BIBTEX styles catalogue for LYX John R Hudson 7th May 2013 Preface This catalogue groups the BibTEX styles contained in the 2012 TEXLive distribution by their main characteristics; styles are presented in reverse date order within each group, with undated styles at the end of each group. The appendices list the various styles that can be used with LATEX rather than LYX and also those styles which, not being intended for use with specific LATEX packages, did not work under LYX 2.0.6, some because they need additional packages installed. Note that • some styles will work both with or without natbib but natbib has been listed only where it is essential • not all styles appear in the LYX BibTEX Bibliography dialog; some have to be accessed by browsing to ~/texmf/bibtex/bst/ • CJK styles are not considered and some styles may not be included in the default package installed on your computer • this catalogue does not cover all the differences between styles but has been produced in the hope that it will enable people to narrow their searches for specific styles. 1 Contents Contents 1. Alphabetical styles 2 2. Author title styles 4 3. Author year styles 7 4. Author (year) styles 9 5. Numerical author title styles 13 6. Numerical author year styles 23 7. Other styles 23 A. LATEX utility and other styles 24 B. Styles not tested 27 C. Styles that do not work with LYX 2.0.6 28 1. Alphabetical styles Style babalpha sty file babelbib babalpha-fl babelbib Format A author: title. publisher, place, year A firstname lastname: title. publisher, place, year Use 2 Comments second, (editors), chapter + ISBN second, (editors), chapter + ISBN Date 20120103 20120103 1. Alphabetical styles Style babalpha-lf aomalpha alpha alphaurl IEEEtranSA dk-alpha alpha-letters alpha-fr swealpha amsalpha is-alpha plalpha annotate sty file babelbib Format A lastname, firstname: title. publisher, place, year A Author, title, publisher, place, year A, Author. title. publisher, place, year A Author. title. publisher, place, year A Author, title. place: publisher, year A author. title. publisher, place, year A Author. title. publisher, place, year Use A author: title. publisher, place, year A Author. title. publisher, place, year A, Author, title, publisher, place, year A Author. title. publisher, place, year A Author. title. publisher, place, year A author. title. publisher, place, year French style Danish style Swedish style American Mathematical Society Polish style Comments second, (editors), chapter + ISBN Date 20120103 second, ([editors] eds.) 20110613 second, editors, chapter 20101208 second, editors, chapter + URL 2nd, Eds, ch.; sorting version; not for IEEE use 2, redaktører, kapitel 2009 second, editors, chapter; grouped by first letter of author’s name second, éditeurs, chapitre; only surnames in noun font second, redaktörer, kapitel 2006 second, ([editors] eds) 20000327 second, editors, chapter + ISBN second, redaktorzy, rozdzia 19960515 second, editors, chapter 3 20080930 20060521 20040222 2003 1994 2. Author title styles 2. Author title styles Style gost2008n sty file natbib gost2008ns natbib ugost2008n natbib ugost2008ns natbib achemso natbib aipauth4-1 natbib apsrev4-1 natbib elsarticle-num-names natbib IEEEtranMN IEEEtranN mciteplus, natbib natbib IEEEtranSN natbib Format Author. title. — place: publisher, year Author. title. — place: publisher, year Author. title. — place: publisher, year Author. title. — place: publisher, year Author, title; publisher: place, year Author, title (publisher, place, year) Author, title (publisher, place, year) Author, title, publisher, place, year Author, title. place: publisher, year Author, title. place: publisher year Author, title place: publisher year Use Russian style Comments Second, Ed. by + ISBN Date 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 American Chemical Society 2nd, eds, Chapter; no article/chapter titles 2nd, edited by, Chap.; no article/chapter titles 2011 2nd, edited by, Chap.; no article/chapter titles 20100725 2nd, (Eds), chap.. + ISBN 2009 2nd, Eds, ch.; not for normal IEEE use 2nd, Eds, ch.; not for normal IEEE use 2nd, Eds, ch.; sorting version; not for normal IEEE use 20080930 Elsevier: Journal of Sound and Vibration 4 20100725 20080930 20080930 2. Author title styles Style ier* sty file natbib Format Use Comments