Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt No Group/ Council Appts Date Organisation D. Registered Charities, Trusts, Corps and Companies D 01 Cabinet Corporation of The governing body of Southampton City College CL 1 No 4 Matthews JulSouthampton Yrs 08 College D 02 Cabinet Eastpoint Centre - To provide facilities for recreation and education in the interest 4 Yes 1 Yr Williams (P) JunJones Company Members of Social Welfare for the residents of Southampton with 08 Whiskerd particular focus on meeting the needs of the local community. JunStevens 08 Jun08 Jun08 D 03 Cabinet Eastpoint Centre Ltd Directs policy and management of the company. 4 Yes 1 Yr White JunFuller - Board Members 08 Fitzhenry JunLetts 08 Jun08 Jun08 D 04 Cabinet F.W. Smith Bequest To provide/buy pictures for the Art Gallery principally from JunLC&T 2 No 1 Yr Baillie Purchasing Daunt 08 English artists from the income of the F.W.Smith Bequest. Committee Jun08 D 05 Cabinet Hampshire To set the strategic direction of the organisation within the Jun1 No 1 Yr Cooke Partnership Trust priorities set by the government and NHS, to oversee delivery 08 of planned targets and ensure effective financial stewardship. D 06 Cabinet Hyde Housing To pursue excellence in meeting housing need by the provision 1 No 1 Yr Holmes JunAssociation of rented accommodation, low cost homeownership and 08 contributing to community regeneration. D 07 Cabinet Mayflower Theatre As Directors of the Trust, the representative's prime function is LC&T Jun1 No 1 Yr Dick Trust to ensure appropriate management of the Trust's objectives, 08 and in particular, that the programming and financial aspect of its trading are properly managed. D 08 Cabinet Merchant Navy To co-ordinate welfare work among seafarers within the UK. 1 No 1 Yr Darke Jun- Appt till Jul12 Link Officer Clive Webster (023 8083 2771) May- John Bridge 09 (023 8083 May- 3642) 09 May09 May09 May- John Bridge 09 (023 8083 May- 3642) 09 May09 May09 May- Tim Craven 09 (023 8083 May- 2203) 09 May- Carole Binns 09 (023 8083 4785) May- Sherree Stanley (023 8083 09 2632) May- Christine 09 Rawnsley (023 8083 2730) May- Sandra Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ No Group/ Organisation Welfare Board Southern Ports Welfare Comm D 09 Cabinet Nuffield Theatre Southampton Theatre Trust Ltd Board D 10 Cabinet Solent Skies - Board Of Directors Jun08 Jun08 Jun08 May09 May09 May09 No 1 Yr Holmes Hannides To preserve the aviation heritage of Southampton. (Conditional LC&T appointment subject to satisfactory conclusion of lease and management agreement). Company set up to protect the name 'Southampton City LC&T Leisure'. 1 No 1yr 1 No 1 Yr Hannides Jun- May08 09 Southampton Mencap is a registered company with charitable CL status and works to raise awareness to the rights of children, young people and adults with a learning disability, and their families, parents or carers, alongside the direct provision of services, which allow opportunities for inclusion, socialisation and short breaks. The organisation prides itself on retaining a non-bureaucratic approach, and works effectively with other local statutory and voluntary agencies to improve the support available to people of all ages with learning disabilities and their families, parents or carers. 