Canonical decomposition of linear transformations of two independent Brownian motions1 Hans Follmer Ching-Tang Wu Institut fur Mathematik Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin Unter den Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin, Germany e-mail: Marc Yor Laboratoire de Probabilit es Universit e Pierre et Marie Curie 4, Place Jussieu, F-75252 Paris, France Abstract Motivated by the Kyle-Back model of \insider trading", we consider certain classes of linear transformations of two independent Brownian motions and study their canonical decomposition as semimartingales in their own ltration. In particular we characterize those transformations which generate again a Brownian motion. Keywords: Brownian motion, canonical decomposition, enlargement of l- tration, insider trading, stochastic ltering theory, Sturm-Liouville equation, Volterra kernels. JEL classication: D82, G14. AMS 1991 subject classication: 45D05, 60G15, 60G35, 60H05, 60H30, 90A09. Support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 373 \Quantikation und Simulation okonomischer Prozesse" and Berliner Graduiertenkolleg \Stochastische Prozesse und probabilistische Analysis") is gratefully acknowledged. 1 Canonical Decomposition 1 1 Introduction Consider two independent Brownian motions (Wt)t 0 and (W~ t)t 0. We study solutions X of stochastic dierential equations dXt = dWt + Ytdt (1) driven by W , where the drift Y depends linearly on X and W~ . Our purpose is to derive the canonical decomposition of X as a semimartingale in its own ltration (FtX ) and to characterize those cases where X is again a Brownian motion. As a simple example consider the Brownian bridge from 0 to W~ 1 dened by (1), where the drift is given by ~ ; Xt (2) Yt = W11 ; t : The process X is a new Brownian motion such that X1 = W~ 1. This example plays a crucial role in the Kyle-Back model of \insider trading"(see Kyle 14] and Back 2]). The \insider" knows in advance the nal value W~ 1. He applies the drift (2) in order to modify the original Brownian motion W in such a way that (i) the resulting process X ends up in W~ 1, and (ii) the distribution of the process remains unchanged, i.e., X is again a Brownian motion. Condition (i) guarantees that the strategy maximizes the insider's expected gain cf. Back 2]. Condition (ii) corresponds to the notion of equilibrium as dened in Back 2]. Let us now modify the example as follows. Suppose that the \insider" cannot anticipate the nal value W~ 1 from the beginning. Instead, his \insider information" consists in observing the second Brownian motion W~ . This suggests to replace the anticipating drift (2) by the adapted drift ~ Xt Yt = W1t ; (3) ;t : The resulting process X converges again to W~ 1. But its distribution has changed: X is no longer a Brownian motion. In section 2 we determine explicitly its canonical decomposition as a semimartingale in its own ltration (FtX ). 2 Canonical Decomposition This example suggests to study a more general class of processes of the form (1) where the drift is given as a time-dependent linear function in X and W~ , i.e., Yt = f (t)W~ t + h(t)Xt (4) for functions f and h in C 1(0 1) satisfying some mild integrability conditions. In section 3, we derive the canonical decomposition of X in its own ltration. To this end, we consider the Radon-Nikodym density D of the law of X with respect to that of W . We express D in terms of (W W~ ), and we compute in closed form E DjW ], its conditional expectation with respect to W . Applying one more time the Girsanov transformation we obtain the canonical decomposition of X . In order to formulate the result, we introduce the fundamental solution (t) of the Sturm-Liouville equation 00(t) = f 2(t)(t) (5) with boundary conditions (0) = 0 and 0(0+) = 1. The canonical decomposition of X is given by Xt = Bt + Zt 0 (f (u)ku (Xv v u) + h(u)Xu ) du where (Bt) is an (FtX )-Brownian motion and the functional ku is given by Zu ku (Xs s u) = 1(u) 0 (v)(f (v)dXv ; f (v)h(v)Xv dv): An alternative method consists in applying the stochastic ltering theory for Gaussian processes. This is explained in section 4. There we consider stochastic dierential equations (1) where the drift is given by an adapted linear transformation of X and W~ , i.e., 0 Zt dXt = dWt + ( 0 F (t u)dW~ u + Zt 0 H (t u)dXu )dt (6) with some square-integrable Volterra kernels F and H see the denition in section 3.2. Theorem 4.1 shows that the canonical decomposition of X is of the form ZtZs Xt = Bt + 0 ( 0 GF (s u)dBu + Zs 0 H (s u)dXu )ds (7) Canonical Decomposition 3 where (Bt) is a standard Brownian motion with respect to (FtX ) and GF is the square-integrable Volterra kernel determined by the equation Zs 0 F (s u)F (t u)du = GF (t s) + Zs 0 GF (s u)GF (t u)du: (8) In the special cases considered in section 3, the kernel GF can be identied in terms of the solution of a Sturm-Liouville equation. In section 5.1 we return to the discussion of properties (i) and (ii) which appeared in our initial example (2). In the general context of equation (6) where the drift Y is a linear functional of the past of X and W~ , we characterize those cases which satisfy condition (ii), i.e., the resulting process X is