, the district needs to become more conscientious about llTational spending, and more aware of their currents ftinds. By eliminating excessive spending. and focusing on existing money, the district can begin to work itselfout of this Maine South is a successful school: We have above- bcouLb keteers. There probably will be End irrational spenchng by district It is hard to comprehend that Park Ridge School DistrictZO7 is fachtg a Y? million deficit. Park Ridge is characterized by luxurious houses, celebrated schools, and heaps ofmoney. The current crisis has come as a result ofthe down-turning Program Vunding not pretty silly prancing about the house in a Lady Gaga costume. If I yanted, I could make a costume out of items from around the house, a la Ralph Kramdem as the Man From Space. I suppose I could be a bag ofcat litten Heaven knows, we have enough of that around the house. But I'm not sure how lack the cat would react. You SAY Letters VAN MOM STRIKES AGAiN _________________________ In this economy, the only giddy people seem tobe those vacationing Sandals couples. While these toothy people frolic on beaches, the rest ofus are at the unemployment office. Watching them have "the time of their lives" makes me long for those old Macin commercials. That was some refreshing reality. Remember? The frayed rope would twist and split apart ... and then some guy with a splitting headache would blow like Vesuvius. Late October in Chicago seems cold, rainy and hopeless. When the kids go trick-or-treating, Instead of receiving candy, they get McDonald's condiments rock, so we're a little better offwith our ketchup packets. The economy will be a "jobless recovery." Sort of like those bombs that would leave the buildings standing, but kill all the people inside them. Congress just seems to get more combative, fueling the talk shows and pundits. I wish the bickering would stop. I even wrote to MSNBC and Fox News and suggested they have Bill O'Reilly and Keith Olbermann be each other's Secret Santas. When they threatened to send Ann Coulter and Bill Maher out to my house, I waved a white flag of truce. And called a toil free number. 'Hello, Malaise Hotline, may I help you?" "Hi, my name is Van Mom and I have doubledigit malaise. Can you make up aetna good news?" U.LOOE s-tRUc,TURL cNNESH NcRESED T4E 5PAcJoUSN55? tobers "Like what, ma'am?" average test scores we put on regularly sold-out plays and musicals; we even have n Constitution Team that placed at a national compstition last year. Though our school does well in many things, no activity is funded the way the Maine South football team is. Itb true that the football team won state last year and continues to be undefeated, but they should not be receiving more money for it. As a student at Maine South, I witness firsthand areas that could definitely use funds. For example, though the Fine Arts Department is very successful, it is often ignored when talking about enhancements. Fine-arts teachers have wanted a new stage for years, yet still we have one that lacks versatility. It is especially useless opinion I NI Continued from PAGE IZ dence I also like. Am Igoing to have a costume? Generally I don't. I'm too old to go trick-or-treating. And we don't go to Hal1oveen parties. So, I'd look No, I'll probably go on Halloween what I go as the rest ofthe year: a whitehahed, portly, couch potato. I'm content to leave Halloween to the kids. Halloween belongs to them, not to Bernie Madoff and Sarah Palm. So, have a good one, kids. And stop by here for a Milky Way or Three Mus- A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION during band concerts, because its design lures the sound up instead of towards the audience. Band is backed up by the unhappy voices ofchoir and drama, too. While the PA wing is complaining about that, however, the football team is having a $1.2 million turf installed. Even ifthe turf is not strictly for the football the Reasonsto Advertise Ñewspapers REASON #5 TARGETED new pool or new textbooks? an us tagee by 5ecrc,r u,J by r''dr' "Say thejob and housing markets are booming. That we Americans might start manufacturing and inventing things again, instead of pursuing our own reality . Varicose Veins Lcg Swelling . Spidc Veins . Leg Discomfort Full spectrum of therapies available 17 years experience team, is it more important than a new auditorium, a It seems unfair that the school is making budget cuts that cause our Internet to be much slower while the football team can now play nightgamesbccause of the new lights. The limited Maine South budget should accommodate more people. A positive change such as making the school computers run faster would help the majority ofthe school, motjust one group. The Park Ridge taxpayers fund this budget. We need to rethink where the taspayers' dollars are going and make sure the spending truly reflects the citizens' wants and needs. vein care center r- Solutions Without Surgerf Treatment of Newspaper aiver t;,- Ultraxeund gelded lacer therapy . Board Certified University Aliflialed stall . Veled one of Americas lap Doctors" . Accept most Insurance plans & Medicare /' " Non-invasive Solutions for:_ 1- Sun Damage Age Spots Uneven Color Tone . Rough/Dry Skin Acne - Wrinkles Unwanted Hair Now pleased (o offer: Compflmontary Skin Care consultation by a medically trained licensed aeatheticlarl. Full line l sida caro producta tailored to a your coeds. Convenient locations In Oak Park and Old Orchard 1-866-204-5100 Visit us at Never Underestimate the Power of 4oc ome.ñ.. Nora Elderldn Park Ridge shows." "Ma'am, I'm no miracle worker." "Listen, Malaise Hotline," I say. "1 watched the old David Frost and Richard Nixon tapes, and thought, sheesh, I'll feel great, because our government's improved so much since then. We've learned so much as a country." (sAille DF CoMMun AND ISUSIIT The NUes Chamber of Commerce Reminds you to Shop Locally PEGNA GIRLS VE. "And?" "Nixon even seems affable compared to what's happening today:' I say. "Ma'am, just turn it off." "But I'm a current events junide. I need those headlines, those CNN crawls at the bottom of the screen!' "Console yourself with the History Channel, ma'axn. Ofwhat we once were!' I hang up, feeling toy own stress rope twist. AnyonegotanyAnacin out there? Call the Chamber office for referrals on businesses in the area (847) 268-8180 Visit us at our new ocation 8060 Oakton Street (Inside the NorthSide Community Bank) Open House Dates November 4th 2009, ópmßpm November 15th 2009, llam-2pm Class of 2O4 Entrance Exam January 9th, 2010 e 100% college acceptance e Over 34 clubs & acUvities e Largest sports offering in GCAC Pegina Dominkan High School - 847256.766o . 13 t 14 ischoos DISTRICT 207 While puhtic-heattft officials cxpee to begin HINI flu viccinations iii suburban Cook County m a matter of weeks, Maine Township High School DisLric 207 wants parents of high school skidents to know that high school-based vaccinations might not be for several months, if al all this school yeai; according to a news eelease. Parents have other options for having their teenagers vaccinated. The Cook County Department of Public Health has announced that it expects to receive its first shipments ofthe HINI yaccine within the next few weeks and will begin to dis tributo the vaccine servas suburban Cook County as soon as it 1s available. While the county plans to conduct school-based HINt vaccinations, the timing of those vaccinations for high school students is uncertain. The county has stated that it plana to begin its schoolbased HIN1 vaccinations in From 7-8:30 p.m. Ne 8 at Oakton Community College, 1600 E. GolfRoad, Des Plaines, junior and senior high school students and their families are invited to learn about The U of I Oakton Pathway to the Bachelor's Degree," a new partnership with the Universit)' of Illinois. This program enables skidents to enroll at Oakton for one or two years and then transfer to the UrbanaChampaign campas. Admission specialists from the University of illinois and Oakton ll be available to answer questions from parenta and students about the transfer process. For reservations call (847) 635-1629 or e-mail Prospective sludents and their families are invited to visit Oakton Community College, 7701 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokie starting at 4 p.m. Nov. 4. Sponsored by the 011ice of Admission and Enrollment Management, the campas visit features information about Oakton's admission processi cascar programs, A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION www.pioneerlocaicom elementary schools, in part because that age group was affected more substantially in the weeks following HINTh appearance last spring and in part for logistical rossons, Whether and when the county undertakes high school-based vaccinations will depend on several factars, publlc health officials have said, including when the Health Departhient receives vaccine; how much il receives; and how long it takes to complete vaccinatioris at elementary and middie schools in suburban Cook County. Health Department authorities have explained in a news release that parents have other options for obtaining vaccinations for their children. Those options include: a family's medical provider local retail pharmacies; one of the eight County Health Systern clinics in suburban Cook County. In its Oct 14 news release CCDPH Chief Opersting Officer Stephen A. Martin, Jr., stated: Anyonc within the CDC priority group for the HIN1 vaccine transfer programs, financial aid, student services, athletins and extracurricular activities. Oakton facu1t administrators, staffand sIndents will provide toma and answer questions. To register go to nhouse/campusvisit.htm or call (847) 635-1629. Oakfon Communlly College offers associate degree and certilicate programs for ski- dents preparing to earns bachelor's degree at a four- year college or uníversit as well as those preparing for employment in a variety of careers. Oakton is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colloges and Schools. The college is recognised by the lilisois Community College Board and is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges. Students interested in pui-suing a career in health care are invited to attend free inforniation se'-'dons during November at Oakton Community Coliege 16005. GolfRoad, Des Plaines. Sessions are designed to SCHOOLS DIGEST is encouraged to contact ¡ng coughs and by washing their medical provider as or sanitizing hands frequentsoon as possiblo to see if 'y, In addition District 207 they ale on the list to receive reminds parents Lo keep the vaccine. Ifresidonts do their adolescents vlco are not have medical provider or not feeling well at home and if their provider did not regto let school attendance perlater for the vaccine, CCDPH sonnel know if their teenager will ensure all residents in presents flu-like symptoms: suburban Cook County who fever exceeding 100 degrees, are identified as a priority cough, sore lia-est; runny er have the opportunity to i-estuffy nose, body aches, ceive the uNI vaccina" headache, chills and fatigua These are the priority Some people may have vomgroups for vaccine as identiiting and diarrhea. Knowing fled by the U.S. Centers for a student has those symptoms will assist District 207 Disease Control and PrevenLion: pregnant women; carein tracking wid snonitoring takers and household conthe incidence ofHlNl flu in tacts of children younger its three high schools. than 6 months; health-care Any student with flu-like and emergency-medical sorv- symptoms at school will be ice employees; people 6 separated from other stiimonths to 24 years old; peodents before going homa plo 25 to 64 years old with Any student who has had underlying medical concHthe flu should not return to tions, such as asthma or diaschool until he or she has betes that put them at high been free of fever for at least risk for flu-related complica24 hours, If any of the Distions. ti-let 207 schools should exIn addition to providing an podenco unusually high abupdate on vaccine, health sesee rates, then any dcciand school officials remind sion regarding possible eIneveryone to guard against sure will be made on a casethe spread of HiNl by cover. by-case basis for each school, OAKTON BRIEFS showcase Oakton's degree alisin:' a political theory unand certificate programs in der which each state must a variety of disciplines. Facensure its own survival by ulty will be on hand to dismaximizing its share of cuss course requirements world power. The lecture is and industry trends. part of the "Saturday ScholScheduled sessions inai-s" series sponsored by the elude: Physical Therapist Emeritus Program at OakAssistant, 4 p.m. Nov. 4; ton and costs $24. Nursing 3 p.m. Nov. 10; and For more information call Medical Hilling, Medical (847) 635-1414 or (847) 982Coding and Medical Ti-an9888, and press 2. For a scríption, 6 p.m. Nov. 18. completo list of Emeritus For more information go classes, course fees, semito nera and events go to wwwoakton.edWacad/divl/h ealthcareinfo.htm or call Oakton Community Collego (847) 635-1629. seeks submissions from asBest-selling author andinpu-lag playwrights for an opternational relations theorist portunity to have their work John Mearsheimer, Ph.D., brought to life at the Oakten shares his unique insights Performing Arts Center during a lecture scheduled 1- next spring. 2:30 p.m. Nov. 7 at Oakton "Play On" ìs a statewide Community College, 7701 N. play-writing competition Lincoln Ava, Skokia open to all community-eelMearsheimer, professor of lege students. Studente are political science and co-diasked to submit a one-page rector ofthe Program in Inscript ofany genre. Scripts toi-national Security Policy must be IO pages or less and at the University of Chicago, written in 12-point font. Inwifi otTer commentary about elude a cover page with your the current state of the name, phone numbei mailUnited SUites. Mearsheimer ing address, e-mail address is the author of The and school ozona Only one Tragedy of World Politics submission is allowed per which defends "offensiva restudent. Winners will be no- Nl according to Superintendent Ken Wallace. All four MaIne South High School curricular ensembles - Glee, Chorus, Concert Choir and Chamber Choir will perform in a public conceri. at 7:80 p.m. Nov. 5. Th Vocal Jazz Ensemble will also perform. New Maine South director of choirs Matthew kanes will direct the performance; his accompanist is Lori Langridga Music to be porformed includes historical pieces by Fauro, Dvorak, Beethoven and Morley. The concert iilso vilI include contemporary settings of the folk songs, Hello, Girls" and 'Hold On!" The Vocal Jazz Ensemble will sing standards including 'Take the A Train," '1f I Loved You" and "A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square." The concert is at Maine South's Watson Auditorium, 1111 S. Dee Road, Park Ridge. Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for students. Maine South is at Ifli S. Dee Road, Park Ridge. tilled in January and works will be performed March12 and 13, 2010. The deadline for submission is Nov. 23. Scripts can be c-mailed to, or sent to Kate Tillotson, Oakton Educational Foundation, 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines IL 60016. The following Alliance for Lifelong Learning courses aro offered at Oakton: CPB, FfrstA!d, juid Disease Prevention (l-IRA 50102) provides instruction for medical emergencies, includ- ing heart attacks, fractures and bleeding Upon successful completion students will receive a one-year CPR and a three-year standard first aid recognition through the American Red Cross. The two-week course meets 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays starting Nov. '7 at Oakton, 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines. The fee is $75. The PracticoiAppllcation ofChissic Photographic Techniques (ART 514-03) demonstrates how to strengthen photography skills by examining the works of past and contemporar3' masters of photography. THURSDAY, OCTO8ER 29, 2009 NI Digest NOTRE DAME COLLEGE PREP Nafre Dame College Prep in Mies sponsored the annual celebration ofNational Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 19-23, with n variety ofevonts, ineluding signing "Pledge To 11e Drug Free" pledge sheets, wearing red ribbons and T-shirts and learning about making good choices and Lo live dreg-free lives. Red ribbons were also attached to the ninny treo on the schoolk 28-acre campus. The original red ribbon was created in honor of U.S. Spodal Agent Enrique "Kiki" Camerons, who was kidnapped and killed autor uncovering a multibillion-dollar di-ng ring in Mexico. Continued from PAGE 14 family will receive an individual guided tour from a Notre Dame College Prep student. Notre Dame College Prep for young men has educational programs to fit individuals needs, stato-of-tice art facilitìes including now field turf in the football stadium, more 30 clubs and 14 IFISA sporte, For more information call LaVerno liontempo, (847) 779-8615 or e-mail IbontempohJndhsdons.oi-g. or go to www.nddons,oz,, Notre Dame College Prep in Niles announced that several members of the class of 2009 earned Advanced Placement Notre Dame College Prep's ScholarAwards in recognition second open house is 5:208:30 p.m. Nov. 5 at 7855 W. Dempster St., Nies. Fifth-, sixth-, seventh- and eighthgrade boys and their families oftheirexptional achicuanent can take a thr and discover what ND is all about. Each eighth-grade visitor and his Digest, PAGE 15 onAdvaneed PkoenwatExam The College Board's Advanced Placement Program provides motivated and aca- demically prepared students with the opportunity to taire rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and to earn college credit, advanced placement or both Www.pioneerlocaicom for successful performance on the AP Exams. The following local Notre Danse sIndents from the class of 2009 received recognìtìon: Michael Angallal, of Park Ridge, and Matthew Kempetz, of Chicago (60646), qualified for the AP Scholar with Distiriction Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and grades ofil or higher on five or more of these exams. Michael Clark, of Park Ridge, Alex Mussar, or Morton Grove, Nicholas O'Shea, of Chicago (606511), and Reymood Ramos, of Morton Grove, qualified for the Al' Scholar viuli Honor Award by earning an average grado ofat lezmt 3.25 on all Al' Exama taken, and grades of li or higher on four or more of these exams. Jung Ha (Joe) Baek, of Park Ridge, Anthony Fabrfs, of Chicago (6065G), and Joseph Mahoney, of Nues, qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three or niere AP Exams with grades of 3 or higher. Award notification and certificates have been sent directly to these students by the College Board. schools i NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL Unlimited Choices ¡ Extraordinary Results The New Notre Dame High Kítchens&Jaths School for Girls, 3115 N. Ma- son Ava, will hold on Open House from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 15, open to all seventhand eighth-graders and their parents. The New Notre Dame High School for Girls is an all-girls college-preparatory Archdiocesan School that is proud to boast a OP-percent graduation rate and a 98percent c011ege-acceptance rate. Contact Julie llamo, president of development, uNuMrr8:j INC. This fall receve an Abt Electronics Gift Card with your cabinetry order from any of our lines. Ask for detailsI . (773) 1122-1841, for more in- formation or tu reserve a spot. Another Open house will be 6-8:30 p.m. Dec. 9. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur will feature a Used Furniture/Household Goods Sale from noon to 7 p.m. Nov. 6 and 8 n.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 7. The sale will take place at the old Notre Dame High School for Girls, 3000 N. Mango Ava There vilI be furniture and household items. For more information call Sr. Mary Bridget Murphy, (773) 622-1541. Visit our Showroom Today. 1232 Waukean Rd., Glenview, IL 847.729-1212 M-F 9-5, Sat 9-3, or by appt. Gift Co.d vda.d at op to $5000 pesaamd with cobineray pochoao. Off. not ebgibk danolapp)y.Paomotjon th,oagh Doa.a,b.r 31, 2009. fo cash or aradit r,fond. Pea pk,s Students mast have basic knowledge of how to operato a camera. The four-week course meets 7-8:30 p.m. Mondays starting Nov. 9 at Evanston 'lbwnship High School, 1600 Dodge Ava, Evanston. The fee is $69. Thanksgiving Sides (FISC F49-Ol) offers professional R&44M( Thinking of SELLING Your Home? tips, tricks, recipes and serving strategies to create memorable side dishes. The single-session course meets Call for n Free Market Analysis 847-674-9797 i-s5, 0C,e ld,pss,d,,,5Iy ()wsed e, operated 7-9 p.m. Nov. 9 at Dream Cokes, 3100 Dundee Road, Suite 701, Northbrook. The fee is $79. -. "Dancing with the Stars." Learn dances including the tango and rumba. No dance experience or partner needed. The six-week course meets 7:35-8:35 p.m. Mondays starting Nov. 9 at Hiles North High School, 9800 Lawler Ava, Skokia The fee is $49. For a complete Alliance for Lifelong Learning class schedule go to or call (847) 982-9888 and press 3. JJfJ,qltCAGOJ PETORS0UPARO 5s1ß'ic5sSclolmaytar3Lesi 0f Mad, Hot Ballroom and Swing (PED Dol-02) is for people who want to perform 111cc the professionals on R!ii¼ O"ssoJmg5oh.. Tho #1 5e5,ng RiQ( Olice In Skokle Since lssS.Sei,,,,g tbs Erstes North 5hsss, spac In the New sSc wi at SodasS e,5( access 000 degrees while maintaining her career. With multiple start Fer mere Inhermatlon call (708) 7549225 er go ta nl 3 beSt ball, mss nr wflrdwdISs &5uewaW.l,c8setn ahm Md apiance, ensywbcr. pa raw wser Ceci HuQaesSndedm,ste,Bed Cese At Dominican University's School ofteadership and Continuing Studies, Margaret was able to earn herbachelor's and master's uDeMuAto.A PIaDOR 910GO Hugr5unaklww7eg5ga,denap p81*1 tSdaad Oid 4 BArr 3505 8 codoS esse at 01v back. over Sç&l a/S 1,5 ca Or n 00 lleSi A erta5w vAe8s&Ane m a5drekI neid lean eq 6va e3-kn 5lre 05509 Atek.a5 bed/I ban wip ka'o09t Sreo niarca ho,rl D back. Chirrno Al Son Wn on b laidsied yat 300 st Iras 2 re aethestflocc spased balhs eishd base,neet 2 Cae hel Sod codoS Souse aid Gaie. A wonderft place to cal less $357,900 SockS now, 2 Moda rast LAI Oar Gas 5waey k, lady rs cvr 959tptkC. Har,ti All Das, native m-043-3500 847022-65n dates, several locations, flexible five and eightweek sessions, and an accelerated format, our adult.focused programs will $599,955 David Brase 817-409.2382 allow you to live your life while making It a better one. 'D432fCI4iRA CoImeo Ha'5see4b&ml 5seGses DOMINIC!N UNIVERSITY ln,phod School of Leadership and Continuing Studies wJsS 5555e ai ase il &iae 5db A cbsklc SelcI, 2 Oat ata BezAsi 5500es bxkrvsed raeS 8 stsewdeYrIop,nesC Glasees ,oa,rlakred ionr,4 k* cru O FuCew lAst (5-ir lAlIsi ASo* presea s esss ssse5 standatd eScape bUone dair in. Qi cal-is 81,5w aÇçAt, SS s9rye Nre canes 9e Ismai Mg O Al-ij 0E ils-3, Cunenoy konproved voll, 3 Liese ScArsi & 2 CaO talla k, yib,SaMasl soC omtCs yard a fissie lnC fa,ya Sosie each as. sep healln, cer5 Or ivs.Nr*Öecavsd HÙ*'llIkSLnSo I BAisa up r.ued bsat Mrd, W Aw5n year kleaL 8 avIs heiter. F, Ordaled barri Ornacapet05edudbarlw4ssl,1t s'il pearS is-li. Cas lipS I, lsrg 's. New sot Escoierd eppoelunicy l -.:' , $195,005 S $231,000 fttssbeth Llodoay 847-630.3796 SArTi Sec oro cedo W/ibAor8l/35a5, 2Caobdck se oaoa S I paAkr space. Gravi oSoet raesiapid rsvend fried b0000a civtsainv oa,a 713-016-7553 0455,000 Dan keenan 817,974-9197 8,4 bayS pedro 25 Cs one tieS Caed ton. D.O 112-235-5555 , -,:C 15 J:J .TNT1 16 mews A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION N1 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Submissionsfor Com,nunity Calendarare rcquiredl4 days preceding the date ofpublicatian. Scud (o:NilcsÏklanaging Editor, PioneerPress, 3701 IV LakeAve., Gle,wiewlL 60026. Information may befaxed to (847) 486-7495 or c-mailed to Benefits The St John Brebeut gara benelit, Yesterday * Today * Tomorrow, wilt be Nov. 7 in the St John Brebout Parish May Ministry Center, 8305 N. Harlem Ave. tickets are S65 per person and indude cocktails, hors doeuvres. dinner. live and silent aactians, live entertain ment and dancing The $10.000 Gala Grand Raffle prize will be awarded. RaiIle tickets may be purchased at $25 each nr five tor $100 by callinq Maureos Polcyn, 1841) 583-ORZI. All procoeds benefit SL John Brobeaf Parish School. Contact Christivo Aragon, (047) 583-0025 Regfutratlon for the 13th annual Hastie Up the Hancockl boRins at 8 am. Nov. 2 online and by telephone. The stair climb challenges participants to climb 94 or 52 Ilights ai tho John Hancock Building. Proceeds benefit Rospiratory Health Association of Motropolitas Chicagos lung-disease research, edocation and advocacy proorams. The event ivill be 7 am. to 3 p w. Fob. 28 at the John Hancock Center, Chicago Register tar the loll or hall-climb. Registration too and pledge minimum aro $120 for the loll climb, or SilO lar the halt-climb. To register, gobs wwwiungchicagoorg or call 13)2) 243- pmceeds benefit area charities. Te reservo year boolç call Mol benign, 200Q cvi 200. puf Beth Kaftpa Association el the 1847) 966-2293. Chicago Area will hold its Annual Dinnor and Scholarship 8000)11 honoring Rick Bayloss, award-winning chefrestaurateur and founder of Frontera Farmnr Foundation with the 2009 Distingoishod Service Award Oct. 29 at Center of Concern The Center of Concert, ltDO N. Northwest Highway, Suite 310, Park Ridge, (847) 823-0453, calendar of ovoofs includom Tuesdays, Wednesdays (every week) Carnivate, 702 W. Fulton, Chicago. Re- - Employment counseling, by appoint- coptien starts at 630 p.m. Dinner is at 7.30, followed by a presentation of award and address by Dayloss. Tickets cost $150. For more intarmation go to ment www.pbkaca org. Eintettalninent Books aro available from the Knights of Columbus Council 4338 again. 1ko 2010 edition only costs $20. A wide seloction o! metropolitan areas to choose from are available. All loss support group (call limb). Safurday, Nay. 14 - Legal counseling, by appointment Saturday, Nov. 14 - Park Ridge Juniors Annua) Dotent Night (prncoods benefit The Conter and othor local organizations). Saturday, Rae. 21 - Dlood pressare and blood sugar testing, 10 a m:novn (no appointment 000ded) Nov 2) and 22 - Annual Holiday Ros' tique, St Andremo Lutheran Church. 260 9. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge; IO a rs.- 5 p rs. Saturdog nooe-5 pm Saturday, Oct. 31- Bland pressure and blood sugar footing, 10 a rn-noon Inn appointment neededl. Mnnday,Nov.9 Alzhelmer's caregivers support group, 10 am. Tuesdays. Rev. 3 and I? - Medicare counseling, by appointment Wednesdays, Nov. 4 and 18 - Grid and pectacu1ar Sale on aas Loge Sunday. Note: The Center will be closed Nov. 26 and 27 tor Thanksgiving. Clubs The ParIs Rbdn CatholIc Woman's Club will attend il a m. Muss Nov. 9 for deceased members at Our Lady nl Hopo Church, 971) W. Devon Ave. After Mass, mombors will proceed fo tho Park Ridge South Recreational Conter located at 833 W. Talcolt Road. The meeting will begin at 1215 p.m. with the Rev. Richard Grok as speaker. A mini'lanch fnllows. Guests and poiontial memhets aro always welcome; renidonco in Park Ridge is net required. Les Bavards dii Nomi, a monthly francophono lunch group, will meet at 630 p.m. Nov. 4 for dinner and cooversallen in French at a resfaurant in Des Pleines te practico using the language in an informal setting. Participants, in' cluding a few nativo speakers, have various levels et preticioucy in speaking French. Participants mast have the ability te carry on general cenvernatiens io the language. No membership FREE INZTALLATION (See store for detafls) Finest Gas Logs In America Assard Wsnuuog "Cross Tsnik-rs" 3 lJlaiing Pecas is required. Visit IosbaverdsfrancnphonoslPblogsput cors. Attendees are asked to e-mail lesbavards®yahon cors or call 1847) 921'7864 by the preceding Tuesday before unen Community Advocate Lutheran Cenerai Hospital/Advecale Lutheran General Chu- tree's Hospilal will sponsor a free electronics and appliances recycling program (rom 7 a m-6 p rs. Nov. 16. A collection bruch located in the parking lot at the northeast corner nf Demp' ster Street and Luther Lone, Park Ridge, will be available for easy dropulf. All members ol Ihe community are invited fe bring nolonger-ivantod cinc' troolcu and appliances to Ihn hospital campus tor recycling at nu covI All electronic equipment and many appliances will be acceplet, including corsputers, cemputer monitory, keyboards, printers, cell phones, radios/stereos, DVO/CD players, walkmans, clocks, tole- visions lincluding large scrennl, and small appliances lhuur dryers, mucrowave suons, etc I Larger appliances (washers, drynrul scull be accepted with advance notice. Call Donna Stallmuch at 1841) 723-5946 Our Lady of Ranters Jubilee Celebra- Gaslog Speda!ist, CustomGassdoôrs, Screens : and Elegant flrepJacé fúrnishñgs Bum StoreHours:Mon.-Tliurs.-1Oam-8'pm Radiant bical bogs deftnc tite robe of a vented gas bog seL Otsr revolutionary nrsv molding process captures sull tite delaib you expect from Itargrove 11 ceramic fiber, for n1axinuunicat radiance. The Iecitnobogy.lbrecss titis Iseni forward and oust into the rouies, creating radiant bucat outp coinparatube to vent'free, wills tise nalural beauty of vented bogs. :.Tues.,Wöd.,.Fri. & set: ..1Oath - 6pm, .. .... -. ... sun.:11aa-6pm. ; tien will be 7-10 p.m Nov. 13 and Nov 14 io the south wing ol the school. 8300 N. Greenwood Ave., Oiles Tickets are $15 each and include three shows por night. a hull-hoar comody "Sunday Dinner," a medley ot ora tones. "Tabutous 'SOs Flashback" and the Grand Oie Opry. Dinner ilems will be aeaulable throughout the evening fur belore, al' ter and betwoen shows. Tickets will be os sole alter all Masses beginning the weekend of Oct. 24-25 Call the Ministry Center, 18471 823-2550 alINàa!@ Advocate Lutheran Cenerai Hospital O'Ncill-Mullally Roisits O'Neill and Gktsn Mubbabby were married on Saturday, Wedding July 25, 2009 at Sainr Paul of tise Cross Churris its Park Ridge. A reception followed at tise Nortisbrook Hilton, Nortbsbrook. Roisin is tise daughter of Tons and Peggy O'Neill of Park Ridge news I Nl 17 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 will hosf a Health Careers Night from 6-8 p m, Nov, 4 ai Groinger Atrium, 1775 Dompstor SL Park Ridge. People ei all ages considering hoalth'caro careers ore invited te attend and learn about health-career choices, talk with various health-care pretessienals and get iofermotiun about educational requiremeets and salary ranges There io ne charge and advance registration is not required. Parking is aeoilablo in the Center for Advanced Care garage at the southwest cerner of Dempstor Street and Luther Lone and the main parking garage in front nl ihn hospital. The parking fee in both garages is S2 ber the turnt hour plus SI for each addi' tienul hour. Free parking and shuttle service te the hosputul is available un the ourtace lot north nl Dempstnr Street. Call Jan Welter, 1847) 723-8336. Te explore employment opportunities go te wwwadvucatehoullh corn Otjai'sfled Ibilnois residents rotti certi' hind hearing loss are eligible ter treo amplulied telophunns. Sponsored by the villages oh Murtos Grove and Skukio, and Hules and Schaumburg Tewnships, residents are invited in apply ber and test tilleront phones between I p rs. and 4 p rn. Nov. lI at blerton Grove Senior Center, 6140 Dempster St. Ihre process takes no mero than 15 meuten. Resernaliuns are required by Cdiiiiig Ike Hurten Greve Senior hutlune, 18471 470-5223 Shoestrtosj Productions presents "Listen te My Heart," hhe songs el David Friedman, a cabaret'style pros' entallos svuth complimentary dessert and beverage, at 7 pm Mondays through hoy. 22 at 620 Lee SL Des Plaines. The cost is $10 Tor tickets call 18471 657'7688 or e-maul shoestringpred@sbcglebal not, Crafts Renurnection College Prep high School will host its annual Arts G Crabt Fair from 10 a.m '4 p rs Nov. 14 at 7500 W Talcoit Ave, Chicago. Shop for unigso hund-crabted giltn, seasonal and holiday items, housewares. jewelry and tasty treats. Admission is $3 for adults, SI 1er seniors, childree under 10 are Iren. Call 11131 7756616, Eoh. 129. Our Lady of Ransom Catholic Women's Club, Queen ob Peace Guild, holds uts annual Holiday Cralt and Dako Sale Nov. 7 and Nov. 8 io the newly renneated Paluch Hall, 8300 Greenwond Ave, Nulos (elevator accessiblel. Hours are 8 a m. to 6 p rn Salur' doyand Darn. tu2 pm.Sunday There will be a varurly ut handmade cralts, including ornaments, wreaths, alghans, baby knit quilts, dulls, baby knit sets, home decorations and jewelry, as moli as a grast rattle, bake salo, turkey booth and Chrishmas stocking bree ter chances at beautulul gibts and home' baked bread Call the Ministry Center. 18411 823-2550 Angolo cupboard Baiaai presented by the Apestolale ob Women, St. Paul ut the Cross Church, 320 S Washingten, Park Ridge, will be 8 a nr '3 p rs. Nue. 8 in the Morelle Parish Lite Cenber. Unique arts and cralts will be featured. Soups, sandwichon and desserts will beuttered at the lIest eoly Cate. Dour prizes will be rallIed oIl every bulb-hour, in addition te the many prizes oltered in Ihn grand price rallie. Admission us SI ber adults; children aro free. st. John Brobesuf Catholic Women's Club hosts annual Holiday Cratt Fair Item 8 a w. te 3 30 p rs. Nao 15 in the Muy Parish Ministry Center, 8307 N Calendar, PAGE 21 MÂRiNøREÀLT.ORS1 Ie'mpSter i Móttoh Gróve (847) 967-5500 CALL 1-lOO 2530021) .: '5800 ILLINOIS ' -, . (OUTSIDE ........c.n5u2nmar5n..cem TteotdSndárd .. . ' ' , assd Glenn is tise son ofTossy sud l3reda I'4sslldby of Ratlsasugatu Coutssy Kibdare, Irebatud. Tise lurido is a graduate of reC A,uILve2942eg Maisse Soutls bfigis School and received a Bachelor's ;a & Degree in Bossiness Managetnessr from Ebmititrst College. at guj NOTHING ELSE COMPARESI 7iittIi 74u*owwe)neftt9 Roisin amt Gbetsts reside at their new itonse in Park Ridge. Is your head spinning from today's banking chaos? ;tttk4ys e ht new bIcheo w/ira$ caNnoIs S binty rocio. 2 car aoactied gangs. Sonia ownershp seco 1958. Ho h chao buI dateJ.isiebhUtsRars. Encepsvnd& BeauOiu GrossIe countOrlops. Now ehcOIC, PkJnh1 eAnbows. horace, dr aaAcmlEts5og7nobdrkRaeehluu3bis&21/Obaths Monteur coe,t66watot cocotte, etdc'usuuhswi Vne4htn, cuown yaitdotLoid.ldedtorbuukllsgOnudstson,snorup,tnSdOWOeuVi nmldngs&sabOors.NewOodceeb Amt&*ned........S35n buidnew. Oofs'........................................................ sve're flot changing ossr stame. Lynctnc D. Simmons sod Michael W. I-bag svore married September 12, 2009 as she O,ik l'jrk Conservatoiy Reverend Evc-ts its todisy's banking world, Liberty Bank rctn:sitss :55 soliti as ever, b8auer Fiosanci:sl recently :swardcd Liberty Bank a 5-Star Superior rating. . Sor tise 21st Alan Taylor of Uisity TerapIe officiated the ceretnonyr A recepoion followed at Gibsods in Rosemoot, IL. Lynesse's maki oflionor was Mv, Tabitha D. Hoag, daughter of she groom. Michael's best man Was his son, Mr, Collin M. I-bag. For mors infnrsoallon, (Ontool: Lynetse is the daogliser ofJeannic Simmons of Benson 1-barbor, I8I and the bate Lynn Simmons Sr. ofNiles, Mb. Michael is the son of Dorothy Elliot ofVeoice, FL and William Hogg ofLahn Geneva, WI. Marsha Garrigan at 630-978-8290 or consecutive year) This award ranks fiisattcial jtsstitutions based on capital So ifysu'rc looking for a bank that reflects tise independence anti stability of our founding fathers, come to Liberty Bank. PIONEER Piuss small litigation firm in Chicago. The groom is a gradaate ofthc University oflbbinois at Chicago and is un Electrical Engineer and tbtc President of NDT James Instruments, inc. in Ctticago. Yanto Local cuesco 5IEiie 's-tn rrt't) i hi i')r)rlttjzt A' nib -toi (ii; ist islirI'i Inririilif,lse blizl'j ítjçu'l thtt J'iriv.i''its son v'>lit (''"' LIbERTy B$ Trust & Inlegriiy Since 1898 :sdcquacy, asset quality ami stabibity. The bride is a graduate of tite University nf Michigan and University ofMicbtigats Law Schoob. She is an Attorney-Partner at a q-torts $i o',rni;vI,ir tri t7i-Hr. MoilooGmes.. RarORa608ESOIOS 0006 NOTE. LulSize of almest owned and operated. We've never merged, and Wedding ttti).\sVo(s'v9tttsi\ tii'iiitiis(i'.) UILDERS ACRE) Slithx . Debtor than Newt Telai Now MiaM Superb EsIiOt Oaks Rumb with 3 bis S 2 112 baths + 3 car gange! 11 cat all gar S 2 car delacld gas) 6 For over b i b years, Liberty blank bras been locally Sn,eet Stcteen . Simmons-Hoag At least so,neone'S i-tinning a tight ship . 2392 N. Mit,nak,i As'. iSSt W.Fo,u,,An. chingo,tt.60656 Cio,,0o,tLOOSll 773384.4500 773.79LZ2tt O2tON,Milwe,kreAvi. Cbioo,IL6O64 njJua,itao "EDGEBROOK TOWERS" BI-LEVELI MORE FOR YOUR MONEYt es Plalsmn,Mnssbh butch S husmeo steso Rash no nsudcszod Loll Cldcaoo.. tnoobj whale bdck 5vri s Seugbri-Nlon Loca800 of EdgebsnokSauçarasbl 3 bss, 2 NaHm S 2 caz nlsacbmd uinb Spacious tvhi9 en S äsg no T onobeohr. opte puoi w/sluOz9 606e N. Un,oloAre. Uo,olrnvood.tL607tZ Nl.u74.53t0 Ott W.Tooby As,. PaktsiJn,,1L60060 scl,our,00sa Updated Remind traçAs latctueo w/ivwoiçtwices. Laz ete900b bug mtsthisg no cueto. Bmjhbs4 oak hardwood s DeoiUmi.t w/oab ug S sUbs. M osunos rocio ttzo Recoud iqeovorsntm Funacn'08&Centdgn'07.MidCowhhnoib ......................0490's FDIC enwso&gaetoE841kiiwtJceclaop,feno&cabh1etu 3brswilni9nchseh&teodwaodflm. Masrunhew/islbalts.Mbsnfl w/oesrtreudsewun. Updutndwhntows + reilo9 hanac Attached 905090 w/uttsc storms S adHcesd000bne(n...................$28OEs 18 NI THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 a "Wlie,c Dreams Come Truc!" Since 1983 : verk 4 ForYour Consideration A quartet ofactivitics for the coming week : DAY SALE Queen Set Quilted Classic Firm Magic Sleep Mattress, f;:i r' Set $199 Full Set $279 ' ;, IBAM! Festival, an Irish book, art and music colebration, II a.m.-9 p,m. Oct 30-Nov. 1 at the Irish American Heritage Center, 4G26 N. Knox, Chicago. The event features book signings, panel discussions, art (ng Set $499 ' exhibits, lectures, theatre performances, live music and TristI dance, including Mike Houlihan performing his one-man show, "bahganism," at noon Saturday. Admission is $5; free for children 12 and under. (773) 282-7035 or Roma Sonora Firm Blue Lake PIIowtop "The Ilobbit," pre- sented by Christian Youth Theater ofChicago Oct. 29Nov. 8 at the Prairie Lakes Theatet; 515 E. Thacket Des Plaines. $8-$12 in advance; $10-$14 at the Memory Foam $A (i QUEEN SET Twin Set $249 QUEEN SET FuU Set $349 e King Set $649 Twin Set $349 Good only at the Bedding Experte Full Set $499 King Set $799 QUEEN SVF Twin Set $749 eood only at the Beddn Exporb Silk fl0d Cthon 89O QULEflSt Z.n O.rden Pt,,sh 1169 TUT1Tp1 .FW4 IN,gWTSEN EUELIVE... Full Set $849 King Set $1299 Good only at Ca Bedding Experts .. DUCEN SET TflT1I .T,AWDtTSD Ia,05C Where dreams come true! For a store nearest you caib eue uuu hekIh,grttpci1o,,x UJ DeIixerk,te,ith Si,,ce 1983 i -877224321 2 DITMSETVME flYEflTNDDUUSrI UNISETSEWDTTWDUSLI ONDEENDUI2DU STS.MAIIIEUUED1NDU5NDUTIESDUTNDIMATSEWUIEII4AIT Ie*JWII5eT I ITMPIDUISUADDUEIEIDUUSEHDUWRJDUCEESPIDU1DUCEIETTENTT. I The Newberry Consort, instrument chamber ensemble, presents "Beau- z.,, Te,,WI. FIND tiful Dreamer: The Music ofLincoln's America" at 3 DUCEN SET T,SETSNDl .flhSflSlVD Northwestern University, 700 University Place, Evanston. $25; $5 foi' stu: dents. (312) 255-3610. J '111)111 ',''IS N TTCJT UI "f .:: HOURS: MONDAYThRU FRWAY1O:3OAMTO B PM SIThRDAY 10:30 AM TO 6 PM SUNDAY 11 AMTO 5 PM MeuAdTwDwxJaeJTYx crsrses CAWUTDUWYPEIIxAYTUaTNDFIxILPUTTL simnr&raux "An American Trilogy," music ofBob Dylan, Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie, presented by Bucky Halker at 8 p.m. Oct. 31 at the Skokie Theatre, 7924 Lincoln Ave., Skokie. $20 in advance; $25 at the door. wwwskokitthentre.cOm. : By DAN PEARSON on Chic,ig&s Northwest side. She sold producer Robin Ledford on the possibihity of remounting "Footloose" for the Devonshise Youth Playhouse. "1 said let's pick a show that involves a lot of Contributor Time to put on your dancing shoes as the Devonshire Youth Playhouse will present the musical version of "Footloose" at the Devonshire Cultural Center in Skokie Saturdays and Sundays, Nov. 7-22. The musical version, which debuted on Broadway in 1998, WaS based on the 1984 movie, which starred Kevin Bacon as ben, a Chicago teenager vhso moves witis his mom to a small-minded small town where dancing is against the law and he decides to do something about it. "1 think this production vihl be enjoyable for young :1 ,.,,,.','., I The cast of Footloose," the musical version, which is being performed Nov. 7-22 at the Devonshire Cultural Center in Shokie. people because it people their age that they are watching perform," dircctor and choreographer Liz Yerkovich said. "But it will also be a lot offun for adults because I think it vihl bring back a lot of memos'ies. A lot of parents now were teenagers when 'Footloose' came out." "Footloose," which will be set in 2009, is Yerkovich's tirst production with Devonshire Youths Program and in many ways it's a dream project for her. "The first time I saw 'Footloose' I must have been 8 years old and I had decided then and there that was 1 was going to marry Kevin Bacon. I have been in love wills the movie ever since, so much that I could recite almost tise teenagers where they are actually dealing with this stuffin real life," she said. Even the adult roles will be played by teenagers. "We had discussed casting adults in tise adult parts such as the Rev. Shaw or as Ren's mothes: At the auditions I realized I had a lot of talented kids who could take it to tise next level and play tisose msjor roles as adults," Yerkovich said. Tise roles ofRon and Asiel are played by Gilbert Roman and l3renna PalO, who both have a lot of trainIng in dance, acting and singing. Romem, 18, said he was surprised "big time" when he was cast its the lead role opposite PalO, his real-life girlfriend who plays Ren's girlfriend, Ariel. "I have never been in a musical that was this much fun," said Roman. "I think that is my hardest rolo, probably because Ren is more outgoing than me." Other cast members include Time Brickey, Jennifer Roxas, Chewy Paz, Bria Patrick, Sophie Stegar, Glenn Weissman, Olivia Myers, Margea Dygola, Aria Caldwell, Hayley Bramati, Megan McDonnell, Maddie Pullman, Emma Thomas, Julia Melnick, Genevieve Lindiey, SIsen Warner, banne Tralmer, Kelsey Ledfosd, Theresa Franks, Emma Sheffey and Nina Codell. UI have a tot of talented actors and dancers in this slsow and I am definitely using them to tiseir fullest abilities," Yes'kovich said. FAMILY FRIENDLY Kids can dance with a princess at the ball By MYRNA PETLICKI Contributor Children, ages 3 and older, and parents will get a royal welcome at "The Princess Ball," G p.m. Satssrdny, Nov. 14, at the Skokie (847) 677-7761 or / tSiO.%tO1'3IITtOI't 1FI'IITIt1fl fos The Entertainment Project production staged at the Copernicus Center p.m. Nov. 1 at Lutkin Hall at PDD SET SITEN entire film. I know all tise choreography. I know all the music." Tisree years ago, Yerkovich was thrilled to choreograph "Footloose" P(ayhauseaspe door. (847) 516-2298 or an early-music, original- RANJE . r' Mike Houhan - :1\ 1':/ Warning: 'Footloose' might cause spontaneous dancing Nov. 7-22 at the Devonshire Culturat Center, 4400 Greenwood Ave. SKshie. i p.m. Saturdays. 3 p.m. Sundays Sto, SB students and ssniars. Call (847) 674-1500, Ext. 2400 or visit wwwsknkepa rhdis)rictsrg/spdcm/Devsnshire- VETERANS fl CoNiAcr Jennifer Thomas, Managing Editor p: 841.486.7358 e: jthomas@pioneerloCai.Com si PAGE BI Park District's Oakton Community Centet; 4701 Oakton St. "We have three princesses coming in Snow White, Belle and Cmderella," said special events supervieor Mary Greai Ball guests will dine on sandwiches, fruit, vegetabies and dessert. Each child attending will receive a wooden frume that they can decorate at the event. Parents are encouraged to bring a camera in order to take a photo of their chi)dren with tise princesses in front of a fairy tale backdrop. A DJ will be on hand to provide music foi- dancing. Many little girls wear princess costumes but any nice outfit vill do, The cost is $24 per couple for residents, $30 for nonresidents. The cost per additional child is $IQ for residents, $12 for nonresi- dents. Registration is required. For details, call (847) 674- U.S. premieres," said Nicole Dreiske, Facets' director of children's psogeams. For details, see 1500. World view Hobbit forming Children's movies from around the world are being shown at tise Wilasette The adventures of Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey are set to music in CYT'S new adaptation of JRR Tolkien's "The Hobbit." Performances are Thursday, Oct. 29-Sunday, Nov. 8, at Prairie Lakes Tlseatre, 1122 Central Ave., Saturday, Oct. 31, and Sunday, Nov. 1. It's the sub- urban venue for the Chicago International Cisildress's Film Festival, pre- sented by Facets Multimechia. "A nunsber ofthons are Thseatet; 515 E. Thackes; Des Plaines. Tickets are $8-$12 in advance, 2 more at the door. For details, call (847) 5162298. The spirit and Dave moves them There will be strings attached at the Halloween Show, 2-8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31, sn tise Baxtes Room Auditorium at Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave. Dave Fleszog's Marionettes vill entertain families at tisis hsohiday show. For details, call (847) 9654220. BZ I diversions Banquets & Catering for ail your needs . Ic1: Seafood Daily RC . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 tern and half-hearted attempts at STELL PLAYING' ,-,JOUSE , ., , . Casualflhsnos,,hcre AMELIA . Live IZnlcr$alnnzenj Hilary Swank stars in this biogra- . Carry-outAvailablc phy ot aviatìon pioneer Amelia Carhart and her fatelul 1937 attempt . Opcnfor 1,unch & Dho roer Daily TpiITIoNv. THANKSGIVING kF(OUI ' o- Family Style Dinner y .., S2Z OPEN AT 11:00 Soup & Salad, Baked Ham, React Turkey, DressIng, Sweet Pataleas, Machod Patalees, Pumpkin Pia, Core Bread . : 195 (847) 647-8282 way from "Swingers" for Vaughn and Fvvreau, who co-wrote the script painful "What Nappons in Vegas"). A Arlington Theaters language, thematic elements and smoking. yuppie couple (Bateman and Bell) on 53 S. Evergreen St. the verge nf divorce because they 1847) 403-0123 family adventure, but with little at the eccentric Imagination of the original 1963 Japanese TV series. When the young son nf tire Minister of Science (voiced by the oddly cast Nicalas Cage) In a floating, futuristic city dies in a lab mishap, his bereaved father uses his UNA to create a super-powered robot replica. The robot buy doesn't ease Dad's grief, though, and he's torced to find his own lonely way In life (as a rocketpowered boy hero) after being spurned. There's a fuir amount of tan in the new "Astro Boy," but some of its themes - death, abandonment, war, slavery -are surprisingly dark for a story that's clearly aimed at a very young audience. And while they're eventoally balanced by more upbeat opposites - rebirth, reunion peace and justice - it's still a bit et a weariunme slog. Ill) 194 min.) Rated PG for sume actiun and peril, and brief mild language. The vampire Crepsfey lJohn C. Reilly) in his final resting place in "Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant," In the fantasy-adventure, one teen will vanish from the safety of a boring existence and fulfill his destiny in a place drawn From nightmares. :J1. 'nIE }UlnS . iP[ WEIli JN C.RE[ SHØCS8H !D111S8N 9U[SI hUoaso,.uooIo uoou, L===0 '-' . illlllE111ÀN RYJI 9P!II!1 . www.11ievomplresaoslstanl.not NOW PLAYING CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS FORTHEATRES AND SHOWÇIMES Maea.e eons .ShoM)m. - 'axo VANtIMES woe yorrair CHIC IoakJal454alI ft's nice to learn a trade, but being a plumber's assistant would be less dangerous. And maybe even more tan than this tepid adaptation of Darien Shun's popular kid'ljt series. The scares are mild and the comedy is even milder in this cullapsed version of the first three "Cirque du Freak" books abuat a young man named Darien (Chris Massaglia, uninterested and uninter' outing) who runs away to juin the freak show and finds himself in the middle al a war between the good vampires, who don't kill people, and the bad vampires, who do. Writer/director Paul Weitz ("About a Bey") establishes a reasonably spooky mood and keeps the slightly twisted kamor flawing (at a dribble), bat John C, Reilly provides the only real enter' tainment as Darien's sardonic, warid'weary vampire mentor. (B» (108 min.) Rated PG'13 for sequences of intense supernatural violence and friend ILovel who's already divorced and dating a 20-year old whn colis him Daddy, a couple of friends lFavreoa und Davis) on Ihn verge of elements and some language. MOTHERHOOD A mother fUma Thurmunl of two is put through her paces preparing for a daughter's 6th birthday party. Katherine Dieckmann ("Diggers") wrote and directed the comedy. (90 min.) Rated P0-13 for language, seuo- al re(erences and a brief drug com- ment THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS **** Praducer/stury-cunker-opper Tim Burton's animated, light-operatic holiday classic lactually directed by Henry "Coraline" Selick) about the attempt of the bored fling of Hallomeen to take over Christmas. Remastered in 3D for this 13th-asniversary reissue. If you've some' haw failed to see this magnificent piece nf work, don't miss this chance to see it in a theater, ev matter how you feel about the 3D gimmickry. Na encuses; go see it. CIROUE Dli FREAK: ThE VAMPIRES ASSISTANT can't conceive a child convince one (BI) (76 mini Rated PG for some scary images. SAW VI Another round for the seemingly unkillable horrar franchise, about a madman (Tobin Belli who farces victimo fo choose between a horribly grisly fate or an even more horribly grisly fate. At least it's nice to have a choice. (90 min.) Rated R for se' quences of grisly bloody violence and torture, and language. LAW ABIDING CITIZEN * * 1/2 Being incarcerated has a restrain' ing effect on mast movie serial killers, at least in terms of narrowing MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT (PG) NILES GLEN VIE W Glen 10 Show Place 12 1050 Tower Drive 301 Golf Mill Confer 1847)729-9000 (8001 326-3264, 111643 . ARLINGTON HEIGHTS with Dana Fon (who also wrote the reasonable amount of entertainment value in this expensive animated Poter HoU, COIEMATICALCOM sionally likable, But it's a long, long the theater fer information. Gregal. (Ill min I Rated PG for same senseality, * * 1/2 and adults' Davis and Malin Akermani is protes- Bell, Faizon leve, Kali hawk, Kristin Sun: ll2o-145-4:15-650 Movie times are effective Friday and are cumplind from information available an Tuesday. Please note that theator schedules are sublect ta change. If no listings are previdrd, please call Favreau, Jason Bafeman, Kristen turing Richard Gere and Ewan Mc- The Astro-great-grandaddy et all anime comes to the screen with a Eye candy for teenagers cast lfeaturie» Vince Vaughn, Jon ta fly around the world. Directed by Mira Nair ('Monsoon Wedding"), fea ASTRO ROY 6881 N. AIiIio'aukeoflve, Nilcs, IL SHOWTIMES raunchy humor, simply because the . DdilciousSleakc & Chops www.Korusnlno cam , -HIGHLAND PARK NORRIDGE Norridge 445 CentraI Ave. 10471 432-3300 4520 Harlem Ave. THE INVENTION OF LYING (PG-13) hi: 4:40-7:10-9.40 Frl. Sut: 2.15-445-7:15-9.15 Sat, Sun: ll.45-2:lu-4.4n-7,lO9.40 1008)262-4386 wwwumctheatres corn MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT (PG) Sue-Thora: 2:15-445-7:15 Fri-Son 11.15 Wed. 210-4:40-7,10 THE INFORMANT! (R) CIRQUE DU FREAK: THE VAMPIRE'S ASSISTANT Fn, Sat: 2:15-445-7:15-9.15 I 50-425-7.05-9.40 Mnn'Thure: 1.50-425-7.05 Sun-Thurs: 2:15-4:45-7.15 ASTRO BOY (PG) Mon, Tues, Thym: 440-7.10 -.. CLOUDY WITh A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS (PG) Fri-Sun: ll.o5-l.I0-320-530-7.35-0-5O Mon-Thorn: 320-0-30-7.35 5 5. Prospect 18411 604-2234 Go to wilmettetheutre rem br shnwtimea NEW YORK, Ivi: 5.15-7:309.45 I LOVE YOU (R) Sat, Sun: 1L45-3:nO-s.l5'1:30-945 Frl. Sat: 2.80-4:30-7.uu-9.15 310-s2S-7:40-9.S Mon-Thorn: 318-2-7.40 rn-Sun I 30-4.1-630-04S en an Island paradise for a week of an unfamiliar scenario, but "law Abiding" makes things a little more sun, fun and intensive marital thora' Mon, lues, Thorn: 5:15-7.30 Sun-Thurs 2.00-4:30-7.00 Wed: l2:45-3.O0-5:15-7.30 BRIGHT STAR (PG) CIRQUE DU FREAI THE VAMPIRE'S ASSISTANT WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (PG) interesting - and a lot more prepusferons - by having our anti'hern carry out ls revenge while Inched up in solitary confinement. While prosecutor Jamb Foun grows in' creasingly frustrated. Instead of milking the evploitable elements, di' lion? lt's not very much fun as a ASTRO BOY (PG) Fri-nhuru 2.00-7.00 (P013) Fri-Son: 130-4.1-630-84S Fn: 5.nO-7.10-9.15 JULIE & JULIA (PGI3) Fri-Son: Il 25-l.55-420-7.15-9.35 movie, either. (811 (101' min.) Rated Moo-Thorn: 415-630-0.45 Sat, Sun: l245-2.5n-5.nO-7.109.15 Frl. Sat: 4:30-9.15 rector F, Gary Gray ("Friday") shifts the dramatic balance toward tragic commentary an the criminal justice system und that's more earnestness than an essentially trashy and outra' genusly improbable ultra'violent reverge fantasy can bear. (BI) Rated R for stong, bloody, brutal violence and torture, a scene uf rape, and pervasive language. FREE STYLE A high-school 11MO racer ("High School Musical" star Corbin Bleui luso 2nd St. 18411 250-7282 Fn: 4 50-7,00-9.10 A SERIOUS MAN (R) sets his nights on making the Grand Mue, Tues, Thora: 4:50-7.00 Fri-Son: 12.30-2.00-3:00 National team in this spurts drama. Wed:1230-2:40-4 50-7.00 (94 min I Rated PG fer language, seme sensuality and thematic mate' LAW ABIDING CITIZEN (R) *** CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY about outrages in American society tram Michael Maure ("Sicko," "Bowl' Fri-Son: 12:15-2.45-515-7.45 Mnn-Thurs: 2 45-5.15-7.45 AMELIA (PG> COUPLES RETREAT (PG-13) Fil: 2:lu-4'40-7.10-9.30 Mon-murs 2 40-520-8,00 Sal:11 40-2.10-4.40-7:10-9.30 Mon, Turs, Thurn: 5:10-LW COCO BEFORE Wed: l2:40-3'00-5:lO'120 CHANEL PG-13) Fri-Sun 12.00-2:30-5.00-7:40 loss than its economic system, here Mne-Thurs: 2.30-5.00-7:40 (with novelist Dave Eggersi and di' rected this adaptation nf Manrice characterized as inherently evil. takes him to a forest full nf wild animalo who make him their king. Rat' ed PG for mild thematic elements, same adventure action and brief language. na question you'll walk out of the theater wound up one way nr another and with plenty to talk abeut. But Moore's reliance on agit-prop EvÁNsN:: 1715 Maple Aun. (847) 491-9151 ThE STEPFAThER (PG-13) Fri-Thorn: l2.l0-2:40-520-8 00 Sat, Suo: 12:40-3.RD-5:10-7'2R-9.40 Evanston Century! Clnearts Son: 11.45- 220-4:50-120 Mon-Thore: 220-4 50-720 Fri-Sun: ll35-l:40 3:50-600-005-10.10 Mon-Thorn: 3 50-6 00-0.05 ing for Columbine") tackles nothing Sendak's classic children's story about a boy whose imagination Fn: 220-4:50-720-9.45 Sat 1145-220-4.50-720-9:45 AN EDUCATION (PG-13) Spike Jonze l"Being John Malkuvich," "Adaptation") co'wrote "Capitalism: A love Story" certainly has something to say and there's Men-Thorn; 33-:0000 LAW ABIDING CITIZEN (R) PARNORMAL ACTIVITY (R) Wed: 12:30-L5n-5l0-7.3n Fri 5.10-720-9.40 SAW VI (R) 3:35-5:50-8 Ou-10.05 '130-5.30-7.15-B.l0 lvi: 5.10-7:30-9.50 Sat, Sun; 1230-250-5:ln-7.301.50 Mon, Tuns, Thurc 5:10-7:30 rial. 4:30-5.30-7.l5-0.10 Mon-Thurs: 2.00-3.00 Sor: 11:40-2.10-440-7.10 Mns'Thurs: 2.10-4 40-7.10 WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (PG) Tri: 2.nO-435-7.00-9.l5 MOUNT PROSPECT Randhurst IDI Euclid Ave. 1000) 262-4306 wwwamctheatroscom HiIur' Swank stars as the aviation heroine "Amelia." Han-mors; 4.00-6.00-8 00 COUPLES RETREAT (P6-13) ÎIC1S'AVAILABLE.A1 THEATERS EVERY,, IIERE!. Mon-Thorn: 415-6:30-0.45 uns-murs: 155-420-7.15 Fri-Son: 11:10-120 Sat, Son: l2.30-2.40-4.50-7.00-9.lO The latest pseudo-documentary WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (PG) Sun-Thorn: 430 Sfurts Mnnday 11/2 ' II/u ASTRO BOY (PG) Fri-Sun: I 15-4 00-6.00-8.00 tisis whole thing starts, to join them Renaissance Place fur showlimes CHICAGO FESTIVAL OF ISRAELI CINEMA Mon-Thora: 5:nO-7.00-9.00 them off ou a technicality. That's not Wed' 12:45-2.50-5OO-7,1u Sat, Sun' Go to Fri-Sun' 215-.0-7.00-900 Fri-Sue 11.00-1.05 Mon, Tues, Thors: Eri: 10:30 n.m. OPA (PG13) are reasonably happy together when guage. 18471 25l-74ll CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL CHILURENS FILM FESTIVAL everyone else who was even symbolically involved in letting une uf PG'13 far senual content and Ian- 1122 CentraI Ave. ROGERS & HART MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION a breakup and another couple nf friends (Vaughn und Akerman) who (PGI3) Wilmette PARK RIDGE Plckwlck Highland Park WILMETTE Mon-Thuru: 2.38-5:00-7:30 make the killers of his wife and daughter pay puinfully - as well os py. Not your idea of a dream vaca- diversions 1B3 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION OC FILM CLIPS . ROSEMONT., Rosemont 18 9701 Bryn Mawr Ave. 1847) 441-1030 Rosemont 18 Premier 9701 Bryn Mawr Ave (8411 441-1030 .: SKOKIE' Gardens 1-6 220 DId Orchard Center 1000)262-4306 yvwwanicthnuf res cnm Gardens 7-13 175 old Orchard Center 10001 262-4386 Sat: ll30-2.00-4257.089.IS wwwamctheatres.cem Sun: ll:30'l.50-4:35-7.00 Mun-Thure. 2.00-4.35-7.00 Village CrossIng COUPLES RETREAT (PG-13) Fn: 4:15-650-9.28 Sal: 1120-145-4.15-6 50-920 loon Carpenter Ovad 18471 673-8486 rvwwflnrusutes,cum und his generalities and fuzzy logic have never been more pronounced AN EDUCATION A teenage girl (Carey Mulligan) in early-'60s london becomes involved with a man (Peter Sarsgaard( who is twice her age. Nick Hureby ("About a Boy") adapted the drama from a memoir by journalist lynn Barber. than they are here. Worth seeing far its handful of revelations, though, and the insurance company double-speak he dubs into an old film of Jesus healing the sick. (BI) (120 min.) Rated R for some fangouge. COtIll1lFl (95 min.f Rated PG-13 for mature down their field al operations, but thematic material involving senual not is the case of "Law Abiding Citicontent, and for smoking. zen," a competently made, superfidaily serious, but basically prepon' COUPLES RETREAT terous putboiler which suggests that going to mauimum'security lockup Yon might find this tedious rodoesn't have tn cramp your style. mantic comedy just barely passable GerardButler stars as a revengeit you dont mint a trunspasestly drive family mandetermlned ta'pr'ódlcf'ab[e blat, momulalc chabacT,, ** .. WHIP IT C1ll1SEt1 IÏIi iiJHE lICII JSOlI COi III 1ICll I1tI iìT 011 :- ' 'J} SOS IIIS S 1 Drew Barrymore makes hoi direc- * /o i: Sc .' e tonal debut with this comedy about a small-town girl (Ellen Page of PG wv °°°° cesUuthst COLUMBIA PICTUES :.... "Juno") who becomes a roller derby queen. Rated PG'l3 for senual con- NOW PLAYING tent including crude dialogue, Ian- CHECK LOCALLISTINGS FORTHEATERS ANIs SIIOWTINI ES weRY,no PASSESACCEI'TW FORThIS I2oeoEflr.NT goage and drug material. eaters last wenk. ni,":' -o ":' . sisan B4 I diversions Honers Wind Symphony, Chorale, Big What to do. This week and beyond. Band and Symphony Orchestra perterm Wagner's Dlde et the Valkyries," Derlion's Syniphanie Fantastique, Saint-Sanos' "Danse Macabre' and more. Avdience members are encoaraged te wear costumes. Tickets: $30$35: $t5-$20 ter students, Call 1047) 926-9898 er visit wow.mya.erq. hidden thoughts are revealed. Na une under age t? admitted. Admissien $20. Celebrate Italtuweent concert, 2 p.m. Nani at Pick-Staiqer Concert Hall at Northwestern University, 50 Arto Circle Drive, Evanston. Midwest Yaung Artists' Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Voices Rising, Concert, Plrilharmonla, Cadet and Reading Orchestras will portan Mozart's Symphony Na. 9, Beethoven's Prometheus Overture, Mendvlsselsn's Symphony Ne. 5 and mare. Tickets: $30- $35: $t5$20 tar students. Call (847) 926-9898 or visit www.mya erg. Halloween Partyand Niob Night (or children ages 4-It years, 5to p ni. act, 3) at United Studias et Sell Deteose, Oct3O-31 at tdgebrook Lutheran Fer tickets, call 1847) 415-34tO. For in- 7135 N. Contra) Ave. Skakie. $25. To reg' Church. 5252 W. Ueeoe Ave. Chicage. A termatian, visit wow evanstonhistsrycenter.erg. TraIls of Tenor. 630930 p m. Oct 29-31 at Petersen Park 580t N. Patanki Road, in Nurth Park Village. Entry tee is Sm; $8 ter ages 8-ti Not recommended tor children under 8. No tickets will be sold alter 9:30 p.m. Far intarniation, visi) or is)er, call t847) 675-2911. You WANT IN? HERE'S HOW. ,, Sabmit go. events one woek prier to the date et publication, ,, Entries must be typed. We're sorry, but we can't take It over the telephone. We pretor e-mai) submissions, please. ,, go. listings are tree. Include brie) description et the event, time, dale, address, price and phone number. ,, By mai): go. do Pioneer Press, 3701 W. Lake Ave., Glenviow IL 60026. E-mai): FAX: (847) 4DB-7451 HALLOWEEN MnIstîy aithe Macabre will be held Haunted Maze designed by film director Zeke Gonzalez will be open from 110:30 pin. Friday and Saturday admissial) is $5 (saygested ter ages 8 and up; children under the age at 8 must be accompanied by an adult). An allages Halloween party will be held tram 7-10:30 p m. Saturday, featuring a bu)te) and seIt drinks, dancinq, karaoke and a cantaren contest Admission to the Halloween party is $20 ter adalto $10 tar children. Call 1113) 163-212) aremail Itauntlng I1lstary, an interactive Halloween eapenience with magician David Parr, will be presented at 7 and 8 p m. Oct 29 and 7, 8 and 9 pez. Oct3031 at the Evanstan History Center at The Charles Gates Dawns House, 225 Greenwaod SL Evanston. Each mom in the snaesion afiero an encounter with the strange and supernatural: abjects 00900 are conveyed by innialble hands: call (3t2) 742-PLAY. Boolesque Revae, a Halloween burlesque skew, will be presented by Piccola Theatre at 8 p ro. Oct. 29 at the Evanston Arta Depot 680 Main St. Evanstan. Tickets: $25; $20 seniors: $15 students. For mare information, cal) (847) 424-0089 nr visit Cetebrate Itallaween) concert, 2 p.m. Oct 31 at PickStaiger Concert Halla) Northwestern University, 50 Arts Circle Drive, Evansten. Midwest Veeng Artists' Fright lest, through Navl at Sin Flags Great America, 542 N. Route 2), Gur500, toatuning Hallowoenthomed rides, shows, street entertainment and haunted houses Hours are 5-t) p.m. Fnday, IO a m-10 p.m. Satarday and 10 a ni ' p m. Sunday. $34.99 (available online). Visit www.sinflags com. Dick's RiverRoadhaase, 702 N. River Road, Mount Prospect www.Oick- OC PH )JRSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 Nan,1: and 2 p.m. Nov,Bat Northwest' ere University's Ethol M. Barber The' aten, 30 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, TIckets: $25: $22 (or seniors: Stolen tall-time stadento. Call (847) 49)7282 and $24, For information, call (847) 869'6308 nr visit www.LightOpora' Greenwood Ave., Skoble, Retro 'OOs Works nrg. "Detta Dandy," B p.m. Ilnv,20-21 in Nerfhwvstero Univeroily's Acole May ance un Nao, 21: teens In grades 6-0 an visit www.t)c.narthwestern vda. Sollt Stadio Space, 1920 Campas Drive, Btack Comedy" will be presented by Piccola Theatre at O p.m. Oct,30'31 at the Evanston Arts Depot, 600 Malo St., Evanston. While scheming ta impress Evanston. Part et the department et pertermonce studies' dents and seniors: comha show and dance with SPD Toen ID, $0 (with school ID only, Sto). "l'De Babbi),' presented by Christian Youth Theater afChicagn Oct 29-Wee, 8 at the Prairie Lakes Theater, 515 E, Thacken, Des Plaines. Performances are his tiancee's lather and a potential millionaire patron, a young sculptor's career prospects and love lite are plunged mb chaotic darkness when a tuse blows In hin apartment. The per' tormance will be complemented each ovenieg with a selection st sketches inupired byDudleyMoore, Peter Ceelc Hugh Laurie and Stephnn Fry. Tickets: $25: $20 tor seniors: SIS ter studonls and children under 10, Call (847) 4240009 er visit C'est La Vle, presented through Nav,15 at Light Opera Warks Second Stage, 1420 Maple Ave., Evanston Do' minique and Fatiguée are down-an' "volo/blaclwoman" performance se' ries, visiting artist Sharon ßnidglorth's "Delta Dandy" Is a cacophony of mono' legue, chant, memory, dance and song. Admission is tree. The OlaryofAnne Frank," flac, 13'22 in the Performing Arts Center et Harp' er College, Rasolln and Algonquin roads, Palatine. Performances are atO p.m. Fridays and Satandays 2p m. Sun' days Mativees no Sunday are precodod by audience ennichmont events att p.m. $12-$15. For tickets and intona' tien, call (047) 925'6t00 or visit www.harpvrcallege edu. Emergoncy," 7 p.m.Nov,l7 in North' western University's Hal and Martha ttyer-Wallis Theater, Theatre and Inter- their-lack chanteuses at a fading cabaret in 1950 Paris. Forced to sing the same Edith Pial ssngs every night, the pair scheme ta have their boss "conveniently detained" by the police nu that they can finally perform their ewe material - if only ter one night Contain at O p.m. Fridays and Satur' pretatian Center, 1949 Campuo Drive, days: 3 p.m. Sundays. Age recomrnondation: 12 and elder, Tickets: $39, $31 14 and 21 and 3 p.m. Nun. 0,15 and 22 at the Devonshire Csltura) Center, 4400 Evanston. A eee'man performance by visiting artist Daniel Boaty, 'Emerqency" enploros the impact at ceetories al slavery and asks qaest ions about homos treedarn. Free, 'Footluose,' presented by the Devnv' shire Youth Playhouse a) I p m. Nani, A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION DC diversions 195 Banco Night following the ponton' can loin the cast and dance along with T B.J. anti) 10 p.m. Tickets: $10: $8 sta' ',. . at 9:30 em. and 11:45 um. Oct. 29 and Nov, 3: 7 p.m. Ort, 30 and Nos'. 6:2 nm. and 6 p.m. Oct 31 and Nov. i; and 2pm. Nov. I end 8. Tlckets are $8-$12 in advance: $10-514 at the door. Call 18471 516-2290 er visit "The Informer,' presented by Prop nhtr Nuv,13'Dec,19 at the Irish Amorican Heritage Center, 4626 N. gnon, Chicago. Set daring the Irish Debellion, circa 1922, "rho ln(armor" tells the tale st Gippo Nolan and the betrayal nf hIs best friend, Frankly McPhillip. Portermunces are at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays: 3 p.m. Sanitayu. No perform' acces Thanksgiving weekend. Tickets: $20: $15 for 1AUG members. Call 1173) 539'1038. "The Marvelous Wonderettes," through Navi ut Nurthlight Theatre, located io the North Shore Center fur the Performing Arts, 9501 Skokie Blvd. go., PACE B? 1847) 298-7200. Oct,2: "Oick'oThnillHER Dash," with the Dead Celebrity Costume Contest at 1 a m. Oct. 3t "Dick's Diver Road Mas- sacre" with the Dead Celebrity Castome Contest at 1 am. STAGE 'Anionic and Old Lace, at 8 p ni. Od, 29-Oct 31 and Nov, 5-7; 2 and 8 p.m. move at their own accord; cryptic mes- PIONEER Piss .& er BEGINS TUESDAY! NOVEMBER 3 - DECEMBER ¡3 8 0 0-775-20 0 0 www. BROADWAY IN TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL BROADWAY IN CHICAGO BOX OFFICES OR ANY TICKETMASTER OUTLET wee.Izunglrankens)DinlheMusIcaI.cem GROUPS l5: 312-977-1710 Tiigivul liejd.j1 caainzoiding an DC THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29, 2009 B6 I diversions TABLEHOPPH1G Superdawg owners openiiíg second location Daily Umahi Superdawg restaurant, 333 N. Milwaukee Ave. Whe&nt. ProS Jected openin9: Nov. T. Hours will be Sunday through Thursday, Il a w. toi am. and Friday and Saturday, ii ans. to 2 em. lofornsalion at Superdawq, Chkao, f113) 763-0660 or wwwsu perdawg,corn r Sixty-one years ago, Mamie ançt Fleurie Berman bought a hoi dog stand wagon, rented a small plot ofland near the intersection ofMilwaukee and Devon avenues, and opened their veuy own Supei'dawg. This summer 3ob was intended lojust pay their tuition at Northwestern University but soon became n career for the Dormons, and for their entire family. Injust a few weeks, tile cxtended Berman family will open a Superdavg . drive-in location in Wiseding for tiseir loyal following in tise nortiswest suburbs. "We've never changed our look, style or menu," said Scott Berman ofSkokie, tise son in charge ofoperations et the oid and new Superdawg ADAPTED BYTOMREAMER ,-. DIRECÍÊD BY WILLIAM BWN, .ìcjts : sth,it at:jt, .':;.$2 ', NOVEMBER 20 - DECEMBER 31 Charles Dickens' timeless story of magic and redemption has been a holiday tradition. at the Goodman for more than 30 years. You won't want to miss Larry Yandoa "stellar Scrooge' and " biggir-than-lits stir" (Chicago Tribune). Bringthe whole family nd bring home the true meaning of Christmasl iIiìéJiçkits 312443 .3800 Coodmanîheatttòrg . »' ts for groups of 15 or moro start at $20 312 443 3820 ' HARRIS. rId-_--_-'-___-_'_____ . -'---...-: N ' ----- at&t ' ' -. . . -. vich ',viii have then same menu as tise original location. "We always have Superdawgs and Superburgers. Wo added a couple ofitems in last 61 years like tise Wh001}. skìdawg (polisis sausage) and Uso Superchic (chicken sandvich)," to a Superstessk, Superahrimp and Superuioli. Tise recipes developed by the Bermans back in tise late 1940s stili ring true today. "Everything is our special rccipe' Scott Berman said. 'rho isouse specially Superdawgs aro garnished Chicago-style, with mustard, reliais, onion, pickle send hot peppers. "Our white onion is chopped in n certain way; our relish has to be pickled and sweetened in a certain way and our hot peppers are a certhiiHpec.from Skohie. Performances at 7.30pm. Thursday; O p m. Friday; 2:30 p.m. end O p.m. Satorday and 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Tickets: S39S54. Call (817) 6736300 or Tise new Superdawg in Wheeling will have the Players and Dancers. by Leonard "Wo Isave ketchup for people who put it on fries. We don't put ketchup on a "saune menu, same look and feel," ho said. 8 p.m. Nov. 14: and 2 p.m. Nov. 15 in Superdawg is definitely a family affnir. Scott Berman's wife, Thrr does the office work, and tiseir daugistei; Laura, 27, who spent the last five years training at Potbelly, is ready for a return to help manage the family's new dawgsisip. i3ermans sistei; Lisa, and iser Isuoband, Don Drucker, are aleo very involved in tise business and (We in Skokic visiie tiseir parents live in Linceinwood and now at. 84 and 83 years oid, stilt work almost every day. lt was a family decision to open the second location. 'My daughter really vantod to run a restaurant and we ali said, 'Things are going weil. it would he good ifwe isad anothcr restaurant to spread out tise booming success.' We are land locked there in tise city. Aithougis the intent of the new spot is to be identical to the original, the new localion wut be larger with 7G spcnker spaces compared to tise 54 at the original Superdawg and 100 picnic areas at tise new location cornpared to 50 at tise original and 50 indoor seaLs cornpared io 25 in Chicago. "We are a true drive-in," Berman said, noting his mother was the first carhop, still monagos the all-female corps ofcar hops and is "best at the boarci' Tile now location will have 45 employees, a blend of longtime employees from the oi'iginai location combined witis corne newly trained newbies. Tise winking signature Superdawgs - fis'sL made of papicl maciso on a cisickenvirc frame and wrapped in fiberglass - ai-e being recre_,. "lt was important to go to ihc north- ated to stand 15 feet high on the roof of the Wiseeiing location. west," said Berman. Commcnt:pio- "Most ofour eustornero are from,n ? Nitos West and visit www.nsrthlight.ort. MASS: Albeatre Piece for Slnters, Donnmtoics,O pnv. Iiov.2-13; 2 p.m. und Northwestern univensill's Cohn Audi tonium, 600 Emerson St . Evanston Commissioned by Jacqueline Kennedy ter the opening of The John F. Kennedy Center Fer the Performing urto in 1971, "MASS" io based on the Tridentino Maos kf the Roman Catholic Church. and features a mix of rock,iazz, Broadway, blues, opera and hymns Tickets: $25: $22 1er seniors: $19 tor full-time students. call 1847) 491-7282 er visit "Tise Music htun7 presented by thy Rising Stars Theotne Cs Hov.7-22 at the Stahl ramily Theatre, 5900 W. Belment, Chicago. Contain at 7:30 pin Satordays and 2 p.m Sundays. Tickets: $19. with discounts ter seniors, children and groups. Call (773) 736-2490 or visit xvww,risin nota rstc.arg 'Permus & Medasa Or lt's All Greek to Mer will be presenied by Piccolo Theatre Nuv.13-Dec.19 at the Evanston Arts Depot. KOT Main St., Evanston, in thy Main Street MElBA station, The theatre's seventh annual Holiday Panto isa ton'j nl evnnvtvns,gncts oust 1nov love, in a world et slightly skewed Greek mythology. Previews are Use. 13- IS. Show times arel p.m. Fnidayn; 2 p m. and 7 p.m. Saturdays: and 2pm. Sundays. Tickets' $25: $20 tor seniors: SIB tor students and children under 2. Family ticket Itwo adolts and two chu' dreni is $50. Fer renervati005, call 1841) 424-0089 orvisit www piccolotheatre corn. Parnp Boys ondDlnettns' through Nov.14 at the Metropolis Performing Arts Centre, Ill W. Campbell St., Arling' ton Heights. Tickets: $21-$43. Visit or call (8471 577-2121. South Pacific7 Nov. 2429 at the Rusemont Theatre, 5400 N River noad, Rosernont Tickets start at $39.50. Visit er call 1800) -o. 745'3000. Souven1r," Nov.12-Dec. 20 ut Northlight Theatre, 9501 Skokie Bled , Skokie, (tse comedic sed nesicul trae story of Florence FosterJenkiss. a New Yack socialite whose tin ear couldn't keep her oli the otage at Carnegie Hall. Perlorrnonceu en Tuesdays atl:30 pm (except Nov. 17 and Dec. 51: Wedoes- days at I p m. and 7:30 p.m.: Thursdays Maurie and Flaurie Berman (center) and several members of the family (back row, luit to rigid) tauro herman, Scott Berman, tisa Drucker and Don Drucker, are ready to open a second Superdawg location in Wheeling. (AllisoiulienisjStaitDhptorapher)50u . q .. ., , tormation: 1847) 491-5441; tickets: (847) 467-4000. Most ticket prices listed in three cetegeries: general public: senior citiuens and NU faculty and statt; and student rate. Nan. 20-21, 7:30 p m "The Barber et Snvillv' Sung in Italiun with piano accompaniment, Rossini's opera will be preseoted irs ils entirety in a workshop production featuring siegels lrem Northwestern's Gradaste li Opera Workshop. Free. ChIcago Chamber Choir. 