FTP File Transter Protocol Application Layer Telnet Responsible for interaction with the operating system and providing interface to the system (e.g., FTP, TELNET, SMTP). Serving as a window for applications to access network services, it handles general network access, flow control, error recovery and file transfers. X Windows HTTP WWW Hyper Text Transfer Protocol GDP Cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol RLOGIN Remote Unix Login RSHELL Remote Unix Shell PRINT Remote Unix Print (Ipr) REXEC Remote Unix Exec SSH Secure Shell T.127 (MBFT) From TCP RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol INAP Intelligent Network Application Protocol Audio Signal G.711 G.728 Video Signal G.722 G.729 H.261 SNA Transactions Services VLR AUC Visitor Location Authentication Register Center T.126 (SI) NTP Network Time Protocol TACACS Access Control Protocol Data RTSP Real-Time Streaming Protocol EIR Equipment Identity Register IS41/MAP Mobile Application Part HLR Home Location Register NFS Network File System PMAP Port Mapper MOUNT Mount Server From IP From NetBIOS From SPP ND SUN Network Disk From TCP RWHO Remote Unix WHO Protocol RSTAT Remote Statistics NIS Network Information Services H.263 G.723.1 IBM SUN NFS TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part TUP Telephone User Part DCA Document Control Architecture DIA Document Interchange Architecture DDM Distributed Data Management SNA/DS Distributed Services SNA/MS Management Services Novell NetWare X.25 NWSERIAL Novell Serialization Protocol PAD (X.29) Packet Assembly/ Disassembly NWDIAG IPX Diagnostic Support Protocol NetWare Lite SNA/FS File Services NCP NetWare Core Protocol LSP NetWare Lite Sideband Protocol ISO NWBCAST NetWare Broadcast Message Notification NWWDOG NetWare Watchdog Protocol NDS NetWare Directory Service NLP NetWare Lite Protocol IBM NM IBM Network Management From IP ISUP ISDN User Part From SPX SPXII SMB Server Message Block CMIP Common Management Information Protocol FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management VTP Virtual Terminal Protocol CMISE Common Management Information Service Element MMS Manufacturing Messaging Service ODA Office Document Architecture X.500 Directory Services X.400 Electronic Mail BMP Burst Mode Type SAP Service Advertising Protocol XNS ROSE Remote Operations Service Element ACSE Association Control Service Element AppleTalk AFP AppleTalk Filing Protocol XNS Filing XNS Mail XNS Printing XNS Virtual Terminal 7 RTSE Reliable Transfer Service Element Presentation Services Presentation Layer SCS SNA Character Stream Responsible for meaningful exchange of data. Performing generally useful transformations on data to provide a standardized application interface and common communications services, it also provides services such as encryption, text compression and reformatting. 6 6 XNS Courier IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream Postscript TOPS PAP Printer Access Protocol SoftTalk ISO PP Presentation Protocol LU 6.2 Logical Unit 6.2 3270 Data Stream To MPTN Transport Layer 4 NetBIOSNS (TCP/IP) Name Server LDAP Light Weight Access Protocol XOT Cisco Systems X.25 over TCP To X.25 Responsible for reliable, transparent transfer of data between end points. Providing end-to-end error recovery and flow control, it deals with packet handling, repackaging of messages, dividing messages into smaller packets and error handling. DNS Domain Name Server DSMCC (MPEG) Digital Storage Media Protocol RTCP Real-Time Transport Control Protocol NetBIOSDGM (TCP/IP) Datagram Protocol TPKT OSI Upper TCP/IP RAS Registration Admissions and Status RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol To SMB Supplementary Services H.450.3 To DLSw H.450.2 X.224.0 (ISO TP) H.450.1 H.235 From From From From TCP X.25 IPX Q.922 Control XTP Express