Solutions to FE Exam “Dynamics” Review Problems; Problems are Online at McGraw-Hill Website Prepared by Stephen F. Felszeghy CSULA Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering Start the web page for the book: Beer and Johnston, Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics and Dynamics, Ninth Edition, 2010, at: . Look for the “Online Learning Center” box on the left. Click on the “Student Edition” link. Select a chapter from the pull-down menu. My solutions, which you will find below, are for the online problems that are associated with the following chapters and topics: Chpt. 11: Chpt. 12: Chpt. 13: Chpt. 14: Chpt. 15: Chpt. 16: Chpt. 17: Chpt. 19: Kinematics of Particles Kinetics of Particles: Newton's Second Law Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Methods Systems of Particles Kinematics of Rigid Bodies Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Forces and Accelerations Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Energy and Momentum Methods Mechanical Vibrations Click on “FE Exam Review.” Solve the problem, and select the answer from the multiple choices at the bottom. Click on the right-arrow to continue to the next problem. This process ends when you click on the right-arrow for the third time. To try to solve other problems from the same chapter, you will need to exit by clicking on, say, >Chapter XX> at the top, and restart “FE Exam Review.” Now you will be presented with all new, or a mixture of old and new, problems. After repeated trials, no new problems will appear. As I mentioned in class, some of the online problem statements have errors in them, and some solutions and answers are wrong. For this reason, I have prepared a separate document that lists the errors and corrections. You can access this document at: . Although I shared the errors and corrections with McGraw-Hill, the company has not made any corrections on its Website. The online problems are not numbered, except for being associated with chapter numbers. For this reason, I downloaded the online problems in no particular order, and numbered them consecutively in a decimal format, XX.X, where XX refers to the chapter number, and X stands for the sequence number. All the online problems numbered this way are included in the above “FE_Exam_Review_rev2.pdf” document under the heading: “Part 1, FE Exam Review, Online Problems and Solutions.” My own solutions, which you will find below, follow the problem numbering scheme I established above. I include sketches in my solutions to allow you to identify the problems to which my solutions apply without necessarily having to refer to Part 1 of the above “FE_Exam_Review_rev2.pdf” document. I wish you all the best on your computer-based FE exam! tA*i, /l 11.1 aJo t (,r-t T- s- ' -/o4 --c ,y = t-/{ (@LY,,d t-t l4i= t f rad. = ra.