13121 4096090. $18 io advance; $20 at the deor SIS for students er groups of IO or more. Dec 15, 7:30 p m.: "Chants de Noel: A French Christmas" will be presented io the Music Institute st Chicago's Nichols concert flaIl, 1490 Chicago Aye., Evanston. The concert features hnliday music by French composees and arrangements of French carols sung in Fsench, Latin and English, ivcluding Poolenc's "O magnum mystenuse," "li est né lv divin enfant," "Angels We Bave Beard on High" and "Noël nouvelet" The program's centerpiece is Camille Saint-Sados' Christmas Dratono for ooloists, choras, argan, harp and string quartet. The Chicago Philharmonic Orcheotra partonms at I pm. Sundays at PickStaiger Concert Hall en the Northwestera UniversitT compasSO Arto Cincte Drive, Evaoston (847> 8666888. wseiechicaqophilhanmonic.onq Tickets one $70 an the main flour. $33 maio front wings; $60, $33 and $20 lo the balceny $28 abstracted clew, Stodeot tickets are $10, available in the lobby betone the perlormarce. Nov. 15: "Hungaejan Passion." Featured works indude Sextet in C Maler, Opas 37, by Ernst von Dohnanyi and Piano Ouantet sorgsky. S91S7/$5. Nov.22, 3 pm: unieeroity Women's Charua will present socred and secular works lar treble voices, S7/$5/$4. The Meb Uve Is lID serles, featuring Metnepolitas Opera performances transmitted in high delinitiun tu resale theaters throughout the United States, including Hiles Showplace, 301 Golf Mill Center, Hiles; and Evaeston IB, 1715 Maple Ave , Evanston. Each live per- lormance will be transmitted live at noon Saturdayo, followed by a prerecorded encere presentation at 638 p.m. the (hind Wednesday after the live pnnlarmunce,Iickets are available at participating theater bes uflices and sohne at wwvsFattsumt'xeutscom. flon. 7 and ia Puccini's "Tunandnt," festonIng the Met role debuts of Mania Guleghiea io the title role, Marcello Giondani as Calbf, Samuel Ramey as Timor, and Marina Poplavskaya as Lib. Nov. lt Verdi's "Aida." Violeta Iinmana sings the title role, while Dolora Zojick portrays Ilmnenis. Johan Botha is Evaaston, The program leutures manic by Brahms, Robert and Clona Schumann, and Iteroogenbeng penlormait by Chicago Symphony Orctiestra musiclans. S25. Call (8471 863'691O oc oisit Evanston Chapter, Lyric Opera of visit www.nerthlightorg. 478-lilO tor lot onmation, Lufkln Hall at Northwestern University, 700 University place, Evaostoo. Most ticket prices listed io three categories: general public; senior citizens and 511 vdacultyandatatIaedstudnnt'ratßu 'e VUIiriJ! jPí Ii': F1t1 I Eíf iThV 1ì1L fenhvch'u"LxsCaetes sVtiallmonn conducted by James Levine, featuring Anna Netrebka as Antonia, Ekotenioa Gubonona as Giulietta, Kate tindsey as Nicklausse, Kathleen Him as Olympia, and Alan Held as the foor olllaine, Joseph Calle(a stars in the title role of Itoitmano, Jas. 9 and 21, 2010 "Der nesenkanalier," James Levine conducts Renée Fleming as the Manochallin and Sosan Graham as Octavias, Jan. 16 und Bioet's "Carmeo' Feb, 6 and Ovorak7 with quest pianist Vladimir Qochinnikov. The orchestra will perform Dvorak Symphony No, 6 and the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto. May 2.281W "Blsckbaster Beethoven's Ninth," presented saith the North Stiere Chenal Society and the Ryan Center for 'Young Artists at Lyric Opera DempsterSt Pro Musica presents "Bnahms and Friends" at 4p.m. Nsv.l at S.P.A.0 E., 1245 chicago Ave, Ud-U W1JWF Radaneks oed Carlo Quelli sings Amonasru. Dec. IV and Jan. 6, 2Dlo Of- Plácido Damioga in the title cole. March27 and April 14, 2010: Ambraise Thomas's "Hamlet" Mayl and 19, 201W qoests. Call (847f 328-0158 or (847f Evanston. Performsoces at 7:30pm. Thuroday-Saturdag 2.30 p m. Sunday5 works by Debussy. Ravel and Mue- and 24, 281W "Simoo Beccanegra," with vate heme, Cost is $10 members; $15 '7mo by Pinter.The Lover and The Collectlon, thruogh Nov. 15 at the Pie- recital, Gail Williams, horn, featuring tire world premiere of Anthony Plago Boro Quartet 59/$7/$5, Nov.20, 7.30 p.m.: Pianist Bogues Ledere performs Feb,3, 2O1 undert are $10. Call (847) 613-6300 or en Theatre Workshop, 927 Hayes St, $7/$5/$4, Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m : Faculty Brahms. March 14, 2O10 "Tchaikovsky $35-$50. Young adult tickets (25 and Non. 14) end B p.m.: and Sundays at tarist Colin McAllister preseots a cescent of modern music iecluding works far guitar and eloctroacoustics. io G fAnon, Opas 25, by Johannes 2:30 p.m. (except 110v. 22) and? pm. (except Non, 22, Dec. 6 and 131. Tickets: O p.m Saturdays at 2:30 Pm (except o- Kahn Aodltorlum at Northwestern University, 680 Emerson, Evanston. In- ChIcago, will host a social finan unit program on "Katya Kabanova" by Janacek, pyesented by Geoffrey Edsvanito, award'winning aathor and sfoga director, ut 3 p m, Nov.15 lo a pri- at 7:30 p m. leocept Nov. 26h Fridays at 1847) 467-4000. Nov. 10, 7 p.m Operat- ic soprano and Northwestern alomra Msry Ounlea'e'ywill gise a nocul master class. $7/$51$4. Nov. 11. 7:30 p m Gui- CLASSICAL Nuco North and they have moved northwest' Tickets: SIS-$25. Fun inlsrmation, call 18471 06K-8049 or visit www.pieentheatCenny. Continued from PAGE B4 Louisianti; we're pretty persnickety." Skip the celery sali and ketchup here. dog' By ELIZABETH OWENSSCHIELE Contributor go. diversions 1B7 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . DC Bassin's "Armids," feataning Renée Fleming. AlIce Millar Chapel at Northwestern univeroity, 1070 Sheridao Road, Evonsfoo.lnfenmatioe: 184714915441; tickets: 18471 467-4000. Nov. 8, 7 p m Baroque Music Ensnmble presents "The Dramatic Carìssimi." $7/55/S4, MusIc uf the Baroque performs at First United Methodist Church of Evanston, 1630 Hioman Ave., unless noted otherwise. 13121 5511414, Single tickets ans $30-$75 Nov15, 7:30 p.m "Earth, Wind B Fire," with the Music of the Baroque Orchestra, Nicholas Kraemen, conducter, aed Elizabeth Waillisch, oblio. The program includes works by Vivaldi, Telemann and Rebel. Maslc Institute of ChIcago, Nichols flUIti IIJ ¡k HUMAN-SIZED the experience HPLMSTER WHEEL Explore the connection between your mind, body and spirit in our fun and fascinating new permanent exhIbit, YOU! The Experience, located in Abbott Hall. Get tickets and learn more about VOti! at 57ei, & U,kQ Shon, D,i,, O co'vnien5 indoor purkun i 773.684.l414' Concert Hall, 1490 Chicago Aye., Evanston, (8471 905-1500. vsww neu- slcinsterg. Chicago Flote Clab cancerto include Swiss flute virtuoso Matthias Ziegler, an expert in eateoded techniques, and Marco Granados, one O'ought io you ii,rou9h 5ho e000,osly ut Abboit, the AbOute Fund end ihn PnCkor Fou,,dotio,,. Adddiuroi muto' funding pruviOud by J. i,a und Nicki Hu,,,s Fon,iiy, MO.OZu Foundat,un, sed FieberS S. and Ounon . Moni-su,, . B8 I diversions DCTHURSDAY,OCTOBER29,2009 ieww.orioneosenible.orq. Nov.22. 3 r 'Jo. Continued from PAGE B7 LET US CATER 4610 North linrieni Avenue Harwood heights Phone: 708-867-4072 Youn GATIIERiMj Wc Deliver 3727Westflcmpster, Skokic ForFait Carry-Out Service Call (847) 673-9409 or 677-7695 CARRY-OUT SPECIAL e Tacos Rico & Beans Chips 'N Salsa ru s LUNCH Moii.-FrI. CÄflRiNG Dinner FAX: (847) 677-7701 F.Ily 01 rout Ilouro:Mon..thtiu. I lam - 1pm $19L1 7 days a week FrL&SaI. I lam - 12 MIdnight (847) 967-0606 Sundnyllam.lDpm Lfln Jo,t.-! ir,rri!r Thnj,,en ti'iev QndiIv Sii!! Connu Si,,r I76 _._ c_._ ti 7620 N MILhVAIJKEE , MIES 2 Otockosouth otOakion of Venezuela's top hlutists. at 8pm. Nov.?; dfld William Ognnett Joins Dengis Dourikov, recently appointed principel (lute of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, for an afternoon of stuns at 3 p.m. Nay. 8. Tickets for both concerts are S30, $20 for seniors and students. The Newberny Consent. an earlymosic, original-instrument chamhnr ensemhle, presents 'leautiful Dreamer: The Music of lincoins America' at 3 p.m. Nay. f at Lutkin Halt at Nnrthwest ero University. 100 University Place. Evanston. In conjunction with an exklbitinn coming te the Hewbenny Library from the Library of Congress. With LATERRIBLE . AIL AMÌC nOoN-- NOSFERAW & DOUBLE DEAD GUY RootT AvaiQbe DINtG. s c SE h 'I I I 4; r :- I A I. A o I. III music of Sullivan, Lekar, Rossini, Mozart, Bizet, Puccini and Offenbach, Oct. 30-Nov.14 at the Mary Wilson Huuso Boyer Auditorium, 306 S. Prospect lat Crescent), Park Ridge. Per- formances at 8 p.m. Fridays and Safar' days, with a 3 p m. matinee on Sunday, western University, SO Arts Circle Do' ve. Evanston. information: (841) 491- fur students. Cali 13121 255-36i0. North Shore Choisi Society presents Handels Messiah at 3 p m. Nov. 22 at the Parish Church uf Saint Luke, 939 i-Unman Ave Evanston. Conducting the NSCS and orchestra is Julia Davids Soloists tnciudo txmunda Majuski. soprann. Orna Arania. mezzo-soprana, Sean Clark, tenor, and Den jamin WIeS petiteupera.nrg or call (847) 553' 544i: tickets: 18411467-4000. Must ticket pricex listed in three categories- general pub' lic: senior citizeos und NU faculty and staff: and student rate. Oct. 29, 7:30 p m Northwestern Uoiversity Chamber Orchestra, xvith Northwestern Concorto/Ania competition'viioning pianist Nolan Pearsao. The program will inclodo Gioacchinn Oossini's "The Barber of Seville" Overture. Beethoven's Piano Cuncerta Nu. 5 io E'flut Majur (Emporor") and Symphony No. 2 In D Major, and Cnpland's "Fanfare for the Cow- Narthohore Concert Band perfarms at 3 p w. Sundays at Pick-Staiger Concert Itali, 50 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, onless otherwise nuted. Tickets $15; $12 mno Man." $7/$51S4. Oct 30, 7:30 p m seniors: $6 students and children. wwwnorthshorebood.arg. 18471 4322263. HoyO: Fail concert, featuring guest marimba soloist Sue-e Wa, associnte profeusur of percussion at Nurthweotern University. Mallory Thompson conducts. The program Includes Ralph Vaughan Williams' Toccata Marziale, Eric Wkitacres Lou Aurumque, Eric Ewazen's Concerta fur Marimba and tien" and "Lamentatino" from Sympho' ny tb 1 l"Jeremiak") and 'Prefatory Prayers" and "Almighty Father" from Wind Ensemble, and Ottorino Respighi's Pinos of Rame. Wnmen'sChorus.Sl2/$9/$6. Noo.6, 730 p.m : Northwestern University Percossion Ensemble, conducted by She-e Wu. $7/$5/$4 Nov,7. 7.30 p m.: The Les Angeles Guitar Quartet performs the OOW violA "The Ingenious Gentlemao Don Quixote: Words and Music fnum the Time at Cervaotes," performed with actor Pkil Practur as narrator. Northwest SymphunyOrchestra, Paul Vermol, music director, presents concents at 330 p.m. Sundays in the Theatte for the Performing Arts ut Mamo Des Plaines. Pne-cuocent commentaries o modern-day English translativos set tu weil as thu urt music uf louis West High School, 1755 S, Wolf Rnad, o. Glasses," a comic opera parody soith 4442. Pick-Stalger Conceit Hail at North' 212-2351. oeq Petite Opera Productions presents "Ai Fresca: Life Through Opera-Colured from 18600 Amenica: popular songs, minstrel music and country music. as www,northshoreckoral org or call 18411 w Hungarian compvsec Ernst DohnAnyi. Sil mr students. roc tickets, visit citizens: $15 students. Visit I' violin for the Chicago Symphony Orchustra, will play Piaou Quintet. Op. i by Nov. 8. $22 io advuoce; $25 at the donC LeClair, bass. Tickets: $25: $22 sexier A Spohr. Baird Dodge, principal second coin Bicentennial Exhihition the consert will prenent rarely hoard music cert lecture at 2 p.m. Tickets: $25: $5 GREAT CRAFT BREWS FEATURING: as Sin German Songs, Op.103 by Louis Malice Toward None: The Abraham Lix- Guttschalk and William Morris. Pro-con- CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN WITH SOME pm.: 'Musical Connections." Soprano Alicia Bernocho will join the ensemble ta perform the world premiere settings of five Anne Sexton poems by New York composer Drew Hemeogur, as well by Carolyn Paulin, a stati member of radio station WFMT. begin one hour prior to each concert. Tickets- $20: $15 tor seniors: $10 fur students. Children under age 14 are admitted fnee when accompanied by a paying adult. Nao. 22 The Eoaoston Dunce Ensemble joins the symphony for pnrtiuno at Tchaikovsky's Tiie Nutcrackvr Ballet," The program also includes Prelude to Humpondiock's 'Hansel and Gretel' and "Peter and the Wait" by Sergei Prokatietf, narrated by Caroiyu Paulin. The Orlan Ensemble performs In Nichols Hall at the Music institute ut Chicago, 1490 Chicago Ave. Evanston Tickets are $25; $22 tor senior citizens: Sb for students. l'ree for children 12 and yonngor, (630) 620-959i nr Symphonic Baod, "Derosteinand Spiri' tuality." Wurks on the program will ioclodo Leonard Derostelo's 'Profana' "Mass," as well as Adam Gorb's "Viddish Dances." $7/S5/$4. Oct31, 7:30 p w : Nil Voices, A Choral Showcase, Op. 24, featuring all of Nerihwostoro's choral ensembles: Univensity Singers, University Chorale, Alice Millar Chapel Choir, University Chorus and University A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION and Northwesfeno graduate student Ben Chambenlain will conduct a porfurmance featuring trumpeter Colin Oldbeng. $1/$SI$4. Nov.20, 7:30pm: Pianist Jeffrey Siegel presents Key- Israeli cinema on the local screen 2009 ChlcaRo Festival of Israeli CInema board Conversations, "Chopin the Patniot' featoning polonaises, waltzes Thursday, Oct. 29 to Sunday, fins. i at asir' sun e A,,,, and mazurkas. $231$2l/$lK. Nov.22, 4 p.m.: Concert land will presoot a pro' ':', '' . : :. '' ' , SÑadow Days IWilmette screeniegsl 7th & Ott-s grade girls welcome to ahadow By MYRNA PETLICKI Contributor Call or visid our wobsite for more oto or to schedule a shadow day 773-775-66T6 Ext 129 Iss'ael's thriving lilins industry vilt be celebrestect rit the 2009 Clsicesgo Festival of lss'uvet's Cinema, wilts screenings in Clsicago fs-om Oct. 29-Nerz 1, sind al tIse Wilmelte Tlseats'e, Nov, 2-8, "brach cinema iv tasldng tise world otage" said Festivrsl Cooi'dinatoi' Peggy Sh:spit'o. °Oui- films Isavc vvon awards all oves:" Choouing tilias foi' tise annual festival is "a ves'y long -- and sosnetinnee fcsucl Nov, 20, 7:30 p m Northwestern Uni' versity Saoophnne Ensemble, in a prugram including Igor Stravinsky's 'Derceune" mom "The Firebird Suite" and Leuis Andriessen's 'Worker's Union." Sl/SS ¡$4. Skokie Theatre Music Fosodatios presents concerts in the Skokie Theafro, 7924 Lincoln Ave. Skokie. Call 1847) 677-7761 or visit wwiv.skukiethe' utre.cem. Dec6, 2 p.m "Holiday Cies' sics," a collection of great operatic momeets that capture the hnliday season, starring Jeanne Scherkeebach and n "Voices from EI Sayed," set in the picturesque Israeli Negev desert, the Bedusin village Et'Sayed has the world's largest percentage of deaf people. Yet, no heaniog aids are seen bocesuse lot El'Sayed deafoess is cot a handicap. A father's decision to change his deaf son's fate by accepting the offer of a Cochfear Implant up' elation disrupts the village's tranquility. - proteus," Slsapit'o admitted. "Beves'ly Ils'osvernsan of our consosittee goes to tise film festivals its 3erael and sees the isest of Ilse best mxci bringe back eci'eetses's." 'l'Ise CarolVn Wehoer wilts special guest Juho Trybus. POP/FOLK/JAll .liu! ij/jil view all Lise Islssss, tisess Allstate Arena, 6920 N. Mannheim diseuse and debate wlsicls to include in the festival, 1212; the ticket prices listed below do out includo ser'aice fees. The lei ormatine line is 18471 635'6601. Dec. 26,2 p.m. and 7 p.m.: Traos-Siberias Orches' "We waist zu mix of' clitles'- ont ts'eatrnents of subject mattes' and kisselu of tuns," Sisapis'o said, 'l'Isis mss; 26 tra. Tickets: $58, $48, $38, $26 Auditorium Theatre ut Ruosovolt Uni' versity, 50 E. Cengress Parkway, Chica- films vili be shown, "I was vei'y imps'essed ge. 1312) 9U2'lSOO. wvuw.audituriumthe- with Seven Mitsutes in Oct30, 7:30 p,ro Msesters of aside the one-dimeosiuoal stereotypo of Orthudos Jews. "Sragim" pnrtrays a vibrant, young comma' city of religious singles dealing with issues and conflicts of every' day life in contemporary Israel, s'esbbis formed a Rasbbinic Isasst osssd tine ps'esesst begin Dis tise film, you case watels Felds iintes'asctiisg witis tise didatew for conversion their nsotives, their Icnowl- l)00Pl0 of Iquitos, Pet-u, alttsougin Iso issn't quoted, lis edgo, tisais- level of consmit- thals not tise susse. A beaus- to cierge," Stsespiro szsicl. 'Pise docunieistass'y, "Holy tiful youssig w(slssrits is ts'yitsg Lanci i-lass'dbasll," is as fesvos'itc to piece lier life togettses; cítiso festivesl coos'clinatoi"s Isis post-avinow teslk, iso will elsess'o tine isics'edible stosy of 'ruse final step vvisn a ritual immersion, Tise film shovvs ainct hes' mund :ssnul hes' ssmm- husbasncl, "Fie ssgs'c-ew with mow bmw su's'ivcd isv that tise men rend wotrzen SOpii- os-les, aftes' that, lt is ass tise ps'esssise tisait lss'asel i-cutely submesing thons- usnusursl ts'easttseent, lt isoeds a ps'ofessional base- isolateei essen assd isovv tiseir dosceiscient.s s'ecosnnccted explos-es tIse iv'clse of' tise basti leaguse," Stsapis'o witis Judaism. victini." ext)tasiisedi. $26/$22/$lO. Nav.9,7:30 p.m tivrtkwestern University Symphuoy Orckes- 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sooday. Tickets. tra, "Ribeira Plays Derg." Victor Yam' poisky will conduct tue orchestra in a perfnrmaoce featuring violinist Gerardu Ribeiro. The program will loclude $40'$7O. Dec3. D p.m.: The Swell Sea' $69.58, $57.50, $47.50, $37.50 Nov, 24- Dee, 5: "A Smooth Jazz Christmas" with Dave Koz G Friends, featuring special guests Rick Brase, David Uennit, Bree' du Russell und Peter White. $41-SRI. The Celtic (eat Public Haase, 626 Church St., Evanston. (8471 864-1179. No cover un' Wind Ensemble. S11$5/S4. Nov.17, 7:30 p m 'Evening of Brass." Gail Williams go., PAGE 010 Amotines' iistei'estisig selection is "Vasfesitisna's fvleitises;" Shapis'o said. "Dts ssot Ilse kund ot'fihsrs yois'i'e goiing to vvallc away wtsietling ss Isapi)y N Narrated by award-winning actress Joan Allen, "Dlessed is the Match," is the first documentary feature about Hannah Senesh, the World War Il era poet and diarist who became a paratrooper, resistance fighter and modern-day Joan uf Arc. scs'eening of tisat film at 6:30 i).m, Nov, 4. uossietirsse in tissu prset bust Mike Magie and M. Ward. $3S, $45, $50. Nov. 21, 8 p.m.: Jebe Fogerty in cuocerl tune. It's rebout a sweet Holocaust survivor's isolastion. Altisotsgis itas' sols comes to visit, sine's Isolasteci nsoi'e psyclsolOgiclslly tisais l)i5Y5iCasllY fs'oiss iseople." 'l'inc vvom:sis'scai'egivei'S ssaine is iJ7j!il." -' -T,ii 'l':'ic _;;__ r_Iii TiI'i'ii' 'Srugim," ene uf Israel's must popular 200D TV series, casts 2: The Ten Tenors will present holiday clussics und selections from their eighth studia album, 'Nxstalgica." Per' formances are at D p.m. Tuesday; 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 8pm. Fridsy; Z p.m,and 8 p w. Saturday; aod Folk, with Jim James, Coser Oberst, Fray/Anis Allen. $75, S59.50, $49.51. /,t.,iia:.itl. ,:ì - (.iikl.j, i5i..1(,i' seven consmittue mensbers Ruad, Rosemunt. Tickets are available at www.ticketmosteccern or 13i21 559' lory Tkumpson will csndsct the Symphonic Wind Ensemble in a program featuring trombonist Micknul flulcahy, a member of tho Ctiicaqu Symphony Orchestra. The program will Include David Maslanka's Coocertn for Trambene and Karel Husos Concerto for Thursday, Nov 12, 2009 6:30 to 8:30 PM Sunday, Dec 6, 2009 2:00 to 4:00 PM leg night 15361. www.fandango cow IChicago screenings) or wwiowilmet- ero University, 60 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston. 1847) 467-4000. Most ticket prices listed io three categories: geeeral public; senior citizeos and NU faculty and staff, and student rate. Nov. 8, li a ris.: Los Angeles Guitan Quortut master class. Admission is free. Nay. 13, 7:30 p.m.: The JACK Quartet. $7/$5/$4. Mujon. $9J$1/$5. Nov.13, 7.30 p.m Mal- Fall Open Houses ' tral Ave., Wilmetto. $10, except open- s7/$5/s4. Regenstein Recital Hall at Northwest- Zemlinsky's Symphuoy No. 2 in B-flat uoow. ToicottAvo, Chinnan 60635 , Valentina, whiels was tIse isame ofIses best friend ss Poland, "All ofss sudden, tise Borg's Vinilo Concerto; and Alexander cOLLEGE PREP HIGH SCm-loOt ! . .1' Heaven," Sisaisis'o said. "lts a psyclnefogical detective story, 'Ilse bac'l«ls'op 15 II terroust act tlszst oci'ut's'i'el Antan Webero's Passucaglia: Albas Resurrection Chica;. Monday, Nov. Sunday, Nov, 8 ut Wilmette Theatre, il22 Ces' gram of baud standards and musical favorites. $7($51S4. Nuv.22,7:30 p ro Philharmonla, "Musical Gems ut Ev' rape." The program includes Juliano Strauss Jr's "Die Fiedermaus" Quer' ture, Emmuauei Chabrier's "Espana" . and Leo Delibes' "Sylvia" Suite, san, featunieg Academy Award winners Glee Haosard and Marketa irglova. The concert xviii feature new tunes alnog with music from tho "Oece" soundtrack Tickets: $40, $32.58. Dec,4, 7:30 p m Miracle Near State Street if, The diversions 109 DC Felds, miso gi'ew up its Court to "question tise cesn mossy," Felch said. "Their 200'i ist tise s'eqdsest of a Witisin," ssboost as gs'oup of ,Jevvs liviing its tise Ansa'zon, vviso s'easclsoci oust to rabbis to c'lsildisooci fs'iessci, tise rasbbi lives cisesisgeci forever because witisiss a yeinr most oftisens nsovod to Durad," Faisais said iso loved spend- iselp tisnsn iediscoves tiseir tise filins, At the time Irelcis ai'rived, -Ji-i,' iii: 1 ,i' , ì . i "-'-'--'---:'--- 11: i ir tIll lt.ijtjiiii _(4Ti/,.mil,lmi]lr(.l.Ijlio.iíui4iili'/4jj, -: t;j__sii :5t111 ,. ; ing lilao wills those peopio, s'eligion eusnd isnssnsigreste to imnemberav of tisait sniasil ,tinint eure so genuine, so puro Israel, Osso of tisose spis'ituesl leascles's, Rabbi Alex eleis of B'ssasi 'l'ikvain its Dees'tielct, Jewish consnsumsity laid beets studyusng tiseis s'eligion foi' over lo yeass's, "They svere will speak sst the Wilmetto 't'heati'e lollowing the ready to take the final step," in ttsoir beliefs, so untoucised by tise advances ofinsodern society and cynicism." Cormsnse;st:pioessrerlocal.cous melds saud, Fie and two ostiner ral ;li.;i» -il'-i .il'd:'í. .ir'IL r$.':'iriii-t selves at a huge lesgooss 31) mumnutes fi-oes their towss, "Dt ivisu os vei'y esaotionai ces-e- tino docuetieiitlsr3', "Tino Pise ts'ossn Lisnas, Perus feestsss'c'd us iiif'líi.1.1! il' - nient," Argentina, visited Iqasitos in 'ine festival eslso isnclucles .iiÇlì;di',i:,:i. - 55 -i'I'll.: cj:' ríl,l/ -st- .iasii.', i ii-_ui'i;ii-i 'iii -'/.' ', '-_j' -',, -i Esasmnsi flavypier.ccs:n NAvy t'lOS II BIO I diversions go. Continued from PAGE DB a. . a , - . sg g I I'. s I I : V I I : I I J I I I I t II. III I I g. I I I 11 : I g. ii g : SUN I luSh', Ba)ladeems." Nov. 15, 2 pnv: "Revi) Map Enmoten. (847)491-4000, wiuw.block- Care," a une'women cobamet show featuring Kimbor Leigh Nussbaum. Nov. museum nurthwestero,edo. Open 10 am-S p.m. Tuesdays; 10 am-U p.m. starring Peter Oprisko. $10. Nov. 20,2 with the Mudtlapps. Tuesdays, 710 Wednnsday'Friday 10 am'S p.m. Saturdoys and Sundays, Admission fo the Northwestern University Jazz Orchns- p.m.: "Jakebno Saturday Night," starring The Pin'Ups. $10. Nov.20, 8 p.m Ron Hawking's Hin Way Cabaret. $35 In museum Is free; unless outed, admissins to all pregrains is also free, tra. $7/$5/S4. . Regensteln Recita) Hull at Northwestero University, 60 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston. (847) 467-4000. Most ticket bration nf '505 Naughty Hoasewife Jazz." $25 In advance; $30 at the door, Blvd. Shekip. 1847) 6736300. www.cen- 7.30 p mSmall Ensemble Jazz Con' Nov.14,8 p.m.: Bruce Hornsby. $68-$74. Ethical Humanist Society Second Saturday Cslteehoune, 7574 H. Lincoln Ave. (at Howard), Skokie, (847) 677-3334. wwwethicathaman.orq. Nov.14, 8 p.m.: Folk singer Andrew Calhoun. No upon mic this month to allow for longer coocerI. $7 donation includes refreshmonts. cent. $7/$5/$4. land stars in "A Tribute to Karen Car' peoter." Nov. 25, 1:30 p.m.: "Big Band Gibsons Bar & Steakhoose, 5464 N. Rusemont Theatre, 5480 N. River Road, Rosemsnt, Tickets are available at nr 1312) 5591212 the ticket prices listed below do not include service fees. Fur more in' forenatiun about the theater, call (8471 6f1-5l00. Oct 30, 7.30 Celtic Thunder. $59.50, $49.50. $39.50. Nuv,9, 8 pm; Don Henley. $142, $80, $49. Dec. 17-19, 8 p.m.: Barry Monilnw $261.62, River Road, Rosemoni (8'17l 928-9900. wsvw.gibsonnnteahheune.cem. Weibesdays and Thursdays, 7-Il p.m Lenny $235 65, $156.73, $14126, $73 65, $12.37. Capp. FrIdays und Sotordays, 8 p m.- Conter, 1600 E. Gell Road, Des Plaines. midnivht: Lenny Capp Trin Vocalist Eileen Berman and guests present music from Mozart and Comb' Hi))song United We're Al) In Th) Together, a performance by Christian music group Hilisong United, broadcast live tram its heme church In Sydney, Avntralia, will be shown at 6:30 !eatures the documentary "The I Heart Revolution: We're All In This together' sta Tichets are available at tIse theater boo oltices and online at wwsv FathumEventn.cnm. Hoqeye Folk Atto hosts concerts at Lake Street Church nf Evanston, 607 Say lt With Maolc, I pm. Nov. I in Oaktvn Community College's TenHoeoe win to Rodgers and Hart. $2$ includes brunch bullet Reservations required. Call (847) 635-1900 or visit www.00k- tnn,edu/tickets. ShoestrIng Productions offers musical revues at 620 Lee St, downtown Des Plaines. Admission is $10. For reservations or information, call (047) 657-7600 er e-mail shoestring prod®sbcglobal.nnt. Nov.1, 15 and 22. 7 p m.: "Listoo to My Heart," the songs nl David Friedman. The cast Through Dec. & "Robert Muthnrwel): An advance; $44 at the door, Nov. 21,8 p m.: Heather Moran preseots "A Cole- prices listnd in three categories: general public; senior citizens and NU faculty and stall; and ntsdent rate. Nov. 4, Mill Center, Niles. The screening also st Block Museum et Art at Nnrthwentero University, 40 Arts Circle Drive, mdniqhL: 8luerass and roots music p.m. Nov.4 at bAles Showplace, 301 Gol) g ve, Evanston. Most ticket prices listed in three cateqeriea: general public; senior citieens and NU faculty and ART GALLERIES Visit wwwjinrblntones.cum fur lnformutlos. Nnv.14, 7:30 p.m Bnsnding Main presents 'Shanty Singers and 18, 1:30 p.m.: "The American Snngbooh," p.m.: Luke Sayers. Nov.8, 58 p.m Eric Legasch. Nov 14, IO p m Mad ßread. Nov.28, 10 p.m Bluegrass Advocates. Centre East In the North Shore Center tor the Perlormiog Arts, 9501 Shobio A ( PIck-StaigerCencertHall at North' western University, 50 Arts Circle Bnl- 1847) 491-$441; tickets: 1847) 467'4000. wwwpickstalger.nrq. Nov.19, 7:30 p.m p.m.:Irishmuslcsession.Thursdays8 lo p m Irish music sessios. Oct3t 10 a A DC . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 staff; and student rate. Inlormation: less noted otherwise. Mondays, B p m.- Attitude Toward Reality, From the ColInctlen of the Walker Art Center" offers an overview and introduction to the artist, spanning more than tour Nov. 22. 2 p.m.: Marianne Murphy Or- decades nf his career with more than 40drawingn, callaqen, prints and paietings. Nov.19, 6'? p m Sin Enqberg, cu' rubor nf prints and editions at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, leads an In-depth tour of the Robert Motherwell enhibition. Through Dec.13: "Henry Serenade" with Jack Miuccio. $10. Nov. 28, 8 p.m. and Nov. 29, 2 p.m.: Jim Post Birthday Concert $25 in advance; $30 at the door. Dec. 2, 1:30 p.m "The 'SOs $ongbook" with Marcus Gentry. $10, Dec. 4, 8 p.m : Ron Hawking, "Impres' nions of Christmas." $35 in advance; $44 at the door, Dec. 5, 8 p.m.: "A Duke Ellington Sungbook," with Ava Logan. $25 io advance; $30 at the door. Dec.9, 1:30 p.m : Frank Sinatra Birthday leibste with Peter Oprinke. $10. Dec 12,8 p.m , and Dec.13, 2 p.m.: Guitars nf Spain. Dec. 16, 1:30 p m "Silver Screen Crooners" with singer Tony Dernard. Moore: Elephant Skull:' in the muso' um's Alsdorf Gallery. Moore may be $10, Dec.19, 7:30 p m : The Pin-Ups present "Gettin' Hop fur the Holidays." Dec. 20, 2 p.m.: Ron Hawking, "lmpres' nions nf Christmas:' $35 in advance; $44 at the door. Dec.31, U p.m "Stand By Me," music ufthe 'Sos with Marcus Gentry. $25 in advance; $30 at the dour, Dec. 31, 10:30 p,m "Turn Back the Hands nf Time," hits nf the '605 with Marcus Gentry. $25 in advance; $30 at the door. S.P.A.C.E, 1245 Chicago Ave., Evanston. 1847) 492-0060. Lake SL 1847) 4756165. www hogoye' includes Kristen Calvin, Laura Lee Cor' nelison, Russell Ramstmem, Janet Reed lolkarts urq. All concerts start at 7:30 p m doors upon at 7 p.m. SIS: $13 for senior citizens; $5 for students: free (or children under 12. OcLTb Jack and Randy melke. Nov2. 9 and 16, 7:30 p.m.: "Cole," entertainment based en the words and music ut Cule Porter, wwwe000ntonspace.cnm, Most ticket prices listed in three categories: in advance; at the dooT and reserved table seating. Oct 30, 8 p.m Tim Reynolds C TR3 (electric/experimental), porfsrmedby Teddßulmash, Karen $20f$25/$34. Nov. 1, 8 p.m.: Dave Williams. Nov.14: SI Kahn. Doyle, HumId LeDoyer, Beth Pauze, Aaron Rumack, Terri Ryan'Schlosuberg, Barnes (acoustic mock). S17/$20. Nov.2. U p ei : Toro Pinten 1101k), $24/$2U. Nov. u Nov. 4-Dec. & "5+ Genres of Chinese p m. Saturday. Through Nov. & "Down tu There Women and Their Relation' Art: Traditional and Conlomporary." featuring Chinese traditional painting, ink painting, folk art, photography and special guest. $17/070. Nov.?, B p m Nov. 5. Uilly Mclaughlin C the Electric String Quartet (Americana), $lH/$22. Nov.12, H p.m.: Greg Laswell )folk). Sf2/$15. Nov. 8 p.m : David Wilcno ((elk). Jubo Enkola, Carla Gordov, Kl McCam- 1105010 tdulocaaut Museum C Educa- tien Center, Special Enhibitions Gallery, 9603 Woods Orive, Skokie. Special echi' bitions are free with museum admis- sian of $8; $6 lerstudevtn and senior Park Ridge Public tlbsnry, 20S. Preopect Ave, (047) 825-3123. October A display el the work of miniatsre modeler Dennis Carrion. A 3O'year res' ident nf Park Ridge, Carrion has been modeling in paper, wood and plastic since the age nf 10, The exhibit in' dudes several ship medels, including the OMS Beunty, as well as structures such as English Cntsxvuld bosses and lighthouse stations There are also oumorous Orienfalthemed models: warnoes, banquet scenes, and landscapes. Seniors ActlonSerylce, 1123 Emerson, Suite 200, Evanston. 1847) 864'72?4, venu Through Jan,22. 201th "Celebrating Expodenco: A Gallery of Art by Older Adults," featuring works by photugra' citiaens; and $5 for children ages S'12. Oarfur Twenty Years o! Varied Ceno' Skukie Public Ubrary, 52)5 Oaktnn St. cideia Sudan, by Lenra Kahn, the nehi' hition features work by phnto(osrnal- (841) 613-7174. www.nkohiolibrary.infa. throsgh Nov. 2k Skokle Art Guild 2009 Members' Fall Exhibit, Visit www.skok' mund and KaI Taylor. Nov, 4, 1:30pm: linao Brothers. Nov. 14: Iren Horse. Nov, Nighthawlis Iblues/reck). $24/$2a Dec. U p.m Susan Werner (folk/iazz). 'Headliners From the Vegas Strip," with singer Tony Bernard. $10. Nov. 6, SIR/$22/S34.50. Dec.?, 8 p.m Ros) Golan, Luke Brindley and Peter Bradley 1:30 p.m.: "Stand by Me," music nf the '50s with Marcus Gentry, Rovi, 8 p.m: "Charleen Brooks Sings Durbra Adams. $H/$12, Dec.11, 8 p.m Leon Rossell (rock, blues, country), $38/035. Dec. 12. 8 p ei.: Gera) Mahal (rock/jazz). Streisand." Nov. B, 2 p ei : Ester Hana and Oetty Graham present "Eurepe at 0)5/020. Dec.18, 8 p.m.: Josh Huge. Night Recoiled." Nun. U, 1:30 p.m Veterans Day Solute with the Dub Acri Octet, $10; free admission (or veterans. Loecker(piano rack). $R/$lz. Dec.31, 6 p m.: Jill G Julia Show Icomedy/snusic), $17/$20. Dec. 31, 10 Beau Soleil Nov.13, 8 p m Clficagos Got Talent) avec Michael Ooucet, $45/0So, popular Droadway shows as well as classical compositions. Free. For mIermatlen, call (847) 635-1907, Evanston ArtWalk, a juriod art exhibi' tion nl artwork by Illinois artists displayed in storelrsnt windows along Central Street in Evanston, will be held during the month of October. For informotion, visit www.evanstonartwalk org. ship to flair," a juried enhibition leatar' ing works by more than 50 women artists. ana (jazz), $l0/$14, Dec.3, 8 p.m Issu Ilormenly Jane Siborry), $20/S24, Dec. U p.m Hubert Somlin C the Nov.7: Celtic Groundhogs. Nov.13: Su)- 2&JoeMcShane. Nov.21: Donetion. Nov.27:Seamas Oliano and Jimmy Moore. Uov2ft Dooley Brothers. Oakton Community College, Footlik Theater, 1600 E. 6ll Road, Des Plaines. DeclO, 8 p m The Oaklun Community Choir will perform nelectionn (rem tember-June, and sing American and Scandinavian selections at various lo' cations. Call (847)141-4210 or 1847) 546-2050. Normenoenes SInging SocIety Male Chorus invites male singers tojnin the gmeap in singing American and Scandi' oavian selections throughout the year, except for the months nf July and August. Rehearsals ore held at 8 p.m. Tuesdays at the Estonian House in Lin- The Northwest Ctsurol Society invites eeperienced singers to asdition for its 44th anniversary concert season. Audi' tiens are held any Tuesday eeexieg, through March 16, at Immanuel Lut her- Concert tickets $20 In advance; $25 at the deer, unless outed Seamus OKane and Jimmy Moore, Nov, & Ceili Dancing wdh Ceoltniri Chicago. '7 Artists, 7 Teachings: Contemporary Great Lakes Native ArC' The group enhibition enplores the themes of truth. respect, love, bravery, honesty, tiumili' ton edo/museum. Gallery hsurs: IO a,m.'6 p.m. MondayFriduy li a m-4 (8471 677-776) er visit wwsv.nkekiethe' land Musid ut Johnny Mercer," leaturing cabaret perlormers David Edellelt, $12/015. Dec. 20, 8 p.m Hago C Shanta days in the Park Ridge VIVI Hall, Hig' enhibition celebrates the artistry uf objects created from natural sources. Pimphin's Halloween Show )rockJreg- Nov.20, 8 p.m Willy Porter G His Band (acoustic folk), $221$28/$38. Nov.22,? p.m.: Tony DzRooanio and Mike Allem- singers tojuin in (our-part choral singing. They rehearse at R p.m Thorn- 4233 or 16301 479'4233. tense Room. $5 cuver. Oct. 30 Dickey Century Hit Parade." Nov, I, 7 p.m.: "Here's Johnny: IDO Years nf the Words SINGERS Bjumnson Male Chorus invites male colnshire. Call Thur Fjel), (6301 369- reception will be held from 6'B p.m. wweeieinh'amvrican.urg. Manic at 9 p m. Fridays and Saturdays In the Filth Province Lounge, on cuver - mail earlessigiliaul corn. gins Rood and Canfield Avenue, Sep- Oalsfon Cemmoolty College. Koeho' Through Nov, 2 "Darfur Photojournalists Respond." Based en the hook ints Colin Finlay, Snen Tortinn, Pep phvr Josephine Strung and painter Carol Reagan. Bonet, Roo tlauiv, Lynsey Addariu. Chris-Steele Perkins, Kadir nao Le' ieartguild.neg for Information. huizen and Oliver Jobard. fdsh American Hodtage Center Art Gallery, 4626 N. 8nov Ave , Chicago. AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIES (773) 282-7035. wwwiriuh' american erg. Gallery hours are l-4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays Thrusgh Sat, Nov. 7, 8 p.m. Comedian Greg Behrendtjoins his wife and writing partner, Amllra Ruotola-Behrendt, on stage to offer hilarious insight into modem relationships. THODOS DANCE CHICAGO FEATURING FOSSE TRILOGY Fri., Nov. 13, 8 p.m. See Fosoes signtature "Cool Hand Luke" plus two works that have never been preaented for a live audience-until nowi Tony Award-winner Ann Reinking re-stages the works for this acclaimed company. 00OG TICKETS GOING FAST! BRUCE HORNSBY Sat, Nov. 14, 8 p.m. The Grammy winning singer-songwsiter plays your requests, igniting the stage in an intimate solo per' forniance filled with spontaneity and fluid creativity, an Church, 855 Lee St., Bes Plaines. The ensemble offers a varied repertoire and strong vocal sections in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. The grnap presents three concerts each season, including an annaal holiday concert nf carols, spirituals and hymns, a winter concert that is more classical in na' ture, and a June concert of light classi' cal manic as wall as fulk songs, jazz, contemporary ballads and music from Broadway. To schedule an aeditien, call 17731 504-3426 or visit www.nwchoral' society org. Skekle Concert Choir seeks male and female singers at any level of choral enperieece. No auditions are held. The choir performs a variety uf music, from classical fe Broadway, and performs two concerts annually, under the direction of conductor Michael Lewanski, and with accompanist Adri' an Metzger. Rehearsals are held 1mm 7.9 p.m. Mondays, September through Jene, at Old Orchard Junior High School, 9310 Kenton Ave. Sknkie. For information, visit or call 10471 674-3219. ARTISTS Crafters are sought fer the Christmas in Park Ridge Routique and Craft Show, tn be held frem 10 am-S p.m Nov.21 MUSICIANS The Skokle Valley Symphony Orches- SO YOU THINK YOU WANT TO BE IN LOVE Call Earl Essig, 18471 272'D762, or e' siux per belly is $l0.Through Dec.3 nf the Three Fires. FROM TI-lE ALTFHOR OFHE'SJUSTNOT fl-IATINTO )'VUAND CONSULTAF'ffTO SETCAND 17-/E CITY lege, 1500 E, Golf Rood. Oes Plaines. Des Plaines (047) 635-2633. www.oak- between the O S. and China. Opening 1105/rock), $17/S20/S21, Nov.17. 8 p.m Todd Carey (pop/reck), $1R/$14/$22. toire. Rehearsals and performances are at the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Shohie. Rehearsals ore un Thursday evenings and remaining concerts will be Dec. 6. March14 and April 25. Ca)) Leslie Rredie, (847) 679-950f, ont, 3014, for audition repertoire and tu schedule an audition. Na Mele Aloha Hawaiian music club seeks musicians who play ukulele, up' right string bass, keyboards, flute and violin. The group Is open to all ages. Rehearsals are held from 110pm. Thursdays at Oaktnn Community Cul- line Museum nf Art, 600 E. Golf Road. Nov. 6, 8 p.m.: John Doe (solo) with sented by Rocky Halker. Nuvj, 2 p m Three Cat Media presents "Twentieth Oct30, Previous orchestral enpenience is highly prelerred. The SVSO is a 60 piece community orchestra that pees' cots four concerts per year of dvmanding standard orchestral repor- by Oristy Deotz and Joseph Pinfz. The Coitar with WIly Flynn ((v)k). $12/SIS. IrIsh Amnetcan Herbtage Ceoter. 4626 N. Knon Ave., Chicago. 1773) 282-7035. lam Io holding auditions far principal bass, secend clarinet, harp, and all string sections. Auditions will begin Through 0ct30 'Unearthed," works atm, 7924 Lincoln Ave., Skohie. Call Herons of Eden. fealuring works by Chicago and nsburban ortists over the age uf 50. Mitchell MooeomeftheAmertcas Indion, 3001 Central St, Evanston. (8471 Chippewa (Ojibwap), Ottawa and Potawatomi, also known as the Cnuncil www.norrin northwvstnrn edufdïttmur, php. (847) 491'234H. Gallery hours are 10 am-lO p.m. daily. Admission is free. presents concerts in the Skokie The- hnpfrapl, Dual Impact (pop/rock) and am.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Contact Shirley Engolstein. fine arts coordinator, 10471 674'300U. Throogh Oct30 Senior Artists Network sculpture show, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston. turinq music at 830 p.m. in the Mon- $IU/$22J$28. Nov.14, 8 p.m Sons nI the Nover Wrong with Claudia Schmidt Uncolowoed Village Hull, 6900 N. Lin' colo Ave,, Lincolnwsod. Gallery heurs: 9 ty avd wisdom thaf are centra) to the ethes and worldview of the Anishinabe tribes of the Upper Midwest - the 4, 8 p.m.: Dane Specter's Adventureu In otherwise. Oct30, 8 p m : Chicegos Gut Talent) Visit svww.horbivtsnes cem for information. Oct_31, 8 p.m : "An American Trilogy," music nf Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger and Wendy Guthrie, pro- sician. original vellum cuver, Dittmar Memsdof Gallery at Northwntern University's Norris Center, Kelly Schouten and Kirk Swenk. Skohle Theatre MusIc Foundatlon Nov. 27: Orista & Caison )RGR/hip- Artists Ofrendas' Windy City Arts presents the annual art exhibit uf the onciont Celtic festival nf Samhain and the Mexican Day of the Dead celebrafinns, During tfie Day of the Dead lestival, families make visits to cemeteries, bringing food, flowers, pictures aed candles for an ofrendo, or offering, to celebrate the memory of the deceased. Fer the enhibit, artists will cre' ate an ofrenda in the style of the Mealcan Day of the Dead, dedicated to a favante minh aufhor, visual artist or ma- 4751R3O wwwmitchellmuseum org. Admission ta evento io included with an entrance donation to the Mitchell Museum. Suggested donativo is $5 fer adults; $2.50 for senior citizens, sta' dents and children. Maximum admis- 1847> 544-5300. FrIday Nights Uve, (ea- qav/tunk) and costume contest. Nov. & Kimi Hayes )rucIbIues/cuuntry). Nov. 13: Robert (lyons Band lrocklblaen). Nov. 15: "Samhain/Oay nf the Read: best knowo for his monumental bronze sculptures, but his creative output in' claded drawing and printmaking as well. In the 19605 the artist became in' triqued by the skull nf an African viephant kept in a friendo London garden, examining the object's internal and extemnal spaces in a series uf etchings printed as an album in 1970, The enhibit includes all 20 prints Moore produced fer fhe portfolio, along with its rare contemporary art by master artists in China. The evhibit celebrates the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of Chino and the 30th anniversary of the establishment et diplomatic relations InterContinental ChIcago O'Hare HateL 5300 N. River Read, Rosemont. www room. diversions Dli A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION DC gea., PAGE B12 spornomd by g4xRT THANKSGIVING WEEKEND CIRQUE LE MASQUE Sat, Nov 28, 3 & 8 pm. Sun,, Nov. 29, 3 pm. With death defying feats, spectacular effects and performers seemingly oblivious to the forces of gravity, Cirque Le Masque is filled with non-stop excitement the whole family will enjoyl .- G S O ø 0 SO 0O Order your 8476736300 ickets today! Ressdcsions ¿md handing (ceo upp' Cali bec ottico for dosais Biz diversions go. D Continued frani PAGE 811 A one-man piiy by Mdyth Morris SIarrn8 Wayne Messmer The Winnclka Chapel/Theatre The couier of Pine & Lincoln 5VinneIk IL Fri Nov 06 and Sat Doc 12 GeNeRAL SLATING TICKETS $20.00 8:00 pm ayd eootVS psy. Nov.22 at SI. Andryws Lutheran Church. Park Ridge. Space rentai Is $20$80 pills 10% of sales. Call 1847) O23O92O (eveninsl OlI (0rTICKETS IIflII-756.7552 There once Iied a roan olio saint Ihn catlin Io go sshereno one else s.ould joarTlel. He fotIo*cd br, faith to Ii., serve and die amang the outcast leper ronononhty on the Itawaitan trInd othiotokat In the ltlno. Ills name was Damlen, His story liver ai the nie account nl one mans onsollid service Io Ihr lives of hune oho had been socIcls unleash. This porureful story onfolds a rompntlin one-man piay s.hrre the Ime meaning ottone (arno, fellow roan Is onceiled lhmogh he portrayal of this amaning man. On October 1 1, 2009 he nos cananierd by hipo flmndict XVI as Saint Damier In a Papal ceinmony at the Vatican. PnId by A PIONEER PRESS PUBItCATION . DC and their parents, leature guitar, percussloo instrumenta and puppets te intraduce chlldreo ta music. Ongoing classes available lo Nerthhrvok avd Park Ridge, Registratinn is In progress in Wonderland' Performances at 10:30 7596 or (841) 692-6616. 205-9600 er visit www,chlcagokid- p.m , and Nov.22, 2 p m Fall 2009 Dance Concert, an annual ponformonce of student choreography produced b Northwestern's New Movement Projoct. Tickets: Sl' $5 for children and fall- Ave., Franklin Park. Admission Is SB 1er 671-5180, Dec.3: The Guy fieri Road 1er tall classes. Call (847) 236-9235 er scempany.corn. time stodents, Call 1047) 491-7282, members; $9 guests. Non.t Music by The Muoic Men, Nav.15 "Turkey Trot:' with music by Chuck and Friends. Dec. & Christmao dance. with music by Chúck and Friends, Dec.2ft Early New Year's Eve dance. with music by The Show Fieri, star of three shows en television's Food Network, including "Diners, Drioe'ies aed Divos," "Gay's Big Bite" and "Ultimate Recipe Showdown," presents an unscripted per(ormance complete with interactive uSA&wrM rodtIon omnv.daoclenptay.oeg MISCELLANEOUS Polarity Ensemble Theatre is accept¡cg script submissions for the third editen of its Dianysos Cap Eestieal al Music Meo, cooking stations, demonstratiuns, behind'the-ocenes otaries and more. New Plays. running May 13-23. 2010. The (estival will testare staged readinns el (our eew lallIenttt Werks. There ale Ita restricticits en subject or style. The lestieal is open only ta Chicago-area playwrights. Scripts should he mailed to Polarity Ensemble Theatre, 135 Ashury Ave., Evaeston IL 60202. Enclose Sweet oney In The twa copies ol a synopsis of the script aod a buainesa size soil-addressed. stamped envelope. Censideriog only hill-length scripts. Only one script per playwright will be read. Scripts will not be returned. Place all contact iotolms- lias including e-mail address en script Pastmark deadline is Nav.IO. Visit wwwpotheatrecsm tar details. BENEFITS Rock n Roll Roats dinner dance. Ock® SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 3:00 She Rocks! Sweet Honey In The Rock is a GvammymAward-wnning fema'e a cappella ensemble with deep inusicat roots in the sacred music of the black churchspiritua's, hymns, gospel as well as jan and blues. Six women join their powerful voices in a program that points the finger at inlustice, encouages activism and sings the praises of ove. Tickets start atjust *25! 1h15 oOncrfl WIll beSign lntmprnlrd. teatsring The Rel Souls. 7:30-11:30 pm. Nov.14 at the American Legion Post 914. 9751 Pacific Ave., Franklin Park. Sib pen person. Call 1047> 678-7414 or 1108) 3Z&0163. Tammy Makem Tribute Concert. 8 p m. Nov. 21 at the Irish American liertage Center. 4626 N. bono Ave., Chicago. The concert will ieatnre pert ormances by The Makem and Spain Drothers, as Isoli an several local bands The LavAis and Moran Brothers, Thy Chaocey Brothers, The Dooley Brothers and The Sullivan Brothers. 535. Procevds henelit the Tommy and Mary Maliem Fund in support ei pediatric brain tumor research at Clilidrens Memoriai Hospital. Call (7131 282-1035 vr visit North Shore Chamber Orchestra will present a beselit concert and receptino at 3 p.m. Dec. 13 at Northwestern university's Alice Millar Chapel, 1870 Sheridan Road, Evanston. TIte program Includes Movdeissohe'o Fingal's Cave Ovettane, Mozalt's Symphony Ils. 40 in G minor, and Tchaikousky's Variations erl a Rococo Theme, Wendy Warner, cellist. Cell (8411 864-2288 BOOKS & POETRY visit wwiejlggtejamproducti505.cem. iAltchell Msseum ofttre American lo- Colt Road, Bes Plaines. Oct. 29, 6:30 p.m : Award-winning playwright and poet Idris Goodwin shares his latest werk as part et the Chicago Writers Series. Goodwin will perform excerpts lrem his ono-mas show, "Bullet Bites Mao," which challenges media-created black stereotypes is thy United States, and "Break ßeat Peetica," a rhythmic relioction on his mamey as a rapper. Free. SnsnMby CHILD'S PLAY Amotinan toyrsof Cornpapf. JodI Koplis's ilgglejarnmer classes, tor children ages 6 movths to 3 years il and 9; 10:30 a m, and noon Nov. 20, 23'25; and i p.m. Nov. 14, $10. Call 1173) GROUPS B LESSONS COMEDY dias, 3001 Central St., Evanstvn. 18411 415-1030, wwwrnitchoilmuseam,olg. Suggested desatino is $5 adults; $2.50 sexier citizens, students and children. Maximum suggested admission per larniiy is $10. tIldo Craft MornIngs are offered trem 10:30 a rn-noon. Museum staffers and eelunteern lead informal wnrhshops where children learn to construct simple versions ai traditioo' al Native American objects and engage in other hoods-en activilien related to native coitare, Adrrrissios is included with an entrance donatiao to the museam, Kids Cmli Workshops are recem' mended ter children ages 5 and up, hut Centre East in the North Shore Center ter the Performing Arts, 9501 Skokin Chicaga Dance Club, 1847) 622-4466, Dance to DJ music 1mm the '505 to today from 7:30-11:30 p.m. Saturdays at American Legion Hall, 9151 Pacific Ave., Franklin Parli, Mostly swing doncing, Think You Want to Be In Love?" $45, Open to ages 21 and eider, SS mum- Square Spares D Pairs Square Dance Club, a club fer couples and slegles, dances the second and fourth Mon- The ireprov Comedy Showcase and Restanran io Wondfield Mall, 5 Waod- bers; SIG nanroembers, Membership days nl the month all year long at the lee $25. Upcoming dates include Nov. Park Ridge Senior Center, ITO S. West- field Road, Schaumhurg. 1847) 240- 28 and Decl2 lChristmas party, starting at 7pm.). Happy Twtders Dance Club provides round and square dancing at 7:30 p.m. the second satarday of the month, through May 8, at Immanuel Lutheras ero Ave.. Park Ridge. Reunds start at 2001. Shnwtirnes at 1:30 p m. Thursdays; B p m. and 10:15 p.m. Fridays; I p.m. and 9,15 pos, Sotardays; 7 p m. Sondays Must he IB er oid- er, Octl9-Nuv,1; Jeremy lIste SIT, S20, interContInental Chicago O'Hare Ho- some balmreem, Latin and line dancing, 5501 or (7131 665-8407. sary. Nov. 14: Geds eyes. Nan. 28: Coup ComedySpnrtz Theatre, presented in sticks/talking sticks. Dec. 12 Loom the Mootrose Room Open ron. $21. Metropolis Performing Arts Centre, Ill 2121, Through Novi4, 113 p.m. Satur- days: "Olnoer tor See Sis:' $16 50. Skokie Theatre, 7924 Lincoln Ave., Skokie, Cali (8471 677-1761 or visit www,skekietheatre,cuin. Tickets are $20 in advance; $25 at the door, ueless noted otherwise, 8ec26, 8 p.m . and Dec.27.2p,m.:"Nuns4Fun,"Ieaturing Vicki Ouade, co-creator of the Late Nile Catechism comedies, Song," with Victor Pacini, Nov.20 "Super Power Music: A Journey of Upliftng Meindies," with Victor Pacini. www briol mnesdanceparty.corn Leikareiogenuielmhug° dancers wetcome these agelb und older interested in Scandinavian folk dunce te join them 1mm 8-9:30 p.m. Wednesduys at the First United Methodist Church of 392-5512 or 1841) 253-3206, Nay. 2& Date McRoberts, Dec.27: No dance, DINING Des Plaines, 666 Graceland Ave, No pri- or dance euperience or partner necessary. For information, call 18471 823' Rosemoot Theatre, 5400 N. River Road, Rarement Tickets are available Vta Veeeto Ristorante, 6340 N. Lincoin Ave., Chicago, Nov.20,? p.m. and Nov.22. 3 p.m laste uf Abruzzo Dinner' a celebration uf the cuisine and cuitons uf Ihn Abruoou region ai Italy. Each eeenlng will feature an authentic regional mesa based on local special- ties prepared by native chef Massime Criscio and Dino Alberto Paganelli, chef at the Palazzo Tour dEau in Abruzzo, Regional wines have been selected ta accompany the meal. Chef Crioclo. who runs Abruzzo Cihus Culinary Tsars, wili introduce the courses and discuss the cullare nf the region and the tours he ehem. $65 per person ivcluitos tue and gratuity. For reservafions, call (773) 267'0888. children 12 and under. Highlights lodude O black-tie optional dinner in the IAHCs Grand Ballroom on Friday, with entertainment headed by Malachy McCourt; cost is $100 and reservaf loes are required. On Sutarday, 40w Turk City Irish rack band Dlack 41 perfurms at 7 p m tickets are $20, $15 for IAIIC members, On Sunday, lrish'born folk singer Maora OConoell will perform at 7 p.m.; tickets are $20, $15 for IAHC members. Call (7731 2R2-7035 or visit org. HarvetFest, noen-4 p m. Nov, 15 at Watson ParIs Church, 6337 W, Cornelia, Chicago, maturing a holiday craft sale, bingo and ether actinities, A roast pork dinner will ho served at Z pm; tickels are $10 aed cao be reserved by calling 17731283-0884, "Tire Symbols of Cfirtstmas bazaar will be held from 9 a m -9 p.m. Non, 20 and 9 a m-5 p m. Nov, 21 at SL Ha ralambos Greek Orthodos Church, 7313 N. CaIdwell Ave. Hiles, featuring crafts, gifts, floral arrangements, a col lee shop, und homemade Greek pastries. Free admission. For inlarmation, coil 18411 647-8880. FILM FAIRS & FESTIVALS IBAMI Feutivat an Irish hook, art aed music celebration. will be held from lt a m-9 p m. Dct3D-Nuv. I at the Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N, Knox, Chicago. The event features book sigeings, panel discussioes, art exhibits, lectures, theatre perlormanc- Block Cinema, in the Pick-Laudati Auditorium at the Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University, 40 Arta Circle Drive, Eeaosfvs. (847) 491-4800, www,blockmuseum.00rthwvstrro,edu/ bisck-cinema Admission is $6;54 for Block Museum members, senior citi' I . for the Performing Arts, 950f Skekie Bled., Skokie, 18471 673-6300, wivw,cen- Nov. 13, 0 p.m.: "Fasse Trim- gp" by Thodns Dance Chicagn. Oreadway and film veteran Ann Reinkieg will cnliaherate with Ihodos Dance Chica- go to receostrsct o trio el short zens, and students with ID, or as noted Chicago filmmaker Rebecca Schaoberg below. Ail filmo shown at B p.m. enloso will attend the ucreeniog. noted otherwise, #lvirrb/ecote film ce- FORANYOÑE LUCKY EÑOUGI-I TO EXPERIENCE IT." Park Ridge PublIc Library, 20 S. iles-Oct 29 Medicioe for Melas- Prospect Ave.. Park Ridge. 1847) 825- choly." Nav.4: "Dance Party, United Sfates and "Ouiel City7 Nun. 19- "Pre-, Fitms the Ubrary - Nu registration needed, Duero open forueatieg age-hall hour before show time. Oct 29, 7 p.m.: sent Company." Film Noir (mm 1955to lDlOseeles- Oct. 3: Night of the Hunter' Nov.11: "The Sweet Smell nl Ssccvss' Nov.11 "Touch of Evil:' Art "Long Lion Pakistan' TheoryandPrar.ticeserfes- Non.5, 7 Skekie, 1847) 677-7761. wwei,sknkivthvatre,com. Nov.22. 7 p w,: "One Simple ShokteTheatee, 1924 N. Lincoln Ave. pin.: The Short Films nf Anna Biller and Work by Margan Fisher and Pant McCarthy, The program luntap050s tos Angelen-based independent fiimmaker and artist Anna Biller's short films with the work el two of her teachers, Los Angeles-basest artists Morgan Fisher and Paul McCarthy. Admission Is free. Nov. 6, 7 p m: Seopluitatien double tea' turo, "Viva" and Ceol it Caroil" Admissiso is free. Revisitioq Hollín Frairrpton sedas- Nav.13 "A b B in Ontaria7 "Manual of Arms," "Artificial Light, "Snowbliod" and "Surface Tension:' The screening will be introduced by Bruce Jenkion, proleuser of film, nidea and new media at the Schoel of the Art Institute of Chicago AmILabh Dachclran filmseíies- Nav.2 "Black' The Reeltime Independent Iïlmatrd Wdeororumpreseets awardwinning independent feature, docamenlary and short subject films and videos, Each screening is lollowed by discussions with the audience. Ail Reeltime screenings are free. Nov. 18, 7:30 p m "Do Na Harm. The documentary tells the sfory al two Southerners who became reluctant whistleblowers when they exposed onethicai billing proctices at a large nonprofit hospital. r Ceetre East In tIre North Shore Center I Life' $10 in adoance; $15 at the dour. ORGANIZATIONS The AmerIcan Jewish ArtIsts Club is now accepting applications for new artist members.The club exhibits widely in the Chicago area in muse' ums, public venues and institutions, synagogues and cemmanitg centers Members also participate in salon discossions and art critiqses, plein air painting sessions, and ether activities, For information. olsit www.american' jewishartistsclub org Des Pfaines Art Guild meets at I pm. en the second Toesday of the month at the Prairie Lakes Community Center, 515 Thurber St. Des Plaines, flew mom- bers are toelcome, For information, call Margaret Newman. 18411 924-0952, nr omit, Park Ridge ArtLeague meets at 1:30 p m. the thIrd FrIday of the month in the South Park Fividh005e, 833 Talcolt Road, Park Ridge. Guest fee is $3. Cali Dorothy DuSeld. 18471 825-3505, ShaMe Photographic Society meets at go., PAGE B14 Murder in the Haunted 1 Mansion Mystery15' g . . . STARTS SEPTEMBER 1 1 THRU NOVEMBER 8 I I BANQUET ROOM & ALJPHENTIC GERMAN CATERING MENU AVAILABLE FOR ALL YOUR BUSfNESS AND FAMILY EVENTS I I CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN HUNTER'S I I OKTOBERFEST STYLE FEST . November MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! : HERSHEY FELDER daecesbyBohrosse-"CoelHand Luke:' "Meeicao Dreokfast," and "Tijoana Shutli&' Oho program aisn features the Chicago premiere of Melissa Thydes' "Brivee," as well as company premieres of three dancen from Thodeu $30 When Wo Play Together, We Play One and and ether music previded by aDJ. $5 cever cash bar. (713) 482-0642 or Tickets; $47,50, $35 and $25. es, live music and Irish dance by Irish and Irish-themed authors, artists and musicians, Admission Is $5; free fur ATRÚLyREMARBLE EXPERIENCE board instruments, including pianos, accordions, concertinas and meladrues. Drvams' idih Victor Pacìei, Nan. 7: "The Artist Within Ils: Creating A MasterpieceOl Kindness G Respect," with Victor l'acini. Nov.14: "One Song We Are Like Dilterent Instruments, Bat gles and couples. Nightclub, swing, litterbug, salsa, hastie. cha cha, leo trot irot include service fees. For more ioformation about the theater, call 1841) PERFORMANCES Dance Chicago's New Dancen 2009 inww.skokiethealre corn, Fall youth programs, 130 p.m. Saturdays. Tickets: $15; $10 ter children. All tickets available at the denr only. Oct. 31; "Believe in Yourself: The Journey To Your Krlstines Dance Party,1:30-Il p.m. Thursdays at the Park Ridge VFW, IO W, Higgins Road, Park Ridge, Open to sin- al www,tichotmasteccom er (312) 5591212; the ticket prices listed below do DANCE blends music, dance and song in a per' formance celebrating dilterevt key- Skokie Theatre, 1924 Lincoln Ave., formation, call 1173) 775-9427 or (7881 442-8646, Nov. "Falling Loanes." Huy. 23: "Turkey Trot" Dec. 14: "Holidays and Squarewheels Sqaare Dance Club dances the feurth Saturday of each month, September through May, ut Our Redeemer Isthenan Church, 304 W. Paiatino Road, Prospect Heights. Reund dancing hogins at 7,30 p.m. with Howard and Anna Hoffman, and square dancing starts at 8 p.m. with guest callern, Refreshments served and banser available threugh April 24. AdmisSinn: $6. For information, cali 1847) Plaines, $6 per gancI. Call 1841) 698- W. Campbell St., Arlington Neights. www.metrupslisurts cem, 1841) 571- $S for members; $6 for guests Ferio- Happineso." www icnhare,cem/mnntraserOam, 1847) 544'5300. Satordayn, O p.m.: 7:30 p.m. with squares from 8-IO pm, Church, Thucknr uod Lee streets, Deo tel, 5300 N. River Road, Rosemont, beading. tlec.2& Dreamcatchers. Pick-Stalger Concert Hall at Northwvstern University, 50 Ants Circle Ori' ve, Evavston. Interinatiun: (8471491' 5441: tickets: (8411 467'4000. wwwpickstaiqererg. KIds Fare sortes, teaturing hour-bog concerts for chudren ages 3 to 8 and their families, All Kids Fare concerts begin at 10,30 am. Tickets: $6; $5 ter seninr citizens; $4 ter children. Noel; "Shaka Bonmshaka 800ml" Boomshaka, Northwestern's drum, dance and rhythm ensemble, presents a blend of rhgthrn, movement and choreography. Jan,9,2010 "Powerial Pipes" at Alice Miliar Chapel, 1810 Sheridan Road, Evanston, a program featurivg the sounds et the chapel's ergan and choir. Jan.30, 201 "Bandleg Together," teataring Northivestero Unìversity Symphonic Band's brass and reed piayers and percusoiooists. MarcIr 6, 2010 Rvhert G, Nasty condocts the Merit Schnoi Symphony Orchestra during a perturmunce vi Camille Saint' Suons' classic "Carnival vi the Aolmals' The program also will include ether works. April 24, 2QtO "Percolatlog Percussien " A diverse assnrtment ei percussioo instruments will enpinre a variety of energetic musical styles. May i, 2010; "Ivories, Buttons aed Such" Spares Sunday Evening Club holds ballroom dances Irornl:3D-10,30 p.m. at the American Legion, 9157 Pacific Blvd., Skokle. (8471 6736300. www.centreeast.arg. Nov.?, 8 p rn.: Greg Behrendt and Amura Runtola's "So You there is na minimum age requirement. Participants must beaccontpanied by an adult. No pre-reqistratien is neces- Skukie. Cali (8471 611-776f or Visit Oaktoa Community College, 1600E. a nr. Oct. 30 and Non. 2-6, 9-iO, 1213, 16- diversions 813 OC THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29, 2009 cherengraphy pertormance series, Music Institute of ChIcago, Nichols Concert Hall, 1490 Chicago Ave, Evanstun, 1847) 905'iSOD, wwlv,mu- sicinst org. Dec.12 Dante Chicago 2009 perlermunces, including Family Nutcracker lOuke lt Osti Ellingten no, Tchaikovsky at io a.m and Grand Finaiv at 8 p,m Fur tickets, Visit www.dancechicago.cem, North Shore Center for the Pentano- Fri Oct. 30 .. . Parties 016 or more reserve your whoteTurkey for Family Style Dinner. Spectacular, 8 p.m. Oct31. $IO-S3S. For Grrmon ,mrrIcsfl tickets, visit : Chicago Nids Company presents "Aiice Circle Drive, Evanston, Nue, 19-21,8 .- cItan,. 7650 W. Irving Park Rd.5 Noffidge 708-452-6040 Great Food, Great Service, Great People I I Murder Mystery I I OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK m I THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS Live Enfertoinment For LUnch, Dinner, And Late Night FUnI I I WEEKEND BEER SPECIALS 0ct30 Dance ter Kids Tool, I p m. Oct. 31; ucd Dance Chicago 15th Anniversary Northwestern UniversIty Mariano 'Call Mon - Fri (773) 267-6400 . Seatängs'.11:3D, 12:00, 1:30, 3:00,4:00, 5:30 antes include Dance Slam, 7:30 p.m. Ward Marshall Dance Center, 10 Arts Reservations Limited ...13- 22 ' SPECIAL MENU NO BUFFET 1841) 673'6300. www,nurthshorecen' ter.erg. Dance ChIcago 2009 pertorto- Stahl Familylheatre, 5900 W. Bei- 7- 1 1 PM MAKE .YOURTHANKSGIVING RESERVATIONS Ing Arto, 9501 Skokie Oled , Skokie, mont Ave , Chicago. Through Nap. 25: Sat. Oct. 31 PALOMA PERFORMS DRURY LANEWATERTOWER PLACE NOVEMBER U - DECEMBER20 Ask about our Saturday and Overnight Tratns TrahiT0' I I I I I PtusEORGE GERSHWIÑALONE RETURNS ONE WEEK ONLY DEC 23 - 3 I! 3 I 2-642-2000 www.ticketñ-iaster.córri I J B14 I diversions DC 'THURSDAY,OCTOBER 29,2009 Destinations Inns & Resorts l-2-3-It's That Easy! Amcrks (o,teVoiion Hon by Florid, Ldurri 3 o 711F., hwrry pool honror, do,, to II aliroction,, fm $99/or. Jurt I-Call, 2'IIool 3.SIay in II,, liest ',',ratio, llamo "TheAdult Escupe" piv 3&ght$399. in Kh,imm,,. lYe Guarani,, It! 219-861-0000 800-216-7165 or WWw.floridaleisurecom jfuJJJm Vacation Rentals Octdber Snowbirds, spread your wings attd fly our way Io Iba Beaches ofSouih Valton where winter Itriogs the world's most beosifu sunsets sod semperasurcu its the 60s. Visit Dune Allen Realty us wua-ss &uulifuljlcucls,cosu where Forts will discover NW Florida's beautiful nod affordable Snowbird Wscasion Rentals. /4wL A Pioneer Press $pecial Section.' Dining ouf on a dief Fordisounts call 888-267-2121 y Snowbird markets DESTINATION Edtro,tmltoaTh Coodmo, thoG,dL s-000b,,d,. IOflr.p'tbdaoniu,2 t'ootr II htodl,FttOmf Dance Slam comes to the North Shore Center for the PerformingArts in Skokie, 9501 Skokie Blvd., Skolije, at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 30. More than 1,000 perfarmers from 50 Chicago-area companies go toe-to-toe in an interactive competition. Dance styles range from hip-hop and breandancing to street, _azz and modern, Each work is tine minutes or less and voted on by the audience and a panel ofjodqes, Tickets cosf $10 to $35. Visit www.dancechicaqo,com bdron-sptin muOr)&ar,oto,wOm,ua,00, Now muog,,nd Itht domc,u o,vmro,ro,blitera gtournnowba,l4tov, souayu E4cw,cnt SP°11owRurfor5SroorGomw 800-822-4929 Discoimt Timeshares go. Suso 60 n 80% off ltrs,ff IVorldwid, luc,rions Call fort',,, lofopaoti psiolment. Admission is free, but donations are accepted. Continued from PAGE B13 1-800-354-1346 holida)caup.coan 'tlNI1MFl SQUMIOWNSTAR , S FOXV,W1YlWPffJ Sloops 6Kisclsess & Laundry lacslisios. Woo&ly Rontal. Fri-Fri or Rai-Sut N-SUN Call 847-885-4715 Postîrlbune BeaconNcws Greenbrjar Country Inn &Suites, Galena Slop bada in timo tun in historie ladgsogn. Fspl, whirlpool subs, hand delivcrod W, brcakfa,s bastan, In ynurdnor.\y,lh in rcsiuuraots,shnps. Msdwmk spruial SINGLES charge. Nov15, 6.15 p m Dulfot dinner music by Ken Jandes. Nov27: Dance at at Sonoya Restaurant, 8750 W. Golf the American Legion Hall, 9757 Pacific, Road, Riles. $25. Nov21, 6:30 p n Sa- Franklin Park, with music presented by cialize over ham d'oeuvres and drinks The Variety Pak. at Sinos East, 1445 Lake Cnoh Osad, 2BR Condo, Minutes from Disney. forAvailabifity Hëthjj'cws Ccìirittv NaStm PiotPjss 7:30 p.m. the third Thursday nl each ninnth at Shnkje Village Flail, 5127 W. Oaktnn SL lilI levels o! photographers welcnmo. call 1047) 677-0324. TOURS & OUTINGS NormonS Park Historical Soclet 5624 Jowish SenIor Singles Social Club meets regalarly (ordioners said a variety nl programs. for Inlormatiun, call ET CETERA Young at Heart Singles Club spunssrs 1847) 676-2872, ballroom dancing for all ages Semidressy to dressy attire for wamen; JewlshSoclalslnq?es, forages 21plus. Cash payments Sniff activities for the Performing Arts, 9501 Sknkie jackets lernea. Ro jeans or gym Blvd. Skohie, (847) 673'6300, www,ceo- are sobjoct to change. Call (847) 7571299 or 1847) 331-1066. Nov. 8 antI 22 N. Newark Ave. chicago. (7731 631- and DecJ,3, 6:30 p.m Oowling at 4633. The Norwood Park HistorIcal Society, a nonprofit organization, resides in the Hoble-Seymour-crippon Brunswick Zone-Doerfield behind Ihn Deerbronk Mall, 10 S. Waukegan toad. towliog Is $20 for league members; House, chicago's oldest home. Hours are nnon-4 p.m. Saturdays, or by ap- Doertiold. $30. $25 for nonmemtsers. Sncializers who cannot or prefer ont to howl are welcome Injoin the group for a $10 cover lii9s Centre East in the North Shore Center shoes. All dances are from 8:30-11,30 Nov. 28, S and 0 p.m., and p m. Admissios is $7 lop members; $9 tot guestn Holline io (6301 415-3449. Nan. 29. 3 p m Cirque Le Masque. $35. Skekle Theatre MusIc Foundation 0ct30 Dance at the American Legion Hall, 9757 Pacilic, Franklin Park. with music by The Ed clank Tria. Nai 7: Dance at the VFW Hallt, 16th and Itarlem, Derwyn, with music by Ken Jandes, Nov14; Dance at Oalger PanIc 1601 W. Hirsch St. Melrnse Park, with presents concerts and programs in the Skokin Theatre, 7924 Lincoln Ave., Sknkie. Call (847) 677-7767 or visit Www.shnkiotheatrecnm Nov.13, 10:30 a.m Jne Wioqand presents A Convernation with Teddy RoaseoelL" $20 in advance; $25 at t he duoc 1-815-777-3153 www.grecnbriargnjena,com RiverBank Lodge Petersburg, Illinois I 1,1 al ru nonio da Thoou Mona,g Pm,, od If . Cssll Toll Free : 1-866-459-31140 FUN BEGINS HERE! "0 '.2.______,,, If, ¡nons and Roso,oufnrevo,y budgot! ,'nurulunhlIt.. .IIIIOOIIIIIILIO 0E 0 II Utili! ml., o % Please ConlacatnJoheriy,stngwm Phnnru63O-978-U4 - Dining out at a restaurant is a treat for many people in this counta while for othess it has become a way of life. In a timecrunched society, restaurant-prepared and commercially offered foods offer convenience for people who simply are not cooking at home. However, with larger portion sizes and a greater amount of sodium and fat, among other downsides, eating out poses challenges for those watching their weight, Consider these eye-openers regarding favonte foods at national restaurant chains and popular eatenes: * A restaurant-sized o,Úer of the Italian dish fettuccini alfredo weighs in at 1,500 calories and 97 grams of fat. Almost half of the fat is saturated, * A typical order of fried rice from a Chinese food take-out adds up to 1,480 calories. * Caesar Side Salad from Boston Market dishes up more calories than other seemingjy diet-disastrous sides on their menu, such as Old-Fashioned Potato Salad or Creamed Spinach, * Contraty to popular belief, selecting a cheeseburger from McDonald's is a better option than the Chicken McGnill. The burger has 330 calories versus the chicken sandwich's 410. * When dining out at chain steakhouses, you'll want to pass on those batter-dipped fried onion appetizers. Most rank in around 2,130 calories and 163 grams of fat, When choosing a cut of steak, opt for the filet mignon, which is the leanest. * St,alçes at the majority of the fast-food eateries, including White Castle, McDonalds, Burger King, and Hardees, to name a few, are typically 1,000 calones or more. While it may seem it would be impossible to dine Out and avoid destroying diet plans, there are techniques to consider that can keep you on track. r ÌIIIII. JflflS&rr400tSfOplaCeyOurIisIingin ihencwDestinatjosujnon ri-Resorts sedino - se e www.riverbanldodgecom '.-r;-' ' 2009 1. Make friends with broiled, boiled or roasted foods. These are some of the I: I S S healthiest ways to have foods prepared if you're calorie-conscious, Ash that oils be used sparingly f not removed completely, Simply dabbing meats that look like they may be a little bit more greasy than you would like with a napkin can also trim off a couple of unnecessasy calories. Full up on the good stuff. Skip the unending breadbasket and opt for picking on raw vegetables, if possible. Ask to have a side salad (low-fat dressing on the side) brought when others are enjoying more fattening appetizets, so hunger pangs won't tempt you to indulge in something naughty. indulge at restaurants, fill up on low-fat snacks before you leave. Drink a tall glass of water and enjoy a cup of low-calorie grapes or some other fruit. You won't be famished upon entering the restaurant, and hopefully not tempted to order one of evetything on the menu. Select sit-downs over buffets. The enormity of a buffet spread can make selecting healthy options - and keeping portion sizes in check - next to impossible. Make selections from the "fit," "light," or "sensible solutions" portion of the public's desire to eat right. They'll provide a selection 0f foods that are healthy and often delicious. So why not try them? If you see something on the regular menu that you would like, find out if the kitchen can prepare it in a more healthy way. For enampie, see if the fried chicken strips in the chicken salad can be substituted with galled chicken. Make dining out a treat not an evety day occurrence. Dining Out can fit into a sensible eating plan when done in moderation, just like evetything else about dieting. Courtesy ofMeim Cimathv the menu. Some restaurants understand NORTH SHORE LANDMARK! Don't be a member of the cleanplate club. Your parents may have imbeddod the idea in your brain you that you must tinish all of the food on your plate before you can get up from the table, but that rule no longer applies. Restaurant portion sizes can be triple the recommended amount. For enample, a 3-ounce piece of meat is portion size, and Is roughly the size of the palm of your hand. Ask for a canyout container and immediately cut your food in half and pack away the excess. THE CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS S EAF O OD EAKS Established 1977 3566 North Milwaukee Avenue Northbrook, Illinois 60062 847.298509.1 t One Block North of Lake Avenue) Order from the kids' menu, if posaible. See if you can order that smaller-sized kids' portion, which is actually more aligned with the amount of food you should be eating. If not, a lower-fat appetizer and a salad may do the trick. Skimp on dips and dressings. Many condiments can add unwanted calories. Case in point: creamy Caesar salad dressing can knock out any inherent healthy aspects of the remainder of the salad. Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions, or simply ask to have dressings put on the side so you can decide if it's worth taking the plunge, Eat a little before heading to the restaurant. If you know you tend to over- : LUNCH SAVINGS I I VALID MONDAYTHRU SATURDAY 11:OOAM-3PM0lt'flElrrjOf'ALY I THEITAN'S QUARTERS Ir I I - 298.5091 30FF I I I I ANY BILL OF $1 5 OR MORE II DINE IN . FOOD ONLY I ONE COUPON PERTABLE, NOTVALID WITH ANY OTHER COUPONS OR PROMOTIONS. MUST PRESENT COUPON ATTIME OF PURCHASE, L I EXPIRES 12-31-09 I I I Get fishy when dining out Consider catering for your next event Part of enjoying the celebration for hosts and hostesses is being able to mine and share the festivities with jests. However, thIs isn't alwes possible when they're responsible for preparing and serng the food among a beW of other responsiblilties. That's where hiring a caterer or using a banquet thcllity can make the party more enjoyable thr all invowed. Accortling to the NaUonal Catering Association (NCA), catering has become the fastest-growing segment of the restaurent business In recentyears. This could be attributed to busier families, working parents and overbooked kids. That's where caterers and banquet halls are Invaluable. Th,es of caterers Caterers vary by whether they're onsite or off-site. Some banquet facilities use a specific caterer for all of their events. Other party rooms allow you to choose. Find out what they preside Some caterers only provide the food. Others offer food and drinks. Still others supply everything food, beverages, knens, silverware, plates etc. 