Author, title (place: International Economic second, eds., chapter; publisher, year) Review * more recent version (recommended) at rusnat natbib Author. title. place: Russian style Second, [no editors], publisher, year [blank] apsrevM mciteplus, Author, title 2nd, edited by, chap. natbib (publisher, place, +ISBN date) abbrvnat natbib Author. title. second, editors, chapter + publisher, place, year ISBN plainnat natbib Author. title. second, editors, chapter + publisher, place, year ISBN unsrtnat natbib Author. title. second, editors, chapter + publisher, place, year ISBN UNAMThesis natbib Author. title. Spanish style 2a , (editores), cápitulo publisher, place (year) plainnat-letters natbib Author. title. second, editors, chapter + publisher, place, year ISBN; grouped by first letter of author’s name newapave natbib Author. title. place: (Second), (Eds), chapter publisher, year dlfltxbbibtex natbib author, title, Danish style 2., red., kapitel + ISBN publisher, place, year abbrvnat-fr natbib Author: title. French style second, éds, chap. + ISBN publisher, place, year plainnat-fr natbib Author: title. French style second, éditeurs, chapitre publisher, place, year + ISBN; only surname in noun style 5 Date 20080129 20080211 20080115 20071126 20071126 20071126 20070424 20060421 2006 20051017 20051016 20051016 2. Author title styles Style unsrtnat-fr sty file natbib Format Author: title publisher, place, year nddiss2e natbib worlddev natbib jox jurabib jurabib jurabib jurunsrt jurabib sweplnat natbib agu natbib Author. title. publisher, place, year Author: title, place: publisher, year Author: title place: publisher, year Author: title place: publisher, year Author: title place: publisher, year Author. title. publisher, place, year Author, title, publisher, place, year agufull natbib apsrev natbib cc natbib aer natbib aaai-named natbib Use French style Comments second, éditeurs, chapitre + ISBN; only surname in noun style second, editors, chapter + ISBN second, (Eds.), chap. Date 20051016 2nd, editors 2004 2nd, editors, chapter + ISBN 2nd, editors, chapter + ISBN second, redaktörer, kapitel 2004 20030819 American Geophysical Union second, edited by, chap (nine authors per citation maximum) second, edited by, chap. 20000504 Computational complexity 2nd, edited by, chap. + ISBN; no article/chapter titles second, ed. chapter American Economic Review second, eds, chapter 1991 second, editors, chapter 1988 World Development Swedish style American Geophysical Union Author, title, publisher, place, year Author, title (publisher, place, year) Author, title. publisher, place, year Author, title, place: publisher, year Author. title. publisher, place, year 6 20050107 20040209 2004 2004 20030819 19960206 3. Author year styles Style named sty file natbib angew natbib rsc natbib biochem natbib Format Author. title. publisher, place, year Author. title, publisher, place, year Author. title, publisher, place, year Author. title; publisher: place, year Use Comments second, editors, chapter Royal Society of Chemistry 2nd, Eds., Chapter; no article/chapter titles 2nd, ed., ch.; no article/chapter titles 2nd, Eds., Chapter Royal Society of Chemistry American Chemical Society Date 1988 3. Author year styles Style elsarticle-harv sty file natbib sageep natbib jpe natbib tandfx natbib apsrmpM agecon mciteplus, natbib natbib ajae natbib ametsoc natbib Format Author, year. title. publisher, place Author, year, title, publisher, place Author. year. title. place: publisher Author, year, title, place: publisher Author, year, title (publisher, place) Author, year. title. publisher, place Author. year. title. place: publisher Author, year: title. publisher, place Use Elsevier Comments 2nd, (Eds), Ch. Date 2009 Sage 2009 Journal of Political Economy second, editors, chapter + ISBN second, edited by, chap. Taylor and Francis style X 2nd, eds., chap. 20080718 20080115 Agricultural Economics second, edited by, chapter + ISBN 2nd, (Eds), chapter 2nd, eds, chap. 20060820 2d, Eds, chap. 20051017 American Journal of Agricultural Economics AMS Journals 7 20081212 20080104 3. Author year styles Style munich sty file natbib Format Author. year: title, publisher, place Author. year. title. place: publisher Author, year, title, (publisher, place) Author, year title (place: publisher) Author, year. title. place, publisher