ESS Handbook - Jefferson County Public Schools

Jefferson County Public Schools
Board of Education
Maria Carrico – ESS Coordinator
Phone: 485-7019
Fax: 485-6142
Karen Moore – Gheens Grants & Awards Fiscal Coordinator
Phone: 485-6605
Fax: 485-3817
Important Dates:
 Last Day for Regular (before, after or Saturday) and Daytime ESS
programs is Friday, May 20, 2016.
 Daytime Waiver evaluation (if applicable) e-mailed to Maria Carrico by Friday, May 20, 2016.
Title I Website
Gheens Grants & Awards Website
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
Program Information
ESS in a Nutshell ............................................................................................... 1
What are some Look-Fors in an ESS Classroom? .................................................. 2
General Information ........................................................................................ 3-5
Coordinator’s Responsibilities .......................................................................... 6&7
Daytime ESS Waiver .......................................................................................... 8
JCPS Extended School Services Program Rubric & Documents for ESS Visit ....... 9-11
Sample Parent Letter ....................................................................................... 12
Sample ESS Student Progress Report ................................................................ 13
ESS Program Profile FY16 ................................................................................. 14
ESS Staff Listing FY16 ...................................................................................... 15
Student Attendance Form ................................................................................. 16
ESS Contract .................................................................................................. 17
ESS Payroll Accounting Codes ........................................................................... 18
ESS Non-Payroll Accounting Codes .................................................................... 19
MUNIS Budget Information............................................................................... 20
Budget Permissions.......................................................................................... 21
ESS Budget Worksheets (Fringe Worksheet Calculator) .................................. 22-23
Payroll (ESS Timesheet pg. 25) .................................................................... 24-26
Snack Purchases .............................................................................................. 27
Sample Forms
ESS Program Profile ........................................................................................ 28
ESS Timesheet Example #1 (Teaching ESS During Planning) .............................. 29
ESS Timesheet Example #2 (Teaching After-School ESS) .................................... 30
Daytime Waiver Program Evaluation............................................................ 31&32
ESS Timeline
ESS Timeline ............................................................................................. 33&34
ESS in a Nutshell
704 KAR 3:390. Extended School Services
KRS 158.070(8) requires schools to provide additional direct instruction beyond the
minimum school term for students in need of extended services and requires the Kentucky
Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations establishing criteria for the
allotment of grants to local school districts to provide these services.
The major emphases of ESS should be: 1) to enhance the present level of performance of students who are having
difficulty in one or more content areas; 2) to provide additional instruction to students who have been retained or
are at risk of being retained, who are in danger of failing to graduate on time, or are at risk of dropping out; and 3)
to close the achievement gap of low-performing students. Students should not be selected or assigned to receive
ESS for disciplinary purposes or in-school suspension.
Extended school services should not replace or substitute regular class instruction but should provide additional
instructional time in a targeted content area with specific individual learning goals. ESS funds may be used to
provide additional instruction during the school day if the district requests a waiver.
Certified staff should provide instruction or regularly supervise noncertified tutors or peer tutors. Those teachers
providing instruction in ESS programs which are offered for academic credit purposes of promotion or graduation
should meet the same qualifications as those employed in the regular school program.
Districts and their school boards should have policies in place that assure that students who have a greater need, as
determined by eligibility criteria, should be referred and selected first to receive services. Districts should also
have on file written criteria for the selection of personnel employed in ESS and ensure staffing decisions are made
to best meet the needs of students.
Regular grant funds for use by school districts are available for 15 months through September 30 of the last year
of the grant period. These funds may be used for instructional and support services, which may include salaries,
transportation, professional development as it relates to ESS, instructional materials and supplies, student snacks
and awards, parent training, and counseling services. Up to 5% of the district’s allocation may be used for
administrative costs, 2% for field trips, and no more than 3% may be used for plant operation during a summer
program. All services should be rendered by September 30 and all expenditures paid by December 30.
Financial records for ESS should be maintained by the district and submitted to KDE via the state technology
system. Student data for regular and summer ESS programs should be submitted at the end of the regular school
term (June 30) and after any summer program. A separate written evaluation and evaluative data for any daytime
programs should be submitted by June 30.
For a complete copy of the ESS regulation, go to the KDE home page, click on QuickLinks, scroll down to
Extended School Services, and then to ESS Statute and Regulation.