'Mien comparing retes of catering servjces, make sure you're comparing apples to apples. One price may be higher because you're getting a one-stop-shopping package from the caterer. Be prepared for discussion teben you sit down with prospective caterers, it helps to have certain Informalion on hand: number of guests, venue If using an off-site caterer, type of event (social, busIness), who Is being honored, food preferences and restrictions, budget, Can't decide what to order from the menu? Are you looking for something that will satist, those taste buds while being easy on the waistline? Registered dietitian and managar of nutrition cornmunlcation at the National Fisheries Institute (NH), Jennifer McGuire, recommends seafood as an essential for te of serice (buffet, sit-down, butlerpassed hors d'oeuvres) and theme or mood you are trng to create. Book ¡n advance lt's sufficed to say that many caterers are busy for peak seasons and holidays so don't wait until the last minute to book one for your party. Generally, weddings and arge aflitirs should be booked nine to 12 months before the event. Smaller functions can be booked a few months before. any healthy diet. Seafoodcommon menu optIons include tuna and salmon are nutrient-nch lean proteins with essentials like omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, potessium and B vitamins. While the FDA recommends that you eat at least two servings of fish (6 ounces each) per week, studles show that the majority of Sign e contract Make sure that the caterer or banquet focility you choose spells out all agreemente in a contract that you both sign. InquIre about contingency plans should there be poor weather or a reason to cancal the party Find Out if it is possible for a taste testIng to try out the food In advance. In terms of money, discuss payment schedules and how graturties are handled. Also, find out how you will bebilled if the party runs over the allotted amount of time. people are not eating enoui Cauttes;' ofMeta, Ovatite «z o 847 - e Charlie's Charhouse I ¡80 W Devon Ave. Elk Grove Village (847) 923-5000 Charlie's Charhouse specializes In steaks and chops; however, it's menu offers a wide variety Lupitci's Restaurante 700 MaIn St. Evanston (847) 328-2255 Lupita's Restaurante has been serving the Chicagoland area for 20 years. Stop in and try a warm, complimentary basket of homemade chips and mini taquitos. Indulge yourself with its award-winning nachos or choose from a wide array of delectablo dishes, certain to captivate all palates like scallops, red snapper, chiles rellenos or the grilled chicken breast with Mexican sausage. 149 n What makes Lupita's special is that when you're here, you're like family. Corne in and join us for a fiestal Grab your family, fnends or that special someone. Lisa Pratt Tammy Matthews Enjoy entertaining live music most Fnday and Saturday nights. Hours are Tuesday through Thursday 11:30 am. to 9 p.m., Friday 11:30 am. to lo p.m., Saturday noon to 10 Broiled Scrod Chopped Steak Fried Perch Greek Chicken Broiled Pork Chop Roast Turkey Pork Tenderloin Liver and Onions Spaghetti with Meatball visit PÍíal/sections..html Serves 8-10 ,lj. l.l,lIs A'l LARLE A L.A CARIE Orders titlist l)L' Ititicerl by Niche Publications Manager Special Sections Editor Jennifer Williams Special Sections Designer $795 Above Served with Soup or Salad, Ice Cream Jello or Rice Pudding loiidruv, N',venhl)Lr 23rd. nine, i 180 W Devon, Ave., Elk Grove Village 847-923-5000 3701 W. Lako Ave. I Glenview, IL 60026 Evoryatort has boon mudo toenstJro the accuracyot the nforrnalca n this sacan. The Pobiehors cannot 9oaranroe the retractfloss of ail the nforma5on ovolabio te thorn and assume no iabdty ons,ng trum error or omssen Comatents shuald be sent is ruche Pubicatens; Penoor Pass tlowupapors, 31St W. Labo Ave . G'onurew, IL 60026, n,chopubtxonsepenecriocai corn. Copynght'O 2008 honour Pious, ra Rights Rosorvod. p.m. and Sunday 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Closed Mondays. SENIOR CiTIZENS PORTIONS Ordos for complete dioncrs must be ploccil by Monday, November 23", to be picked up Thnnks5iving . z:Li. not's LOCAL sosecu Reservations recommended. Complete Dinners to Go 22 lb. . PIoNiER PRESS 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS turkey, real mashed potatoes, pinenut stuffing, giblet gravy, salad, vegetable, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. PM DP (708) 456-2005 DiNE-OU 3O'9. PM E-mail your comments to, We welcome your feedback 5050 N. CUMBERLAND, NORRIDGE Open Thanksgiving 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Also available for carry out! - REFIT'S FAMIlY ftSI4IJFitPI s9 (Our full regular menu is also available) r e taste Mexican f - 1i'adIfiona1 Thanksgiving Feast odatitsbest 700 Mi Enjoy greatconversation, heated sports discusslons and the freshest food and drink, Firstclass stewards who deliit n creating a warm, cozy experience, deliver meals that are sure to please even the most demanding of palates. The Captain's Quarters menu is the centerpiece of this unique casuavline-dining hybrid establishment. The blend of American, Greek, Italian and Asian styled cuisine has been delighting patrons for more than 30 years. Fresh seafood, red meats, lamb, duck, chickanm paste and gyros are all prepared in a variety of tantalizing presentations. A healthy variety of salads and daily homemade soups perfectly complement any meal. The ample wine cellar features selections by the gthss or bottie, and the bar is stocked well with faverite adult beverages. Gon Appétitl Thrkey with all the trimmings, including homemade pumpkin pie. ICAN FOOD! tine...Anything Fri. &Sat. 1Ì3' (847) 298-5091 DINE-IN Í .'ùthentic -innova Northbrook 1ALKTIIRKEYI.. V?Z :' 3566 N. Milwaukee Ave. TIMETO X1IEiENCE ìri1tJ -a Captain's Quarters Charlie's (cV . ...... L '',J Charhouse jp.ç r -s s Bon Appetit average, eat one-sixth of this amount, meaning they are Increasing their risk for symptoms of depression. For more information on the benefits of seafood, recent studies and recommended recipes, visit the National Fisheries Institute's Web page at of this nutritious lean protein. This Is especially Important for pregnant and new moms. A recent study, the first large observational study of its kind, published in Epidemiology, found that pregnant mothers who ate no seafood were I 9i nearly 50 percent more likely to have symptoms of depression than pregnant mothers who ate seafood at least three times per week (12 or more ounces weekly). The study found that women who ate at least 12 ounces of fish per week had the lowest levels of risk for symptoms of depression. American women, on of entrees. These include fresh salads, woodroasted chicken and barbeque ribs, burgers, huge pastas and sandwiches. Enjoy dinner in a warm atmosphere in main dinning room or full service cocktail lounge. A private room Is available for any occasion: rehearsal dinner, showers, baptism, graduations and birthdays. Open on all holidays, seven days a week for both lunch and dinner. Cell for reservations or to book your next party. I Fax 847-923-1665 m I visit pí KIDS EAT for $2.99 A NICHE PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT:: OCTOBER 29, 2009 N AGO» autos. TH RSDAYr autoLuX BMW-proves diesel is not a dirty word YJ0HN STEIN 5thC,Ieu-Autoddittr alking about my impressions of thc BM\V 335d requires I do some prccmptive damage control, cspccially whcn the word "diescl" (that's the "d' in the name) comes out in the cotvcrsation. The American perception of diesel engines is well earncd, r,ith trucks giving our noses plenty of reasons to hate them and early versions of diescl cars reminding our ears just how loud thcse engines could bc - cspecially on early winter momitgs. But the new diesels have arrived and the BM\V 335d is areai eaample of hosv far they have come. New diesels no longer assault the senses. \'Thy go diesel? For starters, remember $4.50 per gallon gas prices? The auto manufacturers do and good mileage mtings are constantly on their minds. Diesel engines deliver excellent tItel efficiency - a plus when gas prices rise. Then there is the small matter of this being a BM\V - that means it should deliver spotts cat-like excitement. Let me put enthusiasts atrase - this BM\V delivers on every expectation. Probably the best part of the BMW 335d is that you have little indication that it is powered by a diesel engine. But there ac some ltints. First, tise engine is a bit louder than most continued on page 4 aut0SPECS 2009 BMW B5d ENGINE 265-horsepower 3,0-liter turbodiesel Inline six-cylinder TRANSMISSION: six-speed automatic DRJVETRAIN: rear-wheel drivé FUEL ECONOMY: 23 city/36 highway BASE PRICE: $43,900 AS TESTED: $50,000 plus WEB SITh www.bmwusa.coni A I,, r o o o o- MID I Cv NISSAN SEEOUR ENTIRE INVENTORY AT NISSANCHICAGOCOM t STAR SIITUIWIIV ONLY! MOflIH-END CHEVROLET MEGASTOIIE o o o HALLO WEEK o, o .0 MARKDOWNS ENDS OCTOBER 31! z " .. ¡i o s .. . lG *UUdjk bolt trMflKi o, 0o _' SUBARUCHICAGO.COM N !SSAN i,'Ê ' . . , . 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NATIONAL TflhIOE. l2U0d92.AiVI AUTO OFF!... 1962 ETTD MlItAfl !iaoceVl. io lrioI.sales. F101uieh loi illasIraliOnanly. Ol!eis end dayl JllhIIU.. . . , . S « ' ' ' , . . . .. ...................... illosHalol 01POSIS loll. Sis dea!ir lbrdIIls. , U NEW'2009 CHEVY 2009CHEVY Mod,iW Aìk'A *0 NEW SELECT 0,_.,_ 19.5 3. .. .. AVAILIWLF! ' DOJIIN MEW 2010 SUDARU FORESTER 2.5N ltli SO lumi, OAl MIRR OSP mlp XOEbS puce al *Ith liblolis Is sold an AddII 11101V lU ills ldv,iVSIVITL Palcos aTiXood dais ,XX0 dala o pM!cadon. Pistons art Ior , . . . .. S . \, LV" : 'U oo Council honors 3 groups for teen C, driving safety o. Tise Nssional SafLty Council announced tIte wittners of its new Teen Driving Safs.ty Lcadt.rshtip Award, schacht recognizes campoonsi eontrthsutions to preventing deatiss and tn;unes tnsolving icen drtvers Motor vehicle cmshtes are tIte lending cause of t,.tn fatilitit.s, iccountstsg for 38 pircent of -ill teen deaths tn tIse Untied Statm Tite awttsl, sponsored by General Motors, recogtttzes demonstrated and consistent cornmitmcnt to tren dnvtng safety leadetahip The awards were prcscnted by Janet Froitscher, NSC prestdLnt and chief o ou. e "a o "'a The Diesel has officially been réinvented. Test drive the new BMW 335d at Karl knz execuove ofSce, Oct 24 at the Nauonal BMW 335d rufls smooth and clean continued from pagel on cold starts. Tise other hint wisicis veil1 make . driving enthusiasts grin from ear to ear - is earns low-end totsue and lots of it. Driving the 335d is enjoyable. comfottabtc and often downrigist fun. Other tIssa the big diesel torque ratings, tise 335d feels iust iike any other 13MW 3-Series. Let's be clear: That's a really good thing. Sharp exterior looks, classy interior sty!ng, precise steering and a well-balanced ride are blended into a great sedan. TIse 335d bas no spcdal badging or labels to anflounce it is a diesci or anything other titan a BMW. Sitting on optional I 8-inch rims with all-weather rubber, tise 335d sides as ssdl as is looks. Overall it is a class attractive sedan with new taillights that are an improvement over the last version. But tIse real story is inside - in the cabin and under the hood. Anyone who might try to deny the pleasure of tapping Out the 425 ¡sound-fret of torcue (at just I 750 rpns) is either a crazed snsart car fan - or l)ing. Tise 335d. 3.O-hiter turbodiesel inline six.cylin. der, mated st> an automatic six-speed transmission, deiisets 265 horsepower. Tisat kind of how-end t(stvlue may snap your neck, but you will have a smile on your face by tite time your eyes get back onto the road. The 335d's 36 mpg itigltw.ty may become a brag. ging point, but tisis conspact sedan is a lot of fun to run around tise city (wlsere it gets 23 mp. According to UM'«', the 335si's cxisaust system manages its d'more pmftle by injecting a pollutant.neutnslizing urea mixture into tite exhaust stream. TIsis gires it emissions on par with othess in the same class. Inside the cabits you will flnd the predictable outstanding Ist and Boisls of miser BM'SV models. Cabin noise is virtually nonexistent and comfort and luxury are everywhere. \Vlsite some may not like the rather bland dash treatment, I enjoy the stcaigbiforward traditional analog gauges and peefece vision across the dash. Leather seating is firm yet comfortable foc long road trips. Tite side bolstering really helps keep the drivcr in placc no matter what maneuvers arc cxccutcd. mc ccntcr stack is easily serti, though controlling it through thc iDrivc systcm is still an effort fraught with frustration at timcs. Control of the infotainmcnt cquipmcnt in the car can be handled through the iDrive knob on thu ccntcr console. The iPol connrctor will not only Connecr portable music to the car's system, but it will charge the iPoti. \Vhilc this new iDrive is light years ahmd of the fìrst-grncration mislit, it still nccds some twcaking to make it more intuitive. Front seat passengers have plenty of legroom while ruar seat passengers taller than 6 feet will be cramped. Trunk space is on the smaller side, but it proved to be Ihnetional for everything I threw at it during my wceklong test. TIse standard audio system offers a single-CD slot as well as amazing digital quality sound. You will not yearn for adclitiunal speakers, better range or ctisper sound with tisis base system offering. The 335cl offers keyless ignition. The key fob does not need to be inserted into tIte dash in order for the car to start and run - something I could easily get accustomed to. Thereh no denying the complete performance package that is the BM\V 3354. While offering luxury inside, it delivers athletic prowess and a balanced ride that easily plaeesit at tise top of tIsis class. Ata base price of S43,900 it ought to deliver suds notable characteristics. Nearly S7,000 in aptians on nsyieSter launched it into the SSO, nsnge. Tisat could be a hard sell no matter how awesome tile ride and power may be. If are searching for a genuine four-door sports ear, tite sport.packagcd335d I tested is absolutelywbat you are looking for, diesel or not. if you like the torque, if you love flsI\Vs, if you don't mind searcising for tite diesel pumps in tise Chicago arca, tiseti this 3-Series is for you. Safc.ty Counctl's Defensive Driving Course Awards banquet. "These three itonorees were selected from 40 nominees across the nation because of their demonstrated commiinsent to use proven methods to save the lives of teens," Froetsclter said. "These award winners represent excellence from tise publie sector, private sector and young people tltensselvrs," slsc added, "l'hte scientiftc evidence is clear that graduated driver hieettsiug, parental involvement, primary teat belt laws and peer-to-peer teen trOgrams earls have measurable impact in saving ives. 'These V.P. Classiflod Jim Dyer 312 321 2061 jdyer©suntimes corn Niche Publications Director Karen Huelsman 312 321 2775 khuelsman@surttimes corn SearchChlcago-Autos Editor John Stein 708.6334845 S z The new BMW 335d makes no sacrifices in power (265 horsepowers 425 lb-ft of torque at 1,750 rprn)wiile still delivering an impressively cleín, fuel-efficient drive Enjoy no-cost maintenance for 4 years! 50,000 miles. Take advantage of special financing through BMW Financial Services. Visit Knauz today. (36 mpg on the hhway). IALJ ExperiencaTheBeat._ Sales end Service PRNusutirç s. os. ooo a. o 'I'he thsrets honorees were tise New Jersey Division of I-highway Safety, tise reckless thriving and seat belt use. They also created a social networking campaign to teach peers about teafuic safety, advocated tIte passage of GDI. laws and tise Mm- nesota primary' seat belt law and created mp songs tis encourage seat belt use and discourage call plsone use wisile driving. ce o titree honorees used one or more of these proven methods in their programs. We are confident their efforts are preventing cmsites anti injuries and saving lives." Joltnson &Joitnson Global SAPE Fleet Leadersltip Team in collaboration with the Driving Center and tIte Moka High School (li tinnesnia) Students Against Destructive Decisions Leadership reans. Tite New Jersey highway safety division was recognized for a report that takes a holistic approach to improving teen driving safety that includes taking graduated driver licensing isne step further by requiring teen drivers to display a decal on tltcir ears. J ohnson &Joltnson got the nod for its company program that educates parents about tite risks of teen driving through a compelling video, "in tite Blink of an Eye." 'l'hc Minnesota bight school students developed a publie service announcement campaign designed toeducate peers about oo to Karl Knauz BMW v,., Route 41 at I 76, Lake Bluff 847-604-5000 \WCurrie Motors FORD FRA NKFOR T ÖEjÖ ILLINOIS'S lARGEST SELECTlON. "w;' RNTCLRY o, OF NEW FOfiDS IN S ' CIUt C" ooo 1996T0Y0TA o CAMRY 2002 CHRYSLR1 ,' VOYAGER -67 ! ' . OUobto ,"9 12IfjbrIda , j, itd AvIÇbIoI . FUSION Sik. #R5l1 ' $13989 1998 TOYOTA TEXT flT294A 1110311A to to 30364 30364 2ODO MITSUBISHI .. 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GET FORGiVEN uNU 1111111E HOME TOY1Or:T... www.forilotfranktorLcom J o IN I I t WESTMONT I : . i I' NWW OAKB Ro O KTOYOTAJIU co vi -..; I : is . I. p i p FRANKFORT, IL 60423 - ß:6 6 - 9 Z3 7 - Z3 Q. 673 . AabteonsedtitednicdeIst 'PIustaffUIicense&docfeeocIudestacioryreba1swhenapplicabioIn IleuofffnancIngotis. DeernotresponsibIelorpitdngetsinthIsadveitsemenL "8asdon Executive Intonnaflon System quaJiftedbierswIUiappruvedcrediL PhtosftrIllustonpwpsesony&maynotsflecttheactuatve1iIc fleuterRaoldnforFordOivivlon41;utlBetaltTmcksaIs1or2t052OO& uttonhitiessutttoporsai Piictsaxdotteesexplre 1W3l/29atmidn1ght Seo dealer fortuit program details and quatitications. ttased on invenloiyrepoltrafl byford MotorCompanyontugust3,2009. MoteappTyenytooewmtaildeikedestakenframdeaierstockvrithintueapplicaiveathedisedtmepeiiod(tferadarotapplytufioewbolesaivor OOrolesavaiiabieoiv2®aiPl5OSuperSuptrcrawandE-SuperDutySuperCabaxdSupercmec O%AP(htoancing for 60 montes ealy on 2009 Ford pdorsalesiutvehiutansubjectthirdersales F.150SuperCabtuJandSupertrowYJfoquali0rdbxyerserdson11W09.60nronthtitil$167 permonthper$l000flnancedwith$Odown through FMCl flnanceratovaziesdependingicredwortidnessot I III IthNGo,KoRN, KASHMIM, Mmm,, CEBUANO. SINOHI, URDU, ANOTACAIQO! - Sales & Service Open until 10pm! 9423 W. LINCOLN HIGHWAY www.fordoffrwikfOrLCom CHINESE, CAUrONESE. ARABIC, FIUPINO, Rusti*N, UtuwNiw, tiui, . . NICE PEOPLE TO DO U5INESS,W(TH 'Ç',f. WE SPEAK'SPANISH,POUSH, PORIUGUESE, MANDMIIN. Pwmt), Gujii. HINDI, p aAI%&.EI hvrrue iw.'.ivi11S II'IIt'T'i Funi., wrrivnrjn A: . 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I . j o c'J N % i I J I i I II I I I ' i - -. Al -- I'D YDOnsv : I ' toLUMÈ I DFALER )JJ J I I I I I j I i : I i ' I I AUTO MAI10 TRAMAMIOSIOM AIR - 003D111O6*0 _j,I.i;j,,j1.;._ e.:' A o 0106105 i :r Ill j ' : .1 o, o.- 4 'H I M i i A. REE FORDUUST050 IL. , ______ i I AYALIA310FVO IMMEDIATO 00000071 ' I I 18.807319 F-150 cREW cm I PER MONTH W/$500 DOWN 2010 I j Focus FULL FAIITORY E110IPPEIOI o o o o ':;:-1Wflei:; RobpaddòuiII:b : aut 7 ÏT11J YAJ ¶J ,-' %.otDos f _ln lederhosen' -X.., .,- MP3 ABS DESG :-. :: AII-Wheel-Drive Side Curtain Airbags FuII Power FuII Power - 1400 NEW 2010 SUBARU LEGACY 2,51 AII-WheeI-Drive 'Side Curtain Airbags ' i:o CHOOSE - J- J Mo! W1N2OW AMASS Il *Rsamomss uOAOwSunusE . i;i iALO ITAl5XIIX1IL Li;Ta 'n'un," '3,9'199 o *liîou*iic 7#000uIs3!OI o H.liUflUflILflBLE!-: - 11.711'i299' PER MONTh W/$Soo DOWN PER MONTh WI$500 DOWN --. 00 unTO s.,. mo co*w00u $t.0$AXa co 000055000000$ ILlS '5D89'129. U '6989..,'149' 22008.8380 PER MOUTH W/$Soo DOWN PER MONTh W/$500 DOWN -..- 0O0jl LUXUHY a ,ees*n MAnu VOUR CHOICE! '13.989'..299' 513S89.029W 005*0ml, O7SISX010 PLOT SPECIIILS Dl 5*0*0 001IAO00 $074X4 MOAl!a000000Ycvnj.L ilj000lI.aLSsíInn .,,t rur.aa 110,1070 '1O.989..239. 22888388 sUvs JTRUCKS/VANS 0$ 000070$ $*WTW$TI0a1O$ ILLL 4 ATOTIILOILS 0000X01. XLMIICATI700XLO5*I0$ X luAU 07700$ 000000 FOB ONLY S149/Mfl, F! 19 NO SECURITY DEPOSITI '1 36 month lease. $3,180 due at sIgIng. ON USED AM, #5248 '00r uTNwu.rujvwsçw si"," '1189.,'259 N *05 ¡III '11 989 .'259' 03.0006! IOTMPIO SE 0$ 5*000000 0$ ON0$flAO,"TUA N 05 , . '9.989'21W - '1489..'299. CM," $ee '14$89'299' TTA," . 00100 0*0070705 00IT0* LOS "MA-53 . pu,te tucjuS L . .r ?jvjuo, Iju tuso, co us iijus,-ljcs uuR,Slk2t%u- . $500: :.DOWNt I p. AWMAlsiISSMjOT CL SS cucos tfliAw'cj,js CL &o,. S "89.-$259. '12.989..'279' XOT000TA00I00IALI (.. jSAflflA . MAClOCAl sjiaWuTt.m1,ol,, MA flS *000 ATOLlO S6,989o!h149t 11170 $10711015 *1 001 ImSIluNMIM '13.969.,'299' '1689.'339' 03 MTTSIThISHI LOIICEII 10 $24aW.I48 '16.989.'339. 110001001711 uvluuoj ruÑw,tuv,u ujulup The Subaru OutbacK Motor Trond's I Spart/Uthity ofthaYear 2010 21,995 21,995 1oaded SuflrOO Ieathor, BIack.43K. P3476A '0 lIsan Maxima 3.5 17,995 17,495 17,995 SIj..cath,r, SunrootAuto, Smoke, 38K. P3491 '08 Volvo Mo ,_.........AlJtomal* Sunroot FoU Powor, Gold. 16E, P3467 '07 MInI Coopir wI NaTI 5-Speod, Full Powe 12X.Bel5llA O9 Jbyotn MalTix S._.ALdOqflaJC,Al, Fuji Powr Owuge. 9K P3499 o9 Nissan Alama S . ....AutomaUcJr, Mint CondEon. Red, P3514 '05 Mercede, c240 ....... Loaded, MInt Cundition, Silver, 31K. P3443A '07 Toyati Çanuy &......AutomallcJr, Por SeûBSjwi, 44k 3459A O9 Toyota ucrofla LE 4-Door, Eack. P3515 o8 Mazda 5 TowIng AijtomaOc, Ukû NewEIos, P3513 o8 Nissan Scalza Automavc 4-Doo MustSûe,, Wack. P3517 '07 N '04 MkI SEtra 2.0 S...AomnUrEaclçfl P3490 por S .5-Speed, Sunroot. Full Power Blue & Whlto, 542M O6 Nissan Snfra 1.8 SE...... BIo,, 49K. P3492 ò - BB :: -r---- .8 I 2009 SUBARIJS iMPORTS & DOMESTICS '66 NIssan Murano SLMIO Leather, SunooI.ABS, Black. 29K, 523M '08 Volvo S6O R ...... . ON NEW _ -- -,.-. -., I 19,995 16,495 15 995 J '06 Nissan Seotra 1.Bs SEtwlmaij Ailoy Spoiler, Iludlum, 30K. P3465 $9,995 o7 Suzuki 5X4 Hatchback AWE amadcAçul1,, Clue, P342û.....9,995 '05 Nissan Senlra OXE..........Jutomaucar, Full Powur, Black, P3434 ...8,495 '02 1Ooth Camila LE ._____Jwlomatic Sunmot.Full Powur, 5242A .45,995 '99 vw Pissat OLE .Aulom,licJr, Sunruo Full Powur, P3478A .....5,995 SUBARU FORESTERS '09 Subani '08 Subanj ForeithrX-Prem SUBARU IMPREZAS 115 995 13,995 13,995 J 12,995 11,495 J J 10,995 J 10,495 Low Miles, Gluau ut CoW, P34BS/85 .....$19,495 P3518 .....$19,495 .4uio.MçSunroot,Snvor, '09 hnprøz Prqn. 5-Door uitomatjc'jr, FiE Puwer, Blue,9K P3503.417,995 '09 Imprezi Prim. 4-0oo ..... $17,495 '09 Imprezi Prem. 4-Door udo.A Full PWu.MOy 25l Giwy, P3520 $16,495 08 lmpteza Prem. 4-Poop thumalic'Jr, FijO Powo 190. Grey, P3501 $16,495 - --- _'v, '07 Subim bnp.eza 5-DoorAulomaijc, Full Puwer,ßJl SIlo,,, 53395 1lIH seand$151,,thba:,d,ßmuea 'OIS Eífili1at,.L$ '09 Suborn Outback Ltd.......Loather, Sunroof, 4-tu-ChousoMl Coloro '09 Subani Outback Ltd............Leather, Sunmof, 6wnz 24K. P3531 '09 Outback 2.58 SE......Auto., Iluato,I Sats,Alloyû, 16K. SlIver, P3528 '09 Outback 2.51 SE Auto,, Heated S,utu, Grey or 6,0030, P3524/27 '09 Subacu Legacy 2.58 SEsutom,0cjj Full Puwor,Vmltu, 13K 51905 MILE $24,995 $23,995 $20,495 $19,495 '08 Subani Lagacy SE J4utomaUcM FOU Powe GoW, P3493 WIIRHIINTY- $18,995 o, $000 07," 07 km I7M0is$oA5 SL uuuijkIA,N . OUI 0001 OlI S S LII LIC '1489.,'299' 00007100 07$," ,"nma _ AIA ROIflA U 501 11X10 *l51 0011 IOISOUMUISSIL$OXLS 5X105 MA5Nfl11I '1t9S9'259. '17989'..'329. 0$ 00*0100075*05 Drive ano. '07 Suban, 89 Thboci Ltd/NAln i Pausonger, Loather, Sunroof, P3516519,995 ' j.jj i.l. u ON- 5*00 101 AC00$TJON5 '14.989.'299' '14,989.,'299. '13989.,'299' Su'li?Il.,lI - lílSll 9AMp,:sERÚIcE& lI.I5l luv u . tiJi,j . L1l 9401 II. MILWAUKEE AVE. HILES , 0MA 00," ujOATIDI MASLOS s 155 00lZ$1X111511$ lfI(lí(lI Ojjls. sTe.,o,, iuur'ij i '19$89..'389. 'ÇflPlljl '2Z989'11'429' -: J jiXt $75010000001100 I ll5ilLl lllI[Il i OCC O'VC u'i'uuu hIlAR 0F GOLF ROIUJ 841-470-9600 49e9'_'7$p '36Jew0'8 ,_1j:4 .:I JUST SOUTH lidi 1l jis rv3l vppIte 0U3j5S S fll3rthCSjlOf lu3t0S its p!ju lu Ilu ln S UOC lue uj ut On ie rnlLl kI i 2 riavjlactjol olus& (x lSS7 pe nrnd oiE SII boul naor its lC 1jiss 10131159 Fwsiytnu IMi sd On suluS Iude lj hu Il 55i505l r1IO 2010 bd Fsu 2010 Fo4 ft t 2010 tu Ei S21.1l pol SlitS trjud vi2i SO lui Fij lis F11. (vlsu 1Ol3lI je 1ro 0 us Io 3li tAiI, rsod ael u SEl dIj lu, detv svitI SIltIld usI csï 2.uln Ave. Ev S42. j S1 ut lt S814 pu SI.0 tIlalut vth $ Insu . . rsv sIl ti uul D,a!u, W uuI nluj u1150 bjlE IW3l! titi MSSP MSRP may naI l uflj ps 1ivimuw ilura SIOJ 111cu il vtid vuisla XSdotu Sue 4I1l.I0 I1Itu .-&&ssi355d Ilovuy MPIsOnsuiudmule SeudN'lrtSl1o1u Dd lI Sil lui 24 iuntc t tus Is. lit. bar25 & S lee. furor its 511CC Piio03bvl i 72 nuits i l-. u tniu uíd j, tule uro ft-tOn 21151 lT6I3. il leu el spou tar ipnd encu tuFi atusitueulont tico 2 duy Bused c 2%8 FIC St iu SluT eide u,les Spot ftu thle OrSi 49' 04 HONDA IVlC C0uP ' 0005AL7,",$cov,0w. ujjljy ,vvrcLv.r COR LOJ '6,989 17,"115U50$j0$," 00 0015V 00100 LT," ONLY' $15,995 u, CN.Y savr.auo riceve 00000100005* Mj SUBARU TRIBECAS EDENS '25,989-48t, j '14,989..,'299' 06989i149.. LOU IIO00I LOIS let! 510MAL '13.989.'299' I__ ,covtu '0g Subani Legacy 2.58 SEAutomaticAir Full Power Block. 2311 P3511 $17,995 '08 Subaju Outback 2.5IAulo.,AJAJloys, H,atod Souts. Gold, 38K. P3425 $16,995 '06 Sub.11rU Outback .-Automatic,Sr, Full Powo 6100, 41K, P3495 $18,995 -888.4731 606 '"'ç19dtÓoro,La1Omi!es ryear15ntsalie IO[uSO OSMo,OMT I*$ SUBARU LEGACY) OUTBACKS '' --- .-. - - --.-- ..w 334OOAicroN STREET ISKOKIE, I 60076 $1995 100K _, Puste suo, $ uiujuuuus Tjil, 2505E. t0TIlOI51u MATJI*0I0,"STuY. '14.989.,'299 o #01724. AUTOMATiC 'IL CARS ß4ThRoSTANG44Th IW2OU9IOII E1ftwEDCE SE *106318 !AeTh00$ AXT YOUR CHOIC 50 - USED VEHICLES MP3 ABS 06725 LUCY WUEa5, $11113,I$$lggt Th3891269+1GT11s27gt PER MONTh W/$500 DOWN . . .,SUPThDIJIY PER LOCUS A PER MONTh W/$500 DOWN NEW 201 0 SUBARUFORESTER 2.5X. or '-,. .- : . #106455,616 COHOIIIORIRO, ( u?PRïflvn. ato at the grill dresse * J _li!Ys.. _. 2009F-25O . ESCAPE 11L_--c 91. .r:; 2DIDji jy .--- øI0040 E o j u12 S&lJ ovs Fuds Orl 294 COMING 180M ¡HE 90Ml ET CIII D *0 10 IIIIWIUUI Oulo 29 COIlING 86011 191 SPI1H lilt DIMPITIR tASI 10 UIIWAUIU lOMO . fly Stud pulon tutuvu uo IIa25tuSrzE uc4see du.el tul delt 94 190M 101 90919 06 50019 OIT 01610111 WOOl TO MIIW606U 609M o S z % ALL NEW FORDS iN j X1O8O74. Selling Price Si 6.853, Aulo Iraris re ED ÑAPLETON'S KM 'OF ÉLMHURStS' si 99. AVAILABLEA JI uIJ\ dj ACURA \ 0 .0 . o :. o - 0 A D V A N C E. Ä' TNSJT CM ' rno4)tMrc9_w... .-:T: ._=:-__ ,o' ,. . ... New 201 0 Ford Escape Over 30 New 2009 Ford Taurus Limited New 2010 Ford F-150 Pick-Up 1597735, Demonstralor. MSRP XtO422ß Selling Price S21820 EF104134. Sclling PIlLE 822,451 I- *.'o BOY ¡1Er nIB mo. euySlßß o l79 o o o C) N APR WITH NO MONEY 0014(11* .0 Co ic 0/ IO USED CARS FOR ONLY E ': - --. 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Arlington Heights 'f j DAYS i 'EEI( j ¡4I'poLIlì'tqEt1, WEGESSARY 4II Makes, All Models SALES # 847-34G-3042 $)oolmo. 'iLiii I 't 2O1OTSX A 1mo. $ LEASE: 36 Month leate, 20°b down. 2O1ORFJX$326/mo. LEASE: 3'Month tease, 2005 down, plus tax. title, lic & doc fee, to quatiXed buyers with approved credit. t 2k Miles per year, Residual Sf8,999. Price 533,330 plus tas, titte, lic & doc fee, to qualified buyers with approved credit. 1 2k Miles peryear.Residual $18,975. 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Price 541,X00. -; 2007 Ynissoaco,, ' .n, . ACURAMDX . 36 Month lease. 200o down, plus tas, title, lic & doc fee, to qualified buyers with approved credit. . . $10,905 24atac :___ ' .': $10,095 2OnOHoot r. owo PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS $12,916' 1 Is.ras LS $5595 C, iPO2TI2 2003 CHIVACUI E.GEOCocoVo r. HHR Loo $9995 2tO Pro Eroao 9995 w 2000 CHaroLo 2004 Vaoorcos ' $5495 e-zr .$ .: .,._. .. , Pr25nnB FJNANCJNG UNDER " SELECT cERTIFIED M0IIELs* 1998 BanGt Ro25Co HUGE SELECTION' OF USED CARS FIIIAIICIIIG Oil Ca u-lu :u1u. deposit. Plus tax, 1111e, lIcense & doc fee, Io qualified buyers.) G295 DFî1 e FOR Jfl ,' 2799 total due at leáse Incepofl Inri, 10 mo. payment & secudty BUY z 'too k t__810 LE4SE1IÇ{5ti "H S33,634. Sellrng Puce 827,339 . -o oo - El gPR FORD FINANCING STOCK o o o o a '4 New 2010 Ford Focus , . , .o.,. 819,095 $15,391 Si 5,891 Si 7,900 Si 8,900 21 900 S24,891 525,891 S28,591 S29,999 530,900 S32,900 $32,900 $33,900 539,900 .'. PARTS '°. .600V SHOP Mon-Fri 7-Q Saturday 8-1 Mon-Fri 8-Q Sat 8-12 EBSIUtBE Only FREEBODYfSHÖì ES flMA TES. AJI offers plus lax, tille, Irceese 8 doc lee: to qualified buyers. AU applicable Ford ncentuves/reb010 applied n beau nf (maccong. which vary by model. °Ford linarocing od selecl new vehicles n lieu ol Ford rebutes W/ approved credit regardless of down payment lexcludes Muetamrg Shelby S KRs3. New car paynrents based on 20% down 'r 6.9% APA nr 72 mon. Savings from MSFIP. MSF1P may not be the. actual price at wbicb the vehicle is sold in tire trade area. $179 per mo. used car paynrevt ex: 'OX Buick Lucerne (51k aaDiO4l liAI selling price $9995, $179 per mo. w/ $0 down 9.9% APR for 72 mus. 3.9% APR tinancing on select Certified pre.owned vehicles, must qualify. No prior sales. No guarantee of credit given. Photos.tor illustration purposes only. Otteroexpire 3 days !rom publication. 727 WEST GRAND AVENUE AT GRAND & LAKE 1O 8884696646 www.napletonkîa1com Praçes valid 3 nys Ituor pelt dale. Denier trot responsible for yrlcing errors irl tiros alt Plus tar, tille. lIc 8 dOc fee. uTe qoniolied bayets with npprnved credit on nelect peiricles. Gee dealer for delailo. ' 'WIllIe eupplies last. ED NAPLETON ACURA 745 Wi LAKE STREET AT GRAND & LAKE 888a672.0940 www1napletonacura,com Prices valid 3 days ftertl pub dale. Deatet flot renpanuible for pticiarg errors ait tilas ad. Plas las. title. lac 6 dec fee quolified bayers avilir appreved credil es snlect sehicles. see dealer for detáiis, ' 'While supplies aol. Te IIOO4EGOC$ICES RECREATION s' s AIRPLANES S'lo BOATS POWER S'il, BOATS SAIL S'12 BOATS SUPPLIES S-20 SEASONALSPORTS S'22 oo RECREATIONAL VEHICLES S'25 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS S'lo HEATS PO WER CM g '52 Honda $2000 ConawVbIe 013,405 088467.2051 Ia,d.&tStorag, G,CMt Rtu PIe.CCfl(7)7 nouns. cd, oo, Oil 000501, U2 080, 7734017318 '5009 Honda Accordi 'OSiamo!. Corolla LE 525999 090407'2081 TOYOTA '09 FrIo, 4099r, bisa, 4221 olios, loaded, CD, 011.995 50005n'* Mid City Nissan 00 'GiSAun Potldrr $11W $1500 '%MaunMaajrri 3377 N. MOwackno fl30040% InOAlI '0514319 NO4.,SP6OTI S2'MOTOJlCYCLES SCOOTERS Molorcyles/Snowmoblles WANTED CASH P51011 All Mak,s & Modolsi Will Flak liD! Any Condition z Call 63O.S8OOS1 $51,995 SEAMAN'S STAR NISSAN 080707-$8W INFINITY '08 151a8, 4oiaor, Croon, loather, moon rl. wflSi000kS Ornat. must sont $3066 fl211.4Q2$ lIlA '01 Spartoge, rod, dom, 009rl$8Ifld sOrts, 255 ArIses Prori. 520Cc? 7T3-4iX3936 Email, '01E5310 $20,995 SERMON'S STAR NISSAN 0802071010 E o '80 Mood. RIS 8*999 o o TRIUMPH 'CD Pa!ana ZOO a, VINTAGE! CCC. Ont cond. low n,I. O. S4751?IB4 oC u, 888407-2001 '00 MITSS0IS0I EClIPSE OiS U 15900 73I6529 OtItenhausenCtrrysior/lrep Nicoom09 00050 $10,995 00080m'. Mid CII tAcoam 1005005144 TOMOT!VE . : 5 FOR SALE IMPORTS T. T. B CUSTOM MODIFIED T' i SERVICE T. 9 ANTIQUE CARS 1.10 VANS ASsen '0100680 SPAZiO 500,995 SERMANS STAR NISSAN 8,902671976 $A.o'0$SdtITIl0 59,995 SERMAN'S STAll NIS5AN 088201-1076 NISSAN '96 5001ra 4 doOr, Aula. PMO Windows, odd. mona . $7190 7733191047 T.ii. 55V NISSAN '54 INF1NITY Q45 LdOdd, VO aura, OSofli P405, 1.12 TRUCAS Or's 1,0,1. I07O 3105154773 SAAB '81 93 Vc good T. 13 TRAILERS l.i4 RENT dOnd., tonS000d. V spoed T. 15 LOASE T. 18 FINDERS SERVICE 1.17 SERVICEREPAIR T.jß TOWING T'IS PARTS ANDACCESS T.21. LOANS 1.22 INSURANCE T' 23 AUTOS WANTED T. 25 FOR SALE DOMESTiC 1'. 2H LIMOUSINES .1.5 FOR SALE IMPORTS. Ana Gilt $14.995 SaCMon'. Mid Cit NiSsan OSAUDI ALLOZAD 2,fl 40R.SZOIon WOo, OikfSCy 53K $19,909 066445799? hCIlZOnuadIIIa,,anm Ai 04 44 $8,995 ., bio. mother nl., stiro. 4 700309721:0 Scion 'SSTC 575058 511.995 SF004455 5740 NISSAN 0802672976 Sst.n' 0000150005E 70254 921.995 5005mo'. Mid CII NIssao 0605005144 '05 SrS4rA Outback AWD, MP3 Fuit P008r, 200 ChooSe 5*495 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 090257-1570 '06 Sobarlo Logac AWD, LOW Mir. Top Salily Pick 515.995 6X5050250 r'rrrdsubaru,corn si 070773 5*995 Barman'. Mia Cit Nissan 000508,0144 'OSSobuAZ Im roca ASS Sedan, 466 MII, AW0,W/S CS G5Q'990.O2500rmra,ubars corn Oo,man' MMCII Nissan '$2555.18 ForOtir 2,5 1, Fog 5gb!,, ASS, C,oAo 910,995 005050250 gronthubano.ccrn . Auto Loon HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED - . Oli por, Anlass, OOcOiiefll 1014,. $27,00, 70025191413 Taycta'S7 501000 SIX 0*995 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 0082872970 To7oI.06Car 910 Ai, ISA NiAi BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 008-367-1570 TOYOTA '04 0.00,7 LE flOWN BY A BANK, CAR DEALER 3 :a ' OR FINANCE COMPANY? '07 Ch Io. TOC Tauriog 555,995 #P27600 rAi I YOWl 0584,99-7113 'ST ChroMo, Yawn &Callnt07 r.S5$10 510,490 CALL NOPA 00895-7393 CVRVSLER 'AOTawo& Country eon. cord , ra, KO t, 20*. 00052.7753451:04? '09 ScAde Owed C oroni n SE 070535*99S CALL 00151 8080957313 '09 Dod0e Cord Cr0000 SOT 0715664 620495 rAI I YOWl 004,95-7313 'OYDadgo Cod Col.eao 5X7 #751005 025595 CALL 90161 008695'7313 '09 SedEo God Cocoon SOT 0755007 534.995 ('AIL NQI'V 888-895-7313 '08 Dodge Orard 73.0000 ClOS, 34k. S Owner, onnoitont TOYOTA '00 CalIdo ST, Vioc,. 766. 1 owner. good oondi lion $6,070 773518500 TOYOTA 'SI Cam0 XIX VO, i0000d like $2995. 7737437101 mnoYrl, row. TOYOTA '94 COrolla OS Wogen '4oid, bu loon runs gIraI. 0,051 NO0. 51188. 7757258834 TOTO8A '93 CoorS VO LE, Alilo, Coil 4 Orn, nons dm01, '98 Ca,005n, eco runoinØ 00051166, 2 4 engine. $11030 7087039013 FORD '99 Wlrditar LX, 7 DODGE powor, CD/cass000, gorpnous runs rod, 7000. Iront. $1799 773007 22A FOSO '94 Aorostar EalOndnd. auto, gcyi , Tutu put., voty clean in E out, iow rnuiCM. S10* 050. Aluni sen. 112107773017-727V Aosioignn ' WIETIA $11.995 BERMAN'S 5100 NISSAN 0*0*0051 0*2871536 _05 VaiAalr0000 632 , 20000 br, 0,181 Doe Conialol 574,595 63155950250 ,'rnndoubaru,oarn VOLSSWASEN 'SS Jolla CL, dAr. cod, Su000l, Stick. cors T'COI. 05517, 7757258261 VOLVO '09 2440L runs good, CD, Au r, reliabia, Auth Iron. 710 1733066602 1.9 ANTIQUE CARS CROSLEY '450hew Saar W8goo 4 ol., I aprod, Urn OMC 'S3Sobu.boe SIX 1502 4u4, A pasSongo,. suino, S biue, lull power aulo . T4OVANS COCOl '0199110 LS 7 paSo, 0117e. tul 7w,, co, aiioyO, P.OrSTVSS, 52710 173271 7246 1*495 8884672051 05 00511 SL Nioo 517,095 BERMANS STAR NISSAN 800367-1770 NISSAN '02 Quost Od cono. it, E errI. TV/OVO, ocra brakoN t battes. A possonpor 038, 5000, 6002701:COS Plyonauth '56 Voyogo, Van. Runs 50011 $1155 7738171515 MA Ir lOTI 4030 S Archar Ava, ChIcago PONTIAC '05Tr000port Mootona Oed, 7 pass, Co. coil AC. brui Irme. Show. $1119 773211-7246 'ORTO ola Sienna Lt 0706629 515995 CALL NOWI 88&A9S-7313 . .T.i1SUv . CHEVV '97 Carg onroliros E '07 Codliiau EscobAn ong,, EOOd Irons C burIl, uns Olor, 510* 773309-5711 535.999 008457.2201 404 CHEVY 'OS 050.0 7 puSsnnCOr, birra, toCho,, lii lIns '06 800da Odyssey CII cord., 540* V47.A1071A4 Ciussid Can 0532' 100 Sund.. Cali 095 7904883O3 . rr07L 51510 7132754029 mitas, con. body S m0508ricai OLDSMOBILE '79 SolIo EigbIpElgAt, runS 010, nOs b,akns. Sold A/t. Aal R t $2590 65V. 9975157002 WONTES: 07155 Euw ?sti '05 CADILLAC SRS AWO P00mm. aiioys, cons P eat, Gray/Ow , Sund. 556 S17,Xo CAEVY '54 Z26 Work Von, VA. runs S 04ko good, sirilo, 566885-7537 borilrgocmdiilrc.norn CHEVROLET '02 Tabou ET, $100 1732714629 $000515 7130060* '00 CORI' Taon. S Court 512.505 0037356629 Boll onhassoo Clonsior/loop '09 ChrAr TOC LX AP1A 520,995 CALi, NIW1 808669-7313 '09 Chr9sia, TOC LO 0719572 520.495 CVI L NOWI 088665-7393 'O9CA lor050Ul #7000:0 515,995 CALL NQWi 088669-7313 'OS ChISslo, TEC Touring 0707091 523,495 ltd reo, surrt, lib, nl, boil powVr, Occoulnt cord, 1 00,0,, or IrrSl 570* ovo 790095 CACO? '57 Ttciisloaor . cocollent sonditian, I oownr, Ad,, AWY 5103:0. 7085488386 COa0o07AI99iUIL0208 $13,955 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 0*367-0978 '09 Soda, Nitro 4005E 0715140 5*495 CALI NOWI 888695-7353 D000C 'CO15rrungn, 404011g 0605. 1 owns,, cl000t 08510 Obo. CAlL 5081 00659-7113 CAll 7731068*8 GET ÄPPR ØYEJ3 NE'2WORK WHY BUY A LEMON P OWN A 2010 TOOIIY! WE OWN THE FINANCE COMPANY. At og4jfKlIf I, r Howard BUICk ° Pontiac GMC Auto Grou' ,. ?tlOU'131Y I)Ifl.SI«'/SE 1Etnii ESRt.'«)J.. p, - iwiotiia WE WILL GET You PPIIOV[D! ALL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTEDI APPLY ONLINE AT: www.GetApprovè OR CALL Ouo 24 110114 HOTLIND.,. -811-438-1366 Bilikayloril MIdIolhIan 14633 S, OlceroAvo. 7O&9750035 s no 0101, 171:81 wliao, 55203. - Coil 7804255551ftno,eln4,s CHEVY 'O3liiuolado, 404 tuns S dtbro9 elli $3589050 r, CHEVY '53 Slrbtrrban 350007 dIVO, all SAra need, orirol urork $100. S315660OON 55454. CHEVY 'OR C'10* Oase,, 4c4, bulglrndy, O pass. or. oil , For' lin,. full 7752 9-74A FARlI 'OlEapIatoeSTrort SET FAa Sweor , Cur kopt, ascnbinni cnnditlun, comploto serIllo r000rds, loAded, AO, 4812, Inaihor InI, All 700 AdAs CS, Cann, reo batteVI, 95-, ml gorOnouS deep irIs nolnr. $31745.708974-1215 '07 OMC Yukon Donau Bill LIb. Loo. 904 3d Nao SI, 534295 S35595.OlSOrrard,ubaru.00m OMC '99 Jimmy 4 door, Totos Itbrck, gal kopt, i croon.. ISlA loodod. 5e sinon. $3410 ono 736875. Hooda ' 58 Pilot EX Sport 523,995 BERMAN'S STAN NISSAN 808267-2970 '07 tlsedo Plat CXI, 404 525905 008487001 '04 sONSA COO EA 4X4 013502 0*731-6717 Boll erhausan 00810 - 1070111 '06 F035 IeorIog $23,X95 BERMAN'S STAR AISSAN 890267 5914 '071010 Cctem.ndnr 454 $15,995 CALI. 50071 088695.7393 OPJeep Cammandeo 494 070.6003 017,995 CALL NOWI OOAu9S.7313 '07 Joop Orood ChntcbloO Ltd $7010127 520,995 CALL NOWI 080695-7313 '07 Ienit Grood Choldkoc Ltd #l'51664 $28,495 CALL NSWL000.6T57313 'OlJeep Grand Cir000keo 0712970 5*595 CALL SSWi 805695-7303 '57 SorO Grand ChOIdkon 8715177 515,995 CALL SOWi 005895-7313 '07 1009 5,9nA Chorokoo 0710079 5*995 CALL NOWI 888699-7313 'OlJoap OrnA ChAno brodo #715661. 555,495 CALL NOVAi 800*9-7313 loop 10007073 CREVY '85 CopIlo. ClasSIc 513,0* - WIN THAT IONI INTO CAllI FAST 0800910 EROE TOIIONSI 73334813057736661500 Super 0100e In/orli. 0200 Coil 7735536134 'SS000iilo 2046, nAbrlio5o 10 . beAu , winier .773 51,04 1,040,51 CADILlAC '95 EI Salado Touring Coopte EtC pnwl 81,110, loather, oun,00t, hill 0*5688444 Wo pop Ihn boso lo, JunA Cots &Trudkut Free SuIno Day P/SIb 7906900035/ 758195S06.S ESo 'OSCobalt 4dl 4874. block, 71*1 151105-W gd. lord, loro Ebnur, 54.00,020100506 'OSChoO Cobalt A/C, CO, tootIng TIros 000590*50 VS. 4 000,, A/C. good coed, 53510 773319007 CAE9Y '04 CAVAlIER. 4061, 0000ilent conditIon, 11:03, milos 03.100 Call 3120*6754 4.4, not, 12cc1 7737124A 1.23 AUTOS WANTED. ChorO '02 CAVAUER i 53,995 050000'. MId CIt Nissan 0*0*5244 CVEVY '011o ola dolA glane. CD, 9116. 1 owtrnr, Gct' cah P_91. AnSI. I boy look Cori o/or 0/ob tills Domar flrglsboliort Roqul,nd s/c TiiloI.96l1 p15k op 100051 7082095490 CASh lo. 10MO VEHiCLES TSP $5 P4,01 050*0070 YcIlrVohicloit 385X6500NK 5055 For3 CO, OWMIvWOI. SIA '01 Spadage, Auto, 1 L 9951101k LOhr, Mod ESco, 517,109 066.445-7537 hodlalecadiliocsOrn SOlCO X7Pa,k Aaarua . OSSI ml, cons doct, Vocrlloni curAr2911 lIrIO in OtrI, bull 070*009. 1001001, ithoost '50 Solch LaSobro - ebdotby dtl000, rues OCMI 5075 o, oSor 7330750*4 OAICK '5G 51010.0, clear. rvrS Fr001, tu, radia, E Sound, 07&TIoire 773024.0*11 BUICK '98 010mb - POr 0.rliluS/ lOcks, Sund. CO rims. 0015/ anuOs F nur. 7737017799 525995 Boon'. MIA Cit Nissan SOlCO '96 800AOlaitOr (51010 Ltd StatIon Wogoo, dOliOclol od., S 7 VA 2t9rrpsj. irooracUlate cena InSilo Sollt, moOlranlOOiiy Wriest, 1151 ini. lci7Adnnb. orsi. &ac0dnotAra,rlloaonganka 14 acoclO maintained. Ibtoen by nomsrnkai' sonic, Pnvainly 00704,054,87,0*62025-15 Looking for a deal? BUICK '55 RESAL . retI, 4db, SunrOOT, bull I. runs oAt, sOliTI. 72 -- - - Borr000'. Mid Cit Nisson NEWSEARCHaBCAGN.DAILY AUTO DEALS y Go to 7757250*5 CHRYSLER 'SR Ccnca.d LIII, 4 dl, 6'OO, OlI P0001001l009, clean, tomAto 5109. 02407 oho Get :c;)sJJ-- Nisoaor '09P,tbfiodot P715 CHRYSLER 'OldoecOrd 4db. CreeO, hill p0000r. aiaI9, CHOYSLER '57 Sobtlng, Con- NOW! OAT JUNO CA9S, lop dolAr tor 805.15010 0015, 04000 d. pioh up. ChId ESuLOrGi. Cosh paid, $IOG$2188la, ycarnal, Coil 7734102135- WE PAY BIll CASH FOR JUNO CARS PICK UP SAME DAY 7739346213 CELL T DAYS $1092 BOIC0 'SdCentrlry, Vol, 24k, o 1001 d,eorniolbb. $0. 700105539 BUICK '06 PollI A000uo, biuuk/Su,gundy, gre krpl, 1 000100. 000 dAOd 110*, 7730*11102 '06 CADILLAC OTS Oold/BOlg. LIh, Old Seat, 6016 517.059 056-445.7537 Sedtageoodioao.eam s SUZUKI 4031 lI. ElOte, 000 7734150* .159 soe000tmhleogc coro FORO '00 F0005 7711 0,1105, F011O '99 TA500S alo, pa0winrlo,0, oes loi 11,00 107 7/attI $1357, 713.1290246 Fard 07 Cr099 Vi010,Ia. 4 dr, ou to, S por. 71k. a 7owoa's bobo. like now oros 10010516. Oak tarIE. 021502.7007731442 15Fal4E, 02100 'SlCAonyBIow $2050 See how little you'll pay when you buy from 'OSPOOAXGIIOAAM $1188 3377 81. MikooukOo 0*2021515 1109 satno.otaavla92sea.n FORO '55 Tlrondolklrd neo SVIO 'OS LINC. TOWN CAR SIgrootAlo 00, PoTle/OnIgo Eli,,, 45K 533.309 8304457537 IrorIlaOnsodillosSOIn MERCURY 'SO Cougar .935 ml, 0050colao (dillon . ai slb000 bull . Orno - 773- 5.8034 liront. 51 'MIOsianMaoirsi $5092 'SXBAsbIa$Xoi $01W $950 4531 N. 65,00 Aun. 7734150* 01.30 sonootochkogouo OLUS '88 Abra . 401,, or's E looks ecnelinnt. 5101ro, 011075, NEW CARS at U ED CAR PRICES WE OWNHEFINANCE- C.OMPANY YIL ©q ?1IW) ¡\P,fl/II(I shlnn 5265A7, 773.338-0537 OLIOS ' 55000mo ted, 4 door. full P00100, cold 6,iC, CD, cans runs 000, 01207 773/20*34 4 OLDSMOBILE 'SR AIltoro, dr, aule. mint, oh,, must sae. 1P1T Americas #1 Warranty $2lbonbo. 7734206777 PrrOt. $00. 7730072274 $500 PolIce Impoonds Fords. ClTeoyt'N, oto F700, $5001 For 13511X09 '07 PONTIAC GRANO PRIG SIre/SIll 01011., Rolo sort, 530 106445-7537 59,909 NEW 2009 Suzuki SX4 CROSSOVER AWO /ø' STK#2199 hollia0000dillon acrO PONTIAC '0361aeA Am SE, 4 dl, 3 4 ltr. gold colo!, 75E mlles, good c000itloo, -. .-,- POWER OPTIO" -.---- 03.002 0*70555464 A cl P00110099 Oa0050iilO SE $3,595 501000'S MId CII Nissan 0*0*8144 PONTIAC 'OlOrood Am SE siluro 4 Ir, suntoob, u, O krpl, S 10.'.028*b PONTtAC 'OOCtand Plis SE, red, 4 dan,, lull nr, Must A AA NRVIiuiyiojj t, \,._i,___ ..__,,_,:. J4 Soofl 5900 7737259924 701,5.0 0561014 Pdo lIP Coups 54.595 009000'S Mid CIt MACMo 0*5085144 SATURN 'dO SIi . 44,, k5OS. NEW 2009 Suzuki SX4 SPORT SThf2O39 A .....i'-i,',r .1 ONLY P1JVIiEs5-lfNs black loather seats. ur' 39200003 neoibbo. 010mo, 00 rusts/donia, lus Ois, sailor gUolanire $I'i07inlrn 7735hA-0l73 CHRFSIXX 'XGCoaoord, 'Id., 0010, must see/dIbrol $1203000. 77340060* ChlyVor '90 LAS, 40050 balIto., Sa0000l $3.195 Mb Icr 001730*447-1501 4030 S Acollar Ata, Chloago ES, DODGE '51 IrItopId blue/loll, 01 , IoaAod, like root, $2095. 7 37437199 0000E 01.' N000, black. 4 lbs, cons i' cal, beau, Must 90.0. $2I1:A5773077-22i$ 4 0000E 'OOlntepplA 337 tool. SiuO. tall P0001. OliOSS, ornsrlooks p out, musI sent $220777327148729 5555E '98 StIOlO, ES, Ordrttlk, VA, Iaalt,rd, lilia new, 814115.7757437199 '04 CacaO ViotcIlin 1934, bill 0/ grey lint i,t. OPOV lo. FORD toda. $411906 7l3003918017 FORS '02 FoCus Wogoa ElIA 1080 '53 MUstang 30. 16. ted, IsO cono., alloys, lillo oouOerP40 seo, oms OLOSMOSILE '99 AsIdo, Royal $00, lora saals, 50001, Power cptlooS, ve Soli mAin. lobed, Cl 524032050. 312 th210113 FIND IT BUY IT FIX IT RENT IT SELL IT . NEW 2009 Suzuki T:5. ,'. 045: z MPG I19126 caR 3123212345 10,995 2100 Ogden Ave. Downers Grove, IL *SUZUKI 63O'1 96888OO DOwNERsGROvE To place a flsting, GRAND VITARA ONLY Just Turn To Today's Classifieds in the Chicago Sun-Times - STK#1059 ,.-- .- - o D. C) 3. C o o s '03 Aahiaoa, OID5MOOILE rod. 4 tIrs. eolio sso! runs 800-473.7523 53443 CO dl IOO,00$U$oo/lYrro.00ttiloUrtAodWsrmalyNo DododIbI,-FsttlTroso100bIi Irrur, 0500 7/3271-0029 '06 BUICO LACROSSE CO. 708-24&4500 MEXCEOCS '52 ML320 Fui5 loaded, tow nitos, oint cond, 510,5101 047274002 MERCORY 'GO Mountoloeor dA,, eccoiieni coAZt, no rISI, gorogo knpi, 1go mis, 53199. 312.6550754 $1092 'XOOAsColloSsSop CAEr/DOS Mo010 Cado 334 0311, eSile. Inaihor 500801. tuns Cash In :1, ht'! Call 24/7 271-72 $1000 'WMorc93O.Maqrds 52_210 Otro 7555202459 T25 FOR SALE DOMESTIC $400 for Beaters 404, , CD, nui CHESS ' 01 MOLiDO OrlAto, supo, sloAn. a 01451 sOn/soIl. 700 - 22,000 For Good Cars! ennrr. alano, 4 dr, a/I, cd, 03k 0,15 10053134708390 93766.7730*9305 8/rut, must snob 522m SSS Mast Colt lluaatdoodFm 7758790032 01.995 gro,000hirISIOmfl CHEVY 'OSMaliba 6005010 esito cab ted. stIck CD oros JEEP '82 Grand C5e,akOo breda, 4c4, 519-nr, 46001, lull lrerltloeoldlilao.00m Bannoo'c MIO CIt NIssan 53920 Ccii 7804350378 sunrOut, ail pon Vol.0 cioOn, 1474 huY Sri, f4450 050. 518 a49-7537 CIrOO90 AIEA STi99S TOYOTA '10TbINSRA. 20311. runs ¡7001, TOW IjookaorYi,on. . CouolIor, 0551/001go 111.00 $17,569 8X8287 1916 DAY! - 'GO '51 C000tO CoupS Cull 719739700 NidsortA F9rliorLE CInto Cob 015,595 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 000207-1975 81,000 '04 5759 50*4 522.995 BERMANS STAR NISSAN 00 $1070. 7005-950*4 '07 CHEVY IMPALA LT VS 0*487001 TOYOTA 'SSPiOk Up 4 d,. tobuiit 66, IllS, $110 load. Od, 5105 COOd. clown In/cut RS AlAbo, Cao cord, $1510050. rico, $1569,715211-7265 '07 UnoA. RldgoIleO ROL t18lhOr *000*523,055 -EVERY. CHEVROLET '02 MallOs run,/tks 050. p0001. shiny. ouIo $28715 773-7541023 PurPle. SalOPer tOP. sOunds S runs Ornai, NOW. porter, $2937 1597280*6 CHEVROLET FORO 'SSFISOSLP/lJ f 5001110,8110 arI SIlt. 806 cordl CHE000LET 0*7316520 0*0*0144 '07 5050w Foroilor, 710e. Ph EtA,. Std Saulo, Aule 919,994 CAOILLAC '90 SodOn/DOSlItO 3101 Uwltnd, 4W0, SAio, A ni, 850-590021/, r'tflndSuSOru.dlinr $t1.58,. Colt 800M , 00,. kepb USI, liAr JEEP 'OlOrood CiterOIlOo '05Srb.nI Tribaca, Mod, Bluo Mica, Lthr F/R AC 034.995 ; lao. 02XOoAo 7733705042 $7995 000000'. Mi,?Cit Nissao 0*5595144 Oho '733000*l 'SN 0.01110, ecc collI, 20 mpg, Iront london CASILLAE 'SR Coupa 0001110 runcok0*10 wo$2 '00 NInon Pathfinder SE 87170311 S5X,49S 7511 01081 888695-7313 840., 'WPoth$0.t4ZI Olios 59,995 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 008207-3976 SLDSMOSILE '97 Brocado CD, nil leu, oir 4 dr, S 01.115,, 50700 oSo. 73-o1:o06o6 P00001000265 00,595 CAOILLAC 8414 mio. 4 3, $2gEl. 0*2400180 0X0X0 '01 Oaholo SLT pldhup, 404, Quad cob bIso, 41ro, Itlrt tail WOO, oli CII. ErratI 7 773271- 740 0005E '99 Row 20000 good dona , verygoAd 0000e, 00mo ncci MoOre?. Marrum VIl, mriO,.Sd0*. 736402203 '07 FORS F400 PICA OP 0000/'ullliO, lull power, alloys, Y 060.448,7137 hrrllagocrdllircSorn CADILLAC '92 4dr black r1010 18101 tOrS Pcod, F000'O3F3100Lpidk0 - 'OSCADIILAC 000186 WIrt Uglrt./900igo LIhr, SIA 014,09 'MFaedCaoloor 'SlClbOn7C000lCo Bollorhousnn Chrnsinr/lOne Ä'RÁcici horilrtocadliloo,00m $78X7 0*2094069 to the Chicagoland . áuto market ., '05 CADILlAC 008186 Crriir000a/CO3Irmro LIb., 351 510.309 ' 830445.7037 CADILLAC 5h00 hoc, 21rA owner, gal000d, blush WI od inbotior, 11094 mullas, 7.4. auto, 1019 MaI04. soirs A runs 0000llent, Your all access-pass lrn.ilrgrcrdlbloa Sam Pnud.13533 TOP 501.1805 PAIO 00/ON Wicht TITLES1 QUICK CASOti AUas TowIng 773-0054137 Coli FT300 775271-7240 '05 CADILLAC CTS 5110er, Mort, Maol, 460 0500703 017,399 1084457537 CADILLAC '02 Onailla 0010go kept 51,00 110w, wIth ail 500050 rnco,ds, mint cubrdition, abAno by non OOtAkl46 01109 OdAil, 304 mi , OSSIa,, wOOl erIndawS and Soots, tilt, cruiso, CO Cassella, 0102110100k, dgltoI ditoolions 0871:0 PrIcala Parta 773 O7-2978 CAOIILAE '99 So VIlla 408 751 Mio, good sh090 runSfi0or0 iks/rurS 6001. graga rapt, - 011099 CD, roAst OcmI S AIA '99SPDXTAOE EX 7 Days ko roo $2995. t73743.71Ct) CHEVY '03 2900PIah Op milos, AlIto, OIl 05. 280, hI P775095 $5 CAEVY '03 SilcosMa 'EuX Cob, dut,, 5.001 nord, fIrIlO loud' oIt, *70*0110 780457 03114 E8EAY '10 30*Crew Cob Piclr$p, IWO. A (aol bred, 0*0*5344 GooD CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? No CREDIT? 630-832-9894 nno 377SAA34 FORD '98 Espiare. OLT, black, 4 dt lull n.tnmi Nl19 P WE CAN HELP YOU! RumTlng dt not1 0*7316757 BIor LT '03704 Escpoe SES 54,995 #210052.0 CALl. NOWL80569S'7353 FORO '99 Eopiaror Spart 404, gronn. tail poInnI Pnnusi Tot oIl Cors Eîsdks, 74.2 TRUCKS I, CO, COSO, 011055 Ito,C0009. S IPAY THE RESTI CIIEVROLET 'SR 441. 404, IltOonbI SVr, loaded, 0*5088144 FORO '02 EsplOraI 09010 FORGET THE REST BaIIoohausoO Oadgo $0,595 Botwan's Mid CIty Nissan 5191e, 0,9-lie, Iuii T.1SSUV'00 Sobaro BgTtib000, MOrI 000p Tietod OSsi, Loo, LArd $18595 oy5900259Oro,diAtIorS.05m '57 TOYOTA RAV4 $19,00 F941008085 FORO '97 EopOdllian Eddlo 77927140* Ê! --Ail 81,11e. fla windows. runs good, SPOOl, Oust Sdnt 51799 i SA seal, 55000?, lillO 001,199 Olios, ectonded 8800ntno indiA. Prlond te salit 847545.200 4 ASO., FORD 'OS E000pe black 4 Ars, tir,, 551111, boil mAin. A,v. 0283077399354155 DODGE '00 Stood Cor0000 ES, 7 P059, gold, iaotlrr,, bru 80w0r, Ou07,, C$/caoonl orno roar 39% 7t37d37099 DODGE '00 E5OANOO SpArt 3d 9w Sb, lrbrl 4 d,.Irui pur, oil t OrtSlO,dr54J $1707 773711 Oituk '06 Fold Edge 510,008 #755735 CALL VQWt 888695.7313 FOOS '08 Eaplalor OLT ' 4WD, 6*499 8004A7-2051 5000E '82 RAM 2500 Van Condition 512,003 7290565680 TOYOTA '51 Corolla LE. bill, oiioys loaded loti posso,. isa 005TS6299Prrrduboru cern Sobatu' 57 Inrproaa WRS 502 520,995 5550w TIll NOW? 888498,7713 508Sg44 ViSrdA19 Scoot. $11 CVi I NQWI 885895-7353 or TOC Urrril,d '07 Ch NPlOrAZt 520,495 ini, runs 095 laSAs Ornat. new iron,, $5799050 77047t-7995 'OSiamo!, Conrry LE $1700 '04HycodAcotr6 'dOClr.yoterîowo N COSOS? 07510* $24,995 SlIZAKI '99 SWift, Niiuor, goy 10 18 choose trami 088447.2081 OMIZOrOOAOc$IcMO.a05 s, w SAbOOI'D3 LEGACY $0,995 SERMON'S STAR NISSAN 2V7-?$70 SobOs 'SI IMPREZA 04,095 Soco' MId CII NIisan VOlTIO '0166000865 , 8005085144 CM a, $799G BOnnan'S Mid CII '4 tBasd 011 qIlliROd cIEditOX SeleCt 55170and oodo O torJrt'.nnths 'a p66pot thousand bottowod. ti) lebstes sod ACtual TcERtSVBI Opp5lt Piso ta lilie. license, and do feos-Gas mleage staUoR basod so EPA em6oss testing stsndasd mÌloagBwilloaIywith opACos. ddvin colditioss. d40ing hab'ds. and Aehicle orIditiOns. A dealenlor delato Or1W on to PMY0,00ZllktoGtß.tlm to, Walt3nty ITIOIIISIÌOIL FACES OSpiTI 3 days from pobtcaACo date. Ptotsres Srs otdy snd may not rTptsgnt octual sshicto. Dealer voll lot SOnO? onoto 's tito odoslisossot Seo dealer tor ifiustation paposos dotaIs, fr DEAL! WE'LL BEAT ANY IDA ®t @WOCAG®%3 BEST o 1M*1DApIlOTtGttZ#oo zeoo PINOUTh GLVTGER ,o». o '2A95 2ßl FORDWl1IDSTARL.00A . 12,495 2001 KAQPTAI.Xni& . 2995 00 O .0 I- lsTmTAcAMRyI.oaoo 2001 Cl4VY BLAZER EXTREME 2O Ifl1lX IXSABJ1E.0000 . 2$J03 M1TSUBSH1 GALANT ES lO%A $4,995' 2007 lIlA RIO hoto $7,995 'L995 o zø HONDA ctvic u o.oe&* $9,995' O 2006 CHEVY E$Ìumox IX $9,995' o .... 'IO,895 '10,995' '10,995' '10,995' '11,995' 2tWSp0RTAGELX.G,O ... '2,995' zo8xIA SEIIONAIGIO 2Oo7yJAsPOmAGEU4I4o.02a& '13,895' '13,995 2003 OODGE lauRo .oit $4,995' 2006 KM SEDOICA IX oto 2O3X1AOpTh&U,,o o .0 o o 2008 KIA ROIWO . . i. 2003K1ASPEC1BAEX.Gii 2009914R10U0113 . . 'I. FULLY FACTORY EQUIPPED WILKINS HYUNDAI (n Elmhurst TSON York Rd , Eimhurst 630-279-00 vmw wiikinscars corn RIZZA HUMMER 8425Wesli.Sath St , Tinley Park, IL 7084296600 wt rizzacars corn 2souL SPORT 3 1 95 SU%R SPORTAGELX SI )1 s I s. Fuu.v iOrTflRV Il EQUIPPED rALL/E r;. (. 5' 5' Skokie (888( 7389744 ,mvw, 800-917-1267 L.,bo, Oil & Filter ICIAGROSSINGE1 00M (A(foiGmo 011titltqutbfu((trs -I. la( tint &doc (n!vl riot ii%H=SI(3ptino EVANSTON SUBARU In SKOKIE 3340 OuAta?, St. Skokie, IL 600761888473-1603 LIBERTY SUARU MAZDA SUZUKI Wast, Highland Park JACJ PHELAN 1147-745-4360 meeicoogi$olIr5mlOIoet'Ap'nL Mcm&Futt *a5,8slicee1drxsdamttsenu hm,s831i11 1000 E. Park Ave. (Rt. 1.76) UbertWiile, 800-2034184 ©,LI.' il BREDEMANN LEXUS IN GLENVIEW 2000 N. Waukegan Rd. 847-7296000 umw.bredemsnr..cnm pt(1011lt New Car Buyers Guide 3TOYOTA PATRICK LAND ROVER 1559 W. Ogden AveNapervilie 630-300.5000 vwiw.Iaadraverotnope?vilie.corn : l)S(((ouv LEXUS OF ORLAND it' See Jack 5859 LIBERTY SUZUKI MAZDA SUBARU Higgins Rd 60169 8665168035 iandrovers.corn I MIA L'I N.O.LP1.'MRÇ1Y.,' BREDEMANN TOYOTA 2301 W. Dumpster, Park Ridge 847655-1416v6vw.bredemasn.corn DAILY AUTO DEALS Looking for a car? Find today's best deals. Go to CHICAGO NORTHSIDE TOYOTA 5625 N. Broadway 773-728-5000 chicagotayota.corn Classic Toyota/ScIon 515 N. Green Bay Rd. Waskegan/Gamee 847-CLASSIC (252.7742) www.ciasslcdealergroap.csrn EIMHURST TOYOTA 'The Low Price Leader" 888-2058340. http:/,AwAv.eimkursttsyota.csrn ». Find deals in your area Llbertyville Toyota Scion 1.180 S. Miiwaukea JOE RIZZA LINCOLN/MERCURY 2O5SWest Ay, LitrertWlile 87T.313-3817 wiw.ilberlyviileloyoIa.corn Ogden, Nopeivilie. IL 630355.8140 NEW SEARCHcHlcAG Suzuki BIlI Jacobs Land Rover Hoff Est. 1051W. Division 877866-3887 vavw.mcgrathlexas.corn .........Deà1es": Irving Pk. Chgo 888598-7467 subaruchicaga.corn S Laurango, Countiysi Ava Hlnsdaln, IL 60521 866.5168045 laadroveracorn MCGRATH LEXUS OF CHICAGO Kennedy at . Countryside (15 minutes from Downtown Chicago) 708497-3999, BIlI Jacobs Land Rover Hlnsdalo 300 E Ogden 8300 W. 159th 7083428374 . AUTOBARN SIJBARU 6070 S. LaGrange Rd., NORTH SFIORESUBARU i35OParkAvo. CAND' (ovI5) eiseN, UrnS, Alo. tltiltd(tntoii nayifisllirilpie 4)Yovimntquir( FitittIli ilhoiiaiits oo.Motitm( 3 (ntsIi 1taIttaIEllD(f RIZZA SAAB 842SWest 159th EVERGREEN NIA 9205 S. Western Ave.,Chicago Ii 95 vptu5qwrtufro,vo.I .nopl,ce ev,. .Lubdc.t. vats, ?151/fvl84nrrimtht3(lten((ziWlllb.Fa &doc te F6fO.lItrc & i Orland Park 708364-2400 rizzacara corn Orland Parli, 7084030300 'u,??? The Power to Surpris? --- Highland Pork Northshorecara corn 847.4337900 1000 E. Park Ave. (Rt. 1.761 Libertyvllie, 800-7095729 JOE RIZZA RIA tSath&SOthAve. KA MOTORS s6683&2300 iwt.w martinnisaan corn Waakegan/Gsrnee 847CLASSIC (252-7742) vw,w.ciassicdoalergraap.corn (8661 SUER-RIA, vvw, LOADED OIL CHANGE SPECIAL 60712 Jouet 800630-7607 IBORREGO LX 6750 N. LINCOU1 AVE. MARTIN NISSAN S24OGoIfRoad,Skokie BERMAN'S MID CITY SUBARU 4300W. Bill Jacobs KIa 2525W Jefferson St., 'Drain ailandreplace Witt. LINCOLNWOOD, IL 1000 E. Park Ava, (RL 176) Ubeille, 8008365313 SHERMAN JEEP DODGE-.7601 N. Cicero Ave., tufI?? tuft?? CflLDU-91712G7; e;:t',W ', Oak Lawn 705499-l000www kellynissan corn JOE RIZZA PORSCHE 8120W lS9thStreeet, ClassIc RIa 425 N. Green Bay Rd. . KELLY NISSAN 4.300W 95th St St , Tinley Park, IL 7O8428'6600iwt.w,rlzza corn 'lAUTO &' AIR , Nues (888( 6012789 YwAit stamissan corn LIBERTY JEEP CHRYSLER DODGE r AUTO &.'AIR .YDU'REflPPRDVED! A 450W lake St Ogden Avn 630-3.00-5000 wow palriclijeguar corn ¿:: :Lo' ADED';. ," (' nu . BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 5757w Toahy, PATRICK JAGUAR OF NAPERVILLE 3559W SORENTO 4x4 AVØJL4LBLE!I 'sQo COMPETITIVE BOjIUS CASH' LOADED U/o irving PA Rd Chgo 888590-8669 miricitynissan corn Elrnhorst ww'w (aguarelmhurst corn 888287621.1 . L AUTO & AIR,. UJAPH -r o o o "0OMILITARY REDATEÌW FIHMICING $9011 UMO IN -A JAGUAR ELMHURST A BERMAN'S MID CITY NISSAN 4444W NORTHSHORE NISSAN 1350 Park Ave West, k.J I' 1PLUS50&ONER COYLTYE8A'TE' 1*0 CUDIT Glenvtew 847.72941300 neet.IorenAutoGroup cam O'HARE HYUNDAI Rieur Rd &Ouktort, Oes Ptalves For The Lowest Pltces Call Direct 888-4199567 1020 E Golf Rd PATRICK HYUNDAI Schaumburg vNY patrickcsrs corn 866314-4530 AUTO & AIR $9,995 000. 20079145PEc1EA o I 14,995 . LOREN HYUNDAI lßlOWaukegar, Road LOADED 8,88 $7 I .o.0M..'4,9W $4,995' 2002 CUEWTRAILBLAUI$ o 1,995 . I. 2?SPECTRA LX USED CAR SAVINGS: .0 New Car Buyers Guide NORTHBROOK TOYOTA 1530 Fryntage Rd. 800-7343205 ) Forward deals to friends and family OAK LAWN TOYOTA 4320 W 95th St. 800NEW AUTOBARN MAZDA Countryside 060 S. CHEVRULET (cont'd) JOE RIZZA ACURA 8150W. 159th Street Orland Park 7054037770 nzzacars.can, Bill Jacobs Cadillac 21 W. Jefferson St., JoUet JACk PHELAN CHEVY ARLINGTON HTS FORD HERITAGE CADILLAC 303W. Roosevelt rd., BILL I(AY FORD MIDLOTHIAN 800.804-3558 EOt92165O7 Lombard 888-8185725 PATRICK CADILLAC 526 Malt Dr., Schaumburg LAUREL AUDI OF WESTMONT 276 E. Ogden Ave. 866383.3044 877.7499921 BILLJACOBS BMW 1564 W. Ogden Ave., Naperville, IL 166&5168O15 Orfand Park 888-50.32369 bmwop.corn LAUREL BMW OF WESTMONT 430 E. Ogden Ave. 8663859527 PATRICK BMW 7t E. Galt Read, Schaumburg 88876&971O BUICK RIZZA BUiCK 8425 West 159th St., Ttntey Park, It. 7O&4296OO Rd 773-4652090 PHILLIPS CHEVROLET 86&281.0769 14633 5. CIcero Ave. CIJRRIE MOTORS FORD-ERANKFORT #1 In Midwest 81,30545 fordottrankfort,com 86&YESFORD Orland Toyota/ScIon 8506W. 1599 St. Ttnley Parli, IL 706-336-7286 nw,w.Orlandloyola.corn v,'wt.OrlandSclon.corn LIBERTY MAZDA SUBARU SUZUKI 1000 E. Park Ave. (Rt. 1761 Libertyviile, 8008406897 PAULY TOYOTA 1035 S. Rl. 31 One Mile Sooth of Rt. 14, Crystal Lake 81.5459-710b 8478589060 WIlkIns Macda In Eimhurst 750 N, York Rd TOYOTA SCION ON WESTERN Eimhorst 630-279-3000 www,wtlklascars.corn ® Mercedes-Benz 6941 S. Westom Ave. Chicago 773-8847200 Park, 70842966W Illinois' Largest CheW Inventory Rtes. 30 & 45 .10E RIZZA FORD OF NORTH RIVERSIDE STEVE FOLEY CADILLAC 100 N. SAoUle Blvd. RIZZA CHEVROLET 8200S. Harlem, JOE RIZZA FORD OF ORLAND PARK AUTOHAUS ON EDENS 1600 Frontage Rd Brldgeview, 7055946400 wvw.rlzzachevy.corn 8100 W. 159th St., 708-4030300 rizzacars.con? WEBB CHEVROLET 88&5450275 Chicago 773.239-7900 sIde V0Ik5,8Çiirninates Mercadee-Benz Naporvllle 3569W. Ogden Ave Autobarn tram 6191 Joliet Rd 708 8887695484 - mbolnapervilie.cOrn Downtown Chthaøo) vavw.vwo?chIcaøoiand.corn MERCEDES-BENZ Of ORLAND PK 84.30W. Evanston 1033 dlricaeo Ave. 847-8-76W , CHEVRÓ LET Belingbrook 888-6555359 APPLE CHEVROLET IN TINLEY PARK (708) 4293000 8585 W. 159th wvw.uppleche.cvm BIll Jacobs Chevrolet 2001 W. Jefferson St., Downers Gm/Lisle 6309682900 BREDEMANN CHEVROLET tAO1W.Dempster St. Perk Ridge 8476551466 Nent to Lutheran General Hospital CurrIe Motors Chevy Forest Park 7901 W, Roosevelt Rd., 888-294-3409 MCCARTHY FORD, INC , t1400 S. 'vIssAi, Q1%Ti.. CARR'S HONDA 6600 N. WESTERN AVE. LIBERTY DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP CHICAGO 773.274.7777 viw,carrshonda.con1 SHERMAN CHRYSLER DODGE 7601 N Dice- Grove (847) 9657070 www,' HONDA CITY 4950 S, Pulaski. Chicago 773-582.5000 1.000 E. Park Ave. (Rt. 176) Libertille, 8008365401. ro Ano., ShohIe (888) 7369744 wwwSherrnanptat.corn Juliet 5005076841 BILL. KAY CHEVROLET 601 Ogden & I355 2100 S. Hartem, 70&.4427000 rizzacars.csm 9440 S. Cicero Ave., Oak Lawn ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET 55 & Route 53, ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET LaGrange A Juliet Et.MHURST BMW 466 W. Lake St., Etmhurst S8& Roads, Countvystde Auto Malt 8OO96176O9 2876555 weov.elmhurstbmw.cnm Mike Anderson Chevrolet 5333 W. living Pk vvw.ehford.cenv 801w, Dundee Rd Arlington HeIghts (847) 346-3042 TOYOTA 8006398696 RIZZA CADILLAC 8425w. 159th St.,Ttnley Norttrbrook 866-3723554 BMW OF ORLAND PARK 8470 159th St. "You Gotta Seo Jack 4000 S. Harlem, Lyons 7054424900 LaGrange Rd. 7083542700 www.rnazdagy3,çpm Evanston 1015 Chicago Ave. .847.8669066 CASTLE HONDA 6900 W. Oempster, Morton MCGRATH HONDA OF ST. CHARLES : 3411 E. Main St. 6304436400 O'HARE HONDA .RiverRd&Oakton Des LIBERTY DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 1000 E. Park Ave. (Rt. 176) LtbertWlie, 800.8365401 Plaines, For The Loweal P(ices. Colt 888.274b425 -Automobiles "A Bob SCHAUMBURG HONDA Rohrmsn Dealership" 750 5. Golf Rd. 847.8&HONDA SHERMAN DODGE JEEP 7601 N. Cicero Ave., VALLEY HONDA In Napervllle/Aurora 4173 Skokie (888) 7389744 wvw, Ogden Ave. (Rl. 341 630-851S700vatieyhonda.cotrl Volkswa.en, Northbrook 800-7166517 159th St., 866259-ß000vmw.mercedesolnrland.corn Mercedes-Bons of Westmont 200 E. Ogden ve. 8663681535 mbnllvestmont cern , ,,, MINI BILL JACOBS MInI 1564 W. Ogden Ava. Nnperviile, IL i-6665168015 t.wtw.biiljacsbsrnlnl.corn Mt MITSUBISHI GRAND MITSUBISHI 303W. Grand Ave. He's Mad I-In's Bad, He's at 2 SALE locations In Downers trove 6309605040, Aarora 6308986000 ». Dealer maps and directions ). Find deals on the specific make and model you're looking for Mt. Prospect 335W. I(and Rd. 847-302-6300 cmuw.tlieautobam.corn BILL JACOBS VOLKSWAGEN 22llAorora Ave. Napervtiie. (L 1.-866-5168025 t.wav.bIil(ocobstvit.csrn CITY VOLKSWAGEN 5320W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago 866717-6611 NORTH SHORE VOLKSWAGON 1350 Park Ave. West, Highland Park VW OF ORLAND PARK 8920W. 159th St. 877.4449167 uwortand.corn Sat Service 8.2 Bensnnvtiie 6308603100 GrandMiatu.corn MAX MADSEN MITSUBISHI . Conveniently link directly to dealer for more info , . VOLVO PATRICK VOLVO 1600 E. Higgins Rd., Schaumburg 847.605-4006 SEARCHCHICAG .com autos w APR Financing Available Automatic Model # FAi 659EW, Stk# H23305 z E o o o o w .0 o 'x -) :40:CIV!CS IN :STOCK:f if $129 JUST 2009 HONDA 2010 HONDA CIVICLX SEDAN LX ACCORD SEDAN Automatic Model # CP2F3AEW, Stk# H23410 ..8uACCORDSÏNSTOCK: LEASE PER MONTH !!!Ib MONTHS Pß1*EEVJ MONTHS 1)Tàniw O14 Automatic Modei# RE4H3AEW, Stk# H23541 2010 HONDA 2010 HONDA 4 WHEEL DRIVE ODYSSEY EX if if LEASE LEASE PER MONTH PER MONTH JUST lko*o1 3 T 2003-2009 PILOTS 2004-2008 ACCORDS 2,720* From $1 riveÍì 2003-2008 CIVICS From MONTHS si $ 15,6201 From )09CYSSEY $7109201 $18,420 From $1 2,720* I$8,9201 From i Pcicos plus lax tiffe license and doc loes, ail rebates and Incentives applied. ArinancinO no select years makes and models. Based on approved credit toquafified buyers. Oased on closed end leases, lu qualified buyers with approved credit 12000 allowable miles pen yea 15c for each additional mila Ç10 Odyssey: 200 for each additional mile). Ail lease vehicles require lax, tiffe, license & $151.65 doc tee due at lease sltnln. 00 Civic: Residual: $10.009, IO Aunond : Residual: $13099,10 CRV : Residual: $14,573, 10 Odyssey: Residual: $17450. Additional spOons extra. Lessee is responsible for excess wear/laaq maintenance and Insurance. Subject lo eady termination penally Valid breo days horn publication. Dealer fli nel honor omero In this advertisement Rol available with any previous ollero. LEA )IflhTO S'P.ESIDENTS AWARD 11/13 Exceeding Your Expectations For l23 Over 35 Years! UI i! 2008 'P.0,1 DE4TS AWARD Shop On-Line Ar wvw.intiller-hò,n 847-831-4200 550 Skcikic Vrtllcy Iíd u A Nid IR PURLICATIONS SI'ECIAL SOdTION k foodhi thought r OCTOBER 29, 2009 r L- !REATER ¡t NICHE PUBLICATIONS SPECIAL SECTION OCTOBER 29, 2009 2 I GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY FOUNDERS' DREA1V[ CAN BE A REALITY By Katc Maehr Exctuj'c L)irctor hcn new cmployccs join the Food Dcpositor) lions of pottnds. 'tX/c haven't always Itad thottsands ofdttttors I share tivo storics with them as ¡arr of their for:iiI oricnt1tion. fhc first is tIu story ofJobn Van I1cgcI, the individual who founded tue flrst food bank, St. M.tty's Food Iank n PIionx, in 1967. Thc second is tIte story of thc Food Desttsirorys own Leginningsof six individuals from difrerent walks oflifc coining together in a chiirclt b,tseinent in I 979 with a dream ofcnding hunger. For I5cPIe fleW to (,hr orgnizationthosc ncw etoployces and volunteers. lite stories of former warcltttuses witltttttt tticquate heat or vctttiiatiott (ask a Iottgtitne entployee about tite titne ssc receivcd trttckioacis of particttiariy i,ttttgcttt tttmions) or oftite d.tys witen food sets stored arttttttd att ttttttsed swintmittg poni ott tite cityc West Sitie aitvay.s elicit ittttks of wottcier. itere itt Citicagt. Ottt Cbic.tgo's Cottsrntttsity Kitcisenc training pmograttt. ttttr Pettp!e uftett ask toe ifwe viii ever ettd itttttger. itt tltse citaiiettglttg tittses, i ktmow tite patlt aitead is diliicttir. Attd even as we tititik abttttt itou to ettri bttttger, we will tmeed to keep tite footi untying to satisfy tite record-level itecd that exists in ttttr cotlstottttity tod,ty. fonti statnp tttttreacit eiforts anti ottr ttcsvest partttersitips itave already begutt ttt redeftne itttsv ottr contnittttity titittks abottt itttttger attd pttverty. Ottr resrarcit attd advttcacy ittitiatives itave pinpoittted the pressures nttr cotnnsuttities face iike tiever before. Attd i'rcsidettt Obansawito tve are fortunate to count as .t vttiuttteer atid supporterlits tttatie tn ttnprecedetsteti pledge to cttd citiiditttod itunger by 2015. Bttt tltett i titittk ai,ottt tite six individuals svito catate mogetiter itt i 979 attd ftttinded the Food Depository. Attd I titittk about the thousands ofitidividuals svito itave sttpportcd tite Fttod Depository so generously titmottgit tite years. Attd tltett I titink abottt ittttv far we itave corne. Titere are tintes titat tite citaiietsges aitead oftts appear dauntitig. Bttt working togetiter tve can do more tbatt provide fiomi to Ituttgry people, we can end hunger itt our cotnrnttnity. Dttt these are tttorc titatt itttercstitsg taies oit tinte since isassed. 1lterc is att iltlportattt ntessagc in .tli of titesc storiesattd, itsdeed, itt ail ofuitar yttt soul read itt titis sectitttt. It is a Áitr ÀIar/rjoiìizd the Grzatrr C/,,ratu Fosti 1À'pos,tory t.tJ/ ht i9)6 zitti! l'as beczi exeruiiis' direao, 5lItC,' 2û06 I-IELI'tNG TitE IIUNGR\ IOIt 30 YEARS it is il I)()/)e:JÌIIC(J ))/(SS(ig(, (?f11(hu1'dhhhuhI5 C?)flzhig toçr('tIJei; co;i;nit/cVI /0 au ¡(iei, i;,1(/ icco11l/ì/is/2i/ig.ei/i ih/,ìc (/eSJ)IU.' cnoriìlois.c as ste11 as ttcw volttntccrs, participants in food drives or tttlter supportersthese stories arc an important rcniindcr titat thc Greater Chicago Food Depository has ttot always becn Itou5cd in a beautiful, statc.of-thc -.irt training and distril,utian EtciIit) We Itavcn't alsvays ntcasurcd our progress in tent of mii- Ki:' "BECAUSE OF YOU, WE SERVE SUPER BOWLS EVERy:DAy OF THE \'EAR." -DEVIN HESTER, CUICAGO 1EARS Ob.ct(lC/'S. itope-fihied ntessage. of ittdividuai coming together, cottttnitted to att idea, and mcconspiisiting great things despite enormous obstacles. The odds oftix peopie who didn't know each other very weil coniittg together atsd foruting att orgattizatiott titat, a mere 30 years litter, would distribute more titan 58 nsiiiion pottttds of food to our comtnuttity's hungry ate a iotmg sitot ity atty deftttitlott. And yet titats exactiy witat ltappened "BECAUSE OF YOU, WE CAN KNOCK HUNGER OUT OF THE PARK." -BILL MELTON, CHICAGO WHITE Sox -MAYOR RICHARD jxc ir :: r"tm.ç- . L;:w.- -.s' .5 _, : - ? cr!wl HELPllG -i:1I: HUNGRY 'v,. ±L FOR3O m I 3 A NICHE PUBLICATIONS SPECIAL SECTION .; . . OCTOBER 29, 2009 J 5 SKJLLS y i: DEUQRtHCItUMp, CHICAGO S COMMU. . GADkTE: Commitment to community sparked founding ofFood Depository. An organization hatched in the hsllway oía dark church basement has evolved into a complex upc'ration that discribured more than 58 tnillion pounds of'foi,d law year, Thirty years ago, a handful ofcommunlcy-mindcd citizens met to discuss ttw formation aPa fool bank around a table crammed into a subtettanean hallway ofSt, Peter's Churctt in the Loop. "It was like the cat,icombs," says Helen Strube, whose husband, Bob, attended the meeting, 'lite Greater Chicago Food Depository is commemorating its 30th anttïversary its 2009, Six individualsAnts Connors, Father Philip Marquard, Tom O'Connell, Gertrude Stsodgrass, Ed Sunshine and Bob Strubeare credited wittt tise founding ofthe organization, which was modeled after a food battk established in Phoetsix ¡n 1967. Bob Strubc donated wareltouse space for tite lied5ling FIRST FOOD BANK INSPIRED HUNDREDS MORE The spirit of John Van Hengel is alive at food banks throughout the United Statesand the worldtoday. Mr. Van Hengel founded the first food bank in 1967 In Phoenix after meeting people who picked through grocery store garbage bins to find sustenance. The stores were discarding items that were stilt edible, and Mr, Van Hengel, a soup kitchen volunteer, wanted to find a way to safely distribute the food to people In need. Mr. Van Hengel, a Wisconsin native who had held a series of jobs since leaving the Midwest, set up a clearinghouse for food donations in an old bakery that had been Willed to St. Mary's Church. A volunteer compared the effort to a bank where food Was withdrawn and deposited. st. Mary's Food Bank was born. A food bank In Pasadena Calif., soon followed, and food banks began springing up across the country. In 1976, Mr. Van Hengel founded America's Second Harvest, the nation's network of food banks now known as Feeding Americe, Re later left America's Second Harvest to help set up food banks in countries around the world. Mr. Van Hengel died in 2005 at the age of 83. f NEIUNGRROJ John Van Efengel founded the St. Mary's Food Bank in Phoenix in 1967 and founded America's Second Hervest in 1976, Now, there are 205 food banks in the United States and hundreds worldwide. The Global Food Banking Network, inspired by Mr, Van Hengel's vision, formed in 2006. "lt's amazing how many people are being fed because of this crazy little thing we started," Mr. Van Hengel said In 1992. "We're feeding millions, and ¡j is not costing anyone anything." orgatti/atiun at tite ttistoric Souttt Water Markec uts tite Near Tite Food Depositoty has grown through rite yearsfrom West Side, 471 000 pounds offood and 85 member agencies in its first year ttt 58 million pounds offood and 600 member agencies last year_but all with tite sobering backdrop of deep, The forerunner to tite Food Depository was a food Cooperative called Peed the Huttgry, Inc. titat distributed excess produce to low-incotne individuals for a nominal fee. 'Tite, founded in I 970, included more titan 20 pickup locations at churches and community cettters, Mr. Strube had sketched our ideas for a distribution system as early as 1968, "Food is real efler7," Mr, Sreube said in 1979. "You need tile right kinds offnod in the right quantities just to have the energy to get up and go to work." The parallels between 2009, 1979 and even 1929 are striking. "Voti might have your itouse ali paid br, but you still have your taxes," Mr. Struhe said in i 979, "And you've got your heat and your electricity and your svater bill, You have all titese bilis ro pay and tltey're ail higher and they have to be paid, The ottly thing you cats cur back on is food." continued nrerf in tite community. The Food Depository has seen a 35 percent increase in the number ofpeoplc turning ro pantries in tite past year. Through tise years, the organizacion has developed an array of innovative programs and become one ofthe world's leading food banks. The Food Depository has distributed 750 million pounds offood, touching tite lives ofmillions of Chicagoans. it's tite support ofthe community, though, chat may be most astoundingit's the donations ofaverage Chicagoans thar are the bedrock. Mr, Strobe may have pur ir best in 1979. "The only thing that ntakes any difference at ati, while you and I are here its titis town, is what you and i do in this town," Mr. Strube said, "The issue is todaysviiat you or t do today that makes a difference in this world. You have to give." A NICHE PUBLICATIONS SPECiAL SECTION e GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY Passage of Good Samaritan Law ODUCEffl CELEBRITY SPOTTING years '-j -i U " " e_.s " T'r ' OCTOBER 29, 2009 I 7 t "BECAUSE OF YOU, WE HAVE A BIG-LEAGUE FOOD BANK." a 1 Lou PINIELLA, CHICAGO Cues J ç-__-t,. _,_ he Gr,atcr Chicago Pood Dqn>sitory ht fed I»ilJi)31. nfhuniy people in the Cbcago are since its inception in 1979. Ibe p1sage of Good Saloarta!1' Iegishitio:i in 98 I phtyccl an intrLlrncntaI role n helping the Food Deposhory increase its acituril distribution of food front 47 1 .000 pounds in I 979 to Spanning the worlds of sport, politics, music and entertainment, the Greater Chicago Food Depository boasts numerous famous volunteers and sponsors who have both raised awareness and funds to heip fight hunger in Chicago. s\,c svattted tt) make sure tite fétod w,ts lteing prep.tted properi>' recalls otte oftlte hills legisl.itivc cre.ttors, fttrtttrr 1llitois Senate President Phil Rock, llte Iteopie at tIte Pctttd The Food Depository's most recent noteworthy supporterand perhaps its most influentialis President Rarack Obama, who as President-eiect volunteered last feu on the day before Thanksgiving, handing out frozen chickens at St. Columbanus Church. Joined by wife Michelle and daughters Malle and Sasha, this was Mr. Obama's third volunteer outing with the Food Depository In four years. Dcpositor. sverett't tttttttittg a ily-by-ttigltt ttpetatitttt atttl kttew svltt tltcy sscrc tlning. Tite food donttrs serre concettted bec,tuse the1' didn't svsttt to get titetitselves itt a ii,iltility 58 million pounds coda sittjatittt,, hut we let titetu know titat tIte Food Depcsitory' According to those who advocated for the law, it Itciped would he very Sttlicittnts about tite food. They n'ere very sttl,ply tite Food Dcpositotyattd people itt rteedwitlt seriolts abottt Itelping titosr in ttecd.' ltciltltier food. lite Good Sarnaritatt Law protected food contribLttors front legal liabilities and c,tused tite Fttod Dcpocitory ro ttttdcrgo a serious orgatti'atiottal tranfortttation to distribute tite trw sttpply of food dotitiotis. \Vititin a year, food dottors ittcreaed to I I I. distribution increased from 3.2 million pounds of food to 6.1 tstillion, and the number ofagencics inreasrd to 375 within the City of Citicago. Another ardent Food Depository supporter is "The Boss" himself, rocker Bruce Springateen. Growing up, Springsteen's family olten relied on local churches and pantries when their finances were strained. First approached by former Food Depository Executive Director Kenneth Honderlch in 1985, Mr. Springsteen has made a tradition of donating a portion of his Chicago concert tIcket sales to the Food Depository. lhe passage oftlte lite opened t ttetv hase offood tlottors attd letl to a dramatic increase ttfsuppttrt frujtt tite local cuttttstLttsit) Following Mr. Springsteen's example, the Godfather of Soul, Jemes Brown, performed et a 1987 benefit concerl (or the Food Depository, and Shanla Twain donated the proceeds from her 2003 Chicago concert to the Food Depository's hunger-relief efforts. "J didn't expect tIte food to grott' espottentiaily," recalls Senator Rock. "It was ovcrsvitelttting attd th speed at wlticit it grew svas unexpected." in 1985 an atncndtticnt t tite bill was passed increasitig tite benefits fttr food dottors by providing thettt with tas One oftlte concerns nfthe opponents oftltc bill was that the food was not going to be prepared itt sanitary conditiotts. The Celebrity Chair Auction, an annuai fundraiser that began in 1989 and benefited the Food Depository for a number of years, has involved some of the most eyecatching celebrities and personalities wìth unusual auction prizes. breaks attd further increasing fonti donatiotis to tite Food \Vc watited to tnake sure tite people had protection atid Depositor) The auction included chairs from movie sets, such as one occupied by Robert DeNiro in "The Untouchables" and a chair used by Doliy Parton in "Straight Talk," and chairs from focal restaurants occupied by the likes of Paul Newman and Madonna. Chairs from Chicago landmarks were also popular among bidders, including a seat from Comiskey Park, seats from City Hall donated by Mayor Richard M. Delay and a bench from the Holy Family Roman Catholic Church that survived the great Chicago fire of 1871. "BECAUSE OF YOU, OUR PANTRY CAN SERVE 7,500 PEOPLE EVERY MONTHS" ELIZABETH AzuutotA, DznEcoR; Some famous chairs were autographed, ike tuo directors chairs signed by Chicagobased movie critics Roger Ebeti and the iaie Gene Siskei or the stadium seat donated by former Indiana University coach and notorious chairhurler Rob Knight. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL-THtRD SuNDw FooD PANTRY City and state politicians end iocai sports figures have been consistently generous with their time proving their commitment to bettering their community. Aid. Edward M. Burke, Mayor Daiey, 00v. Pat Quinn and Sen. Dick Durbin as well as representatives from the Bears, Biackhawks, uiis, Cubs and White Sos have been advocale of the Food Depository by participating in voiuflteer sessions and food drives. iQtTUES JI www.chicagosfo. .(i s .. sl4 J4r H bposror;- Bruce Springsteen, a longtime supporter of food banks nationwide, first donated a portion of Chicago ticket sales to the Food Depository in 1905. "BECAUSE OF YOU, I HAD FOOD WHEN I NEEDED IT MOST." DAvtD SUÁREZ, SouTh Szn RESIDENT A NICHE PUBLICATIONS SPECIAL SECTION B GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY FSE VICE T' T E.O\MUNITY TI IITYYF1ARS Volunteers reap rewards as they serve the needy svito wish ru cotto, in for a day or evenittg. Over tite course of a year, i 4,000 vtsiuttteers come througis tise doors of tise svaresouse tt, give of tiseir titste and energ} 'Tiseir eii'orts atssount to tite equivaietst of46 full-time stalftstetssbers svito routsd out tite stalfof i 50 paid employees. "Attybody can fttsd sume time Iftisey iook," Carrie said. Voltttstceritsg is a great way to give ofoneselfits times selten ttsoney is tigitt, Dettttis said. ir costs oositittg bur tinte attd cats he very rewarsiltsg. Atsd at tite Food Depository, voittnteets of tteatly ali ages are sveicome. Reguior voiutsteers must be 1301 by Erika Enigk Carric Hcnnessy is familiar vitIi hungcr. IIic 29-Year-old social studies teacher from Oak Lawn secs tise signs every day in her Beliwood classrootn. Studsutts are irritable attd liare a isard timc concentrating and karnittg because they have not calen. Sise catt't feed them ali, but as a volunteer for the Grcater Chicago Food Dcj,ositor site does what she cats to itcip those site cats. Every Wednesday ttigltt, Carrie is part ofa group of about 20 who report to tise Pood Depository in tise citys Archer Fleigitts tteigitboritood ro itdp pack boxes of food. lits? cottrettts attd destinariotts for tite boxes vary froto steek to week sorne go to food pantries, othets stay in tite warehouse to be used in tinscs ofentergctscy - but Carrie ktsows titar no tuatter where tite boxes go tite food inside viii ultimately land in tise lsattds ofpeoplc in need. Although she isn't the one to hand out tite tsourisltnsent, Carrie knows iter eiforts are itclping many of iter students. A or ofrn kids actually receive tite food i help to pack," sise said. VolLIntetrG Valhiiu Rouis iltt?l) and '-, Cnwiq Hottnds/hoip pack batt of' . food forih nedyo.voy Wodnisdciy. .. tht _ j Dennis Czuryio attd his wife Sue. ofPalos Heights ltad beett invoived in their cototnunity l,r several years but svcrc seekittg an orgattizariort titar itad regttlar, lottg-term voittttteer Opportunities. ibey ai,out tite Greater Chlc.tgo Food Depository atsd dccided to give it a try. Fourteeit years iatcr theyre stili cottsing every week to iteip pack boxes. lite couple takes gteat satisfaction its ktsowitsg tlte arc itelping fulfill otse ofthe most basic ttceds oftite httntan condition. 'TitereS ttotltittg tttorc l,asic titatt ltUttger," Detittis said. No one should go ltungr' llie \Vedttesday siglo crew does svhat tite Food Dcpository caiis food repack." Eacit persots gets i diiTcretst product to pack ittto a box tb,tt travels dowtt an assentbiy line. Once tite box is full, it is citecked for cotitents, labeled atsd wrapped. Tite group tcgularly packs i (loo or tnorc Itoxes itt a night. 'A tisousattd boxes could be I 01)0 families svito ate helped," Catrie said. ibe crew works eljiciently attd carefully. 'iltey kttow how nsatty items to place in what spot so tltat those who check tite boxes kttosv inintediately what's tnissing ifa box cottses up sitort. Ifa package itas beett datnaged to tite poitst where the prodttct is consprontised, it is tltrown our. Our guai is never to icr the litte stop," Detttsis said. Ottce tite boxes are packed, tite crew cieatts up. Food that has nsade its ss'ay otto, tite floor could speil danger huer, so voittttteers nsakc sure tin.' ,trea is as cleats as titey foutsd it. Dctttsis, witosc scheduie is flexible because he is self-employcd, also itelps deliver isrodtice, orgattize evettts atid as,.sist Peoi)ie in sigttitsg up for food statnps. Givett tite curseur ec0000tic cli,tsatc itltct more peopie titan ever nced help, Dettnis said he's glad to iteip. "it's a great feeling," ite said. Maty people are etuharrassed about havitig to ask for itch,, atsd Detsnis tries to iseip put titeir nsitsds at ease, assittits5 recipients tu fili tut tite food stamp applicatiots paperwork so tite process is as paittiess as possible. "Ute ttee'd Itas ittct exploded," ite said. "1 was shocked OCTOBER 29, 2009 about itow tnuch it has grown." Volutstceritsg is also a great way to make frietsds, Dettttis said. He and his wife look forward so seeittg titeir fellow regulars every \Vedtesday, and tite group uftets gets sugetiter outside oftite warehouse. "We love tite people svito volunteer itere," Ite said. "it's becottse like a time itelpitsg ottr. "it's a nice way to help kids get tite idea ofvoiunteerittg and witat it nseatts," Ite said. Attd to produetiots teatts le,tder Milton Crane, an employee wisst works witit tise Wednesday night crews, tite vohttstcers are itsvaluahle. He loves to see tite wareisouse fili svitit volunteers ready to work attd aisv.tys ritittkittg oftite steeds oforiters, The Greater Chicago Food Deposilory oIlers myriad volunteer opportunities for service-minded individuals and groups of nearly ail ages. "it's a joyosts feeling for ute," he said. 'Wc ail know that svete itere to help itsttsgry people.' A self-proclaimed people perstttt, Milton nsakes it a poitsr "There's nothing more basic than hunger. No one should go hungry" older, bttr citiidrett as young as 5 are aliosved ts, 1,artici1,ate sstt to tell voiutsteers Itose tonds tiseir rinse astri clOut is appreci- tite Food Depository's special fansily days. Denttis has brostgitt ated. i-le ktsows ligitting itutsger is a tail ttrder, but itis pride sitotvs witets ise says, 'We are otaking a dilferettce." isis gratsdcititdrets to those cvettts .stsd said titey itad a Food Depository makes it easy to donate your time, energy fattiily?' Carrie, svitose parents' spirit of volunteerism itsspired her to get itivoived, first visited tise Food Depository i 2 Volunteers assist ihe Food Depository with repacking bulk donations into family-sized portions, ai events where donations are accepted and with fresh food pickup and drop-oil. No long-term commitment is needed, but those who wish to become regular volunteers are an asset. School, church, synagogue and community groups are also welcome to volunteer together. The facility can accommodate individuals as well as groups large and small. Some all-day corporate volunteer sessions include as many as 300 people. Ait volunteer sessions must be scheduled in advance. Volunteers must be at ieast 13 years old to participate during regular sessions. An adult must accompany those younger than 16, with one adult being responsible for up to four youths. Those who wish to share the volunteering experience with younger children may bring children ages S-12 on Kids Days, held once a month on Saturday alternoons. ( years ago whets site voltttsteercd Volunteers for repacking sessions must come appropriately dressed to work In the warehouse no shorts, skirts, tank tops or open-toed shoes are allowed - and should be prepared lo stand for 90 minutes at s time with some tight lifting and bend¡ng. Those volunteers will receive a briel orientalion prior to the session. Those who participate in food drop-off and pickup must have a valid driver's license. Some volunteer opportunities do require additional Iraining. witit s high school ciass. Voi- uttteering is tiot otsiy a great way to iteip people, but also to make frk',tds svitlt those svito sisare iter givitsg spirit. site said. "You conse to a piace like tisis attd see tite gusd its people," sise said. A comttsitttsetst to voiutsteer- ? The Nourish br Ku wiedgo program prOVd89 take home bags cl ori on weekends lo itsg weekly is tot tseeessary to iteip at tite facility The Food Depusitory teguiariy welcomes scitool atol cisurcit grostps as well as individuais schoolchildren inlow ncome:neghqrhoocls. ï . _.4 . More than fl,OOOb clistribuledevery.. woeL I hIkhy : . : Anyone Interested in volunteering for the Greater Chicago Food Depository may download an application at or e-mail volunteerservìces@gcfdorg. Erika Enigk 9 ' k-,\1 ( )) '4 A NICHE PUBLICATIONS SPECIAL SECTION OCTOBER 29, 2009 i it Comman long with changing Ih'c.s oic by one. Mike thiIquccn h.s aiiothcr I,aroluetcr for teasitrLt hic conderabIc kgacy as former c.'cecutivc dircctnr oftbc Greater Cltkago Food Deposhoty. Iu1,vt. reilly ilott my job .i..ç C1O, whether at a ptvate company or a nonprofit the organization should get betttr once I leave," sty Mike. "lite Food Depository ¿ç a better organieariots now. Its thriving. mtatc toy legacy.' ,, . , Mike's partnership svïtit tite Pood Depository begatt in 1991 witets tite forttter U.S. Marine Corps 1rigadicr Getterai landed tite preatiginus positiots sitortly after retiritsg frottt his 30-year tttilit.tty career. Aithostglt ite itad no experietice runnittg a nonprofst Mike realized the efIciettcy budgeting. ttsotivationai and ieadcrsltip skills he Isoned its tite tssiiitaty would easily translate to Itis new missiots ftgltting tite War on hunger. itt fact, he didtù viese tite career sltift as that ttiucit ola stretcit. ,,l s1,ettt 31) ye.trt. serving toy Ct)tttttr)" 55)5 Ìviike. Titis was a job servittg tite cottstnsttsit)' flte straigist-taikitig Muiqttecn qttickiy built a repLttatiots as a notlottsettse ttsattagerwito clt,siiettged itis staffofabour lOO workers to cottsntit to a twn.part goal: addressing daily itunger attd breaking tite cycle of poverty. -.1 gatiterrd everyotse itt the warcitostse, and I told titctn I dotit care wltcther you're a truck driver tsr in accounts payable. your job is so feed the ituttgt says Mike. 'ifwe dottt do titat we ail fail.' so titey cottld sec tIte face ofisunger up close, Mike tequited every etnployee to spend one day a year wotkitsg at atsy ofthe 600 tnensber p.tntries, shelters, clay care centers, senior Çacilitiea atsd sotLp kitclsens tisas verse 500,000 people atttsoallya tradition tltat contirntes today. He also galvattied Itis arto>' «tfabottt 8,000 voluttteers to i,econte involved in every aspect of tite orgattinttion. s.tviltg time ,tttd Ditring his i 5 1'ears in citarge. Mike used Itis ottiqtte tnix ofskills to lasttsclt a series ofgtoutsdttre.sking ptograissc. Atuctng sise nstsst pivotal ate tise Chicago's CtttstttscLtsity Kitclsetss ttainitsg progtatn atsd tise Patstty Utsivetsity progratn for tneittbcr agetscie.s. Otiser tnilestOtles include britsging fresh fruits ,,ttd vegetables ut Citicagu ncigitixsrltoock tisrouglt two Producetnol,lles, attd serving lint itteals to lnsv-ittconte cisilcirets tltrougit aftrr-cltool Kids Cales'. By tite titne Mike relinqoisltcd Itis cornttsattd io 2006, tite Food Depository ltacl Isuilt a ttcsv facility ,,n tite Soutltwest Sitie and growsi into one oltlte largest food l,,,nlc-c in tite Uttited States, distribtttitig snore tlsats 40 ttiilliott puotids 0ffi0d cad, year. Now retired, tite Olyttspia Fields resideitt aitci gratidlather ofsix stays active its tite nottprofit sector by volunteetittg sviti, tite Mariste Corps Scitolarsltip Foundation and tise Esectitivc Service Corps ofChieago, svi,iclt provides traittltsg atsd counsciitsg loe notsptofsts. Lookitsg back on his years leadittg tise Food Depository, Mike nor ot,ly cakes pride itt tise groWtit oltlte orgatsicatlon. but in tite st,ccess olforttscr enspioyees like Kate Mael,r, wisst now serves as executive ditector. But isis biggest acconsplisistssetss is the lastitig impact tise Food Deposisoty has isad uts sise lives of the tseedy. isv says. You catt't just ttseasOre success by tise ttottsher ufpounds olfotici distributed," Mike says. ttlottry in tite pcss. Recogttleing tite good work ofcntployees "/\ lot t,1 people eon'itsg sissough nus progtacas ase its sise Çs)stssh assd fslth genetasisso atol volstntrers was always part ofitis agetida. poverty....WC're itelping to hteak titat cycle." Mike Muqueen changed the way the Food Depoaltory approached its mission and helped position the organizetion tor Inicare success "BECAUSE OF YOU, HOPE S ALIVE IN WRIGLEWILLE." GARY GARLAND, ExecuTivE DIRECTOR, LAICEvIEw PANTRY FIRST EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR LED FOOD BANK THROUGH EARLY CHALLENGES When Dave Chandler headed up the Greater Chicago Food Depository, simply keeping the tood bank's building heated was a challenge. Dave stayed overnight on occasion to posilion space heaters so that food wouldn't treeze. "We had a couple of the coldest winters in recorded history," he says. "And the old boiler would fail almost like clockwork." Dave joined the Food Depository in i 979 as ils first executive director. He and a handful of other sfaffmenibersaflddedicated volunteers kept the nascent órgañiïationgoiflg through difficult circumstances. 5ln the founding years, we did a lot of scrambling.' Dave says. 'We were in three locations in threu years and none were really designed for the operation we were conducting." In spite of tough conditions during its first three years the Food Depository enrolled several hundred charitable food providers as members and reached an annual distribution level of more than 6 million pounds. Dave lait the Food Depository in 1982. After many years with a franchise consulting company, Dave has been principal business analyst at the nonprofit Center for Neighborhood Technology tar 14 years. There ha helps plan sustainable business development projects. "I'm delighted that the iFood Depository] has prospered and grown and been able to work at a high standard," Dave says. "You couldn't have asked for a more concerned, hardworking, dedicated, capable board than the original Food Depository board. And the success of the otganizatlon totsg-tetm was reatly laid by that board.' A NICHE PUSLICATIONS SPECIAL SECTION OCTODER 29, 2009 I 13 12 I GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY Lucille Wilson "BECAUSE OF YOU, MY NEIGÍÔRS LONGTIME STAFF MEMBERS DISPLAY ORGANIZATION'S SPIRIT WON'T GO HUNGRY." LAVERNE Moiuus, DIREcToR, ST. COLUMBANUS FOOD PANTRY [J, WE'RE A VITAL When Lttcille \b'ilsots began working at rite Greater Citicago Food Deptssitory nearly 30 years ago. tisere vere just six otiter people on staffat the new fond bank. 1FOOD CHAIN" "Everybody had to pitcit its," Lucille says. 'Everybody dici svitar needed to be dotte front itsaditsg trucks to ssveeping tite lione." Lucille, a maitsstay in tise Agetscy Relatiotss Departntenr, recently retired from tise Pnud Depository. Duritsg her tenure, tise orgatsization grew into att operatiots witit nsore than I 30 entployees. Angel La Luz Fr0111 working in personnel in the Army to intcractin with pantries as a Greater Chicago Food Depository staffcr, peoplc arc at the Itcart olwhat drives Angel La Luz. 'lite comrnittticnt and passion that you tre each and every day in the staffoftltc Food Depository goes unmatched," AncI says. 'litote agencies tItar arc out thcrc providing tisat Lfood) to the comntunity mean a lot. fltats what keeps us all going." Angcl, now tlirecwr ofoperations, joined tite atalfoftise food bank in 1992. Its tise Army, Angel had been introduced to Drigadier General Miclsael ,-----1n "I tisink tite spirit is stili tite sante," Lucille says. "s'Pe starred out very coltesis'e and as i fattsïly, atsd I tltink we still have titar." Lucille, a tnotiter offtve, grandtstotlter oftisree atsd great.grandntotiter oftwo, also is a nsembcr oftise cisoir ar Greater Lily Baptist Church atsd serves as cisurch antsnuncer. It's her ittteractiotss svitis tite constssunitypantries, soup kitchens and siteirersthat site truly values. "i've ttset sorne really grear people svito itave great passiott for rltc ltungcr issue," Lucille says. For Lucille. it's isard to itnagine the time wisets tise Food Depository operated out nf a cramped svareitouse on tite West Side. "i svas tite No. 7 staífwhen i ftrsc starred," Lucille says. "Tisat's a long way from No. 7." Muiqueen, wlsts later lseaded up the Food Depository. l-le has spent most csflsis tenure Iselping Organizations tap tito resources to provide food for the lsutsgry. 1LPfl«r s. 'For a lot ofitsdividuals, just taking tisat step to go ittro a panrry is a difficult step," Angel says. 'For an itsdividual to know tlsat tltcy are not being judged, tItar we're going to help... tlsat tneans a lot." After years ofcotntstunity tneetings and visits to agencies Angel says its the relationships witls volunteers and clients tltat keep Isim motivated. S'The only thing tltat I would say is that the Pond Depository Itas always lseen about tite people." I A I. A O DO Á Gloria Scott s Wlsen Gloria Scott joitsed tite Greater Chicago Food Depository team its 1982, tise wareisouse at i 4 N. Peoria left much to be desiredincluding hear, \Viten asked wisy sise endured tise I trying condìtìotss, Gloria answered simply. "1 prayed every day and tite Lord told me to go isack," sise says. "So i canse back." Gloria Itas brett a ftxture at tise Food Depository ever since, Upon , moving to Chicago its 1958. Gloria joitsed tite independence Sevetstit-Day Adventist Cisurcis on Cisicago's West Side and began volunteering at tise church's food pantry, where she was introduced to the Pond Depository. "Ever since l've been itt Chicago l've been involved in community service," sise explained. During the past 27 years Gloria has sorted fond donations, managed agency orders and voiunteered for tite occasional odd job. Gloria has seen the Food Depository's atinual distributiott jump ro nearly 50 million pounds and the number ofmensber agencies grow to more than 600 pantries, shelters and soup kitchens. "1 have been able to watcis jdse Food Depositoryl expand," Gloria says. 'l've seen it through its ups and l'vc seen tite Food Depository make it over tite downs." f S,, 'II VISIT WWW.CHICAGOSFOODBANK.ORG II' to listen to conversations with staffabout thepast 30 years. Former Food Depository staffer now leads Cleveland Foodbank Anne Goodman ihought her ienure at the Greater Chicago Food DeposItory and In the food banking world would be a brief one. 'When I came io the Food Depository [in i 9941, I thought It would be for a year," Anne says, "but I got passIonate about it really quIckly once I really understood what It did." Five years later, Anne lait her position wiih the Food Depository to return to her native Ohio as execulive director of the Cleveland Foodbank. Anne led a $10 million capital campaign ihat culminated in the opening of a new conimunily food distribution center in 2005. Cleveland Foodbank was named Food Bank of the Year by Feeding America in 2006. In Chicago, Anne headed up the Food Depository's fundraising ettorts and hired Kate Maehr as director of individual giving in 1996. Kate became executive director of the Food Depository in 2006. "it was great to be a part of (the Food Depository( and watch it grow," Anne says. "Now compared to then is just an explosion." ':' " :BEjp1NG . HF'ñVNG I h. " î 4L sts. ?. 14 I GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY A NICHE PUBLICATIONS SPECIAL SECTION OCTOBER 29, 2009 I 15 6 N. Hamlin (1979-1980) f :- Change of address 'The Midwest Athletic Club building is on the National Register of Historic Piscos. The Food Depository's The Food Depository has called five locations home through the years. In honor of the Greater Chicago Food Depository's 30th anniversary, we asked our volunteers, member agencies and neighbors to share their experiences and memories. z--ÍL1: main storage ,srca included ilse club's oid swimming poni, so food was stored on the surrounding pool deck, 'lise building now houses apartments and a health center. 1!/Í/I i/'i' 11(1(1 10 5(/)/? . 4501 S. Tripp (1984-2004) 'rire Food Depository purchascd an 86,00(1 square foot warehouse near t is an honor to share our 30th annIversary at the Crisis Cenler for South Suburbia with the Greater Chicago Food Depository. With your support. we are able to leed up to 500 women and children with over : 40000 meals annually. Thank you. And best wishes to both of us on our next 30 yearsl Midway Airport from the Chicago Board ofEducation for $600,000. The new facili!)' introduced an cta ofgrcatcr efficiency and expanded capac- I I \d U I' -- lty. The warehouse is Isow Isonse to a 'gourmet food business. 1I Y My wife and I are in our 14th year of regular Wednesday night volunteering. Over the years we have seen the growth of this line organization and the seminal work that it performs. We have met many dedicated staff members and volunteers. God Bless Bob Strube and the other founders. (/ I/hi , ./IC) 'jIi/. The Food Depository was the first organization I volunteered for when I moved into the Chicago area, serving on the steering committee for the Bag Hunger Auction and eventually co-chairing the event. The Food Depository taught me a lot about the local needs of the hungry and the need to treat every client and volunteer with respect. The professionalism and efficiency I encountered at the Food Depository have truly set the bar for every other organization I'm involved with. C:vi/t:,/ l/,// / / i . );/ We at the Corner Stone Church thank God that we came in contact with the best food organization in the world because they are not just an organization; they are a family that is very kind and helpful. Keep up the great work. On my very first volunteer trip, a Food Depository employee smiled at me and said, "You'll be back, won't you?" I had to agreeI loved ¡ti I loved the sense of accomplishment, I loved finding out how many pounds of food our team had packed (and how close we were to the all-time recordf), and feelIng like I'd done something so much more meaningful than just send out another report from my desk. Congratulations on the 30 yearsand especially during these realty, really tough economic times, thank you, thank you, thank you for what you do to support those in our community who really need the help. - Dvboiul/ Novuii/y, 0/land PoI A tribute to agencies distributed approximatefY 75G million pounds The Food Depository has to put 375,000 of food through the years. Here are aome comparisons ' . tons of food In perspective. 500,000 forklIft toads. ' I billion No, 1-size, 11-ounce cans. 750 millIon boxesOf cereal. , 62,500 ProduCernobile diatrlbUtlOfl5' . . mIllion loaves of bread, fofl,' ajour lo,oest-re,s:iwd ags'ncks. DEPOSITORY 3,409 Cloud Gate sculptúreS, 564 mllllontnreals, 6t CHICAGO Visir ss'wstsc/) of 37,500 tractor-trailer toads. -. 667 mlilion jars of peanut butte!. 75 mllliàri bags of potatoes l'antrics, soup kitelietis sud streiters are ir the forefront ofthe response to hunger in Cook Cottisty Sonte exicted iseo before tise founding of Ilse Greaser Chicago Food Depmisory. Fions Englewood to Lakevicw, pantry' ssaffand volustlects arc dedicated so tise well-being ofsheir neiglsborhoods. G R EAT E R aka"Th9B95".....;' ' Greater Chicago Food Depository .,- 31 Food DeposItolY warehouses ' capacity. ':. Providing food for hungry people while striving to end hunger In our community Thresa Moreno is a longtime volunteer at Jesus Christ Food Pantry on the Southwest Side. A charter member of Feeding America 4100 W. Ann Lune Place t Chicago, Illinois 60632 I 773-247-FOOD AMERICA OSE, Your new - todays homes A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Four luxury condominiums in Glen view to be offered at Nov, 10 auction. PAGE 7 FHA loans and tax credits are a powerful tandem helping to move condos in the Chicago fall in Racine market. that many Ilhinoisans have purchased a home st The Atwater at Gaslight l'ointe and are enjoying all the wonderful amenities that living on Lake Michigan offers. Homeowners are discovering the charming historic shopping DON DEBAT, PAGE 3 Rock Creek Homes will offer ranch plans in the environmentally sensitive district, beautiful art galleries and wonderful museums and Henning Estates, PAGE 3 even horse drawn carriage rides. Many events feature hive local mudance of outdoor activi- sic at various locations, and folks ties, special events and parties aro timhing that there's so much galore, entertainment opportuni- to explore in downtown Racine. With driving time only one hour ties continue to abound this fall in froni Chicago, many Ihhinoisaos downtown Racine. The cultural scene brings a di- have chiosco The Atwater as their verse palette of gallery openings vacation getaway retreat or their and opportunities to meet the art- year-round residence. Built by ists. A downtown holiday parade New England Builders, the fourfeatures live reindeer, lighted story, 40-unit condominium buildsummer months are While INSIDE Bargains are waiting Have a fun-filled packed Local real estate transactions, PAGE 4 NEAR NORTH EDITIONOCTOBER 29, 2009 THE ATWATER AT GASLIGHT POINTE Lake Michigan views and one-hour drive make The Atwater a winner neighbors willi sii abun- floats and marching bands cul. minating in a tree lighting cor- ing features beautiful one- and two- bedroom condos affordably einony. And everyone has an opportunity to win a S1,000 shopping spree priced from $190,900 to $413,900. just by visiting the many unique market, New England Builders shops, boutiques and galleries to find that one-of-a-kind gift. is offering a variety of special incentives tailored to prushdective fest Saturday, PAGE 2 ONLINE For market news, expert advice, neighborhood profiles and more, visit: For those who want to take SEAFICHA advantage of the current buyer's There's su much to do and see in downtown Racine, it's nu wonder Bowes Creek Country Club ho hold family Turn to ATWATER, 7 CHICAGO Relax lii your vacation condo getaway all year round, while enjoying spectacular huilier views from your balcony at The Atwater. .com y THE J l35% 1o'vn 2.5% interest rates on some units You'll find a vacation lifestyle at your doorstep everyday at The Atwater at Gaslight Pointe condominiums. Only one hour from Chicago Walking distance to downtown Racine Ito 2 bedrooms with den - starting in the $ 190s You select your interior finishes Free Association fees Rar one year Interest rates as low as 2.5% on some units l)own payment as low as 3.5% First-time buyers eligible for $8,000 tax credit VA financing available The Atwater is 80% sold Immediate occupancy available THE ATWATER 4 Gaslight Drive, Racine Wisconsin 53403 Sales office open Fri-Tuehü:00 am-5:00 pm 2626377801 3 New Ebgiand Builders, Inc. Developen Gaslight Pointe Associates, LLC ,t'M ::.' :12Cl 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 I today's homes NEAR NORTH -U todayhs homes NEAR NORTH -U 3 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 ( ROCK CREEK DEVELOPMENT Fall family fun fest Saturday at Bowes Creek Searetihig for some fimily Visit this community fun and a way to enjoy the fall season? l3owes Creek Country Club's Fall Family Fun Fest is this Saturday from noon p.m. to 3 p.m. in Elgin. The free event spunsored byToll Brothers includes trick-or-treating with your costumed kids or grandkids, a chance for them to pick a pumpkin at the patch, and apple cider and donuts for everyone. To vinit, tram I-90 take Randall Road oouth for five miles to Bowos Road, go West on Bowes for two miles to the entrance, then left on Bowes Croak Boulevard to the Harvard model. The salen center is open daily from 10 am. until 6 p.m. Information Is available by coiling for the Mantera Collection (847-468-1852), Toarnament CollectIon (847-488-02650, "actIvo ndUll" townhomes (847695-0005), "active adult" single-family (847-6950961), or by vIsIting BowosCreekCouniryClOb. corn. The festivities take place within the Bowes Creek corn- munity at six different locations. Start at the Masters :fif1IhI,I Collection/Harvard model for pumpkin selection and pick up a map that will direct you to the Towiihome Collection model, the "active adult" single-tamily and townhome models, the Clubhouse Pro Shop and Porter's Pub restaurant. \Ve are proud to sponsor this event and bring thin cool- Luxurious two- and iimree- niunity together for an afternoon of family fun," said Andy Stern, senior vice president of Toll Brothers, "This is a great opportunity to experience thin country club lifestyle our bonieowners enjoy at Boives Creek Country Club," For those ivhio want to take Brlrigyour famIly to Bowes Creek Couiitrj Club for a Fall FamIly Fun Fest on Saturday from noon to 3 p.m.. PIctured Is the Harvard model. advantage of the buyer's mar- bedroom single-family imomnes willi two-car garages are avail- able willi (,600 to over 2,500 square feet; all have first-floor masters with 9 amid 10-foot ccii- ingo. Honies are priced from time upper $200,000s, Elegant townimomss with 1,600 to 2,000 square feet tea- lure a Best-floor master suite ket, the builder is offering a special event incentive in the orated in a rustic décorreminis- coniniunity of 932 luxurious walkout or lookout baoemeots, logs. They include 9-foot lirst- willi private bath, an additional form of premium upgrades cent ofthe public linones found homes, priced from tice mid- New homes siten ame available floor ceilings, two-car garages, bedrooni and bath, auch a twoon this day only. Information in England is worth a visit, Also will be available at each model take a hook at Porter's Pub - a home or call thie sales team at newsignatureEnghish-styheeeslourant with its wood and tiled 847-488-0044 for details. You may not want to miss thin floors, tin ceiling, and massive new Rick Jacobson-designed bar - all decorated in warm golf course and clubhouse now open to the public. Intended to be thin centerpiece of the communit>', the newly opened 18hole public golf courue is oestied amidst the natural beauty of rolling hills. A challenging colors, enhanced with comfortable seating. In addition to the large dining room, there's also a private dining room for par- ties, as well as a fireplace to warm thin winter nights. Creative land planning coucourse for any player, it takes pled willi the natural beauty of advantage of all the natural ponds, hills and lakes provide amenities the site lias to offer. golf course views from many An expansive clubhouse der- homes within tills golf course along the scenic 13th and 15th kitchens witim granite coummtem$200,000s. Toll Brothers offers two prod- holes, while other premium tops ucmd 42-inch cabinets with oct lines. The largest homes sites are located in a secluded crown moldingo, hardwood boasting 2,600 to 4,300 square enclave. Lavishly decorated, flooring. crown molding, and 9feetcan be found inThe Mustern the four-bedroom 3½-bath Hum- foot basements, Snow removal Collection, Conoisting of 159 es- yard model is open for touring. and exterior maintenamcce are For those seeking a hocv- provided. tate homes featuring four bedDesigned specifically for rooms, 2½ baths, and three-car maintenance towniiome, the side-entry orcourtyard garagen, Tournament Collection is com- thone 55 and older is Regency these elegant homes are geared prised of 164 three-bedroom, at Boives Creek Country Club, towards families and priced 2½-bath, twocar-garage town- a separate gated neighcborlcood from thin upper-$300,000s to homes shcowcasing four floor- nestled within the larger cornplanswith 2,000 to 2,300 square munity, with ils own clubhouse. the mid-$500,000s. Situated along the golf feet of living space, priced from Geared to mature buyers who want a losv-maintenance lifecourse and Kane County For- mid-$200,000s. These spacious homesare sit- style, lasvn care and snow reest Preserve, many of the Mastern Collection residences have uated in four and six-unit build- moval are provided. car garage and are priced from the mid-$200,000s. Residents enjoy a resort-hike lifestyle with year-round recreational opportummities at tice 9,000-square-foot clubhsuse with iiien's amid women's card rooms, a bar and flat screen 'l'Va, a billiards rooni and a multi-purpose ballroonm, There's also a fitness center and aerobics studio, and woinen's hocker roommi with access to the pool deck. Outdoors, owners emoy a swimminiimmg pool, ten- nie courts, bocce ball courts, amcd a putting green. Time for a compromise on tax credit extension just about a niomithi, (hie first-time hmomebuyemn' see time effects as time last of tice SUN-TIMES MEDIA triple whiammy of mighty fine interest rates, and a breathmtaking drop in home linces due in part to tice increased miuniber Congress that propose to extend this tax credit into 2010 ofsicort nahes and foreclosures, and/er sweeten tice amoummt of along ivithi time tax credit, lt's liard to hmimmpoimmt the excredit, On tice surface, extemiciing the tax credit seems hike a act reason sales have been up, but time National Association of min-bruiner, but lilie amiy good gift horse, inside its nmoutim are hlecmhlors estiniates thmcìt by Nov. According to omme estimate, wimiding their way througlm First-time owners can clean house naturally narrowed thin long including living a more natural new start in your new honie. house-hunting search down to lifestyle at home. You may love the tact that your favorite option, made an Moving into a new home can your new home affords you offer the homeowners couldn't be exciting and overwhelming more living space, but with refuse, or took advantage of at thin came time, but a few more space comes more (lioso biulder incentives and siniple steps can ease the tran- chores. Start out by fairly dishow prices. And are well-posh- sition." says Jen Singer, family triboting chores among family honed to take advantage of thiat lifestyle expert. "Think of it as members. "It might be fun to play with $8,000 first-time home buyer a clean slate for your family, refederal housing tax credit. All gardless of whether someone your iiew waoiiing machine previously lived (hiere." now, but doing all tice laundry that's left to do is move in. Here are a few tipo. all the time will get old fast," Bot thin excitement of maliSinger says. "So task your ing a home your own can dim lt's a dirty little secret thin first time you open a cubi- sometimes the previous own- spouse with grabbing a natunet door or look in (lie oven to ers heave a mess behind when rai laundry stain remover that realize not everyone shiares they move out, and it's pretty cleans powerfully to tackle the same commitment to good liard for them to think of ev- tough stains." erythiing willi all (liai packing u lt's an unwritten law of new housekeeping. Whether cleaning your new and moving going on. home physics: when you move Even if they don't leave a into a bigger place, your fumihome before moving in, or looking for a way to juggle the mess, you'11 still want to give turc, clothes and other things increase in hiouseivork that your new home a good clean- multiply to take up all the new comes when you move from an ing so it truly feels like you're space. More space and more apartment to a larger condo or making a fresh start." Singer stuffcan add up to clutter and ultimately, more waste, single-family home, tidying up saya. Before you settle into your "Resist the urge to fill your your environment doesn't have to be a tough or expensive new home. dust, mop and scrub closets and counters with new task. Moving into a new place everything from the ceiling to things," Singer says. "Instead, is a great time to start fresh, the tloor, It'll save you from feel- look at new ways of using piecbreaking out of old routines ing like you're living in someone es you already own," You and trying different things, else's dirt, and give you a branch tor who proposes a $15,000 tax credit, extended to all buyers mnore sales. Eachm nice oftimose salss crovides its owmm little economic tic: if you just moved boxen ofprimury residemmces timmougim boost, V/lien first-time buyers that you packed two moves ago 2010, willi mio income hiniits. muove into time first rung of tice and haven't unpacked since, (Time current tax credit is up to hcommme swmmersimip ladder, timeir sellers can go omm io purchase 10 tiercent ofpnrchmase price, quid, peaceful environment, combined with munity. Timm time stair-free lifestyle of a rancis imome, will make this the set up an appoIntment to vlow the community or meet with Rock Creek Homes, call 847338-3821 or visit www, or www.hennlngentates, cam, Sam is coming to also time commupany lias snveileci a program tuai allows the buyer to accumulate doivn pay- ON THE HOME FRONT were solch in 60 days foiloiv- lug hefty price reductions of$50,000 to $150,000 per "Uncle Sain tandenm prounii, said Paulette Rodriguez, grams - time tax credit and broker associate with Jameoon how-down payment FHA loans, Real Estate, LLC. along with affordable condo "More than imalfofihie sales pricing set by developers - are are FHA deals snd 75 tiercent isehiiing muove housing units this fall," said conchominiuni appraiser Gail Lissner, vice hcresidecmt ofAppraisal Research Lid, "AmicI there appears tobe steomig miemicanmi at the lower- priced end ottime mmcarket," Nationwide, muore timan 1.1 mcer minus, witim 1½ or two baths and 1,t00 to 1,400 square feet remain to be solch at prices rangimig troni $2t0,000 to concio buyers have taken $290,000, said developer cmclvamitsge ottime federal tax credit as of mmmiml-September, hi- Charles L. Cornelius, Jr., a eluding more timan 51,000 fami- partner in Catalpcm Partners. 2010, Secm. lsaksocm also wants to expand time hirogrammi to all hcsmmiebuyers as long as they carmi less tIman $150,000 animoally or less timaim $300,000 for nmarried couples fihimig jointly. Ifynu are a flrst-timmie buyer ors that are a shade darker mismo a few. Because money to simuli Chicago's mcelv-construction comidoniimiioni mnarket l'ricca otomme-bc'droomii, suebatii ummits stcurt at $192,000, well, no ticere is sci admiitional where sonic oftice best deals impact on time ecommonmics of iii decades corremitly are becmmg new icomice commstrmmctiomi, All told, lice mmcediamm imonie sale offered, wimile two-beuiroomui, ocme-bath resichemices begimm at $262,900. First closimigs are cmmcclerway iiohiiicimns and timeir constitu- ofan existimig hiomice affects time emits, It's easy to see wimy. hmm tIme mmimmnber of neiv hionies soul as Chicago area. home sales immcreased in July aocI August, In keeping with your coniif you're repaintimig in time wimm- ter when ventiicmtion will be linmited, Sourco: ARAcontoni 'l'imemi, traditiommahly, time sale At Catalpa Gardemis, a 1211- at 1555 Wabash, whuiclm is 55-huercent solch amici ready and in August tIme total mmummcber of sales was imigimer timamm in in 2008 gccmeratc'ii muore timan ummit niici-rise developcimemmt ut August 2008, Sonic ofthe iii$60,000 iii additional economicic creased saies cibo could be clue Turn to SEVERINSEN, 6 io a sizzling bcmyer's markel, cm Edgewater mmeigimboricooci on for ininiediate occupamscy. Call 312-922-1555, or visit lime North Side, 45 comido units www.hsssuvabasim,commi, - .,--:: , ment - covering mortgage interest, principal, real estate mmcsv huoucie," Call 312-207-0007, or visit vww.565Quiuucy,conu. 1122 W. Catalpa Ave. in tise The Home Frani, Don DoBat's weekly real estate col- umn syndicated by DeBat MediaServiceu, unravels the coniplexitlesofhomebuying, mortgage shopping, homoownership, renuing, building, renovation and remodel- ing. For more home-baying information, visit www,don :'1.'u )sc.oio o'ebâi o' canbu wiiqss,-ks. . Come see t t. , u.l.u' i" piic)i.Lu:u t Thin address you sc'amit. ' ,.. ' .«5"°u., . . m : f 'ft u FI-t&Joaflsp alk' u": ir 'u : °."Ine ., 'u'" ' , .847.583.4700, ? »' MEADÒW RIDGE . ,\ 1,,,I ,,,,,i ,,,,nt',' .,'. i,',,,I . L,,g tI,x,, c'l,,u . i, u, cl u1, ',. 'u'*;-u,' .'..r- ,,,,,u,,,,,,u,,Ai)DltES s . .: 847-559-9800 :'.':.:i '- %t% mismo poyme t finaitOIcig aSAlobi. nu1,t'iAiue.n. si). down pui'msst aV$lobieo V hones ,,,uuii,iiis SOeuuuluucooK n,,,'iu,ado,,rulu.'ci,, (brink ',i,ì Ñ 4') ' -. dv/Jò1/ ' ':, _1 The lifestyle i0ti desire, Now SELLING. u, . what the talk is about! West Realty. "All or hmcmrt of the residence, now is a great time credit is gemcerahly populcmr with style," Simmger says. e A Quimicy. "Time niomithuhy hay- wait, We vihl imand you our $8,000 at tIme closing," said Terrie Whuittaker, iiresidemmt of sales and msiarketimsg for New miiommtiily mmiortgage paymiieiii." You'll be surprised to find how it can show off your icersonsl to time mid-$400,000-bracket Buyera put $5,000 down and they can muove imito 565 "l'ue buyer doesn't have to hunting fur ami ciflordable new sitting in various comiimittees. the idea of extending lime tax mitment to live naturally, hook for low-VOC paints, especially hies in Illimmois, accorchimig to tice $8,000 dievelohcer credit can be used to buy.chowmi time interest rate for a hieriod timime. Tuis Ciii) drsmiiaticahly lower their tiian you'd normally go foc, period to purchase omme-bed- room and two-bedrooni units priced from the mid-$200,000s million first-time imomne and fixtures and landscaping, to econoniy, there io a significant niultiphier of$1,34 to S1.02 for every dollar spent on housing. e taxes and condo assessncents - is as how as $1,565," said Jody C. Williams, market. ottime buyers are first-tinme pur- ing coordinator of Belgravia chasers takimig advantage of Group. "Over tice next h2 tice $8,000 tax credit," hlodrinmontims more timan 70 percemul guez said, ottime mnoucthuhy payniemuis go Fourteen two-becirooni cor- towards the pmmrchucuse of their phiances, miew furmmiture, higimt spemmt re-circulates tiiroughi time s! miiemct money over cm l2-montim Don DeBat timings: carpeting, niajor ap- hmm fact, wimetiieryou cire ....- credit and FHA finumccing, but his Web site, any of time liait dozemi or so bills ILih1 " WIthIn the em,vhronmeotahty mnollhm Henning Estates communtly, Reck Creek Homes will offer a nudely of ranch homes that pmvfde 1,800 to 2,260 square feet of Using space for $360,000 to $420,000 at Henning Estates lo Humstley. dent Obama's $8,000 federal tax credit for first-tinme buyers and Uncle Sans's 3.5 percent down payment Federal Hausing Administration-insured loan program is helping reselle Citicago's new-construction our economy," said Isakoon omm talkimmg about hocmksomm's bill or -!':;f' only is offmmmg time $8,000 tax ket if we are going lo restore "Docm't be afraid to pick col- 4k;; TIme one-two punch of Presi- fore tiiey heft, mepcminting is an spcmcd timousamimis ofdohlars on . - Loop, Behgravia Group cot mmew home put a fresh coat of paint throughout tice house be- "I believe our ecommomic _ -, . condo clevelapusuemst imu tue West tice tax credit untihJune 30 of omm Dcc. h, 2009.) . At 565 Quincy, a loft and tice rescmce of Chicago's recession-wracked Uncle they mmearly cclwsys need new kmmosvmm multitilier effect of real estate saies. New lmomimeosvners . .. Uncle Sam resbuing dévëlopers with FHA loans and tax credits extemmdimmg tIme deadlimme for oilier requirements. ht expires . s .. . effort is that hmonieownern will vaulted ceilings iii virtually ev- also evolved over time years to pie cabinets, ceramic floor tile age one-third of an acre, 80 per- hmardly ever look out their back cry room because they do not meet different lifestyles. For in baths, luxury master baths, seen their last child heave the cent of which are suitable for windows and see time back yard have to worry about impacting maximum living space, the and landscaped front yards. nest for good. tIme construction of a $300,000 of another home." rosmu on the second floor," floor plans typically feature a Optional amenities such as "We believe there are a num- to $420,000 home on a walk-out As a compliment to this stunCurb appeal is of utmost im- large family room with a vault- sione hearth fireplaces, walkber of active families clone to or hook-out basement, fling landscape, Henning Estates partance tom today's homcbuy- ed ceiling and space for ami op- out basements, three-car garetirement who are not interTime amazing tIming about tIme lias designed a number of rauchi ero, and Rock Creek's models tional fireplace. rages, stamped concrete paested in tue strict rules and overall design and layout ottime homes that perfectly match excei in this regarci, Brick All houses built by Rock lion, and additional bedroom regulations foumid in a typical community is tIme privacy that today's lifestyle. Within the envi- covers the emitire home and a Creek Homes in Henning Es- options are available. age-restricted retirement com- homeowners will find at Hen- roamentally sensitive conimuni- dramatic roofline soars to muew taies offer architectural elFamilies who live at Henmisunity," states Ryan VanLue, ning Estates. Because of care- ty,wiiich hasits own state-sf-the- heights. A vcmricty ol gables. evationo, which could include ning Estates will have easy co-owner of Rock Creek Deveh- ful phunnimig, 100 percemit of art wastewatertreatumcent facility, hips and valleys provide all time brick, stone, cerium and archi- access to Chicago via various opinent. "For timose people we its icomesites back up io open Rock Creek Homes will offer a ingredients miecesuary to cre- teciurahly interesting rooflines, road networks and train lines. lisce created an alternative life- space. Of tice community's 110 variety of manchi icomes that pro- aie a stunning exterior tust huas Each residemuce will include Residents can commute easily style that offers tIme peace and acres, 55 acres is devoted io vide 1,800 to 2,260 square feet of strong curb appeal. two or2½ baths, two lo three on the tant and efficient Union serenity that can only be found open space, wetlands or ponds, living space. Because of time impressive bedrooms, separate breakfast Pacific Northwest Line Metra in time undisturbed country"We made an effort to make "We believe ranches are gain- roof pitches found Ou the new area, a grcund family room, for- trains or by car gain access side, and (hie convenience that sore that time backyard of vim- ing more appeal because people rauchi plans, Ilmo interior ccii- mal dinning room and attached to tice full h-00 Tohlway intercan only be found in a stair-free tually every imome opens up no longer whIm to climb stairs logs of time homes are equally two-car garage. change within a few minutes. manchi imome," to sonic sort of green space," and they appreciate the huge impressive. \Vithout a second Every home will contain a Withi these transportation spHomesites and hiocmies in VanLue said, "Sometimes it basements that can be finishmed floor in these homes to imiter- basement, ivardwood floors, partunities homeowners will Henning Estates are sized for might be a pond, otiier times an game rooms, autchitionaf beil- feme, tice volume in the mostean stainlesssteei apphiances,vault- be able io reach employment families hooking for a smaller it might be wetlands and then rooms, workout rooms and be translated into a wide vari- ed ceilings, energy efficient opportunities in communities homesite amid a more space-ct- again it could hie a natural pmai- more," VanLue said. "Iluncimes ety of custom ceihimigs in virtu- furnace and cuir conditioning, sucht as Hoffman Estates or ficient home. Henning Estates rie withi (ahi grasses waving in also allow architects the free- ally every room, insulated windows, finished in- Schsumhurg and ofcourse, the features hmomesites that aver- the breeze, Time result of this domii to put volume or dramatic 'Fue layouts of ranches have sulated garages, staggered ma- city of Chicago, ammih moving exicenses. Timen Furthermore, there is a vehl . ' or emapty-nestems who have juot closing costs, comiimnissions ammothmer home, amid so omm. ............ ... r;, . . . perfect community for retired families hooking to downsize housing mmmarket and limai we niust restore time housimcg mmiar- up to $8,000 for first-timmce buyers who mcccl imicome amid sonuhize your envimommmmiemmt. RiD imonies planned for construetion within tuis landmark com- flit, :e55.n.r.,..r,, gen. ,a,.;.em,.. irium.,, s-n-na.. w. of the h-90 Tollway. To problems started with time "You may not even wamit to open them before donating or recycling them," Singer onggeots. "After all, whatever is hmi them io something you've donejust fue without for quite awhile." I Even if time sellers of your easy, inexpensive way to lier- Another clutter-cutting tac- mento are the only style of . Honnlng Estates is on Church Road, onequarter-mIle east of Rouie 20 and two mlles north LLC. Cali 312-'i20-8i348 or visit Internal Revemsime Service. Tise First-iimmce buyers can double tax credit expiren Nov. 30. 'ro Uncle Sam's $8,000 tax-credit qualify as a iirst-timmie buyer, you cannot imave owmmed a home deal to $16,000 at t555 Wafor three years before making bash, a t76-umcit new-comistruca hiomne l)urchiase that qualifies lion mich-risc iii the South Loop whicim Ivan recently approved for time tax credit, for FHA-insmmred iimiuucimig, 'Fimo prograni lias been so noted developer'red Mazols, successful that Semi. Johnny presidemmt of New West Realty. hsaksocm (R-GA) imus proposed get rid of timoni, I 30 about 355,000 udchitiomcal One bili timat's getting hots of sales will be attributable to time ink is that by Sen. Johnny Isak- legislation, or cmmouncl 7 percent somi ofGeorgia, a formicer Real- lisci inlroduced time first conservation minded residential comniummity in McHenry County. Banchi plans with full base- .:,.ta.."- « .... Visit this community ses ofred ink, experts say. at least 20 different bills are a few comphicatiommn. about timo emivironment and more of time baby boomer gencration getting cloner to retirement, Rock Creek Development conmiomninicmm mmiarket fromii a Kay Severinsen tax credit recipients schedule their closings. Enloylog that new home, especIally for first-lImo boyero, also moans preppIng for a little wnrk to make sore lt's really clean the way you wantIt. In recognition of our country becoming more concerned new-construction condominium market, Bills' sponsors, opponents need to meet in the middle In$8,000 federal tax credit is doe to expire, and we'll start to Henning Estates offers new ranch plans, eco-friendly land planning . e.nìu:csov,,s,,, VP .iV,iei,n ridSj,slns' , ' ': . ..... u',".u' ,:..... iaimi 37s.ssuj(, 5')øchbo&'t.uns,i,,n5,,'i.,.n) vu, ......::' , item : :...:::'.:. '. ': . :.:-:. .:. 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 today's homes NEAR NORTH -U NEAR NORTH -U I 5 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 TRANSACTIONS Real estate transfer information is public rcCOr(I and is examined regularly by licenciai institutions, Realtors and companies that sell products to homeowners. This list includes residential transfers by city inclmling street address Edison Park 7035 N Oleander Ave: Finley, Kevin & Gallasly, Eileen V; $300,000 7341 NOdoleAve: Dworakowski, Renata & Christopher; $340,000 Elmwood Park and approximate purchase price of the property. There are many factors in the full cost of a home other than the transaction price. Realtors, who are involved in the housing market on a daily basis, are in a position to provide an accurate analysis of the value of your homo or one you are consideriog. Many offer this analysis at no charge. Albany Park 5119 N KostnerAve: Munahi, Siddik & Farhaoaa; $276,000 5514 W Windsor Ave 21: Oteaiy, Dorothy A; $133,000 Barrington 1618 N 78th Ct: Vega, Jacqueline C; $190,000 1724 N 75th Ct: Shamie, Kyle & Natalie; $230,000 1930 N Hadern Ave 403: Pincham, Linda 3506 Llnneman St: Arrodondo, Guillermo 910 N Prospect Manor Ave: Godlewaka, & Guila, Cynthia Ayala; $285,000 3924 Clods Ct: Tierney Addesao, Patricia 6 Addesso, Chorlos; $475,000 Agnieszka; $235,000 4136 Cove Lo F: Milovansvtc, Zoran; $87,000 7859 N Cotdwetl Ave 310: Huynh, Dong T; 649 FaIrway Dr: Houllhan1 John A; 9260 N Maryland St: Esho, Edy Baito & Khawa Taco; $345,000 $427,500 701 Eche Le: Vircsl, Atusandrv & Samantha C; $485,000 807 Hadern Ave: Peterson, Jack & Kristin; $362,000 B; $231,000 Harwood Heights 2010 N 73rd Rd: Maties, Nancy; $129,000 4811 N Olcett Ave 517: Trice, Jessica; 2128 N 73rd Ct: Muyera, Christopher S & $315,000 Jessica Lee; $334,000 Hillside 2922 N 73rd Ave: Tellez, Susana; $68,000 NUes 8001 W Courte Dr 405: Wolaka, Angelika; $125,000 7812 W Crate SI: Kieca, Pewel; $215,000 4430 N Masen Am: Mike, Norbert; $160,000 8815 W Golf Rd IDA: Pirnuta, Raducu C & 5126 W AgatHe Ave 5126 1: Oconnsr, Anamaria A; $95,000 Bevertey; $165,000 9078 W Heathweed Dr: Taylor, Tumore J; 5656 W Gennison St: Woods, Herold T & $115,000 Karin C; $282,000 5748 W AddIson St: Ernot, Roger M; $282,000 3038 N 77th Ave: Salgado, Jesus & Luzcelis V; $230,000 416 Geneva Ave: Fernandez, JessIca; 7907 W CressoN Dr: Rivera, Dorelia; $73,000 4903 N Greeowoud Aye: Veteris Jr, Gil M & 5825 W BerenIce Ave: Kowul, Maria & Wiodzimlorz; $136,000 5837 W Comella Am: Dichte, Allyson B; Velorio, Koron S; $267,000 $237,000 Inverness Evanston 242 Wiltew St: Duratovlc, Admir & Mirsa; $495,000 242 WltlowSt: Rogers, Steve; $495,000 4905 N Rtdgewoed Ave: Marrero, Nelson; Prospect Heights $295,000 1221 Hull Ter 2E: Tully, Soanna M; Christine A; $882,500 405 Park Banington Dr Borke, Sharon; $320,000 $92,000 800 E Hillside Ave: Stockier Jr. Bruce J & Stockier, Linda M; $141,500 1415 Sherman Ave 506: Williams, Jenna M 4950 N Monicker Ave: Dummler, Scott M & & Pahnke, Chad A; $325,000 Leick, Karen E; $390,000 George H & Virginia; $174,000 7649 W Gunnlson St: Stankovic, Dreaks & Natasa; $245,000 0716 Emerson St: Waldron, Robert J; 5024 N AustIn Ave 3F: Adams, David; 8048 W Charnialne Rd: Jaskowake, Janina $135,000 $149,500 Grella; $310,000 1101 Rico Ave: Carrera, Jose J; $113,500 1730 Hioman Ave 4F: Negronida, Janet D; 5116 N Menant Ase: Magsi, Home; 121 Marshall Ave: Kiniow, David; $270,000 $310,000 $155,000 1834 RIdge Aso 123: Skogiund, James K; $159,000 5132 N Lotus Ayo: Ha, Jlajian & Tong, 1234 Elinwoed Ave 4F: Lai, Dung Viet & Jefferson Park Duc Viet; $225,000 4936 N PontIac Ave: Guerriero, Michael R; 832 E Old Willow Rd 104: Arovals Jr, Juan $230,000 Manuel; $80,000 6950 W Forest Preserve Dr: Pandeliett, Northbrook Sulan; $215,000 Chepov, Masha; $500,000 1812 Laurel Ase: Soto, Damaris S; 5249 N Moody Ayo: Rodriguez Duran, $128,000 2023 Maple Am: Matz, Steven M & Kristen L Armotrong; $455,000 Mildred; $210,000 3440 Sycamere La: Biondoililo, Oscar Raoi & Kelloy E; $407,000 5344 N Lsckweed Ave: Huang, Rang Bang 3628 PraIrie Ave: Eng, Jonathan & & Van 0m; $532,000 Marlene; $870,000 2032 Orringtan Ave: Vernon, William 6350 N Lotas Ave: Moran Jr, Kevin M; 1771 Misaba Hitla Rd 410: Cartoon, Anthony & Jean C; $605,000 $240,000 2149 Uncotowued Dr: Brownlee, Patrick 5100 W Caneen Ayo: Lee, James W & Mcdonald & Amy Csrtwnght; $410,000 Holly R; $295,000 Berkeley 5810 W Maple Ave: Nevina, Clarence; $116,000 Broadview 2016 S 24th Ave: Canlave, Reginald & Michelle J; $149,000 Buffalo Grove 101 Old Oak Or-402: Kioepter, Richard & 3026 Thayer St: Stevens, Christopher W & Linda S; $455,000 Jeannette; $170,000 SIS Mola St 803: Maguiro, Susan S; $218,000 840 Beechweod Rd: Alimisala, Peter & 526 Greenwood St: Suvari, Airik; $795,000 Douglas, LInda; $330,000 Des Plaines 50125 Meedew Lu: Stahl, Bryan W & Merci F; $550,000 1160 Van Buree St: Stetol, Octavia; $145,000 1213 E Pialrle Ave: Wuertz, Christopher & Stefanie J; $350,000 1311 E Prairie Aye: Schoenberg, William F & Norton, Janet L; $289,000 1433 Perry St SOS: Piskorski, Geraldine A & Joseph F; $105,000 1716 Locust St: Montiel, Francisco L & Francisco; $227,000 0719 WIcke Aye: Boaak, Gabriela; $172,000 183 E River Rd 03: Azab, Adel E & Kirolea, Amany S; $209,000 183 W Millers Rd: Frede, Michael S; $250,000 3924 NimBa Dr Ralclitf, Jettroy W & Judith P; $195,000 2612 Paula in: Markiewica, Zblgnlew & Beata; $285,000 380 Brentweed Di-: Tank, Vishal C & Arjun C; $285,000 702 Reba Pl 301: Van Tu, Carolyn Beth & Ryan, James Michael; $170,000 $254,000 655 Darn James Rd: Gajcia, James J; $225,000 $350,000 4848 W Chase Ave: Casabal, Janice; 2445 Oak Ave: Incandela, Lyndsey B & $262,500 Salvatore V; $355,000 6538 N Trumbull Aye: Tagani, Atrim & 2969 Lake Placid Lo: Ssnkpiei, Jene; $487,500 620 Mlchettlue La: Herod, Danny Allen & Lincolnwood 4440 W Greenleaf Ave: Xiang, Xin; Zuda; $1,010,000 7336 N Kllboarn Ave: Au, Huma A; $280,000 818 S 8th Ave: Little Jr lii, Austin T; $131,500 822 Dshnon St 3W: HIll, Cara & Michael; $142,000 Meirose Park $425,000 $280,000 425 N PraterAye: Gutierrez, Jose E & Ambriz, Maria L; $191,000 1003 N 14th Ave: Kelly, Shonte D; 6004 W Sherwtn Am: Myer, Matthew & 2120 RobySt: Ortiz, Evelina & Martinez, Aitrod; $160,000 5711 N Osceota Aye: Cellinen, Annette C; $490,000 2237 Scott St: Montenegro, Aiberto; $130,000 6247 N NapurAno: Kelly, Kenneth M & Ralme Grat; $285,000 6224 N Hadan Am: Borke, Jenviter C; 2921 La Porte Aso: Chaidez, Jaime; $422,000 $78,000 6232 N Cicern Ave A: Diatetano, Justin R; $150,000 31149 N Wolf Rif: Medina, Juan & Cindla; $249,000 6784 N Keels Ano: Groin, Barry G & Khursigara, Purin; $375,000 761 Wlnstoa Dr: Munteanu, Ans C & Banslescu, Mihaola L; $175,000 Franklin Park 2521 Elder Le: Chiappetta, Anthony & Miriam; $193,000 Montclare 6964 W George St: Harris, Chriutoptier P; $1g5,000 Morton Grove 2556 Rose St: Chriatiano, Steven J; 2607 Willow St: Dimitrov, Stetan; $113,000 $325,000 8828 N LeslIe La OD: Velasquaz, 3242 Washtngtun St: Kaczor, Zotia; 5912 Cleveland SI: Leo, Voungdo & Voungae; $325,000 $100,000 3324 Courge St: Szydlowski, Mary; $177,000 7007 Bechwith Rd: Powell, Daniel J & Somchit; $256,000 9410 Bay Coluoy Dr 3: Kozlowuki, 3422 EIder La: Sepulveda, Ruben & Pazos, Lilian Crwhina; $170,000 Wojciech & Katarzyna; $95,000 3509 Ruby SI: Jimenez, Oscar & Resue; 995 Gracelaud Ayo: Churak, Robert J & $98,000 Sharon A; $105,000 Csncepclon, Jenna T; $202,000 8120 Grecs PoInt Rd: Sstti, Das & 8733 MslorAye: Wallace, Joan; $240,000 Mount Prospect 13 S Wltlo SI 301: Margullas, Gus G & Glencoe Dunning Artemisia; $210,000 1045 Meadew Rd: Warren, Debra & Mark; $1,470,000 114 N Kestlwerth Ave: Chuang, Heiss; $120,000 345 MadIson Ave: Nichols, Scott & Erin; $987,000 122 S Wa Polla Ano: Vob, Matthew & 3252 N Osceola Aye: Cernak, David; $205,000 428 Wuedlawe Aso: Coco, Nathan & 1317 N Peachtree Lo: Tsapralis, Tom & 3439 N OctavIa Ano: Coton Vargas, Gordon, Deborah C; $1,370,000 Maria A; $405,000 3237 N Odell Ave: Stephens, Audra L; $165,000 Yohaira & Troche Vargas, Josa; $190,000 Glenview 1720 Verde On Hamwi, Ghassan 5510m; $270,000 3501 Crate St: Nguyen, Lang & Tren, Ha; $225,000 4921 DavIs St A: Swartzendruber, Ryan & Julie; $205,000 8701 E Prairie Rd: Siddiqul, Oazi W; $230,000 3815 Eofletd Ave: Chsudhry, Shazie & Siddiqui, Moinul Islam; $403,000 l'_I. 7910 Karton Aye: Martin, Sean P; '"r, $250,000 9445 Kentue Ave 304: RamIrez, Armando; $135,000 O South Barrington Westchester O'Hare 5332 N Dolphia Ave 302: Nevins, Kimberly J & Madrzyk, Waidema P; $126,000 Oak Park 1025 Randolph St 209: Zhan, Xin; 00659 Fleet St: Diaz, Juan F; $251,000 10809 Rablrihaud St: Mavno, Patrick J; $265,000 11032 Wekefleld SI: Vors, Habib Ibrahim & Kulsum Habib; $307,000 11137 Shakespeare St: Southern Jr, Harold; $185,000 l4l4GardaerRd: Power, TraceyL; $138,000 1459 Evers Ave: Struub, Joseph D; $135,000 $t35,000 Wilmette 1111 S Lembard Aye: Frangos, Charles L & Rike; $230,000 1019 6th St: Bower, Matthew J & Shelia 0125 N Hadern Ave B: Mejia, Mryna E & M; $563,000 Zepeda, Ricardo; $242,000 3029 Elmwoed Ave: Lorge, Eric R & 1130 ClInton Aso: Onelli, Thomas P & Sarah B Faicone; $435,000 142 N Rldgetand Ave 2 N: Chev, Venpu P; $272,500 410 Lenas St: Clair, Robert St & Colletti, Sonya; $365,000 410 N Ridgelsad Ave: Gustavson, Todd & Shelley; $395,000 441 N Lombard Ave 3: Moaqsede, Liliana; $147,000 515 N Hadern Ave 101: Sanza, Dava C & Chen, Di; $208,000 535 N Euclid Ave: Creyta, Jon C & Alicia N; $1,215,000 812 S Grove Am: Guerrero, Carlos & Petra; $480,000 1105 HarrIson St: Schmeitz, Christopher T; $130,000 1141 N HetghtAee: Milito, Stino & Alisas; Michelle B; $1,250,000 Says Y0E0S0to: NEW vs. Foreclosure + LENNAR: Brand new everything plus a 2-IO warranty so you're flot out.aF.pocket for repaira. ? Forectosure: Da you really know what problems lurk behind the walls? Ratting pipes? Mold? Bad foundation? leaky roof? 1225 Wltmette Ave: Pierce, David F; $545,000 + LENNAR: We can guarantee delivery far the 1515 Forest Aye: Doradla, Anil K & Singru, $8,000' tax credit. Adiri R; $725,000 3121 Spnjcewaod Rd: Casey, Nigel & + LENNAR: We build new homes in the moat doairoble, commuter-friendly areas and offer the moat competitive pricing. ? Foreclosure: Did you know that most Leslie; $479,000 401 3rd St: Stroicker, Alien & Olson, Janet; $345,500 foreclosures take about 3 months to close? Don't buy a Foreclosure and miss out av the $8,000' government tax creditI 431 Ceotral Ave: Muzzell, David E; ? Foreclosure: Did you know a foreclosure hause wasn't able to sell at market value which is why it is foreclosed? You may think you're getting a discount but how much is it really casting you? $850,000 505 Laurel Ave: Amarthy, Arvind Kriah N & Has, Jute,,; $1,555,000 605 61k St: Moccia, Murk & Bayko, Liisa; $g50,000 705 11th St 403: Ferdinand, Mark R; $207,500 906 Paweee Bd: Scallan, Stephen & Kathleen Ohagun; $1,352,500 Winnetka $105,000 480 Willow Bd: Maicera, Michael P; 1506 Good Ave: Toroiman, Mihal & Aiyne + LENNAR: Our homes are more efficient and will save you money every day. LENNAR: Our Communities aro maintenance Froel -I. ? Foreclosure: Da yau really want la spend yaur money av a lawn mawor or spond your timo shoveling snow? ? Foreclosure: Did you know i _qflilL i lillillill I' old furnaces, old air conditioning units and leaky windows can be costly and increase your monthly utility bills by hundreds oF dollars? $1,800,000 M; $230,000 3905 N Paris Ave: Azzaretto, Brian; 1625 Gleonew Rd 302: Olson, Evan W & $220,000 Martha; $350,000 200 W Orchard Pl: Dstling, James W & Cecilia I; $462,000 3920 N Osceola Ave: Prasad, Sunil & 1965 Uneemas St: Cohen, David A; 206 N WillIam St: Whalen, Scott M & Gayatri; $124,000 $345,000 Kisch A; $655,000 $210,000 6118 W Patterson Ayo: Imberger, John K & 2621 PaulIne Ayo: Ivanov, Stoil D & 315 E Highland Ave: Jacob, Dalia; 417 N Semloary Ayo: Eliopoaioa, Holen; Kristin R; $200,000 Ivanova, Margarita T; $313,000 $375,000 6131 W DeroniceAve: Szlsgowski, Mary 2657 Commons Dr: Garner, Jason G & 405 E Lincoln St 405: Warner, Nancy; Jo; $120,000 Cara; $634,500 $160,000 $710,000 545 FurestvlowAeo: Friedman, Michael & Lucy; $430,000 7526 W Forest Preserve Ave: Sanchez, 3058 Crestwood Ln: Joseph, Tony & 730 Creuhslde Dr 510: Morzy, Zotia; 705 S KnIght Ave: Schacho, John & Andrew E & Joyce L; $217,000 Diane; $502,000 $166,000 Mimer, Rachel; $666,500 a . Manjari; $864,500 1910 E Mayo Lo: Tacker, Thomas E & Lucy Abbottn; $300,000 . 1 Weed Oaks Dr: Bose, Anirbav & $56g,500 105 Radctlffo Ct 105: SalvatIerra, Freddy H & Verela Pincay, Wendy; $395,000 s 9200 HIles Custer Rd 004: Sokotovsky, 1425 W Touhy Ave 202: Ciacclo, April L; 3533 N Ozanam Ave: Haldari, Masud; e - ¡e 7500 Lumen Aye C: Kim, Edward; $212,500 8828 HItes Ceater Rd 505: Zabet, Joseph 0909 W Gott Rd lB: Suslor, Lawrence D & Leslie E; $178,000 Elizabeth; $585,000 s 3831 KkkSt: Lemke, Michael & Burroughs, Meghan; $211,500 7925 KolmarAve: Ferguson, Charles David & Michelle R; $234,000 1035 Elm St: Kelly, Juatin & Neelam; Urbina, Maricela; $155,000 a 8452 Avers Ave: Arellano, Jacqueline P; $350,000 1000 Meaduwlath Lu: Hibner, Max & - $336,000 Park Ridge 3528 N Rutherford Aye: Diaz, Sijilredo & $130,000 & Angela M; $425,000 Krisha; $385,000 $250,000 Skokie ' Norwood Park 1811 N 24th Ave: Wiukerson, Seneca & Marketta; $155,000 6010 N Leader Aye: Olaughiin, Eilen F; s 10301 CtiaocerSt: Dong, MIng Hal & 5037 N New England Ave: Lobo, Bennett W Zhang, Nui Ra; $236,000 5859 N Itesteer Aye: Mullen, John & Catherine; $185,000 Loreta; $235,000 s & Jennitar; $205,500 Duvid; $135,000 9241 'lrtpp Ave: Kapoor, Sudhir; $355,000 1580 Grant Ano: Distetano, Jacqueline M; $190,000 Rosemont 10700 W HIggins Rd 300: Lomibas, Primo 213 E Folterten Ave: Harriett, Robert L & April L; $185,000 8845 Central Pad Ave: Howell, Nisanna; s $186,000 D; $230,000 32BVlttage Dr: Goebel, Alisha; $175,000 36 East Dr: Arellano, Juan; $90,000 675 Pearson St 505: Kaleta, Pawel L; $157,000 930 Howard Ave: Venetsanakoa, John; $117,500 Northiake 10804 FletchorAvo: Rodriguez, Dora & Ronis J; $go,000 Forest Glen River Grove 110 N Prater Ayo: Sauceds, Elizabeth; $117,000 826 ladses Ave 5: Van Nostrand, Christopher & SorsI; $207,500 5616 Crata St: Habjer, Alija & Azra; 922 E Thacker St: Walsh, Brian; $145,000 Jan Llsebeth; $587,000 Maywood 807 DavIs Sl 900: Keeter, Brian E & Gray Keeler, Karen; $290,000 $76,500 Christian; $127,500 3948 HIghland Ave: Lee, Kenneth & Michelle; $640,000 2232 Walters Am: Brown, Mari Jill; $781,000 236lrallwood Cl: Silverman, Gary & Maria; $136,000 $71,000 2516 Elder Lu: Zaimi, Migena; $120,000 487 W MIllers Bd: Kale, Kriatin J; 542 Kenitwsrth Ave: Hutton, Peter R & Vanina; $1,248,000 Debore; $521,000 737 Dehnen St OS: Musai, Sharon; 426 Cornell Ave: Wager, Nathan & Theresa; $294,000 Kenilworth $160,000 2710 Central SI 3$: Tumblin, John East; $177,000 28l2Stieridan Rd: Chapon, Sidney & Lisa; $909,000 Ronald & Lynda; $217,000 1771 Ston Rd: Levy, Lisa Mayer; $398,500 1914 Cypress Le: Vin, Jeffrey & Han, 2539 1/2 Pralrteye2E:Johnson, Lynn; Sarah Schiavone; $515,000 1124 Caysga Dr: Fleischer, Bryan K & 3114 MadIson St: Sullivan, Rayford L & Loreaine; $135,000 2829 N Melaba Ave: Samba, Nelson M; $157,500 River Forest 105 Thatcher Aye: Hompoon, Brett M & 2930 DesIsti Anm Jinete, Alvaro E; Adela; $80,000 Belmont Cragin Marok; $283,000 $185,000 4625 N Ozark Am: Keranikolea, Mihalis C & Putty; $365,000 $125,000 I.. O O 5744 W Newport Am: Karkowaki, Steven 4330 N Neve Ave 213: Marra, Salvatore; 29 RollIng Kitts Dr: trizarry, Michael S & 309 Unden Ave: Guerrero, Rafael & Portage Park 4039 N MoedyAve: Ospina, Angela P & Maysric; $210,000 4100 N Marniera Am: Montoya, Carmen & Castro, William Z; $262,000 Norridge . . . . . . Mury; $425,000 $179,000 220 IroquoIs Rd: Hayes, Jeremy & Javier Hayes, Tenia; $141,000 l3OHoweTer: Doherty John; $240,000 Bellwood 715 East Ave: Perez, Gebrioi Fuentes & Fuentes, Jaclyn W; $520,000 904 S LIncoln Ave: Browse, Michael & 16 ColumbIa Ave: Deignen, David & Gina; $334,000 20 N Dee Rd: Chang, Jing & LI, JIag; Source: Intormation provided by Record Intormation Services Inc., ottering public record data tor greet- or Chicago Including toreclosuros, new homeowners liaIs, new busi- nasses, bankruptcies, mortgage recordings, building permita end tax liens. Access available at, end watch.psbllc-record. corn, or call 630-557-1000. u, u ria 6 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 todays homes NEAR NORTH -U today's homes NEAR NORTH -U THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 j Recycled glass countertops latest trend in 'green' decor Global warming has become a top and clean, and retains aesthetic qual- concern thanks to the devastating ities. tragedies from tropical storms due Durcon, a U.S. manufacturer of epoxy resin quartz countertops and to climate change. As a result, more and more people sinks for 35 years, recently launched are increasingly sensitive to the envi- this ceo-friendly surface variation ronment and show a stronger desire for tite residential antI commercial for preserving our resources and recycling. Countless corporations are following Cuit by incorporating groes philssopliies to their regular markets. Molded front a proprietary blend of fine quartz, epoxy resin and recycled glans (i.e., clear beer bottles), the material is solid, nonporous, never requires sealing and This green trend has made its is homogenous in consistency. Its greatest impact in home decorating manufacturing process produces a syitli consumers and decorators now silky smooth and durable countertop gravitating to more eco-friendly al- surface, ternatives for interior decor. "Elements in ideal for the discernOne trend that is leaving a green ing customer who desires a unique mark in homes across the country is ceo-friendly product for kitchen the choice of recycled material coun- countcrtopn, vanities, fireplace surtertops over surfaces that are more rounds, and commercial applicaproduct offerings. conventional. Green countertops are recycled or Thin Ghonvlew condominIum building, complete wIth cecurity system and elevator also features access ta a heated, enclnsed parking garage with deeded spaces. tison," said MarIe Hauns, president of Montreal-based Leeza Distribution reneWable surfaces that minimize Inc., a distributor of premium coonimpact on the environment during tertops sucht as those by Durcon. theirproduction.Theyare comprised Source: Metro Creative of different combinations of natural and man-made materials, and they often include some form of recycled Countertnps that are recycled or Auction offers low prices glass. Many are attractive and viable renewable inrfaces mInImIzo Impacten alternatives to conventional counter- the envlrenmnnt durIng theIr prodsctlnn. Thny are comprined of different top materials. The latest entry into this catego- combinatIons of naturel and man-mudo ly, Elements by Durcon, is a green matorfaln, and they often luchado como countertop surface that is durable tuno of recycled glass. Condominiums reduced for quick sale Stylish, sustainable fall interior design ideas can be 'green' When you think of the col- compounds (V000), on vaporo ocio that meet satisfactory inthat are released from paint as door air emissions standards. it dries. Keep in mind that greenUsing paints formulated with- ing your home, inside or out, out V005 takes your home one doesn't happen in, a matter of creativity and sottie good old- step closer to reducing your en- minutes or even overnight. Its fashioned elbow grease can do. vironmental impact while heav- an ongoing proceso. Tito limit 1f you're hooking to add bold, ing your interior looking fresh, to how green your home can be fun color, paitit fits perfectly modern and filled with person- is up to how willing you are to into titis overall green scheme. silty. adjust your lifestyle. Tito choice hand shops and repurpose. Or, hook around your own Itsmo and see svitai you already have that can be adapted for a new use. You'd be surprised what a little ors associated with fall, green doesn't necessarily come to mind. Environmentally speaklug, however, it should. There's no better time than now to less- en your home's impact on the environment and change the way you decorate and live. So, why not go green this fall? lt's notnearly as diflicultto become earth-friendly as you might think. "From products that contribute to good indoor air quality to ones that truly reflect the 're- Check to sec if that Itsmo is yours. "ht doesn't take any grand and, most importantly, environ- improvement product is also It's an inexpensive, effective Indoor Air Quality certified by gestures to start going green," tito look and feel of an entire The GREENGUARD Environ- Schroeder says. "Tiny changes room. Many paint manufactur- mental Institute, a nonprofit, add up to make a big overall immentally-minded way to change orn now offer coatings that con- industry-independent organizatain few, if any, volatile organic tion that certifies indoor prod- duce, reuse, recycle' mantra, tise pact on tite environment. Source: AftAcontont Prospective htomebuyers or navvy investors have an opportunity to walk away with a new luxury condomittitint itt desirable Gienview for potentially less titan half tIto price of other homes previously sold in the building. Located at 755 N. Milwaukee Ave,, horneo in tIsis three-story, full masonny building willi elevator and heated garage were priced from $350,000 to $3011,000, but at tite auction scheduled for Nov, 10, interested buyers could pick up a new 1,350-square-foot, twobedroom, two-bath home for perhaps as how as $175,000 On the second and third flooru, these four completehy fittisited units are equipped with bight-end amenities like fireplaces, number ofalfordablegreen intenor decorating products has lit- -raIIy expIodct within tue past AtWater five years," says Donna Schro- FROM PAGE 1 oder, Dutch Boy color market. The cnndnmhshum building at 755 N. Milwaukee Ave. offers amenities associated w'dh single-family humes. Each of the fear homos scheduled for aactian offers comfurtable linIng rooms, welt-appointed kitchens and formal dining moms. heated, enclosed parking garage willi side-by-side Amans refrigerator, dishdeeded S5CC5 and automatic garage washmer and microwave with vemited For auction information doors, Some of tite remaining units range hood) and ceramic tile floors in Cati 630-990-5353 on visit www. hardwood flooring, stainless steel are end-umuits. both baths, iniandreauctionscom, appliances and granite countentops. Time building is constructed of solid Residents will also appreciate the Special financing will be made avail- brick with Flexicon antI two incites community's proxintity to transponable for qualified bidders, of insulation in ahi exterior wails. Fon talion, shopping anal recreational "We highly encourage interested added energy conservation, insulated amenities. Time conuiooniniutm is only State Tohiway (I-294). Drive time to parties to attend one of our scheduled windows are in cacho lionne. ose on two mihes west of tine shopping tIte Loop is 40 minutes. O'Hare airport open houses from i to 3 pin. on Nov. 