Downloaded from ‘NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE HIL-T-28800E J seDt ember 1991 SUPERSEDING: HIL-T-28800D 30 September 1986 lfILITARY SPECIFICATION TEST EQUIPHENT FOR USE WI-i ELECTRICAL ANO “ELECTRONIC EQUIFWMT, GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR This spect Department 1. f i cation is of Defense. approved for use by al 1 Departments and Agencies of the SCOPE This specification covers the general requirements for 1.1 a. equipment (see used in testing and calibrating electrical and equipment. The test equipment may be of t4il itary or commercial design general purpose, special purpose, peculiar, console mounted, automat ic equipment (ATE), and calibration standards. This specification should for built-in test equipment (BITE] (see 6.4 .2.6) when the requirements test (BIT) (see are not included in the system specification. requirements for particular test equipment should be tai lored in a detail tion for that equipment [see . test electronic and includes test also be used for built-in Detailed specifica- accord1.1.1 !&gQ.” The requi reinents of this speci f tcation are to be invoked ing to type, class, style, and color, and may be tailored based on the installation and intended use of the equipment. Appendixes are. provided to assist the specl f ica tion writer with a checklist approach to the development of a detail specification invoking HIL-T-2Q800. I I ioq. Test equipment specified herein is categorized by Type Classlficat (des!g~ and construction requirements), class (environmental requirements), style (type of enclosure), and color. The associated detail specification will specify the required type, class, style, color, and other features such as configuration convertible or rack-mountable (see 6.1 and 6.4.2. 11) . Type 1.2.1 b. 1, Type II, or Test equipment types Type III specified are classified herein, refers as specified to equipment In a through type. or c. Beneficial coaanents (reconmendatfons, additfons, delet tons) and any pertinent data which may be of use In improving this document should be addressad to: Cormnander, Naval Sea Systems Consnand, SEA 55Z3, Department of the Navy, kfashi ngton, DC 20362 -5L01 by using the self-addressed Standardization ,Document Improvement Proposal (DO Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. AMSC N/A STRIBUTIO N STATEMENT ~. Approved for public release; distribution is FSC 6625 unlimited. I Downloaded from MIL-T-2B800E . . . Type 1. Type I equipment is designed specifically for Military use conforms ~~ the Type I reqy!,~emen.ts,. fo~ design, cc!!!.truc!i on methods, Parts t materials, and processes specified herein and invoked by the associated detail specification. equipment 111. specific Type b. Type 11. which confosxis to ~~1 i~{~ II equipment one “or more Type ~~~~irements is modified consnerci Military requirements 11 I equipment as specified al -off -the-+hel not available is COTS equipment which herein (see conforms and f (COTS) in Type to Test equipment covered by this specification is categorized 1.2.2 Classes. its intended Iocat ion of use and the prevai 1 Ing environmental conditions of such locations. The classes are specified in a through g (see table I): a. Class 1. The use of Class 1 is diicon.t inued for new procurement by [see 3.7). tracked equipment protection b. Class 2. Test equipment for use in the vicinity of aircraft, in and wheeled vehicles, or for typical above-deck applications. Class 2 may be contained in enclosures of Style A (see 1.2.3a) to provide in areas where the environmental conditions are uncontrolled. Class 3. Test equipment for iase as a portable (see !nstrument in &e than one location which has a substantial degree of environmental protection. class 3 equipment may be contained in enclosures of Style B or F .(see 1.2.3b or 1.2.3 f), or if a front cover is required, of Style C or D (see 1.2.3c or 1.2.3 d). d. Class 4. The use of Class 4 is discontinued for new procurement (see 3.7). I Class 5. Test eaui Dment for bench-top, rack-mount and portable ~~e in widely diverse, environmentally controlled locations. equipment may be contained in enclosures of Style E or F (see 1.2.3e if a front cover is required, Style D (see 1.2.3d). 1 I I I occasional Class 5 or 1.2.3f) or, f. Class 6. Test equipment for use In a ful lY protected and environmentally control led service area such as a 1 aboratory. Class 6 equipment m8Y be designed wit.4enclsssures of Style 8; E, or F (see,l-.2.3b, ?::2.3e, or:l.2.3f). equipment which is considered to be advanced -state-ofg. ‘Class 7. Test the-art in design and constfuctlon, ‘or those tihich have special ‘operational requirements, and which are not compatible with the environmental requirements of Classes 2 through 6. Class 7 equtpment will have the environmental resistance specified in the associated detail specification. 2 I I I Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E TABLE 1. Identification of environmental requirements by cl ass and stvle. I Environmental Class lJ I conditions Temperature, nonoperating (3.7.2 and I 7 2 -51 to 71 Temperature, operattng (“C) (3.7.2 and -40 3/ to 55 Relative humidity (percent) ~ (3.7.2 and 95 ts Altitude, (3.7.3 nonoperating and 4570 m (15,000 ft) 4570 m (15,000 ft) 4570 m (15,000 ft) 4570 m (15,000 ft; Altitude, (3.7.3 operating and 4570 m (15,000 ft) (15,000 ft) (10,000 ft) (10,000 ft; Vibration ( Bounce, ( Shock, ( ( “C) limits (max) and loose and caqo functional and Bench handling ( and -lo to o to 55 10 to 40 50 I I U-5-L 3G 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ + Z/ u Z/ u 2/ 30G QJ 30G &/ 30G 30G BJ u Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ~ Shock, ( high impact and u 2/ Z/ Z/ 7J Fungus (3.7.7 resistance and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Explosive (3.7.9 9J atmosphere and Yes Dust resistance (3.7.10 and Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A u Z/ N/A N/A 14/A Solar radiation (3.7.13 and 4.5.6. B) N/A 3 I I Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E TA8LE I . Jdent{fication of envir onmental reaui rements by class and stvle. (cont. I Environmental I conditions I Style J./ B c D, E,F, 6 and S P T 300 Ran (12 in) 200 mm (8 in) N/A J.!!/ 46 cm (18 in) 46 cm (1B in) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cover on + Spl ashproof ( and Ori pproof (34756535arj . . . Cover off N/A T Cover Yes on I . Sal t exposure, structural parts (347i8~12ayf . . . . 48 hours 48 hours 48 hours Z/ 48 hours Z/ I-L/ Salt exposure, enclosure (3i~58622a~: . . . 48 Z/ 48 hours 2/ 48 u 4B hours VW 48 Z/ N/A Except for Class 2 Yes Cover Dust resistance hours Yes Cover on T N/A Except for Class 2 hours N/A E~cpt Class 2 hours on 48 hours 7J Yes Cover Bp See 3.7 for comolete environmental requirements As specified in. the associated detail “specification. 20 minute ooeration at 71 “C. 75 *5 perceist fitl. above 30”C. 45 *5 percent RN above 40” C. RN not controlled below 10”C. Hust be invoked by the associated detail specification Half-sine shock pulse (see Verification testing must be invoked by the associated Style S enclosures are tested with the equipment inside Not applicable to Style S. 4 when detail (see required. specification . on ) I I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E 1.2.3 ~tvlel. 8aslc enclosure styles are specified in a through j. Hhen specified in the associated detail specification, Styles B, C, D, and E will be All styles provide mechanical capable of being converted for rack-mounting. protection for the instrument. Vent 11 at ion openings, when permitted by the enclosure requirements, are designed to prevent accidental contact ‘with live electrical circuits and mechanical moving parts. The degree of environmental protection provided is also specified in a through j (see a. Style A enclosure (ruggedlzed (see combination case). Style A enclosures are watert laht and oermi t oDerat ion of the eauiment when the cover is opened or removed. Styli A enclosures are designed to exclude any hamful or undesirable element fmm the contained instrument when subjected to any environmental conditions which may be encountered during storage, shipment, or unlimited portable use. Style A enclosures are integral parts of the equipment and are suitable for use or storage in exposed areas (see 3.6. 1). Style 8 enclosure (ruggedized equipment case). Style 8 enclosures will b. provide protection to the contained Instrument from fal 1 ing water particles and mechanical damage during bench-top use. Ventilation openings in the sides and rear Style B enclosures are integral are permitted when protected by sultabl e 1 ouvers. parts of the equipment (see 3.6.2). Style C enclosure (semi ruggedized combination case). Style C encloc. sures may be of ventilated construction which pemit operation of the equipment when Style C enclosures have no openings on the the front cover is opened or removed. top surface and have al 1 ventilation openings on the sides or rear. Style C enclosures provide protection to the contained instrument from fal 1 ing water particles and mechanical damage encountered during portable use in semi -exposed Style c enclosures are integral parts of the equipment (see 3.6.3). areas. Style D enclosures will provide d. Style D enclosure (combi nat ion case). mechanical protection to the enclosed instrument and will permit operation of the Style O enclosures have no openings equipment when the cover is opened or removed. on the top surface. Style O enclosures will provide some environmental resistance for equipment which is normally used in more than one location for portable applications. Style D enclosures are integral parts of the equipment (see 3.6.4). e. Style E enclosure (equipment case). Style E enclosures provide protection from mechanical shock and conditions assoc{ ated with bench-top use. Style E enclosures have no openings on the top surface. Equipment wi~~y~~y~ E enclosures are normal 1 y used in an environmental 1y control 1 ed area. enclosures are integral parts of the equipment (see 3.6. S). f. Style F enclosure (rack-mount case). for rack-mounting. Style F enclosures are normally Style F enclosures are integral parts of cabinet. 5 Style F enclosures are designed contained in a Style G console the equipment (see 3.6.6). I Downloaded from ‘ MIL-T-’288OOE Style G enclosures are designed Style 6 enclosure (console cabinet). 9. to provide protection for the contained system components during storage, handling, Style G enclosures may and use compatible with the contained class of equipment. ❑ ore than one modular unit, each incorporate ing one or more complete contain functions of the equipment ‘[see 3.6.7). Style P .encl osures are of consnercl al h. Style P enclosure (transit case). design and are not integral parts of the contained equipment. Style P enclosures are designed to provide protection for the contained test equipment and al 1 required components and accessories against shock, vibration, and other environmental conditions which may be encountered during use i n more than one 1 ocation (see 3.6.8). i. Style S enclosure (soft transit case). Style S enclosures are of conmbercial design and are not integral parts of the equipment. Style S enclosures are designed to provide a method of transporting the contained equipment while providing protection for the equipment and al 1 required components and accessories from environmental conditions which may be encountered during transit between work locations. Style S enclosures wil1 contain all required components and accessories of the equipment. Style S enclosures are not intended to double as shipping containers (see 3.6.9). j. Style T enclosure (ruggedized transf t case). Style T enclosures are watertight and provide ●dditional envi ronnsmtal protect ion for test equipment which has .limitad. environmental #resistance.. - Style T enclosures are designed ,to. provide protection for the oontained test equipment against shock, vibration, and deteriorat ion from environmental conditions which may be encountered during storage and Style T enclosures are suitable for storage in exposed areas (see shipment. 3.6.10). Convert i ble/ rack-mountable are designed for bench-top rack (see instruments equipment 1.2.4 ~. through k (see Type II). Type 11). Test equipment is and c~ab ility. use and are classified Convertible/rack-mountable capable of being mounted according to color in as specified a. Color Z. Type III, Class 1 (HIL-E-15090) Light-gray (gloss). b. Color Y. Type III, Class 2 (MI L-E-15090) Light-gray (semigloss). Color X. Light-gray (semi’gloss) (FED-STD-595, No. 26307; TT-E-5Z9 d. Color W. Olive (semigloss) (FED- STO-595, No. 24087; TT-E-529, e. Color V. Yellow cdrab (gloss) (FED-STD-595, 6 No. 13538). an in a Downloaded from MIL-T-z8800E f. Color U. Vel low 9. Color T. Black (lusterless) h. Color S. Green (Marine i. Color R. Other (color j. associated n). N. Green (FED-STD-595, No. (FEO-STO-595, Corps normal Color P. Special (color, detai 1 specif i cat ion). Color I or (lusterless) green) ly other (semigloss) 37038). ‘( FEO-STO-595, provided than No. 33538). by the specified (FEO-STD-595, No. No. 34094). manufacturer). herein, 24052, required by the HIL-C-83286, Type k” I I I 1.2.5 Lonf !~. When the associated detail specification invokes more than one type, class, style, .or color requirement of this specification, the different configurations should be identified (see 6.4.2. 11). Selection criteria for each class and style of equipment are specified in table I. use. Electronic test equipment furnished to the 1.3 pavv sh inboard uses material restricted for Navy use (see,,,, or that exceeds the size -limitations of this specification ), requires approval by ‘the Navy ‘prior to procut=ment. “2. 2.1 APPLIti8LE 00CUNE?JTS Government . . Navy and (see that . d ocuments. h dbo& The following specifications, 2.1.1 Soecifica i ns. st n ards. an standards, and hand~o~s forsaaadpart of $hi ~nspeci f i cation to the extent specified herein. Unless othewise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the issue of the Oepartnwst of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). (OODISS) and supplement thereto, SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL 6G-P-455 NN-P-530 TT-E-529 TT-P-1757 TT-W-00571 FOU4-A-138 MILITARY MI L-A-8625 P1 ates And Foils, Photographic (Photosensitive Aluminum) Plywood, Flat Panel Enamel, Alkyd, Semigloss, Low VOC Content Primer Coating, Zinc Chromate, Low Moisture Wood Preservation: Treating Practices Adhesive, Metal To Wood, Structural Anodic Coatings, For Aluminum And Aluminum Anodized Sensitivity Alloys Downloaded from ‘1 , MIL-T-28800E HIL-C-3432 HIL-C-4751 MIL-C-5541 NIL-C-7474 MIL-C-28777 MIL-C-83286 1> NIL-C-85285 MIL-E-15090 MI L-F-14072 MIL-G-3787 ilIL-I-81219 NIL-J-641 141L-L-19140 141L-H-3171 ,1 MI L-M-103O4 MIL-M-16034 MIL-M-45202 MI L-P-642 ,1 MIL-P-11268 Ii 141L-P-15024 MIL-P-15280 MI L-P-85582 MI L-R-39005 ,] t! IL-s-9ol HIL-S-5002 HIL-S-7742 I ,1 HIL-U-5088 STANOARDS FEDERAL FEO-STD-151 FEO-STD-595 Cables (Power And Special Purpose) And Hire, Electrical (300 And 600 Volts) Casters, Rigid And Swivel, Precision Heavy Duty, And Shock Absorbing Chemical Conversion Coatings On Aluminum ‘find Aluminum Al 10YS Casters, Industrial Cable Assembly, Electronic Test Equipment (3 Wires, 125 and 250 Volts AC and 28 WC] Grounding Plug Connector Coating, Urethane, Al iphatlc Isocyanate, For Aerospace Applications Coating, Polyurethane, High-sol ids Enamel, Equipment, Light-Gray (Formula No. 111) Finishes For Ground Electronic Equipment Glass Laminated, Flat; (Except Aircraft) Indicator, Elapsed Time, Electmcheuiical Jacks, Telephone, General Speci fi cation For Lumber And Plywood, Fire-Retardant Treated Magnesium Al 1 oy, Processes For Pretreatment And Preven ti on Of Corrosion On Heters, Electrical Indicating, .~anel Type, Ruggedized, General Specification !For Meters. Electrical - Indicating And Portable . (. Switchboard types ) Magnesium Al 1 oys, Anodic Treatment Of . P1 ugs, Tel ephone And Accessory Screws; General Speci f i cations For Parts, Hateri als, And Processes Used In Electronic Equipment P1 ates, Tags And 8ands For Identi f I cation Of Equipment Plastic Material, Unicellular (Sheets and Tubes) Primer, Coating, Epoxy, Haterbome Resistors, Fixed, W! re-Nound (Accurate), Established Reliability, General Specification For Shock Tests, H. 1. (High- Impact) ; Shipboard Machinery, Equipment And Systems, Requirements For Surface Treatments And Inorganl c Coatings For Metal Surfaces Of Weapons Systems Screw Threads, Standard, Optimum Selected Serf es: General Specification For Wiring, Aerospace Vehicle Metals; Colors Test Used Methods in Government MILITARY 8 I Procurement Downloaded from MI L-T-2 HIL-STD-12 MIL-STD-108 MIL-STO-1O9 MIL-STD-130 FiIL-STO-242 HIL-STO-411 MIL-STO-454 HIL-STD-461 MIL-STD-462 HIL-STD-471 MIL-STD-681 HIL-STD-781 MIL-STD-783 FUL-STD-81O MIL-STO-965 141L-STD-970 NIL-S7D-1309 MIL-STD-1378 DOD-STD-1399 MIL-STD-1472 HIL-STD-1653 MIL-STD-1791 HIL-STD-2000 MI L-STD-2073-1 141L- STD-45662 NANDBOOKS MILITARY !iIL-HDBK-246 B800E Abbreviations For Use On Drawings, And In Specifications, Standards And Technical Documents Definitions Of And Basic Requirements For Enclosures For Electric And Electronic Equipment Quality Assurance Terms And Definitions Identification Harking Of US Military Property Electronic Equipment Parts, Selected Standards Aircrew Station Signals Standard General Requirements For Electronic Equipment Electromagnetic Emission And Suscept i bi 1 i ty Requirements For The Control Of Electromagnetic Interference Electromagnetic Interference Character sties, Measurement of Maintainability Verification/Demonstrati on/Evaluation Identification Coding And Application Of Hook-Up And Lead Wire Reliability Testing for Engineering Development, Qualification And Production Legends For Use In Aircrew Stations And On Airborne Equipment Environmental Test Methods And Engineering Guidelines Parts Control Program Standards And Spectf i cations, Order Of Preference For The Selection Of Definition Of Terms For Test,. Measurement And Oiagoostic Equipment ReQui rements For Employing Standard Electronic Modules Interface Standard For Shipboard Systems, Section 300 Electric Power, Alternating Current (Metric) Human Engineering Oesign Criteria For Military Systems, Equipment And Facilities Power Cable Assemblies Oesigning For Delivery In Fixed Wing Aircraft Standard Requirements For Soldered Electrical And Electronic Assemblies 000 Materiel , Procedures for Development and Appl ication of Packaging Requirements Cal i brat ion System Requirements Program Iiodul es (Unless otherwise indicated, standards, and handbooks are 700 Robbins Ave, Bldg No. 4, Managers Program Guide For The Standard Electronic copies of Federal and military specifications, available from the Standardization Oocument Section D, Philadelphia, Pa. 19111 -5094.) 9 Order Oesk, r Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 2.1.2 Other Government Duplications. The fol 1 owing drawings, or publications form a part of this specification herein. Unless otheswise specified, the issues are those other to cited Government documents, the extent specified in the sol icitation. FEOERAL Code Of Federal Regul atlons, Safety And Heal th Act (OSHA) Title Code Of Control Title Act (Appl Ication Government Federal Regulations, For Heal th And Safety 29, Part-1910, 21, Chapter Of 1968 for copies should be addressed to the Printing Off ice, Washington, O. C. 20402. Occupational 1, Subchapter Superintendent ) J, of Radiation Oocuments, U.S. FIILITARY NAVSEA (Unless dards, Robbins STOOO-AB-GYO-OIO/PEETE Portable Equipment Electrical (PEETE), and Electronic Stowage Guide otherwise Indicated, copies of Federal and ❑ilitary specifications, and handbooks are aval labl e froa the Standardization Document Order No. 4: Section E), Philadelphia; Pa: 19111-5094;) ‘ Ave, Eldg Test For stanDesk, fion-6overnmen t.oubli 2.2 cations. .The following doouments form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the documents which are DoD adopted are those 1 isted in the issue of the 0001SS cited In the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents not 1 isted in the 0001SS are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS ANSI/I SA-S82.01 -1988 ANSI/ ISA-S82 -1988 .02 ANSI-S1.4-1983 ANSI-Sl .11-1986 ANSI -Y32.2-1975 ANSI -Y32.16-1988 (Application Institute, INSTITUTE (ANSI ) Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling and Related Equipment (General Requirements) Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Reasuring, Controlling and Related Equipment (Electrical and Electronic Test and Measuring Equipment) Sound Level Meters, Specification For Octave, Half-Octave, And Third-Octave 8and Filter Sets, Specification For Graphic Symbols For Electrical And Electronic Diagrams Standard Reference Designations For Electrical And Electronics Parts And Equipment for copies should be addressed to the 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. ) 10 American National Standards 700 I I I Downloaded from FIIL-T-28800E ANERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING ASTM B633 (Application Materials, AND MATERIALS Standard Specification Zinc On Iron And Steel for copies should be addressed 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, CANADIAN STANOARDS ASSOCIATION cAN/csA-c22 .2 No. 231 Series N89 (Application 178 Rexdale for copies Boulevard, ELECTRONIC EIA INSTITUTE should Rexdale, INTERNATIONAL Panels Safety Control, for Of Testing” and the Canadian and Electronic Standards Association, to Equipment Electronic Industries Association, Programmable e ) Standard Digital Instrumentation Standard Codes, ENGINEERS ( IEEE) Interface For Formats, be addressed ) ELECTROTECHNICAL IEC-101O Society Electrical And Associated AND ELECTRONIC for copies should New York, NY 10017. Coatings ( EIA) copies should be addressed NH, Washl ngton, DC 20006. ANSI/IEEESTO-488. 1 ANSI/IEEESTD-488 .2 (Applications 47th ‘Street, to the Anerican PA 19103. ) be addressed to ON M9U 1R3. ) Racks, OF ELECTRICAL Electrodeposited Requirements for and Test Equipment ASSOCIATION RS-31O-C-77 For (CSA) CSA Safety Pleasuring INDUSTRIES (Application for 2001 Eye Street, (AST14) COMMISSION Requirements For and Laboratory to the Protocols, IEEE and Standard Cormnon Consnands Sales, 345 East ( I EC) For Electrical Equipment Use (General Requirements) !leasurement. I I (Appl I cation for copies Institute, 1430 8roadway, UNDERWRITERS should be addressed to the New York, N! 10018. ) LA80RATORI UL 1414-)988 Anerican National Standards ES (UL) Across-the-Line Capacitors, 8ypass Components For Radio ces 11 Antenna -Coupl And Television ing And LineType Appl ian- Downloaded from NIL-T-28800E (Application Walt I/h i.tman (Nonc!overnment orga~izatlons may be available for copies should be addressed Road, kielville, Ny 11747 ..) to aboratories, Underwriters the 1285 standards and other DUbl i cat ions are normal 1 Y aval 1 abl e from the which prepare or which distribute the documen~s. These documents in or through libraries or other informational services. ) also 2.3 Order of Dr ecedence. In the event of a confl ici between the text of this document and the references cited herein (except for related associated detai 1 specifications, specification sheets, or MS standards), the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document; however, supersedes applicable 1 aws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 3. REQUIREMENTS The individual item requirements shall be 3.1 ~ssociated detail soec ification. as specified herein and in accordance with the appl i cable associated detail specification. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of this specification and the associated detail specification, the latter shall govern. first Uhen specified (see 4.3 and 6.3). 3.1.1 First article. article inspection 3.1.2 subjected B$d samole. to bid sample When specified inspection (see 3.1.3 Qual itv conformance sample shall be subjected to as 3.2 J?arts. specified in 3.2.1 processes in a and (see in the 4.3). 6.2) solicitation, When specified q~al ity conformance and orocesse$ a eri als. ?.~.l through For For Army Navy use, ship HIL-P-11268 and shore shall a bid be subjected sample in the contract or purchase inspection (see 4.4). Parts, materials, and processes to shall be order, shall a be . and orocesses. T~oe mater ials. Parts. shall conform to applicable specifications b: a. b. a sample I. shall apply use 141L-STD-242 Type I parts, and standards shall materials, specified and for use apply. materi~ and” woces Parts, materials, and Selection of oarts. s processes selected in accordance with 3.2.1 shall be c%sidered as standard and shall be used whenever they are suitable for the purpose. Semiconductor devices are preferred in 1ieu of electron tubes, and microelectronic devices (see 6.4.2,21) shall be given first consideration in design. Nonstandard parts, materials, and processes shall be equivalent to or better than similar standard parts, materials, and processes. When the documents specified in 3.2.1 fail to provide an applicable specification or standard, the contractor shall use other establ i shed specifications or standards in the order of precedence specified in Fil L- STD-970. Parts, materials, I Downloaded from 141L-T-28800E and processes 3.2.1 shall 3.2.1 Procedure be selected from in accordance .1.1 1. parts control other with . than 3.2.1 Parts the .1.1 control specifications or standards for each manufacturer. shal 1 be in accordance specified with in MIL-STD-965 ●n applicable invoked Mhenever and materials. 3.2.1 .1.2 of Darts choice document provides more than one character sti c or tolerance for an ‘I ten, the equipment manufacturer shal 1 use i terns of broadest character sties and of the greatest ●l lowable tolerances that wil 1 ful f i 11 the performance requirements (see When the maximum physical dimensions of a part Is specified, all new equipment shall be designed to acconxnodate the maximum physical size specified so that all parts having the same type designation will be physically interchangeable i n the equipment. ity by standard Darts and material S. Nhenever the 3.2.1 .1.3 Rev laceabil procuring activity (see grants permission for a contractor to use nonstandard parts and standard parts exist, the design of the equipment shall permit replacement in the field of the nonstandard parts by the standard parts. The standard parts shall be 1 isted in the technical manuals as the preferred replacement. 3.2.1 .1.4 regard to the use nonstandard, shall with all equipmnt detail specification 3.2.1 materials be .1.5 shall .“The requirements of this specification with and process, either standard or approved of parts, materials, ity for complying not relieve the contractor of the responsibil performance and other requirements specified in the associated or contract. De ~ at n be in accordance MI[-~~D-454, Oerating of electronic Requirement 18. Microelectronic Microelectronic de ice s. in accordance with MI L- STD-4~4, Requirement 64. devices conductor Requirement 30. with se #11L-STD-45~~ 454, Electron Requirement 29. &sistors-. Fixed film ment 33. not be used. in with 3.2.1 .5.1 accordance t ube!i. Semiconductor .Heta?lic oxide Electron tubes Resistors shal 1 be resistors with resistance voltmeter M ernal with MI L-R-39005. shall in devices devices rectifiers be 13 (see shal 1 be in shall not accordance and with shall accordance be used. MIL-STD- accordance with t41L-STD-454, Requirevalues greater than 2 megohms shall External resistors. in parts voltmeter resistors shal 1 be Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E fixed The TavDed reSi StOrS. 3.2.1 .5.2 taps requires procuring activity 3.2.1;6 Requl rement accordance oscillators MI L-STD-454, ment 68. Capacitors C oac ~tors. 2. a fimrtz shall be shall d induc tors. I&qulrement fonners MI L-STD-4fl with be in filt rs 70. e . Eeadouts. Readouts Electrical filters shal 1 be in variable accordance Transformers 14. crvstal and oscill a tor units in accordance with MI L-STO-~54, ~lectr%cal Requirement and use of fixed approval. resistors with and shall accordance FiIL-STO-454, inductors Quartz crystal Requirement be in with having shall units 38. be and crystal accordance HIL-STD-454, in with Require- Meters, including indicating. and cc ssor e Pet r . electrical elapsed time indi~~ors (time total i zing meters) ,ash~ll b: ~~ accordance with External meter shunts shal 1 be in accordance with MI L-STO-454, Requirement 51. Meters other than those in accordance with H1L+4-16034 HIL-STO-454, Requirement 40. far 90 uan (3.5 in) diameter, or :lartier, and-MI L-H-1030$ require .P~curin9 activitY ., i., ., approvtl. . . . MI L-STO-454, converters, ment 46. indicator Requirement . Iiqhts. 50. Fotor s and rotary and motor generators Indicator’ Rota Y s rvo device&. MI L- STD-454, ~equ~rement 56. 57. Relays -. other f.ircuit STD-454, Requirement than converte be in Dower shall with lights Rotary “shal’1 be in ~cordan~e rs. Motors, dynamotors, accordance with HIL-STO-454, servo devices shal 1 be in Relays shal 1 be i n accordance with MI L- STO-454, hermetically sealed types shall not be used. breakers. 37. Circuit breakers shal 1 be in accordance uith rotary power Require- accordance Requirement with HIL- Fuses,: “fu~eholders, and rs. and associated hardware. Fuses. fuseholde associated hardware shal 1 be in accordance with MI L- STO-454, Requirement 39. For enclosures of any style other than Style A, the insulating cap of a nonindicating fuse post shall have a hole with a maximum depth of 11 mm (0.438 in) for contact with the metal 1 ic frame holding one end of the fuse to permit the insertion of a test probe 1.98 iO.05 nsn (0.078 in) in diameter for determining that the fuse has not failed. One spare fuse, of each type and rating used, shall be SUPP1 ied and 14 Downloaded from MI L-T-2 BBOOE [ attached to the equipment. holders shall not require normal ly be placed. switches. the ment 58. 3.2.1 3.2.1 .18.1 Rotary SWi tch .18.1.1 and! Access to disturbing Switches spare of shall be Rotary s fuses seams in for externally where calibration accordance switches with shall accessible seals fusewould MI L- STD-454, be as specl fled Require- In . 3.2.1 .18.1.1 n a mecha~. Rotary switches shal 1 have a post t ive lndexi mechanical index, locating each contact post tion. When operated normal lY, the indexing mechanism shal 1 be designed to prevent the movable element from comjn9 rest between contact positions. shall 3.2.1 .18.1.2 Materials Materials. be as specified in a through c: plated a. Contacts shall be gold and shall be self-cleaning. b. Shafts shal 1 be used alloy, aluminum or in the construction of rotary gold-plated, silver alloy, or corrosion-rest Metal parts, other than contacts c. rosion-resistant materiel, except that bushing treated to prevent corrosion. tors, shall MIL-STD-454, 3.4. in Electrical connectors. meet the requirements of Requirements 1 and 10. accordance 3.2.1 MIL-J-641 with Sockets. shields. with MI L- STD-454, ~. .21.1 . 3.2.1 .21.2 MI L-J-641. Jacks shall Jacks. headset. Oa cks. microphone. stant and shafts, and bearing to switches silver- material. shall be made of cor●ssernbl ies may be brass Electrical connectors, except power connec3.3.1 .9.4.1 and be in accordance with Power connectors shal 1 meet the requt rements of and clamDs. Requirement be as Headset Sockets, 60. specified jacks Microphone Uhen 3.2.1 .21.3 Jacks. swftchtng jacks shal 1 accommodate, as appl ~cable, PJ-055B (two-contact) of MI L-P-642. circuit either 15 in shields, 3.2.1 .21.1 shal 1 be JJ-034 jacks and through in shal 1 be JJ-033 switching plug PJ-068 clamps shall be accordance in with accordance jacks are requfred, (three-contact) or such plug Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E i n accordance Requirement accordance 3.2-1.25 shal 1 be in shall be in Terminals, terminal Term inals. with MIL-STD-454, Requirement Wire. . 2iJ. with hookue. Hookup Cable. coaxi HIL-STD-45~, 1. wire boards, shall be ncy (RFl radio fr a Requireme~t”~5. and terminal strips in accordance with RF Coaxial cable cable 66. within the Yaveauides accordance Waveguides and related eaui Dment. with klIL-STO-454, Requirement 53. and related ed Dart 12, excepts~hat a through c: k4ulticonductar Requirement Threaded threads Threads for screws, bolts, from the ~~comanended selection specified MIL-S-7742. Uhen used for adjustment, thread series. parts shall shall be in accordance be in accordance with threads in be in equipment equipment with MIL-STDMIL-S-7742 nuts, and similar devices shall be chosen in the Reconsnended selection paragraph of the threads may be of fine or extra fine b. Uhen MIL, AN, or other specifications for components, resistors and switches, are in conflict with the requirements of of the specification for the component shall apply. Cansnercial shall “ with 454, Requirement modified as in be MIL-s TD-454, ~. accordance MI L- STD-454, shall 19. general use for mounting a, such the standard as variable requirements components are acceptabl~l ment 6. Bearim?s. Gears and Requirement 48. cams. 454, Springs ~. 8earings shall Gears be and in cams shal 1 be in accordance shall be with in with accordance MI L- STO-454, accordance with MI L-STD-454, Require- MI L- STD- Requirement 41. in accordance Knobs and handles. with MI L- STD-454, Knobs 28. control. Requirement and handles for controls shal 1 be 3.6 for Handle s. enclosure. the enclosure style. Handles for enclosures shall be in accordance with 3.6 for enclosure. latches. the enclosure style. Latches for enclosures shall be in accordance with 16 Downloaded from FiIL-T-28800E I as specified Casters — . Casters in the associated I the I Pressure eaual izinq. Va 1 ves , m-essure i c two-way type with manual override. automat tuning dial 454, I shafts shall with FunqusHIL-STD-454, with Special MI L-C-4751 i zing orcianlc. Requirement or valves in materials accordance shall be Inherently fungus-inert 4 shall be used. materials. Requirement Fibrous material. 141L- STD-454, equal shal 1 be Flammable materials. 3. inert tools with MIL-C-7474 shall F1 exi bl e shafts mechanisms Requirement with MI L-S~D-454, for tunina dial be in accordance Soecifl. El ammable Requirement accordance I H exible mechanisms Uols. Requl rement 63. MI L-STD-454, dance shal 1 be in accordance detail specification. Organic 44. fibrous with in in used 42. MIL-STD- accordance materials material be of shall with in accor- be in Mood shal 1 not be used as an electrical insulator, and the 3.2.1 .40.1 I&@. use of wood for other Durposes shall be restricted to those Darts for tiich a Uhen used, wood shal 1 be pressure-treated and superior substitute is’ not known. impregnated to resist moi sture, insects, and decay with a water-borne preservative conforming to T1-U-00571, and shal 1 be made fire retardant by treatment in accordance with 141L-L-19140. Uhen aluminum-wood sandwich panels are specified 3.2.1 .40.2 Sandwich oanel~. in the associated detai 1 specification, the wood shall not be treated as specified in The wood used shall conform to NN-P-530 and the adhesive bonding the aluminum shall conform to Mh!$l-A-138. shall be in 3.2.1 (adhesive Jnsulatinq accordance tao~ .41.1 EJe ctrical or friction) tape shail with 3.2.1 .41.2 MIL-STD-454, dance with Requirement Electrical materials. electrical. with tiIL-STD-454, Requirement 11. n con ductor~. Sleevina Require~nt Arc-resistant MI L- STD-454, Adhe sives. Fabric not be (textile) used for Sleeve insulating or plastic electrical insulation materials pressure-sensitive insulating purposes. shall be in accordance 11. materials. Requirement Adhesives Arc-resistant materials shall be in 26. shall be in 23. 17 accordance with MI L- STO-454, accor- of I I Downloaded from ML-T-28800E 3.2.1 .44 lubricants. ReQu i rement 43. Lubricants shall be in accordance with 141L- STD-454, All glass used in equipment for protection of instruments, ~. meters, cathode ray tube faces, and for viewing dials and indicators shal 3 be clear; presenting no evidence of distortion when viewed from any angle. Consideration shall be given to the use of glareproof glass when the equipment to be viewed will Where extreme temperature differential be i 11 uminated from outside 1 ight sources. may exist between the two faces of viewing glasses or windows with the possibil ity of moisture condensation resulting therefrom, provisions for the absorption of the All glass shall be shatterproof in accordance with condensation shall be made. MI L-6-3787, Class 1, Grade C. and metal Metals )4etals tr eatments. types, or shall be processed to resist corrosion. require refinishing. 3.2.1 .46.1 Dlss{milar combinations shall be in 3.2.1 .46.2 al 1oys, w pl stings or treatmeht other shall be of corrosion-resistant will Standard MS or AU parts Selection and protection of with MIL-STD-454 Requirement metals. accordance nickel, er rous metal $ . Gold, of these metals, are satisfactory than buffing or cleaning. s allovg. 454, a. Requirement 3.2.1 3.2.1 .46.4 Al u mi num al 1 OYS .46.4.1 through Ferrou 15. Ferrcmis al 10YS Aluminum alloys di ssimi 16. 1 ar chromium, rhodium, tin, without addi t-ional shal 1 be in shall accordance not metal lead-tin protection with be as specified MIL-STD- in qeneral. Parts fabricated from aluminum 1100, 3.2.1 .46.4.1 al m i num surfaces. alloys 3003, 5052, 6;53, 6061, 6063, or 7072 shal 1 be cleaned in accordance with MI L-S-5002 and may be used with or without other surface treatment. Other aluminum alloys shall be cleaned in accordance with HIL-S-5002, and shall be anodized in accordance with kiIL-A-8625, Type 1 or 11, or given a chemical treatment using materials conforming to MI L-c-5541, Class 1A or 3. bonded and w ounded. When bonding or groundplumi num surfa ces. 3.2.1 .46.4.2 i ng, aluminum 1100, al 10YS 3003, 5052, 6053, 6061, 6063, 7072, or equal lY corThese al 10YS may be used without other rosion-resistant alloys, shall be used. surface treatment, or given a chemical treatment in accordance with MI L-C- 5541, Class 3. 3.2.1 conforming surfaces .46.4.3 minum surfaces. to MI L-A-8625, Type 111, on areas of aluminum alloys sistant. extre me wear-re may be appl ied to obtain not subject to repeated 18 Hard anodic extreme wear high tensile finishes resistant stresses. Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E flacsnes i um and inaqnes ium alloys. !tagnesium and magnesium alloys 3.2.1 .46.5 shall be finished in accordance with MI L-H-3171 or MI L-M-4520Z. Magnesium shal 1 not be used for electrical or electronic askembl iei (such as chassis with “sockets, connectors, resistors, capacitors, and inductors j where grounding or contact may be impaired because of corrosion or electrolytic action. Parts which requtre electrical grounding or soldering ❑ay be tin plated. 3.2.1 be given .46.6 Zinc a bichromate 3.2.1 .47.1 through k. ~es. through Tvoe Zinc with s elated oa in acco;~a~ce a d zimc ~reatme~t 1. Type I flnfsh Type I f inlsh parts and z~nc-plated ASTM B633. processes shall colors shall be parts be as specified in in accordance with a a. Color Z. Light-gray (gloss) b. Color V. Light-gray (semigloss) MIL-E-15090, Type c. Color X. Light-gray (semigloss) FED-STO-595, No. 26307, TT-E-5Z9, d. Color N. Olive (semigloss) FED-STD-595, No. 24087, TT-E-529, e. Color V. Yellow (gloss) f. Color U. Yellow (lusterless) 9. Color T. Black (lusterless) h. Color S. Green (Marine Corps 4. Color R. Other (color normally MI L-E-15090, III, Type shal 1 Class 111, 1. Class Z. Type II. Type j. associated Color P. Special detai 1 specification). k. Type I drab II. I or Color N. (color, Green (semigl FED-STTI-595, No. 13538. FED-STD-595, No. FED-STD-595, green) other OSS) FED-STD-595, 37038. FED- STD-595, provided than No. 33538. by the 1 isted No. No. 34094. manufacturer) herein, 24052, specified t in the MI L-C-832f16, II. Unless contained in hermetically sealed units, 3.2.1 .47.1 oa rts. Flnts hes, parts (including hardware items of the equipment not covered by subsidiary specifications) shall be resistant to corrosion, and there shall be no destructive corrosion, after subjection to a 4B hour salt spray test in accordance with FED-STD-151. Where applicable, these parts shall have finishes providing rates of heat transfer which do not harm the parts. Parts which are lubricated in equipment may be tested in a 1 ubricated condition. Lusterless finishes shall be used on al 1 surfaces visible to operating personnel . Uhere cleaning operations on metal parts are not 19 I I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E specified practices in detai’ such operations shall which wi’ i not cause subsequent be in accordance with destructive corrosion the (see best 6.4.2. commercia’ 12). Unless color is impregnated into the material 3.2.1 .47.2 finl shes. enclosure. or is otherwl se specified by the procuring activity, enclosures shall be finished with enamel or urethane coating. Lacquer in any form shall not be used for equipment which contains vinyl such as that used for electrical insulation. The finish shall be enamel as sDecified for Color Y, if weather-protected, and as specified for Color Z, if weather-exposed. Test equipment for use in the vicinity of aircraft shall be finished with Color V enamel or Color N urethane in accordance with the The front panel finish shall be as specified color classification of the equjpment. for the enclosure, or may be black anodized finish conforming to the finish of Color T. When equipment for use in the vicinity of aircraft has panels finished with yellow, the finish shall be Color U. 3.2.1 .47.2.1 finishes. enamel. For enamel finishes, zinc chromate primer in Two coats of accordance with TT-P-1757 shall be applied prior to application. enamel shall be used, each applied as a continuous film of approximately 0.03 mm (0.001 in) thickness. Finishes In accordance with MI L-F-14072, Type 1 may be used in 1 ieu of the two coats of enamel except that colors specified herein shall be used. Finishes in accordance with MI L-C-85285 may be substituted. MI L-P-85582 may be used in lieu of primers authorized by MIL-C-85285. 3.2.1 .47.3 Finishes. fastener and as sensbl v screw. Exposed surfaces of external fasteners and assembly screws which are .mani PU1 ●tad+. loosened, or removed in the normal processes of servicing and install ing the equipment shall be finished, preferably in a noncorrosive black or bright finish, to provide strong contrast with the color of the surface upon which these fasteners and screws appear. Other external fasteners and assembly screws used for securing the internal parts to the chassis shall be similar in color to the surface upon which they appear. 3.2.1 .48 ment 21. MI L-STD-454, Castinos. shall Structural weldinq. Requirement 13. Bc?dJL9- Solder~nq. 59. Castings Brazing Soldering shall be in accordance Structural welding with MI L- STD-454, Require- shall be in accordance with be in accordance with MI L-STD-454, Requirement shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-2000. Welds. resistance. electrical interconnection. Electrical intercon3.2.1.52 nection resistance welds shall be in accordance with MIL-STO-454, Requirement 24. accordance on and embedment. Encapsulation EncaDsulati with MI L-STD-454, Requirement 47. 20 and embedment shall be in Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E Unless otherwise 3.2.2 Parts. materials, and Drocesses. TvDe 11. the associated detail specification, the parts, materials, and processes be the same as Type 111’. ments for Type II shall 3.2.3 processes applicable and Droce s. Tvrse Pa ts. materi als, us~ in Type III equipment sI%l permit requirements of its class. I I~ th~ specified require- All parts, materials, equipment to comply with in and al 1 ~. TvDe ~. Unless otherwise specified in the associated ai 1 specif t catfon, the finish color of Type I I I equtpment shall be Color R and finish process shall be as normally provided for the equipment (see 3.2.1 .47). detthe When specified in the associated Tvne Ill indicators, Elapse d time detail specification, the equipment shal 1 be p~ovided with an internal lY mounted, miniaturized, sol id-state elapsed time indicator (ETI) or internal clock capable of measuring and directly indicating the actual time that the equipment is in an Uith the exception of mounting configurations, the solid state operating condition. ET I shall meet all requirements invoked by MI L-I-81219 for nonmercuric indicating cells. The time range full-scale reading shall be at least 5000 hours with a minimum readout resolution of 500. Should any conflict arise between any of the 3.2.4 interchangeability requiremen~s of this specification and the associated detail specification, the contractor shall immediately inform the procuring activity of Unless otherwise advised by the procuring activity representative, such conflict. the interchangeability requirements specified in the associated detail specification shal 1 govern. with Jnterchancseabil HIL-STD-4S4,, Requirement itv. Tvoe 7. 1 Interchangeabi 1 i ty shal 1 be in ●ccordance . 3.2.4 .1.1 Intercharraeabil itv of reordered ecwioment. For reordered equipment, interchangeabil ity shall exist between units and all replaceable assembl ies, subassembly ies, and parts of a designated model of any previously manufactured equipment suppl ied or designated by the procuring activity. Such interchangeabi 1 ity shal 1 be measured against the designated model, manufacturing drawing, or other When the contract or order does not technical information provided for the purpose. stipulate whether the model, drawings, or other information shall govern, the designated model shal 1 be used. assocl shall Jnterch noeabil i ty. ated detai 1 sp~ci f i cat ion, be the same as Type 111. specified in Interchanaeabil a and b: itv. Unless Tvoe Jl the i nt&changeabi Type TVD e 11~. 21 otherwise specified 1 ity requirements 11 I interchangeability in for the Type shall II be as Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E Units and all replaceable assemblies, designate: model provided under a single contract shall be fully interchangeable. subassembly ies, and parts of or order from any manufacturer a b. All replaceable” assentbl \es; subassembfl’ies, and’ parts “of a designated model provided by a manufacturer shal 1 be interchangeable on a noninterference basis with al 1 such designated models provided by that manufacturer on previous contracts or orders. Different suffix letters or other suitable identifiers acceptable to the procuring activity shal 1 constitute different models for this requirement. 3.2.5 &stricted through materials. Restricted materials shall be as f or Navy use’. Regardless of other IliOerial restr icted the materials and parts specified in a through c shal 1 not be used the Navy unless specif 1 call y approved or specified by the procuring unless the presence of the materials and parts is specified i n that specification. chemical. a. Mercury, b. Radioactive including mercury . . . ,., Ltthium el ectrmchemical cel 1s exceeding authorized $~keup limitations (see and :: c. d. e. f. 9. h. ~: 1: m. n. o. P. in requirements, in equipment for activity and approval or batteries. asaterial. ,.. Other restricted specified in a through p shall cated into completed approved the procuring activity: specified The mat e rials an d aases. not be used except where standard parts, or use of Cellulose acetate. Cell U1 ose nitrate. Cel lu1 ose regenerate. Cork . Felts, hair, or wool . Asbestos and asbestos compounds. Jute. Leather. Linen. Magnesl urn and magnesium al 10YS. Oroanic fiberboard. Pa~er and cardboard. Plastic (using cotton, linen, or wood Wood . Fungus nutrients. Polychlorinated biphenyls. 22 flour . . size, . power”, . . . and types or kinds of materials, such materials are fabrithe ❑aterial is approved by as a filler). Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E tional Safety Before using be evaluated Carcinogens. And Health any materials in accordance Certain chemicals have Act (OSHA) as cancer-producing which might contain these with 3.9. been identified in the Occupasubstances (carcinogens). chemicals, the materials shall Helium shall not be used as pressurizing gas in sealed units -. containing electron tubes. Uhen necessary to use helium for leak detection purposes, exposure shal 1 be 1 imited to the time necessary for the test, fol 1 owed by .. . . thorough purging. f,ombination of m~ of materi ●ls which cause deterioratio~ due to the effects of outgassing. The equipment of any material shall contain contained in no combination the equipment 3.3 Oesian and constructi~ The test equipment shal 1 be designed and structed to permit compliance wi~h all applicable requirements of its class performance, accuracy, and other requirements in the associated detail speci tion. The basic design objectives are that the equipment will: I periods, Conform to ~{thout overhaul b. environmental tion. to ensurec~igh d. Represent the requirements simplest specified design herein Provide adequate safety equipment reliability maintenance Be easy personnel. 3.3.1 as specified Oesiqn and in equipment accordance military service needs, under and with 1 imited maintenance. to install factors under Tvo 1 3.3.1. ~.4J5. e modules be reviewed far SEM use shall thus Type use, for stent with the functional in the associated detail by derating al 1 service and maintain, c instruction, through ff~tronic for Navy use shall with HIL-HOBK-246. consl and continuous long and specifica- part specification conditions. reducing I design requirements and {~fl) oroara~. applicability to be in accordance construction conand the f ica - values for skil shall led be The design of test the SEM program in with NIL-STD1378. The detailed mechanical and electri ~. cal design of the equipment shal 1 be accompl i shed by the contractor, subject to the requirements of this specification and any specification to which this speci fication is subsidiary. The requirements of this specification are detailed only to the extent considered necessarv to obtain the desired mechanical and electrical charac teri st ics, performance, an~ permanence of those requirements. The design layout and production assembly of the units and their component parts shall facilitate quantity and result in minimum size and weight. 