again a Brownian motion. The criterion is that H (t u) = ;GF (t u) where GF is given by (8). But it is not possible to obtain at the same time condition (i), i.e., to tie such a Brownian motion X to the endpoint of the Brownian motion W~ . In fact, the simple argument of Proposition 5.1 shows that there is no adapted drift (Yt) such that the solution X of (1) is a Brownian motion with endpoint X1 = W~ 1. In section 5.2 we point out the following connection to an enlargement of ltration. First we note that a Brownian motion X , given as the solution of equation (7) with H = ;GF , can be expressed directly in terms of W and W~ : Zt Zt Zt dXt = dWt + 0 LF (t u)dWu + 0 (F (t u) + u LF (t v)F (v u)dv)dW~ u dt (9) where LF denotes the resolvent kernel of GF see (67). In the special case F (t u) = f (t), this can be reduced to Wt = Xt ; Zu Z t f (u) Z u 0(v )dW ~ ( ; f (v)(v)dWv )du v 0 0 (u) 0 0 where (t) is the solution of the Sturm-Liouville equation (5). This representation of W in terms of the Brownian motion X can be viewed, after time reversal, as the decomposition of a Brownian motion in some enlarged Gaussian ltration. 4 Canonical Decomposition 2 A bridge between two Brownian motions Let ( F IP ) be a probability space and (Wt)0t1 be a standard Brownian motion with respect to its canonical ltration (FtW )0t1. Now let (W~ t)0t1 be another standard Brownian motion on the same probability space which is independent of (Wt)0t1 , and denote by (Ft)0t1 the ltration generated by these two Brownian motions. We know that the solution (X~t)0t1 of the stochastic dierential equation ~ ~ (10) dX~t = dWt + W11 ;; tXt dt with initial value X~0 = 0, is a standard Brownian motion which converges to the nal value W~ 1 (cf., for example, Jeulin-Yor 8]). Now we look at the process (Xt)0t1 starting in X0 = 0 which is dened by the stochastic dierential equation ~ Xt (11) dXt = dWt + W1t ; ; t dt: Clearly, for any t 2 0 1], Xt is normally distributed, and hX it = t. The following Lemma shows that Xt approaches W~ 1 as t ! 1. However, we will see that (Xt )0t1 is no longer a Brownian motion. Lemma 2.1 Xt ! W~ 1 as t ! 1: Proof. The explicit solution of (11) is given by Zt W Zt 1 ~s Xt = (1 ; t) 0 (1 ; s)2 ds + (1 ; t) 0 (1 ; s) dWs : (12) The rst term approaches W~ 1 and the second goes to 0 as t ! 1,1 and this implies the result. Alternatively, we could note that the process 2; 2 (X ; W~ ) satises the equation of a Brownian bridge tied down to the nal value 0. 2 Lemma 2.2 For 0 s t < 1, we have E XtW~ t] = t + (1 ; t) log(1 ; t) (13) and the covariance function of X is given by E XsXt ] = s + 2s(1 ; t) + (2 ; s ; t) log(1 ; s): (14) Canonical Decomposition 5 Proof. Applying the integration by parts formula in the rst formula in (12), the solution of (11) is given by Z t dW ~s s ; dW ~ 1 ; s + Wt: Since (Wt) and (W~ t) are independent, we establish ZtW ~ ~ ~ E XtWt] = t + (1 ; t)E 0 t(dW1 s;;s dWs ) = t + (1 ; t) log(1 ; t) and 2Z !2 3 s dWu ; dW ~ u 5 E Xs Xt] = E W~ sW~ t] + (1 ; t)(1 ; s)E 4 0 1 ; u " Zs " Zt ~u# ~u# dW dW u ; dW u ; dW ~ ~ + (1 ; s)E Wt + (1 ; t)E Ws 1;u 1;u 0 0 = s + 2s(1 ; t) + (2 ; s ; t) log(1 ; s): Xt = (1 ; t) 0 2 This Lemma shows that (Xt)0t1 is not a Brownian motion, since its covariance function diers from t ^ s. But from (11) we see that it is a semimartingale with respect to (Ft)0t1, and therefore it is obviously a semimartingale relative to its natural ltration. A natural question is: what is the explicit form of its canonical decomposition? That is the problem we want to discuss in this section. Lemma 2.3 Suppose that the process (Xt)t 0 is given by Xt = Wt + Zt 0 Yu du with a Brownian motion (Wt)t 0 adapted to a ltration (Ft)t 0 and an (Ft)R adapted process (Yt )t 0 satisfying 0t E jYu jdu < 1 for all t. (1) The canonical decomposition of X in its natural ltration (FtX ) is given by Zt Xt = Bt + E Yu jFuX ]du (15) 0 6 Canonical Decomposition where the process B dened by (15) is an (FtX )-Brownian motion, which is often called the innovation process of X . In particular, (Xt ) is a Brownian motion if and only if E YujFuX ] = 0 dIP du ; a:s:: (2) Furthermore, if the function s 7;! Ys is L1-continuous on (0 1) and if (Xt)t 0 is a Gaussian process, then (Xt)t 0 is a Brownian motion if and only if for all 0 < s t. E (Xs Yt) = 0 (16) Proof of Lemma 2.3. (1) The rst part of the rst assertion is the Innovation Theorem by Shiryaev and Kailath, the proof of which can be found in Hida-Hitsuda 5] or Liptser-Shiryaev 15]. The second part is immediate from the uniqueness of the canonical decomposition of X in (FtX ). (2) As to the second assertion, suppose (Xt ) is a Brownian motion. Then E (Xs Wt) = E (XsWs ) = s + Therefore, Zt 0 Zs 0 E (Yu Xs )du = s ; E (Xs Wt) = ; E (YuWs )du: Zs 0 E (YuWs )du: Taking derivatives with respect to t on both sides, we obtain (16). Conversely, from Stricker 18] we know that if X is a Gaussian R t semimartingale, then its canonical decomposition is Gaussian, i.e., (Xt 0 E YujFuX ]du)t 0 is a Gaussian process. Since s 7;! Ys is L1-continuous, (Xt E YtjFtX ])t 0 is Gaussian. From (16) we have E YtjFtX ] = 0, and so X is a Brownian motion due to (15). 