GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Teacher’s Notes This pack is intended to cover all of the topics required by candidates in the GCSE Higher Tier examination. The pack can be used in a variety of ways: • As a homework pack – The pack provides 90 homeworks for Years 10 and 11. The homework sheets can be attempted in any order to fit in with the school’s scheme of work. If two homeworks are completed each week this will allow the pack to be completed before the mock GCSE examinations. The pack can then be used again for revision in Year 11 either for homework or in class. • As – – – • As supplementary material – The pack can be used by students after school or in lessons. Worksheets can be supplied to students who wish to do extra work. • As a pupil profiling pack – The pack contains a series of recording sheets which can be used to provide a profile of each student. This can be extremely useful at Key Stages 3 and 4. At Key Stage 3 teachers are expected to be able to identify the students’ weaknesses and strengths. Profile Sheet 1 (page 114) simplifies the process and worksheets provide evidence. a classroom resource – The pack can be used: To provide class tests at the end of the topic. For class revision in Year 11. As a battery of tests in preparation for the mock examination or GCSE examination. The tests will highlight any weaknesses. – As a worksheet resource bank. At Key Stage 4 it is even more important to identify students’ weaknesses so that a student can be directed to revise the correct material for the GCSE examination. The worksheets correspond to the GCSE Mathematics Revision Guides*. If a student has difficulties with, say, Worksheet 27, they can be directed to revise page 27 of the Higher Tier Revision Guide. Profile Sheet 1 – Individual assessment (page 114). This can be used to record the marks of each student on each homework sheet. Marks for each topic can be totalled, eg graphs, total the marks for worksheets 24 to 35 and use the mark/grade converter on the profile sheet to produce a grade, ie 60 or above = A, 49 or above = B, etc. An A or B grade would indicate a strength, a D or E would indicate a weakness. This will produce a complete profile of each pupil. Profile Sheets 2 to 6 – Class assessment (pages 115 to 119) A simpler alternative is to use the profile sheets for class assessment. These can be used in the same way as a normal mark book. A vertical column of poor marks would alert the teacher to a difficult topic for the whole class. A horizontal line of poor marks would alert the teacher to a particular student’s difficulties. Profile Sheet 7 – Class assessment (page 120) A blank class assessment profile sheet has been provided for teachers who wish their students to attempt the worksheets in a different order to the one given in this pack. Simply fill in the topic, worksheet numbers and possible marks for the areas you want to cover. Strengths and weaknesses for a particular student can easily be identified. This makes it easy to advise a student about areas requiring careful revision. * GCSE Mathematics Higher Tier Revision Guide can be obtained from Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge, CB4 3NP, telephone 01223 350555, fax 01223 356484, for less than £2 per copy for class sets. Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 1 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier In the event of a parental enquiry or an OFSTED inspection it is a simple task to transfer marks from the class assessment sheets to Profile Sheet 1. Using the homework pack in conjunction with the Revision Guides The worksheet pages in this pack correspond with the pages in Pearson Publishing’s GCSE Mathematics Higher Tier Revision Guide. If students have both, it extends the ways in which this pack can be used: • Students can revise from the Revision Guide in preparation for using a worksheet as a test in class. • Worksheets can be used for revision homework. If students have forgotten the topic they can use the Revision Guide to refresh their memory. • If a few students in a foundation examination class wish to attempt the Intermediate examination the Revision Guide can be used to support their learning and the homework worksheets used to provide additional work. If the students have difficulties with questions they can be directed to revise the appropriate pages in the Revision Guides. This is particularly useful as the GCSE examination approaches. Using the speed marking system 1 2 3 First photocopy the answer pages. Cut out the answers for the page to be marked. (You may find it quicker to fold the answer page for most worksheets.) Place the answers in the marked section of the student worksheet. 1 28 28 ✔ 1 ....................... ■ 2 72 61 0 2 ....................... ■ Use 1 and 0 3 18 18 1 3 ....................... ■ or ✔ and ✗ Minimum mark 9 Circle grade A 7 6 3 B C D E 12 Use this box to convert the mark to a grade if you wish (In general A = 80% B = 65% C = 50% D = 35%) Unlike most answer pages the answer will be next to the student’s answer to allow marking to be carried out more quickly. The system is designed to allow the student to answer on the worksheet itself. However, in the majority of worksheets, it is possible for the student to answer on blank A4 paper. This will allow the worksheet to be re-used. Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 2 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Explain the method to pupils as shown below: Blank A4 Worksheet Factorise: 1 10a + 8 1 ...................■ _______________________________ ■ 2 12a - 3c 2 ...................■ _______________________________ ■ 3 10a - 8c 3 ...................■ _______________________________ ■ 4 25a - 20c + 15 4 ...................■ _______________________________ ■ 5 3a4 + 2a3 5 ...................■ _______________________________ ■ Minimum mark 9 Circle grade A 7 6 3 B C D E Pupils should use a ruler to draw answer lines Draw mark boxes or leave a space 12 The pack can also be used as traditional worksheets with the teacher reading the answers and students marking their own or each other’s work. Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 3 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 1 1 2 Worksheet 2 3/ (3) 1 1 31.36 -16.422 2 6.22093 1/ 2 4 17/ (17) 1 5 9/ 25 6 Irrational 3 2 4 1069.22 5 Irrational 9 Irrational 10 Irrational 8/ 99 12 377/ 1000 8 15 3.10029 0.537285 0.00195313 1 4.76 2 11.34 3 31.8 4 80.23 1 480 000 2 620 3 0.0047 4 0.0000274 5 8 100 000 6 0.34 7 0.00072 8 0.00132 5 31.39 9 7.3 x 102 6 5.561 10 6.82 x 103 11 3.72 x 105 7 161/5 (16.2) 12 6.42 x 10-1 13 7.8 x 10-4 8 521/4 (52.25) 14 8.23 x 10-2 15 2.7 x 103 9 124/5 (12.8) 16 4.2 x 10-5 2.81473 10a £29 176 b 1 872 000 245/ 999 18a 3.39 x 104 -370.101 7/ 100 2/ 3 Worksheet 5 17a 1.87 x 106 6 14 11.2870 470835 7 5 11 13 4 Worksheet 4 8.96696 37/ 99 6 8 1525.88 170.123 (36/100) 3 7 Worksheet 3 Irrational 1 3 Answers b £38 913 b 33 887 9 (6/9) 74.8953 11a £38 7 19a 8.94 x 104 0.223324 b 89361.7 16 28 20a 4.40 x 10-1 b 0.440123 8 17 b £6.65 70.0637 10 -866.489 200 12 £611 21a 3.28 x 10-2 b 0.032768 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 94 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 6 1a Answers Worksheet 7 Worksheet 8 8.2 b £11 560 1a b c £6 034 2a b