23 Downloaded from PIIL-T-28800E .s. s.l. <.1 shal 1 include, mechanized or the-art. pecnanlzea proouc~l~ when possible, circui~s semimechanized production 3.3.1 .2.2 through d are llpe in th~ or mechan~~al pl aced Subassemblies ly placed and b. Construction one above the other I ! of constructisln mechanized or The types s~imechanized us{ng printed electrically in which several and components mechanical c. Three-dimensional, 1y placed and electrical employing d. Mtcrocircults combinations of wnen ❑eslgnlng new equlpmenc, conLracLur5 that have been or can be reproduced by facil i ties consistent with the state-of- or upon which circuits, connected ceramic printed folded-type 1y connected using deposited these processes of construction speclfled in a category, and’ shall be considered: or and or filled or mounted construction, printed discrete the parts plastic thereon in wafers which techniques, parts are the Including printed are Parts are circuits In order to permit flexibility in the arrangement or assembly of modules and subassembly ies, interconnecting 1 cads involving circuits considered susceptible e to radiated interference or’ capable of radi sting interference shal 1 be shielded and of 1 ow+npedance design. Al 1 other connections (such as power) shal 1 be wel 1 shielded or bypassed Internally to prevent radiation or pickup of extraneous fields or radiation of internal signals. Nonrepai rabl e subassembly i es (see 3.3.1 .2.3 Nonreoairable subassembly Ies shall be considered as nonstanda~d parts and the use of nonrepairable subassembly i es shal 1 be in accordance with the requirements specified for the use of nonstandard parts (see 3.2.1. 1). design criteria specified in Human engineering shall be in accordance enaine@n9 of 141L- STD-147~, selectively appl ied as requirements or the associated detail specification. ban shall be as cal with 3.3.1 .4.1 /accessibility. )il L-STD-454, Requirement specified in desian 3.3.1 nd construction .:.1 through 3.3. Mechanical design and with guidance construct ion i.4.7. Accessibility of c~onents 36, and as specified herein shall be in (see accordance Thermal design shall be in accordance with MIL-STD3.3.1 .4.2 Thermal des iqn. The equipment shall be capable of 454, Requirement 52 and as specified herein. operating continuously for 24 hours, at the maximum operating temperature for the appl i cable class, when restricted on the top. sides, and rear with a clearance of 50 mm (2 in). All blowers or fans necessary for the cooling system shall be internal to the enclosure and shall generate no noise in excess of the acoustic noise I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E limitations of 3.7.12. If forced air cooling is used, the motor shall be capable of operating from all specified power. sources and an externally acces!ih]. ?. air. filter shall be provided. A thermal switch shall be provided which will interrupt the power source when the internal temperature rises to the degree of possible damage to the equipment. Nhen specified in the associated detat 1 specification, an override switch shal 1 be provided for the thermal switch. Except for Hal 1 effect motors, direct current (de) or brush type ❑otors shal 1 not be used. Ventilation OPeni n9s, including air intake and exhaust openings for forced air cool 1 ng, shall be in accordance with a through g. a. Style A enclosure may have air intake and exhaust opeoings in the front panel. b. Style B enclosure shal 1 have no venti of the enclosure or in the front panel . Ventilation shal 1 be protected by 1 ouvers. of the c. Style enclosure. C enclosure Ventilation 1 at ion openings located openings on the sides shall have no ventilation openings on the sides or d. Styles D through F enclosure equipment from confomiing to the applicable shal 1 have no ventll ati on openings located openings rear shall located confona on the top or rear on the to venti 1 atlon openings shal 1 not prevent the requirements. Style D and E enclosures on the top of the enclosure. Style 6 enclosure shal 1 be provided with vents to preclude a temperature ri seeof more than 10”C from intake to output, and when forced ventilation is required to provide satisfactory cooling, the cooling system shal 1 be so arranged that a positive pressure is maintained on the enclosed equipment. Intake louvers shall be not less than 450 nm (18 in) above the surface on which the enclosure stands. f. to the Styles P and shall Style S enclosures may have 9. allowable venti 1 ation openings of 3.3.1 .4.3 HIL-STD-454, ~ture Requirement m. 31. 3.3.1 .4.4 Hrdrau 1i=. Requirement 49. 3.3.1 minimize T enclosures .4.5 the not Lubrication reoui need for lubrication pockets shall rements. and the have ventilation closeable ventilation the enclosed equipment. Hoi sture Hydraulics top be in shal 1 be accordance in openings. flaps corresponding accordance with 141L-STES-454, Test equipment shal 1 be designed use of lubricants. I 25 with to Downloaded from UIL-T-28800E I use of. 23, except procuring 3.3.1 .4.6 pdhesives. MI L- STD-454, Requirement requires approval of the dance with in 3.3.1 .5.1 Jun ina MIL-sTD-454, Lbuntfna through The use of adhesives the use of adhesives act Ivi ty. Tuning dial mechanisms. Requirement 42. and 3.3.1. f s eninq ~.~. Mounting dial and shall be in in electrical mechanisms fastening accordance with applications shall shall be in accor- be as specified “ Resistors shal 1 be securely mounted 3.3.1 .5.1 lLesfs t or and cava ftor mountf q Capacitors in such a manner as to al 1 w forcexpansion w~t~ temperature changes. shal 1 be securely mounted. Resistors and fixed capacitors shall not be mounted by their wire leads without providing other mechanical support for the body of the component, except that components whose weight is 15 grams (O. 5 ounce) or 1 ess ❑ay be secured by their 1 cads if the total length of both leads measured between the points, on the component from which the 1 cads egress and the midpoints of the lead attachment terminals does not exceed 25 nan (1 in). In no case shall the wire leads be less than 6.5 IIMS (0.25 in) for components with axial leads, except for printed circuit applications and in nonrepairable +tems (see 6. 4.2.22). 3.3.1 .5.2 tac I(!22 vertical surface the lamest shal 1 be at the top cent;r I l— or mount inq. Nhen c DO1 arizinq or LSri me key or of” the shel T of the receptacle receptacles keyway of .- are the mounted receDtacl on a e sim’lar. The use of similar connectors for intercon3.3.1 .5.2.1 I c onnectors. necting cables shall be minimized. Uhen used, similar connectors shall utilize or keying, to prevent mi sconnections, di ffer;nces .in insert arrangement or size, unless the connectors are functional lY interchangeakde. Toggle switches shall be mounted so that the 3.3.1 .5.3 le s it h mou ntinq. handle of the switch op~ra~es up and down for vertical control panels (away from and Any OFF position shall be in the bottom toward the operator for horizontal panels). (toward the operator) position, except that switches with three positions shal 1 use the center position for OFF. Uhen clarification of a control function or convenience of operation would result, toggle switches may be mounted so that the handle of the switch operates as a 1 eft-right function when the control panel is viewed from the normal operating posit ion. 3.3.1 .5.4 be in accordance ~. and with Q of brittle HI L-STO-454, Controls shall Requirement 3.3.1 .6.3.1 3.3.1 control circuitrv. 3.3.1 .6.1 .6.1.1 through HIL-STD-454, materi & Requi remen~ be in 28. Control Fastening 12. accordance circuitry 26 of with shall brittle 3.3.1 be as materials .6.1 specified shall through in Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E such tions. I I The character sties of each 3.3.1 .6.1.1 Control function. as to cmovide the desired control action under al 1 specified - control service shall be condi - The electronic circuitry shell be designed to 3.3.1 .6.1.2 ent ra a bdSus ensure a reserve i n th~adjust~% range from the normal adjustment setting of al 1 variable components that require adjustment during operatfon or maintenance. This adjustment range shal 1 be suff iclent to compensate for composite vari at Ions whfch may develop in the associated circuitry because of changes in part values during the normal or specl f led 1 I,fe cycle of the equipment. The adjustment range shall be capable of compensating for variations resulting from replacement with parts within the specl fi ed tolerance. raction. 3.3.1 .6.1.3 -Inte changes for which the control 3.3.1 direct .6.2 reading Olsatlna ty~~, The variation was designed. con trols. without need for of any control shall produce Dials, indicators, and controls cal i brat ion charts or curves. shall only be of those the controls. Adjustments or compensating devices shall 3.3.1 .6.3 NonoDeratina provided so that any function or parameter can be adjusted to within the specified 1 imits after a combined shelf and usage time of 12 months. I Nonoperating test points 3.3.1 .6.3.1 Nonosserattna accessibility. shall be grouped and marked with their required precluded by design constraints. 454, Ii2st Drovls Requirement 32 and Built-in the design . . u ~“and Test provisions b below: shal 1 be in calibration, self-test, of the equipment. and included ~~ shall be adjustments Test points required for monitoring b. readily accessible and marked for use or nonoperating control. in (ad justanent ) controls (see 3.10.1. 1.6), unless accordance diagnostic of signal or conjunction capabilities with HIL-STD- shall .8.1 in Ma nual a through :: c. Setting Direct Repeat control. d shall The extent of be as specified the parameters of access to specific of test. manual control over the in the associated detail the ATE. test. 27 be power adjustments with the specific ~. ATE shal 1 be designed to operate from a calculator controller computer, or frm an integral pmgraasning medium. In the case of ● calculator control 1 er or computer, the method far automatic control, measumnt, and 1 imit compensation shall be fully disclosed. 3.3.1 specified tion: be conditions specifica- or I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E d. Test abort. Sol id-state Preferred loaic elements. shall be used as logic and switching or stepping switches shal 1 be held to 3.3.1 .8.2 (see use of relays or microelectronic devices elements where practical. The a minimum. Self-test capability shall be included so that 3.3.1 .8.3 Sel f-test c?mab ility essential functional capabi 1 i ties o} the ATE normal to the conduct of the test programs may be determined to be operational and within the 1 imits identified in the associated detail specification for the test programs. This capabi 1 ity shal 1 include sensing of catastrophic conditions on the unit-under-test (UUT) that may cause fail ure of the ATE and provide for disconnection of the ATE from this connection. The associated detail specification may include additional self-test capabilities such as those specified in a through c: a. Isolation b. Further c. Tests of fault ATE faults to i sol at ion the replaceable on the module module or assembly or assembly. to the replaceable part. shall to preclude Electrical be as specified in 3.3.1 .9.1 be in accordance 3.3.1 breakdown desire 3.3.1 with .9.2 Corona prevention overload HIL-STD-454, and shall of the wrong and construct .9.1 through Hectrical program or adapter ion. Electrical protection. Requirement Internal 66 and 69 Electrical overload and cable .9.4 Hirincl. exte rnal. with MI L-W-5088. 3.3.1 .9.4.1 assembl ies cables, connectors, (interconnecting) Provisions and shall ic shielding system. shall construction shal 1 Corona and electrical Requirement 45. in shall be in accordance,, shal 1 be suitably be made cable assembl ies. furnish satisfactory 28 UUT. protection Printed wiring shall be in accordance 3.3.1 .9.3.2 Printed wiring MI L-ND-454, Requirement 17. fiinted wiring boards shal 1 be connected equipment by a mated pair of connectors, and shall not use the printed pattern as one of the connectors. 3.3.1 accordance the 8. wiring practices and as specified Itetall 3.3.1 .9.3.1 Metallic shieldinq chassis, unless part of an abov~-ground with design breakdown Prevention. elect rical be in accordance with MI L-STD-454, internal. 3.3.1 .9.3 Wirinq. with MI L- STD-454, Requirements and 3.3.1 .9.3.2 below. the use for external bonded to with into the circuit wiring in Cables, connectors, and electrical connections Downloaded from . MIL-T-28800E and shall be so arranged and wired other exposed contacts which might unmated connectors shal 1 be socket that no energized be accidental lY rather than pin leads shorted. type. are terminated The 1 ive or in hot pins side or of The shield shall be qrounded withtss the equipment 3.3.1 .9.4’-2 ~. when the cable is an integral part thereof. The shield shall be grounded to the metal shel 1 of the connector when a connector is used on the cable. Except for coaxial cable a ground 1 ead shall be 1 nchded tn the cable rather than depending on the shield for ground connections. The shield shal 1“ be securely bonded to the ground lead at least at one point on the cable in a ❑anner designed to minimize impedance between the shield and the ground 1 cad, except when this requirement conflicts WI th the associated detai 1 speci f I cat ion or the electromagnetic interference (EMI) requirements specified in 3.8. 3.3.1 .9.4.3 shall use coaxial coaxial cable is Cables and waveauide cable or waveguldes. 50 ohms. for RF circui~ The preferred. 3.3.1 .9.4.4 Q@jJJg. Leads in multi conductor shall be color coded. The color coding sequence MI L-STD-681. Types of marking other than color procuring activity. All pulsed or RF signals impedance for termination cable assemblies and shal 1 be in accordance coding require approval of harnesses bsi th from the 3.3.1 .9.4.5 $ables. extra conductor. Equipment test cables, Interconnect ng cables, and patch cables uhich are of molded construct ton or terminate in &aolded or potted electrical connectors shal 1 have extra unused conductors. The number of extra unused conductors shal 1 be compatible with the extra unused contacts as speci f led for electrical connectors in MI L- STD-454, Requirement 10. 3.3.2 associated 11 shall u ion. TVD Desian and c onstruct detail specification, the de~ign. be the same as Type 111. 3.3.3 Desian and constru ction, TvDe I I 1 equipment shal 1 penait the equipment its class and those specified in shall be as ODerator specified adiu stments in Unless otherwise and construction speci f id requirements in the for Type The design and construction of III to ~omply with applicable requirements through and controls and Operator adjustments and Type of controls fkstlt-tn, adjustments or compensating devices ~.’ which are capable of restoring the equipment to specified tolerance shal 1 be included in the equipment for any function or parameter in which the combined time of shelf 1 t fe and usage for a pertod of 12 months causes the equipment to exceed the The variation of any adjustment or central cal ibration interval specified in 3.11. shal 1 produce the desired control action for which it was incorporated, under al 1 specified service conditions. 29 1 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 3.3.3 .1.2 Onerator be located on the front dicators shall be readily controls. Operating panel of the unit. accessible and of controls, Operating the direct dials, controls, reading and indicators dials, and type. shall in- Provision shal 1 be made to ensure that connec3.3.3.2 Connecto s. electric. Where design considerators wil 1 be ❑ated on{y with the aDDro~riate countes-s)arts. t i ons reauire close rmoximi ty of connectors of simi 1 ar configuration. ~he mat inq connectors shal 1 be iuitablycoded or marked. The 1 ive or h;t side of unmated connectors shal 1 be protected against electric shock or shorting by use of recessed guards or barriers. assembling possibility )Hrina. internal. or disassembling of the internal Internal the equipment wiring being wiring practices shall be such for maintenance or calibration, damaged is minimal. that when the The equipment shal 1 be capable of operating ~temal cool I nq ti nuousl y for 24 hours at the maximum continuous operating temperature for appl i cable class. 3.3.3 .4.1 ~oolina de ic s If adequate cooling requires blower, the requl rements ~pe~i ii ed in a through f shal 1 apply: through a. The b. The device shall ibl; Brush .for f. even is permitted. reqwi re motors if shal 1 not required to or replacement. The temperature when mechanically of maintenance en additional shal 1 not interfere interference, or type Filters, cleaning be a replaceable shal 1 not c. The device noise, electrical d. access device with any vibration. an internal conthe fan or part. -r source operation of the input. instrument be used. minimize dust intake, the device shall not stopped while energized. shall be externally exceed the specified 1 imits of The use of thermal cut-outs panel display Indicators which . Front el dt Dlav in dtcator are designed to present cha~ge-of -state in~onnation to the operator shal 1 be distinin a maximum ambtent 1 Ight level of 100 guishable at a distance of 3 ❑ (10 ft) foot-candles (fc) and a mlnimam light level of 1 fc. In-1ine horizontal single plane display characters shall be at leest 10 mu (0.4 in) in height. Equipment specified for use at atm’s length ❑ay use numeric readout characters of 3 mm (O. 12 in). All display indicators shall be discernible at viewing angles from O degrees to 45 degrees. 30 Downloaded from MI L-T-2 Self-test cation, an automatic provided. A display operation or specific suitable. I B800E caIIability. When specified in the associated detail specifi diagnostic self-test (see capability shall be resulting from the self-test shall indicate either proper circuit board or major assembly failures. Unsuitable desi~. The a. Integrated circuits soldered b. Wires c. Inoperative support~ only following design on top of characteristics one are un- another. by solder. controls. d. Printed circuit boards that are modified at least 3.2 mn (0.125 in) in length unless the cut is “X” . Circuit cuts shall be annotated in the equipment 3.3.4 Diait al interfac tion, a digital interface s~~ll specified in and When specified be provided below. characters tics. P oarammina transferred byrthe digital interface shall specification. The digital interface shall control each device function including all control and other nonmeasurement functions in by cutting a circuit run and marked by a permanent service manual . in the associated accordance with detail specificaIEEE-STD-488. 1 and :: :: e. f. 9. h. 1, j. I 3.4 connections Source Acceptor Talker Listener Service Remote Parallel Device Device Control Electrical shall handshake SH1. handshake AHl. T1 or TEI. L1 or LE1. request SR1. local RL1. pol 1 PPO. clear DC]. tr{gger OTI. ler CO. Do wer sources be as specified red as The measurement information to be be as specified in the associated detail have the programmable capability to ranges, modes, and levels. Primary power need not be bus progransnable. The instrument shall comply with the capabil reau irements. Jnt erface ties of ANS1/l EEE-STD-488.2 required by the associated detail specification. The interface functions and subset identifications specified in a through j shall be cons idered for determining equipment requirements. I - and connec tions. in 3.4.1 through Electrical power sources and i- Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E Electrical Dower source. The equipment shall conform to the 3.4.1 Tvo I. primary input power conditions specifies i; through Except specified in 3.4.1 .2a, the equipment shall operate within the required performance operated devices, such as tapped transformers 1 imits without the use of ❑anually (variable setting transformers) and other similar devices for compensation. shall io P~ be as specified In the The maximum power detail specification. e ~. associated required for as operation ~. Equip~nt not powered frw not support img aircraft mul t i phase al rcraf t or the systenss under test, and equipment systems, shal 1 operate from a nominal 115 volt (V) single-phase 50 hertz (Hz), 60 Hz, and 400 Hz source. Alternate power source requirements which may be specified When operation is required with both for equipment are specified in a through f. external and internal power sources, the equipment shal 1 conform to the requirements for operation from external power sources with the internal power source battery removed. from any I I 50 Hz, 60 Hz, and 400 ~&ition of a 100/120/220/240 b. 400 c. d. 400 Hz (only), three-phase ., OC internal power source e. DC 28 V (see f. OC external 3.4.1 .2.1 maintain the through c. Variation~. deleterious Hz (only), single-phase 115 V (see 115/200 3.4. 1.2.6). (see 3.4. 1.2.8). battery pack ~teadv-state conditions. specified perfomsance and Tvoe 1. accuracy The steady-state voltage-tolerance in voltage within the steady-state effect on the equipment performance. onc~he The waveform performance 1. Uaveform selectable V (see (see V to 126. S V, (see 3.4. 1.2.4). 3.4.1 .2.5). b. The steady-state Hz *5 percent, and 400 Hz t5 steady-state frequency-tolerance equi pnsent performance. effect Hz single-phase 103.5 V range selector band shal 1 be voltage-tolerance frequency-tolerance Variations percent. band shall have characteristics of the equipment deviation factor The equipment shall during any probable 115 V *IO percent. band shall have band shal 1 be 50 Hz i5 percent, in frequency within the no deleterious effect on the of 1 through 4 shal 1 have (see 6.4.1 ). of 32 operate and combination of 10 percent or less. no deleterious a no 60 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E :: 4. Total harmonics of 10 percent or Individual harmonics of 5 percent Crest factor of 1.27 to 1.56. less. or less. There shall be no impairment of TVDe L. 3.4.1 .2.2 Jransient-state conditions. operation during transients and the transient shal 1 not prevent resumption of normal operation. Alteration of equipment characteristics shall not occur due to the conditions specified In a through d after a maximum ‘transient time of 500 mil1 I seconds (ins) (at the specified limit) which recovers to within the steady-state band within 5 seconds (see figure 1). Equtpment operation for translent-state conditions whjch persist longer than 5 seconds shal 1 be as required for Interruption of the power source. Transient values are derived from, and referenced to, the nominal values specified in a through d for voltage and frequency. I Voltage transients within the range of 10 percent to 30 percent shal 1 on equipment performance. Operation may be mamentari Iy have no d~i eteri ous ef feet impaired and false output signals may be generated, provided visual indication is given that the operation and signals are out of tolerance. Voltage transients within the range of 30 percent to 40 percent b. \nhibi t equipment performance and generate false output signals. Damage to equipment shal 1 not occur other than fai 1 ure of external 1 y accessible fuses. operation shal 1 be automat tcal’ly resumed when-any blown extensal lY accessible are replaced. have inhibit shall Frequency transients within on equipment no d~i eteri ous effect the range performance. of 5 percent d. Frequency transients W{ thin the range of 10 percent eguigment Derfosmance and generate false output signals. be resbd when the transient ‘has passed. to 10 percent may the Normal fuses shal 1 to 15 percent may Normal operation Voltage or frequency interrup3.4.1 .2.3 TVD el ~t rruotion of bower source. tions which are ar~ater than the maximum transient ~alues shal 1 not cause damage to the equipment or-al teration of equipment character st i cs. Equipment perfor?nan~e 1s not specified during interruption of the power source in accordance with a and b. During and after power interruptions shall be ;;il-safe. The equipaent shal 1 automatical the msd of the Interruption period. (outage) ~~e specified in resume normal of 500 ms or 1 ess, 1y resume normal the equipment operation at During and after power interruptions of greater than 500 ms durat~on Uhen equipment shall be fail -safe and suitable for normal operation. the equipment shall automatical lY the associated deta!l specification, operation after the power is restored. 33 I Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E Pi3Mw WFwrm -=-l-=-l t-=t””- .SIEAD Sm -mMY SIAII - riwlmal AmJluOE IDln SIIAOY-STAYI UMil IAY 9[ NEG4mf vARmoN NcuNAl VAM ( SlU51-SYAII . vxamu d Rs%%E 5 z I w UIUISECONDS — UAWuu 5 sKztlos d d Trw6ml AuPun,w Uun n_ . GiKAlm YwN 10 mLmmaos ~ > rlME NOIE FIGURE 1. - m-mwm * :COND5 vU15 RCCIT-UW-SCUW ~amples of alternatirm (NOT current 34 [at) trimarv intwt voltaqe TO SCALE) conditions. Downloaded from . MI1-T-28800E 3.4.1 .2.4 Operation of the equipment @lternate sinale-Dhase source. TYoe 1. and conformance to al 1 performance and shal 1 be as required for nominal power, accuracy requirements shal 1 be achieved when the equipment is powered from an alternate volta~e sDecified (such as 230 V of a 110/230 V source). The tolerance of power and times for s~eady-state, transient-state, inter~ption, and outage source requirements shall apply to the alternate power source. 3.4.1 .2.5 @i rcraf t and shissboard ssower. Electrical aircraft (airborne and flight 1 ine) and shipboard use MI L- STD-454, Requirement 25, as specified in a and b: shall power requirements be in accordance a. Class 2 equipment designed to be powered directly from shal 1 operate from 400-Hz single-phase, 115 V, or 28 Vdc as spectfied associated detail specification. Three-phase 115 V (line to neutral) used when approved by the procuring activity. b. accordance I I For shipboard with DOD-STD-1399, use, the electrical Section 300. power 3.4.1 .2.6 PC internal Tyoe [. Do wer source. detail specification, equipment shall be designed batteries. source the requirements for with aircraft in the power may be shall be in When specified in the associated to operate from self-contained 3.4.1 .2.6.1 gercurv and litlsi um batteries. Navv use of. Lithium electrochemi cal cells e~eeding authorized size, pwer, and chemical makeup 1 imitations and batteries containing mercury shall not be used in equipment for the Navy unless speci f ical 1 y required or approved by the procuring Navy activity and unless the presence of mercury or 1 ithium is specified In that requirement or approval . When 1 ithi urn batteries are approved, technical manuals shal 1 reference substitute nonlithium battery types for applications where the use of lithium batteries is restricted. A label shal 1 be affixed to the outside of the unit and shall contain the following caution and information: I THIS UNIT CONTAINS LITHIUfl 8ATTERIES ~ ~ 3.4.1 equipment I .2.6.2 shall Tvoe Eat teries. be in accordance ~ Batteries and y~th MIL-STD-454, 3.4.1 .2.7 Test Extern al DC gower. shall aircraft or the system under test, operation is specified. The characteristics in the associated detail specification. battery warning Requirement 27 labels for (see Type .7). equipment, except equipment powered from operate from a 28 *2 Vdc source when dc of the dc source shall be as specified I 35 1 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 3.4.1 .2.8 specification, accordance with a. The increases 10 V or cause any ground External batterv oDeration. the equipment shal 1 operate a through d and equipment to 35 V. shall b. Equipment operation internal batteries to ofc~he d. 8attery powered The 3.4.1 .2.8.1 from an external associated detail 1 cads test equipment not be damaged from the be charged shal 1 not equipment. power ~, battery pack, specification. if have battery the in the battery battery external battery from the external be connected shall the Uhen specified from an external to polarity the associated detail power source in voltage drops power source source. case Hhen the equipment pack shal 1 be as shal 1 not enclosure reversal below or safety protection. is required specified in to operate the The requirements specified in 3.4.2 ~ectrical DO er nnect ions. Tvo 1 through 3.4.2. 15’’shafi apply to TypeeI ~quipment rated at 10 amperes (A) Power connectors and connections for equipment .root-mean-square (rms) or less. rated above 10A rms shal 1 be as specified in the associated detail specification. Uhen single-phase operation is specified, the equipment shall operate with a ground at the power source an a.ither. or neither side of the .singl e-phase input power line. (see 3.9.1. associated Force 3.4.2 u f ohase eoui oment. 1.~)~tequipment requiring detail specification. Except as specified for leakage TYDe 1 mult~phase power shall be as specified Air Force electrical oower connections. equipment shall be in accordance with HIL-C-28777, .2.1 and Power connections and as specified Stvle A. The for At r Force fliaht line use. enclosures cable shall be in accordance with MI L-C-28777 and the associated detail tion, as applicable. The mating receptacle specified to mate with the shal 1 be mounted on the front panel of the equipment. The cable shall the enclosure cover. current in the for Air in input power specificapower cable be stowed in For Air Force use, 8 throuqh F, for Al r Force use. Stvles 3.4.2 .2.2 Enclosures the input power cable for Styles 8 through F enclosures shal 1 be in accordance with The input power cable entry MI L-C-28777 and the associated detail specification. shal 1 be through the rear panel. connections Armv shall electrical Dower connections. be as specified in MI L-P-11268. 36 For Army use, the electrical power Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E connections ~avv shall electr be as ical Dower connections. specified in a and b: For Navy use, the electrical a. test equipment (GPETE), For Navy general purpose electronic requirements for pow6r - source connections shal 1 be in accordance with MI Equipment specl f ied for operation from a 115/230 V power source shal 1 be with a removable 115 V power cable and provisions shal 1 be incorporated optional 230 V power cable. cables be in b. For shall use accordance power the L-C-28777. provided for an Naval Air Systems Consnand use, except for GPETE, the primary flexible cable conforming to MI L-C-3432, as applicable, and with PiIL-STD-1653 for equipment with ratings up to 10A nns. Strain relief shall be provided for Power cable strain rel ief. permanent y attached power cables. The power cable entry for enclosure Styles D, and F shall be on the rear panel of the equipment. Equipment delivered In Style A enclosure, WI th the input power receptacle mounted on the front panel, have strain relief provided at the cable connector. power shall B, C, a shal 1 The equipment shall include a power switch to break al 1 Po er s witch. poles of the so~rce except the safety grounding conductor when in the OFF (power source disconnected) position. The switch shal 1 interrupt the power between the external source and any power 1 ine fuse. The switch shall be marked to identify its function and the ON position. 3.4.2 .6.1 Style A enclosures shall be provided with a s itch power dlxmnect switch which ensures that any battery ~ource is disconnected when the cover of the enclosure is closed, or the cover shall be designed so that it is mechanically impossible for the cover to be closed and 1 atched i f the battery power switch is in the ON position. A switch for selecting the desired operating sw”tch Power se lection power and proper fuses shall bel 1 oc~ted on the f rent panel . The power selection switch shall be recessed below the front panel or shal 1 have provisions incorporated to prevent accidental switching. A common screwdriver shal 1 be used to change the The equipment shal 1 not be damaged if the position of the power selection switch. power selection switch Is placed in the wrong position while the equipment is The switch positions shal 1 be clearly marked to Identify the source operating. selected for operation. ~. The input power 1 ine shal 1 be fused in accordance with the The fuses on Styles A, C, F, and all convertible enclorequirements of sure styles, shall be externally accessible at the front panel. Except for convertible enclosures, the fuses on Styles B, D, and E shal 1 be externally accessible for equipment internal circuitry at the front or rear panel . Fuses required protection shall be 1 ocated as specified herein for the enclosure style. 37 I II Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E Fuses. multigle source. power source specified in the associated battery, external battery). The power in the input power circuit. . . . fusing Qjycuit requirements of break ldica tor la m provided to indicate whenmthe power source. &d Circuit 3.4.2 Separate detail selection fuses shall specification switch shall breakers .8.1. may be used A front nal 00 er eqfi~pment ~s ~nergized ext be provided for each (at, dc, internal PI ace the proper fuses to conform panel indi cater from the specified to the 1 amp shal 1 be external internal 00 wer. A visual indication shall be Ind icator. bat tery provided when the equipment is energized from an internal battery source. Visual indication of the ON state may be accompl i shed by digital displays, green lamps, other means which clearly identify excitation from the power source. Jnssu t oower operating from ac, isolation sources. i sol a tion. Except for charging the shall be provided between ac and and rec hame I!ittterv oneratio is required, the operating andnrecharge time detail specification. t ime. shall internal dc input Hhen Tvoe 1 be’ as ;pecified battery power or when battery operation in the associated to operate from internal Battew c h am er. Tvo e 1. Equipment designed rechargeable e batteries shall have an internal battery charger capable of chargtng the batteries when the equipment is connected to the specifid ac power source. The charging circuit shall not load the internal battery(s) when the equipment is disconnected from the ac pwer source; if mechanical or electrical disconnection of the charging circuit is required by the design such disconnection shall be provfded for by means other than manual switching. Uhen rechargeable e batteries and charger are required, an automatic protective device shall be included to prevent overchargi ng the batteries. ar An external lY accessible battery fiattew c~ Tvoe 1. compartment with a cover sha? 1 be orovided on Styles A, B, and C to facilitate user removal and install atton. The compartment shal 1- not gtve access to any internal ❑ight give cause to retal ibrate the equipment. The adjustments or parts that battery compartment shall be mechanically isolated and sealed against fumes, gasses, and electrolyte Ieaka e to preclude damage to other parts of the equipment and shall provide for mechanica or accessibil tty to allow cleanlng in the event ? disassembly of leaking or deteriorated batteries. The battery polarity, voltage, and type shall be marked In a prominent place on or adjacent to the battery compartment. When specified in the associated detail specification, the battery compartment specified for Styles A, 8, and C shall be provided for any style. 38 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 3.4.3 Electrlral assoct ated detail shall be the same Nonrechargeabl e batteries eauio ment. from the front panel on rack-mounted rack-mounted be accessible access. patterv used for primary power shall equipment. Unless otherwise vower so Urce . Tvoe Ii spectffcation, the power ~ource requirements as for Type 111 equipment. 3.4.4 associated equipment ~. detai 1 specification, shal 1 be the same Air Force herein. lvwe Air F me el ectrl equipmen~ shall be i~aacc~rd~n% the power connection as for Type I I I equipment. specified for Type Unless otherwise requirements in the I I equipment specified for Type in the II Power connections TYoe 11 nnect ions. with MI L-C-28777,” and as specified for r~ The equ{pment shall operate from the 3.4.5 Electrical Dower sourc . TVV When multi pl e power in~ut Dower conditions soecified ;n 3.4:5.1 ~hrough source” requirements are ~nvoked, the equipment shal 1 operate within each required range without changing manual ly operated devices such as tapped transformers (vari able setting transfonaers) and other simi 1 ar devices for compensate on. Hhen multiple power source requirements are invoked, all selectable power setting controls shall be externally accessible. I I I as specified Power cons uimstion. in the ●ssociated Tvoe detail The ❑aximum 111. specification. power for operation shall be The equipment shall Tvoe I I 1. and al terna te 00 wer source, operate from a 103.5 V to 126.5 V single-phase 50 Hz and 60 Hz source (see table Al temate power source requirements which may be required for equipment are 11). specified in a through e. “a. 50 Hz, b. 50 positton Hz, from any (see c. 50 60 of Hz, Hz, 103.5 V to 126.5 V. 60 Hz, and 400 a 100/120/220/240 Hz single-phase 103.5 V range selector. V to 126.5 V, 60 Hz single-phase V to 126.5 V/207 Hz, and and 400 400 Hz single-phase d. OC internal power source (see e. OC external power source (see 103.5 Equipment which is designed to operate from both external and shall conform to specified performance and accuracy requirements There the external source with the internal battery removed. indication of the selected power range. 39 selectable V to 253 internal power sources when operated from shal 1 be an external V Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E TABLE 11. Tvoe sourc~. 111 Dower Voltage Transient-state Steady-state NooIi nal 103.5 to 80.5 126.5 126.5 Al temate (see 207 to 161 253 253 Frequency to to to 103.5 149.5 0 to 80.5 to to 207 299 0 to 161 (Hz) Transient-state Steady-state 47.5 Interruption 52.5 Interruption 45 52.5 to to 47.5 57 0 to 45 54 63 to to 57 66 0 to 54 360 420 to to 380 440 0 to 360 Nominal 57 to Alternate (see I ! 380 w-state the speci f led performance of a through c: and 207 Va~o voltage-tolerance equipment. The 253 to 63 420 condition and accurac~ onc~he The waveform performance 1. operate in combination steady-state voltage-tolerance bands shall be 103.5 V to 126.5 V. Variations in voltage at any point within the steady-state bands shal 1 have no deleterious effect on the performance of b. The steady-state frequency-tolerance Variations 57 Hz to 63 Hz, and 380 Hz to 420 Hz. the steady-state frequency-tolerance bands shall performance of the equipment. Limited frequency HZ operation may be specified in the associated requiring a fan or blower. effect The equipment shall during any probable Tvoe 111. requirements Uaveform characteristics of the equipment deviation 40 of the bands shal 1 be 47.5 Hz to 52.5 Hz, in frequency at any point within have no deleterious effect on the capability for 50 Hz, 60 Hz, or 400 detail specification for equipment of 1 through 4 shall (see 6.4. 1). factor V, )0 percent or have less. no deleterious Downloaded from I MIL-T-28800E Total harmonics of 10 percent or lndi.vidual harmonics of.5 percent Crest factor of 1.27 to 1.56. :: 4. less. or less. ate condi&.ions, ““ Operatl TYDe ‘Ill Jrans ient-st during voltage and frequency transients shal 1. be In ~accordanc? transients which recover to within the steady-state tolerance on of’ the equipment with a and b for band within 500 ms. Voltage transients with maximum values of 80.5 V and 149.5 V may impair the equip&t perf onnance ommentart 1y, but sisal 1 not prevent resumption of normal operation for longer than 30 seconds following the transient or cause 1 oss of Testing shall be in accordance with information stored in a vol ati 1 e memory. b. Frequency transients with maximum values of 54 Hx and 66 Hz may impair the equipment performance momentarily, but shall not prevent resumption of normal operation for longer than 30 seconds following the transient or cause loss of Testing shall be in accordance with infonoation stored in a vol ati 1 e memory. Transient values for voltage and are derived ft+quency. from, and referenced , ~. : to, ; the nominal : ., values . specified . of oouer source. Tvoe 11~. Voltage or frequency lm-t rruo tion interrupt Ions grea~er than the maximum transient empl itudes shal 1 net cause damage to the equipment. Equipment performance is not required during interruption of the power source. After power interruptions of any duration, the equipment shall automatically resume operation at either the 1 ast operating condition before interruption, or a default power-up condition. sinqle-ohase source. Uhen the equipment is Tvoe 111 i31te mate designed to operate from a 207 V to 253 V, or S80 Hz to 420 Hz alternate singlephase source, the tolerance and times of the steady-state, transient-state, and interruption of power source requirements shal 1 apply to the alternate power source. 3.4. S.2.5 Pet detail specificatio~~ batteries. in 3.4.5 a and .2.5.1 b: When spectfied ernal TvDe ] 11 oower ourc equipment s~all ~e designed. to operate from Batterv rest r tction s. Tvve 111- For AITIIy appl i cations, maximum use will a. The use of nonstandard, ture battery-power sources. requires the approval of the cognizant Army procuring b. containing 8attery shal 1 be as be made of standard, nomenclanonnomenclatured batteries activity. 1 ithium electrochemical For Navy applications, mercury shal 1 not be used in equipment unless 41 restrictions in the associated self-contained cells and batteries specif ical lY required or “ Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E Uhen 1 ithium batteries are approved, approved by the procuring Navy activity. technical manuals shall reference substitute nonl ithium, batter types, and all necessary modifications, for applications where the ‘use of 1 It is “[“ lum batteries “ restricted. A label shall be affixed to the outside of the unit and shall contain the following caution and Information: THIS UNIT CONTAINS LITHIUM BATTERIES G 3.4.5 indicate proximate manual . ~~ .2.5.2 ~atterv s tate when the capacity of remaining operating from an external the associated source shall in cater. An indicator shall be provided to batteries used for primary power is low. The aptime shal 1 be specified in the equipment operating External b tt ry portable b~tt~ry detail specification. ~. be as specified in DaCk pack: the When the the battery equipment is requi red to operate pack shal 1 be as specified in Equipment associated detail operation from specification. ,. ~. .Tbe raqulrements 3,4.6 through shall applylto Ty”pe 111 equipment rated at Power connectors and connect ions for equipment rated above 10A rms specified in the associated detail specification. When single-phase specified, the equipment shal 1 operate with a ground at the primary either or neither side of the single phase input power 1 inc. I I 1~ ase eauioment. Tvo current (see, equipment res$ring .. . . .. ... . . In the associated detai I Specitlcation. HIL-C-28777, power sources, separate er cabl ~ Input Uhen eq~ipment 115V and 230V an external dc .+ecifi{~ in 10A rms, or less. shal 1 be as operation is power source on Except as specified’ for 1 eakage multiphase power shall be as specified power cables is specified power cables shall be in compl i ante for operation from 115V shal 1 be provided. with and 230V ~r switch. A front panel actuated power switch shall be provided. A standby (see switch may be used to activate and deactivate the equipment. If such a switch is used, suitable warnings shall be placed in the operating and sewice manuals and i n the equipment to warn the operator of POSS ibl e shock hazards during servicing due to partially activated power supplies. Power selection requires a power selection switch. When the switch, the equipment 42 configuration of the equipment shall be provided with the sw{tch I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E set to the 115 V or shal 1 be configured 120 V position and with the to guard against accidental Fuses or circuit to automati cal 1y disconnect current drain. The fuse or Style A and on the front or fuse insta’ led. The switch breakers A fuse or circuit breaker shall be provided the equipm~nt from the source in the event of -excessive be mounted on the front panel for circuit breaker shall B through F. rear panel for Styles Visual indication indicators indicate wtsen the equip;ent is energized. accomplished by digital displays, lamps, excitation from the power source. Batterv oerat is required, the oper~ting detail specification. correct switching. im and shall Visual or other be provided on the front panel to indication of the ON state may be means which clearly identify When Tvoe IIL. and rech arue time. recharge time shal 1 be as specified battery in the operation associated When specified in the associated detail 3.4.6. B ~atterv charoer. TYoe III. specification, the equipment shall provide an internal battery charger capable of charging the internal batteries when the equipment is connected to the specified ac power source. The charging circuit shall oot load the internal battery tien the equipment is dl sconnected from the at-power source; if mechanical or ehctrical dl sconnection of the charging cl rcuit is required by the design, such di sconstection shall be provided for by means other than manual switching. Uhen rechaweable batteries and charger are ITequi red, an autoaat,ic protective device. sbal 1. be. included to prevent overcharging the batteries. ilhen specified in the associated detai 1 3-4.6.9 ~. spectf i cat ion, an external 1 y accessible battery compartment wi th a cower shall be provided on equipment powered from internal batteries to faci 1 itate user removal ●nd installation of batteries. The compartment shall not give access to any i:nt~mal adjustments or parts that might give cause to recal ibrate the equipment. battery compartment shall be mechanically isolated and sealed against fumes, gases, and electrolyte 1 eakage to preclude damage to other parts of the equipment, and shall provide for mechanical disassembly or accessibility to allow cleaning in the The battery PO1 arity, voltage, and type event of leaking or deteriorated batteries. place on or adjacent to the battery compartment. shall be marked i n ● prominent chanica we Icaht. and shall be as %ecified’in 3.5.1 specification. specified stabil 1 Y Dimensions, 3.5.1 ttlksugh Dimen sions. Dimensions shall be as specified The required dimensions for the height, for both maximum and partial dimensions (see wetght, in the associated width, and depth and detail maY be 3.5.1. ] Maximum dimensions. Navy shinboard aDol ications. For Navy use in shipboard appl ications, the maximum dimensions shall not exceed a size capable of passage through hatches 508 mm (20 in) wide by 965 mm (38 in) high, reduced further 43 I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E by round corners in) in diameter. 3.5.2 ai 1 speclf Heiqht. tcatlon. on a 254 The “ mn (10 maximum in) weight radius shall and through circular be as specified . . . . . . openings in the . . . 635 associated . nsn (25 . det- . The equipment shal 1 be designed to preclude 3.5.3 ~echanlcal stability. tipping during normal handling and operation. Testing shall be in accordance with This requirement ts not applicable to test equipment smaller than 2000 cc (122 in’) with a weight less than 2.5 kg (5.5’ lbs), and excludes equipan?nt which has a depth of 4.5 or more times the height, or which has a height of less than 100 mu (4 in). attitude. Equipment of Styles A, B, C, and D shall be Enclosure mechanically stable when positioned in its normal attitude on a bench for horizontal viewing of the front panel , and when pl aced in its alternate attitude on the floor or deck for vertical viewing of the front panel . The size and weight 1 imitations 3.5.3 “apply to this requirement. of The degree of protection provided by the enclosure 3.6 ~losu e r eouiremnt shal 1 allow the ~emplete equi~nt .to pass those environmental tests appropriate to the speci f led environmental class and enclosure style. Ventilation openings, when permitted by the enclosufi style requirements spectf led “herein, shal 1 confona to the aPPl icable ‘safety requirements (see and Enclosures for Type I opening ●s specified $n 3.3.1..4.2. . . equ@ment shall have. ● ventfl.ation 3.6.1 tion, the conta{ned ~nclos ures. Stvle 4. Uhen specified in the associated deta{l specificaequipment shall be fitted with a Style A enclosure (ruggedized (see comblnatton case). The Style A enclosure shal 1 provide protection for the test equipment from the specified environmental conditions (see form. Style A Style A enclosures shall consist Enclosure case and a cover which al 1 ows the eq~ipment to be operated in bench-top Venti 1 at ion openings appl i cat ions when the cover is opened or removed. 1 ocated on the front panel of the equipment. of a main or portable shall be 3.6.1 .1.1 Stvle A The Style A enclosure shal 1 have a detachable cover Cover. which Is tight-fitting when piaced In position and latched. Cover latches shall be pl aced to prevent, the cover from being fastened in the wrong position. Loading of the cover gasket shal 1 be 3 Imited to that necessary to effect a seal. The main case and cover shal 1 be provided with 3.6.1 .1.2 latches. Style A. qu!ck-opening tension latches on each of two opposing s{des. The latches shall be protected from damage by contact with other objects. Spring wire shall not be used The main portion of the latch shall be on the as a mechanical hold down device. The latches shall not cover and the smaller portion (hook) on the main case. interfere with cover removal when unlatched. 44 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 3.6.1 .1.3 vro visions. Stat kina geometric configuration which will its contents. The maximum stacking excess of ane) shall be as specified 3.6.1 .1.3.1 sets of projections; the rear. as specified ~. In I ! one set Style on the A. The main case shall be pravided bottom to facfl itate stacking, and Style 3.6.1 .2.1 through .2.1 Hater or fiberglass. 3.6.1 control, mounting .2.2 Stvle Cs2mDonent n.