RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT 1991 SECTION 32 REPORT PLAN CHANGE 8 : ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION 1. INTRODUCTION This report accompanies proposed Plan Change 8 to the Central Otago District Plan. The Central Otago District Plan became operative on 1 April 2008. Plan Change 8 has been initiated to give effect to the provisions of the National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission (NPSET) that came into effect on 10 April 2008. In summary Plan Change 8 recognises the national benefits of electricity transmission and provides for managing the environmental effects of electricity transmission through providing specific recognition and provision for the transmission network in relevant provisions of the Operative Central Otago District Plan. Plan Change 8 also manages the adverse effects of third parties on the transmission network by adopting a corridor management approach. Plan Change 8 amends several planning maps to ensure that all High Voltage Lines that form part of the electricity transmission network are identified on the relevant planning maps. This report summarises the evaluation that has been carried out by the Central Otago District Council pursuant to section 32 of the Resource Management Act 1991. 2. PURPOSE OF PLAN CHANGE The purpose of Plan Change 8 is to make amendments to various provisions of the Operative District Plan, to give effect to the provisions of the NPSET in the context of the Operative Central Otago District Plan. Parts 2-5 of this section 32 report have been presented at the outset to avoid repetition in the context of addressing the various components of Plan Change 8 in Part 6 of this report. 2.1 Achieving the Purpose of Act The purpose of the Act is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources. Section 5 and section 7 are relevant to Plan Change 8 that is subject to this report. Section 5 of the Act states that: “In this Act, sustainable management means managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources in a way, or at a rate, which enables people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing and for their health and safety while- (a) … (c) Sustaining the potential of natural and physical resources (excluding minerals) to meet the reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations; and Avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse effects of activities on the environment.” Section 7 of the Act states: “In achieving the purpose of this Act, all persons exercising functions and powers under it, in relation to managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources, shall have particular regard to… (b) The efficient use and development of natural and physical resources: (c) The maintenance and enhancement of amenity values: … (f) Maintenance and enhancement of the quality of the environment: (g) Any finite characteristics of natural and physical resources:…” Plan Change 8 is considered to be necessary in achieving the purpose of the Act as it will provide for the sustainable management of the electricity transmission network, and of the land resource. Plan Change 8 is also considered to be consistent with the matters stated in section 7 of the Act quoted above that are relevant to the plan change. Sections 6 and 8 of the Act, which relate to matters of national importance and the Treaty of Waitangi respectively, are not considered to be of any particular relevance in the context of these plan changes. 2.2 Achieving the Objective and Policies of the NPSET Plan Change 8 gives effect to the Objective and Policies of the NPSET. It is noted that the Objective and Policies contained in the NPSET have also been subject to a section 32 evaluation by the Minister for the Environment. 3. CONSULTATION Plan Change 8 has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the First Schedule to the Act. The Council has consulted with those agencies nominated in clause 3 of the First Schedule, including: • • • The Minister for the Environment. The Otago Regional Council. Ngai Tahu and Kai Tahu. The Council has also consulted with Transpower New Zealand Limited which operates the transmission network. 2 This consultation occurred through correspondence which was forwarded to the agencies concerned prior to the formal decision being taken to publicly notify proposed Plan Change 8. It has not been possible to specifically consult with all other persons who may be affected by Plan Change 8 which contains provisions that manage buildings, earthworks and subdivision in close proximity to high voltage transmission lines. In all the circumstances the preferred option has been to simply publicly notify proposed Plan Change 8 for public response through the submission and further submission (and appeal) process. It is emphasised that any person is entitled to make a submission in response to proposed Plan Change 8, and any such submission will be given all due consideration in the context of the statutory process provided for in the First Schedule of the Act. The Council acknowledges that section 55(2A) provides for amendments to be made to objectives and policies without using the process in the First Schedule if so directed in the NPSET. In this instance no such direction is given and Plan Change 8 amends a suite of plan provisions. The First Schedule process has therefore been used pursuant to section 55(2C) of the Act. It is anticipated that the various components of Plan Change 8 will be merged in and become part of the Operative District Plan following the formal approval by the Council, subsequent to the submission and (any) appeal process. 4. EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES, BENEFITS AND COSTS Statutory Context Section 32(1) of the Act requires that before a plan change is publicly notified, an evaluation must be carried out by the local authority with respect to the plan change. Section 32(3) states that: “An evaluation must examine(a) the extent to which each objective is the most appropriate way to achieve the purpose of the Act; and (b) whether, having regard to their efficiency and effectiveness, the policies, rules, or other methods are the most appropriate for achieving the objectives.” Section 32(4) requires that: “For the purposes of the examinations referred to in subsections (3)…, an evaluation must take into account(a) the benefits and costs of policies, rules, or other methods; and (b) the risk of acting or not acting if there is uncertain or insufficient information about the subject matter of the policies, rules, or other methods.” Section 32(5) requires that the person carrying out an evaluation must prepare a report summarising the evaluation and giving reasons for that evaluation; and section 32(6) 3 requires that the report be available for public inspection at the same time as the plan change to which the report relates is publicly notified. The Council’s evaluation has identified and assessed various alternatives to each component of the plan change. These include: 4.1. Status quo. 4.2. Take no action. 4.3. Use of alternative and non-regulatory methods. 4.4. Initiate plan change. Each of these alternatives has been assessed on the basis of the following, for each component of proposed Plan Change 8. • Whether method most appropriate • Efficiency • Effectiveness • Environmental Benefits • Environmental Costs • Economic and Social Benefits • Economic and Social Costs • Appropriateness The Council’s overall conclusion in each instance, is that each component of Plan Change 8 is the most appropriate alternative. 5. RISK OF ACTING/NOT ACTING The risk of not acting at this time is significant, as effect must be given to the NPSET. The risks of acting are not considered significant, as the amendments are consistent with the purpose of the Act and the Council’s functions in terms of section 31, and give effect to the NPSET. 6. SPECIFIC COMPONENTS OF THE PLAN CHANGE 6.1 Recognition and Provision for Transmission Network Plan Change 8 recognises the national benefits of electricity transmission and provides for managing the environmental effects of electricity transmission through providing specific recognition and provision for the transmission network in relevant provisions of the Operative Central Otago District Plan. This is achieved through amendments to Clause 2.6.2(vi) in Section 2; Section 13 : Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities; and Section 18 : Definitions of the Operative Central Otago District Plan. These amendments are identified as Items 1, 4 and 5 in Plan Change 8 : Electricity Transmission. 4 Section 2 of the District Plan relates to The Resources and Significant Resource Management Issues of the District and Clause 2.6.2(vi) relates specifically to Energy Distribution and Reticulation. Currently this clause makes reference to the “National Grid” and Plan Change 8 inserts the term “transmission network” to better reflect the terminology used in the NPSET. Section 13 : Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities deals with the effects of the development and operation of utilities. Plan Change 8 amends various provisions contained in Section 13 to include specific references to the transmission network and amends other provisions, consistent with the NPSET. Section 18 contains Definitions of terms used in the Operative Central Otago District Plan. Plan Change 8 provides for the insertion of a definition of the term “Transmission network”, and such definition confirms that the transmission network means the national grid in its entirety. Evaluation of Alternatives, Benefits and Costs The status quo and taking no action is not considered appropriate, having regard to the provisions of the NPSET. Plan Change 8 makes specific provision for the transmission network in the context of relevant provisions including Clause 2.6.2(vi) in Section 2, Section 13 : Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities and Section 18 : Definitions. Alternative and non-regulatory methods are not considered appropriate given the suite of provisions relating to utilities which exist in the Operative District Plan. Plan Change 8 will be efficient and effective as it provides for the transmission network to be specifically recognised and provided for without duplicating existing plan provisions. The proposal will have environmental, economic and social benefits by recognising the national significance of the electricity transmission network in objectives, policies, methods, rules and other provisions of the Central Otago District Plan. Any environmental, economic and social costs associated with Plan Change 8 are considered to be no more than minor. Plan Change 8 is considered to be the most appropriate method to achieve the purpose of the Act, and is the most appropriate alternative. In particular Plan Change 8 is considered superior to the alternative of providing for the transmission network in a separate Section of the Central Otago District Plan. 6.2 Corridor Management Approach Plan Change 8 provides for the management of the corridor through which high voltage transmission lines that form part of the transmission network pass. The plan change amends Section 12 : District Wide Rules and Performance Standards to introduce a suite of provisions including an amendment to the Introduction, an Issue, an Objective, and a Policy that relate to Transmission Lines. Plan Change 8 also inserts a new Rule 12.7.8 that controls activities in close proximity to any high voltage transmission line that is designed to operate at or over 110kV as follows: • Any building within 12 metres of the line is to be a non-complying activity. • Any residential building, educational facility, resthome or hospital within 32 metres of the line is to be a non-complying activity. 