IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 48, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2001 1929 Electric-Field-Related Reliability of AlGaAs/GaAs Power HFETs: Bias Dependence and Correlation With Breakdown Domenico Dieci, Giovanna Sozzi, Roberto Menozzi, Erika Tediosi, Claudio Lanzieri, and Claudio Canali, Member, IEEE Abstract—This work shows experimental and simulated data of hot electron degradation of power AlGaAs/GaAs HFETs with different gate lengths and recess widths, and uses them to infer general indications on the bias and geometry dependence of the device high-field degradation, the meaningfulness of the breakdown voltage figure of merit from a reliability standpoint, and the physical phenomena taking place in the devices during the stress and leading to performance degradation. Possible formulations of a voltage-acceleration law for lifetime extrapolation are also tested. Index Terms—Electric breakdown, FETs, Gallium compounds, hot carriers, microwave power FETs, reliability. I. INTRODUCTION P OWER amplification at microwave frequencies is presently a major industrial challenge, due to the exploding number of amplifiers required for wireless telecommunications portable units and base stations. Getting power outputs in the range of Watts or tens of Watts at C, X, and Ku bands and above with good efficiencies is a must for technologies competing in this market, like GaAs MESFETs, GaAs-based Pseudomorphic HEMTs (PHEMTs) and Heterostructure FETs (HFETs). In this respect, AlGaAs/GaAs HFETs (where a relatively low-doping AlGaAs Schottky layer is grown on top of a doped GaAs channel) show promising features and a good cost/performance tradeoff compared to power MESFETs and PHEMTs [1]–[3]. Another vital concern for product success is of course reliability. Unfortunately, enhancing the output current capability by using large gate widths has the drawback that the FETs input impedance gets too low and mismatch losses ensue. Consequently, the need arises to push the drain voltage as high as possible, and due to hot electron and impact ionization and the attending degradation mechanisms, the power and reliability Manuscript received January 18, 2001; revised March 9, 2001. This work was supported by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche through P.F. MADESS II and by Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica. This paper was presented in part at the 2000 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor G. Groeseneken. D. Dieci was with the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ingegneria and INFM, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena 41100, Italy. He is now with Ferrari Gestione Sportiva, Maranello (MO) 41053, Italy (e-mail: G. Sozzi and R. Menozzi are with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Parma, Parma 43100, Italy. E. Tediosi and C. Canali are with the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ingegneria and INFM, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena 41100, Italy. C. Lanzieri is with Alenia Marconi Systems, Roma 00131, Italy. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9383(01)07331-2. requisites end up conflicting with each other. Nevertheless, although a number of papers and quite a lot of industrial effort have been dedicated to these high-field reliability issues, the approaches followed by researchers and reliability engineers of different companies and institutions are extremely diverse, and a comprehensive picture is still lacking. This work expands and deepens the preliminary report of [4] and brings a novel contribution to this field by showing a wide set of data obtained on power AlGaAs/GaAs HFETs with different gate lengths, and using them to infer general indications on the bias point and geometry dependence of the hot-electron degradation and the meaningfulness of the most popular indicator of device high-field robustness, namely, the breakdown voltage, from a reliability point of view. An attempt is also made at extracting field-acceleration laws for the device degradation, which, although extremely important for practical reliability evaluation, are not available yet in the open literature for microwave compound semiconductor FETs. With the help of numerical device simulations, we also investigate the degradation mechanism underlying the experimental stress results. II. DEVICES AND EXPERIMENTS The devices under test are Al Ga As/GaAs power HFETs fabricated by Alenia Marconi Systems. They have a 200 m gate width and two different gate lengths: 0.25 m and 0.7 m. The two lots of HFETs share the same process up to the deposition of 1 m-long Al/Ti gates in the