Logging in to ESS

Logging in to ESS (Employee Self Service)
You can access ESS through your internet explorer browser or by using the links on Gnet and Unet.
ESS is available on any computer with internet access.
Using Internet Explorer: www.cityoftacoma.org/ess
Questions about your benefits or the
information in ESS? Contact the Benefits office.
• Email: benefits@cityoftacoma.org
• Phone: (253)573-2345
Log in to ESS using your Network log in
Overview of ESS
You can navigate through ESS using the tabs at the top of the page or the links on the page.
What can you do and where do you find it?
Personal Information:
• Update your Addresses and Emergency Contact Information
Benefits & Payment:
Participation Overview
• Review participation in plans
Family Members/Dependents
• Review and/or Add new Family Members/Dependents
Anytime Changes
• Make changes to your deferred compensation contribution
• Change your life insurance beneficiary
• Cancel voluntary plans you are enrolled in
Salary Statement
• View your current and past pay advices
Working Time:
Leave History
• View your leave history
Leave Balance
• View your leave balances
Need additional assistance?
Please stop by one of these upcoming Health
Fairs or Drop In Sessions for hands on assistance
in reviewing and updating you information.
Health Fairs
Oct. 16th - TPU
Oct. 24th - TMB
TMB Drop In Sessions
Oct 14, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Oct. 25, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
TPU Drop In Sessions
Oct 18, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Oct. 28, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Addresses and Emergency Contacts –Permanent Residence, Mailing Address and Emergency Contacts
Review, correct and/or add your personal contact information and emergency contacts. You should have a Physical Residence, Mailing Address and at least one
Emergency Contact listed. Make sure a phone number is listed for each address and Emergency Contact.
1. Click on the Personal Information tab
2. Click on the Addresses link
Permanent Residence
1. Click Edit
2. Review the information (This should be the physical address of your home, you should have the address, city, state, postal code and telephone number)
a. If it is correct
i. Click Review
ii. Click Save
b. If it is incorrect
i. Click Edit
ii. Enter the correct information
iii. Select the validity date
1. As of today or if using a future date enter the date
2. Click on Review
3. Click Save
3. Click on the Go to Addresses Overview link to continue reviewing and updating your Mailing Address.
Mailing Address
Mailing Address
1. Click Edit
2. Review the information (you should have the address, city, state and postal code)
a. If it is correct
i. Click Review
ii. Click Save
b. If it is incorrect
i. Enter the correct information
c. Click on Review
d. Click Save
3. Click on the Go to Addresses Overview link to continue reviewing and updating your personal contact information
Follow the steps below for each Emergency Contact that you have listed.
1. Click on Edit to review the information for your existing Emergency Contacts
a. If the information is correct
i. Click Review
ii. Click Save
b. If the information is incorrect for your emergency contacts
i. For an Emergency Contact that should no longer be used
1. Click the delete button to end the record
2. Click Delete again
ii. To Make Name, Address or Phone Number corrections to an existing Emergency Contact
1. Enter the correct information
2. Click on Review
3. Click Save
2. To add a new Emergency Contact
a. Click on the New Emergency Contact button at the bottom of your screen
b. Enter the correct information
c. Click on Review
i. If the information is correct
1. Click Review
2. Click Save
ii. If it is incorrect
1. Click on Previous Screen to go back and correct the information
d. Click on Review
e. Click Save
You have completed updating your personal contact information and your emergency contacts!
Click on the Go to Employee Self Service Homepage.
Family Member/Dependents
All individuals that you wish to cover under your health plan(s) or designate as a life insurance beneficiary must be listed in your Family Members/Dependents.
Review the current Family Members/Dependents that you have listed.
1. Click on the Benefits and Payment tab
2. Review the Family Members/Dependents that are listed
3. Review:
a. Spelling on Name
b. Date of Birth
c. Relationship Type – (this will show above the names)
i. Spouse, Domestic Partner, Child, Step Child, Child of Domestic Partner, Other Related Persons)
4. If all of your Family Members/Dependents are listed and the information for each dependent is correct
a. Click Exit
5. If the information to existing Family Members/Dependents is incorrect
a. Click Exit
b. Complete the Dependent Information form and submit it to the Benefits office or if you have questions, contact the benefits office at,
i. Email: benefits@cityoftacoma.org
ii. Phone: (253)573-2345
6. To Add Additional Family Members/Dependents
a. Follow the instructions below
Add additional Family Members/Dependents, (if necessary)
1. Click on the appropriate relationship type button at the bottom of your screen
2. Enter the Family Members/Dependent information
3. Click on Review
a. If the information is correct
i. Click Save
b. If it is incorrect
i. Click on Previous Screen to go back and correct the information
ii. Click on Review
iii. If the information is correct
1. Click Save
When adding Family Members/Dependents
On the Benefits and Payment tab, click on the
Benefits Forms link in the Navigation Pane to print
the Dependent Verification form. Follow the
instructions for completing and submitting the
form with all required documentation.
You have completed reviewing and adding (if necessary) your Family Members/Dependents!
Reviewing and Updating your Life Insurance Beneficiary
Click on the Benefits and Payment tab
Click on the Anytime Changes link
Select the Basic Life plan
Click Edit Plan
Click Select Beneficiaries
a. If the information is correct
i. Click Add Plan to Selection
ii. Click Review Enrollment
iii. Click Save
b. If it is incorrect
i. If the individuals that you would like to name as your beneficiaries are listed:
1. Make corrections to the percentages as Primary or Contingent
2. Click Add Plan to Selection
3. Click Review Enrollment
4. Click Save
ii. If the individuals that you would like to name as your beneficiaries are not listed
1. Click on the Benefits and Payment tab at the top of your screen
2. Follow the instructions on page 5 to add the individuals to your Family Member/Dependents
3. Follow the instructions on this page to add the individual as a beneficiary
You have updated your Life Insurance Beneficiaries!
Click on the Go to Benefits Participation Overview link
View Participation Overview
• This is a list of all of the plans you are currently participating in.
1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Print Confirmation Form – All Plans” to see a confirmation form that will list all of all of the plans you are
enrolled in.
a. This will not actually “print” the page but it will display it for you to review.
2. Review the information on the Benefits Confirmation form
b. Plans that you are enrolled in
c. Contributions
d. Dependents covered under EACH plan
e. Beneficiaries
3. If you would like to print the confirmation page you may do so by clicking the print icon
on the top right section of the screen.
You have completed reviewing your Participation Overview!
You may receive a message at the top of your screen that
pop-ups are blocked. If you receive this message, click on
the yellow message bar, click pop ups, select Always allow
pop ups. Once you do this it will take you back to the main
screen and you will need to click on the Benefits and
Payment tab and repeat the steps above.
Log out of ESS
Log out of ESS by clicking Log Off in the top right section of your screen.
Congratulations! You have completed reviewing and updating your information. If you need to make corrections to Family
Members/Dependents that were already in the system, please contact the Benefits office by email
benefits@cityoftacoma.org or phone (253)573-2345.
Remember that you can review and update this information 24/7 from any computer with internet access!