13 Cabinet Southampton To consider referrals/applications for grants via Social Services Ldrs Municipal Charities and Citizens Advice Bureau from the poor, from pensioners and for educational grants. and Others 1 No 1 Yr Fitzgerald Jun- May08 09 3 No 4 Yrs Cunio Milton Thomas 14 Cabinet Southampton Solent Co-opted external Governor to sit on the Southampton Solent University Board Of University Board of Governors to form a link between the Governors Council and the Institute as one of the providers of higher education in the City. 15 Cabinet Swaythling Housing The provision of affordable, quality, cost effective housing and Society Ltd related services to people in housing need through the 2 No 2 Yrs Stevens Matthews 1 No 1 Yr Dean Jul06 Jun05 Mar08 Oct06 Oct08 Jun08 D 12 Cabinet Southampton Mencap D 09 2 11 Cabinet Southampton City Leisure D 08 LC&T As Board Members, the Councillor's role is to monitor the affairs of the Trust, oversee policy changes and development of the company. D D Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt Appt Council Appts Date till CL Hannides May10 May09 May10 Oct08 Oct10 May09 Link Officer Westacott (023 8083 2763) Christine Rawnsley (023 8083 2730) Janet Owen (023 8023 4516) Andy Forrest (023 8083 2624) Pat Hoyes (023 8083 2753) Keith Turner (023 8083 2418) Clive Webster (023 8083 2771) Sherree Stanley (023 8083 Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt No Group/ Council Appts Date Organisation provision of rented, shared ownership and sheltered housing schemes. D 16 Cabinet The Wulfris JunProvision of school clothing, books and equipment to the needy CL 1 No 1 Yr Jones Educational 08 children resident in Southampton. Foundation D 17 Cabinet Thorner's Homes Almshouse Charity providing accommodation for widows in 1 No 4 yrs Damani Jullimited financial circumstances. 06 Appt till Link Officer 2632) May- Clive Webster 09 (02380832771) May- Barbara 10 Compton (023 8083 2155) E. Statutory Committees, Panels and Groups E 01 Cabinet Admissions Forum To advise the City Council on matters connected with the determination of admissions arrangements. CL 3 Yes 1 Yr Baillie Cooke Capozzoli E Multi-agency panel to consider adoptions. CL 1 No 3 Yr Cunio Multi - agency Panel to consider adoptions. CL 1 No 3 Yr Norris 1 No 2 1 No 1 Yr Holmes Jun- May- Sue Allan 08 09 (023 8083 3260) 3 No 1 Yr Fitzhenry White Odgers Jun08 Jun08 E E E E 02 Cabinet Adoption & Permanence Panel 1 03 Cabinet Adoption & Permanence Panel 2 04 Cabinet Environment Agency Southern Regional Flood Defence Committee 05 Cabinet Fostering Panel Surveys, prepares and carries out programmes together with E&T the maintenance of land drainage byelaws. Shared seat with Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. Southampton's turn to make an appointment for the next two years. The establishment of this Panel is required under Government CL Guidance. The Panel makes recommendations on the approval or not of applicants who apply to be foster carers with Southampton City Council. 06 Cabinet Learning Disabilities Partnership Board established to take responsibility for local Partnership Board delivery of the Government's Valuing People White Paper, led by the Council with the active participation of all key stakeholders. Walker Jun08 Jun08 Jun08 Jul06 May09 May09 May09 May09 Kevin Verdon (023 8083 3348) Sue Allan (023 8083 3260) Jun- May- Sue Allan 08 11 (023 8083 3260) Jun- May- Rob Crighton 08 09 (023 8083 2322) May- Hilary Linssen 09 (023 8083 May- 4854) 09 Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt Appt No Group/ Council Appts Date till Organisation Jun- May08 09 E 07 Cabinet National Parking Dick JunMayProvides an adjudication service in areas which carry out E&T 1 No 1 Yr Adjudication 08 09 decriminalised parking enforcement of England and Wales Service excluding London. Membership is a statutory obligation under the Road Traffic Act 1991. E 08 Cabinet Schools Forum To receive information on and comment on LEA's school CL 1 No 1 Yr Baillie Jun- Mayfunding formula, other issues in connection with schools 08 09 budgets and service contracts. E 09 Cabinet Southampton Overarching strategic partnership for the City to develop a Jun- MayLdrs 1 No 1 Yr Samuels Partnership community strategy for improving economic, social and 08 09 environmental wellbeing. E 10 Cabinet Standing Advisory Constructed under the Education Reform Act 1998 