Author, year: title. publisher, place jae natbib apsrmp natbib perception natbib nederlands harvard jas99 natbib humannat natbib apsr natbib jphysicsB natbib kluwer natbib authordate1 natbib Author. year. title. place: publisher authordate2 natbib Author. year. title. place: publisher Author. year. title. place: publisher Author. year. title. place: publisher Author year title publisher place Author: year, title, publisher, place Use German style Comments 2, (Hrsg.), Kap. + ISBN Date 20040209 20021021 Perception second, (eds.), chapter + ISBN second, edited by, chapter + ISBN 2nd, eds, chapter seconde , redactie, hoofdstuk second, editors 19931102 second, eds, chapter 19920629 Second, ed., chapter 1991 second, eds, chapter; no article/chapter titles second, (eds), chapter 1991 Second, (eds), Chap.; does not alter capitalisation in titles Second, (eds), Chap.; uses lower case in titles 199003 Dutch style Journal of Atmospheric Science, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Monthly Weather Review Human Nature, American Anthropologist Kluwer Academic Publishers were merged with Springer in 2003 8 20000504 19990528 19930720 1991 199003 4. Author (year) styles Style authordate3 sty file natbib Format Author. year. title. place: publisher authordate4 natbib astron natbib cbe natbib Author. year. title. place: publisher Auther: year, title, publisher, place Author. year. title. publisher, place humanbio natbib Author. year. title. publisher, place Use Council of Biology Editors; Evolution, American Naturalist Human Biology Comments Second, (eds), Chap.; does not alter capitalisation in titles Second, (eds), Chap.; uses lower case in titles second, (eds.), Chapt. Date 199003 second, (eds.), chapter 1990 second, editors, chapter 1990 199003 1990 4. Author (year) styles Style apacann sty file apacite apacannx apacite apacite apacite apacitex apacite ksfh_nat natbib ascelike natbib Format Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author (year): title. place, publisher Author. (year). title. publisher, place Use American Psychological Association American Psychological Association American Psychological Association American Psychological Association German style Comments (Second), (Eds.) Date 20120225 (Second), (Eds.) 20120225 (Second), (Eds.) 20120225 (Second), (Eds.) 20120225 Second, (Hg.) 20111206 American Society of Civil Engineers second, eds., Chapter 20111107 9 4. Author (year) styles Style apalike sty file natbib apsrmp4-1 natbib erae natbib cell natbib chicago-annote natbib agu08 natbib agufull08 natbib apecon natbib regstud natbib itaxpf natbib ecca natbib cc2 natbib dk-apali natbib 1 2 Format Author. (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year), title (publisher, place) Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year), title, publisher, place Use Comments second, editors, chapter Date 20101208 2nd, edited by, Chap.; no article/chapter titles 2nd, (eds), chap. 20100725 Second, ([editors] eds), chapter (Second), (Eds), Chapter 20090721 20080827 American Geophysical Union second, edited by, chap (nine authors per citation maximum)1 second, edited by, chap.2 Author. (year), title, publisher, place Author. (year) title, publisher, place Author. (year) title, publisher, place Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year). title. publisher, place Applied Economics second, (Eds.), chap. 20080414 Regional Studies second, (Eds), chap. 20080115 International Tax and Public Finance Economica second, (Eds.), chap. 20070712 2nd, (eds.), [blank] 20070515 Computational complexity 2nd, editors, chapter + ISBN 2, redaktører, kapitel 20070424 European Review of Agricultural Economics Cell American Geophysical Union Danish style Not yet in TEXLive. Not yet in TEXLive. 