April is Foot Health Awareness Month

For Immediate Release
Contact: Chris Morrisroe
cmorrisroe@comcast.net, 248.666.3897
March 18, 2016
Ten Tips to Keep Your Feet Healthy
Lansing, Mich. – Special attention is given to foot health each April as National Foot Health
Awareness month is observed. The Michigan Podiatric Medical Association (MPMA) would like
to remind the public that this is the perfect time to determine what shape ones’ feet are in.
“Foot and ankle concerns are too often overlooked by the general public,” said Dr. Jodie
Sengstock, MPMA director of professional relations. “Our feet are the foundation of our body.
One of the goals of the MPMA is to reach out to the public to let them know that annual foot
exams can lead to a better quality of life and also may help detect the onset of other life
threatening diseases.”
Examining our feet can help us identify early symptoms of other serious disorders such as
vascular disease and diabetes. Foot issues can also cause other problems throughout our body.
Normal changes to the foot as we age include:
 The foot becomes wider and longer
 There is mild settling of the arch which is seen as flattening of the foot
 The fat pad on the bottom of the heel thins out, causing loss of natural padding and spring
in the step
 The foot and ankle lose some of their normal range of motion and become stiffer
 There can be some loss of balance while walking
As these physical changes occur, shoe sizes and support needs also change and must be
Some foot changes can occur that are abnormal or pathological. These problems do not happen
naturally and many can be prevented, or their progress halted, by addressing ill-fitting shoes,
adding supportive orthotics, surgery, or other modifications.
Abnormal changes to the foot include:
 Bunions (the formation of a large bump on the big toe, which starts to point toward the
little toes)
 Hammering of the toes (curling of the toes)
 Clawing of the toes (more severe curling of the toes)
 Tailor’s bunion (the formation of a large bump on the smallest toe, which starts to point
toward the large toe)
 Calluses or corns, which occur on the toes or foot due to high pressure over bony areas
 Morton's neuromas ("pinched nerve" between the toes)
 Arthritis of the joints
A yearly exam with an MPMA podiatrist is vital to tracking changes, checking for proper
sensation and circulation, and calling attention to abnormalities. Early detection and treatment of
problems help keep individuals on their feet and active.
Ten Easy Ways to Keep Your Feet Healthy:
Inspect your feet daily – Look for any changes in the general appearance of the foot,
like the color and the texture, unusual swelling and changes in the toenails.
Practice good foot hygiene - Wash your feet well, and dry them thoroughly afterwards
to help prevent issues with bacteria and fungi.
Moisturize your feet - It is important to hydrate the skin in your feet to replenish all the
lost moisture, otherwise fissures can develop.
Wear appropriate footwear – Make sure to purchase the right size of footwear to avoid
bruising or tearing the skin surrounding the pressure points of the feet. Furthermore, buy
appropriate shoes for your activities.
Trim your toenails – Do not create deep curves at the edges and trim to just above the
skin. Nails should not extend over the tip of the toe. Cutting nails straight across helps to
avoid ingrown nails.
Change shoes often - It is important to avoid wearing the same shoes every day. Your
feet have a lot of sweat glands, and wearing shoes will only absorb the moisture released
from these glands. Make it a point to dry your shoes after each and every use.
Exercise regularly – Exercising is good for your feet. However, make sure you wear the
appropriate shoe for the activity. Simple exercises can be done at home, such as walking
on a treadmill. Foot exercises improve good pedal circulation, preventing many disorders
of the heart and blood vessels
Do not walk barefoot - Even when at home, always wear the appropriate footwear.
There are a lot of harmful microorganisms that can easily enter the bloodstream through
the feet
Apply sunscreen - Applying sunscreen with a considerable amount of SPF will help
prevent painful sunburns and blisters.
See an MPMA podiatrist regularly - If you notice or feel anything unusual in your feet,
do not hesitate to see your MPMA podiatrist immediately.
Visit MPMA.org to find MPMA podiatrist in Michigan.
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About the MPMA:
The Michigan Podiatric Medical Association (MPMA) has been dedicated to serving and protecting the
public's podiatric health and maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct among its members for
over 100 years. The four main objectives of the organization are: to improve the quality of foot care; to
promote the importance of foot health among the general public and health care professionals throughout
the state; to increase awareness of the art and science of podiatric medicine and surgery; and to provide
continuing medical education to podiatrists. www.mpma.org
View short Foot Health Month videos at:
Foot Health Video 1:11
Foot Health video :30