Transport Protocol UDP User Datagram Protocol TCP Transport Control Protocol ASP AppleTalk Session Protocol ISO SP Session Protocol GSM/CDMA T.124 (GCC) T.125/T.122 (MCS) Mobile IP Mobile Internet Protocol DVMRP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol Data Flow Control 5 From UDP To ISDN ISO DE ISO Development Environment To ISO TP RPC Remote Procedure Call SESSION To SMB NetBIOSSSN (TCP/IP) Session Protocol H.245 B-ISUP B-ISDN User Part DUP Data User Part H.225 (Q.931) BSSMAP Base Station System Management Application Part DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part BSSAP Base Station System Application Part BTSM BSC-BTM Interface Layer 3 SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part From LAPD To SMB SS Supplementary Services NetBIOS (Novell) MM Mobility Management RR Radio Resource CM/CC Connection Management Call Control NetBIOS (ISO) To SMB SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange Transmission Control Request/ Response Header NBP (AppleTalk) Name Binding Protocol SPX II Sequenced Packet Exchange ISO TP Transport Protocol SMS Short Message Service SPP Sequenced Packet Protocol To SMB To MDLP ATP AppleTalk Transaction Protocol PEP Packet Exchange Protocol 4 ADSP AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol KSP Kiewit Stream Protocol TRANSPORT Responsible for support of connections between sessions, administrative tasks and security. Providing the control structure for communication between applications, it establishes, manages and terminates connections (sessions) between cooperating applications. 5 SESSION HTTPS Secure HTTP Remote Unix IMAP4 Internet Message Access Protocol Session Layer TRANSPORT TACACS+ Access Control Protocol Security TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol Telephony (SS7, V5, Cellular) H.323 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 From ISO DE From TPKT Network Layer Responsible for addressing and control functions (e.g., routing) necessary to move data through the network. This covers establishing, maintaining and terminating connections including packet switching, routing, data congestion, reassembly of data and translation of logical addresses to physical addresses. 3 PIM Protocol Independent Multicast ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol Routing GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation E-IGRP Cisco Enhanced IGRP NHRP Next Hope Routing Protocol GGP Gateway to Gateway Protocol HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol IGRP Cisco Inter-Gateway Routing Protocol OSPF Open Shortest Path First Protocol NARP NBMA Address Resolution Protocol IP Internet Protocol NETWORK To To To From ND XTP ISOTP SLIP CSLIP From From PPP X.25 IP Switching TDP Tag Distribution Protocol RSRB Cisco Remote Source Route Bridging Responsible for error-free transmission and establishing logical connections between stations. This is achieved by packaging raw bits from the physical layer into blocks of data (frames) and sending these frames with the necessary synchronization, error control and flow control. 2 To Token Ring ESP IP Encapsulation Security Payload L2F Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol Trailers Berkeley Trailers Encapsulation ARP Address Resolution Protocol SIP L3 SMDS Interface Protocol Level 3 GMM GPRS Mobility Management SMS Short Message Service RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol IARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol GTP GPRS Tunneling Protocol To IP From TCP SLARP Cisco Serial Line Address Resolution Protocol STUN-SDLC Serial Tunneling of SDLC Wellfleet SRB Wellfleet Source Route Bridging Echo (XNS) CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol Echo (IPX) V5 CONTROL To X.25 V5 PSTN V5 LINK CONTROL From ATM Routing RIP (NOVELL) Routing