Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and purpose of the study A rising concern about fires caused by electrical switchboards gave the initiative to this study. In Sweden, many buildings are wooden structures. The combustible energy of an apparatus enclosure made of flammable thermoplastics can be sufficient to cause severe damage to such buildings, posing a substantial threat to human life, livestock and property. Discussions with authorities, rescue services, insurance companies and manufacturers revealed a general uncertainty whether insufficiently stringent flammability test methods or a lack of adequate materials were at the root of the problem. Meanwhile, the Swedish society, universities and enterprises have a strong commitment to environmentally benign solutions, which called for innovative approaches to improve material properties. The project which is summarized in this thesis set out with two objectives: The first was to identify the main factors hindering reliable material characterization and flammability testing. The second was to develop new materials with improved flame retardancy and reduced environmental impact. An obvious reason for the lacking reliability of fire tests of polymers is the materials tendency to deform and flow under thermal impact. A material that strongly changes its geometry is difficult to test in a meaningful way and may have an unpredictable behavior in end product use. On the one hand, flow might lead to a withdrawal of the material from the heat source and result in an improved ignition resistance [1, 2]. Such behavior is undesirable for electrical appliances and cables, where the polymer is intended to insulate current carrying parts. On the other hand, flow might lead to increases in the burning surface area [3‐5], flame feed‐back by pools of burning materials [5], and flame‐spread to adjacent items. The latter effects significantly influence the flame spread rate and fire growth [5, 6]. Only a few studies have dealt with the flow of burning polymers (see section 1.5) and many questions remain unanswered. Therefore, melt flow phenomena were selected as the central issue for this study to make a contribution to improved flammability testing. On a practical level, the influence of melt flow on the two most widely used flammability tests for classification of electrical appliances, the glow wire test and the 50 W vertical flame test (UL 94 test), was identified [7‐9] and is described in further detail as part of this work. On a scientific level, this thesis discusses the effect of flow and surface deformation on the flammability properties of three polymers of high industrial importance. How these phenomena influence the results of material characterization tests, such as the cone calorimeter test method, finds special emphasis. The first material is polystyrene, which is abundantly used in blends to form enclosures for electrical appliances. Polystyrene forms a low viscous melt in response to a thermal insult, leading to a fast melt flow. An adequate description of the burning behavior of items made of polystyrene requires knowledge of the material’s mass loss and flow behavior. Both result directly from changes in temperature and molar mass. Detailed thermal analysis was performed to obtain the coupling between mass loss rates and rates of molar mass reduction. The molecular level results were applied to explain the rates of decomposition of macroscopic samples that underwent thermal gasification and gasification/melt flow experiments. 1 Introduction The second material is flexible polyurethane foam, which is prone to a uniquely high flame spread rate [2] and is a major cause of fire‐related deaths [10‐12]. A distinctive volume change and liquid formation during combustion make the foam a suitable subject for this study. A detailed description of the mechanism of foam collapse and the heat release rate during that process are given. A coupling of flame heat transfer and specimen deformation was observed that might improve the understanding of combustion rates of burning items made of foam. The chemical composition, as well as the physical properties, of the cross‐ linked polyurethane change in a step‐wise transition during combustion, making it an interesting counterpart to polystyrene. As an approach to develop improved materials, the potential of inorganic nanofillers to prevent flow and deformation was assessed. Polyurethane foam composites were prepared which contained 4 wt.% of carbon nanofibers, or alternatively organically modified clay, to partially substitute a conventional phosphorous‐brominated flame retardant. The carbon nanofiber composites effectively prevented liquefaction and collapse of the foam during combustion by forming a gelled network structure that transformed to an expanded carbon residue. Intercalated clay composites were not effective at inhibiting collapse and liquefaction. The third material is a halogen‐free, mineral‐filled polyolefin cable formulation, composed of acrylic‐ethylene copolymers, chalk and silicone. Mineral filled cables are widely used throughout the European Union, where new legislation introduces classifications disqualifying cables that yield flaming droplets after exposure to a burner [13]. The flammability test performance of cables varies strongly with mounting variables, such as bundling, spacing, clamping etc. [14]. For mineral filled polyolefin cables, it is suspected that a significant part of the variation is caused by the mechanical instability of molten material and the brittleness of protective mineral layers formed during combustion. A better understanding of the transition from a polymer to a protective mineral layer was the goal of this study. The mechanism of thermal barrier formation of different halogen‐free cable compounds was analyzed and tested for robustness. Resistance or failure resulted from the time‐temperature dependence of both, the heat transfer into the material and the degradation processes that lead to thermal barrier formation. The potential of nanosized calcium carbonate particles to accelerate the processes that lead to the formation of a thermal barrier by the mineral filled cable material was evaluated. 1.2 Facts on fires in Sweden Direct losses from fires amounted to 0.16 % of the gross domestic product in Sweden for the period 2003 to 2005 [15]. Approximately the same amount, 0.17 % of gross domestic product, was invested in fire protection of buildings [15]. Electrical fires were the origin of 11 % of all fires in the period 1998‐2007 and caused 5 % of fires that resulted in civilian deaths in 2008 [16, 17]. The number of civilian deaths resulting from fires has slightly decreased since 1998, whereas the economic damage caused by fires has increased [16]. 2 Introduction 1.3 Illustration of relevant fire scenarios Figure 1‐1: Left: Pool fire formed by a TV enclosure made of high impact polystyrene. With permission from reference [18]. Right: Cable tray in a corridor yielding a rain of flaming droplets after exposure to a burner. With permission from reference [19]. 1.4 Melt flow in polymer combustion Polymers are organic molecules consisting of long chains formed by the successive reaction of smaller organic molecules. Solid polymer products for everyday use owe their stiffness either to a sufficient entanglement of the chains, or to chemical or physical cross‐links that maintain a network structure. The success of polymers in manufacturing relies on their ability to flow at moderate temperatures (100 °C to 300 °C), which makes it easy to mold complex shapes. For entangled materials, heat activates chain segment movement enabling the material to flow. Physically cross‐linked materials are heated to temperatures that exceed the stability of the physical bonds hindering chain movement. Chemically cross‐ linked materials are handled in the form of their liquid precursors and are solidified by reaction. The temperatures reached by a burning polymer surface (300 °C to 500 °C) generally exceed the temperature needed to transform the material to a moldable mass of low viscosity. In consequence, the combustion of most polymers engenders a flow of liquefied organic material. The effect is amplified as combustion proceeds by thermal decomposition of the macromolecular chains into smaller fragments. The smallest molecules volatize and mix with atmospheric oxygen to form a flame. Fractions of intermediate chain length have a strongly reduced viscosity and can accelerate the flow of burning melt. The molecular structure and mechanism of decomposition of the polymer determines the respective size of the volatile and liquid fractions formed. Section 3.2 presents results touching on these fundamental concepts. The thermal degradation of polystyrene was analyzed. Random scission of the main chain produces successively smaller chains, whereas mass loss proceeds mainly by the repetitive removal of small fragments from the chain ends (“unzipping”) [20]. The rate of both processes determines how much material is gasified and how much material transforms to a low viscosity liquid. The thermal degradation of polyethylene and the 3 Intr I rod ducttion opo olym merrs dis d cusssed iin secctio on 3.4 4 iss aalso o the co onsequ uen nce e o of ran r dom m scissio on [2 21]. co Re epeetitiive sccisssion n pro p odu ucess frag f gmentts thaat are suffficien ntly smaall to vo olattize e. Both, po olysstyrren ne and a d p polyyethylene form f m a deg d grad ded d mel m t w with h a lo ow visscosityy and a a heeat off co omb busstio on not n mu uch h lo owe er than n th hatt off miineeral oill [3, 5,, 22 2]. An n id deaalizeed illu ustrration of meelt flo ow fro om a bur b rnin ng sur s facce typ t ical fo or pur p re poly p yolefin ns, orr po olysstyrren ne, is givven in Figurre 1‐2 2. A An arrran ngem meent sim milaar to a 5 50 W verticcal flaamee teest (U UL 9 94 test t t) is taakeen as a a faamiliar exam mple. Th he bur b rnin ng m melt flow f ws ffrom a th hin n su urfaace layyerr off th he spe s ecim men n aand caan sprread out o on n a neearby surface.. Po ossiblyy, a burn b ning p poo ol fo orm ms, wh hich hea h ats up p the initiaal b burnin ng item. In reealiity, th his miight h hap ppen ffor an n elec e ctrical ap ppaarattus attop p a taablee or o insstalled d in n a wal w l. Fig F uree 1‐2b 1 b illusstraates tthe e flow w eeven nts en ncountterred in this pro p ocesss, wh here eass Figure 1‐2 2c sho s owss th he hea h at ffluxxes invvolvved d. The T e flo ow rate of th he degraade ed me elt deependss on o thee hea h at tra t nsffer fro om th he flame e, b butt itt also de eterrminees how h w lo ong thee mat m terial is eexpo oseed to t the t flaamee and the ereeby afffectts how h w degrrad ded the maaterrial beco omes. Shorrter rete r enttion n timees leaad to o leess vo olattizaatio on and red ducced co ontrribu utio on to the initial flaamee, but b t migh m ht res r ult in a larrger poo p ol fiire.. Tw wo main n faacto ors go overn this proc p cesss: (1) ‐ The T e first faccto or iss th he heaat of thee flam me, a pro p oduct of the e raate off vo olattile pro odu ucttion n (m masss losss byy gaasifficaatio on) and the t heeat of com mb busttion no of th he vollatiless. A paart of thee flaam me h heaat iss trransfeerre ed b bacck into o th he ma m terrial,, geene erattingg new w vo olattile es, w which results in self‐su ustain ned bu urn ningg. The T e am mountt of heat h t su usttain ningg co om mbustio on conse equ uen ntlyy de epeends on o the t ratte of o m maass loss and he eat traansffer lim mitaatio onss. (2 2) ‐ Th he sec s ond d faactor is the t vissco osityy of th he deg d graded d melt m t, whic w ch govverrns thee raate of maaterial reemo ovaal. Figgure e 1‐2: 1 Le eft: Photo ograaph off melt drippiing fro om a bur b ning poly p yme er ssurfface e. TThe specim men was w 13 3 mm wid w de and a d 2 mm m th hickk. C Center: Scche emaatic illu ustrration of meelt flow f w from f m a bu urniing po olym merr specimen, sho s win ng ffrom m leeft to t rrigh ht: (a) o ove ervieew,, (b) masss flo ow, and d (cc) heatt traansffer.. Bo oth main m n fact f tors, thee rate r e of o maass lo oss an nd the e vvisccosity,, stro ongly depen nd on n the t temp peraatu ure of the mat m terial. Geene erally, th he rate r e of o mas m ss losss in ncreeasses exxponen ntiaallyy with w temp peraatu ure,, wherreaas the visscossityy off no on‐‐degraadeed poly p ym merss de ecrreasses exxpo onentiaallyy with w temp peraatu ure.. Bo oth h prrop perttiess arre linkked byy th he mo m lar maass disstriibution of o the po olym merr. The T rate of maass loss iss co onn nectted d to o mola m ar mas m ss red r ucttion n by a no on‐lineearr relatiion nshiip. Polym merr osityy of o enta e anggled d chaiins geenerally dec d creaasees by b ap pow wer off 3.4 with w hd decreaasin ng m mo olarr vissco masss and de ecrreassess lineaarlyy for f veery sh hortt cha c inss [2 23]. This T s redu ucttion n of o vvisccossity is uperim mpo osed to t the e eeffe ect of te emp perratu ure. In n ord o er to un nde ersttan nd thee effe e ect of melt m su de egraadaatio on on meelt flo ow in polym merr co omb busstio on, it wa w s dee d me ed iinsttructivve to reccorrd the t 4 Introduction evolution of molar mass under conditions that match the temperatures and heating rates of a burning polymer surface. Section 3.2 provides an analysis of molar mass changes in gasification and melt flow/gasification experiments on polystyrene. Flexible polyurethane foam is an example of a different molecular architecture, which leads to a different flow behavior during combustion. In the foaming process, a macromolecular network is formed by step growth. A short‐chain, trifunctional polyether polyol (molar mass 3000 g mol‐1) is reacted with toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and water. TDI reacts with water to form urea segments which interlink the trifunctional polyol by urethane bonds [24]. These reactions are reversed at 200 °C, a process that attains a very high rate in the vicinity of 300 °C [25]. The TDI molecules volatize and undergo further reactions [26], whereas the polyether polyol, or a similar substance, remains as a low viscous fluid [27‐29]. The low decomposition temperature of the foam, paired with its uniquely low thermal conductivity, results in a fast flame spread and fire growth rate [2]. Meanwhile, a burning low viscous liquid is formed that might spread out to a burning pool [22]. The morphological changes of the foam during combustion are the subject of section 3.3. The effect of external heat flux and flame heat flux on the rate of foam liquefaction was studied for a range of external heat flux levels. Small scale experiments were performed in which the liquid formed by burning foam samples was collected and could accelerate the rate of combustion of the initial burning item. In end product use, most polymers are blended with mineral fillers and other additives that modify their properties. The presence of fillers can strongly alter the flow properties of the polymer. Still, the material needs to be moldable at the processing temperature and flow is commonly observed in the combustion of end products. Ideally, the material should be easy to process, but should resist flow at combustion temperatures. One way to obtain such behavior is through a high structural integrity of the filler that can maintain a solid structure [30]. This is demonstrated for flexible polyurethane foam filled with carbon nanofibers in section 3.3.5. Another way is to use a high filling level of inorganic material and to activate reactions between the filler and decomposition products of the polymer to counteract flow [31]. Such an approach is taken for the cable material studied in section 3.4. The efficiency of measures that counteract flow depends on the severity of the thermal and mechanical impact to the material. A methodology for characterizing the robustness of resistance against flow is needed. Paradoxically, an improved resistance against flow usually results in longer exposure times to the heat source. Therefore, resistance against flow can only be part of a strategy to retard fire growth. 1.5 Literature This section briefly refers to publications that influenced the general approach taken in this study. More references are given in the respective sections and publications. 1.5.1 Melt flow in combustion Melt flow phenomena are frequently reported in flammability research as side observations and as experimental limitations. Very few studies dealt directly with melt flow phenomena. Kashiwagi et al. [6] reported a reduction of the horizontal flame spread rate by opposed, slow fluid motion of molten polymer against the traveling flame front. Zhang et. al. [5] studied the effect of melt flow on horizontal flame spread and found that the formation of pool fires can be a dominant factor of fire growth. Bulk flow of polyethylene and 5 Introduction polypropylene was observed, whereas flow in a surface‐layer was characteristic for Nylon. Polycarbonate and polyvinylchloride resisted flow by char formation. The work of Ohlemiller et al. [3, 4] has been a source of inspiration for this study. Ohlemiller and Shields developed vertically oriented test arrangements that allow to measure steady‐state flow from surfaces exposed to an external heat flux. The flow behavior of the thermoplastics polypropylene, polystyrene, and to lesser extent polymethylmethacrylate, was described in detail. Butler et. al. [32, 33] pursued different approaches to model Ohlemiller´s melt flow experiments with remarkable results. 1.5.2 Depolymerization and melt flow of polystyrene The depolymerization of polystyrene has attracted considerable attention in the polymer science and fire science community. A recent review outline efforts to study the degradation pathway [34] of polystyrene. Different approaches to measure the mass loss kinetics of polystyrene were discussed by Westerhout et. al. [35]. The significance of melt viscosity for flammability properties of polystyrene were characterized by Kashiwagi et. al. [6, 36]. The flow behavior of polystyrene under fire‐like conditions was characterized by Ohlemiller et al. [3, 4]. The same material as used by Ohlemiller was characterized in this study in order to see how changes at the macromolecular level influence the macroscopic behavior described earlier. 