deep 1 m-wide recess. Then, the gate length is reduced, by selective lateral dry etching of the Ti, down to 0.7 m for the long-gate HFET wafer and to 0.25 m for the short-gate one. Consequently, the nominal drain-gate (as well as the source-gate) distance is 2.15 m for the 0.7 m devices and 2.375 m for the mA/mm, 0.25 m ones. For short-gate devices, mS/mm, V, while long-gate ones feature mA/mm, mS/mm, V. The , measured off-state drain-source breakdown voltages ( mA/mm) are about 17 V and 13 V, respectively, at while the corresponding drain-gate off-state breakdown volt) are 19–20 V (0.25 m) and 15–16 V (0.7 m). ages ( At 10 GHz and 1-dB compression, the typical power density and gain are 0.6 W/mm and 9.6 dB for the 0.25 m devices, and 0.5 W/mm and 8.5 dB for the 0.7 m ones (these features can be compared with those of the widely-used commercial TriQuint 0.5 m HFET process, which yields at 10 GHz 0018–9383/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE 1930 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 48, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2001 (a) Fig. 2. Output characteristics of a 0.7 m (solid lines) and a 0.25 m (dotted lines) HFET. For both devices the maximum V is 1 V and the V step is 0.5 V. Constant I contours are drawn for the two samples at (left to right) I = 0.1 mA/mm, 0.25 mA/mm, 0.5 mA/mm, and 1 mA/mm. The values. Maximum power load lines assume a vertical arrows mark the BV safety limit of I = 0:1 mA/mm. 0 (b) Fig. 1. Schematic cross section of (a) a short-gate (L long-gate (L = 0:7 m) HFET. = 0:25 m) and (b) a 0.6 W/mm output power and has mA/mm, mS/mm, V, and a breakdown voltage of 22 V [5]). The cross section of a 0.25 m device is sketched in Fig. 1(a), while Fig. 1(b) shows that of a 0.7 m HFET. Fig. 2 shows the output characteristics of both a 0.7 m and a of the 0.25 m device is smaller than 0.25 m HFET. The ( 2 V versus that of the 0.7 m one due to a less negative 2.7 V). Another possible contribution to this reduction may be the surface-state charge on the source-gate and drain-gate access regions exposed by the gate dry etching process, which increases the access resistances (we measured an average of about for the source/drain resistances in the 0.25 m devices, 7 ). On the other while for the 0.7 m ones hand, a beneficial effect of the wider drain-gate separation is is larger for the short-gate that, as quoted above, the HFETs (17 V versus 13 V), as marked by the two vertical arrows in Fig. 2. Since the gate current is one of the main parameters characterizing the high-field regime [6], and both off-state [7] and on-state [8] breakdown are defined fixing a threshold for , we also plotted in Fig. 2 the constant gate current contours 0.1 mA/mm, 0.25 mA/mm, taken at (left to right) 0.5 mA/mm, 1 mA/mm. Provided that can be taken as an indicator of high-field reliability issues (a statement that will be discussed in this paper), these contours represent boundaries of increasingly dangerous regions for the HFETs and, once a 0 0 0 0 0 safety limit has been set for , a maximum power load line should be drawn, as shown in Fig. 2, so that it lies entirely on the left of the corresponding contour. Moreover, such a representation gives a single and visually effective picture of both off-state and on-state breakdown. In order to evaluate the differences between long-gate and short-gate devices also in terms of hot-electron reliability, and to and the drain-gate voltage ( , study the influence of both roughly proportional to the peak electric field between gate and drain) on the degradation of the HFETs under test, we have performed room temperature dc accelerated stress experiments under several different bias conditions, as shown in Table I. The and values. In general, we bias points feature different and values during the stress; as a result of defixed the vice degradation (in particular, the effect known as breakdown tends to increase somewhat during the stress, walkout [9]), values in Table I are those measured at the beginso the constant throughout the stress, ning of the stress. By keeping we can assume that the impact ionization rate, and the electric field that originates it, are roughly constant, too [6]. On the conbeen fixed, the breakdown walkout would have trary, had caused a progressive self-alleviation of the stress. It is finally worth mentioning that we have restricted ourselves to a region is low enough for self-heating to of the output plane where be ruled out as a possible cause of device degradation. This by no means limits the validity of our conclusions, since, during device operation, high-field conditions are encountered in the low- region of the RF sweep (see for instance the load lines of Fig. 2). III. STRESS RESULTS AND ACCELERATION LAWS A. Measured Device Degradation Figs. 3 and 4 show the variation of the open-channel drain , measured at V, V) during current ( the hot-electron stress for the different bias conditions and for the long-gate and short-gate HFETs, respectively. While the DIECI et al.: ELECTRIC-FIELD-RELATED RELIABILITY OF AlGaAs/GaAs POWER HFETs 1931 TABLE I HFET STRESS BIAS CONDITIONS Fig. 3. I degradation of 0.7 m HFETs stressed as mapped in Table I. is measured at V 0 V, V = 2 V. I = former show very little degradation, the latter degrade significantly under the bias conditions considered. For the 0.25 m devices, the degradation approximately follows a square-law time dependence, as indicated by the reference lines in Fig. 4 (this time dependence will be discussed later on). Similar trends are observed for the transconductance degradation of the 0.25 m and the are tightly correlated HFETs, and both the with an increase of the drain access resistance ( ), as measured using an end resistance technique [10] (i.e., for each single , and are about the device, same). In the case of the 0.25 m HFETs, a remarkable breakincreasing by 2–6 V for down walkout exists, too, with the different devices (see of [4, Fig. 6]). The first important point to make is that the larger breakdown voltage of the 0.25 m HFETs does not imply improved hot electron reliability. On the contrary, short-gate devices stressed as the long-gate ones show a much with the same values of larger degradation, as well as a dramatic bias point dependence reduction. Therefore, it is obvious that the inforof the mation on the breakdown voltage (either off-state or on-state) is not helpful when it comes to defining a safe operating area. More than this, a reverse correlation exists between the breakdown voltage and the hot-electron reliability, as recently shown for InP HEMTs [11]. Second, when the device works in a critical region, such as the 0.25 m HFETs at the stress points of Table I, the degradation varies dramatically with bias (Fig. 4), even though the bias conditions are quite close to one another in the output plane. This I degradation of 0.25 m HFETs stressed as mapped in Table I. is measured at V = 0 V, V = 2 V. Square-law reference lines are also drawn. Fig. 4. I points out to the need of a thorough bias-dependent assessment of the possible hot electron degradation effects. and (which are As far as the relative influences of not independent of one another) are concerned, the data of Fig. 4 (together with consideration of the bias values of Table I) indivalues lead to cate that both factors play a role: while larger (and ) degradation, it is also true that for more severe is the same value of , off-state stress conditions, where larger, damage the HFETs more severely than on-state ones. B. Field-Acceleration Laws From a practical standpoint, accelerated stress results need to be correlated with the device operating conditions for lifetime extrapolations. While field-acceleration laws are widely used for Si MOSFETs, no indications can be found in the open literature for compound semiconductor and heterostructure devices for microwave applications. In this section we explore three possibilities for lifetime extrapolation. In order to extract a mathematical relationship linking the and , we established a failure HFET degradation with % and extracted, for each decriterion at vice, the corresponding failure time ( ). The set of failure time 1932 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 48, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2001 points (see Table I) can be interpolated by the following function: (1) h (mA/mm) V , V. where A physical meaning can be attributed to (1) by making some very basic assumptions and simplifications. 1) The degradation is proportional to the energy the carriers acquire between gate and drain, i.e., , where is a threshold energy for device damage. electric field . 