Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 109 (2008) 58–65 www.elsevier.com/locate/micromeso Phase-selective crystallization of cobalt-incorporated aluminophosphate molecular sieves with large pore by microwave irradiation Sung Hwa Jhung a,* , Taihuan Jin a,b , Young Ho Kim b, Jong-San Chang a,* a Research Center for Nanocatalysts, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), P.O. Box 107, Yusung, Daejeon 305-600, Republic of Korea b Department of Fine Chemicals Engineering and Chemistry, ChungNam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Republic of Korea Received 8 December 2006; received in revised form 26 March 2007; accepted 12 April 2007 Available online 29 April 2007 Abstract Several cobalt aluminophosphate (CoAPO) molecular sieves are synthesized hydrothermally under microwave irradiation and conventional electric heating. Relatively unstable CoAPO molecular sieves with large pore can be obtained preferentially with microwave synthesis due to the rapid crystallization involved in the microwave method. For example, the VFI (composed of 18 membered rings; 18 MR) and AFI molecular sieves (12 MR), rather than AFI (12 MR) and AEI (8 MR) molecular sieves, respectively, can be selectively produced under the microwave irradiation. On the contrary, from the same reactant gel, more stable CoAPO molecular sieves with relatively small pore are obtained by conventional hydrothermal synthesis for long crystallization time. The AFI and VFI are transformed into AEI and AFI, respectively, with the increase of reaction time because the relative stability of former CoAPOs is less than that of latter CoAPOs under the reaction conditions adopted in this study. The present results suggest that the pore size is a more important to explain the relative stability of CoAPO molecular sieves than the framework density. Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Phase selectivity; Microwave heating; Phase transition; Large pore molecular sieve; Aluminophosphate; Cobalt 1. Introduction Nanoporous materials including zeolites and aluminophosphate molecular sieves (AlPO) [1,2] are widely used in catalysis and separation, and are still being developed for new applications [3]. VFI molecular sieve (VFI) including VPI-5, CoVPI-5 and FeVPI-5 is one of the molecular sieves containing extra-large pore (pore size of 1.27 nm) composed of 18 membered rings (18 MR) [4] and has attracted much interest not only for fundamental understanding but also for applications aimed at large molecules * Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses: sung@krict.re.kr (S.H. Jhung), jschang@krict.re.kr (J.-S. Chang). 1387-1811/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2007.04.031 [5]. AFI type molecular sieve (AFI) [1] such as AlPO-5, SAPO-5 and CoAPO-5 with one-dimensional channel of 0.73 nm (delineated by 12 MR) has been widely studied. AEI type molecular sieves (AEI) [6] such as CoAPO-18 and SAPO-18 with small channel of 0.38 nm (delineated by 8 MR) have been investigated as catalysts for the ‘methanol to olefin’ (MTO) process or oxidation reactions [7]. The VFI and AFI molecular sieves have hexagonal structure, whereas the AEI has monoclinic symmetry [8]. Metal-containing molecular sieves such as cobalt-, titanium-, iron- and vanadium-incorporated molecular sieves are very interesting since they show remarkable performances in the redox-, photo- and acid-catalysis [9–12]. Especially, cobalt-containing molecular sieves are useful catalysts in the oxyfunctionalization of hydrocarbons with air or oxygen [13]. S.H. Jhung et al. / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 109 (2008) 58–65 So far, nanoporous materials have been synthesized mainly by hydrothermal crystallization using conventional electric heating. Since the pioneering works [14], it has been reported that synthesis of zeolites and AlPO by microwave heating has many advantages such as fast crystallization [14–16], narrow particle size distribution [17,18] and facile morphology control [19]. Malinger et al. have recently shown that the octahedral molecular sieve materials (OMS-1 and OMS-2) synthesized by microwave methods exhibit superior properties such as stability, crystallinity, morphology and even catalytic activity compared with those of OMS-1 and OMS-2 synthesized by conventional methods [20]. Moreover, the synthesis of an inorganic material by using microwave method is very efficient to analyze the effect of reaction conditions [21] because of the fast crystallization of the method. However, to the best of our knowledge, phase selective synthesis of a structure by using microwave heating has not received much attention. We have reported that SAPO-5, rather than SAPO-34, can be synthesized preferentially by microwave heating [22]. The selective crystallization of SAPO-5 has been explained in terms of a kinetic and thermodynamic effect; SAPO-5 forms at an early stage of reaction and is transformed into a more stable phase, SAPO-34 with the increase of reaction time [22]. Nanoporous materials can be utilized as a carrier of nanomaterials by using well-defined pore structures. For instance, an AFI molecular sieve is one of the smallest carriers for carbon nanotubes [23]. The VFI is capable of confining nanomaterials such as buckyball (C60) in the large channel [24]. The C60 in the VFI exhibits anomalous luminescence due to a confinement effect [24]. Moreover, molecular sieves with large pore should open new catalysis in the fields of petrochemistry and life-science [5]. It has been reported that the phase obtained by hydrothermal syntheses depends more on the kinetics rather than on the relative stability or thermodynamics [25,26]. Several structures 59 coexist under some conditions since the obtained phase can be changed by subtle reaction conditions and the heat of formation differs only slightly with crystal structures [26]. For example, AFI may coexist with AEL or AEI [27–29], and the template di-n-propylamine leads to the simultaneous crystallization of VFI, AEL and APC (AlPO4-H3, 8 MR) structures [30]. Therefore, phase selective crystallization of pure aluminophosphate type nanoporous materials, especially with large pore, is important from the standpoint of applications and characterization. Herein, we report the phase selectivity or selective crystallization of CoAPOs with large pore by microwave heating from a reactant gel which would produce CoAPOs with smaller pore by conventional hydrothermal synthesis. The preferential crystallization of AFI and VFI over AEI and AFI, respectively, will be discussed. In particular, the relative stability and inter-conversion of AFI and AEI (and of VFI and AFI) in the reaction condition are described. 2. Experimental Cobalt-containing VFI, AFI and AEI molecular sieves were synthesized from pseudoboehmite (Catapal A, Vista), phosphoric acid (85 wt%, Aldrich), Co(OAc)2 Æ 4H2O (Aldrich, 98%) and deionized water by following the method [31,32] reported earlier at relatively low temperature. Diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA) and triethylamine (TEA) were used as template molecules for AFI/AEI and VFI/AFI, respectively. Pseudoboehmite was added to a diluted phosphoric acid solution, and stirred until a white uniform gel was obtained. Dissolved cobalt acetate was added to the aluminophosphate gel and a template was added successively to the gel, which was stirred to a uniform reaction mixture. The reactant compositions for AFI/AEI and VFI/AFI were Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO: 1.7DIPEA:50H2O (pH 9.5) and Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO: Table 1 Reaction conditions and results for the synthesis of CoAPO molecular sieves Sample no. A B C D E F G H I J a b c d e Reaction conditionsa Reaction results Molar composition Heating methodb Time (h) Temperature (°C) Phase yield (%) Composition (Co/ (Al + P + Co), at.%) SBETc Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.7DIPEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.7DIPEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.7DIPEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.7DIPEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.7DIPEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.7DIPEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.7DIPEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.7DIPEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.0TEA:50H2O Al2O3:1.05P2O5:0.08CoO:1.0TEA:50H2O MW MW MW MW CE CE CE CE MW CE 0.5 1 1.5 2 24 48 96 120 3 24 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 130 130 AFI AFI AFI AFI AFI + AEI AFI + AEI AEIe AEIe VFI AFI NDd ND 2.2 2.3 ND ND 2.2 2.4 1.2 2.4 ND ND ND 210 ND ND ND 560 490 297 The pH of the reactant gel is 9.5 (for A–H) or 5.5 (for I and J). MW: microwave heating; CE: conventional electric heating. BET surface area (m2/g). ND: Not determined. Samples G and H are slightly contaminated with CoAPO-34 (CHA structure). 45 60 77 85 10 + 28 4 + 53 80 85 72 80 ID 76412 Title Phase-selectivecrystallizationofcobalt-incorporatedaluminophosphatemolecularsieveswithlargeporeby microwaveirradiation http://fulltext.study/article/76412 http://FullText.Study Pages 8