Introduction to Electronic Circuits DC Circuit Analysis: Transient Response of RL Circuits DC Circuits: Transient Analysis Up until this point, we have been looking at the “Steady State” response of DC circuits. “Steady-State” implies that nothing has changed in the circuit in a long time – no power has been turned on or off, no switches have been flipped, no lightening bolts have hit the circuit, and so on. In DC “Steady State” conditions, we can treat inductors as short circuits and capacitors as open circuits. However, when a switch has just been “flipped” from on to off or off to on, we can no longer make these assumptions about inductors and capacitors. The time-dependent or DC “Transient” response of circuits must then be calculated using known behaviors of inductors (V = L di/dt) and capacitors (i = C dv/dt) and the appropriate mathematics/ calculus. 75Ω + - 20V t=0 20mH 50Ω + 1mF Vc - DC Circuits: Transient Analysis Our discussion of transient response is divided into several sections: 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and capacitors (RC circuits) 2. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 3. Those circuits that contain resistors, capacitors, and inductors (RLC circuits) 75Ω + - 20V 20mH + 1mF Vc 50Ω - t=0 and 1. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) 2. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) The circuit above is an RLC circuit and a Natural Response DC Circuits: Transient Analysis In this lecture, we will look at the following circuits: 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) 3. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R1 V t=0 + - b R L This circuit is an RL circuit which goes into its Natural Response at t > 0 DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) a R' V b t=0 + R - L Right before t = 0 (at t = 0-): The circuit is presumed to have had the switch in position A for "a long time" and is in DC Steady State; the inductor is acting like a short circuit R' L R Voltage V 0 0 Current V/R' V/R' 0 DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and capacitors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) a R' V b t=0 + R - L Right after t = 0 (at t = 0+): The switch moves to position B. Only the inductor current cannot change instantaneously from t = 0- to t = 0+. All other parameters are calculated based on the inductor current. R' L R Voltage 0 -RV/R' RV/R' Current 0 V/R' V/R' DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) a R' V b t=0 + R - L At t = infinity: The switch has been in position B for a long time. The inductor is again acting as a short circuit. R' L R Voltage 0 0 0 Current 0 0 0 DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) a R' V + - b t=0 L For t > 0 in general, KVL gives: + R i + - VL + VR = 0 Ldi/dt + iR = 0 Ldi/dt = -iR Solving this KVL equation as a first order differential equation: Ldi/dt = -iR (1/i) di = -R/L dt Taking the integral of both sides gives: ln i = -t/(L/R) DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) a R' V b t=0 + - - L i + The limits of integration are: + - R 1. t goes from 0 to t 2. i goes from i(t = 0+) to i(t), where i(t = 0+) is V/R' ln i = -t/(L/R) Evaluating this equation across the limits of integration gives: ln i – ln (V/R') = -t / (L/R) ln [ i / (V/R') ] = -t / (L/R) i = (V/R') e-t/(L/R) and i/(V/R') = e-t/(L/R) DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) a R' V b t=0 + - - L + i + - Knowing the inductor current as a function of time, we can R calculate any remaining parameters in the circuit as a function of time. The inductor current is i(t) = (V/R') e-t/(L/R) The resistor current is also i(t) = (V/R') e-t/(L/R) The resistor voltage is v(t) = (RV/R') e-t/(L/R) The inductor voltage is v(t) = -(RV/R') e-t/(L/R) DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) a R' V b t=0 + - - L + + R i The current is: (V/R') e-t/(L/R) - Some things to note: The time constant τ of this circuit is L/R, meaning that the current reaches 36.8% of its initial value after τ seconds, or the voltage decays by 63.2% after τ seconds. The current begins at the initial value of the inductor current (V/R') and decays to zero (in the Natural Response) DC Circuits: Transient Analysis In this lecture, we will look at the following circuits: 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) 3. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R' V b t=0 + - R L This circuit is an RL circuit which goes into its Step Response at t > 0 DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R' V b t=0 + R - L Right before t = 0 (at t = 0-): The circuit is presumed to have had the switch in position B for "a long time" and is in DC Steady State; the inductor is acting like a short circuit R' L R Voltage 0 0 0 Current 0 0 0 DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R' V + b t=0 i R - L Right after t = 0 (at t = 0+): The switch moves to position A. Only the inductor current cannot change instantaneously from t = 0- to t = 0+. All other parameters are calculated based on the inductor current. R' L R Voltage 0 V 0 Current 0 0 0 DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R' V b t=0 + - R L i At t = infinity: The switch has been in position A for a long time. The inductor is again acting as a short circuit. R' L R Voltage V 0 0 Current V/R' V/R' 0 DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R' V b t=0 + - For t > 0 in general, KVL gives: R i L V –VR' + VL = 0 V – iR' - Ldi/dt = 0 1/(i - V/R' )di = -R'/L dt Solving this KVL equation as a first order differential equation: 1/(i - V/R' )di = -R'/L dt Taking the integral of both sides gives: ln (i – V/R') di = -t/(L/R) DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a b R' V t=0 + + - The limits of integration are: R i L i - 1. t goes from 0 to t 2. i goes from i(t = 0+) to i(t), where i(t = 0+) is 0 ln (i – V/R') di = -t/(L/R) Evaluating this equation across the limits of integration gives: ln (i-V/R') – ln (0-V/R') = -t / (L/R) ln [ (i – V/R')/ (-V/R')] = -t / (L/R) i = V/R' - V/R' e-t/(L/R) and (i – V/R')/ (-V/R') = e-t/(L/R) DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R' V b t=0 + + - R i L i - Knowing the inductor current as a function of time, we can calculate any remaining parameters in the circuit as a function of time. The inductor current is i(t) = V/R' - V/R' e-t/(L/R) The resistor (R') current is also i(t) = V/R' - V/R' e-t/(L/R) The resistor (R') voltage is v(t) = V - V e-t/(L/R) The inductor voltage is v(t) = V e-t/(L/R) DC Circuits: Transient Analysis 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and capacitors (RC circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R' V Using the Shortcut Method below: t=0 + - b R i L i(t) = V/R' + (0- V/R') e A general solution for all RL circuits (Natural, Step) is: Unknown variable as a function of time = The final variable as a function of time + (Initial – Final value of variable) exp [- (t – tswitching)/time constant τ) –t/(L/R) DC Circuits: Transient Analysis Our discussion of transient response has been divided into several sections: 1. Those circuits that contain only resistors and inductors (RL Circuits) 2. Those circuits responding to power removed from the circuit (Natural Response) 3. Those circuits responding to power delivered/applied to the circuit (Step Response) a R' V t=0 + - b R i L We have found a general solution to finding the inductor current in circuits containing resistors and inductors, whether the inductor is experiencing a natural or a step response. Once the inductor current is known, it can be used to find/solve for any other current or voltage in the circuit.