'Titis condominiumno building offers malts, restaurants, movie theaters, is a 20-minute drive, and Midway io 55 i at tIto heavily landscaped condo. ametuities a000ciated with oingle'fam- golfcounses amid oilier activities found mimnuteo, Metna nail commuters reach minium building," said Patti Rogers. uy lionnes. Each of the four homes in Tue Glens, tite former site of tite the heantofChticago in 35 minutes. senior vice president of inland Real scheduled for auction offer comfort- Gienview Naval base. Tine Glen is a To visit tite condominiums at 755 Estate Atictiomis. "This is a great op- able hiving rooms, well-appointed 1,121 acre mixed-use district with new N. Milwaukee, prospective buyers pontunity to view each of tIme condo kitchens, formai dining rooms and huomttes, offices and retail space. l'ub- shoumhd take I-294 to, Dempsten SIred units, tmthk with nun people and ask garageo," Rogers said. "At tite same hic amenities include Lake Gienview, (east) to Greenwood Road (north), questions about tite property and the time, an easy, maintenance-free envi- Park Center, Gallery Park, Air Station to Milwaukee Ave (west). The red auction process." ronmemut allows ail owners to relax, en- Prairie, two golf courses and a Metra brick building is on the night side of TIme contlominium building, coin- tertain, and simply enjoy their husmes statioo. tite road. 'l'ite auction will be on Nov. plete with security system amid eleva- without tite responsibility of upkeep." Gienview is noted for excellent 10 at time Westin Hotel at 70 Yorktown ton, io in a quiet setting. TIse remainAhi condonuinitim units conte with schools, attractive itomes, lusit parks Center in Lombard, Registration will Ing two-bedroom condominiunto standard features such as oak doors and an active business district. Many begin at G p.m. and tite auction wili befeature two full baths, great rooms, and trim, security intercom service, nationally recogmuized corporations gin at 7 p.m. a well laid-out kitchen, formai dimming energy efficient gas forced air beat otre hneadquartened Oliere as weil. For ntore information about the auc room, and private walk-out balconies. mind centrai air conditioning, Msytag The village is situated between tite tion, cali 630-900-5353 on visit www, Each condominium has access to a & Frigidaire ouppiiances (gas range, Edens Expressway (h-94), and the Tri- ing and design manager. These days, you can find purchasers' specific needs, stylish, eco-friendly design cl. ements for every room in the house. And, contrary to popular belief, going green doesn't . Deautlful, estebilohed commeolt . Excellent Gttrnoo schools . Minutes from I-94, Gurnee Mills mean you have to sacrifice style for sustainability. The two can coexist quite effortlessly. You can start simple by dressing your bed in luxurious sheets, throws and comforters made from fabrics such as rich, renewable bamboo or soft, organic cotton. Cover your floors with carpets constructed of recycled fibers or select a natural material, like stone, slafe or even concrete. Then, hang energy-efficient window treatments with high "Since now is the best time to purchase your vacation getaway, we soatit to make it easy for you; that's why we are offer- GLENVIEW percetit on select units, anti a down payment as how as 3,5 President Chinin Rintz, Severinsen FROM PAGE 2 benefit per sale, according to the National Association of Realtors. Another key benefit of extending tite tax credit, says Lawrence Yuu, the NAR's chief economist, is that it will help to eliminate tite "fear factor" for home buyers who worry that home prices will continue to drop. Over recent months, the inventory ofunsotd homes has dropped from tite 11- or l2.manth supply of last year to about eight months. lfthe tax credit is extended through mid2010, Yun says, "it will bring tite inventory level down to six months' supply, at which point, the housing market can lisce s self-sustaining recovery." Based on tite economic impact alone, it seems like any sane person would autsmatically vote for tite extension of tite tax credit. 1-lowever, there are also some sane reasons to find it unwise. Most of tite naysayers base their complaint on tite oft-stated statistic that only 15 percent of tite home buyers receiving an $8,000 tax credit would not have bought a home without it. In oilier words, they say tite credit is wasted on 85 percent of buyers becauoe they would have purchased anyway. Add up all the $8,000 tax credit gifts sud divide them by 15 percent ofthe buyers, anti tite tax outlay looks more like $43,000 each for those buyers wits would not have purchased anyway. Nayaayers also point out that a tax credit artificially boosts sales during tite time of tax credits, only to let the market falter as soon as the program expires. They point to the Cash for Clunkers program, which they say stimuhated sales of new cars during tIte time of the program, but that money went oiily to people who would havebought a car anyway, and since Midway Village Condominiums "l'here'n stili time to take 6100 S. Keating+ Chicago, Illinois 02 Bodroon/2Btlh OHuId000d Flsors ULirgelticony, Eitsatsrlldg, advantage of hate fall oit the lakefront etjoying spectacular views of Lake Michigan front your private balcotty," added insulation and shading proper- recycled materials. Add bright ties. recycled glass plates and servDon't stop there. Spice up ing pieces to your china cabiyour tired sofa with a design- net. Buy furniture made from fsrward slipcover and throw piI- sustainably harvested wood or, lows crafted from 100 percent better yet, visit local second- BrandNewCondos DEVELOPER CLOSE.OUT + 755 N. Milwaukee Ave. percent," said Executive Vice Adding cohur te your decor can be "green" Many paint manufacturera usw offer coatings that contain few, If any, volatile organic cumpusnds or vapore that are released from paint as ft dries. FALLEVELOPERCLßSE,OUÍ D IEMu1 ing free association fees for one year, interest rates as how as 2,5 StainitstStethGnanitt JAiractive FnincingAvaiIibIt Jflettid GurageParking OilgioallyP,iltd:$3h9,EW Ml1lMUM BIDS: $115,QO TO BE SOLD iNDIViDUALLY AT AUCTION Rintz,Ali remaitting residences are waiting for their nelectiotto, tohticis cati be completed in 6-8!d HUmesite NORTHBROOK weeks, "I niade one of tite best dedolons of my life when I purchaoeth a two bedroom, twoaitd-a-haif ballt condo at The they bought it during the program, they aren't buying one now, or iiext month. All this false stimulation, they add, only encourages more marginal home buyers to enter tite market, or move up, when that kind of stretch buying is what got us into titis mess in the first place. And by giving buyers $8,000, they say. buyers might end up paying $8,000 too much for a home. Oh, and thou there is tIte little matter of our national debt. Giving money to home buyers will just add to our enormous tax burdeit by bringing in leso tax revenue. I'm no economist, but it seems like there might be some room to negotiate betweeti these two poluta ofview. For one thing, tIte "tiegative BUILDER DIRECTS IMMEDIATE SALE 4 2)338reûtwood Rd. DDeepLoi3Ovc QIOOSF ULowNufhbrook RETases Atwater," said Dan Bramuchil. Ho and wife Wendy were impressed with tIte charming quaint architecture of the New England-style builditig that io perched UVTlgeAprovIdfllnSAYlï. PrexiiusPrked:$529, their Glenview home, bon are fabuloun amid tite coado ofthe tax gift. Au an examhihe, perhaps Isskson sr one of his fellow legislators could consider offering a nifty $15,000 credit for anyone who closes oit CiiiiÚ('t iOiES a home during tIte dark months of December, January and February. Then perhaps, some_,I[nicr°" ¿" time in March, when sales tend to pick up, the credit could get smaller, and/or iierltsps be extended to fewer buyers. As tIte economy picks up steam, tite credit diminishes further. It seems like tItis would have tite added benefit of causing leus of an econottlic hangover when the 847 984 4671 i J) (j i; ( credit expiren. saclt Park: Ott. 41 In WufewitIi fld,, past . .. Obviously someone willi a greater brain tItan 1; . r appronbnaLohy itilim, thin liii at ,nìrancu. :,. j J 11.1 :1 mine could come UIt with a better luau, one that (. ? :, .:qpEtloÑY to.o,t.'n.i : :. . ' doesn't heave the entire bill to our grandkids, but still stokes the itidustry. There's no question that tite housing industry lu tite heartbeat of our economy. So if ito time for tIte defibrillator paddies. Can you say , iahi,lsciufsd t,aiu,,$:0v3i5i eptIae avit0bIIIIipddaflv,iy'dO» iii abh,cl io china', nUOtai ioiIc ' leime ouf çendIhftI nublad In credit app(vot,.eiaçkØi haaa nMseitabIIlIy. Sqotie Itita,m mom Clins Op apptIniiie. "Clean?" Q-:rs ''1 \ I D ii . O AI JJ " Ìi i; wwwMyCambridgeHomecom . USthooiDitls.131&1225 MISIS BID:$250,000 ALI100ES000 SUOJECITO MINIMUM BIDS0FSI* DSpadiusOneSTAl living near dowotuwn Racine mease a fun-titled fall season with street festinais, art gallery openings, and hutiday shupphng. BedrionifliorPlins Dan says hie esulti not finth this type of weekentl retremit Politic offers somethmimig for ev- to 5 it.nt., or by appoimutanywhere. The views of Lake eryone, willi corretti floor imians meut. To visit, take l-fil muorthm Michigan and time exciting liar- Imavimig 757 to 1,836 square feet antI exit Route 20, go east foniO might have occurred anyway would be willing to coitsider something like a graduated decline Parks & Downiowa oit Lake Micitigait, and it io only one hour front Nehhies" who are figuring it costs $43,000 per sale don't appear to be calculating iii tIte economic multiplier effect of those sales. And perhaps the tax credit cheerleaders who would hike to ignore the 85 percetit of sales that ' UWtjioTrains,Sthoo!s, of livimig space. Homeowmmens 18o-slß,Brkk COURT-ORDERED AuCTION in omihy two short blocks from have a vmmniety of choices, froto wmunds tite lake (follow signs to Main Street, where tImoneo a one-bedroom otte bath, to two- clowntowmt antI harbor). Cross variety of restaurants, shops bedrooms plus tien amici two- Multi Street antI tdmnmm left on Lake Street, tIten right oit Gasamicl'a'hmaif baths, and mint studios. Ilmmilching ancenities include highct Drive. Cali 262.637-7801. "From our balcotty wo can spacious balconies on expanwatch ail tite colorful boats thocketh oit the harbor auth cmi- sise paver terraces, heated tunjoy a magnificent panorama of dergroundl parking willi largo, Lake Michigan amicI tIme Light' private storage, anti secured house, Even though tIme loca- hobby emmtny in a state-of'tiue'ant tiomi io chose to stir home, it's elevator building. TIme enterstili fan enough miway to feel taitutnent check on tIte rooftop of like we're on vacation. There's tite carriage house may be nealways nonmethming to do antI tite atniosphiene is very festive," Tite Atwater at Gaslight screech fon special functions. 'Fite saies cemuten io speit Fn- day through Momuday front 10 Bt!dirtgs Broadway & 112th + Crown Point, IN 531go Poing UCusInS3thiûodCabiWtry UMivûredSeuthy UIuniI0Vasher0 Doo CITY CENTER miles to tice dowmutowmu mires to- evator USeuro, Mialed, DeUdd UFulAppliaíeKilehons FAESENTAIVCOH.DDMIkPMSI ORG.FR!CE fiiLl0 TAiMO 202 2/I 1,120 $195900 $130000 565900 UColdShiIIOf(co1idical Bldg. 203 212 1,231 535900 $130000 $95900 U1imKiyRel1O$ice Path 200 2)2 1,170 $222900 $130,000 $99900 206 2/2 1229 1224900 1130000 194900 (NITI lOTTATI M.D. Utitiûnaj&Loialleianl Mix i I uInna today's homes lncxTew!3% Bumps tnjTyaEesstolTlyOfBmeTiti008mlSOriic950T (ho UUIITd N?ABSioliC0is1 AimnG0oncampistoircluiio;health&5ossflv1or I;bí3 App1O11ifl3lif $10M Irriis!id COIPputSIlb, 05(311Th sccid(prcroms&much 111011 MINIMUM BID: $25M NEAR NORTH E511150 ¡u producid by Fus VaIIuy Fall in Racine Downtown Holiday Panade: Enjoy live reindeer, lighted tioutu, marching banda, costumed characters and more. Nov. 14, 5:30 p.m. Dowatewn Gallery Night: Visti unique galleries und workshops to view exhibits, meet the artists antri enjoy rofroshments. Nov 21, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hulidayn In the Mansion: Tour historic Henry Duran Mansion ail ducked tor Christmas at 1012 Main St. Nov. 21-29. Publicatkss, 495 Nsuih Cnmmsnt Silos, Salti 200, Coudra, iiIJrsIu. CAILOR VlS E DiT O R IAL US ON-LINE FOR PROPER1YIAUCIION & OPEN HOUSE/INSPECTION INFORMATION :INLANDREAL TAMMY MATTHEWS Pioneer Primo; 047-4067312; inhd0plonuerlocal cern ESTATE ÁUcTIOÑ,:iÑcI . . ADVERTISING s (630) 9905353- RITA WALKER . . Soles Manaeu 700e334u24; uwalkeremwspl cam Vol 1, Nu 5 ¡DIWÏItAt1tritIml4N4tIktob . : ,D D1 gE1 n iLLcer.!tN2.E!W:2i2&4&.24i - , I!]I !!!I!Ir! 11111 ' ri Hl ii r ii iii iri'i I i'Ii''' , I i.i, l 'r1r 8 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 NEAR NORTH .0 40 LuxuRY METRO. CONDOMINIUMS MINIMUM BiDS STARTING FROM AUCTIOÑ DAY:, :'N'ovE'MBE1 15 .THE'W.CHICAGO,- Crry CENTEI. '' - OCTOBER'2i TO NOVEMBER 14" I 12505. v1ichigan Avenue, Suite A. Chicago,' IL 60605 -312-583-95201'. - :e' - ' - -,.. - '7 i' Sampling of ALiction Residences ,$2ß.5OOO ACCELERATED PARTNERS gcceleredmp corn n r - ' i i I i i'I i i i i' i i I I 'Bt8 I diversions Super Crossword ACROSS I ObcQro 5 Vino conter 9 Hydro- 51 Trnrrt .hIron. catty 52 Cnflporo Ihoropy sIte l2AdvaflCod dcg. - lOiho Scrßwtapa Lot1am monogram 18 Concept lOAn Everly brother 20 Shatro 22 Choa Err- 23 The Karg end r 103 Remora host lOS MtmcoI symbol comment 58 Sørlinçj or Stolgor 58 Troop Qrp. lO7Word form for oqual arfrolsta irr Ihe (ox. h0Ie 61 Way up 111 - Ctucoa. 681hOro 64 Man bitos 108 Aonontlllodo, 0g. ilOTabledNM 11J Crt of saris. fundan i- 32 Born 33lVrarrt 35 She got anAlrt lilaratare 39 Slop ort 41 Seafood selection 4561 Across hoer 40 berma 47 Vlenlianss 5 Ereror rho picture 6 Hchnrdasl,ory bay 7 Row 6 'Casa. blancs' character 9 Tantrum W Western bands 11 Against 12 Ms. Polares 114 Compara commont 13 lo S1r willi Loua' home ta. 69 Hardware 127 Eatxomxd 126 Geraints 14 Fui Item setting 24 Bakery display 25 Superrriedxt Warren 26 Pantry past 27 Cavrrpers corrrment 31 Munch en a mango CAMP JINX dog, cg. 66 Yaa cart - 126 Hoed ward lady 7070 Jackson 129 Praise pos5 hit 73 Comparo comment slanatoly 130 Caracas. alentar 18 Tacos. aoriste mb 16 'Evil Ways' group I7lilam hated nito Betsyl 82 Ferrys 133 Congregar tionat comeback 134 Order 21 Word wilh take or hang 26 Conter nf gravity? 25 Like 00mo peels 30 Colorado nativo 135 Clenc abbr. 34 Srnrilh or 7B shizl 79 Baby basino nary 131 Venezuelan riser BI Joan el Arc 132 Heavens la Creator 83 Beethoven symphony 86 Delibes opnrs 89dola Cito BO Mimic 136 diem l37Sayitiont sa 138 Ebb 83 Compers corronerrt DOWN 58 Honest narrte 105 LaCiler 101 LearnIng nation melhod 49 German 152 Wells philosopher opposite i Actress 'limo 2 Teach up tpo text 3 Diseccus. torn 4 t<rdgleCs ref o la... StasI 35 Salan concern 38 Admiral Zsmwail 37 Coasted 3a I-tihiae4. ors hat 39 GInger - 40 'Star Teak' androId 42 DaytOn denIzen 43 Aeplri or Basler 44trip 45 Opon on envelope 49 Cavo man? BO Put Vere rank: abler. 53 Paul at 'Scarface' 64 Secondhand 68 'It's - s r BI Eogbee mond 92 DIcamn 94 Catchall 23 96 Roch's o IS i 25 Speedwagen 97 Bo oblioufed 98 HIboclil resIdue 40 37 I ..... ::: ii IO O IS il 55 as 1'GD smash) Junction' f58 film) ooze 57 Largo tub 62 Regret 104 Aclor Slephoo 108 Warm iir4e 63 Suait 100 nf odor MuOn, Ml 100 Prodacor 65 'Cat Prieca SlCasino cutte 112 PassIon go Lolly 113 Onantal anacos 115 Adveoturar 70 Parker of Heyerdaht football 116 Irritated 71 SaIson 117 ParI et 72NnQrby UCLA 74 LOuisiana 118 Nogalina unIversity pretor 7OTOIerato 119 Parachuta 76 '- Warrt lar Invasion ISO tuno) 77 Requlro account Jm lo ..,¡04 .; vu ir la at *_ V4 ii.. I ,. ° ... :. . kind thoughts 7 U....? : i . . r: 00 90 Ot with the family e2 and loved ones . rvlI.roa rus. leo i 526 pluywright 122 11e 123 DalaI- ioitioto 124 Kitchen 87 CertaIn sppllsoca Corrrmvnlsr 125 98 HOwls item 90 Way Oser 126 Pinafore yondor port : of those 1e9N who have passed away . rr3 _- . °'miai ir5 rrg is? 110 uauu : .i u.l3SII : .. by signing ems rz4 125 t2o ut u.. r33.. the online guest book: , .5' 20011 lai0 Foaiuios Oyndicalv, IC PIONEER Piuss a vot-o LOCAL P050CC Answers: Inside todays classified section . Rèmembrances . Roymund Arltrur Gross, BO, passed away n-5 poacefully Monday, Oclobor 19th. 2009 in Franklin, TN aller o long ilineos. Ray woo born May 19, 1924 in Chicago IL io Rayrrrund and Elenor Gross. Ray grew up in Pork Ridge, IL on Norlh Washington Street. He graduated from Maine Township Hiel, School, Park Ridge In 1943 and then Immediately served in the Army Air Corps during WWI I . Ray was married to the love of his life, Mary Alice McLctndoborough (deceased May 2DU9) on July 1sf 1949. He and Mary raised four children, Paul, Peter, Judy and Jill in Park Ridge first on South Knight and thorn on Glenvlew Avenue. Ray enioyed a 35 year career in advertising soleo. Later, Ray and Mary moved to Lincoinstrire, IL and then retIred in Asheville, NC and Franklin, TN. He is survived by son, Paul (Sharon); son, Peter (Kathy); daughter, Judy (Doug); daughter, Jill (Gary). He io also survived by his beloved eight grandchildren, Erin Robbins, Marin Gross, Chr)o, Dan and Pete Jr. Gross with their mother, Connie McManuo and Adam, Sarah and Will Moorad. We love you, will miss you and will never forget the love, humor and advice you brought to our lives. A memorial service will be held Saturday, November 7th, 2009 at 10:00 am at the Cooney Funeral Home 625 N. Busse Highway Park Ridge, IL 60068, 847-695-1002. II is suggested that ¡n lieu of flowers remembrances in his honor be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Organization at: 1.900-533-2873 or ore and or the International Waldenstroms Foundation ai .Sijgii C,irstt,i,i,k el tr'gIIr1iIiii,,rrtIar,rt.riirrr lots of cheicet ceuld make It di)licol) to select whut is best For your needs Avoid snap judgmento. Take the timo ta cileck Ihom all sot to Ilod the one that really meets your goals. TAURUS (Apri) 20 ta May 20) Yea could once again erporlonca D ; YTbjqp*lfOv;' pressure From nthers whn would like ta seo you wove in annther dirocllvo. Oat heed pour Basino 4' H I G H LY R E C O M ME N D E D 'RAZOR-SHARP." insllocls to stay on your own path. GEMINI (May 21 ta Jane 20) Taking cilargo cl a project that seems to ho about la ttall or coilapso altcgether ccuid be u chal "SUBLIMELY SPARKLING." tviCAGa sun-riMEs longo Ost once everyone knaws what yoa erpoct al him or her, things should go smoothly. THE CAST IS PITCH - PERFECT." CANCER (Jane 21 to July 22) riser ou, CviCAsO Avoid Ihe presouroo of the upcoming holiday poriod by setting a time right aceto dltcuts how to divido op tilo TICKErS ARE SELLING OUT FASTORDER TODAY! WRITERSTHEATRE.ORG .8'472426OOij, titeonis i'.:.n.y., reopoaoibility et hniping a loved one come thraogh a difFicult period ;RrIE;S THEATRE LEO (July 23 to Aogost 22) Its not too eariy For all you Leonas and Leas to start making . F10,50 ong-distance travel plans. The sooner you stop procrastinating and start dociding where, when and how youro going. the botter information gap. Son it ovory000 understando the oituatien. lt not, be soro to citer a loll evpla notion . tt,s1a,e C,o,,,.,vv, Cl007 . Fan,oI . Era,, t'Iannln VIRGO 1August 23 to Soptem- CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Problems caused by that recent workplace dis traction should soon be easing, allowing you to resume working rom Memo lafommasea Ceatucit ber 22) Someone you've known for years might disappoint you, or even make yoo Feel you've been betrayed But check the acts caretully belote you make charges that could backfire on brother, Bill (Gladys); nieces and nephews, and Elaine and godchildren, Jamie Rosman Lutz. Harry was born on July 30, 1929, in Brooklyn, N'o', and later moved to Chicago, where he attended Volta grammar school and graduated from Von Steuben High School. In 1959, the Hunters moved to Skokie, whore Harry, became an Integral part of the Village, servIng on the Beautification Commission and parltcipating in the Citizens Police Academy. He had a B.S. In Commerce from Roosevelt University and was a graduate of the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management in Lake Forest. In his early years In business. Harry was a wrtter-producer at ABC, specializing in cir)ldrens' programs. In 1960, he lamed the interna) advertising statt of Abbott Laboratories. lt Was here that Harry's creative as Product position talents flourished. His Advertising Manager called for him to manage ali phases of planning and execution of advertising tor pharmaceutical and medical specialty producto directed Io physicans. Over his 30-plus years with Abbott, Harry's ads consistently won top awards far creative excellence, as measured by readership and reader-interest surveys conducted by leadtng medical iournals. He was a reader, a thinker, a lover of Scatty dogs, and, wItte his wife, an avid pairan of theater and the aria. In extension of this, he for many years assisted Diana in elections and community endeavors, Including her many activities as an elected trustee and President of the Board of the Skokie Public Library. In 55,0,', (i,idCoSn,,tln . %l,n,i 'n"S'rr" o Gror. Zack Sutton k p 847.4867239 . Sunday, November 1 at 11:00 am. His passing will be deeply felt by all who worked and shared friendships with this buoyant, generous, life-loving man. Memorials can be sent to the Skokie Public Library, 5215 Oakton Street, Skokie, IL, 60077; the Chicago AntiCruelty Society, Attn: Dr. Robyn Barbiers, President, 157 W, Grand, Chicago, IL 60654; or PAWS, 1997 dM14. N. Clybourn, Chicago, IL, Sigii e;,,.,rfi,,,, k at l'gerrliirlrlrlvrrlt.rliill PISER p_, ItO. Ua,krur/ 501v-aMts NEWS aBono Phihr,hF.oPeras Tise' Doings up LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) 4 holiday plan AQUARIUS (Joouary 20 to February lOI Changing your might hred to be revised to accommodate an snoapected complication. Come sp euh an ollernotive arraogcmeol as soon as possible Io avoid more problems down the live. SCORPIO (October 23 to N000mbor 21) Dont accept hallway euplanations tor a sitoatico that reguiles Full disclo sore. The more you know now, tile better able yea will be to handle any complIcatIons Ihat might arise. mind about a job decisioo isn't easy tar the usually committod Aqoarian. But once you check it out, pooh lind tacts peo didn't know beFore. And tacts dun't lie, he easy to got. Maybe there's an . C.lmlngCrtn,a,ori ut o less Frantic pace, That personal mutter also begins to ease Aso. SAGITTARIUS (Macember 22 to December 2)) The coopera' tien you rolled opOO Eight not Harry Hunter of Skokie, IL passed away Monday, Celebration of Life memorial in his name at the skokie Public Library at 5215 Oakton Street on Fur tite week of Nov, 2 - Nov. 8 !.r Hunter, Harry October 19, at Evanston Hospital, following a severe heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery, He is survived by his wife, Dianas his recognition of this, Diana has arranged for a HOROSCOPES ARIES (March 21 te April19) Bla Srrttl obitisrirjcs to ílrrttltrtetirro@jtiertrrrlocol,cont; erfttx to (847) 486.6836 - Gross, Raymund Arthur Share your . I EMEMBERING r Remembrances t ' iUi III01 III ro2lI rot.. nonu.roo.I. :I r 03 Christmas' 120 Take into 121 'Bss Stop' oo Thursday, October 29, 2009 www,pioneerlocatcom a . 4k 4't ro lU Ill! or 16 98'- Novar 56 Lollopa. 85 Flyer 84 Barrel 65 Aliso Ï.uui ui ' 5 4 ".::' . :30 u: 27 ibbr. 95 Merchiono hr Minea s A Pioneer Press Publication (oc) DC ' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 RYAN-PARKE "Oar Cle,eíty S,nieg there Slave 1936" Retiremcnt...Llfe Insurtincc...Wllls...Itut What About I1uncrul Prc.Planning? PISCES ifebroary 19 to MarcIr 20) Your unigov way cl siziog up a situation gives pon an edge io resolving that upsetting workplace problem. Stay on your current course regardless ut any atlempts to distract yoa BORN THIS WEEK: You are emotionally attuned to what's going on around p00, asd you easily pick up on people's needs. (it 2009 Bo Frataso Spd. bru FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 PRE ARRANGED & PREPAID FUNERALS AVAILABLE funeral Iioiite Cl,,oeotJ, Ryan prc.piitlloiog is a sep lisat maoy people overlook when piaooiog for hic fsflrirc. Know)og that thieve chcuisioos uro cetrrpictc eosorcs tirat your fato)ly Welt's trave slits ditTicoit ax clstotiooal tinte, alkhz,t C. Ryan Cooney Funeral Home FUNERAL DIRECTORS To Be Worthy of Your Confidence 3918 W, Irving l'k. Rd. CHICAGO, SL 60618 I Family owned & operated for over 73 years 120 Soods Norttiwcst iligltway . Park Ridge V'tsit vor wcbuitc at wwm.ryao.paekc.cetrs (847) 8234171 (773) 792-1811 l'leone ¿773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279.91302 625 Busse Hwy. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 Phone (847) 685-10g2 Fax (847) 685-1005 Ba) J Thursday, October29, 2009 e A Pioneer Press Publication (OC) A Pioneer Press Publication (oc) Thursday, October 29, 2009 Funeral Directors j B21 PIONEERPRESS 7nons)er and Associated Services Now working With Monster! plorieerlocaLcom/m000ter ÎZONE. Remember... I Please join us for a day of faith, prayer, and remembrance on CEMETERY SUNDAY November 1sf Open House 10a.m. fo 3p.m. Prayer Service and Rosary 2p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ..,t is the pious tradition dunnp those days for the faithful to go visit the graveo of their dear ones and to pray for thom. Servant of GOd, Popo John Paul ALL SAtNTS bes Plaines 8471298-0450 Cati.!0 t lenin: 030 ars - 500 per, Sinns - Fri \'Jatk-lo I ¡000/ 9:30 vin - 4.30 Mo,, . Fri Antntru-u: - 3701 W. LuLo Ann., Ctcniniciv ASCENStON Libertyville 8471262-1247 Payment - We accept /tninnncas Sopran, l)niern Club, Divuovor, Munternard and VISA. ASSUMPTtON Gtenweod 706/758.4772 DctlIines Wont: Contrat: Lake: GOOD SHEPHERD O,tand ParA 7081226.9951 I)onng: fudge Llncotnwnod Sosomont 2pm tuosday 2:SOpm Toorday 3pnn Tuonday 4pnt iccoday 5pot Teciday Terms :tooioil: oIi:s.ifiioIt?àjpio:o:o':-rIoii:I.c:iooi RESURRECTtON Justino 708/458.4770 Please chcck,oi,r ad: lIne piitili,ticr ovili io: two ivs1sii,ït,to for lore tui, oui i::: Orrtut iiiscrtiaii. livrer Paso Classified rinnt tin notified befliwo it: sccoi:d insertion. II: 847-998-3400 -. oo111iton 5 tiara tt17..Itt(t.7417 ST. ADALBERT Nitos 047/647.9545 Acccpr,ldttiy:flir nr:vr1i aper rvsnnts rt:e right ti: edit Or reject ii:y rvt:t,iiseilent. ST. CASIMtR ChIcago 773/239.4422 Cancellations: N ,ctnsr:tie d act can tie snicrltcd alter dcasttiiie. l)irptay ads oint ait, co:iraining artno, k cuy ihn!, 2 charge ilaanrrttrd pnor to tint insertion:. PP.5509.2 You may send 10411 998 3400 0,0011 c la silurO S® a death notice to Orlino :iips vOiOrrS deathuotjces or call for more information PIONEER PRESS ijfl1 Tb. Doings ord pi aree? Press Newsr000rs P5I40Siii00I9Hlì['i31 PSYCHiC 0000ttlOs. Ovali. lar Prinair C000Ullativno. Partivs b C-nonts 7r3.450.30U HoME $ERVICES ., LOST Wallal S US tsrrrnce hirerS in la inc EVnflS®fl 51111 scroll® Inlarmailno ::ADOPTIONS WANTED .Adopt: Ad 0,100005 rie, TV Orn on,., raid. baba Amie _td0812k Oenflorasp:e 005atrd, PIOÑEER PRESS IrI1c !lniuem . LOST&FOUND pro doser L Asseau rano 085rO r aromo ions rae baby. WWw.legacy.pjo,,,j Ott LttctL set;ttcs i5471 474i7 valuo Dr i Ml-866-9029 (87) 486-7479 i,: ¡itiocr no Dt:otlo Ni:ttc: 847.998.3 100 -- ooltIieIl (7 dreams al 040etbig a babo. Vaur child nil: bo cor greatest ireasore Wo admiro yoUr :aUr000 ApPranrd OSP. paid. t-000ioit: tto'atI000:ootcesliJjoitiooi:rloocal_tnoo: Cnnfidaiiilal. Ta orn mare about OS, cali iaao.99n-uhiY. LOFS lin. NO. 012990. ROME DELIGHT, INC. Cleaning Servis r Ociali. Onlrntvd, Attordobin. rs Ors. ESE. Iflsionfldcd Ero Rots. 3i0.96t.0090 - r13.003.aaOv 847376.0212 CURT MOMIO ON T. oil TisOtCRnvreteW0r srocialivina ir Additions Family 0,50,00, Erro Est PilrO.IrI.l005 r:IIO.421.1305 Cnswi Spaces. 005001 Sennive Ehjzill Orvairioii 0905es al Ornwnli IOr.09r.5441 oeil Mr-El Slit 147.224.t014 1-847-679-7860 NUisons c Rnctru stiRn Ca. Gonatai Contravians . 21 Ors. g9LsIii, A-1 FENCE INC Now E ReP3rjA1i1 Types NORM'S FENCE Halina's Maids, Inc. bl7-492.4r51 Sandina Stoinino. install 847-255-6500 AR L K Hardwood FIAUFIiIR Sandioa,Instaiiatine. Repairs lQ9.h594579 0AN:ELs FLOORING CO Sandino . Orpaits . Finisyino Installation . Good rrtonrnor I nsvnrd.Fro o Eslimatos t:IiIit_5It!iii' 00VEARS EXPERIENCE OiiTiposOI Forces SF0000 EcHAr. Roiiinas e. Woidino Cal: For Fmo Estimate 773.589-2246 ohioogaobostvekr.ni000l.00m Dasemente. Arrio,. Acts. eta. si r svc I47-5504510 .RED'S. COOLING SERVOCE COmWIO Clean out sonoice. Reliable 847-409-4860 r%x A PLUS PLUMOINO Ihn Ovsr Plumhor In the wnnid. 0005000ble Priore i nsUrO aLl verso d SOnndod 841-000.2000 . WtNDOWWA5HbNO SIDING S WINDOWS MIKE'S WINOOWCLEANING Fra C et i,isoïrd,WatrOnle POUOPWOSh.00IOO7 Cironira Cali John ... 700-050.6448 Ib(1 .:. REMODELIRS - W1NDOWS&000RS - MR. GROUT 847.3594100 50X1800090 CONSTIUCTION LOW VOICES SuNCO 9O 773-593-8884 t 03.841.0 t Sr 847486-7456 5IiTtutiìtrII9I5jj3ilj5t REPAIR . CARLO OATOIROOM REMODELS TILE/MARBLE INSTALLS EUROPEAN CRAFTSMAN WINDOWS DOORS SIDING OSPL4CEMONTI 51500100 ColabOro, OURIiOVIn mirano, RI tohens. Bathrooms sIisCIS,]lIIl®o Colt 041-325.5000 luiraIs tow requires mover, Ail leleriOP Oemodolirs ro ho iloerised br he Illicols Cammeeae Commislior. Ihn -stilt 1 -847-679-7860 Artordohlo Retinish your IC Cnomher Ordrespaotive lo YEARS EXP.. LIE.. INS. NEIHAUS CONSTRUCTION torn L kIr cbnts, bath ro lIke bulbos, I locro e most 00000V 84749.9500 0,00101 Crrrroçrors .04 Ors 9IOt(?4E EMPLOYMENT..: coal Osen eor.Mr-92041r3 in rho odvorrisomerr in rub Licensed nuosers i.hab& isa°dn'° 1 -847-724-5600 aurions IOOWNSPOWS ooIurnn. moco hase I esorono n on lie. For more Intormorion. oar. 1 -773-307-2332 54Dre0O7tV6TOI.0C0I9E A.O.00TTER CLEANING toco the bilAoS Commorbo 773.774.0400 lfl.eM.20t4 EOMAR, INC. WINOOW CLEANING Commission Ano RersoReeSv brIe oroold. Fner Esrlin, - rae 151.9000 :.ROOFtIIO nl shod Sore lop mor, 0h09 .flJE8tJ1O9H81l09! cox & SONS GUTTERS 1N5TALLEO E REPAIRED Oecdod b ins AN EXPO. ELECTRICIAN Looking rorsid000nk. No IOU 109400.9606 taahigorsmoii. FREE E511 . BulLDms/cOm58cTORs A Floors By Tom CANTIERI INC. Drywoli - Torino . Piostor Commdees. 90.Iiliiof.f Tremol I , fan tt17-ItIS.htt:36 APPLE APPLIaNCES OEPOIOEOA000 REPAIR 112-712-2322 ._ -' :--_ I0t Classified Avonse . cr0010,0 pioneor Pressw lilt odaorris. Ing SI a rational nppeoi. To ANY SIZE CONCRETE JOOl o avertis. in this ost000ry, ao Ors Ego. Lis., Ins . Oo,0Thd nicole Soli Ciooeitiea AUenUe ..CgtI Oreo 00 III-lOt-9500 Oirrrrip or mesi 40k0466. pioCARMENO COSCO ETE rear Pro siren ommends dis- Uld000iks. Palias. Ori0000ts cretion shonresrondiro. b S tees-PU ud Invyrro Est. Pie 050reter questions 000 comments dirnotip ro Classitied Anens. PIONEER PRESS :;: ' Lm'uil cl nssificd@pionccrloc'd toni ANNOUNCEMENTS Co:: -. -:-_., cossait: I:.g:iI1ni:0000nerIo:noI.croiio i1SI0I:t- :2417 'l'tr ¡thon' to ¡,rgtol tool Cil1 847 998-3400 Advertisri .. click the Place ad Ad link; and follow a few simple steps for placing your classified ad. l'e ¡tI:or: to CvI:!:rott. oui'4Nit PIONEER Pmss 'l'io ¡libre 00 Iiecriiilitti'rit toil lillo 8.17.998-3.100 .. oolttiooe1 3 Paix tt.57..Itth.72 III vissait: ri'trilit 000:nott?ijpittoot.:.rhttiol.toi000 fax tt17..IItlt.7156 ST. MICHAEL Palatino 847/397-3284 of those who have passed away by signing the online guest book: Go to; 1,Iot lI.fu7.998-3.IOO -. ooIoti001I ST. JOSEPH Nivor Gravo 708/453-0184 ST. MARY Everginon PR 7091422-8720 Share your kind thoughts with the family and loved ones etot:til: cli:svifietll?ijjrirtoae:'rlotral.vottoo Co,nnierctnlAds: Muy ray - coii,utt point rep OUSEN OP HEAVEN HillsIde 706/449-8300 24-7 Lox tt17-1tttt-7156 n rilsii I.ogos orArtivork: 500 tn tilo,, MARYHtLL Nitos 647/823-0982 M SAckte Park CtnsiIìo«I Di.ptnyAdr: SSO HOLY SEPULCHRE Atslp 7081422.3020 Seff-Service Classifledis jobo 847.998.3100 -- oopdooe 2 Central HautIn: Loginl Ade S:OO tori tnloiiduy HOLY CROSS Catumot City 708/802-5308 Private Pii1ty lia ¡tltoce ti Srrriioe er unii Ejote ioni l'nato I'artyAd: CALVARY Evanston 847/604-3050 AD To ¡iltor:' to ¡°rirIon. labro,. voti hiIlo 847-9)8-3400 -- opIloolo i lox t117.lItS.7497 i-inuit: :Iato,iIii.tlstuiJ1oioiuerrttt:aI.titso !-Iortrg/Loctioric 1t11e PIONEER PRESS CLEANED E SCREENED LOOMED flrtings The 001085 oca Pi0000r Preis NeOer000rs OFF-DUTY FIREMEN MrEE: 847.$fl.57fl r-847. 2P0.t000 t4lr.,4o-81r4 RloflTtiekOrdemOfl l.mod.i,n . 8.pao,. Pa,etlng wvon.richiiichaodcman corn :[o]itlITu:t.l'IRiIdìI 0.011. 000408e Ar FR1115506 PAINTING AIII7I STARVING PAINTER JltJJnij(t?u 20 Ins Eae brt/Eot Paintinn SmciolbOO In Kit. Cohinets S OldWvndlrirn, Eren Est. ..UUosymon wnrkosoiiobie C.J. ROSE 6 sON 117451.1901 AFFOIOAOLO Nr. PAINTING :IH.gI1:l pr.sI;F ColI HOCK 847-250.2211 eoeied.Addlt.00tfls.Kiiitien L:te Pi octorin 9 L R,st000tiofl work 4 nVr.Uoorarteo 5 Id Ing . Doors. Window,. Root ArMs, .sMrs, RircOoNS IOM008LE5S elfe 157. VOI CoNsour, 408cr 847-nt-4097 D dr Piosror, Wotor hreeonre loIca Cull anon Un. 1-847-714-9200 Á . '- AVON DALE Roofing Siding GuItors Windows Tvokeointiroiorio Mosonre depago 03 iS 55h00 00115005. 847-965-2146 COAST TO COAST CU. Rooting - Sidino-Gorrere LiOl OOrnOrdd OrlAred ment al or Children ara rom. hr 51,01005. Tro romber 0050ted 10015005 Ohe ComblEs Tuobrointieg . Driokwnrk Chim revs- Glose 0100k Wird Son 5h11 drenonder 000 IO ti All Topas or Mosorry Work 000500 listod hero IS suhicot ro tioenoiro. noose 000toor Vour 10501 DCF5 cilio,. 00% Se05000l 01500500 cnys.ovondoierootino rom .112th025015R._Wl,0o.00i000,Ue HAWK MA5ONOY Dynamic Extoriors Ira SO the 11110015 OernrO. UnICA S Chlrnnoo eOEoir S OObUilde-Tuokpainlirg Chemical Cleonino Fron Eso. 747.995-0335 947 553 lilT ItI1c lniite PIONEER PRESS Oho Doings and Pi 000er Press NeOsropor, msyounpEpyEcTspAoluEttT ROIScLAISPIEOS STAY Ar Momo P00001000 mom, sil: core OUr 0000 Shildllhilarer FT/PT lots ci 80. Coil Angolo 917.8554135 0001100 Probossbonal Artorotobi. SeoIr Reeoira CIcoolnO. Also Hond0000 SIrviots. Wo tir slarndnoiniro sinks, boiyivh 000800er ii eoe000e RIghO Oho FirsOTIme Hvdrolnttiro or sowrn Linos. Em orlons y Sornico 0Wt0rRtDtS.V6laCOOE LiconsUE ireUred/ Bordad Donded/Irssr 15M-002-2500 ocdMRldlOe in. tnlvrod Sot,sloot!on Goomnt..d. Sonlar Disc. Povmero pions 00011 L S O PiumbIro, 000040000 50951005 fl3.2514133 000g: lOe-402-onr Con. io.,slCom.&Gno, 24/ Boor pese. Ali 000 '5. Na Fn. En Spk A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) Thursday, October 20,2009 A Pioneer Press Publication (DC) * COMFORT KEOF005. Exp CoregIvorl CHAS WEVE GOT MÓRE. OF WHATYOU'RE AFTER. PIONEER PRESS NEWSPAPERS, McGRUFF® n Thursday, October 29, 2009 Llue In, corneO go 5o,ronc a Meurd Insured Yeah, weve got muco Groat pay and bancAls, too. 01lire campaneo wyl probably tell you Ihr same. The Alterante Is arr commitment ta you Wall give you lie raspatI you daremo und lIto opportunity Irr a career JOB FAIRS ç847)215-8550 Bar.,rsorea I Aoiswcrs to Super Croseword ßErn 'flQI I1I!1 IN DURI flflflh1flr1 riDI nuI lunn nuDnI!anrn0pnmDnDL1UJDmnE 9r1Pal flDIM imirn . these SPONSORS remind you of the ABC's of safety, and wish everyone a SAFE and Happy Halloween! o Monday, October26 ImmedIato operlr5s are avalablo Or eegmral, Ior5haul, solo ard learn 6p.m. drivers arrt owneroprraloro. Put youeooll Ir the ddvs seatard on your ScliflIdcrNation, Operan ccer Way lu a Carear lItai bru your nords. 7101w iSthAve SCH EIDER® _________ NATIONAL Baty, N Tuesday, October 27 i p.m. Schneider Nahonal OperatA5 Center ANTIOCH PUBLIC LIBRARY 757 Main Street, Anfoch, IL BELLW000 PUBLIC LIBRARY 600 Bohland Ave. Bellwood, IL 847-395-0874 708-547-7393 ) Always Watch For Cars FEE SIMPLE REALTORS CLARENDON HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY .. 7 N ProspectAve 633 Waokegan Rd., Deertield IL 60015 1 Conti Pkwy Elmwood, IL 847-945-0896 Glarendon Hill, IL j Strangers, -II Beware OfCats&Dogs GLENVIEW PARK DISTRICT DEERFIELD AUTO AND TIRE ELMWOOD PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY j 630-323-8188 lu: Cross The Street Safely HISHLAND PARK MONIESSORI SCHOOL ) !!_J Don't Talk To Strangers VILLAGE OF HILLSIDE C-v . . 708-453-7645 EatCandyAfter I 'Your Parents Check It CARE-A-LOT EARLY 181 E. Westniinister Ave, lake Forest, IL 2400 Chestoot, Glenview, IL 60025 1301 ClaW, Highland Park, IL MayorJoseph Tarnbuioo LEARNING CENTERS, INC 847-234-2733 847-433-3383 425 Hillside Ave, Hillside, IL Est 1986 708-449-6450 6441 N. Central Ave. 847-724-5670 Go Only To Houses With FlashHghts Make Your Way Safer Lights On CARD & PARTY GIANT Inspect Your Candy 915 Burlington Ave, Western Spdngs, IL 209 North Mannheim Road, 847-831-9393 Meirose Park, IL 60160 708-246-0380 708-344-7230 --O JNever Go Wdh Strangers &PhoneNuinher ', BEDS HAULING SERVICE SHAWNEE SERVICE CENTER BARTLEY'S HEATING & COOLING 15 West Grand Ave, Clicago, 1161654 333 Ridge Road, Wilineffe, IL 60091 773-616-0979 332 Linden, Wilmelle, IL 60091 3942 N. Hamilton, Chicago, IL 60018 312-822-1037 847-256-1000 847-251-1234 773-935-6050 Police Officers Are Friends - Ask Them For Help Quit Trick Or Treating After Dark Safety First! Thank Everyone For 847-409-4860 T._ Running On Wet Grass Or Pavement CanReDangerous ¿ RHONDA PRICE VILLAGE OF RIVER GROVE WILMETTE AUTO BODY 1628 Wallers, Nortlibrook, IL 60062 Mayor MaiIyo J. May, 2621 N. Thatcher, 415 Green Bay Road, VAImeUe, IL 60091 TheirTreats DEERFIELD PARK DISTRICT 836 Jewell Park Odve 847-251-1 535 RiverGrove, IL 60171 :7 Visit Only Familiar Homes Dont Block Your Vision 847-945.0650 -_Exerclse Caution CARE-A-LOT EARLY LEARNING CENTERS, INC - Est 1986 5522 N. Milwaukee Ave. #J' 773-753-0888 I VouAreA -J Special Person NATURAL CREATIONS PIONEER PRESS NEWSPAPERS TOM'S PO WER WASHING AM CONCRETE RAISING CO. SERVICES, CORP. LANDSCAPING Classified Department Decks*Walks*Siding*Fences*Concrete www.thpleaConCrete.Com 847-998-3400 773-317-4121 630-705-0200 (244-6349) 815-724-0991 Zip Your Lips Iii Yourj Candy Is Checked Have Fun Safely CALLTODAYI Neverîrich Or Treat Alone Wear Bdnht Costumes :4--'i. J ___j SUPERIOR CHIMNEY ______ Car, Ciron,. COOk,, Er. rondo. Wurii0500rniinO, in IIin,doie Free oliernoons COIl her oe,ra.,rl.94r6 Or 5E3lS.nOr1 Experienced Tutor needed . ; . The ,rnwer Is sImpI,: Situar Cross Ilorpilat has brrr a . Thsrnsor Arulrro lOOÇopKooplals ltalorulAv'urdWrrerIor live 000sroidive yew; Bulldog or oui commilmenl Io arturo quatly heullhome, Silver Cious Is buIlding u rrplaCerterl hospilal Wilh enlomad sulely. seSioe art leohnolrgy Why Choose Silvei Ci oss : .-i . r 3 ,-' .'_,_. i COORDINATOR - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES II i;.I . IJ -° : A0E . piosprol rooearoh and ariulyrical report grroialior alorg Wilh ImplemonluliOr rl Ihr prosprodd000r rauraçrrrorl proteus, ircludirA Iderlili callar. IIuoAr. uckoiowlrdUnrrrl and slrwardrhlp pIrçrsSeS Must boar b years erpertarce r IardralslrQ dulabaue Iraunagomorl. prorpor re500rch and qrarl wrilirq Prelererca will lie qivon as cardiACas hospItal Krawlrdge at RaIsers [d5e is a plus tuohelois derIo proleired TSslsalernporury poblios Irad r5 Irlo Ihr aprrdg at our row Iaoilily Ir early 2012 .... . ibm, rubcainber000n sam. S PM and I nssanss flauta iasi abaui 60 Win. Sublror,. Marh, Ocionce.ntOdinO, Eng Iish irr rolle d niaasa eerie . DuD uDflDmDDnDc1uIII mrnrn mnr;i flflhiflfl . UDB VIfl9 flDflflI!IDmfllifiD DUD UDI!I1 . DflUD DDEIDD IDULZII1 111111 DUrn UQDØD.1 s DDUIIflDUDU1DDDUDUD I1iD p DU DFDLID DDU DDTiDE3 BUIDU NOD UDODU IDL1 I!LID WDDU mL1EIDDDDDDUWDDDI!DIID E Finn nr;inrnmnrn flDflD DUD N 'DUD: 011m DUD DUD IIUIaWi ar.iw small by Caooiri500al cam. SM ron hour IBaIIcnrorar far Maar, a Oihen. ProMane la Che Oa, Op. LookIng Leere ta Cero 25K pon mo paneuniln sales Law al lS, ¡lila poSilion will be resporaible lar orairlalnlrg all piooprtr ajad dorm Irlorawlior io lie database Duller Irclude wilt capiSI ouripuliI operierte al a taiga oorur1urly THOMSON HOSPITALS sria) and a horno schaolin 151 onaden. i r,?ruc liar Will ak, clara In WV homo ihrea dart a Week, flouts oro risa. . Scorn basions noparlunily mall ho reai, Witt, lb. luirais 5.50, luS Dopare. FT/PT. O.lSyIle.5Sr4l5 DONT NEED IT? mont. Poorest b ourse it OnO Sol lbs tase. Stiano you rand To PLACEA br asnlastiog lbo Illinois Sec. r.eary st SIales Sanarili.s Department .1 11001 075.e,aa. CLASSIFIED AD TO PLACE A SELL IT FAST. CLASSIFIED AD CALL 847.998-3480 1Ir11e PIONEEKPIOESS CALL 847-998-3400 Appty ouílJnaal www.silvercrossorg. The Pelo,. pod Pi sneer Prolo PlearMapenS CALL 847-998-3400 Ohserve All Traffic Roles PARKWAY DRUGS 1-877-CHIM-FIX li English Srkrg, Orivri Own n,iil 1Yemoe Your Address PARLIAMENT ENTERPRISES U : ee,w0,oOwouao., 1731 Deefteld Rd., Highland Park, IL Ji . Anboorow.,,rksM.,dw. 1015 Waukegao Rd., Glenview, IL 60025 355W, Washington Ave, Lahe Bluff, IL 65044 Use Fireproof Costumes . FundraIsis 'r CARD & PARTY GIANT 713-851-2045 for more InformatIon. Our Housekeeper Avait Afternoons vr Oid My Weil bolreord Just Say No To Drugs CASEY'S MEAT MARKET 847-234-4150 0 Rap. CLEANINO LADY Will ciron cour hscJapr/orc. Ese ,s, OAr rar,, rore52 Oler i orn, serIAr. a rursr io, o ra M!,:.smu__ MONTESSORI CONNECTION Know The Rules LLook Both Ways Before Of Safety .LJ j Crossing The Street Chlca5o. IL u LAKE BLUFF PARK DISTRICT 847-657-7770 5600S KoOnee Apply online at schneldorJobscom or call Ken at 312-909-1142 773-763-8888 Have A Happy S Safe Halloween I, . flIDDU mnnut;i ATD .'DIfl IflUDI3UI UDII rinia ,. you mtl be proud 847-359-8291 Pioneer Press Halloween Coloring Contest Color in the picture below (or a copyj and return it to: Pioneer Press Coloring Contest, Attn: Classified Dept. 495 N. Commons Drive, Aurora, IL 60504 To be considyrod you must include: your nome, address, an age, along with the algnalure 0f your parent or legal guardian One atutted McGruff' doll will be awarded In each of these three ago groupa, Ages 13, Agra 4.7, Ages 61 t . Entejas must be received by November 9, 2009. Winnara will be Prizes mil be walled Is the winners' address. Open to everyone 11 yin. of ago or youngor No purchase necessary fa estor or win. Odds of winnIng depend on the nuntber e! ellgiblo Leave Porch Lights On COLORING CONTEST aelecled at random on or about November t I , 2009. envies recehedinyourage group. Approximate rolad value o!esch o!tho three prizes is $18. McGW(P the Come flog is a regislomdtrudemark oftho National Crime Pmvenlisn Council Age Name Signature of Parent or Guardian Address IB CitF State Ztp 924 Thursday, October29, 2009 HELP WANTED FEJLLI1ME Chicago Suri Timos News Geoup is o iOodIfl t WAZMAT erdorsemonl,, CiiICogaionct ort« medio co meo n y p ubIlsilIng 59 dol. iv and orda pow,eoeon ofldWpb, tpo en,hiflo Cwlcoyo Tills pooitiar, is based in our 000flIoon Oyioogo ci. 19. Proclive Medio ollo news. Porn Responsible for lending or poceodino p. TWIC care. mitI. 22 ers oid K houe 2 vro. uanifinbla OTO Cop. Will traie for 0eR work, Musfbeobte Io work any shut s ocOkends. Lmol Work. Come everydoy. Componr befouls inoivda ileoitiddenlai inn. iCr drioor, void uOcOiion, 6 raid hniidoys.Aoii( uorotion plan, SOiotv b reriormoecp M noses , Eoccutonlstortina havai lobs «oMites. ACCOUNTANT/ 0V PHONE ORWEO FRECh ievsr 0011 Mika Stephens nf 77lddi.nfrn by deunlopincoinofeai. por did 5000niitino . uiI dnoWøp u drone). 0000er«, f ciIpr,f/aonncy mlolionshlps. . Ensure cileni comMion delivery Onu Cembielo fvi,uw-ilIrCuCeoCfiCi,i00 . Denise noprenim lin Oniinp rend,. tumeefi. . 0rk Closely wiih STNG occoor t monooepson iolni 50P. Will coin far Conk ..,... Wihh on eminulo rhaee aoli K wenkenn,. L000u Work. form, Monslor Moth, on home aoorndoc, Company motoh eau Wihh employers benetil, include heoultahloefyt hoI onohininc NOwi ins loe eStiver, Poid 0000fion. Chmse from One of Ihe moie lob rodes to dpoidhuiidnr,, juli< cocolion Inihawing . -r cour ieiormotion oion, 501pm K eortormonoe Ocauntiroirhronce bonuses. E oceiioelotor lino Soie, required. Minimum two Cents CoeCrienop in oniienooipo pneiCrrvd ho. Written. ocredi ond oroonizohlonoi skills. Oeiieilt Musi be on 0goresOive. hiOhipmOiiuOiedord indo. Pnndeni worker. Know). edge of miCrobi and arnoroms: Word, Ersoi cru PCwCrPoini aecesoon, Mior000it Abliiiy io work il, a tosi. eccitinO Pieuse emOii rhum #13' OonklVO aloi Coli Conferoniompr venivo 0e fOSlMlr No Eue Neo. OIS; Chuldcorp Must km IS aroideo ta start. kyO.1l7.nyd, Solos Silenti College deOepCePqUlred MBA deOirod. Minimum 4 Cuori CXPCriCnoo in medio iruiroffoirpnrt i Acid °lÏi'aosa coil Mike Staehves E000 AO to StSO ear eon, Seso oersee,do d to hudoe, pal ronoirod, Coil IIt'ieo.t 04 UN 52 ER COCER dROPPERS eAssisfonts turing, f Osrelurn Ossefebir. looeiiolitr Humon Oesnurcos GUitu., OwNO i Buss PtA05,5 .23: 'del inauronew'Fieonoiol s Oumesond eitaihol K Geoundo V000noi.s 'no.0CM Mointanonoy OMron rodeo Al . Retail Aubins astobli,h. meres read Aeden 0aor Cileofs to hod e 005iltp and Costset ersero io,. Eorn 00 to StsOidoo. Coil efl.OIl.l100 aloi Lpooi Mon000mert lnutn 527' ?i M0tnriO5 K LUaislios RENTALS n OAK L,OWN iOVii Stadi s ioak,e.o fue bpoo, al buron9 Numno Suromuva Ou -dia S Adoerlisiro Cdlnoi Tlloropist, «um. Ou COU.420.21o2 ;.. loi 422 cool o,kfo, Not,, rdmininieotion Penorot Core Adverttsò 24/7. -.: - iOtTI P05.3000 aloi Wotoil toe. salas 'Emeih COI: Skliled Troues Buiidueo Gaerfoi clossitienutuc Pi 001mo Cnnstroo eioe hllOs\'orders #40' Skilied Trouas Rohiding Prof. provament Carier Coniocii MENARDS SCOTT. NICK, OR STEVE MnnuiCyturinO SSO SpaOioiheSeroioas 00:-' TpiCchonc/Couia 0cl onu ncorootion CALL 847486.9300 does o wepk Uno ii pfesynled by 1ro pi ocrer Oon'I Woit, Do ht Today i M7'StU Coos ORJ VE RS MYSTERY SHOPPERS Eo re un io 5ln00oy Sheoen rsreedr o io iudor relouA conIno psi Eop, nal CDL'Cio.s A Flotbod l'fi', L0PRI, lome niaitfiy Hriy por K 401K. Coli in 3C5 1260 .- T ¿i. romru,uniimu,ypi SolS OuIo,d. Soi,, eo,,n.,. 'v do_sloe . o, 1,01, Soi0bonoOo sOy haiclul ebmo,i Ci,,t000tob,0000uuonro,l 00m :HEALTHCARE&NURSING .4ttenton Healthcare iWvcrtjsers: Let kod ltoin05000teOlwytJ5 boo s)wriittninure U tidW,« 010100e 0dm yost ounpany by him 5d.uaU vi In. tovounoni PnÇiCirrtedptokoo Ado Sil PubnV IO, t' SaM letyinoorthin Cluotou Sontiriro, UuuTdCenSusi, pod honor, OelOeCell, Luir Ccciii tdon.Sur. ienE firoS.Uosomtieos,Cpofley.fieo,s.ejtiu,mr5y9 CtÇtOl0001le000Jdtlo ot aN 3° et 000 noiSy elm s ista Unuourt wort U WEInT 3, So I2ireo000SetQESyosil Omens OreOs 0% ivIlNdUnofe C1tNUIaIIUO Is 638.000 wIth oem 1.6 millIon tsdea,hIpl Packasi$iidjfljt$5Qu To Idoitlise please tonloS Seody EitheR SI t&3O)Elß.225oesQuibed@,tutVcow Eso, Foolsiolo si 53O)S7.B5S7 Ot daoid.ionlsohu,ujpsuttimes rom lllCuplsO('r brait, t sot- ATT LOCw., --- __.O 0FF TRE LAKE S REACiO. NEW. LV OECORATED, HEATED, 0mo FERS. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, laR 51.000 Ud To chow Ape. Coil zIotlo 773 .4 Io-Dona hiolieolkoiohn,unnl) 005 6160 Oporatlons AnaIys cUtoiCedn P0mm FiChi pubhnirs ihuilood PAOlO 0100E. 4 W 00000 Lstslr SOR 000sefor Rent. tIna. T aseoo sii Tarn 150/417' APoiiobiaaao 00,01,200, 340 Renalalad Oli tOhonon d Ooih. SROIIIE'OlSiCroie LOoeiel h roam, FleeOiaop ana HopO. boo SetS, SOR Osas. A00ll mood floors, Ceniroi Airand Now. Ciesaeo Iron500rtolion iieOt.TO,es Oeil Norsis Ondslores . Heof, Wafar000 Il retAMo ieoluoe u. SeeroSe ¡III(5IOGE . Gol couPs o io transoofeahian Oeid 5h00. 0Y GIVEN tuoi punt ont I Judomtel ti Fvroolosuno Sole potomd Ir leo ahoy Couse on Mon 0, 2008, Cocol ai Too Jculoiol L Coreorotion will of 15:30 on 11000mbor 12, loon. ob ii, Thr Judicial Solos Con tien, Oca Sooth Wookar . 24th Floor CHICAGO. lorih below ihn 101100m sorihad rpaiostoio: Corn Ir k000n os 4040 NOR AVENO P0101475, 60700 Frorarlr lndOO ND 10.100427 The rol estofe impiouS Wiih a briok h s hoose wiih a 1 00e GltOOh 001000. SOte lonms: NCWLONNO HAIOW0000 pansons Ore horpey inionmod 1h01 oil Owoilinas aduorilopd Orpouollobip ay Onenvol ne 704407'3540 RrlQß 231-6025 Walk fa Lome . MORTON ReUnE Immod 0Cc 205, 2OA, neu. Sudo, I heoted iedr Erko se. Ali oyelCo mol. wfu in unie. No is oliowad. Soor Iroin Oufobondina Voive 1011 'IC W. loure Well moislolned bull rewipd000eoieo, 0e! Pomma, 51230 ra oats. 00011 TOui,J000000.3Oi3 Goit, N.wlp remod baWl Garden Dei ht. so,, wir Irold. SCJESISO mo, newin daS., Oil bilis paia OasiOnndehno Corroe,oi oortali,n, hOod irs. ludry. PARKnI0GE lanooetta ,.0SrQucnoail. 030.712 4242. rywrpr amip lilo in kit 8, SA, CC. 5763, 447.354 5953 Chivo00 i,uwronce/ Cumbnelonchrt nm,,000, loUa, orn. ac. siclo o Hooted, Uorooe AllIllOble. hi BZ 305 lOA, ailhWl 'hoHl uncid 1000M POruulion . SlSnolrpo SEOSIE tUa O/ottiCa, ohd plolnelil moRas ea roere' 500101100 os io mo opediiioe of ito OPOPePIP ProaoECiI bidders ope odmoriShad Cieco i h000Ur i file io 00111 Oil infoemolion, Il 1h15 eroe. , fha broom osuroS ole. pIhor Iban o mare00000 511011 rO -.CEMETENYLOTSu he 055055 ments Onu Ihe 10001 1005 epaOlOOd Ev TOO Condo' elinium Propano Aol, NORRSDGE15 G root O mIes la A PaWl 01000 Seolloo, AcsOia Park Cemalere. Cull 847./7 tupe Il: YOU ARC TIlE M GOy IHOMEOWN HAVE THE RIGHT T soribed epaí pololo: Common. lerms: 25% 00019 01 Iha hioll' lOO, Onu 5UPeIlOr Ii, es. il 0er ir 00000 00 0720 N. SAINT esl bid be Oerlllied locos ot TPO propane isollunod 'as Is,' LO OIS AVERSE, iM 51550 01 Ihn puobloel Ihn oil c00000res, Or imolIld OCPLNW000, IL 00112 bolorco, In Oerlifled lunas. IS O obronlieo Onu RithOol On panic Indo So. iO'OO-4Ot. Oua olhhin lwnnir'lour 1241 rVrrEsenlail050S IO lIno Suoi. lIte rool 051010 is im. hours. Iba sobieoi PnOParby IS I 01 lIlIe OrrPoOur 50 iO PloIn. 0F TUO ILLINOIS roved oils o reslOonue Saio suolnol IO OonOr01 root Caloto buff. PmSOnSllOe Aiddoes one FOOCCLOS GAGC 20% d000 ob ISO hish. loses . s000ioi 055055men1s. odmOnlshnd I oreview Iha LAW. FOP ietonelolIoo. Visi ptms' io veeiln Oli 1010e' 'SI bid AV Oerillird boda Of or apeolol bases IbOled 00001 111eFor O isionmallon ho 0105e 01 he 000IiOrI ho 000lesI sold 0001 es101o aed Is mollOr htbp: hIss r o loo , O t In balanCe. Pispar and io cprliliod bAndO, is pilpned lop sole wlthoob oro Solo CIprIo II norte 00m. balocco Ou, 01rpm twenle four 1341 repnesnnlolion o, iv nilolliE O/loCulO, 4001 LOka Conk Od, hounsaf3ordnpm. 0 houro. ihn subiool oroporfn IS nr quonlilo of 11110 onO OilS' 151 lIcor, NOnlhbnmk. 11110015 L OSSOCIATCO, P 10000, 104Cl 400-fleO, beiwern subieCI IO Seven 01 noR1 ostato ouleec peno lo Ploinlill OnO Atiorreos. 0n5 North in 'AS IS' OnCdlllon, Ihn sola l,000m.ando OOp.m 000k. Sullo bono Otrool Soled Is burirarSualeol l0000liema. dovlonle, tOlSO5 or 5000101 loseS CHICAGO. IL 00503 TOI Pub. 10/20. IbIS. 1105150 lion by iho coure. OPOn cab' 000lrsi sold reol pilota oed is 13121 470/aOVO FlpaOD 00f 117310611E olioted toe sole wilPoof Onr PIenI In boilof l500mCAnI Did, 111e CAmber PO011O3le celi iesae 10110e 05 io nuolule IhO purOhosor mIll moaioo o 0000A.4000 417::.,.: You Con 0150 015ml TSP lodi. SoloS Corrorsilon al iusraeor I 01 pandino sole, 000mo liso 00m loe a 7 Aur 510. FICRCC L ASSOCIATES OeS North 000rMFn Sierof hulls I300C1IICAGO, lLOvIdOS 1010) IIA0000 AllonePo Fila NO.: OF YOUR DREAMS. Code. P00110211 AflOr000 Ol220Cooa 0 01 COl 25010 l0bOCll SlOOsuno. Pom«soo ¿co 6144 did bip, 000ii Paw. 5OIWmO lduoiiiiou candido iosshou Id Po sspss o dnoepo in induotriol onoineoriny, Prior e000ricnce in Otonning Onu onoiysis and Ord ilrotoii lId, salwmo Hi, lieanoioi rocortiro In o monut oolurleapno ironmani hoiplui hnt woiar, sioup, nuco levi. OOIO01E: IOU ivnoVCene.n 5450400+ oeil, t 5835 sao dep. Moot ho OVif.OInOiihlOfOht OOd passe, coed onoirlicyl, tlenlookipo 147'33o.taop OrOOniOSliOflof, ond Crobiam tuluino skills Muse hoto Oueseaediha Oolldrna OsiOrsiup bockarourd inndiop050ll Eavpiony Aoevaa, S000ipo, a Ooan,.o Eedroom LIObf, oinuremodei Resumeae O sai arerpnuiec monis cor Io ltrwooyod fai aeiIiSas toas, Oanooe 00011. Store Your S010iqi Cae asti coloCad . Jodieran Suoted,o.ou,. hlanlho,unroOl Oremise,, 001k ta O.00as hire Alls Stornos 173-ttS.looi Chheoao sun.Timos FOrA. Coli GaSsy 847.0024107 Sao N. orleans -,-- - -- , HOUSES OrHalhmoek& Chicopa, II, ¿0404 00.04541 FOOl 010321025$ MELROSE PORO 30e, Pmahli hrtV,cnbijeea. Pam lULFnoaVu,Go,0u, leteos, Hote OPeFafloe 000lpot le sobleot hou OIIOEMO, 151.015.5o50 l4j!L45.... ib4i).3oon Eiiiii1l 10131 0101 FIND THE CAR PON: 10120. 1500, 1110100 hi700002lC CHECKOUT HARW000 IIEIGI6TS IN THE CIOCOITCOUOT liIro:ilordors 13471 o.?up7 OF COOK COUNTY. SEARCKCU!CAG0,CQWA)S ILLIN COUNTY OEP CHANCERY JPM00000 Cl N AT IONAL A SS PiolnIllI V. T EVERYDAY. PO1I1KICW000II PONIOOIEWSKI UOLOSI COFTA Onu ehe Cool iced Ht IP: ihSeeohOe .011 INC., AS NOMINEE FOR snSsInOflts bOiS000 AO The Conuommnl' oieroe.00m 0/hOST MAGNUS FINAN. rpauined cm Pm rIO Aol. Ihn ILCS hOurSni 3ondS pm. PICO COOP000T1C CIAL iF O, ASSOCIATES, Plomb 00010101111 OeA 101141 Palecdonls Yod ARE TRE 04007GO' Alloren S, Pon Norlh Opal SICH OPIO uI ¿E1i5 M ' ---- NEED IT? SES. ERST CAS. W4134430 or RilOolith Of litIo Pod wilt. CarlIlloOlo al Solo 1h01 Will LINCOLNW000 THE CIRCOITC000T outn0000ls e lo Plainlill Sed IchIlo 111e purch000r ho o IN OF COOK COUNTY, e 'Ab IS' pondillon. TAo sola dOed IO Ihe rool 05101e 0110e ILLINOIS sbuntiioOSuSIVul iwcotifinma' 000flrmation St ISO soin The DEPARTMENT. f100 ho tIe couri It line sain is rohorly Aill NOT bR oPen loe COUNTY CHANCERY 01015105 OnO lainbift sob osida br OnO roosan, Ino ln500ullon hOME Puralnosor al ihe solo spoil AO mo kesrotopeP 000ialionos in OUNTRYWIDE PANS. SERVICING LP oetilied Only bot oroiuen ob Ino ISO 000diliOn Ob ehe pr000riP. loinlilt, Us JONATHAN P 000511 cOld. TPO Purch050r PrOsenCliOn hlduerS 010 .EAVITT, ANOOI30ICKA Shall h 000eolur ihCF re' moninhed Io throb ISO PPA LEAVIITI ONONOWN n. elio IO apello oil leloretlalia 000rso 0001n51 Iho MorbO' IWN000 ANO NON RE' per, lIla Morf00000 Ce ISP lt 1h15 ion000rbO is o pond CLAIMANT5I PIDO Monit000S'S 0110meV. Upan mirium Anil, ho punchosoe PR moor In lull 01 lOa Omourt Iho onil Ob 1190 ioepolusura 010000015, CH Sello bid, Ihn ourChoser loll) ro. Solo. olSen Ihon o nnorlaoobo POPLICalNOTICE hereby 05100 0 Cenllilcoto ni Sote 55011 Roo Ita 055055mor1s si000 1h01 Ours000 I iiloo JudO. 1h01 will enlIllo ISO punuhosol and Iba 10001 b00000nvlOpu br mod el F0000losuro coleeS la o dAM io fho real 051010 of' Ihn Condomirium PrOpoeIr o oAaoe pelillod couna on borconlir mollan al Ihn solo Aol, 705 ILCS 000iOlollll On 6,12000. Icloe0000le JudIciol Ill. IP tOO ARE Tine Properly will NOT be Conpanalion wlil On S TOAGOR IHOMCOWN Open for le,rnclioo 000 lolo. 1100, h000moar 00. 2000. bIll mok0500nOOmonnIOIior EOl. YOU HARE 7H n hour of lb a m. IO Ihoir os IOihOEOndIll000h ISP Oreo- IGHT TO REMAIN INFO O al lOO Wool MOdISOn Eh5ION FOR To OATS A' seen PtOnOeSblvn Aidaons one lipel, Sullo PISA, Cr100 O ENTRY OF AN PODER UdmaniSPOd la check Ihn SIll IO Ihn hIOhOsi AO POSSESSION, IN AC' 1110011, Pnud lila IO uotIIO oil 1010e' lar Sosh, Iha 111100 atltn lb nhis properly IS O 000010CC WITH SECTIGN 00e sonlbed pr000elo P.1 ndominlom oeil. Ihn Por. 10.11011Cl OF THE ILLINOIS 30.133-022-0000. COw NC/A FORECLO' el rho uniI ai iho bore' MORTGAGE MORT. chaser asuras oie. olhor loon O SORE LAW For lolormo' GAGE ELECTRONIC REG' 0m SYSTEMS, morl00000 Shall 000 ihe OS' lion. 01511 OAr W0h5115 o, ISTRATION PIONEER PRESS 00050 Sn Sopiap100r 02 0000, ouoiecl 000POP1P le auhincf to on 000cl Ob ThO Judlolol Sales opeenol real 051010 100es, 500' pomOh 050mwllleeooio n o Car' COrVOroliOn mIll el 10:30 AM 0101 osMsSiInePlO. op 5000101 billOalo of Sola 1h01 01111 emIl. on N000mhaor 20, 2000, 01 ISO loops l,ulOd 0001051 sold cool 110 ISO porchooer Io o 00011 bU TOO JvdiOiOi SoiEs Copoono' 00101e 0mo Is 0110eS lop sole Iho real 051010 011er ooelir' line. 0mo Soulh Wooker Orbe 0115001 onOrerrosem 10h00 05 motIon of Ihosoin TIm proper. Io wIll NOT he Opon lop le. . 3.5th PImp CHICAGO, IL IO Sualily Or I000nIilH el lilie io srOcIlOO Onu 010101111 mOkos 00006, SoIl 01 PonilO 000110m Io ondOIlhaulr000urs e os Io ho ISO hiohoSl bidone, os sol PlolelIll OnO in .05 iS' noedi' e oroemosar lollon borlh 501000, Ihn loiloWina 0e' 1100 The sole lo lori Serlob' condilion pl 15e ploontln. 1001 lO 000liemoliOn AO 15e ProScoolioP bI000ms 500 Od. IO krnwn o, 5040 CALLIC court. II 100 SOie IO SOI 05100 mOnlshPO lo oheck Ihe pourl MOOTON loe on? rpason, ISP PurcSOste bile lo verily oil IolonmOiiOe. AVENUE, GROVE, IL 00003 Proleorly 01 IVe soio OhOli AO enlilled lt Ihis property Is o oonu« lodos NO l0'00'112-O0l Tho ocIo Io orolurn 01 IhO deposll mInium uniI, tIno puror000rol PPOI osIate is Im rrU000m 11h o mold, The PArOhOsSr SPOIl Iha UnIt 01 Ihn lOeopIvsOrR 0 mope000le nesi00000, Soip brenS' 20% h 000nOiUP ihor rPOourOO Sole. alher 1110e 000e 0f Iho hlohost bld 00 000insl Ihn Moel0000r, Iha Sholl coy ISo oss055mOrfs corbilied lomos 01 IhO 01001 MOrI00000 0m Ihn MOrI000Pl's and 1110 10001 lEn arpnoiprd AO Iha 000ilOnl ho bal0000, in 011010,0 hpom p0001et In TOO C0000mimium Pm000rIV loll 01 lOe om000l hid, ISa Aol. 700 ILCS 6059101111 orn cerlllled lunds, IS dun 0115m 100010 lOAF 1311 houes ISO e00000soe will nevaio, O Cor' 101141. IF YOU ARE THE 5001101 Pr000nle IS svbievi IO 1111001e Of Solo 1h01 mIll onli. MORTGA000 IHOMCOWN. '(OU HAVE TOE Oleonal reni 051010 100es, SPI' Ile iho ourchostp Io a 0000 io hOI. vInI 005es, 010015. or ,reoiOh ISO pool P51010 OIler 00011m' RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POS' I 0005100 1mO 000imsl sold roal mlailonoflhosoieToaeeopor' SESSION P00 00 DAYS OP. soribod apal 001010 Common' 05e bld bi Cortliled locos 01 ihn 01050 01 IhO ouCIloni iho balonoc, io Porilliod fund,. is 000011510 t000IP'lOur 1241 lull 01 iSa OmOuflI bid, lino MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN' DICIAL SALES CI3OP000' Punoh050r mill r050iVo O Car' COI, inGO HAVE THE TIPO 0mo 55010 Woohem 11110010 01 OOIp hob Will Peli' OIGHTTO OPMAIN IN POS. Oeluo.241h Floe, Chl0000. IL bIo Ihn conohosar io o deed IO SESSION FOR 00 DAIS AF' 00006-lASO 13101 231-SALE hours. Too soSleEl properly le lAo Pooh 1510M 0eIeroOnlle' TER ENTRY 0F Art 000CR YOU oon OlIO 01511 Tha Joui subiecf Io OOeer 01 eno 05101e molionol lhesOio Thu pn000r' OF POSSESSION. IN AC' 0101 50105 Corporollon 01 lo will NOT AO 0005 loe le' C000ANCC WITH SECTION ont'O.iiSO cam loe o 7 dOV 510 IOU0LOPP01OI l°«) 000mnol sold coal 051015 OnO Is 0m qoanllie 01 tIllo Oro 01111' ouir0000ns n IO P10101111 and IO 'AS IS' Conullion. The 0010 I, lunlherSuhiOct IO conlIrmo. lion UP 11:0 POlIPI Opon oar' moni le loll or Iha ommnl bld. ehe pAPctntsor Will p000100 0 Cenilflcole 01 SOlO 1h01 will soc011aR omd 000101111 mOkos 00 eeen,sonlollOn OS Io Iho 00001110e 01 ISo er000rIr. Pe05000llae bi000rs 0mo od' monishad Io 000k iheOnuri lIla Io SOtIlO oli InlOnmallon, Ii lOI, pr000riP I. O Ovedp' minIum NOII. Pn purohoser cl lIno uniI 01 ISO lOreOlOsuPO solo. OISOP 1h00 O mOnI0000n NOTICE PP FOOCCL0000E SOLE Fisharond ShoelfO lilo, NAni 15.11011Cl OP THE ILLINOIS los report 01 verdina wleO pOOCCLO' CODILlO S. ASSOCIATES, MOOTGAOC SURE LAW. PorinlopmOIlOe, P C IOWO3O NORTH FRONT' 00010Cl PIOiOIiIh'S Oli Omnoy'. AGE ROAD. SUITE IDO The 0010 ClOrA, CODILIS 8. 0000 OIOGE, IL 00h21 10501 ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W000 no.n,I6 Alloe000 Filo Nl ' il' NOOTIO FRONTAGE ROAD, 05.39910 AeOCS 00008002 Al. SUITE 100, 000R RIDGE, lon000 Codo. 01762 COSO t Od IL 00527, 10)31 704-9810 he' CHOOIOIUNOTE polsuonlbo loupe ISO houls cl I oro s PM ho Pour OaSI CollevIlOn Oslo sed 05k br lInO Sales de' Fr0011005 Aol, nos one Ou paelmonl.. P I000omOlor la lilo vI000 1h01 PlOInIIil'OOIlOpOOo 0011110 100k osnoreprO 500101 Hnos lo nIGHT TOO Ihe cocdlliOo of loo property. SESSION sh011 00V ISO OSsCaSmVflls briDe, 24th Floor. C ' Solo enlonod Io ISO ObauO Imenle lave 1341 hours, The atloe000 loll Of Ihe Omonml hId, Iho ourorbs lip JUDICIAL SALES CO RATIOS OC, 50010 W RE4LESTA1EFORS4IE ISP Morl0000P'i Jullomoel UI ForoOlosuna ard Parlilled lAnds. is dde 0110mo MorI504000r Oror panmenl In PPO5000IlOR blddars ore od. TPO ENO mOyiShed io Ohook line couri OF POSO 1110 lO ueeibV oil ivionmoilon. COR PA NC IN 0CC WITH SECTION S0000ImO. 10301071.0531 POULIC NOTICE IS HERE. b OOmIilled bonds 01 Ihn 0105e hOYO po brIOapr0000roa P-y GIVEN lIla? punsnOe I han SI ISO 00011001 Iho boloroe, le 000inSt Ihe MOrI0000r, Ire 51014. AN ORDER OF Pork nioup. LAOu,l005 --- - - REJEDICIP.LSbLEb loot to oonlimmolIon be Iho JPM0000N CHASE 000K, STREET, MORTON GROVE, 000cl, II thO sole is sel 05100 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION IL 00002 Pro ply lIMOn NO, 1U-20.IOS-Oli'l0l1 The roll es. loe oncreoson , 15e Purphaser PloinIlli......LI00000 C000N000, 0101 000len000I lote IO Impr0000 AilE O 0e ihn sole Stoll he enlillod nomdoilownhnusa, Sola IOemSl OcIo Io 0001010 o? lea deeOsil 5OCH 5005 00% doVe of Iho hIOhOSI bid paid, The PorohoSor shell NOTICE OP SOLE snail par lino ossnSsmscls Onu iho 10001 1W SeoVuIm, d be he POr000ser io o The C0000mIeIuPl Pr000elo combar Il-05 25201. TIlE JO' i. dnerned io 00 0 doblnalloc' u000 IO I Serpoles tela 011Or Aol. 100 ILCO 00010101111 onO DICIAL SALPO CORPORA' br 01101001100 lo colinCi O O ARE THE T1ON Orn 50010 WoOkar doAl ono ome inlormolion ON. 00000, 5011 01 pvbtio 000110e f0 cr000do III, O IWO 010cc, 1001 f0 olear 01 neOl 051010100' vorfirmollOn 0e Ino sola The IWN. Drive. 24111 PImP. Chi0000, IL 101000 wIll he osod lop hob es, neaolol 100es, spanlol os' reparle 00111 NOT ho apart lop MOR 1110 hiohesl blddor, as sel oinOlr.iOmilr, br000 boick 000 ioinlIfl ERI. Y THP 60000-4050 10131 036-SALE punpoom SIseOS lorIh below blm 10110010e otO. housa OlIh PO Oor000. Solo sossmoeln, 51010101 lOses lao' ins000lion MAIN IN POSSESSI Sn DAYS OPTER E Oaoutioe . Woterlord Flaoe Conda MO,' 705 ILCO 00022101111 onu OISPO40. 10201640.3644 MARCO 505,050 FL. hvourh. Pus boavhtfoni, 200 coruo, Obmriotpie romouplod Adbertise k000n Os loll NorIh Tripe NOTICE OF SALE PUOLIC NOTICE IS OICOC' AaoYuO, LinOole0000, IL 60710 Perm000ni indeO ht i UY GIVEN hoi Oursuorl io JcdOmoni 0e FornoloSure ond 10.00 310.000 The mOrb0000d Saio entered In ihn ohwuO roal eslolo IS imrr000d «lIho oousO on AuQusI 11, 2008, 00 doellInO, ThO enoparto 0111 001191 of The JudiOlvi Solos NOI UnOPen lop insoeCliOo, Il CorPvrotioe will ob 10:30AM Ihn 5051100e PrOPOOIV Is O 005' on NouemMe Il, 200e. al ISO dominium. loo purpeaOor pl s, CH OlS Tho JuOlciOl Soies Corpora. Ihn unIi tlhne 1h00 t marIto' NOTICE OF SOLE POOLIC NOTICE IS HCOC. tino, Ono 00011e WaCker OrluC gea 55011 paY lino otsossmarls leOol 1ro, ranuinad AO OY GIVEN IhOt punsuan I Io a ' 34110 Floor COIICAGO, IL, CS 60010101111 Onu Judomanh of Forovlosure and 60010. soll ob public 000lion lo SOI coniare d In ISO abane Ito hiohesI hiddor, os sal 101111. TPO l080mnol omounI CooeD on SOeIObtibC, 20 2000, 00h 501001 Ihe 1011001ro do. was S300.ioe.30. Solo iatms: 10500 fs0000ssiu ibid im1t;di. an oOeni of lIna Judlolol Soie, sonibod rro(OslOio' Common' io ke000 OS 6400 NORTH Coneonollan will al 10:30 AM AVENUE, bailm0 by 2:00 e m bIno or pacam Sor i, 2000, aI hI TOUMUULL The JAdIPIOI Sates Corpora LINCOLNW000, IL 60113 neol busIness doy, bUIr An buon, Ora SOofh WOckee Orlo, O'raparfr lfluoo 50. 10.35400' COSO lop's e hocksl Onu 00 ro' . 20th Fimr ChICAGO, IL, 020-0000 Tho raSi 05101e io im. burds The Sola sholl Sa Sub' OEPARTMCNT.CIOAN' RE JUDICIAL SALES FOOCCLOS000 SALE Pouso 00 FebbRe r II, 000V. So 00001 ai The JudiOlol Solos Fishar Oro ShSeInS 111e 0 00.10500 ColPonloliOn will UI 10,30 AM III Is ouvlsod Ihal Irleresled 0e 0000mbnr 30. 200V, 01 Ihn parlI asOOeOu li «liv Ihelr 000 Ton /510101 UOiP. CopIona. 051010 onO io ollerod loe solo io will NOT ho opon br In' TER ESTOY OF AN000ER 011Oicayl helaro biddlno 01 lion, 000 SOuih Wooher Deute withOlul cn0150r SOofliSliOn os smociiom and plolellib mekoS OF P055CSOION, 114 AC' mOrl000elOrVOiOSOreaOlEO I ' DOIS Fime CHICAGO. IL, IO 5001110 0 50051110 01 lilIe r oreomp soololion OS IO ISO CORDAME WITH SCCTIOS PdaLiC NOTICE Is heeeby 00000. SeIt Ob pupilo Ouolion Io 000 whIp oole000uns n Io 00001110e Rl Ihn oroporlp, 10.17011Cl OF THE ILLINO1S FORECLG' 0100V 1h01 POP0000 I IO 0 JUdO' Iho hIOlnOsl blddpr, os SOI PloielihI Und in 'OS IS' candi' peoseoollvR bi000en Oro Od' MORTGAGE mori PI Poned osureerler od larlh heino fhO 101100mo de. lillo, The sole is lurlher sub' moniS000 to Oheyk loo court 500E LAW. Por leloemallOS, te Moroh 27, 0000, KnIlep Ro' Sonitled eeOIeslOio. Common. leu? Io OSnIlem011on be loe lila la ocelle Oil InluemoIiOe otefool PloirlIli's 011Oe000' oily SOnvlcrs , leo . os 5011150 io knomn os SIll N. MASON Pouah Ii ISO OCIO is bal Oelde il IVI, properly IS O 0000e' TOo Solo Clape, CODILlO K 01110101 0111 al 10.30e -, MorIOn Groop. IL00053 Ion onor0050m . Ihn PoechNoer minium toll. Iha porehosorol ASSOCIATES, P.0 , 000030 porlo mono NO 10-Ii-010' 01 lOO sole 511011 be enIllIrd Ihn toll el 1110 lomenlosueo NORTH FRONTAGE OOA0, 0050mbnr 3, 0000, ob e'ioÏoniy mOco NO. 10.17. asic IO Orplurn Or ehe dopaslI solo. 015er 1h05 S moel0001P SUITE lOO. EURO PIOGE. ROndOIPE 511001, SollO i ChicOpa. Illinois, Soll ob ru - 122 Ice P001 pelolo Is Im. paid. Thy Punch050r Shall 5h011 000 IOn oososSmOnls IL 00500. 10301 104 011O he' 110 0001100 IO ISO hiohest bid' pn000dW 11h a oleato fomilo h000 00 iudhnea0000nse and Ihn imSal loot mpnOi000 br lIneen lophaur, of I 0002 PM der ICr ooah. Os sel lorlh Ap' POSI 000co . The ludoenOct 000insl Iho MOrI0000m, the The Cordomimlum ProPOne orlo 000 05k lOe ISa Solos do. 10m, Ilmo 101100mo dssoribnd 0m OunbWO5 5006,170.70 Sale Morl000Peoe lilo Morbo000't Aol, 705 ILCO 10510101111 Onu rorImosI.. P1mM Polar IO lIlo rovI CI000PlO: Commonin looms' 20% down Of Iho hloh. oli 000Pn . UPOn raymenl in 101111. IF YOU 00E THE oumbarlaOO200lO. THE id CCOO' DIVISION will r000iva o Cerliiicolo of CITIMOOTGAGE. INC SOC. Sole hoi will OnliliC ISO pur' CE0000 aY MERGER TO ohosUr la a deed io ehe opal AMPO MORTGAGE eslote of croon fhrmoiioe Of AON INC. Ploirluif, 'O,' the sola TSP rOparen will 0000F, MEOIC. ob 01 0e' 501 ho soon lot ieseeOiion tIEOOAO I0000ni ìAP5fiff5335,/Th ooii Ions, 00cl., Sia, 51ro, pOr all is M Pore, mdcv. PeSie leude No rimes, Poile Sauthtoo,n, piUnoor Press, ond Fas Vohiay Cris 603,312 656 CISL..... POmni Publipoli On5sCOkS on Opnroliors Anomysi io d000ieo and Sn FI i aidop .031-usi 00050 convoiE ma triciroc kino Mrpronouclian apoce ArCas 01 bous Pork IO U. loa, 000 ii immed inoiud eoavoe so Aonlroi, coroomoblas usAge Und Wosip or malro A sho, SIMulO spOas, oiluI500rneru11, mynagnmpe, ReSyoe,ibiiitiv, ievivdycvtory 00e iimiipd to moseorbedroom solle, CAO dota orooniootiar ond Iralkino, eooiewiro onu OeaiyOiItO reohont hoof, Scott ii, A ErOoroms, 0000iOPiro Onu mointoitiing neo Ouciivilpro corlo, sprhhk endIte, m, bather loo, MUorpb NC, 0000cm f oeoso. tiro. Onu OsSisfiro in Piornmno for erodualion a,ii toes, pet 0ko. Stono, Ideo. Oarpohieo,oarornio,ite datk oreos. Fosiiior i coludos foous on idrnliioir process NO Pois. Sho5 la beeps sIDO cauri. Opan Paomsef In toll 0f i000m000fbid, too purohosar - acoclan. Falsos, ceni, boieod will AO usad loe filai occur oil inlor. LINI :0LNw000 irb 000liEs ihn beloVed, le Coon Ill, laFon IN THE CIOCUITCOORT InionnIollon: cOttifird 5500, Is duR within mellon. OF COOK COONTY, Ihcrnlr.lour Idol hoop,, 7h OIP Claeh. Fhshsr 000 ILLINOIS Shopira, ¿20h Lake Cook Rd. Subipol peopnrly is suhloOt OEPARTMCNT' Uneorai rpoh estola loops. sop. bof lIcor. Norihbrmk. IllInois COUNTY CHANCEOY DIVISIPII 00002, 15111 405-0050. bni0000 ciOi ossessmants, or SPOSI DEUTSCHE OANK NATION' tolas ieuied 0501051 seid POOl 100pm ond3:000m 000h' AL 10051 COMPANY, AS osiota Onu Is ollored far Sot, darsonir. (OleOSI TRUSTEE FOR THE Pub: 11039. ii/O. 11/10100 Wilhaul aneraenesentaliono, CERTIF ICATCHOLOERS 1173 1U3OIC Io Ruallir or nuaaiiln 01 bitO HA0000VIEW MORTGAGE Ondwilhoul0000uns o lo LIN CO LS WOOD LOAN T005T 2000.0 PIolo. FlaIntili and in 'AS IO' pondu' Ill.....ELENA COOMA, el TUO CIOCOITCOORT tilo TAO MIO IS lurlhar sub' IN 0F 01 Oabendonl COOK COONTY, 100f fo conliranalion by Ito esco 13041 ILLINOIS COUNTY 11580F, ideal For Obl/Sludha Cony LoCh p0*0, 847'fla.SllO VACATION RENTALS I CHIC000 IfOiIeelJOolmoeI ES, loosen lotIon os io 1000001' Poppa,.. 1214708 Pub: 15122. lUCI, 1115100 01 lillo Orrp000ns a io Piolo. i. P005hOPOeioe bidders oro 110200451C monishod t OrOuisU tpo 050111110 tondS ob ISa ola OhtES 1IUi5I,1I51010101 : worroolios OnO wilhout en dawo SI eho hiohrse hI WHEELING. Pitio, Por Reot 000rnklmoinln 35050 Pi. 010/Mo, Inolodes UiihiIlps. aiolinn, dotleaso 514105b000 200:200. hdwd lies, balo oil hIce, Pnkno, ledep FrOOhiy cui one-moo, y-17.712 2201 OkSkIr.Tovnv npao Eupns 000if.lOOtt.tu00ih Oil) rombino n Orollos , cR00110 roll 500103-1032 -- h iha ÑthOsi bidder, 05 This eCwavopar will opt krowinole a0000t Onp Oltuon. lisio for Pool pslolp 01110111, in u olollan 01 hIe lam. Ali Coil boll, 547.050.5530 OFFICE 5UITES030 OleAn, 700Cr 14000F 0.007k, 5700 5421 5i7'401'212a Priinoonroor. 0000 SI000ImU ioo 10000 soli Ob puhIlS ouotion ieCiPdCOdCF fpdoml iow rook 0100E 0kO101E'j?u, beoor, hdwa. 00015, Chs ta ShOaO Thn Sun.Times Medio Onoup, Oubliohar al the ChiCago Sun. aiiioieeoips onu oiolitohiiutp arlyorcemneis Posulian will br booted ob ourwsrlord Avorta oroduohion rionI, st CH 2*115 NOTICE 0F SALE PUOLIC NOTICE IS HCRC' i aueOen M voisro i I il lobeo «nun. 001000er, 200roor. raw hood lips 8, nao 000ml OisOnimirotinn based on 00e, COil Tony 7OEul7-SBeI $10cC Gino, Celi 8t0-472.)I0I S KO il ip-sIal Conrad. s PA. hondicap, iomiliom nloius or RrhnnCrOdn lrb.1173 ClOOS 100's 5565 'sOR SCIS. eationoi Oeioir, or iniaetion to AOahioOie Paekheo Iroluded. 5000100E moho onE 5505 pnrfprInces, Neal 000lerino lUded. Clone 4 bodroom, 2 balh, 2 Ear limltotiops or disCrimination o tr0050artafine used she p. Copa. L ound re on e ramis PL stow me month Tilo Illinois Humen Rlthis coil 17001-tod Mro ACt prohibits AisOriminotiOn 500IOIE'dSat Ctoroh. SPA. Pork liase. St a/i AARUiiW" in Ihn soie, rentol Or Oduontis. ClOUS iOp'50060.2PR 006$. oca, 00080A. PoesOh, Aol lincei roelestotohoyar,jyn foc Aoaiioble. ParOlee hnolooed. Il/i, S1354000is, 773-562.5343 lors in Oddillor Io hoop eno Heof awoleelo ciudad. Ci000 tI10 Hao iy lV h,aw ren ca o Peo, - tstsundoponl205tnhinobpeiediro bunChed iitOtliltle U fiu,s.n emsof SSundayoiulbeatf otraleudpet«np;,ohiri otudod. 5101000 room onu Ooienduni kÍl OCr eroipronop, limilollyn er PIONEELPRESS remols, Iowa lles, hb. Ros, Wir Sold, 5600 mo IIOJi7Ol'043 AasilLQOtaed HILES CieseeoejmmwooAo,a !T1e NILES:3 OR, 1.5 6A, 00th Oeils, rowoppis, stained OlaS, DANIEL E300IVCL Ii oi nih pooh Cototo OdvOnlslno in this nowsmcar Is nublad to ; NILES, Close Is Miloaokea S Damoober. Sop N5OlO req. SEC-507.334e, i'rinlino.Eoo ere Prp,a Fip000rochio Tech Lobels Uniimuird Coiorrnsmlf 0000IE4W1 Cr010 Lnvehyii tan 50008,200 SOnO.Avoii Now,Ci000 io irun500ntotion. Hrot, wotorond porkiro in NiLEH.O0dol' PIONEER Piuss ILLINOiS loon. 11000010 Sornipos. mo , 00 OoIlloolOIlloIol will al COCNTY OEFAOTMErOT. ChANCERY DIVISION DEUTSCHE OANK NATION' AL TROST PlOihliif, 'a. POrkiaa b houedre 50511. VOlettlin 750/241.1145 uUI5I.1I4L7.1.l!i leek, COOILIS e. ASSO. FIERCE &ASSOCIATESOn, PC IOWMO NodS 000ibolO Sinool Sulle OnO O e on. Pelo. PiorCo 8. As' 13.30 p m On Oacembnr 3. NOOTII FRONTAINE poop, 1300CHICAGO, 1L00002 13131 5UOiOlOS, FloinIlil's Alior. HUrih 000150m I dove, 01 205 W, Oonuntoh SUITE 100, OURR RIOGC, 110.0000 IollorOoc Fila Nom roos, Slroef. Sullo 1020. Clllr000. Il' IL 00327, 10301 704 0510 he' P00000740 AthOnroo Codo. SIrool. Chivato, 1111001, 60/02 ToI.NU. 10131 470.0000 Oder llnols,solI ai Dublic 0110340 ÏO 1000e ihO hoursof i Und 3PM 01200 COSO I 05CC 13000 IO File Nomber 001002e. IN' iholliohnol bidder for 00511,05 only Onu Oslo ive hO SaleS Ile' 1514414 JOPICIAL TERCOUNTY Pub: lo/OS, 10100.1115159 501 fOrih 5010w, he bailowmna Porimnnl PIcoso refnr lo bulo SALES CPOPOOAT1OI4 Soli' real 117370701C doSOrlbalS PIOPOnlOi rumbar id-Co-OdiOS THE JO' InC 01110er, 13121 4.041m C/K/A alilo NorIh OICIAL SALES COOP000' CO LN WOOD 1015055 Ouanr000nnoll Avenuo, Y101t One 50010 WoOber LIN FuNm 1003. 10130. 1110,00 HOrwmd nelohls, IL 00006 OtloO, 24th FlOor, Chlc000. IL IN IHECIRCOITCOURT OF COOK COUNTY, 1172003110 Farmonanl iedoo No i 13.17' 60000.4000 13121 036.SALE ILLINOIS 100-003 1h, mOrl00000 real l'Ao 000 0150 01511 Thn lodi' COUNTY DEPARTMENT, MORTON 000VU 051010 Is Imrnooed «11h O clot Soies Conenrolion al CHANCERY OIP1SION 1H THE CIRCUIT COURT olvno.ilsO Pam for o i doe Ito' Concilino Ill Conio ouI 000N CHASE BANK, OF COPiO COUNTY T ho oent l°iespeclion, loste ionI 01 p500100 50 TIONAL ASSOCIATION, ILLINOIS COUNTY e iud monI Omounl w05 COOILIS S. ASSOCIAI mule V. COIS1111A O. F AR TM E NT ' 1000035 NORTH F0010. M,nOO so Solo terms: ion CANO MIO/A CRISTINA EIUNCERY DIVISION POOP. SUITE IOU E 1500005510 i bld Immediololt ITSCHC DONO NATION' ICLAOLTEANOI MAR' SOR RIOGC, IL O012i boll f Ooroiu,lon 0e 000lion. hoi S. NEGRO DEVON Toosr COMPANY AS CE _4 0410 Ailonpol. Filo No i 4' roe by 12:02 p.m. iho roob PM0000N CHASE STEE POR 00 SV 1007' 7. -00103 ARPEO 00460002 Al' uslress doy, bnlh by Cash. 7000-7007 PiolnIllI, '0 ' SIMION N 0.1 orlo HoCkal and yo reluods. 10000V Codo. 0176$ Cose D Ob TOIPP AVENUE STIROU, «bot OClondonI IhO sotO sibil ho sSbiOSf io CH000100 NOTE: Puosnan I io NCOS ASSOCIA' SI CH 01010 Oon000l epolestole 0005, SPI' ihe Foie Pebi Coilenlion NOTICE OF SALE NKNOWN OWNERS Ou Ore Od. 0101 loses. 