“From The Ground Up: North Carolina`s on the Ground College

Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
12th Annual Summer Public Health Research
Videoconference on Minority Health
“From The Ground Up:
North Carolina’s on the Ground College
Campus Campaign”
Discussant: Helen Lettlow, DrPH
HBCU Project Sites
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
This project engaged students in learning
about research and encouraged them to take
leadership to prevent tobacco use.
HBCUs include:
• Bennett College for Women
• North Carolina A&T State University in
• North Carolina Central University in Durham
Engage: Sister Chats
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
INSPIRE: Sister Chat with
Dr. M. Joycelyn Elders, Former U.S. Surgeon
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
Change: Point of Sale Project
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
Change: Point of Sale Project
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
HBCU Project Goals
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
The goals of the “On the Ground Smoking
Cessation and Prevention Project” are to:
– Reduce smoking among college students
– Strengthen campus smoking policies and
– Raise public awareness in surrounding
HBCU Project Goals
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
The initiative seeks to engage college students to
serve as effective communicators on these issues,
and work with faculty and local leaders to
develop resources to help reduce and prevent
tobacco use in surrounding communities.
Project Components
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• NC Institute of Minority Economic Development
– Administrative oversight
– Aid program evaluation
– Enhance sustainability
• Bennett College for Women
– Peer Health Advocates
– Sister Chats
– Targeted marketed practices by neighborhood
– Smoke free campus
Project Components
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• NC A&T University
– Student Researcher/Advocates
– Media Broadcast
• North Carolina Central University
Research: Multi-Site Survey
Web Based Survey
Tobacco policy courses
Smoke free dormitories
Starting with National Research
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• Reports of college students’ tobacco use range from
27% to 34%. (American Legacy Foundation, 2003; Rigotti, Moran and
Wechlser, 2005)
ƒ 10% to 20% of college students initiate smoking or
become regular smokers while they are in college.
(Rigotti, Moran and Wechlser, 2005)
• In 2004, African Americans made up 12% of collegestudent population at 4-year institutions.
HBCUs Setting the Research Agenda
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• Prior research has been mainly conducted in nonminority college settings.
• Minimal evidence to support considerations of
cultural competency in prior research findings.
• Little is known about the prevalence, social norms
and patterns of smoking among students attending
HBCUs Setting the Research Agenda
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
Social Norms:
• The majority of the students (83.6%) responded that
smoking was discouraged among their peers.
• 8.9% of smokers reported that they prefer associating
with peers who smoke compared to less than 1% (.8%)
of non-smokers.
• 13.9% of current smokers compared to 43.8% of non
smokers reported that none of their closest friends
HBCU Research Findings
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
Reasons for Smoking By Race:
African Americans
• “Like the sensation I get” (25.5%);
• “ Don’t Know” (23.6%)
• “Other” (23.6%)
Whites and Other
• “Habit I can’t control” (40.5%)
• “Like the sensation I get” (20%)
• “Social tool” (16%).
Enhancing HBCU Research Capacity
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
In the past 12 months, the most common ways
students sought help for quitting were:
• Sought information from the website or use web-based
program (14.1%).
• Attended a smoking cessation or health education
program at school (10.6%).
• Used medicine to help them stop (9.9%)
HBCU Research Findings
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
Leading reasons given by smokers for not being able
to stop smoking:
• Strong cravings for a cigarette (44.2%)
• Feelings of irritability (29.3%).
• Peer influence (23.2%)
• Lack social support (22.6%)
What Cessation Programs are perceived
as beneficial?
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• Self-help” (49.6%)
• Peer support (46.1%)
• School based programs (39.1%)
• Family support models (34.7%)
• Peer education models (26.7%)
Developing Students as Tobacco
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
North Carolina A&T Student Advocacy
Three objectives:
1. Student recruiting, training, and
2. Engaging the Campus and Community
3. Achieving buy-in among faculty and
Recruiting – What’s in it for me
Making Tobacco Control Relevant to Faculty &
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
Administration & Faculty
• Academics
• Service Learning
• Multidisciplinary
• Good PR
• Grants and research
Service Learning
Good PR
Exposure to research and
new experiences
• Develop relationships with
campus and community
Research – Storefront Data
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
Compared A&T to UNC-G’s
1. Number of signs and ads
2. Placement of signs
3. Sale of loose cigarettes
4. Sale of designer cigars
5. Visibility of prevention signs
6. Merchants checking ID
before selling tobacco
Student-Led Radio Program
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
LISTEN UP: Talking Tobacco in Your Community
Wednesday 5:30 p.m. -- February 23 to April 27, 2005
February 23 –The Price You Pay - A Conversation with Physicians
Guests: Dr. Percy Jones, MD and Dr. George Kilpatrick, MD
March 2 – How One Greensboro Community Feels About Tobacco
Guests: Ms. Gloria Rankin, Ms. Mary Gillette, and Ms. Malaika
March 9 – Victims of Tobacco Related Illnesses: Survivors Speak
Guest: Mr. Wade Hampton
March 16 – Tobacco Use on A&T ‘s Campus
Guests: Student Researchers
Engaging the Campus and Community
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
Research Training
Student-Led Radio Program
Education Programs & Presentations
Community Involvement
Engaging the local community
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• Examined an Issue of Importance to the
Entire Community
• Provided Culturally Appropriate
Information/Messages to Community
In Summary
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• North Carolina has been a fertile ground for
establishing this intervention with 11 Historically
Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
• North Carolina has the distinction of having the
largest number of HBCUs of any state.
• The On The Ground Project represents an opportunity
to serve a population often overlooked in tobacco
Synergy and Sustainability
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• This project created an opportunity to:
• Enhance the collaboration of NC based
• Showcase a model for future partnerships
• Secure additional grants funds from NC
Health Trust Fund
Capacity Building
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• Enhanced the role of HBCUs in the tobacco
control movement
• Trained and developed student leaders
• Enhanced research capacity
• Provided tools for program evaluation
Priority Populations Initiative
Phase II
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• This initiative has been successful.
• Phase II of the Priority Population Initiative will
include funding to expand key aspects of the current
HBCU Initiative.
Building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit
• Minority serving educational institutions will be
invited to submit a funding application later this
• More information about Legacy’s programs may
be found at www.americanlegacy.org.