Project Description 1. Introduction Physics Education Research (PER) has changed the landscape of the physics classroom and lab in recent years. Introductory physics instructors are adopting active-learning methods from PER in their introductory physics classes, and in some instances colleges and universities are remodeling physics classrooms to accommodate lecture and lab instruction in an integrated environment.1 The purpose of these lecture/lab classrooms is to provide an active, hands-on learning environment where students are able to acquire conceptual, problem solving and laboratory skills more effectively. Madison Area Technical College (MATC) moved into combined lecture/lab physics classrooms a few years ago. In 2009 University of Wisconsin Platteville (UWP) will move into three new lecture/lab physics classrooms in a new building. The existing classrooms at MATC and the new classrooms at UWP are designed to accommodate a variety faculty teaching styles within the active-learning environment. An assessment of the effectiveness of different teaching styles within the integrated lecture/lab environments at the two institutions will be an extension to physics education research. Madison Area Technical College is the technical and community college for the greater Madison, Wisconsin area serving about 44,000 students each year. The school is dedicated to providing accessible, high quality instruction and technical experience to meet the needs of its students, community and area employers. It provides a comprehensive curriculum of technical, liberal arts and sciences, adult basic education and continuing education, as well as customized training for employers. The college awards associate degrees, technical diplomas and certificates and offers classes that transfer to four-year degree programs. The Natural Sciences Department offers courses in technical physics and college physics (both algebra- and calculus-based). Enrollments in these courses total about 500 students each year in sections of about 20 each. Current staffing includes 5 full-time physics instructors. University of Wisconsin - Platteville is a primarily undergraduate, public university of about 6000 students. Approximately half of the students are majoring in engineering, science, or technology and are required to take introductory physics. Present enrollments in introductory physics courses total about 700 students per year in sections of 40 - 60 students. The Engineering Physics Department also offers courses in astronomy and physical science enrolling about 100 students per year. The introductory courses represent about 75% of the teaching load for the engineering physics department. Current staffing includes 5 faculty, 1 full-time teaching academic staff, and 1 full-time lab instructor, all of whom teach introductory physics, astronomy, or physical science at least once each academic year. All seven agree that an integrated approach to lecture and lab would be an improvement. At present all introductory physics instruction at UWP is conducted in separate lectures and labs. Due to projected increases in overall enrollment, the engineering college is planning a new building to house a few of the engineering departments, including Engineering Physics. Architectural plans for the building include three classrooms designed to accommodate both lecture and lab instruction in the same room. It is now up to us to determine how best to use these new resources. Our goal is to do so in a format that will engage and involve the students in interactive learning and hands-on experiences in an integrated manner while still allowing for a 1 breadth of faculty teaching styles. This proposal requests assistance from NSF in the transition to more active-learning based physics instruction in an integrated lecture/lab environment at UWP and assessment of the effectiveness of different styles of instruction in such an environment at both UWP and MATC. Sections II and III review the PER and local experiences which have influenced our plans. In section IV we discuss our goals in building lecture/lab classrooms at UWP. In sections V and VI we outline the steps in the transition at UWP and present our plans for assessment and dissemination of the results to the physics education community. Section VII shows our timeline, and then in section VIII we review how this proposal fulfills the goals of the NSF CCLI program. 2. PER on Active Learning Throughout the past century introductory physics has been taught primarily in lecture classes.2 Professors have spent most, if not all, of their allotted time presenting explanations of the physics principles and applications with little student participation. Student involvement in the learning process was usually limited to homework problems and laboratory experiments. Discussion sections were often scheduled where the students could interact with an instructor about their experiences with the homework or experiments, but these discussion periods were separate from the lecture. About thirty years ago some professors and universities began introducing more active-learning methods into the introductory physics classroom. Students were given the opportunity to become actively engaged in the learning process in the lecture class. Physics education