Scholars' Mine Masters Theses Student Research & Creative Works 1967 An x-ray study of the lead titanate-bismuth chromate system Tsen-tsou Shih Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Chemistry Commons Department: Recommended Citation Shih, Tsen-tsou, "An x-ray study of the lead titanate-bismuth chromate system" (1967). Masters Theses. Paper 5164. This Thesis - Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact AN X-RAY STUDY OF THE LEAD TITANATE-BISMUTH CHROMATE SYSTEM BY TSEN-TSOU SHIH -I tj tf () A 129:-=;19 THESIS submitted to the faculty of THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT ROLLA in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY Rolla, Missouri . 1967 Approved by ~~~-'~~=~~~--- (advisor) ii ABSTRACT The lead titanate-bismuth chromate system was studied employing x-ray diffraction techniques at both room and high temperatures. Samples were prepared by sintering stoichiometric mixtures of the corresponding oxides followed by air quenching, Bismuth chromate was prepared by resintering and air quenching for four times. The results of the analyses show the structure of BiCr0 be tetragonal with 8 molecules per unit cell, 3 Solid to solutions exist over the range 100 to 35 mole percent PbTi0 3 of the binary system, although small amounts of other phases are present in some regions. X-ray data at room temperature indicate the tetragonal perovskite structure exists over the range of 100 to 65 mole percent PbTi0 , 3 PbTi0 From 60 to 35 mole percent the structure is cubic. 3 Dielectric measurements show that the specimen containing 95 mole percent PbTi0 3 is ferroelectric with a Curie point of 475°C, slightly lower than that of pure PbTi0 . 3 From 90 to 50 mole percent PbTi0 3 the samples are too conductive for meaningful dielectric ' measurements. High temperature x-ray results show that the Curie point drops almost linearly from 100 to 65 mole percent PbTi0 , 3 The phenomenon is exhibited by ferroelectric binary systems containing PbTi0 PbTi0 -BiFe0 system. 3 3 3 with the exception of the iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Dr. William J. James, Director of the Graduate Center for Materials Research and Professor of Chemistry, and Dr. Robert Gerson, Professor of Physics, for their guidance, support, and during the course of this investigation. e~couragement The author is also greatly indebted to Mr. Gary D. Achenbach and Mr. Harlen Rice for their assistance with the high temperature x-ray unit. The financial assistance of the Atomic Energy Commission in the form of a research fellowship is also gratefully acknowledged. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES. Page ........... vi . LIST OF FIGURES I. II, . ~ . B. Lead Titanate, PbTi0 • . . 3 Solid Solutions ·of PbTi0 , 3 Bismuth Chromate, BiCr0 vii 1 2 Perovskite Ferroelectrics. D. , , A. C. "III. . INTRODUCTION . REVIEW OF LITERATURE , ...... 3 ..·... 2 11 ·... . 1.8 21 EXPERIMENTAL • . 25 ·... 25 . , • . • . •• 25 1. Analytical balance . . . . . . . • 25 2. Ball mill. . . 25 A. Materials. . B. Apparatus . . . . . . , 3. Pill die 4. . Crucible . ..•.• . ....... , . . .... ... . ....... 5. Furnace, 6. Mortar and pestle. 7. X-ray diffractometer 8. High temperature, high vacuum 25 25 25 26 " .... attachment . . . . • . • . . . 26 26 C. Preparation of Samples . 26 D. Sintering Procedure . . 28 E. X-ray Diffraction Analysis at Room Tempera ture . F. . . . . . . . . . . . .. High Temperature Techniques . . 29 30 v IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . ... .....·.. Sintering. B. Crystallographic Results at Room , ·.. Temperature . . . c. High Temperature X-ray Analysis. • 36 37 .. ...·.. BIBLIOGRAPHY 35 35 A. . .. Page 44 APPENDICES A. Materials. B. Apparatus. C. X-ray Data for PbTi0 III . • • • • • .. .... 47 and BiCr0 3 . •• D. 3 Sintering Data . . ' . • E. X-ray Diffraction Data for the PbTi0 BiCr0 F. 3 ·..... · System . . . . • . 46 49 51 3 56 High Temperature X-ray Diffraction Data for the PbTi0 -BiCr0 3 VITA f • 3 System. , . , . . . . . . . .. . . . · . . . 65 71 vi LIST OF TABLES Page Table I. II. III. IV. Representatives of perovskite-type compounds. Bond length in tetragonal and cubic PbTi0 3 , structures • . ...... . Comparison of observed and calculated intensities from neutron diffraction of PbTi0 3 X-ray data on the PbTi0 -BiCr0 system. . 3 3 6 17 17 41 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Page Typical hysteresis loop of a ferroelectric ..... . . ... .. 3 2. Crystal structure of cubic barium titanate . 5 3. Crystal structure of barium titanate showing crystal. . . " " " " octahedra of oxygen atoms about titanium atoms. . 4. . . 5 . perovsk~te Classification of the A 2+ 4+ B 03- type compounds according to the constituent ionic radii. 5. B Graph of ionic radii of B4+ ions and po1arizabi1ity of A2+ ions for some of the compounds of the A2+B4+0 perovskite structure type. 6. . . .. . . . . .. . . 3 . . . .. .. ... .. . 8 Three dimensional graph of theperovskite2+ 4+ type A B 03 compounds using ionic radii of the A2+ and B4+ ions as two coordinates and the polarizability of the A2+ ions as the third coordinate . 7. Classification of the A3 +B 3 +0 -type 3 compounds according to the constituent ionic radii . . 8. , ., .. 3 . . . . . . . . . 12 . " . . . . " . .... .. " 12 Unit cell volume as a function of temperature of PbTi0 11. 3 Axial ratio as a function of temperature of PbTi0 10. 10 Lattice parameters as a function of temperature of PbTi0 9. 9 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific heat of lead titanate PbTi0 , 3 . 13 13 viii Figure 12. Page Variation of permittivity with temperature of PbTi0 . 3 13. . .• 14 Crystal structure of tetragonal PbTi0 : oxy3 gen octahedron defining the lattice . . . . • 16 . . • . . . • . . . . . . . 14. Environment of Ti in PbTi0 . . . . . . . . • 3 16 15. Environment of Pb in PbTi0 . . . . • . 3 16. 16. Lattice spacing of the PbTi0 -CaTi0 system 3 3 at room temperature. 19 Lattice spacing of the PbTi0 -CaZr0 system 3 3 at room temperature. 19 Lattice spacing of the PbTi0 -casn0 system 3 3 at room temperature. • 19 ········.... 17. ·· · · · 18. · · 19. 20. 21. · ···.... ···· Phase diagrams of the PbTi0 side of the 3 systems PbTi0 -CaTi0 , PbTio -Cazro , and 3 3 3 3 PbTi0 -Casn0 · . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • 3 3 Phase diagrams of the systems PbTi0 -BaTi0 , 3 3 PbTi0 -srTi0 , and PbTio -CaTi0 . . . . . . 3 3 3 3 24. . • Complete phase diagram of the PbTi0 -BiFe0 3 3 system . . . . ............. Siemens high temperature x-ray diffractometer. 25. 22 The volume and axial ratio cia of the unit cells of solid solutions in the PbTi0 3 BiFe0 system versus the composition . . 3 23. 20 Change in the lattice constants in a system of solid solutions of PbTi0 -BiFe0 as a 3 3 function of the composition . . . . . . . . . 22. 20 . . . ... . .....· " . " . 22 22 .. 27 . 27 Siemens high temperature x-ray diffractometer and high vacuum system . . . . . . ix Page A typical plot ot the lattice parameters versus temperature for ';.7. 28. 29. ~bTi03-BiCr03 system. Lattice parameters of PbTiO 3 -BiCrO 3 -. the system . . .. ". .... Variation of the v9~ume cia ratio of-the PbTiO~-BiCro3 Curie points of the 34 38 of the unit cell and system . . . . ~bTi03-Bicro3 system . . 39 42 1 I. In 1960, BiFe0 structure. 3 INTRODUCTION was reported(6) to have the peroYskite The compound is believed to be ferroelectric .(19) with a Curie point of about 900 o C, which is the The ionic radius of cr 3 +, highest Curie point known. ° 0.63 A, is about the same as that of Fe 3+ 0 ,0.64 A. There- fore a perovskite-type structure might be predicted for BiCr0 . 3 Single phase Bicr0 was reported (21) in 1965 to 3 have a tric1inic pseudocubic perovskite structure. The Curie point of pseudo-binary solid solutions of perovskites containing PbTi0 3 usually decreases upon substitution of other perovskite components as discussed in Sec. II-C. system. The sole exception is the PbTi0 -BiFe0 3 3 Here the tetragonal distortion from the ideal peroyskite structure varies from 1.063 for pure PbTi0 1.17 for 32 weight percent PbTi0 3 3 to causing the Curie point to increase as the concentration of BiFe0 3 is increased. The purpose of this investigation was to prepare and study solid solutions of PbTi0 3 containing Bicr0 3 with regard to crystallographic symmetry and electrical properties. It was of particular interest to see if ferro- electric properties were enhanced upon substitution of Bicro ,. as found in the PbTi0 --BiFe0 system, or diminished, 3 3 3 . as observed in other pseudo-binary systems containing 2 II. A. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Perovskite Ferroelectrics Crystals lacking a center of symmetry may be piezo- electric. A piezoelectric crystal shows a displacement of electric charge upon an application of external stress. This behavior is exhibited by 20 of the 21 non-centrosymmetric crystal classes. shows pyroelectricity.(l) A subgroup of piezoelectrics The spontaneous polarization of a pyroelectric crystal is altered with change in temperature. Both piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity are inherent properties of a crystal wnich require a crystal structure to contain a polar axis along which atomic displacement can take place asymmetrically. Ferroelectrics are a class of pyroelectrics with the additional property that spontaneous polarization can be reversed by applying a sufficiently intense electric field. The presence of domains* in the ferroelectric crystal produces a hysteresis in the polarization when an alternating field is applied. A typical hysteresis loop for a ferroelectric crystal is shown in Figure i. The hysteresis disappears at a certain temperature, called the Curie point. The structure undergoes a transition at this temperature from the polar to non-polar state; the high temperature form of the crystal is known as para- * A part of a twinned crystal which is itself a true single crystal. 3 E Figure 1. crystal. Typical hysteresis loop of a ferroelectric 4 electric. (2) At the structure transformation, the Curie point, the dielectric constant reaches a maximum. this temperature the dielectric constant ~ Above taIls off according to the Curie-Weiss law: (2) E - 1 = C!(T-T ) c where TC is · a temperature close to the eurie point. e is a constant with the dimensions of temperature, Among the various types of ferroelectrics, the perovskite family has received much attention following the discovery of ferroelectricity in barium titanate BaTi0 , 3 The general formula of compounds belonging to this family is AB03' where A is a monovalent, divalent, or trivalent cation and B is a pentavalent, tetravalent, or trivalent cation respectively. The structure of the ideal perovskite can be visualized from Figures 2 and 3 for cubic BaTi0 , 3 The larger cation Ba (orA ion) is located in the center of the cubotetrahedron and has a coordination number 12. The smaller cation Ti Lor B ion) is 6 coordinated and is located in the center of the octahedral framework of oxygens. In general, the structure is slightly distorted from the ideal cubic type. Table I lists several perovskite-type compounds. Not all compounds with the formula AB0 , however, have a perovskite-type structure. 3 An important factor that determine~ the structure type is the geometrical packing of the ions in the lattice. The 5 -@o)(ygen Figure 2. Crystal structure of cubic barium titanate. (3) 0" Figure 3. Crystal structure of barium titanate showing octahedra of oxygen atoms about the titanium atoms. (3) 6 TABLE I C - cubic; T = te~ragon3.1; 0 = orthorhombic. A star in front of the values of the lattice paramcters denotes a multiplc unit cell. The orthorhombic distortion is described in terms of monoclinic Ilxes. (F) in the last column indicates that the phase transition to the cubic phase coincides with the ferroelectric Curie point . .Transition Structure at 20°C Compound Symmetry a=b BaTi03 SrTi0 3 CaTi03 PhTi0 3 CdTi03 tcmperaturo to cubic phase Lattice parameters T C 0 T 0 3.992 3.905 *3.827 3.905" *3.791 I cia 1.010 - I y I (OC) 120 (F) -220 12GO 0.999 90° 40' 1.063 1.004 9P 10' 230 215 490 (F) - PbZr0 3 PbHfO. 0 0 *4.159 *4.136 0.988 0.991 90° " 90° KNbOa Np,NbO. AgNbO. 0 0 0 4.038 *3.!)14 *3.944 0.933 0.991 0.993 90° 15' 90° 41' 90° 34/ 435 (F) G40 550 KTI1.03 NaTaO a AgTa0 3 C 3.989 *3.890 *3.931 0.998 0.992 90° 29' 90° 21' -260 (F) 470 485 0 0 - . (1) Representatives of perovskite-type compounds. 7 packing of this structure can be related to the ionic radii by the following equation: RA + R0 ::: t 12 (~ + RO) where t = tolerance factor. RA = ionic radius of larger cation A. ~ = ionic radius of smaller cation B. R o = ionic radius of oxygen. For an ideal perovskite, t is exactly equal to unity. For perovskites of the type A2 +B 4 +o 3 and A3 +B 3 +0 , the 3 tolerance factor has been assigned a value between 0.99 and 0.77(4) (5) although exceptions have been reported. (4) Roth classified perovskites according to the ionic radii of the constituents (Figures 4-7). A three-dimensional 4 graph was also constructed for the perovskite type A2 +B +0 3 , ' compoun d s uS1ng A2+ an d B4+ 10ns as t wo co or d'1na t es an d 2 the polarizability of the A + ions as the third coordinate (Figure 6). As very little is known quantitatively about the polarization of the trivalent ions in perovskite A3 +B 3 +o 3 compounds, this factor has not been used to °3 , . 3+ 3+ classify these structures for A B It can be seen from Figure 7 that all the perovskite-type structures occur in the upper left portion of the diagram, 3 3 No A +B +0 3 compound is known to have a simple cubic perovskite-type structure. As Bi 3+ 0 3+ has a radius of 0.96 A (between Y and sm 3 +), Figure 7 predicts the possibility of Bier0 3 being 8 O. c;nrnp'"l1l1IS sturU",! in the per'sent work thut hove the ~truct"r{' shown by tlw arp;ls 1lOllUdf'!l hy dnslll'(111l1l's:~. compollnds notsturli('11 in til{' pl'l':-:C'nt work t.hht. ar .. w.. :-:llInl·d to h.:.l.\'{' th(~ !itrtlC:llln~ shown by thn an'as hOUllfi('d hy cla~il(·d 11rH's; 0, tmTlII011f\(b stuclierl in th(~ prrsent work that do not han' the pcrovskite tYJJr. ~lrll('t,lll"f'; X, pn:-:itioTl or Coml)o:.;itions studicu in th(~ prc~('nt work that do not [orrn A+2B H O J (,CHT 1POIlWl,s. _A~ til<' N)mpOlinci Ca;\lnO.l hn' not hern sti,,1ic~ in thr ]>rr~cnt work nml confllctmJ.!' rC'port.'i on its symuwtry rxist. it is t('ntativ("ly It'ft on the borclt'r bd\\"Prtl orthorhomhic arlu pSl'uuocuhic typl'S und is shown by t[ucstion mark on'r symhol. Figure 4. . 2+ 4+ -type Classification of the perovsklte ABO compounds according to the constituent ionic radii. 14 ) 0, Compounds -having ferroelectric or antiferroelectric structure types; 0, compounds having cubic or pseudocubic structure types; X, position of composition that does not form A2+B4+0 compound. 3 Graph of ionic radii of B4+ ions and polarizability of A2+ ions for some of the compounds of the A2+B4+0 perovskite structure type. (4) 3 Figure 5. 9 PI --t T/11. lW c" f · o C1 : : " I Pb j~ : ~""::-I" I .~':·":'.:.:I:·>:':~: '.' _ ... :.j::_:::::'.:'.::.:.::-:.:.. :'{.:..1 ;"'" 'f},Q Bo N +c:c I.L. a Cd ~ .J Sr . iii <C N Co ir <C .J fr I ,. i:-::J-:::;'T1;:' r ~. ,;;, .1 l 1r u r • • Co ~"'l' v. - - _ .. - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - Cd ~, j, lin V Ti Sn tr----r-r HI Z, RADIUS OF SH Ce U 'O~lS. A n. 0, Position of compounds of the orthorhombic perovskite structure type;~, position of compounds of the cubic or pseudocubic perovski te structure type i 0, position of compounds having ferroelectric or antiferroelectric perovskite structure types. Coarse shading indicates boundary between orthorhombic and pseudocubic structure types; medium shading, boundary enclosing compounds of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric structure types; crosshatch shading, boundary between perovskite and SrV0 3 structure types. The boundary between cubic and pseudocubic perovskite types has not been shown on this diagram for the sake of clarity. Figure 6. Three dimensional graph of the perovskite-type ' "lon1C ra d'11- 0 f th e A2+ an d B4+ A2+B4+ 03 compound s uS1ng ions as two coordinates and the polarizability of the A2+ ions as the third coordinate. (4) 10 o~ li' Ce+~ Nd+ S Sm" ,\,+3 I .SO .l...- r .90 1.00 • IJIJ Radius of B3 + ions, 0, Rhombohedral perovskite, ~ > ~t._ 120 1:30 A 90 0 ; DI orthorhombic perovskite (CaTi0 3 type) ;~, T1 2 0 3 structure typei<>, corundum structure type; 0, La 2 0 3 structure typei 0, compounds not studied in the present work that are not assumed to have the structure shown by the areas bounded by dashed lines. 3+ 3+ Figure 7. Classification of the A. B 03-type compounds according to the constituent ionic radii. (4) 11 a perovskite-type structure of low symmetry. Recently, Filip'ev(6) and Fedulov(7) reported that bismuth ferrate, BiFeo 3 , has a rhombohedral distorted perovskite structure. This provides further evidence of the possible existence of perovskitic Bicr0 3 , since the ionic radius of cr 3 + o 3+ 0 (0.63 A) is essentially equal to that of Fe (0.64 A). B. Lead Titanate, PbTi0 3 Lead titanate has been studied extensively by many investigators. Naray-Szabo(8) first reported the structure to be a tetragonal perovskite with a = 3.89 o A, and ~ = o 4.13 A, one molecule per unit cell. Precise lattice para- meters at room temperature were determined in 1951 by Shirane et al(9) with a = 3.894 A, and c = 4.140 A. The space group is P4mm. The axial ratio cia at room temperature is 1.063, markedly larger than any other perovskite with the same structure. Above room temperature c decreases and a increases until just below the transition point, 490°C, cia is 1.02. Figures 8-12 show the temperature dependence of the lattice parameters, the axial ratio, the'cell volume, specific heat, and dielectric constant respectively. . A furt h er p h ase transl. t 'lon (12) occurs a t approxlmately -100°C as the crystal is cooled slowly. The low temperature phase appears to be non-ferroelectric and possesses a multiple tetragonal cell. The ne~v dimensions 12 ~.I S """""--.,-----r----r----,---...:.,..