1.5.3 Flexible polyurethane foam combustion The thermal decomposition of polyurethane for flexible foams has been thoroughly studied. A recent review [37] summarizing these efforts and the work of Ravey et al. [26] were especially instructive. Combustion in the cone calorimeter and lateral ignition and flame spread of different cellular insulation materials were studied by Cleary et. al. [38]. Their study outlines the key fire properties of foams and gives recommendations for the design of test setups. Flexible polyurethane foam combustion was tested in the cone calorimeter by Vanspeybroeck et al. [39], who gave recommendations for suitable sample sizes and external heat flux levels. Lefebvre et al. [40] showed that selected parameters of cone calorimeter measurements of flexible foam combustion correlate with FMVSS no. 302 flame spread tests and BS5852 Ignition Source Crib 5 tests. The same group investigated the effect of variations in foam composition on cone calorimeter test performance [41]. Ohlemiller et al. [4] studied foam combustion in vertical cone calorimeter setups, to measure the effect of melt dripping and pool fire formation. A medium scale test in Vee‐configuration was designed that determines the influence of heat feedback from a pool fire on flame spread [22]. 1.5.4 Flammability of polyolefin‐chalk‐silicone blends Blends of acrylate‐ethylene copolymers with chalk and silicone where originally proposed in a patent [42]. The physical properties and mechanism of flame retardancy were first discussed by Sultan et al. [43], following earlier studies on the thermal degradation of the pure copolymers [21, 44, 45]. The role of chemical composition in the material´s flame retardancy was outlined by Hermansson et. al. [46], who emphasized the intumescent expansion of the material [31]. This study continues earlier investigations of the effect of different copolymer structures on flammability [47], and extents investigations of the coupling between chemical degradation and physical behavior of the material, to tests under gravitational stress [47]. 6 Introduction 1.6 Orders of magnitude This section illustrates the order of magnitude of quantities that are repeatedly discussed throughout this study. Temperatures Table 1‐1: Characteristic temperatures of familiar processes. Item Temperature [°C] Ref 50 ‐ 70 105 ‐ 130 350 660 1200 1400 3000 [48] Melting point of candle wax Melting point of polyethylene Surface ignition temperature of polystyrene Melting point of aluminum Hottest spot of a glowing copper contact Maximal flame temperature of a candle Temperature at the center of an electric arc [6] [49] [48] [49] Heat release rates and heat of combustion Table 1‐2: Heat released in the combustion of some familiar items. Item Heat release rate [kW] Candle CRT monitor Upholstered chair Total combustible energy [MJ] 0.077 20 ‐ 200 400 ‐ 3000 5 25 – 100 300 ‐ 700 Ref [48] [7] [50] Table 1‐3: Heat release rate and effective heat of combustion (dHc) of familiar substances measured with the cone calorimeter at 50 kW m‐2 (40 kW m‐2 for candle wax). Substance Wood (southern pine) Candle wax High impact polystyrene* Low density polyethylene* Peak heat release rate [kW m‐2] 154 4200 1040 1400 dHc [kJ g‐1] 12 44 28 42 Ref [51] [48] [52] *non‐flame retarded materials 7 Introduction Heat fluxes The heat flux at approximately 2 cm and 4 cm distance above a candle flame is given below. Figure 1‐3: Heat flux above a candle flame as a function of radial distance from the flame. With permission from reference [48]. Heat fluxes measured at 45 cm distance from burning CRT computers were within 2 kW m‐2 to 24 kW m‐2 depending on the polymer used to make the enclosure [7]. A ø 18 cm cooking plate with a power of 1.8 kW can generate a maximum heat flux of 71 kW m‐2. Flow of viscous liquids Table 1‐4: Typical viscosity values of familiar substances at room temperature. Substance Viscosity [Pa s] Water Octane Olive oil Honey Corn syrup Polystyrene (T = 210 °C, Mw≈105 g mol‐1) 10‐3 5 × 10‐2 10‐1 10 102 104 Molar masses Table 1‐5: Typical molar masses of familiar substances. Substance Molar mass [g mol‐1] Benzene Candle wax Polyethylene for plastic bags Polystyrene for water cups 102 4 × 102 105 105 8 Experimental 2. Experimental 2.1 Materials 2.1.1 Polystyrene High purity medical‐grade polystyrene (DOW 666D, Dow Corning, USA) was used as received in all experiments. The material had a number‐average molar mass of 133 kg mol‐1 ± 7 kg mol‐1 and a polydispersity index of 1.59 ± 0.04. For thermal analysis, a fine powder of the material was used to minimize thermal gradients and diffusion paths. The material was ground after cooling in liquid nitrogen using a ZM 200 mill (Retsch, Germany) operating at 14000 rpm. Specimens for gasification, rheological and melt flow experiments were compression molded in two steps. First, 2 mm and 6 mm thick sheets were pressed for 5 min at 140 °C and 200 bar. Second, multiple sheets were compressed at 160 °C and 200 bar for 8 min to form 17.5 mm thick samples (Figure 2‐1). All samples were cooled with a rate of 15 °C min‐1. 2.1.2 Flexible polyurethane slabstock foam A polyurethane slabstock foam formulation was used that matches the composition of formulations with widespread use in industry. All samples were prepared by the author with the composition given in Table 2‐1. Details of the preparation can be found in Paper II. The rise profile, final rise height and sample temperature were recorded to ensure a uniform foam quality. All samples were cut from identical positions in the foam bun. The foam had an open cell structure. When prepared as large cushions, using the foam formulation in Table 2‐1 results in foam with air flow values of 0.127 m3 min‐1, an internal force deflection (IFD) of 30, and a foam density of 22.4 kg m‐3. Flame‐retardant foams were prepared by adding 10.6 pph of a brominated‐phosphorous flame retardant (Firemaster 550, Great Lakes, USA). The rise profile and physical properties of the foam were only minimally affected by the flame retardant. Table 2‐1: Polyurethane foam formulation Component Glycerol polyol Amount (pph) propoxylate‐block‐ethoxylate 100.00 Product/Supplier Voranol Corning 235‐056, Dow Deionized water 3.80 Amine catalyst 0.20 Dabco 33 LV, Air Products tin catalyst, stannous octoate 0.23 Aldrich Blowing agent, methylene chloride 2.60 Mallickrodt 2,4 ‐ and 2,6 ‐ toluene diisocyanate 51.52 Mondur TD80, Bayer Foam nanocomposites were prepared by dispersing the nanofiller in the polyether polyol using a colloidal mill prior to the foaming process. Oxidized carbon nanofibers (Pyrograph III, Grade PR 24‐PS OX, Applied Sciences Inc, USA) and organomodified montmorillonite clay (Cloisite 30B, Southern Clay Products, USA) were added at 3.9 wt.% of the total formulation 9 Experimental and substituted 62 % of the brominated flame retardant in the formulation. Composites of µm‐sized talc with an equal filling level and equal substitution of the flame retardant were used as a reference for flammability tests. The amount of catalysts had to be adapted and cell openers used to obtain an equal density of the composite foams. Details of the composites preparation are given in Paper III. 2.1.3 Polyolefin-chalk-silicone blends Ethylene‐acrylate copolymers blended with chalk and silicone were used as received from Borealis AB (Sweden). The intended use of such materials is for cable jackets or flexible elements for electrical equipment such as plugs. Three formulations were tested. The polymeric components were poly(ethylene‐co‐butyl acrylate), poly(ethylene‐co‐butyl acrylate) blended with polypropylene in a 4:3 ratio, and poly(ethylene‐co‐methacrylic acrylate). The chalk filling level amounted to 30 – 40 wt.% and the silicone amounted to 5 – 7 wt.% of the blends. All the polymers had a melt flow rate MFR2 of 0.4 at 190 °C. All data were provided by the manufacturer. 2.1.4 Poly(ethylene-co-methacrylic acid) - calcium carbonate composites Poly(ethylene‐co‐methacrylic acid) (EMAA) composites filled with 5 wt.% of precipitated calcium carbonate were prepared by extrusion on a co‐rotating twin‐screw extruder (Clextral BC 21, Clextral SAS, France). A set of reference samples were prepared on a miniature melt‐ blender (Haake Minilab, Thermo Scientific, Germany). The polymer was a commercial grade EMAA with 9 wt.% methacrylic acid (Nucrel 0903HC, Dupont, USA). The precipitated calcium carbonate (Specialty Minerals, United Kingdom) was in the form of fine calcitic crystals and had an average particles size of 70 nm. Pure particles (Calofort U) and stearic acid coated particles (Calofort S) were used. Figure 2‐1: Left: Polystyrene samples prepared for melt dripping and gasification test. Middle: Open cell structure of the polyurethane foam Right: Compression molded specimen of the EMAA‐chalk‐ silicone blend material. 2.1.5 Commercial materials for electrical appliances Ten commercial materials were tested in order to evaluate flammability test methods. The materials were provided by leading European manufacturers of low voltage switch‐gear and control‐gear. The materials were: high‐density polyethylene (HDPE), high‐impact polystyrene (HIPS), polyethylene copolymer (LDPE‐co), polyamide 66 (PA), polycarbonate (PC), 2 blends of polycarbonate and acrylo‐butadiene‐styrene (PC‐ABS1/2), polypropylene (PP), polyvinylchloride (PVC), and glass‐fiber reinforced, unsaturated polyester (UP‐GF). Eight of 10 Exp E erimeentaal werre h hard p plasstics w with h a mo odu uluss off 1 GP Pa or o abo a ove and aare useed to maake the ten maaterials w en nclo osuress off electtrical aapp pliaancees. Tw wo maaterrials wer w em morre flex f xible and a fin nd use u e ass fleexib ble paartss. All A ma m terrialss co onttain ned d flam me rretaard dants and d fu urtherr fillerrs aand d ad ddiitives. De etails on the m matteriial sele s ecttion n caan be b ffou und d in refferencce [53 3]. 2..2 Fla am mm mabillity y ttes stin ng g 2.2.1 1 Con C ne cal c orime eter Th he ccon ne calorimeeterr iss to oday the t mostt w wideely useed insstru umeentt to o dete erm mine eq quantittative paaram meeterrs of o poly p yme er ccom mbu usttion n. A co onee‐sh hap ped, raadiaantt heeate er fforccess co omb busstio on o of the t mateeriaal by exp e osu ure to o a uniforrm exterrnal heeatt flu ux (Fig ( gure 2‐2) 2 ). TThe insstru umentt mea m asurres etio on in thee exh e ausst stre s eam m tto dettermin ne thee hea h t rreleease e p producced d b by the t oxxygeen deeple co omb busstio on of the ma m terrial [5 54‐5 56], usin u ng thee pro p porrtio onaalityy b betw wee en th he am mount off oxxygeen consu umed an nd tthe e heeat re eleaased d thatt ho old ds for f a wid w de var v ietyy of o o orgaanic mat m terials [57, 58]]. The T heeat release ratte is i am measurre of o how h w muc m ch a mat m terial can n cconttrib butte tto the t wth of a fire f e. TThe total heeat relleassed d per inittial masss off saamp ple, caalle ed eeffe ecttive e heeat off grow co omb busstio on, meeasu ure es the po oten ntiaal conttrib bution n to o the totaal size of a fire f . Co omm mo onlyy em mp ployyed d heeat flu ux leve l els are ew with hin (10 0 to o1 100) kW W m‐22. The T e co one e sh hap pe o of the t he eateer ens e sure es a h hom moggen nous fllux to the e surffacee off th he sspeecim men n, w which mustt bee flaat aand d is ussually 10 00 mm mm x 10 00 mm m w wid de and d a feew millim m me eterrs to t few w ccentim meterss th hickk. A As an exxam mplee, an a extternal heeat flu ux of o 50 5 kW W m‐2 willl heat h t th he surrfacce of mo ost po olym merrs aabo ove 40 00 °°C within app pro oxim mattelyy 60 6 s. s In geeneral,, the t polyymeer sho ortly theere eaftter iggnites, triiggeereed by b a sparrk ign i iterr po osittioned d abovve thee sp peccim men surface.. Th he heaat rele r easse rratee is meassured with thee heatt flu ux impossed d un ntil flaamiingg ce edes. Det D tails o on the t insstru um ment caan be found d in n sttandardss [55, 5 56] an nd pub p blicatio onss [5 54, 59]]. Figgure e 2‐2: 2 Le eft: Sam mple ccom mpaartm men nt o of the con ne calo orim metter.. Rightt: SSam mple e ho olde ers forr teestss off co omm merrcial mate m eriaals and d filled d polyolefinss (ttop), foam f m sam s mplees (mi ( ddle) and d p polyystyyren ne iin the t gasification n ap pparratu us (botttom m). Given n the t well‐‐ventilateed co onditio ons an nd a for f ced d com c mbu ustion off th he maaterial, the t daata ob btaiineed app a pliess m mosst co orrrecttly to the t e sp peccificc co omb busstio on sce s narrio of a dev d elo opin ng fire f e [6 60]. Th he p preedicctio on of o m materrial peerfo orm man nce un nder othe o er fire f e teestss re equires te estingg ovver a ran nge off exxperim men ntal co onditio ons an nd det d aileed datta ana a alyssis [14 [ , 61 1]. 11 Exp E erimeentaal he speecim men geo g ome etriies ussed fo or tthiss sttud dy are a e sh how wn in Figgurre 2‐2 2 . Pollyolefiin‐cchaalk‐ Th silico one blend ds weere tessted aas flat f t sp pecimeenss, 100 1 0 mm × 100 1 mm mw wid de, 4 and d 6 mm thick. Co omm meercial ma m terrialss w were testted ass flaat ssheeetss, 100 1 0 mm × 100 1 0 mm wid w de and d 3 mm thick. Po olysstyrren ne sam s mples forr gaasifficaatio on/m me elt fflow w mea m asu urem meentss were w e 80 8 mm mm × 80 0 mm m wid de, an nd 1 17.5 mm mm th hickk. Foa F m sam mples haad a su urfacee areaa off 85 5 mm m ×8 85 mm m aand d were e 39 9 mm m thickk. Conee calo orim metter tessts of foaamss ne eed d sp peccial co onsiiderattion ns d duee to o th he low w de enssityy off the m matterial. A fasst col c lap pse of the ffoam leads to a deccreeasee in n eeffeectivve heat flux aas the t disstancee betw weeen the e heeatter and sam s mple e in ncreeasses.. Fo or 3 39 mm mm th hickk saamplees, this effect led l to o an n 11 1 % dec d cay off th he inittiall he eatt flux. Th he foaam saamp ple flaankks we w re no ot w wraapp ped in alu um minium m fo oil to t p prevven nt any a y ob bstrrucction o of fo oam m coll c apsse and a d to o avvoid an a aartiificiial distan nce be etw ween the flamee fro ontt an nd tthee saamp ple surface position. To o ch harractterize th he burrnin ng ratte of spe ecimeens th hat deeforrm an nd fflow w und u derr grravvitattion nal strress, the t e stand darrd test t t se etu up of o the t e co onee caalorrim mete er w was mod m difieed in a n num mbeer of o ways. Th he ccon ne‐sshaapeed h heaaterr caan b be bro ougght in upright possition to pe erfo orm m ve ertical tests. Sp peccial samp ple ho olde ers weere e deesiggneed to ho old thee saam mplee in n a paarallel planee to tthe co one e heeatter, wh hilsst allo a owing an n unh u hind derred flo ow off m matterial fro om th he burnin ng su urfaace (FFigu ure 2‐‐3). Flo owingg mate m eriaal w wass caapttureed in a cattch paan. A numb ber off arrbittrarry cho c oice es h havve to be madee th hatt stron nglyy afffecct the t e meassurrem men nt in n vert v ticaal co onffigu urattion. The T e distaancce bet b weeen samp ple ho olde er and d catc c ch pan det d erm min nes whettheer, and d how h w muc m ch, flaamees fro om bu urniing mateeriaal in n th he cat c ch pan can c feeed bacck heaat to t the t e initiaal saample e. TThe samp ple thickn nesss and a mateeriaal bac b kin ng tthe e saamplee afffecct the e h heatingg rate r e, d durratiion off flow w, aand d an eve e entu ual ovverh heaatin ng of a thiin film m o of maateriall on the t e back b k p plan ne. In n all cas c es, th he settup p was w co onfiigured d eiitheer tto am mpliify or minim mize tthese efffectts. It was w s fo oun nd thaat tthe e sp park iggnitterr waas gen nerrallyy unsu u uitaable for f verticcal tesstin ng. The com c mbu ustiiblee vo olatilees flow f w in a th hin layyerr up pwaards ove o r th he sspe ecim men n su urface e. TThiss makees it i diffi d cullt to o posi p itio on the t sparkk ignite er iin the t vo olattile strream wit w thout influeencingg the sam s mplee su urfaace e. N Neeedlee flam mes we ere used forr piilotted ign nitiion. How H wevver, stron nglyy flam me‐iinhibittingg fllam me‐rretard dan nts quencch the e need dle flaamee and a ne eed ded to o be e litt ovverr an nd oveer aga a ain.. A co omb binaatio on of a nee n edle e flam me wit w h a sp park iggnitterr sh hould be b evaaluateed. Figgure e 2‐3: 2 Saamp ple ho oldeers useed for veerticcal con ne calorim meter testin ng. Lefft: Tesstin ng w with h saample suppo orteed in a reetaiiner frram me. Mid ddle e: TTestingg in n un nsu uppo orteed con nfigguraatio on. Rigght: Seetup p ussed to recovver meelt from m po olysstyrrene saamples in n gaasificattion n/m melt flow expe e erim men nts.. 12 2 Exp E erimeentaal oam m saample es wer w re test t ted d in a set s up thaat w wass designe ed to am mpliify tthee flaame feed dbaackk fro om Fo an n evven ntual poo p ol o of bur b rnin ng m materrial forrmiingg un ndeerne eatth the t e saamp ple (Fiigure 2‐4 4, le eft)). The T samp ple waas con ntaaine ed in a coaarse ely mesh m hed d chic c cken w wiree fram f me th hat alllow wed d a flo ow off mateeriaal to o th he cat c ch pan. Figgure e 2‐4: Lefft: Vert V ticaal teest set s up for foaam com mbu ustion tessts in feed f dbaack con nfiguraation. Rigght: Gaasification n ap pparratu us. 2.2.2 2 Gas G sific cation n ap ppa ara atuss It is geenerallly acc a cepted d thatt th he deegraadaatio on of a maateriall undeer a largge flaame e o occu urs esssen ntiaallyy undeer ine ert atmo ospherre, ass an ny oxxygeen is consu umed in th he flamee [6 62]. The T gaasificattion app a paraatus iss a custtom m‐build d in nstrum ment at thee Nati N ional Institu ute off Sttandarrds an nd Teechn nollogyy w which h simu ulatess this sccen nariio byy im mposing a co onsstan nt heeat flu ux off co omp parrable ma m gniitud de to flamee he eatt flu uxees on o to t a poly p ymeer spe s ecim men in n in nerrt atm mosp pheere (Fiigurre 2‐4 2 , riightt) [[63 3] . Avvoid dingg sup s erp possitio on witth flam mee heeatt flu ux ren ndeers thee hea h t fluxx moree un nifo orm m, faci f ilitaatin ng num n mericaal ssimulaatio ons of the e expeerim ment. Th he inteerio or w walls o of the t ch ham mbeer are a waateer‐ccooled d an nd painteed blaackk to o main m ntain an a inssign nificcan nt b bacckgrrou und d heeat radiaatio on. he m mass loss raatee pe er ssurfacce are a ao of the maateerial is reecorrdeed in i tthe meassurem men nt. V Visu ual Th ob bservaatio on of o the t maateerial beehaavio ourr is possib ble as vission n iss no ot imp pairred byy a flam f me or soot. Th he tesst allo owss tto chaaracteerizze solid ph hasee pro p ocessses in i the e m matteriial that afffect the t gaasificattion rate r e and to de etermine e th he cha c ar yiel y ld of o the t e polyyme er. Speecimeens ussed fo or this stu udyy mea m surred d 84 4.0 ± 0 0.1 mm m in n diam metter and wer w re 17.5 1 5 ± 0.1 1 mm m thick. 