d 1993 3a b 4a b 2a b 2.3.73 2 8.5 → 580.125 Fibonacci sequence 8.3 → 538.587 3a b Triangle numbers 2.45 2 400 3 1.56 42 8.2 → 518.568 67 914 8.25 → 528.515625 4 4.63 5 1.2 6 6.57 7 2.43 8 38 9 -2.27 10 2 11 0.3 12 0.171 13 0.175 14 2.45 64, 343 Cube numbers £26 997 24.3.7 4 £39 962 5a c 2015 d £21 336 2, 3 b 1, 2, 3, 9 c 3, 9, 27, 54 5 6a d £18 238 e 7.6 84 1, 4, 9 b e 9 → 693 8, 55 15, 21, 28 1 8 → 480 9, 49 Square numbers Worksheet 10 1 £13 600 Worksheet 9 15 120 7 → 441 8 → 640 1, 27 7.5 → 534.375 7.6 → 554.496 3 Accept rounded 7a 1/ 16 (0.0625) 7.55 → 544.373875 answers. a i 28 991 6a 5, 31 ii 13 797 iii 12 191 b 1999 b 1, 5 c 75, 960 d 1, 64, 169 e 1, 64 b c 8/ 7 (1.142857…) -1/5 (-0.2) Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 95 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 11 1 Worksheet 12 Answers Worksheet 13 A = C2 A = √√ B 5 1 15 0.190023 1a i Converges ii 0.750 4 a = kc (k = 3) c 7 3E – D + 5 A= 4 2 A= 10C 3 ii 2.667 2a 6 A= c i Diverges -C 3 b 1715 4 A = 3.5Y A= a-3 d a-8 e 12a5 f a6 g a5 h 4a9 i a-7 j a-4 k a12 0.255390 15.6539 C B 2a A = CD 5BE any order. 3a C A = 3(2D – 7) p = qk (k = 8) 2a i xn + 1 = x -6 n+5 b 11 c A = √√7C + 4D Solutions shown in 10 a7 4 5 9 29641.2 (k = 5) c 8 x = ky3 3 ii No answer 7 b 0.131979 b i Converges 5 a11 A = √√ D b 3 Worksheet 15 1a 1a 2 Worksheet 14 6 b 7 c 1 d 2 e 0.125 1.46988 0.4 ii -2 -6 i xn + 1 = xn – 5 c 2401 7 4 0.0150845 ii -3 12 A = 4CE – D 13 A = √√ 3CD B 10 b i xn + 1 = xn – 3 4a 14 A=B+C–D F ii -2 10 i xn + 1 = xn + 3 b 15 A= 2Y 5C – 3D M= k R3 3a a21 (k = 1000) b 11 a /15 1 c 1 a /12 d 3 a /4 ii 5 c 4 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 96 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 16 Worksheet 17 Answers Worksheet 18 Worksheet 19 1 1 2(2a – 5) 1 Answers in any order (x + 2)(x + 5) 1 6a7c6 2 4a2d2 2 3 4 (x + 4)(x + 7) 9(4a – 3x) 2 9(2a – 3c + y) (x – 3)(x – 7) 3 5 y(5y – 7) 6 4y(3y – 5) x = 1.87 or x = -0.535 3 5 (4a – 9)(4a + 9) 16a12 4 x = -3.79 or x = 0.791 4(4x + 3y) 2 3 (y + 7)(y – 7) 15a6 1 2 Worksheet 20 x = -4 or x = -8 12y – 24 4 3 (x + 3)(x – 5) a = -1.21 or a = 3.71 6 12a2 + 6ay3 7 7 2a5(8a3 + 5) 6a5 + 21a4 4 5 8 (a + 5)(a – 4) x=3 or x = 8 4 2ac(5a2c – 4) y = 1.55 or y = -0.804 8 -24a4 + 18ac2 9 5a3cy(5c – 2a2y2) 6 (y – 2)(y – 8) 5 9 x=2 6a2 – 8a – 30 or x = -7 10 10 11 12ad(5c – 4a) 20y2 – 42y + 18 5 7 11 5a2(3a – 5c + 2ay) 12 2a3(4a5 – 3a2 + 5) 6 8 12 or x = -5.27 (y + 1)(y + 7) 6a2 + 23a + 20 (a + 3)(a - 4) 16y2 – 56y + 49 x = 2.27 x = -6 or x = 7 6 x = 0.370 or x = 3.38 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 97 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 21 1 Worksheet 22 1 2 2a – 3 5a + 7 4 5 1 2 3 4 x+4 x–3 x–7 x–3 3 4 Worksheet 24 1 H 2 B 3 G 4 D 5 E 6 A 7 F 8 C 19a + 16 6 34y – 23 20 x=2 y = -5 3 Worksheet 23 x=3 y=4 2 Answers c + 14 12 -6c – 26 21 x = -3 y = -6 4 a = 4.2 5 2a3 5c2 5 88C – 54 14 6 8a6 15c7 6 a–9 6 9 x y c = 3.4 7 2 5a 7 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -0.5 2 3.5 4 3.5 2 -0.5 -4 7a – 1 (a + 2)(a – 3) 4 x x x 3 5 a=6 y=5 8 14c2d 3a 8 2 x 3a – 5 (a + 5)(a + 1) x 1 x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -1 x 1 2 3 4 -2 -3 x -4 x Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 98 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 25 Answers Worksheet 26 Worksheet 27 -2 -1 -1/2 0 1/ 2 1 2 y 2 0 -1/4 3/ 4 2 6 x -2 -1 -1/2 0 1/ 2 1 2 0 11/2 21/2 3 4 x y 1x=1 1 0 2 Worksheet 28 y=2 1a b 2a b 3a b 4a b Answers are approximate 5a b -1/2 y = -1/2 x + 1 2 y = 2x – 2 -1 y = -x + 2 1/ 3 y = 1/3 x – 3 1/ 2 y = 1/2 x – 2 1 2x=1 a y = -2 x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 y 4.5 2 0.5 0 0.5 2 4.5 0.6 or -1.6 Accept anything close. b 1.4 a 2 or -1.4 b 1 c -0.5 d -1.5 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 99 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 29 Worksheet 30 Answers Worksheet 31 Worksheet 32 y 1 2 1 -4 -3 -2 x 0 -1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 -1 1a Assume the -2 graph is correct if it goes through (0, 15) and y 2 (400, 95). 