" Page Eighteen THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AMD CHRONICLE.THURSDAY. JANTIARV I » Installation Ceremonies for Azure Assembly Rainbow Girls ? DRIVE CAREFULLY CAREFULLY New officers of Azure Assembly,*& Order of-Ifee-Rainbow for', Girls, will be officially installed at["• 9* N a m e s JLoCflJ M a n WALK CAUTIOUSLY 8:30 p. in. Tuesday in the Masonic Temple, South avenue. The new Employment Head assembly was instituted December Raymond S. Price of 67 Winans 6, last. .1- ' avenue^ha^ _ ^ - ^ , ^ e ^ ^ ^ * * . - ^ • is worthy ad Inteno'ent oi~empifoyment for the Visor and Joan Lund is worthy Public Service transportation companies.. associate advisor. Starting with Public Service Other officers tor the initial term Railway Company March 11, 1011, 6re: Rush Schonfcld, Charity; Batri- as a conductor, Mr, Prlce.was Jiiade , cia Daub, Hope; Diana Dimock, an inspector in 1013 and a disFaith; Irene Grossman, recorder; patdher in 1014. Several years later] Muriel Schait, treasurer; Claire he was promoted to supervisor, and . Kieswetter, chaplain; Joan Bosch, in 1922 he was named assistant drill leader; Jean Schmidt, love; division superintendent, Central Marion Martin, religion; Solly Divisioq, a title later .changed to! TeelseL nature; Jane Johanson, assistant division manager, Cenimmortality; Carol Grabau, fidel- tral Division. In 1946 he was appointed supervisor of safety, genity; Elaine Smith, patriotism. eral office,' Transport. THURSDAY, JANUARY No objections dr comments were Mildred Schott. service; Nancy Rubright, organist; Doris Shallcross. c h o i r director; Phyllis Hooley, soloist; Carol Schott,. confidential observer; Patsy Ofiden; Arrangements far a Father-Son outer observer; Mrs. Lorraine R. dinner to be held during Scout Flerning, mother advisor, and Mrs. Week were discussed last WednesElla .Schmidt, chairman of the day at a regular monthly meeting of the Mothers' Club of Boy Scout boardTroop 78 at the home of Mrs. Olga Betty Fimvall of Bethany AsBautsch. 18 Balmiere parkway. iq sembly, Roselle,. will be installing Following the meeting, a social "officer. Others taking part will be hour was held. There were 14 Doris Olson, Elizabeth Assembly, members present —-——as-jnar£hal;-Margaret-Noyes,-Bethony Assembly, chaplain; Gloria CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LESSON JR. 282&BO pan colder; Diana Dimock, Azure A s - LIFE" is the subject for Sunday, sembly, soloist,. and Nancy Ru- anuary 18. bright. Azure Assembly, organist. GOLDEN TEXT: "Seek good, and Meetings of the new assembly lot evil, that ye may live: and so will be toejd the first and third the Lord, the God of hosts, shall .Tuesday-evenings of each month. jewith you. as ye hove spoken." ' A card and game party is sched- 'Amos 5:14) the King N:, Passages from the uled t o be held following the Feb-SERMON:, ames version of the Bible ruary 3 meeting. Standing committees for the en-.elude: _ , , suing three months follow: Fl-' ' ^ " ^ that wiU love life, and nance. Muriel Schait and M r s . | f e e good days, let him Helen Gaffney; charity. c t o i r e °ngue from evil, and his Kieswetter and Joan Lund; para-' U i e y s p e^a k n O " " " « pheraalia. Joan Lund, Mrs. Bertha **"' Kaiser and Patricia Daub; entertainment. Louise Bronnenberg, j ^ ures' Mrs. Ella Schmidt and Jean Baker Eddy include: S c h m i d t ; . refreshments, Ruth "The measurement of Schonfeld. Mrs. Inez Schonfeld and [solar years robs youth and.gives Violet Freckmon; publicity, Diana ugliness to age . . . Life and goodDLrr.ock. Mrs. Mildred Sehott and ness are immortal. Let us then May Foirweather. shape our views of existence into loveliness, freshness, and continuity, rather than into, age and AnaSs Drive aft Bates blight" (p. 246) Miss Rae Walcott. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Walcott, 12 HBST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SOONEST Berkeley place, recently pa s i Services Sunday, 11 a. m. ice Fund Drive at Bates College, Wed. Eve, 8:15 o'clock Lewiston. Me., where she* is a Sunday School, 9:30 a. tn. sophomore. Miss Walcott, who BEADING BOOM, 5 ALDEN BE. was in charge of soliciting funds Open dally 1-4. except Thuro. and in Cheney House, a girls' dormi- PH. 10:30-4. Also F i t 7:30-9 p. m. tory, also conducted a booth at a college carnival for benefit of the 550—3100—S200 OK drive. A major in mathematics. Miss Walcott is a member of the Women's Athletic Association Board and the Bates Christian Association. feO. fhruW dan. pearfy Banoaa. Cmy. ftraoa. lOt»SO. Ao in Venom msso- Mrs. Lillian Hellenbrecht of 22 Cherokee road recently won two p&zes when she appeared as a contestant on the radio program. "Grand Slam." in New York City. For answering two musical questions correctly, Mrs. Hellenbrecht received a candid camera with a year's supply of film, and a gold compact — -• - NU-VIEW VENETIAN BUND CO. w d metal bUada. C. i-piece mil in 100% ol pin check. Suit has one-button jacket, dirt. Coat has turn-back *ull*. fore back. Broun, blue. HL20. In Clamour. Suit, 55.00 Coat. 4 9 7 5 D. Juillianl pure uorued theen utit tcith >ojt, turn-back cuffed bolero, trouser . pleated slcirt. liroun. beige, grey. 10 to Ifl. Vogue magazine. RE 401 Knopf SlL, Lindbn on No. 10 Boa route ISSUES 2-7033 Up to 15 Months to Repay NO ENDOBSEBS NEEDED Do you have money problems? Help solve .them with an Atlas Finance loan. Then repay your loan in small -monthly instalments —'take 6, 12, or up to IS. months. Our rate is 2Vi% per month on unpaid balances. Don't let overdue bills, seasonal""" expenses, medical bills or emergency expenses get you down. At Atlas Finance you borrow on your signature, furniture- or car and no endorsers or (rtuir&ntors are needed! 79.75 OPBN rBIDAY O A. M. l o 7 P. BJ. •CORDING -TAPING -PAINTING OPEN DAILY l t . l i . l l AiSO P. M. EVENINGS DV APPOINTMENT ATLAS of The value or its"lnvestment~ ohT LIC. No. 768 16-18 N. UNION AVE. Onutfora SYMBOL OF ilii SUIT AND COAT VALUE! everywhere Ihnve recognized Swnuodov/n'o beauty and quality. They every ouit orad coat carrying the Swanadotvn label livco u p tto the Y1RI TREAD os3 r$nndnir$% Svjom&oim eaalto a n d coata nvo tailored vji&h i y d cSnoy newer cecis dated. SV/OIIOAKVII coito and coats oax> made oS t a mtvtr ron scror bafiBi* vtthtwt «h« bettor «rf patting an ekalaa. MU tori*. E. £ds £3 PcdJ'^e VcrSaaa. o a wcaar oo well 03 jovs bcs3 Mea&I YcaVo ecea fites ca£J3 10iB. Vlraa «t«b ffolsr Ccslso in QiaabeS&iI c£ii Saa&la eager. &=&£, podtat, m&aa CscSu CensL 101 NORTH UNION AVENUE CRftnf on! 64M28 forthcoming from, about 20 townsTownship Committee Tuesday To Speak Here Heightened interest, in the anpeople who attended a hearing on night introduced and passed on nual school election to be held ihe proposed 1948-49 school budfirst reading an ordinance approFebruary 10 was assured today as get, providing for appropriations priating $10,000 for the engaging District Clerk Herbert R. McCultotaling St)24.634.11. as compared of an architect's services for the lough announced that petitions with $531,161.86 in the current preparation of plans, specifications had been filed for four candidates budget, and calling for an increase sketches, a model and working for the three full three-year Board of $87,587.07 in the amount to be drawings of a new' municipal of Education terms to be tilled this raised by taxation, at the meeting building preparatory to the erecyear. Those for whom petitions of the Board of Education in tion of such building. Public hearwere filed are: Walter E. Cooper, Cleveland School Tuesday night. ing will be February 3. president of the board, seeking reFollowing explanatory statements a e . H T u ir ^ *°}L is sketch by Vincent Kling, Cranford architect, of Cranford's proposed new municipal building, to be erected The proposed ordinance follows by members of the board, the budat Worth Union_and Springfield avenues. An ordinance appropriating $10,000 for engaging architect's .services und preparation of election; A. L. Rodee, 23 Mansion the recommendations of an advis- plans1 and specifications for new building was passed on first reading Tuesday night by Township Committee; Estimated cost of terrace; Edmund B.. Faulkner, 301 get wus adopted, subject to final ory committee which rmet: last structure is $217,000. West End place, and Mrs. Charles : • approval by the voters at the anRedden, 201 Columbia a venue. month with the Township Comj jaitt^,3 ary 10.' Deadline for filing' of petitions ably will not be started immedVice-Presideml's Post Vision Machines was midnight last night. Explaining the amount to be iately, the advisory committee appropriated for teachers' salaries Mrs. Ruth Berry and J. D. For John V. NosSrand lions' Gift to Schools Stearns, the.otH'er. members of the recommended that plans and speci—S353.C50—which amounts to an John V. Nostrand, manager of . Two vision-testing devices for fications be- readied so that work increase of $61,775 over the 1947board whose terms expire, had dethe Cranford Branch of the Union use In the Cranford schools in dejnay be started when costs level 48 figure. Dr. Robert P. Ferguson, clared" previously that they" would County'Trust Company, has been tecting and aiding in correction off. orin event a favorable renewal chairman of, teachers and instrucnot seek reelection. Frank A. elected vice-president of the bank, of sight and reading ihabit defects Weidknecht of 127 Severin court, of the lease on present quarters, tion, declared 'the increase was which expires December 31, 1948, Mrs. Henry T. Gruber, president it was announced this week. He were presented to the Board of for whom a petition also was circonsidered necessary in an effort of the Evening Guild of Trinity formerly was an assistant- vicecannot be consumated. Presbyterian Young People's Education at its meeting Tuesday culated, announced last night that BISHOP G. BBOMLEV OXNAM to meet part way the reduction in Church, who was treasurer for the the buying power of the taachers" Tentative sketches, ..of a pro- 1947 Red Cross Fund Drive, has president of the institution. Mr. Day will be observed next Sunday night toy the Cranford Lions Club. he was withdrawing because of dollar. posed building, to be erected on been named to serve as treasurer Nostrand is chairman of the fi- at the First -Presbyterian Church. The presentation was made by the press of other business. the site of the old Republican again this year, it was announced nance committee of the Township As a part of the .morning worship Manning Rowitz, past president of "Cranford is not known as one Garwood, District Clerk A. T. Club house on Springfield avenue today, by Frederick P. Andersen, Committee. service at 11 o'clock, the Chapel the club, wiho headed a delegation M oIn of the high-paying towns for sc a ann unccd lhal ' ' ° ' i JP i e l i t i P n s h a d near North Union avenue, have general chairman for the CranChoir will, sing Gounod's "Send of club'members attending the i teachvrs, but we feel we can hold been prepared by Vincent Kling, ford - Garwood - Kenilworth area Out Thy Light." The following (meeting. He said the gift was made been filed"" for the following six I ir own 'among communities in candidates for the three threein appreciation of tine board's suplocal architect He has offered to Charles R. Merwarth is associate young people will take part in the this area with the increases proyear terms to be tilled: Oliver W. handle complete plans and super- chairman for this year's, drive, service: Barbara Lewis, Marilyn; port of Lions' activities, especially A discussion of "The Future llu vided." he declared. Davis, 263 Hazel avenue; Roy J. vise construction for four und one-which will begin h/ere on March 1. Smid, Arthur Eschenlauer and the"-'club's' yearly drive for funds l)r Ferguson .said that $20,000 Fitzsimmons, 345 Third avenue; American Home" will be presented ,half percent of the total cost of for sight conservation and aid to Herbert Helle. The Rev. Robert Richard B. Harper, Sr., 316 Locust'by the Rev. G. Bromley Oxnani. of the increase would no for addithe structure. Cost of the building Other appointments for the 1948 G. Lohfiaker's message to the group the blind. avenue; Jules Lusardi, Jr., 314 East j presiding bishop of the Methodist tions to the teaching staff deemed has been tentatively estimated at campaign were announced by Mr. will be "Wiiither Goest Thou, Walter E. Cooper, president of Andersen as follows: Industrial Returns in the 1948 March of street; George Vandomark, '415 Church in the New York area, at necessary because of increases in $217,000. the board, accepted the gift, e x gifts. Lisle R. Beardslee, chairman, Dimes campaign to raise funds for Young Man?" taken if ram the text, pressing the thanks of the trustees. Myrtle avenue, and James R. the second program of the season, the school population and further "When the young man iheard that Mayor George E. Osterheldt, assisted by Henry W. Whipple, Walsh. 119 Windsor place. Mr. by the Cranford Civic Forum in increases foreseen for next year. who presided, appointed G. Nelson the c h a p i t e r ' s treasurer; dis- the fight against Infantile paralysis, saying, he went away sorrowful.' Lusardi is a present member of the high school auditorium at 8:15 He said that in order to approxiwhich began here last Thursday, At 7:30 p. m. the Session will Kling, William J. Fredrick, Har- play, Mrs. A. J. Davies, who was mate the board's aim of having a the Garwood board seeking reelec- p. m. next Thursday night. old M. Wilson and Health Officer in charge of display and captain thus far have been following the meet in the chapel with the memmaximum of 30 pupils in each tion. Alfred S. Daly and Jerry Bishop Oxnani. who is also an William P. Smith, as members of of District 8 last year; publicity, pattern of previous successful bers who are being received Into Fontenelli, the other members educator, •author, lecturer -and radio classroom it would be necessary to a special fuel coordinating com- Charles M. Ray, H. G. Sutter and campaigns in Cranford. it was an- the church. At 8 o'clock, the servhire, eight new teachers for. the whose terms expire, are not runmittee. The new committee, a p nounced today by William H. ice of preparation for the Holy ferred to as "a message for today pcinlment««f' -which- has -been An additional $10,000 of the inIn Kenilworth. District Clerk from a religious leader who knows recommended by the Governor to The quota for the Cranford- view of the fact that this year sanctuary. The Rev. Mr. Longcope with the current serious fuel Garwood - Kenilworth area . this marks the 10th anniversary of the laker's talk will be 4he fourth in Funeral services were conducted Helen Arthur announced that peti- •today's problems." There will'also crease will go toward maintaining that shortage, will have headquarters year has been set at $9,580, almost National Foundation for Infantile[the series, "Things a Man Can Be- Monday in Hartford, Conn., for tions had been filled for six candi- be a program of special music by Peter Shoukimas, 316-year-old son dates for three full three-yearL sojolsfand a quartet. Tickets has been worked out based on on the second floor of the munici- twice the 1947 quota to|Paralysis, the chairman added, thejiieve"—"Jesus ^Christ, last year^ campaign, residents of committee feels - that on .-extra | Following this service an informal of Dr. and Mrs. John Shoukimas [terms and for one candidate tor \aaay be obtained at the door or years of service and training and pal building. .. ^. . toward adjustments to bring' all Road Commissioner George this area donated $10,000.75, or effort should be made by everyone reception will toe held in the in- of 418 Lincoln Park, east, whose the one unexpired term to be filled. ifram members,of local organiza- teachers under this schedule. Dr. body wag found in the Rahway Running for reelection ore the folapproximately $4,390 over the area cooperating in the drive. Rankin publicly commended termediate rooms for all members River about 500 feet from his lowing "board members: Michael tions supporting the Civic Forum Ferguson said. Township Engineer P. J. Grail for quota. Cranford's quota for 1948 has and friends of the church to wel- home last Thursday afternoon Tortora, president; George Bars- program. Former, president of DePauw Also covered by the increase in work in helping to locate the In discussing the need for in- been set at $3,000. Collections come the new members into the after a search that started soon ness and Charles Kosmutza, Jr. University in Indiana, Bishop appropriations for teachers' combody of Peter Shoukimas, drowned creased donations this year as a here last year totaled $2,868. churoh -fellowship. ., • , , ' „ j pcnsation. he added, will be an after he disappeared about 10:30 Other candidates for the three- „ last week in the Rahway River, result of increased operating costs Mr. D'Arcy reported that 7,600 is secretary of the BoardiT" ... , , , . 1 p. m. 'the Junior Fellowship a. m. the day before. The body [year terms are: Wallace Bauer. 53 Oxnam . . . . . , ' • ', .. j . . i t e m providing for cost of living and also for his work in clearing last year and expected further in- coin cards have been mailed to of Missions of the Methodist , „ . _ . , „ „ __ u Jneet in .the Dugette room. local streets following recent creases in cost of Red Cross serv- residents of Cranford, and he "We've a Story. to Tell in Our ices during the coming year,, Mr. urged that returns in these cards Town" will be the theme of the snow and sleet storms. Letters of commendation for the Andersen said today: be returned as soon as possible in program to be led by the Outreach I where they were last year in relaBenedict's Cemetery, Bloom- Curry is unopposed for reelection engineering department's snow "There is only one Red Cross; each case. Explaining that in Commission with Billy Steers as Amonca. . , tion to • living costs. for a two-year unexpired term. removal work also were received only one world-wide organization previous campaigns, reports have chairman. The Senior Fellowship field, Conn. .Among books he has written are h," explaining the only other from the Rotary Club, Lions Club, able to cope with disaster, whether j b e e n received" from many friends will meet in the gymnasium. The Discovery of the body Was made Completing his third three-year the following: "Making This Our | a l ( , c s i n j , , e i n c r e a s e „, t h e budget. by Township Engineer Patrick J.'term'on thVcranfoixl board."Mr. Woman's Club, Mrs. Mary DIFabio, it take the form of individual of the March of Dimes movement worship service will be led by Jean Last War," "Labor and Tomorrow's i f r o m $25,068.20 for repairs and 213-215 Centennial avenue, and W. troubles of. little people or the that -they did not receive their S.nyder. There will be a "Bible Grail at 2:48 p..m. last Thursday]cooper has served as president for World." "The Ethical Ideals of replacements under the 1947-48 after members of his department y ^ < pa t i S t w o woy e a r s a n d w a s v i c e _ [Jesus in n Changing World. "HeH. Young, 211 Locust drive. world-shaking misery of nations. cards, Mr. D'Arcy urged that per- Search for Things to Live By," led 19 under the proyears be.ore! n o l d T n y M o t h c r V . , a n d -Youth and • Police Commissioner J. Edward "We are being called on for n sons not receiving theirs get in by. Bill Balsam, and everyone is had succeeding in lowering thej.pre^ident ,fo. Richard J. Kaul. river level about three feet by Wolf also praised members of the larger contribution to that end. I touch with him or apply at the t | the New America:" (Continued on page eight) j chairman of buildings and grounds. opening the flood gates in the t h aMr. Cooper is a past commander police and fire departments for the am confident that the people, in- office of The Citizen und Chronicle Benjamin F. Ncwswanjjer ^[declared the $8,151 increase was Droescher Mill dam. of Cranford Post, 212, American long hours members of those' d e - dustries and business concerns of for additional cards. for replacements—and -repairs Figuring^ that. the. flaw. of. water Legion, "and "a "member "of~Nr"R: CTanford,"~Garwood""and Kenil- '"""To reach our quota~or" Cos we from a storm sewer entering the Fiske Post, 335, Veteruns of For- Olher active 'members include: Dr. deemed absolutely necessary unShoukimas boy last week. worth ' will demonstrate their hope) greatly exceed it, it will be river in back of the Kahlcrest eign Wars. He is active in Trinity Stanley Hall, Mrs. J. An^us der a three-year' plan for such Mayor Osterheldt declared the awareness of this acute necessity." necessary to get buck not less work prepared by his committee. Apartments, where the boy lived, Church affairs and is ulso presimanner in which citizens r e than 50 per cent of the total of would have prevented formation dent of the Cranford Glee Club. jfche Rev. Albert Allinger. Mrs. C. G. Mr. Kaul asserted that Cransponded during the tragedy was 7,600 cards originally mailed, he of ice in that urea, Mr. Grail e x - A'luwyer, he has offices in Newurk Albury, Howard Cowperthwaite. ford's original investment of about most gratifying and .said it e x declared. • plored that section after the water and New York City. He is mar- Mrs. A. M. Wilson, Mrs. George S.!$2,000,000'in its,school properties emplified the fine spirit of c o Sauer, Mrs. R. S. Miller, James P. has increased to a value of over Local joint sponsors of the The Cranford Business Asso- had been lowered and discovered operation that prevails in a small ried and has three grown> children N e ^ n * a n d M«7D7C.'N!CoHins. $5,000,000 under present day ecoMarch of Dimes campaign are the ciation, at its dinner meeting last the red-mittened hand of the child who received their education in community during time of emerOther forum topics for the 1947- nomic conditions, and he declared Cranford Woman's Club and the Thursday night in the Colonial protruding above the water. He the Cranford schools and a son gency. Cranford Physicians' Club. 48 season include: March 30, "The that such : an- investment warsummoned Lt. George L. RosenDining Room of the Cranford Hotel, who is now in Roosevelt School. At the suggestion of the Union "Members of Mr. D'Arcy*s execudale and Patrolman Joseph Kovacs, Ma. Cooper has been a resident Family—Today," and April 27, ranted an expenditure of even voted to present on annual 'award County School Boards Association, tive committee are: Mayor George "The U. N. and Us." more for maintenance. He pointed who with Union County Park Pa- of Cranford for 25 years. o resolution was adopted urging Commended for his leadership E. Osterheldt, honorary chairman; trolman Charles to the the Legislature~to Increase °theHas pastor of the Cranford Metho- X, f ! ? . r ^r^.'i-.J5i i I - BAY SEMVECE Willis .18 Pages — FIVE CENTS ranforii's New Municipal Building\Q Plan Fatheip-Sora Dinner 1 WALK CAUTIOUSLY- THUBSDAY NIGHTS T I L 9 . . . CLOSED EVEEY MONDAY ,ter. Munville Corporation in New York -ana~relieve~the" burden on~locat|Ailinger maintenance during the past 10 E. Cooper, Leslie Crump, George comm'iinTty good 3uflhg the year. The township engineer reported City, hus ulso been associated with invitation by the congregation to property owners. Copies will be years, which he declared was not S. Sauer, Henry W. Whipple, John First award is expected to be made the opening of the flood gates was serve at the church for the fifth the Fuulkner and Colony Manuforwarded to the Union County a high enough level of maintenance V. Nostrand. William J. Willsey, next December. consecutive year, at the annual William P. Smith and Joseph A. Details of the form of the award done with the permission of Dr. facturing Company in Keene, N. H., legislative delegation. , to keep the school plant in proper Neil Castuldo, owner of the propand • how nominations are to be erty ut that point, and with the und the Dichl Manufacturing Comshape. ; Suggestion of Henry W. Whipple. congregational meeting Monday Plummer. chairman of the Cranford Ambu- night in the church. made, as wen as the selection of advice of Anthony Dellu Serra, pany in' Findernc. A native of Also included in the new budlance Committee, that a physician Also known as the fourth quarthe Judges, were referred to the who was in charge of the work Boston, Mass., he is a graduate of get is an item of $4,150 for capital be assigned for service at time of terly conference, the meeting Lions Oubs Meet association's executive committee when the sluceway at the Droeschi Milton Academy, Milton. Muss., Tuesday night's meeting of the outlay, to provide for new lavaand received Ihls A.B. at Harvard accidents or hi an emergency, was featured election of church offi- At KenilworSli Inn for study and recommendations. er Dam was blocked off ubout 20 ip 1933. He came to Crunford in Township Committee took on unj tory fucilities and renovation and ffferred to the Cranford Physi- cers, appointment announcements, international aspect when Mayor repair of existing facilities in LinMayor George E. OsterheU years • ago. Septernber cians* Club to work out a schedule adoption of church budgets, and Frederick W. Flake of the .truest speaker. lauded, the .associa. '"Laboratory—>«f tion as being a vital part of the World Wur II. M r .Al An nnnee VVo«t oj,t o a l u l u , t Norway, to|f o r the J off M Mandul/Norway, to for the Sherman Sherman School School driveway driveway New Jersey was guest speaker! ovmr-unity life. He said the Town- ing policemen, firemen and volun- taulkncr served three years and" y t h e c h a i n n a n . s c h u i r and'and for leveling of the grounds in able at stated periods during the zations. teers, took part in the search for civ months month>i nwrn>m infun-l ^> ,. . ,.,.., . . . . _ . • . . . . . * * overseas in tho the infun month. Mr. Whipple pointed out In a report submitted by G. K. Tuesday evening ut a combined ship Committee always welcomes the boy, which was made more six open the meeting. With a loud back of the high school. that it bee n impossible, on Warner, chairman of the pastoral meeting of the Cranford, Gar- and gives consideration to recom- difficult by snow and ice and ex- try. He previously served on the bang of the gavel und in excellent On recommendation of Mrs. several occasions, to move patients relations committee, the Rev. Mr. wood and Kenilworth Lions Clubs mendations from organizations ceptionally cold weather. A unit City Council ut Keene, N. H., und English. Miss Vo»jt announced that Ruth Berry, activities chairman. immediately because of inability to Allinger was invited to continue at Kenilworth Inn, Kenilworth. such as the Business Association of Squadron 222-3 of the Civil wus director of the Keene Chap- U!«_"mcfiUnjt..wiU.pJi;ua;.£ome..ta.it--was voted to- spend the $557.94 in the pastorate. The recommen- Judge William Bruder of Kenil- whoso members are interested in Air Putrol also participated in the ter, American''Red "Cross." He is , order." obtain a physician promptly. I balance in the Lincoln School , Subject to confirmation at the dation was referred for considera- worth presided. married und hus a son, trederick.] p r i o r , ( ) s t . r v , n t , u s "temporary!cafeteria fund for a recorder mathe progress of Cranford. search from the air. n«xt meeting, the committee np- tion to the Rev. Dr. George Y. Introduced by Arthur Carlson The mayor reported that a mas- The body was found about is in^ the kindergarten ut; c h a irnian." Miss VoKt was pre-'chine for speech correction and P-^ved sale to William Boffa of Flint, district superintendent, who of Elizabeth, deputy district gov- ter mao showing proposed loca- feet from the river bank, indicat.seated with a bouquet of flowers1 reading practice, to be kept in ^ following tax lien properties will present the invitation before ernor, the speaker gave an illus- tions of parking meters has been by Mayor Osterheldt, who said Lincoln School available for use block 518, located on Raritun the annual meeting of the Newark trated talk on the identification of prepared and that, if funds arc Sherman questionable documents, entitled near Centennial avenue: Lot Conference. The conference usualcovers for available in the 1948 budget, they $150; tots 623 to 626, $600;|ly follows such recommendations. 'Is Your House In Order?" Mr. room of Fluke served as a document e x - will be installed sometinte this l°«s 627 to 629, $200; lota 630 to jit wus pointed out. . „ „„ „ estimated year, In the event they are not, 63 aminer for many government 2. $150; tot 633, $100; Iota 610 The report reads: P.-T.A., a member of the youth,, h i n ( , s h e w i l , , o n t , remember, that the recorder would cost about strict enforcement of the onof death. and 611. $800; iota 600 and 601. "Under the leadership of our| agencies during World War II. committee t h e j M . l v o r o.-.terheldt urKed her to $250 and the slip covers about hour parking regulations in the Born in Pcnsacola, Flu., while conservation Wcdnesday Morning Club,ofchair^00 — — — , T$350.|.pastor we have attained higher Following service in both the business center will be continued. his father Was stationed there dur- man of the committee in charge take back to her native lund the $200. Any remainder of the fund French und U, S. Army Air Corps love we. in this country, have for!is to be expended for records for ^Accepted subject to public auction) goals, broadened our servicea to Additional street lights and in- ing the wur as u naval doctor, of the Junior Village Improve- her people. {Lincoln School. Recommendation at the next meeting was the offer| the m-mbers of our church and during World War I, he was apPeter had lived in Cranford since imcnt Association and a memcreased lumens In present 'lights in pointed an operative of the U. S. Photographs were taken of Miss for such use of the fund had been «1 8300 from \y. C.~McPhcrson for the citizens of our town, and sup1944. In uddition to his parents, Secret Service, and later was us-'the business area also hinge on ber of the Evening Guild of Trinity^ und members of the commit-,received from Principal Frank J*°t 804. block 623. ported every movement and proavailable funds, the mayor said. he is survived by a brother, Church. She ulso served on the , t . t . by Slit. Harry Page. Jr.. us wellMartz. Following public hearing, con- gram of the church throughout signed to the White House detail. Jonathan, 2, und his unclt> und Michael Shcrba of the Kenil- While the township is in an exP.-T.A. recreation committee. Born as of the guest of honor with Misaj A question as to policies to be nrmution was given sale of tux the world." >unt, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Havens in New York City, Mrs. Redden j c a n Mack, her hostess durintf the followed in admitting post eradwle certificate covering lota 94, 03 Stating further that space and worth club was in charge of the cellent position financially, he if English Village. lived in Bayonne. where she ut- pa.-,t two weeks, and Miss Viola uatu students to Cranford High «nd 06. block 169, to Mr. and Mrs. time did not permit a complete program. William Gourley, vice-'pointed out that it la facing a mild tended hi«h school, and ulso in Ujorholi... hii;h school Ennli^h in- School was referred to the attendHoward ZckoU for $173. and cer- review of services rendered by the president of the Cranford club, and!"'ax rate cr>is" due principally to Uflcato covering lots 234 and 235. pastor and Mrs. Allinger, the|Stunley Curlsen, president of t h e n decided Jump in the Board of estimated budget block 303, to WUlium Herzog for statement emphasized that thereGarwood Lions, representedU1 their, Education's ri> tuble. speaker ~>..I~...«J reviewed .! the .efforts haa been not only a growth of groups at the speakers' •• ~ '| "The " ™—•«-— < During the evening, 1the Kenil- of the Township Committee to Following public auction, town- «-hnrrh nwmluTs. but nlso u more owned lota on Carpenter, important growth in spiritual worth Fife, Drum und Bugle Corps provide additional parking areas in altered u demonstration which was the business center, pointing to the Pbcp was sold to Mr. und Mrs-lvalues. well received. Sponsored by the new parking lot on South and Sch lz> a n d Mra J o h n his ministry we ure Hoff ° ^^ " "'Under ..„ . . — - . . . _ J Ima „ n and Mr. and Mrs. William destined to move forwurd to Ccnilworth Lions Club, the corps South Union avenua as greatly altOr 300 iad * each. Their pres-; greater fields of service and attain vas led by Eric Hamilton. More leviating conditions in that area "t homes are in the path of the objectives that will make forl han $25 In Hues was collected The municipality recently acquired Continue/I ^n pant <--.j'i» and donated to the corps. (Continued OR paso eight) (Continued on page eight) Week-End Weather Considerable cloudine.-s with a few snow flurries an:l becouiin•{ col.icr by afternoon: generally fair and c:>Uer fmisjlit. Friduy increasing clouJinc ^ followed by lijht s:nnv m a.:tcrno3n and iii^ht. Fair weather and cold Sjiurduy a:;d Sunday, Jersey City before moving to ^tructor, who has supervised Miss'ance committee, for study und Cranford. She wus president of Voi;t durini; her month's study in recommendations, tlu: Roosevelt P.-T.A. in 19-JO. Cranford Hijjh School. On recommendation of the UnMurried. she has u sonT Robert. In Mi s s Vojit, one of 21 Scandi- ion County School Boards AssoCranford Junior Hi^h School. Mrs. n a v i a n und Finnish boys and t;irls ciation. a resolution was pushed Redden has had bu.sine.-.s experi- w ),o arrived lust month on an ex- urKin« passage by the State LetJentv, having .served in an executive c-han.'e student arrangement, will Mature of a proposed bill to proposition wiUi Sen raft'a in New ]•• , v • Sunday to visit Baltimore, vide additional state aiu for York. , Washington, D. C*.. and I'hil.ulel- schools. Mr. Ilndee is oilier niiiiui'or [oi phia. She will then go to ArdsThe board voted to send Super- (Continued on page eight) , (Continued on page eight) \ (Continued on pane eta>:;i \ CRAKFORD"ixnlutf l«g CBAWyORP: CITIZEN Affl> CHRONICLE. THURSDAY^ JAKUARY 22, 1948 were servedtoywives of members gymnasium, 7:45 p. m.; Rangers vs. the three packs will hold Service Pin Presented Beth £1 Cooperating Recreation League of the church board. Tarboilers, boys' gymnasium, 8:30 bined meeting February ? at At an "Open House" meeting la*t To Fire Capt. Doyle In Series of Lectures ' Court Games Set [P-«n. • P-111-in the church gymnasium night of the Luther league, the 1 A lecture series, featuring wellFire Capt Bernard Doyle of 502 .fredBnents will be served by Schedules of ®ames in the Junior following new- efflcera were in-i High (rtreet, president of the local known ct>n<an>ondfTTt3 and enter1 18 stalledi IVcsident, 'dssi'KftchlnffCi' j and senior iwys* basketball leagues Plan d u b Events i * * *** 103- aad unit of 1toe Firemen's " Mutual Itainera, willtoes»eaented by Temvice-president, Allen Nelson; treasBenevolent Association, jbas been'ple Betfa £1 in cooperation with opsored by the Cranford Recreaurer, Doris Streu, and secretary, presented with a 25-year service other tenpels in the Union- Morris tion Committee,tobe played at Carol Kirkpatrkk. A dhort mis* Services Sunday Committee chairmen were an- pin as a paid member of the flre County Section of the United Syno- Cranford High School, were an- A discussion o l plans lor cub- Sat ) 1] " daijr Q t 7 P- «n. in the ** sionary program was presented by nounced by Mrs. P. J. Gilcher,! department. Chief Howard G. gogues a? America, Rabbi Paul nounced this week as follows: blng activities during Scout W e e k . n a s i u m members of the league, after which For New Members Steinberg announced this week. Schindler mads the presentation to be observed February 6 to Feb.