10 20090817 20090130 20080827 20060521 4. Author (year) styles Style apalike-letters sty file natbib Format Author. (year). title. publisher, place Use Comments second, editors, chapter; grouped by first letter of author’s name 2nd, (eds.), chap. Date 2006 oega natbib jneurosci natbib Österreichische Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie Journal of Neuroscience apalike-fr natbib jss2 natbib agu04 natbib Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author (year) title publisher, place Author. (year). title. publisher, place Author (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year), title, publisher, place second, editors, chapter 20040406 French style second, éditeurs, chapitre 20040222 Journal of Statistical Software 20040209 American Geophysical Union second, (eds.), chapter +ISBN second, edited by, chap (nine authors per citation maximum) second, edited by, chap. agufull04 natbib jureco jurabib cascadilla natbib ecta natbib hc-de natbib hc-en natbib econometrica natbib Author. (year), title, publisher, place Author (year): title. place: publisher Author (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year): title, place: publisher Author (year): title. publisher, place Author (year): title. publisher, place Author. (year): title. publisher, place 2004 Proceedings of ConSOLE 2nd, editors, chapter + ISBN second, (eds.), chap. Econometrica second, ed. by, chap. 20000504 Christian Siefkes; German style Christian Siefkes; English style Econometrica 2., Hg., Kap. 19980225 2nd, eds., chap. 19980225 second, ed. by, chap. 19940824 American Geophysical Union 11 20051017 20040206 20040206 20030318 4. Author (year) styles Style econometrica-fr sty file natbib chicago natbib chicagoa natbib jmb natbib apa natbib bbs natbib agsm natbib cje natbib dcu natbib jmr natbib phapalik natbib phppcf natbib jtb natbib apalike2 natbib Format Author. (year): title. publisher, place Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author. (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year). title. publisher Author. (year), title, publisher, place Author (year) title (place: publisher) Author. (year). title, publisher, place Author (year), title, publisher, place Author. (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year) , title, place: publisher Author. (year). title. place: publisher Use Econometrica Journal of Molecular Biology, Journal of Theoretical Biology Behavioural and Brain Sciences Canadian Journal of Economics American Institute of Physics Journals Journal of Theoretical Biology 12 Comments second, ed., chap. Date 19940824 (Second), (Eds), Chapter 19920828 (Second), (Eds), Chapter; with annotation field second, ([editors] eds), chapter; no article/ chapter titles second, editors, chapter 19920828 (second), ed., chapter 19910215 second, eds, chapter 1991 second, ed., chapter 1991 second, (eds), chapter 1991 second, eds, chapter 1991 second, editors, chapter 19900227 second, editors, chapter; no article titles second, ([editors] eds), Chapt.; use jmb instead second, (Eds.), chapter 19900227 19920629 19920627 1990 19880124 5. Numerical author title styles Style papalike sty file natbib newapa natbib adfathesis natbib Format Author. (year). title. publisher, place Author. (year). title. place: publisher Author (year). title, publisher, place Use Comments second, editors, chapter Date 19880124 (Second), (Eds), chapter 1985 second, eds, chapter 5. Numerical author title styles Style gost780 gost780s gost2003 gost2003s gost2008 gost2008l gost2008ls sty file Format N author. title / author. "— place: publisher, year N author title / author "— place: publisher, year N author. title / author. "— place: publisher, year N author. title / author. "— place: publisher, year N author. title. — place: publisher, year N author. title. — place: publisher, year N author. title. — place: publisher, year 13 Use Russian style Comments Second, Ed. by Date 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 5. Numerical author title styles Style gost2008s sty file ugost2003 ugost2003s ugost2008 ugost2008l ugost2008ls ugost2008s bababbr3 babelbib bababbr3-fl babelbib bababbr3-lf babelbib bababbrv babelbib bababbrv-fl babelbib Format N author. title. — place: publisher, year N author. title / author. "— place: publisher, year N author. title / author. "— place: publisher, year N author. title. — place: publisher, year N author. title. — place: publisher, year N author. title. — place: publisher, year N author. title. — place: publisher, year N author: title. publisher, place, year N firstname lastname: title. publisher, place, year N lastname, firstname: title. publisher, place, year N author: title. publisher, place, year N firstname lastname: title. publisher, place, year 14 Use Russian style Comments Second, Ed. by + ISBN Date 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 20120202 