5000101 ossoss. Peootioos Aol D NON.REC000 CLAIM' POOLIC NOTICE lb HEOC' monis, 5000101 osOs levied, vised 1h01 FhOlnliIl'SOlIOrnse UY GIVEN 1h01 EorSuoo f lo o ned soparior lions. If ore is doemod lo Aa o IbAbcollev. Ni's, loobeMonla s, co SellO Judomeni of Foreciosuno ono Tho peapenle 15 01iennd'os is' br allomplino io 0011001 0 NOTICE OF Sole aelerPO le iho 00000 -Il heoe,onos s or ImOilpO dabi Onu 00 Inforlewilon ob' 2005, KPlioe 00011 OF COOK COUNTY, Close tyeohooh&eorAu. Coil a MIlwaukee. SloOlMonIn - 9C seroior is aVOuable 00 hours o doyl. Thursday, October295 2009 1i#I5l'21a0C11.0!/1.' uÏ4L5I.JI01Cl1:l5* u0l5l,IMf.1gfu7Cd. entorpd an 5000mb« Il, 1001 PlolnhiIl'solloreoP' ISO fus r000ni Ob Pnndirp solas, HARW000 HEiGHTS IN THE CiRCUIT COURT Now. Modern oourtoard bullOns. Wahl tand500pelt eranaelp. Ceeeraioip& hoot. e., cuipa apltlrpoAbaa sal. Skiiihd Trades' SUBSCRIBE TODAY. Oto OioYOrwiIhOC manlh lease sianieo lOO 5045 AVaIl dit-5408. PoMona louedrr. Mort 010«, OReOS 30e, 30*, CAE, Parionily basis. I 547404101 p65. TO Pam lain 01 diserlmloo. Girnoiea. SupIrb 500,0015 Ora. i A 5 Odem. Canitet A/C. 400, 3l. hndwd firs. tpo thon. Pol P00 toil leap ci, I' LUOLIRY RESIDPflCEs heat hnai, echo, 00011 Nest 000.dup.a777. I ms Fr15000 be'rOOms Io OOtk, close bOld Prohard. nord, 532051010 047.417.0304 2 los. Fresan, b.drflm,. Coi Uonbara 541.00.001700 INSUSJflLHLCOMmcjR Ssisetbonits Iba ems 08,3 InI ions Ovil SKR0hP DFCANHSE' foil bOthsaed inure. 000k 100, OnO Floor. Hoot Inch, 1200.0000o SF UNITS mro Lar rbalpoey, coi-in 51001050. 541.365-5455 OOC KO/O 105 Ait000e, in cnitw/d Led out- SKOOIE.eOSa.6a SILES OCACOMMEOCIAL il/C dmr poni, bonnis, oiuh' CENTEORIO L000i0IOR iOdlItiI-0a30 house. Hi Speed ioipryel '1000 ai'yiloOln Sow. Loroy, modonn ki iohens K bolhs i- -.- STORES/OFFICES TEe Poleas and A/C, aior007, iovndry& park. Neorbaalro, I bd S I-201 Planpar Preso Newaeooers ioo hoot mol Tony litt) 417. Siartino ai 100 51250, SOR CHICAOD.3iIb O. Horlem 122) 01110e. lyO lOdOSa Fl, On Olio SKOISIC 0130 N. Kimball, lof oerslt Foekien 5001001ml, 1001. limo, diOifiuil0,Jbd,3b.J, poire oabacessenolAoe. 77i-4Pl.4IPl hdvd limes, oil sineW prk. Call lOath eei.iux 0208 ans Ploineslpomrlown 5 no mit 51175,541.0354012 Mon Frl 5:20. apen un 0v arliopinn4its EuclidRe, 03 SKOKIE.e3I5 Lamoe Spa. Ciosolt SOiOfdOCs LnClamna 01h00 50010 loom 400.iilast, nova Obus SOR 51015. ala Cinsnls OCWO.Ssilepiai 000rso 0m CiatO iSMOiÍO,oircorl, AU Sbri3.Sbo hugo voeu, hot tuS, HOal b wOtor included Loon. raCa irook ft hotnis Aaaros. 0110k POlio, row kuiaiuon, foil HorwmdWei hlsi3Oil, Ore Nsiaroaee oem io cram. bsmnt. 2 por Oar Vn Ihoono. siupdOois 011o Frpp Poni. t.000, La toit O LIa. NIP. Wtr loes. Un Slee Mofase. Must Monp ocotatos, PAr 677 0000 Ieri S?SOnSoo, 13L04h334L,, 50011 To licO 0011 MuaIt 773. IIARW000 UTS. toe, Oak 6504425 ROSINESS FOR SALE u' OlOd.OklNhh05 Po elI 8, Moniet se o ero 50001E 000uiiiul a 00 opI, Iii 50,000SF Top NPioh syaMeo u viii,. Oeydnie Pert nrOokion Park, Co Pots, 011100 SOlios St2lnimonth, ieri heof wuihoos Solos/oar wash, ,.__ImpanJoi 773-7364100 Call 37 Restoutynf . PER SECUOITY t UNL1M. TED Komma Poirniioi Thu ii YOUR hpcurtuhiid io Work with ce at Horned irte. - 1001 ReCords PdiOol TeOhnicions Nu,05 O,t.ui.nt «lore. bsn:sIdS OWN &OPhnATE tinoirOwn Delivery T000kond fodeiioer skills F ooreoo noto) CnaIlJWMED Peloil 000 OCios Fon retome na-61,102 ECOS mOie,iOIS. This GREAT oeportueii comas wiih OU. With S'S e0000óop in publie oCcating, far toe A occntieg prOoiinp , w/000d competer PT Earle AM t. Week do hrs ouoil. irdr er round Puoi Pos. Cueton I OcdCrons Ccn rond K 50001 OIS Educolion Dutieti OnoWpnin o Phony,. or. 'ni Pootorn L Womhouoe Ocring nfliOe supplias, hohe INSURANCE hARPERS STATE FARM 01115 Inol. 3H LIFEGUARDS 3E PRIVATE N,S. CLUB dus) D5iTronseortoiion astabiisemeels. Piperleos, Licensed Ese. Sates Reps hem Filormocy 505,500 p05 Value n Ionuses di VOCWO.IWN WONS sAil Time, Intero, Oanrtits Potent Ve ServiCes MENARON is imbuing for on Cose, dnti. lite, prof shrO u edLloiiiv Coninoi 005eponivo L PaOponsibip per. Toll Free lUCI iPe.OMo hot.0 eon ,dOi Opal Eatoip son with o Ci os,A CDL fo Re5Umss n eisoao.4000 Peep.irdiuid, Cane. Petershe, EDISON PARIO.Oroom,200, TPc,f. PII'pprdiem lIVe 0mph bOno, luaurr vintytnoot «f Svhed- FT paren carsiderod, Our K heel, SlSOOimn, two Fmoii ero. hrvrcbypen rem les Ida MotReeiro OPARKaA SPehihpo maiivoied PT foiE. hmsiedl000ehiil --- opals,Nrar Phneeapei bettor, sOlilea 5m. &medsian busieess owners ira 58751mo, who Could bonalil nom Our tTC Coil AP 0000mO 8. Po roil anruicas, FOREST pieute Coli i4l-nl OdiTaat li a Traes, 7OC'ndi nIne GENERAL OI°FICE dwatucr Jiavel,, 5fW7, 0103.349e. ficiene inaviolOynks t tao t iIAZMAT endorsempota. Our automated sVSfem Oraaias oea for Coo FREEI h000 2 ers. vorifi_.. GanertAnfÇU55ro fled, septos. Reels, 000klng Ros ed, ooeots. $75g, 7l5y774't011 EDISON PORlO TAX PREPARER Skokia CPA firm soaks ero. leso N. OOeohili. Cry tir, SOR, aseiohol wlou yis.0l Cuerrn f hdwdolns, orttoss t. Shoe. Public000lo axe Musi by Er« cina. loden 000mlion. ht Inch. Orivars MuOl bu oSlo IO Workonp bhii. A Pioneer Press Pubileation (Dc) bERilIO '45to 0001sFree drei far Serioe, . 11_3 203 2ll, Sroklnepryles,iynol. 0,5 Ploiaeo. toil r000kor uil-time chaina saies Mrson. 2nd Floaf, oloR, 10w, sond 2+erorspoperionop work lop ace of hase 000 00 iS me ronuired, Leads prooidrd Eamoonies, until roo Ial hem Rioar Grove i000lion. krom mro non Ora Sis'sIs.dlsd. 2000 SUnO-S000. inious heat, MONOTEO MATCh-t CAN indrn,y,kp, hnnmyu Creo ,HELPWANTEOPART,TIME hiE LP i CREATE YOUR PROFILE TWiC core. min 22 yr Rpaeonaibiiiiipsy . Soiioif rpoceup nom now Onu poisfin Cileni, TELEMARKETING T hespe melones will cocer know who Cad ore, 0h01 skills coo 0000, aed rour dosira lo J-866-3741494 fobhished revenu o 0001. Caed frock drioers eendpd br colimo 0000rtisino onu RE iocnmoiiue miupulna FionnerLpeoopeansy Sponsorship PrOSroms fo icr flofionoi ond ocal aduCe. omraiioe Poouilons ovauiohie liapri ne ho 5unTimps la Jouet b Wrntenv iiie Must No Resume Npedpdl Now. Group flotwoek of hoorCioss A CDL «im fnrkrr cooed, A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) HELPWANTED FULLT1ME SERVERS FT1PT i'rOCk dricen needed CHICAGO Cumbaeiond.iorna Ouhsloedico coo. bolletiiN t. Macto Sso.200, deporaIed, or ne locnnowtivn tOiuoiihn oeentoiien Positivos OCOitobie LecCi ceeoeonips ora seokie6 w Rrkoruiroe mart Apel in se. c, mph,, oree, Inure, in Jaiiet K aenseno uro. Must people wilh oil tupis nTAaS.not,P0fkRidoo ai 11000 doss A CDL WhIt oCker experience br hondred, of f101iOflot Oflhifli Soies Specialist fices WOroinS Wiih Our H ELF WANTED FU U. TiME J 00 5, JO OS and MORE .10051 AdVtrtISJn, Soin, in?erocIiv, Medio. over 200 10111 NVWWpiOneertocaI,com HEI.PWANTED FULL NIME GPO IHOMCPWNERI, Yod HOnE THE RIGHT TO OC' MAIN Ill POSSESSION FOR SOOAYSAFTPR ENTRY OF 000ER OF POSSES' IIi is oduhsed hoi in lores ted AN Sbus, IN OCC000ANCC porI lesconso II WillI iSSIr SECTION 10.17011Cl 005 OlI on000s babeo biddlro WITH MORT' foneoitouna 0F lilt ILLIHOIS mOrf0000 di FOOCCLOSOOC 50105.1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS GAGE heeabV 0100e 1h01 punsuonl to LAW. For Ipeonmolion. 00e' a Judomenl 0e PoreOiO,OrO bore Slraat Solle 300 CO1CAGP, IL 00602. Tal NO 13121 470.0000 P10050 r7i0P I It 1h15 proPerly is o Eoeda' minium toil, ISP poroh050rol Ihe uaui 01 Ihe boneOiOSura soIr, airer 1h05 O moel000pa ono Ihn 10001 feOs 000uirOd An Oho Condomiclum Proper Aol, 105 ILCS 0050101101 101141, IF TOO AOP MG050000R IIIOMCOWI ERI, YOU HAVE TH RISUlTO OEMAIN IN POS SESSION FOR 30 OATS AP' TER ENTRYOF 014000CR IN IN POS. You 00e Siso 01511 OhO 2001' DAYS 0F. 0101 Soles Coryaroblor ob 010 nrorll.11sO.00m br e 7 000 510 11721028iC IL 10530, 10301 700 0516 Ac. 10,00e Iho hours nl O Sod 3PM Only ond 0511 lCr I heSolos do. NORRIDGE IN TIOE CIRCUIT COORT coel000l P100 noreier Io 111e OF COOK COUNTY, number 11-05-00010 TIlE JO' =R)n I17310021C PICIuSL SALES COOP000. NOTICE CE SALE PUOLIC NOTICE IS HERE' BY GIVEN 1h01 poesuan i Io o J000menl 01 F0000l asome Onu Sol Ooninep O Io ice 00000 Oausa on 500iemher I, loon, On 000nl of Thn JoOlciol Soles ILLINOIS COUNTY OC PA RTM E N T ' TION One 50015 WOckyr CHANCEOY DIVISION DeVe. 20lhPlvOr, Chl0000. IL 10.17011Cl OF TIlE ILLINOIS 600004000 13101 031-SALE OCWCN LOAN SERVICING. Coroorolion will 0? 0:30004 On Omnomba e 2, 2000, 01 ISo TOO JudIclol Solos Coroono lion. One 500ih Woolner Delle F000CLO' '00v 001 0150 01511 IM OSI' LLC Pivinlill 'O.' PARIOSC M000GAOC 00210052KO. ei 01 Doloed' SORE LAW. For lolotmotlon, 05 CH OO1C4I 001 vo 5i conloci b°IoinlIII's 011oreny' NOTICE OF SALE T hosoicsOier k, FISOEP losco PUrI uf P000lno soto, ANO SHP0PIOO, LLC , 4301 NOTE: PorSuOn I IO lOO Fair PUDLIC NOEICE IS HERE' . 041V Flor CHICAGO. IL, 60000, all 01 p00110000110010 CollUoliOn PrOvticOs ay GIVEN 1001 P0000001 loO mho Oloheol bidden, aS sol Aol, you ame 0001,00 IhOt JudomOot 01 FomoiOsume Und lomIh 5010w Ihn IOiiaotimo do' 10071 4060000 0010000 lOO l°loieIiII'soiiorVOr Is dimmed SOI ecoIco ed Io lEn ohooa 5OmIAVO toot esloto: Common. k0000 os loll W. houes 01 i 50 0m Oro 30 IO bOO dobi 0011001cr ollemel' 00050 00 upell 07, 2000 on le ASC100C, p.m ociP. PIPOS 000fOrlP 1110 leo lo 0011001 0 OPAl oed Oro P0001 01 TOO .10010101 OlO5 C0000LANO CONk HOR000, IL 000d, Pohl 00002. oumbar Il-OS 10030 THE JO' inlOnmOtlOn 001010011 wIll ho ColPUmOIiOe will cl 10:30AM PICIAL SOLES 000P000A' 0500 ftP 1h01 coreoS, 1015154 on Notemhor le. 3009, 01 Ihn mo doublaI Solos Corpora. TIPS Oep Soulh WoOkoe Pub: loll. 1000,1030100 lion, Ono SoulS Wooker Orlon 0110e, 20111 Floor, Chl0000, IL 110010001E 2410 Floor CHICAGO. IL, 60000.4050 13101 OIl/SALE 60000. salI ot publio 00011001v You 00e 0150 51511 The Joui' MOOTON COUVE ISO hIOSOSI Aiddop, Us sPI IS TIlE CIRCUIT COURT CiSl Soles Con0000lioo 01 brIo 0010w, IllS 101100mO do. 00060 115000m lOF o 7 Oar sta' OF COOK COUNTY, coal sori000 P011 0e 000dino somos ILL INPIS COUNTY 051010 Cemmonip kr000 OS SHAPIRO, DEPARTMENT' -O Oslo W 100100G PARIS CUANCEOY DIVISION LOko Cook ROod ROOK. IL 00002 AURORA LOAN SERVICES. 0000 OMIT A. NOROI000, 404-nono All 01000 FilO LLC P10101111 '0.' OSMAN IL 60700 Proporto 10000 No, IO 0.317.035. Pmoorlr 11000 AiIon000 000IN, el 01 Pefeellonl 140010020 NO. 12.13 311.053. Propomlo In. 43100 CasO S Od CH Il CH 0001 000 hO l2.13.lii.034, Proper. NOTE Pur5000 b Io loe NOTICE GP SALE mown OS ¿Oid NI Pool Colloclior Fr0011' POOLIC NOTICE IS HERE' lo IodeS No. 13.15-317.003 The AVE 1ml 05101e Is im 01000dm 11h a KIL0000N ACi, 000 Ote odoised Ira? OY GIVEN lholPOPa000i lOo LINCOLNW000, IL 6071 inllIl'soilOrna is 0001100 200010001 Ob POrOOlostee 0mo meSloeeva. Sole toreos: 20% he O OohlcOlheO Or0lIeWOl. Sol penlep oat io ISO obave 11000 Ob Ihe hIohnsI Aid En ie IO 0011001 0 doAl oca ono ososa on AprIl 25. 2004, 0O P,nlllied tucos 01 Ihn 010001 SOI IV residloco. p0001100 Obloleed wIll AO 00001 Of The Jodiolol Soles lOO 5001100, Ihe bOlUcOo. le em,: 25% down DO perlllied sod loP 1h01 ounpaso 151014 Corporolian will 01 10.30 AM o,rliIieIl lords, IS due ollhin odo, 0010100e mIthin 34 00 November 5. 2500, 01 1h, iwoelp'loum 1141 roues. The POE. 1009, IluO, 1111059 ours , Ac OOnlilied lundS. No OhS JuuloioI Soles Concomo' ouEIevI or000rlr lo sublimi lo I113I000IC ref/nds The Orarable will lIon. One houle Wonkor Olivo 5005nel coot 051010 looPs, sen. NOT AO OPPO lar InSpa011On, MORTON GROVE . OlIO Flmr CHICAGO, IL, 0101 055000 01001,. OP sopvIoI IN TOE CIRCOIT COURT 60606, soIl 0I publio ouOliOn Io loops Iodico 0001051 sola rOSI hip combar PAO800III T JUDICIAL SALPO CORP RATION Ore Soulh Wookor will t000IOS t CedlliOaiO or Orioo,211h FImo, Chi0000, IL Salo Whiub mIll 0011110 iba 22LSALC 0000b'OOSO 13131 YO0 00e 0150 nisll IhR JuOl. ponohosor Io O Deed IO Iho SaIes Conponolion ei prewists Ob larcorlirmotion 0101 00500 lIso 00m ion a i doy 510. Of Ihn SRiO, Foe inionmolion' Our AebOila al ViolI PoS' blEDO. IbiS, 110050 lusrO porI cl paeulco 50100 N000ID0E IN THE OIRCUITCOORT NOTE: P ursoOe I IO boo Four OF COOK COUNTY. iS'tllIlCI OFYHE ILLINOIS DOSI ColIrcilun Fr0011000 ILLINOIS COUNTY ou 010 0001500 1h01 FORECLP AO? M0nTAOOC DEPARTMENT' 500E LAW, Por inlormoilop, Phokilll'OUIIOPnOv Is doomed CHANCERY DIVISION 0001001 PloinlIhl's 01101mO' 0h00 dobI 001100100 011ompI' DOWNEY SAVINGS AND 0cc Sole Clerk, COPILIS 8. mo lo PolleO? S duhl Old ono LOAN ASSOCIATION. FA ASSOCIATES. P.0 . lOW000 lelolmolion Obloinoll will he Plainlill, 'o ' A000ZEJ 50070 FRONTAGE OOAD, Used lOe 1h01 OuneSso lamosos NACIIMAN. el 01001000001 FON- 15110. lOTTO, 10(20100 SdITE IOU, DORO 0100E. O, CO 510005 op c000 COUNTY, ILLINOIS COO OTT DEPARTMENT' CHANCERY DIVISION NORRIDGE, IL 40700 PrOC' orlo ledOs NO IO 14 214-008 The pool P51010 lO Imorpuod WIth O rosi 00000 . Salo lorms 30% 11000 el ho H105051 bid by carllliOd lunds el ISp lIOso Pt lina 000110cl tSP babbo, le oerlilIrd mundo. Is Ovo wIlSin imOnlO loor 1541 1100es Iho sobloon pmopanlo lo sohincb lo StoRnaI Inalor/alo lUSOS, SW' aloI 050ess moot,, or eoOvIOl e 000alpu led 0001151 sold epal 05101V 050 lO Oliopod lop solo milhaol onnr00000en10110505 IO 000111e 0 OuOniilo 01 lillo Ocdwilmnoulmbooulo o Io Ploinlill Onu In 'AS IS' 00001' tIan ThO solo Is lorI horsy A' bob Io coellnmaliye hy Ihn coure. II Iho solo is sol 00100 fol tnom00500 , line Pu000000r at 100 0010 sholI ho rntlltrd Only Io onoluen 01 Ihm uomnIl paid The Pooch000rohOlI h 0000010e I horm00000 no 000lmOl Ihm Moml0000r, Iho M0II00000 Or Ito M011000PO'l Ihn 01050,? BIdder, as 50f 00101e oed i, 011,100 10m Sole OlI or001 , 0mo moomoel in 001E below loa 10110010000. 0115001 onneoere 50510110e Os bull 01 lIlo omoune bid, loe soriApo epal 051010: COmmon. lo 51001110 0e 5000111V Ri lillo PuochoSol will neholon O CPI' le k0000 Os 0170 MAYFAIR 0000lIhouIre coursa Io 11110010 01 501e 1h01 WIil enli. P10101111 000 in 505 IS' 00001' Ile loe pulohUsem IO O OPIO IO 1100. ThO Sale IS idmlsOr sub. lina Pool oslulo olioroalir' Thursday, Octhber 29, 2009 ]I1f101s5l.11lU.1.9A 161f Ills] lob 9.9 - ;RE JUDICIAL SALES O1flIislL'0Mf.f.9!* 011f Ill'] leI 0.9 reonpoen lOtIon os Io nuolIly up SAROIIIP Rl lItIR 590 WIll. Rulr0000p so lo PIUIrIIII OnO In A5 IS' osodition. The solo Is lurthersublool IR oonllrmo. Pr01000lIvo bidders oro od. ContRol PloInIllIo oltorroYI b ssrtllbed lAnds 00 Ihr obose lion by Ihr Cilorl. Il Ihr Solo IS tOonIshod to 0500k ISo court IIAUSELMAN. RAPPIN N ob leo Ruotlilo, IhR bol0000, In SOI RsIde Ion ooprooson , ISO tilo to VorIly oli IflfOtOnotIon. OLSWANG. LTD. . 30 SoUth Oerlllbed luods, Is dur wIthIn Punohosorol lilo Soll SeUIl On ProsoucIlco bld0005 Oro Od. mUnlshod to shook tee OOUrI 1110 to uonlly olI Inbormollnn, II 1h15 onopontp IS O 00000. . RURR RIOGE, IL 00520 16321 EDWARD GOLUCHI TIlE IO490IUAII0rVCAFIIONR.r 14- ALEXANDRA CONOOMINI. 09.11006 ARtICI 00400002 At. CM ASSOCIATIONI UN. or 000tlrenRlloo 01 lilO solo IIAVE MAIN IN 0m? br l050uollon Rod piole. bill mokoS nor0000sentUllon Tho Sole Clerk. CODILIS A 01 1,005 Orn. CoIwoon 3 orn. Norte 000r000n 501000e. In oorIIIlod IUflU5, Is Sttont, Chl0000, Illinois 00002. duo WIthIn IWOOtV loor III TOI NR 10121 416.5500 Retor hourS. Ten 5051101 prRflUrIfl IS to Filo Numbor COlPaS IN. . ollorod lop solo W1IhOAI One 000rOSRn lollon os Io RuollIc or quonIlly 01 lItIO and wIle. PUS: 15722. 1055. lt/S/Eh Oui roEou000 lo P10101111 ord SCORIE 11135553IC DICIAL SALES CORFC' TION 050 SRUIh WO DriuO, 201h Floor. Chi OOlSmOolS Oro lOO bopel lops CUIdA-COSO noRuiro u by Ter Condomlol. Aol Vou 000 odulSYd TION OIR Soulh WooFer DrIAO, DAIS Floor. Chl0000, IL 00cM-4600 13121 23H-SALE DANE, LINCOLN RIDGE CARRIAGE HOMES ASSOCIATION. LINCOLN RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA. TION iloloTubOlS ob 01 lo doomed Io boo dobl 001109. lAIrS Cod 01 0000190 soles 11001 0011 05 Inlonmollon Ob. L tolnod mIll ko coed nor 1h01 P.0 IOW020 NORTH FRONT. oun0000 1210303 AGE ROAD, SUITE IOU PACi INTS, 1110, 11/12/00 RURR 0100E, IL60500 MOI 111210111E 111200011C OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY S KO K lE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS/COUNTY DEPARTMENT. CHANCERY DIVISION AMTRUST RANE PloInbIbI, -o ' YVETTE E. DENOOW, el 01 Det00000l 04 CH 023200 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE. RY GIVEN 1h01 PArsuOn I loo lodowool SI Foroobosuro ono SOlo oololod In the Ob000 COcCO 0 Sootombor I, 000V. on 00001 Rl The Judlobol Solos Corporollon will 01 1030 AM Rn D000mbor 2. 2009. 01 Ib OS COO 4013? NOTICE OF SALE lIlo hIOhoel bidder. o, sol CorlO below leo IRIIOwITO do- PUbLIC NOTICE IS bERE. scnlbud nooloslolol Common. BY GIVEN 1h01 purs000 I Io o lu known Os 0345 KOSTNER OSCO 46015 NOTICE OF SALE PUOLIC NOTICE IS HERE0V GIVEN 1h01 PunSuon I loo J000mool 01 F0000losune Sed Solo 5110144 le Ihr 050uo 00050 00 000bomCon 3, dccl, FEOEHALSAVINGS DANK IhO hiOhost bl001r, os srl io AS IS' CondIlliln Veo solo SEVERS N MIHLAR, LIC r lonIh 0010m he 101100100 dl sonibud rmOoSIol0- Common IV known 050534 LOCKWOOD AVE, SkOklo, IL 60071 PlOp lion by ho ORArI. Open 00V' 2m, DECAT mont Ir bull Rl lboom000l bid. 12111 422.1110 . THE JUDI' lie OVICh 050rwilInon eluo o dAL SALES CORPORACerlilloolo o, Solo 1001 WIll TICS 000 50010 Wookor' env 10000 No IO-bO-iOZ-OAI0000 The lobi 051010 iO im. 000044 wIth o 510010 lamlip Ihm OuruIraSor Io o dood IO hO 1001 05101e otlor 000tilmoIiOn 01 IhR sole Tpo 00000ly will NOT 00090° bon l05000lion OTO 10101111 mo 00000000l0000 101100 oslo 0011115 TeR bid OmoArt Shall PUOLIC NOTICE IS HERE. Iormsl - GIVEN thaI OAISUOO I loo bR pold Io eorlilImd lArds Im modlotely bV Ihm hiohost OnO minium uilIt, lee Ounoh050rob COOWOUIIOO 0111 01 10 20 AM MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN' ORI, YOU CAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN P06SESSION F50 50 DAYS AP. MARKETPLACE 15 17011Cl RETHE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FROECLO. SURC LAW. Fop bolormolioo. 10101111 0001501 P151 tOO 000011105 DI Iho 01000010. HEAV BEVE Proemoollue bidders ono ou Advertise 24/7Coli IO/Il 0003600 TGAGE. IIVCSCC. on 0000,0000 12, 2000. sI leo Plairlill oOd In 'AN IS' 000dm. (OlIAI. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWS ORI, YOU HAVE TIlE RITA POP. 0101 Dolyndonl OodOo, soil 01 YAbIloOVOlion IO thOOmOVOlEId, lhopuroh000r RIGHITO REMAIN IN POS. FOR 25 OAYS UF. Orth 0205 lee nOiOSI blddon. os bob oil Ir010 loo o CurlIlloolo RI SESSION TER ENTRY OF AN GODEO NOTICE OF SALE lOrIS blow. the IOIIOWInO do- Solo 1h01 will 0011110 Irr pup. OF POSSESSION. IN ACPUOLIC NOTICE IS HERE. 500ibod 0001 00101e Common. ShoSor Io o dood IO Iho root OY GI9EN 1h01 PulSuon I IOU IV know? os 7004 5. LINCOLN ns101r 01 brilon lirWoliUn ob C000ANCE WITH SECTION Judomool 01 F00001 050rO ono AVE .50, SF01,10, IL 60076 lee Soll TIrO 00000nby 10111 1S'CIUIICIOFTIIE ILLINOIS FORECLOSOI 0001CrOd lo Iho 00000 Pr0000Ip lodro No IC 27.307. NOT bu oYen Ion i05000lion MOOTGAGE 00050 00 SOOlombor IO 20W. 001.0000 Thy 1h01 00101m is im- Red ploinlill mokosnonooro- 51.10E LAW, FOP lolunmaliun, PiolollIb's OlIOlnon On OOeOt Rl Seo ludido1 SOIRs syntolion Rs IO Ihn 600011100 0001001 rroUIIO SCOTT, HEAVNER, CRrporotIOfl will SI 10 00 AM 01 lIlo 0100001V PrR0PO011ue on il000mbor IO. 2000. 01 Ihn omOVhI wOS 5001,1% 20 Sole bldd015 01e odmoniohod IR DEVERS e. MIHLAR, LLC ThO lUdbolUl SOInS CRnoorO. I009rSi TOO bid omUVill sibIl Urroll I h0000r I lilo lo 001110 Ill EosI Molo SIrrot, 51110 lion. 000 S0AIil Woolion OnboO So pOid In 000111100 lInOs IR oil InlbrmolIaO It hIS pro - 200, DECATUR, IL 60522, . 241il Floor CHICAGO, IL. mrdiOloly by Ihn brlohrsI ono Orly io o 000domlnlum onil, 12171 422.1710 , THE 3H01. CORPORA. uUuuO, teli 01 publIR 000blon IO COSI biddrn 01 Ih00000iUoion I ImpUr th000r Ob tilo UnII 01 dAL SALES IhO hIOhOSI bl000r, os 001 01 160 001e Tho oVbiPut pup- I/O broui OOuros 010, otilor TION Ono 50010 Waoken borIn bolow Iho lillIRwIno do. mOld IS 5901001 to Oonrr ol rOUI tian o murl00000 sh011 00V OOIUO, OOlh Floor, 00000,11 sorlbod neolostole CUwmon. 051010 boro, 50,00101 osooss- 110 055055 monIs OnU ho bROUI 00106-4055 13121 230-SOLE SCOTT. known In os 4154 monts, or 5000101 100eS bobO ms required by Tho Condo. HEAVNER. GREENWOOD STREET. 0001001 Sold loRI esloIr Rodil minium Pn000000 Aol, 105 SEVERS 0. MIHLAR, LLC Ill E0OI Mulo 510001, SullO SKOEIE, IL 00013 Pr000rly Olb000d Iorsobowul000 I 00V ILCS 00019101111 old 151141. IOdIO No 10-15-423000 ThI topn0500 buon os Io SuolIly IF bUARO THE MORTGA. 250 DECATOR. IL 60023 12111 nool 051010 II Im OIOupdwllII il 00 nulnIlly 01 tIllo OOd wuIh 009 IHOMEOWI400I. YOU 402.1010 Altornoy Code 40007 105i00000. SOIR Iorms1 25% ouln000u000 lo P10101111 ond llAVE THE RIGHT TO RE. COSO t OS CH 01103 NOTE down 01 leO hIOhOSI bld by in 'AO IS' 000dillon TPO Solo MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR Punsuan I Io ho FoIn Debt 00/111144 luods 01 Ihn 010001 SturI horsu bloom l0000IirmO. 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF CollootlOn P00011005 AOl, IOu Ire SACIIOT, IhO boIonOO, In lion bu I il000un I. upon peo. AN ORDER DF POSSES. Oro 000llyd teal PIoIltilI'soloerllliod lArds, IS duo Ruhm morI in lull 01 Ihr OmOVnl bld, 5105, IN ACCORDANCE bonroY Is doomrd IO bu o 0101 twOillI'.lOur 1241 hOurs Tilo 160 001050 0000Iil0000lVo O WITH SECTION 15.17011Cl oollmol000ltomollno IR Collool Subbhob onoporIn IS subirol IR Crnlillooio ob SRIO 1001 will OF TIlE ILLINOIS MORT. o dobI 0011 000' IflIOrmOliOn 000eool 1001 051010 100eS. 500. 0011110 leo Punoh000n Io o GANE FORECLOSURE Ob101000 will be Used IRr 1h01 dol 055055 monIs. RO 50,00151 dAM to 1h onrnbos 101e 011m LAW, For 1010000lion, 000- purpoSe. 5215020 Puoi 10,920, 11/0. 11113,50 - - IS NIAS 506555201160501 bOOn 110,05. 00155. OrI. 51011 COrhnlO llAr, 11011v, OPysbol, Llodro 00000, 01101015, OleO. UM, 010, pomo, 00000101005. OrI loon. Chrlslmos, hshid, ORI, m000l lt Is bOtweOn DoroliOld Rd. 0011 LOkO COOl' RH. WOSI ob - älO0lO5. 000.2 m, Coloro LIOhIhOUS rlub Founolion GanoSo SOIr rol-SRI, OCt OS-311 tom-20m I l'seover toe bole leo Oreo? GLENCOE 004 Olull RU rl,soI,suo 10.0, 011 060000 000001151 Furo, loco. 6010k 1000115, lIr NO PrrSOlrO, RO, U0000lR Funn, Arl,HRm OCu000UUOO,.MsUo1___ LIUE RTY VILLE OLENVIEW' 000tWeoN tl2OTr000 Lone O0IOPCOO1OPOOIO'WOd, Nou NOI ROI OIS?, 50M-00M GOLF, ba-SON 10131.0-12 MulIl FomIlo LOISOI dull AOI15005, tools. olUIhes, ._l000liS macirS N monnil IlIsnboed Pork-3M 5005e PIons CIPolO. SaI/SUO lOTI Il/I, 00.20, WomooS N MeollO 50 lOI Pupo, kItohen, OR, LO, OnImolol Slob. DO, OurlaS, Nor, ceo 1001e, 00510,15,057.605-0020 II5ITI/VLlIlA/E,1i4/$J OpOrlsMOmonobillo Solo CondslPiuluroo/J cr0005 101501 MIohool Jon000 PaokCs0100iHlO.ElleSlOUt.,. GOLF AO I/O 00100 RO. - DEDROOMSET OnIl000 wolnul, 0/lull 5100 ScOlo mol Inrsls liii Ii 0105110 5000 LIN CO L NW 00 D J E WOO IO CONGREGATION Otto H_CRaWP000 LINEOLNSIIIOEr 051010 Noie In A Ol00010R 00050, o LlrOOInSlolrO Or, Sun Solo 00,20, FOno, SOlOS. DeUS, Sul. blOb. OOm'lOIO Now N USWI ellhs isOlo 1005 bks 0.505110 505, G000t OuoSI VOIS, 000ksholl, 141.112.2005 0011 drOnsO lolhino, ishlU Itoms, Greol 001001051 DON'T NEED 117 SEIL S FAST. C8ILMIODS4IOU FOIOBSREIOCAIJOUSAT PIONEEOLOCALCEIUIASNSTE8 la norlolo UTS odoro. Will pmvrdo WORn, ISVIT5, Slob]O 2/0150. You'll Do Ildolod pulh bbSpOCl and CooTdRnliollly EopoosES Paid. P10050 coil Glonoa Soppuil NU 1<111 Sholom, POONEERPRESS OK PARTME N T . CHANCERY 0191510M WASHINGTON MOTAAL RANO FKA WASHINGTON MUTOAL RANK P.O PIolo lull.....ALEEANDEO OLGA LOTIS, LOTIS, IIAROIS, N.A DOtondoot 5a CO 55510 FURNITURE FOR SALE Choroy Bodrooto Sol Sold Wood ENGLISH DOVETAIL LO 5551001m U 0055. 51000 up, pups5200.000. AKC. COlon. yrlIow, Choc, hIck, SUOI.. mOillO, dellu. 015-SUI 0000 0116001 DenonolboO Fuori. 2415 FIooy, CHICAGO, IL, 00000, SolI 01 oubIlo 000110010 lune, Yornaho SpIro, P10001 bio 1,105051 biddOr, Os OSI 2 DP00505 by Foul D. Weonorm 100111 bylaw leo 101100100 do2 Sod. 10011 P010151 Pr. ob 0000monls Sod. Grouop IO known os 0201 LOWELL AVE., 500kb, IL 00070 P000- Cleoml000, TIlt000 SlcdioS onlY lodos NO 10.15 215041' 0000 LOIbSI SterlIng Siloorl Im- S KO K IO IN THE CIRCOIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY 0000 Veo ORSI 051510 IS l'poppa 01111 0 sinoto bomilo TIrO ludomool 005100000 DEPARTMENT' CHANCERY DIVISION OEUTSCHE DUNK NATION obnlyunl was 5011,202 00 RosoAlIloi IIUmIneI5i PIO- tuse 001151 Oil P011111005 L SRIo PeinlOi Orlmn101 RUgs, M0OY oil Gold RlnoswIDlOmOOds Ou. 010 paId IR oOnlItiOd 1u0d5 im. Ionms. Tin biU Rmounl AL TRUST COMPANY, AS bipo, 500001105, mIel MUnI bruI biddrr ob 1h bOCcIAI IOU WOICheSU P000elwalohoom ASsI. Gold J000llyl SIbuer 01 Ihe solo. The Sublyot roo' LONG TRUSTEE FOR OEACH MORTGAGE LOAN modiolelu Up leo HIOhOSI Sed JENNA DANK, UNITED STATES OF AME RICA-DE PA RTME NT only IS 5051001 IR 050010 0oe1 051010 100VO, 5000101 050055. mools, OP 5000101 150es bAled 0001051 sold real OSIOIS ano is TORNAI REVENUE OCRV' nofireSOn 101100 OS IO 0001110 CI CR03632 OuI000000S R IO PloinlIlt 0011 TROST 2004 A P10101111, 'u' KANDU, COLE TAYLRO DF THE TREASURY' IN- ollpred I onsoloRilhou I 009 ICE OcteodonI Rn ,wanllby 01 tIlla Ond will' JomoinPi COrRI N TuOlOuoiSO 100100 JywmlrpGuldcolosm Goon lOOMor000 Doliorom Uro. N Hl.Gn000 Colesm Or. noIe 11011 00005 1 MinO,Si Oo.r000I.ufll Fr501510 I Moo., NOVO, 3,25. in 'AS IS' 000dilloh. The solo 7130 orn S t elsur Beton. sols, Is turIhOPsubiOOt IO 000110mo1,151150, PhOlOsol: °° pon by Ihn pourt. 000001.ul000I0000IOe.00m l CoeSI.rIneelS AP000ted leo OUrOhOSOP wIll 0000100 0 b PO, on 0db. 05101.1 CorlilbOOlO Ob Sole blob MIII NOTICE OF SALE PURLIC NOTICE IS HERE' by GIVEN 1h01 ounsUOl I lob JudCmRnl ob ForoylosurO ond Solo enlenod In leo 01000 OOuso 00 AUgust 21. 2000. ur 50001 oP rho .Iudlo101 00100 tonIllo Ihr puophoser lo o 0000 to Ihm real 55I010 01100 Corporollon 10111 RI 10135 doM TO PL&CE Y OUR CAPIA GE S ROO AD, ".,u CAttM1'9OU/5GEu.w. ri R0000lClS lo Advoco Vuloilouly Troalmoolo. FREE TOWING, Too IjodUclIblo, Wo PICK COI 00000 AUCTION poLLoRi2/, ootttuOSO-3200Jl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DOLI.AR C DOLLAR PLUS, MAILBOX, PARTY. DISCOUNT CLOTHING OR TEEN STORE FROM $51,900 Wo4dwldol 100% TURNI<EY CALL NOW ,Adv.rtis. -24/7 Coil 104110003605 pllm E molI 00110, elles .Iiurdvrs 10011 PIONEERPRESS flj0t5 AOT-"wAIOPmIu HELP WANTED DRIVERS Alto: F0211150 001mo: 01001 homo limo, 90501110, Vacujon, Pay OTd Molo Holiday TooTinoiN IO 07Usd lsluTd, DE Und 600soluor, IN Eedlcalod CLASSIC! ANTIQUE CARS (SUS) B33.21B1 Cord . 07,750. 041 045 0243 iil3t!4Y1 lIL1NHtII'U 2000 30000 EAGLE 00 RITS Oil wObeI 0V. 33 1001, 5 per- . Woolom Eopboss 000.00l.D295 - 00001cc Coli 700.004-naO nationwide. Contact LEGAL-NOTICES - IPASäY .Si1.6lIi',IdslO,?,'il TRANSPORTATION Wo huno lOO small company . family Pool you dosito, UTd Ao fi000Clal slabilily yOU 0050100f - '07 6 ' Dully 01 NoAol TnuckSl Wookly PoyI Apply 051100 0] oonvw.kaighll0000 COTO 'A muniho OTR I CiaSS.A CDL MasSa 050.659-9405, 51. 001101 OP5 Welcymo loRI LAKE PROPERTY LAKE LOT BLOW.OUT SALEI I 117109 ooly. 2e OCIO lako lot FREE bout SlipSI Just POlIS $24,050 AUS $59,900. PAY NO puoI, walking 100115, now I-U00.?04.3154, klukosalo Corn o3314 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $64,50/1700. NotED t-00 By Ow000. UTbHII002bIoI $74.5Oil000 Buy SEIl FREE? Rosidoobal, Commons/al, wn0w.hou'llondooploss,com BO8-339'NPAl AoOcIoltolal Coil Ido SlURS I 00401105 I shades. m1II)c 0i1tAD 2b?'8D6'2316 'TO PLACE YOUR GARAGE SALE AD, yAmA mo lliìbo ClaSs/hod Advaising NolvaCik IIcANI pto'.ndos pionoUr P1000 ondTho 001064 mil 00000010g UI O tta500,al opposaI. - PIONEERPRESS 4 FOOT WHITE PINE TREES 001/10100 I Plaotod I Mulchod. CENTRAL WISCONSIN LOG OTR roquibod. HEARTL0I9ID EXPRESS Y'060.44 5.4953 10501GO O005lO park. HOME&8OACRESI Farlo Club V Evonlo 1ISIIWS. 24/7 molo. EoEoIloRl floandog ColI MORE PAY? RUR WITH 011111 Hoalood Rogionol IO EIIp005S? S.4SImilo UP Ono.O].A-Kiodl Gtnal h055ngl $069,055. Oolaiis ut www,droamloghomoforSolo. toomosload,com Advertise Laqols CLOSING COSTS? On 160,508 Io 0000 loc100lloRal tallo Eljoy swimmiog KoTtuchy. HOME MOST WEEKENDS I2 monlhS I CASHPOOJONKCARS Fron PiOu.Uo Sorno doy -To plaCe regIonally, statewide 01 ,- 217.2411700, IMMEDIATE HIRE . Wo'Oo lockIng fob A 000d. oopoiolocod ddoobsl KNIGHT OTR HOMES FOR SALE ERII1pOIY OTuobS? aoamUouffomall 00m AUTOMORILES WANTED : ADHERE Pay, Sonofilo, Equipmnol I.Day OIinnlaliOfl. STOIC Cold Hoidots Plo? obmolt. www,gIco.chlotllld,com Boy. Seorcll, Seil doosic colS. Ovol ESO 0015 OOlITO FREE Sons, 1051 SolS 01515 P1100 50010011 54505, 2122534300 Y-EEO-453.5682 AINHBO2I3 Le5b0m Odo. VO. WhI101Oolor, OUIO, AC. PoworWiodows Locks. M lIrons , Dr loon's 5101, AOoVFM, C000CIlO. AUS, Till s 1501m 0 Wirol, Cpuloo Coo 1101, Romole Koybos S Erl?,, 00,0W, obr 11001.000011001 6565 Gland W. PLACE YOUR 000CC COL-A OIR Dry Von PI Flulbod P0511005 Acollablo flolhyd o?p roq'd. COSI 00 vIsit 1.SEE'4S3.531S Sore P1,0. ¿5K MII Owner, SpnIlghdld, IL D2704 IL Ros, Mlg. Llconsao EHL IPA SERVICES Class A.CDL, 22Y0 I yr. ooy WoW Mywh000, Clooryo pool lilo. Bocomo U hooloncor loOny. uyow,H1IH-Ma'Nolwolk 001/5 Yo. OIR COP A I Yr IRcoTI SUT $9,995 YWUW W'YKOFFMOIATOASE.COM bo- Rmploy1000l physical, 010g lob]. Email Gnou] HELP WANTED Flulbod Coolop fur Chie? lodosoioo, hoc. ClaSs A CDL I I 25 Mocloi000 ond COTIIy /UI votifioblo oxpU00000, lass UO6.234.?4?8 ALL CASH VENOINGI DU yod dUly U SS $650/day? Your own Iduni coody 0Ou]o. lododoS 000ds Doycobs/Troclots dod Solo 010910000 18 pools Or Rower. COL-A wiHUzrilol, 2y15 jack.mUIphyMSA000ir.cum COT 00116011 BECOME A HOMEOWNER 180% APallablo. LOW Flood Robs PniucBcokluplcy oh, Gonommeet Loon ESPOII. Alo NEVER BEEN IJSEDI Oliglilaily $4500 FOR ONLY $905 VOWW.DRSSU CaM S -DOD'S 16-3064 Opar000rs . DO1H0 Ownor wloo l000sIW loador? TUWOO NOW lo busby 1100051 Noo-RUT0OIS Accoplod. 1-UEE'912'G IVE. N 0V ICE OF SOLE I61TQbESMDA2tTG0ODS PUDLIC NOTICE IS HERE. 0V GIVEN 1h01 pulsIon t IO O ANTI000 0001051 Judomlol Ob F00111 osuno Old SOI 00010m 11 Io lire 00000 Tues , SOU, O. 2rOb lOrOS PM Causo on 0000m bor IO, 0050, 1522 NW .Slorn Ano., COSO, 00 sotol ob TiR .ludiOIOl 50105 20d HUll 01 Picker'S Eslolo e. Coroorollon wIll 01 IO 30 AM 011ar EsnobS N Cueslonon Noormbor 24, 0000. cl lIre Ter JudIciol Solos Corpora- mOnISI Loododl InOlUdosI lilo, Ore SilulIr W0100r Dniuo VlclonlonNolhrrAillro FUN sonibod roof 051010 Common AUTOMOTIVE ANTiQUE B CLASSIC CARD RMW2050540I. H-Sod. 01001,, ADOPTION 312.238-UDS? NKOKIE IN THY CIRCUITCOURT OF COOK COONTV, ILLINOIS COUNTY 00010, ft 0500005, 005.455.055 Iu1O ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK Dm010 Vohiclo RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPON. NOAH'S ARC IIT3IO2OIC KANOU. bods.bbmOS,bO 055000 dio SOU101U10000 00511550 5110kO. mirsh moro CISIhOSRIII NS sold, TOSO' Ire, gym, Cod aOliOAo Dolo. WILMETTE YARO 50101 mIo 6' 2000eS re 0101e, 5150e 100 ConInol. Sol 10/21, 00-40. 2t0,05I.0000 Sue lili, lIa-20. LOIS al SIlOilbP womoos olullrAIOO 5100 WSuk00000 . Clothes 150ml HIGIIW000 Huom UoIe. O-IB. lArrilürR Rod m000l rewl, lurrlluor , ElbEhOn 00. 3 Fomilo Sol S 50000m 5pm PII woes ana kilohIn wano 201 JoIlnoy Ploor. . - FURNITUIFE Furo . 01016v,, lOF,, bOOlO, EVANSTON 02V 60110cm St. DEERFIELD 021 60011000 LS , sol 30-21 IO1000IO-4.00, , 10-2 N TOurs. NOA O. OnORI. 0000 OTON THE CLASSIFIEDS Opino 005000O50I rIcI100s WILMETTE 500 000lrimAUO, Oam.bOOm, Out SI Il-4001, Sot. 0.4 pm. Soin. IO' SOI lAbe, eolIa-Voto 0101000 OP 000000/ESIOII sole OnIon ob. sewer. 20m, Colboolors 05101e Cosi 001r1141.005.5011 lee all o! Control or 0505110 sale. SUSsbOnlbOlIAOI000 M ooSEIRIhOs , lU O Ion, 010005 0e lUrrlbure,0r00Or - Thuro'SOII S'S. 05410 W 000ko AUTO DONATIONS 5500 RY MERGER TO The JAdiciol Solos Coryolo- 1100, T hnsoiolS lull borsA ilN AMRO MORTGAGE lien, 000 SCUIh WOlkOl Orlue OUI IO 000IirWOtbln b IhR OUP. INC. Plolillill, -0. . OOIil Floor, CHICAGU, IL, ooArI. 0600 ronmonl Io lull al JAMES Zz1 PERFECT PET IN 00011 hshid oOmpl 101101 tane HIGHLAND po, sol 001010 ROOd. FOI In 0110v ORnIhI, IO/IO 0. 10/21 DISCOUNTING 00 SATURDAY I 005105 S Irlo 1'8E6.535'8080 Condominium PnOonItu lo TAo Aol, 705 ILCS 00519101111 oed DEVERS N MIHLAR. LLC, III EROI Molo 510001, SullO 110 000011100 Cl lilo 0000UrlV 200, DECATOR, IL 02522, Pm000clIuo biddcr, Oro Od 12171 420-1710 . THE lODI' moniSend IO Chrok leo Court CIAL SALES COKPORA' libe IO oprily oIl Intormotion TION ROO 50010 WoCkor Ions IodIo lilo lolo? oap000&uutbulldinosl , ADOPTION V hopIng tO RoRopt oowboro COIOD.ANCE WITH SECTION mo Aesnornoro sohIall000s Io altOrilOO. SCOTT, MSS, 500000, Chonnol LROFN mono, im000t 10015, ImlohosIs, drIll 00055,10010230 snow blower, Sm borE lilt. 1200 N Io moo Is 000 mod Io boo dobI TER ENTRYOF AN0000R OF POSSESSION. IN AC. oflIllIr Iho OunOhosor IO o h 000IAS Oil 01 hO soIr TiR lilo IO oenllo oli belormolioo. subloOl Oromrly IS 000IORI IO oonlilmoIion Ob Iho SRIO TeR 1001 PlolelilI's pn0000lu will NOT IR Opon Ion HEAVNER, GE CAO E S I 1000501 p100051 b01 2M-SALE SCOlI POP lee 555055mrn15 Ob101ned will CO usod lop tool ono leo 10001 loes rpoulrmd by P000050 1516002 Tir Condominium Fn0000lp PUAi tASO. lb/I 11112/09 Aol. 203 ILCS 0055101111 Ond 110210501E OlIAI IF 'I hIOhOSI Rod bust bbddOn CI IhR moeished lb 0000k lilo CRuel ondwilhoulr0000rs n TOOLDEALEO FOR 00000E EARLY POR THE 0ESTSELECTIONI 501.17/II SUO, 11/1 nom-40m, WIlmol Io Ger000 lo and, Kids '11110 OOU loue, bike, l000ilUrp, hOuoolold Ilpme, moro 1,'I'l]elHs1tsI,lll SALE CoIlOOeO0 POPO COsI ERrOld 01006LAND P00K HUGE SILES ESTATE F151110, 000tl00000000lno ESTATE SOLEIl 000 AUburn 15/00723000 dS3OCHrrPy SI 00e. RodS, Reels, LureS, Do. I Elk E 01 Mli000ken e. b CIAS CI. Thur. 10(20 N Fri. 10100. 00m A. Irsoild ilrms, KnIok' 01 T ou000nler 01 FronEs 00e OROS, Toope. 501005, Arpe.?, l/nnrus, RISINIOI7 51111/VII 1570-31 Il/O O to 3 lOmos 10015 leo unIl ob loo I0000iyOVrO uoIlPOI000IIemnlilIO 100011001 Sole, Olhor thon o morb00000 o ORbI 000 005 lel000rollOn monI in lull 01 IhbSmOAnI bio, IhR OurSe osorwillneoplo o o COnIlIlORbO 01 SOlo 1h01 will OnO HEuVNER. REVERS N 111 ESsI M 20000CATI MOobComoop, ooS000.di005000mO0m lilo IO veIlle oli bntormolion. CoiloOlion PrOilIbOOS Aol, oau lb 1h15 properly Is s 00100- ono OUulSOd 1h01 PlabOIlIt'Sol' IS lunlion subioct l000nlirma. lion bu bio URurt. 0000 pon- lOepeoIlOO I2121 erRlrfl LOISOI mlOO, DEERFIELO 90m . 10m nOOSE TOOLS SALOl OUR CIlE NT WAS A OARAOE/IIOUSE SALES FIND YOUR IhO 010011100 01 Iho 000pynlu. 402.1710 AlbOrno Codo. 40001 POEOA000 IA PloinlIll OTO Ihr hIOhIsI blddor, os Sol oAt 10115 0010w hO lobiowino do' In AS IS 00001110e Thy Solo monI RobAnt USOS S31R,5bn.50. 500Uo-4000 r000rOS , lowelrY, N liCOr F rl 70030 0. Sol 10131 P000000IIUC biddors oro Od- C000 S 00 CH 3007? NOTE' mOolohod to Cheek tir cRAnI PunOAbo I Io loo Folr 0001 . 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, or 0000111v RI lIlie UnU RIlO. OOEAO, Soli 01 PublIO OAOIbtn Io Sole loImSi TOO bld omount Shall bR Void In conlilled luilds ImmrdiololV by Ihr DnIAO, Sole FImr, C EloolriO meR 15110er . 051015 SOles 4000 N Odoll 240.422.3712 Is lurlhen sublool IO 000110mo- 111 0051 Molo 510001, SullO Tho iudOmrnt omuunl woo 52P4.406 26 Solo IO 23 112060-ROdO The rOSI os- DIon, 000mo Trio House Sales IN AC. ollopOd loP SOIr AltIrnul Onp MORTGAGE 000ECLO. roproSur talion os Io nnoIitp SURE LAW Fon lnlOrn/olloo, RO RuonIllu Rl lillo OnO Ahi- 0091001 PboinlIll's OlIilnnOVI oul0001005 o lo PbaInlIll and HEAVNEO. SCOTT, 00006, soll ob publIO OAEI1Oh Io rOsldOnoe. Sonibod nooirSlolub Coromlo. lo Fr000 os 5020 EAST PRAl' RIE ROAD, SKOkIO, IL 60070 Proponly IrdOO Nu. 10-23.115055 0000. Pnorerlp ln000 No. lIlo IO ArIllo oli Inbonmolior. 05101e locoS, 5000101 oss055' OF POSSESSION, meels, or 5000101 lomoS boba COR DANE E 000inOl sold neol 051010 Rod IS 15-17011cl OFT Corparotloo will Ob b011o AM on 0000Wban 4, 2009 ob lOt TOO .lUdiOiol Solos ¿oplroro. lIon, Ore SoAIh Waouirr 01100 . 041e Floor, CHICAGO. IL, OEPARTMENT' S UANK, NATIONAL AS. OCIATIOS, AS TRUSTEE iOR COED 2000 ARS PIoloIII, -u ' MICHAEL GORE, EOLIE GORE. CITIDANK It 1h15 mnomrbo IS O 000do DIlue, Sali FlOUr, Chl0000, IL mInium uniI, ho putohosup nl OACOUAUOl 3121 236-SALK leo UniI Ut the bOlOOlosuno HEAVNER. iCOTT. sole. olhon Ihun o mOrl05000 DEVERS e. MIHLAR, ILE seuil PRY Ihm ossoeomonls Ill Coot Molo SIrOOl. Sullo Ile 10001 ImS ronuinpO bu 200 DECATUR. IL 02523 13111 PrOs000lIue blddnrs oro od Sol cRotore d In ten obRAR OVENUE, SEOKIE, IL 00010 051510 000 IS olborod bon sole 0001051 lilO Morb000Rr, IhR Rod TOO Cordominlum Pn000nlo an l?Il Alboreo Code. 40 rnRfllshnd lo ChOCA Ihr o Ourl00000 RO N000mbor IS 0008. 'roWdy Indeo NS 10-20-212. OlIhoul OnV re poden lolIRn 05 MOrb0000nOr the MRnI00000'O 001.705 ILCS 00010191111 000 Coso I 00 CH 07050 NOT Ile lU SonIlo o/I IotRrmotIRn Un000rt Cl The J0dICIRI Soles 040 The PonI 05101m IS Im. to quolllo So SAonlItu 01 lIlie 01101023 Opon 000mOnI In ursuOill lo Iho FoIn OebI II IbIS orsoonly Is o tordo. CorpUrotion wIll o, tO 3D AM PrOAOd With o rooIdu000. Sole onUwllhoubrpRou 150 IO lull CI lee OmRuhl bld. lee 011001100 Prooli005 Aol, VOU mInIum onit, IhR ourolrosorot un N000wlwr 12. 2000, SI leo tormo 23% down 01 lOe hICh. P10151111 Rod In '45 lO' 00441- puruhosep will rP00Im O Cor. rOETGAGC YOU OP000IrI000 1h01 PiolnlIlI'ooI' tee unIt Cl Ihr broUI OSAnO Tilo Judlclol SUbs Corooro. OSI bld br OsnIllied lunUs 01 1105. The solo IS burIner SUN. 11110510 Cl SRIO 1h01 will 0011. ERI, OEMAIN IN poi: brood Is doomod Io bo o de_ soir, RIVer leon o morl00000 Ion, Doe South WoOkRr Orbe lee CloSe 01 lee 00011001 IhR 1001 lO oonlbomoIioo by leo 110 lOo purshosrr IO O 0001110 RIGHTTO SESSION FUR SI DAYS AP. ColioctUnottomolIno Io 0011001 50011 000 IhR 055055 montS . 241h Flrnr CHICAGO, IL 0010900. In orrllllrd lunUs. le OOArI. lb mile solo it sol DSldR I henooleS loto RIbOr000lIr. TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER o dOSI and onu lolormolIRo Und leo 10001 Ior,po nulrud by ¿dico. Roll RI fuCIlo ouolloo Io duo RIIHIO lflnIp.lOur 1240 bon Doy P00000. Ihr PAPOh050P mollon ob Ihn solo Tb proper. OF POSSESSION, IN AC. 00101000 0111 Oil 0500 tSr 1h01 mR CRndUnr/nlum PrO rIO tilo highosl blddOo, OS sol hounS Thosubluol Oroporlo Is 01 the solo Sholl No 09111100 IP mill NOT Ow Open Ion In- C000ANCE WITH SECTION mur005r 1216323 ARI, 705 ILCS 60NOIOIIlbnd lOrIS COINW IhR lollowbog 0e. Sublool IO 000enol 00Cl oslole only Io orolurn 01 Ihn 0000511 5090110e 000 010101111 10 Il-IOOIICIOFTHE ILLINOIS Puoi 10170,11/5,110900 101141. IF YOU ARE THE sprlbodrooloslolo. Common. Id. Tb 0000TGAGE PArOhRSOr Sholl r orepnpoen 101100 05 lo FORECLO. 112510601E MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN. lo known os 0055 WOODS n 5000101 101eS Huleo IlouonolunIhempORurso CR0011100 0e Ihm p0000 SURE LAW. For Inlormotlon ERI. YOU HAVE THE DRIVE UNIT 01400, R olilsl sold rool 051010 and Is 0001051 lilO MOPI0000P, leo PW5900IloO blddops 0m od. 009loEl PlolnIlbIs 011uroop. RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POS. SKOKIE. IL 60017 P0000nIy OIIenpd Ion solo Without Rep MOrI000e000 the MonI0000R'e monishod Io oheoll lee noun 0009000. SCOTT SESSION FOR 00 DAYS UF. Indeo NR 1R.00.504-025-lISl. ollornep Opon pSomorl In Ills Io 000110 OIl lolormollon. DEVERS N MIHLAR, LLC, R ENTRYOFANORDE ASSOCIATION DOlRndRnl s, cH 55123 0000W005 0600006TO Wl000 Too W000 TIlO ScoT moniShId lo Shook leo 00001 FrI-Sue, 00e 20-NoV I 00-00 Groat bon 01051 GARASE/HOUDE SALES OARUUE/HEDSESALED GARAGE/HOUSE DALES Chbooao 0245W LOW 1500e AO ESTATE SALE PHYLLIS REIFMAN P0050001160 bIdderS Ore oU- NOTICE OF SALE Il 1h15 01000mb lO O 000dO PUBLIC NOTICE IS IOEOE. 0000ml pool pO101o lOCOS, 500' mbolum unIt, Ihm ourohouor Cl DY GIOEN InKl oUrsuOn t IO O 0101 005005 monIs, orS000bob 0911 01 IhR onORIOSAOO Judomorl Cl FOnOCbOsUto ond I ososboulo d 060inSI sold npaI leo OIOsr 1h00 O mbnb00001 SOI 0001000 d In 1110 ObOVO 051010 Ond IS otlorod lop solo solo, pop lIte Ussossmnnlo coceo on MOO IO. 2000, on AlIlloul 090 yourotpnbollon OS Shall 00ml 01 The JodiO101 Solos IO RuolIlY Or 0059111V ob tillo und leo 10001 lOO, rpOuirod Op AVENUE, 500kb, IL 00000 I 0005leuIr 11 oOAlilSI Sold 0001 In AS IS condItion Tile sole INTHE CIRCUITCOURT Sol oohloro O In lilo 00000 Properly Ifldou NR. O-15-222. 05151e and IS 011orpU br solo Is lurl hrrso RISI? l000nllrmco OF COOK COUNTY, OOuso On SRobombon 2. 2009, 043 T hrnpRIoS lOIr IS Im. RIthOUl ony 000leoo510110005 Ils? by lee coud. Upon 009. ILLINOISCl2UNTY on 00101 Rl Tilo JUdlElol Solos lOrOu000 11h o sInolo brolly IO humIllo Or Iouoorlly CI bille monI In lull CI leo ornRunl bld, DEPARTMENT. CorusrOtbon wIll SI 1013] AM ORSI dm00 . Sole lermsr 23% Rrowllhoutr000uns o Io lOO Purohosor MIII rRcOluo o CHANCERY C/VISION on 0000mbor A, 2009. 01 Ihr 010mo Rl lilo hIOhrsI bld bp P1015111? CTd Io AS IS' UondI. Cerl/liOnlo Rl Solo 1h01 will AURORA LOAN SERVICES. Tho JuOlobol Soles Con0000. oorlItlod 10015 01 Ills 010001 lion. ThO Solo IS burl horsu bOTlItlo Ihr Ourollosor Io o LLC P10191111. -V . MILENA lion, OnO Soulil Wooken DrAw Ire ouOIioflI leo bolonCO. In IONI IO 000llrmollorr bY Ire . 20111 Floor CHICAGO, IL, Certillrd lundi, IS OAR wIlbIn OOArI. II loe solo IS Sel olIdo 000d IR ter rool OStUtR Otto? J LITIOS. otol Oolpndont CIClO 011043 ConIIPmoIIoo Cl teS solo Ter dodue, soll 01 000blbOOuClIon IO IwOnlY.IOAO loll lrocoO. TAo Ion ony10000r, leo PurChOSIn rope/Sc will NOT Go RObO IRr NOTICE UF SALE Ihr hlghesl bi000n, 05 sol subieRt pr000nly is SAbloul IO Dt Iho Solo Shoil b? enIllIPU Ins000llon Red loll/Itt PUSLIC NOTICE IS HERE. loOn 0910W Ire lUllowIno 00. 000mo ob IeRI 011010 100eS, Son- Role Io o relurn Rb the dm09511 mukos n RroorOSRn lolluil RS lo NY GIVEN I/rot OwrnUOnI IR R silnlbrd rOoesloleI Common. 0101 055055 menbs, Or 50,00101 peld. Tilo Puroh050n sibil rho c000bllon RI leo OOR000Iy, Judomont 01 FRrooloourp ond _O known os toll IIAMLIN I 000sleAIO U UOolnSb sold 1001 e000nolurIherroCoorse lAdonnoel CI F0005bos000 Onu MORTGAGE CORPORATION. PMOKSON dodd IR Ile rool 051010 OIler IO lETAl, NA. lolo is imVr0000 Alte 0010010 COnPIrçtIGlboo 00 1110 bOlo Tiro HUOLEY STATE lumIlo rosid0010. The lUdo- n000nlr wIll NOT bO 0090 lOP You oon 0100 01511 The JudI. uouuw Iisojwm Ion O O doy 510. lOP ollemotlno Io i101boOl O I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 0E COOK COUNTY, ILLINUIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT. CIIANCEOY OIVISIGN JPMORGAN ChASE OASE, OIATIONuL ASSOCIATION P10101111, -0,-HuN SOD KIM. FOSTER DANK, CHARTER OANK, NA, DICIAL SALES CORPORA. Yuu Con Ulm vIsIt Tilo lodi. AIsrd 1/01 Plo(ntibleobloromy dol Solos Corporollun E CIRCUIT COURT OP COOK COUNTY, lILI MOIS COU N TV CHANCERY DIVISION 'A 500023100 I sels It ISIS 0000101V Is o Condo. AVE . SF0010, IL 00011 PORo' minIUm uni?. Ihr punOiSotrol prIV Index No. 10-lU-054027. let oeIl 01 bIo IoloCloouro OLEeIOIOW- NeseWeobo 0000 TOn rool 051010 Is Im- Solo. OIirrP leon o monlg0010 AInU0I Sr. HOlIdafl 000Sor rOAPUU Ill o Wulli uoil SToll Coy loo boscosmootl WodU TeArs NOV. ALO UlIdino 000lUleblo Iwo lb 510 Ond 110 legaI loosnoalulroo WOO. IO 2pm N TOurs 0.120m oyonlmrnls. Veo budomool Tio Curdomiolum Pniloent Hondmodl llmmS. anoblI. OmOAnIOCOS 5401.602 00. SaIe Aol. 755 lLES 0051V enlmnlblrmont 000ko, U mors tormo- ThO bld Omouol snoll 10114 Folk Cenlor, EEOChoslrul ho WIld Io 0001111011 boOs Im' MOO W, 01 LIhbOil e. E. 01 PoIrlol modialIby by the hlOhosI 000 ERI. 1051 blddor Rl li00000IVSIRO OIGO ob leo Solo. TOO 5001001 roo- SESSION FOR erly IS subirob IO Sonor ob real TER ESTOY U E. NA AdORnE RI FOrnElosunO und 0051 bI000p Rl Ih000loluslOfl ob OOfllmro O In 1110 00060 RI lilo solo. TiR Sub loot roo. uso on Soolombon 2, 30W. orIp Is 5001001 to 9000rol ORbI IflIonmOlion ObloiflOd rullI by ) 06001 01 ThO JudbO101 SoIrs uuodlOntiolr000000. 1212000 tOnOS. 50,00101 055905 0100001100 will Ql 10130 AM 051010 FUb1 lOTS, 1502, 10120/On 5006101 looms leolod On 0000100Cr 4, 2000, vI Ihu WIrIS, Or II100SIOIC sold Pool 001010 onO IS Ihm Judicial Solos Corooro- 000InsI t orsolowllbou t Roy lion, One South Wookor 0010e Otlorod 500K lE re pr0500 101100 05 Io RUolitu porlrnonl. filo oserobon IR 111e rurebop 14-00.20155. THE 1H. CorPRnoIIOn 2 PiOmnlltt'SotlOInoV IO 000 I0000000IOOibPOIOO otIpmut leo IO 0011001 U dobI Rod on 19_ ACCORDANCE SOlOS 00000, Soil 01 DubIO 000110010 Ihm 000011100 01 leO PI0000Ip. tile higilOSt blddor, os SOI tonlh 0910w Ihn lolbowino do' 000iurd roomnllolnl Commol' Io 0000n oS 9105 LAWLER 0000001 01 Tb 10010101 SObo 11720705 IC lu500 0011 01 0091100 solOS. Dolo rd o h I se CH 01010 N000i PL1PSORn I IO 9h FoIr NOTICEOF SALE P000li005 00Cl ColIrotlon AN ORDER OF POSSES. 0101 13121 You ORO RISO 01511 ThO lud SOlOS CRrpOtoliSn 0101 ouow,bisO 00m tor o 1 dSp Sto MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF DEPARTMENT. DIVISION ThO JUdlolol SObOS C010000 sublool to gonerol nool ostUlo TERCOUNTY JUDICIAL ONEWEST RANK P.S U. lion, Oro SOAth Wookor Olios tocos, 51I0I RsSOss menlo, SOLES CORPORATION Sull. PlolotlIl, -u . CHARLECE H. . 2415 Flmr CHICAGO, IL, loROS or 0500101 ICVIOU ITO OlIloer, 10121 440.1122 SAUNDERS. et 01 DRICOdOnI 00600, SoIl RI Publio ouollon IO 0001051 sold rooIoAoIU and Is 02I0000 oumbor Ii-0903040 THE JA- oh000r Cl lire unII ob Ihn lore. cl osunos ole, Ulilor lhRn o mOrl00000 SibIl POP tilo 05- 001V 000 OSA IRr IhR soleo do. RUHR RIDGE, 1H-00521 16301 ORnImenI., PIr050 releo IO 111e 704 9000 AlISrood FIlO 110 - IO. bon 14.00-ORlBS. TIlE JU. 0625155 ARbED 00400000 AlL SALES CORPORA. Odo 21102 Cooe D 05 TION Ono 500lil Wookor Olor NOTE1 P ul5000 I Io OnIoO, O011r Floor. ChI0000. IL leo FoIr DOSI Cobloollilo uUluo.JilSO 10121 256-SALE P00011005 frill 00 orR Od. OOIeIrrmsI 25% dUWnoltlrO 04400m crOp. PlorcobIlo. SRUIOIP hIohOil bld by 0012111011 fundOs uhlUtcs, PlolotIll's AlIor. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 1 pOotmOnI Pion ornelOn to lilo ouI Ow'A.IISO corn loro Pdolr 010, NORTH FRONTAGE ROAO, dOro POrI RI p090lno Solos. SUITE IOU, BURR RIDGE, COOILIS e. ASSOCIATES. L 00500, 16)01 201-nIlO bu. P.0 1SWO2S NORTH FRONT. lAYOn ho Ocupo Cl I OrodT PM AGE ROAD, SUITE IOU 794 1070 AllOr000 File NR.I IA. 00.00105 AROCI 00500002 Al. 24th Floor CHICAGO. IL, WIlIrlo 34 houro, Cr CerIIIlrd 10000V Codo 21702 Coso e os 00644. SOIl 01 publIo Cuellos to lundi N orolun d The POCO. CH 018040 NOTO- PusuonIls Ihr hIOSoSI bIdder, os sot Orto will NOT Co peen Ion In. ten FaIr ORbI ColloollUn IRnIh below leo loblowIno dr- S900llon OPOn polmonI Io P000tlooS Aol onu Oro Rd ocrIUrOd rooIOstUtO C000tmoT. All CI hp omoAnl bld, lOo OlMO 1h01 PloIilllIlnollOroop known os 4910 N. PArCh 000rooillrroolos o Cor. IS doomS lo No o ORbI RRIIou. IV GREENWOOD AVE., Il/lootS Rl Solo Uhboh wIll so. br ollomollog IO ColleCt O NorrIdop, IL 60706 PropotIv litIo ter ouroh000r Io o Dma duel Rod 599 bnloomotion ob. OdoR No 02.11.502 055.0000, tO leo promlooS OtIoroRntIn. 101000 Aill So used lop 1h01 12.II-201.020-0005 TIlO rOSI os. motIon CI Ihr Solo For Inlor. ounoRso 1210050 ISIS Is Improupo with o sIrobe mollon ViolI ourwrbs bIo RI Fubi 10,122, 10729, 1115,50 CI Ihr CIU5O 01 IhR CuollonI I h1000s . mAr00 leo hou rS 01 lOnd 2 PM Only nod 05k br the SOlOS de. uRurl IlIr lo ilotlIp oil 10101. mollon. II Ills pn000nly Is o oondomlnborn UnII. ho our. IL 00500. IS]oI 224 0810 be. IOU?? IhR muti ob 1 OnO 2 PM . moot UmRuoI wos 1115,005 10 SUITE 100, 000R RIDGE. IL 10927, bId 194 9000 1,0- on IO tilo 000dIllon CI IhR OnRU. orly. PPOsPnilIIuo bld000s oro odmoillohod Io CheCk me tocCO 09 NOVOO,Cunfl 24, 2000, tAo 051015 nnootoo,rd Iho boul CDOILI5 lUmIlo rosIUnnOO. Tee ludo. ClIp-1 llorA 100.0110. HOI OTlpoTdCJlrIorl h000bos do. F POSSESSION, IN AC. 05 CR31121 toy ottemollno Io CRIleor o C000ANCE WITH SECTION dOGI OnU 09 IntuPmOtlOr, ob- PUOLIC NOTICE IS hrroby 15.11011Cl OF THE ILLINOIS 101944 WIll be Used lOP Sot 01000 hOt OUtOACO t 1001440. MORTGAGE FORECLO. nient st Foreolosur000lstod porfioso. 1215312 SURE LAW. For bnlormollon, In ho obRoo ortitle doRAse on OOfllool PIolnIlIts OltorUlVI PUG: lU/OS, 11/O. 11/12/09 on 00ml UI Ten Judlolol SUIeS trosr000lr od Co SubdIUlsIoes CoroRrolbon Will CI bISS AM 101111 onU OlIAI Rl Sootlur 9 On Noosmbnr 12. 2000. St ho ot Inc CRndomlnIom Properly Tilo JAUICIOI 55115 CorRono 0cl Solo IormSI 25% down lIon. Ono South Wockor Orluo by 50,111100 funds, bolRnoo Solo Clock. CODILlO N pur0050 1010000 Pub. 10(20,10,011G50 15W TIR p0000rly wIll ROT he SUITE 100, sORO RIDGE Is drornnd to be o Orb lEolloc. ANTS, OnIefldonts. . 1h01 will entIbIo lee purchoseo loo dood IO IhR 000lrslole Ut. ho - Irool t00000nolr od by loll PlolnIllI's ObtonropI Ter domInium P0000rlo Sob C lorA. CO DILlS e. ASSO. ILCS 000191011 SWIM pC . U ARE OUTAGE ROAD. ProotlEos dot ou oro od ANY, UNKNOWN OWNERS VISEd hoi PlO(flIIII'SOII ornoc ANO NON RECURO CLAIM. I1131U1BIC rI/IOU?. IfltrrcImnIVudICIOI NORRIDOE Mondoc, bouornbor 30. 2009, IN THECIRCUITCOURT 01 tel hour st It o nl In ISAr OFCODKCUUNTY, 011150 RI 110 WOst Modlson ILLINOIS SIrt, Sulle 7100. ChIcoou, COUNTY DEPARTMENT - IllIrols. soll to teR nAhost blU. CHANCERY OIVISION UI? tor CRIC, Ihn 1011001ro do. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. Snrlbod br000nlu: P.1 N. 10. u. PIRIOtIII, TERESA 11.311.011.1005 CommonIc EOPEC.oloI Orlordorts known os 4040 N LEON400 C00O350IO OR UNIT 0G. NORRIDGE. NOTICE OF SALE IL COlOu Ter imor000mrnl on PuULIC NOrICE Is HERE. thopropnrl yonosists RtOcon. 01' GIVEN tUOI flurocunt tuo dcçnIflIunt rooldotice Tilo Judomonl of Forool osuno ond rurchosor 01 hO UnII Uthor SRIO ontorr a In ter 0110cC thon o rnonl00000 sholl poo . mInIum unIt. 1110 RUnCh000r Rl tilO unit SI lilo 10,0010sUro OF TI/E ILLINOIS MOOT. sole. othop 1h00 u COOPI00000 DADE FORECLOSURE hRtI loop lilo ossossmoots LAW. FOP botormollon, 005 COOILIS A A500CIArES, LOANS SERVICING LP vs DOZENA P C IOWOSO NORTH FRONT. PlolnIlli, AGE ROAO, SUITE 1CC SMUGORZEWSKA1 25000CATOR, 1L12022 12101 TIONWIDE ER PArsuon I Io Ihn FOIn 0001 AC' Colle011On Fr0011005 Aol, cou 10H Onu 00015011 1h01 PIolntllI'sel. I OF TVE ILLINOIS 10100V IS deomrd Io by O OebI FORECLO- oobbootorotlbmplboO l000lleCI ASE E LAW. For lolonrOolion. o dObI bild COY Inlormollon Out Pbo101ill'S OIIRrnoO: OblObood WIll be ASId lop 1h01 CON DUElED R DUDE SAIES OI1fllls2l5OI0U.l,U Tie ludiolol Soles Corpora. rOPPOlY will NOT 000090 bon tIRO, Ore Noulh Wooker Dr1U0 1050001100 Oed 15101111 , 2415 Floor, ChICAGO. IL mo kosooroprolon loI oVos Io I BV Thursday, Odober 29, 2009 www.pioneerlocaI.Com On Nobembor 24, 2000, aI lis 000liomatlon 01 Ihm Solo The 0F' C000 S 00 CH 46510 NOTEI CHASE DANK, NATIOHAL Ihr P000h User will no. COIVO o Conlitlooto nl Solo SIP_H, 101fl31s3l.I9J!.1.1!i RE JUDICIAL SALES SCOTT. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SIlO 114 POS' 420-hIP AllurflOy Codo. 4030? MOnI000rO'S 0110meV. Opon Drool In lull Rl IhR RmRunl Urn Pnomrly Aol, 705 ILCS E051910111l ond 101141. IF SYOCIIRn ond plolotIll moIres YOU ARE THE MORTGAn Oroorrsnn lolbon os to leo DON IHOMEOW000I. YOU OOflUIllOo 01 IhR prRpnrlo. lAVE THE RIGHT TO RE. 11120590/C lomee Codo. 21102 COSO S 00 KNOWN 1/EINS AND LEGA. OF OOZENA CHOIS72RNOTE. PArsuon Ito TEES tho F0Ir DoCt Collection SMUGORZEWSKA. IF A9E THE 0101 05505s 090015, Sr 5000101 Cou050 0001051 he Morbo. 10005 19010G 0001051 sold rool Ror, IhR Morl00005 or the GICIAL SALES CORPORA TION Orto South W000rr 000RRIOGE boloS, 24111 FImr. ChIOSCo. IL IN TOE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOKCOCNTY, Od006dOSO 1312I 250-SALE ILLINOIS I'ou Con olsu vIsIt Ten lodI. 0101 SOlos Corporollon ot COUNTY OEPARTMENT. CHANCERY OIVI5ION 44512.115E corn tun o 7 dOy sto. HOME lusro COO 01 pnndlno SOInS. COUNTRYWIOE - IF YOU ARE THE DEVERS N MIALAR, LLC P10101111, '9.' SHAOIN MEOWN Ill COSI Molo SIrool. Sullo KHOSHARA, FIRST 0000ml 000lo,totu lOCO,. loo. Oh011 h000001001ilOPOO. SURE LAW.Forinlormatlon, C5s0 e CS CH 2301V NOTE 000lnsl Ihn Monl000or, Iho Conloot PloinhitI's 011010Cr P onsuon I Io tre FOIr Oobt Mortoogro or 1110 Mort00001l Tiro Soto Clerk, COOILIS N Ch IlOCtIRn Prootllo S Aol, YOU otlornoy. UbRe OROmRVI In ASSOCIATES, P C. . SSWOTO oro OdubOnd hot PlUIOtltl'sot, lull 01 Ihn omourl bld, lee NORTH FRONTAGE ROAO. tRrflOy Is 000mM IO bR O 0901 pAroh050r 0111 nocoluo o Cor. SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, C illloRtOrottrmollno 100011001 11110010 Rl Solo 1h01 DIII mIl. IL 00321, ¿AlOI 704.0870 o. o dobI und UnI' bnlormotlon IO ho ourOh000p to o 000010 lCRO Ihn hOArSCI 1 ond 3 PM oStolned will Co 0044 tor hot the resi roblo al Ion 0001ff. Only ond OSA lot I f050105 dr. purpose 1215055 IRollonol ho solo Tilo propon. Cortmrnt. PIlOS orotor IO lilo Pub: 1Ml?. 1025. lI/NOR IP will NOT bu ROOn Sor In. VomCOfl I4-00.ItTCO. THE JO Ill 5001001 0090001V IS Subblol IO 0900511 polO. TeR PunChoser I RE)UDICIALSALES I, 103 lLES 0059101111 OnO Iwrnly.Iour 1241 hOun. The 05111100 ORly lo o roturo 01 Ihn Ora ho Ir RI i000rORuIn ed Go TION Oflfl South Wookor 051510 Red IS oltorod Ion sole 71,0 CurfldomIfllAm Properly DrIuo.21th Floor, ChIfl000. IL UlIhoul onu r1000shnlotlsn os Act, 765 ILC5 ¿OFlIollil ora 606064050 1212) 226-SALE IR 0AGllIy Or ouonllty Rl lIllo olIAI IF YOU AlOE THE YOU COfl Oleo Visit Ter lodi. 0000lthoutr000uns o lo MORTGAGOR IHOMEOWN. Obi Solos Corporotlon SI P10191111 OnO Io AS IS oondl. ERI. 'flou HAVE THE www tise 00m or o 7 due SIC. Ion. Tilo SOIR IS lArl horsu b. RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POS. Iusrc port of 0002mo solos. OUI IO OoTllrrn011on by the SESSIO N FOR 30 GAYO 0F. HAU5ELMAN, RAPPIN N OOAnl. Il lee solo Is SII OCIOs TER ENTRY OF AN GROEN OLSWANG, LTD. 26 South lorony r0050n, leo PurohoSor 0F POSSESSION, IN AC- L05olIo Stroot . Sullo 1105 UI ter solo CCCII NO RnlllIod C000AtUCE WiTH SECTION CHICAGO, IL 60603 13121 372. only IO 000buro Rl tIlo 0090511 10.17011Cl OF THE ILLINOIS 2020 AttornOy Filo NO.: CO. mid. Tho Puruhosor Sholl MORTGAGE FORECLO. 2222.7301 Attornod CCOO 4452 Ir0000010rlhOP0000uo . II 1915 oromrlp Is o condo. III EDSI Molo Street, SAlts 56(0000 INTHE CIRCUIT COURT minium URlI, the culohosorol 200, OECATCR, IL 02522. THE JUOI. 0F COOK COUNTY. Ihr uniI 01 100 brouIoeuro 12171 422.1119 . CORPORA. SALES ILLINOIS COUNTY Sobo, Olbor thon o monl000ro CIAL One Sooth WoOlren DEPARTMENT. sh011 POP the 055rsS Wools lION DrloO, 2415 FloUr, Chb0000, IL CHANCERY DIVISION OrO Ihe eROI Iels0000iOo d b 236-SALE 12121 OOAU6'4100 JPMORGAN COUSE DANE Tilo CondominIum P0000rly HEAVNER. maIÇonofIhesaIoTheprOpor. OF POSSESSION. U AC. Pooporlo Indos No. 10110.204. IV Will NOT be Opel, (Or n COROANCE Willi SECTION r' ThROo&T5lolO Is 1ro. Specilon lind plainhlil makes 51701Cl OF TilE ILLINOIS n orcpneson lotion os IO Ifa MORTGAGE FORECLO C000R'lRWnIIoAsO. SRIO lormsCondition Of the pnoperIy. SURE LAW. For inlormollor. 05% UUwn Rl leo illohesl bld II thIs Pronoriv I, o Condo. LGS0IIO Slrrrt . Sulle lISO, minium UnIt, the purcn000rot CHICAGO, LOOMS, 13121 512ISO Urli et lIlo formi Usuro 7022 pIcoso olor Io IllS flAre. Solo. othor mon o moni00010 bon 08 2022.720I. THE 1001. Shall POfl ho 055rss monts CIAL SALES COPPOIOA. APioneerPress Publication (Dc) A Pioneer Press PubUcaüo (nc) TO 009011150 In 1h15 Nos/Ion, plouSO Call ICAN diloolly 00(217)241.1700. P/oaco 10101 0O5bR05 ornI COmmonla dlIpoIr IO ICAN. 110111 PlOR000P0000 oodTho 00/090 r000ntotond dIOE,oliu? obten looponullng CALL 8479983400 I Thursday, October 29,2009 ASSUMED NAME API 210 Mounl Prospect, IL 60056. Pub: I0t2O,tOtPS,Il/niOÇ Pub: 10/22, 10120. 1115/OS 117300101 r Ne 000110515 on OcIaban PI, Brie 410 loua, under ne Assumed 000roi Signe Buues,shoceino nor?, bassi. 00 nom, Ironing boord. nuo, nthnr Ansbevel With 111e business boated el 6520 N RecAwoil SI., Chica a, UnII 2255 IL 60645 The Iroapomelsl RiuhOrd Wildmon ondreo i 000cc ail dress pl Ihe Mat Iross , mu's, loble. lome, OAner(s I is: 5101er plOsIiO boo, righlslonct, 1001 o aginaus Ill, 0504 N. RoukOeil rook, sletue. ed's,Pats, 000es, einer misoeil oneOus 110m,. Sr.. ChicAgo, IL 60645. A nie 4116 PAbi 10/2e. Il/S. 11/5059 isban Tunis ASSJÌ2ME Salice is hencby given. Pur. ASSUMED NAME Iruenornels I ondnesIdenOe 00 dreSs 01 lye ewoents I Is Unino Rnyes, 1501 E. Centnol o Rd.. #334, Anllnaton HOUrIs. IL 00005. Pdhi 10/22, 10120. II/hIPO Il/hOOlTI r ASSUMED NAME 505100 Is honey gioco, pur Suoni Io 'An Aol In relotion io the use Pi on Assumed Oust. ness Nenne In Ihe conduct or Inonsoylleo AI BuSIfleSsie the H. Wle000nklswIps C erpeetr y with Inc business IWatedet. P430 PotIer Rd , Bes Ploieeo, IL 6001!. Ihn lruOeomOlsl ASSVLLE PloIe. os omeeded. mor o CenIitIcollon wo, lIed by lye UttdOnnIgned milh IhR CounIV ClonA ei Cook CoueIy. File Namen! 4052 W. QOkIOn. Skokie, IL NO. 009119016 en October Id, Poraoas Plawors 2005. under the Assumed wIth he business i000trd at 60016. T hnrnuee omolsl orO at Ihe Nome 05 1460 Meyer Rd . Haltmon Cs. resldenoa od dress Ad0000edTeOhnOIOsles lotee. IL 60160. The rue aurerls i Is Riohord LibIos, 04110 IM business locoled At nomaltl onO nosldonue od. 1000 Seward, Eoonslon, IL 310 BuSse Hwy 0211. ParlI dress BI Ihe ewnerli I iS 00300 PUSi 10/22,10/20,111591 Ridge IL 60060 Tho mue MiOhOrl J. Hpinriahs. 1465 nomosI ordres idenho od. Meyer RO.,liotlmon P51010,, Hwy Opal, Pork Ridge, IL 117210150 r 60000 ASSUMED NAME pub io,,. It/s. Il/lEvy Notice is hereb Oiuen pur. 117115091 n Suanrlo'y,n*ol nnelotonIo ASSUMED NAME ISa use pl en Assumed DusI. OiuOfl, pun. nrss Nomo le Ihe BBitduol er w g C KeolIh Eol000rl,es wilt, lIte husineso 1000100 ut ISIS W hEere Aua., DIS PlomeS. IL 00016 Ihn truu nomelsl ondnes Idence od dIes, el the awnerIoI is Chrisloellor Wilold Booinskl, lolo Wosleyo PlaIneS. IL 00016 Auo., Bps rubi mom,. Il/o. II/lEPO Il/lIOIII C ASSUMED NAME et lOO OwnorisI is. 3100 W. Lyndoie PI , Ev, ChI. OddrOsS Costino, Ils Eddy ueao. IL 60647. Tha Irun Doylni Norinlicid. IL 60077. nomelsl aedrps 1300cc ad. Loro, Pub I0/22.lO/2O.lIfOiOÇ dress BI Ihu cOrons I is ll023200iC Toua Sussmon, 3100 W. Lyndoip S?., PA. ChlOege, IO. ,iIO/i[IliE dodd, Pubi IP/IP, lP/PO, lbIe/On 11721yn11 C ASSUMED NAME Nolioe is henpby allAn. pur. suunI IO 'An Apt in neloliae lo I house Al on Assumed BASI. NotIce lt bores gIven pun. ness Nonne in Iba uotlduul Or sueni io An Aol le rolotan to Inansoo tipo al Uuelnpso Io Ino ihn use Bi on Assumed Bust Otote, os amon000, hoi o nesS Nome in ill etonduo I or BarliliOotien Wos Iiiod by mho NOTICE OP PUBLIC SALE TB DE H0LOOAT: THE LOCK UP STORAGE CENTER 2500W. 00000 Ave Lircelewoed, IL 60712 DATE: Buos000. Nooember IO, 2000 OEGINSATI l000a m irgesociioe Bi B uslnessln the unders igred With the Couple CONDITIONS' All units will Slotl, os omendyd, loar o Cienk 01 CooP Cavolo.. File ka seid lo Iho hlghnsl bidder. cerlilicotiao mot Illesi by thy NO 000115454 en Ootobpn 7, Bids lakes only lo! 00011 UnII unders lIned wIllI She County 2009. Under loo Assumed Clerk cl Cook Coonle. File Nomo 0?. lIeder lye Assumed Nome al HaIr ParleyS DesIgner Aed No II Palas wily the bulIneS, 1000103 at 0103 Mole Si , Skalile, IL Wilh lIte business 1000165 al. Nu. 050110Ev on Co101Oor In, 2009, snenorlNo iS CALL 84748693Q0 dresioned will soll al a ubtio solo No comeelitlup b dOing on: 11.0500 loe 0:50 p.m. Oh Inn errmlso unhene said crop' er? hes br 0151000 d. ond whiob ano booted al Puhlic FBSIEO. Ster000 RAVENOWBOD OELF. 5100MW LLC, 160e W FOSTER AVE , CHICAGa, IL 60040. 773 501.0003 The P0150101 nr00000 is dosEn. d 6010W. in Iho mollar, 0m. scone t oit Ounhomolaaordor Only baIns se500 477e denae 00cm OSI od dross E Bl ho Mlohoel OI72500AIC elondorAnOoI CLASSIFIED AD PERFECT PET IN CALL 847998-3400 THE CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE OF PUOLIC SALE 0F PERSONAL PREvEOTO' rIaliue Is litre by aloco 1001 nursuOn I to OeuliOe 4 01 tOP Srl?' heroic o Storaon F0011116 Au?. Stole el Illinois, h e under' NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE BF PC000NAL PODPEUTV Notino is nereo? lione 1h01 eursuon t to Ueution 3 01 tOP Soil S eruiue Storage FoOiiilo Apt, NIOtO at 11110015, Ihm un. densiOnpd PSOron0eCa. will sell al Publio Solo by OOmcal' reP011o whore 00W er000plr Vos been stotyd. ond whioh Is located o? PublIO Slot000/PSOrorOe Co , 4420 Ii Clork, the eensnool esOWmlo doSpnibod 0010W. CONTENTS OPACO. NAME Furniune , 000es DOPO I05h0 Taylor Chu ho s, Toles Cormen Hilool Purohosos must bU modo with Posh onlr old raid bat the Ilmo Pl loin. All souda are Oald OS Is und moo? ho ro' mooed o? tpo Ilmo 01 eutohese Sale 1551/Olmo I to Pub: le/ho. 10/20/00 11726004lC 0010w uunsuonl IO Iho Illinois Solt'Sprsice Storage F00111. lU out. Illinois Codo 770 ILCS sOd lo 05/7, at 01:00 PM al Inundar, lsouembor le, 0505, at Lite StOI000 Cnntpms st Wrialeroillo, 2323 West Addisoo Otenat, Chinogo, Illinoil, 60311. M onoemenlnese rues the riOht ta aim dn0000yun lt 150m solo. aeglsloned or motor uohiulps are nald As Is y PadsOniy,no IlllesorreoislroliOo. Tenant Nome uniI 0 Stoted Ilems Vatoell Noulokos 1140 lONG, 10000e 6111G, boses 0000tta WoikIr 1227 Lpobardo Godoy 1312 raulGardren Igl? IrIs Feliol000 tOSO ObIG, bocce, upn ltdO. boxes Pub: 1590, 111590 llT275nFOC2 NOTICE/hF PUOLICOALEOF PE USaN AL P0OPEOT'Y NOtIOP Is hereby gioIe hot oursu on? Io SPOlIaI 4 UI Ihn Solt'Seroloe St00000 Foolilty our. Stole B? Illinois, the un' densionod, PS Or000000, Inn, COlOUr Ohuroord TOS. Inc. Will Pondue? solelsl by oommtiliue biddira on:tmiO/250e, at 10:00 AM On Inc Plombe whore sold en0000y nos been slored, end whioh oto booted al Public Ston000 rnuparty t 23404, OddO N er00000r, ChiaDo ILL OutdO, Taloohme 0 773.70.1 UdII Fon e 773 064.0416 The ronnorol proWnly is 6050e itiod below le Ihn multensat: 500Cl 0 000uront Coolants ZIO? aoaeo, Pe/dino. JayntteChniot000e Pu?chOees must lIa moot wIIh Posh roid bol Iho limn o? solo. All sap/s ore salo os IS and must 00 re' maCcOol Inc limed Purollose Solo le oubleol loodlouro' ' Puoi 10/22, 1590/00 117010741E NOTICE OF AUCTION Lito SIonoAe Cenlorsol Humboid? Porkwill hold a oblio solo l000toruoa lito imPOned on sold Pn000rly. 05 AntrI. bed baisA, pursuae t totho 11119515 SoIt. Servio o slonoOe Fa. 010055000. 0400smbsr 17, 51*1 o? Lilo 510000e Centers A? R0.O0oOOlnenres eeoc. Inc nIgh? lo ollhdrouu on unI? loom sole. OoglSlered or motar uenlpies one sold 'As Is I Porlo Oyly,'no 1111osornogislrOtlBs. Unit e Tpnont Nome Slonod 11em5 More LcelernoIl Shoeeli N. Campbell LiRdclIEceb Lokalhia M. 0000k Domo Wilson MOnshull Cooler MonIcnaJ00010fl Alhaleno O. Coiowon 01RO, Bogs t Doces lOO Heu k 000es 173 HhIG OlA RAG, 0005k 00515 FlUG. Dogs& 600es 0005 0 100es B0g5& 000es Boas k 00505 251 007 203 00) 00e FubllO/29, 1115/00 iI730000000s 0ihe ement 00001005 the rIAhI Io withdraw cnr unI? POrlsOnly,'re litiasOr regIstratIon. URlI lie Slored 010ml NIdO, Fore., 00000 Pub:105r27, 11/SiNO II7210021C0 NOTICE OF AUCTION CIle Slor000 Coders tar Unlognolew Will hold o Ahilo sole IO aot000e o lien Imposed oo sold enoeerty, os debi. be/below, urSuA011Othe llilyoieSolI.SOi'uiooSlereoa Fo. 0111m API, Illinois Code 770 ILCN nod IO 50/7, al 52:55 PM 0R Wtde.sdor, N005mber lt. 2505, al LIlo Stor020 Ceo. tens for Onidgoolem, 7lOOWesI 20m SIrool, Bridgeuiem, Il. lirai,, dAdos. Mulo emenl noMmes the rish? to wlIhdnOm ory unIt roW solo. Roolslened on mo? anuohlcles ene Said 'AO il/ Ports BnIy,'ra lillesor reoistralion. TononlNoole PolIt Stoned items Nancy Elo PubIi.1; CAftM134 NOTICE OF SALE Solite is Henoby Olean lhOt ho yndorOi000d blondo to sell Ihn cercenol erarerly Oesorlbe below under lOe pto. oisiOns 01 lOe Illinois Sell SenvipO Fe/hIlly Ac? 710 ILCS OSI. Tne solo Will bU 0 onduoto d epneuOn t le ho terms Ond oolditionSOlsolddel tor thoiour00000tOotialpinppnowo. tr'sLImn I onrtn t: layar, and olhor eh orgossnec Iliod In 11,0 A.n sale will be O onduclo dbycompallliuo bId on Wedoes. dal, luoucmbnr Il: 2000 On or ullUr 10:00 AM 01 EOlIa Opone S?or000 located at 7540 MoConmiok Blvd , OkOkie, IL 60076. hy Jell Brown, tI Ace AuotI onrero . Lluonse 04440000172 unit alilO Roymond schmid? Prit 42261 Roy F orees ton UnII 020Illuun O Ciluonlos NOTICE OF AUCTION Lilo Star000 Centers o? Hermoso Gill hold a publIo belt la enlonpe a lion imWsod 05 solO ntoyerly. os desollbod 0010w. curso ant to the Illinois Seit.51rvioe Oloroso Fouili' IP API, Illinois COdO 730 ILCS 01/0 to 05f?, at 52:50 FM al T Bd y. Nloember II 2000, al Lite 5101000 Coolers 01 Hermoso, 4000 Well ¿rand Roenue , Chluogo, Illinois, 60629. Mono omettI nESSrons Ihn ebbI to 001thdtoua ORO unit mmm soie. Registered or motor oehioles oro sold 'As 1sf PorIsoir,' o tilles am Name Emmanuel 0. lores Anulo Bickergon Malindg 00015105 Richard Holmos Jose R. Sonchos Iron, SOnliago 000rgolones islnotiOp. unit IO 0 55 2y6 063 506 55$ 703 Otorod ileWs Otonsu Ros Codon, ChoIro. 00005, Matlrmss purchosos mull be paid Ion o? lime cl corchoso in oash. OoIn subleot to conusllolion In Iha Ouest lt salllement by. UOII #4006 john Andmwn tOPIP OWROr orO 0b1100100 eoV. PubIs/lo, lOOP, lllSPOOt700llOIC3s WWWpiOfleerJopyoJ,com unlllsI will be OOId al a Publio Saie by eomealitiue bid. ding, In t helron tirely la Ihn 0101,05? biddor, on or allot imfltasol la 501151f mho lien o? Metro Slit SIanogeorronlal and al neruhoroos duo Irme 1h ound000 ignpd. IVa sold toddy has beenstore d and oenoraliy dolcI bed 10510w is lopotodol lw las 00,/1100 uddress. Tha sola wIll On hold will boOInOlO.3OAM oro?Ior000oiddolO godwill000 lin. ko hourly h ourun Ill ali Ulisore sold. Tuesday. Nsosmbor IP, 050e MoIra Bell StoroOR ' 2244 S Weslore AVe, CIll000R, IL 60604 uni? 011A mal 5155e5 . dsshs, MIchael Toil/oIl: dressers, sheivos, uniI 0122 FnMucl Douelopmonl Corp.: long 1010100 100105, toes. Unit BISO blolA 01110501cl dIsks. 1000 101dino lobloe, loyl. Onit 0133 loop R000hOl printing mouhira, loo mouhine, miso. Items. UOiI 0133 Jose 000uho'lrior?o: erinling moohine, lou mo. ohirp, misc. lleras. Bell 0100 AlberI Downing: drosSIns, eotrloorolar, Shelves 0011 OlOOAlPorl L. Downing: dross. ere. nelnigerolor, S helues . 0011 CIsl RandAll Ballen: sull. oases, prolms, miso. items. Unit Elbe Randall C. Balleyl suiteosas, oratcs: miso. Itoms. 0011 CPB3 Remue P0/ri nuca'. rutployrolor, Ironins board, mine. Iloms. Boll 0133 Donald bullar i bi000le, sWaboro, uocuum olconor. UniI bIO Molleo Agnelo' why nnlb, bebe Sollo Scone hooter. PrI? Elli Coso? Rubio: rodio, lu Consolo, catho! locket Ud? E20d 00100 0,-tIc: tu nAbab, stove, 00105 UnII Ebd Donold LPvyl solos, mirrors, Steroos. unit ElM Donald 0. LOup.'solos , m inrors . slnrpos. UnII EISA Cleohio Siluermon drossor n. sholues. oIr condl?ionor. unit Ello Cl050lo E Siloormon: /0000005, OholuPO, Oir corditiOnar, UniI Ele) 000mond Pinner: orolos PI books, misO.11emn. Uni? GIOIa Ralool BIOS: lIShino nod, 5100e' ?rallrO.340 N WoStPrlIAOe, Clll0050. SL 61613 UnII 400 Willie UnII 201 Kolino WI, lens' toys, IO boxes, Blo?liina, Uni? Sto Jase h ProskIln: 30 00005. OlaInlIg. 005110 ele, IronIes . 10 000g, 01011mo 11111 431 Miunoel OOtlponi 4 6110000 uncinO, I citoheo labio, 000601e TV. doll 420 Judy Smith: lBbuuos, IO boos, I 05/Vole, Oeil 054 nouAnn Neilol b1000ll, Soto, slerea uniI tos Tom Koeul: lo ile 00505 Wods0000r. 0000mborIl. loot MItOS Seit 0150005 .5701 W OSdOR, dIere, 1L50104 Unit BIOS Anlonlo MORd1BI0: IoDle lomo bug, boots UniI BIO? John Esnulutl: 10015. boas. mIso. ítem,. 00112060E .1672,010 0105' loro, baos, BOaCO. Uyit 3270 TOm BIO NOTICES SIal. Aten. Only Posh will bo op. PerIod oro amos ere sold 'os 0? PUrohoep, DIVORCE LEGAL NOTICE e R? SAW/B will 0001105 T COURT UNTO', lll000nce 0? ToUIlle Coo. I Sismqls L llroet LIstos MENT, 'A/leg Tholr spstenhs 0m 'ups ho rionI to 000tbid oIl ilOms. l?(losuo, All ilems arunits may Rol be 00100 MoI l,OOIB.Geosmbnrll.20lsi Bualloble oldolpol sole, InCiudilig Fraisions taro oyit 0000 Anly 160111509 misc bogs Sedear ReneRol PerIod Bolt UOTOlsd IseludIflo 20101 5301 Loor, VIcIons Il'dOOPO.dI.OM ohoir, oIr condl?I oners . Roter 000ier, Port. 111e OObIrots, loo 01111 II loa A M IWol timo Nouembor In4Ou, mouhiro, TV, boor misc. in ho Puryhoslyg 01110e, VII. Ari? 5005 rouI 00015 . 001es, lego 11011, 0127 Galibo 00 0 ton. Ohoir, mise. hOuse, Sloell, 5h45», 1111,015 hold Irms loll 5555 POul Oouls . uno»,, BIO/anS enero nuired to On 0050, botos, bikns, mIsc, rrn.000hitiedmmtto tuo Illinois Peel, 01 Yrursportollon 10201 household ibm,. LIENS eNO.: 01403 EDBIBSI0n: Is,' TOO must Up cold pr ro. soll Pumbor lursls hot Goods must be rpmoupd el Inc Ilmo IBNS PO?I?ioltr, IS lADE OF: OdIpE E. UOTTOM, R cl p00000 t Cese No. 0e 0030411 NOTICE ev FOULICATION Thononu 1511e 0111/uit Ion FI'jljiÇ9jjOflhoulro been tildo Thursday, October29 2009 LIENS PUBLIC LIEN LICNS LIENS ¡ B PRORATE PUBLIC LIEN POBLOC LOEN Toot on 11/255509, a sole will Thot oo 117055mo, a pole wIll PUBLIC LIEN Toot en 11100/2000, o solo wIll TOo? on 07/lOSO, o pole wIll boheldal /000 p m. 0?: bohsldot3 OOem al' 01 OWUp,m, 01: be hold al 0:000 rn all ROsomont F000luo a boor The LIno Auto Popolo beheld Whips AutbmOliue ..Koso'sAuto Serolue Pomosllo Oulo 4703W. Chic000 0,0 IN Rood 1120 W. Rosenwol _W, No/lb Ave. ChIco o. IL 6065? , IL60000 ChI0000, IL 60000 ThI0000, 1L00430 All bids Io ho In 00111,0, lo s IO ko io woltlog. to Alt bIds IO be IO wrIlInO, Io Ali bids Io Nl Is OrlIno, Io 5011 Ihr IPliuwino 070101es lo soll the 101bOwina ertlulos to entoroe s lIbe 0015110g urdor Sell Iho loilowino 00110105 Io sIll lye ?oiIowlle OrIluleS to RnborCn o lien colstmno under lOI lUwSst IhRSIOte on Il/yams Onlorpe o lIen 11151100 under enlorye a lion OulsIlnop odor Ihe lows 01 IOu Stole Ob Illinois Pool 151500 h orIloles Ion Io 1h01005 01 Inc StOleot Illinois Ihe lows et lye Stoteob 11110015 0001 OsIsuo h orIloles ton Io. bon, servIces. Shills or mole. 0001 05154e h OOlidmn Ion Io. 0001 05150e 0 OrlitleS Ion Io. bon, somicns, Skills on moto. ber, 50001005, shIlls or molo' ber, soy/bps, skills on mole. rIal eoponded 000e Or Storage 0101 pxps000d umnon st0005e rbi elPOndod 0001 or stonoSs nIal eobendpd upon on slaroon 100015 nod I orsuc h OrIOles o? lurolsno d t orouo h orliclo, at too reo,uest lt Inn lollowIra Iurnls hod t orsuc h artIcles o? l000ished on suOh 011101es 01 In onpoups I ob Ihe tollowlog 1h 5000005 I ot Iba IOIIOWIIO 'Ii enpqoos I Rl loe ?0lI0010g Oesl000lrd bonsonlsl, unless /IsI000lOd pensuolsl, unless /05151010/ '0510001M pensonlsl, untoso enononlsl, unless Suoh arIlolos oro redonmed "- --.. . nedeemnd i1Ti!i' 1010101301 /005 01 1h11 such 001101es oro redenmed such onilolas Or000000 WithIn bOldo 1201 00,5 o? lye 01V/lo Ihiply 1001 /005 Sb Ihn loPs ot Inn Oubilcolbon 01 Ihis 0011cc eublipatbon of Ichs nolice. bolso NAME OF PE0000I5I NOMO OP P00500151 5teuoi'unk Chooles j, Imprimo m LWkotMbohool Boosos 510001 Turks Amonloon 0010rol F10 Mr 5000 : Sorulues NA LLC ACOopI000e loe 055 L0000rotpoonluon,ery PiotiOum COPA? Anoeptonce Corp DESCRIPTION OP D ES C O IPTIOPS UF DESCRIPTION OP DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE . STATE COONS IN TI ORT LAKE 1 PRO- Ir ho Matler ob OAOOAOAS 00000500 00.00 P802 CLAIM NOTICE Rollo0 is Obpo ob tpo doOlh et RAedORA S GWI1O, 01 100 Mormoc L000, Voonon HIll,. lllinolS0001l, Loller, Ol PIlleo 0Ml 0. TOM, OospondiAi i/lot ..... WIH. 0055 has bone Oommrnoed in UniI 0555 lillIan MIllor . Oar. cono mph o BI Ihe Standord 1h15 uOurl by Iho Patilloner 00 Ooeens, brooms, mora, Sceullootlon Ion Rood old 0501151 bou lar 0101411000? IM GUA. Ori/ao C000tron lIon Jonuory monologo Onu Olher reIbt. bogs I, 0000. 011m P000? 01 pro. 0305 Newell 10111 . O UNLESS YOU 111e our on. 500lllluolion isnoo:,ln no OOe 0,Li: sUer an Ot0000iso lIlo noun ARTICLE bid 45oumpyt, ARTICLE ARTICLE 2002 Oulo 070001110, IllinOis 00040 15171 Wylbia Julio luton, 001019 Onpoawnoe In this coso lo too 0005 CllrysIerOna I000Cyouroler OiOOeo 0000VOlks00000 Pyoston Eooh Old MolI Un 000mnyo. OIl/poOl 0 54 W O O 5 347-Oteo mISO, bosps&Igin, Insulorlo xl 1h15 court OCal AlS I450t/50,0)I2 lOS OTI)WOWICI55000 WVWAPOSBOA00093I0 nitO. in o so talo cnoeloco, moled 01 004262 CI01WN oOni,st Inc 05101e Publ 1590, l0/2OIOOI17OWOU1 C Oridnoleos Court. AMOUNT 5020374 AMOUNT 5154000 MIRANT 5000000 be 01 osocunllrme on omounl house. 10200 mop be blInd in too pIlleo O? AM9P0RSONI5l SOuth P6th Eue' PlbV,l59y90llnoolC Fob: t'lO, tens, 0/onion ob 5% ob Old der's Moximom lUs Clork o? ho Circuit Court Rue. Ulidonolaw, IL luIse, on PAOLIC LIEN Old Fr100 PublIo 0151x0 Ot li N (00110 510001, Wuu. IP MOr000 Chane look IdA bolore 101nombon lU, loon, ThaI on 11700/0000, o sole will Cootnoulor shall W ro,nulrod or Nollue xlAuolioo John Adams h0000, Illinois 40000 000m C. 0010011 ludgmoy? mop be beE/did) OOpm el' 00 11059000, o SOlO will BE 5CR IPT100 OP It lamely ollo OIl rnouiro. U will 307. Rrwithoecnpspy albo, on Sola' N000mbpr 20, 2000 Iokpn 0001151 000 tor lye op. Thol Stcue's Aut000dy S beheldolo OOn.m.ot be held or ocu m Oli monts 01 Ihn Illinois PrOuolI. Ilaloskpd AR--- bnlh. on or belore 00011 00, In he cotillee Meohonoogl 1,0 W000AO?, StOndord ParkIng r000Aobo& Truck Conten LWotion3ip)dpto0 St 000lCh5000lOI impala LT 5010. whIch dole Is bol less /0/Grru/d 0WOOFJF. Ita N Elston Aus 10000W BOone Plod Contlopl Oncomsnts moo yo SUoi/e. IL 00001 thon t manlhS loom the doto ISO All oreny br Felltionor Chic000. IL lORIS hle000, lL6U6')' Chb0000.II. 0/dUo household ouods Val cold 000tniond 0h tpo 011iun At the : SAIl? 2 Ob lys 11001 Puhlbuolion Ob Ills Pub IO/ho, Ills, lI/lOTO All bIds IO be in WrIlIno. Io Il bids IO be in writ/Pa, to All bids lo be In Woiting, to I yrloslon oso bol000ing Io 011100001 Skokie. Ponohooloa Pub: 10/00, loon, 11/590 110310761E sell Ins t011owina OrIloloS Io soll ho loliowlIg 001101e, Io nOIlPO ova Une 0101m nut 11100 soll lhP 101iOwIng OnlIules Io Manu PoUle, MonIno N 40001, 1h27 OUkton Olypyl, NblhiO Ihn? 0001M lo banned Onborop o IImseolstl,ouydor 001000e 0 II0000istl090000r Coc:os Inlonco o Ii panels lino under Sie. Kimborlp SkokIe, Ii 0/pr? ob IrIS olnim i/Iou OlIn .'FOENDATION NOI10ES CLlcN Ihe lows el Inc Stato ob Illinois Inc lows al Iho Obb BI Illyols Ihe lows 01 Iho Slot, xl . WOO/row Any bid or rroposal submIt. the Clerk musI be maIled Or That en 111559000. 