REPORT/RAPPORT REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/39 : SF/2011/10 October 2011 INITIAL ASSESSMENT OF LABORATORIES AND QUALITY CONTROL AUTHORITIES IN EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA 2013 Funded by European Union Implementation of a Regional Fisheries Strategy For The Eastern-Southern Africa and India Ocean Region Programme pour la mise en oeuvre d'une stratégie de pêche pour la region Afrique orientale-australe et Océan indien Initial assessment of laboratories and quality control authorities in Eastern and Southern Africa SF/2013/39 This report has been prepared with the technical assistance of Le présent rapport a été réalisé par l'assistance technique de October 2012 Summary Report There are 9 concerned states grouped as follows: Eastern Africa • Uganda • Burundi • Kenya • Tanzania • Rwanda Southern Africa • Malawi • Zambia • Zimbabwe • Swaziland TABLE OF CONTENTS METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................................6 1. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF PRESENT FISHING SECTOR.......................................8 2. LEGAL ISSUES IN TERMS OF FOOD LEGISLATION / REGULATIONS.......................12 3. EXISTENCE OF A NATIONAL FOOD SAFETY CONTROL BODY / COMPETENT AUTHORITY...............................................................................13 4. PRESENCE OF TESTING LABORATORIES (GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE)....................................................................................14 MAIN FINDINGS AND WAY FORWARD.............................................................................15 ANNEX 1: Summary of Data................................................................................................20 ANNEX 2: INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONNAIRES.......................................................................29 ANNEX 3: LIST OF EU APPROVED FISHERY PRODUCTS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ON EU WEBSITE......................................................73 METHODOLOGY A Questionnaire was prepared by SGS, and approved by COI, to serve as baseline for the data capture exercise done by different SGS affiliates as highlighted in the Profile sheet of the enclosed Summary of Data document. The idea is to identify the following main items in each of the concerned states: • Main characteristics of present fishing sector • Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations • Existence of a national food safety control body / Competent Authority • Presence of testing laboratories (government and private) And hence evaluate to the best of our possibilities the following: • Identify gaps in knowledge • Identify weaknesses related to quality control authorities • Identify weaknesses related to fish testing in public / private laboratories • Identify fast track approach – earmark selected countries for where to start • Earmark any potential recommendations for further action It is to be noted that this is above all a diagnosis phase to identify what exists in each of the above mentioned states in terms of testing laboratories and quality control authorities in line with suitable data that might be readily available. The scope does not provide for any field trip to concerned laboratories nor any further on-site assessment to confirm information provided. As part of this exercise, the complete set of documents handed over to the COI in line with the above scope, over and above the enclosed Summary Report, consists of: Summary of Data (summarising the different information collected from the individual questionnaires) Questionnaires (8 different individual questionnaires as handed over by concerned SGS affiliates – no questionnaire for Swaziland, and for Mauritius it is just as info purposes) List of EU Approved Fishery products activities (Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe) Additional documents sent by affiliates (Zimbabwe Food safety situation – 2008 / Importance of fish sector in Malawi – 2007) 6 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 7 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF PRESENT FISHING SECTOR All mentioned states, apart from Burundi, Rwanda and Swaziland, have a Fishing sector and the latter has more or less grown over the years, despite the fact that the quantity of fish caught might have been somehow declining overall due to overfishing. • • • some marine fisheries being coastal states. Tuna is the main fish species mentioned. The revenue derived from this sector and hence the size of the sector can be estimated as follows as per data collected - and somehow reworked for some in light of additional information obtained: In Burundi it is stated that there is no fishing industry as such (just through NGO organisation and artisanal type with some limited aquaculture activities; fishing activity is mainly on Lake Tanganyika and primarily for local consumption). Same is applicable for Rwanda where the industry is very limited and mostly centred around local consumption; the tonnage of fish caught (Tilapia - on Lake Kivu) being relatively low (mention is made of 11 tonnes). For Swaziland also there is no fishing industry and if fish is caught it is consumed fresh. Note: The quantity of fish caught and exported in Uganda has been declining since 2005 due mainly to overfishing. The fishing sector in the 6 remaining states is still dominated by a traditional and artisanal type industry, mostly geared towards local consumption and where most of the fishing is inland (fresh water) with the following main fish species concerned: • Nile Perch • Tilapia • Sardine Aquaculture is slowly making its way and most development is in terms of lake-based aquaculture. It is stated that aquaculture has great potential for expansion - in Tanzania, amongst others. Kenya and Tanzania would also be involved in 8 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Main Characteristics of Present Fishing Sector Countries Av. Tonnage / yr (MT) Av. Revenue / yr ($) Main fishing sectors Type Local versus Export Uganda 371,200 85.3 Mio Artisanal / Aquaculture Fresh 55% - 45% Tanzania 350,000 140 Mio Artisanal / Aquaculture / Barachois / Vessel Fresh & Marine 80% - 20% Kenya 130,000 80 Mio Artisanal / Aquaculture / Barachois / Vessel Fresh & Marine 40% - 60% Zambia 70,000 19.1 Mio Artisanal / Aquaculture / Vessel Fresh 85% - 15% Malawi 50,000 150,000 Artisanal / Aquaculture / Barachois / Vessel Fresh 95% - 5% Zimbabwe 15,600 760,000 Artisanal / Aquaculture / Barachois Fresh 82% - 19% The following elements are also worth mentioning regarding those main countries exporting fish or fishery products, listed in terms of importance: Countries Export to Agreement Type of fish exported Uganda EU / DR Congo / Japan / Korea / China ACP Lome 2 Frozen fillets / Chilled fillets / Smoked / Dried fish Kenya EU: Italy / UK / France EU Regulation Mainly Frozen products Tanzania EU / Australia / USA / HK / Singapore / Japan FQCSR 2000* Frozen Fillets / Whole body (Nile Perch) Zambia DR Congo N/a Mostly unprocessed but frozen Zimbabwe EU / RSA / USA SADC Fillets / Salt fish / Dried fish Malawi Neighbouring countries (Mozambique) N/a Smoked / Dried fish (*) To note that Fish Quality Control & Standards Regulations 2000 is harmonized with the EU Regulations and lobsters while mention is also made of octopus and fingerlings for Kenya. As per above information, the fishing sector is more developed in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. These countries seem to have a better organized export sector than the others and with fish processing being carried out. Though Uganda has the highest annual catch, it seems that Tanzania and Kenya are more on value-added fish and fishery products. The export of fish is mostly frozen type. In both Uganda and Kenya, there are some 10 main fish processing companies - approved by the EU - while in Tanzania there are approximately 16. All these 3 countries are involved in value added products such as fishmeal, fish oil and by-products like fish head and tail. Zambia and Zimbabwe have just a few processing companies (around 3-5, of which 1 in Zimbabwe is EU approved) and Malawi apparently has only 1 fish processing plant. Worth mentioning that Burundi apparently exports (1% of catch – very niche) some grilled fish to Belgium and other African countries like Uganda and Rwanda. Some countries do import fish for their local consumption: Tanzania also produces crabs, prawns, shrimps SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 • • • While for Rwanda it is quite significant (fish coming mainly from Uganda and Tanzania) For Tanzania it is rather minimal For Kenya (and same is applicable for Malawi) it is mainly in terms of canned products (Tuna / Salmon) 9 • For Burundi it is mainly in terms of fishing material, as peravailable data All above mentioned states do have some import controls in place in terms of inspection and testing, except Burundi and Swaziland. • • 10 Mention is made of Rwanda Bureau of Standards / Tanzania Bureau of Standards / Zambia Bureau of Standards / Malawi Bureau of Standards In Kenya the above is covered under the present Product Verification of Conformity (PVoC) program, run amongst others by SGS. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Legal Issues in Terms of Food Legislation / Regulations SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 11 LEGAL ISSUES IN TERMS OF FOOD LEGISLATION / REGULATIONS All mentioned states have a local legislation in place and which is said to be enforced. There is a national food safety control body in all these states, except Uganda - to be further confirmed, unless it is a problem of interpretation. For the following countries involved in export activities, namely Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia, there is a separate entity overlooking the export of products. A quick summary of information compiled regarding Veterinary Services and related inspectors are as follows (but to note that inspectors are not necessarily attached to fish products only but to foods of animal origin in general): Countries Control body Ministry of under Veterinary Services No. of inspectors (CA) Uganda Agriculture, Animal Yes, with 5 key people Industry & Fisheries Kenya Trade / Fisheries Tanzania Livestock Development & No Fisheries Approx. 100 Zambia Agriculture Cooperative and Yes, in all main towns 2 Zimbabwe Health. Lands Agriculture and Yes Unknown Malawi Trade and Industry 10 Yes, dept with more than Approx. 50 100 staff Yes Approx. 100 What is surprising is that there are apparently no Veterinary services in Tanzania, again unless it is a problem of naming. In Burundi, there are no Veterinary services. There is a Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Trade / Environment. However, in Rwanda there is a Veterinary Service in place which is under the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources. No further information provided for Swaziland. 12 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Existence of a National Food Safety Control Body / Competent Authority EXISTENCE OF A NATIONAL FOOD SAFETY CONTROL BODY / COMPETENT AUTHORITY In all mentioned countries (except Malawi and Swaziland) there is a Competent Authority (CA) which is responsible for official controls, that is verification / inspection / testing of fisheries products amongst others. It seems from information obtained that, on average, inspectors attached to the CA has the following educational background: • • at least a Certificate in Fisheries most would be undergraduates with degree in Biological or Veterinary Sciences This is probably not the case for Burundi, Rwanda and Malawi, while no information has been obtained regarding Zimbabwe. However, mentioned is made that it could be more the training and material that would be missing rather than the actual capabilities of the people. The Competent Authority usually falls under the Department of Fisheries within the Ministry of Agriculture or Trade, depending on the country. In Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania the Competent Authority is said to be recognised as such by the EU. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 13 PRESENCE OF TESTING LABORATORIES (GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE) All below mentioned countries have got testing laboratories where some fish testing is done; the majority of these labs are Government owned and with the following capabilities: Countries Total no. of (specify for fish) Labs Main testing parameters ISO 17025 accredited categories Kenya 20 Labs (SGS - p, KEBS Micro / Chemical (exc. Main ones accredited & PHL - g) histamine) / Specialised Uganda 4 Labs (Chemiphar main Micro / Chemical (exc. Main ones accredited one - p) heavy metals) Tanzania 6 Labs (5 involved in Micro / Chemical (exc. 3 are accredited fish - p & g) heavy metals) Zambia 6 Labs (some involved Micro in fish – g) Not accredited Malawi 1 Lab (MBS - g) Micro Not accredited Zimbabwe 2 Labs (g) Micro Not accredited Burundi 8 Labs (p & g) Micro Not accredited Note: p – private lab / g – government lab In Rwanda testing is usually done through the University, else for fish and fishery products it would be outsourced to SGS and KEBS in Kenya. No information obtained regarding Swaziland. In all above 7 listed countries, some basic microbiological parameters would be available within the local labs. For fish and fishery products these would be namely: • Coagulase positive staphylococci • Salmonella spp • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli • Coliforms The chemical parameters mentioned, namely • Histamine • Heavy metals (cadmium / lead / mercury – would also include arsenic) Would be more linked to export of fish products to EU 14 The specialised testing referred to is very specific and linked to a particular market and/or product, such as: • Dioxins / PAH – mostly for export to EU and done at least once annually (usually subcontracted to labs in Belgium or Netherlands) • Salt content – for salted type fish processed products • Tin / sterility – for canned type fish processed products Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania are the only countries which have ISO 17025 accredited labs: ISO/IEC 17025 is the internationally recognized standard for testing and calibration laboratories. It is the basis for accreditation from an accreditation body. It specifies the general requirements for the laboratory to carry out tests and / or calibrations, including sampling. It specifies criteria for the development and assessment of management systems and laboratory technical controls that provide confidence in the results obtained. There are two main clauses in ISO/IEC 17025 – Management Requirements and Technical requirements. Management requirements are SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Presence of Testing Laboratories (Government and Private) related to the operation and effectiveness of the quality management system within the laboratory and this clause has similar requirements to ISO 9001. Technical requirements address the competence of staff, testing methodology, equipment, reporting of test and calibration results. In these 3 mentioned countries testing guidelines for fish and fishery products and respective acceptable limits are clearly defined by own regulations / standards (which is not the case for the other countries). These 3 countries would also follow the EU Directive. Based on data received, labs in Kenya and Uganda (mostly private ones) seem to be the most competent ones. Kenya • Main testing labs for fish and fishery products are KEBS and Public Health Labs (these are Government labs) and SGS (private). • All parameters mentioned can be performed locally. • Histamine would be outsourced. Uganda • Main testing lab is Chemiphar (the only private lab). chemiphar_%28u%29_ltd-109.html • Other labs: UNBS / Dept. of Water Laboratory / University Lab Vet Public Health (Government labs, but not necessarily used for testing of fish and fishery products). • All parameters mentioned can be performed locally, except for heavy metals and Residual Chemicals, including PCBs and PAH, which would be outsourced, namely to Belgium and Netherlands. • It is worth noting that the fish species in Uganda are not known to produce Histamine Tanzania • Main testing labs for fish and fishery products are Fish QC Lab, TBS, TIRDO, TFDA and GCLA (both private and Government labs). • All microbiological parameters mentioned can be performed locally. • Chemical parameters will usually be outsourced to Chemiphar Lab in Uganda. • Pesticide PAH, Dioxin and heavy metals would be outsourced abroad. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Main findings and way forward Fisheries and aquaculture play a vital role in the economic development of most of the concerned African states. Sector is dominated by fresh water type fishing with 3 main fish species and limited aquaculture. Only Kenya seems to be involved really in marine type fishing. Export on the whole is still very limited. Export products not really high value added products – more frozen type. 3 main countries involved in export, the rest mostly for local consumption (mainly whole fish – fresh), else fishing sector non-existent. Two major sources of fish for use as food or feed. Wild caught fish, providing the world with food and feed. Targeting wild fish stocks. Small to gigantic scale operations. Product comes as-it-is. Farmed fish, mainly providing the world with products for human consumption. Fish farming uses small fish from the wild or hatched fish as stock for growing. Farmed fish is fed with fishmeal or agricultural products. Small to large scale operations. Farming practice has major influence on nutritional quality, food safety and fish size. Choice of species is based on market demand and technical considerations. Connection between fishing and aquaculture industry Most farmed species eat products originating from fisheries, fish meal and fish oil. 15 NGO’s, consumers, industry, retailers and governments have concerns about: Wild caught fish Stock depletion (also bycatch, discards) Habitat impact (coral reefs, sea bed, ETP species) Ecosystem impact (trophic level of target species – fish eats fish!) Farmed fish Food safety (animal drugs, hygiene) Animal welfare Environmental impact (biodiversity, waste water, feed production) Feed conversion It is interesting to know who’s driving the markets for quality control and analysis. Usually this is the local government (legislation), but it could also be clients such as EU-importers and the tourism sector. Hence, explaining the differences which exist between the 9 concerned states. The more there is processing, the more control there should be. Also, if a country wants to export then there must be some quality control into place. If the fish is eaten quickly after fishing then quality can be controlled easily without much investment – can rely on basic inspection procedures. Keeping the fish cool at all times would be recommended. It is important to note that a whole fish always has a lot of bacteria, hence bacteria analysis as such is not of much use (the outside skin of the fish – mucus – contains bacteria at the start). However, once there is some processing being carried out (e.g. fillets) and the fish can be contaminated by some outside elements then some microbiological and histamine analysis would be important. Whichever the country’s level in terms of fishing activity, we would expect the pool of inspectors performing quality control to have basic knowledge to check the fish quality and freshness through some simple procedures / methodology; they should have followed at least an awareness course on HACCP which is a generic system of food safety and be acquainted with the fishing industry. 16 For assessing freshness: • Fish should smell fresh and mild, not fishy, sour, or ammonia-like. • A fish’s eyes should be clear and bulge a little (except for a few naturally cloudy-eyed fish types) • Whole fish and filets should have firm, shiny flesh and bright red gills free from slime. Dull flesh could mean the fish is old. Note: Fish fillets that have been previously frozen may have lost some of their shine, but they are fine to eat. • The flesh should spring back when pressed. • Fish fillets should display no darkening or drying around the edges. They should have no green or yellowish discoloration, and should not appear dry or mushy in any areas. But this is just basic, and depending on the type of fish this can differ. Obviously: fillets don’t have eyes to look at. And this is why we would recommend some basic microbiological testing (in line with EU Directive 2073) as well as histamine analysis and/or Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVBN) to be carried out whenever there is some processing being done. Histamine gives an indication whether temperature has been altered during the process. TVBN can give an indication on the freshness of the fish. In frozen fish, acids and phosphates can be used to retain water after defrosting - there is a maximum amount of phosphates allowed in EU, and so this could be some test criteria too. For marine type fish we would definitely recommend testing on heavy metals to be carried out, including Arsenic. Testing on more specific parameters for export of fish and fishery products to EU, such as PAH and Dioxins as per EU requirements can be outsourced to an accredited lab outside the concerned state. These are much specialised testing requested usually once annually and they are rather expensive too. On the topic of food poisoning due to fish consumption one can find a good overview of agents including Histamine and Arsenic on: http:// FDA and FAO websites are good sources of information on the topic. As per information gathered, countries can be grouped as follows in terms of quality control and testing: SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Presence of Testing Laboratories (Government and Private) 1. 1Best organized ones (also the ones exporting outside Africa) – Uganda and Kenya / Tanzania also making its way 2. In-between ones – Zambia / Zimbabwe / Malawi 3. Least controls – Rwanda / Burundi / Swaziland (but also very limited fish industry with no import control on fish nor Veterinary Services necessarily available – fish would be mostly consumed fresh) For the first group of countries need to have a Competent Authority with official lab(s) attached to it together with Veterinary services familiar with sampling processes and well versed with the EU directive 2002/69. There is a need to understand how come Uganda is said not to have any Veterinary Services. Furthermore there is a need to get further information on the mentioned labs within these 3 countries - where are they situated: is it near the main fishing port areas / what time does it take to have the fish samples to the lab / how are samples conditioned to ensure they are not tampered / is there a proper sample reception policy in place at the lab / are there cold room facilities available at ports to keep fish / are those facilities monitored / etc Hence, the first place to start would definitely be within these 3 countries (the first group) to further assess the capabilities of the people there and current infrastructure. It could be worth starting within Uganda and Kenya: • The labs mentioned should be visited • The gaps to be fulfilled, if any, must be identified through proper on-site assessment • The CA / Vet services must be interviewed Once confident that they have the capabilities and the required expertise then could use these as basis for further training to the rest of the states moving into the second group of countries, then to the third one eventually afterwards. What has been highlighted from numerous studies is that there exists a huge potential for increasing fish production through capture fisheries and aquaculture in countries like Malawi and Zimbabwe. This will contribute towards food security, income and employment, with surplus SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 production earmarked for the export market to earn foreign exchange, thereby propelling socioeconomic development. To achieve this goal, projects need to be initiated to eliminate constraints in fish production and limitations in fish export potential. These will include i) production and technology development ii) resource management and monitoring iii) fish quality management iv) capacity building and