Section 7. Waiver for Alternative Service Delivery. The commissioner of education may consider a
request for a waiver to operate delivery format. A request for waiver shall include:
(1) A rationale describing why a daytime program is needed in addition to the regular extended school
services program, including specific data and documentation of previous efforts to serve individual
students during the regular extended school program.
General Information
Do not include planning time on the program profile (pg. 15).
Do a revised form when making changes on the program profile, staff list, and student served list, not a
new one. Be sure to revise date submitted.
ESS does not pay to test students (state or standardized). They can assess students for the specific
program they are using for instruction (Reading Mastery, etc.)
All teachers MUST teach in the area of certification unless otherwise trained.
All grants including ESS will have to pay KTRS on all regular, retired and substitute teachers.
If the Gheens Grants & Awards Office sends a corrected payroll sheet it must be filed with the rest of
your payroll information.
ESS cannot pay for anyone that works on a Gold Day, Parent-Teacher Conference Day, or any day that
school is not in session unless you have prior approval by the Gheens Grants & Awards Office.
TARC Tickets need to be ordered through the transportation Dept. (#3470). However, the Gheens
Grants & Awards Office must sign off on the original TARC Ticket order form (required by
Transportation and VanHoose Grants & Awards Accounting) before you can pick up tickets. The
original form may be sent to Gheens, Room G-10 via the PONY or may be hand delivered.
Daytime instruction MUST be in ADDITION to regular instruction. It CANNOT take its place.
Snack vouchers MUST have an attendance sheet attached for verification (pg. 17).
ESS Materials
Allowable Expenses
Consumables to be used for ESS Program only (to be purchased before the program starts for the
number of students served) and not to replenish existing supplies
Intervention material approved by the District & research-based
Supplementary Books
Parent/Student Meetings – ESS information needs prior approval by the Gheens Grants & Awards
Transportation (JCPS buses do not need board approval, however outside companies do)
Non-Allowable Expenses
Site licenses for software (District approved Interventions ONLY)
Furniture, filing cabinets
Computers or equipment
General Information Continued
ESS Daytime Retired Teachers
For 2015-2016 ESS Daytime Retired Teacher hourly rates, please contact Payroll (3248) or Human
Resources (3012).
A staff recommendation form MUST be completed and sent to Human Resources for all new hires. If
daytime retired teachers worked for you last year they do not need to be rehired. For all personnel issues
contact Human Resources at 3511.
ESS Daytime Retired Teachers should NOT work on Flex Days or Gold Days, except for special
training (related to the program they are teaching). This training should be cleared through Maria
Carrico, ESS Specialist first.
If a school has an early dismissal due to the weather conditions the ESS Retired Daytime Teacher ends
their day at that time. For example, if a high school dismisses 2 hours early then the ESS Daytime
Retired Teacher’s end time would be 12:20 pm.
If a school has a delayed opening then the ESS Retired Teacher would start at that time. For example, if
an elementary school starts 2 hours late then the ESS Daytime Teacher would start at 11:05 am.
ESS Daytime Retired Teachers should NOT be involved in EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT or K-PREP testing.
Daytime Retired Teachers working a full school day (9:05 am – 3:45 pm) (7:40 am – 2:20 pm) can be
paid for a 20 minute lunch not to exceed a 7-hour day.
Planning time for ESS Daytime Retired Teachers cannot exceed 45 minutes for elementary and 1 hour
for middle and high. For example, if you receive 45 minutes planning for teaching a full school day,
then planning would be 25 minutes if a teacher worked half of a day.
Part-time teachers (including retirees) must earn a minimum of 12 hours of professional development
credit (not stipend) per contract year.
Planning time needs to be adjusted if a school has a delayed opening. For example, if an ESS Retired
Teacher works from 11:05 – 3:45 then they would receive no more than 30 minutes of planning.
Teachers MUST work at least one hour in order to receive 15 minutes of planning for After school and
Before school Programs.
Planning time for teachers teaching summer and Saturday school cannot exceed 45 minutes for
elementary and 1 hour for middle and high. For example, if you receive 45 minutes planning for
teaching a full school day, then planning would be 25 minutes if a teacher worked a half of a day.