Information Protocol MPTN AnyNet Multi-Protocol Transport Networking NetBIOS NetBEUI RPL Remote Program Load From Token Ring From FDDI From X.25 From Ethernet From UDP IPX Internet Packet Exchange Routing To To To PPP QLLC IP X.25 Packet Layer Protocol X.75 Packet Switched Signaling between Public Networks ES-IS End System to Intermediate System Routing From LAPB 3 Error (XNS) Routing RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol IPX PING To FTP Telnet V5 BCC MTP3 Message Transfer Part Level 3 ZIP Zone Information Protocol Path Control From SDLC RIP (XNS) Routing Information Protocol IDRP Interdomain Routing Protocol IS-IS Intermediate Routing Protocol AURP AppleTalk Update Routing Protocol To SMB NLSP Netware Link Services Protocol AEP AppleTalk Echo Protocol NetBIOS (3COM) IDP Internet Datagram Protocol From UDP DDP Datagram Delivery Protocol Tunneling (AppleTalk) IPX WAN To SNMP To TCP CSLIP Compressed Slip To SDLC Error (IPX) To IP NM Network Management AH IP Authentication Header Address Resolution Tunneling SNDCP Sub Network Dependent Convergence Protocol APPN Advanced Peer to Peer Networking IP Security MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching Data Link Layer To Frame Relay HPR High Performance Routing V5 PROTECTION GPRS RIP (TCP/IP) Routing Information Protocol BGP Border Gateway Protocol IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol V5 BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol NETWORK PRESENTATION APPLICATION 7 Internet Management CMOT SNMP CMIP Simple over TCP Network Management Protocol SMTP POP3 Simple Post Mail Office Transfer Protocol Protocol Version 3 P R O T O C O L S APPLICATION TCP/IP O F PRESENTATION W O R L D IBM RT Distributed Services Header To SNA SSP From From From SNA TCP UDP 2 LAPV5 SLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control MTP2 Message Transfer Part Level 2 To RI V5 DLSw Data Link Switching: Switch-to-Switch Protocol From TCP QLLC Qualified Logical Link Control From X.25 From LAPB MLP (X.25) Multi-Link Protocol AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol U-B Ungermann -Bass Header LAP (AppleTalk) Link Access Protocol ISO 9577 ETHERTYPE SNAP Sub-Network Access Protocol To Token Ring To Ethernet LLC 802.2 IEEE 802.1p DXI (SMDS) Data Exchange Interface IEEE 802.1Q MAC (Token Ring) Medium Access Control BPDU Bridge Spanning Tree Protocol DATA LINK Ethernet DIX V2 IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface MAC (FDDI) Medium Access Control MPOA Multi Protocol Over ATM MPEG-2 Motion Picture Expert Group NS-Network SIP L2 SMDS Interface Protocol Level 2 IEEE 802.6 DQDB Distributed Queue Dual Bus DXI (ATM) Data Exchange Interface From Frame Relay Q.93B Q.2971 Q.2140 (SS7) Q.2931 Q.SAAL To DS1 AAL1 AAL2 AAL3/4 ATM Cells SSCOP Service-Specific ConnectionOriented Protocol AAL5 Q.931 PNNI (ATM) Private Networkto-Network Interface To Frame Relay LAPD Link Access Procedure D Channel OAM (ATM) Operations and Maintenance From From E1,E3 SMDS PAP Password Authentication Protocol LQR Link Quality Report LEX LAN Extension Protocol LCP Link Control Protocol SDTP PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol BAP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol To Ethernet PPP-BPDU PPP Bridging Protocol To Token Ring To To To To TCP IDP IPX DDP To FDDI Q.933 Annex A Control Protocols PPP Point-to-Point Protocol To To XNS IP MPPC Microsoft PPP Compression Protocol IPXCP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol To To SNA ISO MLP (PPP) Multi-Link Protocol LZS Compression Protocol for PPP OSINLCP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol XNSCP XNS Control Protocol CSCP Cisco Systems Control Protocol CLLM Consolidated Link Layer Management T1.617 Annex D BCP Bridging Control Protocol ECP Encryption Control Protocol ATCP AppleTalk