---. ~IO 4.05 . ... ~ . s: E lJ.oo A ~ u 3·'f°L~~--- 1.8S0L---IO.LO---:-2..LOO--:-"30.J.O--""7"'~070---::5-!-O=-O---;,-:lOO· Tempe-rat.", C·C) Figure 8. Lattice parameters as a function of temperature of PbTi0 3 . (10) '.08 r----r---,---,---,----,------., I. 0 Ij. 5'a. I·O~ \ . I I I 1.0° 0L _ _ _ , o.Lo--~:----::!:-;:---::-:!-;:-- ~LOO----",.,JoO Figure 9. Axial ratio as a function of temperature of PbTi0 3 . (10) 13 '2·8J:::""""--r--...---.,.---r--r---, Figure 10. Unit cell volume as a function· of temperature of PbTi0 3 . (10) 100 tJ"I Q) rtj Q) 80 r-I 0 S ""r-I 60 +l cO 40 cO 0 Q) .r:: 0 -.-I lI-I 20 -.-I 0 Q) ~ CI) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature ( °C) Figure 11. Specific heat of lead titanate PbTi0 3 , (9) 14 8 6 2 o o 400 200 T 600 (DC) Figure 12. Variation of permittivity with temperature of PbTi0 " (11) 3 15 are a' = 4a, £' = 2c. The atomic positions of the room temperature phase of lead titanate were determined in 1956 by Shirane et al(13) using both x-ray and neutron diffraction. The results are given in Figures 13-15 and Tables II-III. Taking Pb at the origin, both 01 (located above and below Ti along the tetragonal axis) and 0Il (the other oxygen atoms) are shifted in the same direction by the same o 0 amount, 0.47 A. Ti is shifted by 0.17 A in the same direction as the three oxygens. remains undistorted. The oxygen octahedron Figure 13 shows the structure of tetragonal PbTi0 with oxygen defining the lattice. The 3 large shifts of Ti and Pb ions cause the change in bond length. The bond lengths in the cubic structure at 490°C and those of the tetragonal structure at room temperature are given in Table-.II. Passing from the cubic structure above the Curie temperature to the tetragonal structure, the oxygen octahedron suffers only a uniform elongation due to the tetragonal distortion. The Ti-O I bond under- goes a drastic change as can be seen from Figure 14. The o Ti-O (+) bond length is 1.78 A, much shorter than the sum I o of the Goldschmidt radii which is 1.96A. The Pb-OII o 0 length is 2.53 A, and the Goldschmidt radius is 2.78 A. Megaw(2) (14) explained the large axial ratio and high Curie point of PbTi0 3 as a consequence of homopolar bond 2 formation by Pbi the tendency of Pb + to form unsymmetrical covalent bonds, as is found in tetragonal PbO. pb @)Pb 00 aTI Figure 13. Crystal structure of tetragonal PbTi0 3 : oxygen octahedron defining the lattice. (13) Ou (a) Figure 14. Environment of Ti in PbTi0 3 . (13) (b) II Figure 15. Environment of Pb in PbTi0 3 . (13) 17 TABLE II o{(+> means the 01 is close to Ti; Onc+) is cl080 to Pb All distances in Angstrom units Tetragonal + 0·040 dzo = +0·112 Tetragonal 0%=0 3·90 4·15 3·90 4·15 3'07 Ti-OI(+> Ti-OI(_) Ti-Ou 1·78 } 2·38 1·98 2·08 } 1·95 1·98 Ph-OI Ph-OII(+) Pb-Orr(""",) 2·80 2·53 } 3·20 2·76 } 2·85 2·80 dZTl = a c Cubio (a.t 490 0 C.) Bond length in tetragonal and cubic PbTi0 3 structures. (13) TABLE III First run (Counts/O'l min.) . hkl 001 100 101.110 Io-A 207 224 llO III 002 200 012 201.210 1I2} 211 202 220,003 122 221, 300 103 310,301 113 311 222,023 ~ Ic- A 205 254 2625 104 624 290 216 III 2627 203 585 305 242 182 185 Second run (Counts/0'5 min.) " Io-B 192 218 90 2594 214 633 262 247 { 142 68 361 318 304 238 Ic- B 206 264 109 2549 191 563 292 246 129 73 353 346 307 249 282 307 1230 347 1307 305 Comparison of observed and calculated intensities from t 'lon OL~ PbTl'0 3 " (13) · ~ neutron d lfLrac 18 lies at the apex of a flat pyramid with a square base containing O's at the corners. o The pyramid height is 0 0.46 A as compared vlith 1.16 A in PbO. This covalent system of Pb-O bonds creates conditions which favor the development of unsymmetrical Ti-O bonds, or the off-centering of Ti in the oxygen octahedron, to produce a polar axis. C. Solid Solutions of PbTi0 3 Lead titanate has the highest Curie point among the perovskite-type ferroelectrics. Almost any substitution of Pb or Ti with suitable atoms which form a perovskitetype lattice causes a lowering of the Curie point. The systems PbTi0 3 -caTio3 ,(lS) (~6) PbTi0 3 -CaZr0 3f (17) and PbTi0 3 -CaSno 3 (17) were studied in recent years. The crystallographic .results are given in Figures 16-18. The phase diagrams of the systems of the lead titanate side were constructed from x-ray phase analysis and the dielectric measurements as shown in Figure 19. It can be seen that the Curie point falls with the increase of the con--: centration of the second component in all three systems. Figure 20 shows the dependence of the Curie point upon composition when Pb is replaced by Bar Sr, or Ca. In three cases the Curie point decreases almost linearly with increasing content of the substituted atoms. The axial ratio cia of the tetragonal solution at room temperature decreases accordingly. The two lower transition tempera- 19 Q A l/J if! It'll 1J!1l 42 It U.ft7 4.1 4.0 ,I • 3.9 UJt7 a I /J cia I.{/ul/ 3.8 .12' f.dJI/ flO 0 Call0. 20 60 40 .\. (%) 80 I.IU 100 PbTlO, UI7Il I'h 1(03 Figure 16. Lattice spacing Figure 17. of the PbTio 3 -CaTi0 3 system A I.lJt' B!J PI • 1t'1/ Wt.% CnZrO, Lattice spacing of the PbTi0 3 -CaZr0 3 system at room temperature. (171 at room temperature. CL6) o iQ Mole "/0 CaSn03 ZO 'Il 51/ IIIJ IflO MJIl J..9J1J b I.t711J Figure 18. Lattice spacing of the PbTi0 3 -Casno 3 system at room temperature. (17) 20 t> 0 .....+' ~ 500 400 300 -.-\ 0 04 200 C) -.-\ 1-1 ::s 100 C) a 0 10 20 PbTi0 3 30 40 50 Mole% AB03 Figure 19. Phase diagrams of the PbTi0 3 side of the systems (1) PbTio j -caTi0 3f (2) PbTi0 3 -CaZro 3 , and (3) PbTio 3 -CaSn0 3 " (17 6oo.----r-.,.-~--r~.--,--.,_-.__r__,600 . Cubic 400(,) (,) 400 o oj o 200 .2 e (I) Co E :retrogonal o ~ Mole % of Sr or Co . Figure 20. Phase diagrams of the systems PbTi0 3 -BaTi0 3 , PbTi0 3 -srTi0 3 , and PbTio 3 -caTio 3 .(2) 21 turesof BaTi0 , however, decrease with increasing 3 concentration of Pb. The PbTi0 -BiFe0 system was investigated by Fedulov. 3 3 (18) (19) A continuous series of solid solutions was found existing in the entire range of the sys'tem. A narrow two phase region was observed from 65-72 weight percent BiFe0 as seen from Figures 21-23. 3 In the tetragonal phase the lattice parameter c increases sharply with increasing bisThe cia ratio muth ferrate whereas a decreases somewhat. increases from 1.063 for 100 percent PbTi0 68 weight percent BiFe0 " 3 3 to 1.17 for On transferring from the tetra- gonal modification to the rhombohedral modification, the °3 ~v unit cell volume decreases sharply, = 3.5 A. rhombohedral region the parameter ~, unchanged with increase in BiFe0 concentration. 3 is practically rhombohedral angle remains constant. known system containing PbTi0 3 Bismuth Chromate, BiCr0 in which the Curie ' point 3 decreases. 3 The earliest report of BiCr0 (8) in 1947. The This is the only increases as the concentration of PbTi0 D. In the 3 was made by Naray-Szabo He described the structure of Bicr0 tetragonal perovskite with a = 7.75 with B molecules per unit cell. o A, and 3 as a 0 S = 7.95 A, The ceramic sample was prepared by heating a stoichiometric mixture of oxides (nitrates or carbonates) at 700-800 o C for 3 hours. Detailed X-ray results of his studies are given in 22 Ufo mol. Ufo mol. 1I.1J5 I' " " 11..050 Rhombohedra II Tetragonal :: , 1.10 Te~agonal 63.00 £050 Rhombohedral I[ ap" 1i9 °Rh 62.00 a IJ.n Ufo wt. Figure 21. 60 80 q.0 60 Ufo wt. 100 Bl F'eD l Change in the Figure 22. 80 roo BiFeOJ The volume and lattice constants in a axial ratio cia of the unit system of solid solutions cells of solid solutions in of PbTi0 3 -BiFe0 3 as a function of the composi- the PbTi0 3 -BiFe0 3 system versus the composition. (18) (18) . t 1on. T. ·C 800 600 1100 200 o , 110 Gn BiFeCl, cone .• wt. Figure 23. 