General Information Continued
Certified staff should provide instruction or regularly supervise noncertified tutors or peer tutors. Those
teachers providing instruction in ESS programs which are offered for academic credit purposes of
promotion or graduation should meet the same qualifications as those employed in the regular school
Per the JCBE-JCTA Agreement 2013-2018, page 34:
o Section A
In high schools and middle schools, the Principal or School head, after consulting
with the Department head, will decide which courses to offer in each department. The Principal
shall have the responsibility and the authority to assign teacher employees within a school to a
department(s) based upon the following criteria: certification, preference, measurable employee
capabilities, needs of educational program, seniority, and balance of workload.
The Principal, after meeting with members of a department to discuss application of the above
mentioned criteria, shall apply the criteria in determining class assignments.
o Section B
In the elementary school, the Principal or School head will meet with the teacher
employees in the school to determine any changes in the assignment of teacher employees to
each grade level(s). Assignments will be made using the following criteria: certification,
preference, measurable employee capabilities, needs of educational program, seniority, and
balance of workload.
Clerical Staff
Clerical staff overtime, for hours worked over 40 per week cannot be paid using ESS funds.
Be sure that clerical work is supervised.
The KY Department of Education encourages every district to employ staff or set schedules in such a
way that classified staff employees do not work over 40 hours per week. Many districts already do this
in different ways, e.g. rotating the days a classified person works in ESS among several employees.
Co-coordinators CANNOT work at the same time.
Coordinators work time MUST be supervised.
Coordinators CANNOT be reimbursed for work at nights or on the weekends unless your school is
having an ESS Program.
ESS Coordinator’s Responsibilities
Communicate with ESS instructional and clerical staff.
Facilitate planning of ESS program based on student needs
Monitor student progress using district assessment and other data.
Complete ESS Program and Staff forms and submit via e-mail to Maria Carrico, ESS Specialist PRIOR
to the program starting.
Organize ESS schedule.
Inform all school staff of program information (dates, times, program focus, etc.)
Communicate with parents (e.g. parent letters).
Complete ESS Daytime Waiver forms if appropriate.
Observe ESS before or after school program for best practices.
Evaluate ESS Program using student/teacher data.
ESS should not be used for the completion of product (the portfolio) or to teach students how to take
Collect student attendance sheets every two weeks with payroll
Daytime Programs should conclude by: Friday, May 20, 2016.
Regular Programs (After School, Before School, and Saturday School) should conclude by:
Friday, May 20, 2016.
Daytime evaluations should be submitted via e-mail. Daytime evaluations are due:
Friday, May 20, 2016.
Submit Summer School program profiles and staff lists by Friday, May 13, 2016.
Know your beginning budget.
Maintain your ledger throughout the year to keep track of your balance using Account Inquiry.
Budget Amendments can be entered by the school for ESS.
How to check Account Inquiry and example budget amendment entry screen on pg. 22
Check MUNIS for fringes that post bi-weekly.
Budget parameters for ESS are 5% Administrative (benchmark) and 2% for incentives.
ESS Coordinator’s Responsibilities Continued
All incentives and warehouse orders MUST be pre-approved. A copy of the warehouse order MUST
be faxed to #3817 after the order has been placed in MUNIS.
FY15 monies can be spent until 8/1/15 for supplies and 8/1/15 for payroll.
FY16 monies can be spent until 8/1/16 for supplies and 8/1/16 for payroll.
Be sure to transfer funds around in MUNIS if you have negative balances.
Original timesheets MUST be kept at the school in the front office.
Everyone working MUST complete a timesheet.
Everyone MUST put the exact time that they are working and planning.
The person working, MUST FILL OUT THEIR OWN TIMESHEET the coordinator MUST also sign.
The coordinator MUST have the school’s administrator sign their timesheet.
The coordinator and/or principal MUST check and initial the payroll to ensure that payroll is correct. If
you have any corrections please notify the Gheens Grants & Awards office (Amanda Kessler)
New! The signed JCPS Payroll Printout and the timesheets should be faxed or scanned to the Gheens
Grants & Awards Office (ext. 3817) no later than 4:30 p.m. on payday Friday.
Please ensure that everything you send is legible as we will contact you to resend the documents if we
cannot easily read them.
The original should be maintained at the school until the end of the grant. Please keep original ESS
printout from Time & Attendance and all employee timesheets at the school on file. Only scan or fax
copies to Gheens Grants & Awards Office. This may be requested in the event of an audit and MUST be
available. After the grant ends, ESS files must be maintained for five years. During this time, files may
be sent to JCPS Archives. You may reach JCPS Archives at ext. 3098.
