ED/OPS/2010/01 Directorate of Operations Manual AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA FIRST EDITION Issue Number: 1 Issue Date: 2010 …………………………………………………………..... CONTACT DETAILS: Executive Director (Operations) Airports Authority of India, AAI Office Complex, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-03 PH: 91-11-24621628 FAX: 91-11-24621623 edopsaai@aai.aero 1 ED/OPS/2010/01 Index Revision History Sheet Preface Purpose, Legislation, Scope of this Manual Chapter 1 Function of Directorate of Operations Chapter 2 Organisation Chart Chapter 3 Work Distribution Chapter 4 Responsibilities / Accountabilities Chapter 5 SOP’s (issued by Ops Directorate) Chapter 6 Human Resources / Staffing Procedure Chapter 7 Document Numbering System Chapter 8. Training Chapter 9. Safety Management System Chapter 10. Feedback and Complaint Redressal System Chapter 11. Measurable Objective of the Operations Directorate Chapter 12. Document Distribution and Contact Numbers 2 ED/OPS/2010/01 Revision History Sheet On receipt of each new amendment to this document, the holder must complete all details on the revision history sheet below. Amendment Number Version 1- Issue 1 Section Amended Amended by Initial Issue Date /03/2010 3 ED/OPS/2010/01 4 ED/OPS/2010/01 PURPOSE, LEGISLATION, AND SCOPE OF THIS MANUAL PURPOSE The Directorate of Operations Manual defines the responsibilities of all executives of this Directorate where Airside Management of NSCBI and Chennai Airport along with Terminal Management services of all airports of Airports Authority of India are monitored It is published for use and guidance of personnel of Department of Operations of AAI at Headquarters and to fulfill the need for best practices in provision of Airside Management of NSCBI and Chennai Airport along with Terminal Management of all airports of AAI according to international & national standards and recommended practices. LEGISLATION Annex 9 Facilitation Annex-11 lays down the requirement of ATS Safety Management. Annex 14 chapter 1 article 1.3.5 : International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) specifies the requirement of Certification of aerodromes and Safety Management System of aerodromes. It also lays down the requirement of Aerodrome manual and SMS manual for every individual aerodrome to be submitted to the Regulator for aerodrome certification. Doc 4444 chapter 2 also lays down the requirement of ATS Safety Management System applicable to the Aerodromes and CNS as well as ATM procedures applicable to the airspace or aerodromes for maintaining an acceptable level of safety. DGCA India also requires the same as said in the above paragraph vide Rule 81 of the Aircraft Rules 1937 and its CAR, Section-4, Series ‘F’ Part-1 and CAR Section 4 Series B Part -I and III Ref. AAI letter No. AAI/AL(GEN)/30-23/06-ARI dated January 2009, this document is known as Corporate Safety Management System (C-SMS) Manual of AAI. Every aerodrome shall have its SMS manual as specified by DGCA. The ICAO document 9859 chapter 12 lays down the guidelines of issuing a Safety Policy by the service providers and establishment of Safety Management System based upon the policy. The guidelines for Safety policy and SMS framework are also issued by ICAO document {ICAO Regional Workshop on Safety Management Systems (SMS) and State Safety Programme (SSP) Implementation}. Airports Authority of India had formulated and circulated its Safety policy in 2004 vide Aviation Safety Circular No. 2/2004 dated 8th March, 2004. The policy is revised and 5 ED/OPS/2010/01 circulated vide Aviation Safety Circular No. 2/2009 dated 20th May, 2009. Gaining the practical experience of last five years, we have updated our Safety policy indicating more clearly “How we do business here?” as mentioned in ICAO doc. 9859 chapter 12 page Nos. 138-139. Operational Circulars DARA Circulars SCOPE OF MANUAL The scope of this manual covers the responsibility entrusted to the Department of Operations of Airports Authority of India as mentioned below – a) Aerodromes terminal operations and the airside activities at Chennai, NSCBI and Trivandrum airports. b) The terminal operations of all AAI airports. c) Licensing of Chennai, NSCBI and Trivandrum Airports and Safety Management System at these airports. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as well as DGCA requires all the aerodromes open to public for operations to obtain certificates and implement a Safety Management System. Accordingly, Airports Authority of India and other aerodrome operators in India are required by DGCA to obtain licenses (certificates) for every individual aerodrome separately. d) Documentation. 6 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 1 FUNCTION OF DIRECTORATE OF OPERATIONS 7 ED/OPS/2010/01 FUNCTION OF DIRECTORATE OF OPERATIONS Directorate of Operations of AAI performs the function of Airside Management of NSCBI, Chennai and Trivandrum Airport along with Terminal management of all AAI airports. The function is to plan, regulate arrange and monitor the following: Aerodrome Operations Apron Management at Chennai, NSCBI and Trivandrum Airports. Terminal Management of all AAI Airports Security Management and coordination at Chennai, NSCBI and Trivandrum Airports. Plan, project the requirements regarding construction/up gradation of the aerodrome and related facilities for safe aircraft operations. The chain of command is from Directorate to APD for Chennai and NSCBI Airports and vice versa. For all other field stations, from Directorate through RHQ to the field stations and vice versa. 