0 SalO 0111 0001 OsIsuo h orliulos Or to. 000: 051540 h anheles Ion IO dolluored 0001 rslsuo h Onlicics lar lo. beholaalompm al: Wnge Johnson, lodunse aba. unsi.,oe,t. t,., I'00001560rto PRIVATE FOUNDATION boy. 500010es, skIlls on male. ber, soroloos. skIlls or moto. tboe end IoIO bon, servIces. skIlls or mole. lron,migsioño Orr000ioed Oto? k 'rOSPI by allonneoucilyin 00 505109 I FO oclon N The Annool 0000/2 (Form 0101 ooco,ded 0000 On Stor000 0101 eapended Leon or Staoogo su0500urnt to Ihe ulonemen. 000PFI 01 Ice Foul A Pearl noI eepnndrd 0600 OP slor000 POmIStIo Auto lurnio heI t orsuo h 001101es 01 lurols hod torspu O arIlo», ot ISdolsatbnn Il is Ilied Ilonod Onto old timo. will be CO51OA FomlIp Fonodoflon. a tuofllshOrl I orsuo h 0011/heS 01 1135W 1005emonI JEFFREY u. SWIN I h00001upsI 01 Inc ?olloWing lb erequos r o? le eocnues t Il then 1011001es ha olIammo dinnuotilied androlynfl Pd I p010011 bOundohinn, Ion Iha - 000W, IL 00400 lOco roso n Io t loo I designoled p000001s1. unless dosIzroted 000500151, unless bbc bid/Or, TOP Villa: eenxonlsl, unless rooF codina 0000mbor SI, Oesigrotod WILLIAMM IGIA0AM sUch 01110105 000 1ednomdo All bld, IO ko in OrlIno, Io soph ortiolos ore nodmmed Such a/lIBIOS ano redeemed Skol,Ie nesenues loe rig... Is 000iloblO at its noon. olInO Inlrly 1001 daus Ut IhR Sail ?n lollowbyg 001101es Io WIlhA Initie 1301 dOIS ob Ihe wIlhbn -. IhIoly 1101 0005 01 lOo reIn? oro Ond oil bids o, 2000, Foui ISV. 10,00, 1115,50on001 n 0111cc, 6750 N Shot p00110011! Publibotion xl 11115 901100 000libaIbOe Ob thIs 0011Cc, polls Ihaneol, ta WOlup 00 Ir. Inc laws BI Ihe 51010101 Illinois , ChI0000, IL 00001. lO. NEMEO RAMP OF PER5oefls rpOulunihiea or iotyrmol lIp, 200011/O donIno rrouiurr bull. NAME 0F 005500151 0001151 540h 01010105 tor Io caos o, Older OT/O°UT50IS Eco OMAn/A MonIno N050lsuhmldt Is biddlyg pomo/unos and Io bon, 500v/Ces . skills or molo. IO THE CIOCb1T C000 I R Am E,Menond MItoholl 000nd I 000nntnou I In o mon. 0101 eoupndnd u000 on stereos ID NOTICES t. i PF COOK COUNTY. II °wmtoi Aun Monino MIluhell nor best senniea ne irtenpst renuosrs turlishnoi Ion Suob onliples al OStlleneGnOndChnrokco ILLINOIS Irum Ihe dolo al nIl n011on 000lulOpo DESK UI Ihn Pillos0, D ESCO OPT ION OF In onequcs I o? tpo t011oolno Ihn P'oundolion'g Pp/noVal P000ATE BIUISIUN 1J4GZJ050WCO55414 OID NOTICE ARTICLE Okokic Vilo0 Roll lx o Sully M010ger cersUnlsl,unloss AMOUNT 5100000 Il loo molberol lyposlole 01 is Dodd Mens PAOU RIDGE Puoi Choonolel Ea 000es G3000 doSi000lcd o00oMllsubisyl MollIno 000ese Iblo building, Persons such orliples InI rcdoemOO John J UIovyono UECUEATIRNArgG PARK nenulnlno assistarce should PibDlIS'OOSnIl0000sdlC 10E Ft0500741143144 JAOMWO1O3OJ04000I 000000011 withIn blOc 1501 00,5 ob ho DISTRICT PUBLIC LIEN AMOANTS0050 50 IO 00 puoi CaeR No.50 F0101 The Pork Pidgo Reuneotion 0001001 lOO O°uronaoino 011100 Fuu: IO/lo, 1523, luTe/OP ThAI on 11120/goon, a Solo will Pub'l0ISl/0OilOSt064lL4 NAME FUPLICATIPIO luoriCE Ond Fork 01511101 is hereby xl 15470 0334040 or TI? Al). 000i°FI O? Ice 000d S Cutho be held 01300 P m Ott Eau E. Solios Is yumbo OlUeo Pl the Husmon Famlle l'aurdolion. .. .. NAMECHANGE 010ln'g Ouslolnes Aulo renuesting PWoosoI5 IOV Miuhael Alsk5Io dedbh or 101:0 J CI 0010u o o? PuronOso Pt new 1050100 O erluots 100100110,, Ion Ihn '1h01 Rn 11120025Ev, o sole vollI OTO L sino LLC FureeoolnoAsp,I roor pOdi OMo0toomorr 0011010 05000, II, LlttSrS 01 51441e 00000 Serles Copy Sus. VILLAGE 0F SKOICIE 000trmbor 30, OT?GoIt Rood Stole 011111001S m ot. OtIlOo w Obpissu ed 00 Dubber 2000, Is 000110010 or Its prinul. boVpid1Il3'pOp 10m'. Porhioulos o? Ihe prol. OesPloInps, IL 00610 ThollO Aulo 010010 Fob: 10/00109 117)12141 C Coud00? Cook AOTICL g, 3300 lO rie otllOO, 1500 N 0000roh rol ondnpnuin od Irlormollon j 5g PO, Mono00 All bIds to be in mollIno. lo In Ths Circull Court Fon 2000 Fond MuoIono Aue, ChiC000, IL 601...... OOstneskl, 1500 W POrbour lo be Contoinno in ho Fr0000. soll the lOilOAlno ontbolps lo lOO, 1L10034 Cook CoolIe, IllInois Ohs orn 000110010 0? lI:c Ad entorco a lien ealsti000n don In loe Molter el Ihn FelItlan 101uc, Aol, 4e. Whmllng. IL Ido la be In wrilino, Io IZVFTOIN200I55317 AMOUNT: 010000 00000,wnos000 Orneybs Corp minlslrolise 0111cc 01 Ihn busioeSs hours by oso cItizen sell Ihe 11:0 lows ollhn Slots 01 Illinois 010/0010 G, PpnOue 101100110 011101es to cubi 10/30. 10,020, lltOjOO A. Lind, lOI S Wilke Rd Sullo oh Ooe000sts II mIlnir IO does 00100cc O Ii en P0151100 Porh Uidgu Reonpotian ano 000/OSI ouOh 07210105 ton IO. Foryon050lNo 11721021IC0 400, urlinoton HIs, IL 60000 nom lbs dola 01 Ihis notIce, lys lows Il the OtOtpOl Illinois Fork Bistniot, 21U1 Sibley ber. soy/ups, Skills or mate, Cose e RO 0/2 0554 140 007-0010. The Feu000tlun's Fninelpol 0001051 A000un Or by lelechOnoro, 0101 snmndnd uoUlSr NI01000 50011 orlicIns br lo. OIICORI F000lieoIIon DONT NEED IT? Moflooen is P0010 HusmO, 000inst lnp nstole luos?01 047 On 3450 lunnisne A torgoc n Ortlulos 01 ruoli0 0011(0 Is hereby Nb. mooCloIms bon, sorulceg . skIlls pr mote. be 1110W in tyn olbIcs or FoUl lSSyb001173I740I C All rosmnsos IO 000uus? br 1h ermoos I 0m loe tollowlyo 0101 csnnnOed own or stOntooc 00000lbOrnO/ Onon, 1110 Clonk 01 Inc Clruuit Cour? Fr0000015 shall be dun al no toro» yod t orsuc h orliobes o? desIgnaVA Porsoelsl, unloSs Room 1000. abhold J Pork RIdge Recre otlon und subo OrIlolos ono redeemed in Ins CIrcolI Court 01 hO le 100 renuio,t o? lIlo tOlinoloo COIPO Cool/n. Chib000, Ill' P0th DisInip? na baton ho, o/bm IhIrIF 1001 00v, ot Inn County 01 COok, I will libo my nobp dpsl900lod porsonIsI, unless 606/O. on 011o Ire nopyp. SE LL IT FAST. Publiotionol tn:s 0011cc Thunsdoy, Nauembor 10. 0000 suoh 001101es pnpnedp0mod OOlilion In sold coud 000010g 5011,01100, or beIh, on Or 00' 0111 00om. NAME aP PEOSOOI5I FIND MORE will/s trlrlo 1201 dUos ob loe len I hop00000 01 my yomo 000n Apoll IO, OdIo. which 001,' 000edOt Park M kcdhintp FIND MORE oubilyolb000l ISIS notice, loom Morbo G Ferauo la 1h01 Commissloynrc NAME OP P00500,5: ot 0/Orle 0/ Oumoo, p005voot tyn 0010 01 Inc lint roblico' unI Gorier, Fnosulont ARTICLE a Poeko to Ihn 5101010 In 500V Poso 1100 el 1h15 OOIiOp and any LOCAL JOBS AT legt J000Willos Pub IO/2n/000I73InO5I C rIs NA mOdI Ond OyOuidod CALL 847-99834OO OloIm na? libo wilyin 1h01 po' 0470M OE005 LOCAL JOBS AT Doled Gol/len 10h. soon PIONEERLOCALCOICWONSTEJ 0100 is baoepd Cool05 01 01/ oSM0ONl'StddOop - C000eshall: 0101RO room tOhlp, Pouches, boxos. MstnxS,ll Slorsoo.SSSOW 00x500511. Clnsmo, lLsOtl4 uni? to l0050e?la I. J anos'. dresser, bed set, totp, UnII OlA Cloro ScalI: dining room oSlo, boo 001. 100eS, UnII 300 Chnislinalank: ml oroouaue , lu. totes unit 320 LOura Cor. len: boues, In. chIno CabInol, UniI 403 Mo or OorroWl iron Idolo a. e OnotruO line oouiumrnl, mIne. ems. ORlI 004 AnIdo 0 Poner'. boot, 10011, boces mIso. Itome. /011220 Molor Rped: bichOips, Uni? 023 Viulor Collins, 00450050, notlisorotors. 10105. UnII 1141 000005 RionI weltress, lolo. Ira Unoirs. lui 00000 hoin, Poll 1007 MaIlla Johnson: dry. or AuSnIOO mounino, boors Unii 000 Ello Smith. ban' Fo o. boxes. miso Ilems. UnIt lOO Fr00 Bryant: mIsn PIOA005LOCALCOIASIONSTOR ' MOrton Gnoue, Ililyols t000nsidyr 11:0 tolluwlnoupsys IO O0?eol VOniotiun Ncccssore S 001n1 MStrngSelI Storoge.4104 WMadlIeo, ChIaRo, 1L50444 tIni? SUSO Tholmo Portan: aIr Condilionor, 0110,1 cl draw. les, miur0000p dolt 1020 Abu Rakr Nurru ddin: p1010mB, 50005, 00 5, unI? 300e Feliolo MIsIons' lu, boos mise. iloms uni? 4007 LIndo M. Hughes: las, tote,, baues. UnII $lUE1000ker t.lordos: computer, Is, PIco. Boll 4070 VU. pl 001? 0031 0111100 GrIllIn: walker, tan, boues ORI? i300LamoV. 0000: tO, OhUir, bocel. ThUnday, Navlmber lt. 500e fl?5011 slgnoge ' ¿23? N. 000000/Or St., Chlsoga, IL FmnI 'bold Posh AOlt5027JopJoy: home CASE 1001 ROOutStinO O uorlolIsn Irom Op/lion 12 O SOla o? Ordinonee ar-OP IVilIaoe o? MorIon Group Oni?icd 0000lopmunt CMeI I ouonstruo t on I 1001 bI S loot shed: PronI land lEash 011uwod NOdOISct,pd anos SAte s trvuluncsirlron I bord 000uestod iJOIOChod OOCes Ooryslruc?um Ir tronI band Voriptiun NscIssorb Belouhod acces sony Slruulune In Iront cord 000ulned 00000SIed 20 60 lent boniotion Nobeseere 0.00 tUe? with Shod O PU leO? loIlnr II:x 10011 13.70 lenI Olin sned UnZIOnI lallor Ins lUCIO Fnonl Yard l'nrkIro IO 010/OrIon Gr000 COOk CoueIn. Illinois 6452 LINCOLN AVENOp PAROlING LOT CONSTe OCT10 N ,,,, RIBS NOTICE IS HPREOY GIVEN be the President end Inc 00065 01 TOusles5 et the Vilboop 01 Morbo Oboe, Cook CUurIy, IllinoIs, loot 500lrdbldswiil be Occeivo O lar l'e LEHIGH FERRIS TIF GISTOICT, 6402 LINCOLN AVE. NUE PARKING LOT CONSTOIOCTION BIds wIll be mbyiuo/ LP lo Iho Door 01 IO BO o m, LoUaI Timo, on lIto Inh doO 01 Nocemoer OPOn, or he oIlmen 0? ho Di000lor Il Publio Woeks. Pl the Public Works F00111' In, 7000 Noole Auenue , Morbo 0000e. 1111,015. onO WIll On Publicly omoed ono rood oh 1h01 Ilote Tho bl/dIno I005I5 und/mumolls oro ouollobio o? ?he o?. tot submIlledoo Ihe I 00105 crouldell. baal,. URlI 1001 A C I Osuelopmon?: boon,, 01011/IO, old suilcoses Ps114120 P006/ho Cnigulono: uohololorpdehioir P6iUO1flblR,tRPdi0OI CASE 1522 msot UI Troosrortotion, Ototeol 11110015 All bIds OI?eoed must bo Oucom nido On e bld bond, OUsh TOO lorms 01 the Solo Will S Posh Bolo Rod mus? 00 poid layaI Iha lime o? sala. All BoAs OO sold os is. MItra SOI? )i:nE: SlOroao rosones the rlaht lo WilhdnoA ony or all units 1i,i3 Ail canten?, must be romPPPd 50000slcd la issue PIons, Snnulliootlons ono Pr000sols IP one por. son, 1mm. or corporation 1h01 hI Bonsidors Io be u0040li. lIed, All bl000ns must Us e10OUu011IiPd UlIh too Oerool. 500uestlno a uoniati Unt000t 5001101 12.7.3 I 01 OrOin000e 07.01 lVlIloOe o? MarloS Gmoe UelIiOd 000cl000lpnitodpl Idollom Iba Iroseot000ey001mWlo:e l000s000rn tosI In on on' Isling shopp Ingccnter 1000502100 oOrrn.00l ncsl00000ll or PerIled ocenk wodo 00000 5 Io Iho 01110go Ot MorIon Gravo io Ihn 0010011 01 nOt less Iron 110e 010000? lOTI nl Forking Renulrod 40 porI/rg s000ns OrOuysIod Od earl/no spaces borlotlan Npcpssory lOpankiog snoops Tht oUrcel Is I000tpd IV lOe Cl 'General Comm000lol O stoIcI' odo Is commaolo known as 5400 Wauk0000 load TI:l 001111 Onerls Kenneth Spognolo, 3010 N, 500100, Chlooga. IL lI;nr0on5 In 011oodoneeat ho hootlnosholl bousIlla OecOrtoollo loba Onoto. AnecIe. son wha BISo wlsnes toocrooros Onlnt000sle d corle wIllI lys 01001 IA prcss.000m:rooth ens 01 InI honro, mUst Pompiabo and Ills on acenonooce collh the Pillo20 ob Morton Gn0000IdlUl Capulina Ato, Vnorloe Croco. IL 60002, br po later 104mo Inypo 13) bu,l000s 00es bolorp In, dote O? tIle monIno 1100010g oocnon0000 torms ano 00011001eunontp. X0°lAtcrested oorIiesOto mulled toottend 000bo hoond, Ronald Ponios,Clwlrmoou:: , 'i': '4ra 117215:10 nIl " oc FIND MO RE caiilnaWaoe Aol 1120 ILCO 12001.151, NhSubObndInnRtRojIo MO.ChOiOTSmIph,Vll?age Enoolnesn, PublipWOoks 00000bmon?, Olotos Io 10411 500.0011. AlI 0e' oIled nuPSlboo loxnoeln Ins lye oplual bid SOsyllipollons Inould yo loronoroopo In wrltiog PIO t0x001055 Iban Iba busIness 4005 Pnlor Io 1h Osphedu led bid000niog doto. Doled Ab Morbo Groas, IllinoIs. IbIS flIh doy Ob OOlObon 2000, Go 0000r O? Mr 000v DeMonIo, DloeoIor o? Publio 'o.fl:O..:u,liru IN THE CIRCa IT COO OT OF COOK COUNTY. mus? 1,0 molIdo on 001100000 'o Iho ocPreserbotloe ano to I,Patl or00000 ithlo 100005 01. orIt il liled ill3eberohl EOStflpskl lOepOpSynboliucI NCgo0 A Lind Ill' Lolers 01 OtIloo toro is. CloIms 000insr Iho 001g. cIbI---------mon be 111cl in the 0111cl nI he Clonk ob the Clopoit Court Cooler St . pos Plomos, IL 0? Cook C000Ir, 11110015, Poe. 00011, whIne 011 croon Onto OIoIsloO. ot loo Richood KARL H MAGNUS, 121 Sis J Doloy Conlor, 00 Wool WIlke. 5201, ArlIngton Woshbnototn SlemI. 000m HsiNhI IL 10005, 10471 Sud. 0202, ChboodU, 1111,01, dOdo?. 0000 or wilIl IhO 05001sOlIOtlup, or Ciolnos 000irst tIlo Ostato tooth, os er bnl000 Apoll SQ. loon be 11100 ir Ihe 01100 01 2010 AryolImo ob Illed On Ihe Clprb 01 lOe Cieoubl Court or betone bol doto le barred. In Omm 1000, OlcOord J (la Codos ob o 0101m libo will, lop Centon, 771:0000, IllInois Iho Clook mull be mAiled or 00000 Or wIln Inorrerocenlo dclloeood by IhR Plobmont to 1100, 00 beIn, On oe beta::, IP coPPepspn 101bop WIthIe los Aerbi 20. coIn, wnbyV dolo is dayS 011er lt hos boon biso, noI less lEuo 6 months boum OATRIOI OcloberOO, OuKO he 0010 01 ho I/OSI PuOlico 156 000mlyo Brown han 01 thIs nollco 0,3 ono CLERICIOP THE uboIm,ulb:irdwilniv IhUlpr CIRCUITCOORT rIM is borIca Cooles 01 Ibis CO0KCBOIoTY, ILLINOIS oloim 111,16 with Ihr Clerk no 0111001 ob TMorlon Oltoue All 000lnocls Ion Iho con' etrucllOy Ob Publio WalkS oro 5001mb to too IllinoIs Foe. G000poI Oupstloss F0000110 the Canned Oanumonlg PRORATE Chorlo,, IllInois 60174 Ih0000(000leol Ills I/doso 000rortes that il Ihobld 1500. Oputed, 0000tnap t will be 000summoted, Ihn right to waioSooy Ir000ulonilo oyd to rplool 0000roli bids IS r000nvod lo 10e Froldeylood Poned al T000loes ob 110200071C0 ., Leslie, 1300 5 3rd Strpot. St. NICOl ob 005 Fioloes, che Olneoton ob PublIo Woe ksroso rues 1110 OVnI to 00105e knownos e000w:lson Ternace, Tho 05111100er Is 000ld Woibu, 'S'Morbo, perdue ClOim liled wIth too Cleok Puto 10/IO, 10/20. IP/hO/no ILLINOIO All bids to be In OrIlloS, lo COUNTY DEPARTMENT. P°?/lO, 10(22, to'on,no soil Iho 101104/no arhiulos Io PROBATE DIVISION 111305401 I' Onlonco o Ii en colsting Estato 01 0000 Fobor, STOnE 0F ILLINOIS be lo,os at I000tolpol 11110010 00000Mo lb TIdE CIOCUII'COuyRr 0401051 suOh 070101es Ion la. No. PeleP5050st OF COOK COlOnY, bon. sorui005, Skills Or moto. CLAIM NOTICE ILLINOIS rbi copen/do up0n pr 510000e NOTICp IS GIOCO lo hp P OD It AT E DIVISO) no rurnil 0,10 t 3fl00n orliolog et rober, 01 Cook IO Ino m albor OltnO 05101001 I hereguss I o? Iba boilowind 0601001 County,Peno lillois. LeIten Pt VICTOU A. OANIE5I 055100010/ con505lsl. 001055 Olhice wore Issupd on Spetem' 000005ed ScUll 001101eS ono redmwOd bon 1, 2000, to Edwond Cese Na,OIeePppgIso clodo Ihlrlr(20I doTs 0e IhO MO101roto, $037 N 500100/, polaLlCarboo NOTICE ChiC000, IllinoIs 00654, 0005e is horebp 0:000 01 lOI Ott ornee Is Andoew Told Ihn NOtice Onwll, sI 'nonno A RA' 00:100 dOlions 1500.101, Which is loI mlundoblo, OldN mOSI No InnI yard parkIng Ftunboon 4 pont/na loller Inn oEIl 041101100 Nenessany PronI 0000 cooking loller lye tuo?) TOO parcel I, 1000103 IO loa po '010010 Famlir Resi/once Diolrlur 000 is commonly h00,lUrhilUno, 000es BOxe, hhg, blues Thol OR 10/710000, o Solo Will lice Ut ho Olneolor Rl Public Wooks, Village o? Morbo G000p. Illinois, upan ro moot St lye sum BI I000Ip Gnd Uli?OPiOiOhIrIuOrmdnIOivGihvoIe:TlO.bubrelroilor Aol? Poil 70 Timolhr RU/loo' Ivoo000, 00005, WISp. llenoS Mern sell OIl 00 s: N. D eseloines, Chloop 0 5. 40404 Cherol Chlebainskl: Iloor lomo, boues, boos. -- Chinoao, IL 0044/ RIO NOTICE LORIGA FE5RI5TIPRIOT5ICT O 00 lOp? The PSrOeI Is bated In loe RO 'Oiralo Fomily Rosidenco D Islnlol and Is OOmmUlIy - 1100W. beonI CASE 1120 Reourslin g e potlollon 1rpm SodIos 10.2 ROOd 01 Ordeonop 17.07 IUiilaoe o? Morton Ge000 OnlIled 000eiOementCodel tooliaw t npuo,styuc lIon ola dltooh0000roge. Distord llano pelnoipol stnuRlure - be 00)0 013 opp m, oIt 0050mnunl Foreign & DemestleAuto Oecoir PLEASE lAKE NOTICE . TVE MORTON 0000E ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS WIll hoidorubliul:raniO400booNpAy, 000EMBEO OU, 00000I7'omp m in Ihotlooydol Trusces Chomlmro, Pichonil 1'. Flickiromr Municrol Cpnter. Aloi Caculo Auenue. On0010s 7107 Cmse000 51100? The P01111 000rls Nororeh Alice Koidoni. DonIno O'ioney: lu, beses boos. UslI OSI PhIllie Godes: KSM 000umost Solutions, hho,lurn,mu000s AUCTIONS cord anoew ito Iha ebb k44 NOTICE OP PUOLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY METRO SELF STORAGE Relict is IIOrcby lope thot I hopo/ono lonod Opi! otarogc Boues Ross hhg,?Ann,boees hIto, boxeo bRu, Furo. 00005 Vanesso LowWooe IP hho,b000s "g,, .:,u .. ....PubII0/21, mSOO 117302e2iC R onnon Rhodes DollIes, Shell. 00001 Ohel?, Drosser, Tules, Boos a? the lirs? 0? Ihn 101100110 oddrossos, lIsted In or/pr, Phd NOTICE OF AUCTION Lilo Slor000 Centersot WligltyviIll 0111 hold o eubilusolo IO oolorue e lien Imposed on sitio properly. as A000rlbod Hiimbuldl ParA 4014 Wc51 Onood Auenuo . Chias?, liii' Loukln Psroell CLASSTESAO itiue I/Odino 0e N001mber 4. 000e al 11IIB AM. nr ho adlournmool. The 000ds listed 00100 Old sIOred a? Sloroor Tadoy 000 W. Cenmolt 100, Chlougo. IL 00010, will be soTo 10 Ihn ilign. esm blddtr or ntheruiile Ois. rostd It 01 1h15 silo en So. vembor 12, 2009, ot 0.00 AM, IB 501151V owner lion in op. TO PEACE A EOOroIs e moohires Pub. 10/00,11/90117000070E Iront sa o. POU istene d or motor Vehiolos are Sold 'As is I Nome THE CLASSIFIEDS FIND YOUR oilily Aol, illinois CM0 COB lLES 01/1 tO 007, 01 15:10 AM LIlo Storap C enters BI Lithe Village will hold o ubilo Miguel Huerto PERFECT PET IN TO PLACE A 50005 #004 NOTICE OF AUCTION FIND YOUR SUBSCRIBE TODAY, Palm #5004 sate lo eetoroo a lier ImPOsed on sold PrOpelle, 05 dosOri. bOO 0010w, urguont laIne Illinois Solt'ServloeStoraae Fa. oilily Aol, Illinois Cado 770 ILCO P5/i IO 1W, at 10:00AM an ThUroda N000mNer t,, 2041 al Lite Slarege Centers BI Litho Viliugo, 3240 W. oath OIrpol, Chi0000, ililsois, lye Okokie. Illinois d0077. Modsenfl Puoi 1005,10/22,10/20/59 Nile,, IL 00714 Pust IWau.IGh9.fT/hSn lIIPu460lC okers 000k, Arco Rus, Sm le. end Tablas Your A.00ms The Irue nonl000l and real. 01 Dolthoul,lI47 W. NIbs AOR, One belcun 10024 Skekir Ilouleuord, Suite #312, Shebie. Illinois 60077. 60576 The Iwo namelil and AiSOnbOrO, 4130 Madison SI., nesldonue oddress UI,#3Q23 Meeoon Meile 00005, TV. TPhiO, ChaIrs Brie #4150 ASS1U?O%5r NoliBo is neneS 01000 eur. lapon aOhmuok suanr to 'An Aol In relation Io Futon, Vaouum Cieoner, the une at on Assumeo BuoI. Lome. Lu000ae ness Nome in t heecedue I or Pub. IO/lO, 111590 117200281 C InoesOO lion 05 BUsinessio mho NOTiCE BI' Stato.' os omeodpd, 1h01 a PA0L1C SALE PF Benliticolioe was hIcO by Iba PE050NAL FRaPE OTT unders honrO with he Counly NeIlce givar lOot ClInk al Cook Cellyly. File punsuonioI Ionareby 4 01 the Ne 500110000 on Oulobot le, Selt.Seruilò OeOlion Fanilily 2009, under the Assumed API, State ofStenugo Illinois, Ihn un' Suoni Io An Uhr in rololion Io tronsoolian al Bull coffin 10e lye use cl on Assumed Bull. State. as amended, loot o ness Nome In Ib econduo I or oerlilicelian was litad by Ihn nonIo/lUn al B uslnemsin lye unders ionnd will: Iha County Sloto. o, amended, 1h01 o Clerk Pt Coop County. FIlo Ramo 0m Coslire Financial ynrlllicotion Won liled by Ire Ne. 000lleall an OOtOber O. uroersionnd with the Counlv 50m, urden Inc Assumed with hr busieOSS 1X0100 at OPIO Old Onchond Pd., Clerk al COGlI Counly. File NO mp O? 510,1200, Sliokie, IL 00077. lye Ne 509119627 on Oclobar 23, Nauel Armo 2009, under Iba Assumed wilh Ihe business Imaled el rue nomelsi and residenue Nomo Pl 1000 N. Cilbounu Cl/page, iLuOUl4 ,73.,O0.Ime DATO: 000emberalth, 000e UEGINSAT' 15:05 AlU, andres I dIene Od dress al Inc OWneris S is Hanryk WIecsor. CONDITIONS: All units wili lilewiel, Roo Poltor 0000, Im said la lye hiOlrPst hl000r Bids token enly Ior pouh unit Des Plaines, lllieoissOOIl in ils enlinety. Poymenis PuOi 1592.10/20,11/590 736 W. Semester EOlO, Wust 00 me/a by cenlilied Mount Fnasuehl, IL. ¿POSd Crook, money order Or Colli Pub:lO/h2. 15/Pa. Il/p/On only No rsanoi OheukS eu. NOlice Is hareS liven pur. 111290131 C ueelpd, Ail 000dS must be ne' SuOot IO An API n noiotkn lu ASSUMED NAME el on Assuwcd busi. m000d rom ho uniI Wilhin 04 Ralbe Is henob alpen, pur. mho uso Nomo Ir the uonduol Br young Puvmenl duo immydi. suonI Io 'An AEI in relation lo ness lion 0? BuSI nessin Ihe olcly uros 000ret000e at bid Inc Pon BI on Assumed BASI. Iroesou 05 Omyndnd, Ihet o uniI aueliabilily Subleol IO ross Nome io I heoanduo t Br 51010.' rimrsclllomenl 01 aucounl. tnansOOtion of BusIness in Ihe ucrlilieotion wos Iiipd by the e le #22 lO State. as amended, 1h01 O undens igned Wilh lye County 000nnP Donas 0m Cook Caunly. Filo Oprtllivatian mas filed br iho Clerk LuOogt, Desk, Usas. 00x05, NO DOaIleOOy on Outobor 13, undnnsignmd WlIh IhR County On/ne IhR Assumed Clerk 01 CooK CourIr File 20Ko, UO7lV23O2 NO D091l0455 on Ootobor 7, Nomo el Ot ion je t IO rsan DA'NALI's CAFE Pout. under Inc Assuw ed Trblo, Dooms, Grill, PlosIiU wilh the bosinpsS l000led 01 dress on ne swnonis I Ist IL do lue PoNed Mueheney, Ola Busse Pub 15/15, 10122, 10/20/00 APioner Press Publication (Dc) n101ieeot Sole signed. PS Bnoyaypo. loo, onU/Or Shurodnd, TOS, no. Will ponduE? publio 5010151 Uy comeolilicp bidding en 510cmboo IO, 210105 15:00 AM, on theptymisew bebe oid nr000r' lv has boon 510100, ono wI/ph ate l000tad at Public Storoge PIO? W, HaWond, Chingo, IL 50MO, The petsoral pnepenle doss! iUndbelOw, InlhnmallonSet' CPOirs. OmeulOrshelues. Opaco s 000ucont Centnnts Pones, hogs, wOOSensheloes, eones. totes CliIlOe Hou Ott? Onoto, loe, olhrr wisaailenp. I°urohoses musI Im modo wilh coshonly and raid toral lye timm o? soie. Ali 00060 OrO solio os is end moot he nemaued ni4lI2 el Inc Ilmo o? I neeunc hose. Sole is sublput Ioediovrnmpnl. vim imearls e/O Anshu A 117310301 Pub. I0/20,Itll/OOC oilndpr Ipateal 0000e, lurniture .uLmE4Ic Notico Is nmreb alcen pur. suonI Io An Eut in rciotiOn to ASSUMD NAME suenl to 'An API in neIaton Io the use of on Assumed Busi. Notice Is yertO given nun. I heuoO mt an As,umnd Bud. ness Nomo le Iba OoeOuOl or Suoni to 'An Ad In rebIten Io ness Nome In 1h eoorduu r or lronsOO lion of Uusinessln the tIle use st on Assumed Ousi. inansoOl/yn 01 BusieyoS/l Ihe Stato,' os Bmendld. heI a nhfl Honte In Ihn conducI on Slate.' as slniandad, thaI o Oprlilicetion was liipd by the inonsoc Ion 0f IIvSlneSSIn Ihn uerlllioatlan wos 11100 by Ihn unders ioned wilh mho Ceunte Pub 15/02, 10/29/09 it729k651C Stote, Os omended. thor o undonsionpd With the County ClenIt al Cook Couoly. File Cintllicotion WOS lited hr the Clprk BI Cook Caunty. File No. 000IIP030 0e Outober 10, NOTICE OF POUL1C SALE TO BE fIELD AT undens ionyd Wily the County Ne DOVlIa004 on October IO, 2000. Under Ihe Assumed The Lmk Ue 5100,00 Centers Clerk pl CeoE Codnly File 2009, un/mr Ihe Assumed Name oli NO P09119542 on OcIotior 15, Nome oS Soon. onder the Assumed PRPTABOLIBM.COM Nome et with Ihe business l000lpd el MP0RNHYI(ITUOOKS & Job W. I3uryhsten EOlo, COLLECTIBLES Maunt PnosnnuI. IL. 60050. with the Nosiness 000lyd el The Irumnomale I anarco:. 1501 C Ccntnol Rd., 0304, Ar. denua od dress UI Ihy iington Heights. IL 60005 The ownpr 151 sPari Clohonskl, RUChONS . (De) AUCTIONS AUCTIONS In II senline In. Poymonl must ASSUMED NAME A5SOMED NAME No 00911956! On October IP, Na DOalla540 do Oulober 15, 2009. uflden the Assumed 2000, undmr Ins Assumcd Nome 01 NomnOl NATURA LS KINCA IlE ManIere and A5100laieo CREAMS.COM with Inc buslyoss l000tPd al . with lIte uuslnnss locoted el 1504 hraphr Aue.. Pork pio w. Inemesten , Ant PIO 0100e, IllinoIs 60060 The nue Mount PneSpOOt, IL dd000 namelsl andraI ldyncp ad. The lede nomelsl end ned dress BI Ihn awnonlsl IS: dnnye ed dress PI Ihe hlannioll E. MarlIn, 1504 Ownerli I IS: KotOrlyno Bye ny Ape , yank Ridge, li. CiytiOnSko, 736W. DomDstor, lieaisdO068 . .. .i5OA51ehIhI5 ASSUMSU NAME Nahte Is horeb given pur. NOIIOe Is hereb gluey. pur. Rollte I, horco duce run. be modo by carlilipd uheok or suant o An ApI In relation io suant to 'An API in rotation ta count ta An API o nelollan la mener order 00W. Ne eonsoo. I yeuse Pt on Assumnd Dosi. Ihe use B! on Assumed BusI. Bi EhPBkS er Posh 000ented noes Name In the hOyduul Nr rISS 00100 in Ire UondAkl Sn All goods must be rewauld iron500ilon pi S Usiflossin the Iranseyllon 0m yusl npoSin Ills Ironeau lion cl auol neBsln lIto Snow too unii Wilhin 24 hours. Stotp. as amended, hot o Stote. as amanded, 1h01 O Stole. es Omen/pd, 1h01 a Paymeel duo immediotelo COriltIcotlon wo, flied by tre onntillcallon woo lllPd by Inn oermllioolion uuos lIed by Ihe upon occeetoece 01 bid. UnII Orders toned wiih ihn County undlrs toned Wilh Iho Counly undero bend with lUe County auoilobilily oublpul Io nriar Clerk et Ceok County. File Clerk Pl Cook Couatr. FlIn doni o? Coeb Ceunly. Filo solliomenl o? 0000un1. Notice Is 111mb APioneer Press Publication LOCAL JOBS AT PENTOLLCp Andrew Todd LesIlo AllUreny lop Ihn ESlolool Reno Fober 1303 sSnO Streol Sr Cyonle,. 11,00174 must be 11101101 un deliopond ?73/400'l304 Pub: 1001. 011O. 1102/00 1170531010 Altyrnoy le to thy rypr000:: loll.,. ono 'i, lIlo OlI Olnoylo bIno IO dau101 Ion il POS boon libod IS: CorI Abonos FAb IGlOO, 1mo, 111500 -._,,JlL05 IlOIdOwIC - dne.Pso,/1IrpSqO0fl.'Y0WbR. o,. . lso,red'outMln,TPZII/n,ouuolAI,v,., A Pioneer Press Publication (DC) BO Thursday, October 29,2009 'J5I,lIml1[dllslR. StArrer LLINOISIN lie 01011cr of Inc osIate cl KARL HEINZ LANONER DeEcoled Cole No. OSP 1103 PUOLICATION NOTICE ICTOO IA AN 0E OSO N NaIlER IS ER11OSy gioRnot tIm UNKNOWN F0,TIIEIn - [WOOl yl200m in mho 00003 01 TrusleOs Chombams. RI. chond T. FlIekinoom Muniolrol Conlor, 1111 C000Ibno Au,no o, Mormon Gmvo, 1111' 0015 tO nonslllnr IhR 101100mo IndIno o? lloren done, end he Oelendont, and Noobeol should nOt be enlored °A' 0001351 KARL LANONER 010es PiRineO. II. EUbII,hed lun four 041 nOrma' ulIVO GOaLS In the Pi0000r a 00 1fb Corroli Counly News to REINHARD LANONER, a CHILD UNDER EIGHT. Loodor. a recomo m rubbish. in Counbn, ed Conrail HOliday Lone, Des KEN 1181 YEARS OF AGE Plaines, IllInois, whose ollar. 000EO FOR JORGE DF THE J UVENILE nor Is DAVID J. FINN, 200 POOLICATION COURT E NRIIIIwISI Hy, Pniolitie, In 1h Ishouse . Il op01nrInO IO CARROLL COONTY. TENNESSEE Claims ROalnOt lEe Ostato of luto P0111100 Ob 1110 5101e 01 Pn000rodby: may bR tiled In tIle 0111e, ot TIFFANY EVANS, UPE E the Clerk OttE, CIrCuit Court In 010m 1202. Richard J 00. ta Odiudbeato 1h, Child. 025276 Ito Center CIIIC000, IllInoIs Demyon Afldnrsun. and o AsslsIanl G000mOl Counsol euym or willi the r,eresento. Copy 01 the P5111100 mOn bR Slot, 01100100000 110e, or both, on or bolore OblOirod 01 1h, 011100 01 lute DeporImonI Cl Chbldmn't 100V 1,2010, 001110E dolo Is eel Juuon Ib COurl ob Comroll ServIces loss 1h00 O monlha 1,001 the Coolly, Tennrn500. al 5000Ho'y 22 dole Ut che lInt eubiIc,Ii,n Of Hunlinodoo, Rnd fEat ollar DecodeD, TN 38223 this nOtlEe 000 any 0101m nOI rOOsOnObIO ellorts he when,- 113113640067 Pub, 10/29. IllS, 0100. tIled 011fb 1h01 11031, bar- SbOUlS at IhR OSIOnUOVI, On. llflIl73I20ll C red Coeb050t Ihis EbOim Ills kutown FOIhem, O.k o. J0y WIth Ill, Clerk must ho mailed Dea' , Is 091,0000, and theme. POOLIC HEARING or d,Ii000ed to 111e reeres,n. fore, 1h, ordlnom process of bc,n 11100 O e? ne se nIa t io, SELL YOUR CAR SAY IT IN THE FAST WITH A CLASSIFIEDS. CALL CLASSIFIED AD. NOTICE OF PODLIC REARING Cose Na 59 P4031 COMMONITY DEVELOPMENT sLaCK ORANT PROGRAM Iho Norrldoo VlIbao, 000mO wIll hold o public heoring on Wednasdey. Noo,mbor II, 2000. al 000e o. in Iho VIlleg, Coil, Ou000IcOtt Undue The tirol pureoteot Inc Iloorino IS to rr,oenl lEo An000l Forlormanc, Kommt for Iho fol. Iewbng 10300211v tondS eroirds, sie. P 0. 000 1302, Weed51101,, IL 60005, whOse 01100, no? Is Allen L 00v. 77 W. PrOb,Ct 07.032. StrO,I LI0EI Cobb 000loOemnnl P021001 PoOled 06-adA. SIdowoik R,rbou,mRnl Pmlrul Tl,osouoy000mp0500t thehonrino is loso, Koilloen EOrlbO. 100110e and Ineul Inlo Ihr VIII050's 2010 COOG Aeebiaa. lIOn The tey,, al omobeuts whIch would ho Oenslder,d for lcndbno by CmK Counte or,. Nousiflg and Residonliol 0e. houiblIalion Eoonomin 0000bopm,nI AoliubIbe,1 COmnbar. fiaI OehObbiIIOtbOfli COellal Imer000menISI Real P01mm. t AOqulSItIon. Aflordoble HousIng D cdrtonitlesl FoIm Ose-3500 AhIlo lIbaN 01110, were Issued on AROust 27, 2009 to lerosa M 0,0101WOstlinalOn, Clli0000, IL, 212. Cboims 000inst the esfolo may ho filed In 1h, 0111e? Rl the Clark Of ho Ciroull Coud In 010m 7202. RIChard J DO. ley C,nlor . ChiCOOR, IllInOis 00602 Or Willi bhor,eresenlo. 1100, Or bRIn, On or b,borO AOIII 29, 0010. wIlioh dolo Is nnl IRS, thOn u mnnth, 101m Inc dote Dl lEO lint EublicO. claim filed WIlE 1h, Clerk muOl b, naIled or 0,110,106 lute 0110meV olIhIn 10000501- toe Il ho, bey, lIbrO ISuTOresoPd 010101019 00010100 tollo, TO PLACE YOUR AD. CALL 847.99834OO VILLAGE DF N000I000 PUBLICATION NOTICE NoblE, Is hnr,5 alone atIlIo doctE 00 Michael J. Krobolsin of Cili005e. IllInois. Letlers of 0101m not fIled withIn lItaI ce. Clod Is bOnIS. CodoS 01 lEus /1/Albo, L 00V I oril?o Il/O, 11/1200 117/CO4IIC 1500 ArdEn 000, DES POu'/tOEnI. IL 1080) 486.7151 708'4O3'777O PATRICK HYUNDAI 1020 E. COLO' RU . Seo05uMn000 847) 519-0600 MULLERS W0000IELO ACURA PAUL'.' ACURA There's a reason you've never heard of twice-in-a-lifetime opportunities. 260/0 ScOWL VALIXV Ilmun HIAIII.n/a 00010. IL The time is now. 1.9% APR° and compolling lease offers. uarbolion Ion o nomhor 01 p01kb 5509nrS . The op011oRnI Is MO Flnonnlol 000k, WILKENS HYUNOAI OP ELMHURST 0474919.9550 700 . Voulu noun. ScIo/usnouns 151 PUbl 1GO, I0,0,I0/1S,bO/22, 10.120 IIIZOOI0IC 847'433.OZOO 847.9983400 TO PLACE TO PLACE YOUR AD, YOUR AD. :1 1O0o!0XrLEv lOO. nrnunStlna o SpPOIRI tISn hubo bolIllo al 0020 LIncoln OUI tuflhor 001100 olher than oflOtb0000l,m od Opon tIle mi. nules al seid moolinO 110100 Iho blm, ond eloco 01 ilS Od. k11 oRIson, In 000nuonco sI lhoheonirg sholl 11000 00 00. 00/109110 lO be yeano r000mdlng thIs 000licolbon Any eu-n. Son Who allo WbIh,5 lo o0000r as on 'int,r,sted porlO' with Ihr riohI I OOrO,5-O0 amlyr olnons al Ihn eubbic heom. Ing muSI lilo on ny000noWa loom wllh Ihn Vill000 ob LlnoObewood erlor Io Ihe cobnmoec,me,t ob mho Publio hoorinO Apenor0000 tormo one ouoiboblo al he LI000b00000d Village Hoil, 6000 Notlh LinOoIn Auenuo, LlnPOInw000b. Illinois. This Is COI O'flOtlEO IO 000cor. lt Is an Inollolion 1001111. leras led Ornons Io sobwlb enol 0m UnitI,, eommeellOOn. c,rnirg lelo 000IIoOtion. Wnitlen oomm,rts wusi 0e mo. celcedr o 101cm IhonS p.m or Iha business den prIor IO mho OUblIn hao,lnoandmov ho SOnt lo IhnOlbonliEn Ob Iho VII. 100e ZonIng 0111000 al Iho Llncolywnod VIlIeoe Hall, 0000 North Lincoln Avenue . Llnooi00006, IL 00712. Pom5000 houlno Ruasli onoro oardlng 1h15 00110m map colI mho VII. loo, CommunIty 0000IcemOnI OeeorbmnVlot 107413.7401 Ootedl Octoho020, 2000 . VlIieOe CIelI, 'n .uUUu,,.o VIll0000t LIlb/àlnIVddd '°' '-'" -'-----PAOO4W4000-'440300406C CLASSIFIED AD. days holoro ho dolo el luto held by Iho Sian AE009monOO 0,010w 002nd or lEe Vlblooe STEVE FOLEy BENTLEY 1005bOhIE BInD. NmItoIvnnDO 047) lI04-4000 N000mber bi, 208?, 0? lbOOPTM. O Vublic 11001100 WIll ho hold by Ile SIgn nope amonco Rooi,w O,ord at Ihn 0111030 Ob LlnuOlnwmd, Cook Counly, IlIlnoll, in Inn Council Cllamhors 000m 01 LinuOinw000 VIll040 NOII. 000 NOVIO LIncoln Acnoue . LinuOln000d, Illinois Ion he pulposo ob 000sbdOnlno 1h, 101100135f WUolloont, VIllolOot LI050lnA506 Nobur, et 0090es Ii To Ibmbnol, ho Sign Cedros a ,apo cot, 000, dUe Io 1h, PmOm000 incorpOrolollon 01 In, VII. Io oosslger000 1011005 Inlo IhO nIlI000s Zoning Code. At lue cubilo h000bno, IhO SIgO A000onOruo Covino 00010 will 000001 00000ns lOom all beotlmony ovd ob dnrce pon. 1010110 lO th0000llOablon, 0000IIIuouio Idnnony SIan OnOl. n0000 aclions 0m relIaI hoI moo ho neo 0500mo InnI Io oIl ow0000 lorment 01 lIlo 1000 dosen bed in bills po. lIce. st 0100iOomvnt 1h01 151055 dense than luto Ive? do scnbbed in 1h15 notIce. Inobuding, WbIhoul lw/alloy, spo. dol USO onmmlls. Vamloblons, moo or osI omordWonls, or O? homsmo ial 000wuOis The SIgn Apmon000e Roolew LIncoln Avenue , Ll000l00000, Illinois Ile oublie ymning moo ho Odluunnod to oncthrm dolo h Ihp Pion POrbunIly Io ho h0000 rpgondlng 1h10 000licollvn. Any 'yo. sun Who 0usd wishes Io orpodm os an 'Inlenesled porlo' wbIh loo rlahf I uoross -Cuombne olhens vI mho Publio hour. ins muSt lIlo on oepoon0000 loro olIh Ihr Vllloop al LInOol00006 priom Io mho comm,ncomonl 01 III, cubIlo Voodoo uppeotanoo lomms 0mo ouoiboble At Iho Llncoi00000 VIlla o Hall, 0,00 NOrth Lbnoolo AuOnuO, Llncolnwood, IllInois This Is nob o 'rotico la aOPOam. Il Is on inullolion 1001110. t en,slO 0 eomsuns IO sullmll omol or vonillon ovmmenl500n. Oemnir o 1h15 aenlloollen. WnItlOfl commenl, must ho me. coloed no 101er lEona p.m on ho buslnossdoy onIon molle ublbphporino OnO moo be SOnt IO Ihn 011onlIon of Irlo bIl. log, Zonbno 01110er ob ho Ll000i0000d VIII000 Roll, 0000 nOelh LI000In AUeOU, , Llncob0000d, IL 60112 Persons hocIno nuoslinni r000mdlna 1h15 malter moo coli Ihn nIl. Iu ComIhunIbo 0090loomonf 0000mllvont 01047471 7402 Doled, OcbOhor2O, 2 ..VI000CI,nk V I 000 01 Ll000lnwood O'uloodAngh,5044030v44li' GROOSINGER CHEVROLET 1560W OUcoNAur,ld000InutuC 7255 7/lLECO AlOE Il I0iIeWOOl otGornoa M,501 1047) 623-3000 GROSSINGER CADILLAC 847) 831.4200 CHRYSLER-JEEP OHARE HONDA 10120) 474-4313 1533 RmJIbO PIO, DEN 01405ES. IL 1000E.00010Al/E .UOLbRonJO.kC velo 550 SEOKE VOLlEY ROOD HIWIII..soUo PtA111, IL 0066) 070.1654 0001,54,01 Ed/c SIlICE,. CIVIl/non YOUR AD. 610501101 waS 005ignoled os a MOAn,m orgonloation In 2005 by ho Amerloon Nurses Ce000nIloIlno Center IANCCI MeOlob 000000ItIon PnOSnomO. This pm,stlgious doslg n lion rec00 1100 00001. lenro I nnunslnoso yvl005 In N000mhor 2000, Ad0000Io Lo. IhOnoo GOVInOI 0050,1101 Is aepiolno loo,bgnolbo,. 0001E 41 011m Inn. 170, (630) 6200.3300 lORO) 750-1134 OP HOFOMAN ESTATES AhaoborWooka Company 1025W GOIO'ROsO 11ii1Th;9, COR INFIFIm OP US$40 Rey_Sa 1 DCO,S.OrI.00 . PallonI,. lomIly momho,S, 51011, Ond In tores led parties VILLAGE OF N000I000 110W_ROUtE 173 RIZZA CHEVY 700Eu$rGAOJRA, 000 ovo/Moubo, IL EGlI] ScOlu/IEOSO.OIA. 11,X0173 IRGO) 014.2277 0200 00101mm HOJICOM AutEUr. CH RYSLE R.JE E P 7255 130.5040 ASE TINLEV 04001K 700J429.0000 iB77) 263.4927 LSDEl0'P.lEOE HIGHLAND PARK FONDI LINCOLN MERCURY 3=Se (ROO) PUNCHEVY 0000 05 MOCOnMIOK OChO. LJNOOI.MW000 0000ET SUMMARY OENEOALGOyEONMENT 52,050,23800 POLICE I000ARIMENT 57,014,72300 STREET OEPARTMEIOT $54010mW VILLAGEPOOPERTIES $1.609,20000 SHEPARD CHEVROLET IQIOAUZ BUICIC KNAUZ AUTOPARI( 1.010,00000 IIOIOOC 41 lIlI 0e. 170, LumE S 5.004.2000 19.433,1100 DILL STASEI( CHEVROLET ANO 000010M DUTY 700W. DUNDEE RO, WIiXubINa AlE unAn PInE 170. LOwE DImIr 0047) 637.7000 2100 5010111 HAll/IM AWNuI. )847I 234.7900 CHEVROLET' ROZZA BUICK b flnlmsu 0005lionson mIlls OUbleut. .Iodlbh Dunro Donnntdi, VIII0URCI5IL U4ZSWEST 151011m 0100Dm. 1401 W. DEMI'NIEV, ToArypodol FO/IO RIEGE. IL 17001 42t0.600fl (fL1?6 l,.,ui,,I. 11/ . i,l,r ,u,u,,,,u,l,Il . I,,IL I GROSSINGER HYUNDAI fl JII DoPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP 000 CosT ROOSEVELT 1051V 3 MILES/onU Or 3551 (866) 388.0387 I On-050E SIJnNEE l.SkO.10 GROSSING6R GMC KNAUZ HYUNDAI LIN000.n.00000 LAbIL BIO/In 51000 N M0000M010 DIVO. n°0015 41 MAT. 170 1860) 070-1654 10471 234-2800 U vnOIN/bQTliTJIlirfl 155900000/A/h (866) 061.9716 1b,,,I/ p_I DoPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP 000 E.lIsr ROOScVEL1 IONLv 3 vbiEswrSI Or 3551 $0601 388.0387 GURNEE HYUNDAI (847) 240.1300 BREDEMANN AllcIIls OI')o'0Ill0000,o mulled booltordondOontyib NopeMilo, IL 0004G 6251 GI9ASO AVE 7000) 442-7000 1847) 234.2000 TOTALWATEO DEPARTMENT S 3,034.23001 TOTOL AP000PRIATIONS 010.309,20300 Comelolo proposed budgol IS 0/0110010 1er Inseoublon at o liomel000 Villogo 11011, 4000 NomIV 010011 A/Onu,, PATRICK JAGUAR GREGORY HYUNOAI 18661643-7442 LINCOLN MERCURY DierE 4W0WERr LAub SlOnElit, ELMIIOInST (8881 207-6211 JOE ROZZA POND -PRUXO CEEGEI9 JAGUAR ELMHURST HYIJNDA$ 0147 N L/tonoouoAinSuo., 1047) 433'7O0 (866) 670-1654 JAGUAR 18001 770.6578 FORD 1000 E. DccsrocnE no/o, HOWARD ORLOFF 1808) 510-0069 1 1 1 5010111 MOO/mE Anti 400 ShOcK 1/Our? Ro., H,vlmi,nN0000u ROCKENBACH CHEVROLET MEG ASTORE JAGUAR KENSEIVV CuP AD 441/novE !°AULY HONDA (84J°62-4300 1000 E. PP/IS AVE.. GlmuvSU.OWE. IL 60030 GROSSINGER BUIC)< 630) 052.7200 UBERTY AUTO COY! DOGE CHRYSLER-JEEP 866) 474-4313 042510X20 159011 SI1nEU, AIE. 53 1 OLIO. S. CE 1.00 IE,WTUIbWautI GURN6E DODGE 047) 623-3000 526 MmE 20Ooti RIZZA CADILLAC NOTICE is horeb glvnobn IM VIlInGoot flvnni000 1h01 O PublIo heorina will ho hold on Wnd005doy, NOu,mhor II, 2000016,00 P.M. 01 lIlt Norridge P111000 HoiI,JOvO NOtIh 010011 Acenu n, Nnrridoo, IllInoIs. Io discuss ho pneenced Ovclirdbudgol lot hO 115001 boomMoe 1, 2000, 10AprIl30. RAYMOND CHEVROLET PATRICK BMW I1II[a. 006G) 300-0387 Il mlbeonoototGo,nnneh,Iilbol 006G) 652.0124 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICEOP PUBLIC I8000INGON THE POOPOSED REVISED 000GET FOR TIlE 1aEOSThhK CulA SUPERSTORE OF USLE 1051v 3 MItER UVEhr 0E 355) 10475 305.3600 PATRICK CADILLAC ,,.,., ,.,...... INFINm ThE HONDA 000 CUSP ROO1IOTIELT ANbbChOI, IL 60002 [847) 604.0000 SOrrbdg000ld Horabmd Nalyhts News JudlIh O/nno OamOOndl. VII 000Clork 5047) 007.3300 DoPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP SO3WESCOIDRT.El.TCn PIO. Lolulob DCCI r 01 OcbOhor2000 In Ins Ploneor PnesO/ 310 N. U. S. HIn/leo/ny 12 DODGE1? HERITAGE CADILLAC KNAUZ BMW KNAUZ AUTOPARK 0/0000E DEPAOTMEHT IST 18660425.5110 IEIWTO1IWOyI RAY CHEVNOLET FOlbLadIO,IL 60020 008) 207-6H05 POOLIC NOTICE MAGNET RECOGNITION PROGRAME rUssen Ro. E I 004. GiENECE H0PFO.W4 EStAIES UBERTY AUTO COW 241 WhulIEGuO4 100. GlEN/nEW MULLER HONDA NELOS INFINITI GLENCOE LINEDieAOI000 SITE VISIT . Aduovolo Lulhero, General POOLIS1IEO b mnthls2tbhdoo a51 E LUcE ColoR AnUdo 1800) 3200.7700 HONDA 6000 N McCmIMlcu OChO. ELMHURST BMW PUb 10/21150117312011Cl ob GURNEE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP JENNINGS CHEVROLET BILL JACOBS BMW TO PLACE Ronald Folkos, Choinmon 01510fl at lEo p111030 n000rding bEbop 11001100 Inbormotl onc000,rnln a 1h15 aPelinol On 01111 be oUoIbobie loe i000notlon al the LiflOolnWOOli 111110go loll, 0000 Nonlh Comml,slolyzonlng 002nd UI Apcoois 01 Iho VIII000 wllh cub lomlhom nollcnolbler Ihon o rollo, evl,,eduyon ho nl. culos ob Sold mnoling hobo bIll Ilmo and eloop al ils od. Iounnmonlnnd 1W0n000lna. All ro nscnsle ollendoncn al yr hoarinos holl ho/o an op E'VTLESON (700) 570.5600 [OGGI 5513.0055 vilod 10011000 onO ho heard 001rO WIll 001,0 0 nenhWwnVdoIlun Io Ihn Llncolnwood ViliOIoe 000md 01 bAby, bOsPd Or luto Inlonmotlnn em,. 500103 01 hO EUbI10 hoOriro Tho Villano 60010 Will vOn 5100m 1h01 r000mm,ndoblon ob a skbsrquenl eublle meol. mo Tnodeulslon ob Ihn VIllogo 000rd Will ho Ihn 11h01 ln. CHEVROL Gimas. LAGO.004CE 00 HOC 00X155 CALL 847-9983400 UIn leresto 6 oodles ano In. VILLAGE OF LINCOLNA000 5IGNAPPEARANCE oEyIEe100uRO POOLIC NOTICE 5 ROOEOY GIVON Iholon Mondar UOGOIPJOLLE ['4 t V-1 W, CADILLA CADILLAC-BUICK. PONTIAC-GMC hIalina Mooning 00000nonos botms aeo 000bIohlo upon roNOTICE OF POULIE REARING 1 121 S. MILWAu0EE AVE., RENTLE SELL YOUR CAR Cao/lIno Avenu e, MOrIOn 010/e. Illirols 00053, by ro ht LInhvbV000d, Cook County, IllInOIS. In 1h, CouncIl Chombyms 001m Of Llruobnw000 VIllage Hall. 6000 North FIELDS INFINITI 1847) 362.9200 ing. musI comelolo Cod Ill, 1010m non blinco 131 bUsInots 2300 Skokie Vultoy Rd. HIghland P61k, II. 60035 Hours: M 'Th RAi,) . 8PM, Fri 90M ' 6PM, Sa SAM . 5PM wSng005*IniImovsg-sI0Sonsmabold.wflsseunsedm .irfln,.w, l.EAt00A00SiWADl.Sko400'*UopI0002slno0E_0,4w09 FAST WITH A on 000pomoncee 11h mho VII. log, 01 Memlon Ono/O al AlOI (847) 266-7MO lflOsnsn.,.toC00ombg.smoGkOlIgTl l0fl.dwS.OWw5*R,eenoe.04lll00000WsÑb0Oslo.50, abono ao.*n.0Us8WN-gsl..,4loss5 hol050hOl000 All pnm500s in 01100000e, at IhI EmolIDA Shall hado IhR On' remlunibo lo ho heamd. Any poIson OnO also Wishes Io Oemom 05 00 in loresbo 6 0011V Wily lye riohI I n omIsevommnn Olhots 0m Iho hear- NOTICE OF POOLIC HEARING VILLAGE OF LINCOLNm000 soon. APPEARANCE REVIEW BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1h01 On M0000r N000mbOr 10, 2000, at 1110PM, O eublbc Ilearino will ho cOlonel Ihr Vlli000r00000Inalhls Ce 11001100 Inlommoll onconcerelr g 1h15 000licolion will ho 000lloblo cor inonnolion at Inc Llrcobnw006 Viilooe Hall, 6000 Norm LInooIn A0000e, Llncoinw000, IllinoIs. The Publio healIng moo ho Odi cure, d la onolhnn dolo by Ill, PIon Commlsolowzonlno 003rd al ACeodIs 01 Ihe Villes,? wIth. 1047) 432.0020 PemmIl IO 0110w on 05515106 n. Miohlgon Auenue , Sullo Pub 1030,00 107306041 Cd 110. Th, 00015100 01 IhO VIlb000 OoIud will On Iho tinol 0o. THE AUDI EXCHANGE IllinoIs 600 Il Pu?bod by we thlsdrthdoe 01 Dubob,r 2009 1700) 420-6000 THE +EXCHANGE CASE PCOO-05 In 1h, Plonror Press Norrldoe.Hom000d ROUEts News Judblh Dunno OerharOI, VIllaos CbOnk 1034 210-010. IO.34.210-OlI, 10.34 316.010. 10.35.216-013, 10. 34.21Iml4 10.34210-Ola. IO 34210331 AeO1I000IITPOS. 1110. O/O/A LlrcobnWood WIne, 8. 501,115 TISUEYP,n001 locilIlirs In Ihn 00 'GeneraI 3740, Chlc000, 1111001560011. LIncoln Auenue , Linoolnn006, Illinois tom the compose 01 e095bdemino the lollowino Pmoddr Addressu 0027 LIncoln AuOnun Property PIN.: 103.016-don. 10.34416.008, 10.24 210-009. 045552051 955111 SIIIEEI, Resiuonoo 0151,101 end lIlo CI, C2, CR Commorolol OISInvIo TIlo 000ilcanl Is M0000, LLC, OIS N MivhI000 Acenuo . Sullo 3140, Chie000, aypliOonb Is MOdOO, LLC, OIS 630) 270.300 RIZZA HUMMER 0090,0110 The Vbll000 of Norridon Is 0110101, t oreado a o poCho, el I, total 1030mal 011010110, la ho modo ovoblablo to Cook 003rd will maLo o rOyommOndoIiOo to tIlo Llncolnwood Vili000 000md 01 Tnustoes based on 1h, inlonmotioo El,. leVIed 01 Ihn Publio hoonino. TIlo VIll000 Dmrd will oon. Sldem thaI r000wm0000lbon et a sub509uenl Publio wool. CALL 847.9983400 OHANE HYUNDAI 200SWERF 109111 SIlIcE,, 011.01/0 0041/ loI suUIn 01 ho 011,0 at 6201 In Iho N/loIns Domeslop Slroat Including o OIMr, PoekIlds. HousIng AOlioIlIesi CI,ar0000 Aclloltlosi ord PlarnIro AI the nubile hoomiro. Ihe Sion Aoeoomoreo 00010w 000nd Will OOCrnI and 0,01510er alI loolInnone and eolitenuo OIr. lobina fa lh0000binOtIOn, Ord will 000,1 d,r000 Sian 00h. nonce 0011005 0m relict 1h01 moo ho noces odi, oreonone. lent to abl0000uoloement 01 Ihe 101,0 dosOr 1X6 In thIs no. tIc,. or 0000loennant 1h01 Is loss dunSn Ihon lho IVy, 0E. scrihod In 1h15 rotiuO. 100103100, olIhoul IbmIlolion. see. 0101 lISO e,mmlls, oorlalbonO. moe or loot omondmonls. or othor seeclal oepmoobs Ihn Sign Ae000n000e Onulow CLASSIFIED AD , JOE RIZZA ACURA 01011mb IOn tIll oe010 iSEl5 to 1mm 1200491 Roques tino o 5000101 050 0/10W. Thom Intommolion Is Ponmib IO 0005135101 0 0,100- 00011001e, Iwenly loor ho/ns 1110 honk On Iho 0051 OorlIlnO 0000, lO vedI Orr,oIO mol on In 1h, CR Avorun 'CommneniaboOsldantlal OIS. eloy, All hrenuosls mor mor/iIlvolions IO h,Ighl, lot Co/em. ado Ond 0011110g In th sot. bovk On FnOrl000 Rood The ROlADO RI 05900511 ThIS tOnIuosled Oelbon OutlIned Io areol,rdelobl os follows Woubd011ow 10m a molI sIen al lye subbeot cr0110110 Which reOds, 'LInoolowood WIne, 8. Sol. rus' Voniotbons to Enmmil wow lEon onowoll sign oem,,. loOlIShmenI os d,ti0060y Iho SIGn Coutlo an0000riollvn 1G e,rmll Iho em000ed Sian Oreo Io Ge Oe0000imololy 121 On euoeods 1h, moalmum Pcmmiltod armo TO PI.ACE A - ,. ,. S009WEhrI-IIWOINS lOmAD HOrrMo.nj En001En, IL - STATE1YWtI0IS IN lion 01 this Colic, and Uno 1EZOWAvEEO.St/ ROAD. Goon/nEW [047) 991'OOOO PhOflOi Odd-008-23O1 11011 reel 01110e, I LOREN HYUNDAI , 1847) 720.0300 5275W. 0/SEEr RO, 0°OSLAIISE JUIU1WEOOTRE la. 53 on RuNDEr Adc000le LoIhoran Gononol 000nmonI, IIIinois600It CAsE PCO0-03 IConblnu,d HosPi101 005 sUbnnblmOd Inler. 0 TOOt Amend. monI to ollow otsisto 0 IlulnO MICIIAELJ. KRAFCISIIh Decoded CALL 8479983400 nA, 6111 N. RIver Rood, 000SPOWh.000tlaEU'onco 0v Pn,,nolnmahO000l001s,gOep4w,oneusoldo,35by,.lEfroo AMOALOe.Io0,onlmo'Outone.lgl.ldnwjIo,l, COSE PEOO.OI THE CIRCIIITC000TOF MEMORIAL AD. YOU COM. 0051 Is Mb FInanclol 00011, EMaIl, mognnl/vana ono N U.. cIbI N Olonn Rood, nOlemvnl. lIIlnOis600lt. COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION In 1h, malterot the 05101001 DEATH NOflCE OR TIlE reoardbnO'DnIoO' MONTS MAY 0E 050lIT. Allor000 Pub IO/lt. 10(02, 10/29,00 LOVED ONE WITH A IF YOUR B31 HYUNDAI BOB ROHRMAN'S ARLINGTON ACURA IN PALATINE COMMENTS ARE db09A0ond. Y000 CONFIDENTIAL AND lIEb. mIO R 3'GOnOm al ResI done, 5310 G,orolo Ave., Sullo 400 Dlsleiob' lo C l'Gonal al Com- SII0orSOrInO, MD 000103401 anobIo1 D lotnIvI'. Tho 00011- FOOl 301420.5217 UI Doala J. F inn REMEMB ER YOUR Orom 01110e mAso O, 001100,6 PCOOAO IConlinbed 00 In OFICIna. R,quostinO o re000ln, of ho CENTER IANCCI MAGNET 0051 parKIng lOI OOulh of Iho OECOGNITIOS PROGRAM alloy el 0201 DomnslOr SInOnI OFFICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE totior 000 Io tno albina? I 000019 01 ho seWed upon luE MORTON GROVE wilhin 10 days Otter It Vos UnknOWr Father, O.K o le/ Oeinnord L0900,r ACURA, monts IO OtIs Magnet Pro. llnouoh FOcIIlIiCS'. Tho 0e. MOUS, BUT MOST 0E ItO ellOvnt IS bIle Vili000 01 WRITING. MorIon GIOcO, 6101 CaeullmO 5 TOUa COIAMENTS MOST AUonue , Morton Grove, 1111. DE RECEIVED OY FrIdop, Dct0bse33,10O. AMERICAN 2U'5PCO,.83 IConllnulod Addmss, NURSES CREDENTIALIHS tnom 1030491 the Coud loom fIle ollegolbans PLAN COMMISSION Will O eublIc heombIO on THERErORE, OR. hold MONDAY, 1IOVEMDEO 16, m OntsUIao lEalI, los, Old dl. room molI. All 0h00. 00m. GIOvO 0011100 O,veiOomonl FACILITY. Codo, 50011005 124.313 od 12' CHOOSE, Press , 010005 00e?, Ubllshed In Cook Countn, 1111mb oDd ¡ Pioneer Press Classified Auto Deäler Directory. pmo/ido Eomw,els oro e000um0500 to da SO. AnyOflO mo0 010 eoW. mont IO ho V1i1000 01 MoFlon ER SHAOED WITH 702 Illinois 00007,107491.1101. Rho Would like la Thursday October 29, 2009 (Dc) PUBLIC NOTICES ' . PUBLIC NOTICES --pUuLICNOTlCES DERED that sollO Dal,ndolil Onlem his arn0000nOe herein 'n N000mbem 3. 2000, al 1100 I, 01 . O hIlo day 01 sOld Court and show 00010 00 IO Who O 11101 O COPO 01 thIs under L'O HEINZ RESPONDENTS Ill THE MATTER OF lIneO. Loll,,, Rl ottico wEre DEMYAN ANDERSON, issued on Soelembor 04. 2009, 0001 01020X8 Of 000111 PUBLIC NOTICES 'J 0111! [58 IN 100E JUVENILE COURT OF CAR ROLL COONTY, TENNESSEE STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN'S SERVICES PETITIONER THE CIRCUIT COURTOF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS PRORATE DIVISION IR APioneerPress Publication °°oso GURNEE DODGE CHRYSLER-JEEP 7255 G9ASO AVE Il polla wono al G II,,, en M,llsl 1847) 623-3000 LIBERV' AUTO COY! CHRYSLER-JEEP 1000E.000IR AVE.. L111C1tT010000A 18661 474.4313 19 A PLONOER PRESS PUBt.ICoTI0t4H%. B j Thursday, October 29,2009 I e APioneer Press Publication (Dc) www.pioneerlocaLcom e e I A LEXUSi BREDEMANN LEXUS 7000 N WAtn(rnMo Ro 0N00W 0471 729 6000 , Auòi MCGRATh LEXUS OF CHICAGO 1200W. D0.0000 10001 NEW-LEXUS MERCURY WESTMONT 470E. 00000AW. 1201 W OEMPSTER, PARK RIDGE I7655-1416 : CLASSIC TOYOTA 515N.000CflOOvRD, o MC GRATH LEXUS OF BREDEMANN TOYOTA W#003100API IL 847.CLAbSIC GROSSINGER TOYOTA NORTH LEXUS OF HIGHLAND PARK 7229N, dEgnO, LJNOOLN.0000 Cold 30405000E VosuvRoo. I-IIGIOANOPMOK wwwshopnapleton .cij 1847) 432-1000 LEXUS OF ORLANO (708) 342-6476 R300W. 10001W. GROSSINGER CITY TOYOTA 12730). AXInOST., 0015000 OVAIO COTO BOB ROHRMANS ' ARLINGTON LEXUS IN PALATINE PAULY TOYOTA 1035 S. RI. 31, ONE MAC 500110001W. 14 18591459-71901547)650- 1205W 000001 ROAD, PAOARNE , IJ050WESI 0F 00. 53 0$ 00000E) 1847)-991-0444 9050 LANDROVE NORTHBRO0K TOYOTA LANDROVER OF CHICAGO AT HOWARD ORLOFF 1530 FRONTAGE 31000 0000$ IL 00062 1800) 743-1t594 14 MINNOW EXP. AT 431001X00 )888I510-0069 OAKBROOK TOYOTA SCION IN WESTMON 550 E, OGDEN AVENUE 1630) 789-0000 LANDROVER OF HINSOALE 300 E. 00000 AW.. H0100000 1646)516-8045 MAZDA LANDROVER HOFFMAN ESTATES UBERTY AUTO CITY! HOFFM43J ESTATES 1000E. PATIO AXE. 1051 W HIGGINS ROAD. 1866) 516-8035 MAZDA I?:I THE AUTOIIARN NISSAN OF EVANSTON 1001 0140X00 AVE. SCION PORSCHE EXCHANGE NORTHBROOK SCION ORLANO TOYOTA! NoImn00000 1101CV FARD HIAIIL.O.08 PATIO ¿0001 742.9594 PORSCHE PREMIER DEALER 23010 5005E VAllES RO. 18471266-7000 KNAUZ AUTO PARK MULLER MAZDA BOB ROHRMANS ARLINGTON NISSAN 1847) 604-8109 HIOOL000PAR,( II. 075 IA0500000Tt 110*0 MOTOR WERKS 18471 831-4100 18471500.6100 BNIflINCtON LANDROVER LAKE BLUFF RouIs 41 00 80. 175, LXXX 51.000 PATRICK LANDROVER OF NAFERV)LLE 1505000F VAsos 316-o. WILKINS MAZDA 750 04. YOnx ROAD 1059 INOSE 000ES ASE. NAnh0011x 8U,r.SlO GODS: LIBERTY NISSAN RADS. M:IWA0000ASt, 10*1101500 18661329.2280 1640)300.5000 MERCEDE MARTIN NISSAN 6240 GOtt 00*0. SOOKO AUTOHAUS ON EDENS DADRI0010IO DIOU000E R 1530 F11000401 ROAD. 001. 311E. 14. CR09071 1,000 l000FTOwtoOE 110. NO,TT00000x (800) 716-6405 NERCUR VOLKSWAG SMARTII A(JTOBARN VOLKSWAGEN OF COUNTRYSIDE! LaGRANGE ROLLSRO Smoot Donlor LAKE BLUFF ENAUZ AUTOI'ARK SIEVE FOLEY ROLLS-ROYCE 100S0000 DIVO. N00000000n LonEr 0110F ROOdIT 41 & RoAno 170 18471 564.4090 10471 234-2800 SIJBAR (FlAUE MERCEDES BENZ KNAUZ AUTOPARI( SAAB (847)641-6880 1.001 0101F 1 SIIEITTV000IEIII000E. ,z) JOE RIZZA LINCOLN/MERCURY 20555%E5lOooNAytoor, 4-17O0 IiE1 I)I BILL JACOBS MINI (630) 355-0140 0504W 0 dOnAN,. NAPLETON LINCOLN/MERCURY 828T005YAVE.. 3143100(000 1800) 931-664 KNAL'Z MINI KNAUZ AUTOPARK 1886) 516-8015 OITZACAHS,COM 1001041 A ST. 17G. LADE DIXIE 847) 604.5080 PATRICK MINI 100EOSTGORO. S011.n34VEdIn, ILCO173 MAZDA mg AUTO8ARN 1866) 370.6567 M#.ZOA OF COUNTRVSIDE( GROSSINGER PONTIAC 6900 N MECOIIOS0O OIES. U000IMN'OOD 1866) 670.1654 MULLER PONTIAC 1505000E VOIlES ROAD, 1320E. CATOAGOS1t, CIClO IS 777 W.005VEE ROSAD. AJIIlN01ON HEICIITS. IL 8130W. 105011510031F, BREDEMANN SCION 1301 W. DIMOStrO, PATIN RIDGE (847) 698-3700 1708) 364-2400 708) 384-6600 believe in something better 1847)423-7000 EVANSTON SUBARU 1088) 413.1603 VOLVO& BARRINGTON VOLVO 300NI-I000VOIO. SO), 0.120050100 (847) 381-9400 HOWARD ORLOFF VOLVO 6-500006-FAI 6-LITASE 1888)51 0.0669 F.1I1'4 'J 1 CLASSIC SCION 425 N. GREEDSY Ro.,WaOIoron, 18881 300-0988 CONTINENTAL SCION LIBERTY AUTO CITY SUZUKI 0002 i: US. Celiu1a RIE. AI S P.IAIntAOr. WOE, 1111X01 000110 COO 690001 MoCoosnono 0150. LI500ITT2I000 9000JO(.ElROAD. C000IRVVIDC 1866)516-DOSS HIOIILAOIO FO. LISEnT'.' AUTO COVI SUBARU 1000E. PATSoAXE,, L00100VSO.00 10661 474.4313 IOE NIZZA PORSCHE OnL4310 PAdRI TEX3ISI1014000001OAXII05000050d0I 6191 JOITETRO. GROSSINGER SUZUKI NAPLETON MITSUBISHI I LGTRITANT5' 02< LargeloUCh Screen and SlIding QWERTY Keyboard 17001 354.6600 NORTHSHORE VOLKSWAGEN 3340 00)0100, S0000 042505051 109101 S10EET. INWW.80EDCMANN.0051 PORSCHE - Free Mobi(etO-MObite MinuteS. 8191 JOIRIIRO. COU NTRVS ID EI IN 010010E RIZZA SAAB SCION. (847)816-8660 1800) 931.6583 PATRICK SAAB STEAVADD.050NIOd0000 1888) 380.1599 SULUVAN PONTIAC IT1OS M000UKOTAVE, LJOcIOwux 026IOUIOYAVE., PATIN RIDGE LOOGRANGE 1708) 429.6000 1847)641-4100 LIBERTYVILLE MITSUBISHI RIGGERS MAZDA I_DacE 0100F l-1:0n1.O.00 PATS,, It. MITSUSISH LGRANGE 5IOOLA0000ST RD. 1708) 354-2700 SAAB EXCHANGE AUTOSARN SUBARU 0F 18681 924-1111 PONTIAC on any network at any time, including landlineS. No other w3ree5 carrier gives you this. starting at 7 p.m. a Free Night and Weekend Minutes 2211 A00000AIOS, N20C000ttz HIGHLAND PARK FORO! LINCOLN MERCURY 31001041)SIRs 17G. any phone N Free Incoming CaIls,TeXtS and Pix from BILL JACOBS VOLKSWAGEN IORTH66 NISSAN 0:001.50 PD. 1333 PATTO AVE VAso Hl00ll.ANDP.Sn,c month addition to 1,000 National Anytime Minutes a get: on our reliable nationwide network, you j SCION 0505W. 1500151., 18151459-71001847)658-9050 1866) 289.6275 s gLve6 you The NationaL Plan fjrom U.S. Cellular4 $49.99. 1,000 inLnuteo and a lot more ¡orjwSt PAUL'! SCION MERCEDES BENZ LIN CO[N' 'i PORSCII THE beg VALUE IN wirete&6 PLANS IS HERE 18661 670-1054 1000E. PATnIlAID.. LIOEIOV'.OEA 1868) 474-4313 na7Y0uIokn000 NNtw0)M4 and phone. Uso n) $011100 tonnI/SITO 01111 apply and oany by plan. SEME tEES 1251, lenDs roidlijons Old covoodge p/ortOrltttm.PSORO mUSIbOISUI0Ed PATRICK VOLVO 1000E. HIGOIND RO., nnd CUSIDS0SEI*0 A.gl000ent. SN sItio lot details nrIt usrE)u)ar.10m.7OOaYtU2000. 10 7 50.t0659 a 8.019 5 0.10 5 5 a S (847) 605.4008 VOLVO OF LISLE MI/osoTIo Lojo,I SIllon IVIOlD 810.5011.80 .4. CeUUIOI CUStOmeR to your EbÍlOMbl0 OtIlEn U. 12)0 0pt0$IO 01115)511 SOlIO to on 10.000f1001 propeottho1rS0Pti01 SO0)0btEth000gOUI calUol 9)03 16D51110-MIbM Ir005nOI dndOctndimmpatKagomITOItes lIado namos aro the appty. Umilod-lifle offer. Tradom3IS and 3Rd Sunday N:Itt a1IdWTSStnd Mnot)nS OS boot) lot MobilE.toMObllT laten Io on Calling Plan) aod all day)2Td bIOChureondotaUo1.RooSI0I ndicOtononUO ph000 must caI9ngIoI (SER SCOIAOM0000. II. &605I6Ol9OP 64ER6t0)5)ntI acceptance o) Ils loIns o? our colIns. C2509 U S. Ce/tiar. 1 I 20 news Nl THURSDAY, OCTIIRER 292009 Ca!endar ctato 'your herald-s Continued (roes PAGE 17 lion cratlen sales goes to this nun- trsm9 an-4 pos. nov o io the tOlti prolil orqanimalinn CruIsers vili be selected byjury bancA on uniqueness el their Ornducts (-mmii Compuse coulant linon Special Functunos Dicing Room ut the hnspital, Sf55 Omncpstmr St, Park rnloemrialion and phnlom nl cealt ulemo 50 Is IS percent Ors w011t gasdein. is seeking critters tor the annual Vicorlas ciaR Bostique. Oie. 2-6 at the lubie neymnar-Crippen tisane, 5624 tI. tiewaik Ave. Chicago CruISers should oller handmade holiday and ether tent ewelry makers xxiiI not be con sideied Table space Inc cealtess is Eocsd Dates vioaqe st Hutes employees citibank and 011V Oank are pmdnerinq together nr a land drive In ensure hal un peenor iv 5h05 gnou hungry lles sharksV virg and iiniiday seanne Demand mr ausislarce is musing due In urempiny- meni. high Inod prices and ulihlics and a Iroubied economy lbs communily ellont xiii be lieid tren Ilma 2nd lhrnugh Sor 10 Omnalians by the pubhr río 4mepiy appremialed Donalionn el cnr pemishabun land lens can be dioppod sil rl any nl the lmiiawinn tacalions Viiiage lati. I000 civic Cenlor Wive Ianiuy neevicem and Senioc Ces mm. 999 Civic Couler Onuvo. Aies Filneun Contar. VAT Cioic Ceelon Acuno, Ii es Fico bmpaulmenl. nova w OOmpnies SI. il es Online Soparlsruenl, COCa Knights ut Columbus Auxiliary Past President Clara Weiss und Sir Knight Dr. Torn Drozdz serve ut the 32nd Annual Steak Fry. Columbus, would like to sincerely thank everyone that attended end supported the 32nd Annuel Steok-Fry on Aug. 22. flic food, entertainment und company turned out grout, providing for snottier successful dinner. Without the members of the organization and com- munity's support of tisis Knights of this Columbus activity, the Knights would local charities. With tise inure thais 180 attendees' support, the Knights conshsletely homemade meals' profits of more than $1,600 velli sHow donations tosi number of local chssrities. This way, tise Knights feel they have been able to make our community e little nicer place to live. Thank you and May God bloss you. Bob would siso like to provide si special thanks to tIse Formartyrs' Dinner port throughout tIse pmsst months, au they coordinsted tIse dimmer. With tise OXtrss efforts ofGreg Derhackt, Andy Boherwisites mind crew of chiefs, Joe & Cecyliss Tatkowski, Leo & Clara Weiss in conjunction with others behmind tIse sceneu, the dinner wax another success. 510)5 new ssssistmsnt primseipssl hiere at St. Johsis Brebessf Scheut. I 5m extremnely eu- hseissg cited to start asy tessssre nidI hold a Irotday plaat-sale tundnaisce In supporl local area charities. As in years past lie sale lealuren psicosIIras amaten holiday wrealhs and balman copes Coming directly Iran a wholesalers greenhouse Plants may av love vs 4.875% 1 5.023% APR On lift, ksswlodgeukts and coroicnm,n d ,,c vuotI pscOha,a s, isA osnvcca, y asd mcmi aloes rot yod. 05m mswgagoeop000 wilt sosia you Omm ysoc opptliomiwn sa o 5oplo 5105100 rmlsclgogw SpeeSottai David Patterson www.o,eo.obok.eao. 847-244-5100 eemtaaranto and establimhsrreatu Dus h. coaOts also touer travel. cor rentait moee thoalect holel duraseis and moro Pooceeds benolit the parish Ta under a hook cali Josephine Rat lOtit -/5mwo,coiwncnoo..'..-: ruIovosoo..vuocs 84724455Go 641279 1h55 312781.0670 647-6927500 H47'837.8883 823-2550 wde.,bnmflsv uuwnnoa,, ww.wiin r,uit,,.arsownanw,aanwtoks,sueanvdtiouiou..-tsAsme Health A tre. p,-esesrtatlow on tumber Spinat slenosis Will bA Slav 4 le the Iinnt-tloor conlesence room el Advocate tslheran Sa I uahty, Va(ue & Service (n An Lanua General ttnsprtmim ceden Ion Advanced Cane, 5100 tuther tane. Park Ridge. Participants will learn more about LOS lnealoents and techrologLes and nett olher people sullening tram thin pa nIal and debililaling canddion The seminar ecli be led by nevromargese An. Shaun O'teaW Tm register, Call I000 323-0621 Adoscate Lutheran Beweist tiaspitars Wament tteallh Remaurce Center and the Anthnilus foundation will ollen a Inne public edumatinnat seminar on bone health and rheamaloid arthnulrs Iron to 1130 am. Slav 1 at the homprtais Olson Auditorium, 175 Oempster St. Pack Ridge. Lunch, provided by Amgen ?lyelh, will be served immediately INTERNATtONAL MA1KET DELI BAKERY MEATS h.SEAEOOD Produce Michigan Fuji Apples 3 Lb. Rag Yellow Osions 69 Jumbo bote Carrots 4 Lbs. for alloween JUCk O'IUIIU(n 49 s Ea. Roq. Avocadoes Porn eq rana tes 00 Ca/eaveleag PAGE 24 be picked up an delivered helnee Cawic5 ow,- inka yov zfor u s oo u University. Always shrsswn tovvssrehs tessclsimsg esimi eduesstion, I slecislesl it semis tìmne to pussise muy pmsssissmn for temsehs- tes-s of Arts jis 'l'emsclmhssg frusss Cosseosslis Universi- dedicmstion, pmsssioii kind welcuimses msnd suis- ty. Wills my desire to msI- usride that eneryusse less tovvard thmeìr school. unisys be ms lifelong leurner, I um currently tinishsimsg my second master's at Loyohms tise great outdoors with imiy' family, friends mind gotsioum these folks' hard work and teucising I worked in tise graphite arts field sind i received my BA. in Grmsplsíe biduesstiossah Lemsdership to Jeaeie-Q Turbiy Ove. $22 11ml SaIe Lcrd.O-lsket merjcvr Cheese beuffssmily. I hook forsvumsI cuinpieted in December of to a very "Goal-den" year! Cunsisseest:piuuscerlurol.ssuumm Li Ro) ag na I 99 u to DAIRY Borden 2% Milk R Dean's Skim Milk Deine Ascorted Dannon half & Half Atfiyia Yo9urt 00 99 E,. t Cat. 2 far 49/43 299 .a# 1.5th. siYatetzuwiarka CltbhSlit Mintol Wuter Ourvjlnnors,from NflesNorth (frontrow,from Ielt):ElVssachorney, Community Spirit/Citizenship; Nicole Canson, AthletIcs/ActIvItIes; and Nicole Torosin, Academics. From 1411es West (back row, from left): Sam Greene, Community SpIrIt/CItIzenshIp; Wol-Pang Jan; Academics; ami Mahl Mameledzlßa, AthleticsfActiv(tles. '1 - Pe1asit (ararnati Entra Virgin Olive Oil $1 Aft99 . E.. OurS $ I Iv. 6 DotI. 99 Simily Orange Roorted 00 2 fer 299 E.. Ea. 3D Dz. GROCERiES Diamonds Classico Assorted Wahouhs Pasta Sauce Csmpboll's 4 Pack Cream st Muohrsorn In my free time, I ossjssy retriever. I am so delighted tss lie part of the St. botin Itre- Eckrith Krwtschmar Smoked Hum $ìi99 issu emsrn my ssdministrmstive certificate - sehichi xviII be tisis yeisrt Skirt Steok Routed, Smeke oc TosunhuTh°dtUbot 19, 20DB whsicis keehms me coisnsrcteml withm thestudesmis, temmchscrs bused supportive cunsmmssmnity 'l'hsssmsk you for mill yssus Ussiversity in Chsicmsgo in USDA Choice Doiwli,o Short Rib, tions throughout tIse schmust; )ssg smisI I receivesh soy Mas- port. Before starting my jourmsey in adnsinistration, i NEWEST BOARD OF EDUCATION SUPERSTARS' I USDA Choice Keiler Cat Park Racel DELI I am getting imsvolves) ils mmsny different orgssss)ìis- ssschs is strong fzsitls seiCh Pick TO NLES TOWWSIHP HIGH SCHOOLS' L,iui I Tender Beret,,, 69 Famlly$ mund volunteers. I ¿ssmm estremely inspressed wilts timm TIse tradition of greistness continues through Cuniosce:(: plais srer(ocaf cons Desigss fi-ossi Emssteris uIl- Skeltoss-Cssuhs mind i isis tise taught for seven yezsrs lis tIse Archdiocese of Chocago. For many years before charitable efforts. The Rotary Club of StiaMo Vattey MOOT63AG5I OArii.v Tssw-rhsoh-ryouR pur-sinn Orada A Freoh Chicken Tenders hIlt My nsssne is Veross)css Committee for their hszsreh work and treisiendous sup- dress and ski glanes Also tealured will be npocialiy priced popcorn and an ansurInent nl air Irenhenems. call 841) 723 uroS pneceedn help expand hslpi tal programs TSse KnIghts oI Calumbas are mtilt distributing Toalsie noii candy and barks vilh all prolils given to menIally handicapped children tootsie nail bars are avalable al 00 bars per package Ion SA tire candy harks are $2 each. Coulant Ken tee. (0411 9A1 6224 Send monetary donalians lo CC Councit 4038. c/a Ken tee. 0307 it innen Axe. tiles IL 6nIl4 21 Take a look at our new mortgage rates Assistant Principal Verunica Shelton-Cash Photu courtesy ot St John Brebeut) Knights of Columbus annual steak fry was Meet school's new vice principal, Skelton- Cash a sizzling success not be able to provide many donations to tise Ridge She sale wilt tealure savings nl shankmgwieg or eetlime belote Sec tO tmm an luanston greeehousc Prices start at SO. fur more details call Mark Schneidarrnan. lud?) 933-40M Eiiteotirisetst BooMs aro aoaiiable 1mm the Keighls ut Columbus Council 4338 Ihe 2050 edition costs 920 each wilh a wide selection mt metrupslitan areas In chanso from Ail proceeds are donaled to ares charitIes. To reserve u book cali Met enerigm 18411 906-2293. Oese Lady of Rssom Parish in stiles Is soiling Entertainment 2010 Rnckm. $20. Otre hook ellen a sanely al salueb mainly twa-ter-une deals at many MEAT ST. JOHN BREBEUF Formartyrs President Council 433a is condacling a Whoelchairs 10m 555-SOS A Pnmtinfl nl the proceeds The Norwood P* ttimtorical Society ta inluTnoewandparthimlonicalmeciolysrq Bob Galussi, of the North American Martyrs Cousicii 4338, Knights of Rnidiaiswrs the fleedy campaign. Oho public n lovutet tu help olhesu by providing dora sana toe a wheelchair Pecan little am S?5_ the needy can gaio their mobility uvilh a new wheelchair Osoalinnu may be send Im Wheelchairs toc Needy, e/a CC Council 4330, 830? U tianiem Ase. thies ti 60154 The Mea and Wosness's Association 05 Advocate tuthoran SondaI tlnspital s spnnsOsicg a turd raising Glove Saie siiay call Judu Slephmst 184?) 29K 0425 Got a story or photo to submit to this page? Go to and click on NORTH AMERrCAN MARTYRS COUNCf L 4338 w Foutiy Avec Oiles Public HArks. 6049 Tsuhy Ave Cilubaek, 6400 W. Sempster SL PtIv Durit 7040 51 Milwaukee Kve. The Ksdh04 at Cclwr Harlem Axe, NIce Key cratter wishing to rnceivean appiicalion tor the event news I A PIONCER PRESS PUBtICATIO1I N) Weihon Cmrn'Cansli ve etobit Oil 0o &A00 Zfor,F z for J E.. 45 Ii, Assorted HaIthy California Healtht Harvest Tomatoes Ch ice Seupo 2OO 2 for J E.. Is 0e. oG, 7 7 1.. 28 Ox. 8800WAUKEGAN R. MORTON . SÜNB-7t CORÑEI OF WAUKSGN &'DEMPSTER )-IOURS:MON.Fflt . : . - - 847.581-1O29 - - - . I: :: SALE DATES; OCTOBER 295 . NOVEMBER '4515; 2009 - I u 2Z mews N1 THURSDAY, 0(1010! 29, 2109 Warning: These stories are scar Dina asked? Then I Imointed my shaky hmanml Editor's Note: Every year, around the first of October, we ask area schools and 'students to send us their scary stories. Our wìnners FIRST PLACE: Chupacabra see. I sighed in m'elief. Dina was so scemremh timol olmo started to cry. I said, "h)ina, it's ok.' 'A boy and his parents wcn to Mexeo. I looked out thin ss'indow amici saw tIme glmoed. The boy wonted n dog and so did the parents. They lei the boy fad a dog. The boy's name was Max. Max dídn't know bow to lt looked as ifit were stemming at me, but liase? it \vmms blind. Or, wels I wrong'?!!! Aboxandrem, Dina emmmd Memtthmemv looked at the direction read Spanish. So he saw a store wiLl, things schiero I was shmring They gaped at this sight oftime ghmoath Alexandra said, "let's go ulm to thai looked like dogs. So be went inside. What did he not know was that (liase vere muy room!" We wont on a website cabled not dogs. They were chupneabra/dog mixes that had rabies. One was covered ii, loam so Max thought it. was a white, fuzzy dog. But it was the fiercest, foamiest chupacabra "how Io Kill em Ghmemst.eom," (FYI - thumt is not a real weboite!) lt said: I) Give the glmoot cranberry juico Wtmen lie gets dizzy mind falls down, climb nix they had. him to time grouneh When 1mo wakes up, give huno a bit <mf So Max took him honie . I le gave the dog Some food and took Ihn lo the vet. His mom wanted to come along but Max told lier that she could oniy be only ho thin iciibhing roam seater lIetI go cremzy mind fall to time groummml and she agreed. decid Tho doctor oponed the cage unu the chupacabra bit Max iii the neck. Max began to feel dizzy and fell down. Maix started foaming from the mouth. Thea the cliupacabra bit the doctor. So the doctor fell iiext to max and started foaming from the mouth, just like Max. So the cliupacabra started to eat We went outside mnemnned with erantierr3'juice muid mm knife, but this ghost wasmi't time doctor then ho plammed on eating Max. timore. ITose, people toll myths about time giesst dhi.Saphmeeiring. 'flic ghost seems a ghost svimo host its olmirit - a ghost ehio mmever svas scemi <gum. Ilaiep Lippen, Nues 4th Grade, Eugene Field School Joey Dililippo, 5th grade, Field School The mom got worried .o the mom wont to check on them. She opened time door and alio aaw the window open armet so she saw blood splattered on time floor, ehmumiks of brain all over the floor, and Maxk head right poxt to her feet. She kmmeeleml clown and 2ND PLACE: thing killed my sont TIme police asked lier The Ghost in the Dark "Who was there"? (Moni) 'My son, a vet and his dog". (Police) Where did 1mo bay On Halloween, I was dressed ip as arm angel devil and my brother was dressed up cried. She told the polico Someone or some- time dog". (Mom) "At a store eahled Chubaca Vista". (Police) "That's Chmpaeabra place whore wo keep time ones that we caught", (Mom) "So that WCIS fuam not fuzz"? (Police) "It was foam olrighmt". (Mom) 'ok, bye". (Police) "Bye" Time parents went homo to the U.S.A. from Mexico and became Chupoeabra catchers (or their own good. Sandra JÇruzel, Mlea 4th Grade, Euçene Finid School as Indiana Jones. My name is Haley,! Went over to Dinas house, in time cold dorkess of the night. I thought I sawn wichte crea- ture move through time darkness, But, it was probably mo just seeing timings. Plus, it is Halloween night and people are trying to acare you, h was at Dinas house now, I went up time stops and rang the doorbell, Dina answered it. Shin aatd, "Hey Haleyb" to trick or treat ivitim ne?" Chimo gemid, "sure!" We walked down lier street, We hmromuised each other theat we'd ommly trick or treat oem scary houses. \\r come uhmomm s lmmmuse that remmd "8522 DO NOT ENTElO" 'luis mouse looked scary! We cling tIme doorbell mmmcdii boy mmnswered it. lie looked quite fammmhlior. Then, I recognized hilo face, seems Matthew, Bina mind h said, "Hi Motthmesv. Want to trick or treat with us'i"" Sure," said Matthew. We waked to amy street arid right whiemi we turned timo cormier, h folta sharp pum in my stomachi and foil on the grass unconscious. Dina called my naine fi times. Nothing. Sue hooked mit Matthew mind sold, "Did you see thmat?" Dina hooked around tice earner aod a miracle appeared - it was Nhcko! Hoscas riding hilo bike and J woke up just tImon, i walked to my imouso ond asked, "What hmmmp. She was wearing the same costume as! penad?" "Something attacked you," Níkco was, We went outshd and i said, "Want joked. bald, "Whmatistbmat7""Whmotiswlmat» muy hair mind i yelled, "HELPI" My nmomn ramm imito my roam beat alms semis not lookimmg schiere shin scums going amid wmmlkod right into imito tIme spider web too. Ile was caught in it au we all yelled for amy little sister, now Alexanmirem slammed the door quickly. 'l'heme, I m'emmmembered Ilmo ghost couldn't smell am' Attack! woke up, there was a Image temrantuha on o Beebe gun amid a knife/sword coated willi bload. Dina screamed so loud I bet you 100 too, Mattheicw looked back mind roared, "the's chasing us" Dina screamed again and tlmemm shmm'ieked, "hurry to Alexandra's house!" Wee kmeocked mmiadly on Alexandra's door. Final. ly, hmm ss'hmat seemed like an etoroity, gIme olmened the doov 'lime ghost was getting clos. er by time second! We all scud, "CLOSS TilE DOOR! GLOSS 'l'i-IS DOORb CLOSE 1H" scared to mheatlmh I fsll misloop, Imut schien h a hugo slmielom' seob that seims iii my door- 3RD PLACE: Vampire h rang time doorbell ZAP- b was zappeml into a terrifying room, It gave me tIme crespa. I opemmed time door nearost to the room but I could not keep my big fat mouth shut minci I yelled "mmhmhhmhhmimhhhhmha! MY AUNT AND UNCLE ARIO VAMPIRES!" I hope solmisons called the police or bill. Thuey had everything they needed to be vampires, they had fangs, black capeo, and buey boOm imad black hair, I felt hike I was in a blood-sucking movie whmmit an awful feel- ing. i ran as fast as I could, I ran oven faster thmmemm a rabbit, I ran Imams, ran upstairs, hid minder time eOverDfmylxLcd, pmd IS moro coi'- ers on top of mo - h was frightful. h was scared to deathl I fehl anloop, but when i So next time you stop at im gumrags sale, think twice before you buy it. The car door opened. My beautiful sparkly pink mir' ror svasgoing into my room. My dad was atrugghing get- loud thmmmt thee tmmrammtlmm tisse out of time win- miow mind so did this spider svsb. Main and Dud took a shmowem' mind i asked Nattily whist sims wants for getting that tmmrantu- "fus." I gave hier $100 offake nmoney, After thuimt I scent on you tube, i searched acarieat hauses and one oftimem was my mmunt'a thought agaimm. "Mayhme tuis is bensfmcal to me, Maybe I'll try imarder, I was right tuila is 2ND PLACE obomig and almen alio saw us, alms yelled so dona Rs(a, 411m grade, Field School ting tIme large mirror into my room. I ceint believe we found it at a gai'age sale for only ten bucks. Wimo seouldn't want tlmat? IST PLACE: and uncle's houas, Tomorrow is vlmen I Plink! Plunk! The piano had started lisce a sisep over at my aunt's houas willi singing a nonrecognizable song. "No, no, After a very lang day, it was tima for bed. I was sick ofeesrythming bsíng normal going to tIme lame garagesale was normal, living in this dumb room ovas normal, No one would notice if i wasn't there, nmy couaimm. h was fearful, I packed my bag with potions and all this tImings h need, Time next diiy I v'immmme to my ounCs house. i had no!" cried Kim's piano teumehmer Miss Detono. the whiles. My aunt showed mue to the guestroanm. ht was clark, scary, and empty, except hiere seas a bummk bed inside tim room, Thiemm my cousin cams into this guestroom. h said "Hi"! Harper oimid "ill Alex". 'l'ben to play it right. i;m serious Kim, Or else" Kim wasn't afraid afIlie or else part. She tIming different would happen to mu, I couldn't go bock to alesp, so I looked at my new mirror and noticed my Imair was a hail gotten timat whmsmm she was (i. 'l'urna out, aime got im candy bmmr. "Now ifyou'hl excuse meas, I decided I would brusim my hair maybe it would calm me dosen, h brushed ma I'm going to tIme little gicla room, Be back in o secondI" said Miss Detano. Kim groammed. o'mmce and said, "t wish I wasn't mmom'mal", I mmsked Alex seimy mio you look so scaremi? I said that our miunt immmeh uncle are Ihimrlmer vummmm1mires. hiemrhmer mmmmch h yelled Ahmhmhmimim- "That is not how yama play this piece, Even though tIme composer Greig is dsadyou have Piano wasn't lier whmo!s life, Sue liad other things to do, Like homework, Kimmo was a busy tithm grader. She liked piumno and all but of nowhere so did nmy mmunt and my uncle. lately ohs hadn't liad time, While all tuis seims ilar1mer and h asked mit tIme same time' why going through lier head alms didnt notice this are you dressed like vamnpires?' They said ghostly figure coming from time aimadowa. hihmimbimhA! POOF! Smoke ofduat came out "it's our Halloween costume", Nevertime- "Your teacher is right. Ms, Risbeny" sahel leas, that imigimt J turned into mm vampire! a voice frono bohinmh hier. "Eseseok," acreimmed Kim, "13es, thanks for calling atBut thiemt is mmot all, h seas in mm big, black dmmrk cmmgs. 'l'hmen i imeard a voice timat kept on tention to me" ulme said looking behind. No one seas tImers, All ola sudden us was. "Wait, gettimig louder mind louder ummtil time doorbell rung. ht wmma tIme pizzmm dshivoryman, wait, ivalt, Your demmd. So hmosv areyau here Mr. Greig." asked Kim witlm a frightened, eu- I was hungry for pizza, Yuck, there was nous tono to her voice, "You are right, I amo bloami on tIme pizza, now it is mmot that ap- dead. blut I'm hero to lemke care of unfinished petizing. h heard this voice but titis time buisneso willi my great, great, great, (etc.) time voice asid, "Don't run away out of time gm'anddimughiter Miss Elba Debmno' mild Eelcage". Timon I yehiemi "hlELI'b" Harper come card Greig. "Womv" asid IOni, "That ovas o mind acrsimmned because aime didn't reeog- lot to take in for a girl, 'limen Mias Detimno nice me, I said, "hiarumer, it is I Alex, I called, "Go alisad mind leave IOni. Your dans. turmmed into ii vsnmpire". Harper let nie out, Frightened, Kim aprimmted horns. but alms said, "Promise me you scant suck Defore b event to sleep, h wished thmmit some- brushed twice "I wish h woan't miornial" and tImen again "I seishm I wasn't normal", TImen sudmlenly, my brush ovos gone, My surround' ings wore gomme. All I could see is whist was in front of me - nothing else, it was dark and small. Suddenly, tImings weren't normal. h was in my new mirrorl i hours post. Then Deich came in my room, I could here him yelling "where ore you Megan. You are going to he lote to aclmooh", i screamed "i am in tImo mirror" but he couldn't hear mo. I pressed on thegloss nooking lots ofrackot, Still his couldn't losar me, Timen lie looked at the mirror, Ile acted like I was invisible and he left the room, h was alone again in mny not normal world, I started to cry. h do want to be normal; I don't scant to live in s mirror, TImen i m'osIizech I was probably dreaming so I pinched myself i sesan't dremmmning, I seas in troutile, Tuis is the kind of tIming that only hap- pens in horror movies - but this was reni, Three weeks Imiter tIme police seers still Plink! Plunk! Plink! "I'lmat soumids better Kim said lier meni but keep imrocticing" Kim lookimmg for me, 'l'hmey kept coming into my lug blue underwear ou his head, at lier, 'l'hoee inmaginary perniles holzig placed I mixed watsr with sait, salt with perm- on hier hands. No, sIms couhdntt stop. Not per, and a variety of ether chemicals. h willi him around anyway. ed to use my brush - almo brushed once, alio brusimed traies and then again. Suddenly, wo switched places. I couldn't believe I ovas out, nmy blood", h said, "I prammmise". 