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" 2 <8=%%2! <PX][hR[TPabZh 20?BD;4 A09=0C7<44CB2;4A82B >=8B8B´1835>A8=380=B =Tf3T[WX)0\XSX]RaTPbX]V PccT\_cbQh8B8Bc^[daT8]SXP]b X]c^XcbU^[S7^\T<X]XbcTa APY]PcWBX]VW^]CdTbSPhWT[SP \TTcX]VfXcWc^_<db[X\R[TaXRb P]Sb^dVWccWTXaR^^_TaPcX^]c^ RWTRZcWTVa^fX]VcT]cPR[Tb^U cWTSaTPSTSVa^d_P\^]V <db[X\h^dcW ?3?_aTbXST]c<TWQ^^QP <dUcXPSSaTbbTbcWT\TSXP ^dcbXSTAPY1WPeP]X] 9P\\d^]CdTbSPh ?C8 On Tuesday Vohra held separate consultations with Mehbooba and BJP leaders, including former Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh, who said the BJP will take any step only after the PDP elects its Legislature Party leader and notifies the Governor about it. The BJP asked the Governor for ten days’ time to “resolve whatever is outstand- ing” with the PDP. Earlier, emerging out of the meeting with Vohra here in Jammu, Mehbooba told reporters outside the Raj Bhavan: “The State of Jammu & Kashmir is different from other States. It needs a good atmosphere, space and a fillip if a new Government is to be formed.” She said: “I don’t have the neither do I have the experience right now. Before formation of a new J&K Government, I want the Central Government to take some confidence building measures for the region.” Striking an emotional chord Mehbooba said: “Mufti Sahib used to say he didn’t join hands with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he joined hands with the people of the country who elected him.” She said her late father, without bothering about his “political career”, had aligned with Modi in the hope that the Centre would bring out the State from the difficult situation it is in. “So now, before the formation of the new alliance Government, all I want is for the Centre to announce a few CBM’s to win the confidence of the people of the State. J&K faces numerous challenges and we need full support from the Government of India to tackle the situation,” she added. Continued on Page 4 2]]c`RUd]VRUe`XcZU]`T\ eYR_\de`ac`eVdedZ_5V]YZ &LYLFZRUNHUV VWXGHQWVKROG WUDIILFWRUDQVRP E8B70EQ =4F34;78 here was total chaos on the T roads of the national Capital on Tuesday as traffic in the city was brought to a standstill due to numerous protests being held in different areas. While on one hand, students from different universities in Delhi blocked traffic at ITO as they raised slogans against alleged police brutality outside Delhi Police headquarters; on the other hand the ongoing strike by municipal employees completely choked the city’s roads as they held a protest march from the Civic Centre to Rajghat, in the process blocking traffic at Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Asaf Ali Road, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Outer Ring Road, ITO and adjoining roads. To add to the woes of Delhiites, protesting sanitation workers in East Delhi and North Delhi also created chaos by dumping mounds of garbage on the roads, thereby obstructing traffic flow. According to the Traffic Police, there were traffic snarls right from UP Link Road to Ghazipur Flyover due to demonstrations by municipal workers near Khichri Pur. Heavy traffic jams were also witnessed at Rajpur Road, Boulevard Road and MCD 00?<;01>>:435>A 4GC>AC8>=2>=B?8A02H =Tf3T[WX)0P\0PS\X?Pach³b :Pa^[1PVW<;0EXbWTbWAPeX P]Scf^^cWTa_Tab^]bWPeT QTT]Q^^ZTS^]RWPaVTb^U Tgc^acX^]RaX\X]P[R^]b_XaPRh P]SX]cX\XSPcX^]X]_dabdP]RT^U PcaXP[R^dac^aSTa ?0BBF>A3BC40;8=6 ³3>A:1>C´?A>F;8=6 =Tf3T[WX)2hQTabTRdaXch b[TdcWbWPeTP[TacTS8]SXP] X]cTa]TcdbTabPVPX]bccWT \P[XRX^dbPRcXeXch^UP]^][X]T eXadbRP[[TS°S^aZQ^c±fWXRW _Ta_TcaPcTbXcbT[UcWa^dVWb^RXP[ ]Tcf^aZX]VbXcTbP]SbcTP[b bT]bXcXeT_Tab^]P[SPcPP]S _Pbbf^aSbCWT\P[fPaTWPb QTT]bTT]b_TRXUXRP[[hPUUTRcX]V FX]S^f^_TaPcX]VbhbcT\b *D\VH[LQVSRWOLJKWDJDLQ ?3?RWXTUbTTZb Ua^\2T]caT R^]UXST]RT &;fUXVD43V_TY QdX[SX]VbcT_b e`cVgZVhDVT$(( U^a9:_T^_[T TcZ^Z_R]ZdZ_X vision that the late Mufti had, Y`^`dVifR]Zej aRce_VcSVWRZeYWf] he suspense over Jammu & Kashmir’s fate continued on Tuesday as Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chief Mehbooba Mufti asked the Centre to announce some confidence building measures (CBMs) to create an atmosphere conducive for Government formation in the State and fill the void created by the departure of Mufti Muhammad Sayeed from the political landscape. Without spelling out the nature of the CBMs, Mehbooba urged the Central Government to stand “rock solid” behind the people of the State to tackle the numerous challenges ahead. However, she remained noncommittal over the time frame for the formation of the coalition Government in the State. Mehbooba’s statement came soon after her meeting with J&K Governor NN Vohra, who had stepped in to break the month-long impasse between the two alliance partners after the Mufti’s death. !"C@?BD 1d\_Tac^Qd\_TaYP\Pc8C>Ra^bbX]VX] =Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa Chowk due to demonstrations by civic workers in front of Old Police Lines behind the Lieutenant-Governor’s house. So bad was the traffic situation that it took more than an hour for commuters to cover just a few kilometers. Commuters also complained of long waits at traffic signals at ITO intersection as police tried their best to regulate traffic. “I was stuck at ITO red light for more than an hour,” complained Shivani Gupta, who just had to go till Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. “I could have walked to my office and it would have taken only five minutes. Instead, I was stuck in my car for over an hour waiting for the signal to turn green. Continued on Page 4 01A070<C7><0BQ =4F34;78 eviving the debate on whether homosexual acts should be penalized as unnatural sex under the Indian Penal Code Section 377, the Supreme Court on Tuesday decided to form a Constitution Bench of five judges to examine the issue. Without issuing a notice, the court placed the bunch of eight petitions challenging Section 377 of Indian Penal Code before a five-judge Bench. The Bench of Chief Justice TS Thakur, Justices AR Dave and JS Khehar said, “The issue is important as counsels appearing for the parties have pointed out several important issues of constitutional importance.” It is unprecedented for a curative petition to be referred to a Constitution Bench. Considering the fact that a curative petition is the last recourse available for a litigant to seek justice from the court, the decision of the SC has given a ray of hope to the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community to fight the R AR\UV_ZVUgZdR W`c]ZeWVdecfVd 2_faR^<YVc ?=B064=284BQ =4F34;78 <D<108:0A0278 ctor Anupam Kher on Tuesday claimed he was denied visa by Pakistan to attend a literary festival in Karachi. The Pakistan High Commission (PHC) in Delhi, however, said Kher never submitted any visa application in New Delhi. Kher was one of the 18 Indians invited to the four-day event. The other 17 Indians participants, including Congress leader Salman Khurshid and actor Nandita Das have been given visa. “I am not angry, I am hurt, upset and somewhere wanting to know the reason. Out of 18 why only I was singled out. It could be either because I am a Kashmiri Pandit, I am not playing a card of Kashmiri Pandit and trying to divide people, or because I’ve spoken about the issue of intolerance, taken a stand and have applauded my Prime Minister. Otherwise, there is no logical reason why the visa was denied to me. This has happened for the third time,” Kher said. “It may be clarified that PHC never received Kher’s visa application. So the question of issuing or denying him visa does not arise,” said Pakistan Embassy spokesperson Manzoor Ali Memon. Continued on Page 4 A issue legally. Inside the jam-packed courtroom, when the three judges began hearing the case, they encountered a battery of senior lawyers led by the likes of KK Venugopal, Ashok Desai, Kapil Sibal, Shyam Divan, Anand Grover, Colin Gonsalves, who represented the petitioners comprising NGOs and individuals supporting gay sex. Sibal, who appeared for a parent who is supporting the cause of her gay son, said, “The most precious of rights is the right to sexuality. The SC in a National Legal Services Authority of India decision recognized the human aspect of sexuality by recognizing transgenders as the third sex. But by the decision on Section 377 (Suresh Kumar Kaushal case), this court has bound the present and future generation to indignity and stigma. It is an issue for the posterity and must be decided by a five-judge Bench.” Continued on Page 4 :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 n a no-holds-barred attack IMinister on the Congress, Prime Narendra Modi on Tuesday blasted the principal Opposition party for obstructing the passage of crucial legislations that can change the lives of the poor. “The Opposition is making use of the fact that the Government does not have the numbers in the Rajya Sabha. They are derailing the pro-poor reforms initiated by the Government. The Opposition is also instigating the Dalits against the Government though our Government is working for the upliftment of the Dalits and the down-trodden,” said the Prime Minister while addressing a mammoth rally organised by the Tamil Nadu BJP in Coimbatore. The Prime Minister said that nobody could do injustice to the Dalits as long as Babasaheb Ambedkar’s name is in the heart of Indians. He also made it clear that the reservations for Dalits and other backward communities would continue. Though there was high expectation among the people of the State that the Prime Minister would make some political statements about the BJP’s plans for the upcoming election to Tamil Nadu Assembly, he made use of the occasion to highlight the achievements made by his Government during the last 18 months. The Prime Minister declared that plans were afoot to compensate farmers in case of natural disasters. The Prime Minister blamed the Opposition for blocking the Ordinances favouring the farmers. “You all know in what condition the country was two years ago. People were fed up with corruption scandals during the UPA regime. But now there is a sense of confidence and trust among the people as we have initiated many pro-poor actions,” said Modi. “Some people could not digest the fact that a tea seller has become the Prime Minister of the country. Continued on Page 4 27A>=>;>6H ! )=Pi5^d]SPcX^]P]=6> UXVWcX]VU^aVPhaXVWcbUX[Tb?8;X] 3T[WX72bTTZX]V STRaX\X]P[XbPcX^]^UVPhbTg BT_!#) 72SXb\XbbTbcWT?8; 3TR) 6PhaXVWcbPRcXeXbcb P__a^PRWB2 0_a"!%)B2 aT\P]SbcWTRPbTQPRZ c^7XVW2^dac >Rc#) 72P[[^fbbT]X^a 19?[TPSTa1?BX]VWP[³b _[TP^__^bX]V STRaX\X]P[XbX]VVPhbTgc^QT X\_[TPSTSX]cWTRPbT BT_ '!')2T]caTbTTZb \^aTcX\Tc^cPZTbcP]S^]cWT XbbdTPUcTaR^]caPSXRc^ah bcP]SQTcfTT]7^\TP]S 7TP[cW<X]XbcaXTb BT_!%)2T]caTbPhbVPhbTgXb X\\^aP[P]SPaTU[TRcX^]^UP _TaeTabT\X]SP]SXcb STRaX\X]P[XbPcX^]f^d[S[TPSc^ \^aP[STVaPSPcX^]^Ub^RXTch >Rc $)72_d[[bd_2T]caTU^a aT[hX]V^]aT[XVX^dbcTgcbc^ YdbcXUhQP]^]VPhbTgP]SPbZbXc c^R^\Td_fXcWbRXT]cXUXRaT_^acb c^YdbcXUhXc 9d[!!()72P[[^fb_[TP^U VPhaXVWcbPRcXeXbcbP]S[TVP[XbTb bTgdP[PRcXeXchP\^]VR^]bT]cX]V PSd[cb^UbP\TbTg 9d[()3T[WXPbca^[^VTa RWP[[T]VTb72eTaSXRcX]B2 5TQ $! !)B2QTVX]b UX]P[SPhc^SPhWTPaX]VX] cWTRPbT 3TR ! ")B2bTcbPbXSTcWT !(3T[WX72^aSTafWXRWWPS STRaX\X]P[XbTSVPhbTg 3TR!)2T]caTUX[TbaTeXTf _TcXcX^]X]B2bTTZX]VaT TgP\X]PcX^]^UXcbeTaSXRc 9P]!'! #)B2aTUdbTbc^ aTeXTfXcbeTaSXRc 0_a")B2PVaTTbc^R^]bXSTaU^a P]^_T]R^dacWTPaX]V^] RdaPcXeT_TcXcX^]bUX[TSQhVPh aXVWcbPRcXeXbcb 3U^dbUXQcdbQ^cV_b]UT `YdYQR\U=>B571 Y^d_QVUQd 7`ceYVWZcdeeZ^V 8`gehZ]]XZgV ^`cVWf_UdeYR_ SfUXVeVU+;RZe]Vj ?=BQ =4F34;78 sserting that MNREGA is A here to stay in its “tranformed” form, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday said the NDA Government has increased spending under the rural jobs scheme to a record high and will for the first time release more funds than budgeted. As MGNREGA completed ten years, the NDA Government claimed the rural job guarantee scheme was in a “pitiable” state under UPA due to frequent curtailing of funds. The scheme provides 100 days of work to the poor in rural areas. Asserting that schemes are “not cast in stone” and their modification is required with the passage of time, Jaitley said MGNREGA underwent change under the NDA rule and new initiatives were taken besides increasing the fund allocation to the scheme so that its benefits could reach the people in a better way. The Minister also hinted at the Government’s plans to put in more money in rural areas, including road construction, &RQJ¶VQXPEHUVJDPHVWDOOLQJSURSRRU%LOOV30 >__Tg_[^XcX]V6^ec´b [PRZ^UbcaT]VcWX]cWT D__Ta7^dbTc^ST[Ph aTU^a\bbPhb<^SX 6PhaXVWcbbd__^acTabRT[TQaPcT ^dcbXSTcWTBd_aT\T2^dac ^]CdTbSPh ?C8 >=A867CCA02: S =306^eTa]\T]cWPbX]RaTPbTSb_T]SX]Vd]STacWTadaP[Y^Qb bRWT\Tc^PaTR^aSWXVW9PXc[ThbPXS S CWT<X]XbcTaP[b^WX]cTSPccWT6^eTa]\T]c³b_[P]bc^_dcX]\^aT \^]ThX]adaP[PaTPbX]R[dSX]Va^PSR^]bcadRcX^]T[TRcaXUXRPcX^] WTP[cWRPaTP]STSdRPcX^]X]cWTU^acWR^\X]VD]X^]1dSVTcfXcWP]PX\ c^UdT[Q^cWadaP[P]SdaQP]ST\P]SP]SWT[_cWTR^d]cahR^]cX]dTc^ Va^fPc&c^&$_TaRT]cSTb_XcTPV[^QP[TR^]^\XRb[^fS^f] S FWX[TaTYTRcX]VeXTfbX]b^\T`dPacTabcWPccWT19?6^eTa]\T]c Xb]TV[TRcX]VcWTY^QbbRWT\T9PXc[ThR[PX\TScWPcSdaX]VcWTD?0³b ad[TUX]P[b_T]SX]VdbTSc^QT[^fTacWP]fWPcfPbQdSVTcTSd]STa cWTbRWT\T S FWX[TX]_aTeX^dbhTPabcWTaTWPbP[fPhbQTT][^fTab_T]SX]VPb R^\_PaTSc^cWT1dSVTcTSP\^d]ccWXbUXbRP[cWT6^eTa]\T]cWPb]^c Rdc?[P]4g_T]SXcdaTPbXcfP]cTSc^Q^^bcVa^fcWbPXS9PXc[Th electrification, healthcare and education in the forthcoming Union Budget with an aim to fuel both rural and urban demand and help the country continue to grow at 7 to 7.5 per cent despite a global economic slowdown. He was addressing a MGNREGA Sammelan organised to mark the completion of ten years of the 5Rh``U`_F<RddVe WcVVkV]ZdehZeYW`fc µAR\ZdeR_Z¶RUUcVddVd ?C8Q ;>=3>= nderworld don Dawood U Ibrahim is the only “Indian national” on a newly updated ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXXb _aTbT]cTSfXcWPbWPf[QhCP\X[ =PSd19?RWXTUCWP\XiWXbPX B^d]SPaPaPYP]PcP_dQ[XR\TTcX]V X]2^X\QPc^aT^]CdTbSPh ?C8 scheme here by the Union Rural Development Ministry. While rejecting views in some quarters that the BJP Government is neglecting the jobs scheme, Jaitley claimed that during the UPA’s rule, final spending used to be lower than what was budgeted under the scheme. Continued on Page 4 list of financial sanctions by the UK that also includes Sikh terror groups. Dawood, India’s most wanted terrorist against whom an international arrest warrant has been issued, appears on the UK Treasur y department’s ‘Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets in the UK’ updated on January 27 with four recorded addresses in Pakistan — all in Karachi. “Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar” is recorded to have lived at: House No 37, 30th StreetDefence, Housing Authority, Karachi, Pakistan; House no. 29, Margalla Road, F 6/2 Street no. 22, Karachi, Pakistan; Noorabad, Karachi, Pakistan (Palatial bungalow in the hilly area); and White House, Near Saudi Mosque, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan. The Mumbai-born gangster’s nationality is listed as “Indian”, with a recorded Indian passport which was subsequently revoked by the Government of India and then goes on to list a string of Indian and Pakistani passports acquired by him and misused. Continued on Page 4 RWWPccXbVPaW! B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& F^R3YRceZZ_RfXfcReVd &¶JDUKEDJV0*15(*$DZDUGRQFHDJDLQ XRcUV__VRc?9&$ B?>C08<BC>0CCA02CC>DA8BCB BC055A4?>AC4AQ <070B0<D=3 nion Water Resources U Minister Uma Bharti on Tuesday inaugurated a newlydeveloped garden near Shaheed Narayan Water Reservoir (Kodar Dam) in village Kodar of Mahasamund district. Developed over an area of three acres near National Highway (NH-53), this beautiful garden has been named after Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh. This garden will become centre of attraction for tourists visiting the archeological citySirpur situated nearby, officials stated. Presiding over the inaugural programme, State Agriculture and Water Resources Minister Brijmohan Agrawal gave detailed information about Kodar Water Reservoir. Water Resources Department officials informed that Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh Garden has been developed on the land of Kodar Water Reservoir, keeping in mind the comfort and conve- nience of tourists. The garden has comfortable chairs, rides for children, and also a canteen. It has been developed at the cost of C50 lakh, sanctioned from BRGF, on initiative of District Administration Mahasamund. In days to come, boating facility will also be arranged in Kodar Reservoir, so that the garden could be developed as an ideal picnic spot. In this programme, MP of Mahasamund Lok Sabha constituency Chandulal Sahu, Women and Child Development Department Parliamentar y Secretar y Roopkumari Choudhary, MLA Mahasamund Dr Vimal Chopra, State Rural and Other Backward Classes Development Authority Deputy Chairman and Khallari MLA Chunnilal Sahu, CREDA Chairman Pawan Patel, Janpad Mahasamund President Dharamdas Mahilang, Ex-State Minister Poonam Chandrakar, Secretary Water Resource Department Dr BL Tiwari, Mahasamund Collector Umesh Kumar Agrawal, SP Neha Champawat, and other public representatives, senior officials and other prominent citizens were also present. BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA hhattisgarh was on C Tuesday once again conferred with the prestigious national award for successful implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). The State was awarded during an exhibition of works done by various States under MGNREGA at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. Union panchayat and rural development Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh gave away the award to Chhattisgarh panchayat and rural development department, Secretary, PC Mishra and nodal officer Subhash Mishra. Sushma Minj, Sarpanch of Padhi gram panchayat in Balrampur district was also felicitated for exemplary work in implementation of MNREGA. She also addressed the gathering and shared her experiences related to MNREGA. KP Verma, assistant post master of Rajnandgaon, Sitaram Dewangan, deputy post master of Banchabazar and Gajadhar Prasad Sinha, branch post master of ‘Bhatgaonrudri’ in Dhamtari district were also awarded at the function for exemplary performance in opening of accounts and instant payment to labourers. BcPcTfPb PfPaSTSSdaX]V TgWXQXcX^]^U f^aZbS^]TQh ePaX^dbBcPcTb d]STa<6=A460 PcEXVhP] 1WPfP] Minister of State for Drinking Water and Sanitation Ram Kripal Singh Yadav, Minister of State for Panchayati Raj Nihalchand and Minister of State Sudarshan Bhagat were also present at the event. Additional Chief Secretary Panchayat and Rural Development department, Chhattisgarh, M K Raut said that these awards were testimony to exemplary work been done in Chhattisgarh under the leadership of Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh and Chhattisgarh Panchayat and Rural Development Minister Ajay Chandrakar. Development work carried out in the state and various programmes under MNREGA along with efforts made by the State to improve the livelihood of MNREGA beneficiaries were displayed effectively at the exhibition. Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and Union Panchayat and Rural Development Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh appreciated the exhibition. Models on Pisciculture in remote and Naxal affected areas, construction of fences for promoting organic farming, livelihood through kosa production, dairy business and rural tourism were displayed at the exhibition. The exhibition also showed that how women holding job cards have formed self-help group ‘Saikripa’ and were manufacturing CFL for livelihood. Panchayat and Rural Development Secretary J K Mahapatra, Additional Secretary Amarjeet Singh and Joint Secretary MNREGA Aprajita Sarangi were also present. =QXQ^QTYSXQ^^U\)d_RUcdbU^WdXU^UT FPcTabd__[hPaaP]VT\T]cbU^a Sa^dVWcWXcaTVX^]baTeXTfTS BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA he distributory channel number nine of Mahanadi T main canal in Dhamtari district will be strengthened with concrete lining at a cost of about C2.93 crore, the officials stated. The move would help in extension of irrigation facilities in 2041.58 hectares of agricul- tural land. Chhattisgarh is among nine States which will benefit more from Centre’s ‘Neeranchal project’ due to implementation of large number of watershed schemes already in these States, officials mentioned. The nine states which would benefit from the project are—Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan and Telangana. Notably, the Central Government has signed a loan agreement with World Bank for the Neeranchal National Watershed Project. The project to be implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development over a six-year period (2016- 21) will support the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayi Yojana in hydrology and water management, agricultural production systems, capacity building and monitoring and evaluation. The Neeranchal project was approved by the Union Cabinet in October last year with a total budget outlay of C2142 crore with the Government share of C1071 crore and the rest 50% by the World Bank. The Chhattisgarh Government has ensured usage of nearly 73 per cent of the extended irrigation capacity which is far better than many other states of the country, officials stated. The actual irrigation capacity for Kharif season has doubled whereas the irrigation capacity for Rabi season has increased 10 times, they stated. Notably, the Chhattisgarh Government had also made all preparations to strengthen Central Government’s Water Conser vation and Management policy of ‘Jal Kranti Abhiyaan’ (water revolution mission). A total of 54 severe water scarce villages have been selected for the Mission. Two villages from each of the 27 districts have been selected for the purpose. Water Resources Department Secretary Dr BL Tewari held a meeting of the State-level Committee on recently at the Data Centre. He reviewed recently the steps taken to implement the ‘Jal Kranti Abhiyaan’ in the State. Top engineers of the Department participated in the meeting in Raipur. Tewari said that the ‘Jal Kranti Abhiyaan’ is the top priority of the State Government. Two severe water scarce villages from each of the 27 districts have been selected for the Mission. Various departments should closely co-ordinate to make water available for drink- ing water, irrigation and other basic necessities of the villagers, Tewari said. He had instructed the concerned officials to address the problems of the villages as early as possible. The officers of the Water Resources Department have been appointed as Nodal Officers of the ‘Jal Kranti Abhiyaan’. The Nodal officers will tour the problem villages every 15 days and redress the grievances. The District Collectors are being given responsibility to make the Mission a success. Janpad Panchayats and Gram Panchayats will also be kept in the loop in implementing the Mission, Tewari said. He said that every drop of water is precious and the chosen villages will be asked to conserve water. Governmental organisations, non-Governmental organisations and citizens will join hands to make the Mission a great success. BcPcT?dQ[XR7TP[cW4]VX]TTaX]V3T_Pac\T]cP]SBRWTSd[TS2PbcTFT[UPaT3T_Pac\T]c0SSXcX^]P[2WXTUBTRaTcPah=:0bfP[ P[^]VfXcW6PaXPQP]S3XbcaXRc^UUXRXP[b^]CdTbSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ BC055A4?