8 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 2 ORGANISATION CHART 9 ED/OPS/2010/01 ORGANISATION CHART MEMBER (OPS) ED (OPS) GM(ASM) DY GM(GFS) Sr. MGR (GFS) MGR (GFS) GM (Tr. Mgt.)‐ Non Metro Stations GM(OPS)‐Metro Stations DY GM(Tr. Mgt.)‐Non Metro Stations DY GM(OPS)‐ Metro Stations Sr. MGR (Tr. Mgt.) Sr. MGR (OPS) MGR (Tr. Mgt.) MGR (OPS) ASST.MGR (Tr. Mgt.) CHAPTER 3 10 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 3 WORK DISTRIBUTION 11 ED/OPS/2010/01 WORK DISTRIBUTION In Directorate of Operations the work is distributed in accordance with the functions performed by the directorate. Basically it is distributed as under: a) Airside Management and b) Terminal Management- Metro and Non-Metro Airports AIRSIDE MANAGEMENT (ASM) General Manager (ASM) Dy General Manager(GFS) Sr Manager(GFS) and Manager(GFS) The executives of Airside Management carry out the function of airside management of Chennai, NSCBAI and Trivandrum Airports which consist of the following functions: Providing guidance on the issues related to Air-side Management a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Surface Movement Control Follow-me Service Garbage removal Apron discipline Grass cutting / leveling Bird / rodent eradication programme Notices to airmen (NOTAM) Visual aids – monitoring / calibration Providing guidance on handling of Airport Emergency a) Aircraft accidents / incidents b) Bomb threat to aircraft and terminals c) Medical Services Coordination and clearance of works/new projects/changes on the airside relating to apron, taxiways, runways and other air side areas with the Departments of Planning, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering at Hqrs. and airports. Coordinating with DGCA for getting clearance of the alteration/changes on the airside specifically regarding changes affecting safety. Drafting and issuance of operational circulars and operational instructions. 12 ED/OPS/2010/01 Finalization of training programmes for executives of Deptt. of Operations dealing with GFS activities. Monitoring and implementation of various instructions / recommendations forwarded to airports on air side management matters. Monitoring the implementation of recommendations made by various Court of Inquiries in respect of aircraft incidents / accidents. Planning and procurement of literature relating to Airport Operations and Ground & Flight Safety. Coordination for Licensing of Trivandrum, Chennai and Kolkata airports. TERMINAL MANAGEMENT (TM) METRO AIRPORTS NON-METRO AIRPORTS General Manager (TM) Dy General Manager(OPS)-Metro Airports) Dy General Manager(TM-Non Metro Airports) Sr Manager(OPS-Metro Airports) Sr Manager(TM-Non Metro Airports) Manager(Ops-Metro Airports) Manager(TM-Non Metro Airports) Asst Manager(TM-Non Metro Airports) The executives of Terminal Management carry out the function of terminal management of all AAI airports. The functions of Terminal Management are enumerated in the Terminal Management Manual of Department of Operations (Fourth edition. 2009). 13 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 4 RESPONSIBILITIES/ ACCOUNTABILITIES 14 ED/OPS/2010/01 RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACCOUNTABILITIES Executive Director(Ops.) Accountability The Executive Director of Operations [ED (OPS)] is accountable to the Member (Operations) to provide services and facilities, for customers and stakeholders, for the purpose of giving effect to the Chicago Convention or otherwise in relation to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation to permit the safe navigation of aircraft on ground at aerodromes where AAI is responsible for such services. Responsibilities To function as Head of the following departments of AAI. a) Department of Operations. b) Department of Terminal Managment c) Department of Equipment d) Department of Technical. Formulate and issue policies pertaining to operational management of airports. To issue directives to Airport Directors of NSCBI, Chennai and Trivandrum Airports on operational management of these airports. To liaise and co-ordinate with the Ministry of Civil Aviation/DGCA on aerodrome issues and with BCAS on security matters. To liaise and co-ordinate with the Hqrs./Ministries of the regulatory authorities (Customs, Immigration, Home Affairs, Health etc.) functioning at the airport. To grant approval of time slots for schedule international and domestic airlines for AAI airports. To grant permission for overnight aircraft parking stands for NSCBI, Chennai, and Trivandrum Airports AAI airports. To plan training needs of executives and non-executives of all departments working under his command. The safety responsibilities are: 1. ensuring that safety considerations are given the foremost priority; 2. ensuring the application of the explicit safety management policy and procedures in accordance with AAI’s Safety Management System at AAI controlled aerodromes; 15 ED/OPS/2010/01 3. acceptance and overview of any residual risks or hazards, and their associated controls, that are identified within the Airports system, in accordance with the procedures contained in AAI’s Safety Management Manual; 4. overseeing the safety and operational performance of the Chennai, and Kolkata Airports; 5. ensuring that safety issues are reported in a timely manner to the Directorate of Aviation Safety and the AAI Board; 6. ensuring that all Airports Operations executives and personnel are aware of, and held accountable for, their safety performance; 7. ensuring that all Airports Operations executives and personnel are trained, qualified and competent to discharge their safety related obligations; 8. ensuring that fitness for service, including any necessary safety assessments, has been declared and accepted by the responsible authority, in relation to the development of all plans, policies, procedures, processes and systems that affect AAI controlled airports; and 9. ensuring that management of human resources is appropriate to facilitate safe operations. RESPONSIBILITIES OF GENERAL MANAGER (OPS.