80 100 ~. Complete phase diagram of the PbTi0 3 -BiFe0 3 system. (I) Tetragonal region; (II) tetragonal + rhombohedral region; (III) rhombohedral region. (19) 23 Appendix C. In 1954, Keith(5} reported that it was not possible tp confirm the structure reported by Naray Szabo. stated that the volatility of Bi 0 2 3 He made it difficult to obtain solid state reaction. . (20) In 1962, Buhrer tried to synthesize BiCr0 from 3 He failed, both oxides and coprecipitated hydroxides. however; to obtain a single-phase perovskite. More recently, Sugawara et al. (21) prepared single phase BiCr0 3 by sintering the mixed oxides at 700°C under a pressure of 40 kbars and then quenching. X-ray diff- raction showed it to have a distorted perovskite structure with a triclinic pseudo-cubic unit cell. parameters were a = 89°10'. ~ =£ = o 3.90 A, b = The lattice ° 3.87 A, ~ = y = 90°35', Sugawara attributed the complicated distorted structure to the covalent character of Bi3+. information was reported except that Bicr0 3 No further was not ferro- magnetic down to 77°K. Venevtsev et al(22) studied the effect of the addition of Bi 0 'cr 0 to BaTi0 . 2 3 2 3 3 It was found that in the range of small additions, the Curie temperature was not lowered, and for some specimens it was even somewhat higher than that of the initial BaTi0 . 3 The tetragonal distortion disappeared and the cells of the perovskite phase became .cubic at a content of more than 2.6 mole percent BiCro , 3 Ikeda and Okano(23) studied the change in the piezo~ electric behavior of the PbTi0 -Pbzr0 system upon addition 3 3 24 of BiCr0 " 3 They investigated mainly the rhombohedral- tetragonal phase boundary of the system upon addition of BiCr0 " 3 The width of the investigated region was from 40 to 70 mole percent Bicro " 3 The boundary between the tetragonal (F t ) and rhombohedral (F ) phases, lies at 55 r mole percent Pbzro ,and ,does not shift with 3 up to the Curie point, 370°C. PbTi0 3 side gradually with t~mperature This boundary shifts to the incre~sing Bicr0 3 substitution. The ferroelectric Curie point was found to decrease with increasing BiCr0 3 content. 25 III. A. EXPERIMENTAL Materials The materials used in the preparation of the various samples were PbO, Ti0 2 , Bi 0 , and cr 0 , The purity and 2 3 2 3 manufacturer of each of these oxides are listed in Appendix A. B. Apparatus The uses of the various- apparatus will be described here, and a list of apparatus is given in Appendix B. 1. Analytical balance . . A single pan electric balance was used in weighing the materials to make the samples. The sensitivity of the balance was 1/10,000 gram. 2. Ball mill. A ball mill was used for mixing the samples for sintering. The ball mill was constructed from a 250 ml plastic bottle that contained about 25 ceramic balls of 0.4 inch in diameter and could be rotated at an inclined angle by a variable speed motor. 3. pill die. A stainless steel die of 3/8 inch diameter was used to press the mixed oxides to form discs for sintering. 4. crucible. A morganite crucible with a lid, lined with platinum foil, was used to sinter the samples. The crucible was approximately O.B inch in diameter and 0.875 inches high. 5. Furnace, Two furnaces . were used to sinter the 26 samples. One was a platinum-wound resistance furnace with a maximum temperature limit of 1300 oC. The other was a Kanthal-wound resistance furnace with a maximum temperature of 100QoC. controls. Both furnaces were equipped with automatic Temperatures were accurate to within f 8°C. The furnaces were each calibrated twice to ensure correct temperature. 6. Mortar and pestle. An agate and a porcelain mortar and pestles were employed to grind the sintered sample . ~ in preparation for x-ray diffraction analysis. 7. X-ray diffractometer. A Siemens diffraction unit was used for crystallographic analysis. radiation, A 8. = Ni filtered CuKa ° was used. 1.542 A High temperature, high vacuum attachment. The high temperature unit was employed to determine the Curie points of the samples in the system. ture of the unit was l300 oC. torr. The maximum tempera4 The vacuum was below 10- A tantalum heating element with the dimensions 3/16" x 5/16" was used as both sample holder and heating stage. Figures 24 and 25 show the construction of the high temperature attachment and the high vacuum system. C. preparation of Samples The compositions were arbitrarily selected at 5 or 10 mole percent intervals between 100 percent lead titanate and 100 percent bismuth chromate. stoichiometric amounts of materials were weighed to an accuracy of 1/10,000 grams. 27 Figure 24. Siemens high temperature x-ray diffractometer. Figure 25. Siemens high temperature x-ray diffractometer and high vacuum system. 28 The materials were mixed in a ball mill. was added to form a slurry. Distilled water After rotating the sample for 4-5 hours, the slurry was filtered with distilled water and then dried in a drying oven. Samples were then ground, by hand, to a fine powder (approximately 300 mesh) and pressed into discs 3/8 inch in diameter and 1/8 to 3/8 inches in height~ The pressure applied was 50,000 psi in most cases. D. Sintering Proc~dure The discs were placed in a platinum-lined morganite crucible with a stainless steel spatula. crucible was put into a preheated furnace. The covered After a temperature recovery period of about 10 minutes, the sample was usually sintered for 2 hours under one atmosphere pressure. After the reaction period, the crucible was removed from the furnace and air 9uenched. The discs shrank only slightly because of the high pressure applied before sintering. As the sintering temperatures used in this system were generally above 900°C, incomplete reactions on the surface of the discs were evident due to the volatility of Pba and Bi 0 " 2 3 The outer parts of the discs were removed using a sheet of abrasive paper. was The sample ground by hand with a mortar and pestle to a fine pO\vder of approximately 300 mesh. The sample was then used for x-ray diffraction studies. For compositions of 40 mole percent PbTi0 3 to Bi~r03 29 resintering techniques were employed in an attempt to obtain complete reaction. This was accomplished by re- peating the procedures stated in the last paragraph, that is; regrind, repress, and resinter. For 100 percent Bicr0 3 the sample was preheated at a temperature of 400°C for 1-2 hours. The temperature was then increased and sintering continued for about the same period of time. Sintering under an oxygen atmosphere was also carried out. Thesintering temperatures and the other conditions during sample preparation are listed in Appendix D. E. X-ray Diffraction Analysis at Room Temperature X-ray diffraction patterns were made of each sintered sample. The samples were mounted on the center of a 3/2" square glass plate. A minute quantity of vaseline was spread on the glass for adhension of the powdered sample. The surface of the sample '1as made flat by pressing it against another glass plate. A scanning speed of lO/min and a chart paper speed of 1 ern/min were generally used. A slower speed of 0.25°/min and a chart paper speed of 2.5 em/min were used to increase the resolution of certain reflections. An entrance slit of 1 rom and an exit slit width of 0.1 rom were used. The x-ray unit was aligned frequently and provided very good resolution for Ka reflections. 1 and Ka , especially for the high angle 2 30 The lattice parameters were determined from the x-ray patterns. The "d" values for all possible values of "hkl" were calculated using the digital IBM-360-40 computor located on the V.M.R. campus. The volume of the unit cells was determined from the following equations. Tetragonal Cubic F. High Temperature Techniques The Curie point of each specimen was determined using a high temperature x-ray diffractometer. A tantalum, instead of platinum, sample holder was used because tantalum has a very simple structure and d-spacings which are quite different from those of the perovskites. The reflections contributed by the tantalum stage did not superimpose upon those of the perovskites. Since tantalum reacts readily with oxygen and nitrogen at moderate temperatures, it was necessary to use a vacuum of the order of 10 -4 torr. This was accomplished by using a forepump and a diffusion pump. The procedure for determining the phase transformation, ferroelectric + paraelectric, was as follows: A fine powder sample, mixed with drops of ether to form a slurry, was mounted on the surface of the Ta heating element with a stainless steel : spatula. The amount of the sample was just enough to fO:r1l1 a thin layer. The surface of the sample was made as even as possible. 'rhe 31 heating element was then fixed in place. Alignment was made according to the procedures listed in the Manual.