researchers have been comparing the effectiveness of these active-learning methods to the effectiveness of predominantly lecture instruction. The results of this research strongly suggest that physics classrooms with a significant amount of active-learning are more effective than predominantly lecture classrooms.2,3,4,5 Over the years a number of different approaches to active-learning have been developed, evaluated, and presented in the literature. A number of different interactive learning techniques have proven successful at improving both concept comprehension and problem solving skills.6,7 The PER group at University of Washington introduced topical tutorials to improve student comprehension of physics concepts. Working on these tutorials in groups during class time, the students are more engaged in the learning process.8,9 In another interactive approach, Peer Instruction, students respond first to the instructor through a survey and then interact with each other to correct misconceptions.10,11 This method of instruction has become so popular that electronic responders and computer data processing have been developed and marketed by several of the publishers of physics texts. Other researchers have introduced laboratory activities into the classroom as a means of engaging the students more in the learning process. Sokoloff and Thornton accomplished this through Interactive Lecture Demonstrations.12 In an interactive demonstration the students work individually and then in groups to predict the outcome of the demonstration. Their predictions are then compared to the actual result. Laws has carried the idea of combining lecture and lab even further in first Workshop Physics13,14 and then Real-Time Physics15 where the physics 2 classes are taught in a laboratory environment. Students are able to discover the physics in laboratory exercises rather than just learning about concepts from a lecture or textbook and then seeing the experimental evidence at some later time in a separate lab. These approaches are best suited for small class sizes compatible with traditional physics instructional laboratories. Recently, several universities have been introducing both interactive and inquiry-based learning in large physics classes. In the Studio Physics16,17 approach pioneered at RPI, the students (3045 per section) use computers and interact with the instructor more than in traditional classrooms. This approach has shown some success, particularly when collaborative learning and Interactive Lecture Demonstrations are included. In the Student Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Physics (SCALE-UP)1 approach pioneered by North Carolina State University, the classes are also two hours in length with collaborative and laboratory activities integrated together. Lecture is almost nonexistent. A number of universities have adopted this approach to physics instruction, remodeling classrooms to facilitate group interactions and laboratory activities. 3. Active-Learning at MATC and UWP At MATC the physics classes are taught in laboratories which accommodate both lecture and lab instruction. The investigator from MATC (Zimmerman) has been implementing active-learning in his classes for several years. He worked with the physics education research group at University of Minnesota while in graduate school. At MATC he is utilizing many of the activelearning instruction materials that have been developed for both small and large classrooms, including Workshop Physics,14 McDermott=s tutorials,9 Interactive Lecture Demonstrations,12 and Peer Instruction.10 He has written his own active-learning workbook to accompany the text in one of his classes. One other member of the faculty has begun to use some of the same materials in his classes. The physics faculty at UWP has been following the developments in physics education for the past 15 to 20 years. Although enrollments in the introductory physics sections are typically 4070, several of the recommendations from PER have been implemented from time to time. One member of the faculty introduced group-learning activities in the early 1990's. Over the years he has expanded the use of group exercises, and now he devotes about 50% of his class time to group activities. Others in the department began to copy his approach at least once per week, and then in the mid 1990's the department began scheduling 2 class periods per week devoted to group learning in smaller sections (20 - 25 per section). The students worked in groups of 3 or 4 around tables with frequent interaction with the instructor. Four of the six teaching faculty/staff participated in this experiment even though it led to increased contact hours. The results were encouraging, but the effort had to be abandoned after three years because of increased loads in advanced courses and the conversion of the classroom into an advanced laboratory. All the faculty who participated in these group sessions continued using group activities in their full classes at least once per week. Some of the participants have since retired, but their replacements have introduced group learning into their classes, too. In general, the effectiveness of the group activities appears to be limited more by the classroom layout than the size of the class. Because the classroom