DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF THE 2015-2016 FISCAL YEAR, THE BDB FACILITATED... relocation and expansion projects $32.8 Million new and retained jobs of direct investment 217 jobs 12 jobs 22 jobs 60 jobs 31 jobs 28 jobs 31 jobs 20 jobs 12 jobs Boca Raton Boynton Beach Riviera Beach Riviera Beach Jupiter Jupiter West Palm Beach Mangonia Park West Palm Beach Manufacturing Business/Financial 100 jobs 30 jobs Boca Raton Boca Raton 4.5% March 2016 4.9% KEY PROSPECTS IN THE PIPELINE PBC UNEMPLOYMENT RATE Economic Impact Projections of 11 Relocation and Expansion Projects October 2015 - March 2016 Output Wages Taxes Capital Investment Life Science Manufacturing Manufacturing A/A/E, HQ Life Sciences, HQ A/A/E Manufacturing Manufacturing, HQ Healthcare TOTAL JOBS: 563 January 2016 5.3% January 2015 THE NUMBERS 563 KRS Global Biotechnology Surfis BTI RADISE International Charleston Laboratories CEL Aero USA Bee Access Products Ramatex International Via Mar Health Institute of the Palm Beaches Project Cap Project Robin $680,641,654 $133,041,685 $15,492,140 $32,899,000 Average Wage as % of County Average Company Average Wage County Average Wage 152% $74,457 $49,123 Project P2P Project Scandinavian Project Mohawk Project Tiger Project Krieger Project Pick Project Corn Project Cane Project Falcon Project Freckle Project Pallet IT HQ/Financial HQ/Distribution Manufacturing Healthcare Biotech IT/Business Services Business Financial A/A/E Life Science Distribution 838 jobs 260 jobs 40 jobs 71 jobs 90 jobs 51 jobs 50 jobs 8 jobs 200 jobs 16 jobs 45 jobs Boca Raton West Palm Beach Boca Raton Belle Glade Pahokee/WPB Jupiter West Palm Beach West Palm Beach North County Boca Raton Riviera Beach TOTAL POTENTIAL JOBS: 1,669 CORPORATE SUCCESSES 11 CORPORATE RELOCATIONS AND EXPANSIONS Site location experts from 10 states plus India took part in the BDB’s 2016 Palm Beach County International Site Consultant Familiarization Site selectors met with public and private sector representatives and community leaders. They gained exposure to the county’s business assets. They provided valuable feedback pertaining to the area’s strengths and suggestions to further business attraction and retention success. Modernizing Medicine, Inc. 3Cinteractive KRS Global Biotechnology American Sugar Refining, Inc. The consultants were most impressed with PBC’s collaborative spirit between government and business. MICROSITES MARKETING AND OUTREACH MISSIONS South County—December 2015 The Business Development Board hosted two Business Appreciation Bus Tours designed to acknowledge local businesses for their contribution to economic development success in the county. Tour participants included BDB members and city and county leaders. The first tour highlighted South Palm Beach County companies and the second tour included companies in Central Palm Beach County. Future tours will showcase companies in the North and West portions of Central County—March 2016 RECENT OUTREACH TRIPS O’Donnell Agency Cheney Brothers, Inc. RGF Environmental Group, Inc. Sancilio & Company, Inc. NY Mission—New York, October 6-8 CoreNet—Los Angeles, October 18–21 Area Development Consultants Forum—Orlando, December 6-8 Site Selectors Guild—Nashville, February 24-26 IAMC—New Orleans, March 14 BUSINESS APPRECIATION BUS TOURS 2016 FAM TOUR RAISING PBC’S RELEVANCE AND PROFILE THROUGH FRESH AND PROACTIVE STRATEGIES Coming Soon: PBCglades.org Comments and suggestions regarding the draft report are welcome - please send them to Lynne Stein Benzion at lbenzion@bdb.org. The report outlines an economic development life science strategy, an analysis of Palm Beach County’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats pertaining to the industry, and provides seven broad recommendations with action steps to strengthen the sector over the short and long term. The The BDB partnered with LORE to host the first three-year stakeholders’ update on March 8. Medical Staff The BDB, in cooperation with The School District of Palm Beach County, hosted the first “Claim Your Future Showcase” with over 500 students, 40 company exhibitor booths, and 32 panel discussions. The showcase provided students with the opportunity to learn about great career opportunities available in Palm Beach County. On May 3rd, the BDB will submit a municipal report specifically designed for the City of South Bay. This report will mainly focus on the city owned, 98 acre South Bay Park of Commerce. Please email Glades Economic Development VP Luke Jackson for a copy at ljackson@bdb.org Behind the Gates is a multi-year initiative to attract executives who have second homes in Palm Beach County to move TOTAL JOBS FROM THIS INITIATIVE : 675 Coming Soon: Airport/Billboard Ads BEHIND THE GATES BRANDING AND MARKETING EDUCATION The BDB, along with its partner, LORE, updated the Glades marketing materials including brochures, infographics, and asset map. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE GLADES LIFE SCIENCES INDUSTRY STUDY A draft report of the life sciences industry study has been completed and may be viewed at: www.bdb.org/media-center/publications/.