>AC4AQ 60A8010=3 head of the summer season, the State Public Health A Engineering department and Scheduled Caste Welfare department Additional Chief Secretar y NK Aswal has instructed the officials to ensure water supply facilities in the drought-affected areas and those facing ground water depletion problems. In a meeting held on Tuesday, apart from hand pump installation, he asked officers to think about installing riser pumps wherever required. Senior officers of the energy department were directed for the proper coordination of the ‘Nal Jal’ Scheme and Spot Source Scheme at Devbhog region. Reviewing the Special Backward Class scheme and ‘Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana’, officials were told to focus on making proper drinking water supply arrangements. Further, he reviewed the works under Tribal Development Department and stressed on ensuring proper management of tribal hostels and ashrams along with regular stipend availability to the reserved class youths. Under an 11 point programme, officers were given the responsibility of monitoring the tribal hostels and ashrams regularly. He ordered to produce the Caste Certificate of the presently enrolled students in schools by March 31. '!(!%`dX]cP[bX^SXiTSbP[cd_U^aSXbcaXQdcX^] BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA bout 82,926 quintals of iodized salt had been allocated to the families of Antyodaya and A Priority card holders under the Public Distribution System (PDS). The idolised salt, which will be distributed free of cost tio specific people is meant for the month of February, the officials stated. The Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection department in a circular mentioned that the iodized salt is meant for all the 27 districts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´7KH3LRQHHU%XLOGLQJµ&LYLO/LQHV1HDU5DM%KDYDQ2SS6DQVNULWL%KDYDQ5DLSXU7HOHSKRQHDQG3ULQWHGDW.DY\D3UDNDVKDQ([SUHVV7RZHU $GDUVKQDJDU0RZD5DLSXU(GLWRU&KDQGDQ0LWUD5HVLGHQW(GLWRU6XMHHW.XPDU RWWPccXbVPaW" B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& :_UfdecjTRaeRZ_ddYRcV3fUXVe#!"'"(hZdY]ZdehZeY4> ;PbchTPa³b1dSVTc ZT_ch^dcW X]SdbcahP]S X]UaPbcadRcdaTPc RT]caTbcPVT 7867;867CB BX]VWbPXScWPccWT1dSVTcfX[[U^Rdb^]P[[bTRcX^]b^UcWTb^RXTch X]R[dSX]VcWTX]Sdbcah 8]0_aX[[PbchTPacWT2T]caP[6^eTa]\T]cWPSaT[TPbTSC $&(# Ra^aTU^acWTUX]P]RXP[hTPa! $ %U^a2WWPccXbVPaW 0b\P]hPbC% $ Ra^aTWPeTQTT]P[[^RPcTSU^ah^dcWfXcWPQPbXR X]cT]cc^bZX[[STeT[^_\T]cd]STacWT2WWPccXbVPaWAXVWc^UH^dcWc^ BZX[[3TeT[^_\T]c0Rc! 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Singh said that the Budget will focus on all sections of the society including the industry. Industr y Minister Amar Agrawal, Chief Secretary Vivek Dhand, Energy Department and Chief Minister’s Principal Secretary Aman Kumar Singh, Finance Department Secretary Amit Agrawal, Industry and Mining Secretary Subodh Kumar Singh, Director of Industr y Department Kartikeya Goyal, Managing Director of CSIDC Sunil Misra and senior officers of the various departments were present at the meeting. Dr Ashok Jain of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Veenu Jain of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mahesh Kakkad of Chhattisgarh Udyog Mahasangh, Ashok Agrawal of Chhattisgarh Steel ReRollers Association, Ashok Surana of Chhattisgarh MiniSteel Association, Ravi Tiwari of Chhattisgarh C ement Association, Amar Paarvani of Chhattisgarh Chamber of Commerce and industries President Yogesh Agrawal of Chhattisgarh Rice Millers’ Association, Vinod Kejriwal of Urla Industries Association and a number of top industrialists were present at the meeting. Notably, in April last year, the Central Government had released C1157.94 crore for the financial year 2015-16 for Chhattisgarh as first Installment of ‘Devolution’ as per 14th Finance Commission recommendations. The Central Government has released more than C37,420 crore to all the States for financial year 201516 as the first installment of devolution. It may be recalled that Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh on March 13 last year had presented a bold and impressive C65,013 crore budget for the fiscal 2015-16 and kept youth, industry and infrastructure ar centre stage in the Chhattisgarh Assembly. Singh had announced a series of trade and business-friendly tax incentives in VAT, Central Sales Tax and Entry Tax, to make domestic trade and industry more competitive. He had also reaffirmed his commitment to the poor, farmers and the deprived sec- tions of society by introducing many pro-poor schemes. A major highlight of the budget was the introduction of a separate ‘Youth Budget’, which brings into sharp focus the public investment in schemes that directly relate to the youths which make up about 90 lakh out of State’s 2.55 crore population. As many as C6,151 crore have been allocated for youth with a basic intent to skill development under the Chhattisgarh Right of Youth to Skill Development Act, 2013. The focus on infrastructure was another highlight of the budget, with an outlay of over C11,000 crore, making an increase of over 39 percent over last year. The allocation for the road sector alone is C5,183 crore, an increase of 43 percent over last year. In other bold decisions which are targetted to build up infrastructure, Chhattisgarh plans to upgrade all State highways and roads connecting district and block headquarters to double-lane roads. In addition, 2,000 km of existing roads will be upgraded in the PPP mode, with an estimated investment of C10,000 crore. Besides, C 700 crore have been allocated for rural connectivity, for roads not covered under Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Scheme. The State will also develop a 300-kilometre Rail Corridor through a joint-venture with SECL and IRCON, with an estimated investment of C5,000 crore. The budget also provides for developing the Swami Vivekananda Airport at Raipur in line with international norms. Bold tax reforms were proposed to further enhance the “ease of doing business” in Chhattisgarh. Traders having an annual turnover of up to C1 crore were exempted outright from filing quarterly returns. E-payment of taxes was made compulsory for all tax-payers. VAT on re-rolled products was reduced to 4 percent. All industrial inputs, including lubricants, light diesel oil, and electrical panels, have been brought in the 5 percent VAT slab. In a major relief to the micro, small and medium enterprises sector, Entry Tax exemption had been extended to investments in plant and machinery up to C5 crores as against the existing exemption limit of just C1 crore. To give a fillip to the Clean India initiative of the Prime Minister, Chief Minister Raman Singh announced exemption of VAT and Entry Tax on bio-toilets. In order to incentivise fast-track construction of affordable housing, precast and monolithic concrete products have been made tax-free. VAT on aviation turbine fuel has been reduced to 4 percent. As the acclaimed pioneer of food security, Singh has made a massive allocation of about Rs. 5,000 crore for the State’s food security initiatives, which cover about 85 percent of the population. In the health sector, a special nutrition supplement scheme for TB patients, the first of its kind in the country, and distribution of free insulin for diabetic children were some of the fresh initiatives. Reaffirming his commitment to the poor, Singh had announced 20 percent hike in the Social Security Pension for about 16 lakh pensioners. In spite of huge allocation towards pro-poor initiatives, there was a substantial increase of 39 percent in capital expenditure. Plan expenditure accounts for 61 percent of the total budget out of which 36 percent was allocated for Tribal Sub-Plan. Fiscal deficit was contained within prescribed ceiling of 3 percent of GSDP. Thus the budget combined bold and creative prioritisation with fiscal prudence. 1D\D5DLSXU%576FRPSOHWLRQE\HQGOLNHO\ 7_fdcdQbdcbUdU^TUbY^W =PhPAPX_da d_XYbUSX_``UbcUbfYSUc <PbbCaP]b_^ac ;cSXbX]_a^RTbb ^USTeT[^_X]V cWaTT1ACB R^aaXS^ab BC055A4?>AC4AQ =0H0 A08?DA he Bus Rapid Transport System (BRTS) project T being implemented in the new capital city is expected to be completed by end of 2016, officials informed. An interim bus service is already running between Raipur and Naya Raipur . Notably, the Naya Raipur Mass Transport Ltd (NRMTL) is in the process of developing a total of three BRTS corridors covering a total of 40 kms with exclusive ‘Right of Way’ with the possibility of mixed route extension. NRMTL established to act as a Special Purpose Vehicle to carry out the objectives of building, constructing and developing public transport system has proposed to develop the BRTS with private sector participation, officials stated. The Corridor-I would be of 25 kms from Raipur Railway Station till Capitol Complex in Naya Raipur. The Corridor-III would be of 17.8 kms within Naya Raipur. To facilitate BRTS operations, the NRMTL would provide depots and workshops to park and service the vehicles when not in use. The operator would maintain 30 air conditioned buses at routes designated by NRMTL. If the fleet requirement is more , 10 more buses would be provided by the operator of similar specifications. An ‘Intelligent Tracking System’ (ITS) would be established under the proposed Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) in the new administrative capital. Notably, Naya Raipur is among five other cities in the countr y chosen as ‘Demonstration Cities’ for the Centre’s ambitious Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP). The final five cities participating as ‘Demonstration Cities’ under Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) are - Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Mysore (Karnataka), Naya BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA he Chhattisgarh Directorate T of Aviation has gone for a re-tendering process to hire a Raipur (Chhattisgarh), Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad (Maharashtra). Detailed project profiles were prepared by all cities with the assistance of the SUTP Consultants and then endorsed by the SUTP Steering Committee to be included to SUTP as ‘City Demonstration Projects’, officials stated. NRDA to cite an example is also going for an ‘Intelligent Rain Water Drainage System’ fixed with indicators to send alert before water logging or %2´VPaWaXRT\X[[Tab VXeTd_;?6bdQbXSh BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA he owners of 1,600 rice mills in Chhattisgarh have T given up the cooking gas subsidy on an appeal made by Chief Minister Raman Singh, it was informed in the annual State-level conference of rice millers here. Chief Minister Raman Singh on Tuesday said that the Public Distribution System (PDS) had brought glory to Chhattisgarh. The Chief Minister was addressing the annual State-level conference of rice millers. The Supreme Court asked all the other States to emulate this PDS system. The rice millers had contributed a lot in the success of the PDS. The millers should provide quality rice at all times and share the social responsibility. Substandard quality of food material will never be accepted, he said. The Food and Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Minister Punnulal Mohle presided over the function. Chief Minister Raman Singh who was the chief guest said that rice mill industry is of crucial importance for providing employment to youth in comparison to other industries. There are more employment opportunities in the industry with less investment. About 400 youth are employed in a rice mill. There is a rapid expansion of rice mills industry after the formation of Chhattisgarh. There is high quality after the growth of rice mills. There were 700 rice mills at the time of formation of Chhattisgarh and now 1, 600 rice mills are in operation. The scenario of agriculture progress can be witnessed in rice mills. Agriculture is the backbone of the State’s economy. The prosperity of the State is dependent on the prosperity of farmer. The State bagged ‘Krishi Karman’ award due to the hard working farmers who produce record rice. The State had bagged ‘krishi Karman’ award this year for record pulses’ production, he said. The Chief Minister assured the rice millers that their grievances will be dealt with sympathetically. Mohle said to avoid broken rice problem top quality rice mills should be established in the State. He said 59 lakh metric tonnes of paddy had been produced this year in the State. Chhattisgarh Rice Millers’ Association President Yogesh Agrawal while welcoming the gathering gave a list of grievances and demands to the CM. flood situation with option for automatic valve opening system, officials stated. It plans of developing a project comprising IT-enabled systems to manage a host of utilities using state-of-art technology. The design would comprise IT enabled land management system, city surveillance besides a host of other systems till now popular and being used only in the developed countries. The other city management systems include intelligent lighting systems, pay and use parking systems, city guide map available through web browser, intelligent transport system, city level wi-fi touch screens across the city, display boards across the city for providing real-time information, emergency alert and crisis response systems, traffic re-routing applications based on real time traffic data. The city would also have an Central Control Center for monitoring all the services including central traffic control and management system. twin engine helicopter for use by the State Police and VIPs on a long-term charter basis. The Government is looking for a twin engine helicopter capable of carrying a minimum of six passengers. The helicopter will be based in Bastar district’s headquarters Jagdalpur but would be required to operate in the entire State, officials stated. The helicopter would have to provide 25 hours of committed flying in a month. Notably, the Chhattisgarh Government will develop a helipad with night landing facility in insurgency infested Sukma district of Bastar at a cost of C19.90 lakh, officials stated. Notably in November last year, the State government also decided to provide a night landing facility in insurgency infested Bijapur district of Bastar. The officials of Airports Authority of India (AAI) and Chhattisgarh government’s Bastar district officials had also jointly visited the Jagdalpur Airport recently to discuss plans for developing the crucial airport in the insurgency infested Bastar district. The AAI team had inspected the airport and expressed the possibility of developing the Terminal building, Air Traffic Control Tower and hangar, officials stated. Officials stated that the infrastructural set up would also pave way for the functioning of two-seater air-taxi service soon. Moreover, the technical guidance for building the necessary infrastructure was felt by the officers. Notably, the AAI is also mulling over plans to begin three-seater air taxi services from Jagdalpur in the near future. The inspection visit covered issues like security, land availability and other technicalities. On behalf of AAI, Raipur Airport Director Santosh Dhoke, Civil Aviation Security Bureau’s Security Assistant Commissioner BP Sharma, Air Traffic Management Deputy General Manager (DGM) SK Singh, Air Traffic Control DGM Sudhir Sharma and others visited the airport. ([HQJLQHHUVSURIVWRHYDOXDWHUXUDOURDGV BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA he Chhattisgarh Government would soon T seek services of retired engineers and professors to monitor the quality of rural roads construction work in the State. The Government would soon constitute a panel of retired engineers and professors under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) in Chhattisgarh. In this panel, retired engineers and professors will be appointed as ‘State Quality Observers’. According to information received, the Government has invited application from retired engineers and professors who desire to become the part of panel and last date of submitting the application is February 8 of this year. For empanelment of quality obser vers in panel, Chhattisgarh State Rural Road Development Agency under Panchayat and Rural Development Department has invited applications from retired teachers and professors of Chhattisgarh and its neighbouring states, said official sources. Retired engineers with rank not lower than Executive Engineer (Civil) and Professor of Engineering as well as Polytechnic colleges having the experience of road construction and its maintenance are eligible being part of the panel, informed officials. Chief Minister Raman Singh had announced last week that construction of roads worth C2,000 crore have already been completed in tribal pockets of Chhattisgarh. Besides, construction of 70 roads in Dantewada and Sukma district of Bastar region is in progress, he had stated while addressing the Statelevel Convention of leaders of Scheduled Tribe communities titled ‘Mahabaithaka’ organized at Gondwana Bhavan in Tikrapara area of Raipur. The Chhattisgarh government will soon commence work for construction of as many as 92 roads falling in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) hit districts of the State. Of the total 153 roads to be constructed in seven LWE districts of Chhattisgarh under ‘Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana’ (PMGSY), tenders have been invited for 92 roads, said an official, adding that the estimated expenditure for construction of these roads would be around C163.17 crores. The tenders had already been awarded for 90 roads, officials stated. As per information received, Chief Minister Raman Singh had recently reviewed the progress of ongoing preparations to complete the road construction works in a meeting held with Panchayat and Rural Development Minister Ajay Chandrakar and his Department officials. The meeting was also attended by Additional Chief Secretary (Panchayat and Rural Development) M K Raut. Notably, following the problems being encountered during road construction works in LWE districts, the Chief Minister has sent a proposal to the Centre for re-inviting tenders for construction of 92 PMGSY roads. It needs to be mentioned that these roads were sanctioned for seven districts of Bastar division between 200102 and 2008-09, of which 35 roads were sanctioned for Bastar, Kondagaon (18), Kanker (12), Sukma (8), Nayaranpur (8), Bijapur (7) and Dantewada (4), said officials , adding that administrative approval of C149.66 crore was given for construction the roads. As of now, C62.25 crore has been spent on construction of 92 roads and remaining works will be carried out with pending amount, the officials informed. Information received from District Collectors of respective districts highlighted that as many as 267 road construction works were sanctioned under PMGSY between 2001-02 and 2008-09, of which 114 road works are in progress while 153 works were hindered due to Naxal problem. Based on information that 92 pending works could be started again, Chief Minister directed officials of Panchayat and Rural Development to table a proposal for re-inviting the tenders of road works to the Central government. After necessary approvals from the Centre, the Department has floated tenders for road construction works. Notably, Chhattisgarh is among the seven worst Left Wing Extremism (LWE) states which been allocated C228.56 crore as Additional Central Assistance (ACA) by Union Ministry of Home Affairs, officials stated. Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had approved the State-wise allocation of Additional Central Assistance of Rs 1000 crores to 35 worst LWE affected districts in seven States. Out of these 35 districts, there are 16 LWE affected districts in Jharkhand, 8 in Chhattisgarh, 6 in Bihar, 2 in Odisha and one each in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. ]PcX^]# B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& DfcR[afcXVed")!!YR_Uaf^adZ_$jcd ,QWHUHVWIUHHIDUPHUORDQ BC055A4?