2.2.3 3 In n-situ tem mp pera atu ure measurrem mentss herm mo ocouplles weere inttro oduced d in nto sp peciimeenss fo or con c e calo c orim metter an nd ggassificcatiion tests Th to om meassurre the t e teemp perratu uree grradien nt in tthe sp pecime en. Fo or pol p yollefin‐cchalk‐ssiliccon ne bleend samp pless, thin n, bare b e wire w e, tyypee K the erm moccou uplees (CH ( HAL‐01 15‐B BW W, Ome O egaa En nginee erin ng Incc., UK) U we eree san s dw wich hed d betw b ween sh hee ets of tthee mat m terial an nd th hen n com c mprresssion n mo oldeed. Po olysstyrren ne sam s mplees forr gaasificattion eexperim meentss were w e fitteed with w h0 0.5 mm md diam metter, tyypee K, sh heattheed the t erm mocoup ples (K KM MQX XL‐0 032 2G‐‐6, Om megga Eng E gineeerringg Inc., UK K) in n id den nticcal maanner. Fo oam m sam mples w werre mounteed on n up pright poin ntin ng, 0.5 m mm diam metter sheaath hed 13 Experimental thermocouples (KMQXL‐032G‐6). The measurements were compared to thin, bare wire, type K thermocouples (CHAL‐015‐BW) that were laterally introduced using a syringe needle. 2.2.4 Glow wire test The glow wire test is a classification flammability test that simulates the exposure of plastic insulation materials to an overheated electrical contact. A 4 mm thick nickel/chromium (80/20) wire, bend to 1 cm radius, was heated to a given temperature in the range 650 °C to 960 °C. It was pressed on the surface of a thin, flat polymer specimen in vertical position using a small force of 1 N ± 0.2 N (Figure 2‐5). The glow wire was applied for 30 s. The current supply was held constant without compensation for the temperature change at the glow wire tip. The tip was allowed to penetrate the sample with a maximum indentation depth of 7 ± 0.5 mm from the specimen front surface. The time to ignition and time to extinguishment were recorded. A paper indicator was placed 200 mm underneath the glow wire to detect any yield of flaming droplets. Specimens used in this study were 60 mm × 60 mm wide and had a thickness of 1.5 mm or 3 mm. Two indices describe material performance [64, 65]: The glow wire ignition temperature (GWIT) is the temperature which is 25 °C (30 °C between 900 °C and 960 °C) higher than the maximum temperature of the tip of the glow‐wire which does not cause ignition of a test specimen of a given thickness during three subsequent tests. Ignition is defined by the standard as a flame that persists for longer than 5 s. The glow wire flammability temperature (GWFI) is the highest test temperature, during three subsequent tests for a test specimen of a given thickness, at which one of the following conditions are fulfilled: a) flames or glowing of the test specimen extinguish within 30 s after removal of the glow‐wire and there is no ignition of the wrapping tissue placed underneath the test specimen; b) there is no ignition of the test specimen. 2.2.5 50 W vertical flame test The 50 W vertical flame test described by IEC 60695‐11‐10 [66] (equal to the UL 94 test) is a classification flammability test that simulates the exposure of plastic insulation materials to a candle sized flame. Specimen measure 125x13xt (mm)3, where t ≤ 13 mm. The specimen are vertically hung and exposed to a blue flame with a nominal power of 50 W at the lower end (Figure 2‐5). Figure 2‐5: Left: Glow wire tip and sample holder of the glow wire test apparatus. Right: 50 W test flame applied to a specimen that fails the vertical flame test and yields flaming material. 14 Experimental The flame is applied for 10 s, and the afterflame time (t1) is recorded. The flame is applied for a further 10 s if the specimen extinguishes and the afterflame time (t2) and afterglow time (t3) are recorded. The specimen is placed 30 cm above a cotton pad that is used to determine whether the material yields flaming droplets. Specimens with a thickness of 1.5 mm and 3 mm were used for this study. The performance levels used to classify materials are given in Table 2‐2. Table 2‐2: Vertical burning categories according to IEC 60695‐11‐10 [66]. Criteria Category V‐0 V‐1 V‐2 Individual test specimen afterflame time (t1 and t2) < 10 s < 30 s < 30 s Total set afterflame time tf for any conditioning < 50 s < 250 s < 250 s Individual test specimen afterflame plus afterglow time after the second application (t2 + t3) < 30 s < 60 s < 60 s Did the afterflame and/or afterglow progress up to the holding clamp? No No No Was the cotton indicator pad ignited by flaming particles or drops? No No Yes 2.3 Material characterization 2.3.1 Thermogravimetrical analysis Thermogravimetrical analysis records the mass loss of a specimen undergoing a controlled heating cycle in a controlled atmosphere. The sample is either heated at a constant rate or kept under isothermal conditions. Experiments with low heating rates between 1 and 20 °C min‐1 were performed on standard thermal analysis equipment (TGA/SDTA 851e, Mettler Toledo and Q500IR, TGA Q500, TA Instruments, USA). Experiments using high heating rates were measured on an infrared heated thermal analyzer (Q5000IR, Ta Instruments, USA). The sample amount was kept very small in order to avoid thermal and mass transport gradients. For this study, 1 mg to 3 mg samples were used to acquire non‐isothermal kinetic data; 3.5 mg to 10 mg samples were used for isothermal experiments and 10 mg samples for non‐ isothermal data not intended for calculation of kinetic rates. 2.3.2 Pyrolysis combustion flow calorimeter This instrument uses a combination of initial pyrolysis of a polymer sample in inert atmosphere and complete oxidation of the volatile products in a combustor, to measure the maximum amount of heat that can be released by the sample [67]. The measurement aims to simulate the conditions met on a burning polymer surface. It is generally considered that the polymer decomposes under inert conditions beneath the flame and that the combustible gases mix with oxygen in the flame at some distance from the surface [62]. The high temperature of the combustor (850 °C) and high oxygen concentration used in the instrument give results that correspond to the limiting case of complete combustion [68, 69]. The maximum heat release potential is acquired, as polymer combustion is rarely complete in real fires. The main parameter obtained by the pyrolysis combustion flow 15 Experimental calorimeter is the heat release capacity, which is the ratio between the maximum heat release rate per unit mass and the heating rate and has the unit J g‐1 °C‐1. The method also allows determining the maximum effective heat of combustion by dividing the total heat release by the initial mass of the sample. 2.3.3 Size exclusion chromatography Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a standard method used to evaluate the molar mass distribution of polymers. It was used in this study to determine the decrease in degree of polymerization of polystyrene undergoing thermal degradation under combustion‐like conditions. The measuring principle of size exclusion chromatography relies on the faster elution time of polymer chains with larger hydrodynamic radius as a solution of the polymer passes a porous material. A comparison of the concentration leaving the column at given times to a set of standards of well‐defined molar mass allows to determine the molar mass distribution. Degraded polystyrene samples were recovered from thermogravimetric, gasification and vertical cone calorimeter experiments and were dissolved in chloroform for the SEC analysis. The solutions were filtered using 0.45 µm Teflon filters. A “717 Plus” autosampler and model 510 solvent pump (Waters, UK) equipped with a PL‐ELS 1000 light scattering evaporative detector and three PLgel 10 μm mixed B columns (300 x 7.5 mm) (Polymer Laboratories, UK) were used. The flow rate was 1 ml min‐1 and the injection volume 50 µl. Calibration was performed by bracketing 4 measurements between two sets of 8 narrow molar mass polystyrene standards measured before and after the samples. 30 samples were send to Smithers Rapra Technology Ltd. (UK) to confirm the acquired data using a different chromatographic setup. A Viscotek TDA model 301 analyzer with two mixed bed‐B, 30 cm, 10 µm columns was used to measure solutions in chloroform at a nominal flow rate of 1 ml min‐1. Agreement of normalized data (Mn/Mn,0 and Mw/Mw,0) from both chromatographs was very good. There was a considerable difference in the absolute Mn values from both instruments, as evaporative light scattering detectors (Waters instrument) and differential refractive index detectors (Viscotek instrument) have a different sensitivity to low molar mass fractions of the polymer. As this is a generic problem for molar mass distribution acquired by SEC, all data is reported as normalized to reference measurements of the pristine polymer on the respective instrument. 2.3.4 Rheological testing Rheological tests were conducted in nitrogen in order to measure the decrease in polystyrene melt viscosity with increasing temperature and decreasing molar mass. Constant shear experiments were used to measure shear viscosity as a function of temperature. Oscillative experiments were used to determine how the change in temperature and molar mass influences the flow behavior of the material. All samples were measured in plate‐plate configuration using electrically heated steel plates, 25 mm in diameter, on a stress‐ controlled rheometer (ARES G‐2, TA Instruments, USA). A very low constant normal force was exerted on the samples to ensure uniform contact to the plates. Measurements were conducted in oxidative atmosphere (air) to test the char stability of polyolefin‐chalk‐silicone blends. A strain‐controlled rheometer equipped with a cross‐flow furnace was used in plate‐plate configuration (ARES, Ta Instruments). A low, constant normal force was exerted on the samples to ensure uniform contact to the plates. Both 8 mm and 25 mm aluminum plates were used for the measurements. Polyolefin‐chalk‐ silicone blends were also measured in nitrogen on a stress‐controlled instrument (MCR300, 16 Experimental Anton Paar, Austria). All rheological experiments were terminated when bubbling of the material prohibited the reproducible acquisition of data. 2.3.5 Infrared analysis Infrared spectra were recorded to determine the state of degradation of sample residues quenched from flaming combustion in the cone calorimeter. The sample residue was cut into thin slices beginning at the top surface using a microtome. The individual thickness of the thin slices was measured to determine the distance from the specimen surface in combination with the use of high resolution pictures of the sample cross‐section. The slices of material were measured in an attenuated total reflection setup (Perkin‐Elmer 2000, USA). 2.3.6 Infrared imaging A FLIR Thermacam A40 (FLIR Microsystems, Sweden) infrared camera was used to acquire infrared videos of glow wire and vertical flame tests. The camera was operated with a measuring range of either (30 to 500) °C or (300 to 800) °C. As the emissivity was not known for the various materials used in this study and changes during decomposition of the polymers, all temperatures are reported as black‐body temperatures and give a qualitative picture of the temperature distribution. 17 Results and discussion 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 The practical importance of melt flow in flammability testing There is abundant empirical evidence that many thermoplastic materials cannot be tested in a reliable manner due to deformation and melt flow of the specimens. A reproducible exposure to the heat source and a comparable thermal impact for different materials are hard to achieve. As will be shown in this section, a better characterization of melt flow phenomena is necessary to improve the predictive qualities of bench scale flammability tests. This paragraph is based on findings reported in reference [53]. A number of studies have shown that correlations of test results between different bench scale flammability test methods [9, 61, 69], as well as between bench scale flammability test methods and real scale fire tests [14, 70] is hard to establish. Reasonable correlations can be found either when the scope of the study is narrowed to a single material‐flame retardant system [71], or if very large numbers of materials with widely different performance are tested [69]. An illustration of the problem is given in Figure 3‐1. The results of a classification test, in which a vertically oriented specimen is exposed to a 50 W test flame, are compared to an intrinsic material property. The heat release capacity is a measure of the specific energy that can be released by complete combustion of the material at a certain rate of heating. There is an overall trend that materials with a high heat release capacity fail the vertical flame test (HB rating), and materials with heat release capacities below 200 J g‐1 K‐1 pass the vertical flame test (V‐0 rating). It is unfortunate that the bulk of commercial flame retarded polymers for electrical engineering applications falls within the span of 200 J g‐1 K‐1 to 700 J g‐1 K‐1, where a clear lack of correlation is found. Eight out of the ten materials tested in this study fall within this range. The latter materials are a representative selection from the European market, delivered by 3 manufacturers of low‐voltage switchgear in with a high sales volume (see section 2.1.5). Figure 3‐1: Dependence of the performance level in the 50 W vertical flame test (UL 94) on the heat release capacity, an intrinsic measure of the maximum amount of heat that can be released by the material at a given heating rate. Hollow circles represent data reported by Lyon et al. [69], dots materials measured in this study. 18 Results and discussion The example given here is typical of the general observation that the test performance in bench scale flammability tests is not exclusively linked to intrinsic material properties, but also strongly affected by the test conditions. End product and material flammability testing for low voltage switchgear and controlgear according to IEC standards [72] is predominantly based on the glow wire test. Very limited or in many cases no correlation of the glow wire test with other bench scale flammability tests [9, 53], and end product test [70] was shown. The origin of the deficient correlation needs clarification. To appreciate the scope of the problem, it should be considered that a glow wire test of 650 °C is the only requirement set on the enclosure of an electrical switchboard for household use, as long as there is no direct contact with life parts [72]. The enclosure typically is the largest plastic component by mass and volume. An enclosure investigated in our tests contained approximately 2.5 kg of plastic and the materials effective heat of combustion was 28 kJ g‐1. Its potential contribution to a fire amounts to 70 MJ. Adequate and verifiable flame retardancy is needed. End product and material flammability testing for “household and similar electrical appliances” (i.e. TV sets, hair dryers…) according to IEC standards is based on the glow wire test in combination with the 50 W vertical flame test, or needle flame test [73]. Concerns about the predictive qualities of the 50 W vertical flame test for such applications were recently voiced [8]. It is the conviction of the author that the lack of correlation and reliability is by large due to the difficulties arising from specimen deformation and melt flow. The effect of melt flow and deformation on the glow wire test and 50 W vertical flame test are discussed in the following. It is also outlined why test methods that exclude flow phenomena need to be complemented. 