2 1 f 1 2 c -4 -3 -2 x 0 -1 -1 1a b 1/ 4 3 m -2 3 y 3 2 4 o 1 5 h -4 -3 -2 x 0 -1 -1 6 e -2 y 4 2 b £P = £(0.2N + 15) c £615 d 237 2a 1/ 2 b 1/ 2 c 32.5 7 a 8 g 1 -4 -3 -2 0 -1 x -1 9 n -2 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 100 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Answers Worksheet 33 Worksheet 34 Worksheet 35 Worksheet 36 y 1 -4 -3 -2 2 1 a = 70° 1 b = 70° -1 c = 110° x 0 1 2 3 4 -1 2 d = 70° -2 y 2 2 1 -4 -3 -2 3 e = 80° f = 20° x 0 -1 1 2 3 4 g = 80° -1 -2 Any answer between: 3 1 y 3 1 06.00 2 2 15 km/h 1 3 10 km 4a 09.00 and 09.30 4 h = 105° 415-440 m 5 i = 75° j = 105° k = 75° x 0 90 180 270 360 -1 b Steepest part c 60 km/h 6 l = 98° -2 m = 82° -3 4 n = 98° 5a y 12-13 km/h (approx) 3 b 40 km/h 2 c 40 km/h 7 o = 80° 6 1 p = 30° x 0 90 180 270 360 7 41/2 hours Any answer between: 8 Cyclist B overtook 2a -1 -2 1230 cyclist A 8 2x = 72° 150-165 m 3x = 108° b Less -3 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 101 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 37 Worksheet 38 Answers Worksheet 39 1 Worksheet 40 Worksheet 41 1 2 Translation -4 2 Reflection in the ( ) SSS line y = 2x + 1 2 1a 2.4 cm b 4.5 cm Not 1a 3 AAS or ASA b 47° 6.2 cm 3a Rotation 60° anticlockwise, centre of rotation (5, 2) c 8 cm b 4 Rotation 300° clockwise, centre AAS or ASA of rotation (5, 2) 5 Pythagoras’ Allow ± 2o 1 037o 2 021o 3 002o 4 267o 5 236o 6 346o 7 083o 8 263o 9 166o 10 183o 11 114o 12 153o RHS (use 2a 12 cm b 2.4 cm 4 theorem) Enlargement, scale factor -1/3, centre of enlargement (5, 1) 6 2a DEC b DCB SAS 5 Enlargement, scale factor 5/2, centre of enlargement 7 AAS c CDB or BDC d CDE or EDC (-2, 6) 6 e 3a centre of rotation (0, 0) 7.65 8 b ACB or BCA Rotation 180°, Not 7.875 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 102 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 42 Worksheet 43 Answers Worksheet 44 Worksheet 45 Worksheet 46 . Accept 4.9 instead of 5 for maximum values, . eg 1.349. 1 86.2 km/h 1 18.28 2 2 2 h 31 min 36.8 km/h 3 3 542.3 km 1A’ (10, 13) B’ (11, 13) C’ (11, 12) 8 h 25 min 8 h 24 min 37 sec 1.22 g/cm3 5a B´ (-4, -8) b D´ (-1, -2) 6 1.25 kg 2a 28.5 cl b 27.5 cl 3a 25.5 b 24.5 4a 1.725 m b 1.715 m 5a 1.2835 t b 1.2825 t 6a 15.35 cm b 15.25 cm 7a 13.285 ml b 13.275 ml 32 min C´ (-4, -2) 2D’ (4, 11) E’ (5, 11) 5 b 302.4 km b 1A´ (-1, -8) 1.35 kg 13.35 4a 4 1a 8a 74.35 l b 74.25 l 32 min 23 sec 68.295 g 2E´ (2, -4) 9a 16.005 cm b 15.995 cm F’ (5, 10) G’ (4, 10) 3D” (7, 9) E” (9, 9) F´ (1, -4) 10a 30.05 kg G´ (1, -2) H´ (2, -2) F” (9, 7) 6a 7 2 h 11 min b 29.95 kg 64.08 km/h 11a 790 g b G” (7, 7) 2 h 11 min 16 sec b 770 g 4H’ (11, 2) I’ J’ (10, 2) (10, 3) 3a (7, 1) 12a 332.5 ml b -1/2 b 327.5 ml Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 103 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 47 1a 285 ml Worksheet 48 1a b b c 2a b Worksheet 50 228 b Worksheet 51 8.73 cm 43.6 cm2 a 40° b 50° a 100° 1a 85° c 20° b 120° b 45° d 80° c 50° 1.27 cm2 e 50° 3.44 cm f 50° g 110° h 70° i 40° j 160° k 80° l 10° m 30° n 60° 272 3a 36.0 cm b 126 cm2 c 60° d 70° e 25° 2 140° f 50° 3a 90° g 50° b 90° 8.6061 c 40° 8.5251 d 50° 1.4426 1.1595 c Worksheet 49 275 ml 2a d Answers h 40° 4a 452 cm2 i 50° b 905 cm3 j 40° k 70° 0.91895 4 TOB 0.91534 d 37.7 cm3 14.056 5a 