Camp Ground United Methodist Church 4625 Camp Ground Road Fayetteville, NC 28314 Address Service Requested FROM OUR PASTOR, Christmas is a time of Thanksgiving! Jesus told a story in the New Testament about ten lepers. Jesus healed all of them of this terrible disease. As they left His presence, they realized what had taken place. Then one of them. One of them. Just one of them—returned to give thanks. All ten had been saved and delivered from this most dreaded of diseases, but only one returned. Only one. Rev. Haywood Smith John 3:16 is one of the most familiar scriptures in the New Testament. It says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believers in Him should not perish but shall have eternal life.” This is very significant. Why? The Bible says, “That all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And the wages of sin is death.” This most dreaded of diseases, sin, has infected all of humankind. Not just ten, but all. But just as Jesus met those 10 lepers on the road, He meets us on the road to destruction, the road to eternal darkness and death, and offers us a gift that will change our lives not only the moment we receive it but for all eternity. Many people hear about this gift and say, “Oh, not now. Maybe later.” “That sounds well and good, but I have too much to take care of now to be bothered with eternity.” “I’ve heard about the gift, but nothing’s free. What is the catch?” UNITED METHODIST CHURCH DECEMBER 2013...ARBOR VINE Then there are those like the ten lepers who accept the gift but only one returns to give thanks. One in ten, ten out of a hundred, a hundred out of a thousand, a thousand out of ten thousand, and on it goes. But the scripture said, “For God so loved the world.” “Whosoever believers in Him.” The world. Whosoever. It seems like. (CONTINUED) “Finding the Christmas Star” Plan to attend Camp Ground’s annual Children’s Christmas Program Rufus House Family of Cynthia Beasley Anthony Johnston Ruth Blackburn Veronica Johnston Paula Apone Callaway Veda Lydon Ramona Santa Cruz Elizabeth Estrada Gayle Girdwood Rest Homes and Shut-Ins Barry Pylant Lisa Roller Elizabeth Rudd Herman Soderberg Jack Williams Lincoln Williams Jan Baker, Wanda Barry, Ruth Blackburn, Frances Geddie, Jackie Jordan, Doris Parsons, John Patterson, T.C. Pritchett, Joe Raynor, Jim Sloan Sunday, December 15th Confirmation Class of 2014 6PM * Performance by HOPE Puppets and The Youth Handbell Choir * Refreshments in the Fhall immediately after the performance Attention: There will be a dress rehearsal Saturday December 14th at 4:00 PM for all play performers. Praying Together in Love Next Meeting is December 14 at 9 a.m. All women of the church are invited. Come enjoy a time of fellowship, singing, prayer, and Bible teaching! We even enjoy a super-simple craft each month related to our monthly topic. We hope you’ll come and take just 2 hours out of this busy world to spend some time refreshing and renewing your spirit in song, God’s Word, and the company of Christian sisters! BREAKFAST KITCHEN Confirmation Classes will begin on Sunday, January 12, and conclude on Sunday, April 13, Psalm Sunday. We will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Owen Chapel, just behind the sanctuary. This class is for youth in the sixth grade and older. It is also open to adults who desire to attend with their youth or have a desire to learn more about their faith. We will be looking at such topics as: The Bible, the Trinity, Worship, Discipleship, Prayer, and many more. Those who complete the class, who wish to join the church, will do so on Palm Sunday, April 13, at the 11:00 service. For more information you may call the church or Pastor Haywood at 867-9436. Please fill out the form in your Sunday bulletin and return it to the church office if you plan to attend. Thank you and God Bless! 5th Sunday Adult Sunday School Brunch December 29th 9:30 a.m. - 10:45:a.m. Bring a favorite breakfast dish to share Aren’t currently attending a Sunday School Class? We would especially love for you to come! All are welcome. (Children’s Class teachers bring you class to the fellowship hall to eat before beginning your regular Sunday School Class.) Hope to see you there! Camp Ground will be serving breakfast at the INASMUCH Breakfast Kitchen on January CAMP GROUND CHANCEL CHOIR CANTATA PRESENTS: 10th. We will need about 10 to 12 people to help serve. If you would like to give a few hours of your morning to serve we will be meeting at the INASMUCH facility at 531 Hillsboro Street at 7:15 a.m. Please call Bill & Sandy Holland for more information at 867-3284. Christmas Musical for all Ages “SeaSonS of Wonder” Sunday, December 22nd 6 PM 531 Hillsboro Street In the Sanctuary Camp Ground In-House Christmas Card Exchange It’s time to start writing your Christmas Cards so we can distribute them to one another. Sorting will begin Sunday, December 1st and will end Sunday, December 22nd. Remember our rest-home, sick, and shut-in members who would love to be flooded with thoughts and remembrances from the church congregation. Cards will be banded and filed alphabetically by last name. SHUT-IN ADDRESSES Jan Baker………………. 1515 Ashford Ave, Fayetteville, NC 28305 Ruth Blackburn………. 158 Gallery Drive, Unit 203, Spring Lake, NC 28390 Jackie Jordan………… Southern Pines Retirement Living - Apt. 132 205 SE Service Road, Southern Pines, NC 28387 John Patterson……….. NC State Veteran’s Nursing Home 214 Cochran Ave., Fayetteville, NC 28301 T. C. Pritchett ………... 4703 Rosehill Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28311 Joe Raynor…………... 