-ASM) AT CHQ. Accountability The General Manager(OPS)-ASM is accountable to ED (OPS) to provide services and facilities, in relation to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation to permit the safe movement of aircraft at Kolkata, Chennai aerodromes where ED(OPS) is responsible for such services. Responsibilities To monitor the implementation of policy in accordance with ICAO standards and recommended practices/CAR’s in respect of the Chennai, Kolkata and Trivandrum airports: Monitor the Air-side Management issues such as a) Surface Movement Control b) Follow-me Service c) Garbage removal d) Apron discipline e) Grass cutting / leveling f) Bird / rodent eradication programme g) Notices to airmen (NOTAM) h) Visual aids – monitoring / calibration Monitor Airport Emergency Services on the airside such as 16 ED/OPS/2010/01 a) Aircraft accidents / incidents b) Bomb threat to aircraft and terminals c) Medical Services Projection, coordination and implementation of the following in respect of the aircraft operations: a) Updation of AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) and Jeppesen Charts b) Correspondence related to ICAO c) Coordination with DGCA and IATA. d) Implementation of the National Bird Hazard Safety Programme including organizing ecological surveys at airports and its follow up. e) Drafting and issuance of operational circulars and operational instructions. f) Handling of Parliament Questions and their time-bound reply. g) Finalization of training programmes for executives of Deptt. of Operations dealing with GFS activities. h) Follow up action in the matters relating to IATA, ACI and consultative committees attached to Civil Aviation Ministry. i) Monitoring of Airport Facilitation Committee, Airport Security Committee, proceedings at airports and appropriate follow up with reference to Hqrs. j) Monitoring and implementation of various instructions/ recommendations forwarded to airports on air side management matters. k) Monitoring the implementation of recommendations made by various Court of Inquiries in respect of aircraft incidents / accidents. l) Allocation of overnight night parking stands to domestic airlines at Chennai, NSCBI and Trivandrum airports. m) Planning and procurement of literature relating to Airport Operations and Ground & Flight Safety. n) Coordination for Licensing of Trivandrum, Chennai and Kolkata airports. Safety Responsibilities To plan, formulate policy guidelines and monitor the implementation of the same in accordance with Civil Aviation Requirements and ICAO standards and 17 ED/OPS/2010/01 recommended practices in respect of Chennai, Kolkata and Trivandrum Airports and to monitor activities in the following fields at these airports. 1. Document and Data Information Management -To analyze reports received from airports and consilidate data with regard to bird hits, incident/accidents and fatalities on the airside. 2. To analyze incident accident report, identify hazards and suggest mitigation of hazards. Investigation is conducted to determine the root cause and to identify what can be done to prevent future occurrences. Investigation reports are provided to manager that has accountability and authority 3. Receive feedback on reported hazards after¨ Safety data is analyzed. Corrective actions are suggested and monitored for effectiveness 4. Coordination with DGCA and other regulatory bodies on safety related issues. 5. Coordination and clearance of works / new projects relating to apron, taxiways, runways and other air side areas with the Departments of Planning, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering at Hqrs. and DGCA prior to start of work at Chennai Kolkata and Trivandrum airports. Responsibilities of Dy. General Manager(GFS) at CHQ. Accountability The DGM(OPS)-ASM is accountable to GM (OPS)-ASM to provide services and facilities pertaining to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation for the safe movement of aircraft at Kolkata, Chennai and Trivandrum aerodromes where ED(OPS) is responsible for such services. Responsibilities Dealing with matters pertaining to Airfield Services Management Coordination with DGCA, BCAS and other departments of AAI on issues pertaining to airside management. Dealing with all matters related to ICAO, IATA, ACI etc. Coordination with Airports in respect of updating of the following emergency plans : (a) Airport Emergency Plan (b) Disabled aircraft removal plan Handling correspondence regarding Aerodrome Manuals & AIPs . Follow up of the implementations of recommendations of various courts of inquiries on aircraft accidents. 