Course Outline - COMP150 Lectures and Labs 1 The way of the program 1.1 The Python programming language 1.2 What is a program? 1.3 What is debugging? 1.4 Experimental debugging 1.5 Formal and natural languages 1.6 The first program 1.7 Glossary 1.8 The COMP150 lab 1.8.1 Logging-on 1.8.2 The OSX desktop 1.8.3 Menus 1.8.4 The dock 1.8.5 The Finder window 1.8.6 Your home directory 1.8.7 Applications 1.8.8 IDLE 1.8.9 Getting help 1.8.10 Coursework files 1.8.11 Terms requirements 1.9 Blackboard 1.10 Laboratory exercises 2 Variables, expressions and statements 2.1 Values and types 2.2 Variables 2.3 Variable names and keywords 2.4 Statements 2.5 Evaluating expressions 2.6 Operators and operands 2.7 The modulus operator 2.8 Order of operations 2.9 Operations on strings 2.10 Glossary 2.11 Laboratory exercises 3 Functions: part 1 3.1 Composing expressions 3.2 Function calls 3.3 Function definitions and use 3.4 Flow of execution 3.5 Parameters and arguments 3.6 Function composition 3.7 Comments 3.8 Glossary 3.9 Laboratory exercises 4 Functions: part 2 4.1 Variables and parameters are local 4.2 Stack diagrams 4.3 Input 4.4 Type conversion 4.5 Glossary 4.6 Laboratory exercises 5 Conditionals 5.1 Conditional execution 5.2 Boolean values and expressions 5.3 Logical operators 5.4 Alternative execution 5.5 Chained conditionals 5.6 Nested conditionals 5.7 Booleans and type conversion 5.8 Glossary 5.9 Laboratory exercises 6 Fruitful functions 6.1 The return statement 6.2 Return values 6.3 Program development 6.4 Composition 6.5 Boolean functions 6.6 Glossary 6.7 Laboratory exercises 7 Modules and TDD 7.1 Modules, files and the import statement 7.2 Triple quoted strings 7.3 Unit testing with doctest 7.4 Good Practice Development 7.5 Test-driven development demonstrated 7.6 Programming with style 7.7 Glossary 7.8 Laboratory exercises 8 Strings part 1 8.1 A compound data type 8.2 Length 8.3 String slices 8.4 String comparison 8.5 Strings are immutable 8.6 Traversal and the for loop 8.7 The in operator 8.8 Looping and counting 8.9 str Methods 8.10 Glossary 8.11 Laboratory exercises 9 Files and modules 9.1 Files 9.2 Processing things from a file 9.3 Directories 9.4 Files as a Unifying Concept 9.5 Glossary 9.6 Laboratory exercises 10 Iteration: part 1 10.1 Multiple assignment 10.2 Updating variables 10.3 Abbreviated assignment 10.4 The while statement 10.5 Tracing a program 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Counting digits Tables Glossary Laboratory exercises 11 Iteration: part 2 11.1 Two-dimensional tables 11.2 Encapsulation and generalization 11.3 More encapsulation 11.4 Local variables 11.5 More generalization 11.6 Functions 11.7 Newton’s method 11.8 Algorithms 11.9 Glossary 11.10 Laboratory Exercises 12 Strings part 2 12.1 String formatting 12.2 Character classification 12.3 A find function 12.4 Optional parameters 12.5 Glossary 12.6 Laboratory exercises 13 Lists part 1 13.1 List values 13.2 Accessing elements 13.3 List length 13.4 The range function 13.5 Lists and for loops 13.6 List membership 13.7 List operations 13.8 List slices 13.9 Lists are mutable 13.10 List deletion 13.11 Glossary 13.12 Laboratory exercises 14 Lists part 2 14.1 Objects and values 14.2 Aliasing 14.3 Cloning lists 14.4 List parameters 14.5 Pure functions and modifiers 14.6 Which is better? 14.7 Nested lists 14.8 Matrices 14.9 Strings and lists 14.10 Glossary 14.11 Laboratory exercises 15 Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries 15.1 Tuples and mutability 15.2 Tuple assignment 15.3 Tuples as return values 15.4 Why tuples? 15.5 When should you use tuples? 15.6 Sets 15.7 Dictionaries 15.8 Dictionary operations 15.9 Dictionary methods 15.10 Aliasing and copying 15.11 Counting letters 15.12 Glossary 15.13 Laboratory exercises 16 No Lecture Today 16.1 No Lab This Session 17 Classes and objects - Part 1 17.1 Object-oriented programming 17.2 User-defined compound types 17.3 The init Method and self 17.4 Attributes 17.5 Methods 17.6 Sameness 17.7 Interface and Representation 17.8 Glossary 17.9 Laboratory exercises 18 Classes and objects - Part 2 18.1 Rectangles 18.2 Instances as return values 18.3 Objects are mutable 18.4 Copying 18.5 A Polygon Class 18.6 Glossary 18.7 Laboratory exercises 19 Graphical user interface programming 19.1 Event driven programming 19.2 TkInter introduction 19.3 Introducing callbacks 19.4 User input 19.5 Mini-case study 19.6 Glossary 19.7 Laboratory exercises 20 Case study: Catch 20.1 Graphics 20.2 Moving the ball 20.3 Adding randomness 20.4 Glossary 20.5 Laboratory exercises 21 Case study: Catch continued 21.1 Keyboard input 21.2 Checking for collisions 21.3 Keeping score 21.4 Glossary 21.5 Laboratory exercises 21.6 Optional extension project: 22 System programming 22.1 The sys module and argv 22.2 The os and glob module 22.3 A mini-case study 22.3.1 ImageMagick 22.3.2 Scripting ImageMagick 22.4 Glossary 22.5 Laboratory exercises 23 Case study 2 Part 1 23.1 Program Design 23.2 The Initial Program 23.3 Opening a File 23.4 Saving to a File 23.5 Adding a Command Bar 23.6 Laboratory Exercises 24 Case study 2 24.1 Encrypting 24.2 Putting it 24.3 Glossary 24.4 Laboratory Part 2 the Contents All Together Exercises 25 The last lecture 25.1 Stuff we haven’t covered 25.2 What you can expect from COMP160 and Computer Science