institutional strengthening and v) establishing viable financing mechanisms. Fish quality management through proper quality control and testing is definitely an important issue. As a final note, please find below the complete range of services available to help reduce risk, improve efficiency and ensure compliance to contractual or regulatory requirements. As quality expectations differ, it is important to decide on the best approach to ensure quality and hygiene conditions, specially related to fish export. Testing Services • Materials testing to confirm suitability of raw material and components • Performance testing to establish conformity to contractual requirements and claimed specifications • Safety testing to reduce liability exposure national or international regulations • Restricted substance testing to analyse restricted, hazardous substances • Comparative testing to benchmark one product against similar products in the market • Product certification to certify products against industry standards Inspection Services • Pre-production, Initial and During Production Check to inspect available for conformity against reference samples and specifications. Corrective actions can be taken before completion of whole consignment • Final Random Inspection to inspect statistically all criteria specified in the appearance, function, quality, quantity, marking and packing • Retail Store Check to evaluate products presentation and shelf life, including samples selection for testing Technical Assistance • Corporate Social Responsibility Solutions to support retailers and brands to develop their programmes and evaluate social, ethical, 17 • • • • • 18 environmental compliance throughout the supply chain Factory Quality Assessment to evaluate capabilities of a manufacturer to deliver the product quality and quantities within a specified time frame Food Safety & Health Assessment to evaluate safety and quality issues during food production and processing Regulatory Advisory Service to provide information on regulations, standards and quality specifications for zspecific prodcuts and markets Training to educate client staff on quality assurance principles and other relevant topics Private Label Support to assist retailers to launch their own product lines SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 ANNEX SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 19 ANNEX 1: SUMMARY OF DATA Characteristics Evaluation Report # Requirements Eastern Africa Uganda Southern Africa Burundi Kenya Tanzania Rwanda Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe (Not Provided) Main Characteristics of present fishing sector 1 Is there a fishing industry? Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 2 Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/ decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 3 What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? $85.3 Mio (Not provided) $80 Mio $140 Mio (reworked) (Not provided) $150,000 $19.1 Mio 760,000 4 Please tick main fishing sectors: • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ • Barachois / Ponds N/A √ √ √ √ √ N/A √ • Aquaculture √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) N/A √ √ √ N/A √ √ (Not Provided) 5 What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? (Not Provided) Ndagara, Sangala, Mukeke, Capitain, … Nile Perch, Tilapia, Tuna, Octopus and Fingerlings Nile Perch, Tilapia, Lake Sardine ("dagaa") Tilapia Haplochromines, Tilapia, etc Clupeids (sardines), Limnothrissa miodon, Stolothrissa tanganicae etc Nile Tilapia, Kapenta, Cichlids, Cyprinid, Characid and Clarid 6 Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? 371,200 1,300 130,000 350,000 1,100 50,000 65,00070,000 15,600 7 % of annual catch used for local consumption? 55% 99% 40% 80% 90% 95% 85% 81.21% 8 % of annual catch used for exportation? 45% 1% 60% 20% 10% 5% 15% 18.79% 9 To which countries are they exported? EU, DR Congo, Japan, Korea, China Belgium and some African countries like Rwanda, Uganda, ... (grilled fish) Italy, UK, France Europe, Australia, USA, Asia (Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan) & Middle East Most of the catch is consumed locally. Mozambique DR Congo South Africa, Europe, America 20 Swaziland SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Annex 1: Summary of Data Evaluation Report # Requirements Southern Africa Eastern Africa Uganda Burundi Kenya Tanzania Rwanda Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe 10 If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? None (Not provided) (Not provided) Tanzania is a member of both EAC & SADC and operates within these frameworks Most of the catch is consumed locally. None None SADC Protocol on fisheries 11 If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? ACP Lome 2 (Not provided) EU Regulations Fish Quality Control & Standards Regulations 2000 harmonized with the EU N/A N/A None (Not Provided) 12 For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed Chilled fillets; Frozen fillets; Smoked whole; Dried fish maws (Not provided) (Not provided) Nile Perch is the dominant fish species in exportfillet, whole body, fish maws and bladder N/A Smoked Most sold unprocessed Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is processed into fillets,skinless and boneless, fish belly and fish oil which is then frozen or chilled for the export market. 13 How many main fish processing companies are there? 10 No companies 10 Approx. 16 No companies 1 Several Lake Harbest, Cairns Fisheries, Kariba Prawns 14 What are the main fishery products? Frozen Fresh Frozen Frozen N/A Fresh & Dried Frozen Kapenta (sardine like small pelagic) are processed through salting and drying, while bream and tiger fish from small scale and artisanal fishers is salted and dried but most sold fresh to the domestic market. Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is processed into fillets,skinless and boneless, fish belly and fish oil which is than frozen or chilled for the export market. The small scale fisher sun-dry there fish before transport them to the domestic markets. 15 How are the fish waste treated? Offcuts are sold for drying and salting; and Fish meal (Not provided) By the fish processing companies Sale of solid fish frames, burying underground N/A N/A Fish is sold unprocessed (Not Provided) SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Swaziland 21 Evaluation Report # Requirements Uganda 16 Southern Africa Eastern Africa Burundi Kenya Tanzania Rwanda Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe Swaziland Added value such as: • Fishmeal √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A (Not Provided) • Fishoil √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A √ • By products such as fish head and tail √ √ √ √ N/A √ N/A √ 17 Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? Yes Yes Yes No No Yes N/A Yes 18 Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No (Not provided) Yes 19 Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 20 Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Not Provided) Tanzania Rwanda Regulations Evaluation Report # Requirements Eastern Africa Uganda Southern Africa Burundi Kenya Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations NO QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Is there a local legislation in place? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Is it enforced? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Is there a separate entity for control of export products? Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No 22 Swaziland SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Annex 1: Summary of Data Evaluation Report # Requirements Southern Africa Eastern Africa Uganda Burundi Kenya Tanzania Rwanda Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe 5 The entities are answerable to which Ministry? Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry & Fisheries Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Environment Ministry of Trade Ministry of Livestock Development & Fisheries - Competent authority in Fishery matters Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative Various government departments and ministries of Health and Child Welfare, Lands and Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, local authorities and the consumer. 6 Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Yes No Yes Yes No No No No 7 Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No available information 65 All around the country Unknown If not, state otherwise? 8 Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? The BBN is in charge of quality control 5 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 No veterinary service at Burundi (for SGS) Swaziland Samples for checking veterinary residues are taken to acc. Labs abroad >100 Nil 23 Control Evaluation Report # Requirements Eastern Africa Uganda Southern Africa Burundi Kenya Tanzania Rwanda Malawi Zambia Zimbabwe Existence of a Competent Authority NO QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Refer to Link provided 2 The competent authority falls under which Ministry? MAAIF Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Environment Ministry of Fisheries Ministry of Livestock Development & Fisheries Ministry of Trade Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Inspectors from various ministries 3 The number of inspectors? 10 Department of Fishing About 50 About 100 countrywide No available information About 100 2 Unknown 4 The average educational background of the inspectors? Food Science; Vet Medicine; Environmental Hygiene The background is sufficient but training and material is missing Minimum undergraduate degree in Biological or Vertinary Sciences Diplomas, Bsc & Msc No available information Secondary school level Certificate in Fisheries Unknown 24 Swaziland SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Are the fish and fishery products tested? How many local laboratories are there? 2 Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) Requirements 1 # Evaluation Report Testing Tanzania Rwanda 4 Yes 8 Yes About 20 Yes 6 Yes Limited testing capability/ mainly University Yes Yes 6 1 Zambia Yes Malawi Kenya Uganda Burundi Southern Africa Eastern Africa 2 Yes Zimbabwe NO QUESTIONNAIRE Swaziland Annex 1: Summary of Data 25 26 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Are they accredited laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? 4 5 Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Are they Government or private laboratories? 3 6 Requirements # Evaluation Report No Yes Yes Yes No Both (Private and Gvnt) Burundi Yes 1 private; 3 Govt Uganda Eastern Africa Yes Yes Yes Mainly government labs Tanzania Yes Yes Yes Both Rwanda Zambia Yes Yes No No Yes No Mainly the Government Universities/ No competent labs Malawi Southern Africa Yes Yes No Government Zimbabwe (Not Provided) Yes As of 2008, neither were ISO17025. Check on SANAS website - no food labs accredited in zimbabwe. Veterinary lab is accredited to ISO17025 - scope: http://www. veterinary/V0009.11.10. pdf Government Analyst Laboratory renamed now to National Health Laboratory Services (goverrment lab), Standards Association of Zimbabwe (private lab). Veterinary labs called Central Veterinary Laboratory - can do Total coliform and baterial count in fish Swaziland SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 8 2 1 Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? 7 Yes Yes • Lead • Mercury Yes Yes Yes Yes • Coliforms • Salmonella spp Yes Yes No No No • Coagulase positive staphylococci Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? Yes • Cadmium No No Yes No No Tanzania Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rwanda Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Malawi Burundi Uganda Yes Southern Africa Eastern Africa • Histamine Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters Requirements # Evaluation Report Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Zambia Zimbabwe Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Swaziland Yes Unknown Yes Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown (Not Provided) (Not Provided) Annex 1: Summary of Data 27 28 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 # Yes No No Yes Yes Yes • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen • Salt content • Moisture • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Listeria monocytogenes • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) No No No No No No No Tanzania Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rwanda No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No No No Malawi Burundi Uganda No Southern Africa Eastern Africa • Tin Requirements Evaluation Report Zambia No No No No No No No Zimbabwe No No No No No No No Swaziland Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? % of annual catch used for local consumption? % of annual catch used for exportation? 