Joaquim Damiao, Seeking job via NAV

Seeking job via NAV
By : Joaquim Damiao, Controller and Adviser
 About NAV
 Registration Card
 About being a job seeker
 How can NAV assist you ?
 Unemployment benefit and obligations
 Questions and comments
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 NAV is the Norwegian Unemployment and Welfare
Administration with 19000 employees. We deliver
services and benefits to 2,8 million people.
 There are 15 local NAV offices in Oslo
 Each administrative district of Oslo has a NAV Office
with joint services as unemployment office, social
security services and local social services.
 Partnership between NAV Oslo and Oslo Municipality.
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As a job seeker, what can you expect
from NAV ?
 Information meetings
 Individual meetings with appointment
 Drop-in / meetings without appointment
 Programs and benefits
 Specialized services, such as NAV Intro and NAV Eures
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Registration card - Meldekort
 To get systematic follow-up, training and eventual benefits from
NAV you have to be registered as job seeker and send
registration card every two weeks.
 On the registration card you report on your job status, activities
and absence from the labour market.
 If you receive benefits, NAV uses the information on the
registration card to calculate the amount to be paid.
 You can send the card electronically at or through
the Post Office.
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Meldekort i papirform
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Elektronisk meldekort fra Din side
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Being a job seeker
New situation – many opportunities
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Being a jobseeker
 Being a succsessful jobseeker is a full time job
 You have to be:
- systematic
- creative
- persistent
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Prepare for succsessful job seeking
Make your updated CV and «tailored» job applications
Be available (on the phone, e-mail and as internet user)
Set frequent deadlines for Yourself
Find information and learn more about job seeking
-Its Your new temporary «occupation»
Choose your reference persons:
-What do they say about you?
Prepare yourself mentally before interview!
-Its actually quite tough…
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You are the main actor but others can
help you in the process of looking for a
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Most jobs are not announced in public
 About 60 prosent of vacant positions are never announced
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How can NAV assist you?
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NAV analyses your needs as job seeker
 All job seekers receive a decision letter about what kind of services
they can get from NAV
 The decision is about how much service or follow-up You can get
 But, it gives no guarantee for a specific program or course
 An advisor at NAV will guide with you to find what program or training
is suitable to you, og how otherwise motivate you to look for work.
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NAV Job fair
At NAV job fair you meet employers who are looking for new
Employers from different branches are invited and there will
therefore be many opportunities.
Bring copies of Your updated CV, and please come to the job fair!
For more information go to
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Job seeker training
 It is a training program that gives infomation about the situation
in the job marked and assists you in the application process.
 The program contains theory and practical exercises as well as
individual activities
 The program helps You find your corecompetence and abilities,
teaches you how to analyse a job announce, as well as help you
to write a good CV and application letter.
 Personalized interview training is also helpful
 Duration : Four weeks
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Jobb training in ordinary Companies
 It is a program for you who need to find out your possibilities in
the job markedet
 I gives you job experience and training in a company
 It increases your chances of getting a job
 You have to find a company
 If the company accepts you, you can apply to NAV to get into
the program
 NAV will treat the application and give you a feedback
 You can only apply for 3 months each time
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NAV can support your employment in the
 The support will help you get a job where NAV compensates the
company for part of your salary in a limited period of time.
 You have to be employed in a ordinary way with a contract and
receive salary from the company.
 You have to find the company
 If the company accepts you, the company applies to NAV
 NAV will treat the application and give you and the company a
 You/ the company can only apply for 3 months each time
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Other training programs and services
 See oppdated information on
 As a main rule You should be looking for job for some
months before You can apply for a training program
 NAV Intro can help you to find a training program if You
are not fluent in Norwegian Language.
 NAV Eures can give You information if You have
Norwegian citizenship and are looking for job in other
European countries or if you are citizen of another
european country and are looking for job in Norway.
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Unemploymentbenefit and obligations
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If you lose your job you can apply for
If You lose You job you can claim unemployment benefit. The
outcome of Your claim depends among other things on Your
contract and how much You earned last year or the last 3 years.
You have to be a real job seeker
As a real job seeker You have to be willing to:
Take any type of work which is paid according to the Norwegian tariff and
– Work anywhere in Norway
– Work part-time or full-time
– Participate in the job market programs
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Unemployment benefit and education
Main rule:
You can not receive unemployment benefits while taking
education or going to school
But there are some exceptions
You have to apply to keep Your unemployment benefits while You
are going to school
You can also apply to keep Your unemployment benefits while you
are taking Norwegian Language course.
The forms are available at the good old
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