to advise CL 4 Yes 1 Yr Cunio Jun- MayCouncil for Religious the Authority on matters connected with collective worship and Parnell 08 09 Education ( S A C R the teaching of RE in City Schools. Damani Jun- MayE) Daunt 08 09 Jun- May08 09 Jun- May08 09 F. Partnerships F 01 Cabinet Association of Port Exchange of ideas and the promotion of the interests of Port Jun- MayE&T 1 No 1 Yr Dick Health Authorities Health Authorities. To act as the consultative body with Central 08 09 Government. F F F 02 Cabinet Bereavement Services Liaison Group 03 Cabinet Business Southampton To co-ordinate activities of stakeholders who provide services to the bereaved. 04 Cabinet Children And Young Interagency Partnership administered by Sophie Mitchell. People's Strategic Partnership E&T CL 1 No 1 Yr Fitzgerald 1 No 1 Yr Smith 1 No 1 Yr Capozzoli Link Officer Stuart Chivers (023 8083 4622) Carolyn Worthy (023 8083 4346) Henry Pavey (023 8083 3332) Sue Langdon (023 8083 4957) Sandra Westacott (02380 226631) Jun- May- Phil Well 08 09 (023 8083 2323) Jun- May- Tim Levenson 08 09 (023 8083 2550) Jun- May- Clive Webster 08 09 (023 8083 2771) Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt No Group/ Council Appts Date Organisation F 05 Cabinet City Centre To co-ordinate activities of the stakeholders in the City Centre Ldrs 3 Yes 1 Yr Bogle JunManagement Board to reinforce and enhance Southampton as a leading regional Smith 08 centre. Slade Jun08 Jun08 F 06 Cabinet Community Jun1 No 1 Yr Smith Champion For 08 Design F 07 Cabinet Community JunTo lead consultation with relevant groups at both local and city 1 No 1 Yr Cooke Champion For Older wide level. 08 Persons F 08 Cabinet Community 1 No 1 Yr Wells JunChampion For 08 Parenting F 09 Cabinet E U R O C I T I E S Principal urban network which focuses on the development of 1 No 1 Yr Samuels JunE.U urban policy. 08 F F 10 Cabinet Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership 11 Cabinet Eastpoint Project Board To oversee the implementation of the Early Years Development CL Plan for Southampton. 1 No ONE LAB MEMBER TO STAND DOWN To support, facilitate and oversee the co-ordination of the whole project to redevelop the Eastpoint site which includes the successful funding and delivery of a new Itchen College and Eastpoint on the site and the delivery of measurable benefit to the community of Thornhill and the east side of the city and to facilitate the acceleration and resolution of any issues and problems. 4 Yes 1 Yr Blatchford Smith Stevens White 1 No 1 Yr Smith 1 No 1 Yr Dick F 12 Cabinet Enterprise First The provision of free business advice and some training courses for new and existing small businesses in the region. F 13 Cabinet Environmental The Environmental Agency are reviewing how the water E&T 1 Yr Capozzoli Appt till Link Officer May- Ian Rothwell 09 ( 023 8023 May- 6460) 09 May09 May09 May- Charlie Hislop 09 (023 8038 6876) May- Trish Roscoe 09 (023 8083 4669) May- Angela 09 Bentham (023 8083 2383) Jun- May- Pat Hoyes 08 09 (023 8083 2753) Mar08 Jun08 Sep07 Jun08 Jun08 May08 May09 May08 May09 May09 Sue Jones (023 8083 3929) Jeff Walters (023 8083 2256) Jun- May- Rob Crighton Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ No Group/ Organisation Agency Stakeholder Board For Test And Itchen CAMS F F F F F Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt Appt Council Appts Date till resources of the Test and Itchen are managed. The stakeholder group has been set up to represent the various interests along the rivers and includes representation from farming, water industry, riparian owners, anglers, fish farners, conservation groups and local government. 14 Cabinet Groundwork Solent To oversee the development and delivery of a programme of activity for Groundwork Solent in Southampton. 