@ec tlan. Indicator, or fusehctlder protrudes or rigid handle guards. stY le Ial. Jdentificatio front panel. A enclosure or in with two one set on provisions shall be 3.6,1 plastic, 3.6.1 .2.3 located on the ~ Proi e ctions. Stvle A. Style A enclosures shal 1 have a permit stacking without harm to the enclosure height (expressed as a quantity of equipment in the associated detail specification. A. The n D1 at e. enclosure shall be constructed of aluminum, Panels shall be desianed so that no h. p%vtded by recess beyond the protection A. Stvle The identification plate shall be 3.6.1 .2.4 ~dles. Style A. Style A equipment shall include hinged metal handles with sufficient internal clearance to allow a block 44 rmn (1.75 in] by 106 IISS (4:18” in) in cross section with edges. rounded to a 24 m (0.93 {ss) radi~s to pass through them. The grip portion of the handles shall be of a nonmetallic material .at least 89 wan (3.5o in) in length with a 19 usn (0.75 in) diameter or other approved cross sect ion which ts shaped to fit the hand comfortable y. Handles shal 1 stop open at 90 degrees, and shall be returned to a closed position by a spring-loaded or retaining mechanism when not in use. Handles shal 1 be recessed or protected. A handle located on the top of the enclosure shall be recessed to facilitate stacking. The number and location af handles for each rectangular enclosure shall be such that the load distribution per handle shall not exceed 20 kg (44 lbs), and shall be as Handles . shal 1. be installed above evenly distributed as feasible for easy handling. .. the equipment center of gravity to ensure carrytng stabi ? i ty. when only one hand Ie is provided, the handle shal 1 be located on the top or side; when two handles are required, the handles shall be located on the sides. The enclosure shal 1 have provisions in 3.6.1 .2.5 stow ae. sty 1 e A Acce ssory the cover or main case for th~ stowaae of “al 1 accessories. (see technical 5towage shal 1 manuals, removable power cables, sigfial leads, and designated spares. not adversely affect the carrying stabi 1 ity of the equipment, and shal 1 be cantained in a manner which prevents damage to the accessories or equipment during transit. Stowed \tems shall be available without disturbing enclosure seams where calibration seals would nomsal lY be placed. 3.6.1 personnel .2.6 Corners. or damage to Stvle other A. All material. corners shall All corners 45 be rounded to preclude injury shall be adequately reinforced to I Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E to protect the instrument for the enclosure. tions from damage ,. the . . environmental ... conditions specified . Al 1 external el ectr{cal Stvle A. controls. shal 1 be on the instrument panel. 3.6.1 .2.7 Connections and and al 1 operating controls ~.6.1 .2-8 ~within the enclosure through the panel. during by captive screws connec- The chassis shal 1- be securely fastened positive, rapid engagement fasteners or “Nhere space P&nits, charts or similar data 3.6.1 .2.9 ~. necessary for operating the test equipment shal 1 be mounted on the front panel. Ilhere space does not peamit such mounting, the data shall be attached to the front panel by a cord or chain, or mounted inside the cover. ~. shall be provided. The shal 1 be recess-mounted valve shall so that it A pressure equal izin9 valve be accessible when the enclosure is closed, does not protrude beyond the enclosure. 3.6.2 When specified hclowre . stvle B tion, the equipment ~hall be fitted with a Style case). The enclosure shal 1 be an integral part protection for the equiptent without the benefit EO.Cc protected type (15 for bench-top use. in the associated detail specifica8 enclosure (ruggedized equipment of the equipment and shal 1 provide of a front” cover” (see 6.4.2. 15). ,.. Style . . Style B enclosu~s in accordance with HIL-STD-1OB, degrees) and shal 1 be of the .dripproof and shall be suitable .. Style B enclosures shall have a Stackima orovistons. Stv 1 e 8 geometric configuration which wi 11 permit s~acking without harm to the enclosure it’s contents. The maximum stacking height (expressed as a quantity of equipment excess of one) shall be as specified in the associated detail specification. 3.6.2 .1.1.1 Pro. iectionss two sets of projections; one on the rear. 3.6.2 .1.1.2 in the associated accordance with as specified plastic, or ~ detail 3.6:11.1.1. DrO visions. Style B. Stvle;. The B enclosure facilitate Stvle E rack-mounting .. . specification, fnclosure oro visions. in “3’. through Material. fiberglass. The Style bottom to Style B set on tie 8 Style enclosure 46 shall be provided stacking, and one or in with set When rack-mount ing is specified conversion shall be in B enclosure shall provisions be constructed shall of aluminum, be Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E Panel mounted controls, indicators, ComDonent protection. Stvle ~ and fuseholders shall conform to the bench h&sdl ing requirements of without damage. Protection may be provided by a recessed front panel or rigid handle guards. Bumper feet may be used on rear panels. . . The identification plate shall be Stvle B. icatlon 01 ate. ldsntif located on the front panel. ~siles. Style Q. Style 8 equipment shall include hinged metal handles with sufficient internal clearance to allow a block 44 nsn (1.75 in) by 106 ~ (4.18 in) in cross section with edges rounded to a 24 nm (0.93 in) radius to pass through them. The grip portion of the handles shall be of a nonmetallic material at least 89 nsn (3.50 in) in length, with a 19 osm (0.75 in) diameter or other approved cross section which is shaped to fit the hand comfortable y. Handles shal 1 stop open at 90 degrees, and shall be returned to a closed position by a spring-loaded or retaining mechanism when not In use. Handles shal 1 be recessed or protected. If a handle is located on the top of the enclosure, the handle shall be recessed to facilitate stacking. The number and location of handles for each rectangular enclosure shall be such that the load distribution per handle shall not exceed 20 kg (44 lbs), and shall be as evenly distributed as feasible for easy handling. Handles shall be installed above the equipment center of gravity to ensure carrying stabil Ity. When only one handle is provided, the handle shall be located on the top or side; when two handles are required, the handles shall be located on the sides. When specified in the associated detail specifi3.6.2 .2.4.1 Jilt bail handlq cation, a tilt bail handle shall & used in lieu of hinged metal handles. The tilt bail handle assembly shall permit compliance with the enclosure attitude provisions as specified in Removal of the handle or handle assembly with common tools is permitted in order to comply with maintainability as specified in 3.13. 3.6.2 .2.5 and all operating power connect ions. within the stYIQ. and controls. controls shall be on the front The external power connections fasteners, Chassis enclosure by screws or Style B. positive, All external signal connections panel, except for the external shal 1 be on the rear panel. The chassis shal 1 be securely rapid engagement fasteners. fastened When specified In the associated detail speclfica3.6.3 s. Stvle c Enclosure t ion, the equipment shal 1 be fitted with a Style C enclosure (semi ruggedized combination case). The enclosure shall be an integral part of the equipment and shal 1 provide addi tlonal environmental rest stance required for portable use (see Style C enclosures shall consist of a main ficlosure form. Style C case and a cover which allows the eq~ipment to be operated in bench-top or portable No openings are permitted in the aPPl i cations when the cover is opened or removed. top surface of the enclosure. Equipment with ventilation openings in the sides or rear shall conform to 47 Downloaded from t41L-T-28800E “ 3.6.3 .1.1 cover, Style C. The Style C enclosure shall have a detachable which can be placed in position and latched. Cover latches shal 1 be placed they prevent the cover from being “fastened in the wrong” position. cover so that The main case and cover shall be provided with Wche$. sty Ie ~. quick-opening tension latches on each of, two opposing sides. The latches shal 1 be protected fmw damage by contact with other objects. Spring wire shall not. be used as a mechanical hold down device. The main portion of the latch shall be on the cover and the smal Ier portfon (hook) on the main case. The latzhes shal 1 not interfere with cover removal when SIMI atched. Style C enclosures sbal 1 have a,3 S.@cktna ~vision . Stgeometric configuration which wil ~ permit” s~acklng without harm to the enclosure its contents. The ❑aximum stacking height (expressed as a quantity of equipment excess of one) shal 1 be as specified in the associated detail speci f icatim. or in The main case shall be provided with tam 3-6-3 .1.3.1 ~. sets of projections, one set on the bottom to facilitate stacking, and one set on the rear. Faur bumper feet of resilient material may be used in 1 ieu of either set of projections. mck+ounting is Stvle C . . .-n rick-mounting conversion” shal l+e 3.6.3 .,1.4 Ra* mountim VW .sions. in the associated d~tatl specif i&tion; accordance with ~ . as I I I I I specified #n’ specified 3.6.3 plastic, ‘&”l&u~ in 3.6.3 wr Ovis ions.: St~le” .2.1 through .2.1 ~ial, or fiberglass. Stvle c. The ~. Style enclosure C enclosure shall provisions be constructed shall of be aluminum, St “j le c Panel”-mounted controls, indicati’rs, t Dro “tection. ~oonen and fusehalders shal 1 conform to the bench h&dl ing requirement of without damage. Protect ion may be provided by a recessed front panel or rigid handle guards. Bumper feet may be used on any rear panels. 1 ocated on the The outside of the en~losure identification P1 ate shal 1 be main-case. ,, .&les. W . Style C equipment shall inciude hinged metal handles with sufficient internal clearance to allow a block 44 osn (1 .7S in) by 106 m (4.18 in) in cross section with edges rounded to a 24 nsn (0.93 in) radius to pass through them. The grip portion of the handles shal 1 be of a nonmetallic material at least 89 nsn (3.50 in) in length, with a 19 mn (0,75 in) diameter or other approved cross section which is shaped to fit the hand comfortably. The number and location of handles for each rectangular enclosure shall be such that the load distribution per handle shall not exceed 20 kg (44 lbs), and shall be as evenly distributed as Hand] es shal 1 be instal 1 ed above the equipment center feasible for easy handling. 48 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E of gravity to ensure carrying stabil ity. When only one handle is provided, hand.1e.shal.1 be located on the top or side; when two, handles are required, handles shall be located on the sides. the the men specified In the associated detail specifi 3.6; bail han dlq. Jilt cation, a tilt bail handle shall be used in lieu of hinged metal handles. The tilt bail handle assembly shall permit compliance with the enclosure attitude provisions specified in 3.’5.3.1. Removal of the handle or handle assembly W{ th common tools is permitted to comply with maintainability as required in 3.13. The Style C enclosure shal 1 have Accesso v stowaae. Stvl e C provisions in the cove: or main case for ~he stowage of the accessories (see, condensed operating instructions, removable power cables, signal leads, and designated spares. Stowage shal 1 not adversely af feet the carrying stabil tty the equipment, and shall be contained in a manner to prevent damage to the accessories or equipment during transit. Stowed items shall be available without disturbing enclosure seams where calibration seals would normally be placed. Corners. Style C. Al 1 corners shal 1 be rounded to preclude injury Al 1 corners shal 1 be adequately reinforced personnel or damage to other material. to protect the instrument from damage during the environmental conditions specified for the enclosure. .c~c nne ti ns and al 1 operating controls shal 1 be located connections shall be on the rear. within the ~. enclosure by captive screws or . on the Al 1 external front panel The chassis positive rapid of to signal connections and. external pouar shall be securely fastened engagement fasteners. 3.6.4 Enclosures. Stvle Q Uhen specified in the. associated detail specification, the equipment shall be fitted with a Style D enclosure (combination case). The Style D enclosure shall be an integral part of the equipment and shall provide some environmental resistance required for portable use. Protection from fal 1 ing water particles is not ensured. The Style D enclosure is of consnercial design (see Eoclosure form case and cover which allows appl I cations when the cover top surface of the enclosure. Style O enclosures shal 1 consist of a main R Stvl the e~ui&ent to be operated in bench-top or portable No. openings are permitted in the is opened or removed. The .1.1 Cover. Style O. the equipment to be operated permit the cover to be secured 3.6.4 allows shall means Latch e s. Stv le Q. to securely hold the cover Style D enclosure shall have a cover when the cover is opened or removed. when in the closed position. The Style D enclosure to the main case when 49 which The design shall be provided with a the equipment [with cover Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E installed) is subjected to the bench handling test of The cover latches Spring wire shall not be used as a mechanical shall be of the quick-opening type. The latches shall not interfere with cover removal when unhold down device. Uhen the handle of is located on the cover, the latches shall 1 atched. support the weight of the equipment and shall be designed to eliminate accidental opening. Stvle Q Style D enclosures shall have a orovtsions. Sta ckirm geometric configuration which wi 11 permit s~ackl ng without harm to the enclosure its contents. The maximum stacking height (expressed as a quantity of equipment excess of one) shall be as specified In the associated detail specification. orovision Ra ck-mountina in the associated detail speclficatlon~ dance with as cmovis ions, fnc losure in 3.6.4 .2.1 through specified plastic, or Batert flberglas~. 1. Stvl e D. Stvle D rack-mou~ting Style 1). The Style enclosure or in When rack-mounting is spec{ f ted conversion shal 1 be in accor- D enclosure provisions shal 1 be constructed shall of be aluminum, Panel -mounted controls, indicators, Stvl e D $omoonent Dr otect ion. and fuseholders shal 1 conform to the bench h&sdl ing requirements of without damage. Protection may be provided by a recessed front panel or rigid handle guards. Bumper feet may be used on rear panels. and location not exceed gravity to ~les. Stvle R. One or more handles shall be provided. The number of handles shall be such that the load distribution per handle shall 20 kg (44 lbs). kiandl es shal 1 be located above the equipment center of ensure carrying stability. 3.6.4 .2.3.1 Tilt bail cation, a tilt bail handle bail handle assembly shall as specified In is permitted to comply with handle. Hhen specified in the associated detail specifiThe tilt shall be used in lieu of hinged metal handles. permit compl lance with the enclosure attitude provisions Removal of the handle or handle assembly with consnon tools maintainability as specified in 3.13. Pccessorv stowaae. Stvle D. The enclosure shal 1 have provisions in the cover or main case for the stowage of accessories (see, condensed operating instructions, removable power cables, signal leads, and designated sPares. Stowage shal 1 not adversely affect the carrying stability of the equipment, and shall be conta~ned in a manner that prevents damage to the accessories or equ~pment during transit. Stowed Items shall be available without disturbing enclosure seams where cal ibration seals would normally be placed. tion, 3.6.5 the Enclosures. equipment When specified Stvle E shal 1 be f ~tted with a Style 50 in the associated detatl E enclosure (equipment specificacase). The Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E Style E enclosure shal 1 be an integral part of the equipment envi ronmental resistance required for use in protected service enclosure is commercial design (see bench-top use. form. Enclosu No o~nings Style L Style are permitted in M-mountj.fio provisions. in the associated detai 1 specification, dance with as specified plastic, or ~. in E enclosures shal 1 be designed the top surface of the enclosure. .2.1 Mate rial. fiberglass. through Stvle for Hhen rack-nounting Is specified conversion shal 1 be in accor- Stvle E rack-mou~ting Style 3.6.5 and shal 1 provide the The Style E areas. E enclosure provisions shal 1 be E. The enclosure shall be constructed of aluminum, Panel mounted controis, indicators, Comoonent cmtection. Stvle E and fuseholders shal 1 conform to the bench h~ndl i ng requi resoents of without damage. Protection may be provided by a recessed front panel or rigid handle guards. 8usaper feet may be used on rear panels. One or more handles shall be provided. The number E Hii04iles. Stvl and location of handles shal~ ~ such that the load distribution per handle shal 1 not exceed 20 @ (44 lbs). Handles shal 1 be located above the equipment aenter of gravity to ensure carrying stability. Uhen specified in the associated detail specifi3.6.5 .2.3.1 IUdWAdkThe tilt cation, a tilt bail handle shall be used in lieu of hinged metal handles. bail handle assembly shall permit compliance with the enclosure attitude provisions as specified in Removal of the handle or handle assembly with conanon tools is permitted to comply with maintainability as specified in 3.13. f. When specified in 3.6.6 ~ tion, the equipment shall be fitted with a Style F Style F enclosure shall be an integral part of the G enclosure protection required for use in ● Style the associated detail enclosure (rack-mount equipment and shall (see Enclo s ure fm. Stvle E. Style F enclosures rack-mounting. Enclosures which are designed for bench-top which can be converted for rack-mount use by a conversion Ventilation openings requirements for Style F enclosures. F. rack-mounting applicable. provisions. Rack -mounting holes shall be in accordance Stvle F. The with 3.6.11 51 specificacase). The provide the shal 1 be designed for or portable use, and kit, shall meet all are permitted for Style panel size, clearance, through 3.6.11 .1.1 as and Downloaded from \ as spec~fied plastic, or 141L-T-28800E ~nclosure in 3.6.6 Dro visions. .2.1 through Hat erial fiberglass. . Style sty le F. The F Style enclosure F enclosure shall .. provisions be constructed . , shall of be aluminum, indi caters, Mm nent mo t ect ion. stY le E Panel mounted controls, and f useholders sha~l meet the bench handl Ing requirements of without damage. Pmtectlon may be proyided by a recessed front panel or rtgld handle guards except bumper feet may be used on rear panels. Bails or other suitable means shall be provided to protect components when the enclosure is inverted for servicing. removing the Two rigid metal handles shal 1 be provided ~ndles, F Stvl Style F encl osu~e ~rom the rack enclosure (such as Style G). tion, Style other) When specified in 3.6.7 Eticlosure . Sty le G. the equipment ~hall be fitted with a Style 6 G enclosure shal 1 provide protection for the from the specl f fed environmental conditions one or more Style ~. Style EDC1OSU r e form. Style F (or other) enclosures. Back munt ma Drw F or convertiti3e/ra~k -mou~teble accordance with 3.6.11. ● stins. ~losures the associated detail specificaThe enclosure (console cabinet). contained equipment (Style F or (see 6.4.2. 15). 6 enclosures Venti Iation Stv 1 G .i’neSt~le shal 1 be designed to openings are permitted. The provisions G. enclosures Stvle G Style G enclosures Jr ansD ortability. that they can be 1 i fted and transported by fork 1 i ft vehicles in its notmal upright position. Enclosures designed for air be In ●ccordance with NIL-STD-1791. for shall plastic, or ~aterial. fiberglass. Stvle G. The enclosure 52 ,mounting -be in house Style shal 1 be so designed when the equipment is transportability shal 1 Stvle G. access. Access to the interior hterhr shal 1 be by access doors or bolt-on or hinged panels. Doors and have handles installed (see Sty le G Personnel HO k su faces. of nonconducting &ter~al. Any work ~urface that fashion shall be attached to sure In ● cantilever for transport or “stripping of tbe enclosusx?,. ., le G. Style ED~ as specified in 3:6.7 .2.1 through for of the hinged enclosure Panels shall work surfaces shal 1 be constructed projects from the Style G encl opermit its retraction or removal G enclosure shall provisions be constructed shall of aluminum, be Downloaded from MIL-T-2B800E 3.6.7 exterior 1 atching .2.2 Handles. surface of the of the door or provided for and operating Door handles shal 1 be instal led flush Stvle G. The handles shal 1 rotate to provide enclosure. hinged panel {n the closed position. Accessory stowaae. Stvle stowage spares of the required G. Drawers or similar space necessary operator accessories (see 6.4.2. to perform test functions. with the positive shall 1), be manuals, ~nt removal. Style G. Style F, convertible e/rack-mountable, or other enclosures shal 1 be removable from the enclosure without extensiye di sassembly. Channel guWed construction ust ng tracks, rollers, or pivots shal 1 be provided to allow accesslbll Ity to components by WI thdrawal of the assembly toward the front. Automatic locks shall be provided to lock the assembly in the servicing posltlon. 3.6.8 ~ncl osures. Style P. Uhen specified in the associated detail specification, the equipment shall be provided with a Style P enclosure (transit case). The Style P enclosure shall provide protection for the contained test equipment from the specified environmental conditions (see 6.4.2. 15) . Style Stvle e Enclos re fo case and a cover. ~he de%gn shal 1 ~rovide equipment. but need not provide operational P enclosures shall protection for the capability for the consist enclosed enclosed The Style P enclosure shal 1 have a cover Qpver. Style ~ tight-fitting when plad in position and latched. Loading of the cover shall be 1 imlted to that necessary to effect a seal . ~ Stvle e. The matn case and cover shall be quick-opening tension latches on each of two opposing sides. The protected from damage by contact with other objects. Spring Wire as a mechanical hold down devfce. The 1 atches shal 1 not interfere removal when unlatched. Stacking DSWY~s ions. geometric configuration which will its contents. The maximum stacking excess of one) shall be as specified as specified M tn OSUrS ~.6.8.2.l Haterlal. plastic, fiberglass, or 3.6.8 .2.2 1 ocated on the orovfs~ons. through P. Stvle three-or-more lden tification outside of the of a main test equipment. which gasket is provided with latches shall be shal 1 not be used with cover StYl e P Style P enclosures shall have a permtt s~acking without harm to the enclosure height (expressed as a quantity of equipment in the associated detail specification. e Style 3.6.8 .2. ~. The Style P enclosure provisions enclosure shal 1 be constructed ply combination resin-bonded The Stvle p elate. enclosure main. case. ! 53 identification or in shall be of aluminum, material . plate shall be Downloaded from nIL-T-28800E Stvle P. One or more handles shall be provided. The number Handles. of handles shall be such that the load distribution per handle shall 20 ka [44 lbs). Iiandles shall be located above the equipment center o“f ensu~e “carrying stabi 1 ity. .. . . . . . . to preclude injury to .~. ‘Al 1 corners “shal6 1 be rounded personnel or damage to other material. Al 1 corners shal ) be adequately reinforced to protect the enclosure and the contained Instrument from the envi ronmantal conditions specified for its style. and locistion not exc+ed gravity to I I I I I I orv towaoe. Stvle P. The enclosure “shal 1 have provisions for the stowage of accessorle~ (see, condensed operating instructions, .r~vable power cables, signal leads, and designated spares. Stowage shal 1 not adversely affect the carrying stability of the equipment, and shal 1 be contained in a manner that prevents damage to the accessories or equipment during transit. 3.6.9 ~ures. Stvle ~. When specified in the associated detail specification, the equipment shall be provided with a Style S enclosure (soft transit case) In addition to the enclosure specified as an integral part of the equipment. The Style S enclosure shall provide protection from the specified environmental condi tfons (see ~. case and cover. The design ment, but need not provide +enat ptece eauisu?ent Ml th of h~gh-impact as speclfted Cover. Stv le hook- and-looD plastic. In 3.6.9 shall imnal Style S enclosures provtde protection capabi 1 ity for the shall consist of a onefor the enclosed equipeaclosed equipment. ~. The Style S enclosure cover fasteners, snaps, non-metal 1 ic Style re orovisi ns. .2.1 thro~gh 3 S enclosure may be zippers, The enclosure shal 1 be constructed $. Haterial. Stvle as nylon or vinyl) that are rip, tear, and puncture resistant. also include a ❑inimum of 1.6 am (0.0625 in) of padding. such last 3.6-9.2.2 ● ●anner the llfe ~. that the enclosure, of the equipment It The Style S enclosure under normal conditions of is designed to contain. fastened over the or 1 atches made provisions (such shall ,shal 1 be of materials Construction shal 1 be constructed use, can be expected shal 1 be provided. A shoulder Handles. St~le s. One or more handles The number and location strap may be prov!ded in addition to the required handles. of handles and straps shall be such that the load distribution per handle or strap Handles and straps shall be located above the does not exceed 20 kg (44 lbs). equipment center of gravity to ensure carrying stabi 1 ity. 54 , in to Downloaded from \ MI L- T-28800E Accessory stowa~e. Style S. The enclosure shall have provisions for the stowage of accessories (see 6.4.2. 1), condensed operating instructions, removable power cables, signal leads, and designated spares. Stowage shall not adversely affect the carry!ng stabi 1 ity of the equipnent, and shall be contained in a manner that prevents demage to the accessories or equipment during transit. 3.6.10 Uhen specified in the associated detail specificatnclosure . Style T tion, the equipment s;all be pr&ided with a Style T enclosure (ruggedized transit case) in addition to the enclosure specified as an integral part of the equipment. The Style T enclosure shal 1 provide protection for the contained test equipment from the spect fied environmental conditions (see 6.4.2. 15). Stv 1 e T Style T enclosures shall consist of a main Enclosu re form. The design shall p~ovide for only one orientation of the enclosed case and a cover. test equipment and need not provide for operational capabi 1 i ty of the equipment when enclosed. Cover. Stvle T. The enclosure shall have a detachable cover which Is tight-fitting when placed in position and latched. Cover latches shal 1 be so PI aced where they prevent the cover from being fastened in the wrong posit i on. Loading of the cover gasket shall be 1 imited to that necessary to effect a seal. Stvle T. The main Latch quick-opening tensione;atches on each of two protectod from damage by contact with other as a mechanical hold down device. The main main case and the ,smal 1 er portion (hook) on interfere with cover removal when unlatched. case and cover shall be provided with opposing sides. The latches shall be objects. Spring wire shall not be used portion of the latch shall be on the the cover. The latches shall not Stv le ~ Style T enclosures shall have a $tacklrm orovis ions. geometric configuration which wil 1 permit st;cking without harm to the enclosure its contents. The maximum stacking height (expressed as a quantity of equipment excess of one) shal 1 be as specified {n the associated detail specification. as specified Enclosure in 3.6.10 P1 astic, f ibergl located on the Mat ertal. ass, or provisions, .2.1 through Stvle ~ The Stvle T. a three-or-more Identification inside of the plate. enclosure Style T enclosure enclosure shall ply combination Stvle ~ cover. . The provisions be constructed resin-bonded identification or in shall be of aluminum, material. plate shall be Style T equipment shal 1 include hinged metal Handles. Style T. handles that have enough internal clearance to allow a block 44 nm (1 .75 in) by 106 ~ (4.18 in) in cross section with edges rounded to a 24 nm (0.93 in) radius to pass through them. The grip portion of the handles shall be of a nonmetallic material at least 82 nsn (3.25 in) in length with a 17. usn (0.50 in) diameter or other approved 55 Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E Handles shall stop open which is shaped to fit the hand comfortable y. cross section a spring-loaded at 90 degrees and shall be returned to a closed position by .-. . . . or. retaining mechanism when not in use. Handles shou Id be recessed or protected. If handle is located on the topof the enclosure, the handle shall be recessed to facilitate stacking. The n~er and location of handles for each Style T enclosure, when 1 oacied shal 1 be such that the 1 oad distribution per handle shal 1 not exceed 20 kg (44 lbs) and shall .be as evenly distributed .as feasible for easy handing, Handles shal 1 be installed above the equipment center of gravity to ensure carrying stability. a Style T enclosures shal 1 have provi A cess rv stowaae. Stvle T sions in the cove; or gain case for the st~wage of all accessories (see, technical manuals, removable power cables, signal leads, and operating spares. Stowage shall not adversely affect the carrying stability of the enclosure, and shal 1 be contained in a. ❑anner which prevents damage to the accessories or equipment during transit. Stowed items shall be available without disturbing enclosure seams where cal i brat ion seals would normal 1y be pl aced. Al 1 corners shal 1 be rounded to preclude injury ~. to personnel or damage to other material . Al 1 corners shal 1 be adequately reinforced to protect the enclosure and contained instrument from the environmental conditions specified for its style. I pressure,6 shall be provided. The shal 1 be recess-mounted Stvle T A pressure equalizing valve eoual izina valve. valve. shal 1 & accessible ~en. the enclosure is ~losed, and so that the valve does not protrude beyond. the enclosure. 3.6.11 rack-mounted acconroodate reouire Enclosures which are required to be convertible e/ra~k-mountabl e) and enclosures required to equipment shal 1 be in accordance with a through c: 482.6 Jlack-mo@a ( including rack-mountable a. Type I equipment b. Type II IMI ;i9 equipment Type III equipment In) standanl panel shall shall shall width. be in accordance be the same be in with as for accordance EIA Type with RS-31O-C-77. 111. EIA RS-31O-C-77 for i kkhen specified in the as3.6.11.1 $~ river sociated detail specification, enclosures of Sty!e; B, C, 0, and E shall be capable of being rack-mounted. Al 1 convertible e/rack-mountable equipment shal 1 conform to the requirements of its class and style when configured for rack-mounting use in accordance with 3.6.11 .I.l. I Conversion shal 1 be accomplished by use of a 3.6.11 .1.1 Rack -mount conversion. kit which wil 1 easily convert the enclosure for rack-mounting, but will not prevent The rack-mount conversion kit shall include return to the original configuration. all hardware required to configure the equipment for rack-mounting. When the height I 56 Downloaded from 141L-T-28800E I of the front panel is not a multiple of the preferred panel height increment, or when the width is less than rack-width, the conversion kit shal 1 include fil ler No part panels to provide the preferred height and w!dth in accordance with 3.6.11. of the equipment shal 1 protrude above or below the front panel when the enclosure is rack-mounted. 3.7 Environmental reauirem ously prepared associated detai; apply. Uhere reference is made specifications, the requirements nts Uhere reference is made to Class 1 in previ sp~ci f i cations, the requirements of Class 2 shal 1 to Class 4 in previously prepared associated detail of Class 3 shall apply (see 1.2.2 and Equipnent shal 1 confona to the specified 3.7-1 ~. performance and other requirements when subjected to the envl ronmental conditions this specification. The specified accuracies shal 1 be achieved under al 1 required operating environments. Combinations af environments beyond those covered by the specified test procedures (see 4.5) shall be as specified in the associated detail specification. I I quirements temperature w. The equipment after a 20 minute warm-uD stabilization period, o; 3.7.2 rature a d hu midity. shall be as specified {nntable III. tolerance) does not include conditions as specified in the associated detail confarm to the requirements dance with Class detail specification. shal 1 comply with the specified performance oeriod preceded by a 2-hour nonooeratina as spec~ fied in tie appl I cable test method. The temperature ranges and humidity 1 imi ts An RN of 95 percent (with the applicable of orecioitation. Class 7 eouioment shall . . spec~fication. of re- be Equipment of Classes 2, 3, 5, and 6 shall for T/H as specified in a and b when tested in accor7 equipment shal 1 be as specified in the associated Nonoperating. a. Test equipment shal 1 conform to the specified performance and accuracy requirements after being stored under the nonoperating candi t ions specified for the applicable class in table 121. Hhen the specified humidity is 95 *5 percent, the equipment shall withstand the effects of humidities up to 100 percent, including conditions uhereln condensation occurs in and 011 the test equipment. and the b. Operating. Test equipment shall accuracy re uirements under the conditions class, and ? or the T/H ranges specified. conform to the specified of table 111 within the performance T/H 1 imits of Downloaded from . 141L-T-28800E TABLE 111. Temperature Temperature Class Nonoperating humidity limits. ( ‘C) .. . . RN for operating range (percent ) Operating J/ 2 -51 to 71 -40 to 55 ~ 95 *5 3 -51 to 71 -10 to 55 95 t5 o to 10 11 to 30 95 ts 31 to 40 75 i5 41 to 50 45 *5 10 to 30 “95 i5 31 to’ 40 75 *5 5 -40 to 6 -40 to 7 ~ ~ and see 71 71 3L7.2 RN not controlled. 20 ❑inute intermittent after the specified Y ‘“” operation (see warm-up period. at 71-C ~. Hhen specified in the associated detail specifica t{ on, the equipment shal 1 conform to the specified performance and accuracy requirements before and after temperature shock condi t ions when tested in accordance With The temperature values shal 1 be the operating 1 imi ts specified for the Temperature shock for Class 7 shal 1 be as speclf ied applicable class in table 111. in the associated detail specification. 3.7.3 .jltitu@. specified performance altitude, and during table IV, when tested the associated detail 3.7.4 Vibration. Test equipment “of Classes” 2, 3, 5, and 6 shal 1 conform to the and accuracy requirenients after return from the nonoperating the operating altitude specified for the appl i cable class in in accordance with Class 7 shall be as specified in specification. Vibration shall be as specified 58 in or and Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E TA8LE Altitude “’-’ Nonoperating Class I 2, IV. Altitude. in meters (ft) -“”””””’” Operating I - 4570 (15,000) ! 4570 (15,080) 5, 6 4s70 (15,000) I 3050 (10,000) 7 see 3 I “ “’ 4 3.7.3 Test equipment of Classes conform to the speci f fed performan~e and accuracy requirements V, when conditions specified for the appl i cable class in table with Class 7 shall be as specified in the associated tion. 2, 3, 5, and 6 shall during the VI brat ion tested in accordance detail specifica - I TABLE ‘~. . Vibration Class 2, 3 5, 7 6 (5 Hz to 55 Hz) Time per axis (minutes) I i Fte~f~ce Resonance “Cycling search 1 I 1 I ! V. Frequency (Hz) 6 level at maximum frequency i 5 through 16 through 26 through 15 25 55 5 5 5 15 10 0.7 at 1.3 at 3 at 15 Hz 25 Hz 55 Hz 5 through 55 15 15 10 2 ●t 55 Hz see When specified in the associated detail specificarandom. Vibration. tion, test equipment of Classes 2, 3, 5, and 6 shal 1 conform to specified performance and accuracy requirements when tested in accordance with The MI L- STD-810 category and procedure required for the test equipment class shal 1 be as Class 7 shall be tested for specified in the associated detail specification. random vibration as specified in the associated detail specification. 59 I Downloaded from MIL-T-2B800E cation, the requirements 3.7.5 spectfied loose came. Bounce. equipment shall conform after being tested in ~ ck. OE chantcal. in :.,7,.5.1 through specified performance half-sine shock test detail specification. When specified in the associated detail specifi to the specified performance and accuracy accordance with 4.5. S.3.3. The mechanical 3.7.5.’4. shock requirements shall functlo@. Classes 2, 3, 5, and 6 ‘shall conform and accuracy requirements after being subjected of Class 7 shall be es specified in - be as to to the the the 30g associated Transit droo. Styles Equipment in the enclosures A. B. c. P. s. and I of Styles A, B, C, P, S, and T shall conform to the sp~cified performance and accuracy requirements ●fter being tested in accordance with 4.5.5 .4.2,. For Style S enclosures, only those with shoulder straps shal 1 be subjected’ to this test. The equipment shall remain inside the transit case throughout this test. mance and indi caters, t ion, high Bench handl inq. The equipment shall conform to accuracy requirements and there shal 1 be no damage or fuseholders, after being tested in accordance w~-. equipment tntendd impact shock test 3.7.6 Water through equipment mance and under the for Navy of 4.5.5:4.4. resistance. When specified in the sliipboas-d appl tcations Hater resistance shall the specified perforto any controls, with associated detail shal 1 be subjected be as specified in specificato the ~tertioht. Stvles Equipment with enclosures of Style A, and A and T. installed in Style T enclosures, shall confom to the specified perforaccuracy requirements, after being tested in accordance with 4.5- S.S. 1 conditions specified for the” applicable’ style in table VI. TABLE Style ! A l!! D through P and S T G VI. Hatertight Water I r esis~. Spl ashproof Cover Submergence 0.9 m (3 ft) N/A N/A N/A N/A Submergence 0.9 m (3 ft) N/A N/A N/A NIA ti/A .60 off I Dri pproof N/A Yes Cover N/A N/A N/A on Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E conform to accordance table VI. I ~Dl ashcIroof. the specified with 4.5.5 .5.2 Equipment with enclosures and accuracy requirements conditions specified for Stvle A. performance under the of Style A shall after being tested the applicable style in in ,. Equipment with enclosures DriDDtW f. Stvl es B and c shal 1 conform to the”speci f ied perfors&ce and accuracy requirements tested in accordance WI th under the condi t ions specified pl i cable style {n table VI. of Styles B and after being for the ap- C 3.7.7 funaus res i stan e Equipment shal 1 be Inherently fungus-inert through select ion of materials. G&ral mot sture or fungus-resistant coating of assembled parts, wires, or solder joints is not acceptable as a means of achieving fungus resistance. When required by the associated detail specification, verification of fungus resistance and fungus-inert ❑aterial shall be in accordance with 3.7.8 Salt a tmosohere. Salt atmosphere Exposure. structural Darts. panels and structural parts shall conform exposed to salt atmosphere in accordance shal 1 apply: Style A a~d Styles A and 8. Style B enclosures Testing shall enc losure. equipment shal 1 conform tested for exposure in TABLE VI 1. Salt A through G P, S, and T associated of Styles ex o~t#ll Time (hours) tru parts Salt solution 5 percent N/A 48 N/A 61 and of after being of a and b of detail specificaC through G When specified in the associated to the performance and accuracy accordance with Structural Style in of panels and, structural. par, in accordance with specified in the structural parts with atmosphere I be as specified Material used for the fabrication to al 1 applicable requirements with table VII. The conditions of samples be performed b. Styles C through G. When tion, testing of samples of panels and enclosures shall be tested in accordance cation, the after being shall Darts. detail specifi requirements - Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 3.7.9 Explosive atmosphere. ignit{on of an ambient-explosive-gaseous with 3.7.10 enclosures exposure 1 I The operation mixture of Class 2 equipment with air when tested shall not cause in accordance pust exnosure. Class 2 and Stvles A. P. and T. Styles A, and al 1 Class 2 equipment shal 1 conform to al 1 requirements to dust when tested {n accordance with 3.7.11 Baqnetlc the associated detai with the 20 Oersted f ield test 0( env ironment, 1 specification, dc test of [Navv~. equipment Equipment containing noise. 3.7.12 8C oustic or other audible noise source shal 1 not aenerate values specif; ed in table VIII when meas~red in P, and after For Navy use, when shal 1 be tested in a motor acoustic accordance (such noise with T specified accordance as a fan in excess or blower) of the I Noise TABLE VIII. I level limits. Octave band sound pressure levels (d8 reference: 0.0002 dyne/cm2) Octave band frequencies I I center (Hz) 0.3 ❑ (1 operator.’s ft) radius position from 7.6 m (25 ft) radius equipment geometric from cxmter I 76 66 60 54 1% ;: 60 57 55 53 52 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 I I 50 47 45 43 42 I I 3.7.13 alar Class 2 and Class exposure to solar 3.8 I 1 with detail w. EMI When specified ra diatio~ 3 equipme~t shal 1 conform radiation when tested in shall be as specified EMI control 3.8.1 EMI. TvDe 1 HIL-STD-461, Part”], and Parts specification when tested in in 3.8.1 for Type 2 through accordance I I in the associated detail specification, to the applicable requirements after accordance with 62 through 3.8.3. I equipment shall 7, as applicable, with be in accordance and the associated in Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 3.8.2 ~MI. Tvge II. The EflI requirements for Type 1 I equipment shall same as those for Type 111, except that, when shipboard EM I compatibility the requirement for RS03 required by the associated detail speci fication, MI L- STD-461, Part 5, 30 HHz to 1 GHz and 25 V/m. f~I , TVD e 111. 3.8.3 and 6 shall accordance associated to further EMI control for Type 11 I equipment of Classes 2, 3, 5, be {n accordance with MIL-STD-461 as modified in table IX when tested Class 7 test equipment shall be as specified in the with The 1 imits specified in table IX are not subject detail specification. relaxation based on equipment classifications in MIL-STD-461. TABLE !IL-STD-461 ‘requirement I ~ ~ be the is shall be IX. Description JvDe I I I ea uioment of reoui EMI rementi. HIL-STD-461 limit y requirement CEO1 Conducted emissions, power interconnecting leads, low quency (up to 15 kHz) Part 2 u CE03 Conducted emi sslons, power and interconnecting leads, 0.015 MHz to 50 MHz Part 2 Csol Conducted susceptibi leads, 30 Hz to 50 power Part 2 CS02 Conducted susceptibility, leads, 0.05 MHz to 400 power Part 2, 1 tmited to 100 MHz power Part 5 5 1 ity, kHz and fre- MHz CS06 Conducted susceptibility, leads, spikes REO1 Radiated emissions, magnetic field, 0.03 kHz to 50 kHz, test probe at 15 cm (6 in) Part RE02 Radiated field, emissions, electric 14 ktlz to 10 GHz Part 2, curve + 10 dB RS03 Radiated field, susceptibility, 14 kHz to 40 GHz The limit Fundamental in the part frequency specified below search excluded. 63 Part 2, 1 imited to 1 GHz V electric shall w be used. f2 in I Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E 3J 4f Front and rear panel Limited to 1 V/m for search Classes excluded. 5 and 6, and 5 V/m for ClasS$S Z and ?. Protection shall be provided from, but shall not be 1 im~ted to, 3.9 Safety. the hazards of 3.9.1 through for Type I requirements and 3.9.3 through Type I I protection shal 1 be in accordance 3.9.3 .10.1 for Type 111 requirements. with .3.9.2. Personnel safety considerations shal 1 conform to the appropriate requirements of the OSHA as specified in Title 29, Part 1910 of the Code of Federal The design of each equipment for which a Federal standard exists Regulations (CFR). under the CFR, T{tl e 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter J, of the Radiation Control for Heal th and Safety Act of 1968, shal 1 conform to the appropri ate Federal standard. Protection. 1, and as 3.9.1 Requirement Tyoe 1. specified Safety herein. shall be In accordance with MIL-STO-454 Potentials, TYDe I. Operating and maintenance Access Ible shall be protected from hazardous potentials by shielding, marking, or suitable measures in accordance with a through e: a. appropri with current External terminals ate markings. connected b. Protection shal 1 be provided capable of causing burns. to from hazardous high potentials frequency shall (HF) personnel other be labeled YO1 tages or Nhile test equipment is operating, shock protection shall be provided c. i f the open circuit voltage between any accessible part of the test equipment and ground or any other simultaneously accessible part exceeds 30 Vrms (42.4 V peak), 60 Vdc, or 24.8 Vdc interrupted at a rate of 10 Hz to 200 Hz. Suitable measures shall be incorporated to protect maintenance personnel from al 1 internal hazardous potent i als. Capacitors shall be discharged to less than 42.4 V peak within 2 seconds after power interruption unless markings indicate a longer discharge Interval. Probes provided as part of or as accessories to equipment which IS d. designed to measure voltages in excess of the values specified in c shall incorporate safety guards or barriers which are located on the probe body to prevent the operator’s hand from inadvertently contacting the probe tip. The maximum exposed portion of the metal tip shall not exceed 19 oan (0.75 in). opening replacing and are electric 3.9.1 between e. Parts of equipment which become accessible upon removing a cover, a door, adjusting a control, setting a supply circuit voltage mechantsm, attaching and detaching an interconnecting cable assembly, etc. , a fuse, intended for access by the operator during normal use, shal 1 not render an shock. .1.1 any Ooen accessible circuit part protection, voltaqe and either ground 64 TYDe or any 1. other The open circuit simultaneously potential accessible Downloaded from MIL-T-2B800E part shall not exceed the limits specified test of 4.5.3 .2.1 is performed. For this include control shafts with knobs removed controls. \n requirement, and recessed when the open circuit voltage accessible parts shal 1 calibration or adjustment 3.9.1 .1.2 srotect i~. Tyoe 1 If the open circuit potential Le akaqe curbetween an accessible part and either ground or a~y other simultaneously accessible part exceeds the 1 imits specified in, when measasred in accordance with, the leakage current between the voltage points shal 1 be measured. The measured valsae shal 1 not exceed 3.5 ❑i 11 i amperes (IA) when tested in accordance with ~roundina. Tyoe provided for personnel safety tion is the last to disconnect to failure. Safety grounding b: [ The input power cable safety ground conductor ~hal 1 be configured to assure that the ground connecwhen the input power cable is mechanically stressed shall be in accordance with the requirements of a and Uhen RFI filters are used, and are Radio frequency 1 nterference (RF I ). reference: - to other than the power 1 i ne, the conanon reference shal 1 be safety ground. When RF I f il tars are referenced to the safety ground, the f i 1 ters shal 1 contain only components (such as capacitors and inductors) between each side of the power 1 ine and safety ground which allow 3.5 MA rms or less total current to flow to the chassis under the most adverse conditions of maximum power frequency and maximum voltage pemitted by the asscwiated detail speci f icatioas. Any capacitor used in Rf I filters shal 1 be rated for et least 4.2 times the operating voltage of the circuit locatlon. to other cables) used as b. Input power equipment being shall be provided grounding wires. the enclosure 1 ive electrical ion Yentil requi%ents, circuits cables. tested with All input power (with the exception a grounding wire. cables and interconnecting cables of RF cables and signal test Power return wires shal 1 not be Vent i 1 at ion ~ninas. Tvoe L shall be desl&sed to prevent and mechanical nmving parts. openings, accidental when p,erml tted contact with by Iihen speclf ied in the associated detai 1 3.9.1-4 ~“. specl f i cation, test equipment shal 1 be tested for emanations in accordance with Protect Ion shal 1 be provided from 1 evels of ionizing radiation, microwave radiation, the 1 iberation of ozone, and ultrasonic pressure in excess of the 1 imits specified in a through d. This protection shal 1 be in accordance with ANSI/lSAS82.01-1988 or ANSI/ISA-S82 .02-198B or both as applicable. Any accessible area normally inhabited by personnel during installation, cal ibration, maintenance, repair, and operation of the test equipment shall be within the scope of this requirement. 65 Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E hour inz); X-radiation. X-radiation at 5a&s. (2 in) from the radiati.rg which has the greatest dimension radiation surface I I shall be 1 imited to 0.5 mil 1 iroent en per for a target area.of 10 C? (1 .55 source., limited to 5 cm {2 in). b. Microwave radiation, 10 Rliz to 100 GHz. shall be limited to 10 mH/cu? at any point of the test equipment. The power density of microwave 5 cm (2 in) or more from any Ozone 1 iberated from the test equipment during Ozone 1 iberation. normal op~~ation shall be 1 imited to a time weighted average (THA) concentration of 0.1 parts per ❑il 1 ion (ppm) based upon a normal 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek. Workers may be exposed to ● short-term exposure 1 imit (STEL) of 0.3 ppm provided that daily WA is not exceeded. A STEL is a 15-minute TWA exposure which shall not be, exceeded at any time durtng a workday even if the 8-hour TNA is equal to, or less, then 0.1 ppm. Exposun?s, at the STEL shall not be longer than 15 minutes and shal 1 !not be repeated more than 4 times each day. There shal 1 be at 1 east 60 minutes between successive exposures at the STEL. d. Ultrasonic pressure. Ouring normal operation, the test not produce a sound-pressure level exceeding 1 IO d8 above a reference mi cronewtons per square meter (2 x lCP microbar or 2 Pasca15 (Pa)). &oc~e ‘by ~asuring :the sound pressure level uver a frequency range . . . . . . . ,, ,, ... ., 3.9..1.5 &yjpnenti smfet~. Woe 1 ,: outgassing or other physical phenomena, degradation of performance in equipment dous or toxic materials. 