| president, at a monthly meeting refreshments were served. Junior League—January 24, ruary 13, took place Tue y p Monday oFtSe Girl Scout Leaders' in behatfof theToronshijt Conuiiitexecutive meeting of Cub Packs Coatrery to a commonly bald tee and Fire Commissioner John for the newspaper, PM, will bejDernons vsi Wfldcata, girls' 103,175 and 178 in the office of the Uet no "oil is lost from Public installation services will of the Brotfienhood will be held Association in the Girl Scout W. Doran. presented in the first leoaure, Feb- nasium, 6 p. m.; Sharks vs. Boys' during their storage be conducted Sunday at 11 a. m.,next Thursday, et 7 p.re.at theHouse. Mrs. T. S. Hall, commis- A native of Cranford, Capt ruary 4, at Cranford High School. League, boys' gymnasium, 6 p. zn.;First Presbyterian Church. for newly-elected members of theHoward Johnson Restaurant, Route sioner, and Mrs. A. C. Copeland, Doyle was promoted to captain by Other speakers in the series will|CYO vs. Romjpers, boys' gym- Announcement was made that! inn. recent research baa provenT church council at Calvary Lutheran 29, it 'has been announced. Robert second deputy, of the Cranford Chief Scbindler after t i e latter include Max Lerner, also corres- nasium, 6:40 p. on.; January 31, Church. TheHtev. William H. Nie- Beharry, a member of Ihe Lutheran Council of Girl-Scouts, were guests. succeeded the late Chief William pondent for,PM, who will speak Demons vs. Sharks, girls' gym1 Dave J s i t Been Appointed it Local banck, pastor, will officiate. Those! mission in British Guiana and at Tunison as head of the depart- March 3-"in Morristown; Robert nasium, 6 p. m.; Boys' League vs. New committees were appointed to deinstalled are Harold Johnson, [present; a student at Gettysburg . FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE ment Capt. Doyle i3 a member of G o r d i s , vice-president of the|CYO, girls' eymnasium,.6:40 p. m.; Bernard Schneider, WiUamMagan.'CoUeae. will be guest speaker as follows: Ways and means, Mrs. the Firemen's Club, in which' be United Synogogues of America, Rompers vs. Wildcats, 6 p. m. tar the lovely Dress Uno Clarence' Hausmann, John Zulick>February 1, at the annual Thank P. McFarlane; refreshments^ Mrs. has served in several'of the offices, who will appear May 5 in Union, Senior League—January 24, CYO Walter V. Hooley; choir, Mrs. and Charles Pease [Offering Service of the Women's Richard C. Pfarrer; house commit- and he also has been active in Cuband Molly Picon, humorist, on vs. Steelers, girls' gymnasium, 7 In recognition of their long y e a r S ! M i f i o " ^ f ° i e £ - The service will tee, Mrs. Alexander Hammell; Scout work at Cranford Methodist April 4. Tickets for ithe series may p. m.; Ramgers vs. Hoopsters, girls' Get In tooeh with n e and I will sladl* call at yonr b«m^ and thetv Ihcae new Fall and Winter dreas samples—wUtwat obligation. of faithful service, the following,1* **ld at the church and will be publicity, Mrs. Thomas C. Hann; Church. be obtained from Rabbi Steinberg. gymnasium, 7:45 p. m.; Boys' nto e bllc men have been elected to honorary |°Pf, * P" - Sunday school leaders' program, Mrs. R. D. WhitThe next lecture in the psychol- League vs. Raiders, girls' gymnasMrc CBtarfes-Rose ogy course given by Rabbi Stein- [dum, 8:30 p. m.; Angels vs. Pirates, membership in Ihe council: Geor e ej wl11 meet Sunday at,9:30. a. m. tier; Brownie fly-up, Mrs. Burton Candidate for Queen io' North Avcnot, West. Cranford TeL CBaaford berg willtoeheld Tuesday at 8 [boys* gymnasium, 7 p. ah.; Pythons Doss, William Weisert, Svend C. Belden, Girl Scouts' Own, Mrs. •p. jn., at the temple, it was an-vs. Tarboilers, boys' gymnasium, Ernst, Carl Gehrke, Frank Johns-jXliMaS S e a l S a l e s U p Harold Reynolds; Girl Scouts' Of Prom at Bucknell Emily H. Hill of 301 Prospect nounced this week. , 7:45 p. m.; Wildcats vs. Falcons, ton, August Thermann and Darden1 Crnnford residents purchased Thinking Day, Mrs. Gilcher; invesavenue,' has been elected a candijboys' gymnasium, 8:30 p. m."; JanJoncs titure, Mrs. Leon L.' Tcotsel and S3,236.C5 worth of'1947 Christmas date for queen of Bucknell Unijuary 31, Pythons vs. Steelers, girls' Plans for the observance of the, Seals, an increase of $33.75 over Mrs. Louis Adam; field day. Miss versity's annual Junior Pnwn, to Barbershop Quartet jgymnasium, 7 p. jn.; Raiders vs. MARTIN JEWELERS church's 20th anniversary were 'Ae 1JMG figure of $3,209.90, it was Mary Louise Wetjen, and rally, be held February 20 in Davis GymChapter Being Formed Pirates, (girls' gymnasium, 7:45 discussed at the recent meeting of announced this week by the Union Mrs. Walter J. Coffee. nasium at Lewisburg, Pa. An organization meeting,for for- p. in.; Angels vs. Hoopsters, girls' Announcement Was made that the congregation. Appointed asjeounty Tuberculosis and Health |gyimnasium, 8:30 p. m.; First BapMiss Hill, a member of Pi Beta members of a planning committee I League, Inc. Total receipts in the the senior troops have been asked Phi social sorority, was chosen by mation of. a chapter.of the Society tist vs. Falcons, boys' gymnasium, for the Preservation and Encourto assist in registrations for the .for the church celebration were'county (including returns from her classmates along with 10 other agement oi Barbershop Singing in 7 p. m.; CYO vs. Wildtsats, boys* Harold O. Bates, John Kiesewetter sales of Bangles and miscellaneous Senior Girl Scout Conference to be junior coeds, one of whom will America, Inc., for this area wiU be and. Mr. Jones. The interior of the donations) were $59,252.98 for held May 1 at the Roselle Park reign as queen of the dance, which held at the Westfleld YMCA at 8 church will be redecorated for this 1947, as compared with $55,559.27 High School. The choir, under Ilucr w i 1 1toe C"*^* "^"^".'"^ " f i * ""1'^"'. ^ L Staged•;• this year J program. Following the meeting, for 1946. p. m. next Thursday. Local resi- THE XITTLE HOUSE leadership of Carol Smtih of Troopl^jjj • as a-royal dents interested in "close hareach society presented reports'on j '' ~ ' "~~ 2, will sing at an'investiture service ANTIQUES . _ . its activities, and refreshments,Try a Classified for Quick Results for Kenllworth Girl Scoutsjtompr- The Cranford student is enrolled njpnyyi,eii^ex.aa.singer3.or.listen= in- Bucknell V iiberat"OTts""Coarse: ers, who wish to join the or\ganizar3'w~nif$t'~Tn'TfitaTfdlng School. SFBINGFIELD AVENUE She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jition should iget in touch with Henry Mrs. W. W. Robinson, Jr., scout William E. HU1. Mereness, 316 East Dudley avenue, director, answered questions subO Furnltnre Brflniihlng Westfield. mitted in a question box, and she O Draperies Cub Mothers Meeting also taught the group; some new Guests at the first meeting of © Slip Covers scouting songs, The.next irieetingi The Mothers'Club of Cub Pack the new' group next Thursday will 9 Interior. Decoration ' of the association will take place; 175 will hold a regular meetmgjbe the Newark Chapter chorus with van A February 16 at 8 p. m. in theGirJ j Monday at 8 p. m. at the Cranford several quartets, along with the OF scar tag DUMotaatm Ssout House. On February 9 there'^Methodist Church. Fathers have] Garden State Quartet of Jersey THE ZANDERS City, 1946 international champions. will be a meeting of the executive been invited to attend. CBanford 6-055C-TB board at 1:30 p. m. Committees* For GirlScout Leaders9 Unit Installation At Calvary For Scout Week FASHION RING THE BELL AGAIN! Bitten by Dog 50c CONTI JEMGEN'S LOT3ON JERGEN'S CREAM While visiting at the (home of Albert E. Hebert, 420 Orchard street. Josh Hull, 8, of 13 Beech street was bitten on the thigh Monday by a dog owned by Mr. Hebert. Dr. William E. Martin treated the victim, and Lt. George L. Rosendale instructed the Hebert family io keep the dog under observation for 10 days. PMROTTS TAXI SERVICE 24-HOUR SERVICE CHanforgf 6-3280 PROMPT ANYHOUB! DEPENDABLE A N * ff%ACE! 10S HIGH STREET ' CRANFORD, H. J. FROCKS JMMMOMEWAICBfCC SPUED Flat or Lustre A washable, oil wnnhlon water-mix paint Covers any surface. Available in all colon. yoLt&to*. Paint SAop. Police Courl Fines ISc ANV WEATHEB! Full Line of Time Tested F?£!5*Z£EiJgl^ FRESH FISH DAILY Anthony P. Fcrrera, Jr., of Newark, was fined $12 and $3 costs of CBanford 6-2540 107-5 N . UNION AVE. twmmmmmmmm •WsajaXi *j^*z^i~:u tuAstoms at coio ssnvaa Recorder Charles J. Stevens Monday night in police court. Nineteen |other autoists were fined a total of $26 for parking violations. Youthtopic For Panel • ^^S^^ilS^sSf^fl^ XIK—•-- -——"««•«-•» w u u i u i liiuintuii ^ ^ ^ ° 34 NORTH AVE., E. i j i e cnaner w a s orapea in mem- «S conunittee J v E. Osterheldt; William FredrickJ.is also a member of the Stanley S ""en "•"'" president of the Lions Club; Mrs.|Holmes Chapter of the Teleohone baden: »«-,rimi Tlmois. a mother and nolin. P i n n o o r e ^t A ,_:_„ j J-TL I T . ^ , , , » jna:ran and Richard Merwarth, fii Epsilon Fraternity. prc: ident of the senior class at Mr. Waddill is rated among .the Crjnford High School, top Wekearnyan table tennis playInvited guests include Mrs; Fran- _ ^ sinccs Alvater of Flemington; Miss'gl C3 chai^ori^p'iouV'-ttmes! and - "— R,,,,ey instructors at Cranford "the Wekearnyan doubles champion Hiyh School; Ray A. Clement and team. ' G, Frank Zimmerman, principal principal, of Sherman School, and I A jneetins of Currie Me-norial| • Mi?s Ethel B. Smith, supervisor, of Chapter, WCTU, scheduled- U> be held this afternoon at the home ^Cleveland School. " Mrs. Walter J. Conley, 3 Sylve-Al.-;.i, Mr-;. Walter J. Conley, :ter • street, has been postponed, Township Engineer, Patrick J. ^accordirtg to an announcement. Grail, Charles J. Stevens, the Rev. Al'.urt Alliriger, pastoroi Cranford1 Methodist Church; the Rev. Benjamin' Allen, pastor of ithe First Baptist Church; the Rev. Frank V. H. Car thy, rector of Trinity Church, and the Rev. Robert G. Longaker, pastor of the First Presbyterian Chursh. A representative also will b^ present from Temple Beth-El. I At a meeting this morning of the executive board in the school library, Mrs. Hollis Leland, parent-' education chairman, reported on a parent-education program she at T | tended last week in Elizabeth. | Serving as ushers at the P.-T.A.'s benefit performance of "The Wizard of Oz" Friday night were the ll 1bUrMi^^iiMaragrSde'igIrTs^Mafgb" Nagle, Nancy Lerda, Patsy Miller, Co TS5 — FOR — to ICL95 LAUNDERALL THOR EASY to I<LS5 . MAYTAG oS tins Scaisoa'o'E SJras <Jto15 — 2Tca*© piaSirs raosa? esre <& GENERAL ELEC Our *lymr~em&" inventory has browgfci to light a group <s>§ very fine amiteo thai have to be closed-out. , APEX — A ^ . C ALL MAKES CONVENIENT PAYMENTS HIT'S ESASTf IT© P A E K ATT KncKiARrajs- OPEN THIS SUNDAY Stager's mmer FRESH OPENED CRISF1ELD, MARYLAND nuuitul o Ffcall BLACKSTONE . conzo. 10 A. IML to 1 P . M. S P. »J. t o 7 P. M. ' •,E3I1©S. 1-3 ALDEN STREET Granford 6-2224 Open Mcudlay Evcnimss TJ1 9 CLOSED THIS SUNDAY ' . VSE OUR ENTIUlVCg AT 52 JEFFERSON AVENUE DIRECTLY IN REAR ray's »/ out color and gleffiiD* Xxthers t&s% • removes all loose dandruff, leftyes no fi^fn. CoAtains lanolin, doesn't leave hair straw-dry, needs no conditioner. Handy tube can't tip, spill or shatter. Whole family loves it. Get Rayve toduyf about the when you can 5ULA1 No Job Too Small CANADIAN SMELTS SPANISH MACKEREL COLUMBIA EIVEE SALMON SEA BASS POKGIES BOSTON COD FISH BUTTERFISH formerly MODERN LAWSON—Z Piecej-Sofo and Arm Chair. Well tailored in a long-wearing, attractive rase bisque mohair frieze. Comfortable balloon •eat cushions. Upholstered with curled hair end cotton felt. Full spring construction throughout . lewAEROPEL Home Yentilafbrs • r " •» ~->— In Jh<*. handy tube 59* a n d $1—no cosmelic lax TJIUII IS Wars WOK10S "TX)NG~ ISL"SND FLOUNDERS' EASTERN HALIBUT FLORIDA BLUE FISM TeL CBanford 6-2799 • •••••••••••••tuttett Yei, we tptdalix* on prcicrip-: tioni. That is our primary in. tercjt. Large volume assures fresh, potent drugs. Here the newest specialty and the rare, . imported medicament await your doctor's prescription. For (killed service, come to (his "Reliable" Pharmacy. RENT 2 Room Kcu Bat Trtersu <sa tmr ' Wto*that. After a mudl d»— payyatt,jKgi» BELL'S PHARMACY (Uxesv W . pria-, •& IBSJ OQ own iwnm ia u m a^nruo CHOWDER CHERRY STONE LITTLE NECK •oeeeeo oeoeee I j Noo-VcCa eia.CO Moulhlr , After Dawn B*ayin*al CRanfonl 64)062 a n Agency dale* Offlc*» on PnmlMi Open Dally 11 to a P. If. Bandar* to a. MAIN n . a viaoar cr. &UTUOON Mn. A«H« UMDfM »4777 Of ootznn. yoa Ooat vast yatss fooSOn9 flavored with tobacco «=>*»—bat doat shoo tbo broadwinius out oS tbs Wt^h^l j U B t PuD ttu cord of your Aeropel Homo Vcmtilator, cmd out goo* tho omoSa. The air in your ******** CASE OF 12 CLARDS Fresh Cmit 85 PROOF JE31 41 4 / 5 OjL ft^ttwnsanetrithcooMngofibrq, ? " "*>•«> youfm trying fish or boilina csbtunsa. lovwtifiDta tNs nwwa; better Hoau Ventilator. g?Mj•*«» e Qwtiflod Cajwdjy A Checking Account has many advantages. When you pay by check you don't nave to weste time travelling all over town or standing in linestto pay bills. Cancelled cSisdcs use meceipla. SCROD SALT SMOKED PICKLED -.-.. ^52JS 2I1S).S© cushion* and and a divided back. Fall •pring conitruclion throughout CQ2WEMIEOTLY LOCATED BMJKKvIG OFFICES — FREE DELIVERY 9 WALNUT AVENUE 5 Bumaido A v c , CfmsifcarsS CranfcsMl 6-0507 AOBOPBl - IboOtO &p ELIZABETH CRANFOllD Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation B3AIX Ofrli-ICIt: UZ Braad S t . EUlTPibeth PJZA1S..1II AVE. Oi-THICE 715 EliubcUi Axe.. EllzabcUi BUOAli ST. OI'FIfK 113 Brood St.. IrXSaOHA OM C09 W^oUirlt! A v c 100 South A v c . E.. HD52-flfl54 269.00 Il&O.gQ Plere.—Sofa and Arm Chair. Very new and must sltrurlive with its mahogany trim and - rever»iblo leal ruahiona. Covered in a durable, rolorful floral beige laircsiry. Full innrrit|iring construction. 289.50 „ 229.50 269.00 J3Q9.5O 269.00 2110^0 and Arm Cliair. Tlii» di>linrtive suitn 7 •iio.oo 289.5© 129.00 O0.S© dclut balloon cu«hifin« und divided barks. Covered in a rirh winn stri|ie velvet. l*]ull innerspring roustruclion throughout . MODERN LOUNGES Pieces— Sofj end Arm Cluir. Newly designed. Nicely tuilored, covered ia a modem toao novelty weave. Super-ugleas coil-spring bate construction Plump reveraiblo spring cushions. Extra large, estra comfortable You'can bank by nuniL Opsa am csxowm. o2 this Bask uisy. Coob Yoor Hoase with Natore-CoadUloiaed Air 3G9.S0 MODERN LOUNCE—2 I'iecc.-.Sofj MODEWV MAW-.-* Pieret — Sofa, Ann and Hi-Itark (Jiuir. Shown In a EARLY AMERICAN—Z P i « « - S o f a und Arm Chair. An unuiujlly cumfortahle suite, generoiuly built. Solid maple. New England period frame. Keveriihle seat and bark cushions. Uphlotlered in a colorful, floral figured Colonial tapeilry in wins or h i : 559.00 - Cranford Branch Banlxina Hours—Friday Evcnlnao—C:30 to 0:30 P. M. SILVER HAKE SOLE FASHIONED FINAN HADDIE . ENGLISH LOUNGE-2 295.00 RJ0CT MODERN CLUB—2 Piece*—Sofa and Ann Chair. Smartly covered in a very beautiful ilripe flrega of wine velvet. . . . and expcBseo clcosly t^atdbed oro espenses LICENSED ELECTUICAJL HERRING CHESPERFIELD-T-2 Piece*—Sofa and Ann Chair. Design by "Pullman." Neatly proportioned with reversible seat cushions. Upliolttlered in luxurious rows pile mohair friero with matching bullion fringe- Full spring construction 11(39.55© formerly Pieres—Sofa. Arm and Hi-Hark Chair. Attractively upholstered in u new chevron designed, claret mohair frieze with the matching chair in larquol&e. A very comfortable, roomy 2-seat cushion •oh. Full innersprins construction throughout Your check otubs rihovi you wfceira you ctoud coo Al tlAIM ST. a VJCTOBtf CT_ t&aSoeSsta P u s a . Ontlea, Mas. < 30 A S4 (wsss BMrby. WaWo 6 IBBM et Ma« Crans. aidt, PiobiiMd, rW> AsiwyftBeSmmy 3 Dnlroonu. Copcer yinpiMnq. Hardwood Itoon, Ttlo Bath, uiiowcr. VUU Ccliu. I»»»c3 BUHU. FiOi YOUR mmmi ,4/SQn. 339.00 --- 3 1 9 S 0 uilh a chevron dcttign. I^irgo 2-nt-al rubhion sofa. Finrnt spring coiiBlruction available . JUMBO LOUISIANA SHRIMP GENUINE SEA SCALLOPS HOME-MADE CLARI CHOWDER EXTRA LARGE FflSH CAKES development. Fast, tooted eervfco oo TOPT Cl loan. 17 N. Union Avenue 'CHECKING ACCOUNT" 18 .ADAMS AVE.. CBANfOBD no 1UK1I C*U BOsclle l- % C M «C K WHAT A A REALLY EXCELLENT BLEND O F 6-YEAR-OLD WHISKEY AND GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. 3©7c <&.YEAR- MODERN LA&SON-3 CHIPPENDALE—2 Pieces—Sofa and Arm Chair. Exposed wood-trim in genuine mahogany. Modified ball' and-elaw feet. Sofa has divided-bark Jjrnflfhiatu».,Covered in a highly.-nitric- ' —construction throughout SHAI/E Listed below are a few of them. Ut io easy to see the exliro ordinary values being offered during thio great Clemramco Sale. They have been marked down very LOW—regardleso of their original cost. , ' . . - • Their reductions are really genuine—She savings indicated are moot impressive! Shop early! They are all "one-of-a-kind" and are taken from our regular, large floor display of aatnplea. delivery assured, if desired. eumom&am MAO. COIN CJU3DS TO LOCAL CHAIRMAN YcSt v2tSi your vcty fifst Httyw Crease Shampoo, crcamjr Rayvo lather uncovers «// the gorgeous, natural color in vour hair—color you never Jrapncd was there! Not a dye, not arinf,not a soap, Rajrvc is the crcme shampoo choc h^Pijyf voiuuiM, engineering at secretary, Melba Dohlmar; treas-ory of Joseph Thompson ^>f Egypt, North Carolina.| ur?r- Carolyn Gibbs; trustee. 15 N. J., who died recently. He was of Calvary Lutheran C3iurch; Mrs and pianist, past national and state councilor K l i president d t J. Angus Knowles, of) American Legion, he served with Ethel Hummer. 'and past state councilor of the Jr. 8 in W rld W a rL He T h efollwvi the University < mstuem COBIMEBCflAB, and INDUSTBIAI* EEFBIGEBATION OWNEBS! Hei&shour/ By U. of A. CHOICE o r ATTENTION! DONT Walt for Ihe Heat of Summer! Why take the chance of bavins your refrigerating machine give out when you need lt mostT Now when your need is not ao great. Is the time* to overhaul your refrigerating equipment; pu,t it In first class running'condition for the Job ahead. Let me give you an estimate on the * overhauling of your equipment. There Is no obligation. Call CBanford O-I305-D. rOBD BA1X. 0 ^^••w Ave., Craafard. Ceremonies ATLANTIC WITH TOOH Cranford 6-1333 22, 1048 ScSiindler; birthdays, Elizabeth "The Barter of S e -was given Friday night by Azure Mrs. Alpha xL Amesen'is ttie chapNeW; National Guard Goodman; publicity, Margaret A. ville," a special performance spon- Chapter, 87, in Masonic Temple. ter's worthy matron. Warner; captain of the guards, Unit. Being Activated sored by the six Cornell Women's Margaret Armstrong; assistant cap* The 188th Engineer Combat Clubs of N e w York area for the .ain, Melba Donlmer; color bearers, [Company of the New Jersey Na- {scholarship fund. This iunds s u p Helen Carey and Clara Lyons; spe- tional Guard is being activated at four.full tuition scholarships cial affairs committee, Margaret the Elizabeth Armory. All men ifor girls at Cornell University. fo make your car Ust longer let Armstrong, chairman; G l a d y s interested in Joining are requested Mrs. Louis ' Winkelman of " 580 u* cbante the Oil in the ennkcaw Discussion by Schindler, Carolyn Gibbs, to get in touch with Capt. Johann Ridgewood road, Maplewood, • is evtry 1000 miles. Atlantic Motor ?hairjnan for the Cornell Women's B. BeHer at the armory on Tues> Oil givca extra protection—clean, were Masonic Temple Gvic Leaders at Marsaret A. Warner. J. B . Waddill Marks white it lubricate* . . . laven you cers day or Wednesday nights. On Club of Northern New Jersey, and °? •re^rA^ttonyTiray'beTTradeTtnroTigS - money-by-helping" ttrpTtvetil v.Couttcilor—Alberta- -Lawfileveland-Monday~may" her. ^ r n g h t e r s B r A "¥VE«-Anniversairy— unnecanaary wear. a former state deputy for be reached at his home, 380 Bur"Youitu Artter 3:15 P. HL—What James B. Waddill, 127 Oak lane, Nina Duff, State deputy fbx County, officiated. . Union County and one of the coun- roughs terrace, Union. and Where?" wif be discussed by celebrated the 25th anniversary of cil's most active members was preThose installed were as follows: 'Eastern Star Reception school principals, clergymen and his association with the Western sented -with a 25-year membership Cornell Opera Benefit representatives of local youth A reception in honor of Mrs. Open 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. , Gladys Johnson; as- pin by her husband. Greetings groups at a panel Monday at 8 pjn., commemoration of this event; he The third annual Cornell Opera Dorothy W, Halsey. dis^uct deputy were received I V C U from National t al Coun1 1 sociate junior past councilor, sociaxe jumor councilor Flor-i " " ^ « « "Vi» «i« ^«i Vi? " in the auditorium of Cleveland, guest of at a a luncheon luncheon h in the luoiiioriuni v* vwY*r««ju, was «"•» s^rai ui honor nmnor ai D l i t l vice-counalor M a r - c 2 o r C 3 e o McMichael of Charleston, Benefit for the Federation Scholar- of the 14th district, and Mrs. Erma ence Doolittle; School chooL Under auspices /of theigiven by Western Electric Kearny gie Franklin; associate vice-coun-' 8 - 5 ^ w h o w U 1 l m a k e ^ o f f l c i a l ship Fund is to be held Thursday evening, January 29 at ithe Metro- I A. Guker, grand representative to school's P.-T-/L, the program will Works asociates ait the Robert Treat cilor, George Lawrence; conductor. I v i s i t *° * h e sUxU: m **>"*• be open .to the public. Mrs. Martf Hotel, Newark. ' Edna Jackson, and warden Ivai A invitation to attend a meeting politan Opera House, New York. the State of Indiana, of the Order Cranford 6-1021 KORTH AVE. s o d OBCEAED ST. The Metropolitan Opera Company of the Eastern Star of New Jersey, Armstrong is chairman in charge Since 1S3G Mr. Waddill has been Louise LeDuc. i°^ Benevolent Council, 93, which of arrangements. 'employed at the Kearny Works Also, inside sentinel, Elizabeth'wastoiake place yesterday, was Joseph J. Masiello of Trenton,(He was .transferred here from the Goodman; outside sentinel. Mar-'announced by Mrs. Duff, the state field representative in change of company's Hawthorne Works ChiEBEfflS. fflPEW S:3O-5:-S5;1THmas©/MirS, D:3O-0 P. XL BIBTtSSSOSSS 1.8S9 LADY ESTI CEEAM Mary Lou Amis, Susan Eschenlauer, Patricia Evans, Tamzin MacDonald and Patricia Stanford. Among sixth grade boys who aided in unpacking and preparing1 the marionettes were Harold Voorhees, Dick Albertson, John Hanzl, Kenneth Evans, Jimmy Loronger and.Howard Waites. AND CHRONIOLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY EAOTT STTEJEEl" Ftge Four Barbara B. Howard i House^ Valentine Dance Weds Gordon Owren Head VIA Social Calendar In Church Ceremony Features Talk The wedding of Mist Barbara An open housefeaturingi n - * Beatrice Howard, daughter at Mr. and Mr*. Cecil F, Howard, 5 Cedar OnAi street, awl Gordon Shellon Owren, v;; ft Miss Lorna M. Gerow New Sermon Series Becomes Bride of At Methodist Church The Rev. Albert Allinger, pastor, Edward E. Collins will open his third sermon series, The wedding of Miss Lorna troductioo of candidates to the'r Davies, 30 Hamilton avenue. Marie Gerow, daughter of Mr. andentitled "How Can We Know Board of Education will be spon- Fred Oasman, Union County agriMrs, Clare L. G«row, 149 Severin God's WiU For Our WorW?" at sored by the Village Improvement cultural agent, will 4novtr slides at court, and Edward Eugene Collins, 9:30 and 10:50 a- m. services Sunson of lira. Aifrieda Owren of East Mrs. Dorothy Stevenson of Westday at Cranford Methodist Church. Association, Tuesday at 8 p. m., that time. Orange, took place Saturday at V field, spoke on "The Lure at An- son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beas- Sunday Bible School and the Men's at Cleveland School. Flans for the, The association's cancer unit will ley, Irving, DX, was performed p. m. at Trinity Church. The Rev tiques," at a philanthropic tea for and Women's Bible Class will be evening were discussed Tuesday at meet February 6 at 2 p. m., at ttie Sunday at 3 p. m., at Cranford held at 9:30 a. m. Frank V. H. Cartby, r h y , rector,.per rector, per. member^ of the Wednesday Mornthe association's regular monthly home of Mrs. L. E. Hunt, 108 Oak Methodist Church. The Rev. Albert formed ithe ceremony at an altar ing Club, yesterday, at the home meeting in the Casino. Mrs. Charles A U i n h f B __sMjj^tTJt»fJ^d^aa gQto» L U M. .. fry*?, 9 w i •was in charge! nynsiSEncdm . ^ l e Gerow, sister-in-law Church in Japan" will be led by Miss Alberta Howard was hexstreet.'She was introduced by Mrs. of the bride, was matron of honor, the World Friedship Commission Highlighting activities n e x t imirtee served refreshments, and sister's only attendant WiHiam J. E. J. Dills, program chairman. month will be. a._ Valentine: card Mrs. J. Bllerrrs and Mrs. J. Angus Dodds, also of Cranford, was best In her -talk, Mrs. Stevenson and Ray Collins of Alton, El, a lot a meeting of the Junior High party and dance, tofce held Febru- Knowles were at the tea table. man. The bride wore a white satin [described types of homes found brother of the bridegroom, was best Fellowship at 7 p. mi Sunday, the same hour, the Senior ]_„-, ary p. m., at the Casino. Mrs. Lawrence , Hoagland of gown with an illusion neckline and [in early American ' and other man. y 14 at 6p Fellowship will have as its meetAnnouncement of arrangements Ramapo Roadtoleaving next week a long train. Her fingertip veil of periods of time. 'She discussed ap- The bride wore a white satin ing topic, "Is the Bible Interestwas made by Mrs.- Thomas^Cr-C. for- Mfarni, Fla.', where she wll Illusion was held ~5y~ a crown o [proprlate selections of furniture own^a"na a fingertip veil of illu- ing?" R. B. Garrison will be in sionT She carried a bouquet of Hann, chairman of the ways and spend several months.*>. . [seeded pearls, and she carried to be used in various kinds of roses and sweet peas. The attend- charge. homes, and also displayed pieces o: means committee which will be in Walter W. Stout of 32 Hamilton bouquet of white roses. ant, who was attired in a bronze Parents of cub scouts will meet charge. avenue returned Saturday from The attendant was attired in „-hina and glass. Monday at 8 p. m. in Room 10. F. S. Mathewson, superintendent Orange Memorial Hospital, Orange, blush-pink gown of faille, and a! Hostesses were Mrs. S. K. Thom- satin gown, carried 'yellow roses. There-also will be a meeting of • of the Union County Park System, where he underwent treatment for headband matching her bouquet son, Mrs. Channing Rudd, Mrs. The bride's mother wore a black the Child Study Club at the same of pink and blue assorted flowers. Roger C. Aldrich, Mrs. S. Clarence crepe dress with pink accessories, "tour. was guest speaker at the meeting. IP days. Supplementing his talk on activi- Joseph McGinnis of 110 Pawnee The bride's mother wore a navy Zander, Mrs. Chandlee H. Hiekok, and the bridegroom's mother wore ties at the parks, Mr. Mathewson road will entertain eight members •blue dress and navy blue hat with Mrs. Cameron E. Ogden, Mrs. a brown dress' with brown acces- The Couples'. Club will hold sories'. Both had corsages of roses. meeting Tuesday at 8:15 p. rashowed slides of recreational facilK of a bowling team at a card party white accessories, and the bride- Charles Redden, Mrs. Wegley Miss Sonja Gerow, who served as the church. Hosts will be Mr. and groom's mother wore a rose-beige ties and service offered at various tomorrow night. langcr and Mrs. Banks. parks. He was introduced by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MacDonald of print dress, a rose hat, and white There will be a regular meet- train bearer for her sister, was Mrs. Gove, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart dressed in a gown at yellow net and Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Senior R. T. Puckey. 215 Orchard street spent the week- accessories. BotJi had corsages of ing Monday of the education com- A reception was held for about 50 Fellowship Fun Night will take Mrs. P. Martens, Jr., presented end in Concord, N. H., where they orchids. mittee at the home of Mrs. C. W. the following new members to thewere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- A reception was held for about "lees, 601 Orange avenue. Faculty guests at the home of the bride's place Tuesday. Preparation for YIME-SAVINO COMVENBENCE OPES3 A ..__ be __ con___ uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. G.Holy Communion will association: Mrs. H. E. Kiesling, uel B. Dunsford. 60 guests at the Hotel Winfield lembers of Cleveland and Rooseducted at a prayer and praise serv• Accouwir wm us. Mrs. C F. Schillinger, Mrs. R Mrs. Harold Lund of 4 English Scott, Elizabeth. For the wedding velt Schools will be entertained at Croft, 609'Orohard street. lce Wednesda a t8 m Upon return from a wedding y PWilliams and Mi's. D. Manley. An Village'has returned after spending trip, the bride wore a dress-black i tea at that time. Similar enterinvitation to visit the American a month with her daughter in suit, a princess-styled black coat tainment' will be held at later :rip, the couple will xnake their Women interested in sewing for to be sent overseas are Type Founders plant in Elizabeth Chicago. with an ermine collar and a match- dates for faculties es of the Sherman home in Hillsboro, 111. Mrs. Col-clothing invited to meet with the Church lins attended schools in Knoxville, next Thursday was read by Mrs. Mrs. Ray Chase Pratt, Jr., of ing headband. Her corsage was ind d Lincoln L i l Schools, S h l and the high Pa., and was graduated ifrom the Council of Women next Thursday \V. Sanford Bishop, corresponding Cranford left Tuesday for Ha- of white roses. ichooil. Mandle School in New York City. from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. in Trinity secretary. Members wishing to at-vana to join her husband who is The bride is a graduate of CranMember Federal Deposit Insurance Corporadteii She had been employed QS an x-ray Church. Sewing sessions also will itend -ape—-asked Ao -contact—MrSr stationed with the U. S. Army ford High School and is employed : Be "held February 12 and Februtechnician at Roosevelt Hospital, ormer James P. Duffy, 1 Sylvester street, | transport service. She expects to ary 2B. _^ _ _____ „ _ _ -for-transportation.— — remain'10 days. ""TheTSJeihodisrYouth Rally wUl In the absence of Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Hamil- [of East Orange High School, East A bronze ptacque in honor of tended schools in Hillsboro, served take place this Saturday and SunRedden, chairman of the Junior ton of IS Burchneld avenue, have Orange, served in the navy during Miss Gertrude Almy, who served about six and one-half years in day at the First Methodist Church, y e ist VTA, Mis. W. P. Smith reported returned after spending five weeks the war. He is employed by the as principal of .Roosevelt School the navy, spending some of that Westfield. Through bis efforts, plans^nieeting of the Men's Organization. Confirmation class will 9 nkn*n*ifi*»~i**~ —» —•—• onnulated and fnsdn on the jjroup's recent tour of thejwith their son-in-law and daugh- Johnson & Johnson Baby Products from 1934 t o 1946, was dedicated time in overseas duty. He is in meett Saturday at 10 and 11 a. atuday a. m . . . ^ ^ . „ « erection w l the CIVCUt the construction business ct Hillswere formulated and funds [raised for of -tihe pres- included in the program. Members Plant, Cranford. Mr. and Mrs. rooorder's court Arranged by Po-ter, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Aiens Monday afternoon at a tea given boro. O i t i Organizations scheduled to meet 'eat churtih bulldmaz. , lice Commissioner J. Edward-Wolf, of San Marino, Calif. of a membership committee will . Owren will intake their home in by members and former members — the) '" ' Mrs. " Baker - """"*"»• tonight at the church are also has worked to. tJ\e~ tour was _conducted_:l>y-Bi)llce of the school faculty.. Other guests of U BngUah C f d ^ Young People's Choir, t«. . : l w a w i <0>e b e s t interests of themeet tomorrow at 8 p. m.toform p Lt "George' Rosendale. T.»*VS—««' *»~ i - i at - the tea were Miss Etta Tun- Announce Engagement Scouts, at 7:30, and the a cub pack. staying at the Senior church it was reitorted. In addition A "Get-Acquainted" dinner will A question and answer period Village has been staying at the leave shortly to take up duties as ner, current principal, -Mrs. H. R. Of Verda €. Read Choir, at 8 o'clock. ,~..^~. <u muiuuu • j%. "uet-Acquainted" Hinn^r will Shelburne in Atlantic ' City this followed the visit The Junior VIA Mrs. C. J. Harper, Dr. H. R. t to her participation in the. Women's be held February 12 at 6:30 p. m.. week wWIe attending the annual organist and choirmaster at SSisson, which is ^ of two repre- convention of <the National Can- Mark's Church, Louisville, Ky. Mr.Best, supervising principal of To Ernest A. DeSaye Organization and the choir, Mrs. and willbefollowed by community Pastor Resigning sentatives fronv^the student council ners' Association. Mr. and Mrs. (Randal Read of 820 Hobbs, a native of Cranford, moved Cranford schools, and Frank J. Baker was the orcranizer th<> singing and entertaimneht Bible Women'? Missionary Society.ofFolat each elementaryssohooil, went on Mrs. Sidney W. Smith of 26 i M a r t z , principal of Sherman Grove street, Elizabeth, have an- \t_Oto»eQlaiChiiiPclii [last February (to.Westfield. x'IbjconAueted. every_ Sunday towimg completion of duties at the record as (favoring erection of a 'Lenox avenue was hostess last i Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davies trf 30[and Lincoln Schools. noun«edthe^ engagement of their The resignation of the Rev. at 7 p. m. for the Young People's *<nurch, «he iRev. and Mrs. Baker bus shelter, a basketball <ourt, and Thursday at a (meeting of the teaHamilton avenue entertained three The placque, which is similar to daughter, Verda Carol,toPfc. Spencer Baker as pastor of Osceola will leave February 4 for the Group. Robert Wheatley and a swimming pool in Cramo«J. Francis . Brown are in charge of one erected for Miss Watson, a Ernest A. DeSaye, U. S. Army Air Presbyterian Church will be acted[South. committee of the Village Improve- tables at bridge Saturday night Announcement was madeMhat ment Association. Assisting us co- Mrs. Florence J. Gilmore of 72 former principal, bears the follow- Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry upon at a congregational meeting. instruction. Election of officers will take place the art committee will meet Tu«b<; hostess was Mrs. E._ B. Hunn of 25 Centenial avenue is vacationing in ing inscription: "In honor of Ger- DeSaye, 57 Beech street Sunday at a. m., it was an' 'at 8 • p. m., at a regular day at 2 j>. m., at the home of Mrs.Arlington road. trude Almy. our principal, 1934of nounced I Florida. Read the Citizen and Chronicle week. The Rev. Mr. _ o.^^^un. <uiiiuuii«« uus WCTK. rne asv. BUT. Martens, 7 Indian Spring road. Robert L. Hobos of Westfield, ' Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Quacken- 1946." It has been placed in the Battln High School, Elizabeth, and Baker, whose resignation will beNext Thursday at 2 p. m., there formerly of 348 North avenue, east,bush and daughter^ Mary Ellen, of front hall of the school. tamioriv ,»-.„ 1—-> b y fihecome effective February 3,'has been will be a meeting of the garden who has been choirmaster during 32 Columbia avenue, have taken Finance Company, New-called to the .pulpit of the. Second , w«*,,r committee at the home pf Mrs. A.the year nKTrinity Church, will up residence in their new home at television programs. Guests were lark. Mr. DeSaye attended Cran- Presbyterian Church at Kannapo224 East Golf avenue, Plainfleld. Martha Ann Babcock, Mary Ann'ford schools and is stationed at lis, N. C. e oe Miss Peggy Paulsen, daughter of Franklin, Marietta Hopkins, Ton!Hamilton Field, San Francisco, Installed here on December 15, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Paulsen, Jeanette Kurtz, Dede Hofmann, Calif. He recently was ihome on 1044, the pastor has been influen616 Orchard street, will arrive Jimmy Curran, Jon Holseth, John- a 20-day furlough. tial in increasing church membertomorrow from Emerson College, ny McCarthy, Stanley Meier and Applicatbma Are Wow AvoioMc Boston, IVU-^.-j,^.^*; .wcekr Keangth j ^ f j,.^vMTO.,,c_,.^^< encl"wiliiriner parents. for. the New g z of 12 Claremont Pfc. Rowland P. Blythe, Jr., son place will leave by plane tomorrow for Los Angeles, of Dr: and Mrs. R. P.. Blythe, 30 Calif., to Spriagfleld avenue,^returned re- join Mrs. Rowitz_who has been . byapppintment Wherciilt? What Is it like? IcentlyNfrom Tokyo, Japan, where visiting her sister,. Mrs. Anrj Geltin your own home. he ihad been stationed with the 49th ziler in Beverly Hills, Calif., for Will we know loved ones there> OOOJPAWCY AS OF MAY 1, General Hospital- He plans to enter the past two months.- Mr. and Candid Wedding Pictures WOl we oonow over loved ones Cornell University,, Ithaca. N. Y.. Mrs. Rowitz will spend the next where he -will begin medical studies three weeks touring Palm Springs How do we gettoheaven? Rentals from $Mto$114 Per 3 EIHVAM3 PLACE, COANFOESD CB. 6-1830-J and Phoenix. Ariz. They will rein ithe tail. \ . . turn by plane February 17. i Harold Richter, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Richter. J Washington m t 3 beautifully message Sunday, January 25$h J^XsX^XSX^X^X cleaned and place, will be among students at bloc&eA by Aft 8 p. .m.. in „ Cleaners. the University of Michigan1 wljo O M e s t ^a, will attend the annual J-Hop, Feb- Oldest cleaning Est, in Cranford. ruary 6 and 7 at the school. A Tel. Cranford 6-0888. —Adv. 1-29 senior in the engineering school, POOB OBDINANCE . J9ENE7 J. SEAIIEEN, Pines. Mr. Richter will be graduated atj AN ORDINANCE the — to— / Newark AVCOTM* 23rd S t , KenSworth, N. J. the end of this month. IS NORTH AVE., EAST GmsSmd X Miss Barabara Howard of 5 Cedar street, who was married x ^ 5 O N *—*«»M1»« Town Saturday to Gordon S. Owren of tU»i . ^.ervicei of an Architect u Plan oa 1 U East Orange, was guest of honor "«»»J»y Plan*. ' —d Tne Bible plainly teaches that the only way i& Municipal recently at a personal shower given «. of a newerecti of Paratoty to the by Mr. Oivren's sister-in-law, Mrs. heaven is by being "bourn again." —John 3. What tMttmrStntdhem Counting peonies dxa* dqrt? Thea coast on ASP far vetoes that main your douara seem t s tare more ax&s. lono and othere T o m a t o J u i c e Libby'i I8orcon2(oi23c«<5 or csa 2 3 c T o m a t o J u i c e 'ona 18orcan3fai29c'44oi.caa21e Grapefruit J u i c e Western Farm, Orange J u i c e Whito :•: BIG JANUARY SALE PRICES SLASHED Boy's Jackets — reg. $3.98 Wash Dresses — reg. upto$2.98 Knit Slacks — reg. $1.98 Knit Shorts — reg. upto$1.98 $2100 1.25 1.00 3 for l.Ott EUfBriRE^ th** message Sunday at 11 o'clock at H O W the Fanuly BSble Hour. Speaker: LESTER WILSON, Evangelist A&P 20ci<t-.2f^27c Sauerkraut ttald J • A&P . • S w e e t Polatroeo Selected Jullbao' For Salads oach 9 P i n k SalmOID California Oramges **«* &•%Frcsin Ked Salmon 'Dried I © 8 CooWno 3 Calif. Juicy Lemons 20ca.cea2I<8 Brcadoaa. uoxco27« CotdStmsa A&P 40/50 Ib Ib. 1<5) C isoxcaASc . A&? " C o r n e c i H&eef Hosla sbergraoAhead 1 3 « too. head 1 7 ® 27 <a. ASP PriflpC PIUBBS 1 in> tb aS-NaiGrado Uoxcea-S^ Bnamd Forney Ib. cello bao^-^C cans Reslodt your pantry d tJus-Iow i fli| llbeollo fcao35c Evaporated Milk Melody C o o k i e s wh.ro KOU«> 2 *& CB» 2 5 « NSLUO 7otp&j}.17« . 7 Rlinute CompIIeae P i e OwcotaJo „ 1^^^, ^ 2-flo Pillslmry H o t R o l l M i x Morrell*s S n a c k Sugared DoilutS Kp'-'lish Muffins tb IvSte a n d N u t Loaf ILadv F i n g e r S Bono (a HEAT SPEOAIS ' Sizes under 4 Iba. I b ^ f j C Broiling and Frying ' S i r l o i n Steak Soloist: Juicy. Flavorful Ib 7 9 « ' HamSReadyloEatorReg.-WrioIaorEithorHaMIb. 6 7 c ib 8 2 c S m o k e d Beof T o n g u e s shon cm n>'49e T o p S i r l o i n Roast Bonoieks ib 8 5 c S m o k e d Pork Shouldersshoncutib. 4 9 c T o p Hound Steak . S m o k e d P o r k Butts Bon«io« ions {]Y o o ??fJx>»J V-8 Chili S a u c e A Deuert OeiiBht Serve V/ilh Ba'.od ecans 14 01 Ioal27c Full of Susar-Swoet Da:« and Nuts 15 oi loaf 3 9 c Delicious Wilh Ice Cream or Sherbet Pko 33c „ o e e , Stahl-Meyer FromklTurOers Beardsley's Codifisia CciEies BrilBo - w.e?t cea Soap Pads or CUuuuer Kirknuian's Soap Powder » 20 Mule Team Boras .. a ECirkinaia's Boras Soap Boraxo , pip 15c Air-Wick The collce tliot tastes Letter because it's sold in the whole l>oan and Custom Ground when you buy it, just right for your coffeepot. Buy a bag t<«!ay! Ib ^^(S Short cm . ib 8 5 c V-8 Catsup A Brcaklast and Tcalimo Treat 0>.-oI>oD<r P o r t e r h o i f s e Steak . AII Brands 1 2 whitoHou Siring B e a n s Sues 4 lbs S over Ib. ^ U o 5 © Whole or Eilhor Hall TODAY, FRI. and SAT. Jan. 22nd, 23rd and 24th Condensed Milk CocoauuB MarshmoIIow Angel Food Bar tb olieDC? _. S«?tgndciJJbv: o Wotcaa 415c O # If* Parlor Kos8oll BrOWn B r e e d for Fricauea, Srfa& ...