6 7 8 1% 99% 13000Tonnes √ • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? √ • Aquaculture 5 √ • Barachois / Ponds Grilled fish exported Provide data for wild caught (marine and fresh water) and aquaculture if applicable Ndagara, Sangala, Mukeke, Capitain, … No vessel fishing, just some artisanal with engine on lake Tanganyika Fresh water A smal number (frech water) Lake Tanganyika and other Fresh water Please tick main fishing sectors: 4 √ Can grow significantly 1% of GDP What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? 3 • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) No industry in this domain in Burundi ( just some artisanal and NGO organisation) No Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? Artisanal fishing organisation ( no real industry in this domain) Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. 2 Isteebu statistics Source info No Answer(s) Is there a fishing industry? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Brundi ANNEX 2: INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONNAIRES Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 29 30 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 1 Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 20 Is there a local legislation in place? Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? 19 Yes No No No specific control for fishing in term of testing No specific control for fishing in term of inspection Fishing material ( no statistics available) Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 Yes very limited Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are Yes feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? Not used Not produced Not produced Confirm if different processing plants involved other than those already listed above List here your selection List the agreements and export controls required 17 √ Added value such as: 16 • By products such as fish head and tail How are the fish waste treated? 15 √ What are the main fishery products? 14 • Fishoil Fresh How many main fish processing companies are there? 13 √ List the main ones No companies For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed 12 • Fishmeal Provide details If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? Confirm if derogations exist or not and export controls required 11 Belgium and some African countries like Rwanda, Uganda, ... ( grilled fish) Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? Source info 10 Answer(s) To which countries are they exported? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 9 # Evaluation Questionnaire SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Is there a separate entity for control of export products? The entities are answerable to which Ministry? Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 4 5 6 7 Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? The competent authority falls under which Ministry? The number of inspectors? The average educational background of the inspectors? 2 3 4 Existence of a Competent Authority Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? 1 8 Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? 3 If not, state otherwise? Is it enforced? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 2 # Evaluation Questionnaire Department of fishing Yes N/A No No No Yes Yes Answer(s) Source info The background is sufficient but training and material is missing Ministry of Trade, Ministry of environment (role: verification / inspection / testing) No veterian service at Burundi ( for SGS) The BBN is in charge of quality control Trade Ministry, Environment Ministry Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 31 32 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 No No No Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 5 6 7 8 2 1 Yes Are they accredited laboratories? 4 No • Mercury Yes Yes • Coagulase positive staphylococci • Coliforms Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? No No • Cadmium • Lead No Both (Private and Gvnt) • Histamine Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters No Are they Government or private laboratories? 3 8 How many local laboratories are there? 2 Yes Answer(s) Are the fish and fishery products tested? Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Source info Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) Provide details if ISO 17025 / Body of Accreditation / Scope of Accreditation CNTA, FACAGRO; SAC; LACA; ISABU Laboratory,… Elementary test are done ( just for bactery,..) Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. 3 # Yes • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 No No No No No No No No • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) • Tin • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen • Salt content • Moisture • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Listeria monocytogenes • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) Any other insight information worth mentioning? No • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels Any other testing parameters performed? Yes Answer(s) • Salmonella spp Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Evaluation Questionnaire Source info Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 33 34 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Yes Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? Please tick main fishing sectors: 2 3 4 If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? 10 11 % of annual catch used for exportation? 8 To which countries are they exported? % of annual catch used for local consumption? 7 9 Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? 60% 40% 130MT √ • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) 6 √ • Aquaculture What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? √ • Barachois / Ponds 5 √ • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) $80 Mio Yes Answer(s) Is there a fishing industry? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Kenya Kenya Marine Fisheries Kenya Marine Fisheries EPZA, Kenya EPZA, Kenya CBS CBS CBS Source info EU Regulations Confirm if derogations exist or not and export controls required Italy, UK, France Source- Central Bureau of Statistics,2004 Nile Perch, Tillapia, Tuna, Octopus and Fingerlings Fresh water Fresh water Both Marine and Fresh Water Provide any available data to back these trends Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 20 Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? 19 Yes Yes Yes Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 √ • By products such as fish head and tail Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are Yes feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? √ • Fishoil 17 √ Added value such as: 16 • Fishmeal How are the fish waste treated? 15 Ministry Of Trade Ministry Of Trade Ministry Of Fisheries covered under the PVoC Program. Covered under the PVoC Program. Mainly canned products e.g Tuna, Salmon Provide any additional details Same as above Frozen Frozen What are the main fishery products? 14 Kenya Marine Fisheries Kenya Marine and Fisheries Ltd, Kendag, Alpha Fine Foods Ltd, Sea Harvest… 10 How many main fish processing companies are there? Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. 13 Kenya Marine Fisheries Source info Provide details Answer(s) For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 12 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 35 36 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? Is there a separate entity for control of export products? The entities are answerable to which Ministry? Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 3 4 5 6 7 The number of inspectors? The average educational background of the inspectors? 3 4 Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) The competent authority falls under which Ministry? Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? Existence of a Competent Authority Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? 2 1 8 Is it enforced? 2 If not, state otherwise? Is there a local legislation in place? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire about 50 Yes >100 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Answer(s) Ministry of Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries Ministry of Trade Public Health Act,Cap 242 Source info Minimum- undergraduate degree in Biological or Vertinary Sciences Ministry of Fisheries (role: verification / inspection Inspections of foods of animal origin/garduate vertinary doctors ex Ministry of Livestock Not applicable Department of Vertinary Services handles exist EC recognizes Marine and Fisheries Department as a competent authority re inspections Ministry of Trade Export Promotion Council/Zones Enforcement through Public Offices Covered under Public Health Act, Cap 242 Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Yes Yes Yes Are they accredited laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 Yes Are they Government or private laboratories? 3 Yes Yes • Lead • Mercury Yes Yes Yes • Coagulase positive staphylococci • Coliforms • Salmonella spp Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? Yes • Cadmium KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1399 Outsourced Yes • Histamine There are Kenya Standards of for Fish and Fishery Products Mainly to KEBS and SGS SGS, Public Health labs, and KEBS KEBS and KEPHIS are ISO 17025 accredited by UKAS and SANAS respectively. Mainly government labs (see above) Main labs, Kebs, SGS, Universities, Government Chemists , Public Health labs, Kephis. Tested for Freshness/Toxicity / Chemical / Bacteriology Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1399 Ministry of Fisheries KENAS about 20 Ministry of Fisheries Source info Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters Yes How many local laboratories are there? 2 Yes Answer(s) Are the fish and fishery products tested? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 37 38 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 3 # Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) • Tin • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen • Salt content • Moisture • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Listeria monocytogenes • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) Any other insight information worth mentioning? Yes Yes Answer(s) • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels Any other testing parameters performed? • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Evaluation Questionnaire KS 1516 KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1399 KS 1516 KS 1516 KS 1399 Source info Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Yes Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? Please tick main fishing sectors: 2 3 4 Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? % of annual catch used for local consumption? % of annual catch used for exportation? To which countries are they exported? If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? 7 8 9 10 5% 95% 50,000 √ • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) 6 √ • Aquaculture What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? √ • Barachois / Ponds 5 √ • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) USD 150,000.00 Yes Answer(s) Is there a fishing industry? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Malawi Source info Confirm if derogations exist or not and export controls required List the countries eg Mozambique Provide data for wild caught (marine and fresh water) and aquaculture if applicable Haplochromines, Tilapiines,oreochromis karongae Identify if Marine or Fresh water Identify if Marine or Fresh water Identify if Marine or Fresh water Provide any available data to back these trends. Yes there is growing domestic demand. Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 39 40 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 19 20 Is there a local legislation in place? Is it enforced? 1 2 Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Provide details related to volumes involved and species : Tinned fish is imported. Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Provide any additional details Confirm if different processing plants involved other than those already listed above List here your selection : Mainly fresh and dried List the main ones Provide details List the agreements and export controls required Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are Yes feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? Smoked Source info 17 √ • By products such as fish head and tail Added value such as: 16 √ How are the fish waste treated? 15 • Fishoil What are the main fishery products? 14 √ Dried How many main fish processing companies are there? 13 • Fishmeal 1 For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed 12 Answer(s) If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 11 # Evaluation Questionnaire SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 The entities are answerable to which Ministry? Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 5 6 7 The competent authority falls under which Ministry? The number of inspectors? The average educational background of the inspectors? 2 3 4 Are the fish and fishery products tested? How many local laboratories are there? 1 2 Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? Existence of a Competent Authority Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? 1 8 Is there a separate entity for control of export products? 4 If not, state otherwise? Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 3 # Evaluation Questionnaire 1 Yes No 65 Yes No No Yes Answer(s) Source info List them : Malawi Bureau of Standards Specify if tested for Toxicity / Chemical / Bacteriology Malawi Secondary School Level About 100 inspectors It falls under Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (role: verification / inspection / testing) List main functions / qualifications Provide details List relevant Ministry : Ministry of Trade and Industry Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 41 42 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 No No No Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 6 7 8 3 2 1 Yes Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? 5 No No No • Cadmium • Lead • Mercury Yes Yes Yes • Coliforms • Salmonella spp • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli Any other testing parameters performed? Yes • Coagulase positive staphylococci Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? No • Histamine Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters No Are they accredited laboratories? 4 Government owned Answer(s) Are they Government or private laboratories? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 3 # Evaluation Questionnaire Source info Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) Provide details Provide details Provide details Provide details Provide details if ISO 17025 / Body of Accreditation / Scope of Accreditation Provide details / names : It is a government body Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) • Tin • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen • Salt content • Moisture • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Listeria monocytogenes • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) Yes Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? Please tick main fishing sectors: 2 3 4 USD 66 Millions Yes Is there a fishing industry? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Answer(s) Any other insight information worth mentioning? Pick From List Answer(s) • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Mauritius # Evaluation Questionnaire Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues Source info Source info Provide any available data to back these trends Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 43 44 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues To which countries are they exported? If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed How many main fish processing companies are there? What are the main fishery products? How are the fish waste treated? Added value such as: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Choose From List % Seafood Hub Board of Investment % of annual catch used for exportation? 8 % % of annual catch used for local consumption? Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues 7 8,975 tonnes √ • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? √ • Aquaculture 6 √ • Barachois / Ponds Source info What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? √ Answer(s) • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 5 # Evaluation Questionnaire Marine Biotechnology Products Ltd Fresh, Chilled, Frozen, Salted, Smoked, Canned, Cooked, Fish oil, Fishmeal Froid des Mascareignes Ltd, Thon des Mascareignes, Pelagic Process Ltd, Princes Tuna (Mtius) Ltd, MTC Seafood Ltd, Casamar, Mauritius Freeport Development, Ferme Marine de Mahebourg, Black River Seafood Ltd, Seskel Enterprises Ltd Value added: canned products, frozen steaks, fresh loins tuna Fishing agreements with the EU & Federation of Japan Tuna Fisheries Cooperative Associations. Bilateral agreements with Seychelles and Mozambique for fishing in their waters. Confirm if derogations exist or not and export controls required EU countries, Japan, South Africa, Dubai Lethrinids (87,1%), Snappers/groupers (12,8%) and Tuna/others Marine water Identify if Marine or Fresh water Marine water Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Is there a local legislation in place? Is it enforced? Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? Is there a separate entity for control of export products? The entities are answerable to which Ministry? Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 20 Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? 19 Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues Import (2009) - 139,342 tonnes, value in MUR 7,108.3 Millions, Export (2009) 87,938 tonnes, value in MUR 9,014.2 Millions Yes Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 √ • By products such as fish head and tail Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Provide any additional details √ • Fishoil Source info Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are No feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? √ Answer(s) • Fishmeal Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 17 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 45 46 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 The competent authority falls under which Ministry? The number of inspectors? The average educational background of the inspectors? 2 3 4 No Yes Yes Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 7 8 Yes 6 Are they accredited laboratories? 4 Both Yes Are they Government or private laboratories? 3 5 Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? How many local laboratories are there? 2 Yes 8 Yes Answer(s) 5 Are the fish and fishery products tested? 1 Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? Existence of a Competent Authority Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? If not, state otherwise? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 8 # Evaluation Questionnaire Source info Competent Authority Sampling Manual Competent Authority Sampling Manual SGS Belgium Ltd, SGS India Ltd, SGS Thailand Ltd SGS (Mauritius) Ltd Only MSB, NEL accredited: Mauritas & SGS (Mauritius) Ltd accredited by Singlas Provide details / names Food Technology Laboratory, National Environmental Laboratory, AFRC, SGS Mts Ltd, MSB Chemical / Microbiological 8 officers: Veterinary Services, Technical Officer (Veterinary Science, BSc 9Hons) agriculture, BSc Biology Ministry of Fisheries and Rodrigues (role: verification / inspection / testing) 8 officers: Veterinary Services, Technical Officer (Veterinary Science, BSc 9Hons) agriculture, BSc Biology Provide details Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 3 2 1 # Yes Yes Yes • Cadmium • Lead • Mercury Yes Yes Yes • Coliforms • Salmonella spp • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) • Tin • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen • Salt content • Moisture • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Listeria monocytogenes Any other testing parameters performed? Yes • Coagulase positive staphylococci Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? Yes Answer(s) • Histamine Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Evaluation Questionnaire Source info Outsourced Outsourced Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 47 48 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? Please tick main fishing sectors: 3 4 What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? % of annual catch used for local consumption? % of annual catch used for exportation? To which countries are they exported? 6 7 8 9 10% 90% 11Tonnes Pick from List • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) 5 √ Most of the catch is consumed locally. Tilapia Fresh water Fresh water √ • Barachois / Ponds • Aquaculture Mostly imported Very Limited Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Mainly fresh water ex Lake Kivu Source info Source info • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) √ 0.30% Yes Yes Is there a fishing industry? Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? 1 Answer(s) 2 Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Evaluation Questionnaire # Yes Answer(s) Any other insight information worth mentioning? • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Rwanda # Evaluation Questionnaire SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 How many main fish processing companies are there? What are the main fishery products? How are the fish waste treated? Added value such as: 13 14 15 16 Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 19 20 Is there a local legislation in place? Is it enforced? Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? 1 2 3 Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Yes Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? 17 Pick from List Pick from List • Fishoil • By products such as fish head and tail Pick from List others? For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed 12 • Fishmeal No available information If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? 11 Answer(s) If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 10 # Evaluation Questionnaire RBS RBS Source info Under Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) Enforced through Rwanda Bureau of Standrads Rwanda Bureau of Standard regulates the quality of products that enters the country Rwanda Bureau of Standards Mainly from Uganda and Tanzania Small scale fish farming activities Most of the fish is consumed fresh Most of the catch is consumed locally. Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 49 50 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 6 7 The competent authority falls under which Ministry? The number of inspectors? The average educational background of the inspectors? 2 3 4 How many local laboratories are there? Are they Government or private laboratories? Are they accredited laboratories? 2 3 4 Are the fish and fishery products tested? 1 Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? 1 Existence of a Competent Authority Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? If not, state otherwise? The entities are answerable to which Ministry? 5 8 Is there a separate entity for control of export products? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 4 # Evaluation Questionnaire No Yes No available information Yes No available information Yes No No Answer(s) RBS RBS MINAGRI MINAGRI Source info Mainly the Universities/No competent labs Limited testing capability/mainly University Tested for Freshness and Bacteriology No available information Ministry of Trade (role: verification / inspection Not applicable MINAGRI Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Yes Yes Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 7 8 3 2 1 Yes Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? 