>AC4AQ BDA09?DA he State Public Health Engineering Department had installed around 1800 hand pumps during the past three years in Surajpur district. Officials on Tuesday informed that around 755 hand pumps were installed in 201314 financial year, 797 in 201415 and 250 hand pumps during the last eight months of 2015, officials stated. The number of recent installations cover 57 hand pumps in Odagi block, 56 in Surajpur block, 46 in Pratappur, 43 in Bhaiya Than, 29 in Prem Nagar and 19 hand pumps in Ramanuj Nagar. Meanwhile, out of the 797 hand pumps of 2014-15, 203 hand pumps were installed at Pratappur, 164 in Surajpur, 120 in Ramanuj Nagar, 115 in Bhaiya Than, 113 in Prem Nagar and 82 in Odagi. On the other side, the 755 hand pumps set up in 2013-14 include 181 in Surajpur, 135 in Pratappur, 124 in Ramanuj Nagar, 120 in Odagi, 109 in Prem Nagar and 86 hand pumps in Bhaiya Than. According to the Public Health Engineering Department officials as many T as 30 power pumps were also installed in 2014-15 financial year. Overall, the State Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) has installed 33,327 hand pumps during the past more than two years in the State. During the period, a total of 1000 power operated pumps were also installed, officials stated. The Department carried out digging of a total of 40,016 bore wells in the State out of which 34,978 were successful. PHED is providing safe and clean drinking water to the residents of 1,145 habitats in the State, officials stated. Earlier, the people in various districts had been getting drinking water with excess iron, hard water and fluoride content, they stated. Water purification plants have been installed to limit iron >9?C;FCcYW^=_E 5a^\;TUcc^AXVWc=8>BP]S:EB0dcW^aXcXTbSdaX]VWP]SX]V^eTaUX[Tb^U<^D6:BaXePbcPeP80B0SS[2^\\XbbX^]Ta :EB?a^U21BWPa\P2WPXa\P]=8>BBP]c^bW:d\Pa<P[[80B2^\\XbbX^]TaP]S23WPad\P]BTRaTcPah=8>B ?X^]TTa_W^c^ BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has A been signed between National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) whereby all single shift KVs will work as NIOS Study Centre, for conducting Public Examination and On Demand Examination (ODE) of NIOS Courses, officials stated. Both the institutions will work together towards the national goal of providing quality education for all. It would also help in improvement of quality of school education – formal system (being imparted in Kendriya 5aTTS^\UXVWcTa:P]V[d :d\WPaaT\T\QTaTS Vidyalayas) as well as Open & Distance Education (being imparted by NIOS). The facility of On Demand Examination was earlier provided to learners only at the Regional Centres of NIOS. Through this agreement, the facility will now be extended to the learners across the country. ecurity personnel on Tuesday gunned down a Maoist in an Sencounter which took place in he death anniversary of freedom fighter Kanglu T Kumhar was observed here in Bhanupratappur tehsil of Chhattisgarh’s Kanker district on Tuesday. On the occasion, sacrifices and remarkable contribution of Kumhar in freedom struggle were recalled by people. Chief of Chhattisgarh State Scheduled Tribe Commission Devlal Dugga who attended the programme organized to mark the death anniversary of Kumhar as chief guest, said government buildings should be dedicated on the name of freedom fighters so that their legacy could be remembered by future generation. Meanwhile, Dugga also assured of tabling a proposal in this connection before Chief Minister Raman Singh. insurgency-hit Kanker district of Chhattisgarh and recovered a SLR, police said. The encounter took place in forest falling under limits of Koyelibeda police station, said a senior police officer. According to the officer, a joint squad of Border Security Force (BSF), Special Task Force (STF) and District Force (DF) undertaking Anti-naxal exercise was targetted by a group of ultras when they reached Kesekodi forest following which security forces retaliated. Unable to withstand the retaliatory action launched by security personnel, the insurgents fled from the spot. While undertaking search after an encounter which lasted for an hour, troopers recovered a blood stained body of a cadre along with one SLR and magazine from the spot, the officer said. From Page 1 The Embassy officials added that Kher should show proof that he has submitted visa application form before making such claims. However, the organisers of the Karachi Literature Festival (KLF) said they were advised by the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi to tell Kher not to submit a visa application as he would not be issued one. Rejecting PHC claims, Kher said that Pakistan’s Interior Ministry did not send a clearance for his visa even though the Lit fest organisers pursued the matter vigorously with it. He added that he will have gone to PHC to complete the visa formalities once the approval was given from Islamabad. Kher produced a series of e-mail communications with the KLF organisers about the visa issue, alleging that the PHC was trying to mislead on the issue. was on the PDP’s differences with the BJP over certain contentious issues. She said the alliance partners have the ‘Agenda of Alliance’, and the same was drafted at the highest level by the two parties and would be implemented. “During my meeting with the Governor I clarified the position of my party for forming a new alliance Government,” she said. After her departure, State BJP chief Sat Paul Sharma along with former Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh and MP from Jammu-Poonch Jugal Kishore Sharma met Governor NN Vohra to explain their position over the issue of 2^]V´b ]d\QTab From Page 1 But there is an atmosphere of trust and a new ray of hope all over the country,” said the Prime Minister. He pointed out that the Mudra Yojana launched by his Government has benefited more than two crore families in the country as Rs 95,000 crore has been disbursed under this scheme. The Mudra scheme (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) has been launched by the Prime Minister to facilitate the micro units in the country and provide them sufficient funds to develop. Modi said there has been a 39 per cent increase in the Foreign Direct Investment to the country in 2015. He also said that the country’s economy is growing. Earlier, the Prime Minister dedicated to the nation a new building complex built for the ESI Medical College and Hospital in the city. ³4]R^daPVT_a^RTbbd]Xcb dbX]V\X]^aU^aTbc_a^SdRT´ BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA rincipal Chief C onser vator Forest P (PCCF) AA Boaz has directed the officials of the department to the ensure active participation of people in using minor forest produce in processing units. Reviewing the department’s works, Boaz issued specific directives, while suggesting field officers to begin efforts for holding forest- based livelihood training programmes, which include plate making, bamboo processing, manufacturing of incense sticks, tamarind, candy and other products. Expressing unhappiness over pendency of compensation to the tune of aroundC 42 lakh to be distributed among the people in Raigarh district against the damage caused by tuskers, the PCCF directed officials concerned to ensure that the distribution of com- pensation happens from the CAMPA (C ompensator y Af forestation Fund Management and Planning Authority) fund. Moreover, he also directed CAMPA Incharge to initiate requisite moves in this regard. It was informed during the meeting that an amount of C5 crore has been sanctioned for development of ‘Climate Change Knowledge Centre’ under climate change initiatives. RICFUGLVWULEXWHG BC055A4?>AC4AQ A08?DA or cultivation of Rabi crops, the Chhattisgarh F Government has distributed around C168 crore among farmers as short-term loan through Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies, officials stated. As per the policy, the Government is providing interest free loan to farmers for Kharif and Rabi season. For this Rabi season, the Government has set the target of distributing short-term loan to the tune of around C650 crore. In five districts of Raipur division which include Raipur, Gariaband, Balodabazar, Mahasamund and Dhamtari, District Cooperative Central Bank, Raipur has distributed loan worth C4.79 crore to farmers, informed Chairman of the State Cooperative Bank (Apex) Ashok Bajaj. Similarly, loan to the tune of around C29.28 crore has been given to farmers in Durg district followed by Balod (C37.59 crore) and Bemetara (C46.54 crore), he said. Besides, loan of around C13.38 crore has been distributed among farmers in Rajnandgaon district and over Rs 4 crore in Kabirdham distirct, Bajaj said. Meanwhile, Bajaj informed that Rs 3.49 crore has been distributed among farmers as short-term loan in districts under Bilaspur division which include Bilaspur (C 2.77 crore), Mungeli (C11 lakh), JanjgirChampa (C60 lakh). In seven districts of Bastar division, C18.32 crore has been distributed as short-term loan and large numbers of farmers have been benefitted with short-term loan in districts under Surguja division, he said. Notably, the government has decided to sow cereal, oilseeds, pulses and vegetables in around 17 lakh hectares in the ongoing sowing of Rabi Crops out of which sowing in 12 lakh hectares has been covered by January 5, stated officials. By December 23 last year, sowing for Rabi season crops was completed in 60 per cent of the cultivation area in Chhattisgarh. Moreover, during the current season, vegetables would be grown in 1.70 lakh hectares and the farmers have already carried out sowing in one lakh hectares of land. The farmers have also carried out sowing for sugarcane crops in an estimated 10,000 hectares of land. Agriculture Department has started encouraging the farmers to sow more of pulses crop in Rabi season 2015-16. As per the given target, 3.60 lakh hectares have been marked for sowing gram, 30,000 hectares for lentils, 30,000 hectares for moong, 15,000 hectares for urad, 40,000 hectares for kulthi and 3.50 lakh hectares have been marked for sowing Tivra crop. AR\UV_ZVUgZdR W`c]ZeWVdecfVd 2_faR^<YVc 0bWaX]TX]APX_daWPbQTT]X[[d\X]PcTS^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U³Dab´^U³1P]YPaXFP[T1PQP´X]cWTRXch D=CcVT`gVcVU =UXR__RQTU]Q^Tc Government formation. From Page 1 Wc`^Xf__VU After the meeting Nirmal Mehbooba refused to specify what kind of CBMs she was Singh told reporters: “We are in U`h_>R`Zde looking for and what her stand favour of continuing this BC055A4?>AC4AQ :0=:4A BC055A4?>AC4A Q 170=D?A0C0??DA and fluoride contents and R.O. (Reverse Osmosis ).State PHED Minister Ramsevak Paikra had initiated the works on nine ‘Nal-Jal’ Yojanas (tap water projects) at a cost of C276.67 crore. The PHED has installed as many as 251 new solar powered pumps in various districts in rural pockets of Chhattisgarh, officials stated. The Department also installed a total of 8,950 new hand pumps during 2014-15 under the National Rural Drinking Water Mission in the rural pockets of the State. There were a total of 10,373 tube wells dug up by the Department in the entire State out of which 8,950 wells were declared successful. During the last financial year, 1,034 new hand pumps were established in rural schools and 1,881 in Anganwadis. As many as 141 new tube wells were dug in the urban pockets of the State out of which 126 were declared successful during the last financial year. Notably, Chhattisgarh ranks first in the country in terms of providing drinking water through solar powered pumps, officials stated. Out of the total number of solar pumps installed in the entire country in financial year 2013-14, nearly 90 per cent of the solar pumps were installed in Chhattisgarh itself, they claimed. An amount of C65.28 crore has been spent on 6503 pure and safe drinking water schemes by the Public Health and Engineering Department (PHED) during the past six years in Bastar district. alliance with the PDP. We have asked the Governor to give us time so that we can resolve whatever is outstanding (with PDP). We have sought ten days’ time from the Governor.” The BJP leader said the process of opening channels of communication with the PDP will start soon. Contending that the BJP wants the alliance to continue, he said: “Modi sahib and Mufti sahib had a vision regarding J&K. We complete that vision.” Singh, however, reminded the PDP chief that she would have to initiate the process of Government formation after electing the leader of the Legislature Party. 6PhbTg 1\\b_QTc\UQTd_ From Page 1 Seeing the sea of people standing in support of the curative petitions, the Bench was curious to know, “Is anybody opposing it?” Surprisingly, Solicitor-General Ranjit Kumar maintained a studied silence on behalf of the Centre. The lone voice of dissent came from the Apostolic Churches Alliance represented by advocate Manoj V George. He pointed Muslim Personal Law Board too is a party in the case and is opposed to any amendment to Section 377. The Bench observed, “Such important issues arise in these petitions. Let it go to a five-judge Bench.” LGBT community members were in a celebratory mood after hearing. A pro-gay activists said, “We have got a chance to argue our case again.” 3U^dbUXQcdbQ^cV_b]UT From Page 1 While in previous years there has always been lower spending as compared to the Budgeted amount, this fiscal the Government has not cut Plan Expenditure as it wanted to boost growth, said Jaitley. “This (NDA) Government has not followed the practice of just making higher provisions and later cutting them. Perhaps this would be the first year when the Rs 34,000 to Rs 35,000 crore which was allocated has not only been spent fully, but also some more resources could be given to MGNREGA,” he said. The Finance Minister said the actual spending under the scheme in the fiscal year ending March 31 “would be the highest”. While detailing virtues of the scheme as a major engine in contributing to India’s continuing economic growth when much of the rest of the world was experiencing economic slowdown, he said, there are obvious political and social reasons to strengthen ?X^]TTa?W^c^ MNREGA since a large population of India lives in rural areas. “However, there is an economic rationale as well given the worldwide economic slowdown,” Jaitley said. He said economies of Brazil, South Africa, Russia and even China, which were till sometime ago compared to India, are experiencing slow or even negative growth. But India is continuing to grow at 7 to 7.5 per cent. “Currently, the private sector is not contributing significantly. Monsoon has been so poor in the last two years that is affected farm production and rural purchasing power. In such a situation, the Government spending on infrastructure development has increased. Foreign investments have increased and urban demand has increased,” he said. The Finance Minister said the economic slowdown in the major economies of the world or the price of oil is beyond India’s control, but what it can do is to spur growth in rural areas. From Page 1 If only I could have abandoned my car and just walked, I won’t have been so late to work,” she rued. Another protest by the joint front of municipal unions along with thousands of civic employees under the leadership of former MLA Jai Kishan was also held at Najafgarh Zone office where the protesters burned effigies of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Prime Minister Narendra Modi causing obstruction to the flow of traffic. The protest led to traffic snarls in nearby areas of Outer Delhi as well. The whole Sansad Marg was blocked due to the demonstration by JNU students at around 2 pm in the afternoon. “Obstruction in traffic at IP Chowk due to demonstration by JNU students… Sansad Marg has been closed due to demonstration. Kindly avoid the stretch,” Delhi Traffic Police advised on its of f icial Facebook page. Meanwhile, Delhi Gate Chowk was completely blocked by MCD workers who took out a protest march from Civic Centre to Rajghat carrying begging bowls in their hands. Due to the protests, the traffic was thrown out of gear in nearby areas as well. In some places, bumper to bumper traffic stretched for more than a kilometer. It was only a matter of time that long tailbacks were witnessed on all roads passing through ITO intersection and IP Chowk. 5Rh``U`_F<RddVe WcVVkV]ZdehZeYW`fc µAR\ZdeR_Z¶RUUcVddVd From Page 1 “International arrest warrant issued by the Indian Government. Also referred to as Hizrat,” the listing, first made on November 7, 2003, concludes. Dawood has time and again been reported to be based in Pakistan but Islamabad has denied his presence. Financial sanctions in force in the UK could apply to individuals, entities and Governments who may be resident in the UK or abroad. The measures include prohibiting the transfer of funds to a sanctioned country and freezing the assets of a Government, the corporate entities and residents of the target country to targeted asset freezes on individuals/entities. Certain financial sanctions may also prohibit providing or performing other financial services, such as insurance, to designated individuals or Governments. It is a criminal offence to breach a financial sanction, without an appropriate licence or authorisation from the UK Treasur y. Organisations under the entities section on the updated January 2016 list include the likes of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LT TE), Khalistan Zindabad Force, International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF), and Hizbul Mujahideen. ]PcX^]$ B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& A>e`UVSf_\R_eZWRc^VcTYRcXV 5DMQDWKVHHNV0XVOLPFOHULFV¶ 1830608=BCA03820;8B0C8>=>5H>DC7 C^W^[SZXbP]aP[[XTb PRa^bbR^d]cah*D? >SXbWP:Pa]PcPZP <?X]UXabc_WPbT 344?0::D?A4C8Q =4F34;78 n an attempt to jack up BJP’s pro-farmer image, Prime IMinister Narendra Modi will address a number of ‘kisan rallies’ across the country. The first phase of the rallies will start this month covering Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Karnataka, where he would pinpoint the policies undertaken by his Government, including the improvised crop insurance scheme and neem coating of urea for soil health, for the well-being of the agriculturists. The “kisan mahasamme- 8=B7>AC <>=B>>=)A08;F0HBC> 8=BC0;;B>;0AB4=B>AB =Tf3T[WX) APX[fPhbfX[[X]bcP[[ b^[Pa_^fTaTSbT]b^ab]TPa QaXSVTbc^\^]Xc^acWTaXbX]V fPcTa[TeT[SdaX]VcWT\^]b^^] c^_aTeT]cP]h\XbWP_APX[fPh caPRZb^UcT]VTcbdQ\TaVTSSdT c^cWT^eTaU[^fX]V^UU[^^SfPcTa PUUTRcX]VcaPX]^_TaPcX^]bSdaX]V \^]b^^]5[^^S;TeT[<^]Xc^aX]V BhbcT\R^\_aXbX]V\XRa^ STeXRTbaPSPaP]SP]T[TRca^]XR d]XcfX[[QT_[PRTS]TPacWT QaXSVTc^\^]Xc^acWTfPcTa[TeT[ 8=38010=6;034B7C0;: >=2>D=C4AC4AA>A8B< =Tf3T[WX) 8]SXPP]S1P]V[PSTbW ^]CdTbSPhSXbRdbbTSfPhbc^ Qa^PST]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]X] R^\QPcX]VcTaa^aXb\P]SQTccTa \P]PVT\T]c^UfPcTaaTb^daRTb P]Sc^^Zbc^RZ^U_PRcbbXV]TS QTcfTT]cWTcf^]PcX^]bSdaX]V ?<<^SX³beXbXcc^3WPZP[Pbc hTPa1P]V[PSTbW5^aTXV]BTRa TcPah<BWPWXSd[7P`dTbPXScWT UXabc\TTc^UcWT<PaXcX\TCPbZ 5^aRTbfX[[cPZT_[PRTX]<PaRWX] 3WPZPc^SXbRdbbfPhbc^ caP]b[PcT^QYTRcXeTbX]c^PRcX^] lan” in different States will counter the Congress’ propaganda against the Prime Minister, who is “branded” as “pro-industrialist” and “anti-farmer”. The Prime Minister’s initiative has come after he sounded his Cabinet colleagues as also party leaders to “effectively communicate” policies and programmes of his Government to the beneficiaries in the rural areas. Asked why Maharashtra, particularly Vidarbha, which has witnessed an extremely high number of suicides, has not been included for such rallies, BJP general secretary Arun Singh said the farmers’ rallies would be held in many other regions in the country with the PM initially reaching out to farmers of four States. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Sichai Yojana, Neem coating of urea, and other “pro-farmer” initiatives would be the talking points of Modi’s rallies. Modi would be inaugurating an oil refinery at Paradeep on February 7 and thereafter, visit religious city of Puri in Odhisa. The Prime Minister would visit Odisha again on February 21 to address a “massive farmers’ rally” at Bargarh in western Odisha, according to the BJP general secretary. (Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi had led a ‘save farmers’ march in Bargarh district in September, and the BJD too did the same in November, last year). The other farmers’ rallies planned, include one on February 18 in Madhya Pradesh, on February 27 in Karnataka and on February 28 in Uttar Pradesh — the venue for these are yet to be decided. “More farmers’ rallies to be addressed by the Prime Minister across the country would be added to the list,” he said. The Government has made it mandatory for domestic fertiliser firms to “neem coat” at least 75 per cent of their urea production, a move likely to save C6,500 crore subsidy outgo, retain health of soil, increase output and stop diversion of urea for industrial purposes. The move is aimed at checking the excessive use of urea, which is deteriorating the soil health and adversely impacting overall yield. This apart, the new farmer crop insurance scheme (Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana) announced recently has been described by the BJP as the biggest incentive for the farmers of the country since the Independence. The party said, itwould secure their crop at “very low premium”, target at least 50 per cent farmers and include even the damaged farm produce in the storage. *RYWLVVXHVWUDYHODGYLVRU\RQ=LND ?=BQ =4F34;78 ith the WHO declaring Zika virus disease a public health emergency, the Union Health Ministry on Tuesday issued detailed guidelines to deal with the mosquito-borne virus including an advisory to travellers (both male and female) to consider postponing their travel to affected countries. Also, all the international airports and ports have been asked to display billboards and signage providing information to travelers on Zika virus disease and to report to custom authorities if they are returning from affected countries and suffering from febrile illness, symptom of the disease. The guideline advises nonessential travel to the affected countries to be deferred or cancelled while pregnant women or women who are trying to become pregnant should defer/ cancel their travel to the affected areas. W Pregnant women who have travelled to areas with Zika virus transmission should mention about their travel during antenatal visits in order to be assessed and monitored appropriately, as per the guidelines. The Ministry said the overall situation would be monitored by a ‘joint monitoring group’ under Director General of Health Services (DGHS) while the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) would identify the research priorities and take appropriate action. Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) shall be activated at Central and State surveillance units with each team comprising an epidemiologist or public health specialist, a microbiologist and a medical specialist, the ministry added. The National Centre for Disease Control in Delhi would be the nodal agency for investigation of any outbreaks in India, it said. “I have instructed all concerned to take steps for preventing entry and transmission of the virus in India. Sufficient diagnostic capacity and risk communication are also key elements of strategy on Zika virus. My Ministry is fully geared to deal with Zika virus. No case reported in India. No need to panic,” Health Minister JP Nadda said in a series of tweets. WHO South-East Asia Regional Director Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh urged countries in the region to strengthen surveillance and take preventive measures against the Zika virus disease which is strongly suspected to have a causal relation with clusters of microcephaly and other neurological abnormalities. >_V_b]Q\`b_`_cQ\ _^cUhTUdUb]Y^QdY_^ dUcdS\QbYVYUcG34 New Delhi: There is no formal proposal for prenatal sex determination and the idea is at the discussion stage, Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi on Tuesday clarified amidst a raging debate over her remark that such a test be made compulsory to check female foeticide. “The WCD Minister clarifies that there is no Cabinet proposal for tracking the sex of a foetus and that compulsory determination of foetal sex is an idea given by some stakeholders,” WCD Ministry said on Twitter. Speaking on Monday at an event in Jaipur, Gandhi had said, “In my personal view, the woman should be compulsorily told whether it is a boy or girl child whom she is going to give birth to. I am just putting out this idea. It is being discussed though there is no conclusion yet.” The Minister’s suggestion evoked sharp reaction from activists and netizens as it would result in lifting of the ban on prenatal sex determination under PCPNDT Act. “At least the present law has maintained a certain level of fear with respect to sex determination even among the rural and illiterate populace,” read one tweet while other said,” #India sex-ratio-918. Need of the hour is investing in changing d social cultural environment rather than scrapping ban on #sexdetermination.” In view of the raging debate, the Ministry also issued a statement on Tuesday asserting that while such an idea had been mooted, there was no Cabinet proposal in this regard. The ministry said the matter needs to be debated further and invited views and suggestion in this regard. “She (Gandhi) had specifically stated that this needs further debate and had requested the media persons to give their suggestions,” the statement said. The idea behind mandatory registration of the gender of unborn child is to enable proper monitoring of his or her birth, it said. “It is an alternative point of view that if each pregnancy could be registered and the sex of the foetus could be made known to the parents and if the same happens to be a female, the deliver y should be tracked and recorded,” the statement said. PTI KHOSWRWKZDUW,6,6¶DWWHPSWV D]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VW_^bTbfXcW<db[X\R[TaXRbP]S[TPSTabX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh 9`^V>Z_]Z\V]j e`cVRTY`fee` >fd]Z^dZ_D`feY ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 nion Home Minister U Rajnath Singh on Tuesday held a meeting with top Muslim clerics and sought their cooperation to check the attempts of radicalisation of the youth by terror modules — including ISIS propagandists. The hourlong meeting was attended by NSA Ajit Doval and the IB and MHA top brass. The clerics were apprised of the activities of the West-Asia terrorist group and its efforts to attract Indian youth, especially from Muslimdominated areas. The Home Minister sought the cooperation of the clerics, who offered all help to the Government in this regard, official sources said. The issues that were discussed included misuse of social media, sources of impetus that attract persons, specially youth, to ISIS, the growth of ISIS influence in India’s neigh- bourhood and the best possible law enforcement response. Those who attended the meeting, include Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind’s Maulana Arshad Madani, Maulana Abdul Wahid Hussain Chisti of Ajmer Sharif, Asghar Ali Imam Mehdi of Jamiat Ahle Hadees, Tauqeer Raza Khan, Rafiq Warshiq, Shia leader Maulana Syed Kalbe Jawad Qalbe Jawaid, Kamal Farooqi, Mushafa Faruqi, besides others. In his remarks, the Home Minister said India’s traditions and family values will overcome such nefarious designs of terrorist groups and that while the traction that ISIS has got in India is extremely limited, and almost insignificant in comparison to other countries, there is a need to keep up vigil on all fronts, and not let down the guard in any manner. This was for the first time that the Home Minister had a meeting with Muslim clerics on the issue of ISIS. According to MHA officials, the Home Minister is expected to reach out to prominent Muslim leaders from South India also. Politicians like AIMIM chief and Hyderabad ?C8 EYVZddfVdeYRehVcV UZdTfddVUZ_T]fUVU ^ZdfdV`Wd`TZR]^VUZR d`fcTVd`WZ^aVefdeYRe ReecRTeaVcd`_ddaVTZR]]j j`feYe`:D:DeYVXc`heY `W:D:DZ_W]fV_TVZ_:_UZR¶d _VZXYS`fcY``UR_UeYV SVdea`ddZS]V]Rh V_W`cTV^V_ecVda`_dV MP Asaduddin Owaisi may be roped in to appeal to youth against radical propaganda, especially those coming through social media and other internet platforms. As per the Home Ministry statistics, a majority of the incidents of youth getting attracted to ISIS came from South Indian states. According to Indian intelligence agencies, a total of 23 Indians have so far joined the ISIS of whom six were reportedly killed in different incidents in Iraq-Syria. Around 150 Indians are under surveillance for their alleged online links with ISIS. As many as 30 other Indians, who were radicalised by ISIS elements, were prevented from travelling to the conflict zone in the West-Asia. D4aR_V] ?