Contact Person for ESS Payroll is Amanda Kessler
o Phone – ext. 6779
o Email –
o Fax – ext. 3817
Can fax payroll or if school has access to scanner, we strongly encourage e-mailing payroll!
Daytime ESS Waiver
Please contact Maria Carrico
if you would like to apply for
Daytime Waiver
704 KAR 3:390.Extended School Services.
Section 7. Waiver for Alternative Service Delivery. The commissioner of education may consider a request for a waiver to operate a program during
the school day or to use an alternative delivery format. A request for a waiver shall include:
(1) A rationale describing why a daytime program is needed in addition to the regular extended school services program, including specific
data and documentation on previous efforts to serve individual students during the regular extended school program.
(2) A description of the instructional program that meets the criteria established in Section 2 of this administrative regulation and includes a
schedule that ensures each participating student receives additional instructional time during the school day without missing instruction in
the same or other assessed content area. The regular program teacher in collaboration with the teacher delivering extended school services
shall set measurable goals and objectives for student and teacher performance, including formal and informal assessments that extend
beyond classroom grades and CATS scores;
(3) A description of the student selection process that meets the criteria in Sections 2 and 3 of this administrative regulation;
(4) Detailed, accurate budget using correct MUNIS codes. A person compensated with ESS funds shall devote his or her time to delivering
ESS services during the time period for which he or she is being compensated with ESS funds; and
(5) Specific information related to program evaluation described in Section 6 of this administrative regulation. It shall include a continuous
monitoring and evaluation plan to ensure the needs of individual learners are met.
To find the complete regulations for ESS, go to KDE home page, go to QUICK LINKS, scroll down to
Extended School Services and go to the regulations site.
Waiver Guidelines
Why is a daytime program needed in addition to your regular ESS program?
What has been done to get the targeted students to attend the regular ESS program?
What core content area(s) will be targeted for the daytime program?
How will students be identified for the daytime ESS program?
How will the targeted students be scheduled to receive additional instruction?
What will the other students be doing while the ESS students are receiving additional
instruction? (How is this additional instruction?)
How many total students will be in the program and how many students will the ESS teacher
work with during each class?
How will the teachers be selected?
What types of pre and post assessments will be used to measure student progress?
How will the teacher know when the student(s) have reached their goals and are ready to be
phased out of the program?
What kind of data analysis will be available to send to KDE with the program evaluations?
Did you use the budget sheet provided on our web site?
Did you use the correct MUNIS codes?
Did you budget money for both the daytime program and other ESS services?
ESS Site Visit Rubric
Documents for ESS School Visit
You will need to have the following available for review:
1. Evidence of team planning using student data for selection of students to receive
2. Evidence of progress monitoring data.
3. ESS schedule showing program supplements regular class instruction.
4. Evidence of communication to parents.
5. Evidence of communication to teachers.
6. Copies of student attendance sheets.
7. Copies of ESS teacher sign in/out sheets.
8. Evidence of communications between coordinator, principal, and ESS teaching staff.
Other items that will be reviewed:
1. Submitted Program Profiles and Staff Lists.
2. ESS teaching staff providing instruction using materials listed on Program Profile.
Schools Visits:
All schools will be visited during the year. District Coordinator will contact School
Coordinator with scheduled time for visit. A report will be compiled and shared with
School Coordinator and Assistant Superintendent following the visit.
Sample Parent Letter
This note was adapted from Stopher’s RTI letter. Thank you for sharing!
Insert Date
Welcome to School Name’s ESS program!
Your child has been chosen to work with teachers in our Extended School Service (ESS) program! What is
ESS? ESS is an aggressive, proactive program designed to “continue” the educational program of the regular
classroom. The educational goals mirror those of the regular classroom.
Our team is made of certified public school teachers and staff who are experienced in using research base
methods of instruction to support and clarify your child’s understanding of classroom instruction. Through ESS,
we hope your child’s grades/K-PREP scores improve. We use constant monitoring to make sure we are
addressing your child’s immediate needs to keep him/her working on grade level.
ESS objectives:
Identify students in need of extended learning time.
Provide interventions that have been shown effective with other children
Monitor progress to determine if the interventions are working
If an intervention is not working, then a different intervention needs to be used and monitored for
You may consider the ESS teachers as in house tutors to assist the classroom teacher in your child’s success.