3.1.1 Glow wire flammability test method The glow wire test [64, 65] intends to mimic the ignition of a material by a glowing wire or a glowing element. The bend of an electrically heated, 4 mm thick, nickel/chromium wire is pressed to the vertical surface of a flat, free‐standing piece of material for 30 s (see section 2.2.4). It is observed whether the specimen ignites (flame persisting for more than 5 s) and/or whether the sample extinguishes within 30 s after retrieval of the glowing wire (see section 2.2.4 for a definition of the performance levels). It is further observed whether droplets of flaming material ignite a paper indicator underneath the specimen. Glow wire tests were performed on 10 commercial materials (see 2.1.5). A general observation of the glow wire tests of commercial materials was that for eight out of ten materials, the material either ignited within 5 s of contact, or did not ignite at all. It very rarely occurred for the given sample set that a material ignited after prolonged exposure to the glow wire. The application of the glow wire tip led to a variety of phenomena, often immediately after the application of the glow wire tip: - The glow wire indented all thermoplastic materials to varying extent at varying rates, depending on the glow wire temperature, the melting behavior of the material, and the specimen thickness. - For some materials (HIPS, PC, PC‐ABS, PA), a gap formed between the glow wire tip and the molten sample. Contact with the glow wire tip was generally only maintained over 19 Results and discussion short periods of time. Generally, gaps formed more readily for thinner specimens and for higher temperatures. Gaps formed in many cases instantaneously after ignition. - Some materials had a “sticky” contact with the glow wire (HDPE, LDPE‐co, PP). Formation of an inorganic deposit on the flow wire tip was observed (HDPE, LDPE‐co, PP, PA). - The glow wire could not indent a material filled with a network of glass fibers (UP). As a consequence, the contact area between the glow wire and the sample surface was very small. Due to the abovementioned effects, a wide variation in the contact area between glow wire and sample (Figure 3‐2) and varying durations of contact were observed. Even for tests with the same material, both contact area and duration strongly depended on the test temperature and specimen thickness. As a consequence, test conditions in the glow wire test were highly non‐uniform and strong correlations with intrinsic materials properties and other test methods could not be found [70]. A paper indicator is used in the glow wire test to disqualify materials that form burning droplets. In 240 tests performed on 10 different materials, the paper indicator alone did not lead to disqualification of a material. Even the HIPS material that showed a very strong melt‐ flow (Figure 3‐2) did not ignite the paper indicator. The reason is that the glow wire tip acts very locally as a heat source. The burning melt cooled and extinguished during contact with other parts of the sample surface, which remained at room temperature. This effect depends on the sample geometry. It can be concluded that the glow wire test is insensitive to detect materials that might yield a low viscous burning melt. For the set of samples tested, melt flow generally led to an improved performance due to the increased distance between the glow wire tip and the material. Figure 3‐2: Residues of samples which had different contact areas and durations of contact with the glow wire. Specimens were 3 mm thick and the glow wire temperature was 960 °C. All three materials reached a glow wire flammability index of 960 °C. 20 Results and discussion 3.1.2 50 W vertical flame test (UL 94) The 50 W vertical flame test [66] simulates the exposure of a material to a candle sized flame. It is the predominant test method used by material suppliers and a requirement for materials for electrical equipment sold in the United States (as defined by the Underwriters Laboratory standard UL 94). A Bunsen‐type burner is applied to the lower side of a thin stripe of material, 125×13×t (mm)3 in size, where t is generally between 0.5 mm and 3.2 mm for electrical insulation materials. Self‐extinguishment within certain time limits and ignition of a cotton indicator underneath the specimen are observed (see section 2.2.5 for details). The vertical orientation and complete immersion of the lower edge in the flame (Figure 3‐3) deliberately creates a very punctual heating of the sample to very high temperatures on five faces of the specimen. The edge application has a more severe thermal impact than an application of a flame to a sample face, which is more probable in reality. On the contrary, the duration of flame application, ten seconds twice, is arbitrarily short. These test parameters are empirically chosen industry standards. As the sample is vertically oriented with a free‐standing edge, melt flow from the sample is facilitated and its influence on material performance shall be discussed in brief. The infrared pictures shown in Figure 3‐3 show the widely different flow behavior that can be found for different materials. Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) was chosen to demonstrate the limiting case of a material that extinguishes directly after flame application and does not flow. It serves to illustrate where most heat is absorbed. The other limiting case is a polyolefin material that clearly fails the vertical flame test by burning for more than 30 s and igniting the cotton indicator by flaming droplets. Whereas a substantial amount of flaming material is transferred by melt flow, flame spread on the specimen is faster than removal of the hot material and the specimen continues to burn. Another type of behavior was shown by materials that have both, a very low viscous melt, and a flame quenching or endothermic flame retardant. A flame retarded polyamide 66 grade is shown in Figure 3‐3 as a representative sample. The flow of the low viscous melt caused an effective removal of the hottest material. At the same time, the flame retardant prohibits a flame spread over the remaining specimen that is faster than the removal of overheated material. Figure 3‐3: Infrared thermographs of burning specimens in the 50 W vertical flame test following the first flame application. Materials tested from left to right: polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon), polyethylene, polyamide 66, polycarbonate. The test setup is described in section 2.2.5. 21 Results and discussion Very fine droplets flowed to the cotton indicator. Depending on the amount and effectiveness of the flame retardant, the droplets will extinguish before reaching the cotton indicator (V‐0 classification) or ignite the cotton indicator (V‐2 classification). The last example in Figure 3‐3 shows a polycarbonate sample that extinguished by virtue of a flow of the burning part of the specimen to the cotton indicator (V‐2 classification). The different flow phenomena observed in the 50 W vertical flame test reveal an ambivalent impact of melt flow on the classification reached. On the one hand, many materials do not reach a V‐0 classification because material can detach easily from a free‐standing, small specimen, and even the smallest burning droplet suffices to ignite the cotton indicator. The V‐0 classification is therefore considered as a challenging criterion for thermoplastic materials with small amounts of additives. On the other hand, melt flow is a significant mechanism of heat transfer that aids to prevent flame spread over the specimen surface by a quick removal of the overheated material. The latter behavior causes an undesirable geometry dependence of the test result that even affects V‐0 materials. The respective contribution of flame retardants and melt flow to prevent flame spread should be much better understood in order to achieve a robust prediction of material behavior in various geometries. An easy removal of overheated melt should not be assumed in the confined geometry of highly integrated electronic equipment. Heat transfer by the flow of burning material is allowed for the V‐2 classification. As the burning part of the specimen can be simply removed by flow, the span of intrinsic flammability properties such as the heat of combustion or heat release capacity of the materials reaching a V‐2 classification is too wide to be useful for regulatory purposes. 3.1.3 Calorimetric test methods The cone calorimeter is the foremost instrument used in the research community to determine the heat release rate, which is a measure of a material´s potential to contribute to fire growth. There is a strong interest in using the reproducible quantitative output from the cone calorimeter to predict the results of less reliable fire tests. Cone calorimeter specimens are according to standard held in horizontal position, supported by a tray that prevents the flow of molten material [55]. The specimen is heated by heat radiation and in most cases by a flame formed on top of the specimen surface (see section 2.2.1 for details). The external heat flux is maintained throughout the experiment, resulting in a forced combustion [60]. The cone calorimeter was recently complemented by microscale combustion calorimetry [67, 69]. The pyrolysis combustion flow calorimeter measures the heat release rate of polymers that are decomposed at high heating rate in a pyrolyzer under inert atmosphere [67]. The use of milligram samples goes a step further in eliminating the influence of melt flow and thermal conduction to yield the heat release rate for the limiting case of a complete combustion. Whereas the elimination of the mass flow phenomena in the calorimetric methods serves to obtain more reproducible data, it leaves a gap to be bridged to apply the data to more realistic fire scenarios. As was shown in the previous sections, flame spread rate and extinguishment are strongly influenced by the flow of overheated and burning material. This is also true for many real scale specimens [4, 38, 70]. Whereas the chemical heat release potential of the material can be fairly accurately determined, there are missing terms that might tip the energy balance to extinguishment; such are flame inhibition, melt flow, 22 Results and discussion charring and intumenscent processes [69]. The relevance of such phenomena was most notable in our tests of mineral filled polyolefin materials, which are of high significance for the European market. Three mineral filled polyolefins had a relatively good performance in the cone calorimeter experiment, paired with a very weak performance in the classification tests. Figure 3‐4 shows the heat release of three flame retarded polyolefin materials, as compared to flame retarded grades of high impact polystyrene, polycarbonate and polyamide. The cone calorimeter performance of the polyolefin materials was better or equal than that of the other materials in terms of the time to ignition, peak of heat release rate and total heat release. For such materials, a V‐2 vertical flame test rating or better would be expected following correlations proposed in a recent study [61]. The 50 W vertical flame test result and glow fire flammability index were however much worse for the polyolefin materials, contradicting the cone calorimeter result. The mismatch in the test results is due to a superimposition of at least three main effects: (1) ‐ The cone calorimeter, as the microscale combustion calorimeter, forces combustion and thereby neglects flame inhibition and incomplete combustion [68, 69]. This certainly applies to the HIPS, PA and PC samples that contained flame inhibiting additives. It applies to less extent to PP and HDPE samples containing metal hydroxides, as these are not very efficient as flame inhibitors. (2) ‐ The mechanical integrity of the mineral layer is not put to test in the cone calorimeter experiment. In the vertical flame test and in most application areas, the mineral filled material is subjected to gravitational or other stresses that can lead to stronger cracking. Further, a slow flow of the material was observed, as opposed to the quick melt flow observed for HIPS and PA. (3) ‐ Mineral filled polymers behave uniquely in the cone calorimeter experiment as a mineral layer forms on the specimen surface shortly after ignition [74, 75]. This led to a decay or stabilization of the heat release rate (Figure 3‐4), which was most probably due to a reduction in the effective heat flux that reached the sample body after reflection at the mineral layer. Figure 3‐4: Left: Heat release rate of flame retarded polymers tested at an incident heat flux of 35 kW m‐2. Right: Comparison of heat release capacity obtained by microscale combustion calorimetry and peak heat release rate (pHRR) from cone calorimeter experiments with an external heat flux of 35 kW m‐2. A comparison with microscale combustion calorimetry data shows that no reduction in heat release capacity was observed for the milligram samples, which are less affected by re‐ radiation and mechanical stresses [69] (Figure 3‐4). The heat release capacity of the mineral filled polyolefins was a higher than that of HIPS, PA and PC, reflecting their ability to sustain flaming combustion. 23 Results and discussion The flame inhibiting properties of commercial flame retardants are in many cases known. There is however no test method that determines the influence of heat transfer by melt flow and the stability of protective layers. Modified testing protocols with horizontal and vertical specimen orientation, which aim at an improved description of these processes, were of central interest to this study. 24 Results and discussion 3.2 Continuous depolymerization and melt flow of polystyrene Flow of thermoplastics in flame spread occurs over a wide range of temperatures and flow rates. Fluid motion can occur as a slow, sagging motion (bulk flow), and as a quick flow of very low viscous material that easily spreads to a pool [3‐6]. The decrease of viscosity with temperature is generally sufficient to induce flow in thermoplastics, but the flow rate can be significantly accelerated by further reduction of viscosity through degradation. This section investigates the role of viscosity decrease by molar mass reduction in the flow of polystyrene under fire‐like conditions. The experimental approach was to characterize molar mass reduction by analytical techniques and to apply the relationships obtained to macroscopic measurements. The molar mass decrease of horizontally oriented specimen exposed to high levels of thermal radiation was examined, followed by an investigation of molar mass decrease in simultaneous gasification/melt flow experiments. The material used was the same as that studied by Ohlemiller [22], which allows a comparison to Ohlemiller´s extensive investigation of flow rates and rates of mass loss. 3.2.1 Phenomenological description The melting behavior of polystyrene has a strong effect on the flammability behavior of end products and the results obtained by different flammability test methods. Pure polystyrene is rarely used for electrical appliances, but high impact modified blends (HIPS) also show distinct melting and deformation phenomena. The series of pictures in Figure 3‐5 summarizes observations made in bench‐scale and full‐scale fire tests on a material used for switch‐board enclosures [53]. The flow of degraded melt in combination with the use of a small amount of a halogenated flame retardant improved the ignition resistance of the material against a small flame. A consistent evaluation of the material in vertical flame tests and glow wire tests was hampered by strong deformation and flow of a melt with low viscosity. Figure 3‐5: Left: HIPS specimen residue after a 50 W vertical flame test. Center, top: Internal stress relaxation of an injection molded HIPS specimen in the beginning of a cone calorimeter experiment. Center, bottom: Flaming combustion in the cone calorimeter. The external heat flux was 35 kW m‐2. Right: Hole formed by a flame applied to the interior of a switch‐board enclosure made of HIPS. 25 Results aand d discu usssion n h at releeasee raate (79 90 kW W m‐2) and totaal hea h t re eleaasee (9 91 MJ M m‐22) of o the HIP PS maaterrial A higgh hea we eree mea m surred in co onee caalorrim mete er ttests witth a mod m derratee exte ernaal hea h at ffluxx (3 35 kW k m‐2), reveaalin ng tha t at the maaterial w was higghlyy fllam mmaable whe w en flow wa w sh hind dered.. In n prracticee, the t ge eom mettry of thee prrod ducct will w detterrmine wh hetherr th he ma m terrial can b be rem r movved d byy flo ow fro om the h heat so ourrce and whe w ether firee grrow wth can be b avo a oide ed. The outc o com me is ran r ndo om. A sim mplifieed con c nfigguraatio on waas use u ed tto sysstem matticaallyy teest flo ow beh havviorr. TThe e flo ow off pu ure po olysstyrren ne from f m a surfface e expo ose ed tto a u unifform m ext e ern nal heeat flux was w s an nalyyzeed in i a fiirst levvel of appro oxim mation to this comp plexx prrob blem m (Figgure e 3‐‐6).. Pu ure po olysstyrren ne was w s studiied to en nab ble a soun nd analyysis an nd tto avo a oid varriattion ns induce ed by thee broaad ran r nge of comp positio ons found d in i comm merrciaal b blendss. In a firsst steep, ho orizzon ntal gaasifficaatio on experrim ments weere pe erfo orm med d to o ch haractteriize thee mas m ss lo oss an nd the t erm mal deg d gradattion nw with hou ut the efffectt off flo ow (se ee Figguree 2‐‐4 for f a desscriiptiion off th he app a parratu us).. Alll teests wer w re p perrforrmeed using firre‐like he eat flu uxess in n th he abssen nce off a flam f me, to o avvoid an a inh hom moggen neous heat fluxx distrribu utio on on the ssam mple sur s facce [76 6‐78 8]. Sp peciimeen ressidu uess were w e rreco oveered d ffrom m the t e expeerim ment byy qu uen nchingg, co old‐cu ut with w h a waaterr je et, aand d th he mo m lar maass graadientts d deteerm min ned. Figgure e 3‐6: Lefft: Ver V rticaal teest settup in thee co one caloriimeeterr. Centter: Su urface of a po olysstyrrene saample exxpossed to a hea h at fllux of 50 kW W m‐2 by b a ve erticcally tilted heat h ter in the e co one caloriime eterr. As A show wn, me elt waas reco r oveered d frrom m th he streeam m u usin ng ssyriingee need n dless. Righ R ht: Cro oss‐sectio on of a spe s cim men residu ue wh w ich waas reeco overred by quencchin ng from f m th he melt fllow w/gaasificattion n exxperim mentt. TThe scaale bar b r co orrespo ond ds to o 2 cm m. 3..2.2 2 Th T erma al sta abilitty,, dep polym merizzattion an and me eltt flow w On n a burn ningg surf s face e, the e m molar maass reeductio on of po olysstyren ne sim multtan neo ouslly pro p ovid des vo olattile co omb busstib bless th hat feed the fflam me an nd cha c ainss of reedu uce ed llength h th hatt flo ow reeadily. Th herm maal an nalysis and sizze excl e lusion n ch hromaatoggraphyy wer w e perf p form meed to t dete d erm min ne the t rattes off bo oth pro oce essees. Th he mo olar mas m ss red ducctio on of polyystyyren ne prroceeed ds maainly byy main m n cchaain ho omolyysis (re eacctio on 1, 1 Figu F ure 3‐‐7),, an nd ran ndo om sccission n byy repe r eatted hyydrrogeen ab bstrracttion n and a mid‐ m ch hain n β‐‐sciission (reeacctio ons 3 aand d 4,, Figgurre 3 3‐7) [2 20]. Chain end e d ho omolyysis co ontrribu ute es to this prroceesss throu ugh h th he form f mation of o raadicals (rreactio on 2). Masss loss is i p pred dom min nan ntlyy du ue tto the t evvaporaatio on of o mo monomeer unit u ts (“un nzip pping””, reac r ctio on 6) , an nd of dim merr an nd ttrim mer unitss th hat 