^[[_aT_PaTS]Tbb) 42 A`_kZ+ e``gVcdVVcVWf_U c^eXbXc?dSdRWTaahC= `WUVa`dZed 2WXTU^U0a\hBcPUU6T]TaP[3P[QXaBX]VWTgRWP]VTb\T\T]c^bfXcW=T_P[TbT0a\hRWXTU6T]TaP[APYT]SaP2WWTcaXX]=Tf 3T[WX^]CdTbSPhCWT=T_P[TbT0a\hRWXTUfX[[QTR^]UTaaTSfXcWcWTW^]^aPahaP]Z^U³6T]TaP[^UcWT8]SXP]0a\h´Qh ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTT^]FTS]TbSPhCWXbXbWXbUXabceXbXcPQa^PSPUcTaPbbd\X]VcWTc^_0a\h_^bcX]BT_cT\QTa[Pbc hTPaCWT=T_P[TbT0a\hRWXTU´beXbXcR^\TbPWTPS^U_a^_^bTSeXbXc^U?aX\T<X]XbcTa:?>[Xc^8]SXP[PcTacWXb\^]cW ?C8 New Delhi: Weeks before it finalise schedule for Assembly elections in five States, the Election Commission will visit Puducherry and Tamil Nadu for three days beginning February 9 to review poll preparedness. The three Election Commissioners, along with other senior officers of the poll panel, will be in Puducherry on February nine and in Tamil Nadu on February 10 and 11, sources said. 0bbT\Q[h_^[[b Assembly elections are likely PaT[XZT[hQT be held in West Bengal, Assam, WT[SX]FTbc Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry in April-May. The EC 1T]VP[ has already visited West Bengal and 0bbP\:TaP[P Assam to take stock of poll preCP\X[=PSd paredness in the two States. P]S While the term of assemblies in Tamil Nadu and West Bengal is ?dSdRWTaahX] coming to an end in May, the 0_aX[<Ph tenure of those in Kerala, Puducherry and Assam is coming to an end in June. The ‘full’ Commission comprising Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi and fellow Commissioners AK Joti and OP Rawat would reach Chennai on February nine from where it will proceed for Puducherry. The Commission will return to Chennai the next day and hold interaction with top civil and police officials along with political leaders of Tamil Nadu for two days. The EC team will be in Kerala on Wednesday, February 3 and return to Delhi on February 5. In Kerala, it will visit Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram. The Commission is likely to announce the poll schedule for the five States in March. Since the elections are in five states at the same time, the EC will take into consideration the availability of central forces while deciding the schedule. The Commission will also factor in festivals, weather conditions and school examinations while working out the schedule. PTI ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Supreme Court on Tuesday T formed a committee headed by former Chief Justice of India RM Lodha to oversee refund of deposits of more than five crore people who invested over C49,000 crore in a ponzi scheme run by Pearls Group. With the group officials already in CBI custody for defrauding depositors on the false promise of giving them land with high promised returns, the bench of Justices AR Dave and Adarsh Goel directed CBI and Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to cooperate with the Justice Lodha Committee and provide title deeds of all lands available with the company to be put on sale for generating refund. The deposits were collected by two flagship companies under the group — Pearls Agrotech Corporation Limited (PACL) and Pearls Golden Forest Limited PGFL). The court posted the matter for hearing next on August 2. The (SEBI) has initiated recovery proceedings against PACL Ltd and its promoters and directors, including Nirmal Singh Bhangoo, for its failure to refund C49,100 crore to investors. PACL Investors and Employees Association had appealed to the Court for getting their money reimbursed. 4g_[^aTP[cTa]PcXeTbc^caPSXcX^]P[RaT\PcX^])=6Cc^6^ec =^QP]^]BXZWcdaQP]bX]_dQ[XR ?=BQ =4F34;78 he National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed both the Environment Ministry and the Delhi Government to initiate programmes, providing alternative modes of cremation of human corpses. The traditional method of burning wood emits hazardous pollutants in the environment. The bench headed by Justice U. D. Salvi said that the need of the hour is to come out with more environment friendly methods as electric crematoriums and use of CNG, which is also in conformity with the mindset of common man. Apart from causing air pollution , dispersal of ash into the river also leads to water pollution. The bench however accepted that “the issue involves question of faith and circum- T stances in which the people live, ..”. According to the panel, it is the responsibility of the men who lead, particularly religious leaders, to steer the faith in a direction to influence the thoughts of people practicing their faith and make them adopt practices which are environment-friendly. “Religions of the world …. conceived of different methods for disposal of the dead on the basis of their theology and the circumstances in which the believers lived. Where there was plenty of wood, the individuals thought of disposal of their dead by burning with wood, but where there was scarcity of wood the individuals buried their dead,” it said. The bench further added that the government is also responsible for the same besides initiating feasible environment friendly options for cremation to the public. It has also directed the authorities and civic bodies to raise awareness and educate common man in this regard. The observations of NGT came in the wake of hearing a plea by advocate D .M. Bhalla who had said that cremation of humans by conventional methods is creating air pollution, and thus alternative methods need to be considered seriously. To add to this forest cover is also affected, he added. b_PRTbX]5aP]RT)5aT]RW\XbbX^] New Delhi: The French embassy here on Tuesday said there was no ban on wearing turbans in public space while reacting to a charge by a Sikh organisation that the community has been fighting for their rights in France. “Outside the premises of public schools, wearing the Sikh turban is very much allowed in public space, contrary to the allegations of certain radical organisations. Only the burkha is banned in public places, for obvious security reasons. “Furthermore, neither Sikhs wearing turbans in the streets nor Sikh shrines were ever subject to any hostility in France,” embassy said in a statement here. It also noted that the embassy issued this clarifica- ?VZeYVcDZ\Yd hVRcZ_XefcSR_dZ_ eYVdecVVed_`cDZ\Y dYcZ_VdhVcVVgVc dfS[VTee`R_j Y`deZ]ZejZ_7cR_TV tion following recent allegations regarding the so-called restrictions imposed on the Sikh turban in France. “France upholds the freedom of religion, as well as the right not to have one, and opposes discriminations on this ground. There is no ban on the wearing of turbans. French law in this matter is very precise: the restriction applies to the wearing of all visible religious signs, without any dis- crimination, and it applies only to public schools. “It leaves it to the heads of public schools to take the most appropriate measures, so that it is implemented in a sensitive manner,” the statement added. This measure has been explained to the Indian authorities and representatives of the Sikh community in France, with whom a regular dialogue has been established, the embassy said. The Sikhs of France understand and have assimilated the laws on laïcité (French principle of separation between the State and religious institutions) and practical solutions have been found to reconcile their religious practice with the principles of the French Republic, it added. 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India was struck by one of their many strategic assets, the Jaish-e-Mohammed, serially at Pathankot and the Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan, rendering on hold the twice cancelled India-Pakistan talks. In the second reconciliation dialogue with Afghanistan, the deep state plays an even more pivotal role: It nourishes, shapes and selects the Afghan Taliban whom Kabul calls the armed opposition which is to engage in direct talks with Kabul. The ISI is also involved in settling the factional fights within the Taliban to legitimise its chosen Emir of Taliban to replace the late Mullah Omar. The group, owing allegiance to Pakistan is led by Mullah Akhtar Mansour who is challenged by a more moderate group headed by Mullah Rasool which has distanced itself from Islamabad and wants the talks to be among Afghans without any facilitation. It is believed that the Mansour faction opened its account of violence in the new year by a series of high-profile attacks in Kabul which it believes betters it bargaining at the negotiating table. Not only will the deep state prop up the Mansour group for eventual face-to-face talks with Kabul, but will also facilitate the entry of the Haqqanis — their leader Sirajuddin Haqqani is virtually deputy leader of the Taliban — a US/UN banned terrorist group — to the talks table. This charade of nominating a group chosen by Pakistan is blessed by the US and China, both Islamabad’s well-wishers, who have placed the destiny of Afghanistan in the hands of the deep state. Great scepticism abounds in Kabul about the peace process as the National Unity Government is at the mercy of the US and Western donors. Instead of Pakistan reining in the Taliban and the Haqqanis, it has let them run riot, even as it pretends it has only influence, no control, over them. Under Pakistan’s tutelage, the four-party talks — Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and the US — have held two meetings in Islamabad and Kabul and are due to hold the third at Islamabad on February 6, and probably one more before direct engagement between the Afghan Government and the Taliban chosen by Pakistan. How China, which has so far invested no more than $300 million A and recently committed another $237 million over three years, has come to be a part of the four-party talks is mystifying. Beijing is a free rider in Afghanistan. These preliminary meetings are designed to chalk out the broad agenda for inter-Afghan talks including any preconditions — like acceptance of Afghan Constitution, renunciation of violence and severing links with terrorism. The three-stage dialogue is about evolving a roadmap for talks followed by inviting the Taliban and culminating with implementation of the peace plan. The US has convinced President Ashraf Ghani that the road to peace passes is through General Headquarters Rawalpindi. Both Mr Ghani and Chief Executive of Afghanistan, Abdullah Abdullah are on the same page scripted by the Americans that Kabul’s salvation lies in the accommodation of the armed opposition. Besides, the challenge of the reconciliation process, two other issues have to be confronted: First, the ratification of the arbitrary post of CEO which is an artificial arrangement crafted by the US to legitimise through compromise a fraudulent GUXQfUT_^UYd CQ]UUb2XeZRQ\XQc RUU^QbbUcdUTRi dXU5^V_bSU]U^d 4YbUSd_bQdU@Q^[QZ 2XeZRQ\gY\\RUdXU ^Uhdd_V_\\_g 2:@\\UQTUb ±;YbYdC_]QYiQ =4F34;7820==>C B8C>=C7454=24 <8;8C0AH4@D8?<4=C CA08=4AB0=30584;3 7>B?8C0;B7>D;314 34?;>H43C> 1>;BC4A3454=24 20?018;8CH>50=B5 C78BF8;;4=01;4 :01D;C>=46>C80C4 F8C7C74C0;810= 5A><0?>B8C8>=>5 A4;0C8E4BCA4=6C7 presidential election. Both Parliament and the Loya Jirga will need to regularise the CEO in the Constitution by September. Second, is holding the postponed parliamentary election in October. That 18 months after the formation of the NUG Defence Minister Masoom Stanekzai is still acting, reflects the squabbling for posts between North and South. The Afghan National Security Forces has had a busy year battling the combined might of the Taliban and the Haqqanis estimated to be 40-60,00 fighters. ANSF has suffered nearly 30 per cent more casualties in 2015 than in the previous year when they fought independently (without the US and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) for the first time. Suffering 16,000 casualties including 7,000 killed is intense attrition given the Taliban occupy more territory in 2016 than at any time since 2001. According to one estimate, roughly five per cent to 10 per cent of the 360 districts keep changing hands. The lesson of 2015 which the Afghans call the year of setbacks is that ANSF requires better leadership, greater motivation, enhanced weaponry and swifter mobility if B>D=318C4 DXUQddQS[ce^TUbcS_bUdXU Y]`_bdQ^SU_VWUddY^W bUS_^SY\YQdY_^dQ\[cRUdgUU^ 1VWXQ^bUWY]UQ^T DQ\YRQ^W_Y^W ECC CdQdUT TU`Qbd]U^d_ _VVYSYQ\ ±:_X^;YbRi they are to provide the political leadership greater flexibility at the negotiating table. The Taliban is expected to be fighting while negotiating, a strategic posture enabling moral ascendency. A ceasefire which Kabul wants will come with costs. ANSF should exploit the divisions within the Taliban as rival groups battle for space and fight with the Islamic State. Similarly, Pakistan Taliban relocated in Afghanistan be used as a bargaining chip in road map for two-way talks. Till last month, the usual things were being said about India in Afghanistan: On its own it does not shape outcomes: It is a peripheral player (not part of four-party talks); enjoys goodwill with highest popularity ratings but no political influence; is guided by the US and conscious of Pakistan’s sensitivities; it is in wait and watch mode — sitting on the fence; the two billion dollar committed to Afghanistan could have yielded better political gains elsewhere, and so on. All this appears to be changing. In a first by any Government official, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in response to repeated requests from Kabul for operationalising the strategic partnership agreement announced in December last year at the most unlikely capital, Islamabad, the equally unlikely declaration: India is ready to work with Afghanistan to strengthen its defence capability. The Mazar-e-Sharif attack was apparently messaging from the ISI to lay off weaponising ANSF. Already the first of four Mi25 helicopters has been delivered while tanks, guns and howitzers could be in the pipeline. New Delhi can no longer sit on the fence. Military equipment, trainers and a field hospital should be deployed to bolster the defence capability of ANSF. This will enable Kabul to negotiate with the Taliban from a position of relative strength. When the stalled IndiaPakistan dialogue is resumed, Afghanistan should figure prominently for the threats emanating from there, especially from the IS. This requires to be tackled jointly. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently told the Afghan Parliament: “India is here, not to light the flame of conflict or compete in Afghanistan. We support Kabul without timelines and want Pakistan to be a bridge between South Asia and Afghanistan.” Strengthening the ANSF diminishes Pakistan’s leverage over the reconciliation process. 9_gQXQccU^T^_dYSU dXQddXU^UhdBU`eR\YSQ^ ^_]Y^UU_b@bUcYTU^d g_e\T^_dRUSX_cU^ Ri]UTYQ\_RRiYcdc_b RiGQcXY^Wd_^YQ^c DUhQcC CU^Qd_b ±DUT3bej ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 3_]]_^S_TU Sir — This refers to the article, “The minority-majority unending debate” (February 2) by A Surya Prakash. The ideal solution to avoid all confusions related to majority-minority is to abolish special privileges based on religion and caste. In 1947, India became a democracy, which meant that every Indian should be treated equally. Why should anyone get more privilege than others? It is this special privilege, enjoyed by certain sections in this so-called secular/caste-less democracy that is creating problems. All special privileges, including reservations in jobs and educational institutions should be abolished. There should be a common code for all religions. S Raguraman Via web 2__cdY^WUS_^_]i Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Incentive and subsidy” (February 1). Prime Minister Narendra Modi has rightly signalled to the captains of industry to enhance investment in the backdrop of various tax incentives enjoyed by them. Government initiatives like >VYS``SR>fWeZZd_`h dZ_XZ_XRUZWWVcV_eef_V C WXbaTUTabc^cWTPacXR[T°1PRZc^PUaTbW\P]SPcTX]9:.±5TQadPah! Qh 7PaX >\ 0UcTa cWT <dUcX³b STPcW ?T^_[Tb 3T\^RaPcXR ?Pach RWXTU <TWQ^^QP<dUcXfPbR^\\XccTSc^Ud[UX[[WTaUPcWTabeXbX^]^]cWTBcPcT <b<dUcXfPbfT[[PfPaT^UcWTUPRccWPccWT<dUcXWPSU^aVTSPWXbc^aXRP[[XP]RT fXcWcWT19?STb_XcTXST^[^VXRP[SXUUTaT]RTbc^QaXSVTcWTSXeXSTQTcfTT]cWT 7X]Sd\PY^aXch9P\\dP]ScWT<db[X\\PY^aXch:PbW\XaX]cWTVaTPcTaX]cTa Tbc^UcWTQ^aSTaBcPcTD]STacWT<dUcXb[TPSTabWX_cWTR^P[XcX^]SXb_T]bP cX^]bTT\TSc^f^aZfT[[PbWTVPeT]^X]SXRPcX^]^UP]hUd]RcX^]P[_PaP[hbXb 7T]RTXcXbX]R^\_aTWT]bXQ[TcWPccWT<dUcX³bSPdVWcTaXbbdSST][hbX]VX]V PSXUUTaT]ccd]T*bWTP__TPabc^QTcWaTPcT]X]Vc^QaTPZd_cWTP[[XP]RTXUcWT 19?[TS6^eTa]\T]cPccWT2T]caTS^Tb]^c\TTcWTaR^]SXcX^]b8U<b<dUcX XbP[[TaVXRc^cWTP[[XP]RT_Pac]TafWhRP]cbWTQTR[TPaP]SaTR^\\T]ScWT SXbb^[dcX^]^UcWT0bbT\Q[hP]SPUaTbWT[TRcX^]^a[TccWT6^eTa]^aTg_[^aT ^cWTa^_cX^]bU^a6^eTa]\T]cU^a\PcX^]X]9P\\d:PbW\Xa. <APcP] EXPT\PX[ Make in India and Start-up India and subsidy rationalisation are steps in the right direction. It is now incumbent upon the private sector to seize the occasion and generate economic activity and employment to maintain a high level of growth in a bleak global economic scenario. This will give the much-awaited boost to the Indian economy. Dhruv Bhardwaj Noida 4UfU\_`]U^dQWU^TQ Sir — This refers to the editorial, “Incentive and subsidy” (February 1). Indeed, it was simply plain-talking that Prime Minister Narendra Modi did during his address at the global business summit. Mr Modi gave a good review of the Indian economy as it stood in the past and as it stands today. While the Modi Government is determined towards fulfilling its developmental agenda, the need of the hour is that Government initiatives like Make in India, Start-up India, Stand Up India etc, be followed up by increased participation from the private sector. We need to enhance home production and technological know-how. The private sector is the engine of economic growth that can drive the nation towards the path of development. Akshat Delhi BU]Qb[QR\UbUcY\YU^SU Sir — After having lost the one-day international series comprehensively, the Indian cricket team has shown remarkable resilience by bouncing back strongly, to win the three-match T-20 international series against Australia. Inspite of good batting tracks available in Australia, the Indian team had earlier struggled invariably to win against Australia. Indian top order batsmen alongside Suresh Raina and Yuvraj Singh were the players who performed well enough to bring India to victory at Sydney where the third and final T-20 international was played. And, although Indian bowlers barring Ravindra Jadeja lacked consistency, the combined effort of the Indian players was enough to win the series in Australia. Well done, India! Devendra Khurana Bhopal BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT& B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D 8]bcTPS^U[XbcT]X]Vc^cWTbcdST]cbcWT<^SX 6^eTa]\T]cXbQadcP[[hQTPcX]VcWT\d_U^a _a^cTbcX]VPVPX]bccWTABB °2^]VaTbbeXRT_aTbXST]c A07D;60=378 <R]ZRTYR\YRf_ed3V_XR]9Z_Ufd 58ABC 2>;D<= FTfX[[bTTXUcWTaTWPSQTT]P]hX]SXbRaTcX^] ^]3T[WX?^[XRTb_PacFTbWP[[cP[Zc^cWT ThTfXc]TbbTbc^Z]^ffWPcWP__T]TS °3T[WX?^[XRT2^\\XbbX^]Ta 1B10BB8 6FH==43H4A 3VXZ__Z_X`WeYV V_U`WDTYV_XV_ =^2WXTU<X]XbcTa^aTeT]<db[X\[TPSTa^UFTbc1T]VP[WPb_[PhTScWTR^\\d]P[RPaSb^d]PQPbWTS[hPb<P\PcP1P]TaYTTfW^cWX]Zb cWPcbWTRP]bcPhX]_^fTaPb[^]VPbcWTQd[Z^UcWTBcPcTb!(_TaRT]c<db[X\bbd__^acbWTa6^eTa]\T]cCWXbXbPaTRX_TU^aSXbPbcTa 4da^_TXbd]STa]^^Q[XVPcX^]c^cPZTaTUdVTTbP]SXUXc S^TbcWTBRWT]VT]CaTPchfX[[SXT1dccWT4DXcbT[UfX[[ b^[SXTa^]fXcW^dcXcd][TbbcWTTda^RdaaT]RhR^[[P_bTb da^_TWPbU^aV^ccT]cWPcWXbc^ahXbUd]SP\T]cP[[hcaPVXR±bPXS <a<P]dT[EP[[bcWT5aT]RW?aX\T<X]XbcTa°8U4da^_TRP]c_a^ cTRcXcb^f]Q^aSTabXcbcWTeTahXSTP^U4da^_TcWPcR^d[SQT cWa^f]X]c^S^dQc8cR^d[SSXbP__TPa¯]^c4da^_TXcbT[U]^c^da eP[dTbQdccWT4da^_TP]_a^YTRccWTR^]RT_cfTWPeT^U4da^_T cWPccWTU^d]SX]VUPcWTabWPS^U4da^_T± CWT4da^_TP]D]X^]¯!'R^d]caXTbP]S$\X[[X^]_T^_[T ¯Xb]^caTP[[hV^X]Vc^SXbP__TPaYdbcQTRPdbTXcRP]]^cPVaTT^] W^fc^STP[fXcW^]T^acf^\X[c^]aTUdVTTb1dc^]T^UcWTVaTPc bh\Q^[b^UXcbd]XchcWTBRWT]VT]CaTPchcWPcP[[^fTSXcbRXcXiT]b c^\^eTPa^d]SfXcW^dc_Pbb_^acb^aQ^aSTaRWTRZbXbQTX]Vbdb _T]STS_TaWP_bU^aTeTa CWTCaTPchfPbPaT\PaZPQ[TPRWXTeT\T]cH^dR^d[SVTcX]c^ h^daRPaX]?^acdVP[P]SSaXeTP[[cWTfPhc^5X][P]SeXP B_PX]5aP]RT 6Ta\P]h?