<» Slerliox B o u i l l o n C u b e s IPaisin P o u n d C a k e The Finest From long Island Farms <, o „ P&O-25S 'B<ur«IeiiV1Iemo"~ HQUM*isf'*5 Specially selected by A&P's expert buyers, and carefully controlled by constant refrigeration . . . "Super Right" meats are naturally tender, juicy and full of flavor. Yet, tlianks to A&P's Close-Trimmed meat-cutting method that removes excess ivaste from each "Super Right" cut before it's weighed, they're surprisingly economical! Short Cul-lot> We»to . '^trained Baby F o o d s Treat your family nr..\ Ix-al your lutduct l>y c^'oo^in:; ><>ur ov u- roa'i fav<irilcs from thev t '.e sc!e«-lii>n o f ntiractivcly-priced bak«~J' g o o d s al yoi:r A&I' S y p c r Market I tec. MitbjaL experienced—How^ does-it take place omd" when> What are some of the present d&y substitutes for the one and only way to heaven? ts <». can 3 ' « 2 3 « <a cr. caa I^e Yellow Cling Peaches ' iono V-8 VegeJoBle Joaicc «oxcan fl©c bunch 2 5 ? . "THE MEW MHTUP [Gueats were present from Cranford — — —uuiuon is undertaken, and East Orange. SECTION a— defray the costsum of the said Architects services, services, the of said Architect's the sumtheof Miss Yolanda Colomban of 104 910,000.00 is hereby appropriated from 000 i X Hawthorne -street, entertained a existing capital Improvement fund. SECTION 3—This ordinance shall take Croup of friends Tuesday night at effect Immediately. , a party. During the evening. Miss KsUee Mary Coons told fortunes by re^d- The foregoing ordinance was Introduced inK tea leaves. Songs and piano and passed on first reading at a meeting X selections were enjoyed, and re- of the Township Committee of the Township of Cranford. Union County. New freshments were served. Guests Jersey, held on Tuesday. January 20. 1048. I Public notice is herjeby given that the were.Miss Jane Tierney, y, MisssIsaI a Township Committee of the Township of bell Ruffla, Mis3 Betty Lyons, Cranford. New Jersey, will consider—HM." said ordinance* £or final "KIE '"Pat KinselUv at- • pt'jjoiirite taorcan3'c>23c'A6p2.csal7e Grapefruit S e c t i o n s from 20oxc3£»2Ie Diced BeeSs A&P features fru.ts and vegetables as fresh as dew, at prices as low as we can possibly make them. There's no better way to cut your lood bills than by enjoying these good things from America's leading farms, groves and orchards, often. So serve many . . . save money...,select your favorites in the value-packed Produce Department of your A&P Super Market! ,,BrOCCOlj.. 20 c i csn P e a S • « I7orca»I*Bc * he . week ; • •every week in the year . . . your thrifty S K ? iers IS CAROL-LEE KIDDIE SHOP I LAST WEEK QF 19 as. esa tono Grsad Cranford Tryst Company TH GOSPEL CHAP MJGAR Ki r ib 79« r\W// / y^i Roast iiii Stiitfi'.-itte.Vi Mtss- Lois" H e r m a n , M i s s UODDlC.Munlcip.il Buildlnc. North Avenue. East. L a n e und M i s s Coons. Cranfoixl, New Jersey, at which time aU Mrs. Carl Sohn of 133 Prospect street. Westtleld, formerly « ' Cranford, entertained a group friends .from Cranford at a tea Tuesday afternoon. Serving as a centerpiece for the tea table was a white sleigh rilled with greens und cundy canes for each Those present were Mrs. pcraona interested will bo heard. J. WALTER COFFEE. Township Clerk, j d: January 20. JUST ARRIVED ! Gay Striped, Short-Sleeved McKean Polo Shirts and Knit Suits (Sizes to 14) 2 N. Union Ave. CRanford 6-3120 Joseph Guersky, Mrs. Nicholas Do Marco und Mrs. Albert Forster. X Lee Ann Hofmann of 10 Preston avenue ccclbrated her 10th birthday at u party Saturday at her home. After refreshments were I served, the children watched Saturday, at 8 o'clock. Free booklet on The WaytoHeaven given to all who come Sunday night. (Vz Ik pkg.) P l a t e & Navel Beef Fresh or Comcd ib. 3 7 c Roasting Chickens 4 io undor 5 ibs. ib 59c Loin Lamb Chops Stewing Lamb . ib. 8 5 c B o i l e d Hum Breail and Shank Ib. 2 9 " B e e f LlVCr L o i n P o r k Chops . t Cn.e, cut. ib.69« si.cod Specially Selected y^ ib 5 9 c &B* Wmir Ib 5 9 c P o r k Sausage link a,. 63c Meat tt>57e Fresh P o r k S h o u l d e r s Short Cut ib. 4 7 c You can save plenty by nerving nutritious foods ^r<nii^&iTr©Jl%y^nterr^ r<nii^&iiTr^©Jl%y"^nterr^ country-fresh and thrift-priced every day. (5to6 lbs. aw.) to FIND A 8lEto$P.M. :er Selectioi OF Smelts Canadian Na 1 Bacon Squares Fancy Fresh Creamery S J Wildnwro-Largo , / ^ Drown & Whilo d o r ^ Process Amo/icnn or Pimento Mild Cheddar Gold'NRicIa BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS SLICED PEACHES CUT CORN At This Low Price! CHOPPED SPINACH EACH Pabst-Ett S p r e a d 16 02. pfeg. .29 2 10 oz. pkgo. .45 PrOVolone Vegetables Under Refrigeration at All Time® o, 5 7 « Miid tb.65o - . o Ox 5 5 c whoio Mid . 6ttox.pko.25o Uduut Slyb Pure Lard . o Nucoa Margarine 14 oz. pkg. .25 Home-filade Italian Sausage — (EJADE TO 8EIX FOB 350.C0) OU A SUIT AND O'COAT FOB 075X0 Help yourself to quality-famous Ana Pago foods. There are 33 thrifty itemstochoose from . . . oil mads exclusively for A&P. iib. brick C G, 4 7 c Smoked Filled « o . Qx45c Fresh Oysters • o « <b».39o RATH'S 100% AH Wool ilflTSandOXOATS Fillet of Cod . „ e «, a,39c Halibuft Steak . o o e>-5<Jc ' tb. 5 9 c |b o o o o ' 33o <•o o o a &• 42o Heoyy Whipping U pint conf. 'Sdc HomooanUod ql. cont. 2 3 o Sparkle Puddings • » Sparkle Gelatisn SDesserSs Becmfl Ootfcu 19c 25o pti=»33c 33 59o Salodl Dressing Pcaoutt Butter Preserves Blended Synrup . * . o Wcs.bci23o B3acaroni our Spaglsetfii o M. JA3 2fe»I9» Prepared 15?i as. con 2 *o» 2 5 o CAMAY SOAP A mi 21 N. Union Ave., Cranfotrd Phone Grnnfoxd 6-0150 Open Bally 8:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. EX 5 EASTMAN STREET 0 P M. * COANFOBO Vegetables — Froite — Groceri 6 N. UNION AVE. «.,«, 'd'y perfumed foild «oap 2 edesi For iho-baih largo cole For diihai and laundry pkfl. O « f ) « For dishes and fino fabriss Cloanj dirty Ci Per <Jiinos and General a S&arteaiiag largo lib. can .':•.::. :,jT.Vj(, Six THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AMP CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1948 THE CRANFORS CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE; THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1948 Page Seven WANTED - . LADY'S brown fur-lined glove. Belter Slide Onles | VLOOS SERVICE ADDITIONAL ELECTMCIAN and other mathematics, govern- study will carry college credit for with 8tr<>aml<r.r Wlrtne Reward. Call CRanford 6-0014.|. a d d i n s m S S , ^ * UJC Registration Slide rules are now available IB. MENZEL ft SON—Call us to ment, histc—/, physics anAzoology. matriculated students ioal Foi-m two ID flve rnile« of elec2zi> DANIEL J HEYBURN CLASSIFIED which locate decimal points in I dlacuw your floor problem*, fining BANK Book No. 22089 of . . . For Second Semester With classes (twice weeklyy of onej . , il wiring err mnrrs'ed In the LICENSED ELECTRICAL . mathematical expression up to IP if>rl vcili'ii"* "f It >rii)drrn ADVERTISEMENTS floor «rtpin« _ i 4 » _ _ _ _ , £ , _ Cranford Trust Company, Cran-.*™^^ t 0 *°x J26 la COWTHACTOR Registration for th« aocond se-|ond one-toolf bour duration, each Read tho Citizen and Chronicla placet ^Mllmjin iiasui". -iff r*T old floon * spceteUty, ford. N. J. The finder is requested Cfanford Citizen and Power and itgi»t<t»g instal_tioi_.'R>—iter is t o begin next week at to' return it to the bank. If not TELEPHONE solicitors for" r w o — EOO Electric motors rewound, repaired. Union Junior College, with expecSBBVSONO BCAL ESTATE FOB SALE restored before the "ninth day of toold products concern BKAL ESTATE FOB SALB 814 South Avenue, "notation that day classes will eoon Rate*: ED J«ta E=ra January, 1948 application will be high cammfeston in your Regret is expressed by the Cleveland School MASON CONTRACTORS Cranford. Tel CRanford 6-0507. reach capacity. Openings remain, SIX room furnished bungalow on CRANFORD: SMALL steam boiler, suitable for j TUXEDO, size 37, in excellent con- tint Insertion—Two cento a word, time. For details phone I Dr. Kenneth Campbell MacKay, Sidewalks, Flagstone Work, Garage Toms River, near Admiral Farra- White with red shutters, substan-, m a d e tor a n e w six room house and bucket-a-day dition, reasonable. Call CRan- fn<n|—.lira ch&TgC 5 0 f^Tltff. P.-T.A. for the long wait Friday night at the "WixSPRAY PAINTINO Phone ns for estimate. No obligation, of course. 2 1 912 SPRAYER fOB BENT jthe president, said today, for bothj hot water heater. Call CRanford; ford 8-08S9-W. Repeat Ads—One cent a word. Building. Brick Work, Cellar Water gul Academy. AH improvements, tially built 7-year-old bungalow,!BANK Book No. 16488 of the " * ' Kitchen s«ta_l&wn_and_ 'imriprgrarti«ato« the Proofing. Free Estimates. Schwarz, oil burner, fireplace. Insulated and] 6-0922-R after 7 m- -• _ 33 cents. tan plaid sports jacket, size niz Buffer for rent by day, week dents in several courses, Open room, screens, stormwindows, full ford, N. J. The finder is requested) wotf lob. wm. I* Wtaemim, It Ingdale avenue. TeL 22 Bloom- or month. Tel. CRanford 6-0579-R| These include beginner's o c Marionette Company unavoidably late. Eveninw.-Tlll Nine CRanfonl Wednesday Noon OT^IF^or^aHtb^^ ^ Jin porches. $10,500. CRanford insulation, economical hot water | to return it to 4he bank.' If not J S / A m TeL CR.BB0I* M M rRANFORD 6-3141 ir. CRanford 6-2446-R. tf counting, Spanish, college algebra 3-0058-R. BENDIX Automatic Washer Serv tf heat with oil., Expansion attic, restored before the twelfth day skates, size IVi, in good condi-jversible coat, each $5. Tel CRan-On oh, 6-3152. 1-22 EflJ no answer, call ROselle 4-5590. ice, all work guaranteed. 18 iU BEAUTICIAN, manager's g i^ Attached garage. Well land- f February, 1948. application will tion, $4. Call CRanford 6-1668-M. ford 6-0744-J. WESTFIELD, two (family house,1 scaped lot 60 x 132 adjoining io madetora new Book. Alden street, Cranford 6-1715. 2-12! 5 days a week. Call WEstfi i^l o e 1947 PHELCO n_hogany "Chip-1 ALUMINUM overhead type doors, 7 P m _ . „ „ . , , -I newly decorated, best neighborSERVICING Union County Parkway System. E I , fltete, tDe, asphalt pendale" automatic phonograph' 8x7, new. $52.00. Call ROselle IBANK Book No. 16488 of the n J IF YOU need music or a public h o o d ta town V a c a n t ^ ^ Only $13,000. shingle repaira. Leaders and combination, A.M., F.M., and short 4-2133. 1-22 1 address^ystem-for various o o e a - | W E s t f l e l d 2-1500. Mr. Aron. WASHING MACHINES . ' Cranford cranicra Trust lTust Company, company, Crancran- SALESWOMEN to gutters, new and repaired. Walter 1 wave, $223.00. Call CKaniora s r _ _ x parts. Cranfoid Radio, 34 sions, call CRanford 6-0085-M|_—, _ Serviced and Repaired 5 room cottage only 6 years old. • ford, N, J. The finder is requested ttanaHy advertised Ur.e Lhubert, 122 Burnside Avenue. 1 6-0020. | North avenue, west ORanford Also Other Appliances after 5 p.m. tf :N_W AND EXCEPTIONAL LIST- Science kitchen, tiled bath, real to return it to the bank. If not exclusive basis in Cranford . ?el CRanford 6-2931-J. v tf fireplace, insulated, gas heat, at-restored atrestored before the twelfth day TILING Reasonable Rates day Westfleld, excellent earning, .j; LIONEL .freight train outfit, brand ~ j IKGS IN ONE AND TWO fireplace, Writc A tached garage, taxes only $12».'of February, 1948, application will *» and Parts Guaranteed Steel tile far bathrooms new, never used; cars uncouple FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO - - oal PE-ROOPING. Siding, asbestos un ?j O N E c h i l d s gg, y i ' «hifferobe; one stork 2-12' Products, Inc., 236 Church HI b f bk kitcheni installed over present INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. WE -' E. B. SAXE by remote control, price,:, ci75o and insulated brick Bonded roof51 /.D0.| jj ne£ j crib, large size; one chest of Quiet side street in nice location, be made for a new book. Woodbridge, N. J. " \ Appliance Service Co. Call CRanlord 6-1278-M. INSPECjng. Repairs. JOHN LANGE, 5 drawers, small size; $13 complete. Owner moving out of town has WANTED TO BUY 759 Central Ave WEstfield 2-4577' PLainfleld 6-10352 or UNionville rcE. just reduced for quick sale. iv.enamel, combinationjOall CRanford 6-3048-J. WOBK WANTED—Female USED 1 car garage. Reasonable, . tf Maynard, Vernsal Tile Co., CRan- McPHERSON REALTY CO. tf , j.0667. ' coal and gas; s l o v e n ondj M A P L E s i n g I e b c d > tf EXPERIENCED womaning mattress| Brick, colonial, center hall home.l Call CRanford 6-0556-R. ford 6-13Sa-M, CR. fl-1827-M. tf i-Mliii^|1 1 North Avenue, East ironing by the day. Call ci_, I broiler overhead, good condition, a n d detachable side fiuaid; maple! RADIO REPAIRS PAINTING AND DECORATING tl*»jl;pl perfect condition, 6 extra large'j REFRIGERATORS in any condiTel. CRanford G-0400 6-2594-W. ' I j C. POTTER—Inside and outside $50. Call CRanford 6-0579-W. tf;ch o f d r a w e _ a J c ^ V H n a ] All makes, including g car radios. CHANFORD—Six year old home rooms, new first floor Livatory, 2| t i o r L Highest nrices paid. painting. Paperhanging. Skilled STEWART-WARNER South Wind hogany high-boy; mahogany buffet television, and all home appliances; FISHING RODS in perfect condition, adjoining tiled baths, 1 new .with stall' B a _/9 A~dams~Ave.~ TeL^CRanford'STENCORAPHER-TYPIST^dArl workmanship. Telephone WEstautomobile heater in good con-and server; mahogany Marthajbase outlets, lamps, motors re- Place your order now for,, tf part time work 1 or 2 park. Two bedrooms and tile bath shower, 100 x 150 lot, tf weekly. Write Box 124 in care'ojl field 2-4403. . . . dition, $10.00; Call CRanford Washington sewing cabinet; end wound. Herbert F. Sorge, Jersey custom rod you've been dreaming on second floor; fireplace, insu- garage, available quickly. STAMP COLJ.ECTOBS <jhe Cranford Citizen and Chron-I I NITSCHKE & BLUNCK—Painters 6-1255-M. j tables; walnut chest of drawers; Radio Service, 134 Hillcrest'avenue. about. I build any tyipe/to your lated, gas heat, attached garage. JAvailable quickly — choicely lo- I HAVE a large collection |Hoosicr kitchen cabinet Call! tf specifications. Reels a CRANFORD. 6-0484 Also many other listings. 2-ul and Decorators. 511 Boulevard, cated 8 room house. First and tate stamps and would like to FORD Car Batteries only $13.00, CRanford 6-1460-M. Start getting ready. T. R. Sargent, Broker Kenil worth, N. J. TeL CRanford ELECTRICIAN, general repairs second floor baths, gas heat, double | trade with adult. Call CRanford j GENERAL housework froirTT^I Xully guaranteed. Also (its Ply-iWalter J. Whalen, Asspciate can give you garage, "62 x 120 North Side lotJe-lMO. j . 2; five days a week. Call CHaaJ 6-1458-M or ROselle 4-6486-M. tf SEW installation, fluorescent fixtures. ones now while SAVE! moiiLh or any .square type battery j Tel. Westfield 2-3033—2729 tf s i s Rnn quick service. still handling iford 6-0414. j__l B. MENZEL & SON—Interior, exbox. Storr Tractor Company. Callj Our .fabric center is filled w i t h Electric ranges serviced and in-1 FOB EXCHANGE JJIO.OUU. . . . i IPIH,I!» ——«"•»»aluinis? . i^ -"• the gun repairs as they come in. stalled. Houses wired and reWE^Iield 2-1262. 4 BEDROOM home, oil heat, terior painting and paperhangfine captivating materials for every! WOMAN desires ihomeivark !necd. Each yard is priced to make1 wired. Joseph A. Sommera,_5a All work guaranteed. A. F. Beh-| garage, 'large lot, ideal location, North Side and new—8 room home WOMAN wishes to rent new 6 room ing. Estimates cheerfully given. TW1X iiielal beds complete, jiuirblc lert, 33 p6rn.ing avenue. CRanford j. Centennial Avenue, Cranford. Tel, with first floor lavatory, tiled ..•immediate; occupancy, $15,000. your dollar (jo fartlher. Phone CRanford 6-1345. 61 Eliza53^W. apartment in Cranford. 19 West] •lop Westi CRanford 6-2084-J. tf 6-325 p uble,, chifferobe, mahogany Several bungalows at various bath; science kitchen, porch leadEnd-Placej-Granfonirbedroom suite, rugs. Upright piano, GRILL'S SILK & COTTON SHOP for children afternoons or eve-j WILLIAM SEIBERT — Painting ng fireplace, oil heat, attached RICHARDS-SWACKHAMER FOR HENT AND FOR SALE ~ E ' I nings. Tel. CRanford 6-0331-R. Aluminum, Steel, Wood. For WEstfield 2-3648 i REPAIRS Ave. Tel. WEsUield 2-4464. and Paperhanging. Skilled me;arage, $15,800. 4 Alden St, CRanford 6-1122 or AUTO Sanders and Buffers sale Electric Clocks, Irons Radios, free estimate phone WEstfieldj chanics. Interior and exterior. TeL CRanford €-0476. , for $39.50; rent for $3.00 per day. j SECRETARIAL SERVICE A i'EVV "Easy" .-.pin dnyor.-i artel WALMUT vanity, white : Toasters, Vacuum Cleaners, 2-4586. Old. blinds reconditioned. CRanfoid 6-2854. tf Members of Bungalow, 5 years old with science Deposit required. Home and Fam-| for small businesses and «rqan-l i" autq-ji:ajjic washing ma-: Hoasier kitchen cabinet Also[ Washing Machines. Satisfaction John Svenda, 619 South Avenue, Acme Sav-U-Trlm PETER SCHULTZ, 3rd v Cranford Real Estate Board kitchen, modern bath with col-\^ "Store, 101 N. Onion Avenue, izations. Hourly or Contract. Wr: y ( chintz 'available. Al.-u a few, double breasted, shadow stripe. guaranteed. Otto's Appliance iQarwood. .tf ... G i v e s you more orcd tile, wood burning fireplace, PAINTING & DECORATING Frigidaire refrigerators, tf Box 124 in care of the CranforJ priced blue suit, two. pairs of trousecs; Sfcrvice.,16 South Union Ave. Tel.j wmmsB OWNE.R 'moving; quick occupancy; Venetian Winds, screens, storm win- Tel. CRanford 6-0428. TeL WEstfield 2-4458 tf 10 meat for your money! , Citizen and Chronicle. .'ifrojn $15)4.75'to $354.75. First come,;.ii;»c'38, all in-good condition. Call CRanford 6-0060 or * ; r ' " . i WASHING MACHINE ^nanioraj „ y E A R S . EXPERIENCE 3 bedroom home, tile bath.jdows, , po rch, oil heat, • attached! APARTMENT WANTED JUICt lirst served: 'Budget 'ter.in.-s, lull CH:»nlo:d 6-3270-R. Get the most of the / 6-2616-R. WILLIAM ROESEL, Interior and 12-os. tt-os. HELP WANTED—Maje Only expert mucnanics worK m inside all reconditioned, stair to j garage. Very convenient location | BUSINESS couple desires 4 room warranty. Kooss Brothers,, temporExterior Painting. Skilled mew a n y p Best at Acmel attic. It has sun iporch which is within few minutes walk of Canter. apartment' in Cranford or vicinyour appliances. Irons, vajuun chanics. Personal supervision. 205 ary Radio and* Appliance Depart- j C111 LD'S two piece set ohifferobe ALL kinds of Home Repairs. Gut" o used a'll year; tile kitchen, breakafter 5 p. m. CRanford ters and Leaders cleaned and suite, wardrobe and crib, spring cleaners, radios, motors, nient,- 187 Westncjd avenue, Clark' Columbia Ave., Cranford. Phone k " " , os, mtors, toa6tei< t 2-5; 6-1155. nuittxcss, blond oak, excellent renewed. Also Storm Sash. NolaLso repaired. Goffey's. 1-3 Aldei fast nook, new steam heating furn-Worth Side—5 room cottage with 6-3018-J. Township, near Rahway city line CRanford 6-1572-R. , tf ace (oil burner) with domestic hot plenty of extras. Newly deco-] | condition. Also two Hollywood job too small. L. F. Baxter. Tel. St. Tel. CRanford 6-2224. tf RAhway 7-1112. . FOB REN? EXPERIENCED driver over water all year. Screened porch, rated, science kitchen, Venetian JOSEPH WARSINSKI CRanford 6-2352-R1 cons tf inner s CARPENTER and cabinet maker paved street, nice 'location, near blinds, wall to wall carpeting, sun ELECTRIC HEDGE SHEARS. years old. Inquire at office REFRIGERATORT Painting and Decorating **«*. used once. Call 1 Does days job in hour or so. 'Garwood Taxi, Center street, Gad MAILING and MIMEOGRAPB Quality craftsmanship. Ludwlg shopping, school and buses, reason- room that is different than any electric, good running condition, 'foi>d 6-1041. Phone CRanford 6-0851 U Easy, safe, handy to operate. $3.00 W6od. $50. 0 Broad Street, Cranford or SERVICE—Addressograph, Mul- Seibert, 388 Lincoba Drive, Kenil- able at $10,990. we have seen before. 130 ft. lot day. Home & Family, 101 N. Union' call CRanford 6-2493-M. PAINTING and Decorating. T. A tigraphlng. Typing, Address Plates HEABI8 worth. TeL CRanford 8-0526. tl HEINS, 17 North Ave., E. NECfAB I CHRISTINE Doll Shop, 10A Alden with attractive landscaping. Low YOUNG man with sales experie Ave., TeL CRanford 6-0428. tf Crane. TeL CRanford 8-0989-M; Embossed, Mailing Lists, Public TeL CRanford 6-0777 Street, Cranford. Rag dolls and taxes. Reduced to $14,000. for permanent position. Shlei LADIES' lavender Chesterfield PLUMBING and Heating. Sewert 320 South Union Avenue, Crananimals. Dolls bassinettes and'Stenography. Ask about our NEW, Member 'Cranford Real' JOHNSON'S electric floor polisher |ter's Hardware, 104 South avenu Spring coat, soft wool, satin linford for estimates. tf D1STINCTIVE P.S.M. Mimeo- cleaned with electric sewer maEstate Board Real Value. — Substantial 4 bedfor rent by the day at low price east, ing, black velvet collar, box pock- ready made clothes; also miscellaneous gifts. TcL CRanford|sraphing process. Westfleld Busi- chine. Guaranteed.* W..J. Ledden room home in excellent condiof $1. Home and Family, 101 N. ets, lange lavender, button's, nice MUSICAL INSTRUCTION TeL CRanford 6-2935^1. tl $11,500—7 room house in excellent GOOD reliable man wanted tf ness Service, 123 Quimby Street, lines, size 14. Paidi $30.00 . last 8-0556-J. E. R. BENNETT. Teacher of Piano condition. Oil iheat. Posses- tion, wood burning fireplace, oil Union Ave. Tel. CRanford 6-0428. drive taxi. Apply 105 Much surplus fat and bone is removed before weighing. Westfleld. N. J. TeL WEstfield ASPHALT TILE AND RUBBER heat, garage. Finest north side tf! Spring, wiH sell for $10.00. Write FOUND—The answer to- your e n Latest methods. Beginners and sion can be arranged. . pig. w^>«(CAWWEBD street CRanford 6-2000. 2-5303. tf FLOORS installed. Immediate $14,000—7 room spacious . house, location, 85 x 140 lot. Reasonable Box 123 in care of the Cranford tertainment problem. advanced courses. Special course Sound taxes. Owner occupied. Priced F L O O R O M A T I C — U s e fori service. Good variety of colors now Citizen and Chronicle. for adult beginners. Lessons at A p n c o i s Evapomted. n_w. pk0.33c T o n n a r o e s MAGER Retrlgeratlon Service — FUEN1SHED DOOMS FOB 1 tile bath. Oil, recreation room, to sell. movies for children's, parties, adult SCRUBBING—WAXING-FOL-I Household and commercial. Spe- in stock. W. Dolbier, WEstfield your home. 666 Dorian Road. Tel double garage, north side. SEASIDE CaUf. laroe V-V ISHING—BUFFING. All purpose COMFORTABLY furnished ro BOY'S tan check sports jacket, size gatherings, etc. Lurge, new selec- cializing in "Frigidaire." Tel 2-5509; evenings RAhway 7-1330-J. WEstfleld 2-538$, ^ _ ^ tf $14,000—Completely modern 10 I WESTFIELD machine tor rent—$2.00 per day. .near buses and BJL,,,Gen1J -—,— -._--""HO-btrtmrfl34, in excellent condition, 05. tion of films. Operator . and Plalnfield 6-2105-J. tf tf ^ TTr^6ne^u^"Tet^^ h^ond.! equipment supplied. For details] TRUCKING—HAULING screened porch off dining built in 1931. Center hall powderj"" 101 N. Union Ave. TeL CRanford ; new, size 32, very reasonable. Bone in. Let Acme Sav-U-Trim keep your meat bill down! LINOLEUM SINK TOPS repaired CRANFORD Refrigeration sales £; LIGHT trucking with closed truck Iend S FURNISHED room, breakfast room, attached garage, steam Orchard S t . or calji CRanford tf and Service. Household and or replaced — cow plywood InCSRanford 6-0837-W. room, bineh-paneleld with A~«J fire-!6-0428. mm J>lnr'h_T. »W. -...itt. !>n<.l«.l/l den Prompt service, reasonable rate. desired or kitchen prlvili 0-1115-R. oil, furnished recreation room, place. Huge living room with] ob stalled when necessary. Stainless commercial repairs on Frigidaire P e O « 'ABMDAIE ^ J0H... « ) Q Call CRanford 6-2378-W. 1-29 LOTS FOE 8A1LE garage. Call CRanford 6-2452-MJ SUPREME automatic analyzer and I PIANOS wanted—Act now—High- steel trim used exclusively. W Kelvinator, Crosloy, Coldspot •must be seen to be appreciated. marble fireplace, large living NORTHEAST corner of Orange1 tuboahecker .........$40.00 est prices paid. Cranford Piano Dolbier, WEstfleld 2-5509; eve- Norge, etc. Rear of 18 Alden SL Priced far below original c o s t . j ^ ^ w i t n s 0 U another fireplace, GENERAL Trucking anywhere, and Manor Avenues, size 82x113. LARGE double room with t\v WESTON (low ohms) Ohmeter Company. .JL North Ave., E. TeL bedrooms each with its nings RAhway 7-1330-J. Tel. CRanford 6-1715. SMOKED | FANCY GRADE A tf $14,500—Owner transferred. MUST 4 master Courteous, efficient service. Ben Price $30 front foot, n e t Call beds, residential section near s'^| "••• complete with'case :.......r.'..$"O.OOj CRanford 0-2720. SELL 4 bedroom house,, oil! j ^ g . o own U l e d 3 oar arage R. E. Ward. 113 Miln Stn tf RECORDS, classical and popular; E L E C T R I C A L Contracting — Clark, 300 South Union Avenue. 2-1542 or George Sauer e r n e l C o r n BABY and kitchen scale $ 2.50 heat, garage, lot 83 x 134, exTel. CRanford 6-2339-J. tf , 5 Alden Street, Cranford. Housewiring, jobbing,' fluoresFULLER Brushes. — For tooth RCA Victor, Decca. Columbia, TRIMALUME bathinette, cellent north side location. ing on Echo Lake Country Club. I Whole or either half 1-29 ^COMFORTABLY; furnished ro Make offer. like new $12.50 brushes, household brushes, pol- CapitoL ''Good Music" from The cent fixtures, repairs and plugs ishes, waxes. Call or write L. A.Band Box, 4 Alden' Street TcL installed. George Sanguiliano, 134 For prompt and efficient service list Built when building costs were! can IDEAL 4 lbs. and up. Delicious! near shopping center and WESTINGHOUSE AC. low. It cost then twice as muchl BUILDING LOT IDEA! North Lehigh Ave. Tel. CRanford your property with venient to.all transportation. motor 1/20 H.P. 1723 r.p.m. $ 3.00vacKce. 12'Arlington Road. Cran- CBanford 6-1988.— l-is vou ™ bnv it for tJv^^v i#! 100'x 100'comer. Manor and I . con 6-3177-J. tf for any of these bargains call >ord. N. J. Telephone CRanford ia> you can buy it fqr today. If j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ CRanford 6-0073-M. 6 SpringfleJ Fresh Ground GENERAL J-J785-W. tt 1 1 6 avenu 30 Prospect St., Westfleld CRanford 6-1644-W. "this is it.! * "'* 51.800. Mey, 325 Manor[ e. Cranford. gralous ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS Carpenter—Cabinet Maker Eve^. CR. 6-1184 Creamed Kitchen Cabinets Jobbing and Repairs—Ceilings WE. 2-4848 , „ iAvcCronfoid. "iFURNISHED room in privai ROLLS FOR WASHTEENS and Young Debs Wear,' WRINGER .b. Green Recreation Cellars Hourly Basis or Roosevelt School area-vacant 61 . : ) home, business man only. sizea 10 to 16, » to 15. Clearance I N G MACHINES—Rolls in stock Attic Rooms. Estimates Furnished NEW five room bungalow, spic and Sale, continuing through January..'or any type wringer. Bring in venient to all transportatio: tion. Real fireplace, oil heat, Roofing . L. H. Chaffee span, immediate occupancy. Drastic Reductions! -Edith Hill, 519'y° u r o l d o n e . w eW'U duplicate it; lots on the North and South side Call CRanfoid 6-0880. sized lot. Low taxes. $13,900. Screens CRanford 6-0611 after 6 p. m. ttSIX room house in Linden, 2 car East Broad Street. WEstfleMwhite rubber. % of town at moderate prices. You GARWOOD—One or two looms 1 Storm Sash. Etc. 2-1410. Open Monday's until 9 COFFEVS can also consult us on your plans garage, 2 blacks from Route 25, nice ihoune, ihousekeepmg priv| ROSELLE H. F. REYNOLDS, Rotary specialWM. GRASING ^ "The Hou?e That Service Built" p. m . The time to buy is when an own-and financing. leges. Private dinette. Gentlera: ist Oil burner service on all$8,000. CRanford 6-1928 t RALPH DELLA SERRA : 1-3 Alden Street CRan. 6-2224 RALPH DELLA SERRA er wants to sell. See this 4 bedor couple. Near all transportation types. Vacuum cleaning oil or coa' POWER Lawn Mowers. Built for! MASONRY—General repairs and furnaces. Conversion work. Tel Realtor and Builder ' room home that has been recently 6 North Union Ave., Cranford CaU WEstfleld 2-3166-W. WINDOW SHADES TeL CRanford 6-2227 or ' efficient, economical, troublealterations. S. R. Jordan, 22C CRanford 6-2120. 6 North Union Ave., Cranford [painted and completely redecorated tf free mowing. Meets the need of White or Cream, Holland •— Millbom-6-0893 — tf; AUTOS FOB S A t E South Avenue, East. CranfortL_Tel home owners of 'av<Mviffl» —24-hour- services 1938 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan, i CRanr6rSTP2T7flCj7" " \ tf FACTORY" trained mechanic will MiUburn 6-0893 0 a MONTH place, extra deep lot, good location, ICY POINT LOT, S O x 128, on Pawnee Road, $159.50 and $249.50. Home and Measured and Installed 1 car garage. Owner occupied. Cranford. Top of hill, over- | good condition. May be seen ai'jj FRED STENGEL. CARPENTER— repair your sewing machine or| Family Store, 101 N. Union Ave- Side Hemmed to 36" Asking $12,000 but we'd like to looking golf course; eroded with) 5:30 p. jn. 113 Benjamin stre< Repairs, alterations. screens, vacuum cleaner; 12 years of satisnue.. Tel. CRanford 6-0428. tf fying service. Adjusting service in CRanford 6-1402. submit any reasonable£>ffer. shrubbery; Green Flyer Bus at cabinets, etc. Let me do your SPECIAL your home $1.50. _TeL CRanford K i t e Fancy I6-OI. pk0- *• • L NEW lawn. Fine black top soil and C. C. Downe Co. [small jobs or any job. UNionville comer. Terms. Ossmann, 2 1935 CHEVROLET, in very go CAMTBEUI tf fttAUCO AMfBICAN grain rich fed; $5 yard delivered. 105 Elm Street LINDEN 2-0410 or UNionville- 2-6832. 1273 6-11I4-M. Berkeley Plact. Phone CRanford condition. Apply 168 North cakes H I M * St. •» 2-family, 6 years old 4 and AVz tf Grandview Ave., Union. Call CRanford 6-3276 between 7 TeL-Weatfleld 2-0161 tf DEPENDABLE repairs to all kinds rooms. Both floors to be vacated This will planned 6 room all brick 6-1708. tf high avenue, Cranford, or and 8 p. m., or write L. Fazio, Box [CRanford 6-3197-W. house in the Sunnyfleld S e c irregular 1200 at passing ititle. $14,250. k of household articles and equipASCO ' DDIEO BA3Y • 194, KenUwortlh, N. J. tf EJ,ECTRIC Light Bulbs. General ANTIQUE AND MODERN tion of Lmden is the *ns««r to|w E n d P L / 6 0 x , | 5 1300 ment Reasonable rates. Phone Electric Mazda. AH Sizes. A & A — FURNITURE — TUTOEING your dreams. A center tall. » x 22 ^ ^ ^ , A v e 5 0 0 Clean* Dirty Hands BUILDING LOTS CRanford 6-0140-M. Please call USED-Washing Machines. Guaran- Hardware. 12 North Ave.. W. tf Bought and Sold living room with fireplace and pic-' MATHEMATICS - TUTOR Gr 50 x 100 S 800 after 5:30 p. m. tf teed—All Different Mokes. E. B. "}•; "-• : ' p o a <3. E. refrigerator, medium size;!RUCS, one 8 x 10, Oriental patexcellcni running condition. Call I 'tern, one 9 x 12, Chinese pattern, CRanfonl 6-0703-R. |2 taupe runners, lot price, $25. Call SMALL mlltm. <tosk and ^ 1 ^ C R a n t o r d 6-26«»-J"""oTiair,'likemew, $20. Paramount'S DRAWER steel Wins cabinet, fullij Cleaners, 8 Walnut avenue, Cran-I standaitl size. R. E. Ward. 113 fold. l-22;Miln street CRanfonl 6-0414. ction REUPHOLSTERiNG J*"" ^ ' ssst •s if iS-4i k Sauce 2"_» 25c CampbelB's S 2 Grapefruit B T 2 1 : 27c V-8 Pineapple eappl ^ ^ L . _ 27c Grapefruit Juice t T 17c Del Monte Pears £T143c 3 Fruit CockfraiJ^JT^ 24c -!i e Tangerine Juice 3 ' ^ 25c 2 '_r 25c "Raisins Peaches Isl •> 55Lr" • 7c Del Monte Peas !_*-.21c fdeal Peas " T«L. _J 9c Porterhouse & Sirloin Steak "= ^ ©el Mallets 5 ?8c A AAS Corned Beef Hash •_ 25c K ! L ^ - ^ BroadcastHash^27c Asparagus — - S . - 2 9 c Wilson's Mor Beef' „ 47c String Beans If: i Hotel Essex Bouse Tomato Sauce 3 _^ 20c Tomato Paste ^ 10c Red Salmon Toilefr Soap Pork & Beans 2 ' _ r 29c Lava Soap Pork & Beans 2 1 2 5 c nometry and Calculus. Call ""-teobinetSj-eonvpletely modern kitch7TOSEPH "J. GUKER" tracts with Improvements write for appointment to pay. Can b e f ^ ~ Furniture Co.~~ COMMERCIAL. Westfleld REFRIGERAen, 3 good sized bedrooms, 2 tiled Larger dcr—table arrangements, minia- installed on existing walls. W. Member for builders. 200 North Ave., Parker, 14 Preston Ave. OMMERCIAL. MOTOR REbaths, plus a 1st door lavatory, a ttures, pottery arrangements for Dolbior, WEstlleld 2-5509; eye Cranford Real Estate Board WcstueW, N. J. CRanford 6-0939. PAIR. CRANFORD 6-1023. tf Associate Broker: L. P. Wright maximum of clcsets and storage! gifts. Roses, asters,' chrysanthe- Dings RAhway 7-1330-J. THOMAS MacMEEKIN _____________________________________ I * « . » O * J \ , *** i t u * u n c i • A - J . i ~ w ¥ V 1 l l i l I I I i ' •_• • • • tf Phone WE- 2-5160 tf ch and' mums, sweet peas. Marie Brown, : ..z' »T u « ,„ _, , , t , » space, large screened in porch, and Member of PIANO TUNING HOME ONSU^TION j ? « » o n h Ave, W.. Cranford. N. J . , ^ ^ ^ r.and^out' the a PIANUS 58 Locust Drive. TeL CRanford BICYCLE AND BABY CARRIAGE Cranford Real Estate Board Tel. CRanford 6-1890 RELIABLE piano tuning and n | BARRETT rock wool Iiuulation. Guaranteed reconditioned pianos, picture. 6-2974. REPAIRS. We are equipped to 4 Alden Street' Cranford, N. J. pairing by recognized blown method usea; personal SII: "I $75 up. Easy terms. Cranford renjer complete repair service and ei vision. Established 192U. Wm Consult one of the following exAction and tone regulation. Cra."| '•IS YOUR PROPERTY" WANT TO RENT UPHOLSTERING — Furniture re-:Piano Company. Tuning and Regenuine parts. Solid rubber tire; L. Schroeder. 18 Adnms Avenue perienced realtors if you have a ford Piano Company, 3 Noi LISTED WITH US?" WANTED—house or apartment by pairs, draperies, slip coversjbujlding Specialists. 3 North Ave- ( installed by special machine. hh o u s e f o r s a l c o r r e n t - o r if y° u ! Trl CRanfc FOR further-information regard- four adults. Venetian blinds. Nice chai.ee of nuc. East. Tel. CRanfoid 6-2720. REPAIRS GUARANTEED. ALL| T e l C R a n f o r d 6-2799. If no a n - | a r e tfl looking for a i W cr, call ROselle 4-5590, fabrics. F. Kunter & Son, 45 South! tf ' or leased We will ad- ford representatives: I. Cranford Cycle and Toy Co. FUiUUEB "SKYLIQHT" washing fluid. The vise you on any of your real estate Mrs. Gertrude Nunn—Cr. 6-0824M. YOUNG woman wishes to ren't PIANO Tuning and Repair* 1!) North Ave., W. CR. 6-1779 BRING ALL your fur problems to problems. That is our business. Mr. Harold Wilson—Cr. 6-195-IR I furnished room with privileges.! Warren W. Groff. "for 25 yei' original Skylight formula, 25c Mrs. Miriam P. Neville—Cr. 6-2I26.Good references. Write Box 125 i n | W e s t f l e l d ' s a n d Cranford's fortf QUAKER curtain stretchers, new \*£T gallon (5 CCAM reiund for jug). (2 doors from Cranford theatre) | Dryson's- 224 East Broad Street, Mortgage money available. tf.Westtleld, upstairs. TeL WEstfleld HOWLAND—144 Chestnut Street c a r e o f U l e Cranford Citizen and, 111031 V^ono tuner," 244 Wa type construction. Stretcher Cnopin's Sport Shop, oppoiitt the J2-1O78. Joseph J. Guker Chronicle. ,Street, WestOeld. Tel. WEstflftij ROSELLE 4-1050 folds without removing bolts. RustjCLEARANCE S.\LE:-For Ladies', 116 North Ave., W. 2-2325. Member of New Je proof brass Arrow. Point pita. Only CORDWOOD for fireplace, fur-: Misses. Juniors, COATS, and A. KANTNER. New coats and SEPARATED 'Association of Piano Tuners. C3.C9 at Firestone, 101 North Union nace and kitchen blove. Call SUlTS.-iaHvir-gin" wool—PRICES Remodeling and John W. Heins & Son JUMBLE 8TOQE from wife and child; DuPont engi-j 17 North Ave., E. Ave., Cranfosd. furs. 118 tf Railway. 7-1062. tf SLASHED ON EACH AND EVERY repairing high grade g WONT you dig down deep in your i n e e r n e i i d s ""'^nished house or Thomas MacMeekin Walnut Ave. CRanford 6-1678. tf closets and storerooms and then l a ? a r t m e I l t - reteteoces. O i l Mr. WATER Softeners by Dayton.) BIBLES. Specializing 5 Alden St. TREE WORK send ^or tu to pick up your flnd.,Baker Ro«.n 416. Elizabeth CarCSOUirGAGE MONEY Gives you soft water the year! Oxford and other popular Wade H. Postoa to choose from, in all the WE ore rewriting mortgages up to, ings? Collections on Monday. I t e r e t H o t e l " U no u n « w c r . P l e a s e round. Tank guaranteed for four tions- Students' Analytical 5 Alden S t 1-29 All tyipes of work done on s CR. 6-2047. The Jumble Store. leave name and number years. Completely installed $139.!Chain Reference Bibles and Testu- newest styles and colors. THIS IS 20 years at low interest rates. H. J. Shahecn Convenient terms arranged. A , A/ments. For information or dem- THE SALE YOU'VE BEEN WAIT- No legal fees. May we review 15 North Ave.. E. IOUSE urgently needed by teacher |damaged trees. AUTO 8PBAYING Hardware, 12 North Ave;, W. _ onstrution without obligation, call your mortgage. Home Assured . Richards-Swackhamcr and adult daughter. Must leave AH ROBERTS & WIESE ,'Pnmin, CRanlonl 6-1485-Mi tf R < l u a r t c r a . W Ul pay nifih Company. oo 93 Summit 4 Alden St. I AUTOMOBILES sprayed with loc-'itaatfanry -, i""«ni"ii«? v-uuipany. summit quer or enameL Fenders straight-,'^,,,, ps,^n „,„ —,i „ Landscape Contractors - n « r«fercncc4 Charles M. Yeakel _ £ Excellent 17 VENETIAN Blinds (controlled ELECTRICIAN — ItlDGEFront OF St.. PLAINFIELD, 116, Avenue. Summit. N. J. Phone Sumcnod. Priced to satisfy. Sand it | r € J l East PLAINFIELD. rait 6-1968. Evenings: Phone West2 North Ave.. W. ventilation and lljht). Measur-| Jobbing, repairs. former home, TeLCRXford N. J. OPEN EVERY EVENING, Held 2-0121. Veterans' loans— yourself and save.' Call H. Wheat, years /Liflin' [CRan. 6-3284 — Linden 2-7475-4 tog, installation, choice of tnpea for' turcs. John Fanning. 71 Burnslfie O tf "Ranford 6-0058-R. " i except Saturday, TILL 8:30 WALK F.H-A. and conventional mortgage* Members of the average of $3-30 per window. Ave. TeL CRanfonl 6-2040-W. tf jijp AND S-A.VE •URNISHED or unfurnished apart1-29 «olicJted. CRANFORD Steel or aluminum olats. F. Kant-, . NUHS1NO SEBVXCK ments or houses for employees TREES taken down and REAL ESTATE BOARD oer & Sons. TeL CRanford 0-0393 FRESH FROZEN Government inCRANFORD V. N. A. for General of Merck & Company, Inc.. within jjtumpa pulled out All wo: WATTBB—CLOCK BEPAlia NUBSEKV 8CUOO1L Shop. Buy and Live or CRanford 6-3122-M. tf spected hortomcat- Also horso TI E L TL Visits, Hypodermics.'reasonable commuting distance of guaranteed. Completely coven Uver DAILY. Cranford Pet ShopT,l ? , !J ^ SCHOOL OF CRAN- ARIE BOOM — Guaranteed wntch in Cranford! h ORO (Maternal and Infant Care, Health Rahway. Write ox contact Mr. E by insurance. Phone or write ' direction of Mrs. and clock repair. Called for and 11 North TeL CRanford' ' CUSTOM HADE tf! Education. The V—lting Nurse Shults, Personnel Department V. Boyd. 2114 North Oliver St 6-1003. _ Robert H. Schubel, is located at delivered. One week service. Post Rb Automobile Scat Covers tf can Help You. Nominal Fee. Tel 'RAhway 7-1200. extension 877. tf Rahway. TeL RAhway 7-10«r .