CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data Elsa Amanatidou Senior Lecturer in Modern Greek Studies Department of Classics Director, Centre for Language Studies Brown University- Box 1856 Telephone: (401) 863 7482 E-mail: 2. Home address 537 Angell street Providence, RI, 02906 3. Education King’s College, London M.A in Modern Greek Studies (Literature and History) M.A. thesis, “What is the use of poetry? The case of Manolis Anagnostakis” 1993-1995 Bell School of Languages& Edinburgh University RSA, Cambridge, (Royal Society of Arts) DTFLA (Diploma of Teaching Foreign Languages to Adults) 1991-1992 Bell School of Languages, Norwich RSA, Cambridge, Certificate, 1991-1992 University of East Anglia, Norwich M.A, The English Novel M.A. thesis “Problems of identity and morality in the early fiction of John Fowles” 1981-1982 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece BA(Hons), English Literature and Linguistics 1977-1981 Istituto Italiano Di Cultura, Thessaloniki Diploma di lingua e Cultura Italiana 1977-1980 1 4. Professional appointments Edexcel, Pearsons UK Mentor, General Qualifications Assessment Team 2012- Brown University, OIA, Faculty responsible for International Graduate Colloquium proposals 2011-2013 Edexcel, Pearsons UK Expert Consultant “Ask the Expert” service for IGCSE, GCSE and GCE curricula and assessment in Modern Greek 2010- Edexcel, Pearsons UK Chief Examiner, IGCSE examinations in Modern Greek 2010- Brown University, Office of Summer and Continuing Studies, Director, Brown on Naxos Pre-College Summer Program 2010- Brown University Senior Lecturer in Modern Greek Studies Director, Centre for Language Studies 2008- Brown University Lecturer in Modern Greek Studies 2001- Office of Summer and Continuing Studies, Brown University Instructor in Modern Greek 2006-2008 Brown Learning Community Instructor in Modern Greek 2002 The Hellenic College of London Head of Modern Greek and Deputy Head (from 1991) 1995-2001 2 Norfolk County Council Teacher Trainer responsible for provision of training For instructors of Modern Foreign Languages 1993-1995 Edexcel, Pearsons UK Chief Examiner, GCE (Advanced Level) 2007- Chief Examiner GCSE examinations in Modern Greek 1998- Reviser, GCE (A Level) Examinations in Modern Greek Ensuring future assessed units meet the required standard and are consistent with the unit specification and assessment criteria. 2004-2007 Chief Examiner GCE (A Level) Examinations in Modern Greek 2000-2004 Chief Examiner, GCE (Ordinary Level) Examinations in Modern Greek 1991- Assistant Examiner, Reviser and Scrutineer GCSE examinations in Modern Greek 1990-1998 5. Research and Completed Projects (a) Chapter in Book “Anagnostakis revisited and revised: The politics of Reading and Re-reading”, Vangelis Calotychos, ed. Manolis Anagnostakis, Poetry and politics, Silence and Agency in Post War Greece, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2012 (b)Completed research on development of pedagogical materials, teacher training guides and evaluation of assessment models and student performance (on the web) Assessment Report and commentary on student performance in 2012 A Level, GCSE and IGCSE examinations in Modern Greek. 3 “Negotiating the product: advertisements as source of cultural information”, ( 2011 Assessment Report and commentary on student performance in 2011 A Level, GCSE and IGCSE examinations in Modern Greek. Report and commentary on student performance in 2010 A level, GCSE and O level examinations in Modern Greek Editable Schemes of work for the delivery of the GCE specification In Modern Greek 2010 Exemplar activities to facilitate the delivery of the GCSE specification: 2010 A guide for teachers Adaptable Schemes of Work, to assist language instructors plan the teaching of the new GCSE specification in Modern Greek 2009 Vocabulary Book for the new GCSE in Modern Greek 2009 Report on the delivery and performance in 2009 GCE examinations 2009 in Modern Greek Report on the delivery and performance in 2009 GCSE examinations in Modern Greek 2009 Report on the delivery and performance in 2009 O level examinations in 2009 Modern Greek 4 Assessment on student performance in public GCE (O Level), 2008 GCE (A level) and GCSE examinations in Modern Greek and Recommendations for improving performance x Development of new Specification and Sample Assessment 2008 Materials for the General Certificate