5 • Any other building to be erected between 12 and 32 metres of the line is to be a discretionary (restricted) activity. • Any earthworks within 12 metres of the line or within 12 metres of the outer visible edge of the tower support structure is to comply with standards specified in the rule, with any breach to be a discretionary (restricted) activity. • Any subdivision within 32 metres of the line is to be a discretionary (restricted) activity. The new Rule 12.7.8 states the matters that discretion is restricted to for discretionary (restricted) activities; and notes that the status of subdivision is also determined by the rules that apply to subdivision in the Resource Area concerned. Rule 4.7.6A(g), being a rule that relates to Transmission Lines in the Rural Resource Area, is amended to confirm that separation distances are now to be in accordance with Rule 12.7.8. The corridor management approach is provided for in Items 2 and 3 of Plan Change 8 : Electricity Transmission. Evaluation of Alternatives, Benefits and Costs The status quo and taking no action is not considered appropriate, having regard to the provisions of the NPSET. The new Rule 12.7.8 has been developed in consultation with Transpower New Zealand Limited and is consistent with Transpower’s recommended standards for corridor management. In particular the retention of Rule 4.7.6A(g) in its present form is inappropriate as the 20 metre corridor specified in that rule is inconsistent with corridor dimensions now recommended by Transpower. The Operative District Plan provides for buildings on land in the Rural Resource Area adjacent to high voltage transmission lines to be controlled. Plan Change 8 provides for this approach across the District. Alternative and non-regulatory methods are not considered appropriate methods to achieve control of buildings, sensitive land use activities, earthworks and subdivision in close proximity to high voltage transmission lines. Such high voltage transmission lines are those designed to operate at or over 110kV, and this is consistent with Rule 4.7.6A(g) in its current form. Plan Change 8 will be efficient and effective as it provides for the corridor management approach to be achieved through Section 12 : District Wide Rules and Performance Standards, rather than replicating these provisions in the rules and other provisions which apply in the context of individual Resource Areas. A generic approach is more efficient than the alternative of providing rules and other provisions in the context of each specific Resource Area. The proposal will have environmental, economic and social benefits by providing for the efficient use of the transmission network and of the land resource. Plan Change 8 provides for activities in close proximity to transmission lines forming part of the transmission network to be managed to avoid adverse effects in terms of reverse sensitivity and in terms of compromising the operation, maintenance, upgrading and development of the transmission network. Again it is noted in this context that the dimensions stated in Rule 12.7.8 are consistent with those recommended by Transpower, the operator of the transmission network. Any environmental, economic and social costs associated with Plan Change 8 are considered to be no more than minor. Plan Change 8 is considered to be the 6 most appropriate method to achieve the purpose of the Act and to give effect to the NPSET, and is the most appropriate alternative. 6.3 Identification on Planning Maps Policy 12 of the NPSET requires that territorial authorities must identify the electricity transmission network on the relevant planning maps whether or not the network is designated. Identification on Planning Maps 34, 44, 45 and 68 by way of the High Voltage Lines notation is provided for in Items 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Plan Change 8 : Electricity Transmission. High voltage lines are identified by notation on the planning maps which form part of the Operative Central Otago District Plan. As a consequence the Operative District Plan is consistent with Policy 12 of the NPSET. An audit of the planning maps has identified that portions of existing high voltage lines have been omitted from Maps 34, 44, 45 and 68. Plan Change 8 amends Maps 34, 44, 45 and 68 to show High Voltage Line notations to coincide with the location of the existing high voltage lines. It is noted that the High Voltage Line notations omitted from Maps 44 and 45 were shown on the publicly notified Proposed District Plan in 1998 but were incorrectly omitted from Maps 44 and 45 when the Central Otago District Plan became operative in 2008. The High Voltage Lines notations were omitted in error from Maps 34 and 68 in the publicly notified Proposed District Plan. Evaluation of Alternatives, Benefits and Costs The status quo and taking no action is not considered appropriate, having regard to the NPSET requirement that territorial authorities must identify the electricity transmission network on the relevant planning maps. The Operative District Plan identifies High Voltage Lines notations on relevant planning maps. Plan Change 8 amends Maps 34, 44, 45 and 68 to ensure that all existing high voltage lines are identified. Given that high voltage lines are identified by notation on the planning maps alternative and non-regulatory methods are not appropriate. Plan Change 8 is considered to be the most appropriate way to achieve the purpose of the Act. Plan Change 8 will be efficient and effective as it will provide for all existing high voltage lines to be identified by notation on the relevant planning maps. The proposal will have environmental, economic and social benefits by providing for the efficient use of the transmission network and the land resource. Plan Change 8 corrects omissions on Maps 34, 44, 45 and 68 by identifying all existing high voltage lines by notation. Any environmental, economic and social costs associated with Plan Change 8 are considered to be no more than minor. Plan Change 8 is considered to be the most appropriate method to achieve the purpose of the Act and to give effect to the NPSET, and is the most appropriate alternative. In essence Plan Change 8 ensures that all existing high voltage lines that form part of the transmission network are identified by notation on the relevant planning maps in the Central Otago District Plan. 7. CONCLUSION The Council has conducted an evaluation of alternatives in terms of section 32 of the Act. This evaluation has found that Plan Change 8 is appropriate, and is proposed to be included in the Operative District Plan. The provisions contained in Plan Change 8 are considered to be efficient, effective and appropriate, and will impose minimum costs on the community whilst achieving benefits which are consistent with the purpose and principles of the Act and with the relevant Objective and Policies of the NPSET. Plan Change 8 will give effect to the NPSET which came into effect on 10 April 2008. 7