2 Corollary 2.1 Let the process (Xt)0t1 satisfy (11). Then the process B , dened as Bt := Xt ; Z t E W ~ u jFuX ] ; Xu 1;u X is a Brownian motion relative to (Ft )0t1. 0 du Canonical Decomposition Proof. Set 7 ~ Yu = W1u ;; uXu then from the rst assertion in Lemma 2.3, we obtain the required result. 2 Therefore, we have only to compute the conditional expectation of W~ t relative to FtX , the goal we want to reach in this section. p p Lemma 2.4 Set A := 12 (1 + 5) and B := 21 (1 ; 5). Then for 0 t < 1, Zt ;A;1 ; t)(1 ; u);B;1 X du E W~ tjFtX ] = 0 B (1 ; t)(1A;(1u); t)A ;; BA(1 u (1 ; t)B (1 ; t)B ; (1 ; t)A X : (17) + A(1 ; t)A ; B (1 ; t)B t Proof. Let us assume the conditional expectation of W~ t with respect to X Ft is of the form E W~ tjFtX ] = Zt 0 a(u t)Xudu + b(t)Xt: Apply the projection property of the conditional expectation: E Xs(W~ t ; E W~ tjFtX ])] = 0 for all 0 s t < 1, as well as the martingale property to obtain Zt E (Xs W~ s) ; b(t)E (XsXt ) = 0 a(u t)E (XsXu )du: Using (13), (14) and computing explicitly the left hand side (LHS) and the right hand side (RHS) in this equation, we get LHS = s1 ; (3 ; 2t)b(t)] + log(1 ; s)1 ; (2 ; t)b(t)] + s log(1 ; s)b(t) ; 1]: Zs a(u t)(u + 2u(1 ; s) + (2 ; s ; u) log(1 ; u))du + a(u t)(s + 2s(1 ; u) + (2 ; s ; u) log(1 ; s))du: s RHS = Z 0t Taking the second derivatives with respect to s on both sides implies 1 ; b(t)(t ; s) = ;a(s t) + Z t a(u t)(u ; s) du: 1 ; s (1 ; s)2 (1 ; s)2 s 8 Canonical Decomposition Multiplication of both sides with (1 ; s)2 leads to: 1 ; s ; b(t)(t ; s) = ;a(s t)(1 ; s) + 2 Zt s a(u t)(u ; s)du: Taking two further derivatives with respect to s on both sides we get (1 ; s)2a00(s t) ; 4(1 ; s)a0(s t) + a(s t) = 0: The solution of this dierential equation is given by a(s t) = c1(t)(1 ; s)(;A;1) + c2(t)(1 ; s)(;B;1): Substituting this equation in RHS and comparing the coe!cients of s, log(1; s) and s log(1 ; s) in LHS and RHS, we derive the desired result. 2 Using It^o's product rule, we can rewrite the conditional expectation in (17) as E W~ tjFtX ] = Z t (B + 1)(1 ; s);A ; (A + 1)(1 ; s);B 0 A(1 ; t);B ; B (1 ; t);A dXs + Xt : (18) Therefore, Corollary 2.1 allows us to conclude: Proposition 2.1 The canonical decomposition of X is given by Z tZ u ; s);A ; (A + 1)(1 ; s);B dX du Xt = Bt + 0 0 (B + 1)(1 s A(1 ; u)A ; B (1 ; u)B for 0 t < 1. (19) Remark 2.1 Using It^o's product rule, the representation (19) can be rewritten in the form: Z t " (B + 1)(1 ; s)B ; (A + 1)(1 ; s)A Xt = Bt + 0 A(1 ; t)A ; B (1 ; t)B # ;B ; (B + 1)(1 ; s);A ( A + 1)(1 ; s ) + dXs : A(1 ; t);B ; B (1 ; t);A Canonical Decomposition 9 Remark 2.2 Let (Xt)0t1, a centered Gaussian semimartingale, be of the form Xt = Wt + Zt 0 Ysds: A result of Hitsuda 7] states that the conditional expectation E YsjFsX ] is equal to the (orthogonal) projection of Ys to the space Hs (X ), which is the 2 RLs -closure of the set that consists of all stochastic integrals of the form: 0 f (u)dXu with bounded Borel function f . In our situation (11), the explicit form of this projection is given by (19). 3 Canonical decompositions, Sturm-Liouville equations, and Volterra representations Now we consider the case where the process (Xt)0t1 satises the stochastic dierential equation: dXt = dWt + (f (t)W~ t + h(t)Xt)dt (20) with initial value X0 = 0. The functions f and h are assumed to belong to C 1(0 1) \ A(0 1), where Rthe space A(0 1) is dened as the set of all measurable functions with 0t s2(s)ds < 1, for all t < 1. From Girsanov's transformation, the law of (Xs s t), for any t < 1, may be written in terms of that of (W W~ ) via the following formula: E F (Xs s t)] = E F (Ws s t) Et] where F is a measurable functional and Zt Z (21) t Et = exp( 0 (f (u)W~ u + h(u)Wu)dWu ; 12 0 (f (u)W~ u + h(u)Wu)2du): Since (Et)0t<1 is a martingale with respect to (Ft), the natural ltration generated by (Wt)0t1 and (W~ t)0t1, we know #t := E (EtjFtW ) is also a martingale with respect to (FtW )0t<1. Once we have obtained in the next section a closed form of #t, we shall apply again Girsanov's transformation to get the canonical decomposition of (Xt)0t<1. 10 Canonical Decomposition 3.1 Computation of t Obviously, Et may be decomposed as: Et = Et(1)Et(2), where Zt Zt 1 (1) Et := expf 0 h(u)WudWu ; 2 0 h2(u)Wu2dug and Zt Zt Zt 1 (2) ~ ~ Et := expf 0 f (u)Wu dWu ; 0 f (u)h(u)Wu Wudu ; 2 0 f 2(u)W~ u2dug so that #t = Et(1)E Et(2)jFtW ]: Thus, in order to compute #t, it will su!ce to obtain a "robust" formula for I (t), the expectation of: Zt Zt 1 ~ E (t) = exp( 0 Ws (ds) ; 2 0 W~ s2(ds)) with the measure (ds) := f 2(s)ds, and (ds) a generic signed measure. Later, we shall justify the replacement of (ds) by the Gaussian \measure": W (ds) := f (s)dWs ; f (s)h(s)Ws ds: In order to present the next \explicit" formula for I (t), we need to introduce two fundamental solutions $(u) and (u) of the Sturm-Liouville equation: (du) = (du)(u) relative to a measure , which are characterized by: (i) $(u) is decreasing, and satises $(0) = 1 (ii) (u) satises (0) = 0 and (0+) = 1. An important relation between $(u) and (u) is Zu (22) (u) = $(u) $21(v) dv: 0 Therefore, we get the important Wronskian relation between $ and : 00 0 $(u) (u) ; (u)$ (u) = 1: 0 0 (23) Canonical Decomposition 11 Throughout this