3.9.2 Ptitect ion. Woe specification, the protection for Type II 1. 3.9.3 tion shall ed herein. =tion. be provided ~. shal 1 be protected suitable measures with but from hazardous in accordance..with ., Protection Materials shal \ not cause the deterioration systems, or exposure be used fiich, .thmugh. of other materials, to potential Iy hazar- Unless othetwise specified in the associated ~equirements for Yype I I shal 1 be the same ,as a. External teswinals appropriate markings. ‘b. causing T~. from, U equipment shal 1 level of 20 Compl i ante is of 20 kHz to shal 1 be When Type 111 test shall not be 1 imited equipment is provided, Protecto, safety hazards as specifi- Operating potentials by shielding, a through e: connected provided to hazardous from burns. 66 detail those and maintenance marking, or potentials HF voltages or personnel other shal 1 be 1 abel ed currents capable of Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E c. Uhile test equipment is operating, shock protection shall be provided if the open circuit voltage between any accessible part of the test equipment and ground or any other simultaneously accessible part exceeds 30 VrmS (42.4 V peak), 60 Vdc, or 24.8 Vdc interrupted at a rate of 10 Hz to 200 Hz. Suitable measures shall be Incorporated to protect mal ntenance personnel’ from internal hazardous potentials. Capacitors shall be discharged to less than 42.4 V peak within 10 seconds after power interruption unless markings Indicate a 1 onger discharge interval. d. Probes designed to measure porate safety guards hand from Inadvertent the metal tip shall which do not permit approval. opening replacing and are electric provided, as part of or as accessories to, equipment which Is voltages in excess of the values specified in c shal 1 i ncoror barriers located on the probe body to prevent the operator’s y contacting the probe tip. The maximum exposed portion of not exceed 19 nzn (0.75 In). Probes designed for appl !catl ons compl 1ante W{ th this requirement shal 1 have procuring activity e. Parts of equipment which become accessible upon removing a cover, a door, adjusting a control, setting a supply circuit voltage mechanism, a fuse, attaching and detaching an interconnecting cable assembly, etc. , intended for access by the operator during normal use, shal 1 not render an shock. Ooen’’ circuit voltaae orotectton. potenTVDe 111 .“ The open circuit ti al between an accessible part ●nd either ground er any other simultaneously accessible part shal 1 not exceed the limits specified in The open ctrcuit voltage test of 4.5.3 .2.1 shall be performed. For this requirement, ●ccessible parts shal 1 include control shafts with knobs removed and recessed calibration or adjustment controls. Failure of this test shall constitute failure of the equipment is exceeded. only if the leakage current value of 3.9.3 .1.2 If the open circuit potential o TYDe III. Leak qe cm nt m tec between an accessible part ~nd ei~hert~r~und or any other simultaneously accessible part exceeds the limits specified in, when measured In accordance with, tha leakage current between the voltage points shall be measured. The measured value shall not exceed 3.5 0L4 when tested in accordance with The design and construction of the test equipment Groundirm. Tvoe 1 II shal 1 ensure that, during operation of the ful 1y assembled test equipment, al 1 el ectrlcal ly conductive external surfaces except trim and identification P1 ates, but Incl udlng enclosures, guards, barriers, shields, flanges, metal cased readouts, shafts, and bushings, shall be at earth ground potential. Provisions for the external ground connect fon to the test equipment shal 1 ensure continuous and permanent connection with sufficient mechanical strength to minimize the possibil ity of ground disconnection. Such ground path shall have sufficiently low impedance and ample capacity to conduct safely any operating or fault currents imposed on i t including the operation of overcurrent devices in the circuit. Safety grounding shall be in accordance with the requirements of a and b: 67 I I Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E RFI. Uhen RF I filters are used, and are referenced to other than the When RF I filters are power 1 in:: the common reference shal 1 be safety ground. referenced to the safety ground, the filters shall contain only components (such as capacitors and Inductors ) between each side of the power 1 ine and safety ground which allow 3.5 aul rms, or less, total current to flow to the chassis under the most adverse comdit Ions of maximum power frequency and maximum voltage permitted by the assoct ated detail speci f I cation. Capacitors used in RF I filters shal 1 conform to the test voltage and endurance tests specified in UL 1414, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 231 Series -Fi89, or IEC-101O, as applicable. b. Cable grounding for Input power cables. cable, in which a ground is part of the circuit shall as the other terminated at both ends 1 n the same ❑ anner coaxial cables, the cable shield shal 1 not be used as connection. Sh{elded cable shal 1 be secured to prevent any conducting surface other than the ground termination. intended to operate. ungrounded (floating), insul atlon to ensure that no conduction path exists to other than Shielding shall terminate far enough from the exposed shorting or arc{ng between the conductor and the shield. any external interconnect ing include a ground wire which Is conductors. Except for a current-carrying ground the shield from contacting When a cable shield is and support shal 1 be provided the intended circuits. cable conductor to prevent Ventilation openings, when permitted lkotilation ooen ‘nq . TVO e 11[ by the enclosure requi rements~ s~al 1 be designed to prevent accidental contact WI th 1 Ive electrical circaaits and awchanical moving parts (see 3.6). Protection shal 1 be provided f rwa 3.9:3.4 ~uiswnt emanations. Tv* 11.1 levels of ionizing radiation, ❑icrowave radiation, the 1 iberation of ozone, and ultrasonic pressure in excess of the 1 imits specified in a through d. This protection shall be in accordance with ANSI/ ISA-S82.01-1988 or ANSI/ISA-S82.02 -1988 or both as applicable. Any accessible area normally inhabited by personnel during installation, calibration, maintenance, repair, and operation of the test equipment When specified in the associated shall be within the scope of this requirement. detai 1 spectf i cat ion, test equipment shal 1 be ‘tested for emanations in accordance with hour Inz) X-radtation. X-radiation at 5a&n (2 in) from the radiating which has the greatest dhenslon radiatton surface b. 14icrowave radiation, shall be 1 imited to )0 of the test equipment. shall be limited to 0.5 milliroent en per source, for a target area of 10 c1? (1.55 limited to 5 cm (2 in). 10 MHz to 100 GHz. mU/cn? at any point The power density of microwave 5 cm (2 in) or more from any Ozone 1 i berated from the test equipment during c. Ozone 1 Iberatlon. normal operation shall be 1 imited to a TWA concentration of 0.1 ppm based upon a Uorkers may be exposed to a STEL of normal 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek. 0.3 ppm provided that the daily TWA is not exceeded. A STEL is a 15-minute TWA exposure which shall not be exceeded at any time during a workday even i f the 8-hour 68 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E TMA is equal to, or less than, than 15 mtnutes and shall not be at least 60 minutes between 0.1 ppm. be repeated successive Exposures at the STEL shall ~re than 4 times each day. exposures at the STEL. not be longer There shall ‘Ouring nonusil operation, ‘the equipment shall d. llltrasontc pressure. produce a sound-pressure level exceeding 110 dB above a reference level of 20 m~cronewtons per square meter (2 x ld m{crobar or 2 pascals). COMP1 iance is checked by measuring the sound pressure 1 evel over a frequency range of .20 Idlz 100 Idiz. not to Tvoe IM. Protect ion shal 1 be provided from Ibe~al haz a rd v rotection. equipment temperatures which could constitute a hazard to personnel. During nonoal operation the temperature rise above ambient shal 1 not exceed the values of a through d. Example: Ambient (37”C) plus temperature rise (35”C) equals 72*C (maximum al lawabl e temperature permitted for outer: surfaces of enclosures 1 ocated in a 37*C environment). a. b. 100”C for interior parts of the equipment, 35-C for outer surfaces of enclosures 25-C for nonmetal 1 ic knobs and handles 20”C for metallic knobs and handles ~1 markl nas. Tvoe ~arnlna shall warn of the location, u ~he Warning nature, such marktngs aad the as heat radiators in accordance d th. extent of a hazard. ( I , Pers&nel protection from “hazards “shal 1 enclosures, or shields 1 Physical shal 1 be provided for personnel outside shall have no sharp projections and TVIS JIL Guards a nd sht elds. be provided by the use of guards, ba%er~, protection from 1 terns within the enclosure the enclosure. Type 111 guards and shields edges. bypass or the event ~. ●lternate of the equipment C: through meter protection failure. Toxfc material. or generated to lYOP under Meters eliminate 11 I. noamal shal 1 have high voltage provision at the for meter overload terminals Toxic materials shall not be contained or fault conditions In accordance with in in a .,, shall not a. Oecmposition llberate toxic, or deterioration corrosive, or of materials exploslve fumes. contained b. materials, equipment toxic Combination of materfals contained in the equipment including the atmosphere, shall not be detrimental to operator due to the generation of toxic materials. ❑at%als. Explosion or implosion of any 69 part of the equipment in the equipment with surrounding the health of the shall not release Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E outoassina or or ~egrad~tion Materials shall TyDe 111. safety, EQ uiment other ohvsical Dhenomena cause the deterioration of pe%rsoance’ in the equipment or systems. not be used of other which through materials. design tsf the equtpnent shall be Iu . The -.3:9:3.10.-1. ftechan jcal ..ha~a~s such as “to provide maximum access. and safety to .,personnel while instal 1 ing, operat ing, and snaintdning the equfpment. Suitable protection shal 1 be pravided to prevent contact with moving mechanical parts such as gears, fens, and belts wisen the Sharp projections on cabinets, doors, encloequipment is complete and operating. Daors or hinged covers shal 1 be rounded sures, and similar parts shall be avoided. at the comers ●nd provided with stops to hold them open. Design of rack-mounted equipaent shall maintain the center af gravity as low as possible to minimize tipping. 3.10 specified Identification ~. in 3.10.1 I equipment 3.10.1 through nd !!Lwkina shall beaas 454, a. Requirementr67, . . . . . ific lden spec;fiedain TvDe and as rtna articles of equipment resul contractor and aooroved bv specified in a and b will-be which the change has been nansepl ate a. or and marking shall be as 3.10.4. tion, Items 1 specified Tvv 3.10.1’?1 [ Harking and identification ~hrough shal 1 be marked herein. . . . . in accordance with of Type MIL-STD- , .. . .:1 To tdentify smciific.ations properly in d sian chanqgs ti$ from engin~ering change proposals prepared by the the rmocurin~ activity. markinss in one of the categories or minor assembly-in assigned f;r use nn- each maj& incorporated. A change in the other marking. type designation of the article as included in a imprinted or- affixed adjacent to but b. The use of a modification symbol of modification symbols will be never on or to the right af the nameplate. A series not justifying a change in type used for successive minor engineering changes destgnatian. information speclflcatloe. M format other than ,. ion ts1 ates. identifying, . Information shal 1 be as . . schema t“kd.mUwfal plates specified or . 1 abels in the used to associated :.. present detai . 1 Test equipment instruction sheet. Diaaram shall have a legible schematic diagram and brief operating information affixed to the inside af the cover or to the chassis in a free space to which ready reference can be made at al 1 times during servicing and operation. The backs of removable panels or covers are recommended places for such mountings. The diagram shal 1 contain the actual values of the parts used, such as resistors in ohms and capaci The issue of each diagram shall be identified. The diagram tors in microfarads. 3.10.1 .1.3 70 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E Uhenever shal 1 use electrical graphic symbols in accordance with ANSI Y32.2-1975. manual for the complexity of the test equipment warrants the need for a technical operation, maintenance, and calibration, the requirements for brief operating instruct ions and schematic diagrams being affixed to the case are waived. ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10. I.1.4 panel markinas. TYO The vis i bl e surface adjacent to panel 1 f acfl It!es, such ●s controls, indic%o;s, jacks, sockets, and fuseholders, shall be marked with a suitable word, phrase, or ●bbreviation thereof, indicating the use or purpose of the part. Continuously variable operating controls shal 1 be provided with markings which wi 11 permf t the operator to set the controls easi lY and correctly to a predetermined point. Abbreviations shal 1 be in accordance with 141L-STD-7B3, PIIL-STD-411, and MIL-STD-12 in that order of precedence. 3.10.1 .1.4.1 )larktna orocesses. D nel The marking shal 1 be etched, engraved, molded, or metal -stamped to a depth ofanot.less than O. 127 nan (0.005 in) directly into the panel, except that when pl astlc panels are used, Nse markings shall be molded m engraved to a depth of not less than 0.254 am (0.010 in). The markings shall provide good legibility and shall be filled with a ❑aterial of contrasting color. orocess~. Narking markina 3.10.1 .1.4.2 Al temate speci f 1ed i n 3.10 . may be used if the processes of the front panel marking test specified in associated deti$l spectficat{on, a sample” of the front tested in accordance wtth 4.5.7,6. . processes other than those confom to the requirements Mhen specified in the panel (with marking) shall be ,,, . . . . 3.10.1 .1.5 Fuseholders or the panel adjacent to the fuseholder hi= mar!dm shal 1 be permanent y marked in accordance with MI L-STD-454, Requirement 39. Where slow-blow type fuses are used the equipment shall be so marked in addition to the current rat i ng. 3.10.1 .1.6 Adjustment control marking Nonoperating (adjustment) controls shal 1 be marked with both the component pa~t symbol and the control function to cal Ibrated or al lgned. On subminiature assemblies where space is at a premium, reference designations need not be marked. 3.10.1 specified warn of .1.7 ~In a and Battery 27. 3.10.1 .1.8 cable attached identification. I warning markings shal 1 be as b: Warning markings p~;entlals in excess b. Requirement Type be the warning in accordance of 500 V. labels with shal 1 be in The name Bec eotacles. to the receptacle shall MIL-STD-454, accordance Requirement with 1, shall MI L-STD-454, or abbreviation denoting the function be included as part of the receptacle of the Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E Volume and Size and weiaht. shal 1 be marked on three external 3.10.1 .1.9 enclosures tion plates and a through e: Methods panels, of marking. shal 1 be in a. For accessories, stamped or etched on the item, tag . The band or tag shal 1 be The band or cannot 51 ip off. marking b. When the item shal 1 be indelibly loaded case surfaces. Methods accordance weight of marktng, for with HIL-STO-130 of Styles other and A and T than identificaas specified in the markings shall. be including cords and cables, or, where necessary, on a durable nonmetal 1 ic band securely attached to the cord or cable so that it tag shal 1 conform to MI L-P-15024. or part is supplied in marked on the container a paper or in 1 arge, On the inside of the cover of the Style be provid~ to show al 1 i terns (by nomenclature, part nomenclature) that are required to make a complete operating maintenance parts. The quantity and type be 1 isted. If the enclosure includes no items with ture of the group shal 1 appear at the top of the 1 i accessories “shal 1 be identified in separate 1 i sts. or cloth container, the conspicuous characters. A or T enclosure, a list shall name or number, and overal 1 unit. The 1 i st shal 1 Include al 1 of batteries required shal 1 also AN nomenclature, the nomenclast. Operating and nonoperating d. The type designation of the AN nomenclature (or other equipwat identification) of the complete test equipment shall be placed (by stencil, decals, or other approved method of marking) on the exterior of each Style A or T enclosure on at least three adjacent surfaces and once on the cover. Marking shal 1 be in black block letters as large as possible, but not exceeding 50 mu (2 in) in height. equipment, additions e. Uhen there the procedure specified in equipment shall are two or more enclosures specified in c and d shall 1 through 3 (see 1. The type be stenciled that it is Case number of cases number on the designation of on the exterior Jdent ification affixed by means of rivets plates are used as specified of of all enclosures each case. D1 ate. or Tyoe [. screws to the in 72 for the the AN nomenclature of the of each of the enclosures There shal 1 be marked on the 2. n of m, where n is the particular in the test equipment. 3. The contents inside of the 1 id (Style A or T) be used, with exterior case the test fol lowing complete (cases). of each enclosure number and ❑ is the (cases) shall “ “ A metal identification front panel unless be 1 isted test (case) total by case plate shall adhesive-backed be I Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E 3.10.1 .2.1 Identification elate twe and com~osition. For Class 2, the identification plate shall be a Type A, 8, C, or D in accordance with HIL-P-15024, except that a plastic PI ate shall not be used. Classes 3, 5, 6, and 7 equipment may use a Type G photosensitive, adhesive-backed metal identification plate. 3.10.1 .2.2 Jdentfflcatlon Dlate marking. Except identification plate shall be marked as specified in shall be as speciftd in a through j: a. Nomenclature. b. Manufacturer’s part number. c. Input power requirements. displayed on the identification plate i f appl i cable, 1 n terms of frequency shall d. National stock e. Contract number. f. Serial 9. Associated h. 14anuf acturer’s i. Height. j. us. nwnber in and The equi pmnt power requi nments terms of voltage and ful 1 load phase requirements. (s/n). specification name or the number. Federal Supply D1 at e desiam. associated detail 3.10.3 tion. Tvo par I q a d iden ifi III test e$u~pme~t shal~ bec~s specifi~d manner other that factor 3.10.3 employed miniaturized to of the or Tvoe Ill. particular or etched 73 plate fn the for and tdenti f i cation through Type 111 test equipment shall affect the 1 eakage path between .1.1 Reference d esicma ttons. identify each part for its assembl ies, such as printed identification the contract. Unless otherwise specified identification requirements 111. Iu Marking fn. Q. TW’W111. does not adversely of performance. Code. The design specification 3.10.2 Markinq and i dent iftcation. Tvo e 1[. and associated detail specification, the ❑arking Type I I test equl pment shal 1 be the same as Type Type shal 1 be amperes and, number. detail 3.10.1 .2.3 ~ification be as specified in for the markfng data, the 141L-P-15024. The marking data be marked conductors In or of a any Reference designations shall be On subcircuit appl ication. boards or other forms of assem- I I Downloaded from PiIL-T-28800E reference designations need not be marked. The need not be marked with reference designations. be in accordance with ANSI Y32.2-1975 and ANSI bly, where space is at a premium, parts of nonrepai rable assemblies Reference designator usage shall Y32.16 or MI L-STO-130. 3.10.3 .1.2 Warnina markinqs. Warning markings shal 1 warn of the Tvoe II [ 1 ocation, the nature, and the extent of a hazard. ❑arkings shal 1 Letters of wamlng be of clearly legible gothic capitals. Naming markings shall have high contrast between the 1 etter and background CO1 ors. The markings shal 1 be as permanent as nonmal 1 i fe expectancy of the test equipment, and 1 ocated as close as possible to the point of danger. Warning markings indicating circuits of more than 500 Vdc or Vrms shall read substantially: DANGER H16H VOLTAGE (maximum applicable voltage) VOLTS Harki ngs of noncontrast ing CO1 ors shal 1 be in accordance with the ANSI/ISAS82.01-1988 or AkLSI/ISA-S82.02 -1988 or both as applicable, the warning and caution markings specified in a through c: a. The precautionary b. The text background. shall signal be at least CO1 or to (0.078 least If omlded or stamped in in~. high and, if not contrasting 0.5 usn (0.02 in). batteries shall shall be: word 1.5 ● shall be at mn (0.062 material, in color, ~tterv warnina 1 abel. Tvoe 111 be provided with a battery warning least in) the text a depth Type label. 2.5 high requirements of which requires mn (O. 125 in) and contrasting shal 1 be at least or raised height high. in 2.0 nm of at 111 equipment Battery containing warning labels WARNING I ku_Ec2_ REMOVE BATTERIES NOTE: 3.10.3 .1.3. shall be placed Government. I BEFORE SNIPkENT OR INACTIVE 00 NOT REMOVE INTERNAL ~atterv warn. no label on the equipme~t by the HEHORY BACKUP . . diso s t R manu~a~t~~e~ The prior battery warning to delivery to 1abel the Functional panel markings 3.10.3 .1.4 Panel markinqs and orocesses. Tyoe 111. of words or abbreviations shall indicate the use or purpose of controls, indicators, Panel markings shal 1 enable the connectors, receptacles, fuseholders, and so forth. 74 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E operator processes in I I I glates to identify shall be shall of the conform the function used which can Identification be as specified variable to the operator controls. front panel rnar.king Marking test specified Type 111 equipment identification rslate. Tvoe 111. in MIL-STD-130 and 3.10.3 .2.1 and 3.10.3 .2.2 below. Type III equipment information. Twse IIL Jdenti f i cat ion Dlate identification plates shall contain the information specified in a through h. The The identification plate model number shall be as designated by the manufacturer. shal 1 be metal and shal 1 be affixed by rivets or screws to any exterior surface of the equipment except removable covers. In 1 ieu of the metal identification plate, a Type G photosensitive, adhesive-backed metal identification plate in accordance with MI L-P-15024 shall be placed on the test equipment. The identification pl ate shall be affixed by the manufacturer prior to delivery to the Government. a. b. :: Manufacturer name. Equipment model number. Equipment name. Jol nt Equipment Type Designation e. f. 9h. P1 ace of manufacture. Serial number. National stock number. Contract number. System (JETOS) nomenclature (when assigned). I 1 information. When Identification elate s uoolementa TYDe 11 ~. accessories are required to make the equipment meet the requirements of the associated detail specification and the combination is given a part or model number designation that differs from that of the main unit, the identification plate shall Whether a configuration model designation also contain the information in a and b. is assigned or not, all major accessories shall be marked as in c: cables a. Consists and adapters) b. Model of: [part comprising configuration number of main unit and the equipment conf igurat number: (Model number all accessories ion]. assigned to the (excluding equipment configuration). tion, or equipment separate detail with ment Part of (or p/o): (Model number assigned ~~in unit model number, as applicable), s/n: comprising the set or the serial number of s/n is not assigned to the set). to the equipment configura(serial number assigned to the the primary instrument if a When specified in the associated 3.10.3 .2.3 Reusable oouch or container. specification. a reusable Pouch or container shall be provided in accordance Containers shall be marked “accessories for use with” (test equipor, “maintenance aids for use with” (test equipnomenclature or model number), 15 Downloaded from MI L-T-2BBOOE ment shall nomenclature be used in 3.10.4 ~omencl ature specif 1 cation, nomenclature Requirement 34. 3.11 12 months. remain in I hlibrat At the tolerance. 3.12 ml The as applicable. number, if assigned. or model number), 1 ieu of the model Ion end iabili&y. The interval Reliability equipment Uhen specified In the shal 1 be in- accordan~ asslqnmenl. assignment interv~ of this test minimum interval a minimum of shall associated detail with MI L- STO-454, between 85 percent be as specified nomenclature in cdl ibrations of the units 3.12.1 shall shall be through The upper test mean-t 3.12.1 &liabilitv. ~ e., for continuous and intennitt&t operation (see 6.4.2. MIL-STD-781, shall be 1500 hours under the environmental the test equipment class, when tested in accordance with used herein, shall be as defined in 781 and detail those as Burn-in. specified in 3.12.2 Reliabil specification, for Type 111. JYDe Burn-in, 1 if used, shall ime-between-fai lures (KTBF), 19), in accordance with conditions specified for A failure, as specified be as in Fll L-STO- 3.12.3:1. itv. the u Tme rel iabi; ity Unless otherwise requirements for specified in the associated be the same Type 1.1 shall as 3.12.3 @liabilitv. TYc.e ~. When Type III reliability is specified in the associated detai 1 speci f icatioa the upper test MTBF, Uo, for continuous and intermi ttent operation shal 1 be 1500 hours under the environmental conditions specified for the test equipment, when tested in accordance with A failure, as used herein, shall be as defined in Reliability sample units shall receive no burn-in Bum-in. TYO e 111. other than that received by al 1 test equipment submitted for acceptance. Uhen burn- in for each unit shall 1 ast specified in the associated detail specification, at least 100 hours at a minimum of 40”C. The 1 ast 30 hours shal 1 be failure free. If a fai 1 ure occurs within the period specif ted to The W need not be controlled. be failure-free, burn-in on that equipment shal 1 be stopped and repairs accomplished prior to initiating a complete. 30 hour failure-free period. Additional failures shall result in additional burn-in extensions until the final 30 hours of bum-in are failure-free. . 3.13 Main tatib~. Maintainability shall be as specified in 3.13.1 through I in 3.13.1 ainabilit~. flaint through Type T~oe 1. (see 76 1 maintainabil ity sha” I be as specified Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E I I I Fault isolation of faults, switch, transistor, with the maintenance isolation. and repair c~pacitor, provisions The design of the equipment TvDe 1. down to the lowest discrete component nonrepairable assembly (see, furnished as part of the equipment. ,. .,, shal 1 permit (resistor, and so forth), . A maintainability demonstra3.13.” 1.2 TvDe L inabilitv demoristntJon. t ion shal 1 be perfonoed on the equl pment when speci f ~ed in the contract. The mean corrective maintenance time (I&) (~ in HIL-STD-471) shall be 90 ❑inutes. The maximum tolerable mean corrective maintenance time (~ in HIL-STD-471) shall be 115 minutes. The ❑aximum correct ive maintenance time (~) shal 1 not exceed 270 minutes. The & and the & shal 1 ~ncl ude al 1 t I me required to troubleshoot, fault i sol ate, repair, and calibrate the equipment for any mal funct ion down to the lowest discrete component (resistor, switch, transistor, integrated circuit, nonrepairable assembly, and so forth), of the equipment, but does not include certification time (see Certification time shall be as specified in the associated detail specification. The producer’s risk shall be not greater than 0.20, and the cons&er’,s risk shall be not greater than 0.10. motor period. where Prevent ive maintenance (for example, TVD L Pre ventlve maintenance. oiling and filter cleaning) shall no: ~qutre more than 15 minutes per 30 day Prevent ive maintenance shal 1 not require breaking of the equipment seams . calibration seals would normally be placed. to orovis maintenance reqniremerrts of a through the ions. j to Tvoe L facil it~te Type I test maintenance: equipment shal 1 conform Use of eauival ent Darts. in order to faci 1 itate the Procurement of a. replacement parts, the design shall’ not be based on the use of parts of special manufacture where suitable units of standard manufacture are available. Slmilarl y, the design shal 1 not be based upon the use of parts provided by only one manufacturer where equivalent parts avail ●ble from several manufacturers may be employed. b. Selection of plug-in parts. such that operation w{ll not depend upon parts, such as tubes, vibrators, crystals, emitting Accessibility c. diodes) and fuses The design nf the test equipment special selection of replaceme~t and sol id-state devices. of 1 amps and fuses. shal 1 be replaceable Indicator from the lamps extertor. (other than shall plug-in be 1 ight The equipment shall be constructed so that no d. Enclosure attitude. damage to any component, or permanent distortion to any structural member, sbal 1 be caused by placing any of the st x sides of the equipment on a flat ‘surTate. The equipment shall be capable of standing without additional support on any of the six sides. removed e. from The its chassis enclosure attitude. there The chassis shall be constructed shal 1 be no damage to any component 17 so that when part nor any Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E permanent enclosure distortion or when the of any structural chassis is placed f. Accessory stowage. tools (see 6.4.2. 30), and patch the equipment shall be provided the equipment case. member either during removal on a flat surface on any of Specfal adapters, circuit board extenders, special cables required for maintenance and calibration of as part of the equipment, and shall be stowed within The calibration enclosure seams Accessibil Ity” of accessories. shal 1 be %ai 1 able without disturbing the would normal ?y be placed. Circuit h. and reconnection of from the the six sides. accessories of where calibration penetration. Cal i bratlon shal 1 not require leads or components by soldering processes. the 3.13.1 seals .4f disconnection i. The equipment shall be designed so that Accessibility for repair. subassembly ies and chassis components can be removed without removing other hardwired subassembly ies or components. Printed circuit cards shall be removable without the need to unsolder cables and interconnecting WI ring. Printed circuit cards (mother boards), designed primari 1y to distribute power and signals to other printed cards (daughter boards), are excluded from this requirement. Nhen mother boards are used the boards shal 1 be accessible from both sides to faci 1 i tate troubleshooting or repair. j. Accessibility for adjustment. to be asade without removing however, the use of extender adjustments subassembly; The equipment design shall any component, printed circuit cards” is pemitted. . permit card, or Uhen specified in the associated deta i 1 Mashabilitv. TvDe c. specification, the equipment shall conform to al 1 requirements after being washed, or markings, deformation of parts, or other and there shall be no Joss of finishes evidence of deterioration when tested in accordance with 3.13.2 detail Type specification, 111. ‘3.13.3 specified ainabilitv. Tvo e rl. maintainability Unless otherwise requirements for tbinta nabilitv. IYR.U-U in 3.13.3!1 through 3.13.3 Type .S”(see 111 specified in the associated Type 11 shall be the same as ❑aintainability shall be as The design of the equi praent shall fsennit fault iso Iation. TvDe LX.1. i solation of faults, and repair down to the lowest discrete component (resistor, switch, transistor, capacitor, nonrepairable assembly, and so forth), with the maintenance provisions furnished as part of the equipment (see 6.4.2. 22). stration (~ in ~ A maintainability ~ai a a t IIL. shal 1 be performed on the equipment when specified in the contract. The maximum tolerable MS (H, in MIL-STD-471) shall be 90 minutes. 78 demonThe Pia Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E MI L-STD-471) shall be 115 minutes. The & shall not exceed 270 minutes. The ~ and & shall include all time required to troubleshoot, fault i sol ate, repair, and cal ibrate the equipment for any mal function down to the lowest discrete comintegrated Circuit, nossrepai rabl e assembly, ponent (resistor, switch, transistor, and so forth), of the equipment, but does not Include certification time (see Certification time shall be as specified in the associated detail specification. The producer’s risk shal 1 be not greater than 0.20, and the consumer’s risk shall be not greater than 0.10. I I Preventive asainteunce. Tvoe IJ-I . Preventive maintenance example, motor oiling and filter cleaning) shall not require more than per a 30-day period. Preventive maintenance shall not require breaking equipment seams where calibration seals would norsnall y be placed. specified in na v~1 a through i to a. Accessibility the chassls may be removed removed from the equipment facll itate u. maintenance: for maintenance. from the enclosure, rack, with ordinary Type 111 equipment (for 15 minutes of the shall be as The equipment shal 1 be designed and rack-mountable equipment tools. so that may be b. The equipment shal 1 be constructed. so that no Enclosure attitude. damage to any component shal 1 occur, and no permanent distortion to any structural member shall be caused, by pl acing the coaqslete es@psent on a flat horizontal surf ace using any of the six sides necessary to support i t during maintenance and cal {brat{ on. I I c. Chassis removal. The eauirmnent shal 1 be constructed chassis can be removed from the enclosu;e with no damage to any with no distortion of structural member. so that component the part and I I capable access d. Chassis of standing to components The chassis when removed from the enclosure attitude. on a flat horizontal surface in the attitude required and adjustments during maintenance and calibration. I I accordanc~”with Bench handling provisions. Bench handling provisions shall to shal 1 be provide be in f. Accesslbil ity of accessories. Detachable cords, operator’s manuals, spare fuses, and other accessories required for Styles A, C, and D equipment Operating operation shall be stowed in the equipment front cover or main case. Equipment accessories for Styles P, S, and T shall be stowed in the transit case. of other styles shall have the operating accessories stowed in a reusable pouch or container marked in accordance with 9. adapters, calibration Maintenance and special tools (see shall be provided calibration 6.4. 2.30), and shall Circuit board extenders, special aids. and patch cables required for maintenance be identified as a set with a unique part 79 or Downloaded from klIL-T-28GOOE I I I I number and national stock number. Stowage shall be in a reusable pouch or container marked in accordance with The quantity of maintenance and calibration aid sets required shall be as specified by the procuring activity. Maintenance and cal ibration aids shall be procured as a separate 1 ine item in contracts and only for those set !vities authorized to perf ona component level maintenance on the equipment. h. Accessibil Ity for repair. The equipment shall be designed so”that subassembly ies and chassis components can be removed without removing other hardwired subassembly i es or components. Printed circuit cards shal 1 be removable without the need to unsolder cables and interconnecting wiring. Printed circuit cards (mother boards) designed primarl 1 y to distribute power and signals to other printed cards (daughter boards) are excluded from thls requirement. Nhen mother boards are used they shall be accessible from both sides to facilitate troubleshooting or repair. f. I I I adjustments subassembly; Accessibility for adjustment. to be made without removing however, the use of extender The equipment design shall any component, printed circuit cards is permitted. pemit cards, or washabil ity.. Tvve 11[ Iihen specified in the associated detai 1 specification. the eouioment shall c&fonn to all requirements after bein~ washed. ahd there shall be n;” loss of finishes or markings, ‘deformation of parts, -or other evidence of deterioration then tested in accordance with 4.5.7,1.2. ,$ 3.14 ntal htt!l~ speci f fcation, the. equipment i ng requl rements of a and b: with the Random vibratian. ~~ocess specified in b. accordance 3.15 Requirement 4. shal~ Uhen be su~jected Randam 4.5.3 .lc. vibration shal 1 be performed Temperature cycl {ng. Temperature with the process specified in 4.5.3. Workmanship. 9. Workmanship QUALITY ASSURANCE shall be specified in the associated stress to the environmental CYCI ing Id. in shall accordance in accordance be performed with detai 1 screen- in MIL-STD-454, PROVISIONS 1. Unless othemi se specified in the cantract 4.1 Ibilitv for ins~~ or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of al 1 i nspect ion requirements (examinations and tests) as specif ied herein, Except as otherwi se specified in the contract or arder, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perfosm any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure suppl ies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 80 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E 1 I I * 4.1.1 ResDonsibilitv for compliance. Al 1 equipment shall meet the applicable requirements of sections 3 and 5. The inspections set forth in this specification shall become a part of the contractor’s overall inspection system or qual ity program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the specification shal 1 not rel i eve the contractor of the responstbil ity of ensuring that all products or supplies subnd tted to the Government for acceptance comply with al 1 requirements of Sampl ing inspection, as part of manufacturing operations, is an the contract. acceptable pract Ice to ascertain conformance to requirements, however, thts does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it cooanl t the Government to accept defective material. 4.1.2 Al 1 quality assurance operations performed by $0 ernmant e if icatio~ Verification the contracto; wil 1 bevs~bject to Government verification at any time. will consist of, but is not 1 imited to, a) surveillance of the operations to determine that practices, methods, and procedures of the written quality assurance program are being properly applied, b) Government product inspection to measure qual ! ty of the product to be offered for acceptance, and c) Government inspection of del ivered products to assure compl iance with all inspection requirements of this specification. 4.1.3 I herein shall 4.2 classified old are of in inspections. a through The ar t article inspection into groups in accordan~; 4.2.1 firs classified Quality inspections assurance specified terms herein used are c: First article inspection (see 4.2.1). Bid sample inspection (see 4.2.2). Quality conformance inspection (see ~: c. I i tv assurance terms and d efinitions. as defined in I41L-STD-109. Classi fication as specified I I be 4.2.3). 0s First w;th table article X, 4.3, examinations and tests and a through f. I a. b. I I ~: e. f. I I I I I 4.2.2 First First Ftrst First First First Bid into classified :: :: Bid Bld Bid Bid article article article article article article samD le groups sample sample sample sample inspection, Group A tests, Group B (see tests, Group C (see tests, Group D (see tests, Group E (see tests, Group F (see inspection q rouos. in ●ccordance with (see 4.3.1 .5). Bid sample examinations and table X, 4.3, and a through inspection, Group A tests, Group 8 (see tests, Group C (see tests, Group D (see [see tests f: are Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E e. f. 8td 8id sample sample tests, tests, Group Group TABLE X. E (see F (see f~ . Requirement paragraph Inspection paragraph Group A: Preoperational inspection Level A performance Open circuit voltage Leakage current 3 3.3,, 4.5.3 .2.1 4.5.3 .2.2 u u Group B: Level As required in the detail specification 4.5.4 w 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.7.5 3.7. s.1 4.5,5.3 4.5.5 .3.1 u 3.7.6 4.5.5 .4.3 Examination or test B performance Group C: Temperature and humidity T/H Temperature shock Altltude Vibration Vi bratton, sinusoidal V{ bration; random Bounce, 1 oose cargo Shock, mechanical Shock, functional Transit drop, Styles A, B, C, P, S and T Bench handling Shock, high impact Hater resistance Watertight, Styles A and T Spl ashproof, Style A Dripproof, Styles B and C Electrical power Input power consumption Voltage and frequency varlatlon Voltage-transient Frequency-transient Power source interrupt ion Verification, Group C 3.9.3 .1.1 3.4 3:4.1.1,,,,, 3.7.1 82 3.4.5 .2.2 4“. 4.5.5 .6.3 % g $ w u 4/ d w 5 U J./ v f I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E TA8LE Examination or x. test Group D: Fungus resistance Sal t fog Exposure, Structural Exposure, enclosure Explosive atmosphere Dust EMI Magnetic environment Verification, Group Sol ar radiation Group E: Maintainability ~ Washability Acoustic not se Dimensions Weight Mechanical stability Equipment emanations Front panel marking Packaging Group F: Reliability ~ ~ ~ ~ 5/ Q/ v ~ w N ~ J_2/ N J/ Examinations parts D and tests. (continued) Requirement paragraph Inspection paragraph 3.7.7 3.7.8 3.7.9 3.7.10 3.8 3.7.11 3.7.1 3.7.13 4. S.6.2.1 3.13.1, 3.13.3, 3.7.12 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3,, 3.10.3 .1.4 5.1 Y u u l/ u 3/ Y v 3.12.1,, 3.12.3 3/ E # w $ N Shal 1 be performed on al 1 equipment. Tests are to be detailed in the associated detail specification if required. To be perfosmed only when the test is required by the associated detkil specification. Required for equipment in Styles A, 8, C, P, S, and T enclosures onlY. Required for equipment in Styles A and T enclosures only. Required for equipment in Style A enclosures only. Required for equipment in Styles 8 and C enclosures only. For Styles C thru G, see Note 3/. Testing required for Styles A and B. Class 2 only. Class 2 any style, and any Class with styles A, p) or T enclosures. For Navy equipment only. Al so, see Note !.3/. Clasfes 2 and 3 all Styles. Also, see Note ~. Test lng is to be performed only when the requirement is invoked by the associated detail specification. 83 Downloaded from HIL-T-2B800E 4.2.3 tests and f. conformance Quality are classified into Production Production Environmental Environmental Other tests, Reliability a. b. :: e. f. inspection groups in arouos. accordance Quality conformance with table X, 4.4, inspection, Group A (see 4.4.1). control tests, Group B (see 4.4.2). and electrical power tests, Group tests, Group D (see 4.4.4). Group E (see 4.4.5). tests, Group F (see 4.4.6). C (see examinations and a through 4.4.3). The first art~cle inspection shall 4.3 ~be performed on five unl ts, and, when frunt panel marking test requirements are testing shall be performed on invoked, on a sample of the front panel . Bid sample two units, and, when front panel marking test requirements are invoked, on a $?OIIP1 e The test methods, procedures, and conditions of the front panel (see used for first article or bid sample inspection shal 1 be performed on the units as specified in 4.5 and a through c: Failure be counteda& a major be in accordance with Failure 6.4.2. criteria. defect(see of 17). any Group Failures A through Group E test during Group F testing shal 1 shall The test sequence shall be as specified in 4.3.1 and b. Test sequence. 4.3.2 for Groups A through F. If the associated detail specification does not specify Group B testing, the test sequence shal 1 proceed from Group A to Groups C and D to Group E. The Group D testing may be performed concurrent y with, or First article operating time accumulated sequent i al 1y after, the Group C testing. during the testing of Groups A through D may be considered toward the Group F reliability test time In accordance with the restrictions specified in, settings dance I to 4.3.1 with s~~ll Test conditions be in accordance First first the inspection and control with 4.5.2. article inspection. through article specified WMc.LM. in The settings. First art{cle Grouo 4. test conditions inspection The f ~ve unf ts shall and control be in accor- shal 1 be subjected 4.5.3. The five Grouo ~ first artic?e tests. passed the Group A inspection shall be su~jected to the associated detail specification does not specify sequence shall proceed from Group A to Groups C and with 4.3b. B4 units that have the Group B tests Group B testing, D, as applicable, satisfactorily of 4.5.4. If the test in accordance Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E 4.3. 1.3 First passed the required C tests of 4.5.5. article tests tests. 6rouD in accordance passed the D tests of ar tests {n ~ rst required 4.5.6. ts. G accordance C. with Three units that have satisfactory shall be subjected to the ly Group with Two units the Group that have satisfactorily shal 1 be subjected to Units that have satisfactorily passed Grouo E tests. First a rticle the Group D tests shall be subjected to tka Group E tests of 4.5.7. tIhen the number of units required for Group E testing exceeds the number requ{rad for Group D, the additional unl ts shal 1 be selected from units which have passed the Group C tests. The number of units tested shall be as specified In a through g: is invoke~: demonstration. contains shal 1 be tested. on the unit prior Iihen the washability to the maintainabil d. than Dimensions and weight. Mechanical stability. 2000 CC (122 in’) with Two units Two units a weight shall be tested. shall be tested, except that units less. than 2.5 kg. [5..5 lbs.j need not Two units shall be tested, except e. Equipment emanations. tests need not be performed unless the equipment is designed to Isave potentials of 10 kilovolts (kV) or greater, or could have potentials greater due to the failure of any one component. is I the test {ty b. Two units shal 1 be tested only if the equipment Acoustic noise. a motor (such as a fan or blower) or other audible noise source. c. smaller tested. Maintainab{l ity. One unit the test shall be perfonoed f. Front representative assoc?&ed panel of the marking. equipment One 100 m front panel Additional Additional tests. detai 1 specification. “X-radiation operating of 10 kV or (4 in) by 100 nan (4 in) sample and marking shal 1 be tested. Group E tests shall be be as specified which in First ar t fcle tests. Grours F The Group F rel~abillty demonstration tests of 4.5.8 .1.1.1 or 4.5.8 .1.3.1 (as a~plicable) shall be conducted on at least five models. The use of 10 models for rel Iabil Ity demonstration Is encouraged, but The tests shall be performed on units that not more than 10 models shall be used. have satisfactorily passed the Group A tests and (when specified) Group B tests. When these tests are performed on units that have satisfactorily passed the Groups A, B (when specified), C, O, and E tests, the test time (equipment operating time) accumulated during the Groups A, B, C, and D tests may be included as part of the required reliability test time in accordance with the restrictions of a and b: 85 Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E a. The total of Groups A, 8, C, and D test time (ecJui Pment oPeratin9 time) as reliability test time shal 1 not be greater than 25 percent of the total rel iabil ity test time at the accept or reject deci slon points of the HIL-STD-781 Test Plan. included required specified count” I I b. All as rel iabil I during the Groups A, B, C, and D tests shall 4.3.2 Procurement of equl pment by the bid sample method Bld sa vle Insoectlw requtres the subm~ssion of a bid” sample to the procuring activity when required in The bid sample shall consist of two units with accessories and the solicitation. instruction manuals, and clear and concise rationale showing how the reliability and ma+ntainabil Ity character sties of the equipment comply with the requirements of the solicitation. If readjustment of the equipment is anticipated at the conclusion of any environmental test and prior to the resumption of environmental testing, the rationale for readjustment should identify the environmental tests which should be fol 1 owed by such readjustment. When the front panel marking test requirements are invoked, a 100 uan (4 in) by 100 IISU (4 in) sample of the front panel shall be provided as part of the bid sample (see The bid sample shall be representative of equipment specified by the requirements of the solicitation. subjected I failures occurring fty failures. to Bid the samDl e insDect ion. inspection specified Grouo A. The in 4.5.3. two bid sample units shall be Bid samole tests. The two bid sample units that have satisGrouo II factorily passed the Group A inspectio~ shall be subjected to the Group B tests of 4.5.4. If Group B testing is not required, the test sequence shall proceed from Group A to Groups C and D as applicable, in accordance with 4 .3b. passed the C tests of Bid sa mole tests. required tests in 4.5.5. ~ accordanc~ One bid sample unit that has with shal 1 be subjected satisfactorily to the Group passed the D tests of Did samDle tests. required tests in 4.5.6. Grouo D accordanc~ One bid sample unit that has with shall be subjected satisfactorily to the Group Bid samD 1 e tests. Group C test and the unit that subjected to the Group E tests specified in a through g: a. Haintainabil ity. Gro4uLE has sat; of 4.5.7. The unit that has satisfactorily passed the sfactorily passed the Group D tests shal 1 be The number of units tested shal 1 be as When specified in the solicitation, one unit shall tested. does will not not b. Acoustic noise. Two units contain a motor (such as a fan be tested. shall be tested, except that equipment that or blower) or other audible noise source 86 be Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E c. Dimensions tests shafi potentials the failure Equipment “emanations. not be performed unless of 10 kV or greater, or of any one component. f. I I I I in the sof; shal 1 be tested. Two units shall be tested. except that units Mechanical stability. :2000, cc’ ...