second, (eds.), ch. + ISBN 20120103 second, (eds), ch. + ISBN 20120103 second, (eds), ch. + ISBN 20120103 second, (eds), ch. + ISBN 20120103 second, (eds), ch. + ISBN 20120103 5. Numerical author title styles Style bababbrv-lf sty file babelbib babamspl babelbib babplai3 babelbib babplai3-fl babelbib babplai3-lf babelbib babplain babelbib babplain-fl babelbib babplain-lf babelbib babunsrt babelbib babunsrt-fl babelbib babunsrt-lf babelbib Format N lastname, firstname: title. publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author: title. publisher, place, year N firstname lastname: title. publisher, place, year N lastname, firstname: title. publisher, place, year N author: title. publisher, place, year N firstname lastname: title. publisher, place, year N lastname, firstname: title. publisher, place, year N author: title. publisher, place, year N firstname lastname: title. publisher, place, year N lastname, firstname: title. publisher, place, year 15 Use Comments second, (eds), ch. + ISBN Date 20120103 second, ([editors] eds.), [blank] + ISBN second, (editors), chapter + ISBN second, (editors), chapter + ISBN 20120103 second, (editors), chapter + ISBN 20120103 second, (editors), chapter + ISBN second, (editors), chapter + ISBN 20120103 second, (editors), chapter + ISBN 20120103 second, (editors), chapter + ISBN second, (editors), chapter + ISBN 20120103 second, (editors), chapter + ISBN 20120103 20120103 20120103 20120103 20120103 5. Numerical author title styles Style bgteuabbr sty file babelbib Format N author: title. publisher, place, year bgteuabbr2 babelbib N author: title. publisher, place, year bgteupln babelbib N author: title. publisher, place, year bgteupln2 babelbib N author: title. publisher, place, year bgteupln2 babelbib N author: title. publisher, place, year Use chetref N author, “title”, publisher (year), place dtk N author: title; publisher; place; year N author, title, place, publisher, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N, author. title. publisher, place, year N author, title. place: publisher, year aomplain abbrv acm ieeetr 16 Date 2012 Die TEXnische Komoedie Comments second, (eds.), ch. + ISBN; article/chapter titles in italics second, (eds.), ch. + ISBN; article/chapter titles in italics second, (eds.), ch. + ISBN; article/chapter titles in italics second, (editors), chapter + ISBN; article/chapter titles in italics second, (editors), chapter + ISBN; article/chapter titles in italics second, ed:; “article/chapter titles in italics” 2, (Hg. [editors]), Kap. Annals of Mathematics second, eds. 20110226 second, editors, chapter 20101208 ACM Transactions second, Eds., ch. 20101208 IEEE Transactions second, ([editors] eds.), ch. 20101208 2012 2012 2012 2012 20111004 20110423 5. Numerical author title styles Style plain sty file siam unsrt aipnum4-1 natbib gost705 gost705s abbrvurl elsarticle-num plainurl unsrturl IEEEtran IEEEtranM IEEEtranS mciteplus Format N author. title. publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year Use N author. title. publisher, place, year N author, title (publisher, place, year) N author. title. place: publisher, year N author. title. place: publisher, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N author, title. place: publisher, year N author, title. place: publisher, year N author, title. place: publisher, year 17 Comments second, editors, chapter Date 20101208 second, eds., ch.; article/chapter titles in italics second, editors, chapter 20101208 2nd, edited by, Chap.; no article/chapter titles 20100725 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 2010 Russian style Second, Ed. by + ISBN 2010 2009 Elsevier second, editors, chapter + URL 2nd, (Eds.), Ch. second, editors, chapter + URL second, editors, chapter + URL 2nd, Eds., ch. 2009 2nd, Eds., ch.; not for normal IEEE use 2nd, Eds, ch.; sorting version: not for normal IEEE use 20080930 IEEE Journals and Conferences 20101208 2009 2009 20080930 20080930 5. Numerical author title styles Style ChemCommun ChemEurJ cv InorgChem JAmChemSoc JAmChemSoc_all cmpj aichej sapthesis ijqc dk-abbrv dk-plain dk-unsrt spiebib sty file Format N author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author. title; publisher: place, year N author. title; publisher: place, year N author. title; publisher: place, year