paper, we discuss the case (ds) = f 2(s)ds. Therefore, the corresponding Sturm-Liouville equation is given by (u) = f 2 (u)(u): (24) 00 Proposition 3.1 The expression for I (t) is equal to Z t Z t $(s) Zt 1 2 expf 2 ( $(u) (ds)) du ; (t)( (s) (ds))2g 0 u 0 (t) q1 0 where (t) := $ (t)=(2 (t)): 0 0 (25) (26) Proof. The proof simply consists in pushing the computation made in Pitman-Yor 16] a little further. Precisely, changing the Wiener measure with the Radon-Nikodym density: Zt 1 1 2 ~ ^ Zt := expf 2 (F(t)Wt ; F(t)) ; 2 0 W~ s2(ds)g R with F(t) = $0(t)=$(t) and F^(t) = 0t F(s)ds = log $(t), it follows that: Zt 1 2 ~ ^ ~ I (t) = E expf; 2 (F(t)Wt ; F(t)) + 0 Ws (ds)g where, under the new probability measure P , the process (W~ t)0t1 satises: W~ t = Bt + Zt 0 F(s)W~ sds with a P ;Brownian motion (Bt)0t1. Consequently, (W~ t)0t1 is a centered Gaussian process under P . Now we write Zt q I (t) = exp( 12 F^(t))E exp( 0 W~ s (ds) + ;F(t)N W~ t)] where N is a centered reduced Gaussian random variable, independent of (W~ s s t). Conditioning with respect to N , we are now facing the computation of Zt Zt E exp( 0 W~ s (ds) + cW~ t)] = exp( 12 E ( 0 W~ s (ds) + cW~ t)2]): 12 Canonical Decomposition It remains to develop the right-hand side as a second order polynomial with q respect to c, and to integrate in c, relatively to the law of (c =) ;F(t)N . A little algebra which hinges in particular upon the elementary formula: 2 E exp( a2 N 2 + bN )] = p11; a exp( 2(1b; a) ) (27) then yields formulas (25) and (26). We use formula (27) to calculate: q I (t) = exp( 21 F^ (t))E exp 21 (N 2(;F (t))u(t) + 2N ;F (t)v(t) + w(t))] q hence, a = ;F (t)u(t), b = ;F (t)v(t))with the following values for u, v, w: u(t) = $(t)(t) Zt v(t) = $(t) 0 (s) (ds) w(t) = Zt 0 1 (Z t $(s) (ds))2: $2(u) u 2 Corollary 3.1 With the notation: W (ds) = f (s)dWs ; f (s)h(s)Ws ds formula (25) with changed into W is the conditional expectation of EW given W. Proof. Note that R0t W~ sW (ds) is approximated by Zt 0 W~ s n(ds) = X~ Wti f (ti)(Wti+1 ; Wti ) ; h(ti)Wti (ti+1 ; ti)] n where (n)n 0 is a sequence of subdivisions of 0 t], whose mesh goes to 0 as n ! 1, and this approximationR holds in the following sense: the limit occurs in probability, and exp( 0t W~ s n(ds)) converges in any Lp towards R t both exp( 0 W~ s W (ds)). This ensures that formula (25) also holds for W . 2 Canonical Decomposition 13 We now go(2)back to our main object, that is, to compute the conditional expectation #t := E Et(2)jFtW ]. It follows from (22), (23), It^o's product rule and Fubini theorem that 1 Z t(Z t $(s) (ds))2du ; (t)(Z t (s) (ds))2] W 2 0 u $(u) W 0 Zs Zt Zt Zt 1 = (s)( $(u)W (du))W (ds) ; ($(s) ; 0(s) )( (u)W (du))W (ds) 0 0 s 0 Z Z 2 t s + 12 (f 0((ss))) 2 ( (u)W (du))2ds 0 0 Zt Zt 1 = f (u)ku (Ws s u)dWu ; 2 f 2(u)ku2 (Ws s u)du 0 Zt 0 ; 0 f (u)h(u)Wuku (Ws s u)du where Zu 1 ku (Ws s u) := (u) 0 (v)W (dv) Zu = 1(u) (v)(f (v)dWv ; f (v)h(v)Wv dv): (28) 0 Therefore, we derive 0 0 Zt #t = expf 0 (f (u)ku (Wv v u) + h(u)Wu)dWu Zt 1 ; 2 0 (f (u)ku (Wv v u) + h(u)Wu)2du:g (29) From (21), the denition of #t and Girsanov's transformation, we can get the main result in this section, i.e., the canonical decomposition of X as a semimartingale in its own ltration (FtX ). Theorem 3.1 The canonical decomposition of (Xt )0t1 is given by Zt Xt = Bt + 0 (f (u)ku (Xv v u) + h(u)Xu )du (30) where (Bt)0t1 is a standard Brownian motion with respect to (FtX )0t1 , and the functional (kt (Xv v t))0t1 is of the form (28). 14 Canonical Decomposition Remark 3.1 (1) Comparing (20) and (30) and recalling the rst assertion of Lemma 2.3, we see that E W~ tjFtX ] = kt(Xs s t): (31) In particular, we have obtained the explicit form of the projection appearing in Remark 2.2. (2) We have obtained that the identication of the conditional expectation in (31) holds for f h 2 A(0 1). In fact, it is enough to assume that f and h belong to the set Z Z t t A%(0 1) := f' : f is measurable ( '(s)ds)2du < 1 for all 0 t < 1g: Note that A(0 1) A%(0 1), since ZtZt 0 u 0 ( '(s)ds) du t u 2 Zt 0 s'2(s)ds by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. It is not dicult to show that for all s t, Zt E Xs(W~ t ; 01(t) 0 (u)(f (u)dXu ; f (u)h(u)Xu du))] = 0 where (t) satises Sturm-Liouville equation (24). This implies (31). 3.2 Volterra representation and canonical decomposition Hitsuda 6] shows that the law of a Gaussian process (Xt)0t1 with E (Xt) = 0 is equivalent to the Wiener measure if and only if Xt can be represented in the form: Z tZ s Xt = Bt + 0 0 l(s u)dBuds (32) where B is a Brownian motion and l(s u) is a square-integrable Volterra kernel, i.e., a measurable function on (0 1) (0 1) such that Z tZ s (i) 0 0 l2(s u)duds < 1 for all t < 1. (ii) l(s u) = 0 for 0 < s < u < 1. Canonical Decomposition 15 This representation is unique in the sense that if X has another representation Xt = B~t + Z tZ s 0 0 ~l(s u)dB~u ds then B = B~ and l(s u) = ~l(s u) for almost all s u 2 (0 1) see Hida-Hitsuda 5]. We shall call the representation (32) the Volterra representation of X . Proposition 3.2 The Volterra representation (32) is the canonical decomposition of X as a semimartingale in its own ltration (FtX ). Moreover, we have (FtX ) = (FtB ). Proof. Given a square-integrable Volterra kernel l, there is a unique square-integrable Volterra kernel Rl which satises the equations 8 Zt > > < l(t s) + Rl (t s) + l(t u)Rl(u s)du = 0 Zs t > : l(t s) + Rl (t s) + Rl (t u)l(u s)du = 0 (33) s for almost all s t We call Rl the resolvent kernel of l see Yosida 21] Chapter 4 or Hida-Hitsuda 5]. As in Hida-Hitsuda 5] p.136-137, we can now use the kernel Rl in order to reconstruct B in terms of X : dXt + = dBt + Zt Z 0t Z0t Rl(t u)dXudt B (t u)dBudt + Zt 0 Rl (t u) dBu + = dBt + 0 (l(t u) + Rl(t u) + = dBt i.e., we have and Xt = Bt + Bt = Xt + Zt u Z tZ s 0 0 Z tZ s Zu 0 l(u v)dBv du dt Rl(t v)l(v u)dv)dBudt l(s u)dBuds Rl(s u)dXu ds: (34) (35) Thus, X and B have the same ltration. Hence (32) is the canonical decomposition of X in its own ltration. 2 0 0 16 Canonical Decomposition Remark 3.2 Let us make explicit the square-integrable Volterra kernel corresponding to our situation (20) in the special case where h(t) = 0, i.e., Xt = Wt + Zt 0 f (u)W~ u du: We have shown that the canonical decomposition of X is given by Z t f (s) Z s Xt = Bt + 0 0(s) 0 f (u)(u)dXu ds: (36) Integrating f (t)(t) on both sides and using It^o's product rule, we obtain Zt Z t f (v )(v ) 0 f (u)(u)dXu = (t) 0 0(v) dBv : 0 Thus, the representation (36) takes the form Zt Zs u) (37) Xt = Bt + 0 f (s) 0 f (u)( 0 (u) dBu ds: This shows that the corresponding square-integrable Volterra kernel is given by u) l(s u) = f (s)f (0(uu)( ) and we read from (36) that Rl(s u) = ; f 0((ss)) f (u)(u): (38) One can verify from (38) that Rl satises indeed the two characteristic equations in (33). Remark 3.3 The study of the general equation (20) for the pair (f h) can be reduced to that of (f 0). Suppose a process (Xt ) satises (20) and introduce the Gaussian process Zt t = Wt + 0 f (u)W~ u du: Remark that (Xt) and ( t ) have the same ltration, since t = Xt ; Zt 0 h(u)Xu du (39) Canonical Decomposition and Xt = 17 Zt Zt exp( h(u)du)d s : s Using the canonical decomposition for ( t ) given by (37), we obtain the canonical decomposition Zt Zs u) (40) Xt = Bt + 0 (f (s) 0 f (u)( 0 (u) dBu + h(s)Xs )ds for X . The pathwise solution of this equation leads us to the alternative representation Zt Zt Zt Z t f (u)(u) Z t Xt = 0 exp( s h(u)du)dBs + 0 0(u) u f (v) exp( v h(w)dw)dvdBu (41) as a functional of the Brownian motion B , in analogy to (37). From AllingerMitter 1], Davis 4] we know that the ;algebra FtX coincides with FtB for all t, up to some P null sets. Thus, Ft = FtB = FtX . In the terminology of HidaHitsuda 5], the representation (41) is called \the canonical representation relative to B ", and B is the innovation process for X . 0 3.3 A class of path dependent transformations Using the same method as above, we can extend our result in Theorem 3.1 as follows. Consider a process (Xt)0t1 satisfying the stochastic functional dierential equation Zt ~ dXt = dWt + (f (t)Wt + h(t s)dXs)dt (42) 0 11 for some deterministic R t R s 2 function f 2 C (0 1)\A(0 1), a function h 2 C ((0 1) (0 1)) with 0 0 h (s u)duds < 1 for all t < 1. Theorem 3.2 The canonical decomposition of (Xt )0t1 is 1 dXt = dBt + (f (t)kt(Xs s t) + Zt 0 h(t s)dXs)dt where (Bt)0t1 is an (FtX )-Brownian motion, and ku (Xs s u) is of the form 1 Z u (v)f (v)(dX ; Z v h(v r)dX dv): (43) v r (u) 0 0 0 18 Canonical Decomposition Proof. We set W (ds) := f (s)dWs ; f (s) Zs 0 h(u s)dWuds: 2 The rest of the proof is similar to the proof in section 3.1. 3.4 Some examples In the rst two examples we look at some processes whose canonical decompositions take a simple form. And in Example 3 we will discuss a special case of the ltration. Example 1. Consider a process (Xt )0t1 satisfying the stochastic dierential equation: dXt = dWt + 1 ;a t (W~ t ; Xt)dt that is, f (t) = ;h(t) = a=(1 ; t), with a nonzero constant a. Then the corresponding Sturm-Liouville equation is $ (u) = (1 ;a u)2 $(u) 2 00 (44) which, arguably perhaps, is one of the simplest cases where the SturmLiouville equation has elementary solutions. Indeed, it is immediate to check that a function (1 ; u) solves (44) if and only if ( ; 1) = a2, an equation which admits the two solutions: + (a) and ; (a), given by s (a) := 12 a2 + 41 : Clearly, ; (a) < 0 < + (a). Thus, the decreasing solution of (44) is $(u) = (1 ; u)+(a): And from the denition and the boundary condition of (u) we can get (a) + (a) (u) = (1 ; u) p ; (1 2; u) : 1 + 4a ; Canonical Decomposition 19 From (28), the conditional expectation of W~ t relative to FtX is given by ku (Xs s u) Zu 2 := 1(u) (v)( 1 ;a v dXv + (1 ;a v)2 Xv dv) 0 Z u ( (a) + 1)(1 ; v );+ (a) ; ( (a) + 1)(1 ; v ); (a) ; + dXv : = Xu + a ; ( a ) + (a)(1 ; u) ; ; (a)(1 ; u);+(a) 0 In particular, if a = 1, then + (1) = A and ; (1) = B , dened as in Lemma 2.4, and we are led to the same result as in section 2. 2 0 ; ; Example 2. Consider the simple example: dXt = dWt + a(W~ t ; Xt)dt with a nonzero constant a. The desired solution of the corresponding SturmLiouville equation is (t) = 21a (eat ; e;at) and the conditional expectation of W~ t with respect to FtX is given by Zt 2 kt(Xs s t) = Xt ; eat + e;at 0 e;au dXu : Therefore, the canonical decomposition of Xt has the form Zt Zu 2 a Xt = Bt ; 0 eau + e;au ( 0 e;av dXv )du where (Bt)0t1 is a Brownian motion relative to (FtX )0t1. 