6 Yes Yes • Salmonella spp • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli No No • Tin No • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen No • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels Any other testing parameters performed? Yes Yes • Coagulase positive staphylococci • Coliforms Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? Yes Yes • Lead Yes • Cadmium • Mercury Outsourced No • Histamine East Africa Standards Rwanda as a member of EAC uses EAC Standards Mainly to KEBS and SGS SGS, Public Health labs, and KEBS Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) Ministry of Fisheries Source info Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters Yes Answer(s) Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 5 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 51 52 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Any other insight information worth mentioning? No No • Listeria monocytogenes No • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) No No • Salt content Answer(s) • Moisture Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Source info Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Yes Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? Please tick main fishing sectors: 2 3 4 Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? % of annual catch used for local consumption? % of annual catch used for exportation? 6 7 8 20% 80& 350,000 • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? √ √ • Aquaculture 5 Fresh water √ • Barachois / Ponds Marine-70,000; Inland- 280,000 Nile Perch, Tilapia, Lake Sardine ("dagaa") acquaculture sub-sector has great potential for expansion contributes 98% of Tanzania's total catch-both marine & freshwater Fish & fish products were 4.5% of total export earnings for the year 2010 GDP was 62.89b fish products have assumed an increasingly greater role and is ranked among the top 5 Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. √ Source info • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) 2,830m Yes Answer(s) Is there a fishing industry? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Tanzania Fisheries play very limited role in Rwanda's development/Low activity in Fishing and Fisheries Products. # Evaluation Questionnaire SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 1 Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 20 Is there a local legislation in place? Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 √ No • By products such as fish head and tail Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? √ • Fishoil 17 √ • Fishmeal Added value such as: 16 Frozen What are the main fishery products? How are the fish waste treated? How many main fish processing companies are there? 13 14 Vickfish Ltd, Tanzania Fish Processors Ltd, African Fish Packer Ltd, Mara fish packers approx.16 For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed 12 15 Nile Perch is the dominant fish species in export-fillet, whole body,fish maws and bladder If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? Tanzania Bureau of Standards, Tanzania Food & Drug Authority responsible for testing Tanzania Bureau of Standards, Tanzania Food & Drug Authority regulates minimal fish imports. Provide any additional details produced from the remains of the Nile Perch filleting frames & low quality sardines Sale of solid fish frames, burying underground nile perch fillets,crabs, prawns, lobster shrimp Fish Quality Control & Standards Regulations 2000- harmonized with the EU Tanzania is a member of both EAC & SADC and operates within these frameworks 11 Europe, Australia, USA, Asia (Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan) & Middle East Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? Source info 10 Answer(s) To which countries are they exported? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 9 # Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 53 54 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 The entities are answerable to which Ministry? Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 5 6 7 Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? The competent authority falls under which Ministry? The number of inspectors? 2 3 Existence of a Competent Authority Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? 1 8 Is there a separate entity for control of export products? 4 If not, state otherwise? Is it enforced? Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? 2 Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 3 # approx. 100 countrywide Yes nil No Yes Yes Yes Yes Answer(s) Samples for checking vetinary residues are taken to acc. Labs abroad Ministry of Livestock Development & FisheriesCompetent authority in Fishery matters Source info Ministry of Livestock Development & Fisheries List main functions / qualifications Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Yes Yes Yes Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 5 6 7 8 2 Yes Yes • Coagulase positive staphylococci • Coliforms Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? Chemiphar labaratory - Uganda + local labs but not accredited Yes Yes • Lead • Mercury Local labs -accredited Local labs -accredited Chemiphar labaratory - Uganda + local labs but not accredited Chemiphar labaratory - Uganda + local labs but not accredited Chemiphar labaratory - Uganda + local labs but not accredited Yes Yes • Histamine • Cadmium Fisheries Division Fisheries Directive and EEC/EU regulations Pesticide PAH, Dioxine & Heavy metal testing referred to accredited lab abroad Fish QC Lab, TBS, TIRDO TFDA & GCLA SANAS Accredited- fish QC lab, TBS & TIRDO Fish QC Lab, Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), TIRDO, TFDA, GCLA Govt. & Private- SGS ENV. LAB Fish QC Lab, Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), TIRDO, TFDA, GCLA & SGS ENV. LAB Diplomas, Bsc & Msc Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) both Source info Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters Yes Are they accredited laboratories? 4 1 Yes Are they Government or private laboratories? 3 6 Are the fish and fishery products tested? How many local laboratories are there? Yes Answer(s) 1 Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) The average educational background of the inspectors? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 2 4 # Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 55 56 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Requirements No • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) Any other insight information worth mentioning? No Yes • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria No • Moisture • Listeria monocytogenes Yes No No • Tin • Salt content Yes • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen Yes • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels Any other testing parameters performed? Yes Yes • Salmonella spp Answer(s) • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Source info Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer Chemiphar laboratory- Uganda Chemiphar laboratory-Uganda +local lab but not accredited Chemiphar laboratory-Uganda +local lab but not accredited Chemiphar laboratory-Uganda +local lab but not accredited Local labs -accredited Local labs -accredited . Yes Yes Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? 2 Answer(s) Is there a fishing industry? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Uganda Source info Provide any available data to back these trends Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Sources: Bank of Tanzania, Fisheries Division, Tanzania Bureau of Standards, Fish Quality Control Laboratory, Tanzania Food & Drug Authority,Alfa Processors, Lake Victoria Fish Processors Association, Tanzania Fish Research Institute, FAO 3 # SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Provide details; Chilled fillets; Frozeen fillets; Smoked whole; dried fish maws List the main ones: Greenfields; Uganda Fish Packers; Hwang Sung; Gomba Fish Industies 10 Frozen If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed How many main fish processing companies are there? What are the main fishery products? How are the fish waste treated? Added value such as: 12 13 14 15 16 List the countries EU, DR Congo;Japan; Korea; China. ACP Lome 2 Confirm if different processing plants involved other than those already listed above Offcuts are sold for drying and salting;and Fish meal List here your selection List the agreements and export controls required Confirm if derogations exist or not and export controls required None 11 45% To which countries are they exported? % of annual catch used for exportation? 8 55% Provide data for wild caught (marine and fresh water) and aquaculture if applicable 2010 If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? % of annual catch used for local consumption? 7 37120 MT 10 Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? 6 List if Albacore / Yellowfin / Swordfish / Oysters … 9 What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? Pick from List • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) 5 √ • Aquaculture Identify if Marine or Fresh water Identify if Marine or Fresh water Pick from List Figures for 2010 Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. • Barachois / Ponds UBOS UBOS Source info Identify if Marine or Fresh water Please tick main fishing sectors: 4 85334000 Answer(s) • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) √ What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 3 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 57 58 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 20 Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? Is there a separate entity for control of export products? The entities are answerable to which Ministry? Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 3 4 5 6 7 8 Is it enforced? Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? If not, state otherwise? Is there a local legislation in place? 1 2 Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? 19 5 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 √ • By products such as fish head and tail Yes √ • Fishoil Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? √ Answer(s) • Fishmeal Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 17 # Evaluation Questionnaire Source info List main functions / qualifications : Fisheries Inspectors; Vet Medicine; Enviromental Hygiene. Provide details The Department of Fisheries is recorgnised by EU as the Competent Authority. List relevant Ministry: Agriculture Animal Industry & Fisheries Provide details related to volumes involved and species Provide any additional details Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 The competent authority falls under which Ministry? The number of inspectors? The average educational background of the inspectors? 2 3 4 Yes Yes Pick From List Are they accredited laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 4 5 6 7 8 1 Yes Are they Government or private laboratories? 3 The species in Uganda are not known to produce Histamine. No Yes • Histamine • Cadmium Provide details; EU Directive; UNBS Provide details: EU Directive; UNBS Provide details: Heay Metals and Residual Chemicals are outsorced to Belgium, & netherlands. : Chemiphar is the main testing lab. Provide details if ISO 17025 / Body of Accreditation / Scope of Accreditation; ISO 17025;SANAS;Microbiology. Provide details / names Chemiphar is private Lab; others are Govt /University Lab. List them; UNBS; Chemiphar; Dept of Water Laboratory; University Lab Vet Public Health. Specify if tested for Toxicity / Chemical / Bacteriology Provide details; Food Science; Vet medicine; Environmental Hygiene List relevant Ministry: MAAIF (role: verification / inspection / testing) Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) 1 pricvate; 3 Govt Source info Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters Yes How many local laboratories are there? 