2) is also proportional to the number of hot 3) carriers which are responsible for the damage; therefore, assuming that the reverse gate current is a linear indicator . of that [6], 4) The degradation is proportional to the square of the stress time (this is true for the data of Fig. 4, at least in the central part of the stress). The hypotheses 2) and 4) are supported and explained by numerical simulation results, as will be described in the next section. From 1)–4) follows (1). The fit is good, as shown in Fig. 5, and indicates a sort of acceleration. Equation (1) is useful in threshold-activated that it allows to indicate for our 0.25 m HFETs a conserva( ), in the proximity of which tive safety limit for the failure time soars to infinity and the device behaves reliably. are to be considered technologyThe parameters and and geometry-dependent, and should be extracted for a particular device lot through accelerated stressing. It is worth pointing out that a threshold behavior for the high-field degradation was observed by other groups [12], [13]. As stated above, field-acceleration laws have been routinely used for digital Si MOSFETs for many years. We then tried to check whether two of the simplest and most widely accepted MOSFET laws could be used in our case. and the peak Based on the linear dependence between drain-gate field, a voltage-acceleration law can be written as [14] (2) The fit of our data with (2) yields the results of Fig. 6 ( h, V). Although most of the data points can be reasonably interpolated, the highest- ones clearly lie far from the predicted behavior, again indicating a threshold voltage (hence a threshold energy) for device degradation. Another popular MOSFET acceleration law links the degradation and the failure time to the impact ionization ratio, which ratio [15] in Schottky-gate FETs is proportional to the (3) The fit of our data given by (3) is shown in Fig. 7 ( h mA/mm, ). In this case the whole data set (including the low-stress points) matches well with the fit, pointing out to 1 = 020 Fig. 5. Experimental (points) failure times ( I =I %) multiplied by the square root of the stress gate current, versus the stress drain-gate voltage, for the 0.25 m HFETs. The interpolation given by (1) is also shown (line). 1 Fig. 6. Experimental (points) failure times ( I =I the inverse of the stress drain-gate voltage, for the 0.25 interpolation given by (2) is also shown (line). = 020%) versus m HFETs. The the importance of impact ionization in the device degradation. This could also indicate that, as happens in MOSFETs, holes play a pivotal role in the hot-carrier degradation. It has to be noted, however, that although (3) models the experimental behavior well, it is of little practical use for our devices. While in digital circuits the on-state current values are typically welland known, for analog applications it is very hard to link the values used for the dc stress with those instantaneously attained during the RF sweep. Thus, even though (3) can indicate which bias conditions lead to a satisfactory dc lifetime, a correlation with RF conditions is very difficult to achieve. In conclusion, our preliminary investigation of field-acceleration laws indicates the importance of impact ionization in the degradation process, and the existence of a voltage threshold for device degradation. The future work will have to focus on how design and process choices influence the position of this threshold. IV. DISCUSSION AND NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS As an aid for the physical interpretation of the experimental results, we have performed numerical simulations using a two-dimensional (2-D) drift-diffusion commercial tool [16]. Since the nonmonotonic drift-velocity versus field relationship DIECI et al.: ELECTRIC-FIELD-RELATED RELIABILITY OF AlGaAs/GaAs POWER HFETs 1 1933 = 020 Fig. 7. Experimental (points) failure times ( I =I %) multiplied by the stress drain current, versus the gate current over drain current ratio, for the 0.25 m HFETs. The interpolation given by (3) is also shown (line). of GaAs hindered the numerical convergence, we adopted a monotonic Silicon-like dependence instead. A fixed negative cm was placed at the surface charge density of semiconductor–SiN interface on both sides of the gate recess in order to account for surface damage (e.g., due to the gate dry-etching process). A view of the simulated 0.25 m HFET cross section is given in Fig. 8. A. Breakdown Voltage As briefly mentioned above, the difference between the breakdown voltages measured on the long-gate and short-gate devices are due to the different recess widths. In particular, in the short-gate HFETs, the lateral dry etch of the Ti layer exposes a wider AlGaAs area on the gate sides. Consequently, the gate edge and the high-doping GaAs cap on the drain side are further apart compared with the long-gate devices. Moreover, the surface states localized in this area lower the surface potential, thereby increasing the depletion. A lower surface potential flattens out the longitudinal electric field profile between gate and drain [17], [9] and results in larger off-state and on-state breakdown voltages in the short-gate devices. The numerical simulations support this explanation. Fig. 9 V, shows the horizontal electric field profile (at V) in the channel of both a long-gate and a