House Dust Mite Experiments Experiments have been carried out in two major areas to answer the following questions 1. Do mites move in response to hygrothermal conditions within the mattress? 2. How many mites can you get in a mattress? or What is the Carrying Capacity of the mattress? 1. Do mites move in response to hygrothermal conditions within the mattress? Horizontal variation of RH within a mattress 65-70 65-70 65-70 60-65 60-65 60-65 55-60 55-60 55-60 50-55 50-55 50-55 45-50 45-50 45-50 40-45 40-45 40-45 65-70 65-70 60-65 60-65 55-60 55-60 50-55 50-55 45-50 45-50 40-45 35-40 30-35 40-45 35-40 30-35 1 Vertical variation of RH within a mattress 80 Bed occupied 75 Horizontal variation of temperature within a mattress 35-39 35-39 35-39 31-35 31-35 31-35 27-31 27-31 27-31 23-27 23-27 23-27 19-23 19-23 19-23 15-19 15-19 15-19 Relative Humidity (%) 70 65 60 55 50 45 35-39 35-39 31-35 31-35 27-31 27-31 23-27 23-27 19-23 19-23 15-19 15-19 40 35 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Time (Hours) Surface 1cm from top Middle 1cm from bottom Room Vertical variation of RH within a mattress How would mite movement affect the models predictions? 40 Bed occupied Temperature (C) 35 30 25 20 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Time (hours) Surface 1cm from top Middle 1cm from bottom Room How would mite movement affect the models predictions • Hygrothermal conditions within the mattress transient and heterogenous. How would mite movement affect the models predictions • Hygrothermal conditions within the mattress transient and heterogenous. • As a result some areas of the mattress become more favourable to mites and others become less favourable. 2 How would mite movement affect the models predictions? • Hygrothermal conditions within the mattress transient and heterogenous. • As a result some areas of the mattress become more favourable to mites and others become less favourable. Mite movement • Techniques such as heat extraction indicate that mites can detect and move in response to extremes of environmental conditions. • How do they respond to conditions similar to those found within the mattress? • If mites can sense more favourable conditions and move into them they will increase their ability to survive and their reproductive rate. The mite movement box The addition of wadding Mites Added RH & Temp Gradient Mite extraction Analysis of results Zone 1 Hot plate Hot Plate Zone 2 Zone 4 Humid end Zone A Sticky tape Zone 3 Hot plate Dry end Dry end Zone B Humid end 3 RH and temperature gradients within the experimental chamber Mite movement along a temp and RH gradient for different periods of time 100% T em p *C an d % R H T e m p *C a n d % R H 100 80 60 RH 40 Temp 20 80 60 2 3 4 Temp 20 0 1 RH 40 0 1 5 2 3 4 P e rc e n ta g e RH only Gradient RH and temp gradient Zone 4 (Humid) 60% Zone 3 40% Zone 2 20% Zone 1 (Dry) 0% 5 Zones Zones 80% 1 hr 4 hr 24 hr Time period Mite movement along a RH gradient for different periods of time 100% 100% 80% 80% Zone 4 (Humid) 60% Zone 3 40% Zone 2 20% Zone 1 (Dry) 60% Zone B (Humid) 40% Zone A (Dry) 20% 0% 1hr 4hr 0% 24hr 1hr Time period 2 hr 4hr 24hr Time period Mite movement along an RH gradient for different periods of time 100% P e r c e n ta g e P e rc e n ta g e P e rc e n ta g e Mite movement between two zones along a temp and RH gradient for different periods of time Conclusions Mites move towards more humid conditions along a RH & temp gradient and an RH gradient albeit slowly. 80% 60% Zone B (Humid) 40% Zone A (Dry) 20% 0% 1hr 2 hr 4 hr Time period This indicates that mites are able to sense both RH and temperature. The movement in response to RH and temperature appears to be more pronounced than RH alone, but this needs further investigation. 24 hr This movement will affect the model’s predictions. 4 2. What is the carrying capacity (k) of the mattress? What is the carrying capacity (k) of the mattress? Carrying Capacity is the maximum number of organisms which a particular habitat can normally support. Why is carrying capacity (k) important? Long term carrying capacity experiments • The mattress represents a large but finite environment. Tube lid with holes in lid “Mite proof” vapour permeable material • Even under beneficial conditions house dust mites would be unable to grow indefinitely. Tube containing mites and food • Knowing the carrying capacity allows us to set a maximum population for the model. Long term carrying capacity experiment Is space or food the limiting factor ? Control Space Food and space 39 0 34 8 30 6 26 3 21 7 16 9 12 6 Food added 83 0 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 42 Mean number of Mites Population growth of Dp in 1.5 grams of food (mpg) Time (days) 5 Is space or food the limiting factor? Density dependent migration Av number of mites in entire tube Mite tube Sticky tape Mite Movement House dust mites trapped by the tape Sticky tape 35000 Number of mites 30000 25000 20000 Verm Food 15000 Control 10000 5000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time Density dependant migration at 25*C Density dependent migration (25*C) mpc % m igration 3 20000 2.5 15000 2 1.5 *1.6 1 10000 *8 5000 0.5 0 Num ber of m ites 25000 3.5 % pop migration Total no of mites in tube 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time wks 7 8 Conclusions • Mite populations are unable to grow indefinitely. • Carrying capacity is determined by the amount of food and space available. • When carrying capacity is reached mites react by migrating, other behavioural changes are also likely to occur. • Other factors may influence carrying capacity (more experiments required). • So how many mites can you get in a mattress? Back of envelope calculation Humans can shed 1.5g of skin per day In bed for 8 out of 24hrs= 0.5 grams of skin per day Half of that removed by washing bed sheets, vacuuming etc = 0.25 grams of skin (food) per day. A 3 year old single mattress will therefore contain 0.25*1095=275grams of skin Assuming k is 12 000 mites per gram and the mattress has not been infested prior to this the maximum number of mites you will get in this particular bed is approximately 3 million Mites 6