2 Example 3. Let (Wt)t 0 and (W~ t)t 0 be two independent Brownian motions, starting from 0. The process (Xt)t 0 satises the stochastic dierential equation (20) with f (t) = ;k=t with a constant k and h 0. In section 3.2 we have already discussed a few results about the case with h 0. First, we have to solve 2 00(s) = ks2 (s) 20 Canonical Decomposition and then single out a solution with (0) = 0. It is easy to check that q 1 1 (s) = s with = 2 + k2 + 4 is the wanted solution. Now formula (37) gives 2 Z t B k (45) Xt = Bt + 0 uu du with a Brownian motion (Bt). In Jeulin-Yor (12], Theorem 9) it has been shown that ZtB Xt := Bt ; ss ds (46) 0 has a strictly smaller ltration than the ltration of B i > 12 . Coming back to formula (45), and comparing with (46), we nd p = 12 ; 12 1 + 4k2: Thus, in our study, is always negative, hence (Xt)t 0 has the same ltration as (Bt). 2 4 Application of stochastic ltering theory for Gaussian processes In section 3 we have computed the canonical representation of our transformations (20) of two Brownian motions by direct methods. As an alternative, we can derive them as corollaries of the stochastic ltering theory for Gaussian processes. At the same time, this allows us to extend our results to a general class of transformations where the drift Y in (1) is given as an adapted linear functional of X and W~ . Suppose that the process X satises a stochastic dierential equation of the form Zt Zt dXt = dWt + ( 0 F (t u)dW~ u + 0 H (t u)dXu )dt (47) with X0 = 0, where (W~ t)0t1 (Wt)0t1 are two independent Brownian motions, and F , H are square-integrable Volterra kernels on (0 1) (0 1), i.e., they satisfy the conditions in section 3.2. Note that the processes considered in (20) belong to this class. Canonical Decomposition 21 Lemma 4.1 There is a unique Brownian motion B and a unique square- integrable Volterra kernel GF such that Wt + Z tZ s 0 0 F (s u)dW~ uds = Bt + Z tZ s 0 0 GF (s u)dBu ds: The kernel GF is determined by the equation Zs 0 F (t v)F (s v)dv = GF (t s) + Zs 0 GF (t v)GF (s v)dv: (48) Moreover the natural ltration of B is identical to that of the left-hand side. Proof. (1) Let us denote by Z the \signal process" Zt = Zt 0 F (t u)dW~ u and by the \observation process" t = Wt + Zt 0 Zs ds = Wt + Z tZ s 0 0 F (s u)dW~ uds: (49) From Lemma 2.3 we know that t can be written as t = Bt + Zt 0 E Zs jFs]ds where (Bt) is an (Ft )-Brownian motion. Since E ZtjFt ](!) can be chosen (t !)-measurable and (Ft)-adapted, we can write E ZtjFt ] = (t (!)) where is a non-anticipative functional in the sense of Kallianpur 13], Definition 5.1.1. Furthermore, it follows from E that Zu 0 (E ZujFu])2du E Zt 0 Zt 0 Zu2du = 2(s (!))ds < 1 Z tZ s 0 0 (F (s u))2duds < 1 IP ; a.s. 22 Canonical Decomposition for all t < 1. By Kallianpur 13], Theorem 9.4.1 and section 3.2, there is a unique square-integrable Volterra kernel GF such that the Gaussian process has the representation t = Bt + Z tZ s 0 0 GF (s u)dBuds: (50) Moreover we have (Ft ) = (FtB ), due to Proposition 3.2. (2) Since W and W~ are two independent Brownian motions, we get from (49), for s t, Z sZ u E s t ] = E WsWt] + E 0 = s+2 + Z sZ uZ v Z tZ s Z v s 0 0 0 0 0 0 F (u r)dW~ r du Z tZ v 0 F (u r)F (v r)drdvdu 0 F (v q)dW~ qdv] F (u r)F (v r)drdvdu: (51) We can also compute the covariance of from (50): E s t] = E (Bs + = s+2 +2 + Z sZ u Z sZ u 0 0 GF (u v)dvdu + Z s Z0 u Z0 v Z tZ s Z v 0 s 0 0 0 0 GF (u r)dBr du)(Bt + Z tZ s s 0 Z tZ v 0 0 GF (v q)dBqdv)] GF (u v)dvdu GF (u r)GF (v r)drdvdu GF (u r)GF (v r)drdvdu: (52) Since the right hand sides of these two equations must coincide, dierentiating rst with respect to t then with respect to s yields (48) for almost every s t. 2 Remark 4.1 In the notation of Kallianpur 13] p.235, equation (48) can be viewed as the factorization S = (I + G)(I + G? ) of the integral operator S dened by I + FF ?, where F , G are integral operators with square-integrable Volterra kernels F (t s) and GF (t s), respectively, i.e. for all f g 2 L2 (0 1), h(I + FF ?)f gi = h(I + G)(I + G? )f gi: Canonical Decomposition 23 In order to see this, let f (u) = I(0s)(u) and g (u) = I(0t)(u) with 0 s t 1. Using the properties of Volterra kernels, we have = hZ(I + FF ?)f gi =Z hfZgi + hF ?f F ?gi 1 0 1 1 Z1 f (u)g(u)du + 0 ( 0 F (v u)f (v)dv)( 0 F (r u)g(r)dr)du = s+ ZsZs Zt u u 0 ( F (v u)dv)( F (r u)dr)du which equals to the right-hand side of (51). On the other hand, = = h(I + G)(I Z+ G?)f gi = h(I + G?)f (I Z+ G?)gi Z 1 Z 0s 0 (f (u) + (1 + Zs u 1 0 GF (v u)f (v)dv)(g(u) + GF (v u)dv)(1 + Zt u 1 0 GF (v u)g(v)dv)du GF (v u)dv)du which is exactly the right-hand side of (52). Now, we look at the canonical decomposition of the process X given by (47). Theorem 4.1 The canonical decomposition of X as a semimartingale in its own ltration (FtX ) is given by Zt dXt = dBt + ( 0 GF (t u)dBu + Zt 0 H (t u)dXu )dt: (53) Moreover we have (FtX ) = (FtB ). Proof. From (49) and (53) , we have dXt = d t + Zt 0 H (t u)dXudt: (54) As in (33), let R;H denote the resolvent kernel of the square-integrable Volterra kernel ;H . Due to equations (34) and (35), we have t = Xt ; Z tZ s 0 0 H (s u)dXu ds 24 Canonical Decomposition and Xt = t + Z tZ s 0 0 R;H (s u)d uds: These two equations together with Lemma 4.1 imply FtX = Ft = FtB , for all t. Hence, (Bt) is also an (FtX )-Brownian motion. Substituting the representation (50) in the equation (54), we obtain (53). 