^[P]S;XcWdP]XP;PceXPP]S4bc^]XPfXcW^dcTeTa^]RT WPeX]Vc^bW^fP_Pbb_^ac^aXST]cXchRPaSCWTaTf^d[S]^cTeT] QTP]hQ^ShX]d]XU^a\bcP]SX]VPccWTUa^]cXTac^fPeTh^d_Pbc YdbcPbXV]QhcWTbXST^UcWTa^PSbPhX]V°FT[R^\Tc^R^d]cahG± CWPcfPbcWTbXcdPcX^]d]cX[[Pbc\^]cWfWT]6Ta\P]h3T]\PaZ BfTST]P]S0dbcaXPaTX\_^bTS_Pbb_^acRWTRZbPccWTXaQ^aSTab _^acbP]SPXa_^acbTeT]U^acaPeT[[TabPaaXeX]VUa^\^cWTaBRWT]VT] i^]TR^d]caXTb5aP]RTPRcTSTeT]TPa[XTaSTR[PaX]VT\TaVT]RhR^] ca^[b^]XcbQ^aSTabPUcTacWTcTaa^aXbc\PbbPRaTX]?PaXbX]=^eT\QTa ! $B^]^fUd[[hWP[U^UcWT4DbRXcXiT]bR^d]cX]VcWTD:P]S 8aT[P]S[XeTQTWX]SaTP[Q^aSTabPVPX] CWT]TfQ^aSTaR^]ca^[bPaTP[[TVTSc^QTcT\_^aPah\TPbdaTb fWXRWcWTBRWT]VT]CaTPch_Ta\XcbU^aP\PgX\d\^UbXg\^]cWb X]cWTUPRT^Ub^\Td]b_TRXUXTST\TaVT]Rh1dccWTaTUdVTTT\Ta VT]RhXb]^cV^X]Vc^UPSTPfPhQh]Tgc9d[hP]ScWTcWaTPc^UcTa a^aXb\fX[[_TabXbcU^acWTU^aTbTTPQ[TUdcdaT CWPcbfWhcWT4da^_TP]2^\\XbbX^]Xb]^fTgP\X]X]VW^fcWT [TVP[UaP\Tf^aZ^UBRWT]VT]RP]QTUXSS[TSc^P[[^fPUdacWTacf^hTPab ^UR^]ca^[b^]cWT4DbX]cTa]P[Q^aSTab=^Q^ShS^dQcbcWPccWThfX[[ UX]SPfPhc^S^cWPc¯QdcPVaTPc\P]h_T^_[TS^dQccWPccWT_Pbb _^acUaTTi^]T^]RTbdb_T]STSU^acWPc[^]VfX[[TeTaR^\TQPRZ CWTcWaTTR^d]caXTbcWPcc^^ZX](_TaRT]c^U[PbchTPabaTUdVTTb 6Ta\P]h0dbcaXPP]SBfTST]WPeTP[[Q[P\TS6aTTRTU^a[TccX]V b^\P]haTUdVTTbX]P]SUPX[X]Vc^S^Rd\T]ccWT\_a^_Ta[h°6aTTRT WPb^]T^UcWTQXVVTbc=PeXTbX]4da^_T±bPXScWT0dbcaXP]8]cTaX^a <X]XbcTa<a9^WP]]P<XZ[;TXc]Ta°8cbP\hcWcWPccWT6aTTZCdaZXbW Q^aSTaRP]]^cQT_a^cTRcTS± CWT6aTTZb`dXcTaTPb^]PQ[hPbZfWPccWTXaQXV=PehXbbd_ _^bTSc^S^BX]ZcWTaTUdVTTQ^Pcb.0bU^acWTUPX[daTc^aTVXbcTa P[[cWTaTUdVTTb_a^_Ta[hcWTh_^X]c^dccWPcPc_TPZU[^f[PbcPdcd\] \^aTcWP] fTaTPaaXeX]VTPRWSPhCWThSXS]cWPeTT]^dVW ^UUXRXP[bP]ST`dX_\T]cc^R^_TfXcWbdRW]d\QTab)#UX]VTa_aX]c \PRWX]Tbad]]X]V]^]bc^_Pa^d]ScWTR[^RZRP]^][hSTP[fXcWPQ^dc #_T^_[TPSPh 8cb]^cYdbcP`dTbcX^]^UbRaTT]X]V^dc_^bbXQ[TcTaa^aXbcbP[cW^dVW cWPc\dbcQTS^]TQTccTaXUR^]UXST]RTX]BRWT]VT]Xbc^QTaTbc^aTS 8]_aPRcXRT6aTTRT^a4D^UUXRXP[b^_TaPcX]VX]6aTTRTf^d[SP[b^ WPeTc^STRXSTPccWTQ^aSTafW^XbaTP[[hPVT]dX]TaTUdVTTcWThPaT ^Q[XVTSc^PS\XcP]SfW^bW^d[SQTaTcda]TSX\\TSXPcT[hc^CdaZTh CWTaT Xb ]^ ^Q[XVPcX^] U^a 4da^_T c^ cPZT cWT\ P[[ P]S cWT BRWT]VT]CaTPchfX[[SXTXUXcS^Tb1dccWT4da^_TP]D]X^]XcbT[U fX[[b^[SXTa^]fXcW^dcXcPc[TPbcd]cX[P]Sd][TbbcWTTda^RdaaT] RhR^[[P_bTbfWT]cWT]TgcaTRTbbX^]WXcb 4 <0=0B767>B7 0bT]bT^UX]bTRdaXch P]ScadbcSTUXRXc R^]cX]dTbc^WPd]c :P[XPRWPZb7X]Sd aTbXST]cbfW^TeT] PUcTaP\^]cW^UcWT aX^cPaTb^ _P]XRbcaXRZT]cWPc cWThfP]cc^bT[[^UU cWTXa_a^_TachP]S aTbTcc[TCWThbPh cWPc:P[XPRWPZWPb QTR^\TPW^cQTS^U YXWPSX_^[XcXRbP RT]caT^U ?PZXbcP]Xb_XTb ]PaR^cTaa^aXbcb b\dVV[TabSTP[X]VX] b\P[[Pa\bP]S P\\d]XcX^] n a bid to create a Muslim votebank in Malda and other Muslimmajority areas in West Bengal before the upcoming Assembly election in the State, Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee has refused to arrest the perpetrators of communal violence in Malda’s Kaliachak town on January 3. Her decision has endangered not only communal harmony but also the law and order situation in this sensitive district bordering Bangladesh. For almost 10 hours, Kaliachak was witness to unprecedented terror, violence and lawlessness which West Bengal had never seen before. The mood of over a lakh-strong mob, armed with guns, swords, machetes and canisters of kerosene, was so violent that it burnt down the main kotwali thana with its records, torched 15 vehicles (four of which were laden with food), attacked and looted Hindu households whose members were shot at, and vandalised and desecrated temples. The movement of vehicular traffic on the arterial National Highway 34, which runs through Kaliachak and links Kolkata with north Bengal and the North-East, came to a complete halt for almost half a day. The officer in charge of Kaliachak thana and his force were so thoroughly terror-struck that they fled the town in panic. The district administration, which had prior knowledge of this pre-planned and well coordinated attack, did nothing to stop the ring leaders in their tracks. Reason: Edara-e Sharia, a fundamentalist outfit, which had called the ‘Muslim Rally’ to protest against the objectionable remark made against the Prophet by a little-known Hindu fringe activist, is patronised by a politically I powerful lobby, controlled by a TMC Rajya Sabha MP, and also by a JD(U) Rajya Sabha MP from Bihar. Political observers in Malda see no reason why Ms Banerjee should allow a rabidly communal organisation like the Edara-e-Sharia to stage a protest rally of all places in Kaliachak, if not to consolidate a particular community’s vote bank for her party in Malda. Interestingly, she allowed the rally to be staged 34 days after the highly objectionable comment on Prophet Mohammed was made in far-off Lucknow by a Hindu activist who has no personal or political link with West Bengal whatsoever. His remark had not been reported by Kolkata’s mainstream media either. Muslims of Malda have always voted overwhelmingly for the Congress and always served as its vote-bank. So, the best way to wean away Muslim voters from the Congress to the Trinamool Congress was to play upon their religious sentiment by projecting the TMC as the upholder of their religious cause. This would sway the Muslim voters in favour of the TMC which has been traditionally weak in Malda. Kaliachak is part of the Malda Lok Sabha constituency from where the Khan Choudhury brothers have so far been elected 11 times. The area was also chosen for its proximity to Jamaat-infested Rajshahi and Pabna districts of adjoining Bangladesh and also the neighbouring districts of Bihar where Maulana Gulam Rasool Balyavi, the JD(U) Rajya Sabha MP, is the undisputed leaders of Muslim fundamentalists. Kaliachak was also selected as the protest rally venue because Hindus form only 30 per cent of its population and the local thana is inadequately equipped to quell large-scale violence. The fear of getting adverse media coverage forced Ms Banerjee to immediately launch a damage-control exercise. She refused to acknowledge the incident as communal violence and emphatically maintained that it was a mere law and order problem. The locals, she said, were unhappy with the BSF, and both had clashed, a story which no Kaliachak resident is willing to buy. According to local Block officials, the incident had a heavy communal overtone and the Muslim fundamentalists, who converged on the town, were incited to run amuck. Ms Banerjee sought to cover up the tell-tale evidence of communal violence by repairing and repainting damaged temples, giving a fresh coat of paint to the burnt Kaliachak kotwali thana and removing the burnt remains of vehicles out of public view. She forcibly prevented a BJP fact-finding team and a CPI(M) MP from a neighbouring constituency from visiting Kaliachak. But the scars left behind by the communal riot on the minds of Kaliachak Hindu residents are indelible and cannot be erased easily. These residents complain that the January 3 incident continues to haunt them because the miscreants responsible for the riot move around freely in Kaliachak and are threatening them with dire consequences. A deep sense of insecurity and trust deficit continues to haunt Kaliachak’s Hindu residents, who, even after a month of the riot, are so panic-stricken that they want to sell off their property and resettle elsewhere in the State. They say that Kaliachak has now become a hotbed of jihadi politics, a centre of Pakistani spies, narco-terrorists, smugglers dealing in small arms and ammunition and Pakistan-printed fake Indian :KHQOLWHUDWXUHEHFRPHVSROLWLFV 8] aTRT]c cX\Tb cWT 8]SXP] X]cT[[TRcdP[ T[XcT WPb QTT] RaXQQX]V PQ^dc aXbX]V aT[XVX^db X]c^[TaP]RT P]S cWT [PRZ ^U UaTTS^\^UTg_aTbbX^]X]cWXbR^d]cahHTccWTX]bcXcdcX^]bcWThad]^UcT]SXbRaX\X]PcT^]cWTQPbXb^URPbcTP]SRaTTS he world’s largest free literature festival, the Zee Jaipur Literature Festival, came to a close recently, without running into any major scandal. Although some controversy crept in, it made little impact. Filmmaker Karan Johar sarcastically said that the freedom of expression in this country was a joke and democracy, an even bigger joke. He also tried to fuel the ‘intolerance’ debate by saying that it was difficult to say one’s mann ki baat in this country. By criticising India’s freedom of expression, Mr Johar has made a mockery of himself. It was only due to the freedom of expression which the Constitution guarantees to every citizen of this country, that Mr Johar had the courage to say that democracy was a “joke”. Some say that artistes are emotional creatures, but Mr Johar appeared to be childish. Perhaps, some people who came to this planet T with a silver spoon in their mouth will never appreciate the essence of democracy. Also, Mr Johar’s jibe adds substance to the perception that celebrities willingly rake up controversy when they have a film or a book to release. They know that public memory is short and, therefore, they make controversial comments without worrying about the consequences. It’s only when Mr Johar’s biography was to be released, that he realised that there has been a rise in intolerance and that our democracy is a joke. Actor Shah Rukh Khan too expressed his views on intolerance just before the release of his film Dilwale. However, when a section of people gave a call to boycott his film, Mr Khan said that Dilwale was not just his baby but a collaborative effort. The fact is that film stars think that controversy ensures instant success for their films or books. Some actors have also talked about leave this country, due to rising intolerance, but they forget that it is this country and its people who gave them immense love and affection. Their films incurred huge profit in this very country because people watch them irrespective of which religion they belong to. But, if stars create controversy for their own benefit, what about those who support the stars? By supporting the controversial statements of film stars about intolerance, these people damage the image of the country. Thankfully, the social fabric of this country is strong enough not be ruined by stray controversial statements. A look at the history of Sahitya Akademi award will expose the true face of the socalled champions of secularism in India. For the past six decades, the Sahitya Akademi award has not been given to a single Muslim or Dalit writing in Hindi — until last year when writer Ram Darash Mishra was felicitated. The Sahitya Akademi needs major changes with regard to its awards-selection process. Changes are also required in the Sahitya Akademi rules for selecting the general council. What we are analysing is the credibility of Marxist writers who entered the Sahitya Akademi in the early 1970s and got prominence after supporting the Emergency imposed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Sahitya Akademi started honouring writers in 1955, and the first award for Hindi literature was given to Makhanlal Chaturvedi. For the last 60 years, however, the Akademi did not find any Muslim or Dalit writer, who writes in Hindi, for this prestigious award. This shows the communal face of the institution. Literature does not differentiate on the basis of caste, creed and community, but when for a period of six decades, one community is kept at the fence, question arises about the motive of such institutions. There is a long and distinguished list of Muslim writers who wrote and are still writing in Hindi. Their work is par excellence. That they still haven’t been felicitated is by the design of the Marxist writers who are at the helm of affairs at the Sahitya Akademi. Those were the days of ‘tolerance’ and in those tolerant days, no Muslim writers were rewarded by the Sahitya Akademi. In fact, Marxist writers always present themselves as champions of secularism and pretended to fight for the Muslim cause, but when the time comes to recognise the minority community, they are nowhere to be seen. If we see the list of coordina- currency notes. Many of these residents are those who settled in Kaliachak after the liberation of Bangladesh. Some were uprooted later from their hearths and homes in Bangladesh as a result of Begum Khaleda Zia’s Hindu-cleansing policy pursued from 2001 to 2008. None of the seven previous Chief Ministers or for that matter any Muslim leader of West Bengal has played the communal card, or to be more precise the ‘Muslim card’, so unabashedly in the State’s electoral politics as is being exemplified by the present Chief Minister. Just as the CPI(M)-led Left Front Government had thought that, by implementing land reforms, it would eternally stay in power with the support of the State’s legions of landless and marginal farmers and sharecroppers, Ms Banerjee benleives that she will hold on to power as long as the bulk of the State’s 29 per cent Muslims supports her Government’s pronounced pro-Muslim stance — which in popular perception has come to be viewed as a policy of Muslim appeasement. Armed with the Justice Rajinder Sachar committee’s report on the plight of Muslims in West Bengal, Ms Banerjee is showering her Government’s largesse even on those sections of the Muslim society, which ethically are not entitled to get it. For instance, her Government has been giving monthly allowances, ranging from C1,500 to C2,000, to about 51,000 imams and muezzsins. Unfortunately, this single controversial decision of hers has been sharply polarising the State’s homogenous population on religious lines. (The second and final part of this article will appear on Wednesday, February 10) (The writer is a veteran journalist and political commentator based in Kolkata) WKLQN QRZ 0=0=CE890H tors of the Hindi language at the Sahitya Akademi, most of them are from one school of thought: Marxism. Hence, it was mostly other Marxist writers who were rewarded and others sidelined. In the late 1980s, casteism also entered the Akademi and took control of the Hindi language segment. Today, the Sahitya Akademi is a place where saudebaazi is common. Once a member of the Akademi was fighting for the Hindi convenor’s post. Another senior writer too wanted to contest. The latter was persuaded to withdraw his candidature and promised an Akademi award instead — though eventually that too was never given to him! When awards are given on the basis of ideology, caste and religion, how can one expect deserving candidates to make the cut? (The writer is a television journalist with IBN7) C WTUd]SP\T]cP[XbcQT[XTeTb cWPcfTQT[XTeTX]]^cWX]V8] WXbf^a[SeXTfWTWPbWXb PQb^[dcTRTacPX]cXTbfWX[TfTPaT bd]ZX]bhQPaXcXRX]Sd[VT]RTbC^ _a^eTWX\fa^]VfT\dbcUXabc Z]^fcWPcWTXbfa^]VFT\dbc PVaTT^]fWPc\PccTab):XbbX]VX] _dQ[XR_[PRTbQPR^]bP]SfXRWTb SXbPVaTT\T]cRdccX]VTSVT UPbWX^][XcTaPcdaTVT]Ta^bXch fPcTaP\^aTT`dXcPQ[TSXbcaXQdcX^] ^UcWTf^a[SbaTb^daRTb\^eXTb \dbXRUaTTS^\^UcW^dVWcQTPdch [^eTCWTbTfX[[QT^dafTP_^]b =^cQh\PZX]VfPaQdcQhcWT d]PUaPXSfPhfTRW^^bTc^[XeT bWP[[fTSTUTPccWT\ °BP[\P]AdbWSXT ]PcX^]' B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& D`]RcdTR^+>`cVTYRcXVd *RYWFRPPLWWHGWRSURPRWLRQRI$\XUYHGD30 ]VgV]VURXRZ_de4YR_Uj P ?=BQ :>278 EA90H0A09Q :>278 S Nair, main accused in Kerala’s infamous solar scam Swhoaritha had last week charged Chief Minister Oommen Chandy with taking bribe from her, on Tuesday leveled more allegations against him saying he and his office were behind the growth and decline of her fraudulent solar power company, Team Solar Energy Solutions. Saritha, who deposed before the Justice (Retired) G Sivarajan Judicial Commission for the fifth day on Tuesday, said Chandy had advised Team Solar to focus its attention on mega solar power projects. Saritha had produced three CDs and several documents before the commission the other day in support of the charges she had made earlier. The Chief Minister had promised Team Solar to make available 113 acres at the Kinfra Park in Palakkad for installing a solar plant, she claimed. However, she said she did not know the truth of the claim made by Biju Radhakrishnan, her former live-in partner and co-accused, that C5.5 crore was paid to Chandy for this. Saritha, described as a con woman who had made the CM’s office her operational base for the solar power business with her connections with his former aides, had pushed the Congress-led UDF Government into a deep crisis last week with her charge that she had paid C1.90 crore and C40 lakh respectively to Chandy and his Power Minister Aryadan Muhammad as bribe. On Tuesday, Saritha disclosed the names of more BPaXcWPbPXS2WP]ShWPSPSeXbTSCTP\B^[Pa BPaXcWP c^U^Rdb^]\TVPb^[Pa_^fTa_a^YTRcb WPS_dbWTS cWT2^]VaTbb[TS CWT2WXTU<X]XbcTaWPS_a^\XbTSCTP\ B^[Pac^\PZTPePX[PQ[T "PRaTbPccWT D356^ecX]c^P RaXbXb[PbcfTTZfXcW :X]UaP?PaZX]?P[PZZPSU^aX]bcP[[X]VP b^[Pa_[P]c7^fTeTaBPaXcWPbPXSbWT WTaRWPaVTcWPcbWT WPS_PXSC (Ra^aT SXS]^cZ]^fcWTcadcW^UcWTR[PX\ \PSTQh1XYdAPSWPZaXbW]P]cWPcC$$ P]SC#[PZWc^ Ra^aTfPb_PXSc^2WP]Sh 2WP]ShP]SWXb ?^fTa<X]XbcTa 0RR^aSX]Vc^WTa2^]VaTbb<;01T]]h PbQaXQT 1TWT]]P]WPSPRRT_cTSC$[PZWPb_Pach Ud]SfXcW^dcVXeX]VP]haTRTX_c Congress leaders who had allegedly taken money from her fraudulent company. According to her, Congress MLA Benny Behennan, known as Chandy’s personal trouble-shooter, had accepted C5 lakh as party fund in November, 2011 without giving any receipt. Likewise, PC Vishnunath MLA, another confidant of the Chief Minister, had taken C2 lakh as donation from Team Solar in two installments when he was leading an all-Kerala Youth Congress march, Manavikatha Yatra, as its State president in 2012. No proper receipt was provided for this also, she said. Saritha told the commission that her company had given money as donation to party fund to several other Congress leaders also but she did not have evidence for this as she was not directly involved in these transactions. She said she would furnish the evidences as and when these were available to her. On Tuesday, Saritha agreed to submit the details of the “secret notes” she had prepared while in detention in the jail after her arrest in the cases of cheating related to the solar scam to the commission in sealed envelopes. The notes were said to have contained the names of the political leaders who had used her physically and financially. “The letter as such will not be handed over to the commission. But there have been a lot of allegations regarding the letter,” Saritha told newsmen outside the commission’s office in Kochi. Her deposition before the judicial commission came to a conclusion on Tuesday morning and cross examination started in the afternoon. rime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that his Government was fully committed to the promotion of Ayurveda and other traditional systems of medicine. Inaugurating the Vision Conclave organized as part of the five-day Global Ayurveda Festival at Kozhikode, Modi said that the real potential of Ayurveda was still untapped. “We are committed to promoting the use of traditional medicines in our public health system through regulation of research and appropriate integration of quality products, practices and practitioners into the health system. Our efforts are to tap the real potential of Ayurveda and other AYUSH systems in imparting preventive and holistic healthcare to people,” he said. Stating that India should ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXQTX]V_aTbT]cTSP\T\T]c^PccWT6[^QP[0hdaeTSP 5TbcXeP[X]:^iWXZ^ST^]CdTbSPh ?C8 learn from the experiences of other countries like China which had put in place policies and regulations for promoting their traditional systems of medicine, the Prime Minister said the country had the potential to become a leader in making affordable and holistic healthcare available to the world. “Ayurveda today is globally relevant because of its holistic and comprehensive approach towards health. The Ayurvedic Dinacharya (daily schedule) helps in bringing about peace and harmony in one’s life. These Dinacharyas are meant to enhance the health of a human being, both mental and physical,” Modi said. India had had a long tradition of saints and hermits who evolved the indigenous systems of healthcare like Ayurveda, the Prime Minister pointed out. However, the real potential of Ayur veda remained untapped because of inadequate scientific scrutiny and concerns regarding standards and quality, he said. “If these issues are addressed properly, I am sure Ayurveda can provide solutions to many health problems,” Modi said, adding that steps were being taken to bring regulatory amendments for effective enforcement of regulatory framework for AYUSH ;RaR_e`YV]aSRSfdScVR\XV_UVc[Z_i ;^fcda]^dc QaX]VbV[^^\ 344?0::D<0A970Q =4F34;78 ndia has tied up with Japan to train Indian bureaucrats for I‘Gender Mainstreaming’. This is part of the Knowledge Co-creation programme to enhance the capability of the national machinery to disseminate the perspective of gender mainstreaming and gender equality in design, implementation, monitoring and evalu- ation of policies and plans in various fields. Gender mainstreaming is a public policy concept of assessing the different implications for women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programmes, in all areas and levels. Mainstreaming essentially offers a pluralistic approach that values the diversity among both men and women. Scheduled in Japan in MayJuly this year, the programme has 6T]STa\PX]bcaTP\X]VXbP_dQ[XR_^[XRh R^]RT_c^UPbbTbbX]VcWTSXUUTaT]c X\_[XRPcX^]bU^af^\T]P]S\T]^UP]h _[P]]TS_^[XRhPRcX^]<PX]bcaTP\X]V TbbT]cXP[[h^UUTabP_[daP[XbcXRP__a^PRWcWPc eP[dTbcWTSXeTabXchP\^]VQ^cW\T]P]Sf^\T] been designed for Indian officers engaged in planning, implementation and/or evaluation of the gender equality or gender mainstreaming. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has asked the departments to nominate the officers working related to gender issues and it has also particularly encouraged officials working in the North Eastern States and Jammu and Kashmir. “Gender mainstreaming is for government officers working for Central policy coordinating units for the advancement of gender quality inside and within the Government. Unlike conventional policies and plans that focus only on women, gender mainstreaming is about analysing and implementing policies and initiatives in all areas from a gender point of view. It has been concluded that empowerment of women is an essential part of gender mainstreaming and strategic goals have been set accordingly,” said a circular by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) to DoPT. Highlighting the need for such a program, JICA has pointed the world is still in the process of exploring, by trial and error, how these policies has to be translated into specific measures, programs and activities. In addition, the significance of this new shift in policy of gender mainstreaming has yet to be widely recognised. C$RaaTWPQX[XcPcX^]X]bcXcdcT 7T\PbTaeTS2AI ]^cXRT^eTa[P]S X]<?b^^]U^a_T^_[T bdUUTaX]VUa^\\T]cP[X[[]Tbb P[[^ccTSTPa[XTa)AC8 ?