(122 ...:,in’) w:th ...a weight ,, less . than 2.5 kg “(5.5 lbs) shall . . . . . .,, .,.,. ,, not d. than smaller tested; Two units and weight. Front panel Additional citation. tests. ILld samole rel iability testing shall testing shall be specified 4.4 wal tjons speciffed inspection. itv ❑arking. Two units shal 1 be tested, except X-radiation the equipment is designed to have operattng could have potentials of 10 kV or greater due One sample Additional of tests the front shall Grouo E Uhen specified be performed I The number of in the solicitation. criterta. defect(see 415 Failure The are of panel when in the solicitation, units used for rel test methods, required for to shal 1 be tested. be performed tests. con f orm nce ins~ection in a thr~ugh c and in Failure be counteda& a major be in accordance with be specified Iabil Group ity procedures, and condi quality conformance any Group A through Group E test Failures during Group F testing F - shall shal 1 b. Test sequence. The test sequence shall be as specified in 4.4.1 through for Groups A through E, prior to the start of the Group F tests of 4.4.6. If the associated detail specification does not require Group B testing, the test sequence shall proceed from Group A to Groups C and D to Group E. The Group D testing may be performed concurrent y with or sequential 1y after the Group C testing. Equipment operating time accumulated during the testtng of Groups A through D may be considered toward the Group F reliability test time, at the manufacturer’s dl scretton, In accordance WI th the restri ctlons speci f ted in 4.4.6. I I settings s&ll Test conditions be fn accordance 4.4.1 Group A InspectIon equipment, including ments. 4.4.2 performed of and control with 4.5.2. Each GrouD 4 4.5.3 to ensure quai itattvely all operating controls, and . t{ P~ on ~ntts that”~a~e The settings. conditions unit shall be subjected the proper functioning conformance with safetY The Group sts. Grouo E. passed Group A inspection. 87 test B tests If the of 4.5.4 associated and control to the of the require- shall detail be Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E speci fication does not specify Group B testing, the test sequence Group A to Groups C and D as applicable, in accordance with 4.4b. shal 1 proceed from control From each lot (see which has Lrod uction passed production inspection (see 4.4. 1): a random sample shall be selected and inspect a sample As a mtnimum, the contractor shall subjected to the Group B tests. quantity of units in accordance with the sampling defined herein. Sample size depends on classification of the characteristic as shown In table XI. The sample size for each characteristic is shown in table XI. If a defect is found In any sample, the entire lot shal 1 be rejected and screened by the contractor for the defect found. Uhen the Group D testing is to be performed concurrent y with the the Group 6 S~Ple Group c testing, or when required for additional Group E teStS, size shall be Increased to provide the required samples for Groups C, D, and E testing. Table Lot 90 150 280 5iOO 35001 to 150000 nd le ~n u;{t~ B ; to to 4.4.3 ~ironmental shal 1 be rserfosmed 4.4.2. “ vs samDle Al 1 8, 8 15 25 50 3201 10001 to size Group 1200 31200 10 000 35 000 1201 1.ot size 2t08 9 to 16 to 26 to 51 to. 91 to 151 to 281 to 501 to 4.5.5 with XI. ;: 21 27 35 38 46 56 t ~~~~ 1 Dowe r tests. have ssassed size Group C Group 3 3 3 : 7 D 2 ; 5 “: 7 :! 15 ;; 29 29 1? 13 1s 15 is The Group G UD c ther~equl ~ed tests in C tests of accordance 4.4.3. J bl~ From each lot, a random sample of units that hav~ pa~~e~ltherre~ui r&l tests in a~cordance with 4.4.2 shall Sample size shal 1 be in accordance be selected and subjected to the Group C tests. with table XI. If one or more defects 1s found, the entire 1 ot shal 1 be rejected and screened 100 percent by the contractor for the defect found. 4.4.4 En vironmental formed on units which have tests. Grouv passed the The Group Q r;quired test 88 D tests of 4.5.6 shall be perin accordance with 4.4.2. Downloaded from !IIL-T-28800E From each lot, a random sample of units Environme ntal sam91 inq. have passed the required tests in accordance with 4.4.2 shall be selected and subjected to the Group D tests. Sample size shall be in accordance with table is found, the entire lot shal 1 be rejected and screened If one or more defects percent by ‘the contractor for the defect found. “” - units 4.4.5 9ther which have 4-4.5.1 the required subjected to a. blower) tested: t ests, passed The Group E tests of Grout! ~ the req~ired tests in accordance ~. tests in accordance the Group E tests From the first production with 4.4.2, a random sample specified in a through g: Maintainability. One unit b. Acoustic noise. or other audible noise c. 4.S.7 with Dimensions For units source. and weight. shall be randomly which contain one unit shall Four units shall shall 4.4.2. which be perfomed XI. 100 on lot which has passed shal 1 be selected and selected and tested. a motor (such as a fan or be rando61y selected and be randomly selected and tested. d. Mechanical 2.5 kg (5.5 stability. For units of 2000 cc (122 in’) or larger, with a lbs) or more, one unit shal 1 be randomly selected and tested. .. . . .,, , e. One unit shal 1 be randoml v selected and tested. Equipment emanations. except X-radiation tests need not be performed unless the equ~pment is designed to’ have operating potentials of 10 kV, or greater. or could have potentials of 10 kV or greater, due to circuit mal function resulting from the failure of any component, including related sequential. failures. weight of detail f. Additional specification. 9- requirements Packaging inspection. of rnIL-sTD-2073-]. 4.4.6 ~. f onned on units tests shal 1 be I I I tests. Sampling shall Sampling be as shall be specified in in accordance The Group F tests of 4.5.8 which have Fassed tiwi ‘required tests in ●ccordance conducted under the conditions specified in 4.5.8. Rel i ability tests in accordance with the Group F tests. The the associated with the sha? 1 be perwith 4.4.2. The samDl inq. From each lot which has passed the required 4.4.2, a random sample shall be selected and subjected sampling shall be in accordance with 4.5.8 .1.1.2 and 89 to Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E 4.5 E&m ination and failure criteria Equipment operation Satisfactory operation acceptability satisfact~~y 1 imits of tion. The test methods, methods . in 4.5.1 through veri?ied in accordance w“ith and test specified shill ‘be procedures, conditions, shall be applied. a” and “b:” Wherever. this specification. ~equires a to be performed, the parameters and the in the associated detail specifica- operation check. check (see shall be as specified Wherever this specification requires a Satisfactory operation test. operation test (see 6.4. 2.28) to be perfonoed, the parameters shal 1 be in the associated detail specification. b. satisfactory as specified Test equipment used for inspections 4.5.1 Jest a ioment as specified in ;h~ assoc~ ated detai 1 specification or approved procedure (see The test equipment shal 1 be properly calibrated in accordance with MI L- STD-45662. PI ace of those be I Jest spe~i 4.5.2 Gon as speclfi~ aDDro val . Use 4.5.1 requires o i omen t ~ied in iticms and cent in 01 tinsa~ thr~ughs~~5.2.3~5. Unless 4.5.2.’1 Jest conditi ns herein, the inspection of04. ~ shal 1 be e. Ambient conditions within the soeci equipment having a specified warmup” or measurements and observations shal 1 be c. d. e. I conditions 1 be of test shall 4.5.2 .1.2 as specified be made with Tolerance of in a through Conditions Temperature. of air (e~~ept at necessary measurement system and the measured close to the test shall not exceed I-C per m and control settings or be in shall otherwise specified in the detailed test performed under the conditions of a through f ied ranaes need not be controlled. For stabil iz~tion period after turn-on, formal made onl Y after the soecified interifal f see conditi instruments test h: shall test and equipment in addition to of the procuring activity. Temperature: 2S” ilO”C. Humidity: 20 to 70 percent RN. Altitude: O to 3050 m (10,000 ft). Nominal or alternate power source Power: Normal operating position. Attitude: :: I of test approval and tests equipment maintained ns o; co nditi~. tie The specified for Al 1 measurements accuracy specified tolerance of test of the equipment. the test in conditions shall The test item shall be totally surrounded by an envelope support joints) . The temperature of the test section temperature gradient throughout this envelope, which is item, shal 1 be within t2° C of the test temperature and or a maximum of 2.2-C total (equipment nonoperating). 90 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E the 1 b. measured percent’ Method &’of Pressure. value. Pressure Relatfve Humidity. the measureti value. d. Vf bration ampl ttude. 514 fn HIL-STD-81O. accuracy I I Vfbration ~~ t2 percent, frequency. or tl/2 shal humfdfty at Sf nusoidal, with Acceleration. Acceleration 9. Tfme. time shall shall an accuracy the chamber .. .. . t10 control . percent; Vibrat\on frequency Hz below 25 Hz. f. Elapsed 1 be measured be measured wfth f5 sensor random, shall be measured of as shall ,, wfthfn an accuracy with *1O of *I of be i5 specf f ied be measured to percent for an pertent. percent. The accuracy of instruments cal ibrati~ 4.5.2 .1.3 strument o t st Ac curacv and test equipment used t: c%tr~? or monf tor the test parameters shal 1 be verf fled prf or to and fol 1 owing each test and then calibrated at predetermined f ntervals and shall meet the requirements of HIL-STD-45662. Control The control settings settinu. approved equipment test procedure (see or tlon. I I I I Perform nce through 4.~.2.3.5. o f test. Tests” shall the shall be as determined by the associated detail speciffca- be perfos%kd in’ accordance with Pr{or to proceeding with the envi ronmen4. Pretest aual{fication d ta tal tests, the test Item shal 1 be oper~te~ under standard ambfent condf t fens (see 4. 5.2.1) to obtain qual ificatfon data for determining satisfactory operation of the item as specified tn the associated detail specification, before, dur$ng, and after The pretest qual f f{cation data shal 1 also the environmental test, iss applicable. Include the functional parameters to be monitored during and after the test, f f not specified in the associated detail specification. The qual f ficatfon data shall fnclude acceptable functional 1 imits (with permissible degradation) when operatfon item Is requtred, as appl fcable. of the test The test item shall be ●aking Installed in the test facfllty In a manner that will shu;ate servjce usage, connections and attaching instrumentation as necessary. P1 ugs, covers, and inspection plates not used in operation;’ but’ used in servlclng, shall remain in plaC@. normally When mechanical or electrical connections are not used, the connections For tests where temperature values are protected in service shal 1 be covered. control led, the test chamber shall be at standard ambient conditions when the test item Is installed, The test item shall be operated to determine that no malfunction or damage was caused due to faulty installation or handl ing. The requirement for Downloaded from II IL-T-28800E operation only when following operation of the test item in the test facility during exposure to the specified test. installation is required is applicable durina test. When operation of the test item is Performance check requ{red during the test exposure, suitable tests shall he perforssed to determine whether the test exposure is producing changes in performance when compared with pretest qualification data. n< At the completion post-test insD cti the test item shal 1 be inspec;ed ;n accordance with the tion and the results shall be compared with the pretest in accordance with ed in Failure a. The item shall 1 through 7 occur: in established 4. 5. detail failed functional Catastrophic Mechanical that results and nuts~. associated have Honitored 1. 2. bolts, Failure criteria. or criteria the test shall when parameters structural the internal conforming associated 4.5.3 tional be as specified any of deviate the in conditions beyond a and specifi- acceptable 1 imits binding or loose parts, in component failure or including a hazard screws, c1 amps, to personnel safety. Fialfunction. Degradation of performance beyond 1 imlts establ t shed In the specification. 6. Any additional 7. Deterioration, deviations from and electrically driven performance at an environmental would occur only 1 f degradation acceptable criteria is established test. corrusion, or change In tolerance 1 imlts could in any manner prevent the test item or maintenance requirements. or external parts to ope”r’atfonal b. Additional or different detail specification. Grou~ inspection b: failure. Certain types of equipment ( for example, propellants devices) are often expected to demonstrate lesser A failure extreme, particularly low temperature. more than expected. before of each environmental test, associated detal 1 speci f ica qualification data obtained which serv{ce A {nsDectiofs. of and failure criteria Group A inspection shall the Level A performance 92 shall be as specified consist of the tests of of sway frm in preopera- the Downloaded from MIL-T-28BOOE ion Prior to the beginning of the Level A test n D Preooe ational (see. 4.5 .3..2j, .lhe&periL.&!a%p&ttms spactf.tad -in.a and b shal 1.&z +wfmaed on all equipment. When specified in ,“the associated detail specification, the examinations specified in c and d shall be performed. a. Mechanical and visual examination. The equipment shall be given a thorough mechanical and v{ sual exeminat ion and test to determine that all materials, workmanship, and safety character st Ics comply with the specified requirements. Particular attention shall be given to the requirements specified in 1 through 14: Completeness. Nameplates, identification marktng, 1 abels, Alignment and tightness. Finish. Fit and placement of components. Operation of jacks, switches, S1 idlng parts, Mountings and brackets. Fastenina and securing of devices or Darts. and parts”. Accessibility of comp6rsents Melded and soldered joints. w{ring. Fores, harnesses, and other Gmundlng connections. Safety examinations. Workmanship. tested include b. Electrical to confirm that the requirements 1. good ensure: to-metal electrical circuit configuration. the wiring is correct. specified lo 1 ●nd 2: Al 1 intramodule contact, and that wiring shorts The equipment Hhere applicable, and and indexes contro’ s. shall be examined the tests shall shall be tested to assure and undesired grounds are or correctness, e] iminated. 2. The module groundt ng systaa shal 1 be examined or tested to proper separation of shield, signal, and framework grounds, and metal contact for panels and component that serve as electromagnetic shields. Envlronrnental stress screenlsig (randoa vfbration). Prior to co~d&#g cycl hg, rmdm w{bratton shall be pprfolmd on each unit. the tempe%un vibration seiiy be perfomed at “the module, drasmr, eti lteaa level, or 1 ine replaceable unit (1.RIJ).. /01 tm” h~s’sftiara, lnc16dfng cablei”’imd coswsectora, shall be or subdect to Procu’Flng exposed to ,vlbrati on. The vibrat lop shall be raod~, act ivi ty approval, pseudo-random or complex wevefone -vibration, for an accumulated time of 10 minutes in the axis most susceptible to vibratlpn excitation. AI1 items being screened shall be hard-mounted (without shock i sol ators) and subjected to the vibration conditions of figure 2. The control accelerometer shall be located next to one of the mounting points of the item being screened. Equipment having a bandwidth of not greater than )0 Hz for vibration frequencies up to 500 Hz, and 100 Hz for vibration frequencies above 500 Hz shal 1 be used for the control and analysis 93 Downloaded from HIt-T-28800E I of the acceleration spectral density (ASD). The item being screened shall energized during vibration, and appropriate input signals shall be appl ied observe any abnormal conditions of the output functional characteristics. fai 1 ures occurring during the process shal 1 be corrected and the screen~ng be to Al 1 resumed. ASD 0.04 g2/Hz *3 dB 20 350 80 FREQUENCY FIGURE 2. flandon vfbrat}o 2000 (Hz) n curve. d. Environmental stress screening (temperature cycling). Each equipment shal 1 be subjected to the temperature cycling shown in figure 3. The number of CYC1 es requi red shall be determined by the electrical and electronic parts count in table XII. The te erature rate of change shal 1 be not less than 5*C per minute. Equipment power sha7 1 be turned on and off it the indicated times. When practical, the equipment drawers, panels, ●nd enclosures shall be opened or removed for maximum exposure to the changl The last temperature cycle shal 1 be fall ure free. The dwell tiw %~%r~$m. Per&tint of the .tlme required for the largest electrical or elects%nic part to become temperature stab{l fzkd. Temperature stabil ization will have been attained when the temperature of the part of the item bel ng screened considered to have the longest thersoal 1 ag reaches a temperature wi thl n 2. O-C of the specified temperature, except that any cri tlcal component wi 11 be within l“C. Exceptions may occur in large items. Uhen changing temperatures. the temperature of the chamber air may be adjusted up to 5°C beyond the desired end point for a period of up to 1 hour to reduce stabilization time, provided that the 94 I I Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E requirements of this paragraph are ultimately attained relative to the stabil ization specified end point temperature, and provided the extended chamber temperatures wi 11 not cause damage to the item being screened. Failures occurring prior to the 1 ast origfnal temperature cycle shall be repaired and the cycl ing continued. If failures occur durin9 the ‘last original temperature cycle, table Xl 11 shall be used to detetm~ne the number of additional” cycles required. TABLE XII. Electrical and electronic 500 501 or to parts Test CVC1 es. count Number of temperature less 1000 3 1001 to 2000 2001 to 3000 I 3001 or Percentage of total paits reworked or replaced ~ : 8 more TABLE 10 I XIII. Ad ~. 0 to 0.1 percent 0.1 to 1 percent 1 to 5 percent Over 5 percent None Repeat Repeat Repeat or J “ Eauicessent 500 CYC1 es less 501 parts to count 2000 I 2001 or more 1 cycle 1 cycle 2 CYC1 es t I i u Each reworked solder Last cycle shall be failure-free joint or resoldered 1 ead shal 1 count as one part replaced. The Level A performance tests’ for evaluat4.5.3.2 ~. ing equipment perforaence shal 1 be as required both herein and in the approued equipment test procedure, except that when an approved equipment test procedure is not provided or authorized for use. conformance to the performance requirements of the associated detail specification shall be verified (see These tests shall be performed on each item of equipment and shall be conducted under the test conditions of (see and 95 I Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E NOTE3 w \ NOTE 4 1 ‘%” \ NOTES : 1. 2. 3. 4. Upper Upper Lower Lower nonoperating temperature. 1 imit for equipment cl ass. operating temperatun 1 imit. for equipment class. operat{ ng temperature 1 imit for equipment class. nonoperating temperature 1 imi t for equipment class. FIGURE accordance I @en with 4.5.3 3. 9ne C{ cuit .~.l.l CYC le of tenm erature voltasse test. and The curve open {not circuit to scale~. voltage test shall be in WARNING THIS TEST MAY BE NAZAROOUS OUE TO TNE UNGROUNDED CONOITION OF THE EQUIPHENT WRING THE TEST. DO NOT TDUCN EXPOSED METAL SURFACES WITHOUT ELECTRIC SHOCK PROTECTION. tlEITNERASSUMES NOR ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY TNE IMTED STATES 6DVERf0!~ INJURY OR DAMAGE TNAT MAY OCCUR DURING OR AS A RESULT OF lHIS TEST. Each equipment directly connected to an 4.5.3 .2.1.1 fiuioment connections. external power source and units deriving power from the equipment shall be placed on an insulated surface. All safety ground conductors between the equipment and units deriving power from the equipment and the power source shal 1 be opened during the test. as shown in figure 4, i f it is connected to The equipment shall be connected 96 Downloaded from 14JL-T-28800E” a single-phase source, and power as shown source, as shown in figure 5, in figure 6, i f it is connected if it is connected to a three-phase to a dc power power source. The open circuit voltage test shall be measured on 4.5.3 .2.1.2 Measurement. equipment in the normal operating configuration. Equipment controls in each operatfon mode shall be such that maximum power will be utilized during the open circuit voltaae test. A true rms voltmeter shal 1 be uked for ac ootent {als. and a dc voltmeter ii th a 10 megohm or greater input impedance shall berused for dc - “- patentlals. The probe in figures 4 through 6 shal 1 be used to measure voltage on any conducting or adjustment controls and central shafts with the knobs removed. The voltage shal 1 be measured from each part to ground and from each part to al 1 other simultaneously accessible parts far every combination of switch positions The open safety ground conductor shal 1 be specified in figures 4 through 6. reconnected insnediately after the test has been completed. dance I with 4.5.3,2 ~eaka~e .2.1 current test. and The leakage current test shal 1 be in accor- 14ARNIN6 THIS TEST NAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO TNE UH6ROUHOED CONDITION OF THE EQUIPNENT DURING THE TEST. DO NOT TOUCH EXPOSED METAL SURFACES HITHOUT ELECTRIC SHOCK PROTECTION. THE UNITEO STATES fiOVERNMEHT NEITHER ASSLINES HOR ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY OR DAMAGE THAT HAY OCWR OURING OR AS A RESULT OF THIS TEST. 4. S. nt connec ti~. Each equipment directly connected to an external power source and units deriving power from the equipment shal 1 be pl aced on an insulated surface. Al 1 safety ground conductors between the equipment and units deriving power from the equipment shall be intact. The safety ground conductor between the equipment and the power source shal 1 be opened during the test. The equipment shall be connected as shown in figure 7, {f it is connected to a single-phase power source, as shown in figure 8, if it is connected to a dc power source, and as shown in figure 9, if it is connected to a three-phase power source. 4. S. Measurement.. The leakage current test shal 1 be perfosmed on equipment in the normal operating configuration. Equipment controls in each operation mode shall be such that maximum power will be utll ized during leakage current measurements. The leakage current shal 1 be determined by the voltage-drop method, using a true rms voltmeter for ac potentials and a high impedance dc voltmeter for dc potentials. The voltage measured across the 1500 ohm resistor (see figures 7 through 9) shall not exceed 5 V at the highest nominal power 1 ine voltage and the highest and lowest nominal power 1 ine frequencies which are specified by the 97 Downloaded from 1 MIL-T-28800E n 5vmca0m Slrnl -Smlu W$m - m I 1“ NOT TOUCH EXPO SEO METAL SURFACES THIS TEST MAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO THE UNGROUNDED CONOITION OF THE EQUIPNENT OURING THE TEST. THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT NEITHER ASSUMES NOR ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY OR 0NL4GE THAT HAY OCCUR FRON THE USE OF THIS OIAGRAH FOR OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT. GENERAL ORDER OF TEST: 1. POWER SOURCE 2. ON-OFF 3. OBSERVE 4. FOR EACH PROBE POINT, RECORD VOLTHETER (CASE , CONNECTORS, CONTROLS, SHAFTS). 5. ON-OFF 6. S1 CLOSEO. 7. REMOVE POWER SOURCE . FIGURE 5. SWITCH OFF . CONNECT S1 OFF. SUITCH DC OFF. ON-OFF CLOSED. S1 UARNING1 EQUIPMENT OPEN. REPEAT SUITCH AS PER OIAGRAN. S2 NORMAL. ON-OFF CONNECT SUITCH POWER SOURCE. ON. READING STEP 4. ON. REPEAT STEPS 4 AND 5. DISCONNECT EQUIF’MENT . test diaoram for oDen 99 circuit voltaqe measurement. I Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 1 L MMuwG PO NOT TOUCH HETAL SURFACES EXPOSEO THIS TEST HAY BE HA2AROOUS OUE TO THE UNGROUNDED CONOITION h OF THE EQUIPMENT DURING THE TEST. THE UN ITEO STATES GOVERNMENT NEITHER ASSUMES NOR ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY INJURY OR .DAlL4GE THAT tL4Y OCCUR FROII THE USE OF THIS DIAGRAM FOR OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE. MEASUREMENT. ,. .,.. I NOTES : 1. ALL THREE PHASES SHALL BE CONNECTEO DURING MEASUREMENT. 2. THE SAFETY GROUNO CONOUCTOR SHALL NOT CARRY LOAD CURRENT< I GENERAL I 1. POHER SOURCE OFF. 2. ON-OFF 3. OBSERVE 4. FOR EACH PROBE POINT , RECORD VOLTNETER (CASE, CONNECTORS, CONTROLS, SHAFIS) . s. ON-OFF 6. S1 CLOSED. 7. REPEAT 8. REMOVE POWER SOURCE . ~ FIGURE 6. ORDER OF TEST: CONNECT SWITCH OFF. WARNING! SWITCH OFF. S1 EQUIPMENT CLOSED. S1 OPEN. REPEAT AS PER OIAGRAN. S2 NORI’Lf+L. ON-OFF STEP CONNECT p~ER SlfITCH SOURCE. ON. READING 4. STEPS 3 THROUGH 6 FOR EACH MODE OF OPERAT ION. Jhree-Dhase test 01 SCONffECT diaaram for 100 EQUIPMENT. oDen circuit vol ta~e measurement. Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E U31Am [@ncmlua!Im 01-alsmm I 0 c __w!B— Wm I ~ d–l <awl A n — – “–-L-J - -m MMMm, HETA L SURFACES PO NOT TOU CH EXPOSED THIS TEST PLAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO THE UNGROUNDED CONOITION OF THE EQUIPMENT DURING THE TEST . THE UNITEO STATES GOVERNMENT NEITHER ASSUMES NOR ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY INJURY OR DAMAGE THAT M4Y OCCUR FROII THE USE OF THIS . . . . . DIAGRAN FOR OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE. MEASUREMENT. NOTES : ALL THREE PHASES SHALL BE CONNECTED DURING MEASUREMENT. 1. i!. THE SAFETY GROUNO CONOUCTOR SHALL NOT CARRY LOAD CURRENT. GENERAL ORDER OF TEST: 1. POWER SOURCE OFF . 2. ON-OFF 3. OBSERVE 4. FOR EACH PROBE POINT, RECORD VOLTNETER (CASE , CONNECTORS, CONTROLS, SHAFTS). 5. ON-OFF 6. S1 CLOSEO. 7. REPEAT 8. REMOVE POWER SOURCE . FIGURE 6. SWITCH CONNECT OFF . HARNING! SWITCH OFF. EQUIPMENT S1 CLOSEO. S1 OPEN. REPEAT AS PER DIAGRAN. 52 NOmLON-OFF STEP CONNECT p~ER SWITCH ON. READING 4. STEPS 3 THROUGH 6 FOR EACH MOOE OF OPERAT ION. Jhree~. 01 SCONNECT ha 100 EQUIPMENT . SOURCE. Downloaded from \ HIL-T-28800E associated detail specification. The overal 1 measurement error shall not exceed 5 percent. The 1 eakage current test 1 be when oPen circuit VOl ta9e in excess of the limits specified in (for Type I) and (for Type 111) has been measured on any conducting parts such as the case, connector housings, recessed cal ibration or “adjustment tontrols, and control shafts with the knobs removed. The voltage shal 1 be measured from each part to ground and from each part to all other simultaneously accessible parts for every combination of switch positions specified in figures 7 through 9. The open safety ground conductor shal 1 be reconnected Iuanediately after the test has been completed. 4.5.4 ~rouo 8 testS. The Group B tests consist of the Level 8 perfonoance tests and shal 1 be performed as specified herein and in the associated detail specification or approved equipment test procedure. These tests shal 1 be performed and conducted under the test conditions of (see and 4.5.5 The Group C tests shall be perforsned as specified in h-ouo C testS through &sd In the associated detail specification or approved equipment test procedure (see These tests shall be performed under the test conditions of shall be in accordance ure and Iuuniditv with tests through The temperature 4’.5.5.1 :2. ~H test. The T/fi test shall be performed. show the T/H test for Classes 2, 3, 5, and 6 equipment. specified “in the associated detail specification. the 4.5.5 test .1.1.1 ttem I/H by the No rust or corrosive cha ❑b~. test facility (T/H chamber). and humidity . ... .. . tests .. Figures 10” through Class 7 shall. be as contaminants shal 1 be 13 imposed on 4.5.5 .1.1.2 .Instal.l the test item in the test. faci.1.ity in accorProcedUm. dance with During the tests specified in Steps 1 through 27, the RH need 10”C. RNof 95 percent not be control 1 ed at temperatures below (with the applicable tolerance) does not include conditions of precipitation. The rate of temperature change shall be l°C to 5°C per ❑inute. The temperature 1 imits and RH are specified by class in table XIV. Precipitation is not authorized during the T/H test. Step applicable Maintain 1. P1 ace the test item in the test chamber in accordance With the test item operating, reduce the chamber temperatu= lower operating temperature 1 last t speci f ted In table XIV is the temperature within 2-C for 4 hours. with unti 1 the reached. Step 2. Operate the test item for the warmup period recommended by the manufacturer. Perform the satisfactory operation test and compare the results with the qualification data obtained in accordance with No alignment or adjustment of other than the operating controls shal 1 be permitted throughout the T/H cycle specified. 101 Downloaded from MIL-T-2EBOOE — T ●IW uklEm” . .,. ,= m. Mm- f= Wul -m -- 1 M!wLM!3! ~ NOT TOUCH EXPOSEO mL SURFl&ES THIS TEST NAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO THE UNGROUNOEO CONOIT ION OF THE EQUIPNENT THE UNITED .STATES GOYERNNENT .NEITHER ASSUMES NOR, ACCEPTS DURING THE TEST . RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY -OR 0AJ44GE THAT ‘MY OCCUR FROM .lTiE USE OF THIS DIAGRAM FOR OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT . ,.. , ,. 1. PDUER SOURCE OFF. 2. ON-OFF 3. OBSERVE 4. FOR EACH PROBE POINT , RECORD VOLTMETER (CASE, CONNECTORS, CONTROLS, SHAFTS) . 5. OH-OFF 6. S2 REVERSED. ON-OFF 7. ON-OFF OFF. B. S1 9. REPEAT 10. FIGURE SWITCH CONNECT EQUIF?4ENT AS PER OIAGRAM . S1 CLOSEO. OFF . UARNING1 .S1 OPEN. SUITCH SWITCH CLOSEO. OFF. REPEAT tiP !iHITCH POWER SOURCE. ON. READING REPEAT STEP ~. 4.. S2 NORM4L . STEPS 3 THROUGH B FOR EACH MODE OF OPERATION. REMOVE POWER SOURCE . DISCONNECT s{nrtle-phase diaaram 7. ON-OFF CONNECT STEP 4. WITCH OH. : :REJEAT S2 NORML . test 102 EQUIPMENT. for leakaae current measurement. Downloaded from f41L-T-28800E - I - 9-Kl 1 I fi— DO NOT TOUCH EXPOSEO HETAL SURFACES THIS TEST NAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO THE UNGROUNDED CONOITION OF THE EQUIPMENT OURING THE TEST. THE UNITEO STATES GOVERNMENT NEITHER ASSUMES NOR ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY OR DAMAGE THAT NAY OCCUR FROM THE USE OF THIS GENERAL I ORDER OF TEST: I. POWER SOURCE OFF. 2. ON-OFF SWITCH OFF. 3. OBSERVE 4. FOR EACH PROBE POINT, RECORD VOLTMETER READING (CASE, CONNECTORS, CONTROLS, SHAFTS). 5. ON-OFF SWITCH OFF. 6. S1 CLOSEO. ON-OFF SWITCH ON. REPEAT STEPS 4 AND 5. 7. RENOVE PCWER SOURCE. DISCONNECT EQUIPMENT. FIGURE 8. WARNING! DC test CONNECT EQUIPMENT AS PER DIAGAAN. S1 CLOSEO. S2 NORMAL. CONNECT POHER SOURCE. S1 OPEN. ON-OFF SWITCH ON. REPEAT STEP 4. diaqram for 103 leakaae current measurement. Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E I DO NOT TO UCH EXPO s EO H ETAL SURFACES THIS TEST MAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO THE UNGROUNDED CONOITION OF THE EQUIPMENT THE UNITEO STATES GOVERNMENT NEITHER ASSUMES NOR ACCEPTS OURING THE TEST. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY OR DAkL4GE THAT NAY OCCUR FROM THE USE OF THIS DIAGRAN FOR OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT. NOTES : ALL THREE PHASES SHALL BE CONNECTED DURING MEASUREMENT. THE SAFETY GROUNO CONOUCTOR SHALL NOT CARRY LOAD CURRENT. :: GENERAL OROER OF TEST: 1. POWER SOURCE OFF . 2. ON-OFF 3. OBSERVE 4. FOR EACH PROBE POINT , RECORO VOLTMETER (CASE, CONNECTORS , CONTROLS, SHAFTS). 5. ON-OFF 6. S1 CLOSED. 7. REPEAT 8. REMOVE POWER SOURCE . FIGURE 9. SWITCH CONNECT S1 OFF. SWITCH STEPS ~ee-Dhase OFF. CLOSED. S1 WARNING I EQUIPMENT OPEN. REPEAT AS PER OIAGRAM. S2 NORNAL . ON-OFF CONNECT POWER SOURCE. S141TCH ON. READING STEP 4. 3 THROUGH 6 FOR EACH MODE OF OPERATION. test 01 SCONNECT EQUIPMENT diaaram 104 fcr leakaae current measurement. Downloaded from MIL-T-28BOOE > .- --4= ------------------- I a E ii 105 Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E I I J E .—— - —-—— .—— ——— ————-——. > ———————— . ,++ = E . [ b > if ??---------------d _— ,1------------------..- ~ — h _, !/ > I “ %’ 106 \-l_ -@ -loC-l I I I I I I I I 11-14 m I II I I !-T I 41US ~ !-ml Lw.1mm-1 Uc — WC— m — m- SC — m — I I I I I I I I u .IocmuK 81 sm+-- ii II II II II II II II II 1/ -mamru.mml II II il II II II II II II II II II 10 W5uu Wural . Downloaded from -MC — MC — m— X3c— WC — irc — I I I I , I I 4m L * n 1$-14IFS II II II II II II II II Ii II II II II II II II II ii II II II II II II “t -1 Downloaded from Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E TABLE XIV. Tems)erature I Class Nonoperating equipment 2 -51 3 -51 -40 5 -40 6 7 v 25°C As to to to to Step 3. applicable Maintain Step t2”C. Step Step check, increase 1 imit specified Maintain this Step and steps. Applicable T/H test steps 71 ;;:: 55 at 55 at 35 95 13 thru -10 30 to to 55 at 55 at 35 95 3 and 8 1 and 6 13 thru 24 0 to 30 to 50 at 50 at 45 95 3 and 8 1 and 6 13 thru 24 10 to 20 to 40 at 40 at 75 95 3 and 8 1 and 6 13 thru 24 71 71 in the :l./ -40 to 30 to 71 specified associated detail 24 specification 20 minute intermittent operation 15 minutes nonoperating. the test i tern nonoperating, this temperature and 40 t5 Step test I the test item nonoperating, lower nonoperating temperature the temperature within 2*C for Repeat T/H 1 imits Uith 4. Ui th Maintain 5. 1 imits Operating equipment (“C at percent RH) ( “C) For Class 2 equipment, required warm-up period; until the reached. to Temperature at 71 “C after the reduce the chamber temperature 1 imit specified in table XIV 16 to 24 hours. increase percent the chamber temperature RH for 4 hours. 2. With the test ftem operating as in the satisfactory operation the chamber temperature until the appl i cable upper operating T/H in table XIV and the corresponding test sequence figure is reached. condition within 2°C and 5 percent RH for 4 hours. 6. 7. Repeat Step 2. 109 is Downloaded from 141L-T-28800E until the temperature to 25*C Step 8. applicable within Step *2-C. Step Uith the upper 2-C for With 9. Maintain 10. test item nonoperating, nonoperating temperature 16 to 24 hours. the test i tern nonoperating, th{s temperature and 40 i5 Repeat Step Step 11. Uith the check, decrease the chamber RH value of 95 *5 percent. Step 12. Repeat Step 13. Ni th to the applicable upper these conditions within lower Step 14. temperature. Step 1 S. increase 1 imit decrease percent the chamber reached. the chamber temperature RH for 4 hours. test item operating as in the satisfactory temperature to 10” C i2°C and increase the Maintain these conditions for 4 hours. Step temperature Maintain this 2. operation humidity to a 2. the test item nonoperating, increase the chamber temperature operating temperature for a WI of 95 percent. Maintain 2°C and 5 percent RH for 12 to 24 hours. Decrease Majntain Repeat the chamber temperature the temperature within Step to the applicable 2°C for 8 hours. humidity cycle 2. Step 16. Increase the chamber temperature to operating temperature 1 imit and 95 percent RH. Maintain and 5 percent RH for 16 hours. I is the applicable upper these conditions within 2°C Step 17. Hi th the test i tern nonoperating, decrease the chamber humidl ty to 45 percent t5 percent RH (classes 2 and 3), or the temperature to SO-C i2°C and RH to 45 percent i5 percent (Class 5) or 40”C *2-C and 75 percent *5 percent RH (Class 6), as applicable. Maintain this condition for 4 hours. Step 18. Repeat Step 2. Step 19. Hith the test i tern nonoperating, decrease the chamber to the appl Icabl e humidity cycle 1 ower temperature *2-C whi 1e increasing 95 *5 percent. Maintain this condition for 8 hours. Step 20. Increase the chamber temperature to Maintain operating temperature 1 imit and 95 percent Wt. and 5 percent RH for 16 hours. 1ower hours. Step 21. temperature. Step 22. Decrease Maintain Repeat the chamber temperature this temperature within Step 20. 110 the temperature the RH to applicable upper these conditions within to the applicable 2°C and 95 i5 2*C humidity cycle percent RH for 8 Downloaded from t41L-T-2a800E Step 23. Repeat Step 21. Step 24. Repeat Step 20. Step temperature Step 25. Adjust the and 40 t5 percent 26. Repeat chamber RH for Step temperature a maximum of to 25°C 4 hours t2”C. before Naintain performing this step 26. 2. Step 27. Inspect the equipment to detect evidence of physical degradat t on. Visible corrosion is permissible if the corrosion can be removed by clean{ng and the equipment is returned to a condition which conforms to the requirements of Jem~erature shock associated detail specification, specified in Steps 1 through 9. test. when temperature the temperature shock shock is test shall specified in be performed the as The satisfactory operation tests specified in the associated detStep 1. ail specification shall be performed under the closely controlled conditions as modified by The high temperature 1 imit shal 1 be the operating temperature 1 imit specified for the equipment class under test (see table 111). The equipment shall be nonoperating. Maintain the temperature for a period of 1 hour or until the test item {s stabilized, whichever is longer. At the conclusion of this time period, 2. within 5 minutes, to a cold chamber at the the equipment class under test (see table III). the test item shall be low operating temperature Step transferred, 1 imit for 1 hour or 5 minutes, Step 1. 1 hour or Step 3. The test item shall until the test item stabilizes. Step 4. At be returned the to conclusion the high be exposed the of this time period, temperature chamber Step 5. The test i tern shal 1 be exposed until the test item stabilizes. Step 6. Repeat Steps 2 through Step 7. Repeat Steps 2 and Step 8. Return the test to item to temperature the test maintained the temperature for a period item shall, as specified for of within {n a period of 5. 3. to standard ambient conditions and stabilize. Perform the satisfactory operation tests specified in the Step 9. For Step 2 and Step 4, when authorized by the associated detail specification. procuring activity, large or heavy test items shall be transferred from one chamber to the other in the minimum practical times. 111 I Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E Altitude Steps 1 through 5 at be tested as specified Step I. ambient standard test. The altitude test shall be performed as specified in the simulated altitudes specified in table XV. Class 7 shall in the associated detail specification. Prepare the test temperature during item the in accordance entl re test. with and maintain Step 2. Decrease the chamber pressure to the m (ft) for the class of equipment in table XV at a rate not to exceed 2000 fpm. Maintain this pressure not less than 1 hour and then operate the test item where applicable and observe test results in accordance with 4.5,3.2. The equipment shal 1 also be tested to withstand an altitude of 4570 m (15,000 ft), nonoperating for 1 hour. Step 3. Length of time or stabilization time as specified as in the satisfactory operation ambient Step 4. conditions conditions requirements Step of required for in, check. operation and measurements: plus a minimum of 2 hours Hi th the test i tern not operating, return at a rate not to exceed 2000 fpin. the chamber for Warm-up operation to standard 5. Perform the satisfactory operation test after return to the test Degradation of equipment performance beyond the specified shall constitute a failure. TABLE xv. Altitude &lMwkin m (ft) t10 percent Class Nonoperating Operating 2, 3 4570 (15,000) 4570 (15,000) 5, 6 4570 (15,000) 3050 (10,000) 7 see The vibration tests shall be as specified in Vibration te s 4.5. S.3.1 through 4.5.5 .3!:.. In the event an equipment failure occurs, the unit under test may be repaired at the discretion of the procuring activity. If repair is allowed, testing will continue from the point at which the failure occurred until the remaining test period is completed. The portion of the test period prior to the failure will be repeated to evaluate the integrity of the repair. Failure modes that are not related to the original failure will be disregarded during the retest. At the discretion of the procuring activity, a second unit may be subjected to the test in lieu of retesting the unit that failed. 112 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E I be subjected be tested as sinusoidal vibration test. Equipment of Classes 2, to the vibration test as specified in Steps 1 through specified in the associated detail specification. 3, 5. 5, and Cl ass 6 shall 7 shal 1 The test specimen shal 1 be attached or Step 1. i4ethod of attachment. strapped directly to the vibration table or to an intermediate structure which is designed to be capable of transmitting the specified magnitudes of vibration to the points of specimen attachment throughout the required test frequency range. Step satisfactory During vtbrat ion, 2. operation check mode. the equipment shal 1 be operatl ng as 1 n the The frequency displacement, and time shall be as specified In Step 3. table XVI. Resonance search, CYC1 Ing, and dwell test times shall be continuous the time periods specified. Testing need not be performed below 10 Hz for Type equipment of Classes 5 and 6. TABLE XVI . t est Yibration limits. ! Frequency increments Hz (6) Class 5, 3 ~ for 1.5 m (0.06) 16 to (0.52 to 25 1.27) 1.0 nsn (0.04) 5 26 (0.69 to to 5,5 3) 0.5 Ilml (0.02) 5 (.016 5 to to 55 2) 0.33 am (0.013) see Search times the applicable ducted in specified increment. shall be for Resonance dwell time per axis (minutes) 5 15 .675) 6 7 p!$~to-peak 5 to to (.037 2, Oi SP1 acement Cycling time per axis (minutes) Resonance search time per increment (minutes U) 15 a low A resonance search, cycling, Step 4. each axis as spectfied in a through 113 frequency and c: (LF) resonance 15 10 15 10 to dwell HF to shall LF variation be con- for III Downloaded from FilL-T-28800E a. Resonance search. A resonant search shall be performed at vibration levels less than those specified in table XVI but with sufficient amplitude to excite the test “item. A difference of 6 dB or more between “the excitation source and the test item, or a part thereof, shall indicate the presence of a resonance: If there ds an audib}e or visual .issdicat ion vf resonance w any vibration related mal function of the equipment, an individual resonance test may be perfonoed using the ful 1 “vibratory test 1 evel and cycling time s ecified for the CYC1 i ng test provided the resonance search time is included in t R e required CYC1 ing time. The test item or a subpart thereof is considered at the resonance i f vibration amplitude is more than twice the amplitude of the vibration table. b. Cycling. The test item shall be applicable test levels, frequency range, and times frequency of applied vibration shall be swept over specified cycling time is that of an ascending plus the ascending sweep time. vibrated in accordance with the specified in table XVI. The the speci f led range. The a descending sweep and is twice duel 1. The test item shall be vibrated at the most c. Resonance severe resonant frequency determined in the resonance search for that axis. Test levels, frequency ranges, and test times shall be in accordance with table XVI. If a change in the resonant frequency occurs during the test the frequency shal 1 be adjusted to maintain the peak resonance condition. If no significant. resonant response is-found; the equipment. shall be vibrated for 10 minutes (resonance dwel 1 ) at 33 Hz. associated Step 5. detail specification, Class 7 shall specification. Perfona the specification. satisfactory operation tests f~ ed in the When specified in the associated detail Ra ndom vi brat ion test random vibration shal; be in accordance with MI L- STD-81O, Method 514. be tested for random vibration as specified in the associated detail When specified in loose carao bounce test specification, the equipment prepared ~or field transportation the loose cargo bounce test as specified in Steps 1 through (double speci Step 1. amplitude) The test apparatus di spl acewnt. shal 1 be a package the tester associated detail shal 1 be subjected 3. capable of 1 inch Step 2. The test bed. of the package tester shal 1 be covered with a panel of 0.50 inch plywood, with the grain parallel to the drive chain. The plywood shall be secured with six-penny nails, with top of heads flush with or S1 ightly below the surface. Nails shall be spaced at 6 inch intervals around all four edges. If the distance between either pair of fences is greater than 24 inches, the plywood shall also be nailed at 3 inch intervals in a 6 inch square at the center of the test area. Using wooden fences, constrain the test item to a“ horizontal motion of not more than 2 inches in a direction parallel to the axes of the shafts, a distance 114 to Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E more than For large may exist sufficient to ensure the test item will not rebound from fence to fence. items, care shall be taken to avoid potential air-cushioning effects which between the surface of the package tester and the test item. Step 3. The test item, as secured in its transit case, or combination case, or as otherwise prepared for field transportation, shal 1 be placed on the package tester within the constraints ‘specified in Step 2 above. The test item will not be operated during vibration. The package tester shal 1 be operated in the synchronous mode with the shafts in phase. (In this mode any point on the bed of the package tester will move In a circular path in a vertical plane perpendicular to the axes of the shafts. ) The package tester shal 1 be operated at 1 inch double amplitude and 284 s-pm *2 rpm for a total of 3 hours. At the end of each O. 50-hour period, turn the test 1tern to rest on a different face, so that at the end of the 3-hour period the test item will have rested on each of its six faces (top, bottom, sides, and ends). At the end of the 3-hour period, the test item shall be operated and inspected and results obtained in accordance with Minor SUrface abrasion shall not be cause for failure. The package tester shal 1 be operated in the vertical linear mode (straight up and down in the vertical plane) instead of in the synchronous mode when one of the conditions specified in a and b occurs: a. personnel Bouncing of the test item is very severe and presents b. Forward and rear osci 11 at ions cannot be reduced. M all in the vertical 1 inear uaode. wooden fences shall be Dlaced test item to constrain the test items motion to not &ore than 5.08 either direction. required, a hazard to . al shock testS. shal 1 be performed prior to The shock test required water specified resistance When operated four sides of the cm (2 in) in in, tests. when Functional shock test Equipment of Classes 2 through 6 shall be subjected to functional shock testing. A half-sine ‘shock pulse with the configuration and tolerance 1 imits shown in figure 14 shall be used. The duration (D) of the (A) shal 1 be 30g. The equipment pulse shall be 11 ms, and the peak shock value shal 1 be operating during the test. The equipment shal 1 be given three shocks in each direction and on each axis for a total of 18 shocks. Perfons the satisfactory ●f ter shock exposure. operation test Class 7 equipment shall be tested as required .detafl specification. in the ●ssociated Jransit droo ta st.. Stvles Subject Styles A, B, A. B. C. “P. s. and T C, P, S, and T enclosures, with the contained test equipment, “to the transit drop test of MI L-STD-81OD Method 516 Procedure IV. The drop height and number of impacts for each type and style shal 1 be as specified in table XVI 1. For equipment 454 kg (1000 lbs) or less, the floor or barrier receiving the impact shall be of 5.08 cm (2 For equipment over 454 kg (1000 lbs), the floor or in) plywood backed by concrete. barrier shall be concrete. 115 Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E . 11’ ,R-\ Siif WE \ WAK TIVJEUm H . . .. . 0S5 A \ / 5K . ~A / TmfruMx Lom . . . ~TEO UP 0.15 A ~,~w,w 0.15 A / \ \\ \, 0.2 A \L 0.2 A -. \ \ Rff WE \ \ L– ‘o-g~;b 0.3 A I (NOT F16URE 14. Wlf-sine shock DttlSe Confiaurat TO SCALE) i on and l.imitS. NOTE : The oscillogram shall include a time about 30 long with a pulse apThe acceleration amplitude of the ideal half-sine proximately in the center. The measured acceleration pulse shall be pulse Is A and its duration is D. contained between the broken “.1ine boundaries and the measured velocity change (which may be obtained by Integration of the acceleration pulse) shal 1 be within the 1 imits V, 10.1 V, where VI is the velocity-change associated with the ideal The integration to determine velocity change shal 1 pulse filch equals 2 AO/S. extend from 0.40 before the pulse to O. ID after the PU1 se. 116 Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E TABLE Equipment sty] e Drop Transit XVI 1. dreg Number height Type A, P, T test. I of impacts Types II 46 cm (18 in) 14 10 B 305 nsn (12 in) 14 10 c 203 mm (8 14 10 61 Su in) cm (24 in) k4/A 2 per l/ and 111 strap ~ The equ{pment shal 1 be dropped on each corner (Type I), or the 4 bottom corners (Types II and III), and 6 faces for the total number of impacts divided between the test items. ~ Only those cases with shoulder straps shall be subjected to this test. The shoulder strap shall be supported at a point suff icf ent to al 1 ow a fal 1 of 24 inches while preventing the enclosure from contacting the impact surf ace.’ The equifaaent shall resnain inside the transit case throughout this test. Hith the insts&ent in its” case or cabinet and Dench handl i Q te St. operating as in the sat i sfa~tory operating check, PI ace the instrument i n a suitable sol id wooden bench top at least 4.1 cm position for its servicing on a horizontal, (1.62 ~n) thick. The test shal 1 be perfonwad, as specified in Steps 1 through 5 in a manner simulating shocks 1 i able to occur during its servicing. until first): bench horizontal using one conditions Step 1. one of the a. The b. The top. c. The chassis edge as a pivot, 1 ift specified in a through forms an angle of the opposite edge of c occurs (whichever’ 45 degrees w{ th the the chassis occurs horizontal top. bench 1 ifted edge of the chassis has lifted edge of the chassis is been just raised below 4 inches the point above of perfect balance. Let the practical drops. chassis edges drop back freely to of the same horizontal the horizontal bench top. face as pivot points, 117 for the Repeat, using other a total of four I ! Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E test item Step 2. Repeat Step 1, with for a total item has been dropped could reasonably be placed during Step 3. Repeat case removed, except for support structure. control, constitute the test item of four times its servicing. 5. Perform until the the test Steps 1 and 2 with instrument nonoperating and cabinet equipment where the case serves as the only chassis or Step 4. Examine the instrument indicator, fusehol der, connector, a failure. Step resting on other faces on each face on which the for satisfactory or mechanical damage. other protruding operation Damage component or to any part shal 1 test. Uhen specified in the associated detail Hiah imDact shock test. specification, the equipment shall be subjected to HIL-S-901, Type A shock testing The equipment shall be nonoperating during the test and Is for Grade B equipment. The equipment shal 1 be stowed not required to operate after completion of the test. in an upright position on a shelf which is representative of a standard shipboard stowage shelf in accordance with NAVSEA STOOO-AB-GYD-010/PEETE. The equipment shall be placed on one inch of shock absorbant material that complies with MI L-P-15280 and or equivalent, quick release nylon secured with Hughes Aircraft P/N K1012766-7, straps. One strap shall be used per 40 pounds of equipment weight. ~specification the shall be performed water after Uhen specified in the associated resistance tests specified in 4.5.5 .5.1 through the required mechanical shock tests. detail 4.5.5 .5.3 With the case cover latched in 4.5. s.5.1 Styles A and 1. i aht test. Hatert place and all drains and ports closed, equipment with Style A enclosures, and Style T enclosures with the equipment installed, shall be subjected to the submergence test for watertight equipment, in accordance with I4IL-STO-1O8, submerging the of water above the top of the encloassembly to provide a minimum of 0.9 m (3 ft) sure, or equivalent pressure as provided in the MI L- STD-108 Submergence Tests Table. The equipment shall be nonoperating while the cover is latched in place. Perform the satisfactory operation test specified in the associated detai 1 specification after submergence. A. With the cover off and the instrument Splashoroof test. S tyle operating, perform the splashproof test as specified in HIL-STD-108 Definitions, Oesign Requirements and Tests Table and the Uater Repel 1 ent Tests Table for a minimum of 5 minutes. Perfosm the satisfactory operation test specified in the associated detail speciftcatian. Pricm roof test. on Styles B and C enclosures. Styles Style B and C shall Perform the L. have the cover fol lowing dripproof latched in place. test Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E Step 1. position horizontally the extent operating oriented side to The test item shall be placed in the chamber in its normal on a platform or tilt table in a manner such that it can be and in any of four directions forward, backward, and to each of 15 degrees from the horizontal plane. Step 2. Attach a spray nozzle with a uniformly distributed full cone spray pattern to a flexible hose and using a container cal fbrated in 1 ~ters or an determine the rate of flow out of the nozzle. equl val ent ❑ethod, The requirements for water flow shall be 16.3 tl 1 iters (4.3 gallons) per hour for each square foot below the nozzle. of area covered by the spray 0.9 ❑ (3 ft) spray is a uniform equipment satisfactory Step 3. Position the nozzle 0.9 m (3 ft) above the test item so that the directed downward onto the test item. The test Item shal 1 be subjected to spray over the entire surface being tested. During the test, Style C shall not be operated. Style 8 equipment shall be operated as in the operation check during the test. tilt Step 4. Direct the spray horizontal ) for at least table onto the top 8 minutes. of the test item (with platform Turn off spray for 4 minutes. or minutes degrees Step 5. with the from the Direct platform horizontal the or spray table In the downward onto the test Item for at least 8 tilted such that the test item is oriented 15 forward position. Turn off spray 4 minutes. minutes degrees Step 6. with the from the Direct platform horizontal the or spray table in the downward onto the test i tern for at least 8 tilted such that the test item Is oriented 15 backward position. Turn off spray for 4 minutes. Step 7. i tern for at least being sprayed is minutes. horizontal equipment Direct the spray downward onto each 8 minutes with the platform or table oriented 15 degrees from the vertical. Step 8. Return ) and perform 11 ectrl performance cal the test item the satisfactory to the horizontal operation test. During the electrical Dower tests. shal 1 be monitored as specl f ied in we te The input l~t the power consumption of the eq~lpnsent with exceeds the value specified in the associated a failure of this test. to input voltage through 4: remaining tilted Turn (platform 4.5.5 power .6.1 or the the for tilt test side 4 table tests, the through power test shall be tested by measuring a wattmeter. Power consumption which detail specification shall constitute Voltaqe and freouency variation and frequency variations shall 119 side of such that off spray The test. be tested response of as specified the in equipment Steps 1 Downloaded from MIL-T-2W300E frequency Step 1. source. Connect the Step Set output Step satisfactory speciflcatton 2. the 3. Performance operation check shall constitute power cable of XVI 11. Yari variable equipment to source 115 I Maximum 103.5, 103.5 103.5 103.5 103.5 103.5 3:: 420 transients I voltage equipment I I shall Yoltaae-transient be tested Step 1. source. Step 2. type as test. as specified Connect the power Set the specified output of in table and 60 Hz. SUISD1 Y Outo ut~. Minimum voltage 47, 53 51 V, voltage 3 for voltages and .frequenci es required by the the variable source as specified in table ❑inimum voltage J imit values. The voltage and least 15 m{nutes at each level specified. This within the .speci fied ranges at the dismetjon representative. Type I -at a variable the 1 imits requird in the in the associated detai 1 abl e fre~ower Frf~yncy I the of the equipment outside or other tests specified a failure, of this test. Repeat Steps 2 and Step 4. associated detail specification from and XVI II, using the ❑aximum voltage frequency shall be maintained for at test may be perfoneed at other points of the Government quality assurance TABLE the of voltage Type I 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 . 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 The equipment performance in Steps 1 through 9. cable of the source XVIII. the equipment to the Ill. to maximum during voltage a 60 Hz variable voltage for the Step 3. For requirements’ of Type I and Type 111, ‘quickly incraase the source voltage to a transient value of 149.5 V, hold for approximately 0.5 second, Monitor equipment performance and quickly return to the starting voltage of Step 2. during and after the transient for compliance with the satisfactory operation check Type I performance or other tests specified in the associated detail specification. which is outside the specified 1 imits during the transient, and Type 11 I performance 120 Downloaded from PIIL-T-28800E which failure is outside of this the test. specified 1 imlts for longer than 30 seconds, shall constitute a Step 4. For requirements of Type I only, quickly change the source V01ta9e to a transient value of 161 V, hold for approximately 0.5 second, and quickly returm to the starting voltage of 126.5 V. Monitor equipment performance during and after the transient for compl i ante with the satisfactory operation check or other tests specified in the associated detail specification. Performance which is outside the specified 1 imits after the transient has passed shall constitute a failure of thts test, except that any external ly accessible fuses that have failed may be replaced i f the specified performance is restored by replacement of the fuses. Step at 2-minute 5. Repeat intervals. Step Step 8. 69 V and of Step at Set the 3 and output of Step 7. For requirements value of 80.5 V and the transient value 6. Steps 2-minute transients the Steps 2. Connect the The output Set the source 7 and to times (as applicable a starting voltage I and Type 111, voltage specified Type I only, repeat specified in Step 8 four test encv-transient be tested as specified”in Step 1. frequency source. the equipment. more of Type starting requirements of starting voltage 9. Repeat intervals. shall Step For the 4 four more times output of the (as 4 with to a starting type), 103.5 V. to a 115 voltage a a transient applicable The equipment performance Steps 1 through 21. source of the repeat Step 3 with in Step 6. SteP 6. power cable of the equipment voltage shall be the operating to to the during type), frequency V variable specified for of Hz. frequency 47.5 Step 3. For requirements of Type 1 and Type II 1, quickly change the source freauency to a transient value of 45 Hz. hold for approximately 0.5 second, and quickly ;eturn to the starting frequency of 47.5 Hz~” ?ioni tor equipment PeifOIWanCe during and after the transient for compl i ante to the satisfactory operation check or other tests specified in the associated detail speci ficat ion. Type 1 performance which is outside the specified 1 imits during the transient, and Type I I I performance which is outside the specified limits for longer than 30 seconds, shall constitute a failure of this test. frequency quickly Step 4. For to a transient return to the requirements of Type I only. quickly change the value of 42.5 Hz, hold for approximately 0.5 Monitor equipment starting frequency of 47.5 Hz. 121 source second, and performance Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E during other and tests after the specified Step at 1-minute Step transient in the Repeat 5. intervals. 6. Set for compliance associated detail Steps the 3 and output 4 four to the satisfactory specification. more times frequency of the of Type a starting I and Type frequency (as source operation applicable to a for starting check the or type) frequency of 57 Hz. For requirements of 54 Hz and transient Step 7. frequency frequency For reaulrements steD 8. of” 51 Hz and a “starting Step at l-minute 63 iiz , Step Repeat 9. intervals. Steps of TYDe frequency 7 and 8 four Set the transient Step 11. frequency For of requirements 66 Hz and of Type a starting frequency Step 12. of 69 iiz For and requirements a starting of Type frequency type) Step 13. 1-minute at Repeat intervals. output Steps frequency 11 and 14. Set the transient Step 15. frequency For of requirements 360 Hz and frequency Step 16. For requirements of 340 Hz, and a startfng type) Step 17. 1-minute Step 380 more times the SteP (as source 12 four more the times frequency of source of Type a starting I and Type frequency 4 with applicable to I and Type II 1, frequency of 63 I only, repeat of 63 Hz. Step 3 with a transient for a starting repeat Hz. Step (as to a Step 4 with applicable a starting the type) frequency of 3 with a a transient for the frequency of HZ. at ReDeat int&vals. Steps “ output of Type frequency 15 Set the frequency Steo 19. frequency For of of Type reoui rements 440 Hz and a starting 111, repeat of 380 Hz. I only, repeat of 380 HZ. ●nd 16 four 18. Step 420 output 1 only, repeat of 57 Hz. of 10. I I 1, repeat of 57 Hz. of more the t imas source Step (as to Step 4 with appl i cable a starting 3 with a a transient for the frequency of ~Z. transient 12Z I and Type frequency 111, repeat of 420 Hz. Step 3 with a I Downloaded from FIIL-T-28800E frequency type) shall at Step 20. For requirements of 460 Hz and a starting .. . . . . . .... Step 21. l-minute 4. S.5.6.5 conform Repeat internals. power to the Steps source trite requirement: of Type I only, frequency of 420 . .. . 19 and 20 four ruDtlon e of 3.4.~.~!i more repeat Hz. Step 4 with . . times a transient . . (as applicable for The power source interruption (Type I) or (Type the test III). tion test The Group C verification test shall be Grouo C verifica performed after the required tests of i. 5.5.1 through have been completed. The 6roup C verification test shall consist of the Group A and Group 8 tests specified by the associated detail specification, Group A and Group B test failure criteria shall apply. 4.5.6 and in the The Group D tests shall be performed as specified herein firouo D tests. associated detail specification or approved equipment test procedure (see These tests shall be performed under the test conditions specified In 4.5-6.1 ~. sDeci f i cation. Derform Pre and post -op&ation the funqus tests a~ kfhen speclfled test in accordance required. The test in the associated with M1L-STD-81O, duration shall k detail Method 508. 28 days. s~s. Salt fog tests shall be conducted in accordance with HIL-STTJ-810, Method 509, Procedure 1, and as specified in and The test duration shall be 48 hours with the samples being constantly wetted with a 5 percent *1 percent salt solution. A 48 hour drying period in a standard ambient atmosphere shal 1 ‘fol 10W. Salt foq test. structu ral Dart S Unless otherwise specified for Styles A and B and, when specified in the asso~iated detail specification, for Styles C through 6, the equipment shal 1 have “one or more samples of each material used for the fabrication of panels and structural parts (chassts, rails, braces, and so forth) wtth finishes as In the completed equipment, subjected to the salt fog test. After exposure, the material shal 1 be inspected to detect any evidence of physical degradation. Visible corrosion Is permissible if it Is removed by suitable ●nd the material 1s, as a result of the cleaning, returned to a conditton cleanlng beyond the which confoams to the requirements of Degradation of ❑aterial requirements of the intended use shall constitute a failure of this test. Salt When speclfled in the associated detafl foo tes t. enclu. specification, enclosures of any style shall be submitted to the salt fog test. Style A and C enclosures shall have the cover removed from the enclosure and pl aced in the salt fog chamber with the accessories (except the technical manual and those accessories used in the satisfactory operation test) packed in the normal manner in the cover. The equfpment shall be nonoperating but with cables and connectors Unused connectors may have caps or attached as for the satisfactory operation test. 123 I Downloaded from t41L-T-28800E . For Style A equipment, perform the satisfactory operation test covers installed. required in the detailed specification before any cleaning is performed. Inspect the equipment to detect evidence of physical degradatl on. Visible corrosion is permissible if it is removed by suitable cleaning and the equipment is returned to condition which conforms to the requirements of Perform the satisfactory operation test required in the detafled specification. Degradat 1 on of equipment performance beyond the requirements of the detailed specification shall constitute failure of this test. explosive Exr210si atmosphere v e atmowkre tes t. tests of MIL-STD-81O, Class 2 equipment shal 1 be subjected Hethod S11, Proc&dure 1. to a a the test. A, P. and ~. Class 2 cl ass 2 an d Stvles Pust resistance equipment and Style A, P, and T enclosures shal 1 be subjected to the dust test of HIL-STD-81O, Method 510, Procedure 1. Class 2 equipment and Style A enclosures shal 1 be tested with the equipment nonoperat Ing and with the cover on. Style P and Style T enclosures shall have the cover instal 1 ed and 1 atched. The test shall be conducted with small particle silicone flour at an air velocity of 8.9 m/s (17S0 fpm) and a concentration of O.3 *O. 2 grams per cubic foot (g/ft3) . The test duration shall be 6 hours at 23-C followed by 6 hours at the specified high storage temperature. The RH shal 1 not exceed 30 percent. Perform the satisfactory operation test specified in the associated detail specification before and after the dust test. Oagradat i on of equipment performance beyond the. requirements of the detailed specification shall constitute a failure of this test. ~1 test. tests specified in 3.8 ing equipment, set up, shall be in accordance with The equipment” shall be subjected’ and as specified in the detailed procedures, and operation of the with MI L- STD-462. Test conditions to the EMI compatibility specification. The measurtest sample (equipment) shall be in accordance When specified in the associated detail ~. specification, the magnetic environment test specified in. steps 1 through 7 shall be performed. The equipment perf o?mance and accuracy shall be as specified in the The magnetic environment test shal 1 be conducted associated detail specification. with a Helmholtz cojl set that is 1 m (40 in) in diameter, each coil not over 0.13 m (5 in) in breadth, spaced 0.5 m (20 in) apart, and capable of carrying sufficient current to produce a field intensity of 20 Oersteds. Larger coi 1 diameters and separation may be used when the dimensional ratios are as specified herein. coil set magnitude Step 1. Prior to placing equipment in the area of with a dc current to produce a 20 i] Oersted field of current required and de-energize the coil set. Step Step as specified 2. Place the 3. Operate the in the associated equipment in the center of The performance equipment. detail specification. 124 the the field, in air. coil of the energize the Observe the set. equipment shall be I 1 I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E Step 4. Energize the coi 1 set so that the equipment is subjected to a magnetic field that is increased from O Oersteds to 20 il Oersteds at a rate of change between 20 Oersteds and 200 Oersteds per second (using the current observed in Step 1). Maintain the field at 20 tl Oersteds for 5 minutes or longer, if necessary, to verify correct operation i n the satisfactory operation check. Observe any ef feet on the equipment other than correct operation. If an effect is observed, at a rate of change between 20 Oersteds and 200 reduce the ❑agni tude of the field Oersteds per second until the effect is no longer apparent and observe the magnitude Reduction of the field to less than 5 Oersteds, to of the field at that point. permit specified operation of the equipment, shall constitute a failure of this De-energize the coil set. test. Steps Step 5. 4 and 5. Reverse the Step 6. Perform Steps Step 7. Perform the connect ions 3 through of the 5 for coi 1 to the three the power major source axes of and the repeat equip- ment. satisfactory operation test. The Group O verification test shall be &9UD D ve Ification test perfonaed after the req~ired tests of through have been completed. This test shall consist of the Group A and Group B tests specified by the associated detail specification. Groups A and B test failure criteria shall apply. specification, radiation 4.5.7 and in the sol test ion tesg When specified radiat C&s 2 and Class 3 equipment shall of I4IL-STO-81O, Hethod 505. in the associated be subjected to The Group E tests shal 1 be performed Grouo E tests. associated detail specification or approved equipment and ttaint a inability tests. 14aintalnability tests shall detail the solar as specified herein test procedure (see be as specified in Uhen specified in the contract, cool4. ain bilitv dmmW@—W pl t ante with the mainta~nabil Ity requirement; shal 1 be demonstrated by a maintenance demonstration procedure, maintenance task selection, and maintenance task performance in accordance with HIL-STD-471, Appendixes A and B, Test !lethod l-A. The oroducer’s risk shall be not greater than 0.20, and the consumer’s risk shall be not greater than 0.10. When specified in the associated detail specif ica4.5.7 .1.2 test abi litv tion, the equipment shal 1 be subjected to the washability test specified in Steps 1 through 7. When maf ntalnabtl ity compliance is to be demonstrated in accordance with the washability test shall be 4. S.7.1.1 and the washability test is invoked, performed prior to the maintainabil ity demonstration. 125 Downloaded from 141L-T-28800E Remove Step 1. as for servicing. circufts the equipment case or covers Using a hand-atomizer or paint Step 2. ●gent such as machine oil containing a coloring The coating shall interior and exterior parts. recognizable e di SCO1 orat i on. tions Step against Subject 3. accumulation the of equipment fl ansnable to 50”C vapor. to expose internal -sprayeri spray a thin food coloring over the be sufficient to cause for 24 hours with parts coat of exposed easily SUI tabl and 1 ight e precau- Subject the equipment to water-wash according to the equipment Step 4. manufacturer’s washing procedure and with detergents or cleaners specif ted for the equipment by the manufacturer, unt i 1 the added contaminants of Step 2 have been removed. Rinse and dry the equipment according to the contractor’s furnished procedure. Step 5. Perform relubrication as specified in the manufacturer’s proce- of finishes or markings, shall constitute a failure deformation of this dure. of parts, test. operation satisfactory specified Step 6. or other Inspect the equipment. evidences of deterioration Loss Operate the equipment, with particular attention to the ease of Step 7. of controls and switches, and functional stability. Operate as i n the operation test. Degradation of equipment performance beyond the requirement shall constitute a failure of this test. Uhen the noise test ACOUS tic fan or blower) or other audible ~oise source measured in accordance with a through C. equipment contains a motor (such as a the acoustic noise generated shall be The apparatus for the acoustic noise test shall consist of an anechoic a. All noise measurements shall be made with a sound level meter type test chamber. and an octave band filter set in accordance with ANSI S1.4-1983 and ANSI-S1. 11-1986, respectively. Ambient background noise levels shal 1 be at least 10 dB below the octave band noise levels produced by the test equipment at al 1 measurement posi tions. b. The nol se levels at the operator’s position shal 1 be moving the measuring microphone in a 0.6 m (2 ft) diameter circle most probable position for an operator. The average noise levels band shall be determined by an arithmetic average of the minimum pressure levels found on the circle. Average noise levels which level criteria for the operator’s position specified in table XIX failure of this test. 126 measured by S1 OWIY centered on the in each octave and maximum sound exceed the noise shall constitute a ~ I I I I I Downloaded from \ MI L- T-28800E The noise levels on the 7.6 m (25 ft) rad{us circle, centered on the geometricc;enter of the test equipment, shall be measured at head level of 1.7 ❑ (67 in) at 12 positions equally spaced every 30 degrees. If any dimensions of the test increase the radl us of ‘the “measurement circle to equipment exceed ‘7. 6 ❑ (25 ft), 15.2 m (50 ft), and reduce the noise level criteria for the circle by 6 dB in eacb octave band. The criteria :for the operator’s, post tlon shal 1 remal n unchanged. klaxiannn sound pr+essure ‘levels wtiich exceed the not se level criteria for the 7.6 m (25 ft) radius circle specified in table XIX for any octave band at any of these measurement positions, shall constitute a failure of this test. Octave band sound .(d8 referenced to Octave band frequencies center (Hz) 0.3 m (1 operator~s ft) pressure levels 0.0002 dyne/en?) radius posftion 7.6 m (25 equipment from ft) radius geometric from center 76 1% 250 500 1000 :: 60 . . . . . 45 43 42 ,% 53 52 :% 8000 : :54 :;’ Compl i ante with the specified dght and 4.5.7-3 ~. dimensional requirements of the equipment ,(and any plug- ins or accessories for which ●nd weight are separately specified in the associated detail speci f ithe dimension cat{on) shall be determined by weighing and measuring the equipment. ~echan shal 1 be subjected surface i tern in ical t stabilitv to the mechanica; Step 1. Position area of suffl cient its normal operating, Unless St s~abll ity excluded in 3.5.3, the test speclf led i n Steps the test iton a raised platforw or table size to accommodate the total bottoe surface position and configuration. Step 2. Reposltlon the test item so that extends beyond the edge of the PI atform or table. item shall be parallel to the edge of the platform item. 127 equipment 1 through with a of the 5: test one-fourth of the bottom surface The extended s< de of the teSt which is located under the test I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E Step 3. shall Step 4. instability Determine that be considered Repeat Steps there is as a test 2 and of no evidence failure. 3 for all instability. additional Evidence vertical sides of the of test item. steD 5. ReDeat SteDs 2 throuqh 4 for each reaui red alternate operating posl t ton and” conf 1gurat ion of the test-item. When the “rear of the test ~tem isequipped with feet or bumpers (msch as for use on a floor or deck) which prohibit the repositioning of the test item {n accordance WI th Step 2, an auxi 1 i ary support may be provided for this step. The auxil Iary support (such as a piece of plywood) shall be not lamer than the bottom surface in its alternate oosition. but shall be sufficiently 1 a~e to accommodate the rear feet or bumpers. During the test, the support and the test item shall be repositioned as specified in Step 2. ~ions test. Uhen specified in the associated detail specification, the emanations tests for X-radiation, microwave radiation, ozone 1 i berat ion, and ultrasonic pressure shall be performed in accordance with AUSl/ISAS82.01-)988 or ANSI/ISA-S82.02 -1988 or both as applicable. The test for X-radiation and ozone liberation shall be rmdified as specified In a and b. potentlal~. due to the X-radiation testing shall be 1 imited to equipment of 10 kV or greater, or which could have potentials failure of any one component. b. any 15-minute which occurs test. Ozone testing which shows a maximum concentration period which is closer than 60 minutes from the more than four times in 8 hours, shal 1 constitute When specified tw~ Eront 9ane 1 markinsi specification, the front panel marking test shall be 100 mm (4 In) sample of the front panel with marking representative of the equipwnt (see The accordance with the abrasion resistance Types I and test of GG-P-455, modlffed as specified in a through ~1 c. d. tests shall packing, and which has operating of 10 kV or greater The test and the associated 128 1000 g. compl et ion accept/reject limits detail specification. The inspection Packafaina insvect i on marking shall be in ~ccordance with 0.3 ppm in period, and of this in the associated detail performed on a 100 inn (4 in) by in the abrasion area, which is test shal 1 be performed in I I requirements and the abrasion d. A CS-10 abrading wheel shal 1 be used. The abrading wheel shal 1 be we~ghted with Testing shall consl st of 1000 cycles. The panel marking shal 1 be 1 egible at the Bddittonal tesQ. be as specified in exceeding adjacent a failure of for of the preservation, the requirements of the any test. additional packaging, MI L- STD-2073-1. Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E 4.5.8 Grouo F tests. The reliability of the equipment shall be verified in accordance with 141L- STD-781. Failures shall be as defined in Calibration interval verification in accordance with the requirements of 3.11 may be performed during rellabllfty testing in lieu of the test specified in 4.5.9. 4;5.8.1 ~e~sfitfon . . . . . Nilabilitv phase and te ts. a s&li~g test. Reliability internal adjustments and circuitry to permit adjustment (or repair) failure-free operational period the calibration interval . The reliability 11 tvoe~. phase as specif{ed in tests, shall consist, of or Seals shal 1 be used to control access to Tvoe 1. on all reliability models. Breaking of the seals shall constitute a failure, and the elapsed with unbroken seals shall be observed to establish The demonstration phase of the 4.5.8 .1.1.1 voe 1 Q!%monstration Dbase. Task 301, reliability testing shall be conductedTin ac~ordance with MI L-STD-781, The with the required upper test MTBF # ~, and the required lower test KTBF O,. decision risk is 10 percent. A sample of at least 5 models shall be uti 1 ized for the rel iabil 1 ty demonstration and the use of 10 models is encouraged; however, no more than 10 models are allowed. The conditions of a through i shall apply. The temperature test 1 imits Temperature 1 imits. test. specified for the equipment cl ●ss under temperatu% b. One pericw! ‘Tist schtiule. shal 1 be manned. The The test two shall consist ‘of remaining periods three need shall be the 8-hour periods not be manned. operating per day. Temperature CYC1 ing. The temperature in the test chamber, with the equiposentcinstal led, shal 1 be reduced to the lower temperature limit and maintained for 2 hours. The temperature shal 1 then be cycled between approximate equal 1 ength uPPer and lower temperature 1 imits during each 8-hour period. The rate of temperaThe temperature 1 imi ts shal 1 be the ture change shall be l-C to 5°C per minute. required cent inuous operating temperature 1 imi ts for the equipment class under test (see tests but Precipitation The humidity need not be controlled d. Humidity. the test chamber shal 1 have an RH of approximately shall not be .peamitted. e. minutes powered Vibration. shall be in accordance The equipment f. Equi~nt on-off cycling. during the cool Ing period of each temperature by self-contained batteries need not be turned 9. operation Vibration test Duty cycle. during the The equipment shall 1 atter part of one 129 shall cycle off during the 35 percent with rel iabi 1 i ty at 25*C. MIL-sTD-781. be turned off for 30 except that equipment during unmanned periods. be operated as in the satisfactory high temperature alternation each week. a Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E During the remainder of shal I perfo~ as i q ,the the on-time satisfactory (including Oper.?tion the vibration check: periods), the equipment h. Power input voltage cycling. Equipment powered ‘by ‘other than ‘self-’ contained batteries shall have the Input voltage sequentially cycled during each power-on period. The input voltage shal 1 be maintained at the nominal voltage during the first power-on period, at the high voltage (nominal +10 percent) during the second power-on period, and at the 1 ow voltage (nominal -10 percent) during the This sequence shall be repeated throughout third power-on period (see the reliability test. i. with Preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance shal 1 be in accordance ● 4.5.8 .1.1.2 The sampling phase of the reliability Samol ina ohase. TVD I ccord%c& with liIL-STD-781, Task 302, with the testing shal 1 be conducted in required upper test MTBF #o and the required lower test HTBF al. Testing shall conducted on 10 units, and the conditions specified in 4.5.8 .1.1.1 shall apply. bilitv test. Unless Tvoe 11 &lia associated detail specification, The reliability stsal 1 be as specified for Type i 11 equipment. ‘~. internal adjustments and circuitry to pemit adjustment (or repair) failure-free operational period the calibration interval. otherwise test plan specified for Type II be in the equipment Seals shal 1 be used .to control access to on all reliability models. Breaking of the seals ●s a failure, and the elapsed shall be observed with unbroken seals shal 1 be observed to establish Uhen specified in the associated 4.5.8 .1.3.1 Demonst atfon Vha$e. Tv~e IIL detail specification, th[ reliability test for-Type 111 equi~ent shall be conducted in accordance with HIL-STD-781, Task 301, with the required upper test KfBF #o, and the required lower test HT8F @,, on at least five models. The decision risk is 10 percent. The use of 10 models for reliability demonstration is encouraged, but not more than 10 models shall be used. The test shall be conducted at a fixed temperature of 40”C i5”C. Burn-in (or debugging) shall be as specified in The conditions specified in a thrmugh f shal 1 apply: Test schedule. shal 1 be manned. One peri~. tests but Preclpltation test two shall consist of remaining periods three need The humidity need not be control led b. Humidity. the test chamber shal 1 have an RH of approximately shall not be permitted. c. (continuous) swept from The The Vibration. Vibration shall requirement of FIIL-STD-781 10 Hz to 45 Hz to 10 Hz. be in modified 130 8-hour periods not be manned. during the 35 percent per day. rel i abi 1 i ty at 25-C. accordance with the vibration as follows: The frequency stress shall be Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E d. Duty cycle. tory operation test. The tory operation check during ing or replacement (end of tained batteries where the adjustments (see The equipment shall be operated weekly as in the satisfacequipment shall perform continuously as in the satisfacthe power-on time except during normal battery rechargspecified operating time) in units powered by self-con‘battery ’.compartment does mot give access to ‘tntemal Equipment powered by other than sel f-conInput power voltage cycl Ing. tained ba;~eries shal 1 have the input voltage sequential 1y cycled during each power-on period. The input voltage shal 1 be maintained at the nominal voltage specified for the equipment during the first power-on period, at the high voltage upper tolerance 1 imit during the second power-on period, and at the 1 ow voltage lower tolerance 1 imit during the third power-on period (see 1). This sequence shal 1 be repeated throughout the rel iabi 1 i ty test. with f. 3.,13.3.3. Preventive Preventive maintenance. maintenance shall be in accordance tihen specified in the associated detail voe 111 4.5.8 .1.3.2 ~amDl Ina D a e. specification, the samplinghp~aseTshall b~ conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-781, 1ower test HTBF 80 Task 302, with the required upper test MTBF # ~, and the required for a decision rl sk of 20 percent. Testing shal 1 be conducted on 10 urdts. Al 1 the conditions “of 4.5’.8.113.1 shall “apply. ” ~.~.8.2 testing (see ~., G~Q which modifications requirements, shall ~: modifications delivery to Those Those failure are instal; be classified that that cause cause action ed In the event of failures during shall be taken as specified in Failures occurring in test samples as specified in the equipment inconvenience Mel 1 vered eau i omen~ of exist. shali the Government. “ during reliability to conform to the a and b: to be unusable in use for the All have for the purpose reliabil~ty MI L-STD-781. testing, reliability purpose intended equipment undelivered, at the modifications installed for intended the ttme the c.rior to Equipment delivered prior to the c~letion of 4- ~. rel iatiil ity testing shall be updated to reawsve all defects which cause the equipaent to be unusable for the purpose intended and maY at the oPt ion. af the tivernunt kse updated to remove defects which cause inconvenience in use foi the purpose intended. Del i vered equipment shal 1, at the option of the Government, be updated by one or both of the methods specified in a and b: a. Installation af modifications in the equipment by the contractor at his preferred pl ace of service 131 Downloaded from HIL-T:28800E 1 b. 1 at ion instal Delivery by the to the Government Government I 4.5:9 ~ 11 shall ‘be “as -specified t I 4.6 ction ensure confonaance of with I 5. in the by the ficat~. associated detail ~aration the reqfd contractor of Calibration specification. for delivery Inspection rements of Sec~ion 5. modification interval kits for verification shal 1 be performed to PACKAGING (The preparation for delivery requirements specified herein apply only for direct Preparation for delivery requirements of reference shipments to the Government. documents In Section 2 do not apply unless specifically stated in the contract. Preparation for deli very requirements procured by contractors shal 1 be speci f led the individual order. ) Unless otherwise 5.1 ar~ E!reseration. D kaq inq. DaCki q ._and herein, prepara~ion for ~el i very shal 1 ~ in ac!ortiance with the applicable of preservation, packaging, packing, and marking specified in 141L- STD-20735.2 ioq. Batterv orotect those used for memory back-up, packed ui th the equipment in ,, shorting. Prior to shipment of the equipment, batteries, shal 1 be removed from the battery compartment a manner that wil 1 protect them from electrical . .. . . . . . . . . 5.3 Uhen the configuration of the setti nq. switch Po er se 1 ectio requires a ~ower select~on switch, the equipment shall be provided with set to the 1.]5 v or 120 V position and with the correct fuse installed. 6. in specified levels 1. except and equipment the switch NOTES (This section helpful, but contains Inf ormat ion is not mandatory. ) of a general or explanatory nature that may be 6.1 ~nded W. Equipuent covered by this specification is fntended for use in testing eaut Dment and systems in the worldwide natural and controlled environ❑ents in ~ich rni 1 itary eaui Dment 1s oDerated (on a continuous or intermittent basis for extended periods o~ time), either stored or transported, or both, including utilization in all types of movin Hilitary and coeqwcial vehicles (land, sea, and Y,s penetration air).. The extent of an equipment (levels of useJ finto the Ml itary environment is 1 imlted by its classification (type, class, style.,end color, as specified in 1.2). Selection of the correct class is essential to ensure procurement of the desired equipment. Where needs supersede requirements, this speci f i cation can be referenced in part. Where environmental needs overlap specific cl asses or styles, the lowest appropriate class or style (lowest environmental resistance) wil 1 form the basic requirements, and the additional specific requirements wil 1 be The inclusion of batteries may alter the selected from the higher classes. 132 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E environmental resistance external power sources 6.2 Acquisition or of equipment both. requirements. designed to Acquisition operate from either internal documents must specify the or follow- ing: a. Title, number, and date of this b. Title, number, and date of the c. Appropriate d. Number of first e. Levels of preservation, specification. applicable associated detail color, and configuration specifica- tion. in type, class, style, article samples to be submitted if other (see 1.2). than specified 4.3. packaging, f. Issue of DDDISS to be cited in issue of documents referenced (see specific packing, the solicitation, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, and marking and, and 2.2) (see if 5.1) required, the 6.3 ~ icl~. Nhen first article inspection is required, the equipment The first article sample consists of five units. should be first production units. When front panel marking test requirements are invoked, the first sample will be supplemented with a sample of the front panel . The contracting officer should include specific instructions in procurement documents regarding arrangements for examinations, approval of first article test results, and disposition of first art i cl es. Invi tat ions for bids should provide that the Government reserves the right to waive the requirement for samples for first article inspection to those bidders offering a product which has been previously acquired or tested by the Government, and that bidders offering such products, who wish to rely on such production or test, must furnish evidence with the bid that prior Government aPProval i S presently appropriate for the pending contract. 6.4 6.4.1 Oeffnitions. through 6.4.1 JnDut oowe~. Definitions Input of power terms is used defined In as this speci specification fled in a through are given in g. Voltage waveform deviation factor. Deviation factor of a wave is the rat i o of %e maximum difference between corresponding ordinates of the wave and of the equivalent sine wave to the maximum ordinate of the equivalent sine wave when ❑ aximum difference as small the waves are superimposed in such a way as to make this as possible (see ANSI/I EEE-STD-100-1984). Devi at ion factor computed from the actual crest factor may exceed the specified deviation factor, at peak of the waveform. Harmonics are defined as specified in 1 and 2: b. Harmonics. 133 I Downloaded from f’il L-T-28800E 1. Total harmonics. The total harmonic content is the total rms voltage remaining when the fundamental component is removed and is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the voltages of the individual harmontc frequencies. harmonic is the total rms voltage 2. Individual . An individual remaining when the fundamental and other harmonic components are removed. Any individual harmonic may be as large as 5 percent of the fundamental; however, total harmonic content will not be greater than 10 percent. c. Crest factor. Crest factor is the ratio of the crest voltage to the The crest factor effective voltage and has a value of 1.414 for a true sine wave. specified is derived from a total harmonic content (10 percent) wherein the phase and amplitude relationship of the individual harmonic frequencies causes the crest factor to fal 1 between the specified values. which 1 imiti value. d. Steady-state tolerances. The 1 imits of voltage and frequency within primary input power is del Ivered to the equipment, the difference between such and the nominal value being expressed as a plus and minus percent of nominal e. Steady-state of instantaneous voltage constant load, the limit of nominal value. f. frequency expressed vari at ion. The effect of periodic and random devi at ions and. frequency of the mean steady-state value, at any of such effect being expressed as a plus and minus percent Naximum transient amplitude. The maximum ”excursion of voltage or transient from any initial point within the steady tolerance limits, as a plus and minus percent of nominal voltage or frequency. Transient recovery time. The total elapsed time of the transient di sturban% measured from the instant the voltage or frequency (or both) departs from the defined steady-state variation 1 imits to the instant the voltage or frequency (or both) recovers to steady-state condition and stabi 1 i zes within the defined steady state variation band. 6.4.2 ~. Terms other than defined in through of part, subassembly y, assembly, unit, set, system, and model, with MIL-STD-280. Test, measurens?nt, and diagnostic equipment defined in HIL-STD-1309., definitions wi 11 be in accordance (TBIDE) teams are An accessory is an assembly or a group of parts or a unit Acces sory. which is not always required for the operation of a test set or unit as originally designed but serves to extend the functions or capabilities of the test set; similarly as headphones for a radio set supplied with a loudspeaker, a vibrator power unit for use with a set having a built-in power supply, or a remote control unit for use with a set having integral controls. 134 I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E Apssroved eaui Dment test The test procedure furnished by the DrocedurQ. Government or furni shed by a contractor in accordance with the requirements of the contract or order and approved by the Government i n accordance with the contract or order. ic checkout ~. For the purpose of this equipment (ACE) are synonymous. specification, the terms ATE and automat- w-ton e~ Bench-top equipment is designed to be used on a fixed bench or table or on a mobile cart. Equipment which exceeds 5 kg (11 lbs) in weight and has no handles, or exceeds 20 kg (44 1 bs) with or without a handle, i S considered to be bench-top equipment. Bench-top equipment may be of Style B or E. the ~. test approach For the purpose of this specification, using either BITE or self-test capability ~. Any device which is part of or test equipment and used for the express purpose of independent y or in association with external test the term BIT or both. identifies permanently mounted in testing that equipment, equipment. the prime either The maximum length of time between calibration i~. Lalltrathn services during which a specified percentage of equipment is expected to remain within acceptable performance levels under normal condi tlons of handling and use. check the outputs . equipment o n time Lertificati Certification time includes all time required to and equipment parameters &s al 1 range and f unct ion settings and ●l 1 inputs Certification time does not include the time to repair and readjust the as a result of a malfunction. commercially is evidenced public at an COTS e~ COTS electronic available and ~eveloped product, by substantial market acceptability, established catalog price. GomDone n t batteries. or equivalent, batteries, designed exceeding that of other components 1 ncorporated into the equipment. ~. from a stngle associated color, or other electrical detail or and the electrical test equipment is a quality and suitability of which and which is sold to the general Batteries used as components are nickel cadmium, for extended use and rel iabi 1 ity equal to or (such as rest stors or capacitors) which are Configuration is used to identify specif tcation which differ in mechanical characteristics. corrosio Destructive Destructive which, in any way, interferes withn~echanical or equipment or associated equipment parts. 