26 6 Results and discussion follows an intramolecular hydrogen shift (“back‐biting”, reaction 5), shown at the example of the trimer [34]. The material studied here showed the typical pattern of degradation for polystyrene produced by radical polymerization [34, 79]. Molar mass reduction occurred at a high rate in the initial phase of degradation at low conversions (). Conversion is defined as: α (t) = 1 − m( t ) m0 (Equation 1) With increasing conversion, an asymptotical behavior was observed. The initial strong decrease in molar mass is partly due to the presence of so called “weak links”, head‐to‐head configuration bonds that probably resulted from termination reactions via radical coupling [79]. At intermediate conversion, molar mass reduction proceeds by random scission of head‐to‐tail bonds. Figure 3‐7: Depolymerization reactions leading to molar mass reduction and mass loss of polystyrene. Adapted from [20]. Isothermal gravimetrical experiments at nine temperatures between 285 °C and 415 °C were used to characterize the temperature dependence of the mass loss rate. The mass loss of polystyrene cannot be adequately described by a simple set of parameters over a wide range of conversions [35]. Therefore, an empirical approach was chosen that gave the best description for low to intermediate conversions, where molar mass decreases strongly. A combination of a 1st order process describing the weak link decomposition and a 0th order process describing the main chain decomposition gave a good representation of the mass loss to conversions of 0.7 (Paper I). The mathematical expression is shown in equation (2). The limited amount of weak links caused an early decay of the first order process, which was essentially complete at a conversion of 0.03 (Paper I). Molar mass reduction at this stage was however considerable and could be estimated to 30 % of Mw,0. The time‐dependent decrease of molar mass could be directly calculated from the activation energies of the 1st and 0th order processes. A single fit parameter was needed for the calculation. The quality of 27 Results and discussion this empirical description was good, as shown on the right hand side of Figure 3‐8. The mathematical expression is shown in equation 3. α (t ) = a m ⋅ (1 − exp(−k1 (T) ⋅ t )) + k 2 (T) ⋅ t M w (t ) = A ⋅ exp(−k1 (T) ⋅ t )) + B 1 + C ⋅ k 2 (T ) ⋅ t (Equation 2) (Equation 3) Where k1(T) and k2(T) are kinetic rate constants determined from isothermal thermogravimetric experiments. Constant am corresponds to the mass loss initiated by weak link scission and constant A is a measure of molar mass decrease by weak link scission. Constant B is a measure for the remaining molar mass after scission of the weak links and constant C is a fitting parameter. Figure 3‐8: Decrease of mass average molar mass with increasing conversion of polystyrene as determined by size exclusion chromatography of specimens degraded in isothermal thermogravimetric experiments. Right: Comparison of measurements of molar mass after isothermal degradation (symbols), with values calculated from the activation energies describing the mass loss processes using equation (3) (solid lines). In summary, for the analysis of the melt flow scenario, the most important characteristics obtained by thermal analysis are the strong reduction in molar mass at low conversion and the unambiguous coupling of mass loss and molar mass reduction. Whereas it can be concluded that a certain mass loss definitely implies a corresponding reduction in molar mass, the inverse is not necessarily true. Molar masses determined in residues form fire experiments are only indicative of mass loss, if mass loss is not diffusion limited, so that the volatiles are removed from the specimen. The relationship between viscosity and molar mass was investigated by rheological measurements of samples that had been thermally degraded in a tube furnace. Viscosity decreased with a power of three with decreasing molar mass, as determined by continuous flow experiments with low shear rates in plate‐plate configuration at 200 °C (Paper I). This is in fair agreement with the well known value of 3.4 that describes the relationship between 28 Results and discussion zero shear rate viscosity and molar mass for polystyrene with a narrow molar mass distribution. 3.2.3 Gradients of molar mass in partially gasified samples The in‐depth molar mass decrease of polystyrene exposed to fire‐like heat fluxes was studied using a unique setup. The gasification apparatus [63] at NIST was designed to irradiate bulk samples under inert atmosphere with a uniform, constant heat flux. A description of the instrument is given in section 2.2.2. The aim of these tests was to determine the depth of layers with reduced molar mass for different heat flux levels in a well‐controlled setup. The well‐defined experimental conditions and avoidance of complex gas‐phase oxidation reactions make the data obtained suitable for numerical simulations. During the experiment, the mass loss of the sample was recorded and bubble formation in the sample observed through a window. The samples had a diameter of 84 mm and a thickness of 17.5 mm. Polystyrene samples were irradiated with heat flux levels of 35 kW m‐2, 50 kW m‐2 and 65 kW m‐2 and the mass loss rate recorded. In a second set of experiments, thermal radiation was interrupted by closing the water cooled shutter. The mass loss at interruption was 40 % for samples exposed to heat fluxes of 50 kW m‐2 and 65 kW m‐2. Measurements with a heat flux of 35 kW m‐2 were interrupted earlier, at 15 % mass loss, to avoid convective currents in the material. The samples were recovered and cut with a water jet. Extracts from the sample cross‐sections were analyzed by size exclusion chromatography to determine gradients of molar mass reduction. The result of the molar mass determinations is displayed in Figure 3‐9. With increasing external heat flux, thermal degradation occurred in thinner surface layers. This resulted from a steeper thermal wave and from a higher rate of mass loss for the more intensely irradiated samples. Figure 3‐9: Left: Molar mass gradient in polystyrene specimens after thermal degradation by exposure to the indicated heat fluxes under inert atmosphere. Mass loss and experimental time at interruption were (40 %, 370 s) for 65 kW m‐2, (40 %, 540 s) for 50 kW m‐2, and (15 %, 590 s) for 35 kW m‐2. Right: Cross‐section of a specimen residue showing the holes formed with a hand brace to extract samples for size exclusion chromatography. The scale bar indicates 1 cm. 29 Results and discussion It should be stressed that the gradients obtained are snap‐shots of a continuous process that depend on the sample size. None the less, a valuable insight in the state of degradation of a polystyrene surface is obtained. For the given configuration, mass loss stemmed from a very thin surface layer for external heat fluxes of 50 kW m‐2 and higher. Assuming an instantaneous evaporation of the monomer, dimer and trimer from the surface layer, equation (2) can be used to estimate the thickness of the layer in which more than 50 % mass loss occurred to approximately 0.5 mm for the sample irradiated with 50 kW m‐2. The lower rate of mass loss from the surface of samples irradiated at 35 kW m‐2 led to a slower surface displacement. In comparison to the higher heat fluxes, the thermal wave propagated faster into the material relative to the surface displacement by mass loss. More time was given for in‐depth degradation of the material. It emerges that the ratio between the rate of heat transfer into the material and the rate of surface displacement by mass loss is a meaningful parameter describing the extent of in‐depth degradation. At this point of this investigation, the gradients of molar mass illustrate the respective time dependence of gasification at the surface and in‐depth degradation over a range of external heat fluxes. The data may also be used to validate computational models. The strong initial decrease in molar mass at low conversion makes molar mass a sensitive indicator of the production of volatiles. First calculations using equation (3) have shown that the shape of the gradient is strongly affected by the actual heating profile. This effect is illustrated in Figure 3‐10. The time needed for the sample surface to reach 7 mm from its initial position (as is the case for the sample shown in Figure 3‐9) was considered. For a point at 9 mm depth from the initial surface position, three alternative heating profiles were calculated, such that the surface temperature is reached at the time the surface has receded by 9 mm. A rather small variation in the heating profile led to significant changes in the computed gradient behind the surface that reached 7 mm depth (Figure 3‐10). The calculated data demonstrate that the temporal variation of the heating rate strongly affects the extent of in‐ depth degradation. Figure 3‐10: Left: Three alternative heating profiles to reach the surface temperature at the time the sample surface has receded by 9 mm. Right: Calculated molar mass gradients at the time the surface has receded by 7 mm. Corresponding gradients and heating profiles have a corresponding line style. 30 Results aand d discu usssion n 3..2.4 4 Mo Mola ar ma mass sc cha ang ge es in ga asiific cattio on/me eltt flow we exp perim ments Th he d deccrease e in nm molaar maass at the e surffacee of o vert v ticaally orrien nted d ssam mple es (Figgurre 3‐6 3 , leeft) waas stu udieed using tw wo h heaat ffluxx le evells. Deggraaded me m lt w wass saamp pled dur d ringg th he p pro ocess for f r molaar mas m ss dete d erm min nation,, an nd the e sttate e of degrrad dation of thee surffacee laayer mea m asured d. The T omb bined maass loss rate due d e to o gaasifficaatio on and a d due to meelt flo ow waas reco r ord ded. The maass co losss rratees we w re witthin n 10 0 % off th he dat d ta repo r orted byy Oh hlemilllerr [4]. A As the t same em mate eriaal and a the ssam me instru umeent weere e ussed d, the surface tem mp peraaturess mea m surred byy O Ohle emiiller caan be ap pplied forr th he ana a alyssis o of the t exxperim men nts preesenteed her h re. Figgurre 3‐1 3 1 sho ows a scchemaatic skketcch of o tthee su urfaace e laayerr exxpo oseed to t hea h at rad r iation n. Itt is he elpfful to im magginee the su urfaace layerr as a succcesssio on o of layyerss w with h dec d reaasin ng staate off de egraadaatio on. In realitty, the e trran nsition n be etw weeen the t e laayers is smo s ootth. Ass was sho ow wn in the t gaasificattion expe e erim me entss, a thin outtmo ostt layyerr yieelds th he maain shaaree off vo olattiles. M Molar maass is siggnifficantlyy reedu uce ed in a fu urth her deeep per layyer due to tthe steeep p deecrreasse iin mo m lar maasss at low w ccon nversio onss (FFigu ure 3‐8). Th he tem t mpe eratturre of o the t maateeriaal iss su ufficcientlyy high h h att fu urth herr de epth in the maateerial to o causse flow w. In‐‐situ tem mpeeratturee mea m asurem mentss in n th he ggassificcatiion ap ppaarattus show wed th hat the e ordeer of o m maggniitud de of the e su urfaacee he eattingg raate waas 6 °C C s‐‐1 and a ‐ 10 0 °C C s‐1 f exxterrnaal h for heat ffluxxes off 35 5 kW W m‐22 and 50 0 kW W m‐22 reespecttiveely. Th he baalan nce be etw ween hea h at abso a orp ptio on and a d reemovaal of o h hot mateeriaal by mel m t fllow w deete erm mine es tthe e su urfaace ‐2 temp peraatu ure.. For an n exxte ernaal heaat flux o of 35 kW W m , th he surfaace te emp peratu ure caan be esstim mated to 410 °C and for an n exte ernaal hea h at fllux of 50 kW W m‐2 to t 425 4 5 °C C [4 4]. Figgure e 3‐11 1: Skketch o of the t po olym mer surrfacce exp e oseed to t a higgh heaat flux,, includ ding a ten ntative e veeloccityy ‐‐2 profile for f the e saamp pless expo osed d to a heeat flu ux of o 50 5 kW kW m . The T e th hickknesssess of th he layers weere arbitrrarily chos c sen n for th his illusstraation. Fo or aan exte e ern nal heaat flux f x off 35 5 kW W m‐2, th he m melt reco r ove ered d had a mas m ss ave a eragge mo molarr maasss off 0.5 5 Mw,00. The T e polyydisspeersitty ind dex was 5, comp pareed to 2..7 for f th he pris p stin ne maaterriall. The T su urfaace layyerr of the recovverred saamp ple was essen ntiaally no on‐‐deggraadeed. The non n n‐degrrad ded samp ple surface an nd the t e in nho omo oge eneoussly deegraadeed meelt suggge est thaat the t e raate off flo ow off de egraadeed and d non‐de egraade ed maaterrial waas ccom mpaarable e, such h th hat a m mixxture of deggraded d and a no on‐d deggraded d mat m teriial w was reeco ove ered d. Visc V cossity reducctio on by tem mperaature and dd degrad datiion we eree off sim milaar ord o der of maagnitude. Fo or aan exte e ern nal heaat flux f x off 50 0 kW W m‐2, th he m melt reco r ove ered d had a mas m ss ave a eragge mo molarr maasss off 0.3 3 Mw,00. The T e poly p ydisspeersitty ind dex was 5, ind dicaatin ng an in nhomo ogeeneouss d degrad datiion n. The T molaar mas m ss dist d trib butiion n was shiifte ed ffrom tthee position o of the t mateeriaal´s iniitiaal distrribu utio on, 31 Results and discussion which suggests that all melt was degraded. The sample surface was strongly degraded (0.2 Mw,0 in the outmost layer, approximately 200 µm thick), suggesting that flow occurred in the strongly degraded layer. Viscosity reduction by degradation was the rate‐controlling process, in addition to the effect of temperature. At first sight, the lower in‐depth degradation of the sample exposed to 35 kW m‐2 seems to contradict the observations of the gasification experiments. However, it must be considered that melt flow had the dominant effect on the rate of surface displacement in the flow experiments. The rate of surface displacement by flow was 1.5 mm min‐1 for a heat flux of 35 kW m‐2, as compared to 2 mm min‐1 for the samples exposed to a heat flux of 50 kW m‐2. These values were two to three times higher than those obtained in the gasification apparatus at a comparable mass loss. The faster surface displacement gave less time for in‐ depth heating and the process was more strongly influenced by the surface heating rate. Calculations with equation (3) showed that molar mass reacted sensitively to the surface heating rate and surface temperature for times comparable to the residence time at the surface. The power law dependence of viscosity on molar mass accentuates this effect. Hence, the lower surface heating rate, lower surface temperature and slower flow observed for the lower external heat flux caused a more uniform heating of less degraded material. This resulted in a simultaneous flow of degraded and non‐degraded material. The increased heating rate and higher surface temperature of the sample exposed to 50 kW m‐2 produced a thinner degraded layer, which had however a significantly more reduced viscosity. In conclusion, for pure gasification, the magnitude of the surface temperature and the heat transfer into the material were the most important factors. Higher surface temperatures led to a higher rate of gasification relative to the rate of propagation of the thermal wave into the material, leading to less in‐depth degradation. For gasification/melt flow experiments, the surface temperature and surface heating rate were the dominating factors. In‐depth degradation did not strongly influence the flow of thick samples at an external heat flux of 35 kW m‐2, as the rate of surface renewal by flow was fast in comparison to the times needed to strongly degrade the material at the given surface temperature. For an external heat flux of 50 kW m‐2, the flow process was controlled by degradation at the surface. The high surface heating rate and surface temperature led to a fast molar mass reduction during the residence time at the surface. The ability to describe molar mass decrease by the Arrhenius parameters describing mass loss offers a route to implement the reduction of viscosity by degradation in numerical models. The high sensitivity of molar mass to the heating rate requires that heat transfer into the material is modelled accurately. 32 Results and discussion 3.3 Liquefaction by step-wise depolymerization of cellular polyurethane Although the number of incidents has been steadily declining over the last decades, upholstered furniture and mattresses remain the main threat to human life in home fires in Sweden [12] and the United States [10, 11]. Flexible polyurethane foam is widely used as the cushioning material. A combination of low thermal conductivity, low decomposition temperature, and high effective heat of combustion of the cellular material results in high flame spread and combustion rates [2]. Considerable efforts have been undertaken to study the combustion properties of flexible polyurethane foams [2, 40, 41, 80]. However, the complex physical behavior of foams during combustion remains a challenge. Recent efforts have concentrated on describing the transformation of the foam to a liquid pool of burning material that can additionally heat the initial burning item [4]. This feed‐back effect was observed to accelerate the combustion rate of furniture and mattresses. The low viscosity of the burning pool also facilitates flame spread to adjacent items. Work performed in this study focused on obtaining a better description of foam collapse and liquefaction using the cone calorimeter. Horizontal tests were used to study the foam collapse, as they were shown to correlate with measures of flame spread over foam samples [40]. A vertical test setup was designed and evaluated that allows studying the heat feedback effect for small samples. The potential of inorganic nanoparticles to prevent the liquefaction of the foam was assessed. Carbon nanofibers proved to be very effective at preventing collapse and liquefaction of the foam, whereas intercalated clay composites did not have a pronounced effect. 