=B Q =4F34;78 ven as the debate whether people with mental illness are E capable of doing jobs and need reservation and pension benefits has heated up, a C50 crore national project of National Institute of Mental Health Rehabilitation (NIMHR) is slowly taking shape in Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh aiming to ensure rehabilitation services and facilities for the sector. The CPWD has been asked to submit the Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the institute to be proposed to come up at five acres allotted by the MP Government at a meeting to be held soon at Bhopal. “Senior officials from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and CPWD besides State Government will attend the meeting,” said a official from the Ministry. The project which is being executed on behalf of the Union Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry is in keeping with the observation of the Working Group constituted by Planning Commission for the XII Five Year Plan. It had observed that there is lack of opportunity for mentally ill people to ensure full recovery, inability of the family to provide adequate level of care, lack of preparedness to address different need of such class of disability and also inadequate rehabilitation service . The official said, though there are dedicated specialised national institutes for each disability such as visually handicapped, hearing, physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, multiple disabilities there is none for the rehabilitation of the people suffering from mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Once they are treated, they need to be rehabilitated to ensure their integration in mainstream. The NIHR will give them vocational training depending on their capabilities, the official added. Recently, Union Minister Maneka Gandhi drew flak for doubting the ability of schizophrenia patients and other mentally ill patients. Activists argue that people with mental illness can be integrated in mainstream if backed with adequate opportunities and facilities. (Ayur veda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy) drugs at Central and state levels. In this regard, initiatives were being undertaken to create a vertical structure for AYUSH drugs in the Central Drug Standards Control Organization, he said. These steps also included control over misleading advertisements and extension of financial support to states under National AYUSH Mission to quality control activities, Modi informed. The Prime Minister said entrepreneurs planning startups would find a lot of opportunities in holistic healthcare. “We will maximize utilization of Ayurveda and Yoga and other traditions of healing in accordance with their genius and acumen and help in the promotion of integrative medical facilities,” he said. Mumbai: In what could spell more trouble for BJP MP Hema Malini who is caught in a land allotment controversy, a fresh RTI query revealed that the actress allegedly violated the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Act by destroying mangroves on a plot previously given to her at Versova, for which a notice was served to her in 1998. The actress, however, contended that an unnecessary row was being kicked up over the matter as she had already said that she would return the land at Versova once she takes possession of the land recently alloted to her. The actress-turned-politician is already facing heat from the opposition for securing a prime piece of land admeasuring 2000 sq metres for her dance academy in Oshiwara at Andheri for a throwaway price of C70,000. As per the information furnished by Mumbai Suburban Collector in response to the query filed by RTI activist Anil Galgali, Malini was allotted a plot in Versova village (of Andheri taluka), bearing survey no 161, admeasuring 1741.89 sq. M, whose possession was handed over to her on April 4, 1997. PTI 3^^aSPabWP]PacXbcb_TaU^a\³=dZPS?[Ph´SdaX]VP_a^cTbcX]bd__^ac^UcWTXaePaX^dbST\P]SbPc;P[2W^fZX]BaX]PVPa^]CdTbSPh U^a7hSTaPQPS RXeXR_^[[b ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 he biggest battle of votes in Telangana since the general T elections 20 months back voters indifference was palpable. Less than half of the 7.2 million voters turned up to exercise their franchise in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation elections on Tuesday. While all the major policy parties including the ruling Telangana Rsshtra Samiti went out of their way to woo the electorate the middle class urban voters remained unmoved as most of the 8000 polling stations were deserted specially in the new city area. State election commissioner Nagi Reddy said the polling passed off without any major untoward incident. DGP Anurag Sharma said that the situation was peaceful and polling was held smoothly. In the MIM dominated old city the voter turn out was better as long queues were seen on the polling stations. Tension prevailed in Mir Chowk area after heated argument between local MIM MLA Syed Ahmad Pasha Quadri and Congress candidate from Puranapul Md Ghouse. Both the leaders were arrested. State Congress president Uttam Kumar Reddy rushed to Mir Chowk police station to protest the arrest of his party candidate. Among the film stars N Balakrishna, NTR Junior Nagarjuna Allu Arjun also cast their votes. Elaborate security arrangements were made by deploying 26000 police personnel. Votes ?C8 will be counted on Friday. 'URQHVWRVRRQWUDFNPDQWLJHUFRQIOLFWV 2ddR^YRdUcRh_fa ?=BQ =4F34;78 onitoring of man tiger conflict in the five reserves of the country may soon become a reality through unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones, subject to approval of the Ministry of Defence. The National Tiger M However clearances are awaited from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and the Home Ministry. However, the approval is expected during the next few months and operations are expected to begin in the six months that follow. Permission has been sought to fly only within the boundary of the core area of the forest reserves. The surveillance would be outside of the human habitat area. Before deployment, a team will map out the risk zones for poaching and conflict, informed Dr. Ramesh. A drone will need a team of six, comprising of three biologists and engineers each. Elaborating fur=C20 PfPXcbP__a^eP[ ther, Dr. Ramesh Ua^\3TUT]RT<X]Xbcah said that a drone can Conservation Authority (NTCA) has recently signed a MoU with Wildlife Institute of India (WII) to start monitoring by drones in five tiger reserves. These include Panna (MP) Kaziranga (Assam), Sundarbans (West- Bengal), Corbett Reserve (Uttarakhand) and Sathyamangalam forest (Tamil Nadu). According to Dr K Ramesh, wildlife scientist from WII, in charge of drone project, drones have been acquired which would be used for combating wildlife poaching and man animal conflict. A budget of C3.5 crore has been earmarked for the project. be put on autopilot mode and sent as far as 40-50 km deep into the forest where it can record images and videos and transmit them on a real-time basis. Its movement can also be controlled through a GPS-based system. Travelling at a speed of 40 km per hour, the drones can be used for around 40-50 minutes. The batteries are easily recharged, he said. However, the forest department has to be trained to make the best use of the technology. Further, the drones that will have to be customised to suit the geographic and the specific requirements of the tiger reserves, said the scientists working on the project. A successful trial run of drone had earlier been successfully completed in Panna Tiger Reserve. RUVbfReVdVTfcZej a]R_W`cD28+8`X`Z 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 he Assam Government has thrown an elaborate securiT ty net in and around the capital city Guwahati for smooth conduction of the 12th South Asian Games, which will be jointly hosted by Assam and Meghalaya from February 5 even as Army will be kept as stand by. Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi said that finishing touches are being given as far as the infrastructural preparedness is concerned and that if there is any deficiencies, last minute steps are being taken to pluck them. Over 4,000 athletes from eight countries are expected to arrive in Assam and Meghalaya to take part in the events of the Games. Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has on Sunday reviewed the security with the army, police, para-military forces, intelligence agencies and sports administrators at Assam Administrative Staff College to discuss the progress of the last minute preparations including security on Monday and asked the concerned section to draw up a fool-proof security for the sportspersons as well as the spectators and for the smooth conduct of the games. Commissioner of the Guwahati Police, Mukesh Agarwala said that while some players and teams from different countries have already arrived in Guwahati, some are expected in a day or two. Over 65 companies of security forces will be deployed in the venues where the games events will be held and the place where the players and teams will be accommodated. “The Central government has assured us 50 companies of additional forces and 45 of them have arrived so far. The remaining 15 companies will arrive soon. Apart from this we have pulled out 15 companies of Assam police forces from different districts to assist the existing forces in smooth conduction of the Games,” Agarwala said while addressing the media. ]PcX^]( B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& ?ZeZdYTc`ddVdS`cUVcd e`V_eVca`]]S`f_UFA 508I0=07<03Q ?0C=0 marting under the success of SAssembly Maha Gathbandhan in Bihar polls, the JD(U) is chalking out plan for the party’s expansion in other States as well as to stitch alliance with different parties particularly in the poll-bound States. The neighbouring Uttar Pradesh being first on its target, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Tuesday addressed a well attended meeting at Zamania, in Gazipur district of UP, bordering Bihar, which was organised by Ashok Samrat Club. JD(U) general secretary K C Tyagi said that about one lakh people mostly belonging to Koeri, Kushwaha, Maurya, Shakya and Saini backward castes attended the public meeting. The JD(U) is already in talks with small parties like Rashtriya Lok Dal of Ajit Singh, to which the JD(U) has extended support in the Assembly bypoll, Apna Dal of Krishna Patel and Peace Party of Dr Ayub. The party is also trying for a bigger alliance by seeking support of Bahujan Samaj Party and Congress. The party is not in a mood to have any truck FTW^_TU^acWT aT^aVP]XbPcX^]^U cWT9P]PcP?PaXePa X]^cWTaBcPcTbc^^ fWXRW\PhQTR^\T Pbca^]VP[cTa]PcXeT ^UcWT19?[TS=30 S CWT93DXbP[aTPShX]cP[Zb fXcWb\P[[_PacXTb[XZTAPbWcaXhP ;^Z3P[^U0YXcBX]VWc^fWXRWcWT 93DWPbTgcT]STSbd__^acX]cWT 0bbT\Q[hQh_^[[0_]P3P[^U :aXbW]P?PcT[P]S?TPRT?Pach^U 3a0hdQ S CWT_PachXb]^cX]P\^^Sc^ WPeTP]hcadRZfXcWad[X]V BP\PYfPSX?Pach^U<d[PhP\BX]VW HPSPefWXRWSXcRWTScWT<PWP 6PcWQP]SWP]X]1XWPaT[TRcX^] S BcPcT93D_aTbXST]cbPXScWT P[[XP]RTX]^cWTaBcPcTb\Ph ]^cQT]TRTbbPaX[h^] cWT[XZTb^U1XWPa fWTaT93DU^a\TS P[[XP]RTfXcWA932^]V with ruling Samajwadi Party of Mulayam Singh Yadav which ditched the Maha Gathbandhan in Bihar election. JD(U) president Sharad Yadav on Monday announced in Lucknow on Monday that in the by-election to three Assembly seats in UP, the JD(U) will back RLD candidates. He said his party was open for the formation of a grand alliance in UP on the lines of Bihar. Bihar JD(U) president Bashistha Narain Singh on Tuesday said that post Bihar results, there was a big scope for the expansion of the JD(U) as well as formation of alliances in different States. He said Nitish is receiving invitations from UP, West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand and Kerala. “We are hopeful of the reorganisation of the Janata Parivar in other States too which may become a strong alternative of the BJP-led NDA,” Singh claimed at the party office here after welcoming former MLA Maheshwar Singh, who was in LJP and later on BJP, and his large number of supporters who 3RVW6RQL6HOMDVKDPH$GKLU HYLFWHGIURP*RYWEXQJDORZ :4E dbiY^W Q\\YQ^SU gYdXc]Q\\ 2W^fSWPah XbcWXaS2^]V `QbdYUc came from his constituency Harsidhi in East Champaran. However, State JD(U) president said t he alliance in other States may not be necessarily on the likes of Bihar where JD(U) formed alliance with RJD and Congress. “Our effort is to create a Manch (front) under Nitish Kumar and comprising of erstwhile Janata Parivar constituents to emerge as a political force,” he added. Incidentally, RJD supremo Lalu Prasad too is keen to expand his base in UP, where Assembly election is due tin 2017, by stitching an alliance with small regional and local parties. Lalu has already announced to start his campaign from Varanasi, the Lok Sabha constituency of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But still there is no sign that the two Bihar allies, JD(U) and RJD, are going to join hands in UP. One reason for this disagreement could be that Lalu is interested to include SP in his plans while Nitish is totally against joining hands with Mulayam, who during and after Bihar Assembly election was openly critical of him. The JD(U) also suspects that Mulayam has tacit understanding with the BJP. [TPSTac^QTPbZTSc^ ePRPcTPRR^\\^SPcX^]* DaQP]<X]XbcahbPhb WTfPb]´c`dP[XUXTS ?=BQ =4F34;78 ongress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhary on Tuesday C faced some embarrassing moments as officials from the Urban Development Ministry disconnected water and power supply as well as removed furniture and his other belongings from his Type-8 Government bungalow alleging that he did not qualify for the said accommodation. Chowdhary is the third Congress leader after Ambika Soni and Kumari Selja who has been asked to vacate the government accommodation for which they were not entitled. Soni and Selja last year had to vacate the Type-8 bungalow following a High Court order. On his part, Chowdhary alleged that he has been victimised for speaking against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His contention was that many leaders have been allotted type-8 bungalows without 83YcceUc^_dYSUd_!" 7ROOPRXQWVWR+& VHHNVGHWDLOV ^_]Y^QdUT2YXQb=<3c RIVWHSVWDNHQWRVHFXUHEHDFKHV ?=B Q ?0C=0 he Patna High Court’s notice T to a dozen odd MLCs asking them why their nomination to the Legislative Council not be cancelled for violation of norms in their nomination by the Governor, has caused concern not only to these legislators but also the Government. At least one the 12 MLCs, Rajiv Ranjan Singh Lalan, is a Minister. The division bench headed by acting Chief Justice Iqbal Ahmad Ansari issued notice to all these MLCs seeking their replies and fixed March 8 for next hearing. The seats against which they had been nominated in 2014 were supposed to be filled by eminent personalities from the field of art, literature, science, social service, cooperative movement etc. The nominations, under Section 169 of the Constitution, are made by the Governor at the recommendation of the State Government. Their strength is fixed at one sixth of the total strength of the Upper House. A PIL had been filed by Nagrik Adhikar Manch convener and RTI activist Shiv Prakash Rai on June 22, 2015. Challenging their nominations, Rai said the seats were to be filled from the eminent persons from different categories like art, literature and social service but all the nominated persons came from politics. “Only the politicians were nominated in violation of the constitutional norms,” argued Rai’s counsel Deenu Kumar while additional advocate general Lalit Kishore asserted that nominations were made as per the rules. He also said that after the notification for the nomination it could not be challenged in the court. Bihar Legislative Council’s lawyer Kaushal Kumar Jha pleaded that the Governor nominated them after the decision of the Cabinet. Quoting a previous court order, he said the writ should be rejected. The MLCs whose membership is under scanner are Samrat Chaudhary, Javed Iqbal ansari, Rajiv Ranjan Singh Lalan, Shiv Prasan Sahu, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Lalan Kumar Saraf and Ramchandra Bharti (all from social service field), Ram Lakhan Ram Raman and Ram Bachan Rai (literature), Vijay Kumar Mishra and Rana Gangeshwar Singh (cooperative) and Ranbir Nandan (science). They had been picked up Nitish Kumar and notification was issued on May 2014. Of them the membership of Samrat Chaudhary has already been terminated for anti-party activities and a decision to terminate the membership of Shiv Prasan Sahu is pending with the Council chairman. The petitioner had alleged that all the 12 nominations were made on a single day. On May 22, 2014 the Cabinet authorised the CM to select persons for their nomination as MLCs and the next day the names were forwarded to the Governor who on May 24 notification was issued making them MLCs for six year tenure up to 2020. It is alleged that there was no transparency of executive business of the legislature was also ignored. C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 <DAD3DB1754I ith the recovery of the W body of one more student, the toll in the Murud beach tragedy rose to 14 on Tuesday, even as the Bombay High Court took cognisance of the incident and sought to know from the Maharashtra Government what steps it had taken to make beaches secure against mishaps like the one witnessed on Tuesday. On a day the Navy and the Coast Guard traced the body of Madaki Saif Ahmed after a prolonged search, hundreds of relatives and friends bade an emo- =6C U^aR[^bdaT^U P[[X[[TVP[ST]X\ ShTX]VX]SdbcaXTb X]5PaXSPQPS New Delhi: The denim dyeing industries in Faridabad in Haryana have come under the scanner of NGT. The bench headed by NGT chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar sought a closure of all illegally functioning dyeing industries in Faridabad. It has issued notices to both the Haryana Pollution Control Board and the state government in this regard. It sought a response from the State on Tuesday. The issue has been listed for next hearing on March 14. The directions came while hearing a plea by Faridabad residents Varun Sheokand and Navneet Gumber who alleged that more than 150 jeans dyeing industries were running without the consent of the Haryana Pollution Control Board (HPCB). The petitioners have claimed that the dyeing industries, which have been categorised as “seriously” polluting by HPCB, are discharging effluents into drains without any treatment and have also not installed any effluent treatment plant in their premises. The petition, further pointed out that during the dyeing process, large quantity of water is mixed with acids and chemicals which were finally released into open without any treatment. This, according to the plea was not only polluting the water but also has serious implications on health of public depending on such water bodies. PNS 02^Pbc6dPaSR^_cTa WT[_X]VX]cWTbTPaRW ^_TaPcX^]bPc<dadS 9P]YXaPQTPRW]TPa 0[XQPdVX]APXVPS SXbcaXRc^]CdTbSPh ?C8 tional adieu to 13 drowned students – whose bodies had been recovered on Monday – at various burial grounds and crematoria in Pune. As many as 13 students, all studying computer science at the Abeda Inamdar College in Pune, drowned in the Arabian Sea off Murud beach in Raigad district in Maharashtra’s coastal Konkan region on Monday, while they were on a picnic there. While the bodies of 13 students were found, the Navy and Coast Guard had launched a search operation for one more missing student. Those drowned comprised 10 girls and three boys. The drowned students were among a group of 130 students that had gone to the popular tourist destination of Murud-Jangira for a picnic. Confirming the recovery of Madaki Ahmed’s body, PA ter. Inamdar, president of Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society said: “The body of Madaki Saif Ahmed has been found. His parents have rushed to the spot and after postmortem, the body will be brought back to Pune”. Dwelling upon the events leading to the drowning of 14 students from his college, Inamdar said: “Going by the preliminary information we have received from the spot, three to four students started drowning first. Seeing the fellow students drown, ten students formed a human chain and they too ventured into the sea and drowned along with their campus mates”. Inamdar said an enquiry will be conducted to ascertain any negligence on the part of the ten faculty members who had accompanied the students on their picnic to Murud beach. being qualified for the same. The MP had requested a 10-day time period to vacate the bungalow. He has been assigned a Type-7 bungalow and the accommodation is getting ready for his residence, he said. However, authorities from the Directorate of Estate under the Ministry disconnected water and power supply to the ministerial bungalow at 14, New Moti Bagh and started eviction proceedings against the former UPA Minister. The Lok Sabha MP from Murshidabad attempted to get the eviction stayed by the Delhi High Court which did not interfere with the disconnection of utilities and ordered status quo till Wednesday morning when it will hear the mat- BP\TTa1WdYQP[³b PaaTbc)=2?RaXTb eT]STccP19? fT[R^\Tb\^eT Mumbai: Sharad Pawar-led NCP on Tuesday dubbed the arrest of party leader Sameer Bhujbal by the Enforcement Directorate as an act of “political vendetta” by the ruling BJP. “This is nothing but political vendetta by BJP,” a senior NCP leader said. Meanwhile, BJP MP Kirit Somaiya welcomed the arrest. “We have done it. Sameer Bhujbal has been arrested by ED. Pankaj Bhujbal to follow,” Somaiya said. ED arrested Samir, former MP and nephew of senior NCP leader Chhagan Bhujbal, in a money laundering case after the central agency conducted multiple searches in connection with its probe against Bhujbals and others. “We are being harassed without any reason,” Chhagan Bhujbal said. The arrest has been made without any evidence, the former Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister said. PTI According to the Directorate of Estates, the MP has been allotted another house on Humayun Road and given sufficient time to vacate the ministerial bungalow which it said he was not entitled to. But Chowdhury did not vacate despite several reminders in the past, they said. Asked why he has not moved to the new house allotted to him, the MP said it has to be made livable with light and electricity connection and other facilities. “I am asking them to make a joint inspection of the house so that whatever is required can be done,” he said. Chowdhury, who was Minister of State for Railways in UPA government, has been allotted the house at Humayun Road more than one year ago, after he became the Lok Sabha MP from Murshidabad in 2014. In the High Court, Chief Justice G Rohini and Justice Jayant Nath refused to interfere in the proceedings. “If water and electricity have been disconnected, let it be. We will keep it as it is. We are not passing any interim order (on staying eviction). We will maintain status quo till tomorrow morning,” they said. 2^]cT\_cRPbT PVPX]bc:TaP[P <X]XbcTa ?