2530 Dartmouth Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28304 Jim Sloan……………. Creekside Assisted Living 1124 Cedar Creek Rd., Fayetteville, NC 28301 CARE PACKAGE FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS If you have a college student we would like to keep track of them and send them a care package to lift them up as they burn the midnight oil studying. Fill out the form in your bulletin and drop it in the offering the church office with the students name and address. Thanks! Wesleyanna’s Annual Christmas Cookie Sale $15 a box Hurry before you miss the treat of the season!! Contact Carole Spillane, 850-5029 now to reserve your box of scrumptious assorted Christmas cookies. Pick up will be Friday, December 13th between 9 and 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall. All proceeds will be used by the Wesleyanna Women’s Circle to support Christian missions and projects throughout the following year. Only 200 boxes are available, so reserve yours now! 2013 Advent Devotional Advent booklets are now available You will find them located in the church narthex. One booklet will be given for each family. Additional booklets are available at a cost of $2.00 per book. Look for the box in the narthex to pay for additional books. (Proceeds from the sale of additional books will go to the United Methodist Women in support of missions.) November 15-17 was a memorable weekend of several spirited testimonies, classroom sessions and lots of good food. A team of Laity from churches all over the state came to assist our congregation with a rejuvenation of our spirit and series of informative seminars. The team shared experiences from their walk in faith and encouraged us to do the same. Where are the others? There are perhaps many excuses for not returning to give thanks. But there is really no excuse. Only a lack of gratitude and a selfish heart. The disease is still infecting one’s life. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) But one did come. One in ten, ten out of a hundred, a hundred out of a thousand, a thousand out of ten thousand, and on it goes. He did come. They did come. Why? He was and we are thankful. If for no other reason than the fact that we have been forgiven, we should be the most grateful people. If for no other reason, we should be on our knees giving thanks. If for no other reason, we should wake up on Sunday morning saying, “Thank God it’s Sunday! The Lord’s Day! One day out of seven that I am fortunate enough to get to gather with other believers to give thanks.” Sure, we’ve got to stand next to that person who can’t sing. Or they have to stand next to us. Sure, nobody spoke to you when you came in. Did you speak to anyone? Sure, that group over there seems to be better off, but only because they are better off for the same reason you are. That’s the reason we came. There is One who has made us better off, who has spoken to us, and who writes His song in our hearts and allows us by His grace to gather on Sundays to give Him thanks. The Bible says, “In all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” It doesn’t say give thanks for all things, but “in all things.” Why? Because in all things the Lord will provide His presence and power to sustain us and uphold us. What are some of the things you are thankful for? I am thankful most of all for His gift of grace, His Holy Spirit within me, and His promise of eternal life. I am thankful for Meleah. The Lord brought her into my life, and He has held our lives together. I am thankful for Rebecca. She has been and continues to be a great blessing to me. Her smile, her encouraging heart, her heart for others, and her constant faith in the Lord. I am even thankful for her husband, Josh. He is a young man with a heart for the Lord and a great love for Rebecca. I am thankful for my son, Joshua. I hold him before the Lord and look forward to seeing how the Lord will use him. I am thankful for my mom. I have watched her throughout the years grow in her faith. I am thankful for Meleah’s mom and dad. They have always loved and accepted me, even as a Methodist preacher. I am thankful for each of you here at Camp Ground. You have loved and accepted us with open hearts. The list could go on. It would include other family members, churches we have served, friends we have made. All of these and more. Like the one leper, we should be returning to give thanks. Many of us gathered with loved ones and family for Thanksgiving. Now Christmas is upon us. None of the things we receive under the tree will meet the real need in our lives. Our Heavenly Father reminds us and all the world that the One born in a manger needs to be born in our hearts. Our hearts are like the manger until He comes into our lives. The manger was just a manure trodden down stable with the smell of animals until the “Light of the World, the Prince of Peace, the King of kings, the Lord of Lords, was born. It was only then that this dirty place became the residence of the divine. And such is the case with us. It is only when Jesus comes into our lives that the disease of sin and its consequences can be cured. This is not an Advent or Christmas hymn, but it could be. The words are “Love divine, all loves excelling, joy of heaven to earth come down; Fix us in thy humble dwelling, all thy faithful mercies crown! Jesus, Thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love Thou art; visit us with Thy salvation, enter every trembling heart.” Joy of heaven to earth come down. He did! Fix in us Thy humble dwelling. He will! All compassion, pure, unbounded love. He is! Visit us with Thy salvation. He has! Enter every trembling heart. He will! Love divine, all loves excelling. Yes, yes, we have every reason to return day after day, week after week. We can be one out of ten, the ten out of a hundred, the hundred out of a thousand, who’s hearts heave been changed. Merry Christmas to all of you from Joshua, Rebecca and Josh, Meleah and me! Continue faithful to the Lord. He is always faithful! HAYWOOD The youth of Camp Ground packed 35 shoe boxes for this great ministry. Combined with the church we delivered 106 shoe boxes to be delivered overseas.