Your child may meet with teachers a few times a week in the areas of reading and/or math. This will be
determined by your child’s performance on district assessments, classroom work, and teacher observations.
Once identified, your child will receive insert time period of ESS to keep him/her succeeding at the highest
Your involvement is critical! When families, schools, and communities work together, children are more
successful! Your child will receive a progress report along with his/her report card to involve you in his/her
Our school is excited to provide this extended school service for your child to help them be more successful in
the classroom. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Insert School Name ESS School Coordinator
*An electronic version of this form can be found on the JCPS Title I Website
Sample Student Progress Report
This note was adapted from Stopher’s RTI letter. Thank you for sharing!
Insert School Name
Extended School Service (ESS)
Student Progress Report
Student Name:_________________________________
Differentiated Instructional Strategies:
 Tiered Lesson Plans and Student Products
 Individualized Instruction
Documentation for Continuous Progress as Evidenced by:
 Student Participation
 Teacher Evaluation
Student Progress
Exceeds expectations*
Meets Expectations*
Needs Improvement*
Goals: Student
achievement in
remedial area.
Students participates
appropriately (on-task
and cooperative)
Students shows effort
Teacher: _______________________________
*Although the student may be showing progress in interventions, he/she may not yet be working independently
at grade level and will continue in interventions.
*An electronic version of this form can be found on the JCPS Title I Website
*An electronic version of this form can be found on the JCPS Title I Website
*An electronic version of this form can be found on the JCPS Title I Website
*An electronic version of this form can be found on the JCPS Title I Website
*An electronic version of this form can be found on the JCPS Title I Website
ESS Payroll Accounting Codes
Munis Code
Pay Rate
XXX2115 011327 120X
Hourly Rate
XXX2170 011327 120X
Hourly Rate
XXX2170 011327 120X
$10.00 Per Hour
Teaching Daytime ESS During
Planning Period
XXX2167 011327 120X
Hourly Rate
Retired Teacher (Daytime)
XXX2167 011039 120X
Retired Teacher Rate
Substitute Teacher (Daytime)
XXX2167 012036 120X
Substitute Rate
XXX2170 013195 120X
Hourly Rate
After School, Before School or Summer
XXX2170 013195 120X
Hourly Rate
Secretary, Clerk
XXX2077 013183 120X
Hourly Rate
Bus Driver
XXX2794 013195 120X
Hourly Rate
XXX2794 011327 120X
$10.00 Per Hour
ESS Bldg. Coordinator
Regular Teacher
Teaching After School, Before School
or Summer School
Regular Teacher
Doing Classified Duties
Regular Teacher (Daytime)
Instructional Asst.
After School, Before School or Summer
Inst. I or Inst. II
Classified Staff
Bus Driver
Certified Staff Doing Classified Duties
All Classified Staff must be paid overtime if work has exceeded 40 hours per week
Use Object Code -0140- for Overtime
XXX – 3 Digit Loc. # MUNIS CODE:
X – Corresponding Alpha Letter
(see chart on pg. 20)
ESS Non-Payroll Accounting Codes
Munis Accounting Code
XXX2794 0514 120X
All Contract Buses & TARC Tickets
(0513 is not allowable in ESS)
XXX2167 0610 120X
Daytime Teaching Supplies
XXX2170 0610 120X
Teaching Supplies
XXX2170 0616 120X
XXX2170 0643 120X
Supplemental Books
XXX2170 0650 120X
XXX2170 0674 120X
XXX2170 0735 120X
Technology Software
(Only 07 Object Code Allowable in ESS)
XXX – 3 Digit Loc. # MUNIS CODE:
X – Corresponding Alpha Letter
(see chart on pg. 20)
To check a budget on MUNIS you will need to go into G/L Account Inquiry
o Click on the binoculars (which means to find)
 Fund: 2
 Org: xxx* (cost center with an *)
 Object: leave blank
 Project: 120X (X = FY Year 120B = FY16)
 Type: Expense
Click on green check mark
To see the entire budget click on ctrl + B key
Work with your bookkeeper to check MUNIS screens regularly and to run reports. It is highly recommended
that more than one person at your location is trained and familiar with MUNIS.