2 4 Are the fish and fishery products tested? Yes 10 Yes Answer(s) 1 Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? Existence of a Competent Authority Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 59 60 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Yes • Mercury Yes Yes Yes • Coliforms • Salmonella spp • β-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) • Tin • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen • Salt content • Moisture • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Listeria monocytogenes • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) Any other insight information worth mentioning? Yes • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels Any other testing parameters performed? Yes • Coagulase positive staphylococci Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? Yes Answer(s) • Lead Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Source info UNBS does it in routine testing. Tested on water used in processing plant once every 6 months PCB's and PAH Hydrocarbons are tested quarterly. Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. The Lake water where the fish is caught is tested once a year for PAH. Municipal water is tested for Chlorine, FactoryHygiene Audits are performed quartery by UNBS, and DOF; The quantity of Fish caught and exported has been declining since 2005 ( see data on next sheet) due to overfishing. 3 2 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 61 62 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? Please tick main fishing sectors: 3 4 5 Yes Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? 2 Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? √ • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) FAO country Clupeids (sardines) Limnothrissa miodon,stolothrissa tanganicae etc profile FAO country profile Fresh water √ • Aquaculture FAO country profile FAO country Identify if Marine or Fresh water profile Pick from List • Barachois / Ponds Fresh water Fisheries contribute 3% of what agriculture contributes to the GDP FAO country profile Zambia Country Report FAO country Provide any available data to back these trends profile FAO country all data from internet profile Source info • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) √ USD 19.087 million Yes Answer(s) Is there a fishing industry? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Zambia Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. FAO country profile FAO country n/a profile SEVERAL Frozen To which countries are they exported? If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed How many main fish processing companies are there? What are the main fishery products? How are the fish waste treated? Added value such as: • Fishmeal 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Pick from List 15% None No there are no derogation Great lakes,capital,northern,st george and mpende fisheries etc FAO country fish is sold unprocessed profile FAO country fresh,frozen,dried,and salted profile FAO country profile FAO country Most sold unprocessed profile INTERNET FAO country profile DRC % of annual catch used for exportation? FAO country profile 8 85% % of annual catch used for local consumption? FAO country 85% artisanal fishery and 15% industrial fishery profile Source info 7 65,000 -70,000Tonnes Answer(s) Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 6 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 63 64 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 19 20 Is there a local legislation in place? Is it enforced? Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? Is there a separate entity for control of export products? The entities are answerable to which Ministry? 1 2 3 4 5 Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Pick From List Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pick From List Pick from List • By products such as fish head and tail Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? Pick from List Answer(s) • Fishoil Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 17 # Evaluation Questionnaire Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer ministry of agriculture and cooperative zambia bureau of standards FAO country ministry of agriculture and cooperative profile FAO country fisheries presveration law 1974 profile FAO country all imports are generally tested by zambia bureau of standard profile FAO country by zambia bureau of standards profile FAO country Provide details related to volumes involved and species profile FAO country n/a profile FAO country n/a fish is sold unprocessed profile FAO country n/a profile Source info SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 The competent authority falls under which Ministry? The number of inspectors? The average educational background of the inspectors? 2 3 4 No Yes How many local laboratories are there? Are they Government or private laboratories? Are they accredited laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? 2 3 4 5 Government 6 Are the fish and fishery products tested? Yes 2 Yes all around the country Yes No Answer(s) 1 Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? Existence of a Competent Authority Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? 1 8 Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 7 If not, state otherwise? Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 6 # Evaluation Questionnaire local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory ministry of agriculture ministry of agriculture ministry of agriculture ministry of agriculture Source info only when it is required by a client the work under ISO 17025 standards zambia food & drug,university of zambia,national institute for science,veterinary research zambia food & drug,university of zambia,national institute for science,veterinary research tested for Toxicity / Chemical / Bacteriology Certificate in Fisheries each town has an inspector and his assistant Ministery of Agriculture (role: verification / inspection / testing) inspectors in all towns Provide details under the ministry of agriculture and cooperative n/a Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 65 66 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Pick From List Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 8 3 2 1 No Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? 7 Yes • Mercury Yes Yes Yes • Coliforms • Salmonella spp • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli Any other testing parameters performed? Yes • Coagulase positive staphylococci Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? Yes • Lead local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory Done on request Done on request Done on request Done on request They are performed by zambia bureau of standards but not on fish They are performed by zambia bureau of standards but not on fish They are performed by zambia bureau of standards but not on fish Yes • Cadmium local laboratory They are performed by zambia bureau of standards but not on fish Yes • Histamine no clear limits have been outlined as the fisheries is mostly locally consumed None only when it is required by a client Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory Source info Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters Yes Answer(s) Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 6 # Evaluation Questionnaire SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes • Tin • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen • Salt content • Moisture • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Listeria monocytogenes • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) Yes No Is there a fishing industry? Is the fishing industry growing? Is there an increasing/decreasing demand for fishery products (for export or domestic use)? 2 Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 1 # Evaluation Questionnaire Answer(s) Yes • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) Any other insight information worth mentioning? Yes Answer(s) • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Zimbabwe # Evaluation Questionnaire ZIMBABWE Source info local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory local laboratory Source info Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer. Done on request Done on request Done on request Done on request Done on request Done on request Done on request Done on request Done on request Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 67 68 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Pick from List • Offshore Fishery (Fishing vessel) Nile Tilapia( Oreochromis niloticus) is processed into fillets,skinless and boneless, fish belly and fish oil which is than frozen or chilled for the export market. Lake Harbest, Cairns Fisheries, Kariba Prawns % of annual catch used for exportation? To which countries are they exported? If countries of export are within Africa are there any known derogations between the states? If countries of export are outside Africa are there any known agreements to abide to? For export market - are products mostly value added ones (filleted / breaded / smoked / etc.) or sold unprocessed How many main fish processing companies are there? 8 9 10 11 12 13 18.79% 81.21% % of annual catch used for local consumption? Unknown SADC Protocol on fisheries 2003 FAO 2003 FAO List the agreements and export controls required South Africa, Europe, America aquaculture - 2400 tonnes 7 2003 FAO Estimation of the average annual catch (in tonnes)? 6 Nile Tilapia, Kapenta, Cichlids, Cyprinid, Characid and Clarid What are the main species of fish / fish products caught? 5 15600 tonnes √ • Aquaculture Identify if Marine or Fresh water Identify if Marine or Fresh water √; Less than 10% according to Zimbabwe.pdf Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer • Barachois / Ponds http://www. dloads/restrict/ country%20 profile/ Zimbabwe.pdf Total Agriculture Source info Identify if Marine or Fresh water Please tick main fishing sectors: 4 762 million Answer(s) • Artisanal Fishery (Fish, Shell Fish, Molluscs) √ What is the overall annual revenue in terms of GDP (USD)? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 3 # Evaluation Questionnaire SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Are there import controls conducted in terms of inspection? Are there import controls conducted in terms of testing? 19 20 Is there a local legislation in place? Is it enforced? 1 2 Legal issues in terms of food legislation / regulations Yes Is there any import activity of fish and fishery products into the country? 18 Yes Yes Pick From List Yes Yes Regarding aquaculture (if applicable) are feed, colorants, veterinary drugs used? √ • By products such as fish head and tail 17 √ • Fishoil Added value such as: 16 Pick from List How are the fish waste treated? 15 Choose From List Answer(s) • Fishmeal What are the main fishery products? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 14 # Evaluation Questionnaire See pg 2 of docrep/fao/ meeting/009/ ae905e.pdf For local market due to low price For export market Unknown Source info Control of Goods (Import and Export) Regulations, 1982 (S.I. No. 557 of 1982). Legislation allows for appointment of inspectors for permits and related records. Provide details related to volumes involved and species According to they feed cereal-based feed, with small amounts of fishmeal, no additives Confirm if different processing plants involved other than those already listed above Kapenta (sardine like small pelagic) are processed through salting and drying, while bream and tiger fish from small scale and artisanal fishers is salted and dried but most sold fresh to the domestic market. Nile Tilapia( Oreochromis niloticus) is processed into fillets,skinless and boneless, fish belly and fish oil which is than frozen or chilled for the export market. The small scale fisher sun-dry there fish before transport them to the domestic markets. Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 69 70 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 The entities are answerable to which Ministry? Is the National Food Safety Control Body recognised by the European Commission? Is there a veterinary services to ensure effective enforcement of all necessary health controls and monitoring programmes? 