|3O3 Casino Avenue. The group is }ffloe Box 303. Cranford. DBEHSS3AGUNG cnanford Chooaa from our wldo «-0757. JSUBSCRIPTIONS to aU maga-smai: und it is possible to give THOMAS DiMINNI—Wgtch. clock WOMEN'S and children's d r e : i s e : / tfi" o£loction of frobrics. BUSINESS OPFOUTUNITY BOYLE TREE SURGERY C0i\ d to order. d Also alterations.! sines obtainable. Prices quoted individual attention to each child: and jewelry, all kinds repaired. made CHJBTA1NS Cant called lor and delivered |upon request Renewals and pub- J:-. i to allow him to proceed at libiEngraving while you wait. Dla- TeL CRanford G-O994-J. GAS station, equipment and stock, PANY. Bring your tree 1-29 C. C. DOWNE CO. .CUR T A I N S laundered and' pumping 7,000 per month, excel- lems to us. Free exomuuti'J apedal offers filled. Please own level of development. Hour^jtnonds set by appointment. 117 103 Elm S t WEctflcld 2-0101 scad orders to C. B. Wcldln. 18 .) a. m. to Noon. Phone CRanford North Wood Avenue, Linden. LADIES' suits and dresses made! stretched. P h o n e CRanford 'cnt corner, must sell. William G. Trees, removed, pruned, fed. to order; ulso alterations. Cull! 8-0571-J. Picked up and delivered. Schn.al, 7 South Avenue, CUon- Rankln St., Elizabeth. TcL MBarttcfcar Place. Cranford. tf i-103-1. 1-22 (upstairs). Mr«. Hand, CRanford 6-2432-M. tf' tf ford 6-3535 or CRanford 6-333U. bcth 2-4124. ^f; ' Spaghetti 14-GI. boltla ApplsBufler T Blu-WJiite 2 S1.1 17c Krispy Crackers Z. 25c Peach Preserves t 1 9 c Ideal Tomato Large Package 5WE;THFART Medium Package 16c "DREFT" "HEnter the Contest! 3 os. Cons IO'/J 11-os. ToilelSoap 1 0 c r i 7 c Ivory Soop Medium Cokes Pockogo 19c Farmdale Evap. ivory FJakes Medium Toll Cons Package 16-os. pactkogo Good Visioes, Fin© quality oyewoar to go with today's mnart fotuK^nn QJJ trol) am improvo youi vision. So® bettor and look wolL Price Includes melt-proof bag that keeps ice cream firm 1 'A hours. Purest ingredients, real fruit flavors. Creamier, smoother. Try it now! Unmatchablo valuo! Mo Pin®? CfflMeos £& Any PirkoS A blend for every taste. All heot-flo roasted I Prescriptions Broken Lenses Duplicated I>r- M. a . Schloaser lUtf. Optomctrbt Asco Coffee M 43c285c93 Richer blend, finor flavor. 2."_r29e C1ENWOO0 of IDCAl SUNSHINE ROB SOY or IDEAl °T43c Lima Beans Clfeez-1! Jr Ground to order. Wincrest &40c 2^' Lighter bodied, vigorous flavor. Try i t ! Carton •»>• 6 7 c Pork Sausage Heal * 57c Plate.BttfELr -35c **»*'* Tongues »> 49c Beef Liver «• 59c fa-apple* 25c Heinz Pea - 77c I Mackerel SL_ .* 25c Porgles •»«•«»•!.-»a f 9c Smells ZZL *• 43c f i - - / • • • Eight CBAKTOBP CITIZEN AMP CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 22; THE CRAWFORD dl'K&EN AWP 1948 THURSDAY.^^ JANUARY 22, 1948 Page Nine flews of Week's Activities In Cranford iford Public Schools New Camera Club They read a story, "The Funny counts the milk cartons and places Methodist Meeting r Ore headquarters located in that vi- on ice and fell while alighting from Presbyterian "Service «id several pottery'other school newspapers are care-jKing, Josephine Maleckar. Barbara ! Reba Denman Doyle; two sons, House," to the second graders. The foem on the -table. Rita Hescock Organisation of a camera club (Continued from page one) front of the room. It is an Es- bowls. (Continued from page one) cinity. He said the new municipal his car. Having been returned to T/Sgt. John Denman Doyle and Cranford; two sons, Patrick A-!ers were Robert Nledrach T fully mounted and labeled so that Riggs ^ ^ ^ Murray and George P. Murray, of Templin, Wesley Bedford ^ ^ readers were Crlssie Schillinger.'or Roger Holowchak empties the will take place at a meeting Wed- Christian character, which Cran- asked to bring a Bible. recreation field will be ready for his home after receiving treat6< S Thc lar children have'jnembers or the school may easily ' xienry. ^ ^l t F ' 'ollowing xienry. Doyle, Doyle, 3rd; 3rd;..onei ..onei* mmin.-iu, two LWUsisters, auius, Mrs. xusi». H. xz.;cuce iteujy x ne Plainfield; ence Reilly, Theodore^rv,' Gail Lawson, Charles Singley, waste paper basket * (following the being pulled by nesday at 8 p. m. in the studio of ford and the world needs above all Tonight at 8:15 the Men's League [dedication this year."' •which will ment at Rahway Memorial Hosthree huskies, a d r a w n p i t u r e s f o r e h a l l b u U e t i n understand and read the staff's l and of, Harry .ind Mrs. M n Anna Anna M. Ryan, Dmn nt Hnm, Reichert O«,;«U._L v»dne and Frederic Leong and Carol Haudh.!milk period. AV the en4 Of ©acb seal, a whak.and an.fck.mo fishEric J. Baker, 6 Alden street All things," the report stated. _____ w i'"' l *""""* " """* gymnasium. The[P greatly increased recrea pital, he was taken'to-the Jersey grandchild, and four sisters. Mrs. Stief and Pr*" » v»de fity ; Albert Vadja *«>P^ correspondence. August Mere, Miss. Ethel DoylejPhiladelphia; a brother, John J.j B o r n ^ A I « Robert Steers and Howard Fish school day, Dorayne Dadd and beginners and experts who are in- " The following budgets presented 'will be Philip F. Shannon {tional facilities tor residents of City hospital last Wednesday. i School and Mrs. Stanley Nedham, aj(l -» Whitestone, ... King, ave made a booklet for grade Audrey Kaminsky wash the paint terested - in photography are inll ) show * a» uuureu colored film on Cranford. He expressed the hope The funeral was held Monday East Orange, and Mrs. Herbert Mecov8r f VVhitet brought m some new Other good artists in the class are lauer's sixth grade ..—>. ^—. ,.«...by Harlon Drew, finance chair- •••"» •••»• ™»w Kindergarten lunun W. w. urew, nnance cnairnun and four grandchildren. u Bartholomew. 4-5W. In it will be placed news brushes and cover the paint jars, vited to attend. 1 his that some additional small indusstories for the pupils to read. Mariby her parents at an early morning from the funeral home of Jackson of Toronto, Can. subject. "Exploring for OiL" AJ1C iuuowmg fallowing pupils from the and articles, poems, stories, riddles and Every member of the class helps, lynne Ol Paul made an Eskimo pic- ElizabetSi Donalson, Nancy Ward,'P e*ed a booklet on the solar sys-, The A group of camera (fans 'has been . i, and William T. Collins, treastries of a high type could be in-Richmond Routh in Jersey City, member of the Cranford leamedtoidenThe j jokes written by the members of He knows he is responsible for theture for the ifront door to let people Helen Goodfellow. Joyce Flartey t«n and constellations. Accounts Typing II classes Sirs. Carolyn T. Sealapsk meeting at the studio for several urer of the Benevolence Fund. ***** Monday night at 8:15. theduced t o locate in Cranford, which with a solemn mass of requiem at nacle, she was president were accepted for the year: Currvy<>mei's Bible Class will faoldLils and Roy Roesel. . of the work of the famous astrono-'"" Mm. Ellen Murray the class. Sandra Marino, Pat care of his material and for clean- known v*at the class is studying. months. Increased membership rent expenses, $15,230; benevolen- regular monthly meeting at the [would be a boon to the township St. Paul's Church, Jersey City. Largely attended funeral serv- Home Missionary a T c «o« iir^wvi»i v • I *w? niers, Galileo. Tyche Brctche and and interest have made formal or- ces. $3,500—totaling ?!&730.__ A hom 5:5>L Mj ?- V/J^?m H- Jones, 19 [financially. He said the community Interment was in Holy Name Mrs. Ellen M<Jsstfern Murray, ices were held for Mrs- Carolyn secretary of its «.The,duldren Burnash^ andjDarLFigebgJ^re; 0\e, ___t_jfaem. Ea^J^JM^.JgfofaongCiglioyElatae SdrwetefW first'of -widow—of-Peter • A:—Mi np3Uim"r a l it quota of$tf398 submitted by the'*£m-street. "Mrs.- JFAv "" uve some exceBe»naTSriana"Toca- Cemetery, jersey City. the group to "break into Patricia Castaldo, from Mrs. feeding tbe in winxer, winter ana THo~ * 22 ye a r s mi I ten as well as stories of the con- mercial Teachers' As?ociaUon: x-auTcia <jasiaiao, iroan uars.i *>»»»««»» me uuus jn has been announced. print" flfth jind Newark Conference for the Board w iU speak on the early history of tions available for such concerns. A native of Jersey City, Mr. died Sunday at her home, 45 Union avenue, Monday afternoon; Cranford. Her husband died £1 it" . the same as those in his name. D •gje u i v o w » w — ^ ""••-• — motks ifun in 4C. Ma Pupils have also col-iEvelvn Turner. 50-word certifiSkerratt's fifth grade, and David they have chosen as a slogan, "Let's and Hillcrest avenue. teams were l o c t e d Funeral" serv- from Gray Memorial. 12 Spring-j y. 1946 __ . _.„• . i of Missions and Church Extension, Cranford. Plaques were awarded io the Duff had lived in Cranford 20 The Cleveland School Stamp Crane, from Mrs. Janovsik's sixth'not the forget the birds' dinner." gome of «fcen *ave discovered that .During "She neu-spemer cUppings on Ae period t b f i e l d avenue o U o w e d b ys e r v i c e s ! were held yesterday from the W a r n i n g On Licenses I also was adopted. The sum will Tuesday at 1:30 p. m., the Board Union County Trust Company* in years. Superintendent of permits field avenue, followed by services! Surviving are three - ' Surviving are thre tertein sounds are "the same, and ~i. TT — 2 9at certificate; Grace Johnston; 30Health paid within a two-year period, of Deaconesses will meet in t i e ° *** C r a n f o r d Tabernacle with Mis, Anton Perezluha the- service division and the Cran- and accounts for the Jersey City H e l h Officer William P. Smithlbe Si or -berries. Each child is json, BUI Stanger, Donald Jowett . o Police Station together . word certificate; Jean Thomas. 30class! eld the Rev. Gordon H. Keeney. pasMn. William Gardner Plauifield. At 8 p, m. the monthly ford Cycle and> Toy Company in , ,. .. . . . — ~|Bon, XJUI s>ianger, uonaia jowett yesterday issued a reminder to' »t was announced. Building Department, he had been ,-___ on January 29! members of the Junior Village — ytsticiauy issuea ^i icuunaer w "• *»a» wnuuiucu. u " ^ ' . m. o j*. m. ine monuuy word certiflate; Sana Ditzel, 30mats on pc the retail division for outstanding feeding the birds while, there is Q , ^ Robbie HaU. The boys wUl ^jey have made are: [snow on ground. The assembly program commitassociated with the department far 18» wefflther permit*, [provement Association. They were barbers, beauticians, confectioners, -Reports 6f church organizations meeting of the Church School Ining at, at, 1 0 a . m., at at S t Mary's Marys suddenly Friday night of-a heart Stephen A., Jr.; two grandeh?" y Wednesday tee has planned a music assembly word certificate; Eugene Denman, cardboard looms The chiland and"increased .™-»~~~—— . z—Christmas window displays. Pre- 35 years.' He was a veteran o lowing play basketball every > Q program at phlia- drawn the points of interest there, In their Social Studies lesson, |py I liketodd; it's fun for me jjdren were and persons persons selling selling milk milk at at retail retail showed showed progress progress and sUtute for Officers and Teachers w U1 C fascinated with this 30-word certificate; Frances Coe, Church, Plainfleld. Interment was afternoon from 3 to 3:45 p. m. t that their licenses must be re-!membership activities sponsored be held hi the intermediate sentations were made by Charles 'World War I and was a comailment while she was being placed {dren, her parents. Mr. d experimented wit teUc aims and exhibits by Junior'and lnstpucted in <the use of theMrs. Diel's flfth graders learned The pupils of Mrs. Quaintance's for tomorrow. The program will 30-word certificate. ncwed this month at the Board of during the year. Church member- rooms, and the Rev. Mr. Longaker M. Ray. and •were received by Miss municant of S t Michael's Church. in S t Mary's Cemetery. consist of patriotic songs, rounds, collectors. An outstanding collector teletype and the two-way radio that Trenton, N. J.; Richmond, Va.; Three Dictaphone machines have Health office. Persons keeping:ship grew 100 per cent In the past will fcegin the study course, "The j Helen Bums for the Trust Com- His father, the late Joseph C Duff, A native of Philadelphia, Mrs. removal to Memorial Hospital, three sisters, Mrs. Austin will speak and exhibit stamps. Mrs.system. They also traced the steps Macon and Augusta, Ga., ore.lo-fourth grade are planning to make I folk, art and popular melodies perbeen added to the equipment posMurray lived 30 years in Plain- Elizabeth. She had been ill ajof Roselle; Mrs. John Duffner chickens also must secure newjfour years, and with increases in Church Must Teach or Die." pany and by Mrs. Dean for the ««nbinations and was an assemblyman from Hudson Edith Fisher, stamp columnist of taken when someone who has Icated on a waterfall or a rapids. going to market. The pupils who He fleld before coming to Cranford week. of licenses. Up to yesterday, only lOjthe enrollment at the Sunday ' Th e first session of the spring Cranford Cycle and Toy Company. County- many years ago. j Newark, and Mrs. Ann Connor groups broken the law is brought in, from The students have learned that have made burros, are Robert lections by the Newark News will preside. y special p g u p s of boys m e n t Th 11 years ago. Surviving are three Horal tributes were transported ^Elizabeth; The machines have been "«•" chicken licenses had been;School, the current attendance cowununicants' class -will toe held Guests included Geonge Liebernew and sixlrothers and g l chosen h ffrom the vocal and girls The Audubon Bird Club Survivors include his wife, Mrs. | » •»*« l U \ A f X W t « X J U d V I U U O I i * * * * * ********* **«<S ^ * * •*•*»«UW -W»^.ILU»«^, [three things affect climate—rain-j Bishop. Jack Burton and Susan daughters, Mrs! Marie Murray m an open car to RosehUl C e m e - ^ Zimmerman of Gar ^ Dictaphone Corissued.,, "It is estimated that 125 was announced as 411. Jrom at 3:30 p. m. next Wednesday. man and Paul Klein. 1 o n ™ — . _. « . j j ^ nisue une root music organizations; awarding of Madaline Duff; a son, Joseph C , Cleveland School took a hike fol-' "*^ through the consideration tall, dampness and wind. They Angle, The natives have been for a oeriod of three local families keep chickens. Mr. Prior to the business session, R. The regular session of the Week-' President *-«=»«« Samuel S. Eisenbeng Jr., a student at West Virginia' Collins of Hillcrest avenue; Mrs.ery, Linden, where interment took Joseph of Union; Maximili this week. Nancy Todd and ^ ^ aK ^ Connie Delia Serra are now 7 years * e song^ntest prize. The latter also have learned that in -.^v. drawn r n by Bea^ceRe?ve! Beatrice Reeves, by Smith reminded chicken raisers B. Garrison, director of religious Day School of Religion for released presided. Pupils in^e^dertol S M "'N^P^fieWjplace, The Rev. Mr. Keeney P e n ^ y l ^ f p ^ a n d WaTte 2 wUl be decided upon by tiie omount University; two daughters. Mrs Hampshire, Vermont and Maine, Belden and Beverly McKeige. that roosters are not permitted ineducation, offered a prayer, and time pupils of the seventh and! o f Icsp(msc fxxnn ^ s t u d e n t body, Margaret Murray ofread the committal prayers. Bear-Elizabeth, and Fred ol^Delaware ~ Janet Bilney and Miss Ann P the temperature sometimes falls Miss Donovan's 5-6th grade have Cranford. e the^" Rev. Rev Mr. Mr Allinger AUi d t e d eighth grades d will ill be b Iheld Ihld at 2 conducted SP1^-131 crouos groups are as fol IOI- 1 the use of these machines. things about the onimals and their Duff, and a sister, Mrs. Eva Chi 2:30 School geS as low as 40 degress below zero; completed a unit on the Middle T h snecial .devotions. Two selections were p. m. 1 Chester, of Millington. Another (Continued from page one) that in Massachusetts and ConnecAtlantic States. Interesting bookp Issuing Bog Licenses ; pupils will receive a miniF [performed by the Men's Quartet) ' ' ^ ^ " ^ T f %T-J%Z*™>>«* iscolorful'and MTB>^^^^!!^^^ 3 5 fl 1 Glee Club, Ken- m u m o f 3 0 ^, maldng pWHres and reading Class 5C has been studying as- the unexpected feast. Some of the'r ^' ^'* grade are studying nu- ticut there are some very cold1 lets were made by Zoralee Zone, ^u vising Principal. Howard R Best, daughter, Mary Harriet, was fatalTownship Clerk J. Walter Coffee from the choir, consisting of S c h o o l BoaiTtl Contest t r a i n i n gA t m u m o f30 ^^ ^ training 1 and Ray A. Clement, high school ly injured seven years ago when crumbs were scattered on the top trition. They have been dassifyweeks, with <a few days when it is [Nancy O'Neil, Jean Liska, Eileen had issued 312 dog licenses up toHenry M. Boardman, pianist; Fred] (Continued from page one) Gordon the end of this time a test will be principal; and G. Frank Zimmer- she was struck by an automobile bf the snow hi tlie pork for other big foods according to their use inbelow zero; that there is so much'Johnson, Robert Thieme. Susan last night. Local dog population Beach, Otis Gove, John Thies- Pue Carbonic, Inc., of Newark, man, vice-principal, to the annual while crossing the street near her book and Robin Ault have to the body, ond hi order to find which rainfall in New England that they'Bates, Patricia qauify as Dictapihone transcribing Bailey. is estimated at approximately, mcycr and Thomas J. Buzalski. THEY HAVEo ^ . u umt uicjr *-»**««>, 1 U1111.1U iMiirv, uuuilllt; I with which concern he has served meeting of the American Associa- home. home starch, they con- have no need to irrigate the land.'Wyman. Mardesky Hester. Marion machine operators. 1,200. Owners of dogs who have An offering which amounted to for 18 years. Rodd uMembers e r t t e d i rofe the M < r Craft f M G iClub,' 1 1 dfoods u contained same tests m the clas:s tion of School Administrators in WENT A l l THE WAY y Chart s a m e t e s t s m t h e clas:s learned that in Training in the use of this manot secured new licenses by Feb-$100 will be used to purchase a A member of Cranford Post, I Atlantic City the last week Weber, Barbara Dorian and Larry They have also l e d t h t i ! W b B b D L d I ONLY THE V l l i y i M T ATI " Girls in T c S e l l S ^ v e arranged an exhibit on trans: room. Faith Martin brought in thethe middle region—New York, Pethick. TOTOWNTOGET Fennelly.: chine means that the commercial •tt DJoyle, Jr.. ruary 1 will be given summonses floor waxer, it_,was reported. Those 212, American Legion, Mr. Rodee February. ~y. Diana graduates, who qualify, will possess New jersey, Pennsylvania, Dela-| The pupils in Mrs. by the police. in charge of serving dinner were was in the Navy during World Approval was given the recom- Funeral,, services were held A STEAK FROM HER ces were . Mafalda an added marketable skill that ware and Maryland-^there is a Puppet Club have finished some Mrs. Sidney Nunn, Mrs. Melville War II _ and served on a cruiser mendation of Supervising Princi[Tuesday at 2 p. m. at Gray MeSusan FAVORITE MARKET. Matthews," Mrs. Hal Miller, Mrs.in the Pacific. He saw action cooler climate, and that from Vir-'interesting puppets. William Reod K » i t H j „ _. Clement,• ,Adele!1should be valuable when seeking Death Notice MOTHER WOULDN'T TMIMf ~ that Norman White of Rmorial, 12 Springfield avenue, for and advancing on the B. W. F. Randolph and Mrs. Laura ginia to Georgia there is a warmer has made a clown. Barbara TeeUel£h iff' JJane Q Troutinan, Trouunan. Eleanor:employment EIeanor|empl DUFF, JOSEPH C. ST.—on Fri[the battles of Iwo Jima. Okinowa Johnson avenue Jbe.aDpointed a l c h a r d H e n r yJ Doyle, Jr., 60. who „ s-Jbhnson- _ TRADIN6 ANYWHEK d^Ja^uaW^^^ff^STo^has^ j Bay. "He is active injanitor for Sherman School for ~di6d""suddehly Sunday morning at past few months have 'help- h a d e a t e n working on a poster lor Ihe door, rainfall. t a n d the he heavier rainfaU. month f r |They'are planaing to make an ex-If' band of MadaJine Duff, nee Curley; [affairs of the Cranford Methodist probationary term on the basis of his home, 27 Burchfield avenue <> . to take care of their classroom, class checked each meal by the The pupils took note of the fact EL5E I and Elaine McKenC e n t m jThe Rev. Robert G. Longaker, devoted father of Joseph C. Duff Municipal p g Church. Married, Mr. Rodee has an annual salary of $2,000. Buill«!ing ^ oh week a group of children accepted government standards. that for the lost three weeks, New hibit in the school library. ; on a large picture toealth Business Manager Richard Pat[pastor of the First Presbyterian two daughters, one in kindergarten and Mrs, Janet Bilney and Ann P.] rCpntinucd from page one) Because of increased operating rCntidf volunteer to do the various jobs. to decorate the library. Mrs. Sqha.fft's fourth grade is Jersey has been suffering from ton, Exchange Editor Utabyn jand one in first grade at. Lincoln costs, it was decided to. raise the Church, officiated. Interment was Duff; loving brother, of Mrs. Eva, new .State. Parkway Route 4. The children hope to quickly fill This week, Carol McMaster and .very busy writing, and preparing ; Chichestcr. Funeral services wore v Building permits approved in„ School. , " " T r '.— .. "V ,,T^ ineir Red Cross boxes, which they William Hawks are -taking- care of an assembly program they will give New England climatic- conditions; •Reeves and Designer Donald tuition rate for out-of-town pupils in Fairview, Cemetery, Westfield. readme in the boric called "Pun fc^. jJu s t r e c e i v < i d . ^ ^ m but they reported that ;tihey have^Schroth of the Student Chronicle held Monday at !> a. m: from the eluded four for one-fomily dwell- A native of Homer, N. Y., Mr.from $201 to $240.^Born in Roselle,' Mr. Doyle had the classroom" library. Laurence on January 30. They also Issued enjoyed enioved •Hhp snnw " i.-i^«»have i»«..^mounted . . •a_display With Dick and Jane." I. .... J : i_._ the snow. To take y o u beautifully i staff on Funenal Home of Richmond RouthJ'iRs to Garden State Builders at Rodee is a graduate of the high Walter E. Cooper, president, spent his younger years at Ithaca, Breaks and David Boyd are1 water-'the deadline date for the school Class 3M has been enjoying one of the bulletin boards in the 206 Old Bergen Road. Jersey City. '23, 725, 727 and 729 Walnut nve- [school there and also of Rider Col- conducted the meeting and e xN.- Y., and for the past 32 years through the winter social ing the plants each morning. Joan newspaper as January 16. Roosevelt School stories read by some of the chil^ school library. The exhibit, entitled followed by a Mass of Requiem at n u e at $6,000 each; and a one-fam-lege in Trenton. He has lived in pressed appreciation for the serv- he had been a resident of Cranford. morning, Lin-Wahl " a' n d KKenneth e n n e t h Taylor see that| The 1-2-3 Go Club Program gave whirl! you'll want t h i s dren during their milk period. The ' J ^y^ see that. The 1-2-3 Go Club Program gavel The' children in Miss McKee's "Student Chronicle Exrfiarige CorSL Paul's R.C. Church, Jersey City.)''V dwelling to South Union Corp. New Yprk City and also resided in ices on the • board of Mrs. Berry For many years, he had been aspl asu e following children have read: * i ? f l tft e attendance report is placed'an the opportunity to show the second grade have been studying ner," has many letters containing glamorous up-do . . . t h e Interment •was in Holy Name ' o r ^^4 Lexington • avenue at Elizabeth for a short time before and J. Brenton Stearns, whose sociated with Boker & Son, New beginning] f * ¥% ^t i d e the thedoor d attthe th b i i beauty of the new-fallen snow, a b o u t Indians. James Coffee compliments and advice from fousi- Dolores Juhrden, Beatrice Rogers, he bought his present home in terms of office are expiring. Mrs. York City cutlery concern, and finishing touch t o the " n e w Cemetery. Jersey City. I $0,500. She is visiUngof each sesion. Many Porter and using as a medium white chalk on brought in an Indian doll, a pair of nessmen and publishers. Copies of Janet Schneider. Bretrfa Mayer, c^a^^ ^ ^ y more recently, he had been asso| Cranford in 1936. 1oT w e e k s Berry and Mr. Steams are not look". and Lawrence Timmins take~turn In blue paper. Gail Anderson and Clifford Jack- ^ t f a e ^ ^ ^ M i s s J e a n seeking reelection. Mr. Cooper, ciated with the Magnus Chemical Health Report Guest Student marking the day's date on the large Mrs. Slover's second grade Is Eon Company, Garwood. He was a p Plan Service Awardl whose term also expires, - ^ _ . . . . „ .. , . 'who lives at 609 Willow street In c a l e n d a r . Franklyn Pargiello studying Eskimos. Several chilC R E ME a, Tt fContinued from paae one) ' ~ Azure Lodge 129, member of candidate for reelection. Twenty-two cases of chickenpox, {Continued from vage one) Janet Schneider's toother is in ^ ^0^^ M i s s V o ght told the U1 u ley, N.' Y., for a month's study in P E R M A N E N T |F. & A. M. — one >= case « « | ' V . «• *•• * •»"••"• s « u u y "'Ifrom four cases of mumps from the theCentral Central Railroad Railroad on an area area Argentina. She brought in some <M]dKn ^^f- h e r n^^ j ^ ghg r - and Survivors each of pneumonia and dog bite the schools there. 'On March «• |parallelling the raHroad in back of are his wife, Mrs. castanets ithat he sent ip her. i ^ ional also p l a y e d Nat TO GET YOUR mow 4 . 9 5 ObiSsomy were reported to the she and wU1Jthe" Chfanney Corner restaurant, The cbss is very happy to wel- ^ N o r w a y . After the assembly Health during the past Board week, of it take parther in 20 thecompanions Herald-Tribune Formerly 7.00 Abraham C Clarfee comebackSusan Wagner and WU- ^ ^ ^ ^ f o u r f h a ^ a n d was announced yesterday ' by j Forum, and they will return home which -will be improved and opened No Extra*—Incladra Cat. Stumps? when funds are available. During Abraham C. (Bert) Clarke, 72. and gelling Iton Hettman. They have both s i j r t h g ^ ^ to a n s w e r Health Officer. William P. Smith. on' March ~~ 8. additlonai the ensuing year, 'the township's well-known sportsman, died Sunbeen«iulteHl <ruestions. No Telephone Reservations - ^ Fees Most Be Paid In Advance fcdtassdctBD — Opcjn IFWJBOJTD TDD 0 road department is expected to day at Alexian Brothers Hospital, A new boy, Jerry Cergor, has CAR MUST HAVE BEEN TUIIOUGSI SECOND INSPECTION move its equipment from in back(Elizabeth, of pneumonia. A resientered the class. He moved here Cleveland School for wall or calling of police headquarters itsnew!""" "* «««"".- ne lormeny Uved from Linden. Florida came right into the kinvi yuiwe meaaquaners to to its uvea Guaranteed Bust-Proo? The following children of gradedertgarten this week. Sandy Dreybuilding on South avenue. This « """» & 3**™ on Springfield No. 10 Bog Stops at EJcor AC made large wall maps of Newer's mother brought in two big will provide increased parking to- avenue, near Broad street, West17 NORTH AVE» E. fleM wnere HOURS—9 to 4 Jersey: Robert Peterson, Carolboxes of oranges straight from the 202 Centeanial Ave. Granfcwi <&3®ffiS cilities adjacent to the police stahe was owner of Opposite Station Sat. 9toJ Lewis, Rudy Buontemtpo, Anthonycunny south. Each boy and girl Clarke's Boarding Kennels.. He i "Gl^tf"a^' ^fa6inW"Heir^^ ~"Mayor Osteriheidt also exhibited a map showing a proposed plan of residents. dsplcts rivers, another lakes andsomehow or other eyes looked providing a circular jpariring the third, the counties. - brighter and cheeks rosier the next p g j p g area Mr. Clarke was born in BrookINC. iin rear of buildings fronting on lyn. He leaves no survhrora. PriA product exhibit is on display day. Could it. (have been the result 333 FABK A V t (MOT Feurtfa SU on a table in front of the room, of this Florida vitamins? [North Union avenue. North avenue, vate funeral services were held PIFO. Miln street and Alden street. Many Tuesday at 4 p. m.. at the Gorny & The New Jersey products were Some children from Grade IN of these stores presently do notGorny Funeral Home. Elizabeth. brought in by Rudy Buontempo,visited Miss Hoak's second grade. CHOICE have back door delivery, which Interment took place yesterday at the Rosehill Cemetery, Linden. clogs up traffic along main business streets. Joseph C. Doll The speaker also exhibited pans plans Joseph C, Duff. Sr., 67, of 601 d new municipal p buildb d Willow street, died Friday at the of a proposed ing Springfield avenue, and said Jersey City Medical Center, two i onS e d 0 a k w e c k s after he suffered a fracture Armour's Star or Wilson'o Certified J S ' 1 O ppolice ? and? o o o have the public' library, right hip when he slipped .». ^ -— »^._ .- -. ^S^^S WSS25SSESi««? «f^.« «-4 * -the-' S /Ve;0Hboft "^S^SSS^^-cJ^^- ^ boys and ^ I,^r%-^i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ BOSS MARKET WALNUT AVE. PRICES!! fDBS MAiKiTfPS? we DELIVER: 6-0802 OUTDOOR UNTERNS iccorai IALITY "Productiosj' STEAKS! 5 Sirloim or. SMOKED HAMS, whole or half . lb. Small LEGS O F LAME Ib. Annour'o FANCY FOWL .Ik 55c 39c Grade A —tARGE~EGGS" MAN WHO HAS ONE WIFE TOO MANY? •STMEBgSTCtACetf Annour's OoverMoom ROLL BUTTER The Power King Lathe gives full "professional" construction and operation for your home shop. At its heart are SKF spindle ball bearings for efficient, accurate pcrfornrtancc, high speed smoothness, and exceptional wearingjcjualities. 981 LOIN LAMB CHOPS RIB LAMB CHOPS DOS Outstanding construction features of these Table Saws are tilt-arbor design so that table and work stay flat for angular cuts, large precision-ground tables, ball bearings sealed against dust and dirt, mitre guage slots, and a rip fence that's something to show your friends. BEPECDOM GENERAL HYDRA-MATfC Mahogany — Maple — Oierry — Modern - LIVING MOOM — Sofas - Barrel Ckairs - Wing Clbiairs - Lounge ~« CJul> Onairs — OccaHnoniaB Oianim — Table ILuooarjis aotra Cribs — Baskets — Baahinettttes — High Oaairs I S 2 S 1 ^ ! mm '• '^ffiir1 '• ^? W i '' isti Center Cut PORK CHOPS i CHOICE Boneless CHUCK ROAST Ik Jersey, Whole or Hall PORK LOINS Ik "Legs and Riuxnps"of " ,'..'"' VEAL':..: :iz^:...; BaMmom w Wcubttglont coach sent lbr"ybul Ik is! LINK SAUSAGE Country Style SAUSAGE Pure Pork SAUSAGE MEAT. Affmoaur'o Star COTTAGE HAMS Ik y PORK BUTTS Prime 1 RIB ROASTS • Washington. You can icscms in advance a wide, coaitonahte reclining catch-seas o a eitber of these Diesel-Electric trmina. Both also have a Parlor Car end o a the Eoyal Blue there ia an Obsarrratioar Loungc. Stswatdcss and Ptihtic Tdcnhoae Service. SBJO u. noWtea OMASA M9 AM Long popular for its smooth Blade actionT t h i s efficient s a w handles all work from thin metal and plastics A key tool for any man who prides himself on up to wood cuts 2 smooth, accurate workmanship is this JointerSturdy, fast and advanced in design, the inches thick. Table size Planer. Handles all kinds of edging and surfacing 12 inch Power King is is 10 in. x 10 in. Stand- operations, straight or ang"W. plus rabbeting, retoday's greatest Drill ard chucks furnished lieving, and chamfering. Cutting capacity up to Press value. Makes accommodate machine 4'4 inches wide and 6/16 inches deep. quick, easy work of r o u t i n g , mortising, files up to VA in. shank, dove-tailing, sanding, and all types of blades MAKE MORE PROJECTS EASIER carving, inlaying, gen- and sabres up to 7/16 AND BETTER WITH AMERICA'S eral drilling of wood or in. wide without speFOREMOST LIME OF MODERATE metal. cial adapters. PRICED TOOLS. What a wonderful feeling—to start off the New Year OB tlie right foot . . . automatically . . . in a new 19-18 OUumobile with CM Hydra-Matic Drive! Doing Use pest 8 ycaio. Hydra-Matte Drive hao been proved in tbe bands of more than 425.000 Oldamohue ovntem. Aw>A today—es Oldamobile celebrates its Golden Anahressary by swinging into prodortfawi on a Btraad mm "fataraa^c" car—Hydro-Mntie Drive* is vem etflS away eus ahead . . . m&xxatiasEy! Watchfctrt b e 1923 Qi<^»™%"i««iu, e$ year QMtMwskSo deafcx'a? BUDGET TEOE3S FOQ CBVHHJANS: . S. .l»m . all m DEA UOHt FRANK VODRASKA WiiLNUT AVE. CEanford 6 - 1 1 1 3 Store Is dosed All Day Mondays — JQUR It's a new driving thrill to glide away from the curb— without shifting gears, without pushing a dutch. Simply touch a too to the accelerator and you re oil to a smooth .start. Your left foot relaxes with nothing to do. There isn't even a clutch pedal in the car. You go in safety. too, with both hands on the wheel, as Hydra-Mafic Drive shifts gears automatically through four forward speeds. And for highway passing or hill climbing, you con count oa Hydra-Ma tic Drive's special pick-up gear to give you an extra burst of power and epeed. 20% DOWN PAYMENT— 12 E3ONTDDS TO PAV VETERANS LOANS: VS. T. CWJOT. fib& (fen. Back. OH Hanb ! t m BWJJ.—123 Brood U . nrnrfltatti NORRIS CHEVROLET, 2 VEAI1S TO PAV — NO BOHVN PAVEIENT CItunford 6*1870 CRANFORD 2©9 Central Ave., Westiield, N. J. EJAVtLAND S) ELM STREET Authorized Dealer for Your Own Town 106 SOUTH AVE., E. WAUriEN Tel. WE. 2-0220 (NcKt to SVople'o Eianli) WESTFIELD i« Tn THE CRAWFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THE CRANFORD wtimated at over $5,000,000 under Set Policy on Party P«*«n*-<ky economic commons. Affiliation Changes Jhe trustees artto,be commedd ^ Unl0& ZZfj^ lttiz*tt Tm Tmt Cwuamo Cmma. Established list (Combined in 1921) YOUR GARDEN THIS WEEK! ot If this unexpected snow came IN RETROSPECT PJPom the Files M the ClUsets and Chronicle ' . fire Yean Aso • you had' the straw mulch on tfiear conscientious efforts to produce Electionstodayannounced the,poltt The Beviano Chartered Service, operators of to yourgarden, especially the beat possible financial set-up for the *** v l l follow «t the forthcomKenilworth-Ldnden bus route through Crancoming school year in a time of economic * • J**111"* t^xMaat in regard to«« strawberries, it would.be a good the ford. contemplated a number of changes in efforts Jffi,l uTJ^^TT * « "<**** ***> inadvertently Plantospread it on the surface ofto improve service In this community. Announcedifficulties. It 18 hoped every local voter changed their party affiliation atn* e lchwww1over ithe area to be ment of proposed changes in the bus schedule Township Attorney will do his par| by. studying the budget the 1947 primaries without per- "* eiT* »«>ay helptoprevent followed figures carefully in the light of explana- m i t t t a * tvo annual primaiy elec-^sp^fcwnrelting.'l!hlstnake3 carl " EDWARD C. BScMAHON, Pmuama CHARLES £1 RAY. Baton Member: Quality Weeklies of N. J. Entered at the Post Office at Cranford. N. J , as Second Class Matter. Published Thursday at Cranford. New Jerssy. by The Cranford Citizen and Chronicle, Inc. Official paper for Cranford. Garwood and Kenilworth. Subscription Bates $2.50 a Year in Advance OFFICE: 5-7 Aldcn St. TeL CRanford 0-0003 i. -*f THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1848 Despite an indicated increase of almost $90,000 in the amount to be raised by taxation for support of the public schools in Cranford, there was no criticism expressed or question raised as public hearing was held on the proposed 1948-49 school budget at the Board of Education meeting Tuesday night. The feeling of the 20 townspeople present at _*heJhearjngLseemedjb,,be_that,the board_ had done the best job possible on its new budget in the face of existing conditions. Accounting mainly for the increase is the assignment of $353,600. or more than one-half of the total, budget, for instructional salaries alone. This represents an increase o f approximately $60,000. over the current year's figure for salaries. The figure for teachers' salaries is a large one. but if is justified because of the necessity of providing salaries under which our teachers can manage to live in these times of high costs. Cranford is not known as a "high-paying" town as far as teachers* salaries are concernedi but it is felt that with the increases provided in the proposed budget, the local school system will be able to "hold its own" in the competition among communities in this area for better-grade instructors. ^ ^~™TW<mry* o t h ^ proposed budget is an increase of $8.151 in the amount for repairs and replacements. This increase is provided for in connection with a three-year plan which has been developed by the buildings and grounds committee to accomplish extensive repairs which accumulated over a period of years when materials were not available, and it covers repairs and replacements which the board believes must be made at this time, regardless of present-day costs. Such necessary repairs certainly should be made to protect the township's investment in its school properties, the value of which has been Diocese, and the application had been sent to Naval authorities. «*ni Tea Tears Ago Plans for the organization of a strong busim and professional men's organization in Cranforri had been announced by the heads'of many in tant local stores and manufacturing concerns, meeting held to organize the group was Um-r the auspices of the Elizabeth Chamber of Com merce, with George C. Anderson as chairman" A large delegation from Cranford. led>~ Mayor George E. Osterheldt, wastoattend . s ^ L-fc'.j t_ ' . ji * ^frtrvniff$0 elapse before changing^ fine 6Ct of conditions. If we be-, loads, necessitating ticms Dy board members a n d b y appearing parties. could keep a snow mulch on we cause of increased C^HaUock^Silfcman^waj^reetected'* at the annual school election February The board has decided to void would need nothing further for Ox iho Honojffl^y ESr&ocu ox ^^r&oxond and inability to secure new buses. Patrounen's Benevolent Association, 10 tn vptff o n t h e aneaflUTft: the lPt&grtaaig^fcalkit-dl^acih qf wintcr-iHPoteotfon.—--^~.