135 corrosion electrical two type, or more units class. style, is any type performance of of corrosion the Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E Detail SD edification. a Mil itary speci fication, purchase equal purchase description. Detail description, specification purchase as used exhibit, herein may include or brand name or Dimensions. Dimensions are specified in units of width, height, and depth of the equipment in its normal operating position, and may be specified as Maximum dimensions include all handles, latches, maximum or partial, or both. knobs, and other protuberances, and are the three interior dimensions of a rectangular box into which the equipment (less detachable cords, cables, or accessories) may be fitted. Partial dimensions, when specified, include all Protrusions excQPt Partial depth, when removable handles, connectors, bumper feet, 1 atches, and cover. specified, is defined in a and b: Portable a. panel (less removable controls, bumper feet, bench-top equipment. bezels, handles, or connectors, 1 atches, From the front surface of cover) to al 1 rear protrusions or handles b. Rack-mounted equipment. From the rack-mounting rear surface of the front panel ) to the rearmost permanent connectors or controls, but not including cable retractors, not fixed to the equipment, or cable clearances surf ace protrusion, S1 ide-out the front except (nonual ly, the including any track parts Enclosure. Enclosure and case are interchangeable terms which may applY to any of the styles specified in a through f. A multiple enclosure identifier may. be used when specified by the associated detail specification. An example of thls would be ‘ET’ for a Style E equipment case which is supplied with Style T enclosure. I Combination case, Styles A and C. A combination case combines features of the tr~~sit case (Style T) and an instrument case (Styles B, D, E, or F). The combination case is desicmed to Drotect the instrument and accessories from environmental conditions encoun~ered during storage, shipment, and use in unprotected areas. Additional protection (packaging) may be required when shipped by common carrier. Instrument or equipment case, Styles B, D, E, and F. An instrument case is ab~ase desianed to ~rotect the instrument wooer. and is Dart of the instrument. For ex~mple, a“ dust cover may be part. of. the case, and is not intended for shipment by coasnon carrier without additional packaging. designed C, 0, or mounting A console cabinet is an enclosure or rack Console cabinet, Style 6. ~~ acconsnodate Style F rack-mounted enclosures or enclosures of Styles B, E which have been converted for rack-mounting by a conversion kit (bolt-on extenders and filler panels as required). d. protection for Transit the case, contained Style test The Style P transit case is designed to provide P. equipment against shock, vibration, and other 136 a Downloaded from flIL-T-28800E environmental Iacatian. conditions which may be encountered during use in more than one A style S transit case $s designed to provide Transit case? Style S. prote~tio~.’for the contained’’eqts lpmeit during “trans!t tset~en work locat ions. Compartments for accessories (or provisions for stowing accessories) are provided a transl t case. Style S transit cases are not intended to double as shipping containers. A Style T transit f. Transit case, Style T. protect an Instrument or equi Compartments Sions for stowing accessortesR~ ~%~ded In a transit to protect the enclosed instrument against env{ ronmental during storage, shipnmt, and handling without additional in case is designed to house and for accessories (or provi case. The case is designed conditions encountered packaging. Eautoment/Unl~. Equipment {s an instrument, with the parts, accessories,, components, or any combination thereof, required for performing a specified operational function. Unless otherwise specified in the detail specffi-cation, the equipmast consists of a single instrument or a mainframe and plug-in configuration. and plug-in configuration is suppl fed, the combined weight will not Uhen ● mainframe Accesexceed the maximum weight allcmed by the associated detail specification. sories,’ kuch iS ierisors,” leads, bridges’, loads, and adapters; *31 be provided with a storage case. Certain equipment may be complete wlthln itself and may not require the addition of parts, accessories, or components to perform a specified operational function: Ttse term ‘ unlt# is used to denote .RU1 t iple it.ans Of. equ{psrbemt. failure. Equipment fai 1 ure as used herein is any departure from the required performance or operation outside of the required accuracies (not correctable e by normal use of the operating contruls), or deviation from the criteria of 4.5 after the test is init!ated. Front panel samples” are 100 “m “(4 in) by 100 am 6.4-2.18 ~. (4 in) samples which are representative of the equipment’s front panel with marking. The sample is flat, uniform in thickness, free from warp, and contains no holes or di sconttnuity other than the specf f ied marking in an abrasion area 1 ocated between two concentric circles, 60 mm (2.4 in) and 90 IMII (3.5 in) in diameter, referenced to a center hole. A center hole is 6.4 emI (0.25 in) for material thicknesses of 6.4 mm (0.25 in) or less, and 9.5 am (0.38 in) for material to 12.7 am (0.5 in) ,thick. operation are by 15 minutes the of alternating non-operation ort-time pertods of ooerat i on Intermittent operation ~or the speclf and short-tfme ied time followed JQ. The s{ze of a lot is that quantity af units from each individual production run that is specifically set aside for del I very to the Government (i .e. , if a given production run cons{sts of 1000 units of which 150 are set aside for delivery to the Government, the lot size would be 150). Portions of separate 137 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E production individual runs lots. will not be combined into a single Microelectronics t!lcro electronics. technology associated with or applied to the extremely small electronic parts or elements. lot but will be treated as is that area of electronic realization of electronic systems from A component, module, or subassembly is ~onreoai rabl e subassembly. nonrepairabl e i f the physical nature of the item is such that the i tern cannot be economical ly or feesibl y repaired due to the excessive cost of material and 1 abor required to effect such repair. This excessive cost is normally considered as 65 percent, or greater, of the acqui sit ion cost of the 1 tern. Examples of nonrepalrable subassemblies are: a) an integrated circuit, b) a printed circuit card wherein the components and card are sealed in a hard thermosetting plastic compound, and c) a module wherein all printed circuit cards or components are sealed in a hard thermosetting plastic compound or the module is hermetically sealed. Performance r in this specification, the satisfactory performance of conditioning, destructive! specification for simulating possible. t. of the test coWherever referenced ouirements ~erformance requirement of the test equipment means the al 1 electrical and mechanical character sties under the and accelerated tests specified in the associated detail anticipated field service demands as closely as Level A and Level B perfor6.4.2 .23.1 level A and L evel 8 D rf rsuance W mance tests are characterized by the ~eg~ee of testin~ performed for a specific ssarameter. Level A testina is intended to be a reduced ~OUflt of testin9 Der unit. which is performed on each-unit of a lot. Level B testing is more exten; ive within each parameter, but is 1 imited to certain samples of the lot. eauio ment. Portable carried between locations of use. which is readily hand held with no provided with a handle, is considered Styles A, C, or D, but may include well as bench-top use. Portable equipment is designed to be easily Equipment of 5 kg (11 lbs), or less in weight handles, or 20 kg (44 lbs), or less, and to be portable. Portable equipment may be of some Style E equipment designed for portable as equipment. The equipment to ~. withstand rough Flil i tary Physical and operational handling and extreme or Federal or contracting characteristics that hostile environments. A satisfactory chec k. acto r v ooer ation a maximum number of active circuits of the equipment with external input or evaluation equipment to ensure that all are operational . 138 agency operation a minimum functions for allow check employs requirement for of the equipment Downloaded from HIL-T-2BBOOE the necessary conforms to A satisfactory operation Satisfactory ogeration test. external input and evaluation equipment to determine the requirements of the associated detail specification. A self-test is a test or series Se if-test. device upon itself, which shows whether or not the device designed 1 imits. This includes test programs on computers their performance status and readiness. Special Soecia 1 tool s Supply Catalog (copies of t~is catalog Contract Administration Service). any part of its Standby. circuitry Equipment is is energized tools may are tools be consulted considered regardless to test the employs equipment of tests, performed by a is operating within and ATE which check out not be in of the if in 1 isted in the office the National of the Defense a standby condition power switch setting. when 6.5 The requirement for technical manuals should be Jechnical ma n uals considered when this speci~ication is applied on a contract. If technical manuals are required, mil itary specifications and standards that have been cleared and 1 isted in 000 5010. 12-L, Acquisition Management Systems and Data Requirements Control List (AMSDL), must be 1 i steal on a separate Contract Data Requirements LI St (DD Form 1423), which is included as an exhibit to the contract. The technical manuals must be acquired under a separate contract 1 ine i tern in the contract. fssue. 6.6 Ch.r-wses from o revious this revision to identify changes with extensiveness of the changes. 6.7 ~.iect term (kev word] Asterisks respect to listinq. Acoustic noise Aircraft and shipboard requirements Al uml num al 10YS Automat ic test eaui pment (ATE) Batteries Bench-top equipment Bounce, 1 oose cargo Brittle materials Built-in test (BIT) Built-in test equipment (BITE) Burn- in Calibration fnterval Couanercial -off -the- shel’ (COTS) equipment Derating of electronic pa~ts “ Enclosures Environmental requirements and tests Explosive atmosphere requirements and tests First article 139 or margin 1 ines are the previous issue, not due used in to the Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E ferrous al 1 oys Flansnable materials test Frequency-transient Gasoline ., ... Helium’ Human engineering Intended use: worldwide natural and control ported, land, sea, and air Interchangeability Leakage current Hagnesium and magnesium al 10YS Maintainability Nercury, 1 ithium, or radioactive material, Mercury and 1 ithium batteries, Navy use of Microwave radiation Optional quality assurance testing Ozone 1 iberat ion Pal nt PI ates, tags, and bands Rack-mounting requirements Reliability Shock Transient-state power Vibration wood Workmanship screen Zinc ,.. led Navy environments, use ,.., stored and trans- of Preparing Activity Navy - SH (Project Custodians: Army: CR Navy: SH Air Force: Review activities: Amy : AV, Navy: NC, Air Force: User 11 MI, EA, AL, AR, TE AS, OS 13, l?, 19, 99 activities: Army : CE, SC, MD Navy: MCRDAC , YD 10, 15, Air Force: 18 140 No. 6625-0770) Downloaded from MJL-T-28800E APPENDIX 10. A m 10.1 x. This appendix is provided for the specification writer to use as guideline or check 1 ist in the preparation of a detail specification Invoking HIL-T-28800. It provides a 1 ist of the requirements which are automatically invoked, or, when needed, those which may be specifically invoked by the detail specification. This appendix is not a mandatory part of the specification. The information contained herein is intended for guidance only. 20. APPL lCABLE 00CUMENT$. 30, REOUIRE14ENT$ This section is not applicable to this appendix. 30.1 General General specification requirements which are automatically invoked by=~cing MI L-T-28800 in the associated detail specification are as specified in 30.2 for Type I equipment. Requirements which may be invoked at the option of the specification writer are as specified in 30.3 and 30.4. Uhen the requirements of 30.4 are invoked, supplemental information is required in the detail specification to complete each requt rement. Automatic r eaui re ments. 30.2 The requirements 1 isted below are automatically invoked when the detai 1 specification requires conformance with the Type I requirements of MIL-T-28800. Any one of these requirements may be specifically disinvoked or overridden by the detail specification under the provisions of paragraph 2.3. Requirements. 3. Parts, materials, and processes. 3.2 Parts, materials, and processes, Type 1. 3.2.1 Select Ion of parts, materials, and processes. Parts control. 3.2.1 .1.1 Choice of parts and materials. 3.2.1 .1.2 Replaceability by standard parts and materials. Equipment performance. 3.2.1 .1.4 Derating of electronic parts. 3.2.1 .1.5 Microelectronic devices. Semiconductor devices. Electron tubes. Resistors. External voltmeter resistors. 3.2. 1.5.1 Tapped resistors. 3.2.1 .5.2 Capacitors. Transformers and inductors. 3.2. I .7 Quartz crystal and oscillator units. 141 3.2.1 .1.3 a Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E APPENDIX A Electrical filters. Readouts. Meters, electrical indicating, and accessories. Indicator llghts. Motors and rotary power converters. Rotary servo devices. Relays. Circuit breakers. Fuses, fuseholders, and associated hardware. Switches. Rotary switches. 3.2.1 .18.1 Indexing mechanism. 3.2.1 .18.1.1 3.2.1 .18.1.2 Materials. Electrical connectors. Sockets, shields, and clamps. Jacks. Jacks, headset. 3.2.1 .21.1 Jacks, microphone. 3.2.1 .21.2 Jacks, switching. 3.2.1 .21.3 Terminals. Wire, “hookup”. Cable, coaxial, radio frequency (RF). Cable, multiconductor. Waveguides and related equipment. Threaded parts. Bearings. Gears and cams. Springs. Knobs and handles, control . Handles, enclosure. Latches, enclosure. Casters. Valves, pressure equal i zing. 3.2.1 .3S Flexible shafts for tuning dial mechanisms. Tools, special. Flansnable materials. Fungus-inert materials. Fibrous material, organic. Uood . 3.2.1 .40.1 Sandwich panels. 3.2.1 .40.2 Insulating material , electrical . Electrical tape. 3.2.1 .41.1 Sleeving on conductors. 3.2.1 .41.2 Arc-resistant materials. Adhesives. Lubricants. 142 Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E APPENDIX A Glass. tietals and metal treatments. Dissimilar metals. 3.2.1 .46.1 Nonferrous metals. 3.2.1 .46.2 Ferrous alloys. 3.2.1 .46.3 Aluminum alloys. 3.2.1 .46.4 Aluminum surfaces, general. 3.2.1 .46.4.1 Aluminum surfaces, bonded and grounded. 3.2.1 .46.4.2 Alumlnum surfaces, extreme wear-resistant. 3.2.1 .46.4.3 Magnesium and magnesium alloys. 3.2.1 .46.5 Zinc and zinc plated parts. 3.2.1 .46.6 Finishes, Type 1. Finishes, parts. 3.2.1 .47.1 Finishes, enclosure. 3.2.1 .47.2 Finishes, enamel. 3.2.1 .47.2.1 Finishes, fastener and assembly screw. 3.2.1 .47.3 Castings. Structural welding. 8razi ng. Soldering. Uelds, resistance, electrical interconnection. Encapsulation and embedment. [nterchangeabil ity. 3.2.4 lnterchangeabil ity, Type 1. Interchangeability of reordered equipment. 3.2.4 .1.1 Restricted materials. 3.2.5 Material restricted for Navy use. Other restricted materials and gases. Carcinogens. Helium. Combination of materials. Design and construction. 3.3 Design and construction, Type 1. 3.3.1 Navy standard electronic modules (SEM) program. Mechanical and electrical design. Mechanized production. 3.3.1 .2.1 Types of construction. 3.3.1 .2.2 Nonrepairable subassemblies. 3.3.1 .2.3 Human engineering. Mechanical design and construction. Accessibility. 3.3.1 .4.1 Thermal design. 3.3.1 .4.2 Moisture pockets. 3.3.1 .4.3 Hydraulics. 3.3.1 .4.4 Lubrication requirements. 3.3.1 .4.5 143 Downloaded from I t41L-T-28800E APPENDIX A Adhesives, use of. 3.3.1 .4.6 Tuning dial mechanisms. 3.3.1 .4.7 Mounting and fastening. Resistor and capacjtor mounting. 3.3.1 .5.1 Receptacle and connector mount {rig. 3.3.1 .5.2 Connectors, similar. 3.3.1 .5.2.1 Toggle switch mounting. 3.3.1 .5.3 Fastening of brittle mater{als. 3.3.1 .5.4 Controls. Control cfrcuttry. 3.3.1 .6.1 Control function. 3.3.1 .6.1.1 Adjustment range. 3.3.1 .6.1.2 Interaction. 3.3.1 .6.1.3 Operating controls. 3.3.1 .6.2 Nonoperating controls. 3.3.1 .6.3 Nonoperating accessibility. 3.3.1 .6.3.1 Test provisions. ATE. t4anual control. 3.3.1 .8.1 Preferred logic elements. 3.3.1 .8.2 Sel f-test capabil Ity. “3:3. 1.8.3 Electrical design and construction. Electrical overload protection. 3.3.1 .9.1 Corona and electrical breakdown prevention. 3.3. 1“.9. 2 Wiring, internal. 3.3.1 ,9.3 Metallic shielding. 3.3.1 .9.3.1 Printed wtring. 3.3.1 .9.3.2 Wiring, external. 3.3.1 .9.4 Cables, connectors, and cable assemblies. 3.3.1 .9.4.1 Shtelded cables. 3.3.1 .9.4.2 Cables and waveguide for RF circuits. 3.3.1 .9.4.3 3.3.1 .9.4.4 Coding. Cables, extra conductor. 3.3.1 .9.4.5 Electrical power sources and connections. 3.4 Electrical power source, Type 1. 3.4.1 power source, Type 1. Nominal and ●l temate Steady-state conditions, Type 1. 3.4.1 .2.1 Transient-state conditions, Type 1. Interruption of power source, Type 1. 3.4.1 .2.3 Alternate single-phase source, Type I. 3.4.1 .2.4 Aircraft and shipboard power. 3.4.1 .2.5 Mercury and lithium batteries, Navy use of. 3.4.1 .2.6.1 Batteries, Type I. 3.4.1 .2.6.2 External DC power. 3.4.1 .2.7 Electrical power connections, Type 1. 3.4.2 144 .. . I Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E APPENDIX A Hultiphase equipment, Type I. Air Force electrical power connections. Army el ectrfcal power connections. Navy electrical power connections. Power cable strain relief. Power switch. Power disconnect switch (Style A). 3.4.2 .6.1 Power selection switch. Fuses. Fuses, multiple source. Circuit breakers. Indicator lamp, external power. Indicator, internal battery power. Input power isolation. Battery charger, Type 1. Battery compartment, Type I (Styles A, B, and C). Battery access, rack-mounted equipment. Diuuxssions, weight, Maximum dimensions, Mechanical stability. Enclosure attitude. and mechanical Navy shipboard 3.5.3 stability. applications. 3.5 Enclosure requirements. 3.6 Enclosure form, Styles A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P, S, and T.,,,,,, Cover, Styles A, C, D, P, S, and T.,,, and Latches, Styles A, C, O, P, and T. 3.6-1.1.2, 3-,, and Stacking provisions, Styles A, B, C, D, P, and T.,,,, Projections, Styles A, B, and C.,, Transportability, Style 6. 3.6.7 .1.2 Interior access, Style 6. Work surfaces, Style G. Haterial, Styles A, 8, C, O, E, F, 6, P, S, and T.,,,,,,, and Component protection, Styles A, B, C, O, E, and F.,,,, and Identification plate, Styles A, B, C, P. and T.,,, 3.6.1 O.Z. Z Handles, Styles A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P, S, and T.,,,,,,, and 145,,, and,,, 3.6.3 .1.3.1,,, 3.6. Z. Z.4,, Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E APPENDIX A Accessory stowage, Styles A, C, D, G, P, S, and T.,,,,,, and,,, and Corners, Styles A, C, P, and T. Connections and controls, Styles A, B, and C.,, and 3.6.3 .2.7 Chassis fasteners, Styles A, B, and C.,, and Operating data, Style A. 3.6.1 .2.9 Pressure equalizing valve, Styles A and T. 3.6,1.2.10 and Equipment removal, Style G. 3.6.7 .2.4 Rack-mounting requirements. 3.6.11 Rack-mount conversion. 3.6.11 .1.1 Environsoantal requirements. 3.7 Environmental conditions. 3.7.1 Mann-up. Temperature-humidity (l/H). Altitude. 3.7.3 Vibration. 3.7.4 Vibration, sinusoidal. Shock, mechanical. 3.7.5 Shock, functional . Transit drop, Styles A, B, C, P, S, and T. Bench handling. Water rest stance. 3.7.6 Watertight, Styles A and T. Splashproof, Style A. 17ripproof, Styles 8 and C. Fungus resistance. 3.7.7 Salt atmosphere. 3.7.8 Exposure, structural parts (Styles A and 8). Explosive atmosphere (Class Z). 3.7.9 Dust, Class 2 and Styles A, P, and T. 3.7.10 Acoustic noise. 3.7.12 EM1. EMI, 3.8 Type 1. 3.8.1 Safety. 3.9 Protection, Type I. 3.9.1 Accessible potentials, Type I. Open circuit voltage protection, TyPe 1. Leakage current protection, Type 1. 3.9.1 Grounding, Type I. Ventilation openings, Type 1. 146 1.1.1 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E I I APPENDIX Equipment Equipment I emanations, Type safety, Type 1. - A I. Harking and tdentlficatlon. 3.10 Harking and identification, Type 1. 3.10.1 Marking, Type 1. Engineering design changes. 3.10.1 .1.1 Diagram, schematic, and special Instruction Panel markings, Type I. 3.10.1 .1.4 Marktng processes, panel. 3.10.1 .1.4.1 Fuse marking. 3.10.1 .1.5 Adjustment control marking. 3.10 .1.1.6 Warning markings, Type I. 3.10.1 .1.7 Receptacles. 3.10.1 .1.8 Size and weight. 3.10.1 .1.9 Methods of marking. 3.1 O. I.l. IO Identification plate, Type I. Identification plate type and composition. [dentif{catlon plate marking. 3.10.1 .2.2 I 1 Calibration Interval. !laintainablllty. 3.13 14aintainabllity, Type Fault isolation, Type Preventive maintenance, Maintenance provisions, Uorkmanshi the 30.3 detail p. sheet. 3.10.1 3.10.1 .1.3 .2.1 3.11 I. I. 3.13.1 Type 1. Type I. 3.13 .1.3 3.15 Ootion al reaufrements. specification at the General. 3.1 First article. 3.1.1 Bid sample. 3.1.2 Quality conformance. The option requirements 1 isted of the specification 3.1.3 Design and construction. Self-test. Digital interface. 3.3.4 Prograrmning characteristics Interface requirements. 3.3 _(data transfer) 147 . below may be writer. invoked in Downloaded from \ MI L-T-28800E APPENDIX El ectrl cal power sources and connections. DC internal power source, Type 1. 3.4.1 External battery operation. 3.4. 1.2.8 A 3.4 ,2.6 1 I I I 1 I Enclosure requirements. 3.6 Enclosures, Styles A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P, S, and T. 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.5, 3.6.6, 3.6.7, 3.6.8, 3.6.9, and 3.6.10 Rack-mounting provisions, Styles 8, C, D, E, F, and G.,,,,, and Tilt bail handle, Styles B, C, D, and E.,,, 3.6.5 .2.3.1 Convertible/rack-mountable equipment. Envl ronmental requirements. 3.7 Temperature shock. Vibration, random. Bounce, loose cargo. Shock, high impact. Exposure, structural parts (Styles C through G). Exposure, enclosure. Magnetic environment, DC field (Navy). 3.7.11 Solar radiation. 3.7.13 Harking and identification. 3.10 Alternate marking processes. 3.10.1 Nomenclature assignment. 3.10.4 Rellabil Reliability, Burn-in, 3.6.4, .1.4.2 tty. 3.12 Type I. 3.12.1 Type 1. Haintatnab$lity. Maintainability Washability, Environmental 30.4 in the detail information 3 .6. ,3, 3.13 denwnstration, Type 1. stress screening. rewire specification Is required in at the Type 1. 3.14 mentS. The requirements 1 i steal below may be invoked the option of the specification writer. Supplemental detail speci fication to complete each requirement. Electrical power sources and connections. 3.4 Power consumption, Type 1. External battery pack. 3.4.1 .2.8.1 Enclosures for flight line use, Style A. Enclosures for Air Force use, Styles B through F. 14B 3.4.2 .2.2 Downloaded from MIL-T-23800E APPENOIX Battery operation and recharge time, Type A 1. ‘Dhiwnslons”, wet ght, and mechanical stabll Ity: Dimensions. 3.5.1 Height. 3.5.2 Harking and identification. 3.10 Information plates. 3.10.1 .1.2 Identification plate design. 3.5 Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E APPENDIX 10. B = 10.1 *. This appendix is provided for the specification writer to use as a guideline or check 1 ist in the preparation of a detail specification invoking MI L-T-28800. It provides a 1 i st of the requirements which are automat ical 1y invoked, or, when needed, those which may be speci f i cal 1 y invoked by the detai 1 specification. This appendix is not a mandatory part of the specification. The information contained herein is intended for guidance only. 20. ~PPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. 30. MO UIREHENTS This section is not applicable to this appendix. 30.1 General. General specification requirements which are automatically invoked by referencing liIL-T-2G800 in the associated detail specification are as Requirements which may be invoked specified in 30.2 for Type 11 and 111 equipment. at the option of the specification writer are as specified in 30.3 and 30.4. When the requirements of 30.4 are invoked, supplemental information is required in the detail specification to complete each requirement. The requirements listed below are automatically 30.2 f@g.@ic reoui rem ents. invoked when the detai 1 specification requires conformance with the Type II or Type hy one of these requirements may be specifically 111 requirements of HIL-T-28EIO0. disinvoked or overridden by the detail specification under the provisions of paragraph 2.3. Requirements. 3. parts, materials, and processes. 3.2 Parts, materials, and processes, Type II. 3.2.2 Parts, materials, and processes, Type 111. 3.2.3 F{nishes, Type III. lnterchangeabil ity. 3.2.4 Interchangeability, Type 11. Interchangeabil Ity, Type 111. Restricted materials. 3.2.5 Material restricted for Navy use. Other restricted materials and gases. Carcinogens. Helium. 3.2.5 .2.2 Combination of materials. Design Design Design and and and construction. construction, construction, 3.3 Type Type II. III. 3.3.2 3.3.3 150 Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E APPENOIX Operator adjustment and controls. Operator adjustments. 3.3.3 .1.1 Operator controls. 3.3.3 .1.2 Connectors, electric. Uiring, internal. Internal coollng. Cooling devices. Front panel display indicators. Unsuitable design. B Electrical power sources and connections. 3.4 Electrical power source, Type II. 3.4.3 Electrical power’ connect ions, Type II. 3.4.4 Air Force electrical power connections, Type 11. Electrical power source, Type I 11. 3.4.5 Nominal and alternate power source, Type 111. Steady-state conditions, Type 111. Transient-state conditions, Type 111. Interruption of power source, Type III. Alternate single-phase source, Type 111. Electrical power connections, Type 111. 3.4.6 Multiphase equipment, Type 111. Input power cable. Input power switch. Fuses or circuit breakers. Indicators (AC power). Dimensions, weight, and roechani cal Maximum dimensions, Navy shipboard Mechanical stabll ity. 3.5.3 Enclosure attitude. stability. appl ications. Enclosure requirements. 3.6 Enclosure form, Styles A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P,, 3.6..4.1,,,,, Cover, Styles A, C, O, P, S, and T., and Latches, Styles A, C, D, P, and T., and -. .._ . ..-. ---- -----._ Stacking provisions, Styles A, B, C, O, P, and,,, ProjectIons, Styles A, B, and C., Transportability, Style G. 3.6.7 .1.2 Interior access, Style G. Work surfaces, Style G. 151 3.5 S, and T.,, 3.6,1.1,,,, 3,, T.,, 3.6.2 3.6.3, and, .1.1,” .1.3.1 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E APPENDIX A Electrical f~lters. Readouts. and accessories. 14eters, el ectrlcal indicating, Indicator lights. Motors and rotary power converters. Rotary servo devices. Relays. Circuit breakers. Fuses, fuseholders, and associated hardware. Switches. Rotary switches. 3.2.1 .18.1 Indexing mechanism. 3.2.1 .18.1.1 Materials. 3.2.1 .18.1.2 Electrical connectors. 3.2. 1.)9 Sockets, shields, and clamps. Jacks. Jacks, headset. 3.2.1 .21.1 Jacks, microphone. 3.2.1 .21.2 Jacks, switching. 3.2.1 .21.3 Terminals. Wire, “hookup. Cable, coaxial, radio frequency (RF). Cable, raulticonductor. Waveguides and related equipment. Threaded parts. Bearings. Gears and cams. Springs. Knobs and handles, control. Handles, enclosure. 3,2.1.32 Latches, enclosure. 3,2.1.33 Casters. Valves, pressure equal i zing. Flexible shafts for tuning dial mechanisms. Tools, special. Flaussable materials, ❑aterials. Fungus-inert Fibrous material, organic. Uood . 3.2.1 .40. S Sandwich panels. 3.2.1 .40.2 Insulating material, electrical. Electrical tape. 3.2.1 .41.1 Sleeving on conductors. 3.2.1 .41.2 Arc-resistant materials. Adhesives. Lubricants. 142 Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E APPENDIX A Glass. Metals and metal treatments. Dissimilar metals. 3.2.1 .46.1 Nonferrous metals. 3.2.1 .46.2 Ferrous alloys. 3.2.1 .46.3 Aluminum alloys. 3.2.1 .46.4 Aluminum surfaces, general. 3.2.1 .46.4.1 Aluminum surfaces, bonded and grounded. 3.2.1 .46.4.2 Alumlnum surfaces, extreme wear-resistant. 3.2.1 .46.4.3 Magnesium and magnesium alloys. 3.2.1 .46.5 Zinc and zinc plated parts. 3.2.1 .46.6 Finishes, Type I. Finishes, parts. 3.2.1 .47.1 Finishes, enclosure. 3.2.1 .47.2 Finishes, enamel. 3.2.1 .47.2.1 Finishes, fastener and assembly screw. 3.2.1 .47.3 Castings. Structural weldlng. Brazing. Soldering. Welds, resistance, electrical interconnection, Encapsulation and embedment. Interchangeability. 3.2.4 lnterchangeabil ity, TYW 1. Interchangeabil Ity of reordered equipment. Restricted materials. 3.2.5 Material restricted for Navy use. Other restricted materials and gases. Carcinogens. Helium. Combination of materials. 3.2-5.3 Des i gn and construction. 3.3 Design and construction, Type 1. 3.3.1 Navy standard electronic modules (SEM) program. Mechanical and electrical design. Mechanized production. 3.3,1 -2.1 Types of construction. 3.3.1 .2.2 Nonrepairable subassembly ies. 3.3.1 .2.3 Human engineering. Mechanical design and construction. Accessibility. 3.3.1 .4.1 Thermal design. 3.3.1 .4.2 Moisture pockets. 3.3.1 .4.3 Hydraulics. 3.3.1 ,4.4 Lubrication requirements. 3.3.1 .4.5 143 Downloaded from UIL-T-28800E APPENDIX A Adhesives, use of. 3.3.1 .4.6 Tuning dial mechanisms. 3.3.1 .4.7 Mounting and fastenfng. 3.3. !.5 Resistor and capacitor smmting. 3.3.1 .5.1 Receptacle and connector IMJUnt ing. 3.3.1 .5.2 Connectors, similar. 3.3.1 .5.2.1 Toggle switch mounting. 3.3.1 .5.3 Fastening of brittle materials. 3.3.1 .5.4 Controls. Control circuitry. 3.3.1 .6.1 Control function. 3.3.1 .6.1.1 Adjustment range. 3.3.1 .6.1.2 Interaction. 3.3.1 .6.1.3 Operating controls. 3.3.1 .6.2 Nonoperating controls. 3.3.1 .6.3 Nonoperating accessibility. 3.3.1 .6.3.1 Test provisions. ATE. Manual control. 3.3.1 .8,1 Preferred logic elements. 3.3.1 .8.2 Sel f-test capability. “3:3. 1.8.3 Electrical design and construction. Electrical overload protect {on. 3.3.1 .9.1 Corona and electrical breakdown prevention. 3.3.1’- 9.2 Wiring, internal. 3.3.1 ,9.3 Metallic shielding. 3.3.1 .9.3.1 Printed wiring. 3.3.1 .9.3.2 Wiring, external. 3.3.1 .9.4 Cables, connectors, and cable assemblies. 3.3.1 .9.4.1 Shielded cables. 3.3.1 .9.4.2 Cables and waveguide for RF circuits. 3.3.1 .9.4.3 Coding. 3.3.1 .9.4.4 Cables, extra conductor. 3.3.1 .9.4.5 Electrical power sources and connections. 3.4 Electrical power source, Type 1. 3.4.1 power source, Type 1. Nominal and ●lternate Steady-state conditions, Type 1. 3.4.1 .2.1 : Transient-state conditions, Type I. Interruption of power source, Type 1. 3.4.1 .2.3 Alternate single-phase source, Type I. 3.4. 1.2.4 Aircraft and shipboard power. 3.4.1 .2.5 Mercury and llthium batteries, Navy use of. 3.4.1 .2.6.1 Batteries, Type I. 3.4.1 .2.6.2 External DC power. 3.4.1 .2.7 Electrical power connections, Type 1. 3.4.2 144 .,. ,, Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E APPENOIX A !lultiphase equipment, Type 1. Air Force electrical power connections. Army el ectr{cal power connections. Navy electrical power connections. Power cable strain relief. Power switch. Power disconnect switch (Style A). Power selection switch. Fuses. Fuses, mult{ple source. Circuit breakers. Indicator lamp, external power. 3.4.2,9 indicator, Internal battery power. input power isolation. Battery charger, Type 1. 8attery compartment, Type I (Styles A, 8, and C). Battery access, rack-mounted equipment. Olwanshns, weight, Maximum dlmenslons, Mechanical stability. Enclosure attitude. and mechanical Navy shipboard 3.5.3 stabi 1 ity. applications. 3.5 3,5.1.1 Enclosure requirements. 3.6 Enclosure form, Styles A, 8, C, D, E, F, G, P, S, and T.,,,,,,,, and 3.6.)0 Cover, Styles A, C, D, P, S, and T.,,,, and Latches, Styles A, C, D, P, and T.,,,, and Stacktng provisions, Styles A, B, C, D, P, and T.,,,,, Projections, Styles A, B, and C.,, 3.6.3 .1.3.1 Transportability, Style 6. ●ccess, Style 6. 3.6.7 .1.3 Interior Uork surfaces, Style 6. Material, Styles A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P, S, and T.,,,,,,,,, and Component protection, Styles A, B, C, O, E, and F.,,,,, and Identification plate, Styles A, 8, C, P, and T.,,,, 3.6.10 .2.2 Handles, Styles A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P, S, and T.,,,,, 3,,, and 145 :;, Downloaded from MI L-T-2B800E APPENDIX A Accessory stowage, Styles A, C, D, G, P, S, and T.,,,,,, and 3.6,10.2.4 Corners, Styles A, C, P, and 7.,,, and Connections and controls, Styles A, B, and C.,, and Chassis fasteners, Styles A, B, and C.,, and Operating data, Style A. 3.6.1 .2.9 Pressure equalizing valve, Styles A and T. and Equipment removal, Style G. 3.6.7 .2.4 Rack-mounting requirements. 3.6.11 Rack-mount conversion. 3.6.11 .1.1 Environmental requirements. 3.7 Environmental conditions. 3.7.1 Warm-up. Temperature-humidity (l/H). Altitude. 3.7.3 Vibration. 3.7.4 Vibration, sinusoidal. Shock, mechanical . 3.7.5 Shock, functional . Transit drop, Styles A, B, C, P, S, and T. Bench handling. Mater rest stance. 3.7.6 Watertight, Styles A and T. Splashproof, Style A. Dripproof, Styles B and C. Fungus resistance. 3.7.7 Salt atmosphere. 3.7. B Exposure, structural parts (Styles A and B). Explosive atmosphere (Class 2). 3.7.9 Dust, Class 2 and Styles A, P, and T. 3.7.10 Acoustic noise. 3.7.12 EMI. EM], 3.8 Type I. 3.8.1 Safety. 3.9 Protection, Type I. 3.9.1 Accessible potentials, Type 1. Open circuit voltage protection, Type I. Leakage current protection, Type 1. 3.9.1 Grounding, Type 1. Ventilation openings, Type I. 146 3.9.1 .1.2 .1.1 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E APPENDIX Equipment Equipment emanat safety, ions, Type Type 1. “ A 1. ?larktng and Identt f $ cati on. 3.10 Harking and identification, Type I. 3.10.1 14arking, Type I. Engineering design changes. 3.10.1 .1.1 Diagram, schematic, and special instruction Panel markings, Type 1. 3.10.1 .1.4 Marking processes, panel . 3.10.1 .1.4.1 Fuse marking. 3.10.1 .1.5 Adjustment control marking. 3.10. 1.1.6 Uarning markings, Type I. 3.10.1 .1.7 Receptacles. 3.10.1 .1.8 Size and weight. 3.10.1 .1.9 Methods of m~rking. Identification plate, Type 1. Identification plate type and composition. identification plate marking. 3.10.1 .2.2 Cal Ibration interval . Haintalnabillty. 3.13 Haintainabillty, Type FauJt isolation, Type Preventive maintenance, Maintenance provisions, Uorkmanshi the 30.3 detail p. sheet. 3.10.1 3.10 .1.1.3 .2.1 3.11 I. 1. 3.13.1 Type 1. Type I. 3.13 .1.3 3.15 QDtiona 1 reaui specification General. 3.1 First article. 3.1.1 Bid sample. 3.1.2 Qual Ity conformance. rements. at the The option requirements 1 isted of the specification 3.1.3 Design and construction. Self-test. Oigital interface. 3.3.4 Programming characteristics Interface requirements. 3.3 ~data transfer) 147 . below may be writer. invoked in Downloaded from \ MI L- T-28800E APPENDIX A Electrical power sources and connect fens. 3.4 DC internal power source, Type 1. 3.4.1 .2.6 External battery operation. 3.4.1 .2.8 Enclosure requirements. 3.6 Enclosures, Styles A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P, S, and T. 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.5, 3.6.6, 3.6.7, 3.6,8, 3.6.9, and 3.6.10 Rack-mounting provisions, Styles B, C, D, E, F, and 6.,,,,, and Ttlt bail handle, Styles B, C, D, and E.,,, 3.6.5 .2.3.1 Convertible/rack-mountable equipment. Environmental requ{ rements. 3.7 Temperature shock. Vibration, random. 8ounce, loose cargo. Shock, high impact. Exposure, structural parts (Styles C through G). Exposure, enclosure. Magnetic environment, DC field (Navy). 3.7.11 Solar radiation. 3.7.13 Harking and identi flcation. 3.10 Alternate marking processes. 3.10 Nomenclature assignment. 3.10.4 Reliability. Reliability, Burn-in, Environmental 30.4 in the detail information 3.6.4, 3.7 .B. 1 . 3.12 Type 1. 3.12.1 Type 1. 14aintainabll\ty. Maintainability Washability, I 3.6.3, 3.13 demonstration, Type I. 3.13.1. stress specification is required Type scteenlng. in at the 1. 3.13 .1.2 S 3.14 The requirements 1 i steal below may be invoked the option of the specification writer. Supplemental detail specification to complete each requirement. Electrical power sources and connections. 3.4 Power consumption, Type 1. External battery pack. 3.4.1 .2.8.1 Enclosures for flight line use, Style A. 3.4.2 Enclosures for Air Force use, Styles B through 148 .2.1 F. 3.4.2 .2.2 Downloaded from III L- T-28800E APPENOIX Battery operation and recharge time, Type Dfnlessdosts, wel ght, and ‘mechanical stabil Dimensions. 3.5.1 Weight. 3.5.2 Marking and Identification. 3-10 Information plates. 3.10.1 .1.2 Identification plate design. 3.10.1 .2.3 149 A I. Ity.’ 3.5 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E APPENDIX 10. B ~ 10.1 s. This appendix is provided for the specification writer-to use guideline or check 1 ist in the preparation of a detail specification invoking MI L-T-28800. It provides a 1 ist of the requirements which are automatically invoked, or, when needed, those which may be specifically invoked by the detail This appendix is not a mandatory part of the specl f i cation. The specification. information contained herein is intended for guidance only. 20. PPFILICA BLE 00CUMENTs. 30. ~EOUIRE 14ENTS This section is not applicable to this as a appendix. 30.1 General. General specification requirements which are automatically invoked by referencing HIL-T-28800 in the associated detail specification are as specified in 30.2 for Type 11 and III equipment. Requirements which may be invoked at the option of the specification writer are as specified in 30.3 and 30.4. When the requirements of 30.4 are invoked, supplemental information is required in the detail specification to complete each requirement. 1 isted below are automatically 30.2 tic reoui remen ts . The requirements invoked when the detail specification requires conformance with the Type II or Type Any one of these requirements may be specifically 1 I I requirements of HIL-T-28800. disinvoked or overridden by the detail specification under the provisions of paragraph 2.3. Requirements. 3. Parts, materials, and processes. 3.2 Parts, materials, and processes, Type 11. 3.2.2 Parts, materials, and processes, Type 111. 3.2.3 Finishes, Type III. Interchangeability. 3.2.4 lnterchangeabil ity, Type 11. Interchangeable tty, Type III. Restricted materials. 3.2.5 Material restricted for Navy use. Other restricted materials and gases. Carcinogens. Helium. 3.2.5 .2.2 Combination of materials. Design Design Design and and and construction. construction, construction, 3.3 Type Type 11. 111. 3.3.2 3.3.3 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E APPENDIX Operator adjustment and controls. Operator adjustments. 3.3.3 .1.1 Operator controls. Connectors, electric. Wiring, internal. Internal cool fng. Cooling devices. Front panel display indicators. Unsuitable design. B 3.3,3.1 Electrical power sources and connections. 3.4 Electrical oower source. Tvoe II. 3.4.3 Electrical power connectio~~, Type II. 3.4.4 Air Force electrical power connections, Type II. Electrical power source, Type 111. 3.4.5 Nominal and alternate power source, Type 111. Steady-state conditiom, Type 111. Transient-state conditions, Type 111. Interruption of power source, Type 111. Alternate single-phase source, Type III. 3.4.5 .2.4 Electrical power connections, Type 111. 3.4:6 Multiphase equipment, Type 111. Input power cable. Input power switch. Fuses or circuit breakers. Indicators (AC power). Dimensions, weight, and mechanical Maximum dimensions, Navy shipboard 14echanlcal stabll ity. 3.5.3 Enclosure attitude. stability. applications. Enclosure requirements. 3.6 Enclosure form, Styles A, 8, C, D, E, F, G, P,, 3.6..4.1,,,, Cover, Styles A, C, O, P, S, and T.,, and Latches, Styles A, C, D, P, and T.,,2, and Stacking provisions, Styles A, 8, C, 0, P, and,,, 3.6.10 .1.3 Projections, Styles A, B, and C., Transportability, Style G. 3.6.7 .1.2 Interior access, Style G. Work surfaces, Style G. 3.6.7 .1.4 151 3.5 3.5. .1 and 3.6. 3.6.3.: [ :1, .1, S,, T.,, 3.6,1.1,,,, and,,, 3.6.3 .1.3.1 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E APPENDIX B Material, Styles A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P, S, and T.,,,,,,,, and Component protection, Styles A, 8, C, D, E, and F.,,,,, and Identification plate, Styles A, 8, C, P, and T.,,,, Handles, Styles A, 8, C, O, E, F, G. P, S, and T.,,,,,,,,, and Accessory stowage, Styles A, C, D, G, s, and T. 3.6-1.2.5,,,, and Corners, Styles A, C, P, and T. 3.6.1 .2.6,,, and Connections and controls, Styles A, 8, and C.,, and, 3.6.2.,2.6, and Chassis fasteners, Styles A, B, and C. Operating data, Style A. 3.6.1 .2.9 Pressure equalizing valve, Styles A and T. and Equipment removal, Style 6. Rack-mounting requirements. 3.6.11 Rack-mount conversion. 3.6.11 .1.1 Envl ronmental requirements. 3.7 Environmental conditions. 3.7.1 Uarm-up. Temperature-humidity (T/H). Altitude. 3.7.3 Uibrat{on. 3.7.4 Vibration, sinusoidal. Shock, mechanical. 3,7.5 Shock, functional. Transit drop, Styles A, B, C, P, S, and T. Bench handling. Water rest stance. 3.7.6 Watertight, Styles A and T. Splashproof, Styla A. Drtpproof, Styles 8 and C. Fungus resistance. 3.7.7 Salt atmosphere. 3.7.8 Exposure, structural parts. Explosfve atmosphere, Cl ass 2. 3.7.9 Dust, Class 2 and Styles A, P, and T. 3.7.10 Acoustic noise. 3.7.12 152 Downloaded from t41L-T-28800E I I APPENDIX Ml. EHI, EMI, 3.8 Type Type 11. 111. 8 3.8.2 3.8.3 Safety. 3.9 Protection, Type II. 3.9.2 Protect{ on, Type III. 3.9.3 Accessible potentials, Type 111. Open circuit voltage protection, Type 111. 3.9.3 .1.1 Leakage current protection, Type 111. Grounding, Type 111. Ventilation openings, Type 111. Equipment emanations, Type 111. Thermal hazard protection, Type 111. Uarning markings, Type III. Guards and shields, Type 111. Meter safety, Type 111. Toxic material, Type 111. Equipment safety, Type 111. Mechanical hazards; Type 111. 3.9.3 .10.1 Marking and identification, Type 11. 3.1O.2 Marking and identification, Type III. 3.10.3 Marking, Type 111. Reference designations, Type III. Harning markings, Type 111. 3.10.3 .1.2 8attery warning label s., Type III. 3.10.3 .1.3 Battery warn{ng label disposition. 3.10.3 .1.3.1 Panel markings and processes, Type 111. 3.10 .3.1.4 Identification plate, Type 111. Manufacturer identification. 3.10.3 .2.1 Supplemental identification plate, Type III. 3.10.3 .2.2 Calibration Interval. Haintalnabil ity. 3.13 Maintainability, Type Maintainability, Type Fault isolation, Type Preventive maintenance, Maintenance provisions, detail 3.11 11. “3.13.2 111. 3.13.3 III. 3.13.3 Type 111. Type I I 1. !. :.13.3.3 Workmanship. 3.15 30.3 The requirements 1 i steal below requirements. at the option of the specification writer. ODtional specification may be invoked in the Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E APPENDIX B General. 3.1 First article. 3.1.1 Bid sample. 3.1.2 Quality conformance. 3.1.3 Parts, Elapsed processes. 3.2 Type 111. materl time als, and indicators, Design and construction. Self-test. Digital interface. 3.3.4 Progransning characteristics Interface requirements. 3.3 (data transfer). Electrical power sources and connect ions. 3.4 DC internal power source, Type 111. Battery restrictions, Type 111. 3.4.5 .2.5-1 Battery state indicator. 3.4.5 .2.5.2 Power range selector setting. Indicators (battery power). Battery charger, Type III. Battery compartment, Type II 1. Enclosure requirements. Enclosures, Styles A, B, 3.6.5, 3.6.6, 3.6.7, Rack-mounting provisions,,, Tilt bail handle. Stvles 3.6.5 ;2.3.1” Convertible/rack-mountable 3.6 C, D, E, F, G, p, S, and T. 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.8, 3.6.9, and 3.6.10 Styles B, C, O, E, F, and G., 3.6.6,1.1, and B. C. D. and E., 3.6-, ‘ equipment. Environmental requirements. 3.7 Temperature and humidity. 3.7.2 Temperature shock. Vibration, random. Bounce, loose cargo. Shock, high impact. Exposure, enclosure. Magnetic environment, DC field (Navy) Solar radiation. 3.7.13 ?larklng and identification. Reusable pouch or container. Nomenclature assignment. 3.1O 3.10.3 3.10.4 3.7.11 .2.3 154 3.6.3, 3.6.4,, 3.6.4-2.3.1. Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E APPENDIX Rellabillty. Reliability, Reliability; Burn-in, I Halntalnablllty. Maintainability Washability, Environmental I I B 3.12 Type II. 3.12.2 Type III. 3.12.3 Type 111. 3.13 demonstration, Type III. stress screening. Type 111. 3.14 The requirements 1 i steal below may be invoked 30.4 rea uirements. WV lemental in the detail specification at the optfon of the specification writer. Supplemental information is required in the detat 1 specification to complete each requirement. Electrical power sources and connections. Power consumot{on. Tvoe 111. External bat~ery pack’. 3.4.5 .2.5.3 DC external power source. 8attery operating and recharge time, Type Dimensions, nelght, Dimensions. 3.5.1 Weight. 3.5.2 and mechanical stability. I 155 3.4 II 1. 3.5 Downloaded from FIIL-T-28800E INDEX Page Paragraph Title 3.3.1 .4.1 3.3.1 .4.1 3.3.1 .6.3.1 3.6.1 .2.5 3.6.3 .2.5 3.6.4 .2.4 3.6.7 .2.3 3.7.12 6.2 3.3.1 .4.6 3.10.1 .1.6 3.3.1 .6.1.2 3.4.1 .2.5 . ... . ... .. .. .. . .. . .. .. ...... .. .. .... . Accessibility. Accessibility of components, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessible ity of nonoperating controls, Type 1 . . . . . Accessible potentials, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Accessible potentials, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. ..... .. ... .. . . Accessory (definition) Accessory stowage, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessory stowage, Style C, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessory stowage, Style O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Accessory stowage, StYle G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Accessory stowage, Style P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Accessory stonage, Style S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessory stowage, Style T. .. .. . . .. .... .... ... ... . . Accuracy of test instrument cal ibration .... ... ... . . Acoustic noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acoustic noise test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acquisition requirements, .. .. . . . ... ....... .. .. ... . . Additional tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adhesives, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adhesives, use of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . marking, Type 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . Adjustment control Adjustment range, control, Type I .. .... ... .... ... . . Adjustments and controls (operator), Type 111 . . . . . . Adjustments (compensating devices), Type I I 1 . . . . . . . Aircraft and shipboard power, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Force requirements: Electrical power connections, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alternate marking processes, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alternate single-phase source, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alternate single-phase source. Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .. . ... .... .. . .. . .. .. .... .. .. ... ... . . Altitude Altitude test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum al 10YS, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum surfaces, bonded and grounded, Type 1 . . . . . Aluminum surfaces. extreme wear-resistant, Type I.. Aluminum surfaces; general, Type I................APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approved equipment test procedure (definition) .. . .. Arc-resistant materials, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Army requirements: Electrical power connections, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts, materials, and processes. Type I. . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 .1.4.2 3.4.1 .2.4 3.7.3 3.2.1 .46.4 3.2.1 .46.4.2 3.2.1 .46.4.3 3.2.1 .46.4.1 10 10 2 3.2.1 156 24 Z4 27 64 66 134 45 49 ~~ 54 55 56 91 62 126 133 128 17 $! 27 29 29 35 36 71 35 41 1;! 18 18 18 18 141 15? 135 17 ;; Downloaded from t41L-T-2B800E INDEX Page Paragraph Title 3.1 3.4.1 .2.6.2 3.4.1 .2.8.1 3.4.5 .2.5.3 5.2 3.4.5 .2.5.1 3.4.5 .2.5.2 3.10.3 .1.3 3.10.3 .1.3.1 3.10.1 .1.7 3.1.2 4.3 and 4.3.2 4.2.2 3.2.).50 3.12.3,1 3.3.1 .9.4.3 3.3.1 .9.4.1 3.3.1 .9.4.5 Associated detail specification . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic test equipment (ATE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic test equipment (AT.E) (definition) . . .. . .. . 8atteries, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery access, rack-mounted equipment, Type 1 . . . . . Battery charger, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery charger, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery compartment, Type 1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery compartment, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery o~eration and recharge time, Type . . .. .. . . 11 . . . . . . Batter~ operating and recharge time, Type Battery pack, external Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery pack, external Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Batterv Protection ... . ... . .. ... ... .. . .. ... .. . .. . .. llatter~ ~estrictions, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery state indicator, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . Battery warning label, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery warning label disposition . .. .. .. .. .. . . ... . . Battery warning markingsType” I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8eanings, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .. . .. .. ... ... .. .. . ... . .. . .. . .. .&nch handling .Benchh andlingt est . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bench-top equipment (definition ) ... . .. .. ... . .. . .. .. Bid sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bid sample inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 and B!d sample inspection 9roups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bid sample inspection, Group A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B{d sample tests, Group B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bidsamrsle tests, ”Group C........ . .. . ... .. .. . .. .. . . Bidsa~letests, Group D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bid sample tests, Group E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bidsaa!ple tests, Group F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. . .. BIT (definition) .... . ... . .. ... ... . . .. . ... .. . . ... .. BITE (definiticm) Bounce, loose cargo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bounce, loose cargo, test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brazing, Type 1.................................... Burn-in, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burn- in, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cable, coaxial RF, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cable, multi conductor, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cables and waveguides for RF circuits, Type 1 . . . . . . Cables, connectors, and cable assembl ies, Type 1 . . . Cables, extra conductor, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 12 27 135 ~~ ~~ 3B 43 3B 43 36 42 132 41 42 74 74 71 16 60 117 135 12 ~~ :: B6 86 ~~ 135 135 60 114 20 76 76 16 16 29 28 29 Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E INOEX Title 3.11 4.5.9 3.3.1 .5.1 6.6 3.6.1 .2.8 3.2.1 .1.2 and 3.4.2 .8.2 1.2.2 Calibration interval . . . . . .. . . . . Calibration interval (definition Calibration interval verification Capacitor and resistor mounting, Capacitors, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ... . ..... . .. . Carcinogens Casters, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Castings, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certification time (definition) Changes from previous issue . . . Chassis fasteners, Style A. . . . Chassis fasteners, Style B. . . . Chassis fasteners, Style . .. .. Choice ofparts and materials.. Circuit breakers, Type l . . . . . . i:: 3.3.1 .9.4.4 1.2.4 6.4,2.9 ! Page Paragraph 3.6.1 .2.2 3.6.2 .2.2 3.6.4 .2.2 4.5.2 1.2.5 3.6.1 .2.7 3.3.1 .5.2 3.3.1 .5.2.1 3.6.9 .2.2 3.3.3 .1.2 .. .. .. ) .. .. . ... Type .. . .... . .. ... . . .. ... . ... ... . . . .... .. .. ... ... . ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . ... ... . ... . . .. . 1. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . ... . ... . . .. . ... . ... ... ... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. Classification Classification of inspections . . . . . . . ... . . Coding, external cable assemblies, Type Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .... .. Combination of materials CotMIerci al off -the-shelf (COTS) equipment (definition) . ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .... . Component batteries (definition ) .. ... .. Component protection, Style . . .. .. ... .. Component protection, Style E. . . . . . . . . . component protection, Style C. . . . . . . . . . Component protection, Style O. . . . . . . . . . component protection, Style E. . . . . . . . . . Component protection, Style F. . . . . . . . . . Conditions and control settings .. ... ... .