VCVC Tryout Form (Please fill out top portion and bring to tryouts with Parent or Guardian Signature, $25 Cash or Check) Registration includes VCVC tryout shirt If you pre-register (before Sept 1st) please mail payment of $25 and signed form to: VCVC 161 Plaza La Vista Suite 150 Camarillo, CA 93010 Please PRINT clearly: Name_______________________________________Position (circle) OH MB S OPP L Address____________________________________________________________________ Player Cell Phone_______________________ E-mail________________________________ Age__________Birth Date_______________Height______________Weight______________ Grade__________School_______________________________________________________ Parent(s)/Guardians(s) Names(s)_________________________________________________ Home Phone__________________________Parent Cell______________________________ I hereby authorize the staff of VCVC to act for me according to their best judgement in any emergency requiring medical attention and hereby waive and release VCVC and its staff from any liability for injuries or illness occurred while at tryouts. ______________________________ ! ! Parent or Guardian Signature! ! ! _________________________________ ! Parent or Guardian Signature! ! ! ______________ Date +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++FOR VCVC USE ONLY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Coach Name_____________________________________ COMMENTS: PAYMENT RECEIVED: ______