( 1- s- = Uo* N.t = - u.= J A.f t,= -.{ 36" -o '{f G4 s t.= /@ t=96"04s; ?r = o-o (ca- e)t, = Zsob-'+t"fse'.04 11.3 u tlt = l0 n/s /0" fr A 4a-ck reac/t es lin e -,!-- An" a Zfr sin 4{ ?.9/ /g,oz s -- 4 < 637 t zn T+ A.' /2ad. rrr"tron in ,7 - /tred It# t /6os- ft*rut (f = 4u 7ot ,7/=0 af {= q 3 g^^, X= lo n J= qnQ^ta;lt of' <r- af t = 20 = /.zst -B /o cw loe &o= - 9 /do q.s/ uthen e-= C : ,^7/(1t g 1 P* = 3.{3 th . ts An,r. i*-, rt aa/ B rez,a in "lxed 'a#a"ld mortng r-J &yes r e t = 2.03t s ; V. trr/cQia /o)g = taQ;1to) z,os 11.4 . .z{s;n e - 3',.L rtf =C ) {du *{t &t=Q ary' t=Zs 11.2 9 /O tn ,,) -eo{ = frnt, {o?,7 h 11.5 Asu ye/ar ca a ,4/ct t^ ate r &r= Y - r0 \4 a, ?n ra-o< {_L t (s)(toJ u= m - {oo s' 2i! : o * (z)ts)(,'?=-too nW Ar". /o7e" - -{oo:- -,Oo!, p <_ O--= fA+ o _s g=-{oo ?11.6 - /r, (-/ -/ [ne -L ft B fo a rrire a* C Sls- (n/et to" 4= z.a?4 s laa te a -- .1t - 19 Trne ftr 4= = /QoYtoaol l-+l \ 3eoo / A *o Arr[y'e a"/ C t loo sin 3e " SA q ftoo x toaa l@/ too r 1. I *oC *rtt a^/ B ;s behtnoL A -h-n n qe-fn cby 'drat^^u B ge// fo d= P.aq4-t.slloo*loY) \ru r+1 ?.1-? = 5'o , !db,r. ' iz {s 12.1 : KD L!EtX_ 4t= % +at = 5-4.?A{ t ,f=A ,rrhot= 5 = l.O/As v.16 fiz-l'1pq J &= - sin 9o= ?, lv-, Q. I t s; n 3e"=.-1 ?OrC 4.2G5 f @ 6!=1,o/Q r : i{ = rrt o at= /, / l.eosIl{iq)n L =2u,{{a Z G)(t.aa)Ans.,/ rN.sERr 12.2 I k9 Q 5 r FED 1,4d. z. ra.= ir<a -t_ ftcar'4{o= 4a 6L = (!,3t)eo=4{" AFTE R @ 12.3 Nole c t I' On 2nlv in- p/an e atV folee{ cocyl < ar< Shcoun hdn . KD - Ln&n L cp's Zoo M - *g L sln Zoo -- - in (afL sinZd") L co= Zclo y''l (r)p.rt)(2 s;" 7", - (r)Fa:24)*(2";, ze) (zeo" = "c) N-tt 14?-/42-7 G ZU" = M = /42.7 A/- t?, * 7 fr* 12.4 E:," KD f = tma-= (4)(ts) = 6c A/ 12.5 Nt. '6a" * Ant' a *^5 FBD ZF^ =C + T: 12.6 It ,,L bl >-, .// \, a* ^g T- ^geetCc'= 6c" = lt-7LA/ # co"r60"= (s-)(?.tt)c.p Ann , ye <-,C fu&n tng FBD C KD (a,ra nqt fry") 7 F, = - lv1drJ -T sin 4 = -tud n er TF^)J = O 4 Tc.o-€-kact = O @ Elintaa:fe- T- be*uzea O V @, tam 0 : /b{ah 4J o"LL sin G a ?.8/ -ntsa ,a ad c6"v= _T= 6*4er / \ 6' t A = 56-0' FBP 10 '7 12.7 KO trv m .l/ 7nC.n ,147 :zr = hen n ,Xor.g 7r = n€ f 4r-= (g G4( An'" rr= la"/ ^/c = 13.I cA"+. rs 13.1 = 4 Q = AT+ AV, it" -: =;l+^,f" !