Who should pay for global health, and how much?

Who should pay for global health, and how
much? Lessons from Kyoto.
L.R. Carrasco, R. Coker, A.R. Cook
National University of Singapore
Global Health: A Public Good without a
Collective-Choice Rule
• Global health is a public good: ill health in one part
of the globe has consequences elsewhere.
• Donors benefits: reduction of communicable disease
emergence and transmission and macroeconomic
interactions, trade, travel, migration, food security,
environmental degradation.
• Despite the benefits: global health continues to be
• Extra US$36 to US$45 billion needed annually to
meet the health MDGs.
Global Health: A Public Good without a
Collective-Choice Rule
• Exacerbated by the ongoing global financial crisis.
• Absence of a mechanism to encourage— or
enforce—any expected contributions from each
country: tragedy of the commons.
• Only few contribute but all benefit.
• Other global commons are climate change
mitigation. The Kyoto protocol is an example of a
collective-choice rule to establish the expected
contributions from each country.
Parallels with Tradable Carbon
Permits: Global Health Permits?
• Humanity faces new challenges to manage global
commons and only one planet to experiment with.
• Important to draw lessons from other successful
strategies on global commons management.
• Market-based systems of tradable carbon emission
• Cap-and-trade mechanism: carbon emissions of
countries are capped and as a result countries need
to buy permits that compensate for their emissions
in excess of the cap.
Parallels with Tradable Carbon
Permits: Global Health Permits?
• It is much cheaper to cut emissions in low-income
countries. Likewise it is much cheaper to reduce
disease burden in low-income settings.
• Potential for parallelisms?
• For carbon markets the currency is avoided tons of
• Suitable metric for global health? disability adjusted
life years (DALYs).
• Many ways to set the cap-and-trade rule. We base it
on health expenditure, GNI and cost-effectiveness.
Parallels with Tradable Carbon
Permits: Global Health Permits?
• Perspective of a hypothetical global social planner
aiming to reduce global disease burden: the greater
the investment on low cost-effectiveness
interventions in high- and middle-income countries,
the more inefficient the allocation of resources to
reduce global disease burden.
• System encourages compensation for the resulting
inefficiency by requiring the support of highly costeffective projects in low-income countries.
• Currently cost-effectiveness threshold different for
each country.
Parallels with Tradable Carbon
Permits: Global Health Permits?
• We propose a global health cost-effectiveness
threshold (GHCET): 3GNI of the threshold that
defines low income countries.
• Interventions in middle and high-income countries
that do not meet the GHCET need to buy DALY
credits from low-income countries.
• Straightforward at the project level. In the interim, at
the global level: difference between the hypothetical
DALYs averted domestically and those that could be
averted in a low-income setting based on GNI and
health expenditure of each country.
Carrasco et al. (2013) PLOS Medicine
How does it work? Global
• To estimate expected contributions, we define:
 CHi
CHi 
Ei  
i 
• where Ei denotes the “force of expected contribution
to global health” by country i; CHi is the annual
health expenditure.
 E
Fi   N
 V   DHi
 E
 i 1
where Fi > 0 indicates the annual level of
defaulting; V is the total volume of the
necessary increase in global health
contributions to meet the health MDGs; and
DHi are the total health commitments of
country i per year.
How does it work? Project level
Carrasco et al. (2013) PLOS Medicine
How does it work? Project level
Carrasco et al. (2013) PLOS Medicine
• The greatest defaulting countries per capita to meet
the health MDGs were the US (US$22–US$33) and
several affluent European countries (e.g.,
Switzerland, US$23–US$31; Austria, US$21–
US$27; and Germany, US$18–US$24).
• Only a few countries contribute more than expected:
Ireland, the UK, Denmark, the United Arab Emirates,
Luxembourg, and Norway.
• high-income countries would account for 74%–77%
of the remaining US$36–US$45 billion.
• 19%–28% of the total increase, or US$6.8–US$10
billion, would come from the US, 5%–6% from
Japan, 4%–6% from Germany, 3%– 4% from
• Middle-income countries would also contribute
substantially, with 6%–7% from China (i.e., US$2.1–
US$2.7 billion), 3% from Brazil, 2% from India.
• Incentive to buy permits from more cost-effective
projects: more efficient, ranking of allocation
• Many implementation challenges: attract the
attention of a nucleus of countries (UK, Norway,
• Kyoto-style binding agreement. Who to run market,
assign credits? Risk of free riders.
• Cap-and-trade systems for climate change
mitigation have shown the potential for the market to
grow rapidly (from US$11 to US$140 billion from
2005 to 2011). Feasible for global health?
• Experiences from carbon permit markets are
encouraging: efficiently raise resources to help
manage global commons.
• an analogous tradable DALY credits market could
scale-up global health commitments.
• We need to be ready to implement the most
powerful strategies to manage global commons. A
DALY tradable credit market offers unexplored
promising potential.
Many thanks! dbsctlr@nus.edu.sg
Carrasco LR, Coker R, Cook AR (2013) Who Should Pay for
Global Health, and How Much? Plos Medicine 10: e1001392.