- "* The Board of Education approved the 1943-44 pnrumi meeting. . the voters interviewed andtoeon- U 7ou are using the cohiframe school budget showing an increase of $9,776.98 Prizes of $10 each were awarded to five tader tneir © /f*Vw#^»$9 ^TtTMBW TknunttfKW "sPwUve party affllla- merely for storage, it wouldtoeall over figures in the 1942-43 budget in the amount students of the junior-senior high school at an . %jtM>BMsB& M %PM>B ,JLWP%stMMB tions to be os they voted at the rigfcttoallow snowtoremain uponrequired for operating expenses and for debt serv- assembly program for their outstanding essays on _ primaries of 194* and IMS. **• K . however, you have lettuce ice. The increase was made up principally of "The Benefits and Advantages of a Building and Proponents o f c o m p u l s o r y ' health In other words, if the voter l a s t a n d **><m growing in it, remove increments and bonuses for employes, -although Loan." The contest was sponsored by local assothe plan of apportioning the increments had not ciations. Winners were Barbara Sinclair, Shirley a s t a ms r f tprimary eF teme insurance h a v e m a d e in extravagant M f i * C^ *altot etef> th* admit light. Then, 1 t t o asnow o n to ^and promi«s h e vvBcw i w ^oF ^^inof the *the ** oandl - 2* w^J"*"* "W"* v*11too, ^- yet been worked out, it was announced. . Reinhart, Claire Berardinelli, Margaret Bostwick Hi««u««=» which, w i w j i . iju tuic o i ex« ^ja^"**of one major parties warn, days,to prevent the w • • . Property loss by flre during 1942 totaled and Alberta Borchert p e n s , are impossible of rulnllment. r o r he will be considered eligible toair fram'•becomingtoostagnant. Daniel P. Loomis and A. C.Miskelly were $16,950 as compared with $1,670 in 1941, according example, it has been said that the W a g - change ,to the other major party This is the kmd of weather when to the annual report of the fire department There named candidates for election to the Board of They were candidates for the unex270 ——• alarms, a™ decrease » of " 11 -under ner-Murray-DingeU bill would ma!» pos-^J*V ^ f 8 . *)rlnia7 e 1 ^ ^ - S l ^ e r ^ i ^ v ^ / ^ ; -were "" — — 1941, Education. pired term of Floyd Shannon, who had resigned. •LI ' i f u • • 1 • li However, if his (previous primary .*"»• Either scrape away the snow/ Fire Commissioner Dudley J. Croft announced. There also was three other vacancies oh the board table a c o m p l e t e p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n election ballot was cast in the 1946 *> bare lawn or soil or place boards^ ^ u r g e n t a p p e a l m ^ued by the Blood Cleveland School, which had been used as Craneach year for e v e r y o n e c o v e r e d . Y e t , if primary election of one of such' UDon ™e torp of the snow. Give the ' Bank committee of the Cranford-Garwood-Kenil- ford High School, wastobe occupied as a grade school, it was announced by Dr. H. R. Best, superomr 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 practicing p h y s i c i a n s w e r e P 31 *"^ s 1 "* v o t e r WU1 «<* be b l r df s o m e grain. If you have old worth Chapter, American Red Cross, for 75 more vising principal, and Grant School, a grade school banking," a new • . • i * r . n t * • e permitted to vote ot the 1948 elec- ©irden seeds around, this will be donors for thecoupon blood bank. was to be vacated by the school system. ' service for retailers of each t o s p e n d their full w o r k i n g t i m e o f uo^ ot ^e o l h e r party, a good way to make use of them. banking "Ration coupon banking,"and a wholesalers new type of Cranford's tax collections in 1937 set a new rationed commodities, designed to make the 2 , 0 0 0 hours a y e a r o n physicals for all All of suc(h voters and members Of course, bread crumbs are relish- nation's ration program work more effectively, record with 72.798 per cent of the levy being rethe people, t h e y w o u l d h a v e less than ** * h e district boards of elections «*• Save the scraps of fat and suet was to be inauguarated here. , > ceived. The record in 1936 was 72396 per cent . L * J l. involved, all of whom were Inter- *ram your meat and cut these up Gasoline ration coupon number three in the Fifteen Yean Ago t w o hours t o d e v o t e t o e a c h p e r s o n — viewed by the County Board of Into.-usable pieces. Birds need this A book was* to expire and coupon number four More than 100 members and guests of the and there w o m a n t b e a single physician Elections on the circumstances sur- s o r t ot &»d in winter. Also, see was to be good for the purchase of three gallons Men's Club of Trinity Church enjoyed the annual This is a little more trouble. beeksteak dinner in the parish bouse. Harry Ott's available o h e l p t h ecompulsory sick! vote, be ad^ e y have water available. of gasoline. NewtZealand* medical ^rounding ^ county Seach ^board L also .willcalls _ „ ; t h aIft you The athave rabbits around, you The application of Mrs. Winifred C. Gee for Minstrel's, composed of members of the club w i L 1 flnd system IS an example o f unfulfilled tention to the provisions of R.S. that fresh prunings from permission to convert her home at 302 Prospect provided entertainment ' promises. A s Marjorie Shearon has writ- 1 9 : 3l-l3, amended in 1945, which ^PP1* trees placed among tihe plants street, which was in Residence "A" district, from Pupils of Cleveland High School vacated their re ir he ten "New Zealand final.v «ra.<l »n •»« W «s that any woman who re- * y are apttonibble will serve a one to a four-family dwelling was refused by building in one minute during a flre drill, setting a the Township Committee on recommendation of record for the school system, it was announced byten. new ^eaiand nnaUy said t o its g ^ ^ mder her maiden name *°keep them away toom desirable the Zoning Board of Adjustment Joseph Cannon, supervising janitor. The school people, in effect: i f y o u can find a and (has married thereafter MUST plants. Formation of a new Blood Bank committee _„ .fiL.6.02 puBlisuJed~lh<»-.~| doctor w h o will treat y o u o n the terms re-registgrjbefore bgtngjpennitted a; t laid^tfdwn~byni.«~8©ci^ law, ~™P~* any fiffure election: This The Cranford Dramatic Club was to present announced at the monthly executive meeting of act also the Cranford - Garwood - Kenilworth Chapter, "The Little Show." an original revue, in the Casino . -11 t «». x t 1.-H • r» < ' WPPuestomarried women Everard KempshaU was in charge of the w e wul toot the biU. B u t it w a s a case who have changed their names due The spring „ „ American Red Cross. The committee wastocon- Mrs. sist of one representative each oi the Rotary and production. of first catch y o u r doctor." to divorce or court order and to ford Secondary SchooltorVeterans Lions Clubs, a representative of the Red Cross, Spontaneous combustion was given as the cause for a $2,000 fire that damaged the home T h e w h o l e drive for cradle to tJu; m O T ^ ° a W1 have changed their w H i begin on Monday evening, and two Cranford physicians as co-chairmen. OTdec Btmx grave^social security" seems t o feebaaed [ S a5 S3 1^1 T " * ^ ^ February 9. at Crantord Hl^h Approval of the Mayor and' Township Com- of Carmine Rocca of 19 Woodlawn avenue. Chief ^ ^_»_ »j« T I L ' » _ • • • "s* " "11.... School, it w a s announced Ihis week mittee had been secured for the hanging of a William Tunison made the report of the alarm to on The extremists VIS- _ which 18 firemen responded. i exaggerations. by Director G. Frank Zimmennan. service flag honoring Cranford men in the armed Board of Education announced a reducualize a world in which a beneficent EdmcaltaOmafl F i l m Series Classes will meet on Monday, Wed- forces, it was announced at a dinner meeting of tion The of $68,938 in the school budget of $234,444 d rhursd r the Lions Club. The flag, eight feet wide and 12 An increase of $36,307 was reported by the government will flake care of every con- Planmed at J r . College IT^ILJ?^ J « evenings feet long, wastobe purchased by the club and Township Committee in its budget of $318,557 for ceivabte human problem. What lan t Kindness shown Union Junior The following subjects will be was to be hung at the terminus of Alden street the year. This increase, it was announced, was at North avenue, opposite the railroad station. due to a serious burden put on the budget by the pointed out is that this might involve the College by the townsfolk deserves offered if registration in .each is ----The Rev. Joseph L. Donnelly, assistant pastor of taxes by residents. 1 K e n n e t h £ aflaclent: creation of a gigantic bureaucracy, blank- e m i n b ^ ^cKa"* «T " EngUsh n, English in, of St. Michael's Church, volunteered for service non-payment Plans for the formation of a militant citizens' eting every section of the nation, w i t h president, commented today in an- Spanish I, Spanish Ii', German I,' for a commission had been approved by. the Rev. committee to secure the building of a new high school were formed at a meeting at the home of an insatiable appetite . for tax money, nouncing the first of a series of film German II, P. A. D., Algebra I, Thomas J. Walsh, archbishop of the Newark Mrs. George Watson, 109 Holly street 1 5011211101 A n d , in the case o f medicine political P * ^ to which Cranfordltes Algebra II, Plane Geometry, Solid domination of the profession would cer- 't^iF3££g1E S S , SSTS^'^S?' t a m l y n o t m a k e f o r p r o g r e s s . It w o u l d , ning, February 25, in the College Registration periods will be held o n t h e Other h a n d , m a k e f o r d e t e r i o r a t i o n l i b r a r y - i3ie six-reel, hour-long on Monday, Wednesday and Thurso f Standards documentary film, "Lite Begins," day evenings, January 26, 28, 29, TTT^* should b e of especial interesttoand February 2, 4. and 5 at the 1IU3 c o u n t r y h a s a l e s s e r m e d i c a l panerolfc; physicians, nurses and Cranford High School office becare problem ,than a n y c o m p a r a b l e P^^o^Sists, Dr. MacKay said, tween the hours of 7 and 9:30 p.m. n a t i o n . It i s b e i n g g r a d u a l l y s o l v e d b y: u n (»t awl « « « » « d *toeYale Clinic, Ti»e fee is $6 per subject. This PIV I ! ? • ' directton of Dr. Arnold fee is refunded to the student by means. r o u n c a i m e d i c i n e Gesell. and denicts the clinic's most local Boards of Education 3SC Motion picture (projection equip- work. The school is supported and ment at the college was acquired approved by the State Department from proceeds of a play, '.'Fresh of Education. This school is open •j e or • Fields," sponsored jointly by the anytoveterans of the armed forces evidence of efficient opera- Cranford College Club and Cran- ^ S g i T N e w Jersey tion of the Cranford Fire Department is fond Dramatic Club, last year. This contained in the annual report of Chief w a s " ^o f a matibee «* charitable Called f o r J u r y Duty H n w n n i (v-h.nrllo- £~- 1QA7 Tlw. (C^..—. Bestiires by townsfolk toward the John E. MacPhall of 26 Columt Y^Vt r T i. . J ? 8 ^ " institution. Dr. MacKay explained, bia avenue is one of 100 residents Of $!>..? I j for total losses d u e to fire in H c added that he hopes the show of Union County who Ihave been Cranford last year represents a reduction n e r t f n o n t h w l u *>« * « flrst of summoned for petit jury duty in S of $2,630 under the i 946 figure, and the 3 g T 1946 figure represented a drop of $4,005 under the total of 1945. Every member of the department is to be congratulated on the conscientious carrying out of his duties which is reflected in the continued decrease in fire losses here. C l p r O C S a 8estlWS ^ the c o u ^ courts from January 26 to *«»«or-7. Union Junior College, which has had a Mexican standoff in two games this season with Bayonne Junior College,,will play the Hudson quintet again Saturday night with i h e only sure winner the Drops' Two 5 for Linden- '. The...push in the|with 8 .points, and Daubcrt was closing minutes gave Linden a total second high with 6. Grobengieser, of 13 points in the third quarter, i Burnett and Byrnes got 4 points to 9 for Cranford. |each, and Buck accounted for 2 B*ilney led the Cranford scoring, and Hall for 1. Selby Gagers Downed Feature contest in a triple And Linden, 35 to 29 header, the game will be played The Cranford High School basin the Bayonne Senior High ketball team lost its ninth straight School gymnasium. Although it game to .Clifford Scott at the local" will determine the better team behigh- school gymnasium Tuesday tween Bayonne and Union—each afternoon by a score of 47 to 42. having won a prior one—it will •The CrarifimlTVist OfflceTfceslers not affect the two teams' standing The Blue and Gold team's eighth defeat occurred in a home game carried off top honors last week in in the New Jersey Junior College Friduy night, when Cranford was the Citizen and Chronicle's second Conference. do\vned by Linden. 35-29. annual headpin tournament for Coach Paul Selby's boys will members of the Cranford Bowling play a postponed game against League on the Garwood RecreaRegional at Springfield Saturday afternoon, with the preliminary tional alleys. . . . contest scheduled to start at 2 Xhe mailmen, rolling Friday p. m. There will be no game for night, turned, in a high 1,470 total the high school varsity tomorrow for three games, outdistancing their •iight. Next Tuesday afternoon! nearest rival for top honors by Cranford will play in Plainlleld.| more than 100 pins. The Presby- The Cranford High School JayCranford got oil to an early; terian Men's League team, which vees won games from Roselle arid lead—(> to 3—in Tuesday's con-j rolled last Wednesday, was second Linden last week, running their test, but. Clifford .Scott't-ame rinht with 1.346. The top team received court record- to six wins in eight back with three baskets to forge the Citizen and Chronicle trophy starts. ' ahead; U-6. At the end of the I and $7.50 in prize money, while Meeting Linden Friday night, first quarter, the score was 12 to! the second-place team received for the second time -this year, the 'J in favor o f th<_> visitors. Scott $7.50 in prize money. The Metho- Cranford cagers won a low-scoring Photo by Osborne was Lading 30-L'l at the hnlf. | tlL-t Men's Club won $5 for turning game, 20-19. It w a s a nip-arrdShown above are members of the, Crarlford Pokt Offlce bowling team which took top honors The ' home team outscored tin'1 in the high single team game out tuck battle all the way. Cranford in the Citizen and Chronicle's, second annual ,ht:adpin tournament for members <>f the Oanford visitors in the third quarter, gct-j of irie money, a 460. wen on Linden's inability to"mate "BowlingXeague last week. Left to right: Ray Lusardl.r Art Boertman, Charles M.' Ray, editor of ling 11 points to Scott's 6 andj the sponsoring newspaper, presenting the Citizen and Chronicle trophy to George Holt, captain The Post Office keglers also fared foul shots in the closing minutes. jnakiuM—the—score—3<J-aai;—rn-thcj ^oJLJUbeuJUi^XMaisileain^Geor^e^Rogere"-^ final period, Cranford inched upi individual score. ' their stellar anchor, -win- points. to within three points of the viM-j ning $4 for (high individual series I On Tuesday of last week the tors, the score then standing at of 311. Second money of $3 went CHS junior varsity visited Roselle 4 l-3i{. John Bilney and James Gold Bull League to Art Boertman, also of the mail and won handily, 29-14. They had Daubert were taken out of the Riime on fouls, however, and the! carriers' team, lor his 308 series; I no trouble on Roselle's small court liyujie Results Reported Cranford threat came to an end. | third nrize of $2 to Pete Nylem of jiid led rill the way.' Cisar paced Results of games in the Gold Bilney and UicTiard Byrnes lcd! the Lutheran Brotjhej-hood withjthe team with 12 points, while Ball UasketbaU League sponsored the scoring for Cranford, getting 111 306, and fourth prize of $1 to Ed waiters accounted for 7. by the Cranford Recreation Compoints each. Bilney had four Held Haizman of Petersen's Dairy with Regulars on the team are: Formittee last week were: Orioles, KO;:ls: • and throe fouls, while wards, Dick Walters, Tom Cisar 305. 28, Hawks, >9; Indians, 44; Byrnes got Jivo field goals and Francis Gleason of the Bumps and Danny Caruso; centers, Albert Knights, 35; 400's, 44, Avengers, Big Five Defeats' • Junior College 25; Wildcats, 47, Maroons, 36. one foul. • , . Dill team took first 'honors for Barnes, Howard Griffin and Fred In last Friday's gam'*, the Blue \ Eastt Orasige Legion high individual.game out of money K'lush:^ guards, George Rankin, Cagers Lose, 58-48, GOLD IIA I.I. LL'AGIE Ti;am Standing Gold gave Linden a tough lor his sparkling 114 game, which Jim iSTalker and. Norm. W. L. By Score of 51 to 4 7 :md battle and was leading.' 2(i-":t in won him $3. Second prize of $2 Those ,$vho have seen limitei'action In Coinference Ganic Wildcats O 1 GARWOOD—The Garwood Bij the tinal quarter. A set shot and! went to J.- Hieswetter, Lutheran are: Bill Smiley; Gene Denman, The Union Junior College cagers 4OO's 2 Indians 3 Five, top-seeded team in the State a tap-in put Linden ahead. T2-'H\. Brotherhood, with 111, and, third Don Woolley, Bradley Page, Rich- were defeated by Jersey City Jun- Maroon:! 3 however, and two more baskets for prize of $1 to iRay lAisardi tor 110.lard Austin, Bob Black, Bill Lovett ior College, 58-48, in Jersey City Knights 3 A.A.U. 'basketball tournament, deAvengers feated a strong East Orange Legion the visitors gave theni the victory 3 The Cranford •Bowling League and Gus Swanholm. on Saturday. This marked the local Orioles 5 team, 51-47, at Lincoln School here in the closing minutes. team's second defeat to one vic- Hawks : this week began its second round!' NOTICE TO CUEDITOriS Sunday . afternoon. East Orange Linden was leading", 11-7, at the tory in New Jersey Junior College of matches. • ' ESTATE OF GEORGE J. MABKERT. won from Garwood in an earlier end of the first quarter, but CranDeceased Conference competition. The ColPursuant to the order of CHARLES A. game, being the only team to defeat ford equalled the visitors' scoring T JH!.."surrocauT'of c f gof South Jersey is in first the"oountyyotflege in the second period, each getting Union, mode i n tho loimio d on the th Sixteenth S i t t h day d oXr.li/vo X Slassod 03 light*' ftofeftora the local cagers thus far this season. 6.points, and topped them in the January. A. D.. 1048. upon the application I 1 " 2 "* W Garwood took on 18-9 lead in of the undersigned, as Executrix of the I wins a n d no defeats. Bayonne toon't let dirt and dust rob you of third quarter, getting 7 points, to cTe^^u^cre^rtf^rde^a^^f has won two and any oi the lisht you pay for each the opening period and stayed out exhibit to the subscriber under oath or lost t w o . and Jersey City is last, month. Even a thin coating of dust in front for the rest of the game. Let R3oon Shine affirmation .their claims and demands hnvinrr l n ct f h n v inH «mn nno win reduce the efficiency of a bulb's Johnny Wanca showed the way for In 1860 a Detroit alderman reasnlnst the estate of uid deceased w t U u n , n a V m g I O S t I J l r e e a"" won one. i months th from f h date d of f uld order.| jjjgjyjH^ ©Jajf^flffiMnstt*heu..CdkiH^S.J9HJ six the 16 points. He was replaced in the utins or recoveiina the same asainst thellege of South Jersey at t h e Cran- of greasy dirt, even more than that second half by Alex Hoodzow, who on every night, "moon or no moon.** Plan to dust bulbs, reflecting His resolution was defeated by tho subscriber. ^__^ [ford High School gymnasium toaccounted for 18 ot the Garwood city controller who said, "tnoonliaht PATIENCE HOIX1S. ExecutrixJ night, the xweliminary game start- bowls And lamp shades every week points. when you do other housecleaning. not only the cheapest but most AUGUSTUS C. NASH. Proctor. ling at 7:30. There will be dancing It'n wise, too, to give them a more The Garwood team swamped the Is 103 Elm St.. Westfteld. N. J. popular. Let it shine." ' Fees 07.80 s-io after the games. thorough cleaning by wiping them Hillside Local five, 03-37, in the Saturday's score: NOTICE OF SnABBOOIAEBS' MEETING off with o damp cloth about every A.A.U. opener last Friday. JEHSZV CITY The Annual meeting of the Members oil UNION JR. COL. three weeks. Sunday's score: Cr. 6-1037 Rum. 1 9 the Cranford Savings and Loan Assocla-I G. P T G F T 4 1 0 GARWOOD E. ORANGE LE. Dirt and dust also will reduce the tlon for the election of Directors and for | Murphy f 4 10 Lynch, f O 0 O 7 Paland. f P a F p tho transaction of all other proper business Marsa. f 3 amount of light passing through the J. Wanca. fO7 F 2 10 llerdlc. f 1 o will be held at the ofllce of the Associa- Vltelli. f O1 1 Gulluty. c 5 O 10 reflecting and diffusing bowls In English, f 1 1 3 Mills, t 2 3 tion, 2 North Union Avenue. Cranford, Talorlro. f O O O Wlttpenn. B 4 1 Atexa. I a 3 15 Mullisan. g 3 1 Hoodrow. fO 6 IB Herder, f 'O 0 0 New Jersey, on Monday, February 9.table and floor lamps. They should Clos, OOL AND WATER COLORS Lewis. <! 1 0 2 Lannle. C 4 1 f 0 0 0 Otlway. c 4 4 13 at 8 P. M. Caldberc. C 3 o o Zovcsky. c 52 14 be washed in warm, soapy water P. Wancu. c 2 2 0 Suylor. B 3 2 S Signed. EASELS — PALETTES Reardon. o o 2 0 4 l^ickayc. li 7 4 11) WARnEN D. SCULTIIOnP. several times u year as well as Holllnu'd.'C While. U 0 0 0 Skea, u 0 1 1 Secretary. Cicarcll. c 4o o Brushes—complete line wiped off periodically. | Miller. C O " " Dated January 20. 2-5'Palmer. S O 0 O S P R 1 S O F 1 E L B A V E S l ' E FURNITURE REHNISHING DRAPERIES ... SLIP COVERS INTERIOR DECORATION Granford 6-0556-R re-Victories- Th» courteous LISTED OR UNLISTED htquiru's Invited BROKER AND DEALER IN SECURITIES 225 EAST BROAD STREET. WESTFIEXD. N. J. WEsUicId 2-5630 WEstfield 2-5750 a Saranllwiclii «i»r Smaclk afftter SSD©W, Connne do nine LOUIS EBMXSA3 & SONS. Props. NORTH AVENUE, EAST Wipe lamp bulbs with a damp , Kitzsery. c 2 I Xacto Knives Canvas lioardv cloth and never immerse them in [ IHiiMtrallon Board 17 :i 47 Bristle Board 20 11 51 water as the base should remain Gnruood I-l U 51 Ill Papers—Sheets und Pads 12 U--47 dry at all times. Disconnect all East Orante ton I-OCTAUI.E 0 Water Color Pastrl Stencil «;it AND-STAND lamps and turn off all fixtures beIlefenw. Williams. CKAMOUU TOWNSHIP I.ettoting Diik and fens AUCTION SALE The Townyhtp Committee of the Town fore washing thom. • nubbins tt Allison. Inc.. will sell at public>hip of Cranfard will receive bld3 for auction on furnishing a portable steel grand-stand €>r», ' Tuesday. February J, IUIH ; February 3rd. IMS at 8:30 P. M. In tho at 1O A. M. :7ou'iisblp Rooms. Cranford. N. J., an „ ,.„• _ . , • at their warehouse, 211 South Avenue 107-5 N. TONION AVE. follows: Boot-Dot Eeslstance east. Cranford. N. J.. household I;<MM1S CHANFOEU) 0-2540 4 Sections 6 Tiers Weh—seatlnc Texas farmers ore benefiting by and other articles to cover unpaid b!urut:c J ty <: charfies 'due from Michael Cirovolo, T. M. 4 si i^s 3°Ti3rs iliKh-« a tintf "orne 30 milUon doUars nnnually Henry. Willy lluuhes und II. Stumpfrock. \\ urvice, IS TO INSULATE Up to 3 5 % Savirags In Fuel Al INSTALLATION* GUARANTEED rofineuJ cJivacity of 65 each s on t Time Ifromuse of recently developed root- ..jTow>aaS^aSS-^itSSi^ieto^lrorre3l8tahr slraihs-of-80rghum ties providing overy convenience* will malo your stay memorable. We are tree experts with 23 years of experience in tree surgery. at or before the meetinc and shall be bred b y the T e x a s station. C o m d and read afwr 8:30 P. M Bidders |m e r c i a l rose g r o w e r s of t h e Tyler bid occordina to speclflcations nowi , . . . . .Z_ , on file at the Township Engineer's oijice.' area increased t h e v a l u e o f their The Township Committee reserves the .crop m o r e than 50 t h o u s a n d d o l l a r s richt to reject any or all bids, whichever!.ta 1, M „ 5„ b• . . » , _ . . u .1*. - — action shaU best serve tho Interests of y dusting with SUlfur-topper dust for control of block spot the'Townahip of Cranford , _x GEOIU3E D. RANKIN. Chairman Road Committee. Ten million rose plants were dust' 1-29 ed according to station iirocedurea. Plan now for o long-term vacation free of household ceres. Hot A cold w water b ell b«lfe«. W e can remove broken limbs, repair Weakened crotches by cabling and bolting and advise you how to save your trees. ' '* Victors in Citizenand Chronicle Headpin Event C H S Five Citizen and Qarpmicle TrophytoMailmen For Total of 1,47© ftesianJfylmtitm The recent severe ice storm and heavy snow has damaged and weakened many beautiful trees. Immediate attention is necessary to save these trees. and a oof a . • • Jr. College Five In Benefit Confess R«la« on tpaciout tun d e c k — almoit at tho oceon'l odgo—and enjoy tho eihilarating tea air And glorious turnhino at Atlantic City'* (inert resort hotel. of Your DAMAGED TREES jflnnked by a chair P.O. Wins In Headpin Tourney 20 0 48 FREE INSPECTION Makes a focal point THE CRAWFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22. 1948 for Bsscrwlionj Ptxmo: Atlantic City S-1211 Call Us For 'Quick and Efficient Your Roofing Problems NO OBLIGATION FOR INSPECTION SERVICE.. Ami* We .Have LAWNMOWERS, Lots off Theni Now, 8»y DiuituonmD Tttirffniasiler unmi! 16.95 4o 3©.O© IJA'VA'WZIFA'TA'TA'VA) Brunner's are justly proud of their membership in 18 ADAMS AVENUE 'Need Ie. tTcQ.trv~nt;c2«^;iwi^' 0JJJPBS3SBBSSS1VW ELIZABETH 2-4124 ciples for which the Guild has so staunchly stood for the past 27 years. ELIZABETH It has been our privilege to serve Eye Physicians whose reputation is beyond question — whose cooperation and good-will are be" vono^price. Their sole interest in Brunner's has been in the superior quality and type of optical service rendered to you. their patients. fire$fofi* A brilliantly etyled piece wilL Brijfctcaa a comer.. poa abllilita. I n compact living epaco it COB bo o ^i^lr, a boolkceas a comer cabinet i a a contreroaaioanl jjr©apla{j—cSl at osco! I n epacioua rooza it Tm>nfry«i a capczb tc&vleloa RE TREAD An Haattn nXbu Cka» gtora to* attaft traction o& traKtoy.d t e roads, a n r f * ^ table. It ia COEKSTVOUTO mo<Jem eo y o a *nf| usa l l with traditional ox otter modem. AH erarfocea oso beautifully fioLbed i a blsocbcdl oak. A A<Mfc find out about an for fnm litaatura OAd Cosy Tarns 17 in. size ^ taUwln.20 Pfooi* *«nd m« fud Information about til* B«w Ooldwla Bccfromc Organ. Has Arrive«I. for y o u ' Church or Worn©0 A Add* tuefnlaew to a WESTFHEiJtt 200 Bxea«3 84. WE. 2-0330 Phono TEMPORARY SHOWROOM: St. George* Ave. (1 mile north of our former location). 101 NORTH UNION AVENUE CRanfYm! 6-0423 -M*t « W EOZADETTflfl 277 No. Brood S t EL. 3-3151 Yourt* Today. 3.9S .« 6 . 9 5 2 . G.E. Exposure Meier Uiwd cuaiiiat«nUy accurate exposure diitji.aoniothiaif you can't do without oa color. Cilcei $I9.«3 I When Infantile Paralysis comes to your home or your town, it comes quietly . . . without warning - . . without mercy . . . And when it leaves, there are children who cannot walk . . . who cannot hope . . . unless you help. prortdta* a aafttjr rmfm mnvr csd bofor* wttfeosttha beSJiar cf pattl on chftlas. TUoroaatly ley ctty htm & Vixco Talth Polar Steads t4TO a recall, obxa. d v o amrfaeo which elves mmioaa oi cddUlnal ft 2.10 1 9 i n . Hize-,....•'..„...:. 2 . 4 9 Em! 541b S»,*Um York 37.N.V. Kaos excluaivo 08 a now lour pirico . . . <^||(.l|®oilP© Open 10 to S (U'cd.&Sot.'til9> To ouch an ethical program. Brunner'o aa Guild Opticians are pledged and shall continue to steadfastly adhere. i We Also Have GRASS CATCHERS Send Your Contributiona Immediately to William "D'Axcy, Local Chairman v March of Dimes Committee 816 Springfield Ave., Cranford Thia S BADUNT 3 . Uadionl Scr««n « 0 " X «0") u»eurca sup«rb rourotluctionof your favorite slides. w PrU.l ilM fiSGOS 4 . Argus Projector for unifono illumination. brllliaot projection. TSi4-n- BVohaltly Will Be Blore Snuw Before filie DSir<Ls Reluron . . . untfi We Still Have a. Supply off SNOW SHOVELS. Alaanunuii. Steel 2.98 1.49 Sbo coasplotq Colo? Bit. You neod NoJhlng olio I Sea thb Color KJ> today at your purchase plan I Sponsored by J. WALTER SEACKII. Kcff. Piano. 104 N. Union Ave. Cr. 6-0700 13 North Ave., E. (Oi>p. C.K.B. SUtlon) Cran. 6-1024 NORTH AV. VK, CRANfORD, N ^ . TEL.CR6-O309 rr? Page Tvrtitr* IMS one passenger death occurred ai] will include newspaper articles on a result of a two-car crash at safety, and safety education of Holy Name Society Stratford terrace and Elm street children through talks and motion ^ The driver involved in one of the pictures presented in the schools! H F Bad Ifear On Roads Ould's Emotional Needs given under auspices of the asso- Reserving Car Plates ciation, wffl be shown February 13.J P.-T.A. Film Subject Plansfora rummage sale were Applications are now being THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 22. 1948 Men in Service Wflliam Kamin, s 2/c, Centennial avenue fatalities, a hit- by members of the local Dolice A varied program of entertainMr. and M Mra.J announced by Mrs. C W. Rydinsky, talnrntorreserved numbers <st theof Mr meat was presented Jenuary 12 local motor vehicle agency, 17 and-run "case. has not yet been department aand d of the the State Motor study croup, in conjunction with cbaiisnan of She budget and finance U Hetarkh by the Holy Nam» Society of S t North avenue; east Registration identified. Vhil D Vehicle Department Sherman P.-TA. {ksrent-educa-; committee. Anyone wishingtocon. aboard the destroyer. CSS N Michael's Church at • "smote: the The highest previous auto fatalUon committee, will present a film tribute i s asked to contact Mrs. certificates must show the second r n » New Is presently operating in S t Michael's School. James •.. entitled "Emotional Needs of Chilinspection stamp on ity record occurred feere in 1988' reverae „* «« N o v a l BaXf K ^ X Rydinsky at 6 Samoset road. 28a. Auto Accident Bate fifae * when (four persons died as a result Square Dance Planned Durkin was chairman of Hfw com- dren," February 3 at 8 p. xa. in theC. W. Davis represented the teach- side. This stamp is round on onfee h _ mittee on arrangements. By High School P.-ToA. Prior to the entertainment, tho Sherman School auditorium. All ers at tne meeting. The executive outside, with teeth pointing inward practiceshecruises. _ These Up in 1947; Fatality of motor vehicle Occidents. cruises parents are invited to attend. Accident figures for other recent "The High School Hoe Down,1 following officers for 1948 board will meet again an February to the center of the circle. Ho i nbring into play all 1he newest siS spection is required if the vehicle !!M&&^@2&rjunettd d ll^.M|n.^uare t dan«^j^..be l .held,in installed?"" President; ""^Pttrr the High School gym from 8 p.m.Clark; vice-presidents, George duction. Causes and development 28 BurohfleU avenue. A total of 77 traffic accidents 'accidents, 46 injured and one , under under Hayeck and Alfred Frigola; secre- of various characteristics in adults! uwa reported in Cranford during 1047 killed; 1944, 24 accidents,. 19 in-[till midnight pbotaxr y «. g ; will be depicted in scenes snowing resulted in injuries for 39 persons jured and 1 killed; 1943. 36 acci- sponsorship of the High School Jerome Taddeo; treasurer, Hone-OnwB Bases Etetrto atsc dents, 42 injured and 2 killed; 1942, P.-TA, it was announced by Mrs. and death for 5, according to figLouis Van Bergen, and marshal. adults as children. Mrs. Fred E. Local Students on Plot Bllhu Thomsca tins azaai. In U64. travel ca horsosbowa ures released this week by the po-45 accidents, 31 injured and 2 W. E. Chapman, chairman, at a re-Jack Doyle. The Rev. Joseph L. Jackson, a faculty member at Vas- 5V1 was described by tht New «d a patent for the first e l e c h w Rutgers Honor l i s t lice department The fatality killed; 1941. 63 accidents, 48 in- cent meeting of the association Donnelly, assistant pastor, is spirit- sar College, will teod a York Herald as "modern gjataoce woldtDg process oa A Music will be provided by a three- ual director. following; toe program. record last year was the worst in ured and 1 killed. , Four Cranford students at Rutr Cranford's history. In 1046 there Two of the 1947 fatalities were piece oscbestra. South American magic by "The gers University have been named were 68 accidents here, resulting in in April, one in August and two in The association will sponsor a Great Albenlce" was among high was mode . last week at a n among those en the Dean's list It injuries for S3 persons and death December. cake sale Saturday, February 14, executive board meeting of the lights of the evening. During the The pattern as to was announced today by Hany G. for 2. from 9 a. m. till noon at the A & A performance, live poultry and ani-Lincoln School P.-TJL, at the home Owen, dean of the College of Arts number of accidents did not folCranford's auto deaths in 194' ow the usual trend of increases Hardware. 12 North avenue, west. mals . were produced from the of Mrs. V. A. Anderson, 1 Hickory and Sciences. included four pedestrians, and one during the winter months, for Mrs. E. J. Wahl is chairman. A clothing of spectators. Harry street Mrs. A. L. Rodee, president, They are John R- Curran, son automobile passenger. Two of thethere were relatively high figures cake sale last month netted $57. Welch, the original "Popeye" of was in change. pedestrians were fatally injured in each season. July being the only Mrs. Charles Redden was named the movies, demonstrated sound Attention, was directedtotheof Mr. and Mrs. John P. Curran, To Order For within an area of three blocks on month in 1947 with less than four chairman of the association's effects and sang parts of an opera budget (hearing which was held 41 South avenue, west a senior; Harry W. Hansen, son of Mr. and project for the year, which will be n vocal imitations of orchestral Tuesday at 8 p. m. in Cleveland KITCHEN lower Centennial avenue. The iccidents reported. Mrs. Harry Hansen, 109 Hawthorne other pedestrian fatalities occurred The 1947 figures by months were to furnish material for 40 robes accompaniment School. Parents were urged to.be street; a junior; Andrew W. DINING ROOM M O N T H'L'V. on- North avenue, west, near Or- is follows: January, 5 accidents, for the High School choir. Moth- Also featured were vocal solos (present Mrs. J. Hobble reported '.PA V M E N,T chard street, and. on Springfield Z injured; February, 4 accidents, 1 ers of children in the choir will by James Connelly, a member of the motion picture shown recently Kmetzo, son of Mr. and Mrs. AnLIVING ROOM drew F- Kmetzo, 8 Elizabeth ave„ ; VPLAN' •• ' avenue near Miln street. The njurcd; March. 8 accidents, 3, in-be asked to sew the robes. the Newark Fire Department, who for children at the school was anue, a sophomore, and William E. ETC ured; "April; "T" accidents. B-IiT- Resignation of Mrs. E. M. Mus-sang "When Irish Eyes Are Smil- success and another movie to be Harty of 70 Raritan road, a junior. ured and 2 killed; May, 9 ser, eleventh grade class mother ng" and "The One Rose." A s accidents, 3 injured; June, 4 acci- who has moved from town, was sisting Mr. Durkin were the presidents. 2 injured; July. 2 accidents, received. Mrs. G. Finney, mem- dent, Mr. Clark; Mr. Frigola, IO injuries; August, 9 accidents, 8 bership chairman, reported 521 James O'Donriell, Mr. Hayeck. SGAfE FA1 members to Next meeting Timothy Sheehari, Mr. Taddeo, Surgeon Chiropodist - IUICHIUCTS io date. aaie. Next mee CABINET COMPANY njured and 1 killed; September, 6 ( O fihe board will be March 9, ac-1 James Clsar, Richard Heffeman, • W o FOOT AILMENTS cording to Mrs. iccidents, 2 injured; .October, 0 «„ -M^, m . i . .J Klein, president, Mr. Doyle, Frank Dooley, John iccidents, 2 injured; November, 10lMinttna 347 Lincoln Avenue, E. ^ Ownlwrd, H. J. CBanford S-24M-J -. OFFICE BOOBS — Iccidents,' 5 injured; December, 7 who presided. Iannaccone, William Brescher, Daflr 9 A. M.toB'J» P. BL Frank Quinn, Francis Gleason, iccidents, 3 injured and 2 killed. CRanfbnl 6-0223 J*JId!*JSfi pedestrian eaths in December, Police Chief Dr. Gordon L. Peters of Cran- John Laezzo, Michael Cippola ond Wednesday onto 18 Joseph Mlltn-rzo. William A. Fischer announced that ford, chief of the Bureau of OrFor AppomSuwal Coll township officials and the police (anization, attended a one-day fiSado fftnt CtoatB department would cooperate in neeting of. the New Jersey OsteoOL 64406 putting into effect for 1948, a plan jathic Society in trie Hotel Stacey, Tbo first d g a n madotoAgnmrH^ wera tin product of a Mrs. Proa*, 18 AUHEMSE. C incorporating the three "E's" of["renton, on Sunday. East Windsor, Conn., the wlfls aS a highway safety—enforcement, e n Established 1917 ' tobicco gnmer. Tboy wens maSm gineering and education. Read'"the Citizen and Chronicte about IDOL Under the first phase of this "IMSURAWCE EXCLUSIVELY" plan, parking regulations are to Local sad Laos Dbtaisoe be strictly enforced, radio car officers are to make a special effort FRESH FISH to apprehend all violators of the COVEE FIELB DAILY motor vehicle laws on main traffic AND streets, and the recorder's court [O MATTER what form of insurance e you you may need plans imposition of severe fines to How© Your Eywa Exoralnod HOW and 8wm Modi —Marine, Fire, Inland Transportation, Workmen's Comdiscourage violators. pensation, Automobile or General liability. Property Damage, and Eujtsss© Engineering will include the Burglary. Fidelity, Aviation, Group Life. Health and Accident, increasing of street lighting, i n Hospitolization or anything else—Hedcnberg-MacBean have stallation of traffic lights and . AGENTS FOE flasher beacons, dear marking of the experience and facilities to help you. cross walks and bus stops and the 'ALLIED VANS be. First we help you plan your entire insurance program, then Cranford 6-1333 erection of. speed limit and other secure for you—hi the open market—whatever insurance may @Pt0MBTW$T . warning signs. be required. 34 NORTH AVE* E. The education phase of the plan CUSTOM CABINETS ABC MINTON-BILT Dr. Howard P. HEDENBEKG-MACBEAN Eyes fffd? Heaihchs? MOVING STORAGE G.HINDMAN FISH MARKET M. UNION AVE. After that, we provide continuing claim collection, safety en- ' gineering, loss control and other services. CRanfonfl 6-0893 21S SOUTH AVENUE. EAST For full information call us without obligation. SCHMt By special arrangement with the Superintendent of Schools OFFICIAL NOTICE (Next to Cranford TrosJ BMMIImg) BEOKEN LENSES PEiESCBEPTIONS IDQIPUCATED FEUDED TeL a 6 A . M^Q P. BO. ©ally: 9:30 A. M.—6:00 P. M. and.by Appointment lions Plan Seal Sale CKANFORB because of bad weather or other emergencies will be broadcast by BOB SMITH .„ WNBC 6 6 0 on your dial 7:05 to 8:30 AM, school days 1 BS •linfLl !! JIL??L ^L™o n WMBC avory wokdoy moi I I GIVE NOW Brings You A Spinet In Tradition Of Quality and nwtitl WORDING -TAPING -PAINTING Modernize Venetian OPEN P U D A T O A. M. to 7 P. H. OPBM DAILY 0 A. M.to8:SO P. M. BVBNINOS OV APPOINTMENT FINANCE C®. I , emd ff ooML 401 Knopf SL, ISnisn on So. 10 Bos roots UNDEN S-705S r.-'^p^^v -^-.-...' ^.-:-**.LJ^* UC. No. 768 16-18 N. UNION AVE. Cranford ©4)99® u^UJ*- p^TrpTr*.—fr/ffiwf. cjKszEssasEffiasaii Winter Rules or \Safe Driving OF DIMES {!&!