is designed for lecture, the students have to put forth some effort to come together as a group. Some students are more willing to put forth the effort than others, plus 3 some instructors are more effective at encouraging that effort than others. Implementation of teaching innovations in physics has not been limited to just group activities. Two members of the faculty were funded over a two-year period (1999-2001) to develop activelearning resources for both the first and second semester general physics classes.18,19,20 They focused on implementation of Peer Instruction, developing questions and procedures appropriate for the facilities and curriculum here at UWP. Unfortunately, the techniques and resources they developed were never seen as user friendly by the other faculty, and both investigators have since retired. One of the investigators on this proposal (Patterson) has some experience teaching small classes in an integrated lecture/lab format at MATC. In 2004 she participated in an active learning workshop21 conducted by Priscilla Laws, David Sokoloff, and Ronald Thornton. Since coming to UWP in 2004, she has begun introducing some hands-on activities into her high enrollment (>50) classes, particularly a physical science class. She plans to teach a small section of calculus-based physics in an integrated lecture/lab format during summer school in 2006. Two professors, including the principal investigator (Young), participated in a science curriculum reform workshop in 1997 and then received funding to rework the first semester general physics laboratory.22,23 In the revised lab the students are encouraged to interact with each other and the instructor more than in the past. The revised lab exercises focus on the development of an experimental mind-set more than on the physics content. Student response to the revised lab approach has been very positive, and many of the revisions have been translated into experiments in other introductory physics lab courses. However, no formal assessment was conducted to determine the actual effectiveness of the changes. 4. Future Plans This past year UWP embarked on an enrollment plan which should increase overall enrollment by about 33% over the next five to ten years. Engineering is a major focus of the growth plan, so introductory physics enrollments are projected to grow by about 40%. To accommodate the growth in engineering, the university is planning a second engineering building, including new physics classrooms and labs. Construction is scheduled for 2007 - 2008 with occupation scheduled for the spring semester 2009. When the new engineering building was first announced, the engineering physics faculty began planning for the new introductory classroom and lab facilities with one overriding goal: to provide facilities that will enable more effective instruction and learning through increased student involvement. After a review of local experiences and the PER literature, the faculty adopted five objectives for the new facilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To provide students with an environment conducive to collaborative learning To provide students with the opportunity to observe and experience the physics as they are learning To allow students to discover the physics whenever practical To provide students with experience in doing experimental physics To utilize technology to help achieve the first four goals 4 The physics faculty then voted unanimously to propose combined lecture/lab classrooms in the new building, designed similar to the lecture/lab classrooms at universities using the SCALE-UP approach to instruction. In the SCALE-UP classroom, instruction features collaborative and active learning, and the lab experiences are fully integrated into the learning experience.1 The SCALE-UP approach is also compatible with class sizes at UWP. The proposed classrooms each consist of 14 stations with 4 students per station. The stations are designed for effective student-student and student-experiment interactions. The room layout is designed for effective student-instructor interactions. The new building will include three such classrooms for General Physics I and II (calculus-based), College Physics I and II (algebrabased), Physical Science, and Astronomy. As part of the College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science at UWP, the Engineering Physics Department has been in communication with the engineering departments about this planned change in physics instruction, and they have been fully supportive. The university has approved the idea, and three lecture/lab classrooms are part of the architectural plan for the new building. After the new building is completed, all sections of introductory physics, astronomy, and physical science will be taught in the new classrooms, so every member of the Engineering Physics Department will be teaching in the classrooms at least once each year. Requiring every member of the physics faculty, both present and future, to teach in the lecture/lab environment represents possibly the greatest challenge in the proposed transition. Participation in lecture/lab instruction at the larger universities in SCALE-UP or Studio Physics is mostly voluntary.24 Lecture/lab classes represent a smaller percentage of the total