%;. ^,LtJu,' AT= Jl* {.t*+ *to 10.t1-+ rc (t);J = Z--\-t AV^ d AT=- 4V, + : = 5.s? - rn,3 alf = a[ ut + - ^,,-j, ::,,oo=(r,")' ) o 17"*i) ( tl S?" // 2 0r=1,37/ %=0rl = 4,3?f 4 C"rrt<rra*r'au ,f fota t 13.2 / ,44 @+ ^ox -2c0 -^ /0q +20.6 A /{= -t5'+t4' @ _zee = * 30o = /0%'* 2o4' 3oaAr3 cA'= 13.3 fa, q,/ ^u%' i:? '" (tdyto)t- (zo)(-){)= )7orot+ zo.Tu' = 3'-3r,* e=?'-3'*0., {o- {s lo - c- ts) o- en'/*** : o ,t1 tust'3 = tuAo)'* -+- //- -ru- ln ear * {o0 - /6, t, + */+"" Cabte. /eng+h i.s caxsi" TAerefore-, 2xat frs* consf. = (ansf, 2zxn ^ - A*u c 2*n- - xB I'o FBD Fso ry na9 'l, Mej * ei^erg1i Heg lo"o* 2trAro = .< I A^axn *BjAxu- F AxB = *^r*; @ 9^/tl;fute Q ,rto @, a',nat @ ,"Vt @rano( add rer otl *in9 u?fut ron r f LI W,zrk @ **siz * Hsl)zxu = + Ar*n'+ ws4i;) ?" s i G ,t + "to) (t u? -- (,t u 8o) to' G i; = Z{eL, rA= t.os+ J"' 13.4 zsa n/s --+:HA rva/roo "f ht"/ l;n ear kle n e tt*u v J'C nn rn + ry{% = (^o+au)rr' (o-os| G,so) 4/,= lnA !A Coare r ha4+m6 = 4rt : /. tZt -A. J !-* ' la'oi{ fln" ; ) 3,5 13.5 SUV b/s ro _> Mn{A tr*n Ftt I*{ Inrlial ?u at^en/at + Co/lrb t on Tnpotl se-r O,7 Coa = = ab'- 'r' O lo wu{i 4*% L_ L:T* Frna/ l^op, en*a terva,/ i*an a f to*^ / I to ea, y/-\ c r^ 4a e nfup, : -l = tut rrq', t na, t2' 6u (aooo) (t ") = 60oo 14'* lcoo Or /0 = "A'u ?-u' @ Mn% + */q, t7=€-o' /+//C(@, *b'= /o'z n/t Af f, /y fnTtr h e n*arz, e? - frr E ; F 1jt = )* *tu' /te' p1o f = wet/ AT )2 / 13.6 = O m/s. T"= tno, ttlhen a-=O" 2 X, = O.o2 rn., % {t l/naonpress9/ JT ' Ax -ftKz= ^, {_ - (tc) pas),t'_ten Of sPrt n9 * o. t J/U/ L- n- (rew) C = AT+ AVo C= *-q:,* 4/ln.ri="-2 f lO L <-Ant ' /s6-Lt/ = @co)(to.z)= o"3 a^7 (ro) + lc" = ??.1 x trrs *r. lo-s 1., AVe 3, - r,) +Ll. (rJ-K,) .j tot (o.o z'* rF.i'* Anr. Aa=2,087L F.x r)(a.oz -?8.t x rr-s) 1r'= -mLX 4.36 =+ m'Y + -S ro-P)J p t3,n 13.7 TG tr,,rO h,l Tr. lL- d-_att ? n(r,',,*.rq w(%), I = W,*,. 6a, O= AT+ AVo / + Zi* [(-;, J : ' -tL *9h' O i-n [(';)-)* = ^7ot @ a^/ (q"), , a^/ Soire C ano( gabrTr lite- in Q-*,,(-r), b7." belit^t t "a )4.14.1 t L'h = Ac U+fl-x Lln-'-tlt 3w 3tn = lp', Yn u 'e fI 2, ru (za:) + I x 2m (t -) 6w.d= c())(t)= 3oM t t4.L 14.2 S're ;rttddle. fr.@ '/Z/ A fue *y An.r 0.8?1 -{- Ceater of nass : /. ,z/- / 4 7s (u;)(v;), Conserr, of *olal lin€dr r'a i huur- %u, = *rt'u* ^y-, (o. i) (e) = o.t-u; * ( 0 {v o = q, t' % taaa*t --<=-Ant en/uv' i i e=-ds '*-i i = €r':aE' + € Q * C.{x @ :> qr' -4w J HA = 3*'Hyn'= 3x(t)(4) = l2 /"4' r-r t 6 = l,{<t7' - " @ T- <- An'' ' . 2j*{4,* y--3 L + 2i-s/, w/, m=tlg I 4,s 14.3 H= f=lg f X pt4j -o s Jl \\,1 to-z{l I t 3 z -r[ t [ ! (rc -/o) -j (- s6 .- t,t) + 4 k, *, )) 3Z{"5' + / 3a 4, -&A- thL = /4-1 14.4 . 