N, author, title, publisher, place, year N author. title. place: publisher. year N author. title. publisher, place (year). N author. title; publisher: place, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year 18 Use Chemical Community Comments 2nd, (Eds), chapter; no article/chapter titles 2nd, (Eds), chapter; no article/chapter titles 2nd, (Eds), chapter Date 20080917 2nd, Eds, Chapter; no article/chapter titles 2nd, Eds, Chapter; no article/chapter titles 2nd, Eds, Chapter; no article/chapter titles second, (Eds.), chap.; no article/chapter titles 2nd, edited by, chap. 20080917 second, (edited by [editors]), chap. + ISBN 20070424 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Danish style Eds.; no article/chapter tiutoes 2, redaktører, kapitel 20061206 Danish style 2, redaktører, kapitel 20060521 Danish style 2, redaktører, kapitel 20060521 SPIE second, eds, ch. 20060123 Chemistry — a European Journal For a curriculum vitae Inorganic Chemistry Journal of the American Chemical Society Journal of the American Chemical Society Condensed Matter Physics Journal American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 20080917 20080917 20080917 20080917 20070424 20070424 20060521 5. Numerical author title styles Style abbrv-letters sty file Format N author. title. publisher, place, year plain-letters N author. title. publisher, place, year siam-letters N Author, title, publisher, place, year fbs N author: publisher, (year) N author, publisher, N author. publisher; jcc vancouver Use title. place, Frontiers in Bioscience title, place, year title. place: year Journal of Computational Chemistry Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals Israel Journal of Mathematics ijmart N author, title, publisher, place, year aiaa N, author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics French style N author: title. publisher, place, year French style siam-fr abbrv-fr 19 Comments second, editors, chapter; grouped by first letter of author’s name second, editors, chapter; grouped by first letter of author’s name second, eds, ch.; article/chapter titles in italics; grouped by first letter of author’s name second, eds., chap. Date 2006 second, Eds., chapter; no article/chapter titles 2nd, editors 20050503 second, ([editors] eds.); article/chapter titles in italics 2nd, edited by, chap. 2005 second, éds, chap.; article/chapter titles in italics second, éds, chap. 20040305 2006 2006 20051017 20050112 20040523 20040222 5. Numerical author title styles Style plain-fr Format N author: title. publisher, place, year Use French style unsrt-fr N author: title. publisher, place, year French style sweabbrv N author. title. publisher, place, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N author. title (publisher, place, year) N author, title. place: publisher, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year sweplain naturemag gatech-thesis pccp amsplain listbib sweunsrt mbplain psuthesis sty file N author. publisher, N author. publisher, N author. publisher, N author, publisher, title. place, title. place, title. place, title, place, Date 20040222 Swedish style Comments second, éditeurs, chapitre; only surnames are in noun style second, éditeurs, chapitre; only surnames are in noun style second, red., kapitel Swedish style second, redaktörer, kapitel 2003 Nature second, (eds.), chap. 20021021 Georgia Tech second, ([editors] eds.), ch. second, ed., chapter; no article/chapter titles second, ([editors] eds.); article/chapter titles in italics second, editors, chapter + ISBN second, redaktörer, kapitel 20020808 second, editors, chapter 19991228 second, edited by, chapter + ISBN 19990528 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics American Mathematical Society year Swedish style 20040222 2003 20000505 20000327 20000310 2000 year year Penn State University year 20 5. Numerical author title styles Style savetrees finplain revcompchem sty file Format N author. publisher, N author. publisher, N author, publisher, Use title. place, year title. place, year title, place, year imac N author, title, publisher, place, year is-abbrv N author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author. title. publisher place year; N author. title. publisher, place, year N author title publisher, place, year N author title publisher, place, year N