teaching load, and faculty may choose to teach their introductory classes with separate lectures and lab, or they teach only upper-level classes. At both UWP and MATC all introductory physics classes will be taught in classrooms adapted to the lecture/lab format. Therefore, all faculty will have the opportunity to incorporate collaborative learning and hands-on experiences into their classes and to fully integrate the labs into the curriculum, but they will also have the option of including lecture instruction with the active-learning exercises. Although research indicates that students, in general, learn better in an interactive environment,3 the instructor=s involvement in the process also plays a big part. Some instructors are very effective in the interactive environment and a dedicated interactive classroom should work well for them. Other instructors feel that they are more effective in the lecture environment and will be more reluctant to adopt active-learning instruction completely. We believe the best learning in the classrooms takes place when the instructors blend their teaching strengths with active-learning. One of the goals of this project will be to assess the effectiveness of the different teaching styles in the lecture/lab environment. The most common SCALE-UP classroom layout has the students sitting at round tables with the instructor in the middle of the room.1 Instruction is primarily through active- learning. Information presented to the whole class, such as lecture material, is projected via computer or document camera to two locations in the room so all students can see the material. The students are not looking at the instructor. At MATC the classes are small and the stations all face the front of the room. The new classroom design at UWP calls for rectangular stations laid out such 5 that students can sit either facing the instructor station in the front of the room or facing each other. At both institutions students will be able to experience various methods of instruction, including lecture, collaborative learning, hands-on discovery, and experimentation, all in the same room and with minimal rearrangement of seating. Instructors will be able to move between methods all within a single two-hour class period. Individual instructors will be able to develop their own mix of the different methods of instruction to best meet the needs of their students while utilizing their own strengths. Changing the instruction in introductory physics will not be easy. Most of the faculty are more comfortable with lecturing and the change will require considerable effort. Other universities have implemented similar plans for change without success.25 However, there are several factors that favor success for this project: (1) Both institutions will have classrooms designed for integrated lecture/lab instruction. (2) The decision to switch to lecture/lab instruction was decided by the entire faculty at UWP. (3) The classroom designs at the two institutions allow for flexibility in teaching methods. Instructors will be able to develop a blend of active and lecture methods best suited to their strengths. 5. Project Activities Spring semester 2009 will bring a major change to introductory physics instruction here at UWP. Instructors used to teaching physics primarily with lectures and separate labs will be asked to teach in an active-learning environment with increased student-student and student-instructor interaction. For that transition to be successful, we must accomplish five major steps over the next few years. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Development of instructional materials Faculty training Purchase of new equipment Assessment Construction of new classroom facilities Although these activities will be planned around the new building at UWP, the instructional materials, faculty training, and assessment will also benefit the physics program at MATC. This proposal requests assistance with 1 through 4. The new classroom facilities at UWP are part of the new building. 5.1. Development of instructional materials If all faculty are expected to participate in lecture/lab instruction, then they must be provided with instructional materials for interactive learning, hands-on discovery, and in-class laboratory exercises. Faculty accustomed to lecturing most of the time will need to have resources readily available, or they will fall back into the lecture mode. New faculty will also need the resources so they don=t become primarily lecturers. Many interactive learning resources are already available in the physics community.9,10 Although individual faculty may choose to further develop their own materials, it doesn=t make sense for us to repeat the work of others. We will identify those materials which are best suited 6 for our classes and then make them available to all the faculty. A similar effort will be conducted on materials already developed by faculty at the two institutions. Physics education researchers have also developed resources for hands-on discovery exercises.14,15 Those resources applicable to the courses at UWP and MATC must also be identified, but here some adaptation will be necessary. The procedures will be modified for the equipment available at the two institutions. Also, over the years faculty