13.802 b 5 cm l 60° c 47.1 cm2 m 90° 5 15.8 cm Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 104 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 52 1a b Worksheet 53 b Worksheet 54 105 cm3 1a b 120 cm2 31.8 cm 52.5 cm2 1 Length 1a 60 cm 66 cm3 2a b 2 None 3 None 4 Area 5 None 6 Length 4:7 b 16:49 c 64:343 64 m 161 m2 2 27:512 3a 128 cm2 23.2 cm2 7 3 Area 773.5 cm3 or 0.0007735 4 Worksheet 56 24 cm 2 3 Worksheet 55 36 cm2 1 2a Answers b m3 8 Area 9 Volume 10 None 11 Length 12.5 km2 561 000 cm2 or 0.561 m2 5 160 cm b 12.5 m2 c 5.12 kg 5 cm 4 720.896 cm3 3a 190 m2 12 b 6 4a 1.52 m3 Volume 2.5 cm Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 105 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 57 1 2 Worksheet 58 Answers Worksheet 59 Worksheet 60 9.40 m 1 a = 21.5° 1 a = 13.3 cm 2 b = 69.5° 2 b = 8.18 cm 1a 8.36 cm 3 c = 52.5° 3 c = 5.01 cm 4 d = 42.2° 4 d = 6.15 cm 5 e = 24.0° 4 113 sec 8.26 m b 3 Worksheet 61 22.2 cm2 1a 44.1 m b 5.34° c 474 m 5 e = 2.14 cm f = 66.0° 6 g = 22.4° 22 651 m 2a 10.1 m b 15.7 m 6 f = 8.45 cm h = 67.6° 5 8.94 cm 7 i = 45° 7 g = 4.58 cm h = 6.31 cm 8 j = 58.6° 2a 7.07 cm b 8.66 cm c 35.3° 8 i = 4.37 cm k = 31.4° Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 106 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 62 Answers Worksheet 63 1a Worksheet 64 Worksheet 65 75.0° 105° 1a 1 x y 0o 1 1 1 x y 0o 1 30o 2 60o 2.73 150o -0.866 90o 3 180o 120o 2.73 30o 0.866 60o 90o 0.5 b 0 255° 285 120o -0.5 -1 150o 2 240o -0.5 180o 1 270o 210o 0 210o -0.866 300o 140° 0 53.3 km 10.4 cm 2 11.3 cm 3 53.8° b 309° 2a 73.4° 240o -0.732 0.5 330o 0.866 360o 2a Worksheet 66 b 270o 400° -1 300o -0.732 1 500° If table is correct 330o 0 360o 1 assume graph is correct. 3a 20° If table is correct Accept values between: assume graph is a 40°-50° correct. b None c None d 310°-320° e 400°-410° f 670°-680° g None h 130°-140° i 220°-230° j None k 490°-500° l 580°-590° b 160° 340° a 210° 4 46.5° 330° 4a 153° b c 387° 6870 m2 Accept 220°-235° Accept 305°-320° 207° b b Accept 5°-25° Accept 155°-175° 5 19.7 cm2 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 107 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 67 Worksheet 68 Answers Worksheet 69 1a b 1a ( ) 2 ( -3-4) 3 ( 03 ) 4 ( 13 ) 5 ( -52) 6 ( 40 ) 7 (18 -6 ) 8 (10 -4 ) 9 ( -1-3) 10 3 ( -6) 11 24 (2 ) 12 -1 (2) 13 -9 (2) 14 3 ( -3) 15 27 (-10) 1 ~ ~x – ~y c 1/ y 2 d -1/2 x + 1/2 y e -y + 1/2 x f -1/2 y + x 25 N b 127° ~ 2a 2a 1a 202° 1/ x 2 b 6 -2 21.5 km/h Worksheet 70 x=4 104° b 7.75 m c 10 min 45 secs 2a 060.6° y = 11 b x = -5 y=2 c b 463 km/h x = -3 y=2 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 108 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 71 Answers Worksheet 72 Worksheet 73 Accept any sensible answers. 1 Do not ask personal questions or should have an age range. 1 1 16 30 39 15 2 cm 2 Which box would a person aged 30 tick? 2 Do not accept decimals, eg 16.65 a 17 or 16 b 21 or 20 a person aged 20, c 9 or 8 40, 60 or 80 tick? d 14 or 13 3 Which box would or 20, 40, 60 and A 2 80 are shown twice. Total 60 B 4 What does ‘young’, ‘middle aged’ and ‘old’ mean? or C 3 Bad – children should be asked but they are not on the electoral roll. different meanings to different people: a child might think Good 30 is old; a senior citizen might think 30 is young. Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 109 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Answers Worksheet 74 Worksheet 76 Worksheet 75 1 1 Questionnaire 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.2 2 Experiment Assume graph is correct if table is correct. 