3.3.1 Phenomenological description The combustion of polyurethane foam is accompanied by a very strong reduction of the foam volume. This effect is demonstrated in Figure 3‐12, where it can be seen that a foam sample of 9.5 cm × 8.5 cm × 4 cm transformed completely into a liquid pool within 30 s. The vertical test setup was designed such that the burning liquid was collected in a pool that fed back to the initial burning item. In the end of the experiment, only the pool fire remained. Figure 3‐12: Combustion of a foam sample in a vertical cone calorimeter test (the test setup is described in section 2.2.1). The foam liquefied and formed a pool fire that fed back heat to the remaining sample and thereby enhanced the rate of combustion. The time elapsed between each frame was 12 s. 33 Results and discussion On the length scale of foam morphology, the liquefaction of the foam started as an accumulation of liquefied material in droplets on the foam surface that started to flow after a sufficient amount of material had formed (Figure 3‐13). The relationship between the thermal degradation of the foam, the liquefaction process, and the heat release rate of the foam were studied in detail, as they significantly influence the burning rate of real objects made of foam [4, 38, 40]. Figure 3‐13: Liquefaction of flexible polyurethane foam at a surface exposed to a candle sized flame. The foam struts coalesced to small droplets that combined to a liquid film yielding flaming droplets. 3.3.2 Thermal stability, depolymerization and melt flow The principal components of flexible polyurethane foam are a branched polyether polyol (68 wt.%) linked by urethane bonds to segments of a few phenyl groups, which are interlinked by urea bonds 1. The thermal stability of the bonds decreases in the order polyether » urea > urethane [26]. The urethane groups are the weakest link to the branched polyether maintaining the cross‐linked structure. The decomposition of urethane and at slightly higher temperature of urea leads to a step‐wise decomposition of the cross‐linked network to the polyol precursor, volatile phenyl amine compounds and potentially residual oligomeric phenyl‐urea compounds [26]. The volatile compounds account for the initial mass loss in the thermogravimetric (TG) trace of the foam at 200 °C (Figure 3‐14). The molar mass is reduced in a sharp transition from a network (infinite molecular mass) to an oligomer consisting of few units of the polyether polyol ( M w ~ 104 g mol‐1) and finally only the polyether polyol ( M w = 3 103 g mol‐1). The decomposition of the polyether completes the degradation of the foam and accounts for the second mass loss step of the TG trace (Figure 3‐14). The mechanisms of decomposition of polyurethane reported in the literature were based on analytical experiments that use slow heating rates. Besides a confirmation that these processes apply to the material studied here, it was studied whether the same mechanisms apply at heating rates that approach those found in foam combustion. In inert atmosphere, the typical two‐step decomposition profile was maintained, independent of the heating rate used (Figure 3‐14). At high heating rate, even for degradation in oxidative atmosphere (air), a two‐step behavior was observed (Figure 3‐14). At low heating rates of 2 °C min‐1 to 10 °C min‐1, degradation in air usually occurs in multiple, not well‐resolved processes (see Paper II). This clear transition suggests that oxygen diffusion into the material was limited at high heating rates. This is relevant for foam combustion, as the foam cells are filled with air. 1 An excess of isocyanate in the foam formulations further leads to the formation of biuret and allophanate groups, but those are of minor importance for the foam combustion. 34 Results and discussion The data suggests that the air in the foam cells causes a shift of the foam decomposition to lower temperatures, but that a description of the kinetics with two rate constants of consecutive decomposition processes is still adequate. The heat release associated with both decomposition steps of the foam was measured by microscale combustion calorimetry. Two consecutive steps of volatile combustion were observed in the pyrolysis combustion flow calorimeter (Figure 3‐14). As the instrument uses a high oxygen concentration, and a high temperature of combustion, the values obtained give an upper limit for measurements of flaming combustion. A comparison of the experimental values and values derived by group contribution theory agree well in that 71 % of the heat of combustion of the foam stemmed from the polyether polyol and the remainder was due to the compounds formed by toluene diisocyanate (Paper II). Figure 3‐14: Left: Thermogravimetric data acquired with a high heating rate achieved by infrared heating. Mass loss (black) and differential signal (DTG, grey) of polyurethane foam heated at a rate of 176 °C min‐1 in nitrogen (solid lines) and air (dotted lines). Right: Heat release rate measured in the pyrolysis combustion flow calorimeter with a heating rate of 176 °C min‐1. The heat release capacity (HRC) and effective heat of combustion (dHc) are given in the graph. The rheological properties of the foam during combustion are characterized by the transition from a cross‐linked network with infinite viscosity to a low molar mass liquid. The volume of the sample changes by a factor of 40 during this transition and it is doubted that a reliable measurement of this process with a rheometer is possible. Ohlemiller [4] observed that the temperature range of the structural collapse occurred within 295 °C to 312 °C at a heating rate of 5 °C min‐1 for a commercial, non‐flame‐retarded foam. The collapse occurred at higher temperatures than the maximum rate of mass loss in the first degradation step at equal heating rate (Tmax,1 = 281 °C). He further found that the viscosity of the liquid recovered from foam combustion was 0.1 Pa s at relatively low temperature of 150 °C. Given the high heating rates measured in foam combustion and a temperature of the foam surface within 280 °C and 340 °C (see section 3.3.4), the transition of viscosity can be considered as a step function from an infinite value to water like viscosity (≈ 10‐3 Pa s). Visual observations indicated that surface tension effects have a strong effect on the flow rate of the liquid from the foam surface [22]. Liquid droplets were seen to accumulate at the surface until a critical mass of the droplet or thickness of the liquid film was reached to detach the droplet from the surface. The ensuing flow of the droplet as it spread out on a catch pan was very fast. 35 Results and discussion 3.3.3 Reaction to thermal impact, heat release and feedback As described above, the foam reacts to a thermal impact by a fast volume reduction and transformation to a liquid layer. A series of horizontal cone calorimeter experiment was performed to determine the speed of volume decrease, rate of transformation to a liquid and heat release rate of the foam. In the cone calorimeter, the sample is exposed to a uniform, planar heat flux, that decays at the edges of the sample with increasing distance between cone heater and sample [81] (for distances larger or equal to 2.5 cm). Albeit the planar heat flux applied, a distinctly rounded shape of the specimen was observed in all experiments (Figure 3‐15). The displacement of the foam surface at the edges of the specimen was much faster than at the center (Figure 3‐16). The non‐uniform volume shrinkage shows that the foam decomposition was influenced by convective heat transfer from the flame, which is significantly higher at the edges than in the center of the specimen (Figure 3‐16) [76]. As the sample geometry changed, this effect was further amplified as the flame licked the curved surface. The rate of surface displacement at the edges and in the Figure 3‐15: Left: Foam combustion in the cone calorimeter with an external heat flux of 20 kW m‐2. Right: Change of sample geometry during the experiment as deduced by image analysis. The time step between two contour lines is 5 s. Figure 3‐16: Left: Velocity of the surface displacement at the center (squares), at the edges (triangles) and averaged over the whole surface (circles) of flame retarded foam specimens. Right: Experimental variation of the mass loss rate (g m‐2 s‐1) for horizontal burning of Poly(methyl methacrylate) with 0 kW m‐2 imposed flux (top view of 10 cm x 10 cm sample), with permission from reference [76]. 36 Results and discussion center of the sample was compared to rates observed for non‐flaming collapse. The comparison suggests that the difference between edge and center corresponds to a difference in external heat flux of ca. 40 kW m‐2 (Paper II). This pronounced effect suggests that a study of the relationship between foam shape and combustion rates in fire tests should be rewarding. The collapse of the foam in the cone calorimeter was followed by a pool fire in which the liquid formed at the specimen surface is consumed. The heat release rate followed a two‐ step profile, where the first peak can be assigned to the collapse stage and the second step to the pool fire stage, in accordance with earlier observations [37] (Figure 3‐17, left). The similarity to the two‐steps observed in thermal degradation is striking (Figure 3‐14). This has led to a view of the combustion process as a consecutive consumption of the compounds formed by toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and the polyether polyol [41]. A more precise description of this process is possible by an analysis of the effective heat of combustion and the mass loss in both stages of foam combustion. The effective heat of combustion during foam collapse increased with increasing external heat flux from values close to the theoretical value for the TDI compounds to higher values (Figure 3‐17). This indicates that at a lower external heat flux, and slower rate of collapse (Figure 3‐16), mainly the TDI compounds were gasified. At a higher external heat flux and rate of collapse, both the TDI compounds and the polyether were gasified to some extent. This suggests that the pyrolysis temperature of the thin liquid layer increased with an increasing effective heat flux to the sample. Figure 3‐17: Left: Heat release rate in the horizontal cone calorimeter tests of pure polyurethane foam at multiple levels of external heat flux. Right: Effective heat of combustion in the initial stage of collapse of pure polyurethane foam. The effect of thermal feedback could be studied in a vertical test setup (Figure 3‐18). The main purpose of the vertical test is to study the effectiveness of flame retardant additives that prevent a liquefaction of the foam (section 3.3.5). Details on the test design are given in section 2.2.1. The catch pan underneath the sample was preheated by 1 min of exposure to the cone heat flux, whilst the sample was shielded. The foam was pilot‐ignited with a laminar flame at the beginning of the experiment. As shown in Figure 3‐18, the heat release rate depended strongly on the physical behavior of the foam. The maximum heat release rate was attained when the pool fire formed underneath the sample heated the remaining sample, indicated as stage 2. A comparison with the data obtained in horizontal 37 Results and discussion configuration (Figure 3‐17) shows that the time scale and shift with external heat flux were very similar for experiments conducted with and without flow. Figure 3‐18: Left: Flame spread (1), feed‐back (2) and pool fire (3) stages of foam combustion in the vertical cone calorimeter test. The external heat flux was 30 kW m‐2. Right: Heat release rate of pure polyurethane foam in vertical cone calorimeter tests for three external heat fluxes. The time intervals corresponding to the three stages shown on the left hand side are indicated above the graph. 3.3.4 Gradients of temperature and mass transport The transformation of the foam to a liquid layer was studied in detail, as it significantly influences flame spread [40] and determines the amount of fuel that can feed a pool fire. Foam samples were quenched from flaming combustion in the cone calorimeter in order to study the morphology of the liquid layer. As shown in Figure 3‐19, a very thin layer of liquid formed on essentially non‐degraded foam. No liquid trickled through the porous foam, which collapsed only near the surface. Measurements with thermocouples placed 1 and 2 cm from the initial foam surface, showed that thermal conduction into the foam was limited to a few millimeter wide zone (Figure 3‐19). Collapse and decomposition of the foam occur as a translation of a liquid layer that absorbs fresh material directly underneath the surface by coalescence of the foam struts (Figure 3‐13). The temperature of the liquid layer results from a balance between absorbed heat radiation and the heat needed to warm up, decompose and partially gasify the foam. A kink in the thermocouple measurements suggests that the temperature of the liquid layer was between 280 °C and 340 °C. The thermocouple measurements were not sufficiently precise to pinpoint the temperature more exactly. Figure 3‐19: Left/Middle: Cross‐section and top‐view of the surface of a foam specimen quenched from flaming combustion in the cone calorimeter. Right: Temperature measured by thermocouples 38 Results and discussion inserted 1 cm and 2 cm below the surface exposed to the heat flux in horizontal cone calorimeter experiments. The external heat flux was 20 kW m‐2. The amount of liquid produced during the collapse was determined using image analysis and mass loss data from the cone calorimeter. First the volume decrease of the foam was determined by image analysis of foam cross‐sections. The difference between the amount of foam transformed to a dense liquid and the mass loss rate is the amount of liquid formed during the foam collapse2. This can be expressed as a liquid production rate (LPR), as: LPR = dm liq ( t ) dt = dm tot ( t ) dV ( t ) − δ foam ⋅ dt dt Where mliq(t) is the amount of liquid formed, mtot(t) the total specimen mass, δfoam is the initial foam density and V(t) the foam volume. The amount of liquid formed for a squared decimeter of foam was within 0.2 g s‐1 dm‐2 and 0.3 g s‐1 dm‐2 (Figure 3‐20). It increased by 56 % for an increase in external heat flux from 11 kW m‐2 to 33 kW m‐2. The ratio of liquid formation gasification fell within 2.2 and 2.5. That is equal to or slightly higher than the ratio of compounds formed by TDI to polyether polyol in the foam, which was 2.2 (Paper II). Figure 3‐20: Comparison of the rate of mass loss and the rate of liquid production during the collapse stage in horizontal cone calorimeter experiments. The liquid production rate gives the amount of material that can contribute to a pool fire. It cannot be deduced from these experiment how fast the material will flow. The geometry change in the vertical experiment is also too complex to fulfill that purpose. As mentioned in section 3.3.1, visual observations have shown that the surface tension of the foam droplets forming on the foam surface influences their flow [4]. An interesting subject for further work would be to determine the threshold at which a sufficient amount of liquid accumulates such that flow occurs. 3.3.5 Elimination of melt flow by inorganic nanoparticles The liquefaction of the foam might result in a pool fire that boosts the burning rate, which should be prevented by suitable additives. The conventional brominated‐phosphorous flame retardant which was substituted by nanoparticles did not fulfil that purpose (Paper III). The potential of inorganic nanoparticles to stop liquefaction and partially replace the 2 The volume of the liquid layer was neglected, as it was very small as compared to the foam volume. 39 Results and discussion conventional flame retardant was assessed. Inorganic nanoparticles can be used at low filling levels and are known to lower the heat release rate of polymers [30, 75, 82]. Composite foams containing oxidized carbon nanofibers and organically modified clay nanoparticles were prepared using a foam optimization system. The concentration of the inorganic filler was adjusted to 3.9 wt.% and substituted half the amount of the phosphorous‐brominated flame retardant. The nanoparticles were dispersed in the polyether polyol prior to the foaming process by refluxing in a colloidal mill. Small‐angle X‐ ray scattering measurements showed that the clay had an intercalated structure in both the polyol and the foam composite (Paper III). The amount of catalysts had to be adjusted in order to obtain foam samples of identical density, as the inorganic fillers strongly modified the viscosity of the polyether polyol (Figure 3‐21). A titanate coupling agent was used to reduce the viscosity of the particle‐polyol mixture. Recent, non‐published results, have shown that the coupling agent interferes with the catalyst. Carbon nanofiber foams can be obtained with identical quality with lower amounts of catalysts than given in Paper III. Control samples were prepared as composites of µm‐sized talc particles, in order to account for the replacement of the flame retardant by inorganic material. Whereas the density of the composite and pure foam samples could be closely matched, the former had a larger amount of closed cells. Cell‐opener additives could reduce, but not eliminate this difference. The carbon nanofibers were observed to accumulate in the center of the foam strut during the foaming process, whereas the cell membranes were free of particles (Figure 3‐21). The same was observed for stacks of intercalated clay (not shown). Thus, a locally increased concentration of nanoparticles in the skeleton structure of the foam was achieved. Figure 3‐21: Left: Morphology of the carbon nanofiber foam composite. The scale bar indicates 1 mm. Right: Shear rate dependence of viscosity for polyether polyol mixtures with increasing filling level of carbon nanofibers. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the carbon nanofibers did not have a pronounced effect on the degradation mechanism of the foam. The mass loss curve and heat release rate curve of the carbon nanofiber composites were shifted to lower temperatures by approximately 10 °C (Figure 3‐22). This effect might be due to two reasons: First, a catalytic effect of the carbon nanofibers might lead to an earlier decomposition of the foam. Such an effect would be limited to the first mass loss step, as no catalytic effect was observed in measurements of polyol‐carbon nanofiber mixtures. Second, the carbon nanofiber composite foam retained an expanded structure during decomposition. Hence, the surface 40 Results aand d discu usssion n orattion n of o vo olatile es rrem main ned d signiificanttly higgher, w whiich mightt allso acccou unt avvailaable for evaapo for th he fas f terr rate o of ma m ss loss l s. Figgure e 3‐22 2: Le eft: Therm moggravvim metrric trac t ce of o taalc, carrbo on nano n ofib ber (CN NF) and clay com mpo ositte ffoam ms, ‐1 1 recorrded d with w a hea h tingg raate of 5 °C C min m in a n nitrrogeen atm a mospheere. Rightt: Heat H t reelease rate e of pu ure foaam and carb c bon naanoffibeer com c mpo osite e fo oam mm meassureed in the t pyrolyysiss co omb busttion n flo ow callorimeeterr with a heeating ratte o of 176 °C min n‐1. Th he carrbon nan n nofiibe ers pro oveed to t be ve ery efffecctivee at a eelim minating liq quid d flow w off th he foaam co omp possitee. The T samp ple rettain ned d a dryy surffacee whe w en exp e posed to a fflam me, in n co onttrasst tto the t acccum mu ulattion n of d drop plets oth herwisse obsserved d (Figure e 3‐23 3). The e ssam mple e shru unkk unifo orm mlyy du urin ng com mbusttion n expe e erim mentss in n co onvven ntio onal cone e ccalo orim metter tests an nd a n nettwo ork off caarbo on naano ofiberss th hatt re esemb bled d tthe initiaal foa f m strructturre rem r mained d ((Figguree 3‐23 3 3). In co ontrrastt, the t interrcallateed clay cou c ld nott effectivvelyy prev p ven nt the t fo orm mation off drrop plets and a liq quid d flow w of o the t e fo oam m (Fig ( guree 3‐23 3 3). Th he elim min nattion n of o liqu uid flo ow resulted d frrom m the t mech han nicaal stre s enggth of the eenttanggled car c bon n nan n nofiibers and d a faavo orab ble su urfaace teensiion be etw ween the e fibe f ers and th he liq quid d form f meed du urin ng decom mposition thaat countteractted disspeersiion intto dro d ople ets. Th he surrfacce tten nsio on effe e ect waas iinfeerreed fro om visuall ob bseervaatio ons off the ssam mplee su urfaacee du urin ng bur b rnin ng. Th his hyp h pothessis cou uld bee su upp portted byy meassurrem men nt of o a higgh capaccityy of the carbo on nanoffibeer ressidu ue to ab bsorb and reta r ain th he p polyetthe er p polyyol (Papeer III).. Th he ressidu ue of claay com c mpo ositte ffoaamss laacke ed thee capaabilityy to o ab bso orb the p polyyol an nd a hig h herr su urface e eenergyy betw weeen thee clay c y reesid duee and po olyo ol was d determ min ned. The T su urfaace en nerggy pro obaablyy play p ys a cruc c ciall ro ole in th he form f maatio on of o liqu uid drrop pletts that t t was w ob bserveed for f thee clayy co omp possitees. The T e “d dry” surffacee off th he car c rbon n nanofiberr fo oam ms sug s ggests that thee liq quid form f med w wetts the naanofiber nettwo ork an nd ggassifiees wit w hou ut an a acccum mullatiion to liq quid d drop pletts. Figgure e 3‐23 3 3: Leftt/M Midd dle: Sam S mplee su urfaace off caarbon naanoffibeer com c mpo osite foam f m (lefft) and d clay c y naanoccom mpo ositte foam m (mid ddle e) aafteer 6 s eexp posu ure to a nee n edlee sized d flaamee. Righ R ht: Carrbo on nan n ofib berr co omp posiite foa f m resi r idue e affterr a h horrizontaal co onee caloriimeeterr tesst. 41 Results and discussion Tests with the vertical cone calorimeter setup showed that pool fire formation was prevented by the addition of carbon nanofibers. A lower heat release rate was obtained, although the sample had a larger surface area, as it shrunk but did not collapse (Figure 3‐24). The reduction in heat release rate was largely due to the prevention of feedback from a burning pool. In addition, thermocouple measurements in horizontal cone calorimeter tests showed that the temperature in the foam sample rose at a significantly lower rate, as the pyrolysis zone was covered and not directly exposed to the flame. The residual network of carbon nanofibers had a heat shielding effect (Figure 3‐24). No remarkable heat release rate reduction was observed for the intercalated clay composite, as the structural collapse of the foam could not be prevented. The heat release profile resembled that of the control formulation (Figure 3‐24). In conclusion, addition of 3.9 wt.% of carbon nanofibers appears as a viable approach to significantly improve the flame retardancy of flexible polyurethane foams. Remaining challenges are an optimization of foam processing and mechanical properties. The recently raised concern about a potentially carcinogenic action of fibrous nanoparticles with high aspect ratio should be taken serious [83]. An evaluation of flame retardant efficiency for different fiber lengths seems adequate. Figure 3‐24: Left: Heat release of the nanocomposite foams compared to a talc composite in the vertical cone calorimeter setup. The external heat flux was 11 kW m‐2. The time intervals for the flame spread (1), feedback (2), and pool fire (3) phases of combustion are indicated above the graph. Right: Reading of thermocouples embedded at 2 cm depth in samples tested in horizontal cone calorimeter experiments with an external heat flux of 20 kW m‐2. 42 Results and discussion 3.4 Melt flow and expansion of a filled polyolefin stabilized by ionic bonds Polyolefins are along with polyvinylchloride the most widely used materials on the European market for low voltage cables. A strong interest in environmentally benign flame retardant solutions made polyolefins with high levels of mineral fillers the predominant choice. As was shown in 3.1.3, the mechanical integrity of the residue strongly affects the flame resistance of mineral filled polymers. The flow of burning material is a highly undesirable effect that might lead to flame spread from a burning cable, e.g. installed under the ceiling, to other parts of a room or building. This effect is accounted for by new European legislation that prescribes a classification scheme which disqualifies materials that yield flaming droplets or particles [84]. The new legislation gives a strong incentive for an improved understanding of melt flow from burning cables. Materials with better flow resistance are needed. This chapter describes the fire behavior of non‐halogenated acrylate‐ethylene copolymer materials that contain calcium carbonate and polydimethylsiloxane (silicone). The performance of different polymer resins was tested with regards to the stability of the inorganic residue and melt flow phenomena. 3.4.1 Phenomenological description Inorganic fillers can reduce the flammability of polymers by fuel dilution and the formation of layers of inorganic residue that act as a thermal shield and diffusion barrier [74]. The formation of an expanded inorganic layer can improve the insulating heat shield effect and is referred to as intumescence. Effective intumescence leads to self‐extinguishment of the material, although the term is also used if only a retardation of combustion is achieved. The polymers studied here contain a high filling level of calcium carbonate and an inorganic polymer, polydimethylsiloxane, to achieve a heat shield effect [46]. A moderate expansion of the residue layer was observed caused by a blowing reaction that involved the side‐group of the polymer and the calcium carbonate filler (Figure 3‐25, section 3.4.2). As shown in Figure 3‐25, an inorganic residue layer formed at the surface exposed to a thermal impact. Figure 3‐25: Left: Expansion of the EMAA‐based formulation in the cone calorimeter and flame protrusion from a crack in the surface layer. Center: Immobilization of bubbles and pore formation at the surface exposed to the heat flux. Right: Cross‐section of a specimen quenched from combustion in the cone calorimeter. (The brittle top layer was damaged and partially removed during cutting). The material expanded by both, formation of small bubbles that immobilized at the surface and larger bubbles formed in the bulk of the material. The expanded surface structure 43 Results and discussion transformed into an inorganic residue. The structure of the polymer resin determined whether the mechanical integrity of the char layer was maintained during combustion, which had a strong effect on the burning behavior. 3.4.2 Thermal stability, depolymerization and melt flow Acrylic copolymers of ethylene form the main polymeric component of the investigated material. The performance of poly(ethylene‐co‐butyl acrylate) (EBA), poly(ethylene‐co‐butyl acrylate) blended with polypropylene (EBA‐PP) and poly(ethylene‐co‐methacrylic acid) (EMAA) formulations was assessed. The chemical structure of the side groups of EBA and EMAA is shown in Figure 3‐26. Polypropylene (PP) was contained in one formulation in order to increase its mechanical stiffness. For all formulations, 30‐40 wt.% of chalk and 5‐7 wt.% of silicone were added to the polymer. EMAA EBA Figure 3‐26: Chemical structure of the side groups. The thermal degradation of the acrylic copolymers is initiated at lower temperatures by the decomposition of the side groups, followed by a depolymerization of the main chain at higher temperatures [45, 85]. For pure EMAA, side group decomposition can lead to anhydride formation, which yields water, and decarboxylation [85]. The presence of calcium carbonate alters the reaction of the acrylic acid side group by formation of ionic bonds (Reaction 1) that stabilizes the side group and backbone (see 3.4.5) [86‐88]. The reaction yields water and carbon dioxide that can act as blowing agents to expand the polymer. Reaction 1: One pathway of the reaction of the acrylate side group with calcium carbonate to form an ionic bond, shown at the example of EMAA. For pure EBA, side group degradation proceeds as anhydride formation and ester pyrolysis for temperatures above 300 °C [44, 45]. In the presence of calcium carbonate, cleavage of the butyl group (ester pyrolysis) must occur in order to form an ionic bond between the carboxylic acid and the calcium ion. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that mass loss by side chain reaction was small for the pure copolymers (Figure 3‐27, left), probably hindered by an ample spacing of the side groups [85]. The reactions were accelerated in the presence of the calcium carbonate filler, as marked by an earlier and larger mass loss (Figure 3‐27, right). The temperature interval between the onset of side‐group decomposition and main chain degradation was much larger for the EMAA‐based formulation than for the EBA‐based formulation, as it was unhindered by the ester group. The decomposition of the main chain 44 Results and discussion reached a high rate at 450 °C for both polymers, which was not significantly altered by the fillers. Figure 3‐27: Left: Thermogravimetric trace of pure EBA (solid line) and EMAA (dashed line) in a nitrogen atmosphere. Right: Thermogravimetric trace of the flame retarded formulations of EBA‐PP (solid line), EBA (dashed line) and EMAA (dash‐dotted line) in a nitrogen atmosphere. The heating rate was 10 °C min‐1 for all measurements. The oxidative stability of the EMAA‐based formulation was significantly higher than that of the EBA‐based formulation and much higher than that of the formulation containing polypropylene (Figure 3‐28). This stability stems from the formation of a thin layer of degraded material around the specimen acting as a diffusion barrier for oxygen. The barrier layer has been assigned to the formation of a glassy layer formed by the oxidation of silicone oligomers that diffuse to the surface [31]. Formation of a diffusion barrier was also observed in measurements of EMAA with a very fine grade of calcium carbonate (see section 3.4.5) in the absence of silicone, indicating that the chalk filler can bake to a tight layer. A combination of both effects most likely takes place and has a more pronounced effect for the EMAA‐based formulation (Figure 3‐28). This indicates either a higher mobility or better dispersion of the silicone oligomer, or better dispersion of the filler in the EMAA‐based formulation [47]. The melt viscosity of the degraded flame retarded formulations is influenced by three factors: (1) cross‐linking by calcium ion bonds; (2) chain length reduction by depolymerization; and (3) interaction with the filler. Rheological tests performed in nitrogen did not show a strong effect of the calcium ion bond formation for either the EMAA‐ or EBA‐ based formulations. The melt viscosity was stable at a temperature of 300 °C over a time period of 15 min (PAPER IV). Hence, the calcium ion formation can be attributed a stabilizing effect of the main chain, rather than a significant cross‐linking effect. As the rate of depolymerization of the main chain increased significantly in the vicinity of 400 °C, meaningful rheological measurements were impossible. The very low viscosity observed in the combustion of pure EMAA and EBA suggests however that main chain decomposition yields a low viscous fluid of low molar mass. Rheological measurements in air showed a pronounced increase of the viscosity of the EMAA‐based formulation at 350 °C. A similar, but weaker effect was observed for the EBA‐based formulation (PAPER IV). These measurements had a qualitative nature as the specimens were non‐uniformly degraded between the rheometer plates, with a strongly degraded outer layer and a less degraded inner layer. They indicate however that the force needed to deform the polymer reacted sensitively to the formation of a surface layer of strongly degraded material, in which the depletion of the 45 Results aand d discu usssion n olym mer leead ds to o a higheer con c ncentrration of thee in norrganic filller.. Th hese obs o ervvatiions sugggesst a po qu ualitattivee piictu ure off a rhe eolo ogical beehaavio or that t t iss de efin ned d byy a temp peratu ure thresshold for f r the o onsset of main n ch hain deg d grad dation n and the exte e entt off expo osu ure to oxxyggen (Figu ure 3‐2 28, rigght). Figgure e 3‐28 8: Le eft:: Th herm moggravvim metrric trac t ce of o the flam me rettard ded forrmu ulattion ns of o EBA‐‐PP (so olid), EBA E A (daash hed)) an nd EMA E AA (daash‐‐dot) in n an n oxyggen atm mossph heree, re eco ordeed with w h a heaatin ng rrate e off 10 °C min‐1. Rigghtt: Seemi‐qu uan ntitaativve p plott off th he visc v cosity of thee EM MAA‐b baseed formu ulatiion. Att su ufficien ntlyy slow w he eating ratee and at ssurfaces exp e poseed to t aair, thee mate m eriaal co ould d bakee to o a rrigid d laayer (p path h A)). A At high he eating ratees in i abse a encce o of aiir, tthe maaterrial waas sttab bilizeed butt visscosityy deecreease ed due e to o main chain de ecom mposittion n (p path h B)). 3..4.3 3 Re Reac ctio on to o th he erm mall im mp pac ct, he eat rele r ease e and d fe eed db bac ck Th he fflam me retarrded d fo orm mullatiions wer w re test t ted in the con c ne calo c orim metter in orderr to o sttud dy the t vaariation of o the t e heatt reeleasee raate w with ch hem mical com mposition. All fo orm mulaatio ons sh how wed d a qu uickk stab bilizzatiion of the heeatt re eleaase e raatee fo ollo owing ignition n, tthe tyypiccal beehaavio or for f r mateeriaals tha t at form f m an a ino orgaanicc or o ccharred surf s face laayeer [60 [ ] (FFigu uree 3‐‐29). The T e to otall heeat releaase an nd effe e ective heeat off co omb busstio on w were sim milaar ffor all formulaatio ons.. Vaalues clo ose to thosee exp e ectted fo or the t e co om mbustio on of th he pollym meric ccom mpone entt sh how w tthat tthere is no n th he intrrinssic chaar yie y ld (Figgurre 3‐29 3 9). The hea h at rele easee raate de ecreeassed siggnifficaant inccreasee in wiith in ncreeasingg ccontten nt of th he acrrylic cop polyym mer ass com c mpaared d to t the mixxtu ure with w po olyp pro opylene. It w wass lowe er fo or the t e EM MA AA‐ thaan for f the EEBA A‐baased form mulatiion. Th he low werred he eat releaase ratte at ideentiical efffecctivve heaat of o com mbusttion n sttro ongly sug s ggests th hat physical prroceessses such as he eat shield din ng and a d diffu usio on barrrie er eeffeectss caussed d th he deccreease e. V Visu ual ob bservaatio on of thee sam s mple d durringg com mbu ustion su upp portts this t s view v w, as the PP P co ontaainiing formulaatio on craacked in nten nsivvelyy at a ign nitio on, whe w ereaas thee cha c ar llayeer of th he EB BA‐b bassed formulaatio on was w s raather staablee with w h feew craackss and the e EEMA AA‐‐based d fo orm mulatio on had a veeryy staable ino i orgaanicc laaye er. An n in nsp pecttion n of o thee resid due e o of the t e EMA E AA co ontaainingg sp peccim men reveaaled d a co oarsselyy laayered d sttrucctu ure witth a th hin do ome eo of in norrgan nic maate erial fo orm med d on n to op. Th he EEBA A‐b base ed forrmu ulattion n fo orm med d a sim milar ressidu ue, wh hich was w s ho oweve er m mo ore briittlee and a sh how wed d manyy mor m re crac c cks. Th he ressidu ue of o tthee EB BA‐‐PP‐‐baased d fo orm mulation waas esse e enttially flat f an nd h had d a coaarse sttructu ure. 46 6 Results and discussion Figure 3‐29: Left: Heat release rate of the flame retarded formulations of EBA‐PP, EBA and EMAA in the cone calorimeter, tested with an external heat flux of 35 kW m‐2. Right: Effective heat of combustion and time to ignition of the flame retarded formulations from the same experiment. 