at the two institutions have developed classroom demonstrations, some of which will be modified into hands-on discovery experiences for the students. The lecture/lab classroom will also include laboratory experiments similar to those being performed presently in the separate lab classes. However, at UWP these experiments should be changed to better complement the lecture/lab instruction. The overall objectives and outcomes for the laboratory experience will be rewritten to take advantage of the integration of the lecture and laboratory. Furthermore, the objectives of individual lab exercises will change because the lab experience will be better coordinated with the lecture coverage. The department will first identify the overall objectives for the laboratory experience. Then we will identify laboratory exercises that fulfill those objectives and develop procedures for the equipment available at the two institutions. We will also prepare guidelines for integrating the hands-on activities into the curriculum at both schools. 5.2. Faculty training Teaching in an integrated lecture/lab environment will be a new experience for all the physics faculty at UWP and some of the instructors at MATC have only had limited experience with the lecture/lab environment. Two members of the UWP faculty have already attended a Chautauqua short course on active learning.21 The rest of the faculty will attend a similar workshop and/or spend time observing an integrated lecture/lab classroom prior to January 2009. We have already talked with North Carolina State University and Bradley University about possibly observing integrated classes at those universities. Also, all faculty/instructors from both institutions will participate in a workshop on lecture/lab instruction over the summer prior to moving into the new classrooms at UWP. 5.3. Purchase of new equipment Three of the objectives for the lecture/lab classroom are related to doing physics, thus requiring laboratory equipment. In order for students to observe and experience the physics as they are learning and to discover the physics, the stations must include equipment for demonstrating and observing basic physics phenomena. In the Physics I classroom each station must include mechanical mounts, a frictionless track for linear kinematics and dynamics, a rotary platform for rotational motion, wave equipment, and thermodynamic supplies. The room must also include several electronic balances. At least the mechanical mounts, the frictionless tracks, and the electronic balances must be duplicated in the third classroom. In the Physics II classroom each station must include circuit boards, dc power supplies, ac function generators, multimeters, and optical benches and supplies. All stations in all classrooms must be equipped with a computer and a data collection system. Universities implementing both Real-Time Physics and SCALE-UP lecture/lab instruction have demonstrated the value of real-time collection and graphing of data with computers. Observing, 7 experiencing, or discovering physics must be real-time to be effective.14,1 Finally, to fulfill objective 4 the students must perform physics experiments, including data collection, analysis, and reporting. Some of the experiments will involve the equipment listed above, but others may require additional equipment particular to the experiment. The specialized equipment will only be needed in one classroom at a time. MATC already owns most of the basic equipment necessary for lecture/lab instruction, but there are a few items which would improve the instruction. These are listed in the budget justification. However, at UWP the existing laboratory equipment used in the separate introductory physics labs will not be adequate for the lecture/lab classrooms. Presently, introductory physics and astronomy labs are scheduled in two laboratory classrooms, each with 12 stations, 2 students per station. In the new building there will be three rooms each with 14 stations, 4 students per station. One room will be dedicated to Physics I classes covering mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. A second room will be dedicated to Physics II classes covering electricity and magnetism and optics. The only equipment common to these two rooms will be computers, printers, and data collection systems. The third room will be used for astronomy, physical science, and one-semester physics classes which cover all the physics areas. All the equipment used in the other two rooms might be used in the third room from time to time. Some of the equipment will have to be duplicated; some can be shared. Equipment inventories for the present labs are obviously too small for the larger classrooms in the new building. Also, much of the present physics laboratory equipment is out-of-date and inadequate for the needs of the new lecture/lab classrooms. For example, the present air tracks are very heavy and require relatively high-pressure air which is noisy. Newer, lighter and quieter frictionless tracks will have to be purchased for the lecture/lab classrooms. Table I lists the basic physics equipment necessary to support the hands-on learning in the lecture/lab format. The university already owns some of these items; the rest must be purchased prior to spring 2009. The budget