in Education Examinations In Modern Greek (GCSE). Prototype of textbook 2007 Three units in a textbook, testing listening comprehension for Advanced Students Development of New Specification and Sample Assessment Materials I devised New Subject Criteria for Advanced level Qualification in Modern Greek; authored Specimen Examination Papers (Approved by The Qualifications and Curricula Authority, summer 2007) 2007 Radio advertisements A workbook of listening comprehension tasks to accompany authentic Radio announcements and commercials ( ) ( 2007 Self-Assessment through Hot Potatoes An arsenal of interactive web-based tasks to facilitate independent study and consolidate linguistic and cultural knowledge ( 2007 Teaching culture through TV Set of activities to accompany video clips from TV series ( 2006 Assessment Report on student performance at GCSE public examinations 2007 in Modern Greek and recommendations 2005- 5 Pronunciation guide for Beginner Students in Modern Greek 2005 ( (c) Papers in conferences, guest talks and invited lectures, presentations and workshops directed Brown Clubs of Paris & Brussels ““Knowing how, when, and why to say what to whom” June 2013 Sheridan Centre for Teaching and Learning November 2012 th 25 Anniversary Poster Presentation (with Miled Faiza): “Promoting the Study and Instruction of Languages, Bridging Cultures” Centre for Language Studies, Yale University, “Rethinking the Language Centre”, a conference organised By The Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning, Panel Discussion Facilitator: Governance November 2012 Edexcel Pearson’s UK, materials writer and trainer for webinar “GCE and GCSE successful examinations 2012” October 2012 San Francisco State University Fourth Biannual MGSA Workshop on MFL pedagogy Workshop leader: “Task based teaching and learning” October 2012 Yale University, Centre for Language Studies, Brown Bag lecture series “Collaborative Writing and the Digital Script” March 2012 Brown University, SLAV13000 “Greek Diglossia”, Guest speaker April 2012 University of East Anglia, School of Languages And Communication Studies, UK “Digital Story telling for the MFL classroom” June 2011 Edexcel Pearson’s UK, materials writer and trainer for webinar On GCE and GCSE successful examinations, 2011 October 2011 Brown Alumni Denver Club April 2011 “Language Instruction and International Initiatives: The case at Brown” Sheridan Centre for Teaching and Learning, Brown University April 2011 Graduate Student Training 1. Workshop on Practical techniques for Teaching Vocabulary 2. Workshop on Practical Techniques for Teaching Grammar 6 AEIA International Conference, San Francisco “The Changing Relationship between Language Studies and International Studies” February 2011 Edexcel, Pearsons UK Presented first drafts of GCSE, GCE and IGCSE public examination papers to the Question Paper Evaluation Committee (QPEC). January 2011 Third Biannual Conference on Greek language pedagogy November 2010 Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Panel organizer and presenter on “Standards and Criteria: Mapping the terrain of the Modern Greek Language Specification” Aristotle University, Greece Centre for Greek Language Panel: Greek Studies in USA June 2010 Brown, CLS and LRC show case, Student collaborations in digital story telling projects: The pedagogical implications April 2010 Brown, Pembroke Club of RI “Internationalization, Global Citizenship and the Role of Languages: Notes from the Field” April 2010 Edexcel, Pearsons, UK Webinar delivered to secondary schools teachers in Cyprus. Approaches to teaching Cinema and delivering the new GCE specification in MG March 2010 UCLA, Brown Club of Southern California ”The World is Your Stage: Express Yourself! Global Citizenship and the Role of Languages” January 2010 Brown University, The Hellenic Students Association, Celebration in honor of 100 years since the birth of the poet Yiannis Ritsos, presentation on “Politics and Poetics: The case of Yiannis Ritsos” November 2009 Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, MGSA Conference, “The collaborative class: Students as writers and performers” October 2009 Brown University, Sheridan Centre for Teaching and Learning, September 2009 7 “Everyone has a story to tell: Digital Story telling in the MFL Classroom” Brown Club of the UK, London, “At Home with the World: Foreign languages and