*(24) The vacuum pump system was connected to the high temperature attachment and the system evacuated to the desired pressure. To obtain the best resolution, a scanning rate of O.25°/min and a chart paper speed of 2.5cm/min were chosen. An entrance slit of I.nun and an exit slit of O. 2mm were used to obtain reasonably high intensities. The temperature was measured with a chromel-alumel thermocouple, attached to the back of the Ta element, and a portable millivolt potentiometer. When a vacuum of 10 -4 torr was reached, the x-ray diffraction pattern of a particular pair of was recorded. refle~tions In this series of samples studied, the pair of reflections (200) and (002) was selected because these peaks possess the maximum splitting among the sets of reflections with strong intensities in the room temperature x-ray pattern.t * For an unknown reason the correct reflection angles could not be obtained. Therefore a correction of the true angles. was made with true angles obtained from the room temperature stage as a standard. t The (100) and (001) reflections had stronger intensities but their separation was less. The same was true for (110) and (all). (211) and (112) had nearly the same peak separation as (200) and (002) but the intensities were too low for good resolution. 32 starting at room temperature, x-ray patterns for various temperatures were obtained. The temperature interval varied from lOO°C at temperatures far below the Curie point to within lODe in the vicinity of the Curie point. X-ray patterns of temperatures above the Curie point up to 700°C were obtained. The equilibrjum tem- perature of each setting could be attained within 10 minutes. A slight fluctuation of the temperature (±2°C) during the measurements was observed occasionally. For a few samples, x-ray patterns of 26 range 15-60 degrees at room temperature were made. The relative inten- sities and the sharpness differed from those patterns obtained with a room temperature stage. The low angle reflection intensities were lower and the high angle reflection intensities were higher; all the peaks were broader. These were the consequences of the ~neven surface of the sample on the Ta stage and the smaller amount of sample mounted on the sample holder. A complete x-ray pattern, from 15-60 degrees of 26, was made of the 90 percent PbTi0 3 Curie point. composition at a temperature just above the Only lines belonging to a simple cubic pattern of the high temperature phase of the sample were evident as well as several peaks of the Ta stage. The tetragonal and cubic lattice parameters, ' S and ~, were calculated for each temperature from x-ray data obtained at the various temperature5~ A typical plot of the lattice parameters versus temperature is shown in Figure 33 26. The Curie point was determined from the intersection of the lattice parameters of tetragonal and cubic regions. The x-ray data are given in Appendix F. 4.00 3.99 Composition: 80% PbTi0 -20% B 3 3.98 ...... 3.97 o,::t; '-' ~ (]) 3.96 \ \ +J <l) \ S cU ~ co \ 3.95 \ I 0, <l) C) -~ -p 4J rO H \ 3.94 3.93 3.92 3.91 100 0 200 300 400 500 60 Temperature (oC) Figure 26. A typical plot of the lattice parameters versus temperature BiCr0 3 ::>ystem. 35 IV. A. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sintering The determination .of the time and the temperature for sintering the mixed oxides was a trial and error process. Bismuth chromate was made by repetitive sintering at 800, 850, 900, and 950°C for a period of 2 hours in each sintering. Resintering techniques were required because the higher temperatures necessary to provide sufficient reaction caused some Bi 0 to melt in the mixture. 2 3 A temperature of 1000 to 1050°C and a period of 2 hours were used for samples on the PbTi0 3 side of the system. Higher sintering temperatures were required to ·obtain complete solid state reactions as the concentration of BiCr0 increased. was 3 For example, sintering at 950°C for 95 mole percent PbTi0 3 sample gave complete reaction, whereas sih- . tering at the same temperature for 50 mole percent PbTiO j gave incomplete reaction. For samples : frotn 45 mole percent PbTi0 to 100 percent BiCr0 temperatures beb'leen 3 3 800 and l200 0 c were employed. Resintering and multplestage sintering were also carried out in an att~mpt to go to higher temperature without melting the samples. In several cases, the sample fused. Each sample was pressed into a disc before sintering, in part to shorten the diffusion path length and to prevent the vaporization of low melting point oxides. Weight 36 losses during sintering were found to be negligible extil.e pt for those samples sintered at temperatures higher than llOOOC in which case the discs were found to be nonhomogeneous after sintering. Therefore, a closed system would be required for high temperature sintering. The color of PbTi0 3 is brown • . As the BiCr0 3 content is increased in samples of the PbTi0 -BiCr0 system, the 3 3 color of the powders changes gradually to dark green. The hardness of the sintered discs generally increases as the BiCr0 B. composition is increased. 3 Crystallographic Results at Room Temperature Pure PbTi0 3 was prepared by sintering equimolar mixtures of PbO and Ti02 at IOOOoe. X-ray results were in good accordance with Shirane'.s .• lattice constants and indexing for pure PbTi0 3 as given in Appendix E. The method for preparing bismuth chromate was described in the previous section. X-ray diffraction patte~ns showed primarily a single phase with a perovskite tetragonal structure. The lattice parameters are a = ° c 7.855 A, = o 7,902 A. The pattern is similar to that of Naray-Szabo's except for a few extraneous peaks. Peaks at d = 3.56, o 2.64, 2.46, and 1.67 A, corresponding to the positions of er 0 are evident, but strangely there is no evidence of 2 3 Bi 0 in the x-ray spectra. 2 3 Weight losses were too small to account for the absence of Bi 0 as resulting from 2 3 evaporative loss. Attempts to index x-ray data by using .37 Sugawara's triclinic lattice constants were unsuccessful. Further studies of Bicr0 3 are necessary and it is probable that high pressure techniques will be required to prepare single p~ase material. In the PbTi0 -Bicr0 system, single phase solid 3 3 solutions were prepared over the range 100 to 50 mole percent PbTi0 . From 100 to about 60 mole percent PbTi0 3 3 the structure is tetragonal. The lattice parameter £ decreases sharply and a increases gradually with increasing concentration of BiCr0 3 (Figure 27). The cia ratio (Figure 28) decreases from 1.064 for pure PbTi0 for 65 mole percent PbTi0 . 3 to 1.008 The volume of the unit cell (Figure 28) decreases as the BiCr0 content is increased. 3 Between 60 to 50 mole percent PbTi0 apparently cubic. 3 3 the structure is Below 45 mole percent PbTi0 , x-ray 3 results show multiple phases with a predominance of cubic phase up to 35 mole percent PbTi0 . 3 appear at this composition. Some cr 2 0 peaks 3 Below 30 mole percent PbTi0 , 3 the x-ra.y patterns were too poor to be analyzed. Further studies in the region below 45 mole percent PbTi0 are 3 required. The application of high pressure during sinter- ing may be helpful. · c. High Temperature X-ray Analysis The Curie points of ferroelectric materials are generally determined from dielectric constant measurements. It was not possible to do so for the solid 38 4.14 4.12 4.10 4.08 4.06 - o~ ........ 4.04 I-l Q) +J Q) 4.02 ~ I-l to 4.00 O! Q) 0 ·n 3.98 .jJ .jJ to H 3.96 3.94 \ \ \ I . P-D-o-ou-o ' 3.92 . 3.90 3.88 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 Mole percent PbTi0 Figure 27. system. 20 10 0 3 Lattice parameters of the PbTi0 3 -Bicr0 3 39 1.06 1.04" 63.0 --. 1. 02 C"1 o&<tl ..... r-I r-I Cl.l , () \ \ cd ~ 1.00 62.0 4.l •.-1 ~ . p " () Cl.l ~ 0 4-l 0 Cl.l .§ 61.0 60.0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 Mole percent PbTi0 Figure 28. 20 10 0 3 Variation of the volume of the unit cell and cia ratio of the PbTi0 -Bicr0 3 system. 