2 Remark 4.2 Comparing (47), (53) and Lemma 2.3, we see that Zt E 0 F (t u)dW~ ujFtX ] = Zt 0 GF (t u)dBu: Let us now consider the special case when F admits a factorization F (t s) = f (t)g(s) for some functions f g 2 C 1(0 1) which satisfy Z tZ u 0 0 f 2(u)g2(v)dvdu < 1 (55) for all t < 1. Corollary 4.1 Suppose the process (Xt )0t1 satises Zt dXt = dWt + (f (t) 0 g(u)dW~ u + Zt 0 H (t u)dXu )dt (56) with f g 2 C 1 (0 1) satisfying (55), f 6= 0 a.s., and a square-integrable Volterra kernel H (t s). Then the canonical decomposition of X is of the form Zt Zt dXt = dBt + (f (t) (u)dBu + H (t u)dXu )dt (57) 0 0 where the function (t) is the solution of the dierential equation ( f ((tt)) )0 + 2(t) = g2(t) with boundary condition (0) = 0. (58) Canonical Decomposition 25 Proof. We have only to prove that GF (t s) = f (t)(s), where satises (58) and (0) = 0, is the solution of (48). In fact, the right-hand side of (48) is equal to GF (t s) + Zs 0 GF (t u)GF (s u)du = f (t)(s) + f (t)f (s) Zs 2(u)du 0 Zs = f (t)(s) + f (t)f (s) g2(u)du ; f ((ss)) ] = f (t)f (s) Zs 0 0 g (u)du = 2 Zs which is exactly the left-hand side of (48). 0 F (t u)F (s u)du 2 In order to see the connection with our discussion in the preceding sections, let us set g 1 and H (t u) = h(t). Then equation (58) can be written as ( f ((tt)) )0 + 2(t) = 1 with (0) = 0. The corresponding solution is given by t) (59) (t) = f (t)( 0(t) where (t) is the solution of the Sturm-Liouville equation (24). Substituting this result in (57), we see that the result coincides with (40). Remark 4.3 The discussion of equation (56) can be reduced to the case g 1. All we need is to consider H = 0. Then, we have Zt g(t)dXt = g(t)dWt + f (t)g(t) g(u)dW~ u dt: 0 Let us introduce the (time-changed) processes (X^ u ), (W^ u ) and (W^~ u ) dened as: Zt g(u)dXv = X^G(t) 0 where Zt G(t) = g2(u)du 0 26 Canonical Decomposition etc. We obtain where dX^u = dW^ u + '(u)W^~ udu '(u) = ( fg )(G;1 (u)): Consequently, we obtain the canonical decomposition of X^ : X^t = B^t + '(t) where Zt 0 ^ (u)dB^u ^ ^(t) = '(^t)0 (t) (t) and ^ is our usual notation for the solution of u00 = '2 u. It now remains to undo the time-change, and relate ^ to , as given in (58). 5 How to get again a Brownian motion In our initial stochastic dierential equation (10), where the nal value W~ 1 was known in advance, the solution (Xt )0t1 was again a Brownian motion, and it was tied to the nal value W~ 1. Is it also possible to satisfy both conditions in our modied situation when at time t we only know the past of W~ ? 5.1 Characterization of Brownian motions Consider a process (Xt )0t1 with X0 = 0 which satises the stochastic functional dierential equation Zt dXt = dWt + ( 0 F (t u)dW~ u + Zt 0 H (t u)dXu )dt (60) with square-integrable Volterra kernels F and H . Theorem 5.1 A process X satisfying (60) is a Wiener process with respect to its own ltration (FtX ) if and only if H (t s) = ;GF (t s), where GF is the Canonical Decomposition 27 square-integrable Volterra kernel dened by (48). In other words, X is of the form ZtZs Zs ~ Xt = Wt + ( F (s u)dWu ; GF (s u)dXu )ds: (61) 0 0 0 Proof. (1) Suppose X is a Wiener process with respect to its own ltration (FtX ). By uniqueness of the Doob-Meyer decomposition in (FtX ), our representation (53) implies B = X and Zt 0 GF (t u) + H (t u)]dXu = 0 (62) IP - a.s. for almost all t. But (62) implies GF (t u) + H (t u) = 0 for almost all u t, since X is a Brownian motion. (2) Conversely, assume that X has the form (61). The canonical representation (53) implies ZtZs Xt = Bt + 0 ( 0 GF (s u)dBu ; i.e., Xt + Z tZ s 0 0 GF (s u)dXu ds = Bt + Zs 0 GF (s u)dXu )ds Z tZ s 0 0 GF (s u)dBu ds: We can now apply the reconstruction argument in section 3.2 in order to 2 conclude X = B . In other words, X is a Brownian motion. Remark 5.1 The last argument shall be taken up again in Lemma 5.1. Let us look at the special case considered in Corollary 4.1, where F is of the form F (t s) = f (t)g(s) for some continuously dierentiable functions f and g satisfying (55). Corollary 5.1 A process (Xt )0t1 satisfying (56) is a Brownian motion if and only if H (t u) = ;f (t)(u) 28 Canonical Decomposition where (t) is the solution of (58) with boundary condition (0) = 0. In other words, if (Xt )0t1 is a Brownian motion with respect to its own ltration, it must be of the form Zt dXt = dWt + f (t)( 0 g(u)dW~ u ; Zt 0 (u)dXu )dt: In particular, if g 1, then (63) can be written as Zt u) dX )dt dXt = dWt + f (t)(W~ t ; 0 f (u)( u 0 (u) where (t) is the solution of the Sturm-Liouville equation 00(t) = f 2(t)(t) with (0) = 0 and 0(0+) = 1: (63) (64) (65) Proof. In order to get the characterization for this class of Brownian motions from Theorem 5.1, we have only to compute GF (t u). From the proof in Corollary 4.1, we know that GF (t u) = f (t)(u). Substituting this result in Theorem 5.1, we get the rst assertion. As to the case g 1, simply substitute (59) in (63). 