3 Observation or questionnaire 4 Questionnaire 5 Experiment 1a Boys x 8 x 7 7 x 6 Experiment Frequency 6 x 5 x x 4 3 2 Observation x 1 x 0 8 Girls x x 5 10 15 Time (seconds) 20 25 Observation or questionnaire or experiment 9 2 6 1 Questionnaire b The frequency polygon shows that boys 8 generally take longer to thread a needle 10 Questionnaire than girls. 6 5 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 110 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 77 Answers Worksheet 78 Worksheet 79 1a 1a 7 Worksheet 80 1a 5.625 b 1.576 30 12 54 30 Worksheet 81 1a 54 400 96 70 100 98 1a 2a 5 b 2 100 40 – under 50 b 2000 c 16% 2a 3200 b 1700 c 675 d 125 Accept any answers in the range: b c 53-55 3a 10.4 b 5.00 56-58 4a b b Check point b graph a mark. graph a mark. Accept any answers in the range: b 44-48 c Accept any answers in Check point correct give correct give 31-50 5.87 (170, 54). If (180,70). If 2a 12 e 167-169 d 174-176 e 156-158 f 16-20 5a Adam 21.6 3.93 the range: c 172-178 d 181-184 e 165-169 f 12-19 g 7-13 48-50 g Any valid comparison, eg boys are taller than girls; any comparison should mention both medians and both interquartile ranges. Barry 22.8 25.8 b Adam c Any valid explanation, eg Adam has a lower sd and therefore is more consistent. Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 111 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 82 a Check points (180, 18) and (190, 21). If correct award mark. Accept any reasonable line. b Worksheet 83 Answers Worksheet 84 1a 1a Worksheet 85 1a 0.3 b 0.3 c 0.027 Worksheet 86 0.7 0.4 b 0.32 c 0.24 d 0.04 b 0.3 1a c 0.4 d 0.7 e d f b di ii 19 cm (approx) 190 cm (approx) 2a Mrs Jarvis asked more people. b Accept rounded answers. iii 15.5 cm (approx) Size 8 iv 178 cm (approx) Size 10 18 300 v Size 12 32 000 Size 14 27 500 Size 16 16 800 21.5 cm (approx) 2/5 c 21/40 d 19/40 0.03 0.42 Positive correlation g b 0.3 2a c 75 5/24 0.46 h 0.3 i 0.12 2a 1/10 b 3/10 c 3/5 0.00024 c 0.03752 d 0.96224 5400 j 0.88 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 112 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Worksheet 87 Answers Worksheet 88 Worksheet 89 1 1a 0.03125 (1/32) 2 3 b 0.972 (35/36) x ≤ -8 or x ≥ 8 0.999228395 6 ≥ x > -3 5 x < -9 6 x≥8 7 3 x≤6 0.96875 (31/32) 4 2 x>6 1 1 right, 6 up or 1 6 ( ) ( ) 4a 1 800 2 500 3 30 4 40 5 0.06 6 3 7 0.3 8 0.1 9 160 000 10 500 or 450 11 0.007 12 0.3 13 500 000 or x≥1 2 8 right, 3 up or 83 . Worksheet 90 -9 3 9 left or 0 ( ) 0.16 (1/6) 8 y < -2 -1 4 1 left, 3 up or 3 ( ) b 0.5 (1/2) 8 5 8 right, 6 down or -6 ( ) 400 000 14 700 15 6 Answers in any order. c . 0.3 (1/3 ) 9 6 R (5, 2) 7 R (-3, -5) 8 R (-6, 1) 9 R (4, -5) x≤3 y ≤ -1 y ≥ -x Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 113 Teacher Total NUMBER General topic Worksheet number 1 Mark Out of 2 3 4 8 17 17 35 28 22 15 10 26 44 5 6 Number Patterns C = 44 D = 30 21 17 13 9 88 14 13 27 Total ALGEBRA Fractions, A = 70 Number and B = 57 Calculator Skills Decimals Percentages Skills 13 11 8 5 Profile Sheet 1 Individual Assessment Higher levels 7-10 Varia- tion Equations 23 18 14 10 7 8 9 18 11 29 2 36 29 22 15 10 11 12 9 7 6 3 13 Algebraic Skills 85 69 53 37 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 15 14 45 A = 154 B = 125 C = 96 D = 67 7 12 12 20 12 12 8 107 8 10 12 10 8 193 Grade (A to E) General topic Worksheet number Simi- larity Angles Graphs 60 49 38 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Mark Out of 10 4 6 10 5 4 5 9 4 4 12 24 19 15 10 36 37 18 12 30 6 3 76 38 Congruence Transformations 5 4 3 1 12 10 8 5 39 40 6 8 8 41 42 43 7 16 Measurement 24 20 15 10 44 45 46 47 14 10 31 7 9 Circles 41 33 26 18 48 49 50 51 24 12 52 Perimeter, Area and Volume General topic Total Worksheet