3.4.4 Gradients of temperature and mass transport The temperature to which the material is heated during combustion will determine the rate of the degradation processes and the mass loss rate for the production of combustible volatiles. Thermocouples were inserted in cone calorimeter specimens in order to determine how the processes described in section 3.4.2 affect the heat release rate. In addition, specimens were quenched from flaming combustion and the cross‐sections analyzed to determine the extent of the chemical degradation reactions throughout the specimen. The analysis was concentrated on the EMAA and EBA‐PP formulations as these showed the clearest differences. The time to ignition was very important, as it determined the time given to expand the material and form an insulating inorganic layer before the flame heat flux additionally heats the sample. The lower oxidative stability of polypropylene and less effective barrier formation of EBA‐PP led to much shorter time to ignition of this formulation (Figure 3‐29). The material did not expand significantly, which was also due to a low acrylate content in a more rigid material (Figure 3‐30, left). The lower onset of the side‐group reaction and higher time to ignition of the EMAA material led to a more pronounced expansion prior to ignition (Figure 3‐30, left). The mechanical strength of the inorganic surface layer is important: A large number of cracks in the surface layer resulted in a broad flame plume on the EBA‐PP sample surface and a strong heat flux by the flame. The temperature in the top layer of the EBA‐PP specimen was thus very high (Figure 3‐30, top center), well above the temperatures at which the beneficial expansion reaction could occur. Instead, the rate of depolymerization was very high under such conditions and the high effective heat of combustion ensured that the flame heat flux remained high. The result was a fast combustion with a steep temperature gradient between a strongly overheated top layer and a lower layer that only passed a very short period of time in the temperature interval in which expansion occurs. Accordingly, the extent of the side group reaction to form beneficial ionic bonds was low and the resulting gradient in the degradation of the side groups was steep (Figure 3‐30, right). 47 Results and discussion Figure 3‐30: Melt expansion (left), in‐situ temperature gradient (center) and depletion of the acrylic side groups (right) of EBA‐PP‐based (top) and EMAA‐based (bottom) flame retarded specimens, tested in the cone calorimeter and quenched one minute after ignition. Infrared spectra were measured on thin slices of the samples. The absorption of the carboxyl vibration of the acrylic side group is shown as an indicator for side group depletion. The EMAA‐based formulation had a degraded inorganic surface layer that was mechanically stable. It showed only few, small cracks. Cracking might have been prevented by a porosity of the top layer that prevented a strong pressure build up. Many fine holes were formed by bubbles that opened at the surface and congealed in the process (Figure 3‐25). Flames were positioned above the cracks and did not span the whole specimen surface. Consequently, the temperature inside the sample remained comparatively low and the stabilizing ionomer reaction could proceed in deeper layers of the sample. The more levelled temperature gradient was accompanied by a wider extent of the side‐group reaction throughout the specimen (Figure 3‐30, bottom center). In summary, the ability to form an inorganic layer, its expansion and stability determined a threshold behavior of the material. The material was either shielded sufficiently to remain in a temperature range where the beneficial, retardant solid phase mechanisms could proceed, or it bifurcated into a regime where a high temperature activated fast main chain depolymerization and the high heat of combustion caused a run‐off of this reaction. In the latter regime, the temperature was too high for low temperature solid phase mechanisms to influence the combustion. Ignition resistance influenced strongly which pathway was followed. The flow of burning material was dominated by the bifurcation between sufficient insulation or self‐accelerating activation of the main chain decomposition. Vertical cone calorimeter experiments of EMAA specimens yielded results similar to horizontal measurements, if the sample was supported in a retainer frame (Figure 3‐31). 48 Results and discussion Figure 3‐31: Vertical cone calorimeter tests. Left: EMAA‐based specimens had a sufficient stability to largely resist flow when exposed to an external heat flux of 25 kW m‐2 in a supported configuration. Right (2 frames): In unsupported configuration, char rupture led to a fast rate of combustion and feedback for an external heat flux of 35 kW m‐2. The insulating effect of the inorganic layer prevented a significant melt flow at a considerable external heat flux of 25 kW m‐2. Without support, and at a lower thickness of the specimen, the insulating effect was not sufficient to prevent a self‐accelerating combustion at 35 kW m‐2 (Figure 3‐31, right). (Tests in unsupported configuration with 25 kW m‐2 resulted in a flow of the material before ignition could occur.) Self‐accelerating combustion was also observed in 50 W vertical flame tests of the material. In both cases, the isolating expansion effect was not sufficient for a thin specimen, especially when heated from multiple directions. Self‐sustained burning and large droplets of burning melt were observed. Concluding from the vertical experiments, the flow behavior of the material is determined by the heat transfer in a given setup and thereby strongly geometry dependent. The high effective heat of combustion renders the material intrinsically instable. If it is supported and in contact with a body that can conduct heat away (as might be the case for cables), high temperatures may be prevented and congelation of the inorganic expanded layer proceeds sufficiently to insulate the material (Figure 3‐28, path A). As a free‐standing material, without connection to a heat sink, main chain decomposition is activated as higher temperatures are reached. A run‐off reaction follows that produces a burning melt (Figure 3‐28, path B), which retains however a considerable viscosity due to the large amount of filler in the material. 3.4.5 Potential for improvement using finer grades of the filler As was shown above, the ability of the flame retarded formulations to withstand thermal insults relies on the formation of stabilizing bonds between the side groups of the polymer and calcium from the calcium carbonate filler. The higher surface area of finer grades of calcium carbonate offers the potential for an acceleration of the stabilizing process. This gave the incentive to study the thermal and thermo‐oxidative degradation of nanocomposites of EMAA with a very fine grade of calcium carbonate (cubic shape, average 49 Results and discussion width of 70 nm). Composites with a filling level of 5 wt‐% of uncoated and stearic acid coated calcium carbonate were prepared by melt extrusion. The mechanical properties of the composites were similar to the pure material and superior to a control sample filled with µm‐sized particles (Paper V). The low amount of filler added to the EMAA proofed to be very effective to cause a reaction of the acrylic acid side groups to form calcium ion bonds. A small mass loss at low temperatures indicated the onset of the reaction forming the calcium salt (Figure 3‐32). The side group was stabilized to higher temperatures, resulting in a shift to a single decomposition step, as seen in the differential thermogravimetric trace (DTG). The transition from carboxylic acid side‐groups to calcium ion bound carboxylates was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy (Figure 3‐32, right) Figure 3‐32: Left: TG and DTG trace of EMAA (solid line) and an EMAA calcium carbonate nanocomposite (dotted line) acquired in nitrogen atmosphere with a heating rate of 10 °C min-1. Right: Ex‐situ infrared spectra showing the decrease of the carboxylic acid absorption and increase in calcium ion absorption after isothermal degradation in nitrogen at 350 °C for the indicated times. TG measurements in oxygen revealed that EMAA nanocomposites were much more stable than pure EMAA. This effect is assigned to the formation of a very tight surface layer of low oxygen permeability (Figure 3‐33), rather than an improved intrinsic stability. The surface layer broke when the thermal degradation of the material accelerated, leading to a very fast combustion of the material. Figure 3‐33: Thermogravimetric trace of pure EMAA (solid line) and an EMAA calcium carbonate nanocomposite (dotted line), acquired with a heating rate of 10 °C min‐1, using oxygen as the purge gas. 50 Results and discussion Simple combustion experiments showed that the addition of low amounts of the very fine calcium carbonate could not prevent a high burning rate and formation of a low viscous burning melt. High filling levels are still required to dilute the EMAA and to form thicker barrier layers. The results show however clearly that the addition of low amounts of nanoparticles can significantly accelerate both processes that are beneficial to the formation of an expanded inorganic structure: the calcium salt formation needed to stabilize and expand the material and the oxygen barrier formation that delays ignition. The addition of small amounts of the nanoparticles might therefore improve the properties of the flame retarded cable materials, whilst the mechanical properties can be maintained. 51 Conclusions 4. Conclusions The molecular architecture and degradation mechanism of the polymers investigated had a significant influence on their viscosity and flow behavior during combustion. The rate of heat transfer into the materials determined the difference between the surface heating rate and the bulk heating rate, which had a strong influence on the flow behavior of all three polymers in this investigation: • A transition from temperature‐driven flow to degradation‐ and temperature‐driven flow was observed for vertically oriented, radiation heated samples of polystyrene with an initial molar mass of 2.5 105 g mol‐1. For an incident heat flux of 35 kW m‐2, temperature‐ induced melting determined the flow rate of thick samples. At the given surface temperature, the degradation reactions were relatively slow compared to the rate of surface renewal by thermally driven flow, resulting in a similar flow rate of degraded and non‐degraded melt. For an incident heat flux of 50 kW m‐2, degradation strongly reduced the melt viscosity in a thin surface layer. Melt flow in the surface layer was in this case the rate‐controlling process and an intensely degraded melt was recovered. The surface temperature and the difference between surface heating rate and in‐depth heating rate were the most important parameters affecting the flow behavior. • Gasification experiments of polystyrene under inert atmosphere were used to determine the gradient of molar mass at surfaces exposed to different levels of heat flux. The thickness of the surface layer with significantly reduced molar mass markedly decreased with increasing heat flux. The ratio between the rate of propagation of the thermal wave into the material and the mass loss rate at the sample surface determined the extent of in‐depth degradation. • The uniquely low thermal conductivity of cellular polyurethane made flow a surface phenomenon for all levels of thermal insult. The liquid formed during combustion accumulated in a thin surface layer atop essentially non‐degraded material. The fast shrinkage of the cellular material was very sensitive to variations in flame heat transfer. The foam sample was first shaped by the locally varying magnitude of the convective heat transfer from the flame. The shape of the surface then affected the convective heat transfer resulting in an inter‐locking process. The influence of this effect on flame spread is expected to be significant. • Flexible polyurethane foam composites with oxidized carbon nanofibers were prepared. An entangled network of carbon nanofibers percolated the center of the hexagonal foam structure. The collapse and liquid formation of the foam during combustion were eliminated. Similar composites with intercalated clay did not significantly alter the flammability properties of the foam. • The viscosity of poly(ethylene‐co‐methacrylic acrylate) was stabilized to the temperature of rapid main chain scission by interaction with calcium carbonate. At slow heating rates, 52 Conclusions • the blowing reaction of the polymer side chains with the filler could proceed for longer times in its limited temperature range (250 °C – 400 °C), which led to a further reduction of the heating rate and a retardation of combustion. Fast in‐depth heating led to the activation of main chain decomposition (400 °C – 500 °C) and release of the high effective heat of combustion of polyethylene, which caused a run‐off reaction. The mechanical integrity of the surface layer determined the in‐depth heating rate and whether the threshold to main‐chain decomposition was passed. A wide variation of the contact area and of the duration of contact with the heat source were observed in glow wire flammability tests of 10 materials from the European market for low voltage switchgear and controlgear. For this set of samples, melt dripping uniformly led to a better test performance, as the distance to the glow wire increased. The edge application in the 50 W vertical flame tests (UL94) leads to a severe, highly localized thermal impact to the sample. It also facilitates the removal of the hottest material by flow, which is an ill‐defined process that affects the test result. Suggestions for future work To improve bench scale classification tests for electrical appliances, a combination of heat release capacity measurements with tests of flame resistance for different specimen geometries should be evaluated. The heat release capacity is a property that is fairly independent of heat transfer limitations. As a complement, geometry variation of samples exposed to a flame is the most cost‐effective way to amplify the effect of heat transfer, flow and mechanical stresses. The test should comprise a setup where flow is hindered or overheated melt collected such that it can feed back heat to the initial item. Arbitrarily chosen boundary conditions, such as an application of the flame for precisely 10 s, should be varied over a reasonable scale of levels. Determining the limit at which material fails is valuable information that is today obscured by the arbitrarily chosen boundary conditions. A failure within certain well‐defined limits should be accepted for a given application, rather than disinformation promoted. 53 Acknowledgements 5. Acknowledgements I sincerely want to thank my supervisor, Prof. Ulf Gedde, for his outstanding support, his enthusiasm and his positive attitude towards my work that gave me confidence. I would like to thank Dr. Jeffrey Gilman for being a great role model, his guidance and giving me the opportunity to work at NIST. Dr. Mauro Zammarano and Dr. Per Blomqvist are thanked for many fine hours of working in the lab, many interesting discussions and all I could learn from them. My thanks go to Prof. Patrick van Hees for his excellent support and mentoring. I want to thank Dr. Takashi Kashiwagi for telling me the spider joke and Dr. Bruska Azdhar for making things work. I highly appreciated the skilful prearrangement and administration of the framework of this project by Sven Jansson and enjoyed every lunch and “tea” break. I am thankful for eye‐opening advice from Dr. Gregory Linteris, I enjoyed our discussions. Dr. Bernhard Schartel and Dr. Thomas Ohlemiller are both thanked for their sobering advice that often, but not often enough, saved me from wasting a lot of time. The critical spirit and jokes from Prof. Michael Hedenqvist were very welcome. I am indebted to Prof. Wulff Possart and Dr. Carsten Wehlack for all they tought me. Financial support from ELFORSK, BRANDFORSK, El‐Säkerhetsverket, FORMAS, the industrial consortium supporting this project and NIST are gratefully acknowledged. NIST, SP, BOREALIS AB, ABB, BAM, Draka Kabel, Habia Cable are gratefully acknowledged for material supply and access to facilities. I highly appreciate the efforts of Stefan Kjellnäs to introduce me to the world of standardization and the resources he supplied. Lars‐Erik Ahlstrand, Bernt‐Åke Sultan, Jonas Jungqvist and Perry Nylander are sincerely thanked for their rich support with advice and resources. Jan Berggren did an excellent job to ground my thinking to real world scenarios. Mohsin Ali Raza is thanked for his enthusiasm and great working spirit. I could certainly learn much from Fritjof Nilsson that went into this work (in the last minute).The support and advice from Bertil Ahlinder, Michael Schmidt, Per Anders Högström, Maria Conde and Kjell Oberger was extremely helpful. Thomas Korssell and Irina Ekblad are thanked for many enriching discussions. Dick Harris, Randy Shields, Ken Steckler, Szabolcs Matko, Dr. Sameer Rahatekar, Dr. Mark Nyden, Dr.Kathy Butler, Dr. Rick Davis, Barbara Huff, Michelle Donnelly all greatly contributed to this work with their helpful attitude. I appreciated being around. Dr. William Grosshandler and Dr. Anthony Hamins are thanked for making resources available. Dr. Henrik Hillborg is thanked for writing the thesis that brought me to KTH and his continuous support. The administrative personnel at KTH Fiber and Polymer Technology is thanked for the tremendous job they are doing and their great attitude. Thank you Sofia for your struggle with the size exclusion chromatograph. Håkan Svens and Kristina Karlsson are thanked for their outstanding help with the extruder. Lars, Sven‐Ove and Britt, thank you very much for showing me how to master the cone and putting up with a hectic guy like me. Ulf Guldvefall is thanked for his open‐mindedness and borrowing out the infra‐red equipment. The advice from Martin Steen on electrical appliances was very helpful. Maria, Richard, Bruska, George, Thomas, Sung Woo, Fritjof, Viviana, Fran, Jonas, Alessandro, Camilla, David, Johanna, Bereket, Henrik, Robert, Kattis, Linda, Anneli, Pelle, Linda, Barbara, Wenbin, Patricia, Stacy, Sohail, Nima, Eugenia… you made my time at KTH worthwhile. Thank you for all lunch breaks, nightshifts, boat trips, julbords… My special thanks go to the Andersson family for making me feel welcome in Sweden. Maik, Syad, Björn, Alex, JB, JC thanks for your friendship, wherever I am/you are. 나에게 언제나 기쁨과 행복을 주며 따뜻한 사랑으로 후원해준 세은에게 고마움과 사랑의 마음을 전합니다. 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