3 r-I ~ 40 solutions of this system. The samples were too conductive, no doubt as a consequence of electron hopping, to give sharp peaks in the dielectric constantvs. temperature plot. The room temperature resistivity varies from about 8 6 10 ohm-cm for 10 mole percent BiCr0 to 10 ohm-ern for 40 3 mole percent BiCro , as measured by Mr. James Canner of the 3 physics department. The Curie . point of only a 95 mole percent PbTiOi 'sample could be determined from dielectric measurements and it was found to be 475°C. It was therefore necessary to obtain the Curie points of the solid solutions from 95 to 65 mole percent PbTi0 3 by high temperature x-ray techniques. The results are given in Table IV and illustrated in Figure 29. The Curie point of the 95 mole percent PbTi0 3 sample determined by this method is 465°C, in resonable agreement with that obtained from the dielectric measurement. were measured twice. measurements was ± Several samples The average deviation between 10ce. possible errors that can occur in high temperature x-ray diffraction techniques are as follows: First, the thermocouple is attached to the back of the sample holder; therefore, the temperature registered might differ from that of the sample itself. Second, the surface of the sample is rough, causing some local variation in temperature from point to point. Third, the thick- ness of the sample mounted on the sample holder is difficult to reproduce from measurement to measurement, making it difficult to assure temperature reproducibility. TABLE IV No. PbTi0 3 X-ray data on the PbTi0 -BiCr0 system 3 3 Parameters Volume of Curie Pt. cia 0 0 03 (OC) a (A) c (A) Unit Cell(A ) I-A 2-A 100 95 3.888 3.893 4.137 4.080 62.556 61.828 1.064 1.048 3-13 90 3.898 4.041 61.391 1.037 4-A 5-A 85 80 3.906 3.910 4.020 3.999 61.339 61.144 1.029 1.023 6-A 7-A 75 70 3.912 3.911 3.979 3.961 60.888 60.587 1.017 1.013 8-A 9-A 10-A Il-B 12-A 13-B 14-B 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 3.916 3.926 3.925 3.924 3.924 3.920 3.922 3.947 60.521 60.495 60.458 60.421 60.421 60.236 60.328 1.008 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2l-D 0 7.955 7.902 60.945 1.006 Sample t * 1101e% 490 475t 465 410 440 345 325 310 290 250 240 190 Phases . Pr Tetragona Tetragona Tetragona Tetragona Tetragona Tetragona Tetragona Tetragona Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic and Cubic and Cubic and and Cr 2 0 Tetragon~ Determined from dielectric measurement by James Canner in the Physics D The other phase is not yet identified unambiguously, possibly the tetrag structure. 42 500 400 .-.. C,) 0 ....... +l s:: 'r-! 0 0., 300 Q) .r-! H ~ U 200 100 100 95 90 85 80 Mole percent PbTi0 Figure 29. system. 70 75 65 60 3 Curie points of the PbTi0 3 -BiCr0 3 43 It is seen from Figure 29 that the Curie point drops almost linearly as the concentration of BiCr0 increased. is 3 This is consistent with the crystallographic results at room temperature; one would expect in the simplest case that the less the distortion from the ideal cubic perovskite, the lower the Curie point. The crystal structure of 60 to 50 mole percent PbTi0 room temperature. is possible. is cubic at 3 A Curie point below room temperature Therefore low temperature x-ray studies are necessary in order to construct the complete phase diagram of the single phase solid solution region of the system. Inasmuch as PbTi0 is reported to have a .low 3 phase transition at -lOO°C, low temperature x-ray studies over the single phase solid solution region would be of interest. It is worth noting that as in other pseudo-binary systems, PbTi0 3 has an extraordinary capability for bringing Bicr0 into its perovskitic lattice. 3 . The similarity of Cr 3+ to Fe 3 +rn1ght lead one to expect the behavior of the PbTi0 3 -Bicr0 3 to approximate that of PbTi0 -BiFe0 , Such is not the case, and these 3 3 results clearly show that ionic size of the ferroactive ion is not a unique factor in determining the tendency to form perovskitic structures of similar properties. 44 V. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Jona, F. and G. Shirane (1962) Ferioe1ectric Crystals, Pergamon Press, New York. 2. Megaw, H. D. (1957) Ferroelectricity in Crystals, Methuen, London. 3. Kittel, C. (1965) Introduction to Solid state Physics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4. Roth, R. s. (1957) J. Res. U. S. NatL Bureau of Standards, ~, 2, p. 75. 5. Keith, M. L. and R. Roy (1954) Am. Mineralogist, p. 1. 6. Fi1ip'ev, S. A., N. P. Smo1yaninov, and E. G. Fesenko (1960) Soviet Physics-Cryst., ~, 6, p. 913. 7. Fedulov S. A., Y. N. Venevtsev, G. S. Zhdanov, and E. G. Smazhevskaya (1961) Soviet Physics-Cryst., 6, 5. p. 640. - 8. Naray-Szabo, I. 30. !.' p. 9. Shirane, G. and S. Hoshino (19S1) J. Phys. Japan, 4, p. 265. !, 10. Shirane, G., S. Hoshino (1950) Phys. Rev., 80, p. 1105. 11. Bhide, V. G., K. G. Deshmukh, and M. S. Hegde (1962) Physica, ~, p. 871. 12. Kobayashi, J.,and R. Ueda (1955) Phys. Rev., 1900. 13. Shirane, G., and R. Pepinsky (1956) Acta Cryst., p. 131. 14. Megaw, H. D. 15. Sauer, H. A' I S. S. F1aschen, and D. C. Hoersterey (1959) J. Am. Ceram. Soc., ~, p. 363. 16. Sa\.;aguchi IE., T. Mi tsuma I and Z. Ishi (1956) J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 11, 12, p. 1298. 1\ (1947) Muegyetemi Koz1emenyek, (1954) Acta Cryst., 1, ~, ~.' p. ~, p. 187. 45 17. Fedu1ov, S. A., and Y. N. Verievtsev (1964) soviet . Physics-Cryst.,!, p. 286. 18. Fedulov, S. A., Y. N. Venevtsev, G. S. Zhe1anov, E. G. Smazhevskaya, and I. S. Rez (1962) Soviet PhysicsCryst., 2, 1, p. 62. 19. Fedu1ov, S. A., P.B. Ladyzhinskii, I. L. Pyatigorskaya, and Y. N. Venevtsev (1964) Soviet PhysicsSolid State, ~, 2, p. 375. 20. Buhrer, C. F. (1962) J. Chern. Physics, 21. Sugawara, F., and S. Iida (1965) J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 20, p. 1529. 22. Venevtsev, Y. N., G. S. Zhdanov, S. N. Solov'ev, E. V. Bezus, V. V. Ivanova, S. A. Fedu1ov, and A. G. Kapyshev (1961) Soviet Physics-Cryst., ~, p. 594. 23. Ikeda, T., and T. Okano (1964) J. Applied Physics, 3, 2, p. 63. 24. ~, 3, p. - 798. - High Temperature High Vacuum Horizontal X-ray Diffractometer Attachment, Instruction Manual, Materials Research Corporation, Orangeburg, N. Y. June, 1964. APPENDICES A. Materials B. Apparatus C.X-ray Data for PbTi0 3 and Bicr0 3 D. Sintering Data E. X-ray Diffraction Data for the F. PbTi0 -BiCr0 System 3 3 High Temperature X-ray Diffraction Data for the PbTi03~Bicro3 System 46 APPENDIX A Materials The following is a list of the materials used in this investigation. Lead oxide (FbO). 1. yellow) 2. I Laboratory chemical grade (mono- Fisher Scientific Company, Fairlawn, N. 'J. Titanium oxide (Ti0 2 ). Certified reagent grade, Fisher Scientific Company, Fairlawn, N. J. 3. Bismuth oxide (Bi 2 0g). Certified reagent grade, Fisher Scientific Company, Fairlawn, N. J. 4. Chromium oxide (CrZ03)' Chemically pure grade, J. T. Baker Chemical Company, Phillipsburg, N. J. 47 APPENDIX B Apparatus The following is a list of the appar.atus used in ·this investigation. 1. Analytical balance. Sartorius (multi-purpose), Type 2.403 (single-pan), 0-100 gm, Aloe Scientific Company I st. Louis, Missouri. 2. Mortar and pestle, agate. Fisher Scientific Company, Fairlawn, N. J. 3. Mortar and pestle, porcelain. Fisher Scienti~ic Company, Fairlawn, N. J. 4. Ball mill, variable speed. Located in Graduate Center for Materials Research, University of Missouri. at Rolla. 5. Crucible, recrystallized alumina. Type N4429, Morgan Refractories, England. 6. Pl~tinum foil, high purity. 0.001 inch thickness, A. D. Mackey, Inci., New York, N. Y. 7. Furnace, electrical. Platinum-wound resistance, located in ChemicaJ. Engineering building, University of Missouri at Rolla. 8, ;Furnc3.c·e, -electrical. < 4. ' . ., c. , . . ' .. Kanthal-wound resistance, located in Graduate Center for Materials Research, University of Missouri at Rolla. 9. X-ray Diffractometer. Siemens Crystalloflex IV, 48 Type U13, Siemens America, Inc., Long Island, N. Y. 10. High temperature-high vacuum horizontal diffractometer attachment. x-ra~ Model X-86G, Materials Research Corporation, Orangeburg, N. Y. 49 APPENDIX C X-ray Data for PbTi0 A-. and Bicr0 3 3 Tetragonal PbTi03* 0 Parameters: = a == 3.905 A, c 0 4.151 A. 0 d (A) 4.150 3.899 2.842 2.758 2.297 2.076 1 •.950 1.833 1.765 1.744 1.658 1.608 1.421 1.384 1.379 1.335 1.308 1.3045 1.3000 1.2403 1.237 1.2333 1.1819 1.1484 1.1287 1.1016 1.0841 1.0816 1.0601 1.0465 1.0383 1.0031 0.9766 0.9747 0.9715 0.9593 0.9491 0.9476 0.9457 1/1 0 hk1 26 49 100 52 40 15 32 13 10 11 19 42 13 3 001 100 101 110 9 7 3 5 11 10 3 7 10 5 3 2 7 3 9 B 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 2 4 III 002 200 102 201 210 112 211 202 003 220 212 221 103 300 301 113 310 311 222 203 302 213 320 312 321 004 104 223 400 114 322 401 303 410 50 A. (Cont'd) o d * B. (A) hk1 0.9222 411 Taken from ASTM card number 6-0452. Tetragonal BiCr03** Parameters: . a 26 (0) 27.96 32.82 33.98 36.78 41.54 45.90 53.42 56.78 56.96 65.42 67.88 73.66 ** = 0 7.75 A, c = 0 7.95 A. d (A) I/Io hk1 3.188 2.727 2.636 2.442 2.172 1.975 1.713 1.620 1.615 1.425 1.380 1.285 7 3 1/2 1/2 1/2 2-3 112,211 202,220 . 212 301,310 203,302 004··· 214,420 332 224-. 