15 Cabinet Hampshire and Isle of Wight Strategic Health Authority 16 Cabinet Hampshire Countryside Access Forum Usually the Chair or Vice Chair of the Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Panel. A joint Forum of representatives from HCC, Portsmouth CC, SCC and countryside interest groups to provide guidance and contribute towards improving opportunities to enjoy Hampshire's countryside and coast. No appointment to be made by the City until October 2008. 17 Cabinet Joint Authorities' to improve awareness of Gypsy and Traveller issues; discuss Gypsy and Traveller issues of concern especially unauthorised camping; share Panel information and good practice; develop joint polices and strategies; make joint consistent responses to government; carry out joint work as necessary; ensure consistent good practice. 18 Cabinet Later Years Partnership of agencies and others involved in improving the Partnership quality of life for people in their later years. LC&T Dean Thomas Davis 09 (023 8083 2322) May08 Jun08 Jun08 Jun08 May09 May09 May09 May09 Paul Illingworth (023 8083 2970) Yes 1Yr 1 No 1 Yr White 0 No 1 Yr TBA 1 No 1 Yr Odgers Jun- May- Julia Kennedy 08 09 (023 8083 2091) 1 No 1 Yr Cooke Jun- May- Charlie Hislop 08 09 (023 8038 6876) Jun- May- Glenda Lane 08 09 (023 8083 Jun- May- 3472) 07 08 Jun- May07 08 Jun- May- Joy Wilmot- 19 Cabinet Local Education To make recommendations for the appointment of LEA School CL Authority Governors' Governors to the Executive Director of Children's Services and Appointment Panel Learning. 3 Yes 1 Yr Cooke Mizon Cunio F 20 Cabinet Local Government 5 Yes 1 Yr Samuels Ldrs 08 3 F FOUR APPOINTMENTS ONE LAB MEMBER TO STAND Link Officer Dave Shields (023 8083 2947) David Blakeway (023 8083 3987) Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt No Group/ Council Appts Date Organisation Association DOWN AND FOURTH APPOINTMENT TO BE EITHER LAB Letts 08 OR LIB DEM Pressure Group and lobbying organisation Smith Marproviding an overall national voice for local government in Stevens 08 England with a view to promoting and protecting the interests of Dick Junmember councils by providing advice and support. 08 Jun07 Jun08 F 21 Cabinet Local Government Forum for authorities with an interest in urban affairs to meet 1 No 1 Yr Samuels JunAssociation Urban twice a year to discuss urban issues. 08 Commission F 22 Cabinet Local Government Independent research and information organisation with the JunLdrs 1 No 1 Yr Samuels Information Unit principal aim of making the case for strong democratic Local 08 Government together with information and support services to member authorities and individual councillors. F 23 Cabinet Local Govt JunTo increase awareness and debate at National and European E&T 1 No 1 Yr Dick Association Coastal level of economic, environmental and social issues that directly 08 Issues Special affect, or may affect, coastal, estuarine and maritime Interst Group communities. F 24 Cabinet P O L I S A network of integration of European transport initiatives. E&T 1 No 1 Yr Dick Jun08 F 25 Cabinet Port Consultative Committee Local Authority, trade organisations, HM Customs, Department E&T of Trade and Commerce forum for discussion of Port issues. F 26 Cabinet Project Integra Partnership body consisting of all Local Authorities in Policy Review And Hampshire to deal with waste management in the County. Scrutiny Committee F 27 Cabinet Project Integra Partnership body consisting of all Local Authorities in Management Board Hampshire to deal with waste management in the County. 