short-gate HFET. The peak field is significantly lower in the latter, due to the wider (and negatively charged) recess surface between gate and drain. This implies enhanced breakdown voltage for the 0.25 m HFET, as was experimentally observed. B. Hot-Electron Reliability It is generally accepted that the main degradation mechanism triggered by high-field conditions in compound semiconductor FETs is the creation of traps at the semiconductor–passivation interface over the gate-drain access region [18]–[25]. Electrons are then captured by these centers, which lowers the surface potential, increases the drain access resistance and, degradation and gain compression consequently, leads to strictly correlated with the (power slump). An increase of and degradation was indeed measured on our samples Fig. 8. Simulated 0.25 m HFET cross section (dimensions in m). Fig. 9. Simulated horizontal electric field profile in the GaAs channel of both a long-gate and a short-gate HFET (“before stress” conditions). (see Table I, where relative changes of corresponding degradation are shown in the last column). to 20% Moreover, the enhanced surface state density on the gate side frequency dispersion measurements (an is confirmed by example of which is given in Fig. 10 of [4]; see also Fig. 7 of [25] for different but related results). A remarkable increase of dispersion is observed after the stress, which the negative is a signature of enhanced surface state density on the gate side [17]. A temperature-dependent analysis carried out on the HFETs under test allowed to attribute these traps an activation energy of 0.3–0.4 eV. In order to validate this surface charge hypothesis (SCH) on the device degradation, we compared the results of the simulation of standard (i.e., “before stress”) devices with those of the same HFETs where the negative surface charge density was 1934 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 48, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2001 (a) (a) (b) Fig. 10. Output characteristics of a 0.25 m HFET before and after the stress. (a) Measurements. (b) Simulations. raised to cm between gate and drain (“after stress” simulations). The simulation results for a 0.25 m HFET are shown and compared with measured ones in Figs. 10 and 11. The agreement between measurements and simulations indicates that the SCH can account for the experimental stress results. It is also worth mentioning that the simulated stress does not produce any significant degradation on the 0.7 m HFET characteristics. The measured breakdown walkout is also reflected in the simulations. A 20% reduction of the peak field observed in the post-stress simulation (not shown here) is consistent with the experimental breakdown walkout. Finally, the simulations also support and explain some of the assumptions made in the discussion of (1). In particular, the simulated peak electric field (both the longitudinal field in the channel and the gate-edge field at the device surface) turns out to be, under the bias conditions considered for the stress, very , as hypothesis ii) holds. See for inlinearly-dependent on stance Fig. 12, where we plot the simulated peak channel lonfor different values. gitudinal field as a function of As far as the square-law time dependence of the degradation of hypothesis iv) is concerned, the simulations show that, down to degradation, there is a quadratic dependence about 50% between the drain current change and the negative charge stored between gate and drain, as illustrated by Fig. 13. If a simple linear time dependence of the charge storage is then assumed, (b) Fig. 11. V Transconductance versus gate-source voltage of a 0.25 m HFET at = 4 V, before and after the stress. (a) Measurements. (b) Simulations. the observed proportionality of to the square of stress time is explained. In conclusion, our simulations indicate that the SCH can consistently explain all the stress effects that were experimentally observed. However, as far as a direct comparison between measurements and simulations is concerned, some caution is in order, due to the limitations of the drift-diffusion model and the simplicity of the simulated degradation mechanism. In particular, a uniform charge distribution over the whole AlGaAs–SiN interface between gate and drain has been used in our simulations, which certainly represent a simplification with respect to physical reality. Another simplification required by numerical convergence is the use of fixed charge, while probably a combination of fixed charge and surface states would be more realistic. Finally, a small threshold voltage shift appearing in the post-stress measurements, and possibly due to some