author. title; publisher: place, year is-plain is-unsrt ieeepes jthcarsu plabbrv plplain plunsrt jpc Finnish style Reviews in Computational Chemistry International Modal Analysis Conference IEEE Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Polish style Polish style Polish style Journal of Physical Chemistry 21 Comments second, eds., chap. + ISBN toinen, toim., chapter Date 19990528 second, Eds., chapter; article titles follow year in parentheses; no chapter titles 2nd, edited by, chap.; article/chapter titles in italics second, editors, chapter + ISBN second, editors, chapter + ISBN second, editors, chapter + ISBN second, Eds, chapter 19980428 second, editors, chapter 19950108 second, redaktorzy, rozdzia/l second, redaktorzy, rozdzia/l second, redaktorzy, rozdzia/l second, Eds., chapter; no article/chapter titles 1994 19980625 19971005 19960515 19960515 19960515 19951114 1994 1994 19930809 5. Numerical author title styles Style plainyr thesnumb phaip phcpc phiaea phjcp phnf phnflet phpf phreport annotation en-mtc sty file Format N author. title. publisher, place, year Use N author. title. place: publisher, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N AUTHOR, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N AUTHOR, title, publisher, place, year N AUTHOR, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author, title, publisher, place, year N author. title. publisher, place, year N author. title. publisher, place, year 22 American Institute of Physics Journals Computer Physics Communications International Atomic Energy Agency Journal of Computational Physics Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Fusion Letters Physics of Fluids Comments second, editors, chapter; non-standard order (sort by year does not work) (Second), edited by, chapter second, edited by, chapter; no article titles second, edited by, chapter; no article titles second, edited by, chapter; no article titles second, edited by, chapter; no article titles second, editors, chapter; no article titles second, editors, chapter; no article titles second, edited by, chapter; no article/chapter titles second, edited by, chapter Date 19920629 second, editors, chapter; displays Key second, editors, chapter; only surnames in noun style; article/chapter titles in italics; journal/collection titles in sanserif italics 1985 19911007 19900227 19900227 19900227 19900227 19900227 19900227 19900227 19900227 7. Other styles 6. Numerical author year styles Style iopart-num sty file nar asaetr Format N author year title (place: publisher) N author. year title, publisher, place N author. year. title. place: publisher Use Institute of Physics Comments 2nd, ed, chap + ISBN Date 20090122 Nucleic Acid Research second, (ed.), chapter 19910910 American Society for Agricultural Engineers second, ed., chapter 19910101 7. Other styles In this table S indicates a short cross reference, normally last name plus year, while Key refers to the index key in the BibTEX file. Style pnas2009 phrmp abstract namunsrt sty file Format N author. (year) title. (publisher, place) S, author, title, publisher, place, year [Key] author. title. publisher, place, year [] Author. title. publisher, place, year Use Comments Second, eds. Date 2009 Reviews of Modern Physics second, edited by, chapter; no article titles second, editors, chapter 19900227 second, editors, chapter 1985 23 1985 A. LATEX utility and other styles A. LATEX utility and other styles A.1. Adrconv Adrconv is a collection of BibTEX style files to turn an address database stored in the .bib format into files suitable for printing as address books or included into letter classes like akletter or scrletter2. Adrconv will sort the data either by name or birthday and create output files in various formats for address books or time planers (The TEX Catalogue Online). Style adrconv adrfax birthday sty file Format Use Comments Date 2010 2010 2010 A.2. AMS utilities Style amsra amsrn amsrs amsru amsry sty file Format Use American Society American Society American Society American Society American Society Mathematical Comments export format Date 2010 Mathematical export format 2010 Mathematical export format 2010 Mathematical export format 2010 Mathematical export format 2010 24 A. LATEX utility and other styles A.3. BibExport Bibexport is a collection of BibTEX files to