/•" This is the fifth of a series of advertisemeats to acquaint the citizens cf New Jursoff &itb Problemsfaced} bs> their railroads. In your own self-interest you should know these facts. of the closing of schools in. \ Page Thirteen shown that skidding is the grea 'Frederick Robert Loderstedt, foreF. J. Ball Conducts . 'adjusting controls, sizing evaporadanger faced by motorists. Tests going property. tors, etc. ^ • -.• ;"" show Chat.it takes, a car.without Real Estate I Mr. •*».. and «MMA Mrs. ^ U AHenry iiciLrjr Simon ounon to i o Refrigeration Course The oil burner course gives Ohm tire chains, traveling only 20 miles Bocer C. AHrkh of Cranforl was 12 _,weeks* an hour, 70to80 feet to atop an The tallowing deeds have b e a k . l l * e r t l ^ ! i a c e ' P«>J*rty «» Myrtle Fred J. Ball of 9 Adams avenue student an additional «. Ireelected <3»ainnan of the Rabway avenue, 740 feet from Centennial study and work on tne the fundamenfundamenpacked snow. This is about four recorded at the office o t County avenue. Valley Joint Tnmk Sewer Comotuujr suiu. woni on is the instructor in a refrigeration tals of oil burner service and intimes the braking distance on dryRegister Herbert J. Pascoe in the mlsboti Sast Tbtiraday nigjht o t a Court House, Elizabeth: Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaCrace and air-conditioning service and stallatian, covering such things Q3 concrete at itfoe same speed. reoflganizatioa meeting in the muGob Seeks to Mr. and Mrs. Henr " tion course given at theb u i W m g combustion chambers, n<T^ja! ' ••-•• SniUding. ——-••••»' Others v m n i u u n ^"Outsmart wiMiiuuirtun iaan mater; winner;<quri "Even more hazardous is stop- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Villa, Jr., ioproperty in Myrtle avenuei 760 Old Man County Adult Technical troubleshooting control circuits, cranford"wfco were named on com- s-kidding yourself," Chief of Police ping on ice," Chief Fischer added. Mr. and Mrs. Christian E. Crane, I feet from Centennial avenue. Funds to Carry on 294 Norfolk street, "" " ' -1 ' [tot 25, block 1, map of the Sperry William A^ Fischer advised today, "A car traveling 20 miles on hour -2r ivitieiritor Blfiai —. — .™ ... further you save may be your wIEnout I the reorganization cmnmlttee, andown!" to well over 200 feet. Tire chains Lena and Isidore Borodowsko toQualify for Promotion course in oil burner service and information should inquire of tho •me fourth annual Blind Seal,! Township Ensineer Patrick J. on rear wheels consistently reduce Frederick and Adeline E. Casoni, installation. These courses give Veterans* Administration Office 20 drive of the Cranford Lions Club Grail, (member of the engineering If same drivers will quit p r o - this to about 00 feet They also tenants in common, one tract Among 38 employes of the Newthe student 12 weeks' study la Washington-place, Newark, or their Jersey Motor Vehicle Department crastinating a n d indulge i n a b i t - begin Monday, on whkfh day committee. help prevent ctattlng and traffic known as lots 37 and 39, map ofwho have qualified tor (promotion basic electricity, during which he local representative, i ^^1 be mailed to local resl- Also reelected. were Charics S. of realistic thinking instead o f thetieups. Lexington .Heights; and one tract to the post of deputy chief inspec- becomes tfamiliar with the oWtri«. 1 wishful variety, ithere i s n o reason [.dents. The quota this year Is Cannon of Sjpringfleld, as secre"My advice is for driverstouse at Christopher street (now va-tor are Vlncent/W. Copcutt of 25 diagrams, circuits, motors, eta,' w h y the convenience and comfort C. [$2,500. . R<*tford avenue and Andrew R. that will be encountered in service *" tary-treasurer, and Robert F. of driving oMr during winter w e a - [anti-skid chains during severe'con- cated) and Hillcrest avenue. work. , | • Albed E. Frigola, chairman of Darby of Westfleld, as oounseL Mr. ther cant'ie quite safe, the chief ditions of snow / and ice," he Cranford Trust CompanytoMiBRENNAN & TOYE of 203 Columbia aveMr. course gives the stuthe club's and I Aldrich lubs ssight ^ conservation ^ « „ . „also » „ w>13 ,.«, toserve warned. "This doesnt mean during chael Di Fobio, lots 350 and 351.nue, according b wasiVlwaBa renamed servecaid. Plumbing, Heating, Tinning g to to an anannounceannounce-,..^..,. &iuayand ana work onl d e n t 12•<. »«.-»study work onl t by th S t t C confflnittee, imat Q.QS o n f f l n i , esplamed. p QS consultant in on onadvisory apa'It Is simply necessary to give |every l|ght snowfall. Use your map of 480 lots of the Rankin Park men men t by the State Civil Service] the fundamentals of refrigeration j American Badiator Co. ^ . . K*mi . E J U I I :• -luiiuumencais o i refrigeration! laige percentage th© funds f u d s cit ercentage of ith© t $1,000 $1000 city year.. Commission. Bntfh m»n. r>~» ••••• Automatic Oil Btarnets y at $ , ay serious consideration to the funda- head. The life you save may beLand Company. I large Commission. Both men are vet-1and air-conditioning, covering such! ill be b Spent locally Con M raised will locally. ConTelephone CB. 6-0Z69 ° localy Mayor Fred V. Pitten of KenU- mental rules for safe driving under your own." Johanna and Frank J. John to comt>res«»r<: 'zofl SOUTH AVE» E.. CRANFOB© ti should be returned to tributions to worth, George F adverse weather and road condi- As ior poor visibility, the chief Carmine Buontempo, lot 19, block 'ecan inspectors in the department, jobs *os overhauling compressors, th and d Councilman C .._ who l l v « at inn BarteU w e l c d tions," he said. pointed out the importance of prop- 4, map of land late of John DunBartell of of Rahway Rahway, were were welcomed ,. . Mr. irv4^io who as new representatives to the com- Chief Fischer listed the following erly working windshield wipers. ham, deceased. . ' e r n g avenue. •1A _ . defrosters and correctly aimed Theresa B. and Frank HillingsContributions in last year's drive mission. They succeed Councilman rules headligtoits. enabled rtlhe club to provide the Christian J. Emde of Kenihvortti, 1. Get Iflie "feel" of the road. worth to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hol"If a person can see clearly and lingswortih, tenants by entirely, one following services: Eye examina- and Mayor Dennis P. Donovan of 2. Adjust speed to conditions. 3. Use tire chains on snow or stop, that helps a lot," he said. tions and glasses (for the near blind, Rahway. tract in Forest avfenue, 430 feet vacations for the blind, canes for Mr. Aldrich appointed standing from North avenue and one tract the blind. Braille books and committees as follows: Finance, 4. K e e p windshield-windows Industrial Chemistry adjoining aforesaid tract. Bibles, Braille transcribing units, Mayor Dilbur M. Selander of clear of snow, ice, fog and frost. Edytih S. and Winchester Britton transporting the blind, entertain- Springfield, chairman; Mayor L. 5. Slow down well in advance Course at Jr. College to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sibo, one Thomas Daub 'of Garwood, and of intersections and curves. ing the Wind. 'tract at Cranford avenue and SylA course in applied industrial Blind Seal funds received last Councilman W. Ed-ward Richards 6. Follow other vehicles at safe >.hemistry, devised especially to vester street and one tract ad join•of RoseJle Park; disposal plant. distances. year also enabled the Cranford dub . lid industrial workers hi northern ing. Daub,' to make the following donations:Mayor • •— •• •chairman; •—•Mayor »—•»«* 7. Signal intentions of turning New Jersey, will be inaugurated Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lochtefeld Seeing Eye, Inc.; Union County August F. Greiner of Woodhridge, orstopping. ... ito Mr. and Mrsj William J. Miners, ! Thomas R. "If all car, truck and cab drivers ivitfli the start of the second semesBlind Association, American Foun- and Committeeman **~ " "" " ter on February 2, at Union "Junior property in Orange avenue, 50 feet will really obey these fundamental Evans of Clark Township; trunk dation for ithe Blind, New Jersey . .place. _. .College, .it ./was announced...this i t d W i CampforBuna CthUaren, sunshine Township of. CranfordtoJohn Vf 1 week by Dr. ' Kenneth Campbell fewer .accidents and traffic tieups, Mayor Pitten and Committeeman Club of Union County, TelebinocuMacKay, president of the college. jsterett, property y in Christopher p Chief Fisher stated. "And they'll . lar machines for Cranford public Evans. The instructor will be Herbert street, 80 feet from Union" avenue schools and St. Michael's School, Also, serving on the reorganiza- same money and. trouble." Bertha LeGrande, widow. B. Granlhodm, who is. associated B I radio sets for the blind of Cranford. tion committee, under Road Com- "The nation's mileage death rate with a Bayonne refinery. Classes y, , d missioner Rankin, will be Coun- is greatest during snow and icy will be held Tuesdays and Thurs- Barney y Point,, lot 9,, bloc kll l, ap map months," 1he chief declared. "The cilman Eartells and Mayor SelanBS OP days from 6:20 to 7:35 p. m. Sub-of property y of estate'of Mary Dentwo major factors that cause this der. Other committees include: 8G8NVWV deceased. Plant expansion Councilman Syd- are poor traction and reduced visi- jects included will be conductivity man, d •"TRUTH is the subjectforSun- ney L. Mapes of WestfleM, chair- bility. These (facts have been sub- of electrolytes, electromotive force Township p of Cranford to Henry y day, January 25. of cells and an y in Myrtle y Simon, property avenue, man; Mayor Greiner and Counil- stantiated by research iby the NaGOLDEN TEXT: "Study io shew man Bartell; and engineering, John tional Safety Council and the rules •thermodynamics. 750 feet from Centennial avenue. thyself approved unto God, a T. Hopkins of Westfleld, c&aiumtan; ore jrflconTinfnded by state officials Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robert workman itoat needeth nottob e Loderstedt to Helen Homack,, unn C S. Bush of Bahway, and Howard and the International Association Soil conservation is one at mon'o married, lots 9 and 10, block 2, map ashamed, rightly dividing the word Madison of Woodbridge. of Chiefs of Police." most important sciences.. A of truth." ( n Tim. 2:15) p A number mber py m Special studies andtestscong civilisations haveedisd s Henry R. HeathtoCranford Realty of flourishing SERMON: Passages from t h e ducted by the NSC's Committee on Vees of Electricity Company dated February 8, appeared becauM tfaa countries* soil C y , King James version of t h e Bible Completion of rural povnsr Uno Winter Driving Hazards have became exhausted or Hl H Helen Homack to Mr. and Mrs. | include: away. construction work win not mean tho "All "the paths of the Lord are end of rural electriflcntlon octlvlmercy and truth unto such as keep ttssl It win i"*"!. however, o ahltthis covenant and his testimonies. m of fmphnfflff, from Uno buildThe secret of the Lord is with ing work' to development of moxo them that fear him; and h e will form uses of electricity, afieldto shew them his covenant." (Psalms which the surface has barely been 25: 10, 14) Correlative passages ncratched. from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary $50—9100—5200 OQ MORE Baker Eddy include: [..., JlT.he, testimony o£ the.corporeal senses cannot inform us what is real and what is delusive, but the revelations of Christian Science unlock the treasures of Truth. I - DAY SERVICE Man understands spiritual existUp to 15 Months to Bepay ence in proportion as his treasures of Truth and Love are enlarged.1 NO ENDORSERS NEEDED (pp. 70, 265) Do you have money problems? Help solve them with FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, S U I S T an Atlas Finance loan. Then repay your loan in small BpitofffleM Am. at BSMss. Crantor monthly instalments — take Services Sunday. 11 a. m. 6, 12, or up to 15 months. Wed. Eve, 8:15 o'clock Our rate is 2%% per month Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. on unpaid balances. OEAIDINO BOOB9.8 AU0KN ST. Don't let overdue bills, Open dally 1-4, except Thuro. and Fri. 10:30-4. Also Fri. 7:80-t> p. m. seasonal expenses, medical bills or emergency expenses get you down. A t Atlas Finance you borrow on your NU-VIEW signature, furniture or car ond no eiidoTsefB or ffis&nsnVENETIAN BUND OX tors ore needed! Sewer Coinmission Reelects R. C Aldrich Z!£HJ£i"?.Vi±11" '- 'fa Sffl'iV ::'rSiHHhSL J (Pins small carrying charge) LOW COST o The telephone business is always cbanging. Improvements in equipment are constantly being made —new methods off doing things faster and better ore constantly being developed. © That's why training never ends for telephone people. Their training begins the day they veptacfc for duty. It continues, through '*refireaher'f courses, as long as they're on the job. © Up-to-date equipmeratt and up-to-date training ore two big reasons why telephone service io olwayo increasing in value— « becoming more dependable, more efficient, and more useful. T HE exciting new YoungatowQ Kitchens come pftcltcd with features that will make every kitchen task easier. Glistening white enaidcr"* cabinet <""V« with 1mm floor cactneu. roomy cabinets, ore yours to choose fraca. All YouBsjBtown units are solidly mode of stod. ia n a o y duTtftat styfea and i H V f i nmum EAST nauss Ito Dam PaynseaJ VptoS TearstoFt* StaBfhrd & The manufacturer of this popular-priced piano is one of the leading Bpinet makers in America—one of the originators of this new style musical instrument. l i e not only has the "know-how" but also "long-time connections" with the right sources of supply t o get the quality materials necessary to produce a dependable musical instrument at this low price. Here are just a few of the quality specifications of this spinet that make it a dependabler musical instrumenS o o o o o o o o o o //yvURS IS. And how! New Jersey taxes alone \^J/ take away everything railroads jam in the State—and then some! N o state wants to' eee tfife railroad® im on imcound, unhealthy condition. New Jersey leaot of all. Yet taxes in New Jersey, per mile of track, It's only right that a railroad should pay for the are higher than any other State, incredibly;' privilege of doing business within a State. But, higher! Actually 3 Vi times that of the 17 northwhen you haug to pay more than you earn in that State eastern states, whose average is $860...New Jersey's is $2,9961 \ . . that's something eke again! TlhuMPo'B tSso fiic ttho railroad® oiro its. In the past twelve years they have been forced to pay on Bound, feealihy in New Jersey taxes more than tunce as much as t7ouldia'& you eay that railroads} they earned in the State/ d STARTER SERVICE DINNER SERVICE —r. Telephones — Cranford 6-2407 . I • ,•• Cranford «-08<» Full scale 88-moto keyboard Pratt, Read action Five-poot back . Pins bnahed with rock maple Resnair&abljr even overstrung ecale Folding music desk PemAQnently crowsacd! oeocoa&edl ocurdco o©2uodUm/T Mock taaple bridges Wool Celt hemmero Unusually long cappear ©OUBLE GUARANTEE: We five year guarantee to that of tbe manufacturer of this eaidtled to Set your table with this Jersey open stock American porcelain . . . you'll be delighted ot tho color and gayety "Lu Ray" adds! Four luscious pastels . . . blue, yellow, green and pink. I7o rcprecasl tho foltotsiag mahea cffisio plaaoo STEDNUAY . CHECKERING • HAEDE3AN . EIUDAIL1L MUSETTE . WINTEH . "fillNIPIANO . WUKLHTZEO MAE3E3ON© OECAN and T H E SOLOVOK . Co. SCOTT and MACNAVOX EADIO P H O N O C E A P e S Mmte CsnSsr of Nets 64 High Stradf CtsafbnL N. J. 0SBATSB raOTHOMl UlVtCS fOB slightly more Caetoal B. B. c? Kaw feregy « Dtt»gaie.let&8»8a3aflcWesteaB.B. « Erin HlntHnwal « Lc&fafe esd lia&xa Bfaer By. b=da.IL • LttfctiVclkjH.a. •MewJenfycsdMewYasttQ.B. • New VfflA Ceoiral B. B. • New YcA. ScsqecJi£CEa & Vftetsstt K. 0 . eajjhsnla D- B. • Peassn^ettffiv SesstauJJaea • tleaiSJaj Caapsxiy • RsMwar Eipreas Ajtacj '. . Hardware •— Housewarea — Appliances 109 N. UNION AVE. Cmnffoid 6-0866 . Joreoy Meminml MOTHER nwd BAB So moil thai Coira Card fio local cSauiriuam — prompBly. Look airoomtS your g mow — u Coin Card] must have reached yotarparemSs im the l See shaS Mother « r Dail IMUSSB iaa their card — y 'b keegB 'eiu rolling for Victory Over lufamtile Paralysis, l fio PIANO COMPANY STEINWAY BEPBESENTATIVES 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2 , NEW JERSEY OPEN STEDNESDA Y EVENViCS UNTIL NINE N. B. Atldltlojial CoJn Carda available at office oi ClUsen and Chronicle, or by local chairman OllSKlford 6 - 1 2 7 0 ' Page Fourteen THE CHAMFORP 4HTIZEN r wo o New At 8570,615 in 1947 CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. JANUARY 22. 1948 ews Trustee P.-T.A. Discussion On Schools' Progress THE CRAOTOBP CmZPT AND CHBOMICU. THURSDAY. JANUARY S3, 1048 Industrial Health Sweeps All "Around In Industrial League Survey by Local Board lions d u b President Addresses Auxiliary Transfers of Real Estate GARWOOri—A survey of health GARWOOD — The Aluminum conditions in Garwood industries Company and Alcoa Die Shop GARWOOD — S^a^ley Carlson,! 'GAHWOOD — president of fee Garwood Lions deeds tove been was conducted during 1647 by the teams continued in first and second Club, was guest speaker last Wed-! at tie Wd' ™* place, respectively, in the Garwood Board of Health, John G. Humenik, ^ounty^Register He nesday night at a meeting of the. Industrial Bowling League by virtothe secretary, at- the board, announced Court House, club's women's auxiliary at. the' in his annual report before Mayor tue of •three-game wins last Friday, home or Mrs. £Ehel Pinter, 431] % L. Thomas Daub and Boroughthe Aluminum Company shutting Spruce avenue. In trie absence of] Council. Under a program spon- cut Diamond Expansion, and thethe president, Mrs. Gertrude Rich- Die Shop stopping Dif Corporation. «AllW<X3E^A ^nrdl9iSission Sotioco made the sweep record for seventy-three fauildiss permits on the topic, "Our Schools and the Hygiene Inspectors, the survey was the evening complete by taking 'president, conducted the meeting.| Mrj and Mrs. Abraha n s VK urere issued during 1947, Building Next Steps Forward," was featured the first of its kind to be taken in three from Pyro Plastics to steal . Mr. Carlson anncMinoed that the *» Mn ond Mrs. Per Ervik I Inspector Gustave Bley announced at the December meeting of thethe State, Mr. Humenik pointed third place .from Dif. auxiliary will be asked to assist to and 2, block 3, map of Ga^°U • A in ills nnmml report submitted to Garwood P.-T.A. in the Franklin out the industrial exhibit wihioh'Land and Improvement Com wn Mayor I*. Thomas Daub and BorLusardi Seeks School cafeteria. Mrs. Esther Tbn- Recommendations were made by Sinica of ihe Die Shop team put will club's be presented in May. He also [property. . Pany ough Council. Valuations totaled jas was moderator, and itbose who the-board for the improvement of together games of 207, 212 and 181- uggested that the group sponsor S57O.615. and fees collected were Reelection to Board; participated were Mrs. Myrtle health standards in local indus- for the evening's individual threeScout troop. $1,868. according Jo the report Decrease off §2,175 Harper Also Running Christie, Mrs. Marjorie Schefller, tries. In addition all food handlers game high of 600, third highest in- Girl Announcement was made that dividual series rolled thus far this Permits were issued 5or the fol- GABWOOD—Indications yester- Mrs. Marjorie Smith and Mrs. Mayas well as factory employes and the auxiliary has sent a food packIn Measure Up for other individuals -were x-rayed by [season. FoirchHd of Diamond Ex- age to a needy family in Germany. j lowing structures: 56 d-j.-ellir.gs. 1 day were that Julius Lusardi, Jr., ChrLssey. pansion still holds ihe season's the Tuberculosis Control Union of 5. 1 service sta- of 314 East street, is the only one] Supervising Principal Louis L. Discussion . Tuesday j '^po-^ry Hostesses at . jiuuiiesses ai toe ine -meeting were tion, 4 shops, 7 garages. .4 sign-, 1!of the .three incumbents whose D. Nieollello reported on the finan- the New Jersey Suite Department [record for individual three-game|Mrs. Carlson arid Mrs.'Elaine BerGARWOOD — „ A udecrease of » : «i _ _ . ee incumbents whose tuca of Health, the report stated. cial t t f G high—624—and Stefaniak of the tolamy. t p g who w willrun run ial status of Garwood schools, $2,175.63 in the amount to be rai-ed' te:r *L orar y o f f i c e . * 'chicken house, terms are expiring, will FRI.—SAT—SUN. Among: local industries whose Aluminum Company is second with! . _: " ... ~.~ " . . — " -~ »y •:-"•", 1i oofficial building md he also, urged members to vote ffiCra bwJdtR 1 f 2ffor reelection to the Garwood ! Z *** 2 l t i a Double Horror Show employes"we're x-rayed were the series of 604. u l. , 0 ; 'or Plan B for school -education in by taxation here is indicated in thei_ «. d of f Ed 1943-49 school bud-et on w h i c h ! ? ^ f ^""^.J^ ^ P ™ ^ -«vere B Board Education at the annual Police Court Fines Alan Ladd & Basil Rathbone Sonoco Baper Products Company, Friday night's results: (O> public hearing will be held ui perrr.its • * for - - " " alterations and 73.school election on February 10. A he State Legislature. Die Shop (3) National Gypsum Company, Gen- MannaDif168 GARWOOD—Jair.es "Kelly of 75 US 158 ''oil burners, the report read. The attendance award was won "BLACK CAT Krov 152 171 138 Franklin School at 8 jx. rr-w-f ™~»rf (petition also ivas being circulated' eral Cellulose Company, Inc., Rodic Cleri ISO 150 140 Horb'r 125 211 Cross street, Vauvh-all, was fined Tuesday.. The proposed budget: 169 213 138 Miller 148 187 150 Also for Richard Harper of 3J6 Locust by Mrs. W.C. MiUigan's first grade. Rubber Corporation and Dif Cor153 152 168 Rcmo Mrs. John Packer, president, con108 164 213 $10 and $3 coats on a charge of lists S105.433.37 to be rai.s-cd by' Boris Karloff & Bela Lucosl avenue as a candidate for one of of Cast'a 140 140 203 Sinica 207 212 181 •oareles driving Monday night in r one poration, according to the report ducted the meeting, which u-as at•taxation, as compared with the| Fuerst 167 the .Ihree-year terms to be. filled tendedtoy54 Tnembers. Corrununirable diseases recorded police court by Recorder James T. "BLACK FRIDAY" figure of $107,609 in the budget at the. election. Deadline for filing 708 785 821 during the year \vere as follows: 830 ooi 803 Leonard. It was reported that the SAT.. SUN. a TECUNICOLOB \oi petitions was midnight last A motion picture, "Tarzan and for the current school year.' The! MATS. *l CAETor»vc Jdriver l^a. v<_-i was speeding in a snownight. the Amazon," -was shown for chil- Chicken pox, 29; conjunctivitis. 2; „ . sonoeo (3> total bud set for 1948-49 is S120,, o « i . Bolo"y 200 103 109 Bacen "m'139 iso'storm while North avenue u u dren Tuesday afternoon in the Alfred S. Daly and Jerry Fon76G.25, as, co.-r.pared with $121,625; was -measles, 3; 'mumps, 67; scarlet ciris'o 132 107 IM> Lo'h" 117 157 ia? flanked by snowbanks and parked ter.eli; the other board (members auditorium of Lincoln School. An fever, 2; tuberculosis, 2; dog bites, Tomc-k 132 for 1947-48. 3, and whooping cough, 5. 3. and uihnnninir nv.m.1. c 'I Petr"» 106 106 158 144 Micio'n 183 150 142 cars. Charged with speeding, John I whose terms are expiring, hod de- nouncoment of the program was Bertram J. Bertolamy, publicity 188 156 173 Sumer 166 150 157,D >r>..>.ii- » - • . ~ — |R. Tuttle, Jr., o( 2 Russell road, 124 125 •for the Board of Educa- CAIUVOOD—Reports on - ! d a r e d t h a t ***&w i un o t seek re- made at the December meeting by Fanwood, was fined $7 and $3 costs. Mrs. Agnes Washbburne. 1 0 0 848 828 821 St. Anne's. Cagers Win 764 721 711 tion, explained that the decrease Jarid were presentefLal the regular i ^ ^ " ' Lusardi Alotn Co. (3) in the-budget figures is a result of! meeting of the Captain Kidd (ClubJ • . a property owner Diamond <0) Over Plainfield Teams Casalc 100 166 140 Seam'n 120 166 123 WINDOW SHADES e.wiomies effected dtiring the cuf-Unade up of all the pupils in Grade! e ' c a T r - e to Garwood 15 years! Republican Club Llmo'e 156' 173 100 Uareen 188 178 157 m "'ta«-i>_234.1«3- 172- FalrM - M8-12TT75 » c+ . . ^, Greco 128 He was appointed to the Card" Parly" RfarciT5^"~ ball .. the coming year, 'including a reas-i The pupils farbush: in pictures. nnes Church IStefk 207 184 173 Cusm'o 104 213 153 teamSti ofMary's St. Annes Church! skero 206 137 167 Valo'a of Education in 1946 to fill GARWOOD—The Garwood He- [defeated ofPlainfield, Madisom Cloth signment of the staff tb.obviatene-lsouvenirs.-stories and ©:her illus-i 135 161 « _.u. maija oi.- r-iainneul, the unexpired term of Merle Bradcessity of employment of additionali trative material on the subject. 1013 845 821 publican Club this week announced'26 to 25, and the St. Anne's infer1.35 770 810 700 ifor a card party to be 'held teachers; and cuts in the repairs;George Va-iderrnark is president of ley, who resigned. He is now seek- plans nhno ,f«^ evening, ~ ~-—> March ' - •• 5, " in• the " "'mediates defeated the St. Mary's GARWOOD 1NDUSTB1AI. BOWUHD on Friday •»-—-"-.•—;•-""**•"'""""Sing election Jor a tull three-year (Up to 32~)¥ snd replacement account. . . . LEAGUE ' Lincoln. School gymnasium. Pro- intermediate team, 37 to .21, in irhtcn plans its,own iEec?r.4».^, . • , si.. Team Stahtllncs He added that the proposed, new: the ingsclub, for each Friday. j Exployed as -hipping ALL SIZES IN STOCK visions are being made to accom- lgames played at Lincoln School W. budget provides for normal pay1 The following 4K pupUs w e r e t t e n d c n t a t ^ j j ^ J j <31 M modate 50 tables playing pinochle, on Sunday. This Sunday 'at 8 p. m. Aluminum Co 1 ,31 ri.es Sor teachers under the board's virton;in a spelling rr.atch held l a * ^ . i n Garwood, Mr. Lusardi is auction bridge, contract bridge, St. Anne's will play St. Mary's of Alcoa Die Shop •25 Sonoco. Products increment policy based on longe-,Thursday| in theu- cas^oa.-n: Bob| a fgusUx ^ m e m b e r o f th e a d v i s . rummy and bunko. There will be Rahway at Roosevelt School, Rah- X)if 23 Corp _ CRanford 6-2540 16 Diamond Expansion vity and merit rating. | Western*and Jimxy Leoapid for way. hoaM a prize for every table and non- In the g?tie between the junior Pyro Plastics . 6 107-5 N. UNION AVE. .'. United The total for current, expenses t^e boys to; Madeline Tnpka. p W o r k e r S j C I O Married, he players prizes 'as well. • Six first teams, Koeing led the scoring for in the proposed budget is $37.075.,! June Gulyas Marc« M t e and y ^ chiw t w o of I prizes for each type of game playcil St. Anne's, getting four field goals Council Installation as compared with $93,650 in , the, Doris DelConte for the girls" team. l aw , ^ =_ .,., ~ ' Garwood schools. 'will be presented to the .winners. and two fouls for a total of 10 At St. Paul's Church 1947^48 budget Repairs and re-! T h e teachers of the seventh and ---— -—- --j.-•" T * J " --• ~ * ~ " " "'"li Mr. Harper, secretary of the Gar- A door prize and a dark, (horse points. Others'scored for St. An: ne's G A R W O O D — Newly-elected prize R ! placemer.ts are estimated at $6,400.,eighth grades in the Ganvood w o o d 1•; ~.. . •• c , u b. prize will will also also be be awardd awarded. Re-! as follows: Perotta, 2; Nadasky, 2; officers of the church council at St. as compared with the 1947^-48 fig- schools and Supervising Principal,{,„ ; _ S c o u t w o r k b .n n a i r _ freshments -will be served. Simone, 6; Bernosky, 4, and Paul's Evangelical and Reformed •ure of $8,8Q0. Under\ manual train- Louis L. D. Nicolella. attended a Raymond Hann -and Mrs. Clara Grieves, 2. r employed by Church will be installed at l l a . m. Thurs., Frl, Sat, Jan. 22-23-24 ing, estimated expenses for the meeting of teachers and principals are co-ohalrmen of Patrick was high scorer for St.services Sunday. They will be as "This Tune for Keeps" O r t a U i s Heating and Supply DeFreitas ^ f ^ H e previ- the general committee. Serving on Anne's in the game between the follows: Elders, Henry Pfeiffer coming year are listed as $6,135, taw» ftie six districts seeding pupils , Color by Technicolor as compared with $7,300 for the!toRegional High SchoolJn Spring-) this committee - are James Aklan, intermediate teams, getting a total and Chester Henry; deacons, Rus- Ettber tVIUUnu — Jlmmle Oarante y figure fi Lmarlts Uelehlar • the Thatcher Furnace Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert, Mrs. of 12 points. Moditiz was second sell Dobbins and Kenneth Roll, and current The 1948-49 figure, annual eld last Wednesday. Than. A PrL 2:35—S:4S meeting for the purpose of., SOT bondsyear. and interest is $11,156.25. '. 8 l t . 8:80—<t:»0—0:80 "While i r . Marie DeCioco, Mrs. Regina Knight, high with 9 points, Costa and Ber-deaconess. Sins. John Walther. The A gnaduate • • the • 1047-48 figure was correlating the elementary school j' Mrs. Joseph Burns,, Mayor and Mrs. nosky got 6 points each, and Rain- Rev. Walter C. Pugh, pastor, will $11,675. "Bulldog Drunrtnooiidl work with the Regional program. vington L. Thomas: Daub, Mrs. Elsie Stef- ville scored 4 points. Also playing officiate, Sunday school will be Offsetting the grand, total of Mrs. Dorothy Tearse and Miss heating Strikes Back" fens, Mr. and Mrs. Al Miller, Louis for St. Anne's were Gatesy, La-held at 9:45 a. m. $120,766.25 are the following items: Marjorie Smith attended a tea invocational cfhools. Gloria Henry, Ron Rondell Martel, Roy Fitzsimmons, Percy Born . . „ in Newark, Mr. Harper mone and Savitsky. The Youth Felowshlp will meet Estimated balances, $2,600; ____ ^ state _^ Cranford on Tuesday afternoon of ' T h a n . A r r i . 1:3Q—7:00—IO:SS Sat. 1:40—o:SS—8:1S Sunday at 8 p. m. Choir practice aid (general), $9,897;'state i d ] 1 ^ week at the home of Mrs.1 lived in Irvington for many years Watt, Mrs. Warren Binns, Council, ; e aad man and Mrs. Archie Darroch, Mrs. before coming to Garwood five, and is held every Thursday SAT. MATINEE ONLY (manual training), $2,835, leaving! QE&ceJm Ejected fo$ F d 5 t J 5 d R JC- n1ir'iiittrficoh^rana^"l l ^ s P 5 1 5 ™ *** Jwni°r Hed Red 3--CiMor Cartoons—3 John Carley, Mrs. Charlotte Saturday at 10 a. on. byy taxation. 'Cross of the Cranfoid-Garvrood- jOf £he Wcstfleld Methodist Church, D'Arcy, Councilman Al Gill, Mrs. Business Association where he teaches a Sunday School Salarles of supervising principal.' Kenilwortb Chapter. A Itor FREE Cane (a Eacfc Knf& class and formerly was president oi Theodore Henry, Bernard Steiner, ^GARWOOD—-Leon (Ragonese of Called for Jury Btntty Nc leathers and clerical (help w class officers in 5D ore:the Young Adults Fellowship. p are esti-ll Councilman and Mrs.. David Mur- the Knickerbocker Garage was, Moo. Tues., Jan. 25-26*27 t d for f 9 mated 1948-49 at $71,150. s l p r c s i d e n ' - Flora Buchbinder;- vice-. | He is married and has three chil- ray, and Councilman and Mrs. Bur- elected temporary chairman oX the GARWOOD—(Vincent B. Reyhon Sun.. . . . a—, h Garwood Business Association at of 358 North avenue and William Tyrone Power, Joan Blondell d with ih the figure of $68.000.president, i i d JJohn compared Packer. Nea-ly sp-\^n Richard. Jr.. 7. in the second ton Dickerman. Coleen Gray • the initial meeting last Thursday for the current school year. The pointed class monitors are: Ja«* grade at Washington School; Mar- The refreshment committee wil night in Borough Hall. Other tem- H. Severage of 211 Second avenue are among 100 residents of Union 'NIGHTMARE ALLEV contingency fund included in the Moore. Robert Cloa-acki. Dolores j o r i e 4 a n d H enry Earl. 2. Mrs comprise Mrs. DeFreitas, • Mrs.porary officers include Councilman Son. 2:13—0:15—0:10 d Henry, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Stauss, David Murray, who operates on County who- have been summoned proposed budget is $800, as c o m - [ D e C i c c o a n «1 P^SSy Burns. JHarper is secretary of the Ladies Moo. * T a n . Z:33—B:48 motion A Mrs. Dickerman, Mrs. Murray and insurance business, secretary, and for petit jury duty in cqunty courts pared colored bud set.with $1,850 in the 1947-48: Sooutm:; was moUon &hown picture o n A u x i l j a r y of the Lions Club and Mrs. Darroch. "Bowery Buckaroos" from January 26 to February 7.' s s ^ n ' y a member of the Garwood Women's Louis Pelusio, Cranwood Tavern, The tentative budget was pre-' !J. The film '" aob'jmed Leo Gorcey. Huntz Ilall 1 b v M r w hite Prize committee will have servtreasurer. • .' -t a ts t sen ted to the board by Jerry Fon- ' - ' > San. 1:33—3:1(1—8:13 oreanL> training su-|p J U ,. s Evangelical and Reformed ng on it, Mr. Hann, Mrs. DeFreitas, Man. i Tnes. 1:30—7:00—10:33 tanelli, finance chairman, at a. .spe-!P crvtsor -Jlepre^entatives of more than 40 Mrs. Binns, Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Ichurch. Wed. & Thurs.. Jan. 28-29 trial meeting, last Wednesday night. local business establishments atNorthern N. 3. District Clerk A. T. Mosca today Todd. Selected Re-Releases Following a<Jt>ption cifter the public ended 'the 'meeting, and it was estiPbotosecic ITeetls - Bette Davis. Henry Fonda tor Over 80 Years. of the j l i d attention o he voters to Publicity will'be handled by Mr. mated that there are more than 75 bearing next Tuesday it will be presented to the voters forfinalap- Tcetb highly pulisbed uritb a ceo'l!ie fact that if they arc not> proper- Fitzsim.mons, Mrs. Aklan and Mr. business firms in the community Open F.venines by Appointment "JEZEBEL" proval at the annunl school election type tooth fiasle make,women pho>jly :>esi»:cred or if tliey have to 111cMarteK 8:13 from which members could be UPHOLSTERING togenic. according to pholographew'chai;i;e of residence noiticei, tlii Markers for the party will be drawn. on February 10. A Slight Cac^of Murder' skilled "in painting crith Ufihl."* 1 Councilman Gill, Mayor Daub, Mr. SUP COVERS Edw. G. Robinson, Jane Bryan Miller. Mrs. Steffens, Mr. Steiner, Purpose of the new group is to r c o u c NOTICE MATTHE88E8 AND BOX 1:30—7:00—10:13 promote better relations among BOARD'OF Qualified applicants meeting tho mlnl- Councilman Darroch and CouncilSPRINGS RENOVATED local merchants and residents and muin rrijuirctnents may secure applica- man Murray. OF tions tor the position of PATROLMAN In to stimulate shopping and buying 820 SOMERSET STREET ihe l\illr« Department of the Boroutfh of| t<I. J.. at the Borough Clerk's must be done on or before Febru- in Garwood stores. Next meeting PLalnfield 0-3274 Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of the School Careood. Ofiicc. Doroui:h Hall. Garwood. N. J. Pur- ry.Jt jl.they.jwisih.-to-vote- in-the _W.ilLJbe^.P"ebruary-13-ot -Borough :t of the Borough-Ol-Gaxwoodin-thc County or V-iuo?;. Mew pu«. 1* «<*-««aWi5h an trttsible tat —'-— PLAINFIEU),K; 3. Jersey, that the annual public hearing on the proposed budget for future appointmenU. election February 10. This may HaU. 1948-1949 will be held on Tuesday evening. January 27. IMS. at Ace—21 to 30 Beqatoemcnta years—, Inclusive (Ex-, « done either at the Union County 8:00 o'clock in the Franklin School, Garwood. New Jersey. ,service men may. deduct —NOW O length of military Elections, Court House, Elizabeth, . . . . . , . . ., . , , -. Jvcrvice tram* asei. <U resultant figure la Xmas Seal Sales «Tho Chaoncey Olcslt Story) A copy of the proposed budget is available for public inspec- 'bxwra ai and so yean, you are eUoiblei. r at the office of Borough Clerk In T t e h n l l ited states States Citizen. Citizen.' tion from 9:00 A. M. to 4;00 P. M. on any school day through I umud Walter S. McManus at the Borough GARWOOD—Garwood residents | "B,if,'b"od«St "MY WILD HUSH ROSE" Hgiirlcnt of Garwood. N. J. for at least January 27. 1948. in the oQTce of the Supervising Principal. Franklin two purchased $860.45 worth of 1947 years prior to appointment. Hall. Dennis atorcan — Ailene Danl School. Garwood, New Jersey. Open Dally 9:45 A. M. Quaulled applicants will be subject to Christinas Seals, an increase of Proposed physical, written and oral examinations. men will be credited with 10a $27.90 over the 1946 figure of FBI. & 8AT. — 2 Smash Hits "DEVH. Budget ' Budget Ex-service February 1 Deadline preference ratlnjf on written $832.53. it was reported this week Ronald Reagan. Shirley Temple 1947-194S 1348-1949 examinations. CURRENT EXPENSES: by the Union County Tuberculosis Applications must be filed on or before For New Dog Licenses WED.. THURS.. FRI.. SAT. Walt Disney's "FUN AND FANCY FREE" Color by Technicolor Plus Lucille Ball. Franchot Tone in HER HUSBAND'S AFFAIRS" CRANFORD * « . . . . . • ' - • o r Special Show at 10 A. M. SaL MMS. MAMCAMET C MEY 325 Mam©ir (Reprinted below is am honorable mention enbry inn the contest sponsored by this mewepapsr. Mro. Mey a year's subscription to this newspaper lor her entry.) ONLY! Douslas Falrbanbs. Jr. In "CORSICAN BROTHERS" U —Hit No. 2— Victor McLasIan ' "Stmtih of Pago v—WED. William PowelL Irene Dunne LIFE WITH FATHER Shown at 2:00. 7:00. 0:20 Federal Deposit Inssasrance 2 NOKTM UNION AVENUE NOW! Spencer Tracy, Lana Tomer l a lhe-Best-Seller_Hit— TZ CASS TIMBERLANE" 0£ Tuesday Noon Januai ~~ Salary Audit and Legal Expenses Salaries—Supervising Principal. Teachers and Clerical Help Text Books and Supplies Janitors1 Salaries Janitors' Supplies '...: Fuel, Power. Linht and Water Telephone : Periodicals iiml Lectures Attendance O/lUer's Salary Medical Inspector's Salary Jnd Expenses 250.00 250.00 ^3U-OU 'January 39. 1&4S. iTime and place "to beJ. Brewer announced this week. 250.00 (announced by letter I. Court summonses •will be issued —F«r»« year -82.00O.0O Svcond >«r.. 2.100.00 owners who fail to comply Tturd year.. 2 J"0 OO with these regulations, h« said. 4.450.00 Fourth year.. 2.MO.0O y Q50 00 Fifth year.. 2.500.00 (maximum) Licenses, which are required for BUHTON E. D1CKEUMAN. Police Conimlisloni-r. all do.is more than six months old, 68.000.00 4,450.00 7.450.00 13000 3.600.00 37a.0il 3.750.00 j 375.00 • nay i>e obtained from the olflcc of BOBOUGia OF GARWOOD the boroujjh clerk daily (ram 9 m. t;> 5 p. ni. On Saturday, tl U hereby tJlvei thai thp'oHlee vvill clo.e -at noon. To a< 1.O5U.0U .'••< *M4HM1 h a s rv* to purchUM} llor. 750.1UI '•>"•• iate tliixic unable to caiwx-dtHl for public ll),o.dav- llx1. alllte.i Compensation Contingencies Pensions Milk : Transportation and Tuition for Blind Visual Aid School Lunch Program Athletics 775.U0 975.00 $ 93.650.00 t>t«vt to trie lollowiiij; ternu und con $ REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS: Building and Grounds Equipment and Other E x p e n s e _...