charge trapping under the gate [26], was neglected in the simulations, since we wanted to focus on the main degradation mechanism. These considerations help explaining the discrepancy between the measured and simulated results. However, insofar as we aimed at supporting the SCH with simulations that could replicate the basic features of the observed degradation, without playing with too many parameters in search of the best fit with the measurements, the results are satisfactory. It is also worth pointing out that our experimental results are consistent with those of several published reports dealing with DIECI et al.: ELECTRIC-FIELD-RELATED RELIABILITY OF AlGaAs/GaAs POWER HFETs 1935 Once more, the SCH outlined above is able to give an explanation to the observed behavior. As we said before, the reason why the breakdown voltage is larger in the short-gate HFETs is the wider exposed AlGaAs surface between gate and drain. On the other hand, this same surface region is the origin of the hot-electron degradation according to the SCH, since electron storage between the AlGaAs and the SiN between gate and drain increases the drain resistance and lowers and (and leads to breakdown walkout). This explanation is also consistent with the data of [11], where InP HEMTs with different gate recess widths (obtained by varying the duration of the selective wet-etch of the cap layer) showed breakdown voltages linearly increasing with the etch time (i.e., with the recess width) but at the same time also a growing hot-electron degradation. Fig. 12. Simulated peak longitudinal electric field in the channel versus the drain-gate voltage, for different values of the gate bias. Fig. 13. Simulated drain current degradation (dots) versus the increase of the negative charge density at the AlGaAs–SiN interface between gate and drain. A square-law fit is also shown (solid line). different technologies and processes. See for instance refs. [27], [12], [13], [28] for recent high-field reliability investigations of GaAs power technologies (mostly PHEMTs) showing power slump and invoking trap creation and electron capture between gate and drain to explain it. If one considers that MESFETs [18], [19] and InP HEMTs [23], [24] were also shown to be prone to this degradation mechanism, it can be concluded that the basic features of the degradation described here have a very general nature, although qualitative differences obviously exist due to different device technology, design and process features. V. CONCLUSIONS In summary, the main results of this work can be summarized as follows. 1) By comparing HFETs with different gate lengths, we have observed a clear reverse correlation between the breakdown voltage (both off-state and on-state) and the hot-electron reliability. This finding diverges from conventional wisdom, but can be explained by the Surface Charge Hypothesis for hot-electron degradation. We believe this represents a very significant addition to the knowledge of high-field-related reliability issues. 2) When a HFET is biased under high-field conditions that degrade its characteristics, a strong bias dependence of the degradation exists, pointing out to the need of a careful bias-dependent reliability evaluation. The experimental failure times were linked to the corresponding stress bias conditions using a simple equation that indicates a rather sharp voltage-threshold behavior for the device degradation. Together with failure-time fits using classical MOSFET models, this represents a first-time attempt at extracting a voltage-acceleration law for microwave FETs. 3) Numerical simulations have shown that the Surface Charge Hypothesis, whereby it is assumed that, during the hot-electron stress, interface traps are created (possibly by hot holes generated by impact ionization), and electrons are captured, at the semiconductor–SiN interface over the drain-gate access region, can consistently account for all the effects of the stress that were experimentally observed, as well as for the different behavior of the long-gate and short-gate HFETs. C. Correlation Between Reliability and Breakdown One of the main achievements of our investigation lies in the observation that the low-breakdown, long-gate HFETs show a better hot-electron reliability than the high-breakdown, short gate ones, when stressed at the same levels of gate reverse current. Since the breakdown voltage is universally defined at a fixed , were it an indicator of hot-electron robustness, as it is generally considered, the same reverse gate current levels should damage the 0.7 m HFETs more than the 0.25 m ones. Instead, our experiments give the opposite result, in agreement with recently published data obtained on InP HEMTs [11]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Dr. E. Zanoni and Dr. G. Meneghesso (University of Padova, Padova, Italy) for the temperature-dependent frequency dispersion measurements. REFERENCES [1] S. Goto, K. Fujii, H. Morishige, S. Suzuki, and S. Sakamoto, “A 100W S-band AlGaAs/GaAs hetero-structure FET for base stations of wireless personal communications,” in Proc. IEEE GaAs IC Symp., 1998, pp. 77–80. 1936 [2] I. Takenaka, H. Takahashi, K. Asano, K. Ishikura, J. Morikawa, K. Sato, I. Tanako, K. Hasegawa, K. Tokunaga, F. Emori, and M. 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His major research interests are in the field of reliability revaluation of III–V compound semiconductor devices. Giovanna Sozzi received the Laurea degree (with honors) in electronic engineering from the University of Parma, Parma, Italy, in 1997 where she is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Information Technology. During 1998, she was with FIAT, Torino, Italy. Her main research interest is in the numerical simulation of semiconductor devices, with special emphasis on compound semiconductor and heterostructure devices such as MESFETs, HEMTs, and HFETs. Roberto Menozzi was born in Genova, Italy, in 1963. He received the Laurea degree (with honors) in electronic engineering from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1987 and the Ph.D. degree in information technology from the University of Parma, Parma, Italy, in 1994. After serving in the army, he joined a research group at the Department of Electronics, University of Bologna. Since 1990, he has been with the Department of Information Technology, University of Parma, where he became Research Associate in 1993 and Associate Professor in 1998. His research activities have covered the study of latch-up in CMOS circuits, IC testing, power diode physics, modeling and characterization, and the dc, rf, and noise characterization, modeling, and reliability evaluation of compound semiconductor and heterostructure electron devices such as MESFETs, HEMTs, HFETs, and HBTs. Erika Tediosi was born in Modena, Italy, in 1976. She received the Laurea degree (with honors) in electronic engineering from the University of Modena and Reggio Emila, Modena, in 2000. Since 2000, she has been with the Department of Engineering Science, University of Modena. Her major research interests are in the field of reliability evaluation and in the numerical simulation of III–V compound semiconductor devices. DIECI et al.: ELECTRIC-FIELD-RELATED RELIABILITY OF AlGaAs/GaAs POWER HFETs Claudio Lanzieri was born in Rome, Italy, in 1959. He received the degree in physics from the University of Rome, Rome, Italy, in 1985. In 1985, he joined Alenia Research Laboratories, Rome, where he is responsible for GaAs integrated circuits production. He has co-authored more than 50 technical papers in international journals, mainly in the fields of semiconductor materials and device fabrication. 1937 Claudio Canali (M’71) was born in Reggio Emilia, Italy, in 1945. He received the Laurea degree in physics from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy in 1968. In 1969, he joined the Physics Institute of Modena as a Research Assistant and in 1971 as Assistant Professor. In 1974 and 1975, he was a Visiting Researcher at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. From 1980 to 1983, he was with Dipartimento di Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica, University of Bari, Italy, as a Full Professor of electronic components. From 1984 to 1991, he was Professor of applied electronics at the Dipartimento di Elettronica ed Informatica, University of Padova, Italy. From 1985 to 1989, he was a Director of Microelectronics Division, TECNOPOLIS-CSTAS, Bari, Italy, a division devoted to testing and failure analysis of electronic components and integrated circuits. Since 1991, he has been with the University of Modena as a Full Professor of applied electronics. His research interests and activities cover high field transport properties in semiconductor materials, solar energy conversion, thin-film interaction, silicides, solid-phase epitaxial growth, solid state transducers, nuclear detectors, electronic device characterization, reliability, failure mechanisms, and hot electron effects in Si and III–V based devices. He has authored or co-authored several book chapters, more than one hundred technical papers in international journals, and more than one hundred conference papers in the above mentioned fields. Dr. Canali is a member of AEI. He has been a member of the Technical Program Committees of several international conferences.