5 - = L -+t= 4+ ,yi O = 4T-+ 4V, S-. @ boltom + c = {o - *^, (-r)'] * *r, [2-- iJ -t. z *KG)- r 0,8t{n 9'= %t 3' F- wtB .S 14 14.5 Yv Coi/r s r'o, b"trl"u,'oi;LuP / ftns, ms3 H wR 4f,-_ vzo/z 5y. s ru" =*odn hrcr mo% -- !n,r{ L fup[* nf K U.n 11,?- Co//fsi"n belween ,u/ *y twflo+ q;o i 1r{, a\ ' n/rn ffi a{n E D ^rny= m*fi '/v hy.r=T= w.+{Y= T=t.{f Z Ant <_ ' 14.6 ZF = d^ /'o' L-s -o--., -A/ At ZF*=ffi; = Q.125 . (o"t- N *ry /1t J- . tf LnP I l.J ?ou = /6 15.1 u *AB =O G;n=,1) ?(? .f farl -f 9"= too *qo O : a -[a. ) +/'a, ) 1-e/B/n Ve/e/s -B eB = -fnm = ftol'(o"a) ' 6C r./s' lsing ICE o7 BC : bu.=.*E = %e -_ (tqG.t-) o"3 c,3 o,3 =2oC to"/r), = o *1 il' = ed'{E* 6IVeJor diaTna'^ cl @: = 268.3 9*ln ,t 6 (%tu)"= ttu{ c/B/n 3 s' 14\3 'Jz 6 N 15.2 536.7 b 53 s.'z F.= VMS \n (&^,-) L c:/F/e,= N-B<-. Bc = $co r,a--l ,a, -^ Jt- fr"' -1 ft-- 4t* frR -TI l0cru -!I r.! oo. A n'r ' 15.3 r1 Usin3fc? o/ Ecr tur" =9pa,t d v7 5e. bnfto2n of @ 4O= *AB 9r^4f 'uu' = u^o R-o.t '$79-r fu.o = u*B ftE g"e o't UV .?r = rEO lft (a,2") = 15.4 6ear A , Ca = Zoen Gear E i 4s = {-p ilA = Zo raoL/: = 4 'od/s* At poiot "f eng^g er-ent , dn G = NB .B dA NF = *uE= 4 eB = /G 4c_ 15.5 2lz-x4f E -rel - -+Lo_ (- %", = 2-rz, = 2tz=a;,(i"-!) )" (#,) V' ' !) e----/ & 2-rz-<r E iael JL - Anr, -<-- 15.6 O = 4Eo Qos='Y#* 4nu=,0 # -1. Using tA e ZcE &ut "f fs BC .. @t tau) &rPv = uotB= Cl o't = lE lQo,l = {r+e ,f e = ilno'l= O,{ 4rc t-= Q.p d.v g. = CD - (- r^e O.g o.L = 98 + e4u J (e.)*" (t.),= (g)o o (es),* (tru)** @")n = 40.; TD = F.s)'(o.zo) = l, Zr -V (t.7), A ^/s' (a")r = &ns B = (to)(o.t4t4) = t.4l4 */t' (ou),-- afi AB= cs)'(o,t+tt) (o-/r)^= doriFe - (fl'(ol) = 2. f -/sVeetar ilingr^,A "f O t o (a.), (o"/u)r (a)" r- (o")t=tP-rw - 3.ts{ v! (ae), =4 Cas)t (a"/u) " t? lx Q,-= -C-J l'414 ,/s- ttT - 4!- l,z{ j Ans. *(oq)n 'z { ,7,4 FBN 16.1 T-d cL mu9 GZ Pto= ln.Q- w,drfr, * r,d + wLaLoZr+I.x &,= 6,* &.= TC.x m-j7. = .fo & (za)6o s)+ f"a;l = GW)'a/;trJ** 3o --r{ =f.,g?< '}. = /'c, si ra//sw,3 E, * -&'')" , - h'IQ,- tu&. "):O,r^ m,g - wz g = - 4ot - ruAz J os = 20 +2o * -g (0.s, t0.39 + t,< lo.s?) o ?8t\ Ann' =8.24N # 16.2 Pa= U Jg 0'119s'/-A/6) FBD F *) zrl"= zo& (rz- F), =lnrudL 64 Haaalbaok) FefuTY/z b {o, zGt,!(?i_'"n/1, t) d = zr(ep*rr/z-t).= (zc)(o kmr kmr : lCz.g ra-t(/s' -ea)@'zs) Ant. P= A) = cJo: dt , co = o tuf t = 9= # 6a loua *= o'{/o'r{ 16.3 ,/*= O'3i \2" nJ -5 zNn =*/6t7 &t2= FBo fn = KD o< "',' r3d= @ rc -j - 2d 0 / il = O u|<n Q = 4 -, tuo- /aa*rn\-t 2e :4t@ @-@ J"* Qr =Znx C Fo = '/u'F G) @+(e: ar/r,t @ ex )I l- = L6& 6 : 16.4 = ,/*r 31"4 lV \'ra 1 ZFV = ( TI -its) (o,ss)'4 n (o. ss) (o .s A .!