$ 7.000.00 1.800.00 TOTALS S UJJ0O.0O M A N U A L TRAINING: Salaries Supplies, Repairs. Gas. Electric. £ t c TOTALS _ LESS: Estimated Balances State Aid (General) State Aid (Manual Training) 5 S fi.135.C0 93.650.00 8.U00.0O 7.300.00 11.U75.OO 4.SS5.00 S 97.075.C0 • C.-100.f!0 6.135.C0 $121,625.00 •- S o^J.'io 9.701.cu 3.4U5 t>) TOTAL TO BE RAISED BV TAXATION' $IO7,CO3.OU Dated: January 19, 1943. 6.400.00 3 7300.00 "SONG OF LOVE" SUM.—MONs— TUES. Jangle Thrill Shaw "RAILROADED" "ELEPHANT BOY" MONDAY and TUESDAY S -'.t "Shadow of A Doubt" S1C3.433 S'. FOI-. A. T. MOSCA. Eistrict c i c i k January SAT^ SUN. "SMOKEY" Also "MARGIE" Technicolor BION,—TUES—WED. Card Party Success j-e •SANDEUS OF THE IMVEB1 Elemnilber Fedeiral Deposit Insurance Corpoimaiom A t 3:30 — 7:00 — 10:00 TODAYS' thru SAT. Esther Williams Jimmy Durante "This Time For Keeps to~pi5rbiurL*~3u^ *to««hVwiuip person able to contro • aakl thirty dayaud< tAxea within au made aliatl t« retained by thathe animals, the chief explained. Aid Squad ambulance Monday after being taken ill In her 73 2 3 2 y W of 2J4 300.00 ionic. She was reported In ini» U.MAM.S. | ri>vei condition a,: the lio:piijl IKxrou^li Clerklt yesterday. 33. 1043 Plus 2nd Thrilling Hit Hush Beaumont Joseph Cottcn. Teresa Wright Chief Brevver warned. c iaea co«crulos body tjy l 1rr fina to lint contrary. furcdaacr U> pay ooat of puMlcatloi) tl ff ! Yri>p*Tty to be con«cj«d by Barsala GARWOOD — The Rosary Sosutijcct to restrictions of ciety of St. Anne's Church held a * j 1 if aay. and cooing lf> Vifor and Council reserKs th« rUbl very successful card party last c«* aoe<pi or reject any or all offers. Friday evening in the parish hall. if> Xiald iiru^erty acquired by Bo ?>« u s or miuilcUiai U«u foreclosures or Miss Florence Castaldo was chairInxi* ts llro of said uraceedlitfa. <h* T>ee<1 to premises to contain ro- man ot the committee in charge. blnctlon* tHat only oive-famlly type oi l«ftcllia£9 slxal] . be erected on premises. Mrs. Carmcla Mosca of 320 North •-.< u m « lo be erected on plot at 3.0OO wsusre feet. avenue, mother of District Clerk Ofler «mfemillcA hr EUo«£i Lots Amount Andrew T. Mosca of the same ad•lKrhacl tlolata. dress, was taken to Muhlenberg •-J M t:w llolHospital. Plainfield. in tho First ita. his »lfe «3 Phantam Monitor Shaw WED.. THURS.—2 Request Hits BIN'G CROSBY lWfv»al2 on flnfll approval bo *! The chief also warned that thi S7.075.00 ;j*i of u l « price 4t>p r*urrl*u«r Ui |uy lialaai'w of purctiaso police will enforce the local ordin «Vr An raja vtthlD s>* tiays after flual ap ance which prohibits dogs from j >»al and aUo pay proporti'inato ahare 5.CC0.CO Lsac* for balance of year HMS based running at large. All dogs on th< 1.-S0O.0O — "*f^^^ assessed valuations. street^ niust be on leashes in th <cl If purRbaaer falls, oaslocta or r« lands a S 5.100.00 2.20O.CO RECAPITULATION Current Expenses S Repairs and Replacements Manual Training _... Bonds and Interest TOTAL B U D G E T 3 ALWAYS TOGETHER "SON OF & THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN" da I c lrtftJwi i j;>i: "' vjl """J " u " "' T"t!ievUed . ^ , V,"; V"in« excu.-c fronv, violators will b lutl.OO , provu.ons of the J. lleviscd 1SCI7. Title 40: N. Cluipter 60-28 Statutes k-i au<| accepted by the « 200.00 police or the cour 0.00 0.00 II® SOUTH AVEIWE, EAiST Hutton. Joyce Reynolds SUN. thru TUES.. 2 Biff Hits Katharine Hepburn Paul Hem-eld. Robert Walker "SINGAPORE" 1 000 00 ' o.oo ORDFEED & SEED "THAT HAGEN GIRL" Fred MaclUurray. Ava Gardner bv ih<* MJ>IIT and C4>uncll at uirwii Tuesday evenings from 7 C hr!J on tlu- 131h day of January, "'"•"* of the Mayor !) p. in.. Chief Brewer announces i;oo oo .kiul Cuuiu-il to be lu-ld in January 27th. Tiic fee for tajjs is 3^.25 300.00 1S1U. at (lu- Municipal llulldlnit. Uatuood. Because every effort is bein 100 00 *«•"•». Jersey, at 0:30 P. M. the said uiTen* -~ accommodate ^. ..Mi.uu^t\. all u u resident; i oiut (-J^." . U3 uutcUm? u.ill be conaidereU for Haul made to l.ono.oif I.K50.00 300.00 " 100.00 50O.00 "SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY" Glenn Davis 1 Dental Inspector's Salary and Exi«.-rises ..... Nurse's Salary and Expenses CURRENT EXPENSE TOTALS dJH^t STARTS THURS.. JAN. 29 Danny Hare 27 NORTH UNION AVENUE "MAGIC TOWN" — LUNCHEON MUSIC ROSE MABSE NOON TUX *:0O Also "13th HOUR" THUaSDAY ONLY — 1 DAY And Every Wceh Thereafter LADIES' CUTLERY SET ONI 9L0CK QM NOUTt It *VI.. K0TCM ConUnulnnr for IS Plus J'red Aataire hi "SECOND C1IOHUS Also "BIFF BAFF" In Technicolor FEATURING- Staio of "Bulldog Dnnnnionirl Strikes Back" SATURDAY MATINEE 3-—Color Cartoons—3 Sun.. Moil, Tuea.. Jon. £5-20-27 Tyrone Power. Joan Biondell "NIGHTMARE ALLEY" Pins on Screen uov. JUnrnie Davis lo His Own Story "LOUISIANA" Plus NEATH CANADIAN 8SIE8 —Also— Leo Gorcey IVed. thru SaL. Jan. 28-31 Bay Milland. Marleno Dietrich "GOLDEN EARRINGS" In Technicolor also 'The Unfinished Dance" Margaret O'Brien NOW! Sylvia Sidney, John Ilodlah In "Love From A Strangar" Plus—In Olor Adventure Island" STARTS THURS.. JAN. 2» "RED STALUON" l fc Tracy Meets Gruesome \, ', Sixteen THE CTANFORD [ AMP CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, IMS THE CRANFORD CITIZEN A N D CHRONICXE, THURSDAY. J A M T A H Y g . 1945 ing Member in the State AssociaMinnies off Board ©f . — . v . . - - . . V vi n. nations juurpny as $2,000.00, vtm received and ordered ranger station-wagon for $3,000., tion of Chosen Freeholders. Page Seventeen Dudley, duly seaonded and carried g n moon for $3,000., or to devote wed. Appointing Mis. Gertrude Gross use on roods in the County or in [Deputy Register of Deeds & Mort- wed Chosen Freeholders the Director declared. Board ad y (or the Rood Dept, was on roll attemoon to th ' Knudson—Shaw Rites as a member of the Union County camtecUon <wMh read work in thejgages. oi resolutions, were In I call tadpetod. Urges Early Returns Jjoumed, Next regular meeting, teen planning ll unanimously i ' Adjourned meeting of the Union Welfare Board for five years, ef- Couny in which the State baa some Boro of New Providence, recom- Following St. Theresa's HNS troduced: oduced: the interest or control' either Inthe MtelThUTsday, January, 22, -1948, «1 (5)—Freeholder Bauer for County Board of Chosen Freehold- fecting March 17, 1948. J r e atted At Community Church to |mending orf Appropriation be made In March of Dimes bring a Bauer for Road Road Committee, granting Fred 1:30 p. m. providing of the necessary funds tW—freeholder Undergoes Operation tils was JieM at the Court House, ',.. KENILWORTH — Miss .Norma KENILWORTH — Coin banks Appointing Luke A. Pandick as or the performance of the work.-•;• in the County Budget ito assist InftVsmsnitteis, tsftprib CHAS. M. AFFLECK, Day, Rollermao and Clifford JackElizabeth, N. J., on Wednesday, The program is under ,. of *htf costs of the esta4>-| Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.and cards for adults and pupils in KENILWORTH —Army Innoa member of the Shade Tree Com- Designating Wright; Long and appointments in the HaxMDeptJ son, three months leave of absence Clerk. of Mia, Kentot of'the December 31, 1947 at ten thirty Robert Ruscansky of 306 North local schools "were distributed this centi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles mission for 5 years, effective Jaa. Co., to eudh the books ond finan- lishment'of a school for'police offi- was — on H M U i 1without pay a s of Jan. 1,1948, was a. m. teMion Service. o n d all cers in connection with.the Union adoptedt Eighth street, became the bride week in connection with the an-Innocenti, 29 North 21st street, 1, 184a ... cial reoords of the County for the on roll call unanimously adopted. will be done on Director McMarae presiding. Roll Appointing Marion H. Kecler as County Police ChJefi Assoc., was Sewing Group Friday of George E. Knudson, son nual March of Dimes drive for spent the Christmas and New Year 1 W M p (2)—Freeholder Bauer for JtoodJ (6)—Reeta*te "JPPlied by the (6)FihJd H<!aU toFi AfchhforFi-l^™" * "* KENlLWORTH-JChe basketball of Charles P. Knudson, 130 North funds for the fight against infan- holidays at the home of his sister, call showed) all members present. ,a member of the Board of Man-year 1948 for the sum of $5600. per referred, ito Finance Committee. New t a x Collector Service. . annum and t h e District Courts Swen Swensen Heads [team of the Kenliworth schools 20th street, and ihe late Mrs. Knud- tile paralysis, it was announced Mrs. V. Lester Pushman, in Los Director nones Committee, approving ep-IMeeungS Announced 'Minutes of the meeting of D e agers of Bonnie Burn-Sanatorium Register, advising, total receipts [and Clerk 4b execute agreement won three of its four cember 26th, 1947 were approved for a term of five years, from Jan. for $700.00 and the free-patient for 1947 were $102,545.35. jpototment of A. WaUdra Murphyj The Women's Volunteer Sewing son. The ceremony was performed by Supervising Principal Edwin W. Angeles, Calif. While there, Mr. Local Planning Board has with the Township of New Provi- as Deputy Register of Deeds & [days in the.hospitals for $500.00 thus 1st this season. us per printed copies on the mem-jj jg^g &lnrnn s i i to i sew clothing iMhi JGroup, organized ;at 4 p. m.. by the Rev. GeraOd M. Kraus, chairman. ' The campaign Innocenti underwent a major kneer deuce, relative to the County Clerk, enctosing Oath of KENILWORTH—Swen Swensen < proposed Mortsage3 r aL$6,OO0..jer. annum, JI_!la,.s!KnL-S&ried.,,tfleir |Cover,_paEtor, at Community Meth» will continue U J operation at the Hollywood Hqspl-_ -Mr-Padley Authorizing Trffinr nfrer- to pay 1948 season with Park, o o jodist Church. A dinner was held closing^with The usuaI"March of effective Jan. I, 1948, was on roll uary 29, February 8 and Februi hRoselle Roselle Park, Following communications iver and George W. Herlich Ex-offlcio salaries and compensation of the y^r^alTfrThe^i^ Springfield Ave. at Plainfleld Ave., cial Deputy County Clerk, man of the Kenilworth Planning bd fih call mrmiytn^K'ly odopted. bard fighting team, on January 8. for the bridal party at the Chi-Am received: was..incurred ary 26, it was announced today Dimes parade in the Hardingi. „ . . .while . _ playing _ ,, varsity .,members of the Union County Wel- officers and employees of the Dept. of Public Instructions, e x - and aulSaaizlns. Treasurertopay] Board at the board's reorganizaKenliworth fought a tough battle^ Chateau Restaurant, Mountainside. School auditorium at 1 p. . ^''ootixUl at Utah i (7)—Freeholder Herlich for Fi-by Mrs. Louis Totten of the CranSurroga.'te's Office, advising'Mrs fare Board, effective Jan. 2, 1948.County semi-monthly; the salaries State College. He m en amount not exceeding $2,000. tion meeting recently Thomas finally losing the game by a score n o w f u l l y tending leave of absence to Mrs. nance C ommittee, (authorizing Grace B. Wittmann's pension ap- Appointing R. Story Rowland, and compensation of t h e officers r The bride was given in marriage [that day. ford Council of Church Women. l*^ re^vered and r e Public to Consider (awards "the cost of same, was on Beninati was installed a s secreof 36 to 26. Rose M. -Coakley, Sr. Clerk Bookt u r n e d to U t o h transfers of ttpyropiia'tlori'i, was .on Women are asked to attend the. DOLB1ER plication was approved effective Charles L. Bauer, Jr., John H. M.and employees, of Bonnie Burn. by her stepfather. Miss-Mary Anne in urging everyone to send h i s . keeper, from January 1st, to March roll call unanimously adopted. Budget Tuesday Wight; tary.";; Mayor, Fred V. Pitten pre- Kenthvorth, not being a quitting Meyers of Elizabeth and Joseph donation roll call unanimously adopted. Dec* 15th. promptly to the school, entire session, to be held from! Dudley, George W. Herlich and Semi-mohtttly; t o pay the interest 1st, 1918, -without pay. 2-5509 (3)—Freeholder Bauer for sided at the ceremonies. Petitions Circulated the team, came bak on January 12 toWojcio of Kenilworth attended the Mr. Kraus issued the following (8)—Freeholder" Herlich, fixing State Highway Dept., advising Harry E. King as Examining Board and principal oh County indebted^ $7,155 Tax Increase Road Committee, approving re- the salary of the Assistant County 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. on those days, The board has requested the trounce Mountainside easily with couple. Failed in Assault Cose statement: .^~-..—••«•«•«., «HHvvu^ reamounts of State Aid monies ol for the. Non-Competitive position ness a s same falls due;tomake Supt of Weights and Measures, ... For Several Aspirants KENILWORTH—Hearing on theBorough Council to increase' its a score of 36 -to 7. Back in form Attorney at $3,000. per annum, ef7 3 1 1 5 monthly payments to the beneadvising amount forwarded State. "the 1947 , j ^ newal of the existing contract with infantile paralysis lotted to the various municipal! of Cleaner and Helper in the Court ^ T ^ P * " ^ to t h e benemembership - from seven t o nine again, they went right along to A graduate of Regional High epidemic marked-the fifth con- KENILWORTH — Charged with proposed school budget for 1948To Three-Year Terms ties in Union County for 1948, wasiHouse notaries1 ol the several established Purchasing Committee, advising A.D.T. Co., for electric, protection fective Jan. 8, 1948, w a s on roll House and Office BuiHlntr Building... |49, showing an increase of $7,153 members to facilitate its function- whip Garwood by the score of 45School. Springfield, the bride has secutive year of unusually high assault and battery, Mrs. Anna call unanimously adpoted: KENILWORTH - ^ Reports that pension ifundo;; to make, been employed by Memorial HOST referred to the Road Committee. Mae Henderson of 95 Bayway avea e payment bid received from Windsor Motors, service at the County Yard at an Appointing Donald M. Pearsall, p [in the amount to be raised by ing. At 'last week's meeting of theto IS. several other persons in addition pital. Elizabeth. Mr. Knudson at- incidence of the disease in the 'nue. Elizabeth, was fined $13.75 by Board of Child Welfare of th Charles L. Bauer, R. Story Rowl- momthly of pension. granted to Inc., of Elizabeth, for furnishing annual service charge of $330. and (9)—Freeholder Bauer, appointtaxation, will be held in Harding council. Mayor Pitten requested After tvw> straight wins, the United States. There were ap- Acting Recorder Earl Pollack in •0 the incumbents seeking reelecing Edward O. Bauer, as Assistant State of N. J., advising amounts to and, Harry E. King as Examining former employees who' have been one 1947 Studebaker, 1© Passenger authorizing Director and Clerk to School at 8 p. m. next Tuesday. the members of the borough's gov- team became a little over-confi! tended KenihvorUh schools and proximately 10.000 cases. Only • RETADtEO AT OEASONABUC TtOfim • SVPPLQg tion were circulating petitions for w on roll call County Attorney for the term of served four years in the army, police court Monday night. Charges be put in tho 1948 budget for Home Board for the Non-competitive retired and placed upon pension as station wagon, as per specifications execute agreement,, was The total budget figure for the erning body to submit names of Jdenit and almost lost their next three years of which were spent eight iclusion on the ballot indicated three years commencing January 8, times in the history of thewere preferred by Mrs. Mary C. g Life and Dependent Children, w a s position of Bridge Tender -on a retirement allowance; make furnished, in the oiriount of $3,000. Kiisly eripoted. coming school Vear is $97,370, as J: suggested appointees for the board sterday that there will be congametoClark Township, but Jack in the European Theatre. He is disease has the total exceeded Smith of 16 South 20th street, who. referred to Finance Committee. monthly payment to t h e Union [for fine Rood Dept, was referred (4)—Freeholder Bauer, for the1948, was on roll call unanimously County Drawbridges. ..-•• compared with the current school at the next council meeting. lests for each of the three full Neville showed his .eagle eye byemployed by Allen Knudson, Inc. 10,000. 187 NOKTH AVBWPB H«L 4-MU HJUNFIELD. N. according to police, was slapped Following Annual reports were Appointing 'following morgue- County Park Commission end to to Road Committee. \ load Committee, accepting bid ofadopted. year's total of $83,865. The The Planning Board passed a dropping in a foul shot in the closiree-year terms on the Board of tlui ifnliAn / > A « * M * » Tiff . . . I * * rr k lll j j . "We do n6t know what the 1948by Mrs. Henderson following an Union County Mosquito Com- I O received and ordered filed: Insur- keepers for a term of three years, the Sheriff, granting one months Windsor Motors, Inc., for furnish- There being no further business amount to be raised by taxation vote of thanks to the Borough ing minutes to win the game, 25-24. The couple spent a week-end wed- results will be, so pducation to be filled at the annual ance Committee; Legislation Com- (commencing February 10th, 1948:mission from time to time. leave of absence to John Kirkman, ing one 1947 Studebaker, 19 Pas-and upon motion of Freeholder is estimated at- $81,770, as com-Council for the work done in open- Kenilworth is in perfect fomi for ding trip in New York, and nowprepared to meet we must be argument December 30 on a bus. thool election on February 10. the burden] Edwin C: Whitcheud of 1717 Burmittee; Public Welfare Committee, Robert D. Brough, Summit; C. A. Authorizing ithe depository banks ICourt Attendant, with pay, effecpared with $74,615 for 1947-48. ing local streets after t h e recent their next game With New Provi 'are residing at the North 20th street financially in order to nong those for whom petitions make : address. nett avenue. Union, charged by Bridges, Drainage and Flood Con- Higgins, Plainfleld; A l f r e d C. for County fundstohonor besides 'five January 1, 1948. Current expenses, for 1948-49 soo-w and ice stonms. >je being signed were Wallace |dence. ' .• cess possible." E. G. ANDERSON Patrolman Charles Lohmrm with trol Committee; Road Committee. Haincs, Elizabeth; William Wojcle- the pen signatures now filed with County. Clerk,- granting sick are estimated in the proposed budtauer of 53 South 23rd street, Pupils this iveek welcomed a new Mr. Anderson,' who lives at improper parking, was fined $2. Public Property, Grounds and chowski of Linden; Thomas J. Jor- him checks and drafts being the leave to John liieb Xroin January jlcolm G. Roberts of 610 Fair- 67 Birch street, took over his get at $75,695, as compared with library Board Elects; pupil. Martin Montigney, fron Xtnas Seal Sales Buildings Committee; County E n - dan of Union; J. Erwin Pettit of perforation of either, as set forih. 5 ito February ifjilh'., and Charlotte Jd avenue and Daniel Kerr, also duties as borough treasurer $67,215 for 1947-48. The increase Philadelphia. gineer; Agricultural Agent and JRahway. is accounted for mainly by the Plane SBBOW Postponed Authorizing Treasurer to a d A. - Buricard, from January ;5th., to KENILWORTH — Kenilworth [ Fairfleld avenue. Deadline for and tax collector last Wednesr In charge of opening exercises County Physician; County Supr. Designating Elizabeth D a l l y \jance certain petty cosh funds to January 31st, with pay. ;. of petitions w a s midnight day, succeeding Leroy Glen- item for salaries, which is estiKENILWORTH—Offlers of theresidents purchased $586.10 worth this week.is Henry Tavener. mated at $65,480, as compared of Roads. -•' _ i hieht Wright, Long and Co., submitting Journal as the official newspaper various departments. dinning, whose resignation be- with $56,675 in the current budBilly McGeehan and Robert KenilivortSi Public Library Board of 1947 Christmas Seals, an inFollowing resolutions. were i n - for the County for the year. 1948 Authorizing Temporary Debt report with respect to <the free — F R E E SOAP — [Michael Tortora, president of came effective December 31, g e t Estimated costs for repairs Ciravolo are absent because of were named for the ensuing year at crease of $33.80 over the 1946 figHeating troduced and moved for adoption: at $3,000. per annum. days' treatment rendered, by t h e a reorganization meeting Monday ure of $552.30, it was announced board; George Barsness and 1947. A resident of Kenil- and replacements are listed at Service Budget for 1948. WE 4LSO HAVE DBTONO FACILITIES mumps. ! Lawn Tibia this week by the Union County Freeholder Bauer for the Road Authorizing minutes of this hospitals during the year ended tries Kosmutza, Jr., incumbents worth for the past three and $8,700, the same as in the current The fourth grade is doing some night as follows: Dory Himpele, Tuberculosis and Health League, Authorizing Temporary budget Committee, authorizing purchase p president; Charles A. Kosmutza ipse^terms are^expiring, | , y p 3 6f*lf Sullivan Air Compressor from lished in the Plainfleld Courier- approprtatlonafor the year 1948. hah'ce Committee. ated previously that they p a background of eight are shown as increasing from making constellation pictures for — 8 A. M.to8 P. M. the Interstate Equipment Corp., Mews at a cost nottoexceed $2500. Authorizing Temporary budget Twp. of Springfield, requesting c reelection t o three-year terms. years of accounting experi- I $2,500 for 1947-48 to $2,700 for IHscuss IBuildiGiig their science notebooks. , treasurer; Myra D. Atrobus, liappropriations for the year 1948 this Board to extend County 'aid Up to 3 5 % Fu Sat — 8 A. WLto6 P. M. was. .on,: roll call unanimously per annum. . • " • • , ude Curry, whor w a s appointed esce., Hp served four years as. 1948-49. The eighth grades are. beginning Capoea of Anrtent Ortgtta . to • the Union County Firemen's Progranft for 1 9 4 $ to- coll seeds. This is a project to brarian. W. - •••• •"•"•' adopted. Granrora r. Himpele, in charge of ar- . Capons have been produced f a With Our Rods the board last August follow- office manager a n d general Instructing Clerk t o prepare for ithe Five District Courts. In connection with the proposed •' > Freeholder Dudley for Finance Synopsis of Minutes of each meet- There being n o .further business Tnaning School, w a s referred to iements for the model airplane centuries wherever poultry has been a resignation, also 'had re- accountant with the L. C. school building expansion, an item KENILWORTH—Officers • were ' raise money for gnzduolion ex— Wooll ffcme . OWDJKNNS Committee, approving and c o ning - and publish same in (the follow- and upon motion of Freeholder theTinance Committee. exhibit, announced (that it had been raised. that h e would run for the Biglow Company of New York of $5,000 for architects' fees i s elected for die church year 1948-49, [penses. INSULATION . firming action of the County Treas- ing newspapers a t a cost not toDudley, duty seconded and carried, Union County Pork Commission, postponed .until some time in and plans were discussed for the The Junior Red Cross Council i-year unexpired term to be City and four years with the listed/under "capital outlay." urer in drawing the sum of $500.00 ixcccd $100.00 per annum: Cran- the Director declared (the Board enclosing copies of resolutions per•d at the election. N o report cost accounting department of construction o f a new church met last Wednesday. Plans were March in order that a special air« Water Resistant For retirement of bonds, the building .and parsonage t o begin plane display from Linden may be ogainst the contingent fund to r e -ford Citizen & Chronicle, Linden adjourned. Next regular meeting, taining to the late Freeholders, 1 been received of anyone else the Titeflex Company of New• Fire Proof made t o pg^i-rt in the March o proposed budget lists $3,500, the plenish Petty Cash in the Road News, Scotch Plains Bulletin, Rah- Thursday, January, 8, 1948. __iding for the. unexpired term. Charles E. Smith and James O. ark. Before coming to Ken- same as in the current budget this summer, a t the annual church Dimes Program to beheS din Hard had at 4he same time. The new « Bet Proof CHAS. M. AFFLECK, Brokaw: dates will be announced later. Dept., was on roll call unanimously way Record, Union County Home [Mr. Tortora, who resides on 18th ilworth, h e resided in Newark, conference held last Thursday at ling School a t l p . 1 n . 0 n January 30. 9 Permanent Clerk. Union County Shade Tree advist, i s completing his third where h e attended Newark The figure for interest shows a Community Methodist Church. Dr. . adopted. o ' Lifetime Gtiaranteo Monthly and annual reports of News-Elizabeth, Westfleld Leader, decrease from $1,950 to $1,775. s-year term and h i s fourth University. He ia married and The Clerk read the minutes <xf Westfleld Standard. the librarian avere accepted. The ing Henry R. Sohroeder, WatchSources of revenue for defray- George Y. Flint, superintendent of - as president of the board. He has two sons, one a n infant the Newark district, presided. this meeting which were approved. Designation the following County Regular meeting of t h e Union man, worked four days exttra durI annual report showed 9,751 books ing the estimated expenses for the served on every committee and the other attending school circulated, -with 1,179 active readers There being no further business I depositories where in shall be kept County Board of Chosen Freehold- ing the month of Dec. 1947, and coming school year are listed as Those elected to the board of Wo carry a tall Use off ChllJ also has held the chalrman- here. and 7.621 books on the shelves. and upon motion of Freeholder all public monies of the County: ers was held at the Court House, was paid a t 4he irate of $5.00 per stewards were Mrs. Anne Arneke, follows: State aid, $9,250; manKENILWORTH—The following Coneotlve end Eegnlaf ^iip of several committees. He During the year, 307 new Tx>oks Dudley duly seconded and carried, National State Bank of Eliza- Elizabeth, N. J., on Thursday, Jan- day and Fred H. Phillips, WatchMrs. Anne Scheurer, Mrs. John ual training state aid, $1,350;" disShoes, deeds have been recorded, at thevere bought lived in Kenilworth most of uary 6th, 1946 Bit 1:30 p. m. the Director declared the Board beth. Stults, William Brown, William office of County Register Herbert man has been granted four days . life and attended Kenilworth ilworth since 1931, is chief of staff trict tax, $81,770. Director McMane presiding. Roll leave without pay, D e c 31st, and cdjouraed sine die. Tentative approval was given Roberts and John Stirits. George J. Pascoe in ithe Court House, Mayor Fred Pitten and Mrs.. PitUnion County Trust Company. rhools and ML Vernon, N. Y., [calle showed eight members pres- January 1st, 3rd and' 4th. of the New Jersey organization of CHAS. M. AFFLECK. Conklin was named rfiairman of ten, and Supervising Principal L Elizabethport Banking Co. "18 Years of Knowing Ron/* ligh School. Mr. Tortora is chief •the Veterans. of Foreign Wars, a the budget by the Board of Educa- the building committee, and Henry Elizabeth: *Edwin W. Kraus attended the Clerk. Central Home Trust Company. lent Annual reports of "the Jail War-1 tion January 12. Following adopBorough of Kenilworth to G. andmeeting. US yoa are looMna for feet 18 ADAMS AVENUE > Resolution _^ past commander of Kenilworth t^fyerk in the stores department — that all bills apMoll was elected to head the church den and Supt. of Weighits & Meastion after the public hearing TuesState Trust Company of Plalncomfort, try o pair off W. B. CBanford 0-2799 proved be ordered paid, was ures, were received and ordered liblic Service in Newark and isPost, 2230, VFW, and a past com- day, it will be presented to theboard of missions and church e x - H. Construction C o , lot 15. block Organization Meeting of t hIfield. e Coon Shoes get Women. 157, lot 25. block 158. lot 16. <U no >ns««r Call BOuUe 4-8300) member of the Kenilworth Mar- mander of ithe county organiza- voters for final approval at thetensions. adopted. Union County Board of Chosen Plainfleld National Bank. filed. Onalb Nannies [block 159. lot 15. block 160. led and Single Men's Club. tion. He served overseas in the Freeholders, was held at the Court Mid-City Trust Co., of Plain- Following communications were Following monthly reports were annual school election February 10. The Rev, Gerald M. Cover, Jr.. section 10, map of New Orange. I Mr. Kosmutza is finishing his infantry during World War I and received and ordered filed: House, Elizabeth, N. J., on Thurs- field. ©fficeirs f o r New Year pastor, appointed the following to received'and ordered filed: Home . G. and H. Construction Co.. to Irst full term -on the board. . Hewas chief air raid, warden in KenWilliam I. McMane, -thanking Demonstration Agent; Agricultural day, January 2, 1948 at twelve Cranford Trust Company. be members of a policy committee: CSrado&to of American KENILWORTH New officers Candlelight Investiture Miss Ruth Cameron, JUrs. Frank |Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Trengrove. ix-re elected.by the—Electa |so served a one-year unexpired ilworth during World War II. members and. officers for their oVJackjnoon. School off Pr&cUpedta Agent; Third District Court; Sujrt. Club at Union County Trust Company, beautiful flowers. |rm before being elected for the A former member of the Board For Local Girl Scouts Davis, Lawrence McKenna. Mr. property known as 664 Newark recent meeting at the home o Chas. }tf. Affleck, Clerk of theCranford Branch. S04 Centennial of Weights and Measures. lavenue. ill term. A resident of Kenilof Education,^hejsgrv^ol ; 1..JHJV -_BfiacdLcalled t^jiiotrtina-'ta•orders i Repojsta of i-Koad • Committee;'- re^ i rtlffo~rtS yearsTheis amembe? o^t^"^'e^board^uTii'934''.' The Clerk called the roll, wiiich Peoples Bank & Trust Company Murphy tas Deputy Register of commending proper agreement b e in. 1934. He also|and Brownies will be awarded Stults. Inue. They are: President, Mrthe local Recreation Conmiis- served 10 years on the local Board pins at a candlelight investiture Big, Juicy, rip* str«wb«rDeeds and Mortgages, at $6;000. executed with the Boro of New" Regular, services will b e con- lathers to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Connie Ogden; vice-president, Mrs showed seven members present. tbrWestfleld. AoUMffaefl rat* Dealer Over *5 Y e a n Siangan, property in North 21st lon and organized its bowling rias, with full, tangy flavor per annum, effective January 1, Providence, relative to the pro-] of Health, t w o years as president. service to be held tomorrow at ducted Sunday at II a. in. at the The Clerk then stated that t h e Arndt; treasurer, Mrs. Katherin National Bank of Westfield. Sague three years ago. He atare brought to you aft all Td. ROscfle 44100 1948, was referred' to Finance Com- posed curb and storav sewer wdife Mr. Kerr has been employed 14 7:30 p. m, in Harding School. Mrs church. "The Vdsion of Hie Soul Istreet, 225 feet from New Orange Havalka; secretary, Mrs. Rose Van first order of busines to come be-' jnded Kenilworth schools and also years by the Volca Brass and W. W. Robinson, Jr., of Cranford Is Faith," the third in a series of (boulevard. Rahway National Bank. mittee. seasons In delicious... for. the meeting was election of a along Springfield Ave., at Plainderstel; sunshine, Mrs. Julia Cord158 E. WESTFIELD AVE. ROSELLE PARKl |ent to night school for five years Copper Company, where h e nowscout director, will make th . Borough of Kenilworth to WilCitizens Trust Company of Surn- ^County Clerk, enclosing two field Ave., and recommending a sermons, will be given by the Rev. Director for the ensuing year. ner and Mrs. Eleanor Butkus; en the Singer Manufacturing Com- serves a s storekeeper. He is wel-presentations. J |mit . ;' coples-of .appointment and Oath of | contribution t o said Twp. o f Mr. Cover. Church school will liam E. Conklin, lots 7 to 10, block teittainment, Mrs. Jane Gordon and Freeholder Bauer nominated Summit Trust Company. ly, Elizabeth, where h e is a fare chairman and a trustee of meet at 9:45 a. m., and the Meth- 200, official tax atlas. Among those to receive pins Freeholder McMane, which motion First National Bank of Summit cial attachment maker. He has Borough of KenilworthtoMr.Mrs. Mary Fiedler, and" publicity, was duty seconded by Freeholder Hillside Notional Bank. m with the Singer Company 23 Local 673, Mine a n d Smelter will be the following girl scouts odist Youth - Fellowship, at 7:30 and Mrs. Dory Himpele. lots 68 and Mrs. Ann Tyjewski, Dudley. The next meeting of the group bars. Mr. Kosmutra i s married Workers, CIO. He w a s with thefrom Troop 19, under leadership <p. m. 69. official tax atlas. Linden Trust Company. There being n o other nomina- First National Bank of Springbd has resided at 550 Boulevard former Clark Trust Company in of Mrs. Agnes McGeehan: Mary Following morning services on G. and H. Construction Co^ to ill take place tonight at 8 o'clock Alice Peterson, Patricia Force, Newark for 20 years, serving as Sunday,- February 1, three trustees tions the nomination was declared field." , the home of Mrs. Butkus, 11 p 26 years. He is a member of Eleanor Fritz, Judy Anderson, will b e elected to serve terms of Alvis Kathlyn Aurand. property Thirteenth street closed and the Clerk then called the Westfleld Trust Company, Scotch s Lodge, 129. F. & A. M-. ofsuperintendent there. known as, 660 Newark avenue. Josephine Scuorze and Dolores three years each. Trustees whose vote of the members on the nom-| Plains. i_« PHONE EAHWAVS B U N D ford, the Kenilworth Married Married. Mr. Kerr has a daugh- Peralla. ter, Mrs. Margaret Mack of Roselle, terms expire this year a r e Mrs. G. and H. Construction COL. to ination of Freeholder McMane who Westfleld Trust Company, GarSingle Men's Club and the MAN FOB FREE ESTIMATE Ua a Triad, Is Will be WcrthwMo!" Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kelly, and a son, Daniel P. Kerr, Jr., of Six girls of Brownie Troop 29, Tilden Folkinburgh, Mrs.' Marie property known as No. 652 Newark received the unanimous vote of wood Branch. iger Craftsmen's Club. San Francisco, both graduates of led by Mrs. Laura Anderson, will Kelly and Eric Hamilton. All [avenue. «he Board. The Clerk then de- Fidelity Union Trust Company CASH PRICES — CHUTED IN. Mr. Barsness, who has resided Kenilworth schools and Regional be awarded pins. They are LaDel _ dared Freeholder McMane elected of Newark. members who are 21 or 19 South 23rd street for the past High School. His son served in Hiller, Susan Burrascu, Irene church Mr. and Mrs. Lyle B. Reeb to Mr. Stow© m Nut $17.50 Ton *' Director for the year 1948. Plainfleld Trust Company. c years, lived in Cranford for the Navy during World War II. Sari, Josephine Rico, Kathleen over may vote in the election. and Mrs. Harold Snyder. lots 20 The Clerk appointed Freeholders Resolving that <the employes rePern :.._ 1S.S© Tim bur years before that and in Ken- Mr. Roberts, a native of Scotland. Wickhams and Diane Johnson; to 23, and rear 33% feet of lasts 25 Bauer and Rowland to escort the ceiving pay on an (hourly or daily Dory Himpele SeeEks )rth 10 years previously. He is TELEPHONE ROSELLE 4-2133 and 26, block 156. section 10. map also, the following girls from came Director to the Chair. . tameto no this mis country country 19 i » years yearsago ago Brownie Troop 28, under leaderbasis in the Road Dept, and the of New Orange. VENETIAN BUND & Hegional EeeBectiom 3 Ave. The Oath was administered by employees in the Cleaners and dent of Kenilworth Library e has served for and K v e d in Bloomfleld before h e ship of Mrs. Harold Reynolds: Miele Bros.. Inc..toBorough of SHADE CO. County Attorney, Clarence A. Helpers Dept, of the Custodian's rd,years. on which h emarried has served y s ago. ago. Lottie Hentshel, Peggy Reynolds, KENILWORTH—Dory Himpele Kenilworth. lots 1 to II. 25to42. H e is andfor ismoved to K e n i i w o r t h six years Cmnfcsrdl, N. J. Ward. e years. H e i s married and i s ^ b ^ d ith th h a s Q i t e of 541 Washington avenue is unnployed ^ w i r c chief bjr the Main SiL, Rohway Dept., receive compensation durYARD and OFFICE: I Mock 23. lots 1 to 15. 25 to 42. Q s o c i a t e d with the Lorraine Koto, Loretta Mulligan, r C w esting Director McMane 4hen delivered ing the "year" 1948" bascoT in' the for-reelection as « Kenil- block 24; lotsrt to 18. block 25; n T Telephone l h t he e W Westing, riean and T e l e -h |OUi ^ - ^Com ^ t o nof^Jers ^ ' Ruth' Anne StupakT" p T Dolores" Ca-jopposed 323 MICHIGAN AVE. KENILWORTH bis Annual Message. h Company in New York CitvJ . f P^y «* . *y « & for forio, Raphael Levine, Eleanor] worth representative on the Board lots 1 to 8. 10to14. 26to42. block amount that they would have reThe Clerk then read the cerjeeived should they have performed Kerr and Joanne Leikauskus. of Education of Jonathan Dayton 26, section 3. map of New Orange. o GOTTEBS and LEADERS tifications from the County Clerk. their customary duties on the follfi«, the Married and Single I and ha» a son, Richard, in the Three girls from Girl Scout Troop Regional High School. Springfield, Borough of Kenilworth to Carl Resolution by Freeholder Dud- lowing days—January 1st, . May pen's Club and the Country Club. third grade at McKinley School. His 15, under direction of Mrs.. Louis it was revealed a s the deadline for Leschinski. lot 68. block 5. official © AmcommomiG ley, appointing Donald M. Pearsall 30th. July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksfiling of candidates' petitions for tax atlas. J Mr. Curry, of 345 Lincoln drive, wife, a member of the local Cancer Adam, also will receive pins. I of the Town of Westfleld as ->giving Day and Christmas Day. '.he election on February 3 passed B o r o u g h of Kenilworth __ o EOOFOJG s lived in Kenilworth six years Society committee and of the Kenmember of theBoard of Chosen Designating R. Story Rowland ilworth P.-T.A., was in charge of !ast Wednesday night. <1 before that resided in IrvingMACHINE GUARDS Thomas S. D. Sinclear. lot 6. block Freeholders to o filll the thevacancy vacancy os t h e member of <ttie Board of. Mr. Himpele, local dairy owner, 143, official tax atlai. |>n. He is engaged in a light, Red Cross knitting work in Kenil- Fathers' Night Prograiin GENERAL SHEET METAL ! worth during the war. caused by the death of Charles E. Governors of Muehlenberg Hospl-I Finufucturing business in Newcompleting 'his second threeAt P.