Question Sheet

‫שירו לה' שיר חדש‬
Question Sheet
‫מורה בלאטנער‬
‫פירוש התפילה‬
____________ :‫שם‬
______ :‫כתה‬
1. Summarize '‫ שירו לה‬in 3 – 4 sentences. Make sure to include the main points. (4 points)
2a. Which theme is mostly expressed in '‫שירו לה‬. (1 point)
b. Bring at least two ‫ פסוקים‬which support that theme. (2 points)
3a. The ‫ רבי‬told us we have an important mission in ‫גלות‬. What is our mission? (1 point)
b. Which words in '‫ שירו לה‬teach us this same point? Explain. (2 points)
4. Why is it important to point out that '‫ ה‬created the heavens? What is it coming to teach us?
(2 points)
5a. What type of gift does ‫ משיח‬want the ‫ גוים‬to give him? (1 point)
b. What words (in '‫ )שירו לה‬do we learn this out from? (1 point)
6. Why does it say ‫ כי בא‬twice? (2 points)
7. Explain one ‫מפורש‬/‫מדרש‬/idea that you found interesting and give reasons for why this specific
‫מפורש‬/‫מדרש‬/idea appealed to you. (4 points)
(It has to be one that you haven’t written about in any of the questions above.)
Bonus Question (3 points)
Read the ‫ היום יום‬of ‫ כ"ג כסלו‬and ‫כ"ד כסלו‬.
What does it mean?
How does it connect to ‫?קבלת שבת‬
This Question Sheet is instead of a test. You are allowed to use your notes.
Send in all your completed worksheets together with this question sheet. Your worksheets
should be in your own words, not just copied from the board.
Make sure to include your name, grade, subject/teacher and the topic - '‫ שירו לה‬Question Sheet.
Pay attention to the marks allocated for each question. You must write one point per mark.
This will also be marked on:
A: Effort – Presentation – neatness (handwritten neatly or typed in a separate document)
- spelling
- punctuation and full sentences
B. Clarity – Answers are clear and to the point
C. Punctuality – Sent back in time
Due Date: Tuesday, ‫ט שבט‬.
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