=BQ :>278 he Kerala High Court has initiated proceedings for T criminal contempt of court against Congress’s Cultural Affairs Minister KC Joseph, close confidant of Chief Minister Oommen Chandy, over his allegedly disrespectful comments against a judge who had made some critical observations against Chandy and the office of the State Advocate General in July last year. A division bench of the High C our t comprising Justices Thottathil B Radhakrishnan and Sunil Thomas ordered issuance of notice to Joseph to appear before it on February 16. Joseph said he would appear before the court to convince it of his “position”. The court initiated the proceedings against him on the basis of a petition filed by Marxist legislator V Sivankutty. Joseph, who faces the charge of turning against courts and judges often in the context of adverse verdicts, had on July 24 last severely criticized Justice Alexander Thomas of the High Court for his criticisms against the alleged lack of interest of the Advocate General’s office in cases of public interest. EcZ_R^``]TR]]d4`_X GA¶dT]RZ^WR]dV 5DKXOKDGVDLG 70& KDGDGYLVHG KLPDJDLQVW DOO\LQJZLWK/HIW B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 he Trinamool Congress has T vehemently objected to the “false claims”allegedly made by Rahul Gandhi about Mamata Banerjee advising himagainst allying with the Left Front. Senior Trinamool leaders like Derek O’Brian said such false claims were unwarranted and that if the Congress did not refrain from making such claims his party would be forced to protest this in abefitting manner. Trinamool leaders like Partho Chatterjee and Jyotipriya Mullick said the Congress had been rendered into a billboard in Bengal and so “by selling white lies they are once again trying become relevant before the Assembly elections.” “The Trinamool was not at all bothered about any “immoral alliance between ideologically opposite parties. If they do so people of Bengal will give them a befitting reply. They will never tolerate such lies against their beloved Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee who has done so much for Bengal in the past 55 months,” said Mullick a senior Minister in Banerjee Cabinet. “If the two parties come together the Congress will split and many of their voters will vote for the Trinamool and eventually our number of seats will go beyond 250-mark,” he said. Gandhi, who on Monday had discussed electoral alliance with a host of Bengal leaders, had reportedly told them that Banerjee had recently advised him against allying with the Left. She said so when the two leaders were in Patna at the swearing-in ceremony of Nitish Kumar. Meanwhile, former Bengal Congress president Manas Bhunia on Wednesday met the high command and reportedly conveyed his desire of going it alone in the elections. \^]Th B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& 2EJJ CWTA18WPbaXVWc[hX]SXRPcTS cWPcXcf^d[SfPcRWcWTVa^fcW caT]SbcWTUXbRP[P__a^PRWc^QT PacXRd[PcTSX]cWTQdSVTcP]S cWTUPRc^abX\_PRcX]VX]U[PcX^]X] cWTR^\X]V\^]cWb ?> B29@ @?<93I 8282810=:<0=068=6 38A42C>A270=30:>2770A CWTA18_^[XRhP]]^d]RT\T]c^UPbcPcdb `d^ fPb^]Tg_TRcTS[X]TbFXcWcWTA18 R[TPa[h\T]cX^]X]VcWPcX]U[PcX^]caPYTRc^ah XbTe^[eX]VPb_TaTg_TRcPcX^]bcWTaTPaT aTPb^]bc^QT[XTeTcWPcA18fX[[R^]cX]dTX] P]PRR^\\^SPcXeT\^ST B182708A?4AB>=0AD=370C8 170CC0270AH0 CR[R_Y`]UdcReV,\VVadRT]`dVhReTY`_8`ge3fUXVedaV_UZ_X ?=BQ <D<108 s widely expected, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan A on Tuesday kept the key interest rate unchanged amid inflation and growth concerns, saying that further easing will depend on “structural reforms” in the forthcoming Budget as well as macroeconomic factors. He said the Government has suggested a number of steps to make the economy more flexible, create growth opportunities as well as incentivise investments, and these are the reforms that the Reserve Bank will be look at in the forthcoming Budget to be announced on February 29. “Structural reforms in the forthcoming Budget that boost growth while controlling spending will create more space for monetary policy to support growth, while also ensuring that inflation remains on the projected path of 5 per cent by the end of FY17,” Rajan said in the sixth bi-monthly monetary policy review. Although he left the repo U AT_^aPcT d]RWP]VTSPc %&$_R* U 2PbWaTbTaeTaPcX^ ^a2AAd]RWP]VTS Pc#_R* U <PaVX]P[bcP]SX]V UPRX[XchaPcTP]S 1P]ZAPcTPc &&$_R* U ?^[XRhc^aT\PX] PRR^\\^SPcXeTXU rate unchanged at 6.75 per cent, Rajan said RBI continues to be accommodative, while it awaits further data on the development of inflation. It had cut the lending rate last year by 125 bps in 4 installments. “One of the biggest sources of concerns in the economy today is the services sector inflation because there is limited capacity for example in education, healthcare,” Rajan told reporters at the customary postpolicy press conference. There could be steps to encourage more training and skilling, he said. “So, whether the Government takes some steps in that direction...All those are structural reforms that could help in a particular area we are interested in which is lowering the pace of inflation overtime,” he added. The decision to keep repo rate on hold is based on the inflation trajectory which is moving along the set path, he said, adding that if the data supports it, RBI will be accommodative. “Broadly, I don’t think it is 7867;867CB UXbRP[bXSTWT[_b* U ATU^a\bX] 1dSVTcc^RaTPcT b_PRTU^aaPcTRdc* U 4g_TRcb5H & X]U[PcX^]Pc Pa^d]S$_R* U 8]SXP]TR^]^\hXb QTX]VeXTfTSPbP QTPR^]^UbcPQX[Xch* U ?TVb5H %Va^fcW Pc&#_R*5H >]T^UcWTQXVVTbcb^daRTb^U R^]RTa]bX]cWTTR^]^\hc^SPhXb cWTbTaeXRTbbTRc^aX]U[PcX^] QTRPdbTcWTaTXb[X\XcTSRP_PRXchU^a TgP\_[TX]TSdRPcX^]WTP[cWRPaT B^fWTcWTacWT6^eTa]\T]ccPZTb b^\TbcT_bX]cWPcSXaTRcX^]0[[ cW^bTPaTbcadRcdaP[aTU^a\bcWPc R^d[SWT[_X]P_PacXRd[PaPaTPfT PaTX]cTaTbcTSX]fWXRWXb[^fTaX]V cWT_PRT^UX]U[PcX^]^eTacX\T A186>E4A=>AA067DA0<A090= fair to read that we have become more hawkish over time. I think broadly speaking the positives are balanced by the negatives. There has been some movement downwards in oil prices...There are some risks which can also pull inflation downside such as a good monsoon next year,” he said. On the inflation trajectory, he said, “with unfavourable base-effects on the ebb and benign prices of fruits and vegetables and crude oil, the January 2016 inflation target of &³bPc&%_R* U A18c^RaTPcTP b_TRXP[TR^bhbcT\ U^abcPacd_ Ud]SX]V* U ?a^b_TRcbU^acWT aPQXWPaeTbcPaT X\_a^eX]Vb[^f[h* U 5XabcQX\^]cW[h \^]TcPah_^[XRh U^a! % &^] 0_aX[$ 6 per cent should be met. “Going forward, under the assumption of a normal monsoon and the current level of international crude oil prices and exchange rates, inflation is expected to be inertial and be around 5 per cent by the end of FY17”. Following the policy review, the BSE Sensex was trading more than 300 points down shortly before the close of trade. The RBI Governor cited the implementation of the 7th PayCommission report as a possible downside risk to inflation, saying that its impact has not been factored in yet. “The Reserve Bank will adjust the forecast path as and when more clarity emerges on the timing of implementation,” he said, adding “there are some aspects of the Pay Commission that we can look through and some we cannot and overtime as the award is actually put in place, we will see and will be able to give you more information on that. RBI kept the growth the 2015-16 growth estimate unchanged at 7.4 per cent but with a downside bias. However, it sounded positive on the 201617 GDP growth at 7.6 per cent, saying “growth in FY17 is expected to strengthen gradually, notwithstanding significant headwinds”. “Expectations of a normal monsoon after two consecutive years of rainfall deficiency, the large positive terms of trade gain, improving real incomes of households and lower input costs of firms should contribute to strengthening the growth momentum,” Rajan said. Yet, he added, a still weak domestic private investment demand in a phase of balance sheet adjustments, re-emergence of concerns relating to stalled projects, excess capacity in industry, sluggish external demand conditions dampening export growth could act as headwinds. “Based on an assessment of the balance of risks, GVA growth for 2016-17 is projected at 7.6 per cent,” Rajan said. Talking about the bad loan issues which the banks are grappling with, he said the RBI has expanded the tools as the banks have to deal with stressed loans. “We are now working with Government and banks to ensure that stressed assets are recognised on a proactive basis and banks’ balance sheets represent a true and fair picture and are adequately provisioned,” he said. RBI also announced that in line with the government’s Startup India initiative, it will take steps to ease doing business and contribute to an ecosystem that is conducive for growth of startups. “We want to simplify the process. If a start-up wants money, it can take in different forms, (including) complicated contracts. Many times such contracts are not allowed under Fema. Can we make it possible for those contracts to actually be undertaken? “We are supporting the startup process by making it easier to raise money, often from abroad but also simplify the compliance with regulations including putting lot of forms online so that they don’t have to go from pillar to post,” he said. Meanwhile, India Inc said a rate cut is imperative to lower cost of funds for the industry and spur investments, crucial for sustaining high economic growth. “The demand situation remains weak and the cost of funds for the industry has not really come down. Bringing down interest rates is imperative to propel investments,” Ficci President Harshavardhan Neotia said. RBI, which had cut interest rate by 125 basis points or 1.25 per cent in 2015, retained the benchmark repo (lending) rate at 6.75 per cent for the second straight bi-monthly policy of the current fiscal. “Amid the recent economic developments in the world economy and impact on our financial markets, RBI should have reduced repo rate by at least 25 basis points to build not only the investors’ confidence, but also to support consumers who are impacted by the burden of EMIs,” PHD Chamber President Mahesh Gupta said. 6HQVH[VLQNVSRLQWV °FTfX[[STeT[^_^da^f]cTRW]^[^Vh± ?=BQ <D<108 eserve Bank’s holding polR icy rates steady on Tuesday failed to soothe jittery investor nerves, which were hit by a fresh slide in crude oil prices, as the market benchmark Sensex plummeted by 286 points to close at 24,539. Putting the ball in Government’s court, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan kept the key interest rate unchanged saying that further easing will depend on “structural reforms” in the forthcoming Budget as well as macroeconomic factors. The apex bank, which had cut interest rate by 125 basis points in 2015, retained the repo rate at 6.75 per cent. Besides, rupee weakening by 14 paise to 67.98 against the dollar also weighed on the domestic equities. “The market was largely digesting the announcement, which was in-line with expectations. But a slip in Europe due to fall in crude prices has impacted Indian equities,” said Vinod Nair, HeadFundamental Research of Geojit BNP Paribas. Globally investors are shunning risky assets like oil, equities and commodities, he added. Back home, the BSE Sensex opened higher at 24,868.21 and moved up to 24,928.75 on initial buying. But on profit-booking it declined afterwards to 24,460.53 before finishing at 24,539, showing a loss of 285.83 points or 1.15 per cent. The NSE Nifty also broke below the 7,500-mark by falling 100.40 points or 1.33 per cent to 7,455.55. Intra-day, it shuttled between 7,576.30 and 7,428.05. Sector-wise, the BSE metal index suffered the most by plunging 4.33 per cent followed by oil&gas (2.59 pc), infra (2.50 pc), healthcare (2.46 pc), PSU (2.45 pc), power (2.42 pc), realty (1.71 pc), banking (1.68 pc) and auto (1.39 pc). Bucking the trend, shares of Bajaj Auto gained 1.48 per cent to C2,362.55 after the company reported 1.78 per cent growth in total sales in January. In overseas markets, Asian equities ended lower on fresh weakness in oil prices. But, Chinese stocks ended up by 2.26 per cent after the country’s central bank injected more liquidity into the financial system. Other indexes like Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan declined by 0.32 per cent to 0.89 per cent. C^bWXWXa^BdidZX2>>BdidZX<^c^a2^\_P]h_PaT]c^U8]SXP³b[PaVTbcRPa\PZTa <PadcXBdidZXad[Tb^dcP]hP[[XP]RTfXcWP]h^cWTaRPa\PZTaPWTPS^UcWT0dc^4g_^ ?=BQ =4F34;78 oshihiro Suzuki, t he T Chief Operating Officer of Suzuki Motor Company, the parent firm of MarutiSuzuki India Limited, India’s largest carmaker today outright ruled out any potential alliance with any other carmaker. Speaking through a translator at a media roundtable, he said that it was important for Suzuki to develop its own technology lest any competitor feel that they have the upper hand. These comments came in reference to stories in the international media talking of a potential tie-up between Suzuki and the world’s largest carmaker Toyota. However, Suzuki quickly clarified that this did not mean that the company was not open to partnerships in the future. He also pointed out that Suzuki was open to joint-development with large component makers and with raw materials developers. The company is developing several new technologies in alternate fuel systems includ- %3VOXPSVLQWREQ '/)4SURILWXS DW CFURUH RQKLJKHUVDOHV 05?Q ;>=3>= =4F34;78)India’s largest real- ORVVIRURQRLOFROODSVH ritish energy giant BP said on Tuesday that it slumped into a vast loss in 2015, ravaged by the dramatic collapse in oil prices. BP suffered a loss after taxation of $6.48 billion (5.97 billion euros) last year, compared with a net profit of $3.78 billion in 2014, it said in a results statement. Annual earnings were hit by a $2.6-billion charge in the fourth quarter that was mostly linked to impairments in the upstream division, or exploration and production, as well as restructuring costs. Underlying replacement-cost profit -- which excludes fluctuations in the value of crude oil inventories -- more than halved to $5.9 billion. The earnings measure tumbled to just $196 million in the fourth quarter, from $2.2 billion a year earlier. “The lower underlying result was predominantly driven by the impact of steeply lower oil and gas prices on BP’s upstream segment,” the company said. Oil prices have crashed about 75 per cent since mid-2014, hit by the slowing global economy, the strong US dollar -- and a chronic supply glut that has been exacerbated by OPEC’s refusal to curb output. The energy sector has meanwhile slashed jobs and investment in response to the oil price collapse. BP plans to axe 4,000 jobs this year in its upstream division, and up to 3,000 positions in its downstream business by the end of 2017. “We are continuing to move rapidly to adapt and rebalance BP for the changing environment,” said chief executive Bob Dudley. “We’re making good progress in managing and lowering our costs and capital spending, while maintaining safe and reliable operations and continuing disciplined investment into the future of our portfolio.” B ty firm DLF Ltd on Tuesday reported 24 per cent increase in its consolidated net profit at C163.95 crore for the quarter ended December on higher sales. Its net profit stood at C131.79 crore in the year-ago period, DLF said in a regulatory filing. Income from operations rose by 44 per cent to C2,827.66 crore during the third quarter of this fiscal from C1,956.72 crore in the corresponding period of the previous year. Other income increased to C153 crore during OctoberDecember quarter of 2015-16 fiscal from C123 crore in the year-ago period. Ahead of the announcement of financial results, shares of the company fell by 3.51 per cent to close at C93.35 apiece on the BSE. DLF has a land bank of nearly 300 million sq ft of which about 50 million sq ft is under construction. Recently, DLF received C1,992 crore from Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC, thereby completing the deal to sell 50 per cent stake each in two upcoming projects in the national capital. ?C8 ing fuel-cells, electric cars and plug-in hybrids. Sp e a king ab out t he Indian market, Suzuki highlighted the fact that their plans to launch 15 new products by 2020 are still on track, this started with the launch of the Baleno last year and will continue with the launch of the compact Sports-Utility Vehicle, the Brezza at the first press conference of the Auto Expo which starts tomorrow. The Brezza is also a showcase for Indian development as the car has been developed by a team from Maruti-Suzuki led by CV Raman, Executive Direc tor, Engineer ing, Maruti. “We have to make suitable products for the Indian market and exceed the expectation of our customers not only when it comes to the products but also with regards to sales and service. We will continue to make investments in both these areas”, Suzuki pointed out. He has set the company an aggressive target of achieving a production of two million cars very soon and said that ‘Make In India’ was a cornerstone of Suzuki’s global strateg y with the Baleno being globally exported from Maruti’s Manesar factory. He also said that Suzuki and Maruti engineers were continually working towards improving the fuel efficiency of both their petrol and diesel vehicles. Toshihiro Suzuki, who is expected to take over the re i n s of Su z u k i Mot or C omp a ny f ro m O s a mu Suzuki soon admitted that the carmaker is still a small player in Europe and the rest of Asia and needs to do much more to improve their sales performance in other countries. 9RONVZDJHQ,QGLDSODQVWR ODXQFKSURGXFWVLQPRQWKV A0:4B71870A8970Q =4F34;78 day ahead of Auto Expo, Volkswagen on Tuesday A unveiled ‘Ameo’, its volume car in the sub-compact sedan segment against the likes of Maruti Suzuki’s Dzire, Honda’s Amaze and Hyundai’s Xcent, to name a few. The company has planned four launches in the next 15 months including launch of ‘Ameo’ in the next six month. “We will launch Ameo in the second half of this year. It is a car specially designed for the Indian market. It will mark our entry into the growing volume segment in India,” said Volkswagen Passenger Cars India Director Michael Mayer. “ The compac t s edan segment continues to garner much interest among Indian consumers and the company is happy to mark its presence in this com- petitive segment, he added. “Besides Ameo, the company also plans to launch three new models, premier SUV Tiguan, Passat hybrid and Polo GTI during the next financial year,” he said. The company also plans to update the engines of over 3 lakh vehicles that it recalled in India after a Governmentordered probe found cheat device in German auto major’s diesel engines. “In the 1.2 litre (petrol), it will be a mere update on the engine management software and in the 1.5 litre we will have to change one small part that is air straightener,” said Mayer . When asked if the company aims to complete the exercise in 2016 itself, Mayer said: “We aim to but given the large numbers, we will have to see how the response of people is. But definitely we would like to do the majority of the cars in 2016.” f^a[S B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& 5`_¶eRZUeVcc`cZdedZ_;<+ &UX]XSVHWV7UXPSLQ,RZD AR\aR_V]e`DYRcZW8`ge F BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 Pakistani parliamentary panel has asked the Government to avoid “encouraging” support to militant groups in Kashmir and take action against outfits involved in attacks there to dispel international concerns. The National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs on Monday issued a four-page policy paper linked to Kashmir, the Express Tribune reported. “Pakistan should not encourage calls for active support to armed, banned, militant groups in Kashmir,” the paper, that has a series of policy recommendations on IndoPak ties, said. India has been demanding that Pakistan act against militant groups operating from its soil. The committee, headed by ruling Pakistan Muslim League- Nawaz (PML-N) lawmaker Awais Ahmad Leghari, proposed the Government to take action against “violent armed outfits” to dispel international concerns that Pakistan was not doing enough against groups involved in attacks in Kashmir. The panel suggested that A ?P]XRVaX_b7X]SdbPbQTPaSTS \T]STbTRaPcT:PaPRWXcT\_[T Karachi: Three pistol-waving bearded men stormed a 60year-old temple in Pakistan’s largest city and desecrated the idol of a Hindu deity, leading to fear among the minority community here, a media report said on Tuesday. The incident happened on January 21 when the three men clad in shalwar and kameez stormed the temple waving pistols and ordered everyone inside the premises to step out. The panic and scuffle that followed resulted in desecration of one of the three beautifully-decorated idols at the temple near the Karachi Zoological Gardens, Dawn reported. “The people are afraid of coming here for puja now after the attack,” said Maharaj Hira Lal. Other than the Maharaj and his family, the caretakers of this temple, nobody else was present when the scuffle broke. “We don’t know who those men were. We have never seen them before,” Maharaj said. “We are very saddened by the incident. It has really terrorised the neighbourhood,” he said. The temple has three idols of deities Shitala Mata, Santoshi Mata and Bhavani Mata. Maharaj said the temple was built as a place for worship by his grandfather soon after he moved to Pakistan from India some 60 years ago. PTI Pakistan’s policy towards India should be based on four key principles — reciprocity, reduction, resumption and result. “Pakistan should continue seeking comprehensive engagement with India on all outstanding issues,” it said. In the absence of this scenario, however, the committee recommended that the Government engage with India on four key issues — Kashmir, water, trade, and culture and communication. On Kashmir, the panel recommended that Pakistan continue calling for resolution of the dispute as the core issue between the two countries. 3aPUcaT_aTbT]cb³aTP[_a^VaTbb´ X]cP[ZbfXcW4DbPhbD:?