Control Protocol SDCP PPP Serial Data Control Protocol LEXCP LAN Extension Control Protocol SPCP Stream Protocol Control Protocol NBFCP NetBios Frames Control Protocol BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol SNACP SNA Control Protocol CCP Compression Control Protocol IPCP Internet Protocol Control Protocol SVC (Frame Relay) Switched Virtual Connection Control Message HDLC High-Level Data-Link Control Frame Relay Link Access Procedure to Frame Mode Bearer Services (LAPF) From X.400 To Ethernet To X.25 LAPB Link Access Procedure Balanced Cisco SLE Cisco Serial Line Encoding Wellfleet PPP LMI (Frame Relay) Local Management Interface ASP (CDPD) Accounting Services Protocol MNLP Mobile Network Location Protocol MNRP Mobile Network Registration Protocol AirLink Security To IP To TCP SNDCP SubnetworkDependent Convergence Protocol From ISO TP MDLP Mobile Data Link Protocol Router/Bridge From CLNP RRM Radio Resource Management 100 VG-AnyLAN Ethernet 50 ohm coax Thin Wire 50 ohm coax Broadband 75 ohm coax Carrier Phase Continuous 10 BASE-T 10 BASE-5 10 BASE-2 10 BASE-F 10 BROAD 36 1 BASE -5 100 BASE-T 100 BASE-F IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet 1000 BASE-LX 1000 BASE-SX Carrier Phase Coherent Broadband Multilevel Duobinary Shielded Twisted Pair 4/16 Mbps Unshielded Twisted Pair 4/16 Mbps Fiber Optic 4/16 Mbps Fiber Optic 100 Mbps SIP L1 SMDS Interface Protocol Level 1 DSO PLCP 64 kbps xDSL G.703 PLCP Shielded Twisted Pair SDDI 100 Mbps Copper Twisted Pair CDDI 100 Mbps HDSL High Bit Rate DSL MTP1 Message Transfer Part Level 1 DS1 PLCP OS1 1.544 Mbps SDH/SONET OC-1 51.840 Mbps DS3 PLCP OS3 45 Mbps STM-1 0C-3 155.520 Mbps STM-4 0C-12 622 Mbps STM-16 0C-48 2488 Gbps 25 Mbps ATM PDH-G.804 E1 PLCP E1 2.048 Mbps E3 PLCP E3 34.368 Mbps RADSL Rate Adaptive DSL DS1 1.544 Mbps DS2/J2 6.24 Mbps ADSL Asymmetric DSL DS3 45 Mbps DS4 140 Mbps SDSL Symmetric DSL To PPP TAXI 100 Mbps V.36 or RS-449 V.21 AT&T 103 300 bps AT&T 209 9600 bps V.22 AT&T 212 1200 bps V.27bis 4800 bps V.29 9600 bps V.32 9600 bps To Frame Relay To LAPB ISDN-B 64 Kbps ISDN-D 16 Kbps BRI 64 Kbps PRI Interface Standards RS-530 V.35 V.24 or RS-232 V.11 or X.21 HSSI High Speed Serial Interface V.22 bis 2400 bps V.26 2400 bps V.26 bis 2400 bps V.33 14.4 kbps V.42 V.42 bis MAC (CDPD) Medium Access Control (Cellular Digital Packet Data) Cellular Modems 1 Modem Standards ISDN-HO 384 Kbps ISDN-H11 1.563 Kbps ISDN-H12 1.920 Kbps CDPD PHYSICAL Responsible for the transmission of unstructured bit streams over a physical medium. This covers the mechanical, electrical and procedural characteristics required to establish, maintain and deactivate physical links. Signaling UNI (ATM) CES Circuit Emulation Service From SNAP DXI (Cisco) Data Exchange Interface LANE (ATM) LAN Emulation V,E,T Series 1 To ATM Cell LAN POS-WOP v.L.0 IEEE 802.5 Token Ring SMT FDDI Station Management ILMI (ATM) Interim Local Management Interface CIF Cell In Frames From T1,T3 Physical Layer PHYSICAL IEEE 802.4 Token Bus RI Source Routing Indicators BSSGP Base Station System GPRS Protocol DATA LINK LMI (SMDS) Local Management Interface Protocol information and updates: SMDS ATM www.protocols.com ISDN RADCOM home page: Product brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners and are mentioned for reference only. Information subject to change without notice. RADCOM makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. RADCOM is not liable for errors contained herein. PPP Frame Relay www.radcom-inc.com International Headquarters: Radcom Ltd., 12 Hanechoshet Street, Tel-Aviv 69710, Israel Tel: +972-3-6455055, Fax: +972-3-6474681, E-mail: info@radcom.co.il US Office: Radcom Equipment Inc., 575 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, NJ 07430, USA. Tel: (201) 529-2020, Fax: (201) 529-0808,1-800-RADCOM-4