5 6 7 The number of inspectors? 3 1 Are the fish and fishery products tested? Presence of testing laboratories (Government and Private) The average educational background of the inspectors? The competent authority falls under which Ministry? 2 4 Is there a Competent Authority which is responsible for official controls? Existence of a Competent Authority Number of persons attached to the veterinary services? 1 8 Is there a separate entity for control of export products? 4 If not, state otherwise? Is there a National Food Safety Control Body? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 3 # Evaluation Questionnaire Yes Unknown Pick From List Unknown Yes Pick From List Pick From List Yes Answer(s) Source info Specify if tested for Toxicity / Chemical / Bacteriology Unknown Inspectors from various ministries. See doc for more info. See pg 2 of List main functions / qualifications Provide details Central Veterinary Laboratory I suspect not, as it's not formal various government departments and ministries of Health and Child Welfare, Lands and Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, local authorities and the consumer. But no budget - just committee ae905e.pdf . But Plans to set up new authority reported in Sep 2011: http:// Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Is testing of fish and fishery products done by any of the above local laboratories? Is testing of fish and fishery products outsourced to other laboratories? Are testing guidelines clearly defined? If yes, by who? Are acceptable limits defined? If yes, by who? 5 6 7 8 2 1 Yes Are they accredited laboratories? 4 Pick From List • Mercury Are the following basic microbiological testing parameters performed? Yes • Lead Unknown or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 Pick From List • Cadmium Unknown or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 Pick From List • Histamine Provide details Provide details Provide details Provide details As of 2008, neither were ISO17025. Check on SANAS website - no food labs accredited in zimbabwe. Veterinary lab is accredited to ISO17025 scope: See above Government Analyst Laboratory renamed now to National Health Laboratory Services (goverrment lab), Standards Association of Zimbabwe (private lab). Veterinary labs called Central Veterinary Laboratory - can do Total coliform and baterial count in fish Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer Specify if testing parameter is outsourced (i.e. not performed by a local lab) Unknown and 2 veterinary Source info Are the following basic chemical testing parameters performed? Testing parameters Pick From List Are they Government or private laboratories? 3 2 Answer(s) How many local laboratories are there? Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements 2 # Evaluation Questionnaire Annex 2: Individual Questionnaires 71 72 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 3 # Pick From List Yes Yes • Coliforms • Salmonella spp • µ-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List Pick From List • PAH ( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) • Tin • Total Volatile Base Nitrogen • Salt content • Moisture • Enumeration of sulfite-reducing bacteria • Listeria monocytogenes • Examination of canned foods (Sterility) Any other insight information worth mentioning? Pick From List • Control of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs levels Any other testing parameters performed? Yes Answer(s) • Coagulase positive staphylococci Main Characteristics of present fishing sector Requirements Evaluation Questionnaire Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Source info or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=66 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=65 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=64 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=63 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 GAL - GAL - or php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=62 GAL - Please give details / documentary evidence to support your answer CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ON EU WEBSITE ANNEX 3: LIST OF EU APPROVED FISHERY PRODUCTS Annex 3: List of Eu Approved Fishery Products Currently Available on Eu Website SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 73 74 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Annex 3: List of Eu Approved Fishery Products Currently Available on Eu Website SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 75 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS – LISTE DES PUBLICATIONS SmartFish Programme 1. Report of the Inception / Focal Point Meeting of the SmartFish Programme – Flic en Flac, Mauritius, 15th-16th June 2011. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2011/01. August/Août 2011. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 2. Report of the First Steering Committee Meeting of the SmartFish Programme – Flic en Flac, Mauritius,17th June 2011. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2011/02. August/Août 2011. SmartFish Programme Indian Ocean Commission. 3. Rapport de la réunion de présentation du programme SmartFish aux points focaux – Flic en Flac, Ile Maurice, 15-16 juin 2011. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2011/03. August/Août 2011. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 4. Eco-Certification for the Tuna Industry, Technical Assistance for Implementation of a Regional Fisheries Strategy for ESA-IO (IRFS). REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2011/04. May 2011. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 5. Regional Market Assessment (Supply and Demand). REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/05. March/Mars 2012. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 6. Trade Assessment Study. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/06. March/Mars 2012. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 7. Gouvernance des Pêches Maritimes dans l’Ouest de l’Océan Indien. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/07. June/Juin 2012. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 8. Value Chain Assessment of the Artisanal Fisheries – Mauritius. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/08. June/Juin 2012. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 9. Kenya Fisheries Governance. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/09. June/Juin 2012. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 10.Training Needs Analysis – Quality and Hygiene: REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/10. June/Juin 2012. SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 11. A Review of Somalia’s & (Semi-Autonomous Regions) Fisheries Legislation and Management. REPORT RAPPORT: SF/2012/11. June/Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 12.Assessment of IUU Activities On Lake Victoria. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/12. June/Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 13.Review Of The Legal Framework for the ESA-IO Region. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/13. June/ Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 14.Comprehensive capacity review to implement effective MCS in the ESA-IO Region. REPORT/ RAPPORT: SF/2012/14. June/Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 15.Assessment of IUU Fishing in Lake Tanganyika. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/15. June/Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 76 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 16.Spirulina – A Livelihood and a Business Venture. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/16. SmartFish Programme. June/Juin 2012 Indian Ocean Commission. 17.Diversification Study (Eco-Tourism and Recreational Fisheries). REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/17. June/Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 18.Value Chain Analysis of Fisheries Sector for Rodrigues. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/18. June/Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission (78 pages). 19.Dagaa Value Chain Analysis and Proposal for Trade Development. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/19. June/Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 20.Operationalization of Fish Auction Market. (Feasibility Study). REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2011/20. December/Décembre 2011 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 21.Options to Reduce IUU Fishing in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar: REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/21. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 22.Revitalization of Fisheries Research in Mauritius. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/22. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 23.Preparation of Draft Kenya Fisheries Management and Development Bill: REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/23. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 24.Une Analyse Globale de la Chaîne D’approvisionnement de la Pêcherie du Crabe de Mangrove (Scylla serrate) à Madagasar. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/24. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 25.Analyse Globale de la Gouvernance et de la chaîne D’approvisionnement de la Pêcherie du concombre de mer à Madagasar. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2012/25. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 26.Processing and Marketing of Small-Sized Pelagics in Eastern and Southern Africa. REPORT/ RAPPORT: SF/2012/26. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 27.Report of the Second Steering Committee Meeting of the SmartFish Programme. REPORT/ RAPPORT: SF/2011/27. August/Août 2012. SmartFish Programme Indian Ocean Commission. 28.The Farming of Seaweeds. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2011/28. August/Août 2012. SmartFish Programme Indian Ocean Commission. 29.Culture d’Algues Marines. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2011/29. August/Août 2012. SmartFish Programme Indian Ocean Commission. 30.Report of the Focal Point Meeting of the SmartFish Programme – Livingstone, Zambia, 28th – 29th February 2012. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2011/30. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 31.Appui a l’Elaboration d’une Strategie Nationale de Bonne Gouvernance des Peches Maritimes a Madagascar REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/31. June/Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 77 32.A Review of Bycatch and Discard Issues in Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/32. 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission 33.The Feasibility of Aquaponics in Mauritius. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/33. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 34.National Governance and Value Chain Analysis of Shark Fisheries in Madagascar. REPORT/ RAPPORT: SF/2013/34. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 35.Partners Meeting on Fisheries Strategy for the Esa-Io Region. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/35. July/Julliet 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 36.Potential for Energy Saving Measures in the Tuna Industry in the Southern Eastern Indian Ocean Region. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/36. August/Août 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 37.Gestion des Ressources en Eau pour l’Industrie du Thon. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/37. Octobre/ October 2011 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 38.Implementation of a Regional Fisheries Strategy ESA-IO. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/38. June/ Juin 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 39.Initial assessment of laboratories and quality control authorities in Eastern and Southern Africa. REPORT/RAPPORT: SF/2013/39. 2012 SmartFish Programme. Indian Ocean Commission. 78 SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39 Blue Tower, 5th floor, Rue de l’Institut – Ebène, Mauritius Tel (+230 402 6100) Fax (+230 465 7933) SmartFish Programme Report SF/2013/39