2012 BOCA Code NFPA 70: National Electrical Code

2012 BOCA Code
The Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) International is a
service organization that issues a series of model regulatory construction
codes for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare. The codes are
published in sections, such as the National Building Code, National Plumbing
Code, National Fire Prevention Code, etc. They are designed for adoption by
state or local governments and may be amended or modified to accomplish
desired local requirements.
NFPA 70: National Electrical Code®
Current Edition: 2011 Next Edition: 2014
What Is NFPA 70?
Adopted in all 50 states, the NEC is the benchmark for safe
electrical design, installation, and inspection to protect people and
property from electrical hazards.
What does NFPA 70 address?
The NEC addresses the installation of electrical conductors,
equipment, and raceways; signaling and communications
conductors, equipment, and raceways; and optical fiber cables and
raceways in commercial, residential, and industrial occupancies.
2012 International Plumbing Code
Provides minimum regulations for plumbing facilities in terms of both performance and prescriptive
objectives, and provides for the acceptance of new and innovative products, materials, and systems.
Important changes to the IPC include:
Requirements for the design of a Siphonic Roof Drainage System have been
Gray water recycling requirements have moved to the body of the code in a
new Chapter 13.
Hydro-mechanical and Gravity are the new terms for the two general types of
grease interceptors.
Air admittance valves complying with standard ASSE 1049 are now allowed
for venting chemical waste systems.
The length of a combination waste and vent system is now unlimited.
The Single Stack Vent System method has been added.
The code expands on suitable materials for pressurized sewage discharge applications and ratings.
The IPC also includes its companion document, 2012 International Private Sewage Disposal Code®, that
contains provisions for design, installation, and inspection of private sewage disposal systems, and provides
flexibility in the development of safe and sanitary systems.
2012 International Property Maintenance Code®
Internationally, code officials recognize the need for a modern, up-to-date property
maintenance code governing the maintenance of existing buildings. The
International Property Maintenance Code®, in this 2012 edition, is designed to meet
this need through model code regulations that contain clear and specific property
maintenance requirements with required property improvement provisions.
2012 Plumbing and HVAC Collection
2012 International Plumbing Code® (Includes IPSDC®)
2012 International Mechanical Code
2012 International Residential Code® for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
2012 International Fuel Gas Code®
2012 International Private Sewage Disposal Code® (Soft cover only)
2012 International Energy Conservation Code® (Soft cover only)