CSCI-311/313 Computer Organization Lecture/Lab Fall 2012, TR 5:30-6:50 PM (lecture), TR 7:00-7:50 PM (lab), 32/101E Instructor: Rommel A Palomino Office: Building 32/101W Office Hours: by appointment E-mail: Class Home Page: 1. C OURSE O VERVIEW This course is to introduce students to the fundamental understanding of the internal workings of computer systems. It provides foundations of digital design, including Boolean algebra, non-decimal number systems; basic digital elements using integrated logic modules, and logic design. This is a (3) credit-hour lecture plus a (1) credit-hour laboratory. This course is intended for junior level students and it is part of the Department Core Requirements for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS). Students enrolled in BSCS program must obtain a grade of C or better in this courses in order to graduate. Prerequisite: APCT-231/233 Computer Science I Lecture/Lab Textbook: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 4th ed. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy. Morgan Kaufmann, 2011. ISBN: 978-0123747501 2. T ENTATIVE C OURSE O UTLINE Topics covered Week Overview 2 Data representation 3 Digital logics 4 Computer systems organization I 5 Computer systems organization II 6 Performance 7 Instruction set architecture I 8 Instruction set architecture II 10 Processor I 11 Processor II 12 Memory I 13 Memory II 14 Input/Output I 15 3. G RADING Percentage In class participation (attendance required) 10% Homework assignments 40% Midterm 25% Final exam 25% Final Grade 100% A(90-100), B(80-89), C(70-79), D(60-69) and F(< 60). 4. H OMEWORK Homework solutions must show all your work. Let me say that more directly: do not just submit a homework exercise that shows only your answer. You will not get credit for homework problems that do not show all your work. Homework solutions must be neat! I know you do not give your English professors “hen-scratch” when you write a paper. No, you write drafts, edit, print, correct, print, and submit a neat final draft. I expect the same in your homework submissions. As you work on the homework, do not concern yourself with how things look, in fact, you should have multiple sheets of scrap paper about as you work on a solution. BUT, once you are finished, you must transcribe your solutions onto a new piece of paper. Use lots of drawings where appropriate and don’t be afraid to write neat notes in the margins that explain your solution procedure. Use many pieces of paper and staple them together. So, I reserve the right to deduct points for sloppy submissions or submissions that are not stapled together, even if the answers are correct. 5. A CADEMI C I NTEGRI T Y Students are encouraged to discuss the materials, homework, and projects together. However, all written assignments and programs must be done individually or in assigned groups. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: plagiarism, cheating on exams, unauthorized collaboration and falsifying academic records. Violating of these may result in a grade penalty on an assignment, an "F" in the course, dismissal from an academic unit, revocation of admission, suspension from the university, etc.