18 ED/OPS/2010/01 Scrutinisation of the proposals of the schemes related to various works (civil/electrical) in operational area of the airports. Safety assessment of various proposals at the conceptual stage. Issuance of Operational Circulars / Operational Instructions. Dealing with Parliament Questions. Monitoring of various reports and returns from the airports. Dealing with matters pertaining to medical services. Safety Responsibilities DGM(OPS)-ASM is Safety Officer of the Department of Operations. 1. Ensure safety promotion in the department of operations. 2. Ensure documentation and data information on airside management is current 3. Ensure Hazard identification and risk management based on incident/accident reports from Chennai Kolkata and Trivandrum airports. 4. The responsibility for reviewing, evaluating and recording the potential safety hazards from the change or its implementation shall be of the Safety officer of Deptt of Ops at CHQ as he shall carry out Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). 5. Analysis of safety data and audit reports on occurrences and hazards reported, Identify trends and suggest corrective actions 6. Analysis and investigation of incident/accident reported to determine root cause, and prepare investigative report for GM(OPS)-ASM to provide HOD for accountability of concerned executives 7. Document results/findings and corrective actions 8. List out training requirements 9. Ensure safety assessment of the changes and clearance before start of work on Airside. 10. Manuals/Plans on emergency services are readily available at stations, are current and timely tested 11. Performance measurement and timely submission of targets to Aviation Safety Department Responsibilities of Sr. Operations Manager(OPS.-ASM) at CHQ. Safety Accountability The SAM(GFS) is accountable to DGM(GFS) to provide services and facilities, in relation to the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation to permit the safe movement of aircraft at Kolkata, Chennai and Trivandrum aerodromes where ED(OPS) is responsible for such services. 19 ED/OPS/2010/01 Responsibilities Processing of various new proposals received from Planning, Civil engineering & Electrical engineering Deptts., from operational angle. To coordinate with office of the DGCA on airside matters. Preparing information and collecting data required to answer Parliament Questions. Follow-up on tour inspection reports by Chairman / Member (Ops.) / ED (Ops.). Follow up on implementation of various recommendations of commissions / committees which inquired into aircraft accidents. Preparing Board papers. Scrutiny of projected manpower received from airports. Providing inputs related to aircraft acquisition and allocation of aircraft overnight parking stands. Calculation of runway declared distances at airports. Preparation of operational circulars / instructions. Updation of contingency plans. To coordinate regarding airside surveys for airports and for issuance of NOTAMs being taken. Safety Responsibilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Processing and various new proposals received from Planning, Civil engineering & Electrical engineering Deptts., from operational angle. Examine incident/accident reports from Chennai and Kolkata Airports and put up to DGM(GFS) for investigating and corrective action. Examine bird hit incidents reports from Chennai and Kolkata Airports and put up to DGM(GFS) for investigating and corrective action. Document result and findings. Prepare quarterly report of the approved safety targets. Responsibilities of Operations Manager(OPS.-ASM) at CHQ. He/she will report to Jt./Dy.GM(GFS). Processing and clearing various new proposals received from Planning, Civil engineering & Electrical engineering Deptts., from operational angle. Preparing information and collecting data required to answer Parliament Questions. Follow-up on tour inspection reports by Chairman / Member (Ops.) / ED (Ops.). Coordination for clearing of various proposals forwarded by Engg. Deptts. for NOC. Scrutiny of projected manpower received from airports. Providing inputs related to aircraft acquisition and allocation of aircraft overnight parking stands. 20 ED/OPS/2010/01 Calculation of runway declared distances at airports. Preparation of operational circulars / instructions. Updation of contingency plans. Follow up on implementation of various recommendations of commissions / committees which inquired into aircraft accidents. To coordinate with concerned agencies for carrying out ecological surveys at airports. To coordinate with office of the DGCA on airside matters. To coordinate for audit surveys by DGCA and Aviation Safety Dte of AAI. Responsibilities of Terminal Management Executives are defined in the. Terminal Management Manual of Department of Operations (Fourth edition. 