2 Corollary 5.2 Let X be a process satisfying the stochastic dierential equation (20) with f h 2 C 1(0 1) \ A(0 1). If one of the functions f (t) and h(t) is not equal to 0, then X cannot be a Brownian motion. Proof. If X satisfying (20) is a Brownian motion, then it follows from Corollary 5.1 that f must be of the form f (t)(t) = c0(t) (66) for some non-zero constant c. Substituting (66) in (65), we get 00(t) = cf (t)0(t): Hence, the corresponding solution of the Sturm-Liouville equation is given by Zt Zu (t) = exp(c f (v)dv)du: 0 0 Canonical Decomposition 29 Substituting this solution again in (66), and taking derivatives on both sides with respect to t, we have cf 0(t) + (1 ; c2)f 2(t) = 0: This implies f (t) = 1 ;c c2 1t which does not belong to A(0 1). 2 In the class of adapted linear drift of the form (60), Theorem 5.1 characterizes those cases where the resulting process X in (61) is a new Brownian motion. Let us now return to the question whether such a Brownian motion can be tied to the endpoint W~ 1 of the Brownian motion W~ . This turns out to be impossible as long as we insist on an adapted drift, even if we drop linearity. Proposition 5.1 Consider any drift (Yt)0t1 adapted to (Ft) such that Xt = Wt + Zt 0 Ysds is a Brownian motion. If Z is any (Ft)-Brownian motion such that X1 = Z1 IP -a.s., then we have Zt = Xt = Wt, and in particular, Yt = 0, dt dIP a.s.. Proof. If X1 = Z1, then Xt = E X1jFtX ] = E Z1jFtX ] = E ZtjFtX ]: This implies hence E XtZt ] = E Xt2] = t E (Xt ; Zt)2] = E Xt2] + E Zt2] ; 2E XtZt] = 0: Hence, Zt = Xt is an (Ft)-Brownian motion, and so: Xt = Wt. 2 In our situation the Brownian motion Z = W~ is independent of W , and so the proposition shows that it is impossible to obtain X1 = W~ 1. 30 Canonical Decomposition Remark 5.2 (i) Consider a square-integrable (Ft)-adapted process (Xt)t1 which is a martingale in its own ltration (FtX ). Let (Mt) be a squareintegrable (Ft)-martingale such that X1 = M1 and E Xt2 ] = E Mt2] for every t 1. The proof of Proposition 5.1 shows that this implies Xt = Mt for every t 1. (ii) As a special case of (i), assume that (Xt) is a Brownian motion in its own ltration (FtX ). Then (Xt ) is an (Ft)-Brownian motion if and only if E X1jFt] is a Brownian motion. (iii) As an example of (ii), consider a Brownian motion (Bt) with respect to (Ft). We know that Zt Xt := Bt ; Bss ds 0 denes a new Brownian motion (Xt )t1 which is not a Brownian motion with respect to (Ft ) cf., e.g., Yor 19]. It follows from (ii) that (E X1jFt])t1 cannot be a Brownian motion. In fact, a direct computation shows that E X1jFt] = Bt ; ZtB s 0 s ds ; = Bt(1 + log t) ; Z 1 E B jF ] Z tt Bs 0 s t s Z ds t s ds = 0 (1 + log s)dBs: 5.2 Enlargement of a Brownian ltration Consider a Brownian motion X arising as the solution of the linear functional stochastic dierential equation (61). Let us represent X directly in terms of the two Wiener processes W and W~ . To this end, we introduce the resolvent kernel LF of GF , i.e., GF and LF satisfy the following relations: 8 Zt > < GF (t s) + LF (t s) + LF (t u)GF (u s)du = 0 Zs t > > : GF (t s) + LF (t s) + GF (t u)LF (u s)du = 0: (67) s Lemma 5.1 The solution of (61) is given by Xt = Wt+ Zt Zs 0 0 Zs LF (s u)dWu + 0 (F (s u) + Zs u LF (s v)F (v u)dv)dW~ u ds: (68) Canonical Decomposition 31 Proof. By (61), the process dened in (49) has the form d t = dXt + Zt 0 GF (t u)dXudt: Using the same argument as in the proof in section 3.2, we obtain the representation Zt dXt = d t + 0 LF (t u)d udt (69) Substituting (49) in (69), we obtain (68). 2 In the special case F (t u) = f (t)g(u), we have GF (t s) = f (t)(s), and the solution LF of (67) is given by Zt LF (t s) = ;f (t)(s) exp(; s f (v)(v)dv): Thus, the solution of (63) can be written as Zt Zt dXt = dWt + f (t)( 0 g(u) exp(; u f (v)(v)dv)dW~ u Zt Zt ; 0 (u) exp(; u f (v)(v)dv)dWu)dt: In particular, the solution of (64) is given by Zt Zt dXt = dWt + f 0((tt)) ( 0 0(u)dW~ u ; 0 f (u)(u)dWu)dt: (70) We are now going to show that the decomposition (70) of W as the sum Z t f (s) Z s Zs Wt = Xt + 0 0(s) ( 0 f (u)(u)dWu ; 0 0(u)dW~ u)ds can be viewed, after time reversal, as the expression of a Brownian motion in an enlarged Gaussian ltration (see, Jeulin-Chaleyat-Yor 10] or Yor 20]). We consider an n-dimensional Brownian motion Bt (Bt(1) ::: Bt(n)), and R we enlarge its ltration with B () def = 01((u) dBu ). With respect to the enlarged ltration, the canonical decomposition of B is given by Z t (u) R 1 ((s) dB ) s du u ~ (71) Bt = Bt + 0 2 (u) 32 Canonical Decomposition where B~ is again a Brownian motion and is dened as (u) = 2 Z1 u j(t)j dt 2 Z1X n u ( (i (t))2)dt i=1 see Jeulin-Chaleyat-Yor 10] or Yor 20]. In order to make sure that formula (71) is meaningful (as a semimartingale decomposition), it is necessary and su!cient that Z t j(u)j du < 1: 0 (u) On the other hand, (70) yields Bt(1) = B~t(1) ; Z Z t f (1 ; u) Z 1 0 (1 ; v )dB (2) ; 1 f (1 ; v )(1 ; v )dB (1))du ( v v 0 0 (1 ; u) u u (72) (1) (2) ~ ~ ~ with Bt = W1 ; W1;t, Bt = X1 ; X1;t and Bt = W1 ; W1;t. We want to view the representation (72) as an enlargement formula (71) for a suitable choice of . 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