-- FBD # : s) nr, KD C+ N=^9 C f= k^a @ F=,4tM 6' FropO,@(6, d-= *ftll = Q-4(?"st) = 3.q, lr. # A nu. 16.5 .V ') [s FBD t<P rug c &= r,/ t ZM"= tnar*fe* tn g l. S;n 9on = cL= mar + LFar"* 2q sin 3o "' Z (?,gt) s,n36 ) & = 3.Zz m/s16.6 A + KO G * !na-L+ ^=iS @-A ^ 4, n/j-,^u= tAX- 7*g = ? /O/4 = Z.e N *-W = L Q= z -o< fi 4 *mg=-tAaQ2 l -J knA * + L-.,x Ze yt4a ?zMa= ,oL \'/ L = w&+r-Lr^L" 4 L tnq ,l 2 = nt' J^x e lnA, qE 12 o chp*.t7 Feo sl I )7"17.1 KD d { \ut + fr' rnl A ZFl: i'd- = G mq F- ta9 = ha. F= ha * hq = tffi(e { tqooo = /1o/q il ZMo = rn* T-Fr=fon ^ T = Fr + 4 o/. 1- - rdius of gTraho, = (, otr)(o. s) * @,{)?o.)C,)/o.r = 57O? A/. t^ P l7,L 17.2 A bo,re = g -- f,7o? W Anc' P= /'?C'Lt// n = Patun, -- T-at = T- f= nj P= F<r fig^"u = t og-'- (tCI,o",e)(#) = ).67 -l-til 4 Comserra*r?h of angca/a.r t'r1e,+-ten*otp, a-beu,/ O: 17"3 17.3 witr/= (^a * mn) @ t)d (o.o ss)(scc) = (soa" ozr) wA t figu{e .'""6:2; ' C'onseti of : dr*rtng merten/,-n inpacf./ Sa.,) (/) = O"O4Z0 ..//s E>--+ 1f 17.4 ('O, u)t= &-) = < Aot' t,ffiw',| 4z (nrdqL i - (,:c;30") '+ Z -Z? rwLls lr1o,o3{)tr= (3zr.oii1@,r*) :} nt - /6,32q ^/, <- Ans" 17,{ 17.5 i\ I I t IG cen*er { nn"t I I Fas;*fon I Page 68, Handbaolt ./1 . lh z Tr=bhs/tz, Tt=+ Therehr", Io = (T** Ty) ,, f 12: /enn/7 '* = fh;.t hest =4(€.{) = hher/ ? rn= * (F.9 iyl lY 0r'= ry A7 Zfo a 6i[ko)7 (+)J'" ),,,o: 3l + rl * o.;7 t (c-3- o. a,o= ?.8 t r r)"- (*IJ'^ -71 +) z( llft' o-= .8T+ * ,T, o.", 3rr9 &) = o, ril ro.Q/r . Znn== /7,( 17.6 lrnr ' Arze wr{,I 64 + frr'f F FAt O+ frrt' r 4' =u;+ !on"urr*lrom of angn/ur t^eryenfo.p, a.boerf A. rnslr L = H r./r'L + I. u. * rur', ^ trrL" ?' f ,rr;'+ = wr-' * ?-rq'Y tns,?rL = M".l/'L * ^r{\ a r__ Q-> o-( = 2*.'--?f (r)(to) = @+ @*!^@ (,)-'. rr.' ?(to) (o.z)(to) = -L'+ Z-r' to-qrc) .1r' t+ lg)-' 3/ 3"0P ? An t. cl +. lq j=too,v/- 19.1 tn= 6 &l ,[T dn= IW t]s* -l/ T / /. st4J !- Ant. 19.2 KP Fsp *,te (c-o7 e"fer -is') * a= -0rZA lha-"+Jn* zMo = -I 7(2 U," JL')z'o c< ffi*(+)-*rt = fo* = uLL n IoO * (] ,+4-)L*e = Q ja oox z (.4.,* A-) L' (1,u X.)L il n = a)h il44 -- a 'Z Ztr T 3 O-zt7 V/ -// 19.3 la I,t2 14L r' T4 2 7 ra/./-r 2/. s - FBP frns' KD AuQ -&r c &--ur C+ ZM, = Inc.r+ fee 'Zr -/-*r=r74ir*ln.ti (C"nt 4 next f^te) 3ri* -'4- = Q - 7'f3 iln= rc'L -r q= O.OZ Co (atn!) * = o,oz cun C sin (a4 4) = o.cL dn -- C. )s t lrl^* 19.4 19.5 19.6 hbo,r. f,'g ^re Fgaru oh dn= ZY -7 t ? + = O.9?5s Ant. Anr , *of of Feg" @ f = 0.O3o ce? (u, t) i = - O.O3 6<)2 si'm C^n t) An sl*l^^* = Qp3 uh = /.316 4s # A = - o,o3 u; caz (atrt) Ant l*l^*: O-oTarno = 4 n/s- <_