3 No E&T 2 No E&T 2 No 1 Yr Smith Moulton Osmond Jun08 Jun08 Jun08 1 Yr Williams (R) JunBaston 08 Jun08 1 Yr Dick JunSamuels 08 Appt till 09 May08 May09 May08 May09 May09 Link Officer Palmer (023 8083 4428) Debbie Mobbs (023 8083 2549) May- Keith Turner 09 (02380 832418) May- Bill Clark 09 (023 8083 2600) May- Geoff Cornford (023 8083 09 2079) May- Peter Brunskill (023 8083 09 May- 2628) 09 May09 May- Mike Thomas 09 (023 8083 May- 2466) 09 May- Andrew Trayer 09 (023 8083 Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt Appt No Group/ Council Appts Date till Organisation Jun- May08 09 F 28 Cabinet Solent European To decide on management options and the production of a E&T 2 No 1 Yr Burke Jun- MayMaritime Sites management scheme for Southampton Water. Williams (P) 08 09 Jun- May08 09 F 29 Cabinet Soton, Hants, I O W Sub-regional discussion forum for arts issues for officers and Jun- MayLC&T 1 No 1 Yr Hannides and Portsmouth Sub Leisure Members in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. 08 09 Reg Local Auth Arts Grp F 30 Council South East To provide a comprehensive employment and industrial Council 6 Yes 1 Yr Matthews May- MayEmployers relations advice, consultancy, training and information service Drake 08 09 to member authorities. McEwing May- MayDavis 08 09 Thomas May- MayMoulton 07 08 May- May07 08 May- May08 09 May- May08 09 F 31 Council South East A network of elected members with an interest in scrutiny to May- MayCouncil 2 Yes 1Yr Slade Employers (Scrutiny facilitate exchange of information and practice, meeting on a biLab 08 09 Network) annual basis. Ideally the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Overview Vacancy Jun- Mayand Scrutiny Management Committee. 08 09 F 32 Cabinet South East England Provides a voice for the South East Region and promotes the Ldrs 2 No 1 Yr Samuels Jun- MayRegional Assembly social, economic and environmental well-being of all who live Smith 08 09 and work in the region. Jun- May08 09 F 33 Cabinet South East Region SERAC monitors the work of Arts Council England South East LC&T Jun- May1 No 3 Yr Hannides Arts Council (S E R Appointee was nominated by local authorities in GOSE and 08 09 A C) accepted by DCMS. F 34 Cabinet Southampton City To act as a constituent member of the Southampton 2 No 1Yr White Link Officer 4234) Bill Clark (023 8083 2600) Christine Rawnsley (023 8083 2730) Jackie Standen (023 8083 2161) Martin Day (023 8083 4453) Debbie Mobbs (023 8083 2549) Christine Rawnsley (023 8083 2730) Jun- May- John Beer Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ No Group/ Organisation Health and Social Well-being Partnership F 35 Cabinet Southampton Communities and Renewal Partnership (SCRP) Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt Appt Council Appts Date till Partnership and implement and monitor the Cityy's Health and Well-Being Programme provide a forum for exchange between key stakeholders. Multi agency and community based Board to oversee delivery of the SRB NDC and other regeneration programmes. Baillie 3 F 36 Cabinet Southampton International Airport Consultative Committee To act as the consultative body in relation to the Airport for the E&T purposes of Section and of the Civil Aviation Act 1968, between the airport management, users, local authorities and local organisations abd the county. 6 F 37 Cabinet Southampton Record Series To represent the City at the Joint Committee of the Southampton Record Series with the University. 3 F 38 Cabinet Southampton Voluntary Services To provide a focus for the voluntary sector activities in Southampton and to act as a local development agency for voluntary action. F 39 Cabinet Southampton Youth To oversee the performance of the Southampton Wessex CL Offending Team Youth Offending Team and to identify areas for improvement Steering Group and development in terms of performance and service delivery. LC&T 2 3 08 Jun08 Yes 1Yr Letts JunCooke 08 Mizon Jun08 Jun08 Stevens Yes 3 JunYrs Smith 07 Blatchford JulSlade 06 Osmond JulMilton 06 Jul06 Jun08 Jul06 Yes 3 Yr Marsh-Jenks JunSamuels 06 Beckett Jun06 Jun06 JunNo 1 Yr Samuels Holmes 08 Jun08 No 1Yr Fitzgerald JunDaunt 08 Walker Jun08 09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 Link Officer (023 8083 2621) Suki Sitaram (023 8083 2060) Dawn Heppell (023 8083 3828) Sue Woolgar (023 8083 2631) Suki Sitaram (023 8083 2060) Sue Allan (8083 3260) Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt Appt Link Officer No Group/ Council Appts Date till Organisation Jun- May08 09 F 40 Cabinet Southern Sea To regulate sea fisheries within the Southern Sea Fisheries E&T 1 No 1 Yr Osmond Jun- May- Sandra Fisheries District District, (coasts of Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight). 