Global Understanding” June 2009 Edexcel Pearsons, UK Webinar, Teaching the new GCSE Specification In Modern Greek June 2009 Brown Alumni Club, London UK, “At home with the World: languages at the Age of Globalisation” June 2009 University of East Anglia,UK Teaching Greek with “Hot Potatoes”. A practical Demonstration. May 2009 Brown University, Sheridan Centre for Teaching and Learning, “Differentiated Instruction and the MFL curriculum: From Rational to Classroom Practice” – Part I April 2009 Brown University, Sheridan Centre for Teaching and Learning, “Differentiated Instruction and the MFL curriculum: From Rational to Classroom Practice” – Part II April 2009 Brown University, CLS Professional Development Lecture Series. Paper: “Integrating Culture in the MFL Curriculum”. November 2008 Yale University, Workshop on Modern Greek Language Pedagogy. Paper: “Strategies and techniques For Teaching Culture: An Integrative Approach to developing Transcultural knowledge” November 2008 Edexcel, Pearsons, UK. Webinar, “Teaching the new Advanced Subsidiary Specification In Modern Greek Edexcel, London UK October 2008 British Council in Cyprus & Edexcel, Pearsons, UK July 2008 One day Professional development Workshop for Secondary School Teachers Workshop Leader and Trainer “Teaching and delivering a new Specification” A. S. Onassis, Public Benefit Foundation, NY, USA Workshop on the Teaching of Modern Greek Language in September 2007 8 Universities in North, Central and South America. Presentation, “Hot potatoes: employing technology in Language Instruction” Columbia University, NY Conference in honour of the poet Manolis Anagnostakis, Paper: “Anagnostakis and the critics” April 2006 University of East Anglia, UK, Translation seminar for students of Modern Greek June 2005 Alpha Omega Council, Providence, RI October 2005 Presentation: “The History of the Modern Greek Studies Program & the Hellenic Students Association at Brown University” Rochester Hellenic Society Lecture: “Testimony as fiction: Three novels on the Asia Minor Disaster” May 2004 6. Citations and Research Grants (a) Citations Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning Brown University Recognition for Commitment to Teaching. Brown University, Citations and Awards, Commencement Ceremony Master of Arts Ad Eundem 2009, 2010, 2011 2009 (b)Current Grants HRF, “New assessment models” HRF, “Art in times of crisis” 2012 2011 (c) Completed Grants HRF to complete 3rd part of research project on integrating culture In the MFL classroom 2010 Brown Instructional Technology (BIT) grant Digitisation of video clips that informed the content of the project: 2010 9 “Negotiating the product: advertisements as source of cultural information” Language Consortium for teaching and learning, Campus Grant 2010 Workbook to accompany the project: “Negotiating the product: advertisements as source of cultural information” MGSA, innovative projects grant to organise the biannual 2010 conference on MFL pedagogy 2010 HRF to complete 2nd part of research project on integrating culture In the MFL classroom 2009 HRF to complete first phase of research project on teaching culture 2008 B.I.T (Brown Instructional Technology) 2008 The grant provided technological assistance that made possible the digitisation of films used for Language instruction, in MGRK0100, 300 and 500 classes Alexander S Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, NY 2008 $11.500 grant towards the cost of the first biannual workshop On Greek Language Pedagogy and for setting up a Professional Organisation Of Instructors of Modern Greek in USA Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning $7.000 grant towards the cost of the first biannual workshop On Greek Language Pedagogy 2008 Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning Campus based grant to develop prototype for textbook for Advanced Learners. Amount awarded: $3.027 2007 B.I.T (Brown Instructional Technology) Recipient of B.I.T grant for the digitisation of radio audio clips in order to develop instructional materials. The grant provided a technical expert and a student assistant to help with implementation. 2007 B.I.T (Brown Instructional Technology) Recipient of B.I.T grant for the digitisation of video clips In order to develop instructional materials. The grant provided a technical expert and a student assistant to help with implementation. 2006 10 11