justification provides more information on costs of each item. 8 Table I: UWP Lab Equipment Item Computer Student responder Responder software Frictionless Track Air track Data Acquisition system Sensor set Pole mount system Rotational system Mass set Electronic Balance Wave driver Breadboard Multi-meter DC power supply Function generator Optical bench # required 45 180 3 30 2 45 45 30 15 30 6 15 30 60 30 15 15 Onhand 26 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 15 13 13 0 # needed 19 120 3 30 1 45 45 30 15 18 6 15 30 45 17 2 15 5.4. Assessment Early research into the conceptual understanding of physics students illuminated two important points; 1) performance on homework problems, exams, and overall course grades do not provide an accurate measure of students= conceptual understanding and 2) instructor's personal assessments of their students' understanding frequently are at odds with what students actually understood. These observations have lead to the development of various assessment tools such as the Force Concept Inventory (FCI)26 and the Force and Motion Concept Evaluation (FMCE).27 In the course of our transition, individual faculty assessments of learning in both the traditional lecture and lab instruction as well as the new lecture/lab instruction may also be at odds with what is actually taking place. Therefore, to more accurately measure the effectiveness of the changes, we will make use of established assessment tools, whenever possible, to link student understanding with teaching methods both before and after the lecture-lab transition. Although we will rely primarily on existing tools, we may have to adapt those tools to our classes or even develop our own tools to address particular topics of interest. The assessments of student learning will be performed on-line as much as possible. This will allow both pre- and post-instruction assessments to be administered throughout the semester without disrupting the classes. In addition, we will use some in-class electronic response assessments to supplement the primary on-line assessments. The combined approach will allow short turn-around of data analysis. The assessment results will be tabulated and displayed on a project web site. 9 The assessments of student learning will be supplemented by assessments of student attitudes and faculty methods and attitudes.28,29 Correlations between student learning and attitude will indicate whether methods of instruction should be adjusted in response to student resistance to the lecture/lab format. Correlations between faculty methods and attitudes and student learning gains will help individual faculty identify areas for improvement. The investigators will also use the assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of different teaching styles within the lecture/lab environment. All assessment will be performed for physics classes at both institutions. 6. Dissemination The initial dissemination of information on this project will take place on the internet. A project web site will report the results of our assessments both before and after the transition. Anyone interested in the effectiveness of lecture/lab physics instruction will have access to our results immediately. As it progresses, the project will then generate two different types of more formal reports to the physics education community. The first reports will focus on the transition from traditional lecture instruction to active-learning in a lecture/lab classroom. Other institutions are considering or experiencing similar transitions. Sharing our experiences leading up to and following the transition should be beneficial to others. Physics education conferences such as the winter and summer meetings of the American Association of Physics Teachers or the annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education are excellent venues for such reports. A final report after the completion of the project will focus on the results of our research on the effectiveness of different teaching styles in an integrated lecture/lab environment. From our assessments we hope to answer questions such as: Can faculty with diverse teaching styles adapt to the active-learning environment? Is one teaching style more effective than another within an integrated lecture/lab environment? At the conclusion of this project we will have three semesters of data on which to base our conclusions. That should be adequate for a preliminary report. The studies will be continued beyond the grant period to better establish the validity of the conclusions. The results will be submitted for publication sometime after the completion of the study. 7. Project Management and Time Line University of Wisconsin - Platteville is the lead institution on this proposal. The Principal Investigator, Dr. Philip Young, will serve as project manager and will be responsible for the overall direction of the project. The time line is obviously centered around classroom occupancy at UWP. Planning, particularly on classroom design, began in the summer of 2005 with a small Curriculum Improvement Grant from UWP. Although the grant period for this proposal does not begin until 2007, efforts will continue through the 2006-2007 academic year even without funding. Assessment and dissemination will continue after the grant expires. The time line presented below is tentative. 