521 440 116,600 2 5-6 2 4/2 1/2 1 Reported by Naray-szabo{8) at room temperature for CuKa radiation. APPENDIX D Sintering Data A. Sintering Data for Samples of the PbTi0 -BiCr0 System 3 3 Sample Composition Pressure* Time Temperature Sintering Quenching Phase (mo1e%PbTi0 ) ( °C) No. (psi) (hrs) System 3 I-A 2-A 2-B 2-C 3-A 3-B 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-A 7-B 8- A 9-A lO-A 11-A 11-B 12-A 12--B 12-C 13-A 13-B 13-C 14-A 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 85 80 75 70 70 65 60 55 50 SO 45 45 45 40 40 40 35 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 -50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1000 1050 1000 950 1050 1000 950 1050 l050 1000 1000 1050 1050 1050 l050 950 1050 1050 1150 1200 1100 1050 1150 1050 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S l\1 S M M M M M M A. (Cont'd) Sample Composition Pressure* Time Temperature Sintering Quenching-Phase No. (mole%PbTi0 ) ( °C) (psi) (hrs) System 3 14-B ilS-A lS-B 15-C 15-D lS-E 35 30 30 30 30 30 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 15-F 30 50000 - 16-A 16-B 16-C 16-D 16-E 16-F 20 20 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 17-A 17-B 10 10 17-C 10 17-D 10 20 20 20 20 2 2 4.5 2 2 1 2 1 2.5 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 17-E 17-F 17-G 18-A 10 10 10 5 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1000 1100 1050 900 850 900 1050 900 1100 1050 1000 900 850 875 900 1050 800 800 900 -800 900 950 800 900 950 1000 1050 1000 900 800 9pen Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Air Air Air Air Air M M Air M Air Air Air Air Air Air M M Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air - Air Air Air Air Air Air Air M M M M M M M M M M M M M (Cont'd) A. Sample Composition Pressure* Time Temperature Sintering Quenching Phas (psi) (mole%PbTi0 ) (hrs) ( °C) System No. 3 19-B 3 19-C 3 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 800 850 800 850 900 2 2 2 2 2 Open Open Open Open Open. Air Air Air Air Air M M applied before sintering. * Pressure t S means single phase; M means multiple phases. ** R means resinter. B. Sintering Data for the BiCr0 3 Samples Pressure* Time Temperature Sintering Quenching Pha Sample Composition System (psi) (hrs) ( °C) No. (rnBi2o~+nCr203) 20-A 20-B 1.00+1.00 1.5 400 2 750 400 750 800 400 750 800 850 400 750 1.00+1.00 1.5 1.00+1.00 1 1.5 2 20-C 2 3 20-D 20-E 1.00+1.00 1.00+1.00 2 1.5 2 .Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Air M Air Air M Air Air Air Air M (Contrd) B. Sample Composition Pressure* Time Temperature Sintering Quenching Ph (hrs) System (psi) ( °C) No. (mBi 2 0 3 +nCr 2°3) 2 20-G 20-H 20-K 1.00+1.00 1.00+1.00 1.00+1.00 20-M 1.00+1.00 20-N 20-0 1.00+1.00 1.00+1.00 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 3 99 3 3 3 2 3 1.S 2 2 21-A 21-B 21-D 21-E 1.05+1.00 1.05+1.00 1.05+1.00 1.05+1.00 75000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 850 800 800 800 850 800 900 800 400 750 850 950 800 800 850 900 800 850 900 950 800 850 900 950 950 Open Open Oxygen Open Open Open Open Open Open . Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air Air ti" This sample was inserted in the tube and heated to 800°C and sintered. * t ** See page 54. M M M 56 APPENDIX E X-ray Diffraction Data for the PbTi0 -BiCr0 System 3 3 Notes: 1.· All x-ray patterns are based on CuKa radiation with a wavelength of 2. 1~542 o A. The indices of the x-ray patterns of each composition include only the main phase (see Table III)ithe structure is indicated in each table. 3. For the tetragonal patterns, expect Bicro , 3 the parameters ~ and £ were calculated from the 200 and 002 lines, respectively. Bicr0 3 For c was calculated from the 004 reflect- ion and a was calculated from 2~1, 112, 202, and 220 lines. 4. In the cubic r~gion, the parameter a was determined from the 200 line. 5. The samples used here for each composition are the same as given in Table IV. 57 a. 100% PbTi0 3 Structure: Tetragonal 0 Parameters: a = 3.888 A, c 26 (° ) 21.54 22.95 31.58 32.54 39.32 43.72 46.68 49.85 51.92 52.55 55.44 57.36 65.75 67.76 70.55 72.22 72.79 76.90 77.40 81.43 84.35 90.67 93.27 94.85 95.95 b. = 0 4.137 A. 0 d (A) 4.122 3.872 2.831 2.749 2.289 2.069 1.944 1.828 1.760 1.740 1.656 1.605 1.419 1.382 1.334 1.307 1.298 1.239 1.232 1.181 1.147 1.083 1. 060 1.046 1.037 l/Io hk1 44 62 100 45 43 44 67 12 12 6 16 42 15 14 6 5 001 100 101 110 111 002 200 102 201 120 112 211 202 003 212 221 300,103 301 130,113 311 222 213 132 231 004 8 8 9 5 6 9 7 7 4 95% PbTi0 -5% BiCr0 3 3 Structure: Tetragonal 0 0 Parameters: a = 3.893 A, c = 4. 080 A. 0 28 (0) d 21.86 22.90 31.74 32.48 39.42 44.37 46.62 50.42 52.00 52.50 4.062 3.880 2.817 2.754 2.284 2.040 1.947 1.808 1.757 1.742 (A) r/Io hk1 13 35 100 55 43 001 100 101 110 111 602 200 102 201 120 5 26 7 8 8 58 b. (Cont'd) 28 0 ( 0 ) 55.94 57.40 66.21 67.95 70.90 76.86 77.10 81.38 84.65 91.67 93.49 94.80 c. d (A) 1.642 1.604 1.410 1.378 1.328 1.239 1.236 1.182 1.144 1.074 1.058 1.046 90% PbTi0 -10% Bicr0 3 3 structure: Tetragonal 0 Parameters: a = 3.898 A, c ·· ~e (0 ) 22.14 22.96 31.96 33.58 39.57 44.82 46.56 50.90 52.07 52.50 56.47 57.51 66.54 67.96 71.40 74.34 77.18 81.44 85.00 93.86 94.78 1/1 0 hk1 10 33 8 5 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 3 112 211 202 220 212 031 130 311 222 213 132 231 = 4.041 0 A. 0 d (A) 4.012 3.870 2.798 2.667 2.276 2.020 1.949 1.792 1.755 1.742 1.628 1.601 1.404 1.378 1.320 1.275 1.235 1.181 1.140 1.054 1.047 1/1 0 hk1 21 42 100 49 38 8 32 7 7 7 10 31 8 4 4 3 5 3 2 3 5 001 100 101 110 111 002 200 102 201 120 112 211 202 220 212 013 301,130 131 222 132 231 59 d. 85% PbTi0 -15% Bicr0 3 3 Structure: Tetragonal 0 0 Parameters: a = 3.906 A, c = 4.020 A. 28 0 ( 0 ) 22.16 22.80 31.90 32.37 39.53 45.07 46.45 51.01 52.00 52.29 56.53 57.43 66.60 67.80 71.44 72.28 74.81 76.90 81.37 85.05 93.75 94.50 e. d (A) 4.008 3.897 2.803 2.763 2.278 2.010 1.953 1.789 1.757 1.748 1.627 1.603 1.403 1.381 1.319 1.306 1.268 1.239 1.182 1.140 1.055 1.049 1/1 0 hk.1 20 36 100 51 38 9 26 7 8 8 11 28 7 3 4 3 3 6 2 1 2 2 001 100 101 110 III 002 200 102 201 120 112 211 202 220· 212 221 013 031 131 222 132 321 80%'PbTi0 -20% BiCr0 3 3 Structure: Tetragonal 0 Parameters: a = 3.910 A, c = 0 3.999 A. 0 28 ( 0 ) 22.28 22 •.7 9 32.00 32.34 39.60 45.32 46.flO 51.31 52.15 56.78 57.41 66.71 67.61 d (A) 3.987 3.899 2,794 2.766 2,274 1.999 1.955 1,779 1.752 1.620 1.604 1.401 1.384 I/1S! hkl 16 33 100 52 39 001 100 101 110 8 27 6 7 12 31 7 5 III 002 200 102 201 112 211 202 220 . 60 e. (Cont'd) 29 (°) 71.49 75.06 76.82 81.20 85.01 92.86 93.90 94.60 f. 0 d 212 103 301 311 222 213 132 231 3 3 6 3 1.319 1.264 1.240 1.184 1.140 1.063 1.054 1.058 3 3 4 4 75% PbTi0 -25% Bicr0 3 3 structure: Tetragonal 0 Parameters: a = 3.912 A, c 26 (O) 22.42 22.78 32.14 32.31 39.64 45.56 46.38 51.39 52.10 56.93 57.39 66.94 67.53 71.58 75.58 76.70 81.10 85.19 94.40 · g. hkl 1/1 0 (A) = 3.979 a A. a d (A) 3.962 3.900 2.783 2.768 2.272 1.989 1.956 1.777 1.754 1.617 1.604 1.397 1.386 1.317 1.257 1.241 1.185 1.138 1.050 1/1 0 hk1 15 31 100 50 35 6 24 5 8 10 26 001 100 101 110 111 002 200 102 201 112 121 202 220 212 103 301 131 222 312,231 6 4 2 2 6 3 3 5 70% PbTi0 -30% BiCr0 3 3 Structure: Tetragonal 0 Parameters: a = 3.911 A, c = 0 3.961 A. 0 26 ( 0 ) 22.48 22.75 d (A) 3.952 3.905 1/1 0 hk1 14 31 001 100 61 g. (Cont'd) 0 28 ( 0 ) 32.15 32.30 39.65 45.78 46.39 51.64 52.10 56.99 57.33 67.00 67.40 71.88 76.68 81.72 85.24 94.15 h. d (A) 2.782 2.769 2.271 1.980 1.956 1.769 1.754 1.615 1.606 1.396 1.388 1.312 1.242 1.177 1.138 1.052 65% PbTi0 -35% BiCr0 3 3 Structure: Tetragonal 0 Parameters: a = 3.916 A, c 1/1 0 hk1 100 66 36 101 110 III 002 200 102 201 112 211 202 220 122 301,130 131 222 312 8 22 6 8 12 26 7 6 2 6 2 2 4 = 0 3.947 A. 0 28 ( 0 ) 22.55 22.75 32.20 32.27 39.72 45.95 46.33 51.80 52.08 57.20 57.40 67.10 67.33 71. 70 72.01 76.00 76.67 81.10 85.35 94.23 d (A) 3.940 3.910 2.778 2.772 2.267 1.973 1.958 1.763 1.755 1.609 1.604 1.394 1.390 1.315 1.310 1.251 1.242 1.185 1.136 1.051 1/1 0 hk1 21 34 100 98 34 7 21 6 9 11 24 7 6 3 3 3 6 3 3 4 001 100 101 110 III 002 200 102 201,120 112 121 202 220 212,003 221 013 301 131 222 312 62 i. 60% PbTi0 -40% Bicr0 3 3 Structure: Cubic 0 Parameter: a = 3.926 A. 0 26 ( 0 ) 22.70 32.28 39.71 46.21 52.02 57.37 67.32 71.96 76.54 85.40 94.19 j . (A) 3.914 2.771 2.268 1.963 1.756 1.605 1.390 1.311 1.244 1.136 1.052 I/I o hk1 45 100 22 21 8 23 8 4 5 1 5 100 110 111 200 120 211 220 221,030 103 222 231 55% PbTi0 -45% BiCr0 3 3 Structure: Cubic 0 Parameter: a = 3.925 A. 26 0 (0 ) 22.70 32.29 39.80 46.22 52.00 57.40 67.35 72.01 76.60 85.50 94.25 k. d d (A) 3.914 2.770 2.263 1.962 1.757 1.604 1.389 1.310 1.243 1.135 1.051 2!~ 39 100 24 24 10 21 6 3 5 2 4 hk1 100 110 111 200 120 211 220 221,030 103 222 231 50% PbTi0 -50% BiCr0 3 3 Structure: Parameter: Cubic ° a = 3.924 A. 2e (0) d 22.72 32.29 39.74 46.23 3.910 2.770 2.266 1.962 ° (A) I/I o hk1 40 100 100 110 111 200 24 24 63 k. 1. (Cont'd) d 52.03 57.40 67.36 72.16 76.62 81.12 85.50 94.30 1.756 1.604 1.389 1.308 1.243 1.185 1.135 1.051 (A} l/I Q 8 21 6 1 6 3 2 3 hkl 120 211 220 221,030 103 311 222 231 45% PbTi0 -55% BiCr0 3 3 structure: . Parameter: 28 CO) 22,68 27.64 32.23 39.78 46.23 52.01 57.43 67.36 76.69 85.50 94.31 m. 0 28 (0) Cubic 0 a = 3.924 A• 0 d CA} 3.917 3.225 2.775 2.264 1.962 1.757 1.603 1.389 1.242 1.135 1.051 1/1 0 ·hkl . 