export data from BibTEX files in CSV format. Style expcites expkeys export sty file Format CSV CSV CSV Use Export BibTEX data to CSV Export BibTEX keys to CSV Export BibTEX files to CSV Comments export format export format export format Date 20111128 20111128 20111128 A.4. BibHTML Style abbrvhtml alphahtml alphahtmldate alphahtmldater plainhtml plainhtmldate plainhtmldater unsrthtml sty file Format Use Comments HTML export HTML export HTML export HTML export HTML export HTML export HTML export HTML export format format format format format format format format Date 20091102 20091102 20091102 20091102 20091102 20091102 20091102 20091102 A.5. ConTEXt styles Styles for use with ConTEXt. Style cont-ab cont-au cont-no con-ti sty file Format Use Comments 25 Date 20030917 20030917 20030917 20030917 A. LATEX utility and other styles A.6. Directory An address book using BibTEX; ‘directory’ is a macro package for LATEX and BibTEX that facilitates the construction, the maintenance and the exploitation of an address book like database (CTAN). Style address address-html address-ldif address-vcard birthday email email-html letter phone sty file Format Use Comments export format export format export format export format export format export format export format export format export format Date 20030916 20040207 20030916 20040110 20030914 20030914 20040207 20030915 20030914 A.7. Figbib FigBib lets you organize your figures in BibTEX databases (CTAN). Style figbib figbib1 sty file Format Use Comments list of figures style list of figures style Date Comments glossary style Date 2002 A.8. Glossary Gloss is a package which allows the creation of glossaries using BibTEX (CTAN). Style glsplain sty file Format Use 26 B. Styles not tested Style glsshort sty file Format Use Comments glossary style Date 2002 A.9. Other utilities Style databib opcit sty file dcbib gatech-thesis-losa inlinebib Format Use [Key] author. title. publisher, place, title. intended to list all entries in a BibTEX database by key Georgia Tech inlinebib bibtoref refer jurarsp Unix refer Unix refer Comments export format for datatool style for footnote references second, editors, chapter + ISBN glossary style style for footnote references export format export format style for citing German legal judgements Date 2009 2006 20051017 2002 1999 19920721 19900408 B. Styles not tested B.1. Abstyles The adaptable family of styles were developed in 1992 to enable non-English languages references; they require apreambl.tex to be present to run and so have not been tested. Hans Hermann-Bode has written some .bib files (acompat.bib, jourabbr.bib and jourfull.bib) that contain compatibility commands for this family. Style aabbrv sty file a4c Format Use 27 Comments Date C. Styles that do not work with LYX 2.0.6 Style aalpha anotit aplain aunsnot aunsrt sty file a4c a4c a4c a4c a4c Format Use Comments Date C. Styles that do not work with LYX 2.0.63 C.1. DIN1505 Style abbrvdin alphadin natdin plaindin unsrtdin mbunsrtdin sty file Format Use Comments from multibib folder but intended to conform to DIN1505 Date 20060102 20060102 20060102 20060102 20060102 20001010 C.2. German styles Style gerabbrv geralpha gerapali 3 sty file Format Use Comments Some may need additional packages installing. 28 Date 20030429 20030429 19920215 C. Styles that do not work with LYX 2.0.6 Style gerplain gerunsrt sty file Format Use Comments Date 20030429 20030429 C.3. XePersian A collection of Farsi (Persian) styles for use with XePersian, a Persian XeTEX package Style acm-fa asa-fa chicago-fa ieeetr-fa plain-fa plainnat-fa unsrt-fa sty file Format Use Comments Date 20100115 20100115 20100115 20100115 20100115 20100115 20100115 C.4. Other styles Style chscite ltugbib mslapa frplainnat-letters fr-mtc vak ieeetr-fr usmeg-a sty file Format Use Comments French style Russian style natbib French style University of Stellenbosch 29 requires bibtex8 plus Cyrillic support Date 2011 20101123 20081125 20060420 20060202 20050812 20040305 20020114 C. Styles that do not work with LYX 2.0.6 Style usmeg-n ussagus dinat achicago texsis jbact aertt xagsm xplain sty file natbib natbib natbib jbact Format Use University of Stellenbosch University of Stellenbosch DIN 1505 Journal of Bacteriology 30 Comments Date 20020114 20020114 20001114 2001 19950917 19920421 1991 1991 1985