This information
should be what is
included when
submitting a Budget
ESS Budget Worksheets
The following ESS Budget Worksheets are filled out prior to the beginning of the school year by the
principal. However, the budget worksheets are a great way to calculate fringes throughout the year!
Starting July 1, 2011 JCPS began using the MUNIS Time & Attendance to report payroll and extra service.
It is important that time is reported based on the employees actual work schedule. Please use the designated
ESS Timesheet found on page 25. Electronic version can also be found on the Gheens Grants & Awards
Regular Payroll
All payroll reporting with the exception of extra service is prepared in the Regular menu. No one will be paid
until payroll is locked down.
Extra Service
The Extra Service tab of Time & Attendance replaces the PINK SHEET! NO MORE PINK SHEETS!
*Pink sheets should only be used when paying an employee not based at your school*
All ESS extra service payments for the Gheens Grants & Awards Office will be keyed in as one of the
following payroll types:
SUB EXTRA HELP – Certified Daily, Certified Hourly, Classified Hourly
The signed copy of the lock down report must be faxed or scanned to the Gheens Grants & Awards Office for
review and approval.
Extra Service payroll is locked down separately from Regular payroll. No one will be paid extra service until
the Extra Service is locked down. ESS payroll requires approval. The APPROVE button will be part of your
lockdown procedure. Your extra service payroll should then be faxed or scanned to the Gheens Grants &
Awards Office (Amanda Kessler) for approval.
All Extra Service must be locked down by the end of payroll Friday!
Who to Contact
User rights & access:
Entering data:
All other questions:
Submit a heat ticket
Payroll Clerk
Amanda Kessler
*An electronic version of this form can be found on the Gheens Grants & Awards Website
Snacks may be purchased from either your school lunchroom
or a company such as Sysco or Trompeter.
How much do the snacks cost?
We are limited to spending $1 per child per day on snacks. Each snack purchased from the lunchroom costs
$0.95. Snacks purchased (or donated) from other companies cost anywhere from $0.00 up to $1.00.
What is the process used to purchase snacks from the school’s lunchroom?
1. Let the Lunchroom Manager know how many snacks you will need for a particular day. (Be sure
to give the Manager at least one day’s notice and preferably several days notice.)
2. Within the next several weeks, you will receive an invoice from Nutrition Services. When you
receive this invoice, fill out a voucher (see the example) payable to the Treasurer, JCPS.
3. Attach the original invoice, attendance sheets, and a non-competitive Determination & Finding to the
voucher. The reason would be “Intergovernmental Purchasing”.
4. Send the completed voucher to the Gheens Grants & Awards Office at Gheens Academy, Room G-10 for
What is the process used to purchase snacks from another company?
1. Obtain three price quotes from comparable companies.
2. Enter a requisition and small purchase Determination and Finding for a blanket purchase order.
3. After receiving the purchase order, begin placing your snack orders as needed.
4. Do a receiving ticket each time you receive a snack order and send the original invoice to
Accounts Payable at C. B. Young.
If you have any questions about ordering snacks, please feel free to call the Gheens Grants & Awards Office. 27
ESS Timeline
Before beginning ESS Program
Submit Program Profile via email to Maria Carrico and include the following:
 Date submitted
 Day and time of ESS (will be used to verify payroll)
 3 data sources
 How students’ progress will be monitored and what materials will be used?
 How often will students’ progress be monitored?
 Who will be teaching ESS?
 What materials will be used?
Submit Staff List via email to Maria Carrico and include the following:
 Date submitted
 School Name, Coordinator name, dates of program
 Full name of employee as it appears on Teaching Certificate
 Helpful link:
During ESS Program
Maintain the following information:
 Student Attendance
 Teacher sign-in sheets
 Progress Monitoring data
Maintain the following information:
 If Daytime Program – must have some type of regular ESS program
 If anything changes on Program Profile or Staff List, submit revised paperwork
 ESS budget up to date
 Communicate students’ progress to Parents and Teachers
ESS Timeline
After ESS Program
Maintain the following information:
 Daytime and regular ESS programs end by 5/8/15
 Complete Daytime Evaluation and submit via email to Maria Carrico by 5/8/15
 Ensure ESS student data has been entered into the Intervention Tab on Infinite Campus
When do you know it is approved?
 Program Profile and Staff List:
Maria Carrico will send you an email stating it is approved.
 Daytime Evaluation:
Maria Carrico will send you an email with an attachment of evaluation with my signature.