< LONDON: British Prime Minister David Cameron says proposals to change Britain’s relationship with the European Union reflect “real progress,” but that more work must be done. He spoke after European Council President Donald Tusk on Tuesday unveiled proposals aimed at keeping Britain in the 28-nation European Union. The proposals would make it possible for British lawmakers to work with European counterparts to block unwanted EU laws and also recognize that Britain now faces an “exceptional situation” regarding the influx of immigrants taxing Britain’s social services, the commission said. “So, real progress, more work to be done, more detail to be nailed down, but we said we needed to deliver in four key areas; this document shows real progress on that front,” Cameron said about the proposals. Cameron, who needs to convince skeptical members of his own Conservative Party that staying in the EU serves Britain’s needs, is seeking concessions ahead of a planned referendum on whether Britain should remain part of the EU. That vote may be held as early as June. He said the document delivers the “substantial change” he had sought. AP <^bR^fcTbcb R^aad_cX^]P\^]V RXchT\_[^hTTb fXcW_^[hVaP_Wb Moscow: Some 94 per cent of Moscow city employees ordered to undergo lie-detector tests as part of the fight against corruption passed them, the city Government said on Tuesday as it announced that the tests would be used again this year. It did not disclose what happened to the other 6 percent of employees. Nataliya Sergunina, a deputy mayor in charge of economics, said in a statement on Tuesday that 1,600 officials will face polygraph tests this year, and some people will also undergo a voice analysis test. Polygraph tests measure heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and skin conductivity to determine if a person is telling the truth. AP irebrand conservative Ted Cruz shocked front-runner Donald Trump to win the Iowa Republican caucuses handily, even as Hillary Clinton claimed narrow victory in a Democratic cliff-hanger with Senator Bernie Sanders the outcome of which was still to be officially declared. A close race had been predicted in the Iowa caucuses on Monday night, but none foresaw a virtual tie that the Democratic encounter produced. With 99 per cent of the results in, Clinton bagged 49.9 per cent of votes and Sanders 49.6 per cent. “Hillary Clinton has won the Iowa Caucus,” a top official of the Clinton campaign said in a statement early Tuesday. Clinton herself spoke of breathing “a big sigh of relief”, stopping short of an outright claim of victory. Sanders, in turn, called it a “virtually tied” contest. For Trump, the bombastic billionaire, Iowa turned out to be a humbling experience, not only because Cruz defeated him, but the candidate finishing third, Senator Marco Rubio, came close to overhauling him. Cruz polled 27.65 per cent of the votes, Trump 24.31 per cent and Rubio 23.09 per cent. In terms of delegates that will count in the final analysis, Cruz was awarded eight delegates, while Trump and Rubio secured seven delegates each. It, however, is a long road, with a candidate needing 1,237 delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination. On the Democratic side, Clinton secured 22 delegates and Sanders 21 delegates, with one still to be decided. To win the Democratic presidential nomination, one will need 2,382 delegates. The spotlight now shifts to the New Hampshire primary on February 9. If an assortment of opinion polls is to be believed, it should be smooth sailing for Trump and Sanders in New Hampshire. But these polls were all conducted before the Iowa vote which, some analysts believe, could prove to be a game-changer. “Tonight is a victory for courageous conservatives across Iowa and all across this great nation,” said Cruz, the 45year-old Senator from Texas and a Tea Party favourite, in a prolonged victory speech. His campaign was buoyed by Iowa’s large concentration of evangelical voters. “We’ve built our campaign 7X[[PahR[PX\beXRc^ahPUcTa eXacdP[cXTfXcWBP]STab as a movement for Americans to organise, rallying and banding together against the disaster of the Washington cartel,” Cruz told a wire service later as he made his way to New Hampshire. Trump had to swallow his pride as he made an uncharacteristic concession speech. “We finished second, and I want to tell you something: I’m just honoured. I’m really honoured. And I want to congratulate Ted,” he said and for a change complimented the other Republican candidates as well. And Rubio, who is rising fast among mainstream Republicans and outperforming the likes of Jeb Bush, told his supporters: “We have taken the first step, but an important step, to winning the nomination.” Clinton, who had lost the Iowa encounter in 2008 to Barack Obama, had reasons to be relieved over the outcome, even if it was not a decisive victory over Sanders. Remarking that it was now time to have a real contest of ideas, Clinton asserted: “I am a progressive to get things done for the people. Status quo is not good enough.” Sanders, the self-proclaimed “Democratic Socialist”, fondly recalled how his campaign started nine months ago with no money, political organization or name recognition to take on “the most powerful political organisation in the United States of America”. The Iowa results prompted one Republican (Mike Huckabee) and one Democrat (Martin O’Malley) to quit the race. 1d\UQcd)]YWbQ^dcTb_g^ %¶GHVK3DNEULHIO\ _VVDeb[YcXS_Qcd*BU`_bd GHWDLQHDFKRWKHU¶V C74CDA:8B7 HPEDVV\VWDII 2>0BC6D0A3 Ankara: The Turkish coastguard on Tuesday recovered the bodies of nine migrants including two children after their boat sank off western Turkey while trying to reach Europe, local media reported. The boat set off from a town in Izmir province in an apparent bid to reach Greece, the private Dogan news agency reported. The Turkish coastguard started the search after being alerted by two survivors who swam to shore, according to the report. These deaths come after 37 migrants drowned off another part of the Turkish coast on Saturday — in harrowing scenes reminiscent of the death of Aylan Kurdi, the Syrian tod- BC0AC43C74 B40A2705C4A 148=60;4AC431H CF>BDAE8E>AB F7>BF0< C>B7>A4 dler whose tiny body was found lying face down on a Turkish beach. Turkey reached an agreement with the European Union in November to stem the flow of migrants bound for Europe in return for 3 billion euros ($3.2 billion) in financial assis- tance, but the agreement has failed to check the tide of arrivals. Turkey, which is hosting at least 2.5 million refugees from Syria’s civil war, has become the main launchpad for migrants fleeing war, persecution and poverty to Europe. Neither the deal with the EU nor the harsh winter conditions have appeared to deter migrants trying to reach Europe, many of whom pay people smugglers thousands of dollars for the risky crossing. The Government said yesterday it was working on new legal measures to strengthen penalties for human smuggling by making it an “act of terror and organised crime.” AFP ²DbTX]U[dT]RT³c^aTX] :^a`ceR_ee`afcdfV2WXYR_ aVRTVeR]\dUVdaZeVReeRT\d+FD X]DZaPX]TaTQT[b) ?C8 Q F0B78=6C>= cknowledging that Afghanistan remains a “dangerous place”, the US has said Taliban’s continued terror attacks underscore the importance of the peace talks to get to a “productive conclusion”. “We continue to encourage that process to move forward,” State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Monday. “It is absolutely true that A Afghanistan remains a dangerous place; there’s no question about that. Today’s attack underscores that,” he said referring to the latest suicide attack in Kabul that killed at least 20 people. “It actually underscores all the more the importance of getting reconciliation talks (between the Afghan Government and the Taliban) going and getting to a useful conclusion there, a productive conclusion to that,” he said. BPdSXVTcb habU^aCfXccTa³cTaa^aXb\´bd__^ac Riyadh: A Saudi national who used Twitter to call for the release of prisoners convicted of “terrorism” and security offences has been jailed for 10 years, a newspaper reported on Tuesday. The Okaz daily said the accused, who was not named, opened several Twitter accounts. A special court for terrorism cases found him guilty of using the accounts to “call for protests and spread chaos to release detainees that are held for security and terrorism charges”.He also joined a protest calling for the release of one detainee outside the prisoner’s home, it said. Twitter is widely used in the conservative kingdom, which has repeatedly denounced bombings and shootings carried out in various countries by the Islamic State group and other extremists. AFP <TaZT[c^?dcX] Berlin: Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to use his influence to rein in pro-Kremlin rebels in eastern Ukraine, a day after the German leader warned that a peace deal was not being fully implemented. During a phonecall, Merkel “made it clear to President Putin that in order to obtain further progress towards a comprehensive political solution”, a ceasefire had to be respected and unfettered access given to observers monitoring the truce. “Here, Russia must use its influence on the separatists,” she said, according to a statement issued by her spokesman. The conversation came a day after Merkel hosted Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko for talks, with the Ukrainian leader accusing Russia of continuing to send troops and weapons into his country in violation of a ceasefire deal. AFP #hRcTcZ^Z_R]dXVeUVReYZ_3¶UVdY Dhaka: Two members of the notorious Razakar Bahini, an auxiliary force of the Pakistani Army, were on Tuesday sentenced to death by a Bangladeshi tribunal for crimes committed, mainly against Hindus, during the 1971 liberation war against Pakistan. Obaidul Haq Taher, 66, and Ataur Rahman Noni, 62, are members of the Razakar force, an auxiliary force of the Pakistan Army. They face six charges, including murder and genocide. They had pleaded not guilty, Dhaka Tribune reported. They were given death penalties on two charges and imprisonment till death in two other charges by the country’s International Crimes Tribunal. The court acquitted them in two other charges. The court said the Government can execute them either by handing them by the neck or by shooting them. Taher and Noni were involved in the abductions and killings of at least 30 people and looting of 400-450 shops and setting fire to those on fire in 1971. The tribunal on March 2 last year framed six charges against the two. Twenty-three prosecution witnesses testified against them. PTI ?C8Q 370:0 a tit-for-tat, Bangladesh Pakistan have reportedIly nand detained each other’s diplomatic staff amid a spat between them over the 1971 war crimes trial. Bangladesh Foreign Ministry officials said the personal officer of a Bangladeshi diplomat in Islamabad went missing on Monday and returned home “unhurt” early this morning. “Our High Commissioner in Islamabad briefly talked to Jahangir Hossain (who went missing) as he returned. We are trying to know the details what actually happened to him,” a Foreign Ministry spokesman told PTI. He said Hossain had left the office on Monday to pick his daughter before going home but went missing as he went out of the High Commission and his cell phone too remained switched off. “Our High Commission immediately informed the matter to the Pakistan Foreign 1LJHULDQ VHSDUDWLVWV KLMDFNVKLS Abuja: Nigerian separatists have hijacked a merchant ship and threatened to blow it up with its foreign crew if authorities do not release a detained leader agitating for a breakaway state of Biafra, military officers said today. Major General Rabe Abubakar, the Defense Ministry spokesman, confirmed the hijacking occurred on Friday and called it “an act of sabotage.” He did not tell reporters the name of the ship. Abubakar spoke yesterday. Other officers told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the navy is in pursuit of the captured vessel. The officers, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the issue is sensitive, said the hijackers have given the Government 31 days to free Kanu or say they will blow up the ship along with its crew. The ultimatum was given at the weekend by a militant identified by the nom de guerre of General Ben. AP Ministry and law enforcement agencies there and conveyed the incident to the foreign office in Dhaka,” the spokesman said. The incident came hours after police in Dhaka detained Abrar Ahmed Khan, an official of Pakistan High Commission here for his “suspicious movement”. A spokesman of Dhaka Metropolitan Police earlier said the detectives detained Abrar Khan for questioning following his suspicious movement and was handed over to officials of the Pakistan High Commission after taking undertaking from him. But the Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka in a statement said it noticed “a disturbing pattern of harassment of its officers and officials, followed by a mud-slinging campaign and media trial”. It said Bangladesh Police and security agencies were accusing the Pakistani mission staffers of having ties to militants. =:^aTPVTccX]V QTccTaPcWXSX]V ]dZTa^RZTccTbcb Tokyo: Less than a month after its purported H-bomb test, attention is now focused on whether North Korea is readying a rocket launch. With underground railways, giant tarps and a movable launch pad structure in place, experts say, the North is getting a lot better at concealing its preparations. American and Japanese officials say they are seeing heightened activity at North Korea’s main rocket facility, though they stress it’s still unclear if a launch really is in the works or how soon it might come. Intelligence officials in Seoul, stung by their failure to predict the North’s January 6 nuclear test, are also warning another provocation could happen abruptly. What North Korea might launch is a big question mark. There are indications — including the construction of a taller gantry, visible in commercial satellite imagery — that it could be a bigger and better version of the Unha 3 space launch vehicle that lifted off from the Sohae facility in 2012, on the west coast of North Korea. AFP b_^ac ! B19@EBlG54>5C41I l652BE1BI #" !& "#dY``eeYVZchRje`CZ` FXcWAPY_dcR[X]RWX]V>[h`d^cP8]SXPfX[[WPeT !bW^^cTabX]bd\\TaVP\TbU^aUXabccX\T ?C8Q =4F34;78 aced with a do-or-die situation in his own words, two-time Olympian Sanjeev Rajput battled the odds to secure India's 12 quota from shooting for the upcoming Rio Games by finishing fourth in men's 50m rifle event at the Asian Olympic Qualifying Competition here on Tuesday. Owing to the 35-year-old marksman's effort, India could be sending 12 shooters, their highest-ever, to the quadrennial extravaganza in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro come August. At the London Olympics four years ago, India had 11 representatives in shooting. It also brought to end a three-day barren run that set in on day four of the competition. Overcoming a broken barrel barely three days ago and a struggling 2015, Sanjeev shot 429.5 after an impressive comeback in pone in the eight-man finals at the Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range to earn the country another Games berth. Sanjeev qualified for the finals in fourth position shooting a score of 1163. There were three quota places available in the finals and the other two went to Kazakhstan's Vitaliy Dovgun and Thailand's Napis Tortungpanich. India, however, missed out on a quota in men's skeet as Angad Vir Singh Bajwa narrowly failed to make the cut after finishing eighth with a score of 118 in the qualification rounds. Six top shooters play in the finals of skeet. "I have had a tough 2015 where I had to change my shooting jacket and gun three times which affected my performances. Also, the fact that after I left the Navy in 2014 it took me a while to adjust to the change in lifestyle," Sanjeev said after his event. "For this competition I had trained hard but the barrel extension of my gun started giving me problems in the last three days and I could not change it at this stage. This is why I was being inconsistent in the finals as I was finding it difficult to adjust otherwise I could have shot even better. I am hoping that my form starts improving more after this performance." Expressing his delight, President of F the National Rifle Association of India (NRAI), Raninder Singh said, "I am very happy to have won more Olympic quotas than last time but at the same time we also have to give a long hard look at the reasons why we missed so many of them after coming so close. In at least four events we missed quotas by a whisker. We will have a look at the players' preparations and training, review the work done by the coaches and officials as well as the federation's working and ensure that responsibility is fixed so that we continue to improve. There are no holy cows." Referring to trap exponents Ronjan Sodhi, Mohd. Asab and Ankur Mittal, Raninder said, "Both the shooters in double trap are under government's TOP scheme and we have often questioned. We may have to ensure checks and balances. We will take corrective action. Nobody is indispensable." Among the eight finalists in the men's 50m rifle 3 positions, three athletes — Korea's Jonghyon Kim, Japan's Toshikazu APY_dcbcX[[PfPXcX]VY^QRP[[ ?C8Q =4F34;78 ]SXPb PRT aXU[T bW^^cTa BP]YTTe APY_dc 8\PhWPeTQa^dVWc[PdaT[bc^cWTR^d]cah X] ePaX^db X]cTa]PcX^]P[ c^da]P\T]cb Qdc WT Xb bcX[[ PfPXcX]V P Y^Q cWT 7PahP]P V^eTa]\T]cWPS_a^\XbTSWX\fWT]WXb cT]daTX]8]SXP]=PehRP\Tc^P]T]SX] cWThTPa! # CWT "$hTPa^[S APY_dc fW^ WPX[b Ua^\ 9PVPSWaX X] 7PahP]P Y^X]TS 8]SXP] =Peh Pc cWT PVT ^U ' P\^]V ^cWTa PRWXTeT\T]cbV[^QP[[hR[X]RWTScWTV^[S \TSP[ Pc cWT 8BB5 F^a[S 2d_ X] 2WP]Vf^]2WX]PX]! 0UcTa 8 [TUc =Peh X] ! # 8 fPb PbbdaTS^UPY^Q¯_^bc^UX]b_TRc^a¯ X] 7PahP]P _^[XRT 8 fPb VXeT] cWT P__^X]c\T]c[TccTafT]cc^Y^X]cWT\Qdc cWX]Vb]TeTaf^aZTS^dcPUcTacWPcCWTh bPXS P bcPh ^aSTa fPb XbbdTS PUcTa cWT RWP]VTX]V^eTa]\T]c8U^[[^fTSXc\P]h cX\Tb bPXS APY_dc fW^ fPb W^_X]V c^ QTVXeT]cWT_^bc^U3B?R^]bXSTaX]VWXb Tg_[^Xcb 5PRTS fXcW P S^^aSXT bXcdPcX^] cf^cX\T >[h\_XP] APY_dc QPcc[TS cWT ^SSb c^ bTRdaT 8]SXPb ! `d^cP Ua^\ bW^^cX]VU^acWTd_R^\X]VAX^6P\TbQh UX]XbWX]V U^dacW X] \T]b $\ aXU[T " _^bXcX^]bPccWT0bXP]>[h\_XR@dP[XUhX]V 2^\_TcXcX^]WTaTc^SPh CWT _aTbbdaT fPb cWTaT Ua^\ P[[ `dPacTabP]ScWXbfPbcWT[PbcSPh^UcWT R^\_TcXcX^] 2^]bXSTaX]V cWPc cWT QPaaT[ Qa^ZT cWaTT SPhb PV^ P]S 8 WPS c^ bcadVV[T cWa^dVW ! $ SdT c^ P SX_ X] U^a\ 8 cWX]Z c^SPh fPb bPcXbUPRc^ah ^dcX]VAPY_dcfW^WPbQTT]^UUTaTScWT a^[T ^U P R^PRW Qh B_^acb 0dcW^aXch ^U 8]SXP B08 Pc cWT 3a :Pa]X BX]VW BW^^cX]VAP]VTbPXSPUcTaWXbTeT]c >eTaR^\X]V P Qa^ZT] QPaaT[ QPaT[h cWaTT SPhb PV^ P]S P bcadVV[X]V ! $ BP]YTTebW^c#!($ Yamashita and Kazakhstan's Yuriy Yurkov were ineligible to claim quotas as they had secured quotas earlier. Also, of the three Korean shooters who qualified for the finals, only one could claim an Olympic berth as Korea already had one quota in the event and a country can claim a maximum of two quotas per event. Sanjeev was placed seventh after the first 15 kneeling position shots. It was good enough to secure a quota but he shot much better in the 15 prone shots series to register a score of 157.4 at the end of it with none of his shots going below 10. He moved up to fifth position with the quota firmly in his grasp and though inconsistency returned in the standing position, Sanjeev maintained his fourth position, and was even in medal contention for a while. The gold in the event was won by Korea's Olympic silver medallist Kim Jonghyun, who claimed his second yellow metal of the competition, having won the men's 50m rifle prone event earlier. He shot 461.4 in the finals. Kazakhstan's Yuriy Yurkov won the silver shooting 451.7 while Japan's Toshikazu Yamashita bagged the bronze registering a score of 439.9. Sanjeev was eliminated in fourth position with a score of 429.5 but won the first available quota in the event. In the other event of the day, UAE's Saif Bin Futtais won the gold beating Kuwait's Saud Habib, participating as an International Shooting Participant, 13-12 in the gold medal match. Saaed Almaktoum, also of UAE won the bronze beating countryman Mohamed Ahmad 15-14. The four quotas in the event went to UAE, Qatar and Kuwait (2). India's young talent Bajwa finished just outside the top six with a score of 118. A score of 119 would have taken him to the finals and would have got him a quota by default. India, thus, along with Japan, Korea and Iran finished as one of the most successful teams in the competition. Japan won five quotas while India bagged four and Korea and Iran three each. This is India's best ever performance in the Asia Olympic qualifying event. 'HOKL¶VKRPHPLVHU\FRQWLQXHV ?C8Q =4F34;78 ormer champions Delhi Waveriders' homecoming F turned out to be a disappointing affair as they lost 2-5 to Jaypee Punjab Warriors to slump to their second consecutive loss in the fourth season of Hockey India League at the floodlit Shivaji Stadium, here on Tuesday. For Punjab Warriors Mark Gleghorne (10th minute), Mark Knowles (11th), Christopher Ciriello (22nd) and Jake Whetton (37th) were the scorers, while Rupinder Pal Singh (35th, 55th) converted two out of the six short corners that the home team earned. The Waveriders had earlier lost 4-6 to Uttar Pradesh Wizards at the same venue on Monday. It was not a happy outing for the Waveriders for the second successive day as they failed to produce the spark of earlier seasons and showed glimpses of brilliance. Punjab Warriors earned their first penalty corner in the 10th minute which was beautifully executed by Gleghorne. A minute later Punjab Warriors extended their lead when Australian Knowles scored from a rebound after Jasjit Singh Kular's intial try from their second setpiece struck the top upright. In the 22nd minute, Punjab Warriors made the scoreline 3-0 in their favour when Christopher Ciriello converted their third penalty corner. Putting behind their lacklustre performance in the first two quarters, the hosts came out with more purpose after the change of ends and dominated the proceedings in the third quarter during which they created some good chances. After their aweful performance last night wherein Waveriders wasted as many as 11 penalty corners, Rupinder was bang on target with his team's second set piece with a powerful high flick to reduce the scoreline to 3-1. But much to the disappointment of home fans, Punjab Warriors made the scoreline 5-1 two minutes later when Whetton scored a field goal from a tight angle. The Waveriders earned two more penalty corners in the final stages of the third quarter but wasted both. In between Delhi skipper Simon Child's field strike was disallowed by the video umpire after Punjab Warriors went for referral. After wasting the fifth penalty corner, Rupinder found the target once again from the next set piece in the 55th minute to give home fans a ray of hope. <TbbXfX[[bZX_>[h\_XRb)<PacX]^ 0?Q 1D4=>B08A4B FPaaX^ab ^dc_[PhCXcP]b !$ &X]?:; ?C8Q E8B70:70?0C=0< engal Warriors, strengthened in attack by the incluB sion of army man Nitin Tomar, gave an impressive display with a 25-17 win over Telugu Titans in the concluding tie of the first leg of the Pro Kabaddi here on Tuesday. The duo — Nitin and Mahesh Goud — turned the tide after the break when the two teams were tied 9-9. For the home team nothing went right in all the departments. Rahul got only two points for a tally of four with two tackles in the match. Sukesh Hegde was also nowhere near his usual self, scoring just a solitary point in a do-or -die raid. Girish who had 5 tackle points, teamed up so well with Nilesh (4 tackles) that within a space of two minutes the fate of the match was decided. From a slender 15-14 advantage in the 31st minute they went up 20-15. The Titans still top the table with 11 points, while Warriors are third with five. ionel Messi will skip the Rio de Janeiro Olympics in L six months because his coach Gerardo Martino says he needs some rest. Martino spoke Monday on Argentina radio station La Red and said Messi will play in the Centennial Copa America tournament in the United States, but not the Olympics in Brazil. "Messi will not go to the Olympic Games," said Martino, who said it was "too much" for Argentine to play. The Centennial Copa America begins June 3, and the Olympics open two months later on Aug. 5. "We have the Copa America, the Olympic Games, and World Cup qualifiers in September, October and November," Martino said. He also mentioned Barcelona's heavy schedule in various tournaments. Messi is 28 and could have been picked to the Olympic team as one of three over-23 age players. He led Argentina to the gold medal in 2008 at the Beijing Olympics. 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