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. . .... .. Configuration Configuration (definition) .. .. .. . .... .. Connections and controls, Style A. . . . . . Connections and controls, Style B. . . . . . Connections and controls, Style C. . . . . . Connector and receptacle mounting, Type Connectors, electric, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . Connectors, similar, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . Construction, Style S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Controls, operator, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . Control settings . .. ... ... .. .. ... ... ... . Controls, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c1 asses 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . ... 1. . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ... . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . and ... . ... . .. .. .. .. .. ... . 76 135 132 26 14 23 17 20 135 139 46 47 49 13 14 38 2 1 81 29 2; . . . . . . . ---135 . . . . . . . . . . . 135 ... .... ... 45 . . . . . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . . . . . . 48 . . . . . . . . . . . ~~ . .... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . 52 . . . . . . . . . . . 90 7 .... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 . . . . . . . . . . . 46 . . . . . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . . . . . . 49 1 . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . 30 .... ... ... . ;: ... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . 91 ... .... . . . 27 I Downloaded from t41L-T-2BBooE lNOEX Page Title Paragrapn . .. ....... ... . . .. ... . .. . ... ... ... . Control circuitry . .. .. ....... ... .. .. .. .... .. .. ... .. . Control function Convert ible/rack-mountabl e....... .. .. .... ... . ... .. . Convertible/rack-mountable equipment . .... ... . ... .. . Cooling, internal, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooling devices, Type III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corona and electrical breakdown prevention, Type 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . Corners, Style A Corners, Style C. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corners, Style P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corners, Style T. ... .. ..... ... . ... .. .. .. . ... ... ... . Corrective action (reliability failures ) .. .. ... ... . Cover, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover, Style C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover, Style D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover, Style P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover, Style S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover, Style T.. .. .. ........ .. . .. .. .. .... ... ... . .. . . . ... . .. ... ..... ... . . .. ... ... .. ... ... .. . Definitions Delivered equipwnt .. ...... ... . . .. ... ... ... .. ... .. . Demonstration phase, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Demonstration phase, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derating of electronic parts, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design and construction ...... . . .. .. .. .... ... ... . .. . Design and construction, Type I.... . .... ... ... .. . . Design and construction, Type II... . .... .... .. .. . . . .... ... ... . .. . Oeslgn and construction, Type 111.. . .... .. .. ... .. . Destructive corrosion (definition). . ... .. ... ... .. . Detail specification (definition).. Diagram, schematic, and special ins ruction sheet, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .’- . . . . . . . Digital inter face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. ..... .. .... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. Dimensions Dimensions (definition) . . . . . . . . . . . ----------------Dimensions and weight tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dimensions, weight. and mechanical stability . ... . .. D{ rect current external power source, Type 1 . . . . . . . and .2.8 Direct current external power source, Type 111 . . . . . Direct current internal power source, Type 1 . . . . . . . Direct current internal power source, Type 111 . . . . . Display indicators . ....... ... . . .. ... .... .. .. ... .. . . Dissimilar metal s, Type l...-... . ... ... .. ... ... . .. . Dripproof, Styles Band c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 .6.1 3.3.1 .6.1.1 3.3.1 .9.2 3.6. i.2.6 6.1 4.5.8,1 .1.1 4.5.8 .1.3.1 3.2.1 .1.5 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 6.4.2. 2 6.4.2. 3 3.10.1 1.3 3.3.4 3.5.1 6.4:2.14 3.5 3.4.1 .2.7 and 3.4.1 3.4.1 .2.6 3.2.1 .46.1 159 .- 26 27 6 56 30 30 ~~ 49 54 56 131 44 .48 49 z: 55 133 .-. 1~1 129 1~~ 23 23 29 29 135 136 ~~ 43 ~~$ ~~ 36 42 35 41 30 ~~ Downloaded from MI L- T-28800E I NOEX Page Paragraph Title 3.7.10 Dripproof test, Styles 8and C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dust exposure, Class 2 and Styles A, P, and T...... Dust resistance test, Class 2 and Styles A, P, and T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elapsed time indicator, Type II I . . .. ... ... ..... . .. . Electrical connectors, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical design and construction, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . Electrical filters, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical overload protection, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical power connections, Type I.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical power connections, Type I I.... .......... Electrical power connections, Air Force Type 11 . . . . Electrical power connections. Type III... .... ... . .. Electrical power source, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical power source, Type I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical power source, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical power sources and connections. ..... .. . .. Electrical power tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical tape, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -----------Electron tubes, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - . . . . . ---E141 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENI test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EFII, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMI, Type 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EklI, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Encapsulation and embedment, Type I... ... ... ... .. .. ... .. ... . .. . .. .. . ... ... .... ... .. . Enclosure attitude . ... . .. . . ... . .. .... ... .... . . Enclosure (definition) Enclosure requirements . .. .. . .. . .. . ... .... .... ... . .. Enclosures, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosures, Style T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure form, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure form, Style 8... . .. . .. .. .. ... ..... ... .. . . Enclosure form, Style C.., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure form, Style D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure form, Style E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 .9.1 3.4.2 3.4.4 3.4.6 3.4.1 3.4.3 3.4.5 3.4 3.2.1 .41.1 3.8 3.8.1 :.:.; 3:2:1.53 :::.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6 3.6.7 3.6.8 3.6.9 3.6.10 160 118 62 124 21 15 ~~ $: 39 ~~ :; ~~ 1~~ 13 62 124 62 63 63 ~~ 136 44 44 :! 49 50 51 52 ; 44 ~~ ~~ Downloaded from 141L-T-28800E INDEX Paragraph Title 3.10.1 .1.1 4.4.3 3.7.1 3.7 4.4.4.i 3.14 3.14a 3.14b 4.4.4 4.5.3 .2.2.1 3.2.1 .1.4 3.6.7 .2.4 4.5 3.7.9 4.5;6.3 3.4.1 .2.8 3.4.1 .2.8.1 3.4.5 .2.5.3 3.2.1 .5.1 Enclosure’form, Style ”F.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure form, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosune’fosm, Style: P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure form, Style S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure fona, Style T.. . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . ... . Enclosure provisions, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure provisions, Style . ... ... ... .. .. . ... . ... Enclosure provisions, StyleC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure provisions, Style d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Enclosure provisions, Style E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Enclosure provisions, Style F. .. .... .. . ... . .. . . . .. . Enclosure provisions, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure provisions, Style P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure provisions, Style S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enclosure provisions, Style T.. .... ... .. .. .. .. . ... . Engineering design changes, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Environmental and electrical power sampling pl an. . . Environmental ~and electrical power tests, Group C.. Envimsuoental’conditions .:...:”.. . ..~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Envi mnsoental Imquirements Environmental sampling plan, &wp.O . . . . . . . . . . . ---Environmental stress screening ..... ... . ... . .. . ... .. Environmental stress screening (random vibration).. Environmental stress screening (temperature CYC1 ing) . . .. .. . Environmental tests, Group 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Equipraent (definition) . . . . . . . . . . ..-- . . . ..Equipment connections, leakage current test . . .. ... Equipment emanations fast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . Equipment emanatioris, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment emanations, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Equipment performance, responsibility for, ype 1.. Equipment removal, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment safety, Type 1.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EquipuentsafetY, Type III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Exeminatiom and test methods . . . .. ..... .. .. ... .. . . .. EXPloslve atmosphere .. ... .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. Explosive @ospheretes t....... ... ... .. .. . .. . ... .. Exposure, enclosure,” s’alt fog.. . ..... .. .. . ... . .. . .. Exposure, Structural parts, salt fog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External battery operation, Type I.... . .. .. .. . .. ... External battery pack, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External battery pack, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. External voltmeter resistors, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. . .. . ... .. Failure (definition) Page 51 52 53 54 55 45 46 ~~ 51 52 52 53 ~ 70 88 88 s? 57 g; 80 80 88 137 97 1~~ 68 13 53 66 70 ~~ 1~~ 61 36 36 42 13 137 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E INDEX Page Paragraph Title 3.3.1 .5.4 3.13.3. i 3.2.1 .46.3 3.2.1 .47.2.1 3.2.1 .47.2 3.2.1 .47.3 3.2.1 .47.1 3.2.1 .47 3.1.1 and 6.3 4.3and4.3.l 4.2.1 4.3 3.4.1 .2.2 6.4.2.lB 3.7.7 3.10.1 .1.5 ... .. .. .. .. .. Failure action (Group F“ reliability). ............. Failure criteria . . . . . ..- . . . . ..--.. -.. . ❑aterials, Type ~ ............ Fastening of brittle Fault isolation. TYDe I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fault isolation; TyDe III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ferrous alloy s,”lype 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fibrous material, organic, Type I.................. Finishes, enamel, Type 1........................... Finishes, enclosure, Type 1....................... Finishes, fastener and assembly screw, Type 1 . . . . . . Finishes, parts, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finishes, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finishes, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First article . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 and First article inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-- . . . First article inspection, Group A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First article inspection groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .... ... . First article or bid sample inspection First article tests; Group B....................... First article tests, EirouP. C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First article .t~ts, Group .D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First article tests, Group E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First article tests, Group F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flammable materials, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sins, Type I. Flexible shafts for tuning dial mechan . . .... ... .. . Frequency-transients, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... . Freauency-transients, Type I I I........ Frequency -transient test” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front panel markissg test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front panel sample (definition) .. .. . .... ... .... ... . Functional shock test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fungus inert materials, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fungus resistance .... .. ... .. . . . .. . .. . .... ... .... .. . Fungus resistance test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuse marking, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuses, fuseholders, and assocl ated hardware, TYpe I Fuses, mssltlple power source, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuses or circuit breakers, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Fuses, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gears andcams, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glass, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. . . . .. .... .... ... ... Government documetsts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Government verification ... .. . . .. . .. . .... ... .... ... . Ground ing, Type I . . . . . . . . . . ..-. .. . .. .... .. .... .... . i::.2 162 131 92 26 77 78 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 133 84 ~ .84 84 ~~ 85 85 17 17 33 41 121 128 137 1~~ 61 1~~ 14 ~~ 38 16 l! 81 65 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E INDEX Page Paragraph Title 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7 4.5.8 3.6.1 .2.4 3.6.4 .2.3 3.6,5.2.3 3.6.7 .2.2 3.6,9.2.3 3.6.2 .2.4.1 3.6.3 .2.4.1 3.6.4 .2.3.1 3.6.5 .2.3.1 3.3.1 .4.4 3.10.1 .2.3 3.10.1 .2.2 3.6.1 .2.3 3. Grounding, Type “111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. ... ...... .. . . . .. . . . Group A inspection Group E tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group C tests . . . . . . . -------------...... .. .. . . . . .. . Group Cveriflcation test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group D tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. ................... 6roup D verification test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grouo E tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group F tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guards and shields Handles, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... ....... Handles. Stvle B.. Handles; St~le C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Style o . . .. .. . .. .. . .. ..... ...... .. . . .. . . . . Handles, Handles, Style E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handles, Style F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. ... ... . . . . . . . .. . Handles, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handles, Style P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handles, Style s. . .. . .. . .. . ... .... ....... .. . . . . .. . . Handles, Style T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handles, enclosure, Type 1 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handles, tilt bail, Style B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handles, tilt bail, Style C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handles, tilt bail, Stied . . .. ....... ..... . .. .. . . . Handles, tilt bail, Style E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hel !um (restricted gas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Human engineering, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulics, Type 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identiftcatton plate desjgn, Type 1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identification plate marking, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identification plate, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ldentif i cation plate, Style 8.. .......... .. . . . . . .. . Identification plate, Style C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identification plate, Style P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identification plate, Style T. ... .... .... .. . . . . . .. . identification Plate. TYPe 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identification plate, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identification plate information, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . Identification plate supplemental information, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Identification plate type and composition, Type 1.. Indexing mechanism (rotary switches), Type I . . . . . . . Indicator, internal battery power, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . Indicator. battery state, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 .2.1 3.2.1 .18.1.1 3.4.5 .2.5.2 163 67 1:: ~~~ 123 125 125 129 69 45 47 :: 51 :: 54 54 55 16 47 49 :! 23 24 25 73 73 45 47 : ~~ 75 ~~ 15 ~~ Downloaded from HIL-T-2B800E INDEX Page Paragraph Title 6.4.1 4.6 6.1 3.3.1 .6.1.3 3.2.4 3,2:4.3 3.3.4 3.4.1 .2.3 3.2.1 .21.1 3.2.1 .21.2 3.2.1 .21.3 3.9.1 .1.2 4.5.3 .2.2 6.4.2 .23.1,3 Indicator, external pcuer, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indicator lamp, external power, Type 1 ............. Indicator lights, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indicators .. .. .. .. ... .. .... . .. . .. .. ... . . .. . ... ... .. Indicators, front panel display, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . Information plates, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input power (definition) . ... . .. . ... .. . .. . . .. .... ... Input power cable, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input power isolation, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input power switch, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...”... Input power test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspection, preparation for delivery .. . .. . .. .. .. ... Installation of test item in test facility . ... ..... Insulating materials, electrical, Type I .. . ... .... . Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interaction of controls, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interchangeabil ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. . .. ... ..... lnterchangeabil ity of reordetwd equipment . . . . . . .. . . . Interchangeability, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interchangeability, Type .11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interchangeability, T.ype .111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interface, digital . .... .. ... . . ... ... . . .. . . ... ..... . Interior access, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal cooling, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intermittent and short-time operation (definition). Interruption of power source, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interruption of power source, Type II I.. . . . . . . . . . . . Jacks, headset, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacks, microphone, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacks, switching, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacks, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knobs and handles, control, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latches, enclosure, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latches, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latches, Style C . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. -.--.. . . ..... .... Styh, ”o.. .. ... . ... .. . ...... .... .. . . ... ..... . Latches, Latches, Style P . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latches, Style T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leakage current protection. Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leakage current protection, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leakage current test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Level A and Level B performance tests (definition). Level A performance tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loose cargo bounce test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 43 38 14 43 ;: 133 42 38 42 119 132 91 _17 132 ~~ 21 ~~ 21 31 S2 30 137 33 41 ~~ 15 15 16 16 44 ~~ 53 55 65 67 97 138 95 114 Downloaded from MIL-T-28800E INDEX Paragraph 3.2.1 .44 3.3.1 .4.5 3.2.1 .46.5 3.7.11 3.13 3.13.1 3.13.2 3.13.3 3.3.1 .8.1 3.10.3 .2.1 3.10 3.10.1 3.10.2 3.10.3 3.10.1 .1.4.1 and 3.10.3. 3.6.1 .2.1 3.6.6 .2.1 3.6.7 .2.1 3.6.9 .2.1 3.6.10 .2.1 Page Title Lot (definition) Lubricants, TyPe . I. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .Lubrication requirements, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hagnestum and magnesium alloys, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magnetic environment, DC field (Navy ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14agnetlc environment test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. .. . ... ... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. . Halntainability .. ..... . ... ... .. .. ... . Mai ntalnabil ity demonstration flaintainabil ity tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintainability. Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fault isolation .. . ... .. . ... . ... .... .. ... .. .. .... . . ... ... .. .. ... .. ... Maintainability demonstration. Maintenance provisions .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .. .. ... . . .. . .. ... .... .. ... ... .. .. .. . Preventive maintenance Washabil ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintainability, Type I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintainability, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. .. . .... ... ... ... .. ... ... . Fault isolation Maintainability demonstration . .... ... .. ... .. .. .. . Maintenance provisions . . . . . . . ..-. . ... .. ... .. ... .. Prevewtlvem atnt-a=e . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .. ... .. .. .. .... . ... ... . Washability Manual control of ATE, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manufacturer identification, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .... ... ... .. .. .... . Harking and Identification Marking and identification, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marking and identification. Type I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marking and identification, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marking processes, panel, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harking, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harking, Type lid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markings, warning, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and ,1.2 Material restricted for Navy use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material, Style B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !iateri al, Style C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material, Style d.. .. .. .. .. .. ... .... ... .... .. .. .. .. Material, Style E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material , Style F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material , Style p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material, Style S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material , Style T. ... . ... . .. .. ..... ... .... .. ... .. .. 165 — % ~~ 62 124 1;: 125 ;; 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 ~~ !9 80 27 75 70 70 73 73 71 70 73 69 74 i; 46 48 :: 52 52 53 54 55 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E INOEX Page Paragraph Title 3.9.3 3.5.3 3.3.1 3.4.1 3.3.1 Maximum dimensions, Navy shipboard applications. . . . . 43 Mechanical and electrical design, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Mechanical design and construction, Type 1......... 24 Mechanical hazards, Type II I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Mechanical stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 !techanical stability test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Mechanized production, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Mercury and lithium batteries, Navy use of . . . . . . . . . 35 Metallic shielding, internal wiring, Type 1 . . . . . . . . 28 Metals and metal treatments, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Meter safety, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Meters, electrical indicating, and accessories, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Methodsofmarking, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;: Microelectronic devices, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Microelectronics (definition ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Microwave radiation, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Microwave radiation, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Microwave radiation test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 !iodifications, delivered equipment... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Mod{ f{cations, undelivered equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Noisture pockets, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Motors and rotary power converters, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . 14 140unting and fastening, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Multiphase equipment, Type I ....................... 36 Mu?tiphase equipment, Type III..................... 42 Navy electrical ,power connections, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . 37 Navy shipboard use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Navy standard electronic modules (SEN) program . . . . . 23 Nomenclature assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Nominal and alternate power sources, Type 1 . . . . . . . . 32 Nominal and alternate power sources, Type I I 1 . . . . . . 39 Nonferrous metals, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~ Non-Government publications .. ... ... .... .. .. ... . .. .. Nonoperating co;trols, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 24 Nonrepairable subassemblies.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J38 Nonrepairable subassembly (definition). NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 OSNA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Open circuit voltage protection, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Open circuit voltage protection, Type 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . 67 Open circuit voltage test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Operating controls, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Operating data, Style A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 .10.1 .2.1 .2.6.1 .9.3.1 3.1o.1.1.1o 3.3.1 .4.3 1.3 3.10.4 3.2.1 .46.2 ;:; .1.6.3 3.3.1 .2.3 6 3.9 3.9.1 .1.1 3.9.3 .1.1 4.5.3 .2.1 3.3.1 .6.2 3.6.1 .2.9 / 166 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E INOEX Title 3.3.3 .1.2 2.3 2.1.2 4.4.5 Operator adjustments and controls, Type I I . . . . . . . . Operator controls, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order of precedence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Government publications .. ... .. ... .. ......... Other restricted materials and oases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- ..-. Other tests, 6roup E . . . . . . . . . ..~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other tests sampl!ng plan, 6roup E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ozone 1 iberation, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ozone 1 iberation, Type III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ozone liberation test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... .. ... .. . . .. . .. .. . ... ... .. .. .... .. Packaging Packaging inspect ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel markings, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Panel markings and processes, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts control, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts, materials, and processes . ... . .... ... . .. ... .. parts, materials, and processes, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts,, materials; and~es, Type 11 . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘patis’,’ “materials; and ‘~s=i” TYPt III. . . . ... . . . Performance check durhg test . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. Perfomanceo ftest... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. Performance requi tments of the test equipment (definition) .. .. . ... . .. . .. .. ... ... .... .. .. .. ... personnel safety, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personnel safety, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Portable equipment (definition) .... .. .... .. .. ... ... Post-test inspect ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power conswnption, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power consumption, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . Power disconnect switch, Type I .... .. .... .. .. ... ... power selection switch, Type I..................... power selection switch, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power selection switch setting ... .. ... .... .. .. .. ... Power source interruption test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power switch, Type 1...:: . .. . ... .. .. ...... . .. ... ... Precedence of documentsi: . . ..i . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preferred logic elements for ATE, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Preoperational inspection . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... . . . . . .. . .. Preparation for delirery, inspection of . . . . . . . . . . . . Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking . . . . . . pressure equalizing’ valve, Style A, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pressure equalizing valve, Style T.... ... ... ... .. .. Pretest qualificatt on data..... .. .. ... .. ... . ... ... . Printed wiring, Type I............................. :.5.7.8 3.10.1 .1.4 3.10.3 .1.4 3.2.1 .1.1 ::; .1 3.2.2 3.2.3 I Page Paragraph 3.4.5. ) 5.3 “2.3 3.3.1 .8.2 4.6 5.1 4.5.2 .3.1 3.3.1 .9.3.2 167 29 30 ;: 22 89 89 65 68 ~~ 128 71 74 13 12 12 21 21 92 91 l% 66 138 92 32 39 37 37 42 132 123 37 12 28 93 132 132 46 56 gl 28 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E. INDEX Paragraph Title and 4.4.2 4.4.1 3.6.1 .1.3.1 3.6.2 .1.1.1 3.6.3 .1.3.1 probes 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 4 4.1.3 3.1.3 4.4 4.2.3 3.6.11 .1.1 3.6.2 .1.1.2 3.6,3.1.4 3.6.4 .1.4 3.6.7 .1.1 3.6.11 3.3.1 .5.2 3.10.1 .1.8 3.10.3 .1.1 3.12 4.5.8 .1.1.1 4.5.8 .1.3.1 3.12 Page . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... .. .. . . ... ... .. and Procuring activity (definition) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Production control sampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Production control tests, Group B.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. Production inspection, Group A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prograusning characteristics . .. . . .. .. .... . . .. .. ... . . Projections, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Projections, Style . ...... .. . .. . .. ... ... . . .. . ... .. Projections, Style C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Protection, personnel, accessible potent ials, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Protection, personnel, accessible potentials, Type III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Protection, personnel hazard, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Protection, personnel hazard, Type 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 protection, personnel hazard, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :: Quality assuranoe +erms, and definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 12 Quality confomnance . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quality conf.omance inspecti,qn.. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Quality confonoance inspection groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Quartz crystal and oscillator units, Type 1 . . . . . . . . Rack-mount conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :: Rack-mountable, convertible capability.. .. . .. .... .. 5: Rack-mountable, convertible equipment . .. .. . .. ... ... 46 Rack-mounting provisions, Style 8.. .... . .. .. . ... ... Rack-mounting provisions, Style C.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 50 Rack-mounting provisions, Style O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rack-mounting provisions, Style E . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Rack-mounting provisions, Style F..... .. .. . .. .. .. .. ;; Rack-mounting provisions, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Rack-mmntfng requirements . .. . .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. ... .. Randm.vibratlon . ... ....... . .. . ... ... .. .. . .. .. ... .. 1% Randmvlbratlont est . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Readouts, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :: Receptacle and connector mounting, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . 71 Receptacles, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reference designations, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 14 Relays, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . 76 .. .. .. .... ... ... .. . .. . ..... .. . .. . .. ... .. Reliability 129 Reliability demonstration, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability demonstration, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Reliabil ity requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 168 Downloaded from t41L-T-28800E 1NDEX Page Paragraph Title 4.5.8 .1.1.2 4.5.8 .1.3.2 4.4.6 3.12.1 3.12.2 3.12.3 3.2.1 .1.3 3 3.3.1 .5.1 4.1.1 4.1 3.2. S.2.1 3.2. S.1 3.2.5 3.2.1 .18.1 3.9 3.7.8 4.5.8 .1.1.2 4.’5.8.1 .3.2 3.2.1 .40.2 1 1.1 Reltability sampling, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability sampling, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability sampl{ng plan . . ...’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability tests, Group F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability tests, all types .--. .. ... ... . .. . .. .... . Reliability tests, corrective action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability test, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability test, Type 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability test, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliabil ity, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability, Type 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reliability, Type III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replaceability, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REQUIREME~S .... . ... . . .. .. .. . .. . ... .... . .. .. .. ... . Resistor and capacitor mounting. Type 1............ Resistors, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Responsibility for compliance . . . ........ .. .. ...... Responsibility for inspection. .. ........ ... ...... . .. .... .. .. . . .... .. Restricted material’ (carcinogens Restricted material (Navy ).. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restricted materials and gases (other).. . . . . . . . . . . .. Restricted material s . . . . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reusable pouch or container, Type III.............. Rotary servo devices, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rotary swatches, TYIM I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~fge;ized (definition) .. . .. . .. .. .... ... .. . .. .. .... . .. ..... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . .. . . .. . .. . Salt atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. .. .. .... .. .. . .. .... . Salt atmosphere exposure enclosure ... .. .. .. . . ... .. . Salt fog exposure structural parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salt fog tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salt fog test, enclosure ... . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. . . ... .. . Salt fog test, structural parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saapllng phase, Type 1............................. Seeq)ltng phase, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandwich panels, T~ l .. . .. .. .. .. ... .... .. . . ... ... Satisfactory operation check (definition) . . . .. .. ... Satisfactory operation test (definition). . .. . .. .... sCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . selection of parts, materials, and processes, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Self -test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Self-test capability of ATE, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 .8.3 169 130 131 89 89 129 131 129 130 1~~ 76 76 13 12 26 13 :: 23 22 22 22 75 14 15 1~~ 61 61 61 123 123 123 ~~f 17 138 13? 1 ~~ 28 Downloaded from 141L-T-28800E INDEX Page Paragraph Title 3.3.1 .9.4.2 3.7.5 3.3.1 .5.2.1 3. JO.l.l.9 3.2.1 .41.2 3.7.13 2.1.1 3.6.1 .1.3 3.6.2 .1.1 3.6.4 .1.3 3,4.1 .2.1 1.2.3 Self-test (definition) . . . . . . . . . . . ..--. . . . . .. -- . . . . Semiconductor devices, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shielded cables, external wiring, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . shields andguatis, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .... .. .. ... .... .. .. . . . . ... .... Shock, functional Shock,’ high impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. Shock, mechanical .... . .. ..... .. .. .. . .. . ... ... Shock test, functional, Shock test, high impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shock tests, mechanical, . .. .. .. .... ... . .. . . . ... .. .. Similar connectors, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sinusoidal vibration test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Size and weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sleeving on conductors, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sockets, shields, and clamps, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solar radiation . .. .. .. .... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. . . ... ... Solar radiation test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soldering, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special tools (definition) . .. .. ..... .. .. . . . .. .. .... Specifications,. standards, and handbooks. .. . ... .. .. Splashproof, Style A- . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Splashproof test, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Springs, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stacking provisions, Style A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Stacking provisions, Style B . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stacking provisions, Style C........ .. . . . .. .. ..... Stacking provisions, Style D..-...., .. .. .. . . .. .... Stacking provisions, Style P... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stacking provisions, Style T........ . .. . . . .. .. .... Standby (definition ) .. .... .. ... .... . .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. . . .. . ... ... Steady-state power conditions, Type 11 . . . . . . .. . . . . Steady-state power conditions, Type . .. . . ... ...... Strain relief of power cables, Type Structural parts, salt fog exposure est . . . . . . . . . . . Structural welding, TYpe 1... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St{:eA1enclosure connections, Ai r Force use, ..... . .. . ... .... .. .. ... .... .. .. .. . . . ... .... Styles B through F enclosure connections, Air Force use, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subassembly, nonrepairable (definition). . . .. ... .... Subject term (keyword listing )... ... .. . . .. . . .. .... Switches, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tapped resistors, TyPe 1........................... 3.4.2 .2.2 6.7 3.2.1 .5.2 170 13g 13 29 69 60 60 1:! 118 115 26 113 ~~ 15 62 125 20 13~ 61 1~~ 45 46 48 50 53 55 139 32 40 37 123 20 5 36 37 13B 139 15 14 Downloaded from HIL-T-28800E INDEX Page Paragraph Title 6.5 3.7.2 4.5.5 .1.1.1 6.4.2 4.5.1 4.5.2 .1.3 and 3.3.1 .4.2 3.3.1 .5.3 3.2. ~7 3.4.1 .2.2 3.6.7 .1.2 3.3.1 .4.7 1.2.1 3.3.1 .2.2 1.1.1 3.7.4 Technical manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature and humidity limits . .... Temperature and humidity tests . . . . . . Temperature-humidity (T/H) . . . . . . . . . . Temperature-humidity chamber . . . . . . . . Temperature-humidity (T/H) test . . . . . Temperature shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature shock test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminals, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . Test conditions, measurement Test conditions, tolerance. . . . ... .. Test equipment . .. ... .. ... .. . .. ... .. Test equipment approval. ... . . . ... .. accuracy Test instrument calibration, Test leads . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. ... . . . . . . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . and . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . 1.39 57 101 57 10 I 101 58 111 .-.16 13~ :: 90 90 90 91 64 66 Test provisions, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?? 24 Thermal des~gn, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Thermal hazard protection, Type .1 I . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Threaded parts, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Toggle switch mounting, Type 1 . . . . 17 Tools, special, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Toxic material, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . 14 Transformers and inductors, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . ype I . . . . . . . 33 Transient-state power conditions, ~ ype 111 . . . . . 41 Transient-state power conditions, 60 Transit drop, Styles A, 8, C, P, S and . . . . . . . T...... 115 Transit drop test, Styles A, 8, c. P, Sand 52 Transportability, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuning dial mechanisms, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2: Types . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . --------. ... ... ... .... ... .. . Types ofconstructlon, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ultrasonic pressure, Type 1... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Ultrasordc pressure, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 U1 trasonic pressure test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1$; Unsuitable design, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valves, pressure equalizing, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Ventilation openings, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Ventilation openings, Type I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 58 ... ... .. .. .. ... ... . .. .. ... ... ... .... ... . .. Vibration 59 Vibration, random. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E I INDEX Paragraph 3.4.1 .2.2 3.10.1 .1.7 and 3.10.3 4.5.7 .1.2 3.7.6 3.5.2 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.2.1 3.15 3.6.7 3.2.1 .9.4 .9.3 .40.1 .1.4 .46.6 Page Title .. ... ... ... .... ... ... . .. .. . .. . Vibration, sinusoidal . . . . . . .. ... ... . ..... .... .. .. . .. . ... . Vibration tests Voltage transients, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voltage transients, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voltage and frequency variation test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voltage-transient test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harm-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warning markings. Type I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uarni ng markl ngs, Type 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2 Washability, Type I... . .. Washability, Type 111 . . . . Washability test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mater resistance .. ... .. .. .. . ... .... .... .. . .. .. .. . . Uater resistance tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Watertight, Styles Aand T... .. .... .... .. .. .. . . ... . Watertight test, Styles Aand T, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uaveguides and related equipment, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . .. .. ... .... ... . ... .. .... .. .. . .. . .. . . tleight Uelds, resistance, electrical interconnections, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hire, hookup, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiiring, external, Type I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wiring, internal, Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wiring, internal, Type II I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hood, Type l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Workmanship . .. . .. .. .... ... ... .. ..... ... .. .. .. . .. .. . Nork surfaces, Style G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-radiation . Type I.........-,.. .... ... .. .. . .. . .. .. X-radiation, Type 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-radiation test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zinc and zinc-plated parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..i.d 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1!: ~~ 119 1~~ 51 -. ;: RI 125 60 118 60 118 16 44 20 16 28 $: 17 80 :: 68 1~~ Downloaded from 1, MI L-T-28800E I ,. I TABLES Page TABLE I II III Iv v VI VII ~jl I x XI X11 X111 Xrv xv XVI XVII XVIII XIX Identification by environmental class Type 111 power source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature and humidity limits .. . .. . Altitude . . .. .. ... ... .. ... . .... ... . .. . Vi bration . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .... ... . .. . Water resistance .... .. .. .. ... .... . . .. Salt fog exposure, structural parts . . Notse level limits . ... .. . .... .... . . .. EMI requirements . .... .. .. ... .... . .. . . Examinations and tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lotsize vs sample size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... .. .. .... ... .. . .. Test cycles Additional test cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature limits and T/H test steps . . .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. ... . . .. Altitude Vi bration test limits . ... . .... ... . .. . Transit drop test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable frequency power supply outputs Noise level criteria .. . .. .... ... . .. .. 173 and style ..-. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . ... .. . . . ... ... . . ... .. . . . ... .. . . . ... . .. . ... .. .. . .. .. ... . .. .. ... . .... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. .. ... . .. .. ... ... . ... .. . ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 and .. .... .. . ..... .. . ... .... . ... .... .... ... . .... .... ... ..... .. .... .. ..82 and .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .... .. . . . . . ... ..... .. 4 do ~~ 59 ~~ 62 62 83 ~~ 95 109 112 113 117 120 127 Downloaded from MI L-T-28800E FIGURES Page F 1GURE 1 Examples of alternating current (at) primary input .. .. . .. ..... .. .. . .. .. ... . ... . .. .. .. voltage conditions Random vibration curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperature curve, one cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single-phase test diagram for open circuit voltage . ... .... .. . ... ....... .. . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . measurement DC test diagram for open circuit voltage measurement . .. Three-phase test diagram for open circuit voltage . ... .... ... .. ... .. .... . .. ... ... . ... . .. ... . measurement Single-phase test diagram for leakage current measurement. DC test diagram for leakage current measurement . .. .. .. . Three-phase test diagram for leakage current measurement Class 2 T/H test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class 3T/H test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class 5T/H test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class 6T/H test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half sine shock pulse configuration and limits .. .. .. ... 174 ... . . ... . ... 34 94 96 . .. . .... 98 99 .... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... . 100 102 103 104 105 IIJ6 107 108 116 Downloaded from STANDARDIZATION IMPROVEMENT DOCUMENT PROPOSAL LNSTftUCffO~ 1. The pr@pAnng ettivity mum complet~ Iettcf tild h given. 1. ~+ubrnktw of this form 3. The pwparing activity block} 1, 2.3. ●nd 8. In block 1, m~~pltie must blocb both tha document number and revision 4, S. 6. ●nd 7. provide ● repfy within 30dafi from receipt of \ha form. NOTE:, T%. form MU not b, used to reoues! .-es of docummu nor to raquti ti’v~ .or ~w,~~ r.quiromants on cumnt corttrutt. Comments wbwrhted on * form do not Comtitutc or imply authorization or to amend contractual requirements. wm”vo ●y f30r3ion of th4 rgfemnced document 1. ~Nr ~ .-M Mwta 2. ~MT OATC 3YVUMOOJ 3 ~ s.wc3m3nllm3 Tf?.sr 13QOIPmsRr L Fos USE WIIEI ●A~W~(M~W~& ELScllucA3. AND mSm3imIc ~&ti&~m&, sQmvnEl?T, GFzmrAL of to 1991 SPECIPICATIO?J FOR M~.4flahemah8m~ I I I I I I s.Rr.uouFonREccrMMwoATlOm I I I I fuvu s~ SEn-Qfs I &’%;%& I Cof4nAm %C8462-5101 (WA 5523) I (703) 602-6020 S VW 00 NOT MIZCIW[ A REMV Wt?M (AV) 332-6020 4S DAYS. CONIACl: kfm= Qua~w ●d SUndm3kmimI otricc S203 L@9sbuw P**. 3ui10 1403. Church. VA 2ZM1 -3466 TQIc91101N(703) 7S4ZBm AIJIOVON M3-21A0 I J