10 Summer 2006 Professor Patterson teaches a 2nd-semester physics class in a lecture/lab format. Fall/Spring 2006-2007 One investigator visits a university using SCALE-UP instruction Existing interactive instructional materials are collected Assessment tools are identified Summer 2007 (Grant period begins 6/1/07) Assessment tools are modified as necessary and put on-line Hands-on activities and lab experiments are identified and tested Investigators attend physics education conferences Fall/Spring 2007-2008 Assessments begin at both institutions Undergraduate assistants begin wording with the investigators in lecture and lab Faculty observe SCALE-UP classrooms Summer 2008 Hands-on and laboratory procedures are written All faculty participate in a workshop on active-learning Investigators attend physics education conferences and present status reports Lab equipment is ordered Fall 2008 Final semester of lecture assessments at UWP Undergraduate students continue assisting in lecture and lab Remaining faculty observe SCALE-UP classroom Final preparations for move Spring 2009 (Classes begin in the new building) First semester of lecture/lab assessments at UWP Undergraduate students assist in lecture/lab classes Summer 2009 Assessments are evaluated Investigators attend physics education conference and present preliminary results Fall/Spring 2009-2010 (Grant period ends 5/31/10) Assessment of lecture/lab classes continues Undergraduate students continue to assist in lecture/lab classrooms Summer 2010 and beyond Evaluation of assessments Results are presented at a physics education conference Report submitted to physics education journal (once adequate data available) 11 8. Conclusion 8.1. CCLI model In fulfilling this proposal, we will be addressing all five stages in the cyclic model of learning on which the CCLI program is based. Our approaches to lecture/lab instruction will be modeled after PER developments in Studio Physics, RealTime Physics, and SCALE-UP pioneered by physics education researchers at other universities. To facilitate the transition to a lecture/lab environment at UWP, we will primarily adapt active-learning materials developed by these and other researchers, but we will also have to develop some new materials to meet specific needs. All our faculty will receive training in active-learning methods and will gain new expertise in lecture/lab instruction as they implement the new methods in the new classrooms. Assessments will be conducted to evaluate the effects of the new instructional approaches on student learning and to evaluate the effectiveness of different teaching styles in the lecture/lab environment . These assessments will represent physics education research which will be reported to the physics education community through conferences and publications. The success of our transition with both students and faculty could influence other physics departments to consider building or remodeling integrated lecture/lab classrooms. 8.2. Intellectual Merit Our primary goal in this project is to provide more effective physics instruction through increased use of active-learning instructional methods in an integrated lecture/lab environment. Integrated lecture/lab instruction has been implemented with some measure of success at several other universities through RealTime Physics, Studio Physics, and SCALE-UP, and other programs. Two major components of the project are laboratory equipment and assessment. Active, hands-on learning in a medium sized classroom requires proper equipment. The project includes the purchase of the necessary equipment for the lecture/lab classrooms at UWP and MATC. The assessment planned as part of the project will not only provide a measure of the success of the transition to lecture/lab instruction, but it will also provide feedback to instructors about the effectiveness of their teaching methods. Instructors will be able to alter their practives to reach the students more effectively. Correlation studies between student learning and teaching styles within the lecture/lab environment will represent a significant extension to existing physics education research. 8.3. Broader Impact This project will impact several different constituencies. First, the faculty at the two institutions will benefit from the training in active learning methods and from the instructional materials developed for hands-on learning. As a result of the training and the availability of procedures, faculty will be better prepared to introduce active-learning activities into their classes in the lecture/lab classrooms. Secondly, the students will benefit from the active learning activities introduced by the instructors in the lecture/lab classrooms. As discussed in section 2, PER indicates that student learning improves when more active learning is included in the classroom. The student populations of the two institutions represent a wide spectrum of student backgrounds, skills, and goals. Jointly created materials and joint assessments will provide greater insights into how best to address the needs of students from different parts of the spectrum. Also, most research-based materials are aimed at calculus-based and algebra-based physics courses. The materials and assessments at MATC will include technical physics courses. 