100 19 22 8 21 6 5 2 3 100 (BiCr0 ) 3 110 111 200 120 211 220 103 222 231 I/I Q hkl 33 11 100 22 22 7 22 7 4 3 100 (BiCr0 ) 3 110 III 200 120 211 220 103 231 37 2 40% PbTi0 -60% BiCr0 3 3 Structure: Parameter: Cubic 0 a = 3.920 A. 28 '(0) d 22.78 27.78 32.35 39.84 46.28 52.16 57.50 67.45 76.80 94.50 3.900 3.209 2.765 2.261 1.960 1.752 1.601 1.387 1.240 1.049 0 (A) 64 n. 35% PbTi0 -65% BiCr0 3 3 Structure: Parameter: Cubic 0 a = 3.922 A. 0 26 d ( 0 ) 22.76 27.76 30.60 31.55 32.28 36.40 39.83 46.26 52.14 55.08 57.50 67.41 76.77 94.50 o. 100% BiCr0 (A) 3.904 3.211 2.919 2.878 2.771 2.466 2.261 1.961 1.753 1.666 1.601 1.388 1.240 1.049 (0) 37 21 100 (BiCr03) 8 5 100 5 24 26 6 3 21 6 4 3 110 (Cr2.°3 ) 111 200 120 (Cr2. 0 g) 211 220 103 231 3 Structure: Tetragonal 0 Parameters: a = 7.855 A, c 26 hkl I/~ = 7.902 0 d (A) 0 A. I/1..9- hkl (Cr2. 03) 25.00 27.80 · 32.10 33.88 3.559 3.206 2.786 2.644 2 100 35 5 211/112 022,220 003,122, 36.46 2.462 5 301,310, 43.00 45.90 2.102 1.975 1.684 1.668 1.614 3 20 20 (Cr2. ° 3) (Cr:£Og) 54.44 55.02 57.00 5 4 132,213,231 004 233,332 (Cr2.°3 ) 224 65 APPENDIX F High Temperature X-ray· Diffraction Data for the PbTi0 3 -Bicr0 System 3 a. 95% PbTi0 -5% Bicr0 3 3 Curie point: t ( DC) .25 185 260 338 375 408 431 449 460 480 504 566 633 725 853 b. 26 465°C. 0 200 46.62 46.48 46.40 46.30 46.27 46.21 46.14 46.08 46.03 45.99 45.98 45.95 45.91 45.85 45.78 29 002 44.45 44.76 44.96 45.23 45.28 45.44 45.60 ' 0 d 200 d OO2 a (A) c (A) 1.9465 1. 9521 1.9552 1.9592 1. 9604 1. 9628 1. 9656 1.9681 1. 9701 1. 9717 1. 9721 1. 9733 1. 9750 1.9774 1. 9803 2.0363 2.0230 2.0145 2.0030 2.0010 1.9943 1. 9877 3.8930 3.9042 3.9104 3.9184 3.9208 3.9256 3.9312 3.9362 3.9402 3.9434 3.9442 3.9466 3.9500 3.9548 3.9606 4.0726 4.0460 4.0290 4.0060 4.0020 3.9886 3.9754 d d ° a (A) c (A) 3.8978 3.9002 3.9026 3.9112 3.9136 3.9216 3.9312 3.9386 3.9410 3.9410 3.9458 3.9474 4.0392 4.0332 4.0332 4.0290 4.0104 3.9970 3.9786 90% PbTi0 -10% BiCr0 3 3 Curie point: t ( DC) --25 45 75 131 188 267 330 368 374 384 415 445 475 29 200 46.56 46.53 46.50 46.39 46.36 46.26 46.14 46.05 46.02 46.02 45.96 45.94 45.94 410°C. 2e 002 44.84 44.91 44.91 44.96 45.18 45.34 45.56 200 1. 9489 1.9501 1.9513 1.9556 1.9568 1. 9608 1. 9656 1.9693 1.9705 1. 9705 1.9729 1.9737 1. 9737 OO2 2.0196 2.0166 2.0166 2.0145 2.0052 1.9985 1.9893 3.9474 0 66 b. (Cont'd) t ( °C) 496 550 590 640 700 750 812 c. 28 200 002 45.93 45.91 45.90 45.89 45.87 45.82 45.80 d 200 d 002 ° a (A) ° c (A) 3.9482 3.9500 3.9508 3.9516 3.9532 3.9572 3.9588 1. 9741 1.9750 1. 9754 1. 9758 1. 9766 1.9786 1.9794 90% PbTi0 -10% Bicr0 3 3 Curie point: t ( °C) 25 86 175 240 310 334 345 366 386 412 424 433 453 493 540 577 632 702 d. 28 26 200 46.56 46.51 46.41 46.34 46.27 46.25 46.25 46.21 46,19 46,13 46,10 46.07 46 ',05 46.02 45,99 45.97 45,95 45.93 440°C. 28 002 44.82 44.93 45.08 45.22 45.36 45.48 45.53 45.60 45,66 d 200 d 002 ° a (A) ° c (A) 4.0408 4.0314 4.0188 4.0070 3.9952 3.9852 3.9810 3.9754 3.9704 1.9489 1. 9509 1.9548 1.9576 1. 9604 1. 9612 1.9612 1. 9628 1,9636 1.9660 1,9673 1,9685 1,9693 1,9705 1,9717 1,9725 1.9733 1,9741 2.0204 2.0157 2.0094 2.0035 1. 9976 1.9926 1.9905 1. 9877 1,9852 3.8978 3,9018 3.9096 3.9152 3.9208 3.9224 3.9224 3.9256 3.9272 3,9320 3.9346 3.9370 3.9386 3,9410 3.9434 3.9450 3.9466 3.9482 d d a (A) ° c CA) 3.9064 3.9096 3.9112 3.9152 3.9192 4.0196 4.0170 4.0120 ' 4.0052 4.0010 85% PbTi0 -15% Bicr0 3 3 Curie point: 345°C. 0 t ( °C) 25 70 100 150 180 28 200 46.45 46.41 46.39 46.34 46.29 26 002 45.07 45.10 45.16 45.24 45.29 200 1. 9532 1.9548 1.9556 1.9576 1. 9596 002 2.0098 2.0085 2.0060 2.0026 2.0005 67 . d. (Cont'd) t ( °C) 206 234 264 284 306 332 376 405 442 475 574 608 666 764 e. 28 200 46.25 46.21 46.12 46.09 46.04 46.00 45.96 45.92 45.93 45.90 45.86 45.84 45.80 45.75 28 002 45.35 45.41 45.54 d 200 d 002 ° a (A) ° c CA) 3.9960 3.9910 3.9802 1. 9612 1. 9628 1.9664 1.9677 1. 9697 1. 9713 1. 9729 1.9746 1. 9741 1.9754 1.9770 1. 9778 1. 9794 1.9815 1.9980 1. 9955 1.9901 3.9224 3.9256 3.9328 3.9354 3.9394 3.9426 3.94S8 3.9492 3.9482 3.9508 3.9540 3.9556 3.9588 3.9630 d d a CA) c (A) 3.9104 3.9120 3.9136 3.0168 3.9208 3.9232 3.9248 3.9264 3.9296 3.9336 3.9346 3.9362 3.9386 3.9410 3.9442 3.9482 3.9492 3.9508 3.9532 3.9986 3.9970 3.9952 3.9926 3.9836 3.9786 3.9736 3.9712 3.9654 80% PbTi0 -20% BiCr0 3 3 Curie point: 325°C. t (OC) 25 52 75 124 155 208 229 260 282 310 315 328 372 411 478 570 618' 628 690 0 28 200 46.40 46.38 46.36 46.32 46.27 46.24 46.22 46.20 46.16 46.11 46.10 . 46.08 46.05 46.02 45.98 45.93 45.92 45.90 45.87 26 002 45.32 45.34 45.36 45.39 45.50 45.56 45.62 45.65 45.70 200 1. 9552 1.9560 1.9568 1.9584 1. 9604 1.9616 1.9624 1.9632 1.9648 1.9668 1.9673 1.9681 1.9693 1.9705 1.9721 1.9741 1.9746 1.9754 1.9766 002 1.9993 1.9985 1.9976 1.9963 1.9918 1. 9893 1. 9868 1.9856 1. 9827 0 f. 80% PbTi0 -20% Bicr0 3 3 Curie point: 310°C·. 0 t ( °e) 25 84 140 . 185 214 242 268 297 324 370 412 500 562 626 694 g. 28 200 46.40 46.35 46.28 46.23 46.18 46.12 46.07 46.03 46.00 45.98 45.97 45.94 45.92 45.87 45.81 28 002 45.32 45.41 45.54 45.66 45.69 d 200 d 002 0 a (A) c (A) 3.9986 3.9910 3.9802 3.9704 3.9678 1.9552 1.9572 1. 9600 1. 9620 1. 9640 1. 9664 1. 9685 1. 9701 1. 9713 1. 9721 1.9725 1.9737 1.9746 1. 9766 1. 9790 1. 9993 1.9955 1.9901 1. 9852 1.9839 3.9104 3.9144 3.9200 3.9240 3.9280 3.9328 3.9370 3.9402 3.9426 3.9442 3.9450 3.9474 3.9492 3.9532 3.9580 d d a CA) c (A) 3.9120 3.9160 3.9192 3.9224 3.9272 · 3.9304 3.9312 3.9354 3.9370 3.9386 3.9402 3.9418 3.9434 3.9458 3.9802 3.9704 3.9638 3.9606 3.9516 75% PbTi0 -25% BiCr0 3 3 Curie point: t (OCl 25 105 154 177 228 260 286 313 384 433 477 527 582 649 290°C. 0 26 200 46.38 46.33 46.29 46.25 46.19 46.15 46.14 46.09 46.07 46.05 46.03 46.01 45.99 45.96 29 002 45.56 45.66 45.74 45.78 45.89 200 1.9560 1.9580 1. 9596 1.9612 1.9636 1. 9652 1.9656 1.9677 1.9685 1. 9693 1.9701 1. 9709 1. 9717 1.9729 OO2 1. 9901 1. 9852 1. 9819 1. 9803 1. 9758 0 69 h. 70% PbTi0 -30% BiCr0 3 3 Curie point: 250°C. t (OC) 25 57 69 84 110 119 119 134 143 153 160 169 173 186 189 222 270 300 372 426 471 518 i. 29 200 46.39 46.35 46.36 46.32 46.31 46.32 46.31 46.30 46.29 46.28 46.26 46.26 46.25 46.24 46.24 46.20 46.15 46.14 46.11 46.09 46.06 46.04 26 0 002 45.78 45.88 45.88 d 200 d 002 1.9556 1.9572 1.9568 1.9584 1.9588 1. 9584 1.9588 1.9592 1.9596 1.9600 1.9608 1.9608 1.9612 1.9616 1.9616 1.9632 1.9652 1.9656 1.9668 1.9677 1.9689 1.9697 1.9803 1.9762 1.9762 29 002 d d 45.78 45.85 45.90 45.99 1.9556 1.9572 1.9588 1.9600 1.9616 1.9628 1.9640 1.9652 1.9656 1.9664 1.9677 1.9681 1.9697 1.9713 1.9733 45.96 1. 9729 a (A) 3.9112 3.9144 3.9136 3.9168 3.9176 3.9168 3.9176 3.9184 3.9192 3.9200 3.9216 3.9216 3.9224 3.9232 3.9232 3.9264 3.9304 3.9312 3.9336 3.9354 3.9378 3.9394 0 c (A) 3.9606 3.9524 3.9524 3.9458 70% PbTi0 -30% BiCr0 3 3 Curie point: t 240°C. 0 ( °C) 25 67 93 129 164 190 215 239 284 354 428 491 550 600 670 28 200 46.39 46.35 46.31 46.28 46.24 46.21 46.18 46.15 46.14 46.12 46.09 46.08 46.04 46.00 45.95 200 002 1.9803 1.9774 1. 9754 1. 9717 a (A) ° c (A) 3.9112 3.9606 3.9144 3.9548 3.9176 3.9508 3.9200 . 3.9434 3.9232 3.9256 3.9280 3.9304 3.9312 3.9328 3.9354 3.9362 3.9394 3.9426 3.9466 70 j. 65% PbTi0 -35% BiCr0 3 3 Curie point: 190°C. 0 t ( °C) 25 68 104 133 157 180 213 224 254 260 284 323 386 436 460 28 200 46.33 46.29 46.25 46.22 46.17 46.17 46.14 46.14 46.13 46.12 46.12 46.11 46.10 46.08 46.06 29 002 45.95 45.96 45.98 d 200 1.9580 1.9596 1.9612 1. 9624 1.9644 1.9644 1.9656 1.9656 1.9660 1.9664 1.9664 1.9669 1. 9673 1.9681 1.9689 0 d OO2 a (A) c (A) 1.9733 1.9729 1.9721 3.9160 3.9192 3.9224 3.9248 3.9288 3.9288 3.9312 3.9312 3.9320 3.9328 3.9328 3.9338 3.9346 3.9362 3.9378 3.9466 3.9458 3.9442 71 VITA Tsen-tsou Shih was born in Kiangsu, China, on January 28, 1940. He graduated from Chiang-Kuo High School in June 1958. He enrolled in the Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, China, in September 1958, and received the Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry in June 1962. He worked in the Chemistry Department, Chung-Hsing University as a full time teaching assistant during the period of August 1963 to February 1964. He entered the Graduate School of the University of Missouri at Rolla in September 1964. From September 1965 to April 1967, he was appointed a research assistant in the Graduate Center for Materials Research of the Space Science Research Center ,.,i th funds provided by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. 12~~1. 9