2009). CHAPTER 5 SOP’s (Issued by Ops Directorate) 21 ED/OPS/2010/01 SOP’s (issued by the Directorate) Various orders / ops circulars and records. AIS and NOTAM arrangement. Slot allocation procedure. Night parking permission. Engine run up Surveys, studies, inspections and audits. Security procedures and security liaison. Repair and maintenance of pavements, AGL etc. Interface with CNS/ATM operations regarding aerodrome conditions. Documents and contingency plans Apron Management and Safety Enhancement provisions/plans a) b) c) d) e) f) the provision and maintenance of visual aids to navigation: the provision and maintenance of the movement area surfaces; the provision and maintenance of apron markings, lighting and visual docking guidance systems; the control of vehicular traffic in apron areas; the parking of aircraft; the assessment of runway braking action and the measurement of water depth; 22 ED/OPS/2010/01 g) h) i) j) k) measures to discourage birds and other wildlife; the co-ordination of disabled aircraft removal operations; the adoption of measures intended to minimize the effect of airport on local environment; the clearance of obstacles where practicable; and the provision of airport data. Terminal operations –orders and circulars or instructions 23 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 6 HUMAN RESOURCES / STAFFING PROCEDURE 24 ED/OPS/2010/01 HUMAN RESOURCES / STAFFING PROCEDURE The underlying principle for Provision of Human resource and staffing procedure is the amount of traffic handled by the Operations Directorate at specific units of the Directorate. Based on the traffic handled at the airport the manpower requirement is projected by ED(Ops), and after vetting by Personnel, Finance directorate Manpower Advisory Board sanctions the manpower.The sanctioned strength per unit is approved by the Manpower Advisory Board of AAI. The process of promotions and fresh recruitments is taken care by Personnel Directorate of AAI. The existing sanctioned strength of the Operations Directorate to handle Airside Management of Chennai, Kolkata and Trivandrum airports and Terminal Management of all AAI Airports is as under: Total sanctioned strength of Ops deptt (Ops+Terminal) GM DGM/ JT. GM SR.MGR MGR ASST.MGR JET (Ops) 8 22 33 73 51 - (Tr) 1 8 14 39 41 14 Total 9 30 47 112 92 14 25 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 7 DOCUMENT NUMBERING SYSTEM 26 ED/OPS/2010/01 Numbering system DIRECTORATE OF OPERATIONS: Operations Directorate documents are numbered in accordance with the numbering system as per section 3.1.5 of the C-SMS Manual. Directorate of Operations Manual is numbered as ED/OPS/2010/01 Directorate of Operations ED/OPS/2009/01 Terminal Management Manual is numbered as Directorate of Operations Operational Circulars are numbered as ED/OPS/2010/02/1, ED/OPS/2010/02/2……….. Responsibilities : Operations Directorate will maintain a register of documents in addition to the website / computer records if any. All documents pertaining to the recent two previous years i.e 2009 and 2010 have been numbered in this system stipulated in C-SMS Manual. Operations Directorate has designated the responsibility to senior most officer to keep a record of the documents issued by its office. The responsibility to revise, update and control of the document remains with the department which created the document. The senior most officer of Operations Directorate shall issue an updated summary of the documents on 1st January and paste it on the website link allocated to that station or department. The subsequent summary shall replace the summary of the previous year. However, copy of all the summaries may be retained for a period of minimum five years. 27 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 8 TRAINING 28 ED/OPS/2010/01 TRAINING The rapid changing environment in Aviation Industry makes training integral part of any growing organization. In AAI Operations Directorate, training and retraining are important in changing world. The human resource in the directorate is required to operate as per the laid down Civil Aviation Requirements based on ICAO requirements, Hence they need to have subject knowledge in the following subjects Aircraft Act 1934 and Aircraft Rules 1937 CAR Series B, Part I Aerodrome Design and Operations, CAR Series B, Part IV Exemption Procedure for Non compliance at Aerodromes CAR Series F, Part I Requirement for Issue of an Aerodrome License Wildlife Control at Aerodromes Dangerous Goods Regulations (as they apply to aerodromes) Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) The ICAO Convention, Annexes 9, 14, 16, 17 and 18 to the Convention. ICAO Documents: 9774 Manual on Certification of Aerodromes; and 9859 Safety Management Manual; General management systems, procedures and techniques, including principles of human and organisational factors – problem solving styles, interpersonal communications; role conflicts; stress at work and task analysis Organisational processes, in the context of airport operations, for: occurrence reporting, investigation and follow-up safety risk management change management data collection, storage setting and measuring safety performance metrics inspection and auditing accident/incident reporting and investigation communicating aerodrome safety rules, regulations and information safety performance monitoring, measurement and follow-up, using safety auditing, studies, reviews and surveys co-ordination and control of airside activities Aerodrome Emergency Plan Knowledge of aerodrome operations, including a basic understanding of aircraft operations, sufficient to be able to appreciate and understand potential hazards 29 ED/OPS/2010/01 To impart requisite training the regular training programmes are conducted at NIAMAR which are as under: 1) AIRSIDE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Course for Non-executives of the level of Senior Assistant / Security Supervisors / Aerodrome Assistants from Operations & ATC Disciplines. and Executives of the level of Assistant Managers, Managers from Operations & ATC Disciplines Course Objectives: To update the participants on various standards and recommended practices of ICAO as well as the current operating practices of the organization, pertaining to “Airside Operations Management” so that only current standards / practices are followed. Course Contents: AAI Act 1994 & Air Regulations NOC Procedures AIS Aerodromes & Ground Aids Airport fire-fighting and Rescue Services Jet Blast & Safety Distances SMGC and Vehicular Movement Procedure Movement Area inspection Procedures Low Visibility Procedure Follow-Me Procedures Bird Hazard Control Management Aviation Meteorology & Weather Warnings Office Orders, Operational Circulars update Methodology Instruction methodology will cover lectures, case studies, group discussions, demonstrations, action oriented learning exercises, assignments and tests etc. State-or-the –art audio visual aids including multimedia presentation will also be used during the course. 30 ED/OPS/2010/01 2) INDUCTION COURSE FOR APRON SECURITY SUPERVISORS / SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT Course Objectives: On successful completion of this course, the participant will be able to : Perform the assigned duties in Apron Control office and assist the Apron Controller in efficient functioning of Apron Control Monitor airport traffic, monitor and control surface movement of vehicular traffic and maintain Apron Discipline Allocate Aircraft Stands. Initiate, monitor and enforce bird-hazard prevention measures. Carry-out inspection of movement area as per ICAO Standards. Initiate safety precautions during weather warnings. Enforcement Low Visibility Procedure operations. Provide Follow-Me Service to Aerodrome Traffic when required. Record Events in Log Book. Course Contents: Aerodromes & Ground Aids. Movement Area Inspection Procedures. Air Regulations, AAI Act & Regulations. NOC Procedures. SMGC and Vehicular Movement Procedure. Jet blast & Safety Distances. Airport Fire-Fighting and Rescue Services. ATS Theory. Radio- Navigational Aids. Aviation Meteorology & Weather Warnings. Bird Hazard Control Management. Aircraft Stand Allocation Procedure. Landing, Parking, Hosing checks & charges. Low Visibility Procedure. Follow-Me Procedures. Emergency Procedures. RT Theory & Procedures. General Administration & office Management Procedures Report & Log Book Writing Methodology Instruction methodology will cover lectures, case studies, group discussions, demonstrations, action oriented learning exercises, assignments and tests etc. State of the art audio visual aids including multimedia presentation will also be used during the course. 31 ED/OPS/2010/01 3) AB-INITIO COURSE FOR ASSISTANT AIRPORT MANAGERS Course Objectives: On successful completion of the course, the participant will be able to : Perform the assigned duties in Apron Control / Airport Terminal Manager’s office. Monitor airport traffic and maintain Apron Discipline. Monitor airport traffic and maintain Apron Discipline. Allocate Aircraft Stands as per ICAO Standards. Initiate, Monitor and enforce bird-hazard prevention measures. Carry out inspection of movement area as per ICAO Standards. Initiate safety precautions during weather warnings. Enforce Low Visibility Procedure operations. Provide Follow-Me Service to Aerodrome Traffic when required. Carry out Protocol duties in the terminal Building when required. Record events in Log Book. Course Contents: Aerodromes & Ground Aids. Air Regulations, AAI Act & Regulations. NOC Procedures. SMGC and Vehicular Movement Procedure. Movement Area Inspection Procedures. Jet Blast & Safety Distances. Airport Fire-fighting and Rescue Services. ATS theory. Radio – Navigational Aids. Basics of Air Navigation. Runway length requirements and load penalties due to restrictions. Aviation Meteorology & Weather Warnings. Bird Hazard Control Management. Aircraft stand allocation procedure. Landing, Parking, Housing checks and charges. Push-back procedures. Low Visibility Procedure. Follow-Me Procedures. Emergency Procedures. Protocol requirements and Procedures. RT Theory & Procedures. General Administration and Office Management Procedures. Public Dealing and Customer Care. Report & Log Book Writing. 32 ED/OPS/2010/01 Methodology : Instruction methodology will cover lectures, case studies, group discussions, demonstration, action oriented learning exercises, assignments and tests etc. State of the art audio visual aids including multimedia presentation will also be used during the course. 4) AB-INITIO COURSE FOR AIRPORT MANAGERS Course Objectives: On successful completion of the course, the participant will be able to : Independently perform the assigned duties in the Airport Terminal Manager’s office and Apron Controller’s office and assist the Senior Airport Manager who is incharge of the shift, in safe and efficient functioning of the Airport Terminal Building and the movement area, as per ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices. Course Contents : Introduction to ICAO and Relevant ICAO Documents. Terminal Management. Design concepts of Airport Passenger Terminals. Aspects of Terminal Management. Role of Agencies at an Airport Passenger Terminal. Administrative Aspects. Land Side Management. Safety and Security. Baggage Handling. Airport Emergencies. Facilitation of Very/Commercially Important Persons. Motivation and Leadership. Public Dealing & Customer Care. General Administration & Office Management Procedures. Personnel Management. Financial & Commercial Management. Aerodromes & Ground Aids. Movement Area Inspection Procedures. Air Regulations, AAI Act & Regulations. NOC Procedures. SMGC and Vehicular Movement Procedure. Jet Blast & Safety Distances. Airport Fire-fighting and Rescue Services. ATS Theory. NOTAMS & NOTAM Codes. Radio – Navigational Aids & IAL Procedures. Air – Navigation. 33 ED/OPS/2010/01 Aviation Meteorology & Weather Warnings. Theory of Flight. Runway Length Requirement. Bird Hazard Control Management. Aircraft Types & their Characteristics. Aircraft Stand Allocation Procedure. Landing, Parking, Housing checks & charges. Low Visibility Procedures. Follow-Me Procedures. Airport Emergency Plans & Procedures. Contingency Plans. RT Theory & Procedures. Report & Log Book Writing. Methodology: Instruction methodology will cover lectures, case studies, group discussions, demonstration, action oriented learning exercises, assignments and tests etc. State of the art audio visual aids including video presentation will also be used during the course. 34 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 9 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 35 ED/OPS/2010/01 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (POLICY, RISK MANAGEMENT, SAFETY ASSURANCE AND SAFETY PROMOTION) Safety Policy, Commitment & Objectives (as per C-SMS) The Airports Authority of India states its safety policy as below: Establishment: AAI shall conceive, design, develop and effect changes to the Aerodromes, CNS systems, ATS systems, airspace and air traffic management and procedures involving all the stake holders for safe Air Navigation in the sky and for safe aerodrome operations. Safety Plans: AAI shall make its country wide Safety Plans, and revise periodically throughout all its operational activities for enhancement of safety. Safety Management System: AAI shall establish SMS - the safety levels of airspace and all aerodromes, identify hazards and lay down methods of risk assessments, risk mitigation, safety measurements, reporting, monitoring and reviewing and shall endeavour to maintain the safety levels of all aerodromes, ATS and safety standards of CNS facilities even if the traffic grows. Safety reviews: AAI shall carry out safety reviews regularly at the specified periods of the ATS and Aerodrome operations, CNS standards involving the management at station level, region level and corporate level. Responsibilities and accountabilities: AAI shall involve all its wings (Engg., CNS, Operations, ATM, etc.) by documenting explicit safety responsibilities and shall evolve a procedure of accountabilities from top management to the line managers. Safety culture: It shall also involve the other stake holders, the regulator in the safety promotion in the sky and ground operations by practicing the laid down procedures leading to a safety culture. 36 ED/OPS/2010/01 Commitment : Safety Priority: AAI is committed to the aviation safety in the country as desired by ICAO Chicago Convention Article No. 44 and as required by DGCA India. It regards the safety its First Priority in the aviation business and shall treat the safety matters on top priority over the other matters. Safety Sharing: AAI is committed to share the safety matters, awareness, and practices with the stake holders and international community. Resources: AAI is committed to provide adequate material resources including human resources and for training, repair maintenance and upgrading the systems in a systematic and timely manner. Universal Commitment: AAI is committed to work in coordination with international aviation community for the Global mission— “ One World-One Sky-One mission : SAFETY ” Ref: The Safety Policy & commitment is approved and signed by the Chairman, AAI vide Aviation Safety Circular No.2/2009 Objectives : Safe aerodrome operations: To establish and maintain the aerodrome safety levels by re-dressing the issues; Bird menace, FOD, runway operations, efficient handling of flights, helicopter handling, Safety in apron operations: Passenger Handling, ramp and Equipment, aircraft movements, push-backs, and cargo operations: loading / offloading, Apron safety and cargo security. Airport security and safety integration. Model –development of Movement areas of all airports: Proper security wall of the airports, access and surveillance systems, Security equipments and CCTV around the airports and in the ATS units. Development of the basic strips, approach funnels, grass lawns and grounds, Drains, water harvesting, Mechanical sweeping of pavements and other safety enhancement plans. 37 ED/OPS/2010/01 Enforcement of Safety policy : Amalgamate/promulgate: The top management, All the Directorates, Regional offices and sections as well as the people of AAI must amalgamate the safety policy and commitment in their department manuals, SMS manuals and promulgate into the dayto-day practice. The policy, commitment and objectives must be read and well understood by all the officers. A written undertaking must be obtained from all the officers by the HOD at least yearly once. The immediate supervisors of the other lower staff should ensure that their subordinates are explained the policy and they are performing as required by the policy. Accountability: Failure or Non-compliance to implement policy or any one component of policy in the airport development or ATS operations by any Station incharge or project in charge shall be placed on record along with facts and figures by the Regional Executive Directors. Similarly accountability of the Regional Executive Directors and other Executive Directors is to be submitted to the Safety Review Board (SRB) by the Chairman. The objective of safe aerodrome operations at Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Cochin private airports requires Letter of Agreement (LOA) between ATS in charge and The Chief Operative Officer of the airside operator. 38 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 10 FEEDBACK AND COMPLAINT REDRESSAL SYSTEM 39 ED/OPS/2010/01 FEEDBACK AND COMPLAINT REDRESSAL SYSTEM Receipt of Feed backs and complaints In the present scenario of competitive environment, excellence in customer service is the most important tool for sustained business growth. Customer complaints are part of the business life of any service organizations. As a service organization, customer service and customer satisfaction are the prime focus of AAI policy. The grievance redressal has been formulated taking into account the following: • Complaints are raised by customers and are dealt with courtesy. The feedbacks and complaints are received at the airports where suggestion boxes are kept in the passenger lounges. The complaints which can be addressed at the level of Airport are addressed at the airport, others are forwarded to the Hqrs. • Customers are fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints/grievances within the organization and their rights to alternative remedy, if they are not fully satisfied with the response of the airport to their complaints. • All complaints are dealt efficiently and fairly • “May I Help You” desks are available at the airports. The complaints pertaining to ops directorate are also received from the office of Minister of Civil Aviation and Chairman AAI. We assure a response to letters / emails received through this channel. The feedbacks are also received in the form of incident /accident reporting mechanism wherein the incident/accident are analysed and strategy prepared so that such incident/accident do not reoccur. Resolution of Grievances The customers can highlight their complaints with AAI vide the above mentioned channels. It is ensured that the complaint is escalated to the appropriate levels to resolve it. 40 ED/OPS/2010/01 Time frame If the complaint has been received in writing, Ops Directorate will endeavor to send an acknowledgement / response within a week. Complaints that require some time for examination of issues involved will be acknowledged promptly. After the matter is examined a final response is sent to the complainant within one month of receipt of complaint. In case the complainant is not satisfied with the response received, then he /she can further raise the level. Sensitizing operating staff on handling complaints All the executives of Ops Dte are educated on our Complaint Redressal Mechanism. 41 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 11 MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES OF THE OPERATIONS DIRECTORATE 42 ED/OPS/2010/01 MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES OF THE OPERATIONS DIRECTORATE tbd 43 ED/OPS/2010/01 CHAPTER 12 DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION AND CONTACT NUMBERS 44 ED/OPS/2010/01 DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION Regional Executive Director(NR) Regional Executive Director(WR) Regional Executive Director(SR) Regional Executive Director(ER) Regional Executive Director(NER) Airport Director, AAI Kolkata, Chennai and Trivandrum Amritsar, Jaipur, Jammu, Lucknow, Srinagar, Udaipur, Varanasi, Ahmadabad, Vadodara, Nagpur, Goa, Pune, Bhopal, Mangalore, Coimbatore, Calicut, Bhubaneshwar,Patna, Gaya, Guwahati, Indore, Aurangabad , Bagdogara, Trichy, Ranchi Airport Controller, AAI Agra / Chandigarh / Jodhpur / Madurai / Vizag / Port Blair / Bhunter (Kulu) / Dehradun / Gwalior / Khajuraho / Leh / / Shimla, Dimapur / Imphal / Dibrugarh /Jorhat / Silchar / Madurai / Tirupathi / Vijaywada / Belgaum /Bhavnagar / Jamnagar / Rajkot / Surat/ Pondichary/ Raipur INTERNAL: SR.EA to Chairman / PS to Member (Ops.) / PS to Member (Fin.) / PS to Member (Plg.) /PS to Member(P&A) / CVO / ED (ATM) / ED( Aviation Safety ) / ED (P&A) / ED (IT) / ED (CNS-O&M) / ED (Admin& PR) / ED (Law) / ED (Comml.) / ED (Land Mgmt.) / ED (F&A) – I / ED (F&A)-II / ED (FIU/RCDU) / ED(Engg.) / ED (CNS-Plg.) / ED (PM&QA) / ED( ARA-Plg.) / ED ( CP&MS ) / ED (CA& CS) / Director ( Security) / ED (C&C) / ED(NIAMAR)/ Principal (CATC)/ ED(Internal Audit) / GM/Jt.GM (Fire) , GM(TECH/EQP)/ GM( Public Grievances ) 45 ED/OPS/2010/01 Presently Operations Directorate does not have any measurable objectives, however the same can be framed based on the following performance measures: Reduce the number incidents that cause damage and the amount of damage Reduce the number of Incidents as specified in TLC. Reduce the number of Injuries to organization personnel, guests and passengers Increase the number of actions raised from safety meetings Reduce the number of non‐compliances with standard and procedures. Increase compliance with the safety incident management process (reporting, classification, root cause investigation, and implementation of corrective actions). Reduction in the number of passenger complaints. 46