'i'hmon we made a potion for Ilmo man tri time laboro- wasn't about to argue with that. She wastory Wearimmg hmink ummderweimr. I-Io drank nt about to atop practicing sillier she could tIme potion and turimed toto a bat woimr feel lila pr050mmce, Timase cold eyes storimmg room looking for clues und h kept moking noises - but no aime hourd me, Then a pohicewoman went up to my mirror, and start- poured it on this sharpener. 'Flic ahmmirpen. Timo day before lier lesson or so aIme thought er grow liando, took pencils, and started aIme remembered "0im muy gosh, my recitals sharpening them. Was h dreaming? h heard tomorrow and thmatq tIme pelee I'm playing" a yelp! I looked out tIme window and sow a that was horrifying. women strapped to something metal. I The next doy Kim was in her nico clothes imad a weird feeling, as if I wonted to suck and her unir was straight amid neat. Her hier blood, Finally, I modo a potion to re. name was called and she walked up to thur I started screaming and people could licor me now. My dod came running in the room verse timo vampiro spell and then I went plano elegantly and smooth, Plink! Plunk! home, Sylvia Tolcayk, Perk Rld90 4th Grade, Eugene Field School Sue began to ploy perfectly. Kim ended perfirstly too. She looked out and sow Mr. Greig olnpping, In fact, everyone waa clapping. 23 let o robot brush her hair three times and Katie Deehler, Park Rhdge 5th Grado, FIeld School We all yelled 'Nattily!' She same skipping I "flmlu isgreat" thought Kim, "No, it's hmorifying" Kim great and hmorifying!" Way, Shms was tammgled ulm iii it, My mnonm inch I yebled "dad'! Ito cmmme m'unmming, right la off muy imair, Sims said $00 dollars", I solch news uil mita ghost Oint only hmaeh b eye. TIme other amie was mm bloody hmobe now. Ho had a bloody nose, sWirls cinch pimples all over, and in lila hmonmhs, hollcmrs tIme schmale neighborhood could hmeam' 1mev Matthew rim after Dina and tImen i <lieb, appear below. For more artwork, go to pioneer- A P101111! YDESS PUILICATIIN era on tolm of me . h was frightful. I was mind gemvo me o big hug. Then wo talked and I told thieni everything. I also told them that the policewoman seas now in the mirror. Ne one believed mice until finally h field upa airmaIl mirror toword the larger mirror. I could see LIme policewoman's hot, I moved the mirror down and could see her face, Everyone else could see it too, After studying seoys to gel her out, they policewommmn woo released. Nary Pat Roche, Park Rldçe 5th Grade, Field School 3RD PLACE: Once Upon o lime timore was mm girl. I-Icr name ovas Ruby for her rulmy red eyes (which lier grmndmother saya hiss powers!) One day seImen Ruby came from school, Her parents wore miasing! Ruby looked for hier parents all day. But could not find them. So suie thought they botti must lisce gomie un ii bmmissness meeting, So she scant to bed. But , , , when almo went to bed ohs heard some unusual creaking mind groans. Ruby looked back but saw nothing. So aime prosa. ded to hier room, When Ruby camne to lier bed she saw mm note, The note slated thimmt "Go to time closest grave yimrd and hove all your money and jewels there. IF YOU WAN'r YOUR PARENTS BACK! liii! Fha! Ils!," Ruby saw the note mnd noticed thist the writing was fading slosely, She did noi nmind timol, but alms did not hisisatots She quickly gathered lier stuff anml set out for the grave, When Ruby entered time gruye she heard some talking. No one svent to tue gruyo for it liad been desertemh for years. For Ruby's biggest nightmare liad conio true! She saw a ghost! For lier Grondmna was right. for lier ruby red eyes luid poseer! SIms could ose ghmousta. They oyere seriting another note but it kept fumding. One of the gimoust mvas complaining about how "this girl' was not comning. Time seime "girl" seimlehm lie scent to hier house to lisant hier. But did hot notice, lier, Sumhdenly tIme ghosts turned around and saw Ruby. Meanwhile Ruby's barents were really worried. for time' glmoust liad not captured timem, They liad just gone to get some groceries. Ruby was fmmolsd! By tIme ghosts, but why? Ruby seas with time ghosts, the had tied hier up. And were threating to kill lier Ruby ossia scared out of her skin. Ruby dici not scemI to hand over her bags. She overheard them saying that they dich mmot take Ibero parents. Timeyjust scooted ticejewels and money so they could jewel timemselves with thojeseels. For o legend soya timol ifa ghmoust is covered oville 75 gems that ghost will conio back lu life. Ruby would not hand over the bmga of nmommey. So, tIme ghoust diet whumt tluey thmrsimtemmsd t(io, Plie ghost where putting Ruby in s gravo alive. They overo buring her ulivo, and they were puting in the first shovel of dirt, When suddenly "BOOM!" Tus police and the parents of Ruby busted in to time cementory. The ghousts vanished, But Ruby was safo, For my readers take this' floto foryour soloty: Wumtchm out on i-hal- lawson because those ghosts tog around on Halloween night, For they try to do schal they did to Ruby, So Happy Halloween! Sedra khan, Nitos 5th Grado Culver School I uA PIONEER PRESS PUNLICATION 24 mews Iherapisl, and Peggy DosI. MSW. bCo Calendar Other talks include Malter et Bal ande' Nov. 3 and 'What Is Sob-acute RehabilitallonT tIna tO, both conducted by Ed meIer. 'Laughter Yoga' with Caryl Demnfeld Is at ID a no. Nov.16 'Managing Chango as Year Parents Age" with Joan Richman Erle. 122W, on Nsa 9, wraps up Ike lectora senes. ConUnucd from PAGE 21 toUoong Ue presentauons at ¡145 aro. Sharon Tyinkiw. nurse educator al AmgenWelh. you present ilnowledge is Power Introducllon Io Rheumatoid Arthritis" and Or. Susan Broy, profesnor el clinical medicine at Chicaqo Medical School, will presenl Fil to a T: Done HealIk and Osleoporosis Educatlon. Free parking Is provided In the lot bm hind Ihe Yachtman Childrens Pavilion at Ihe easl end el the hospital Prereq totratlon is required Co to vsnrooa,lhnr lioqov. keyword ChicaQn, and click on public Education Seminars or call I Cell M Shosbrç Carden to podnen Ing orth Walgmen'o ta hosl Ike 2009 Flu Vaccination Program. Del your Ito nhatal GoilMill lrorr9onu te5 pou every Wednesday and Satorday In Oc' lober In Ike Center Court Shots ore 124.90 pneumonIa shols are atso avail' able Medicare ParI B and Medicare will be direclty billed The 2009 seasonal Ilu vaccine will not prntecl asalnsl the IONI inlluenra vireoc the vaccination Ion Ike 11191 vines Is espected to be reloused soon. Ihn Centers len Disease Control and Prevention has recom' mended a 3D-day period between the two irRuenza immuntaatiors. Call hellt 699-lelO er see aoowqoltmilvcom. 8OO735O96 "IhanslUcir to Wereos,' a row edo calional sedes on positive aging, will be in November and December al Ileberman Center tor Health and Relvobilitaline. 9100 Gross PomI Road. Skok le. Sessions begin at 7pm. except where noted. Classes are tree and opon lo Ike public. UghI relreshments Resiasecllexr Nexkal Cenfrt 7435 ¡0110w presontOtiono. For reservations call Launen Galasoka at 16471 929-3229. Spoosoned by CJE SeaionlJle, the class es will kIck olI wilh Dementio. a ¡ou, pant Monday series lrloding ils lot Always Ahzheiorero- Types and Stages el Dementia" Nov.23 with speaker Dr. llenb Sien and 23Es vice presidrrt nl medicat allaire. "Memory Support 920grams. Aclloilles and Resources Nov 30 with Deb Detltqrone. crealive arts therapisl, 'Ask Ihr Dador Demertia MedicatIons and What lo Expect' Dec. 7 teatunrq Dr. Vadim Edelstein and Dementia and Famty Caregivers Doc. 14 with Deb DelSlgnore, creative-arts West Talcott. Chicago, will oiler the toilowing health programs Adoanced regislralion is required. unless noted 0thorwioe, by calling 1 117'737-463& Free en-site parkirg is available. Dru Anm O(rxt. gaslruentemlogisl, will speak about chroric acid reilar dis' ease and a new 'ircisiorless' surgical procedure to treol it trem 6-1 pm. Ccl. 29 at Resurrection Medical Center, 7447 W lubell Ave, Chicag in the Blessed Alice Contererce Ruanes. Protessloral GlAce Building, tower level, The lecture is designed tor ODAS oohletens who are: dissatistied with pharmaceuiical Iherapies und Ihe tilestylo changes they are torced to make: sultening Irom ron acid symptoms such as astbe ma, chronic cough or sore threal- or dissatistied with progressively lrcreus' ing dosages el thom nella, medicalions. Dhri Will also provide briel ene' on-ore consultations. Light refresh' mento will be nerved. Space Is limited and reservations are recommended by callir9 l-DTB-131-463s. Ree w'In Wood pressure screen' ing takes place from 12th3 pars Nov. 4 in Club Res Fitness Center. Eelnance B, ground 110cc BW,etes IxAIC Sceeeílig 1mm BIO am. Hoe 5 -a blood draw Ion the libAIc glycohemegbohin test to see how controlled parlicipant's blond sug' an level has been oven a thremmonlk period. An H-hour tust is required Fee: SbD Test rosolIs vault he given at the Di-. aboluc Fair rom 9 amonen Nov IC er mailed li unable Io attend workshop. SeasooM Ito and povmxora vaccirations 9 a rn-noon Nov 6 Ir Ike Health Maragemerl DepartmerL Plu and pneumonia shots tree With Medicare ParI 6 caks otherwise $25 for flu ard $50 ton pneumonia "0m' Chè2drexr Reorrexrrbeaed" candlelight memorial service Is at 4 p ire Nov 8 In the Resanection Chapel tor por' ens who have suffered the loss alas early pregnancy er trIant. A reception immediately follows the service. Call the Family Birthplace at Th-114'BOOO, Cal. 1647. iI attending c_ Well alth Chevdc Conditions Series - Communicating wilh Family. Friends N Physicians 1mm 7-6 pm. Nov. ID In the Heulih Management Class' room. Clinical Psychologist Stephan Romm will teach some of the basic, practical skills and altiludeo needed to become an active sell-manager el your chronic illness in order to live a life of parpase arid qualily Free. Obtain tIro latest lrrformxaUon tor managing your diabetes troro various NI health protessionals at the Resurrecflair Medical Center Diabetic Pair Item 9 aurr.'roon Nov 12 In the Blessed Alice Corterence Room of the Professional Olfice Duiding Participants have the opportunity te meet with several vendors, and receive up-to-dale Irtorma' lion Os various diabetic producto Ihat can make living with diabetes easier. Blood pressure and/or gluOese screenings will be availablo. Results et Gtyca' hemoglobin IHbAICI tesI Irons Nov 5 will be available. Proqram is open ¡nr anyone interested in learning shout diaboIes. AghI relreshments will be served Free. Cten ages Il nad older cao be' come an American Red Cross certified Babysitter by attending a trainirg course 1mm 8.30 art-3 pm. Nov.14 This program leaches lutum baby-sittors how le handle emergencies prevent acciderls and care ton children while baby-sitting Fee $10, Class io held in Ilealth Management Classroom at Resurrection Medical Conter. Uris's Health Fair Rick Ott ¡en Good Health will he from 4-7 pm. 110v IN in the lower level, Entrance Fi featuring numerous free screenings 15500 valuet and healih education. The seasonal lIa shot will be otlered for $20, Iree br those with Medicare B card Food, raIIle pezes and plenty ob giveaways. Some screeeïngs require appointmenlo. Kids Rois, obton, children can wear heir costumes and reap Halloween se- Wards in a safe, IiI and tervenient atmorphere from b 4 p ro. CCL 31 at Golf Mill shopping Center Candy slops are scheduled at participatmq stanco. American eptical, Best Travel, Claire's. Choices H' llore. Dakota Watch, Finisli- 25 Nl THURSDAY. OCTOBER 29, 2000 tan SI., (847) 600-1234 or onliry at line, Gell Hill CafI Gli Chocolate Fado' 'y, Siilch G Dream. l,lichoel Hill, Stride Rite, Toy land and others, iRISA Palnh N Party presents a Halloween bash tram 10.30am ta noam Come dressed up for seme spooby fun make two small crafts and Paint N Party will pm' vide refreshments and tonals The casI Is S750 per person and includes the cosI et all materials. 'The Go ckib Ion ages 6 to 2 usually meets the flrst and third Saturdays of each month on a deep-tn basis. Hune TOWlrsNp Halan TOeirSWS nSIO hiriendo In deed Serve and Help) is in reed uf vol onleen dnvers In providH residenls Iree lrannporlatian to medical tacillias in and rear Maine Township, Volun' leers may choose how much time they of The iWtrrt92flest Mer CIxa the llulisnol Society of the Daughters nf the American Revoluilon announces the arruol ymencon Hishory Essay ConfesL All studenls in Fitih, siebh. sea' enlh and eighih grades In public. pri' vale or parochial schools. and lh000 who are home schooled are eligible. wish to devote, Requirements include a corred drivers )cense and pregI of auto ioaurance, The program requires residents lo need be mobile, on be able to use a cane or walker. FISH also asks This carbol is corducled without re' Ihat appainlrnelrls be sel three or qard Io race. religion, nro or national origin. Ike Twenty-first SIan Chapter of more days In advance. To become a aolunteer dover call Ed lkesr 1641) 696-0761 To schedule a lide or br inlonmollon call FISH coordinator Gloria Stepels. 18411 2912510, Col 283 RIlAR is looking ¡or sludvnts ta dom' pete in Ibis year's cortesI The Ionic for 2509-10 is "The Completion ol the First Trarscortirertal Railroad" iDe' scribe hsw you loll on Hay 10.1160, when he golden spike was driven at Promontory Summit. IJIab, ta celebrate the completion et the first Tronsconti' rental Railroad Pretend yoa are eiihen a settler planning to use the Irain to travel lo your new home Ir the Wast, an Irish er Chinese workerwha helped build the lire or a Native American whose way of lila was greatly afleclod by Ihe railroadi One essay at each grade level will be selected as Ihe chapter wirrer and forwarded lo the State American History Chairmon for stufe compelilioru Deadline for submissian is Des. L Students inlerested are Ç. he reports of my death I Lave been greatly exaggerate a Pode MaIrie-NIes AosoclaUe,r ai Sperai Recrealion offers people with physical and mental challenges. behavior und learning dioarders. hearing and croual impairments and emotional disabililies an opportunily la enjoy a variety of recreation achaities. M1IASR serves Des Plaines. Golf-Haine, Liecolnwood, vor ton Grove, Hiles, Park Ridge and Skokie To receive a seasonal brochure, sr In eIfer support lar people with special needs by valunteeeing. call 16471 9e-A- 552L RAes Riles PatA DistrIct lelnodaces a reo asked In contact blandy Moyer 1er ope' cilic guidelines at 114118241150. camp called Schaois Dut SposI Camp Ubrory Coleesdar, PAGE 28 Hiles Prxbltc Uhrar-y, 6960 W. Oak' I WE ARE SUN-TIMES MEDIA advertisein ti - - <- .'. section caW63O-9Z829O or email mgarrigcíñ@s'tng.cöm . . . We Service& Install All Poçwlar Brands Fnmas Air Coa'ielitioners I Il Hamidillers EledrogicftirCtensrers Call Mikó - i ?73-9354050 i ai. peckil Furnace cleaning .:BARTIEY15'$6995 HEATING & COOLIN.ÇI. - klo Serving Yur1ómhsu5ince I9dS- 'A CLEAN UNIT,IS'MÓRE COST.EFFICIENTI - 24 l-le $ernkie 92ev Eoe-PdGy Bonr/w'eno )' tirniivt uiaiiv uuunum i Wuh; ER VICE NOT $ALES1 0x05,50, cvemny Sa,vixro, Co,p. 1l""' Nu Mx,0.Mù,tl,,,a ntnro DpI roGFro.U792CffaM.FtCi74P67I92 Prvor Vont Swoeog '"Mx MUS 01055Cl" NaSJonaIIy CoadaI!od Thchnlelona * 8 million online visitors each month,* Five times more awarded than our competitbrs combined. Chimney Swesoem Mlay,l. Trx,xb, Golly Eqipp.d To 5.,ev Poix, 5to Ovy A Wevls. Y.,,rRoo,,di Fully Insured. Guaranteed Satinfection 3.7 million readers each week.5 rutnirons,roFrn i5U!OMi5Pi5iii - $URVI(I$, GRP4 FlropIaoe, Fornace Fluo & Dryer Vent Sweeps All Chimney Problema Corrected TxacixpOinting, Rebuilding & Watarproofing Fireplace & Fornace Flue RolIning Your local news leader. Reborn. Rededicated. Reenergized. is'imswas.,q,sva,i WWAi.SUPERIORCHIMNEY.N Subscribe now! Call (847) 486-9300 or visit pionCorlocal,com for Special home delivery offers. To advertiSe call (847) 486-7317, y ìS-SUN Curier-Ncwo I4apervffleSun PIONEERPRESS CHICAGO Bacon-News Hm1dNews St:Nl'lMl,:s CentnrotoxeChIcxxgrscosn ELITE V0URDBA009.coM AEla3oba6s WHSTR PostTtLtnse '-&-R crop. r.35500,en'Chkni,.ySeMr.n Mx,escnno,ro,,r,pd. jbfl Fee. 1'877.CHIMFfX (2440345)i '"-'- Chimney Reogire (44-649 ilb".,yvp,aniv.a,fl,y5M.iIuivrroi, 15%oFP. FREE14ptW,ltten Safetylnspectlon anoto Dowmentatlon Ia E-mal!wjth EverySweep 009neIe, ChS.nn.yS.Mcoa, Coop. r.A UooM,Uevoofll000,a,,Do*0I - TolIFi1HîX"76349) 2aDo s000r000wio Raioa I sisdelUOO-FabOOl ciiioo OMA. siin-nnev Nova coinso, 5 doiloSInd i scodsy monroe in axxhdcii ro.ibIW.ioo pic, i ronron USWy in Picoso. Pevosod7 danse, scnee.mes Uda onbxitv lUollidso PevevPUSoabai5e, ean5eMxwhIeocrox, 000xtciiixag,eron, andavooswxoxonxl On,i5iOl Ao009 I A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION 26 k n EDISON PARK tlVeekly .v 'lorship -.PARK RIDGE Edison Park Lutheran . SundayWorshlp:Seplemberrhrou0heay Church ELCA e626 N. OliphaI Uve, 173e3l.9lo1 SundoyMo,rrn Worob!pSchouIo. uI:gkct Worct9p oath II,t (ammurin t U 9.45 M antomporaryWorshipoat9 RoCrrrrmunI,n Handimpc Amesslrem south çnrknq lac NoRwooD PARK St. Alban's Episcopal Church i . . . I i i Soptombor thru May Cooessian: 4:OO-5OO PM Sol Baptism: 1:00 PM 1' & 3 SundaY UI the livIng and LovIng. 99J9.12 PM. tto6rewsa19ootsundoo tl.l PM. Fox (773) 192-3031 Norwood Park Lutheran ChurchELCA Suaday School &AduIr945 AM 4500 DempotorSt. SokIe, IL6UO?6 (Septemberlhru Mar). thatian Day S,hooI -Pro.kiaaaravan thro eA Grade WeekIyShahb:r Se,yles.F,t O PM B S: 9:30AM ell.675.414r, Fao: 847.t750301 Relrior,cScheoI Wed &Sor; Y:vth onoup, 305 H. PcoapeC MejORO) 025.0559 ta,Ichildhod cervIces tuO Iholt dai. Email: Rabbljonalh:ntt,GIr,hunn SundayWocahip: nI, Birnctoriaseph Pøptowkl Rabbi Bi. DauIas Goldhamer E-moi!: SkekieCeotrell@UMCNIC.erg Youth cRaIrn:rSAM Srday, Aa:e:aìble Ctrur:h BullAng Monthly Shahtcar Herma a56:3O PM A R,corrcilino in (treAt Cocoregacian Temple Beth Israel he age et flee. Morning Minyan PesIar. 0cv. Br. Mal:olm Minnlclçir., Pastor. 5ndy Celebration mon ste. Mandcy- Friday 7r30 MO Agape Sepperal 6:30 PM toiiowed bychuncln Emeritus, Once CrepO Oroar,,Direclor sIMon: Heeling Meditation lOAM, Solerte etMirnd Relieiauc Sohoel Pee.K-ltlr Grade Sundo1n cervieo-St. RidrordoGood Fnidaicereicoat MinictniocMelinda Ramcolh Heiland, elocnen,Mandayeven.e3o PM Roua. DiíoolarotChiidree'o ChoIrs, 9.00MA-trWAM. t,brew5cheolGradec Bill and Eliaabetl, ArrooSpinitual Direttore Horny Ulcers Momben Cone Coordinator Lakeview Church NaCh Share Center tenths Peefoeming dein in SluM, Ph (773) 1144519 w'.vw.stmarynpr.erg 9SOt Skakie Dauloeard, Skakie, IL 60077 St. Albana oOocsttro Catechecic sI the Goad Sunday Seroicea: BOO K tU.00 MU 047.4B0.2900, 047.4e0290t Sheyhond Suedeynclroel pn000am, September WednendapSeteicer 9DOAM. SuedapSchoal K Ihre May. It lo a Monteoaoribaaed program that Nuroeny decing warship, Youth Fellawahip oeci:hee yaurohild'e knowledge ellhe HalySpic,t The Reo. Sarah B. Odderctal, Reeler 5odoy tO AM- tl,1S 9JU, Ja:hua Korn . Sundaycrr,rOAM-i2rrnPM tea:hiegeod cpinit.lriied warship, SundayWerohip 1030 MU youth, college, ninglec and larniliec Catholic Church Rey. RabeA (.Johecan, Pautar 411 N. Wheeling Rd., (0471 255-7452 PARK RIDGE St. Andrew's Lutheran Making Bicciplec at All Nations. Ccntemporacernicewithbihliaal Wbrantaummunirywiih rnintctriocicrchiidren, &Thurcdayc. Cub Scouta K Girl Saoule Jeyae M. Kicrenger, NinicterelHtueie mleictcT teeucedorr Treectormetioo through Sermeo.2ed Sunday, lOIuHt.Jaauencire.Teerdcyn I Jano Haliday - Small Groupa Pactar. Multiethnia 0300W. CeeacentAee., 1047) 823-4133 St. Alphonsus Liguen Feliawuhip Hour, Sundaya B45-9.45W,t Suoday School S Able Study daca, SendaysRO0-R,4ShklKee. Hatthew CeorodJahn S:humcn, MiniuteroltusirDaletuk,ha, p - BAcadcmy Prirripal The Cñurch ir liordirapdc:cccille CondBell (hait Wedneeduy7:3OPM(hoirRoheareal Midwook Bible Study- Coolinnotion Miniouy.Sundoye, 9AM end neun Weekday Macees, Friday B:OO PM Wednesday 10:30 AM. Lutheriehn (September.May) Men-Fri 6:30 and B:tO AM. Yeuth Group & KACCWorehip Balee, Pester Communion snrico VOurgAdullOBiblo Study, Childrn's Sermun.2Sunday, 10 AM Cuefessien Setorduy 3:30-4:15 PM. Morton Grove Community Church 3 Suedny of every month Choir Sunday, 12:00 PM Juercise.iunedays &Thuredays Holy DoysVigil 73D PM Presbytociun prndiceThursdoyl:OQ PM Choir Practice: Sundeys,9:3OAM Cub5cuute&GjrlScauH Holy Days6:36,B:QO,9:QOAM& 7:30 PM B944 AustinAvo., (847) 965-2982 108-453-3514, Fax 108- 456.8818 Sarurd 1000 AM Strobbal Morning Midweek Osliolouc Studies ter Adults and YouihWednecday 0:30 PM. Ma:cabeo Children's Club. Foe e.5ih Gr:dan al Dcyonnhire Sdr:ol le Meets once e mooth en Jews *hobeliayeand teach that 4th Toosdoyol the month. Youth Rochna IJerucI lathe Promised Jewish Cecciah. Rarie al Worahip Formaic, Porfarmancos. Edison Puck United WecklyEuev Shelbatoecyico including Huarte, Open Minds, Open Doors. Machly Fumiiy coMae -1OO PM. ChairuftAvoilablePorkingin Roar. Ree.Richa,dkarlard. (hiidrare provided. Aie and,tiened SavuaW Church Church & School -Belere&AherSahaolarenngainpFailh 263 N. Korthweal Highway Formation - Kindergarlon bru eth Orada 237 Kenton Menue, lUll 673-1311 lUll 023.6656 HilrSchoalYouihMinictrnPreeram WWW.skokieronfra! The Ed9ebrook Chuoch MantlrlyChoinKnhan:edcereiro 6155W. touhyAvuouo, (713) 631-1155 Weekly Shabbat morning Throhcludymieyae.9,ructvt. htip://edgobrookchurch.og MurthlyTat Ohahbat -Saiurdaya. 1e30AM SundayWership 10:30AM High Iloliday and Poetical Servicea peek ll'Ionim Program awice permeoth . ReiiiauoJHebrew School Oradec K-12 Routh GreapíHaulh (hait Congregation Bene Shalom Rev. Rubel C. Jehnson, Pester Joyce M. Kiseenger, Minister of Music 0 Lady Mother of the Church 8101 W. luwrenceAvunue, (7?3J 625-3369 o!motherchurch@aotcom MassScbedule:WeohdosMondoithrough EncvooturGolheriog: Soodoy6:OO PM EVERYONE IS WELCOME Young Penple'o Liturgy ufthe Werd Holy DoilyMoes: Mon-FriB:OOAM Weekend Meones: Soturday - 4:00 PM 0a1B8:30AM&7:WPM.TuoSdayH:OOatM Perieetuol Help Neceen Eocharietic AdorntioaFirotFriduiis9:800M-3:OGPM Boptiem 2' g 4 Sundeys el the Manth Rev. Richardi. Klolbur, Postor Our Savior Lutheran Church (ut Hickeroon & Hood Avenues) (773) 631-11GO & (173) 6311606 Polish Ulurgy Mace: Sunday-1:30 PM NILES Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 8450 8. Shurmor Rd. Hiles Il, 60714 SeMce Schedu(o: Sept. 25, 6PM Shabbat Yelodim oBShobbot) with a 5:30PM Pinie dinner (847) 965-8210 Sunday (Sept-Jene) 10:30 AM 3'Sundayuftho Mouth (Jone.Sept) 9:30 AM, Ist Sunday uf °°°'Y 5hablce Memln Services: Rev. Ted Schmitt, Postor Month. 1:30 PM -Jam Vesper 9:30AM ConvoI Shabbot Service Rev. Andrew mph, Asenciute Postor Service (Sept.Jooe). & Torah Study Fr. James O'Brien, In Residence Rev. Or. Broce T. Anderson - Pester lunpiretionul High linlidoy Services Paul Lutheran Church 5650 H. Canfield, 60631, (100) 867-5044 Sept. 25, 8PM Traditional Shabbot Service cell furticket ¡nf armutiuu Sidney Helbreun, Senior Ruhhi el the Evongelical Lutheran Church lu Arnorko JeffreyWeill, Moletant Rabbi YicturWuissberg, Robbi Emonitos 1313 8. Waukugon Rond SondoyWorohtp8:I5 & 10:45 AM (847) 647-8398 Wedoenday,Advent & Lenten Wuruhip SundoySchuol & Adelt Bible 9:30 AM Services-Wednesday el 7:00 PM SaturdeyWurship 6:00 PM v,nww.stn,ichaelnifos,org Senday Worship 10:00 AM. st. Paul Lutherno Chrietion DaySoheul St. Eugene Catholic Church F(847) 205-9921 Baptism: 1' Saturdoy and St. Michael's Orthodox Church SundaySchool & Temple BeIh.EI 3610 Dundw Rd., (841) 205.9982 Conleeeions:SoturdW-.3:OOtn3:45PM Street Leyel,AirCooditionud Adult BibleStudy-9:45AM NORTHRROOK Sept.4 & 11, Î:30PMShabbatSeroico vmw.sfpaelcanfí SuodayWorship 9:00AM. Sundey Scheel and Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM 000e e. Kildare, lB47) 676.1300 . Handicapped Accessible 5136 8. 800ioRhnnv, (173) 763-1661 Fridai 8:30 AM, Seturday5:OO PM Sundoyt:0O,9:30&ll AM,SundaylhOOAM St. Fimothy Lutheran Church Erik Weber Oirrhday Sunday st. Monica Catholic Church el Music A member cengregation DirectarSaiiy Geld Eaecuti,e DinectorTcrry Kane 3rd Sunday at each manth Accecaible Building Rev. Lally Domioski, Pester Carolyn N, Sendereen - Minister Sunday Worehip 8:30 & 11:08 AM o Education fer Children end adults. Fr. William Holbrook, In Residence (arterial Intern Beryl Oellewc Education ib kk Fellowship il AM coottpnohssr, tt Worship Servke 10 AM wonderful programe el Religiauu 6099 8. Nodhcolt Ave. 7601 W. Footer Ave., (773) 775-2355 SundWanhip 1030 HM. through 8w Grndn School. And offer Noiwood-Park LCMS Open ShahbotTable RabbI Amt L MemicCoier DiblnStud6 Mendayou.000MOee. Sunday Schedule Adult Choir practico 9 AAl Praise, Prayer & Bible Study Bethel Community Church Thoator outings and an annual Roe. Gregory Sockawicz, Postor Wo have e Preechoel (3 yrs. Old) Eonemble Practice,Wodneoday 6:30 PM Wedneedey 7:30 PM AdvlI Edu:aliee/Adult (heir/Beak Club SundayWenchip 10.00 AM SundeyScicuol 9OOAM lSrptrmherthrueayl 4Sundays Soturday Cnnlocsion 4:00-4:30 PM MacShip PrayerStudpaecvi:e- OOD. Iheelerprududian' Heme Heapitaiity/manthiy. MnthadistChurchis achurch with Opon Manthly Centemparacy. Muci: cerotee. O0O PM KekSen StreetS Leramie Avenue, Michool Saott Poden, Tuesdays &Thursdays 8:30AM 011 THE NORTH SHORE, SanclapSehael Ilorall agar) IIrnOAM 673.Bt66 Noralyn BernIa Senior Coercion Claco, Welcoming aornrnunity at unique congregational and community Central United Methodist 3rd Sunday el every month mulliganerolianal tamiiioc of Christ Mon.,Tuoa.KThurs.B,3OAMta43O PM Worship Sunday, Fel!owehipHelliomeuDowoingTheatre Cantnmpareny Sereine, WOO kM. Soturdap SuedeyMnacea, 030 K 11,OOAM Sueanneh H'oehy Club (Warnen's Groupi Rabbi Kirk Giiobe Uevar Ernst, Menciona Svrranogue Io n community ol s. Peter's United Church Troditianal Service, t2O0 AM. Feiiawchip Haar. Sunday 1:00 PM, Seryl:osWednocday6:45 PM Sunday Moreira Worship Suheduie 9nO Ml Minictriec ORim Houm LambeA. Mditianal Saturday Bearing Waruhip 5.00 PM 4R5e W. Peait, 1B471 6Th.444t Serie, Portardlea Sytahell, Directeretyouth Inlormation School, Pre.3 Ihm eth Grade SuodapHorning Warehip t0n0AM Small Group MinittryAdull Chair K wv.'w.seriigtn! Poyen, Rey. tunic SundayMnsaoa: 7:30, 9DO, 10:30AM YOUR REFuRMJEVIISH HOME Carter-Westminster United Presbyterian Church Wcrnhip Buta U Hours, Monday-Saturday OrlSctclMacs otAnticípatianrSOOPM Sunday 1D45AM SthoulSunday9AM (September.Msyl Dicoeat al Caneregatianal Leannine Hondiaap Areeccibie PROSPECT HEIGHTS Sundoy9OOAM BiblnStudy St. Paul Lutheran Church oc lar morning sang al children's Minictcy.SendeyScheal.Suodayr, Saturday Vigil Maes4:31J PM Seico ofthoWurd.2M & Nursery Ago Bible Study, Pudor, Roy. Jerry Miller Orgoniet, 5201 Salita Stroct, lB4ll 073.5030 . Youth & Adult Bible (loes Children's Ministry, Sunday tomplojm@aol.wm, wob.mar.corn/oipaulakokie Adult Edu:ation Ree.Jamec P. McCracken Sunday Scheel 10:35 AM Sundny Worship - 1 PM Denn Sumova Musical/Youth Diroctor, RomeeLo,i B.Sarin Jahn Chal . Routh Portar. Serytow ottho Ward.Ond K 4th Sundays Korean Ark Covenant 10471 676.S6O Rabbi Mi,hoelul. Weinberg Cantar Facci Roce Recano. Kidclaird Patter, Sunday Warchip OOUAI& Help Communion 7033 N. Moselle, (773) 763-0206 Potluck, 11:30 AM SundaySthool for Preechoulors eoro Hiles Censor Road, ShaMe, IL Lead Pactar. Hoch Ahn . Wetahip Factor Nueceryceredueirro cemi:e Children'e HeyCommurlon.l,3&5e5undeys&1estivcle 5917 N. Nina Avenue (at Nickeion) salas ttarcdi:ap MessAle Temple Judea Mizpah WHEOEALLARE WEICUMEI Programming tar Agea 3 - High School. SundayWorship 9:30 AM Rauth Onaupa Adult Edu:atian Check webctte ter ail adititiec. Istreel leeol occecnibiiity ra main Churchl 8600 W. thwrence Ave. Sunday School, Bible Studyl1:30 AM Kaloynu-Voluneer Chair High HoirdaySeryicec liIariaal elements. Your child ic welcome te ein Park Ridge Presbyterian Church SundayWahiO:tt AM Catholic Church and Wednesdays 4tS PM- 6.00PM chraugh the preceecatioecelinruc'peeeblesend . St. Mary of the Woods Youth (High Sthool) Bible Study, Lead Pactar. Roo. Camina C. Weber, Arcodace NORRIDGE Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (773) 631-2860 Holy Week services nc tuliown: MaundyThuraday NeleanYeuih Pester SendnyWership itot AM Thursdays, 1O30AM& Fridays,7:VOPM Sr. !Ochand'eepia:apol Church will combine their RobiaJonaSeninr Pnstnr and structure remain intact. Sundays iO:3OAM, poas tiler 4venae, le4Pf 674.9140 Shabbat Service Satucdaya 1O3OAM Apostoik dod,ne, worship, Worship Days & Hours IirctFnidayoleoh mceth,Sr3OPM, Shabbac Kaior,chird Saiendayol each monih, (847) 966-9233 saintíukosccc© described in the pagos of Tise Now Testatuent. Today her lotactalib Families Welcome. Uknal Shabbarlvabbaial Shabbac, Fridays ers PM Rev. PhIlip Grib,SJ, Resident 9233 ShUFmer Rd., All oeryi:ec oin lannuoae and Rabbi Neil edel, Emeritus Uelrl Nash-U:15 PM Roy. Jerome Twarog, Msndata Pactar; St. Luke's Christian Community Church NILES Y thr Lord Jesus ChriRt and eroova, Choir Olrectoa Nona Balk CarrIon Denlanrin Wwaclrawckl Kabbalal Shabbnt cerei:o Shabboc Suaire, month, Roy, 6onrgo Koounn Postor; MORTON GROVE Emnihposio,@edisonpe,kumc.rom Devar Emet Messianic Synagogue rncoctvtortomiii,cwiihthildneeundcr 306 5. Procpect Aso , 10471 t234t26 Charlen Emoihc'ovonoII@aoLrom, St. Mary's Episcopal Church RabbI Short OEm, CartayaI SoIoI 3eDJ W. nompuce Sc., 047.615.095t (trOd Co,ePeoyidudOev. Dr.Scephonct.laeaon, 9 AM lSeplemher.May) Canlirmacien Minirtr . S000ss &Wsmes BibloSosdios CalI (or information erses the wobsite. commueiiiecet5l.Albon'cEpicwpalEhrcechoird Sundays, O AM lSepremher.Mavl Childron'a 6740 Hoflh Oiphont!wonuo OEkogo, IL 60631 ¡453 Maple Aye. 047.492.0500 tat, 3rd & 5th Sundays K Fcrliealc Sot-8:30 AM &5:30 PM, Sua- 793G fl3Q.M&4:3OPM Phono: (773) 792-3030, 9:45 9J4 (S:hoot Tearl (7731 63r.2ee0 Childcare available for all servkos. Boher Knapp RellglouoSctiool Sundoyr tely Eucha,icrr Sundays al 9r00 AMibe 59l7N.tiinoAee.lctti:kerronl United Methodist Church Ponor,Ho,,terd Dm16 L Hatep . Voope, Monday7,OOPM EvanOan MaconlcTemple Church(ELCA) CHIcAGo Weekend Mosses: KObbOIItlC ProyorlHstilolion Sevke 0O,3OAM On 2nd Sot. otIo month Sunday.- Chnicrian Bduaoiien ton oil ages. StDl W. Deem Otaa, li 60646. CHIc.iGo Music & Worship.-PastorAndy (lilton Feltowctip rtOOAM- roso por. Haly Buchend at 9:30 M9-St. Albana. CHIcAGo Edison Park Roer home toriewirl, Loomino, North Shore Center for Spiritual Living Norwood Park Lutheran .i FrIdays 7,30 PM. OnbbotorShobbo, 630PM ThurcdayWomhip fSurrcmor) 7:00 PM O45AM end dace el 9 nOAM . .'' Wonhip, t3O U lO30Sdap:thool 1713) 763.6045 Sa, Richandc Bplceopal Church is located oc I SundoyWøîshlprO.30,St'ndOtSUmTler 6240 tiorih Ovondaio, Ocrwnod Fail, limais Mou ai 7MO PM -5t.Alban'e. Boater Sndop, . Eira-Habonim, the e30 & rina vit ISchool Remi, & moo eM Isummerl inu Pu- SI.Aiban'a.HalySatutdoy,Oreat i SKOKIE t:3OAM & COOt AM. St. Luke's Lutheran Church (ELCA) S._ SKOKOE SKOKIE Minyan Hon.Thuna 7 PM; Sal N Sun f, PM SundaySthool9.45 Ml. Week1y Worship * cnemporornWeahip Scurdny5:OO PM. r roo v. Muit Oiblo Sw&y 9.45 ect Aflardr4 Nurnoryta, Sunday5errn:os *- choir Prclice eou AM Sunday, 27 191 THURSDAY, OCTOBER Z9 2009 Nues Township Jewish Congregation R:30 & R1,t,3»»,.-Ao www.od( i NI Senior Postor-Pastor Pouf Jorden 7958 W. Footer Ave., (773) 775-6659 Pre.K-Grode B Associate Pacten-Pastar Rob Bukoweki; SNARING GOD, TOUCHING LIVES, Discover the oecient faith and rich traditives of the Orthodox Church -the first Student Minlstries-Peetor Sheen Clock DailyMaeeoe: Mon thm Fri-6:38& 9:00AM EVERYWHERE Christine Church - loended. Kim Harris, Canter To Ust Your congregation please call Marsha Garrigan email 630.978-8290 u 28 Nl . THVeSDAY, OcTOVER 29, ¿859 news Calendar Continued from PAGE 24 The camp will be available on hue school hellday The inShi emphasis e? the camp Is to provide saIe luntilled days e? playing and learning sports. Campers should bring a sack lunch and beverage. Camp takes place ut geminan Heights on Vetenans Day, Mar' liv Luther King Day. Puesideels Day and PulaskI Day Fees arr: residents. $36 onniesidents. $45 per stay Call (0411 961'1519. Reetdwrt notreelderri redstra' lino for Hiles Park DistrIct Hught He' ginnings Preschool tor 2009-10 is still takIng placa Spaces are 51st available in the morning and alternoon tor 3' and 4 year-old classes. Registration Is accepled at the Howard Leisure Cenler, 6616 H Howard SL Until classes am hund. Call (0411 967-6633 te trave inter' malien mailed The Golf Makro Park District has tab' no a new and Innovative opproach in raisIng much-needed funds for the park arid spreading the overt on ernr w olyciency, The district ollnrs a sei lion, will also be ovailable. A recycling buy br used CR5 veli also be availoble CILs may be purchased at Feldman Park. H055 IlaIhy Lane. Ilileb rom 630 am. to 10-3H pm Call 10411041-3000. Wies Pa* O!stdct Io shill taking teig' lodino oh FlIEHST STAR qualilied cone- istratinir Ion fall Dance classes. Classes include Ouddirrg Halleeinas lot ages 2-3. PIe Ballet tor ages 35, Ballet & Tap for ages 49, Jano Ion ages 612, and Hip Hop tor ages 6-12. Closses ton adults are ales available. Call 10411 901-6633. psct hlunrescent light bulbs Tor sale tu Ihn public from a LIghts for Learning Vioitooe oII66P.otk P,nlird e/i/COL Feldman Recreation Center, 8800 yathyoono (ove b/ock south of gel! Voodoo Weo(emdvenoe1 thiICCor Dee Push al lIre comer o?Oee and HIes DietrIct Is oltering private plano corons 130-45 nrrnuleob Ter be' ginning and intermediate students Wednendays and Thursdays at lloward Leisum Center, 6676 W Iloward St. Lessons will focus un the fundamen' tals nl technique, music theory and good practice babils. Call (0411967' 6633 lo mserve a lesson lime. Golf Malee kiosk Proceeds rom the salo nl every bulb will directly tond the scholarship prsgram spnnsornd by the district The scholarship pregnam allows children the eppodanily to attend camp when they envy net leave lire renounces todo 55 on their own. The kiosk will also house the Lights hoc learning teacher tool kils. designed toc educalors and srganieation eastern te previde mIer' malional malenals on the overall tIghts (or Leaming Program. EHCI1GY sxye Actrely Hooks or chlldmn. os well as tIIERGY STAR home energyconoeneativn and eleclnonico informa- Emerson Hoods. Den PIainefl or call 10441 29N000 Reealens estrO PatrIck tttgli School is looking fon class repnesentaliaes leoni all danses to help the school contact alumni in regard lo class reunions. Nov I) for the 25-year reuninn nr Ihe class et '04. Contact Jell Ardito, l773( 2029563, or ardiloPutpatrickorg st. Jeten Bretreent Is looking Inc all SI Juhn OmbeolSchoolalumni glumoi shouldcontact libby Hyder. (8471 966 3266. or e nail lrydyrsslbschoolnrg. and submit their name. Vean graduat ed. address. phnne rumber. maiden rame (il applicablel and e-mail address. ard moy share a story or tell how SI lohn Orebeul nade an Impact and fauricite IC teacher, to IC Murei Associatlur. c/u Immaculate CorceplIen Parish, 1211 H. Tolcott Ave. Chhan Il 60631 SubmIssIons may also lie dropped ulf at Iho IC Pansh Vectory daring normal banlness hours or alles Masses on Sunday. !©1rt NORTH POLLS FOOTBALL ne theIr mils. lmnracebte Cerrceptten School on Talcott Avenue In Chicago is rstablirh ng on Alumni Association. In prepara' ton 1er ils lOOlh-aerrivei5aey celebraline the school is searching tor its missing alumni Il you atlended Immaculate Conceptivo School or know someone who st d. n moli lCalumnï@ic pansh.nnl, er call the rectory. (7131 675-3033 Alumni who preler lo reach the assodalinn by mail are encoar aged Is send h ir first. maiden or last nome, phore n mber, e-mou address. the yeor lii whi h they graduated, along with thu tavonlo IC memoey Senior Center I. Maine Soulh 19-01 lire WIes Seeder teeter rendi dona lions nf items er gift certificates Iron vanuas kosinesses for prions tor their 'Picture This" photo contest Any buoi ness that mokes u donation will be menhioned in Ihe newsletter, os well as on u certificate accompanying Ihn photos. The photon will he on display at the Village Hall us well os at the Seflor Cooler. To donate, call Kalhlyn Williams, program coordinator, ti/es SenIor Cerfer, 10471 508-0425 or lar 3 Glexbnsok South 112) UsIne Dame (631 Com'ocr: Rich Martin, Managing Editor p: 847.486,7481 n Hoski has good read on regional Both NWteams 2. loyola (7ll return foi' sectional New Trlxr 10-41 SOCCER I. flew Trier 2 Eeannlon 3 Maine Sooth Nulos Wool loyola 1047)5080456 PAGE29 By DAN SHALIN dshahun@pionxorlocal cune CROSS COUNTRY - Her enatry for SuLurrlaay'a Lnyolo Regional uboulnt nnake for intereoLinog reading in Ategnaeeni liaslri's crosw.00unLry log. VOLLEYBALL i. Gtenbrsruk Sooth Evanston Loyola 4 Nuten Went 5 flew 1/icr 'l'ho Nitea WeseL senior tiniulsent Llniret (18:33.10)) aaL human Woods, unet sosas purL ofo Wolves Loom tIroL cornee In ttaird cand corned notonnuatle qunliticntion to Saaturclnay's Niles WcvL Sec'tininsl. Hosht, a Lroclo otar running loor tirol year ofeross coaantry, tlaougtnt 630.812.2100 KEUIL WORTH FINANCIAL, INC. THIRD COAST MORTGAGE LLC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK 847.580.5555 BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS 847.240.5007 ht!p://www.Keniiwo r!hF!nanc!aL corn 30 yr fIxed 3.198 30yrflxod l5yrfixed reti 5% 3.541 20% 3.631 5.000 0.000 $1435 20% 5.077 5/1 ARM 3.625 5/I jumbo ARM reti 4.000 0.000 $1500 20% 0.000 $1425 0.000 $1425 FIlA and VA Approved- Call us for Details 5lflsmbxSlM[oleesIor) 4.250 On, Oakbrook Trra:e, Sulle 210 Oakbnook Teogce, IL 60f!! MB.6760321 847.384.9221 PARK Ri000t COMMUNITY BANK 5.125 0.000 $905 20% 5.174 20% 4.521 4.250 0.000 $905 20% 4.368 $1600 20% 3.848 5/1 ARM 3.750 0.000 $905 $1600 20% 4.057 30 yr jumbo 5.875 0.000 $980 20% 3.633 20% 5.886 Senior scored two TOs, Including a 54-yard punt roturo, as the Ce' Line enel, omet didn't knnow it wos the gles beat Prosoer aud adeanced Stu Cohon,, 5/I Jombo/4.00%/70% 11V Evening und Weekend Appoinlmoets Available. Cull os for more lolo scialLe line. If IL were tIne Iwo poleo, (8) 3100 Dundee Road, Ste 406, Nor!hbrook, li. 60062 B werulel lasco (beuntern iCominnkIl," (C) 1300 East Wnodiuld Road, Sulle 100, Schaumborg, IL 60173 lu he ntate playul(o for the tirot lime rince 996. $1600 20% 4.375 $1600 5/1 ARM 4.250 0.000 7/1 ARM 4.500 0.000 5.000 5.086 60777 708.531.8317 UNITED HOME LOANS Couotoetry BaNK hltp://www.UllL cans. corn 5.125 0.000 $1200 20% 15 yr fixed 4.625 0.000 $1200 20% 4.805 5/1 jumbo ARM 5/1 ARM 4.000 0.000 $1200 20% 3.564 7/1 jumbo ARM 7/1 jumbo ARM 5.625 0.000 $1200 20% 4.644 10/1 jumbo ARM 626 Talco!! Rd., Park Ridge, iL 60068 PILLAR FINANCIAL, LLC 3oyrfixod 5.000 0.000 4.125 4.500 e Oste Pstae Rheine FOREST 708.660.1038 hIIp:/,4vww.cbopï $1195 20% 5.064 3oyrfixed 5.125 0.000 $1110 5% 5.185 0.000 $1195 20% 3.325 l5yrfixed 4.625 0.000 $1110 5% 0.000 $1195 20% 3.654 3OyrFHA 5.000 0.000 $1110 4% 5.463 5.125 0.000 $1195 20% For a personal quoto call Mike Dulls, President 4.310 5/1 ARM 4.000 0.000 $1110 (A) 3 Westbmok Cmponste Cento,, Sollo 101O, Weotctester, IL tOlSI 847.691.7416 Aireetca.a ødNe & Tous MB.0000419 312.388.2176/630.664.9377 5/1 ARM 5.000 0.000 4.000 0.000 $1000 $900 l5yrfixed 4.375 0.000 $1000 10yrfied 4.375 0.000 $700 20% 20% 5.053 3.727 30 yr fixed 15 yr fixed 4.875 0.000 $850 4.375 5.000 0.000 $850 8006644414 PINNACLE HOME MORTGAGE http:/Iwww.PlnnacioHornoMorfgago.corn 30 yr fixed 0.000 5.000 $1400 20% 5.075 h!tp://moflgage.banko!amerjca.cornJma,Iigmaatta 5.250 0.000 $905 20% 5.341 l5yrflxed 4.375 0.000 $905 20% 4.457 l5yrfixod 4.375 0.000 $1400 20% 4.502 5/1 ARM 30 yr fixed reti 3.750 0.000 $1400 20% 3.238 loyrfixed 4.250 0.000 $905 20% 4.368 4.750 1.000 $1400 20% 4.912 5/1 ARM 3.875 0.000 $905 20% 3.908 5YR JUMBO ARM 4.250% NO CLOSING COST 70% LTV MIN. (8) 718 E. SchaDmborg Road, Schaowbsrg, IL 60194 /40.0004681 marlln.maattalthbankofamerlca.cem (C) 954 Harlem Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025 asaa,,oi,...aiosam.00o,au.a,.,,. ,, nOii.,. v,ee..,,,,, a ,o..'.a'. avssa,.,. u..i,., coral,., ii ,,u,,. ici ii..a. visu a. n ic,,a,i o,,. 'e-ai i,. o.'..-.... k ..,,.,.,.i lin;,,ni ,Js4,r,o)n e.k i,.,. oue AMe',,,ua, nro d,n..r,s_,_ ft.n0«0,hn,,,,w,.,,nrK wJ=.,a, nu,th.n..a.n,,=i d k,,hes,. ,th,.t,..... n.00..,.i.. W, 5.250 0.000 $1800 20% 5.348 4.500 0.000 $1800 20% 3.529 7/1 ARM 5.125 0.000 $1800 20% 4.170 15 yr fixed 4.500 0.000 $1800 20% 4.665 Restrictions apply, pleaoe Inquire. (C) 800 Waukegan Rd., Gienview, IL 60025 ..s,.. ii.00...v., Anthony Ifardeman, Taft SOCCEe Den Beaver, New TOter Scored four goals as Ihn Trevuans beat Maine [ast 7-O to wio the ne gìonal championship VOLLEYBALL ..... C'rOSm.coUrntry experience lin an race dine-y ofsorts. SIne goL Line idea uts crosv'country cannel) in Cinaannnpntgn oser Line snnnnnner, sand scald il incas becan n laotinful tool Ltnio oeuson. "I keep truck ofanoygornls be/oro Seuil, write oboaat amy lousiLives onrd neg- Senior combined txr 33 kills In Ike semis aud fioal at the Latro Park tournament Sulurday ax Ike RiIanv look second. TENNIS Thyfnr HampshIre oaid EmIly BarceNa, New Trier The 916 oecd advanced tu Ihe quantenlunalo before losing tu the stale's nuooer'up team. Once aguuo Inst Iho slate's best team to a win as he tini5hed turnt al the Loyola Oeguonal in 1524 fon his barth blo-meet viclury. GIOLS CROSS COUNTRY KrIsten Donneur, Gteobreete North lVonthelakeForest Regional in iii, .,,ni.,,.,. u.,... .,.. All paarL of line leanrning expericenco ior Ilooini, who clnurtv every the mee annoi tineno lofter tine roce) Nico Composte, Loyufa LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS FEATURE CALL BANKRATE.COM SALES DEPARTMENT @ 800-509.4636 ie-.,.....a ,,g., .,. ,,,,,,,,, asaiov,,i ek..&o..vew.a.=.= .iw,..y i....i.bk,.y,,. n..pp,.,i, ,hki.flk.,.JiFoO.!0$4436. 1....,n.,, "f ttnougfrL Lino finnish lino seos the Iwo poles," Ilosint said. "I kicked at Ellen Ctaapnnan, Gleebrook BOYS CeOSS COUNTRY ,............. quite winere sine LlnougtrL IL senas. ottves, winunt I cunnn iminrove nod winoL Line course sens like," liosint unici. "lIne whole venson incas been a learn- ing oxperiennco. l've iearned sonneLining new every roce." Next, ilosini mopes to inuncin mer Licket Lo Line Class 3/u fuSA Strate Meet in l'eoriaa. if sloe doeo, sine could finally crave tice biLLer mean- unes of lost spring, svioen breatiniecg problems rat Ilse oveclionol Iruac'k BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS 847.736.6583 3oyrflxed FOOTBALL 3.755 847.729.1900 GLENVIEW STATE BANK 20% 4.920 30 yr fixed 20% 4.452 5/1 ARM 4.466 5/1 jumbo ARM 0.000 $850 20% 5.120 20% 4.466 5/1 ARM 3.875 0.000 $850 20% 3.920 Lower rules avaIlable. All Costs guaranteed. Cult for quoto. Streamline refInance closing in 25 days. Open every day. (8)415 Creeks/do, SDIIO 130, Palatino, IL 60074 M8.0005030 (C) 2560 Faul/eid Hoad, Sulle 202, SI. Charles, IL 60174 20% 20% 4.727 (C) 1001 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60301 h! 3ßyrfixed tulle Kuminoki (18:32.79) aL tire tinmin only Lo learn Line chute wann'L 3oylfixed lüyrtixed 0.000 0.000 30 yr fixed 5,231 olee Iront eelgeut out Loyolajunior No- ,.e.aauo,e = 10244 an the Spvrtaou captured tliefr bist postseason champl enship since 1905. nneet prenenoteel imir faonan reaaeininng as secoand sLraniglut oLcaLe trock raceL. 'I accent Lo go Downutcate," liosiai s on t et. 'tinoogin it anniglat be Lougmn for tine Wolves lai reaaeln Staate as a tosano, lacrad cocada Asnino I leneltona moines Lo seo LIce squoaai excel oan iLs inome courue. Nibs West treshman Michelle Karp competes at the regional cr050 Country race at Harms Woods on Saturday, where she placed niolh. Ilamara Dell/Stoll Photographed best fout forward sand ein our besL." OLiaer Lop inermoreners for Nilev \Vesl ait LInar regionnal were.': fresinmuas Micinelte lCcarp (lILia, ltt:25.7'J); senior Crarnoin meek (lOLia, lt):3G.lt3) SOlOtconaoore Joovicra Scatfin (l'ILla, 20:O9.'J5); cand secator Allie Coursey (271ta, 21:05,O(fl. New Te-ion' freviannuan Coaartney Acloeranarana canso first ScnLaaaeliay inn 18:15.3.1. Nose- Trier (21), Lanyolca (49), Nileu VeuL (113), lSvuanston (100) canant uuarloriminrg Nnrttcoide t'cela (165) ¿ant vaaanceui ticeir Leaning Lo sectiocenals, Nues West Boys 'l'lae Vulves iao3's Leoanaa calore sviti be a'unnaciaag cat tIno vectiocacal. 'l'taey fanoistreet faIlla cal LIne i.anyolu Ileginancal, edginag oui MuaLtaer for Line hanoI sec'tioancat sinoL. "t'inc Inican scias to inaave every guy heut tlnetr aine sand tue3' fecLly. But il worked out perfectly. NW senior George Dovros IToislred eigtatla (15:59.02), sennior Moti Miller wcas Oïtla (16:411.34), 0010mo- more Maas Iloslni Look 28th (Iti:iil..5.i), oanei sealolaoranoro Mure Juliern cunee lao R2nci (17:01.01)). Loyolri senior Nico Composto breezed Lo aaan cosy victory In 111:2.1.2 to brace liae tiaot-lnlaace Rcamblers (211). Now 'l'rier ('17), Nilaus Nortia (87) canai Nortiasinlo (121) will join Miles Went (133) st Soturdayb sear- tionol. For Line sectionnuai, fluavros to poloting nal a toln'elanss inerfornonunce cand Comme01 ua InI, to Stoato. IL svouid ber tine faaaartla strualgiat vernsnn os Volves runnaercornapeles tine farrcal weekeand oftiae oeuavaina, Alex '/,uasoo'cnnced oncIa of tIne Icast two secasons sand l6yaaa Leyba qucalitied bofare tissai. "lt's nny responnsibiliiy to carry "Run your personnal best," saaini line one on two Inleaces iainenei of tino c'oaacia se-mena asked selnat iaor lnlan'- MacLiner gaay wIno svaas relcalive to Line torcin," Duns'rou saaid. "f'nn moping I conn go sub-15:20. 1 thinak Liants wlaoal it will toalne. Sub-JOrIO would era' goal vinould be on Suturdaay. "lib onae- laoman course nnei re-o know iL like nobody else. We mase to put our tineir i000ition orn Liac teaann," NW be greal." lacad canada Vaaeiaee I,ouglnraan sold. "lrtaarely does tino IntasO work oui per- allai exinctly ticcat. Tiney sil tianisined C000arrneeat:p100aceriaacalmera s , Hulee Wost'a Geurgo Dauros wraps up hin eighlh'placy heish Salaeduy ai the Loyola Regional. Pomata Bell/Stall Pholegrapherl A PIONEER PHESS PUBLICATION 30 N) Isports THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 GAMEBALLS No. 2 seed Maine West holds off Nues Noi-th JOUET CATHOLIC 55 N 01 O E DAME 14 Juilan Burgos: 17 carries, 140 yards Declan Mutcrone 23-yard TO reception By DM4 SMAUK CLASS BA FIRST ROUND PLAYOFF MATCHUP FOOTBALL - Notre Dance entera the playoffs looloing brook Sos)h(12) tough final night otthe legular sesson. But tise No. 12-seeded When Friday, 7 p.m Where: 4300 W. Lake Ave Glenview Dons (6-8 4-3) wilt icave What to look foc The Dons enter the p)ayo))s ber o barth strailht season, though they are looking tor the program's )irs) their work eut out for them when they visit No. 5 Gieii brook South (7-2) at 7 p.m. Friday for timo Cisne SA time. But tise victory proved cost- ness liad been Isossession onu keeping time bail. We did better iy for Hiles North, amo leamding (vs. Mamme West). 'i'ise whole sea- down coitim a beg imsjury. Timojunsion, colmo Imami a teamm-isigin 14 sos, defensively, we gave up a lot imsimvimsvum) goals. We gave smp oniy goads, cracked a boue in iris foot, toro ligamensts and sprained imis dsha(inAlpioneerloco).com one or two; timat seams time key." mmnkle. sibihity to keep time bail. 'lire cosacli liad (ong ago mode clear Time defensivo progress coincided witim tiro nsove of senior from m)dfleleh. .loining ums in time bmvck were Wiiiiimm Brsmumbachm mmmd stanoiout goalkeeper Daniel ular season, led 2-0 before Sund Miranda - hotu fresimnmmmn. pulled Iris teaiss within a goal "Mirandmm isad a great seamson," Ednmimvster said. "Oie struggled Withy rmn improving squad foam- got good experience and nvins cmii losses. Ile started to Catholic would help tise Stevenson in Week 2 and a 45-34 ueiback against undefeated Haine see tiasmi development Imite iii tise nvin 2-i in overtime. program earn its first isomne pisyoffgame since 11h12. cairrissiigii, as the Vikings fin- South in Week U. The Titans have slacci G-ID-2. Schurz got omm time bomird live minutes Into time gsmme when mm beaten ihres playo(b teams. while the Dons hove prevailed against two teams that reached the post- 'ilmo 50515011 C5i00 to air end seimen No. 12 seed Nibs Nortim dre)mpeei a 2-i decisirmn to No.2 Msiiise West in time Nibs North season. going on the road to Glen- Reg)orrsml lirici) Oaturday imigimt. "(i etui isirt see) sis rmmmmcir (ini- view to lace tise Titans, CLASS 8A FIRST ROUND PAIRINGS whose only losses are to un- defeated Maine South and Stevenson. simot frein time outside rigist saileri imito tIre net. Suumei tumllted time equalizer late crannied," tine coach said. "We'll have a nice core conning back amad we should uovo a decent tearm next yemmr. We slseuld be able to conspeto witim the other in time second husmlf wimon hie scored off am pass from soplmo- tearms (in tIse conference). (Most muore Dsìmsury Rodriguez. Senior lRrimmn Monterm'oso netted tImo year. We'll get better. But thu. wi000m eamrly hmm time second ovcm- teamnmms) code down n little b)t timis otiser teammmms ravilI get better, too." Cs,vrrraarrme:pis,vcerloca!,cerrm Siles North janiar Kevin A)earez, who led the Vikings with 14 goals, ss)lered a season-eeding leg injury in the regional semifinals. (Dave Shieldn/Far SISO) UPPER BRACKET We didn't get time job done (at Jouet Cstisoiic). Now we'll see what. we're made of," Ni) head conch Mike i-lonnessey said. 'it's OslO Naperville North 15 41 at Un i Fremd (9-01. [mi.? pm. Vasquez rides to Nues North's rescue Ra 9Lakepark)7-2latNn O Delleviile East 17-21, Sat. 1pm No IO Schauinharg )6-3) at No 4 avilit (1-2). SaL 7 pio. Ro 12 Leckport 16-3) at No S Raperville central 17-21, Fri T pm a good learning experience.,' Glenbrook South features powerful running back Sophomore steps up after mate's injuty Ils. 5 Lyani )5-4) at bio 2 Oskr9hrosk IO-li, Fri.? pm. Michael Hirséh and oppor- Ro. IO Waubonsle Valley 16-31 al Os 7 tunistic quarterback Mike Puilano. The Titans average 40 points por gonne. "They have played an encollent schedule and are mm good football team," Hennessey said. "They are a running team that throws off play-action. They'll give us ail wo can handle, for sure." The Dons wiii be tise underdogs, but they sisould not be surprised by GBS's speed and power after facing opponents from time ESCC - which sent seven teams to the playoffs - ail season. Notre Dame also has seen several different acharnes this fall. lsrimn'emrsemmt) av I veommld hmzmve lilcemi, tsut it seams better tlrsmms coo little, too late. turing several tmmlentod fresimunen, nopimomores mmd juniors, Eulminster said lie is looking fornvard to next season. "Fur tIme younger guys, threy him time regional sensitinni on Oct. 21, Nibs Nemrtim fell behind Scimurz only to bounce back and But the Flilitoppers provoiler! 55-id in Jouet. So, the Dons Dud themselves nvitis a nsinute left. But ht cocas too at tise end ofthme year. Ile suade key saves to keep us in games." tiisvt the season was alnvays Week D upset of Juliet Hiles North 2-i during tIne reg- at first but was more contiuient de)eat against undebeated mibout impraiveismeist, rather timori Junior larson Penaud replmmcod Alvaaroz in tIne midfield against Mmmine West tlaree days later. TIme Warriors, colmo also beat Freddie Sund to ttsd bmickiine postseason win niece 2002. Oleohrooh South's (oscos are a 50-49 opener. . Notre Dame isad hoped cl scoring Kevin Alvsrrez nvent By DAN SHALIN BOYS SOCCER - Nibs North co-couch Dsmn Cdnsinster salmi isis young Ueani tOnally started to niions signs of isrogress during time sesisali's stretch run. Edmniimster imsid, at different tirsos, been critical nf (com'o enorgy level, its Isack ofcornmunicsatiomr, slack defending and in- What: Notre Dame )63) at Ries- to bounce track fions a imarol during (mucim of) time veasus," i4dmiostersaid. "Our nveak- ofgoals. But towmard time enel, GAME DAY 31 Vikes edged in final Dons look to respond at Gleubrook South JCA hands ND worst loss of the season sports I N) Downers Groen South li-21, Sat. 6pm w Denediclire University Rn, 14 Andrew 16-31 at 00.3 Glenbard North tU-lI, Fri. 7pm. limit Sandburg 16-3) at No 6 llirsduiv central (7-21, Fmi. 7pm iO Uenediclire night. (Ray Luna/Far SING) "We play good teams and see a variety of different offences and defenses. We've seen mast of the tisings we'll see (in the playoffs). Hapefully, we'll be on top of our gamo." "Our conference pro- Notre Dame's defense paros you very well for the playoffs," Hennessey said. hod not given up more than 21 points ail season, but No. i Maine South 19-0), Sat. i P n Na . 9 Leyden (7-2) al No, O Palabre tbsenmm prIcked up ms maccu as t)ney our teamur, big tinre." and mind. But wo fought timraugim coere ferr amo bug als tlmey rarere By DAN SHALIN it ¿mmmd caugimt summme guys. lt wams dsha( mmli good." tommy. 'l'imamt crams sounsetimiung timey executed tIme inlaanm." CROSS COUNTRY i 1ruckcd limmt time true drammi for L)se (1-2), SaIl pm. found itself trailing 35-O in the second quarter Friday. "We didn't execute well "The defense will bounce back," ive said. "One game said. "We had some prob- won't make the season. They've played eveil in many other games and lems with their misdirection. They controlled the they'll respond to the cima)lenge (at GBS)." defensively," Hennessoy line of scrimmage" But the coach is confident the unit will rebound. After going down big early, the Dons scored two touchdowns and trailed 35- 14 at halftime. Dans' senior Julian Burgos (17 carries, 140 yards) scared on a 50-yard touchdown run. Later, Dosis sen- ior quarterback Drew Diaz litt senior Declan Muicrone formi 23-yard touchdown pass. fJssusent:pieneerlsco/.cam Na. 3 Proviso Weit 15-4) at No 4 laIt lo-)), Fri. 7 p.m. No. 12 Noire Dame 16-3) at io. 5 Oler hreek South IT'D), Frl. 7 pm. No 5 New Trier 15-4) at Ra 2 Slever non (9-0), FrI. i rs No. IO Mauri Cannel (U-3) at No I Sillons )72), OUA Nu. 14 SL PatrIck 15'4) at No 3 Loyoh ecademy IO-i), SaL i nr. On. ii corle (63) at Na. 6 Warren (I li, SaL S pin Nibs cvitts tire frommtrumriserv, notule Ulme ocimrm,v Nos. 2, 3 amsei 'i rummnerv ( \'ikimsgs mt Ssmtsmm'el:my's i,oyola 14egmoss:iI amt i hsim'mmms '.Vooeliì miccmmrm'eil - cm rit fsim'ttser bamck as seiirtmi)rrsmmre 'i'isrs \useimlez ateirhmemi mai) soucis Ihm.' Cccliii rmeeeheit huir immost, a\l) tint' musite sigrriírcamst carmi- 1 - r tions," Ilorymu saaid. "We weren't ams exploited ais I foamed crinen )Clvamtta) soenat out. (Vamsquez) reoIly Imamei au grerit davy cairel lue(jred Nirst)m's iCosta l'amrazoglou lmumsg Na. 6 Oak Park-River Forest 15-41 at "lt was a good ralee," Papar- tinse hum reamlly terrible candi- iloryn said. "l've never seen ' Notre Dame ranninq back Canner Themas lakes a hit liars Joliot Catholic's Travis Jessen In the liest quarter ai Jouet Honrosa) Stadium Friday Vevt Sectiunmml. Arsis Sebinart (17th, 16:27.01) anmul Cairlitos lUsmmngel )lWtim, 16:27.33). ",Josim, Anona manad Camrlïtos croaked tergettaer tise cvlaole coamy," zogiomm samïul. "We fougirt irsmrul on a toughs course nvit)m mm bot of wind Urleorsity LOWER BRACKET New 'l'rber (47), earning an ommtoniamttc spot for Saturday's Nibs i hmiryum said ire moues to lanisla iii tire tels eigint at Saaturday's boamdeai sectbomual. Pmmisazogiovm, a juisior, coas tIme luunbor lvluhmsmnmmnnsard Ciaamttam imari first Nortim ruisner to finirais, been expected to finish ais time crossing 10th in 16:07.5G. At time sectioiia), ime likely will inmive to teaaimic tiftim runsnser. I lo emmtered "We could be ame brad ais umintiu or lOtir, or ris isigim ars sixtia or scventin, if it reambly goes ovin wary," tire raace witim ma bruised licol, lue samimi. "'aVere imrokimig ait tisis ars urdo mmurotisem 'lo-plus secousu)s ins order to eamm'n am trila to tIme Claies winch Ilamneei amp after ra uribe rand am big steprinsg st000 fur us ris wo am iaamlf, amnd cosas forren to pull miut of time ramee. look amlmeamut tam umcxt yeaan." liA Staate Meet iii Peonza. "(Nibs West) is time tougtmest sectioumab iii tIme state," Nortlm Emater Vaasriuez, cm-lao qamickly got HileS North Girls Gaabby 1.015cc rara'itl rc'lrm'es'mst tire iseaivl cosacim Daini I ieim'ymn nadal. "liait time narraI frimana I horyns tuait lacrarais mmeeaieai riavvio t)aaana ever. Nibs Nortim girls teaamua cat Savtamr- am good cimainsce 'l'ire soirlmunmmom'e res1ronmaied hoy niamy's sectbuaraii. Sire aaelvaanacee) ais to qusilify (for Staate). lle')l have m'aanmmminag am caim'eem'-bcst i11:'h5,Ii'i. aana iumeiivieiumrrl aafter camumsinmg um tri usavo si trennnemreloums raree." Ile coams Nitos Nortir's No Sraann- 22usd (20:12,57) ait tise rcgiosral Nibes Nairtim suluhaumumuvrie lCartlseaiise ibetz irlamcemi I6tia I tlmiusk lEmistsa iaaa trihimliorms miii cmii afeerrmiimmrr nvhmemr Foblowimsg closely beiminme), laut tIre Vikimmgs (87 iimiiiitv( ramille iii tightly gm'oaauaed, niere teamnmmnnaaates ttimm'ei, )mehsismd Liiyolrm (21)) sirve) ,losln Zeieliniamim b lutta, 16:211.71), amer ramsnl caviamo inn 26tim ovea'avll. "Vaasvbvac'z stelslmeni maim ranci ramm ai sommmae)t'rfmm) alce, am irersonrsml-bcst (22:03.1Db). Sites Northa Gabby Lopez earned a berth at Saturdays Kilos Wert Sec)ional by placing 22nd at the Loyola Regional )Eric Daeim/For SING) 32 Nl www.yourseasoflcOm Isports THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS FUDLICATIUN Juniors lead West to first win in CSL South Logan punt return seals win over Waukegan Mssybe we sisouiei have done rs little more of tbnat earlier (in tIne season)." North offense erupts for 62 points NuES WEST 21 WAUKEGAN14 STAR PERFORMANCES Tinat migist be stretclsisug it to think Use supproacis covlsh work long-term, but it certlsinly seemed to put tise ID: 16 carries, 110 yards Nate Surjas: Squib kick return lar a By DAN SHAUN lighting for a win ... I don't know if FOOTBALL- Even otter isis time, a few Nues Vestjun!ors of- that says more about our tenors, fared Inns n gffmpse olwhnt they or more nbuiat Olio besigue." 'l'ire Wolves took a 7-O advanlage con expect next season. Junior quarterback Sevo sehen Loubriel found Oben for a Loubriel, getting the start in place short touchdown pass. Leading 7-Il, NW looked like it of the iqjurcd 'T4er Ilosell, hitjunbr receiver Ryan Oleo foro touch- svould taure the momentum into the down. Meanwhile,junior running locker roons rifter senior Nate Barback Donto Logan had his most iris scooped up a squib kick and reproductivo day of the season, help- turned it 68 yards for a lute secing the Wolves to a 21-14 win at ond-quarter touchdown. But the lead was short-lived as Waukegan (l-8, O-5). Both Nibs West (2-7, 1-4) and the Bulldogs neededjust tuvo ploys Waukegan entered the game win- to even the score 14-14 at tIse break. Logan put his team on top for less in the CSL South. But Wolves head coach Scott Baum said the good with a 70-yard punt return content was not necessarily one with bess than live minutes remainfeaturing two bad football teams. ing. The 5-foot-9, 160-pound Logan The league wo play in is one of also had a One day on offense, carthe top live leagues in the state," rying the ball 16 times for 130 yards. "(Logan) boa real good athlete. he said. 'With Maine South, New Trier, Glenbronk South andan im- As the games have gone on, he's proving Evanston team. To wind become a little more important to up Isst sveck with us and Waukegan wirst we do," Baum said. Hes a Vikings in tIse right frame of mind as tisey rolled to a 01232 win tss Park Ridge. Niles Nortis (3-6, 1-4) final- team's playaifclsances evap- ly disislayed tise potent of- ornsteeh in Week 7, Nues Nortls fessse tlsnst Wels supposed to FOOTBAL-' On a tiny whcii the seniors were sUiting up foi the inn! 6&yard TI! dsiralinll'plaeeeriacatcoss Ryan Oben: ID caich tocad coacis Scott Sssnitls buoyed tise Vikings would take tIse progrsm to its first close tIse season witisns few victories. years. Tise Vikings rushed for 429 yards. Senior Girad Bust afuer su Inuckluster dis- Brown led tise way withs 223 ysurda on 18 enurries with treo rusluing toacindowns. Senior play in nu loss to two-win Maine West in Wurek8, Smitls siecided to clnange the mood postseasess appearance irs 17 playmaker on otTense. It's nice that lie showed it and gained some con- ios. defensive hack Clsris Nguyess munde hssd a team-high 15 costcis- trilsi to liglnlcn it nia every disy fuir tise seniors," Sssultbs said. and senior linebacker Akeem "We lussi sevess-oss-seven Smiths snsid, "J wisis tlsat lidence as tbse year went on, and hod a breakout game." Defensively, Baum said he was impresaed with the play of senior defensive lineman Kardiae Rucker, senior linebacker Jimmy Xam- Brackenridge. es for 326 yards. Defensively, Borjav led tire svici with 57 tackles, Xamplas load 17 Scum Siseurples earriesi IO times for Hei yesrda and two 'l'Ds. "(Against Mesine East), we executed the things we knew we could do cull year long," possisug tuuusrssnsssnests versus tise conches, we let tIse line- Final Stats Senior Dwight Snsitls led tise stops and iunior defensive brick usuenn lue tIse skillgsays sash tine SantiagoOclocsa recorded 42. Buck Wolves iss ruslsing with 242 yards on 65 carries. Bosch completed 46of-104 poisses for 588 yards and six teuchdowsss. Sessior Rimo lizsja- er led tIse way with four sacks soil senior linebacker Dimitri Tripkos load thsree. Ochoa collected a teuerIsigh thsree interceptions. skillgsaysbe llsclieuessscn; fun stniffiuu get tine kisis relaxed. nutprnuctice nulucad of lrriuiay Inenule at Maine East, Nibs West junior Seso loubrini earned the start at quarterback Saturday and directed the Wolves to victory In the final gane al the "We tried to iunsves,usnsre fun, season. IDavo Shields/For SING) pias, Borins (also u defensive back) senior linebacker Goblin Jolie, sen- I GAME BALLS NuES NORTH 62. MAINE EAST 32 STAR PERFORMANCES Chad Brown: 18 carries, 223 yards, 2 7115 Mike Granatn: 601-il passing, 95 yards, 3 TIes Raison Bobn Mike Ayaba lied tut team lead with 10 tackles each r- we tinisised offtise wesy tlsnst we did." Tine Blue Densons (2-7, 1-4) / actualiy took us ii-0 lead be fore Nuartis answered witis a 15-yard touchdown pass from f, lt ' -Ir t',,5 senior quarterback Mike Grnunato (6.of-ll, Ie5yards, 3 'l'Do, interception) tojunior tigist end Frank Warda. Hilen HaUls's Chad Drown yetn llipped aller gellung hackled during the Vikings' seasovending victery user Majan East. loan Laedert/Stahf Photographer) Nortis fell beisind sugain, but Wruruiet's second toucisdown gssubof2l 3nurdS '- rund two 'l'I) runs by Sinnsrpbes (I and the opening kick of the second isalf85 yards. would irnuve come es little nurlier hiss tine senusoss). l'sa proud lii ynsrds) put Nortis up 27- Nortis, as tise Vskinga scored 12 nut hunsiftimo. on a 15-yard toucisdown oftisurso scalers, tiieguys tinat catcis by Jnisnny Walker - lsnsvo bougiet into tise pro- Tise Blue Denuonsgot bruck into tise gusme reisen sopiso- grnum for foarycars. l'so ginush nsore Xavier Levy returned lsayne Brown (14 yards), sen- br Tony Kennedy (15 yards) and Brown (49 yards) esgain. Defensively, senior defen- From tbsere it was all assd on TD runs from Brown (24 yarsls), solaisomore Os- stops, anndiusnios- linebacker George Neulsasss mruste suine Cackles. Chrsui Drusen rund senior defensive back Nekiru sive lineman Ramon Bobo had 10 tackles and a fumble recovery, senior linebacker Bruce ecucls Iran run isotercebstion. Jseaiuus' Myron ,lolssnson Mike Ayala recorded IO Vik'isugs, PAGE 34 Shorthanded Wolves edged in final Top scorer Mameledzija sorely missed By DAN SHALIN dshalin@ plan eerlocal.corn BOYS SOCCER -NilesWestsen- iora Muhi Mamebedzbia and loe l{osir both began playing on the varsity team as freshmen. But when the Wolves opened the playoffs taut week, neither to the hospital. abbe to overcome No. II Von In ssddition to setting the Steuben l-0 in tire Niles West regional semifinal on Oct. 20. Koair returned for Friday's reglanaI final against Evanston, but tIse Wolves fell l-0. 'We had two bad breaks, losing ICosir for four weeks and Mahi," said Niles West bread coach Scott school's cosreer goal-scoring record eosrlier in tise year, Mameledzijss eslso eclipsed Niles Westh single-season neark of 19, whicls was set by Bruno Rossich in 1998. for tIse (regional semifinal) asod then agssin in tise (final). But it worked almost perfectly, excel)t a cran-contact iniury that oc- ond tIses sprissg orse oftisree forswords en tise caasster. Acksssisn saisI loe was pleased seconds (against Evanston), when tlsey got tise goal." The Wildkits' gome-wïsssseo came six minutes into tise secano1 selection, was done for the season with s sprained lance ligament tinued Isis run snd scored Isis suffered in the regular season's team-leading 22nd goal ofthse sea- team's rock on defenae, was out with mononucleosis. OnorI goal afIno illustrious higls school career, as Mnmeledzija Without the pair, the No. 5- limped to the bends and went off lessi to becussse sisare defesosiveminded. We changed everythsing penultimate game. Kosir, the son. But it turned out to be tise svith Cloe ss'ay isis lenses adapted to : :i't' In the regional Wolves senior forward Asetinussny "They knew they couldn't keep 20 minutes left in regulatioss r'liu'ui tise sossne fossesatioss used thirst they bue isit a screamer into the sIllier corner of tise net from tine toi) (If tIse 18-yard box. L " . . INTERNATIONAL - i Feasured Adoertisers us--- JCPenrTê !cWs sensiusonnul, tise new pls55. 'Tise kids were great,' he said. GRAND PRIZE is a 7 Night Cruiae with Royal Caribbean. ADVERTISING CCULARS COUPONS DEALS TRAVEL SPECIALS . ØJjT.Tj py.1'flP of the Evanston gosul for munis uf tise rest of the game, but cornu not score. LOG ON and you conidWIN A CRUISE! lt's nlmple, choose your zip code or city and access all your favorite advertising circulars, couponn, deals, travel specials and morel for one brief (segment of) five Witis Momeledzija out of the halfwlsen Niles West misjudged lineup, Acknsssn won forced to a cross tisat fell right to tise fccu Ackman. 'They were on varsity chosnge lois tensos formation and of an Evanston player. from the first (game) their fresh- tactics for tise playoffs. Out went "lt was our only mistake of tine man yeur. To lose threes at tise end tire tWo-forwrsrd, attosek-minded game, but tisey capitalized,' tuckofthe season was toughs." look, replaced by a defensive mssn said. Mameledziia's knee sprain was setup slesigssed to keels it tiglst Thee Wolves Isad tise ball iss trout curred while loe was making a cat in a game against Lisle. Ttoougls he felt s twinge lie actusslly con- was in tire lineup. Momeledziia a likely all-state Silos West's David Dawaod goes airborne lar a header over Evanstens Joe l'edDie danny the Wildkits regional (ioni victory Friday night. (Jao Cyganowski/For ST))) seeded Wolves (II-9-3) were still 33 Vikings go on rampage in season finale GAME BALLS Bunte Leçon: TOyard punt return tar By DAN SHALIN dshalin®pioneerlocaLcorn sports Ni 'rabas broke a scoreless tic wills FOR EYES jJPR knrrdOenkti j osjji.nssitirr1 CREATiVE ,t!jRROR5ía,as Fo,.d,ti,ing inonmt5an pimontsst Mikespnuilna,Vim Praid.nAdaotising, t iesls4ns-7317 oryoar iss,s co, sante, ecssive. , Coök ICOHIRO ,.$.rmaneitL, 'r° PEORIA PACKING'S BUTCHER SHOP MAXIMUM D.,-n.Ian noose eeMoOnLoss I,,, ,da,Jw.kue. Isports 34 Nl 'IHURSUNY, OCTOBER 25,2009 SPORTS ROUNDUP HO SOCCER The No. 14-needed Dons (T-9-2) soccer team lost Z-0 10NOV 3 Loyola In the 0CL 20 Class TA Regional semifinal In Wilmette The game remained scoreless until the 65th minute when the Ramblers countered aller NO misplayed a clear ance. Loyola added a penalty kick in NFL -£ u R R A the tina) minufe. DrInnen the Iwo guam the Denn had their chances to score. Gut the Loyola goalkeeper como up with a big oase oea 20-yard shot by Mike harry and arolher on a30 yard tree kick by Ciaran Oobioson. UDs Jakob Kaminskl nerved in nice crosnes (rom Ihn loll side e) midfield all night The Dens were playing without Mike Cunningham (illness) und Raphael Mora (hip injury). i was proud at nip plapero' ellorl and pleased to see as compele closely wilh allo 3 seedr hID head coach Chris Caudill said, s NoIre Dame Irailed 2-D. bal lind on goals by (lyle Gronsel and Nico Lazzaroni. Dominick Vonyolock and Tom lola aai Jaclyn Gremley had live kils D'Orlon had assisls. The Celtics gol Ihn game-winner on a deflected goal midway threagh thy Kelly Klnppin coilecled II digs Ihird period lID goalleoder Ryan Maize was sturdy in the retina contest where the Dono were oulohot 45-20 NW TENNIS The lides West doubles team of senior Urna Ahmad and oophnmnre Jewel) Loyd onuched their second slralght lISA stale tennis tourramerl last week. The duo los) a 6-1, 6-3 decision to Lake ForestA Failli Dasolouny and laya Zourbareoa, a pair Ihat ended up coming In Ihird ir the state Rain over the weekend led Io the cancellation o) Ike back draw, so Ahmad and Loyd played lust nne match. Ahmad and Leyd earned all COL Soslh honors and Ahmad was presented the CDL Sonlh's Sarah Pate ywurd for sporlsmanship. ND HOCKEY The Ice Dons dropped 100-4 wilh 32 055to ProvIdence on Saturday in Uile NW VOLLEYBALL The Wolves dropped a 25-N. 26-24dm clean to New Trier en Oct. 2). Jerdyo apiece, Lauren LaO lola delivered four, Olga Ks)koeska deuil IO assio)n and NH VOLLEYBALL The ylkinis finished the regular sen son I8-f, 6-4 alter splitting )heir lirai teas matches loot week. Olenbrook Nnrlh del ealnd Miles liouih 25-10.25-14000CL 21 Arge Walvrrki led Ihn Vikings wilh sis kills. Two nighls earlier, Nues North dninil' ed Maine West 26-24 25-23 on senor nighl. WaS nski had)) kills and Ihren aces. Kniko Sugifuara had four kills NH SWIMMING The Vikings dnfeutnd Ilighlard Park 104- 020e Friday Individual winners tar Hiles North nere: Alexandra Viai) In Ihr 2001M 12.34,131; Amber Martin In the SO Irneslyle (27.14); Koenia Ilapylova ir the 100 but terRy 1)04391 and IOU breuslsiroke (1.11 161: and Loren Dulca le the STO free 154024) and 00 backslroke 1)01,401. The Riles Rarth team el Dulca, gad, Knpylova and Marlin wnn 1hz 200 medley relay 12.01211. Corntia cast: pioinccrleaca (corri YOUTH SPORTS Michael Marek PAT kick SOCCER NDIRECTOR'ÖFFANDEMÓNiUM 1v EURO -or' seflrchIntoR one franctilso fan o i y' nnd.iho NELI lf,'4.j j ,S.vlfl è.»ost jobIn This NFL The wIflytoots to announce a pIck . r ., t u'i$tOueOOO 'signIng bnus ÇiS 5, 'hSS 'LI' lL,o's90 gihowIIl'Win thôjo 15v,l v,h , 'i OD Stat Hlghllghtro Vian (goal). Shadrk Igoaliel SD yard ouT. Anthony Achim 60 yd run; Anthony Achim) yd surs. EURO 3, FC DrIve O Stat Itlghtlglrts: Giren (2 goals). Schneider fgoal), If Palan (goaliel. S Pa)on (goalie). Theriasit lgoalie( n%on'can npply:Ali tans cnn voto cv h ji" Chis U-Ta Rlenstew 2, EURO i 6jrt Lt-il vS' -G.e' atth4201ò NltDMt, seIoci a jimny' 201i?NFIPrO Bowl JOÇ Jome thocofnT tosßccoroIònyatSupor Bow1;XLV nndwIn.-.a 'Aç ' Q'i i n. Boys U-Itt £0110 2 DR Arrreelca 1 Stat Ihlghllihts: J Theriaul) (goal). Solio (goal). Dabbilt ia000l(. Schritt lgoaliei. Dabbi)) )goalief Bays U-9 n- t <dtgT°s ° r0t 9 V.',,, .,S -. S', 'j i\ V. V fr Ont hot iba Nat PAT laded Andrea Pabst -33 yd run l'ATChaud Douglas run KIwanIs 19, Douter 'flres O Stat fllgtrttghls: Two rushing buch downs by Danny Murphy and one by Murphy Muno. DIch's SportIng Goods 20, Village Ins PIneda 12 Stat HIghlIghts: 3rd and 4th Grade VIsual Image Photo. 31, Presence MarketIng 6 Slat HighlIghts: Sco0ie yemma 33 American SI. 14IV. 5-2-0, Croan Tra phy 5-2-O. Partie 's Gas 3-3'f. C'Con nor Aduisaro 3'l'l, Cansan Rauhirl FOOTBALL yard run, PAT (ailed. Luke Dorais 12 34-D; Oullalo Wild Wings I 60 Buffalo Wild Wings del. Pareto's Stat Hlgfrtlqhts: Ae)hony Walker 20 yd. run - Miclrarl Rarek PAT kick. yard run, Omar Policape to Charlie 0'Kane br PAf; Mil Oroner lt yard pass Iron Omar Palicape. PAT failed, Michael Egan D yard paso 6-am Pahick RuSsell, PAT liled nmar PolicapelO yard lnlercep)ian re)urn 1er TO PIT failed Juslin racole-ID yd kick retortS Haters S Schroeder Ins. Del. Buy Vkhigs Continued from PAGE 33 *C(T(i'(TIZr i'raoySontoü ilS NOT AN OreEn dr EM1'LOTMDNO V ji1L1o!nrJraveni yd inlerceplior forais PAfShnmroske pass fo Daniel 0Mal ley ist & 2nd grades 3rd & 4th grados Dicks SporlinT 000ds UDO. CAnule Man Press 7-l-O, VIP ilisual Image Phoba) 7-IO, Kiwanis S-3-D, Villaor Inn 35-O, Poeoence ktarke)ing 35' O. Duoler Tirea 260; Allmarc ElecInIc 26 D, Naiven G Schroeder Ins. 2-60. Doy Ihn yard l-l-O r tt. ¿V')' 5jtet Mortgage 12 Stat Hiltilights: Andrew Pabst -25 Jack Rossmare -42 yd irlerceplinr Mccormick (goalie). J Drilling lgaaliei Riles North Je. Vltilrrgt )leaeywebçlstte t3-3) Hlls North 16, Horthbrnol, 14 ' FLAG FOOTBAU. ist and 2nd Grade Manses RoofIng deL O'connor AdvIsors Crown Trophy 13, Arordcan Street PAT tailed. Wi) Shemroske')S yd ID pass to James Lorenzo. PIO failed Aleo Salinas a IO yd rar; Chris Waite -fo yd pass from Olee Marlin StandIngs C.SX.FL TACIRLE LEAGUE :' LIghtweights: (33) HIghland ParI, 22, Mlles North B Gos Stat Hlghllqhts M DrIlling Igoall, -r Stat tllghllghts Maurice Delaney the Yard MInuteman Press 26, dllmarn Etectric 12 Stat Itightlghts: Jack Vossmann Il yd interceptIon return. PAT - Mil Shemrnske lo lick Cecilio. Jack R000enran -IS yet inlerceylina rrlurr uawlee (aooiolh EURO 1, Etmhurst i k :!2.,'»r: . Mlddlewnighto: (5-2) Mlles North 20, Northhroolc 14 In : t Foo)soiiLe,,gou: After tIre Caloteot, Sres(tts punit tributar Do Iris sesrioro, ri gransto tee usaid niet tise greiunstweirk for future suct'osons irs ((net program. recovered sr luroobte. "IVitteosst o doubt, tIrio grout, of sessiorv, tunjo' tarir-il svork orsd coe0000sitrsnenrt Io being in tise weigist rooms tise kids bossgtnt in," Ire naht. "TIsis is Else group (inurE bought in." r I A PIONEER PRESS PUDLICATION 35 NI . s s. s. Ib S gr of L : .ç_z,.. 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