number 52 53 54 55 56 Mark Out of 8 4 6 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 39 12 9 Vectors Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry 31 25 19 13 5 11 9 4 6 14 13 8 5 4 63 51 39 27 Locus 28 23 18 12 67 68 69 70 15 12 79 5 4 71 2 - 1 - A = 332 B = 269 C = 207 D = 145 36 2 2 415 Grade (A to E) Total HANDLING DATA General topic Worksheet number 72 73 74 Mark Out of 4 114 Grade (A to E) Main strengths Main weaknesses Tables and Graphs Questionnaires 20 16 12 8 75 76 77 11 10 25 3 10 6 15 12 9 6 Cumulative Frequency 78 79 19 17 14 11 7 Standard Scatter Deviation Diagrams 80 81 11 11 22 14 7 16 13 10 7 82 6 5 4 2 8 83 84 85 86 87 21 Probability 8 10 10 8 7 7 33 27 21 14 Total A = 109 B = 89 Additional Topics C = 68 D = 47 88 89 90 42 137 9 A= B= C= D= 28 22 17 12 Overall Total: A = 694 B = 564 C = 434 D = 303 11 15 35 11 13 10 14 48 Grade (A to E) SHAPE, SPACE AND MEASURES 38 31 24 16 868 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP Name Class Class Teacher Total Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Calculator Skills 2 3 4 8 10 26 44 5 6 14 13 27 Number 88 Grade A= B= C= D= 70 57 44 30 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP Gene ral to pic Number Work sheet Skills numb er 1 Mark out o f 17 17 Name Profile Sheet 2 Class Assessment Higher levels 7-10: Number 115 Class Teacher Total Equations 9 10 11 12 2 14 15 14 Variation 13 45 12 12 Algebraic Skills 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7 20 12 12 8 10 12 10 8 8 107 Algebra Grade 193 A = 154 B = 125 C = 96 D = 67 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP Gene ral to pic Number Patterns Work sheet numb er 7 8 Mark out o f 18 11 29 Name Profile Sheet 3 Class Assessment Higher levels 7-10: Algebra 116 Class Teacher Total Gene ral to Shape, Space pic Work Angles Similarity Congruence Transformations Measurement Graphs sheet and Measures Grade numb A = 168 er 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Mark B = 137 out o C = 105 f 4 6 10 5 4 5 9 4 4 12 3 18 12 6 8 8 7 14 10 7 9 24 12 10 76 30 6 16 31 52 211 Name D = 73 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP Profile Sheet 4 Class Assessment Higher levels 7-10: Shape, Space and Measures – 1 117 Class Teacher Gene ral to pic Perimeter, Area Work Circles Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry Vectors Locus sheet and Volume numb er 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Mark out o f 11 13 10 14 48 8 4 6 12 9 39 5 11 9 4 6 14 13 8 5 4 79 15 12 5 4 36 2 2 Name Total Shape, Space and Measures Grade 204 A = 163 B = 132 C = 102 D = 71 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP Profile Sheet 5 Class Assessment Higher levels 7-10: Shape, Space and Measures – 2 118 Class Teacher Total Cumulative Frequency 78 79 Standard Scatter Deviation Diagrams 80 81 82 11 11 22 14 7 21 8 Probability Handling Data Grade 137 A = 109 B = 89 C = 68 D = 47 83 84 85 86 87 8 10 10 8 7 7 42 Total Additional Additional Grade Topics Topics 88 89 90 9 11 15 35 A= B= C= D= 28 22 17 12 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP Gene ral to pic Questionnaires Tables and Graphs Work sheet numb er 72 73 74 75 76 77 Mark out o f 4 11 10 25 3 10 6 19 Name Profile Sheet 6 Class Assessment Higher levels 7-10: Handling Data 119 Class Gene ral to pic Work sheet numb er Mark out o f Name Teacher Profile Sheet 7 Class Assessment GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP 120 GCSE Maths Homework Pack 3: Higher Tier Contents Teacher’s Notes ................................................................................................................... 1 Number Number Skills ................................................................................................................... 4 Calculator Skills ............................................................................................................... 5 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages .............................................................................. 8 Algebra Number Patterns ............................................................................................................. 10 Equations........................................................................................................................ 12 Variation......................................................................................................................... 16 Algebraic Skills ............................................................................................................... 17 Shape, Space and Measures Graphs ............................................................................................................................ 27 Angles............................................................................................................................. 39 Similarity......................................................................................................................... 41 Congruence..................................................................................................................... 42 Transformations.............................................................................................................. 44 Measurement.................................................................................................................. 47 Circles ............................................................................................................................. 51 Perimeter, Area and Volume .......................................................................................... 55 Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry......................................................................... 60 Vectors ............................................................................................................................ 70 Locus............................................................................................................................... 74 Handling Data Questionnaires ................................................................................................................ 75 Tables and Graphs.......................................................................................................... 78 Cumulative Frequency..................................................................................................... 81 Standard Deviation ........................................................................................................ 83 Scatter Diagrams ............................................................................................................ 85 Probability....................................................................................................................... 86 Additional Topics............................................................................................................ 91 Answers............................................................................................................................... 94 Profile Sheets..................................................................................................................... 114 Toot Hill School Pearson Publishing, Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP