Lecture Notes: 2304154 Physics and Electronics Lecture 2 (2nd Half), Year: 2007 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University 11/10/2007 Contents 1 Power in Ac Circuits 1 2 Signal Frequency and Impedances 2.1 First Order Filter Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Resonant and Second Order Filter Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10 13 3 Problems 18 1 Power in Ac Circuits Time Dependent Power Given: V (t) = Vm sin ωt I(t) = Im sin(ωt + φ) From: P (t) = V (t)I(t) P (t) = Vm Im sin ωt sin(ωt + φ) Trigonometry: 2 sin A sin B = cos(B − A) − cos(B + A) 1 P (t) = Vm Im [cos φ − cos(2ωt + φ)] 2 Power in ac circuit depends on time. Power of Pure Resistive Load V (t) = Vm sin ωt I(t) = Im sin ωt P (t) = Vm Im sin2 ωt 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 1 Tianprateep, M. V, I 0 V (t) t I(t) P t 0 Figure 1 Current, voltage, and power versus time for a purely resistive load. V, I V (t) I(t) t 0 P t 0 Figure 2 Current, voltage, and power versus time for a purely inductive load. 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 2 Tianprateep, M. V, I V (t) I(t) t 0 P t 0 Figure 3 Current, voltage, and power versus time for a purely capacitive load. Power of Pure Inductive Load V (t) = Vm sin ωt I(t) = Im sin(ωt − 90o ) 1 P (t) = Vm Im [cos(−90o ) 2 − cos(2ωt − 90o )] 1 = − Vm Im sin 2ωt 2 Power of Pure Capacitive Load V (t) = Vm sin ωt I(t) = Im sin(ωt + 90o ) 1 P (t) = Vm Im [cos(90o ) 2 − cos(2ωt + 90o )] 1 = Vm Im sin 2ωt 2 Active Power or Average Power 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 3 Tianprateep, M. Active power or average power (unit in Watt,W): the energy delivered to the electrical elements in one cycle divided by the period. P = Pav Because T = 2π ω and R cos(2θ + φ)dθ = 1 2 1 = T Z T P (t)dt 0 sin(2θ + φ) Z 2π 1 1 P = Vm Im cos φ − cos(2ωt + φ) d(ωt) 2π 0 2 1 = Vm Im cos φ = Vrms Irms cos φ 2 Power Factor and Power Angle cos φ = power factor (P F ) φ = power angle Definition: In case: V (t) = Vm sin(ωt + φv ) I(t) = Im sin(ωt + φi ) φ = φv − φi pure resistive load pure inductive load pure capacitive load (φ = 0; P F = 1) (φ = 90o ; P F = 0) (φ = −90o ; P F = 0) : : : P P P = 12 Vrms Irms = 0 = 0 Power in Complex Number System In general cases; V = Vm φv = Vm cos φv + j Vm sin φv I = Im φi = Im cos φi + j Im sin φi V I ∗ = (Vm cos φv + j Vm sin φv )(Im cos φi − j Im sin φi ) = Vm Im cos(φv − φi ) + j Vm Im sin(φv − φi ) That is: 1 P = Re(V I ∗ ) 2 1 Q = Im(V I ∗ ) 2 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 4 Tianprateep, M. Im |Z| X φ Re R Figure 4 The load impedance in a complex plane Reactive Power and Apparent Power reactive power, Q (unit in Voltage–Amperes–Reactive, VAR): the energy flow back and forth to the energy storage elements (inductances and/or capacitances). 1 Q = Im(V I ∗ ) = Vrms Irms sin φ 2 P 2 + Q2 = (Vrms Irms )2 cos2 φ + (Vrms Irms )2 sin2 φ = (Vrms Irms )2 = AP 2 AP = Vrms Irms : apparent power (unit in Voltage–Amperes, VA) The reactive power effects the power dissipation in the lines and transformers of a power distribution system. Thus, the industrial factory has to pay for this kind of power. That is ‘5–kW load’ means P = 5 kW, ‘5–kVA load’ means AP = 5 kVA, and ‘a load absorbs 5–kVAR’ means Q = 5 kVAR. Power Triangle inductive load (I lags V ) AP Q (φ = positive) φ P P capacitive load (I leads V ) φ Q (φ = negative) AP Additional Power Relationship Z = |Z|φ = R + j X 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 5 Tianprateep, M. XL IC I V (t) R XC IR V (t) = 10− 900 I(t) = 0.1414− 1350 IR = 0.1− 1200 IC = 0.1− 900 XL = j 100 Ω XC = −j 100 Ω R = 100 Ω Figure 5 Circuit for example 1 X=+ X=− for inductance for capacitance R |Z| X sin φ = |Z| cos φ = P = = Q= = P = Q= Vm Im Vm Im R cos φ = 2 2 |Z| 2 Im 2 R = Irms R 2 Vm Im Vm Im X sin φ = 2 2 |Z| 2 Im 2 X = Irms X 2 2 VRrms ; VRrms : across resistance R 2 VXrms ; VXrms : across reactance X Example 1. 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 6 Tianprateep, M. Find power and reactive power φ = φv − φi VSrms Irms = −90o − (−135o ) = 45o √ √ = Vm / 2 = 10/ 2 = 7.071 V √ √ = Im / 2 = 0.1414/ 2 = 0.1 A P = VSrms Irms cos φ = 7.071 × 0.1 cos(45o ) = 0.5 W Q = VSrms Irms sin φ = 7.071 × 0.1 sin(45o ) = 0.5 VAR QR = 0 2 QL = Irms XL = (0.1)2 (100) = 1.0 VAR 0.1 2 QC = ICrms XC = ( √ )2 (−100) 2 = −0.5 VAR QS = QL + QC PL = PC = 0 0.1 2 PR = IRrms R = ( √ )2 (100) 2 = 0.5 W Example 2. Find PS , Q, P F , and phasor current I P FA = 0.5 leading: capacitive (XA = −, QA = −) P FB = 0.7 lagging: inductive (XB = +, QB = +) PA = Vrms Irms P FA = (104 )(0.5) = 5 kW q QA = − APA2 − PA2 p = − (104 )2 − (5000)2 = −8.67 kVAR 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 7 Tianprateep, M. I V (t) A IA IB B V (t) = 1414300 APA = 10 kVA P FA = 0.5 leading PB = 5 kW P FB = 0.7 lagging Figure 6 Circuit for example 2 APB = PB /P F = 5000/0.7 = 7.14 kVA q QB = APB2 − PB2 p = (7142)2 − (5000)2 = 5.101 kVAR PS = PA + PB = 10 kW QS = QA + QB = −3.56 kVAR QS = −19.6o φS = tan−1 PS P FS = cos φS = −0.94 (94.2% leading) p APS = P 2 + Q2 = 10.6 kVA 1414 VSrms = √ = 1 kV 2 APS Irms = = 10.61 A VSrms √ Im = 2Irms = 15 A φi = φv − φS = 30o − (−19.6o ) = 49.6o I = 1549.6o A Power Factor Correction 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 8 Tianprateep, M. AP Q φ P −Q Figure 7 Power triangle for power factor correction In heavy industry, Q causes higher currents in the power distribution system. The energy rates charged to industry depend on the P F . To decrease P F , the capacitors is placed in parallel with an inductive load to decrease the sum of Q. Example 3. A 50 kW load operates from a 60–Hz 10–kV–rms line with a power factor of 60 % lagging. Compute the capacitance that must be placed in parallel with the load to achieve a 90 % lagging power factor. Load power angle (φL ) = cos−1 (0.6) = 53.13o From power triangle concept; QL = PL tan φL = 66.67 kVAR After adding the capacitor, Pnew = PL = 50 kW and new power angle (φnew ): φnew = cos−1 (0.9) = 25.84o From power triangle concept; Qnew = PL tan φnew = 24.22 kVAR QC = Qnew − QL = −42.45 kVAR XC = − 2 Vrms = −2356 Ω QC Required capacitance; C= 2 1 1 = = 1.126 µF 2πf XC 2π(60)(2356) Signal Frequency and Impedances Frequency Dependent Impedance Resistance: R = Constant 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 9 Tianprateep, M. R, X XL R XC f O Figure 8 Graph shows the frequency effects the impedance value. R + Vin + − I C Vout − Figure 9 A first order lowpass filter. Inductance: XL = ωL = 2πf L Capacitance: XC = 2.1 1 1 = ωC 2πf C First Order Filter Circuits First Order Lowpass Filter From this circuit, first order differential equation can be written as: RC dVC (t) + VC (t) = Vs . dt Thus, it is called ‘first order circuit’. Vin Vin = ZT R + 1/j 2πf C 1 = VC = I j 2πf C 1 Vin = × j 2πf C R + 1/j 2πf C I= Vout 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 10 Tianprateep, M. H(f ) |H(f )| 1 0o 0.707 0.5 −45o 0 0 fB 2fB 3fB 4fB −90o f 0 fB 2fB 3fB 4fB f Figure 10 Magnitude and phase of the first–order lowpass transfer function versus frequency. Vout 1 = Vin 1 + j 2πf RC 1 = 1 + j (f /fB ) H(f ) = H(f ): transfer function fB : half–power frequency 1 2πRC fB = In case, f = fB : √ H(f ) = 1/ 2 = 0.707 P = Pmax /2 |H(f )| = p 1 1 + (f /fB )2 f H(f ) = − arctan fB |H(f )|dB = 20 log |H(f )| Pout | = 10 log| Pin Magnitude and Phase Plots of H(f ) f increases: H(f ) decreases f increases: H(f ) decreases to -90o The low frequency signal can be detected at Vout port. On another word, the low frequency signal can be passed this circuit(Fig.10). (lowpass filter) 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 11 Tianprateep, M. L + Vin + − R Vout − Figure 11 Another first–order lowpass filter. Example 4. Given an input signal Vin = 5 sin(20πt) + 5 sin(2000πt) is applied to the lowpass RC filter. Let R = 1000/(2π) and C = 10µ F. Find an expression for the output signal. fB = 1 1 = = 100 Hz 2πRC 2π(1000/2π)(10 × 10−6 ) For the first component of Vin : Vin1 (t) = 5 sin(20πt); Vin1 = 50o ω 20 = = 10 2π 2π 1 1 H(10) = = = 0.995− 5.71o 1 + j (f1 /fB ) 1 + j (10/100) Vout1 = H(10)Vin1 = 4.975− 5.71o f1 = Vout1 (t) = 4.975 sin(20πt − 5.71o ) The second component of Vin : Vin2 (t) = 5 sin(2000πt); Vin2 = 50o ω 2000 = = 1000 2π 2π 1 1 = = 0.0995− 84.29o H(1000) = 1 + j (f2 /fB ) 1 + j (1000/100) Vout2 = H(1000)Vin2 = 0.4975− 84.29o f2 = Vout2 (t) = 0.4975 sin(2000πt − 84.29o ) Vout = 4.975 sin(20πt − 5.71o ) + 0.4975 sin(2000πt − 84.29o ) Another First Order Lowpass Filter 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 12 Tianprateep, M. C + Vin + − R Vout − Figure 12 A first order highpass filter. First Order Highpass Filter From this circuit: Vin Vin = ZT R + 1/j 2πf C Vout = VR = RI Vin =R× R + 1/j 2πf C j 2πf RC = 1 + j 2πf RC j(f /fB ) Vout = H(f ) = Vin 1 + j (f /fB ) 1 fB = 2πRC I= f /fB |H(f )| = p 1 + (f /fB )2 f o H(f ) = 90 − arctan fB Magnitude and Phase Plots of H(f ) f increases: H(f ) increases f increases: H(f ) decreases to 0o The high frequency signal can be detected at Vout port. On another word, the high frequency signal can be passed this circuit(Fig.13). (highpass filter) Another First Order Highpass Filter 2.2 Resonant and Second Order Filter Circuits Series Resonance 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 13 Tianprateep, M. H(f ) |H(f )| 1 90o 0.707 0.5 45o 0 0 fB 2fB 3fB 4fB 0o f 0 fB 2fB 3fB 4fB f Figure 13 Magnitude and phase of the first–order highpass transfer function versus frequency. R + Vin + − Vout L − Figure 14 Another first–order highpass filter. L Vin + − I R C Figure 15 The series resonant circuit. 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 14 Tianprateep, M. From Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law: d2 Q dQ Q +R + = Vm sin ωt 2 dt dt C Q = Qm sin(ωt − φ) Vm Qm = p L2 (ω 2 − ω02 )2 + R2 ω 2 1 1 1 = − ωL tan φ R ωC L Compare with the equation of spring motion; natural frequency: 1 ω0 = √LC If the frequency of Vin , ω = ω0 , Qm (or Im ) is maximum. It is called resonant frequency. On the other hands, resonant frequency: f0 : the frequency at which the impedance is purely resistive (i.e.,the total reactance is zero). ZT = R + j (XL − XC ) resonant frequency can be found from: XL − XC = 0 1 2πf0 L = 2πf0 C 1 f0 = √ 2π LC Define quality factor 2πf0 L 1 = R 2πf0 CR f f0 ZT (f ) = R 1 + j Qs ( − ) f0 f Qs = current in this circuit: I= = Vin ZT (f ) Vin /R 1 + j Qs (f /f0 − f0 /f ) 1 VR = Vin 1 + j Qs (f /f0 − f0 /f ) 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 15 Tianprateep, M. |H(f )| |H(f )| Qs1 > Qs2 > Qs3 > Qs4 1 0.5 0 0.8 1 0.707 0.5 Qs4 Qs3 Qs2 Qs1 0.9 1.0 1.1 f f0 1.2 f 0 fL f0 fH Figure 16 Magnitude of the series resonant transfer function versus frequency. + Vin + − R C L Vout − Figure 17 The parallel resonant circuit. Magnitude and Phase Plots of H(f ) The middle frequency signal can be detected at VR port(Fig.13). It can be called second order bandpass filter. Defind bandwidth B = fH − fL . At Qs 1: f0 B∼ = Qs ∼ fH = f0 + B/2 fL ∼ = f0 − B/2 Parallel Resonance ZT = 1 1/R + j (2πf C − 1/2πf L) f0 : the frequency at which the impedance is purely resistive (i.e.,the total reactance is zero). 1 2πf0 L 1 f0 = √ 2π LC 2πf0 C = 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 16 Tianprateep, M. |H(f )| |H(f )| Qp1 > Qp2 > Qp3 > Qp4 1 0.5 0 0.8 1 0.707 0.5 Qp4 Qp3 Qp2 Qp1 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 f f0 f 0 fL f0 fH Figure 18 Magnitude of the parallel resonant transfer function versus frequency. |H(f )| (dB) R L 20 + Vin + − C 0 Vout −20 − −40 −60 f0 /10 first order filter f0 second order filter log f 10f0 100f0 Figure 19 Second–order lowpass filter and Transfer–function magnitudes Define quality factor, Qp R = 2πf0 CR 2πf0 L R ZT = 1 + j Qp (f /f0 − f0 /f ) IR Vout = 1 + j Qp (f /f0 − f0 /f ) Qp = Magnitude and Phase Plots of H(f ) The middle frequency signal can be detected at VR port(Fig.18). It can be called second order bandpass filter. Defind bandwidth B = fH − fL . At Qp 1: f0 B∼ = Qp Second Order Lowpass Filter 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 17 Tianprateep, M. |H(f )| (dB) C R 20 + Vin + − L 0 Vout −20 − −40 first order filter second order filter −60 f0 /10 f0 10f0 100f0 log f Figure 20 Second–order highpass filter and Transfer–function magnitudes R |H(f )| (dB) 20 + L 0 Vin + − Vout −20 − −40 C −60 f0 /10 f0 10f0 log f Figure 21 Second–order band–reject (notch) filter and Transfer–function magnitudes f0 = 1 √ ; 2π LC H(f ) = 2πf0 L 1 = R 2πf0 CR −j Qs (f0 /f ) = 1 + j Qs (f /f0 − f0 /f ) and Qs = Vout Vin At Qp 1: |H(f )| reaches a high peak at f0 . Qs ∼ = 1 (maximally flat or Butterworth function) is selected for filter design. Second Order Highpass Filter Second Order Band-Reject (Notch) Filter 3 Problems 1. (a) A voltage source V = 707.140o delivers 5 kW to a load with a power factor of 100 percent. Find the reactive power and the phasor current. (b) Repeat if the power factor is 20 percent lagging. 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 18 Tianprateep, M. Figure 22 For Problem 4 Figure 23 For Problem 5 (c) For which power factor would the current ratings of the conductors connecting the source to the load be higher? In which case could the wiring be a lower cost? 2. A load has an impedance given by Z = 100 − j50Ω. The current flowing through √ this load is I = 15 230o . Is the load inductive or capacitive? Determine the power factor, power, and reactive power delivered to the load. √ 3. The phasor voltage across a certain load is 1000 230o , and the phasor current √ through it is 15 260o . Determine the power factor, power, reactive power, and impedance. Is the power factor leading or lagging? 4. Determine the power for each source shown in Figure 22. Also, state whether each source is delivering or absorbing energy. 5. Find the power, reactive power, and apparent power delivered by the source in Figure 23. Find the power factor and state whether it is leading or lagging. 6. Derive and expression for the transfer function H(f ) = Vout /Vin of the filter shown in Figure 11. 7. A first–order RC lowpass filter with a half–power frequency of 10 kHz is needed. Determine the value of the capacitance if the resistance is 1 kΩ. 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 19 Tianprateep, M. 8. A first–order lowpass filter has a break frequency of 500 Hz. The input is Vin (t) = 5 + 3 sin(1000πt + 30o ) + 10 cos(20 × 103 πt) Find an expression for the output voltage. 9. A first–order RC highpass filter is required to attenuate a 60–Hz input component by 40 dB. What value is required for the break frequency of the filter? By how many dB is the 600–Hz component attenuated by this filter? If R = 1kΩ, what is the value of C? 10. At the resonant frequency f0 = 1 MHz, a series resonant circuit with R = 50Ω has VR = 2 V and VL = 20 V. Determine the values of L and C. What is the value of VC ? 11. A series resonant circuit has B = 50 kHz, f0 = 400 kHz, and R = 20Ω. Determine the values of L and C. 12. A parallel resonant circuit has f0 = 10 MHz and B = 200 kHz. The maximum value of ZT is 10 kΩ. Determine the values of R, L, and C. 2304154 Physics and Electronics (file: lec02 2.tex) 20 Tianprateep, M.