12 Thirdly, the physics education community will benefit from our assessments of student learning and faculty teaching styles and attitudes. Correlation studies between learning and teaching styles in the lecture/lab environment will be an addition to the research on effects of active learning methods on student learning. Finally, our experiences at UWP in changing from traditional lectures with separate labs to an integrated lecture/lab environment will benefit other schools considering a change. 13 References 1. Robert J. Beichner, Jeffery M. Saul, Rhett J. Allain, Duane L. Deardorff, and David S. Abbott, AIntroduction to SCALE-UP: Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Physics,@ Proceeding of the 2000 Ann. Mtg. Am. Soc. Engr. Educ. 2. Edward F. Redish and Richard N. Steinberg, ATeaching physics: Figuring out what works,@ Physics Today 52(1), 24-30 (1999). 3. Lillian Christie McDermott, Millikan Lecture 1990: AWhat we teach and what is learned BB closing the gap,@ Am. J. Phys. 59, 301-315 (1991). 4. Alan Van Heuvelen, ALearning to think like a physicist: A review of research-based instructional strategies,@ Am. J. Phys. 59, 891-897 (1991). 5. R.R. Hake, AInteractive Engagement vs Traditional Methods: a 6000 student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses,@ Am. J. Phys. 69, 970-977 (2001). 6. Patricia Heller, Ronald Keith, and Scott Anderson, ATeaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part I: Group versus individual problem solving,@ Am. J. Phys. 60, 627636 (1992). 7. Calvin S. Kalman, Stanley Morris, Christopher Cottlin, and Robert Gordon, APromoting conceptual change using collaborative groups in quantitative gateway courses,@ Phys. Ed. Res., Am. J. Phys. Suppl. 67, S45-S51 (1999). 8. Lillian C. McDermott, Peter S. Shaffer, and Mark D. Somers, AResearch as a guide for teaching introductory mechanics: An illustration in the context of the Atwood==s machine,@ Am. J. Phys. 62, 46-55 (1994). 9. L.C. McDermott and P.S. Shaffer, Tutorials in Introductory Physics, Prentice Hall, New York (1998). 10. Eric Mazur, Peer Instruction, Prentice Hall, New York (1997). 11. E. Mazur, APeer Instruction: ten years of experience and results,@ Am. J. Phys., 69, 970977 (2001). 12. D.R. Sokoloff and R.K. Thornton, AUsing interactive lecture demonstrations to create an active learning environment,@ Physics Teacher 35, 24-30 (1997). 13. P.W. Laws, Millikan Lecture 1996: APromoting active learning based on physics education research in introductory physics courses,@ Am. J. Phys. 65, 13-21 (1997). 14 14. Priscilla Laws, Workshop Physics7 Activity Guide, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1997). 15. David R. Sokoloff, Donald K. Thornton and Priscilla W. Laws, RealTime Physics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (2004). 16. J.M. Wilson, AThe CUPLE Physics Studio,@ Physics Teacher 32, 518-522 (1994). 17. Karen Cummings and Jeffrey Marx, AEvaluating innovations in studio physics,@ Phys. Educ. Res., Am. J. Phys. Suppl. 67, S38-S44 (1999). 18. J. Harvey Hensley and Robert Lind, “Increasing the Level of Student Participation in the Calculus Level General Physics Course,@ UW System Unified Grant for Undergraduate Initiatives, 1999-2000 18. J. Harvey Hensley and Robert Lind , “Increasing the Level of Student Participation in the Second Semester of the Calculus Level General Physics Course,@ UW System Unified Grant for Undergraduate Initiatives, 2000-2001. 20. J. Harvey Hensley, “Increasing Level of Student Participation in Calculus-Level Introductory Physics,” Presentation at AAPT Summer Meeting, 2000. 21 Priscilla K. Laws, David K. Sokoloff, and Ronald K. Thornton, APromoting Active Learning in Introductory Physics Courses II,@ Chautauqua Short Course, Dickinson College, June 3-5, 2004. 22. Bob Lind and Philip Young, “Developing an Exploratory Approach to the Introductory Physics Lab,” UW System Unified Grant for Undergraduate Initiatives, 1998-1999. 23. Robert Lind, “New Exploratory General Physics Lab: One Year Experience”, Presentation at AAPT Summer Meeting, 2000. 24. Private communications with Robert Beichner (North Carolina State University), Kevin Kimberlin, (Bradley University), and S. Dwyer (RPI). 25. Charles Henderson, “The challenges of instructional change under the best of circumstances: A case study of one college physics instructor,” Am. J. Phys. (PER Section) 73, 778-786 (2005). 26. D. Hestenes, M. Wells, and G. Swackhamer, “Force Concept Inventory,” Physics Teacher 30, 141-158 (1992). 27. R. Thornton and D. Sokoloff, AAssessing student learning of Newton==s Laws: The Force 15 and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula,@ Am. J. Phys. 66, 338-352 (1998). 28. E. Yerushalmi, K. Heller, P. Heller, C. Henderson, and V.H. Kuo, “Why Solve Problems? – Interviewing College Faculty about the Learning and Teaching of Problem Solving,” Proceedings of Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000 International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, August, 2000. 29. P. Heller, K. Heller, C. Henderson, V.H. Kuo, and E. Yerushalmi, “Instructor’s Beliefs and Values about Learning Problem Solving,” Proceedings of AAPT Physics Education Research Conference, Rochester, NY, July, 2001. 16