EECE 290 – Analog Signal Processing Catalog description: A course on circuits solution and analysis in the s and frequency domains. It includes Operational Amplifiers, step and steady-state response of RL, RC, and RLC circuits, Laplace transform and its use in circuit analysis; Frequency-Selective Circuits; Active Filter Circuits; Fourier Transform, and Two-Port Circuits. Credit hours: 3 credits Required or elective: Required for CCE / ECE students Prerequisites: By course: EECE 210: Electric Circuits, By topic: Understanding of electric circuit analysis including KCL, KVL, mesh-current, node-voltage, superposition, source transformation, Thevenin and Norton equivalent, simple differential equation and complex numbers. Textbook(s) and/or required materials: − Sabah, H.N., Electric circuits and Signals, CRC Press, 2008 − Nilsson J.W. and Riedel S.: Electric Circuits, 8th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 07458, 2005 References: None Computer usage: Matlab and PSPICE for analysis. Course Objectives The objectives of this course are to: Introduce the students to operational Amplifier Introduce the students to natural and steady-state response of RL, RC, and RLC circuits Introduce the students to Laplace transform and its applications in circuit analysis. Introduce the students to passive and active filters, their transfer functions, graphical representations, and implementations. Introduce the students to Fourier Transform and their applications in circuit analysis Introduce the students to theory of two-port circuits Course Topics No. Subjects covered 1 Operational Amplifier 2 Response of First order RL and RC circuits 3 Natural and Step responses of RLC Circuits 4 Introduction to the Laplace Transform 5 The Laplace Transform in Circuits Analysis 6 Introduction to Frequency Selective Circuits 7 Active Filter Circuits 8 The Fourier Transform 9 The Two-Port Parameters Correlates to program objectives 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3 50min. lectures 4 4 4 4 7 5 5 5 2 Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students should be able to: Understand the Operational Amplifier and how it can be used to built an inverting-Amplifier, a noninverting-Amplifier, a Summing Amplifier, and a difference-Amplifier Circuits. Understand natural and step responses of an RL, RC, and RLC circuits. Understand the Laplace Transform and its use in circuit analysis. Understand the concept of transfer function and system stability. Understand the relation between impulse response, transfer function, and convolution integrals. Understand frequency Selective Circuits. Understand the concept of design and analysis of active filters. Understand the Fourier transform and its application in circuit analysis. Understand of the concept, analysis, and interconnection of twoport circuits. * H: High correlation, M: Medium correlation, L: Low correlation Class/laboratory schedule: Three 50-minute lectures per week. Evaluation methods 1. Drop Quizzes: 2. Quiz 1: 3. Quiz 2: 4. Final: 10% 25% 25% 40% Professional component Engineering topics: General education: Mathematics and basic sciences: 60% 10% 30% Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation Prepared by Ghassan Dib on April 2009 Date of last revision Revised by Karim Kabalan on April 2009 Correlates to program outcomes* H M L (a), (e), (n) (a), (e), (n) (a), (e), (n) (a), (e), (n) (a), (e), (n) (a), (e), (n) (a), (e), (n) (a), (e), (n) (a), (e), (n) (m), (k) (m) (m) (m) (m), (o) (m) (m), (k) (m) (m)