-T.A. Meeting WORK Smith, was on roll call unanimous- tal, Plainfleld. k A member of the Married and 'car term on the Regional board. KENILWORTH — The annual School Five Demonstrates Winning W<ays Kenilworth News m i mtests OB Here w; TYPEWRITERS THOMPSON TYPEWRITERS, INC H Your Whole Week's Wash Bone im Only 3 0 Minutest 9 lbs.foronly 30e WASHING v-t $108 WM 1 h Walton Van Der Qute FACTORlESp « Rxtaw L&e New Engine • Ha* boen completely tons down anil rebuilt to our «zaetmg fpedficAoons 9 Worarparts repSaced vnfk New dm* urn© Fonl Parts OWELLMGS STRAWBERRIES CORP. MM. If You Want a Longer Lasting, Better Burning Coal— Hie Cranford Ouzen and Chroi Total Net Paid Circulation Daring the Month of Novembc KARLIK BROSo MATERIAL jc^ ith the State, relative to reimFollowing resolutions were unan- busement for lighting various i n imously adopted: tersections of State and County By-Larws, Rules and Regulations [Roads within Union County. for 1047, adopted for 1948. Authorizing Director, Supervisor Fixing salary of the County of Roads and Clerk to execute Physician at $3900.00 per annum [agreement and attach corporate ond expenses of $1300. seal of the County thereon when Appointing Christopher Brokaw contracts and schedules are to be as County Physician for ithe term •xecuted for State Highway Aid. • ot three years, commencing Jan. Authorizing Rol C. Collins to I 1. 1£M8. execute requisition or other docu-J .LUMBER .MASONRY REABS THE CITIZEN ANB CHRONICLE ITS COMPLETE COVERAGE OF LOCAL NEWS ANB SOCIAL EVENTS, ri OPEN DAEUT AND SUNDAYS . CEOSLEY APPUANCES YOUNGSTOWN STEEL KOTCMENS THATCHER HEATING PRODUCTS btalkUas restrictions oro now capply of fmi|«f|»\]f materials to baprerlns Wa eaa f e m b h eoaapleta UsSs to year balM Dave him mt e s (or. UUMO hard-to-aeft tteasus. HAVE ©ma FHESM COUNTS? ANUS CBEAEH . DELSVESE© T O VOU3 EJOMG. WOVtBB QEBVE CSANFO2©. OABWOOS) ASiB CLAEH. pom JSS) BULK GENERAL SUPPLY CO. 3 WALNUT AVE. *LrJa\flmlvOfflHi 336 Gmtitmikl AvtatM Qfanftvd 6OS0S lay-Sun Member — Audit Bureau, of ChrcuIailonB WINNER OF SEVEN 1FTOST PKI2ES IN STATE-WIDE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER COMPETITION DURING THE PAST TWO YEAES. JAM BRIMFUL of ^a^eja^Bea^Ks^ ;>t a meeting Monday at 8 p. m. |were installed at a :r.L^linZ Man U. uu ha* resided in K c n i l - j , e n t i o l l o f , o c ; i I v o l o r s t o t h e f a c t in Harding School. Fathers will lln;ince and athletic committees. |°nh lor seven years. A native that February 7 is the deadline for be in charge during the evening. A resident of Kenilworth for 12 <'-'y n'^i City, he resided in Ro-action by.those who may not be Entertainment will be provided years, Mr. Himpele has been in ix coming to Kenilworth. properly registered or who must by "The Golden Echo," a "group the dairy business for 25 years. McGevtu, vicc-prtsi of local men under direction of at various tinier having served dent; Employed they wish to vote in the annual W. L. Maney. A technicolor film, Irvington, Newark, Union and' William Slau-.-ki. treasurer REPRESENTING for a s; for the National I c h o o l election on February 10. '"Trees and Homes," also will be Elizabeth in addition to Kenil- Martin H. Heim, secretary: HorBash It, worth. He was born in Irvington Company in Eliza- sThis :»Uirshal; CJUII'.; HRE and MARINE: may be done at the office of shown. Members of thg board of ln, he was previously employed the Union County Board of Elec- education have been invited to and lived most of his life there. Graf, chaimfian the same capacity by the Mor-tions in the Court House, Eliza- attend the meeting. A charter member and former Karl Freitas. Thonias. Beninati Anuriun Eagle Fire >n Salt Company and before that beth, or at the office of Borough Election of officers will take president of the Kenilworth Lions Francis Kelly. at of Insurance Company Mr Himpolo .is j. -thn mjr>f*iTirr p ^ l f e PPhilip—ajeGSevna il anufacturing Company in Arnounced. Members of the execu- the Kenilworth Library Board and of the society were guests at a supBorough Hall. Insurance Comjiany 'Ston. Mr. Bauer is a member tive board met last night at the [a former.member of the local Board per given b y St. Theresa's Rosary I t h e Kenilworth P.-TJV., of home of Mrs. Harold Reynolds, 'of Health. During the war he Society in the church hall. nhnbsrb Protects Teeth Glens Fails Fire h'ch his wife ia vice-president A Cornell university nutritionist 405 Coolidge drive. served as vice-chairman of the rar have a son. Wallace. Jr., inbaa found that the oxalato ta tioning board. He is married and . second grade at McKinley rhubarb protects teeth from tho North British and Mercantile has a daughter and two sons. Speaker for Regional fchool. fi^i E Company etchings of acids in lemon Julco "id P ^ K e r r . who has lived in Ken- other beverages KENILWORTH — Mrs. Mary P.-T.A. Meefting Tomiglhft Rotary Club So Hear Malmshein6r. 79. wife of John North America KENILWORTH — Mis3 Bertha JMalmshcincr. died Sunday night at Lawrence, dean of instruction of RouBe 4 • Engineer Colfax avethe New Jersey State Teachers Col- KENILWORTH-A discussion of'her home. „507 West ^ jFuneral -^e^, | t c r a Ilong oag ^ ,nuc. aafter illnesslege, Trenton, will b e guest speaker |at tho January meeting of the Re-New Jersey highways of the future 'services were conducted yesterday gional P.-T-A. a t the Jonathan and their effect on this area. wiU afternoon at the August F. Schmidt CASUAILTV Dayton Regional High School, be presented by Col. Howard Memorial Funeral Home in ElizaKoons, asistant engineer in charge fcethInterment was in Everj-rccn Surety Company iprlngfleld, tonight' of the new State Parkway. Route Cemetery. Hillside. BoasIsvarttS oft ISila N. J. Lawrepce, who has served 4. who will be guest speaker at the| A native of Germany. MrsGteios Falls Endetanliy Co. as president of the New Jersey luncheon meeting of Kenilworth Mulimheiner came to this coun6-07IS Casually Company State TeaChehs' Association for two Rotary Club at the Hitchin' Post, try six years ago and had resided Endccinlty Co. utcessive terms, will speak on,|Union, nc^lt Wednesday. Col.J n Elizabeth before moving to o Youth, Our Hope for tho Future.",Koons L» a member of the Cran- Kenilworth 15 years ajjo. She Any resident of this or surrounding ford Rotary Club, and his head- was a member of St. Murk's. Try Our Famous Italian Tomato Pie, La Pizza ;ommunitlej ia Invited e to o attend. 'quarters are in Cranford. Lutheran Church. Elizabeth, and of The Voice Ensemble of Regional tho LudicV Aid Society thereCOCKTAIL BAR iu,h School will take part in the in addition to her huitmnd. 1 Insurance o^ram. Refreshments will follow. Called for Jury liss survived b y three ^OJU. (."<<:ir.id t f MDXTURES : Banquet Hall with private bar for Hire, accommodates 200. Music if desired. ifiTji. ivrtDTU to tho Cltlea Tho first census In 1700 rovoalad that only S per cent of tho nation's population lived In cities. Today. cities clulm CO |>er cent ot all people. »i . " ^ survived by three ^oiu. fo:ir.jd iCounly u h o haye been summoned .or-potu jury duty ,„ the county W c a t I n d J < s - a < l a u .. h t , r . M r v A r . t n u r N l l i Q n o f U n ; O I 1 . ... _...r ,„ 5 Lbs. lOUJbn. 25Ub3. 7JM.'-^&1^& : RESTAURANT — Italian and American Kitchen G-7 ALDEN STREET STRAWBERRY I'm Lost For Words Tie HigkesLiiiJtfs CLASSIFIEB ABVEETISMG. OTLK — CEEAM — BUTTEK — EGCS 1 1 7-3016 3/84 NEA1LY EVERYBODY IN CRANFORD ANB rioi n q q T~T* r ai Blinds HARTLEY': WBTH OODLES OF 8UNFLOWEB SEED Penamaiua 65c $1.25 S2.75 WHTBD SOME SUNFLOWEU SEEO Utility 50c WBTIIOUT SUN&XOlVEa 95c S2.10 SEEO Staiiomd C M l l l w Ot Y rk CouS ol %?V~* ' " <-•»«>'. and R»b- NOTK CHANGE W fJSONE a V C n^ UC M l l I t *™ r S,...on« S i n f re.s,clents • T '"""of ^ v, r, tB Jl " "< EI.zaU.-fh 100 Union . . . l c Mllltr of Aruba urU from ary 7. J ^- - - - • •• — • seven Rccxn 2, Second Floor CU.INFOIID T n i S T DLUG. AT THE OLD FIRE ENGINE WHEEL $ 116-118 SOUTH AVE., E. CRmtSovd 6-1661 * m Page Kiffhteea THE CHANFORD CITIZgN AND CHRONICLE. • THURSDAY 1 Guidance ^ In County Duvcussed The Keystone Automobile Club warns motorists that shortage of Employment practices in Union County were cited as some of the ami-ireeze products of tfwt «-.-«--TV*.. ~7T"T* "• """"» WI ™e T W people at ttns nation would* •Jollity if "they did not sJvethe Japanese people some guidance on ^ fjqjnriotuAnti-Freezes en the Russian occupation coinm*!* t y ? * * ^ in the north and the V& ethylene g l y c o t l l i i r r e a X d ^ ' ^ L ^ ^ - ^ ! o f b ^ S t e t c ision la the south. Should Russia reappearance on the m ^ ^ t t ^ ^ u ^ f ^ 1 swhoD i vspoke g s^t ^Discrimination, fal lltal w h o r types—** <ypea ta bETand and « £ E tally get control of this Is- other ? % f 5 ? ? * ' •»«*• last Thursday night at a meeting »»iua>uajr uigm ax a meeting b « « e «uU,ufaota«> . i—"• out C i l of the . -.-^^-u of of of(he the Union Union C County Council which was prohibited during the'division, in t h e . First Baptist war because of their iajurious'church. Club «rt * e i r luncheon t n e e \ i £ l a ^ ? . ? 0 properties. The club outlined elm-1 In speaking of a survey now Thursday at the Howard Johnsoni«? mtory pie testa by ••w*i<* —•- —*—— l U i i t R t S S detoanlne .._ take every Dr. Young, a former newspaperfreeze In his own major industries had been man, returned last fall from a tour. themselves dangerous type. 'studied. No minority group, in(happening in the Far East ant how Salt-base anti-*freezes can damof the Far East He described the! eluding the Negro, has been eexxJapanese a s being in a "spiritual [ we all can rise together rather than age a motor beyond repair because cluded from any textile industry, < toll awrtknr together, ' of their corrosive action on engine covered by~fhe survey, in this vucuum," declaring Uia t~when~ they Ifoll found their Emperor was not God- The Rev. Robert G. Longaker; jackets, on solder in the radiator county, be said. they lost almost 'chairman of the international serv- and on aluminum, which is used eeent t and immortal, th A final report o n employment ice committee,.who'was in charge in some manifold pumps, according -their last ray of hope. practices in (the county will be f th l i He told of an interview with °* .the program, also introduced *° 8overnn to government ' ~ experts, On the given February 19 b y Harold A. a axl a General Douglas MacArfflnir and' 31058 A"10v °St. *« exchange stu- o ^ 1 band, * * it pointed out. pe- Lett, toe division's chief assistant. dcnt f r o m of Mandal, Norway, who is troleum-ba!ise fluids do not attak Announcement praised «he _ head _r „ (the U n i t e d was y the the 1 uai Bnax\*%aaauaKaae!at w 3 3 made made b by w States occupation forces for his spending several weeks in this m e tal parts but his'spending ruw radiator workshopcommittee lhat school sunose outstanding work. The general,'country. Her father, a f o r m e r connections In thr«, three « weeks » - i ~ perlntendents" in many communii n e m b>ee r Dr. Young said, is not tf»e Rotary Club in herand .may constitute a fire hazard. ties will send teachers to the Rutnot so mudh mucihj1nmem * f °* the a m e x wn w a s concerned with the Japanese peo-1 ° > killed by the Ger- "This warning," Said Joseph C. fiefs University Workshop on pie as he is with the cynicism of mans In 1944. Lost Thursday mark- Osman, manager of the Trenton Human Relations to be held at the the toeAmerican Americanpeople. people His His(problem pobl j**1 h e r fl»t time to attend a Rotarydivision of the club," is based upon University this summer. is to endeavor to keep Japan from meeting. reports of the United States Bureau Among other topics discussed at becoming a begging nation. The club voted to send a letterof Standards. Here are two easy the meeting were methods of adJapan occupies a key position in"of greeting to the Mandal Rotary ways to-test the radiator mixture: vising members of minority groups the Far East, the speaker asserted, ciub advising them; that Miss Vogt "Draw a small amount of theabout enlarging vocational opporand it is far better to have them had visited the Cranford Club. Also mixture from the radiator and add tunities, and means of dissemwith us than against Us. o guest at the meeting was Miss it to a glass of water, if it floats' inating information. The Rev. H. Dr. Young said that General Jane Troutman of Cranford, who '' '" on the water, It is ofMortimer Gessner of Plainfleld MacArthur told his party that it is entertaining Miss Vogt while she presided. -.- - - . . . — o — — ' • **•£,* •*•»««**; s u n : was not the atomic bomb or the is attending Cranford Hi^ih Sihool. "For the salt test,* boil a cupful breaking of the spirit of the Japan-' Guests included John Mente of of the radiator mixture until it Talk and Film at _."a substantial «, ese soldiers that caused •the-capitu- [c-nilWorthTEdwara Britton of Or-has evaporated. If a n f i e > A I CCulberson u l b e r s r M l aof f R o s e l l e and wthite or crystalline Sli coating re- Men's League Meeting Jation of Japan. Rather, he assert- 'ange,_Al Roselle, . and m a l •n s i,n t "^ ""ne coatmg h evesse1 ed, it was the. fact that Japan's Dr. William Philpott of Elizabeth o on ' *»» solution entitled "Exolorini? for . food supply was entirely exhausted. The c l u b ^ . d i r e c t o r T ^ t ^ r " ^ ; c 1"tained _6 M S F tsalt." „_ o conserv h d --~Japanrfcrrar&^^^ Vice-preslT" ?! e the nation's 's ^ of ^ * millions of tons of food.in exchange dent W. A. Fischer. President Har-JJ P<wer during the war. the h ^' Shannon of the Standard Oil the Men's League of floods. Today,'old Todnv. ~ u M. *» Wilson ,.T..-. . . IKeystone official stated, the Office for manufactured goods. conducted with her factories razed, the food'meeting, Defense Transportation warned the- First Presbyterian • Church situation in Japan is deplorable.' Imotorlsts to use only "those aruti- holds its first meeting of the-year He* said that he attended a Rotary — . — « -m the church school auditorium Men in Service Club meeting while-in that countoy freezes compounded from the-vari- a t 8 : 1 5 tonight. The speaker also end that members brought their Edward Herbold, chief electri- ous iforms of alcohol—which i n - w i l t show colored motion pictures own sandwiches and ate around cian's mate, USN, son of Mr. and elude ethylene glycol and glycerine ot stages in the production of oil. a bare table. Mrs. E. O. Herbold of 230-A North —and the War Production Board Refresliments n~r-—« •> will ••• be • served. General MacArthur, the speaker avenue, is serving aboard the at-outlawed! 'the manufacture of any- Mr. Shannon, who serves with continued, is endeavoring to teach tack, ' " cargo ship USS Wyandot, thing else! Since removal of war, le production coordination dethe Japanese people 4ihe value and wting ammunition between restrictions,, manufacturers are partment of the Standard Oil Comdignity of the individual, which is 'the Caribbean and the United types. free to make and sell the injurious pany, formerly was manager of the Troplal Oil Company in Columdemocracy, and give them a set ofi Stries. The Wyandt. wow at Earle spiritual standards by which to.N. J., is scheduled to make a cruise' bia, South America, and the ImCar Goes to Market live, which fa Chrlstianty. perial Oil Company in Canada. Aiti |to San Juan, P. R,.a n d Vieques w. Scores of townspeople were at- one time be was a professor a t the| He also related conditions in'Wand in She Caribbean during the tracted to the intersection of North Colorado School of Mines. Korea where *he people are tarnlnext few weeks. Union avenue and Alden street |Tuesday afternoon of week Red Cross Resumes troleum Tax Rate Of •2 ~m STOCK NOW -— Interior and Exterior \- m I ' Extension Announced Changed with speeding, Walter to "come early to avoid the rush" Krus of 729 Wood avenue, Roselle, if they wish to reserve special was fined $15 and assesed $3 court license plate numbers, was issued costs when arraigned before Be-> today by the office of Harry Reorder Charles J. Stevens in police court Monday night Heins, local motor vehicle bureau Karl C. Morley, of 99 Oak street I agent, 17 North avenue, east Budget Draft Avenel, was fined $7 and: $3 cost Deadline for reservations is Feb- Campaign to Raise for a traffic light violation, and Nils ruary 15. Indicates Rise of Peterseri, of 1 Evergreen boulevard, $3,000 to Continue There have been only 225 reserScotch Plains, was fined $5 for 35 to 4 5 Points vations thus far this year as com- Until February 19 passing a stop street and cutting off the police radio patrol car. Cranford's 1948 tax rate will be pared with 1,200 a t the same time Announcing this week that his Louis Valenti, of 260 Kearney last year, Mr. Heins revealed. close to $5 per cl p $100 of ^ e*end avenue, Rah way, and Joseph B. State inspection laws must have valuation—a new record for this t^n complied wit£ b e £ T n Z o— i«— - - — -valuauon-a municipality—it was learned yes- bers can be reserved. , also. charged with stop Old P.O. Bldg. Tenants liam H. D'Arcy, local chairman, street violations, were fined $3 terday as township "ffic'als preI expressed concern that the goalleach. pared the final draft of the new other motorists were In Temporary Quarters 'of $3,000 set for Cranford this year fined 3Eight ttotal of $12 for parking budget which will b e introduced may not be attained if local' resi- [violations. Pending Repair Work at Tuesday night's meeting of the dents do not show a greater reMost of the tenants of the old sponse to the appeal for funds to Township Committee. Iflghfrinfantile••paralyslsr'THuTlarT ™"The estTma'lted~"raTte „, "of"North Union avenue and Alden only 800 of the more than 7,000 sent an increase of from 35 to 45 street had established temporary coin cards mailed out have been points/above the 1947 rate of $4.53. 'headquarters for busjness in other returned, he reported. ..The percentage of increase, it was Coordinating Unit office buildings or homes in variDespite the" committee's depen ous parts, of .town this week folpointed out, is comparable tp .that Idence upon the accuracy of. the lowing the spectacular fire that of most other communities of the Headed by G. N. KJing 'list of Cranford's 7,716 registered 'last Friday did $100,000 worth of size of Cranford. voters, many persons again have damage to the building, fixtures Contributing to the increased Handling Applications reported failing to' receive their Chairman Pleased |and merchandise — Cranford's rate are a five-point jump in the Twenty-seven emergency appli- coin .cards, the chairman said. worst fire in more than 30 years. county tax rate, increased school cations had been received and Anyone who has not received a With Early Response Fire Chief Howard Schindler in • costs and increased, municipal processed by the Cranford FuelI card should notify Mr. D'Arcy and reporting the estimate of the dam'one will promptly be sent through To Committee's Work • government costs. The school Coordinating Committee up to age, declared this was the worst budget, calling for an increase of yesterday afternoon, it was rethe mail. Attention-to-such." re- Widespread friendly interest in lire he has seen in Cranford since . $87,587 in the amount to be raised ported by G. Nelson Kling, chair- quests has resulted in a gratifying the work of his committee in he became a member of the local by taxation, was approved last man. increase in returns during, the All were with dealers loCranford, Garwood and Kenildepartment in 1917. It repreweek by the Board of'Education cated out of town, until yesterday, past week, Mr. D'Arcy declared. worth foreshadows another sucShown above is the old Post Office Buililng at North Union avenue and Alden street, sented the greatest property loss following a public hearing at when the first emergency applica- The campaign chairman also re- cessful year for the Red Cross scene of the $100,000 fire which interrupted the bjsiness operations of some 15 stores und offices which not a single objection was last Friday. The fire is believed to have started i i the basement of the Martin Jewelers, second for a single' fire since the old tion of a Jocal dealer was received. ported a gratifying response to Fund Dj-ive hi this area, Frederick Opera House was completely destore, to the left from the. corner, which was mast severely damaged by flames, water, smoke and voiced. the committee's appeal in the P. Andersen, general chairman in fallingindebris. J*«". " • . KlUing l i n g reported that followstroyed by flames in 1912, he deThe DeLouisa Brothers confectionery and cigar store ut the corner also was greatly The township appointment by Mayor schools last week for boys and this area for the 1948 campaign, damaged, and there was extensive smoke and water damage to stock. There was also smoke and clared. - will face the task'tas _ - his Ws appointment girls. to remind their parents to reported today. water damage in the Towne Shoppe, to the left of Martin Jewelers, and to the Cofley Radio Shop of purchasing considerable new George E. Osterheldt last week as make their returns promptly. (not shown in picture), first store up on Alden street. Also located on the ground floor are the The fire chief reported lost night equipment for its engineering d e - «uel coordinating head his com- Patrick J. Grail and Cyril Per- . "We have reason to be proud of business office and printing plant of the Citizen and Chronicle and the store of LaBelle Cleaners. the job we have done in the past, that his own investigations and partment, much of which has been mittee made a study of literature Damage was mainly from heavy smoke i n 4 h e latter two places.) at the extreme Alden street end division chairmen, are and the progress of the organizing those of representatives of the unobtainable for several years b e - from Trenton on the question of of the building. The second-floor hallway was burned through in the central portion of the build— for a basketball drive to date promises equal o p - ing, and flames shot through the roof at the height of the fire, but damage' to second-floor offices National Board of Fire Undercause of the war; filling three or oil shortages and then went into writers and other investigators had ' four vacancies in personnel at action following an organization game to be held during February portunity for pride this year," Mr. was caused mainly by smoke, water and debris. failed to reveal the cause of the salaries in line with today's living session in the township rooms on in special recognition of the local Andersen said. The 1048 camcommittee's tenth .anniversary. It paign is scheduled to get under blaze that threatened the'whole costs; and perhaps adding addi- Friday. way March 1. is hoped this business center and interrupted A: * . _ • to . _the . r? police • i— *•-•—«• that w*ui proceeds iuueccos from irom m is TJM, :> l «*Mtt"Andersen todaysannounced &^QjwmtUmxiOLi6Om&zl&ttotns « l V ^ J£%iRvih^€aseibenefit w^^aEsui^«ttauunent of > u and business offices. Chief Schindthat Mrs. W. H. Wagstaff. secrethe growing population here. ler said the blaze apparently tary of the local Red Cross chapAs one municipal official painted ~««se regular dealer is unable to originated in the basement of the said. iter, will serve as secretary for this out yesterday, costs of everything supply them are requested to conMartin Jewelers, 2T North Union [year's drive. Other appointments -labor. supplies, utilities and other •*«* other denters^rst. PailUw to avenue, which was the scene of [announced were: Vice-chairman, services—are up, and the munid- obtain any oU in this mannei; the greatest damage. North Side, Harry V. Osborne, Jr.,' polity, in order to offer the serv- then should make an emergency of 116 Herning avenue, who served ices to which local residents have application at the local Board of The first alarm was turned in as captain in District 9 last year DKarae « n i add . J J *_ tr«>i»h ««>-. ^ . ._ | at 6:36 a. m. Friday, after Patrol- " became .imrffrnmH acaistomed and. .to lUealth office. For persons unable and vice-chairman, South Side, J. 'man Rudolph Klempa hod disthese services from time to time, *_ to make application during the R. Settlemire, 339 Walnut avenue covered smoke billowing from an must also raise its rate if these day. Health Officer William P. captain of District 2 lost year. open transom over a door on the services, including good school Smith has blanks available at his ' S. S. Eisenberg, president of the 'Alden street side leading into the facilities, are to be continued. home, 1018 Orange avenue, and Cranford Business Association, basement of the two-story brick Aiding in keeping the rate from these may be obtained during the Civic Group Presents announced appointment of the folbuilding. Patrolman Klempa notigoing higher, is a drop of $20,000 evening. Approved applications lowing committees for the business fied police headquarters over, a in the municipality's bonded i n - are submitted to the dealer, and Bishop G. E. Oxnam at district to arrange for participacall box, and the alarm, was rehe in turn takes them to the redebtedness payments this year, as High School Tonight tion of local merchants and comlayed to fire headquarters. well as an increase of approxi- finery. mercial establishments: Max GoldFire apparatus was on the scene mately $750,000 in the local rat- Local dealers expect their new The Cranford Civic Forum will berg, Martin Alban, Frank Vodalmost immediately from headablcs. Cranford's ratables this allocaUons of fuel oil next Mon- present the Hev. G. Bromley raska and Richard Hartig. quarters just around the corner, Oxnam, presiding bishop of the Other appointments previously year are at an all-time record of of &&• but there were only three firemen, Methodist Church in the New $22,300,000. Other members of Mr. Kling's announced by Mr. Andersen i available at first. They had to York area, in- a talk, on "The committee break their way into the cellar, as » 1,O m, «-—*™*i«c are m e Harold nuroia M. M. Wilson, WllSOn. Future of the American Home," cluded: Industrial gifts, Lisle William J Fredrik d H l h the side door, only entrance to r o h c e C a r E x t i m m a i s h e r WUUa «a J- Fredrick and Health tonight at 8:15 o'clock in the high Beardslee, chairman, assisted by Henry W. Whipple, the chapter's the basement, was locked. „ _. _ ° iOfllrpr Smith treasurerijJlspJaxJVl _AM!OL _ J^t| J ^ | y a ^ J 5 c h i n d l c r ton- the-program"will~^hl3SiAi^^h^^CS^%^ ruveqled that the layout of the Hesponding to a telephone call Johnson, soloist, who will sing play and captain of District 8 last cellar made it humanly impossible t» police headquarteis. Patrolman "Because," by Guy G. Hardlot, lyear; publicity, Charles M. Ray, to net directly at the source of Aj^ie Bird, using a fire extingand "Without a Song." by-Vincent 'H. G. Sutter and J. Wesley Alnge. the blaze, and that theflameshad uisher from a police radio car Youmnns, accompanied at the The quota for the Cranfordgained such headway they were ertinguuJhed a blaze in a n auto* piano by George White. I Garwood - Kenilworth area this rnushrooming toward the roof The speaker of the evening will year has been set at 59.580, almost through the walls of the building « Beech street, ot Beech street be introduced by Harlon W. Drew. twice the 1947 quota of $5,700. In in all directions'. At 7:13 a. m. he Md West End place at 8:30 p. m. The invocation will be by the Rev. last year's campaign, residents of had a second alarm turned in. Monday. Started by a fulty heater Cranford and Albert Allinger, pastor of Cranford this urea donated In relatively short time, con- Spfectaetilar On Home Full Lime OPEN T U X 0:30 P . RI. — EXCEPT WED. 1 P . E FRBDAY 9 P . M. 107-5 N. Union Avenue 20 Pages -r- FIVE CENTS Violations * O l l Q UlTLVe Traffic B i Bring Fines in Court . , An invitation to local residents Deadline February 5 5 rive Plans' •rnm onrntpn.. In »hp nnimnl body Chemicals have played a major pan in the development of medicine . . . in the progress of industry. . „ in improved living standards for your home. Did you know that-New Jersey produces over $200,000,000° worth of chemicals a year? In fact, N e w Jersey ia JANUARY iTk • .ross _ secure ,. llsion, Mrs. Dunfee' Headquarters the curb qnd up on the sidewalk ses will be co.. vlthin a few inches of the plate Kali, o' volunIlass window on' the Union avenue ducted by ;ide of, the Center Market. The teer water safety instructor. •ft front of the Dunfee car was Same as Cad Liver Oil damaged. There was no complaint, The vitamin A in cod liver oil nd neither driver was injuredu is the same materiul as that formed i HxZl« $100,000 Blaze Here Kenilworth, and Mrs. „ - . « . U u u - thes can Red Cross has reRed Cross fee, 109 Maple place, were in coli program for lision. According to police, Mar- sumed its swimming [kano was driving north on Union Boy Scouts in Union»Cbuncil, it this week. Classes noun avenue and Mrs. Dunfee was en-'was announced s (willfee fe hld held S d route west on from 1to2 to i License Reservation .CRnnfcmd 6-2540 ferinffr.rfigksa!t^ this £ieat New Jersey industry. With annual payrolls totaling more than $3 i,000,000, chemical companies form one of (lie strongest chains in product diversifi-* cation in the state. They manufacture life-saving drugs, vital industrial compounds, and many o f the household chemicals you use in your home. There are good reasons why the chemical industry operates in New Jersey. With such advantages as yjjs^a facilities, slcilied workers, proximity to major markets, and plentiful supplies of raw materials, it's no wonder that this great StOt3 stands sixth in the nation in total value of tured products. Public Sert-ua Eteetrie cad Gas Cotapcay, pfa icrvasi of a greet tide, tostmeads the cbemfagl hrJuitrj aad eaSuipeiet Us toaShxad grotstb, «Sialiitia. VS. Census Bureau ' SS52SS2E2ME,: 2K^<5iStBam£^J^'caUEiilior^ „ u ^ streets, all 15 spectacular [supporting the forum program. . ' on tne roof of the uunumu is cnoppin1; a hole in the roof to enable firemen to get atfire, the callmen and 0 paid members of getthe at the flames. On the roof of the adjacent one-story building a fireman is seen handling one of six Two cases of drunken drivlng-^-j Former president of DePauw Sidelights on hose lines which were strung from North Union avenue and Miln street hydrants. Firemen worked the department were on the job. D at the scene from shortly after 6:36, a. m., when the first alarm was sounded, until 3:52 p. m., when The first three firemen on the og licems® g equal to the number of such cases University in Indiana, Bishop Oxback taps were sounded. during on of 1047 in Cranford— nam is secretary of the Board of job at first had donned masks and The Big Fire Tomorrow is the deadline for•were recorded 'here this week. In Missions of the Methodist Church. gone after the fire with a booster obtaining 1948 dog licenses, i t was each case, the driver had passed a He also served formerly as presiline, but when the seriousness of u n c e d Local Insurance agents) reported ^ yfterday by Township red traffic light at the intersection dent of the Federal Council of the blaze was discovered, the two yfte | f South S t h and d Centennial C t i l avenues. Churches of Christ in America. they were doing a land-office busi[pumper trucks were put into To date.<of 576 ness this week, as merchants took action, one working from a hyHe has written q number of out additional Insurance coverage drant at Miln and Alden streets U ^ "anedninlc and ignoring a traffic'light books, including ^'Making This 'in view of today's values after witU and the other at North Union and «s«*™ated were Thomas John Murray, 34, ofOur Lust War," "Labor and To•here nessing last Friday's fire in [North uvenues. The ladder truck U:ly I Ethical Old Post OfflceJtjuJMlaa^JiaanjE - « ° * W » H « L i ~ » l n P ^ f t . east. cAd John | morrow's World," Tuesday th r ~>=5*UUIIIK j . jumeK, « , or -JU5 Roosevelt ove- meais oi jesus in a Changing rtenants"Cn3iat building had not in short order. K e n i l w t h : Penalties P l t i i each h World," "Behold Thy Mother," increased their policies recently. h°u e-tolhm conduct a n UUee, Kenilworth: in C J U l v a ssue The Linden Fire Department —— uHivuu uiia l issue Other local merchants •were adding summons to^L ¥ ^ case ^vcre the same: $200 fine plus <"". "Youth and the New America." tO W n e r s w h o also sent a truck und company to o b '"•li ^ ,io °Owners whnh ™ 5 nnlLu; ««>» comprehensive coverage, business hntro . , , , . „ „ . . „ . . r <*^>ned l, dogs. C enses for their lend emergency aid, and an e n l d 5*5 for doctor s fees and $3 court Benjamin F. Newswanger is interruption clauses and other |gine company sent from Roselle costs and - revocation ol driver's chairman of the forum committee, measures e to to insure insure them them against again was stationed at Cranford headRegistration Hours license for two years onand the$10 in- Among areAngu Dr.similar blaze in their buildings. toxicated driving charge, Stanley other Hall,members J. quurters to stand by in the event flne a n d and $10Knowles, Stanley Mrs. Hall, Wulter Mrs.J. J.Conley Angus To vote in the. . •• toxicated52driving costs oncharge, the traffic light of a lire' elsewhere in town. t h ReV M r AU1 Tuesday. February -*! .n|charse ° " "8er. Mrs. C. G. The Rev. William B. Donnelly, Chief Schindler reported six L ?T^ Murray was was arraifjned arraifjned before before Albury, Albury, Howard Howard Cowperthwaite. Cowperthwaite. pastor of St. Michael's Church. di'riUi must be ^ Iiisi) Murray lines of hose were used, compriste 01 hod a difficult time last Friday "-'<l on or T ? ! ^ " ^ " l Recorder J. Stevens yes- Mrs. M. Mrs. S. d Charles C M A. A M Wilson, Wil M George G S ing 2.050 feet of Stj-inch hose and y mmornin Mrs R o S. rned yesterday t ™i t^c r d a^ - S. Miller, James P. morning as he endeavored to re[450 feet of H-j-inch hose. 7. it xvas learned ™ - and Mutek on ^^^ Neilsen and Mrs. D. C. N. Collins. quest, coax, persuade and cajole *«P Clerk J. Walter C o f f e e j 1 ^ 1 ^ m o , m l n S Firemen were hampered by the TThe h e C r j n f o r e l man was arrested pupils of St. Michael's parochial Cranford " need that registrations will! . . . " heavy smoke which tilled the school to go to school. Lined up in building and soared out to settle in the !nt 11:40 p. m. Tuesday on South H e a l t h R e p o r t o n m e sidewalks and and on |avenue near Centennial' by Pa|on the sidewalks on snowbanks cipal buildii over the whole business center in 5 who stopped F°rty-thrce cases of chlckenpox. across from the Citlxen and Chrana pall visible for miles around. Pm. on throi ithe car for passing a red lirfht. eight cases of mumps, one case of icle office, nearly all 300 pupils of They reported the flames within •Kh Friday. measl I the walls were stubbornly elusive, 1 Murray was examined by Dr. Wil« and two cases of dog bite the school were so intently interln leading them in u nerve-wrackinjj Ilium E. Martin and pronounced *?wu**? T ^ l ? " to " » Boa !" d ° f ^ *** flre *»»* " W with himney Fire Heallh durin a s we intoxicated and unfit to drive. game of hide-and-seek. As soon « **">yC3 Pterday ' <*.by « Sreat difficulty„ that they — . - , , returned •«.**&» U f a n Hr!v». . ™ - . ^ . •^H n„n„n.,,nfl» ^...vt~ « . . ^ . w a a announced is a wall or ceiling opening had were called out at reported the Kenihvorth H c a l t h o f f l c c r w m l Q m p S m l t h to classes. Many pupils of Clcve< P in JPolice man land School spent most of the d"y to been made und (lames there io exUncuisJi al"' " VVJS urivuia a Kopper's Colco an was drlvinjl KoDuer s Coke morning at the windows on the quenched, tongues of flame would ;r''"c"y llr«-' at the home of V jCpmjxany truck and after passing southerly side ol the building I be discovered greedily licking Th- rVOtT ' 7 I 2 Or^ri£e avenue' 3 " ^I i g n t sldeswipcd a Garwood e Cranford's January which overlook the scene of the :hrouj;h another section of the ^rm iva^ turned in from T a x i Company cab < " " -415. blaze. sUucturv and the scene of operaavenue below South avenue. Dr. Accident Record tions would shift rapidly. Martin also examined Mutek and Members of The Roosevelt pronounced him drunk. Deported 17 At the height of the lire, flames IVITC seen reaching up through ^-Uttvs 0 School Chronicle, who were schedthe smoke apparently -0 feeT above in Cars ....'. 3 uled to visit The Citizen und , - B.CaldwelI this,' Week-End Weather Injured the roof. It UM;. jit this point that Pedestrians Injured 1 Chronicle ofllep Friday aftcrnoor, f l 0 C a I ^Mayers that' l'ear was expressed that the whole tent the following note to the offl.-c .uju.cd 0 «W8 taxes ore due on Mostly cloudy and cold Satbuiliiur: would be gutted and the at noon Friday: "We have heard " • • • • d that G urday with some snow likely re imr:ht spread through the e n [of your ill fortune and know thai M T char e W ^ DH1VE CAREFULLY! ;; ^ £ d on pay at night and on Sunday. Not iie block. Ilapid ^nd cllU'ient lour trip to s t e your plant is de/1- partment at the rear i.pm-,1 . i , WALK CAUTIOUSLY J V> ii,,. „ sto:c after February 10 i«nk t>v the llrcmen, however, ' (Continued on pape eight) so cold Sunday. l iiidu:iinB jrou 'lit the i] HUM under control " (Continued on paae eight i * H Weadmg euUtytodriving while Any Blind U'lthlo 8 Ft. Ail Blind. 04" Lone YOUR When Kosenhlum makes a spring suit . . . it's tailored within an inch of its life. It had a hang to die collar that's the envy of every gentleman's gentleman . . . a waistline that's just r i g h t . . . stitching and Beams that even a custom tailor would give his pinking shears for. He uses erode wool fabrics in just about the handsomest spring suits weVe seen at these prices. Sports Shop, Third Floor. Ah A BEAUTY AT &AST! AT A NKK NSVBI SO 10W WTM BPT srm FOR A LIMITED TIME WhKtTfc«yU* IMMf DIAT6 MUVERY Huron INSTAUATI0B9 NIW f IATUM AO0IO TO YOUR •LINOS — IsdMit*. Aatooutfto BVMMnr. "UVOUNt" Lmtb *J# ••**- —* " N O f c fa* (• A. Ooo-luucn tub la gooS, 100% ooel tsith pea&ed lap*lK centeratit &irl. Patsder blue BateTcL Sizes 10 to JO. S9.9S D. Doat&UJ)rea!<tstn cdi fa 100% tctxtl caberdiaa tAh peaked lapels, caiter^Iit eMrt. ««>*». tielstt cad osvy. Shea C Fcttfbuttea m£r telth dub collar, fly front skirt. Kelly gretn. pecan, powder blue cad melon, la shea 10 to 13. 29.95 iHOwtoo* A-J cmca BUB 1162 E. GRAND ST. EMZAIETH, N. J. PHONI IL 5-2404 iesa Thursday Nighto Til 9 f \