08 09 Westacott (02380 832763) F 41 Cabinet Standing Conf on To provide a more co-ordinated approach to coastal E&T 1 No 1 Yr Whiskerd Jun- May- Rob Crighton Problems engineering and related matters between authorities on the 08 09 (023 8083 Associated with The Central South coast - Lyme Bay to Worthing 2322) Coastline (scopac) F 42 Cabinet The In Between Social Services Middle Years Consultative Group. 1 No 1 Yr White Jun- May- Jo Hillsley Partnership Group 08 09 (023 8083 3856) F 43 Cabinet Thornhill Plus You Oversees the implementation of projects funded from NDC White Jun- May- John Beer 1 No 2 grant designed to address the imbalances that have arisen 08 09 (023 8083 Yrs within the Community in relation to educational attainment, poor 2621) health indices, low skill, low pay, employment and rises in periodical anti-social behaviour. F 44 Cabinet Tourism South East To assist in the promotion and development of a framework for 1 No 1 Yr Smith Jun- May- David Wood tourism in the South of England. 08 09 (023 8083 4509) F 45 Cabinet University of The prime body for consultation between the University and the CL 3 Yes 1 Yr Lab Vacancy Jun- May- Lorraine Brown Beckett (023 8083 Southampton 08 local regional community. 09 Samuels (Court) Jun- May- 2011) 08 09 Jun- May08 09 F 46 Cabinet Weston Jun- May- Sue Burvill Multi agency and community based Board to select and 2 No 1 Yr Cunio Regeneration Board recommend projects for approval to the Regeneration Fitzhenry 08 09 (023 8083 Jun- May- 2165) Executive. 08 09 F 47 Cabinet Youth Involvement Sub group of Children and Young Persons Strategic CL 2 No 1 Yr Baillie Jun- May- Gill Spratt and Consultation Partnership Capozzoli 08 09 (023 8022 Sub-group Jun- May- 5858) 08 09 Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt No Group/ Council Appts Date Organisation G. Internal Ad Hoc and Liaison Groups G 01 Cabinet Member User To provide strategic leadership and direction for Member JunLdrs 6 Yes 1 Yr Beckett Group Development, inclduing support services for Members. To lead, Drake 08 monitor and evaluate Member Development programmes and Marsh-Jenks JunStevens initiatives. 08 Norris JunCooke 08 Jun08 Jun08 Jun08 G 02 Cabinet Stadium Monitoring To review the impact of the operation of the Stadium and its E&T 3 Yes 1 Yr Cunio JunGroup related activities on surrounding communities, with particular Ball 08 reference to traffic, car parking, nuisance litter and stewarding. Galton Jun08 Jun08 H. Joint Committees and Panels with other Local Authorities H 01 Cabinet Cities In The South Joint Committee with Brighton and Hove, Oxford, Portsmouth, Jun1 Yes 1 Yr Samuels Group Milton Keynes and Reading to discuss and share information 08 and good practice and offer joint responses to key national policy, changes that affect the large urban areas in the South East. H 02 Cabinet Combined Youth JunTo foster partnerships established between Local Authorities CL 2 No 1 Yr Damani Justice Standing Parnell 08 and other statutory agencies with the aim of reducing offending Conference Junby young people and approve the Annual Youth Justice Plan. 08 H 03 Cabinet Hampshire and Isle Ldrs 1 No 1 Yy Matthews Junof Wight L G 08 Association Improvement Board H 04 Cabinet Hampshire and Isle To share knowledge economically, exploit joint working Ldrs 3 Yes 1 Yr Baston Junof Wight Local opportunities and act as effective lobby group. Samuels 08 Appt till May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 May09 Link Officer Celia Fraser (023 8083 2035) Stephanie Smith (023 8083 2032) May- Barbara 09 Compton (023 8083 2155) May09 May09 May09 Sue Allan (023 8083 3260) Carolyn Williamson (02380 834370) May- Joy Wilmot09 Palmer Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt No Group/ Council Appts Date Organisation Government Smith JunAssociation 08 Jun08 H 05 Cabinet Hampshire County Res 1 No 2 Moulton JunCouncil's Pension Yrs 07 Fund Panel H 06 Council Hampshire Fire and Promote greater understanding and responsible attitudes Council 3 Yes I Yr Smith MayRescue Authority towards fire safety and provide a highly responsive, caring and Galton 08 efficient Fire and Rescue Service. MarshMayJenks 08 May08 H 07 Council Hants, Portsmouth A joint consultative forum for the discussion of strategic Council 3 Yes 1 Yr Letts Mayand Soton Strategic planning issues in Hampshire Samuels 08 Planning Joint Adv. Slade MayPanel 08 May08 H 08 Cabinet Major Cities The Major Cities Housing Group brings together cities such as 1 No 1 Yr Williams (P) MayHousing Group Derby, Bristol, Leicester and Nottingham to discuss issues of 08 common interest to cities of similar size and urban make-up. It provides a forum to share information and ideas and consider the impact of change, particularly in relation to new legislation. It also acts as a lobby of urban interests to central government. H 09 Cabinet North Solent E&T 1 No Whiskerd JunShoreline 08 Management Plan (smp) H 10 Cabinet Partnership for To promote sustainable, economic-led growth and development Ldrs 3 No 1 Yr Samuels Junof South Hampshire supported by enhanced transport and Urban South Moulton 08 Hampshire (PUSH) other infrastructure and to lobby and/or influence on all other Smith Junassociated aspects of life within the PUSH Area. 08 Jun08 Appt till May09 May09 Oct08 Link Officer (023 8083 4428) Rob Carr (023 8083 2885) May- Suki Sitaram 09 (023 8083 May- 2060) 09 May09 May- Debbie Mobbs (023 8083 09 May- 2549) 09 May09 May- Barbara 09 Compton (023 8083 2155) May09 May- Brad Roynon 09 (023 8083 May- 2417) 09 May09 Cat Ref Appt by Committee/ Panel/ No Group/ Organisation H 11 Council Partnership for Urban South Hampshire Overview & Scrutiny Comm H H H Summary of terms of reference or purpose of organisation Portfolio/ No. Prop Term Membership Appt Appt Council Appts Date till To scrutinise the activities of the joint committee of PUSH, and Council to call-in their decisions where appropriate. In certain circumstances, where a proposed decision is contrary to the approved business plan of PUSH, that decision may be referred back to all of the constituent local authorities in PUSH. In other cases the decision will be referred back, if the scrutiny committee chooses to do this, to the joint committee for their reconsideration, along with scrutiny’s reservations or concerns. Joint Committee of Elected Members from HCC, SCC,PCC and Council IOW responsible for making appointments to Hampshire Police Authority. To promote road causulty reduction in the Police force area E&T covered by the Hampshire and Ise of Wight Constabulary. 12 Council Police Joint Committee (Police Authority) 13 Cabinet Safer Roads Partnership for Hampshire & I of Wight Executive 14 Cabinet Transport for South To promote the sub regional transport agenda, implement Hampshire Joint schemes of a sub-regional nature and lobby and/or influence Committee on all other associated aspects of life within the TfSH Area. E&T Link Officer 1 Yes 1 Yr Baston May- May08 09 1 Yes 1 Yr Rayment 1 No Dick May- May- Suki Sitaram 08 09 (023 8083 2060) Jun- May- Hii Hc 08 09 (023 8083 4529) 1 Yes 1 Dick Jun- May- Peter Brunskill (023 8083 08 09 2638)