PROCEEDINGS OF THE YEREVAN STATE UNIVERSITY Physical and Mathematical Sciences 2009, № 3, p. 42–51 Informatics ON THE TYPE CORRECTNESS OF POLYMORPHIC λ -TERMS. 1 A. H. ARAKELYAN∗ Chair of Programming and Information Thechnologies, YSU In this paper polymorphic lambda terms are considered, where no type information is provided for the variables. The aim of this work is to extend the algorithm of typification [1] of such terms introducing type constants and term constants. Keywords: type, term, constraint, skeleton, expansion, typing. 1. Introduction. Types are used in programming languages to analyze programs without executing them, for purposes such as detecting programming errors earlier, for doing optimizations etc. In some programming languages no explicit type information is provided by the programmer, hence some system of type inference is required to recover the lost information and do compile time type checking. One of such type inference systems is the well known Hindley/Milner system [2], used in languages such as Haskell, SML, OCaml etc. Important property of type systems is the property of principal typings [3, 4], which allows the compiler to do compositional analysis, i.e. analysis of modules in absence of information about other modules [3, 4]. Unfortunately Hindley/Milner system doesn't support the property of principal typings [3]. In this paper we consider a type inference system, called System E [1, 5]. In section 2 an extended version of System E is presented, which adds type constants and term constants to the original System E. 2. Definitions Used and Previous Results. 2.1. Definitions used. Let TypeVariable be a countable set of type variables, TypeConstant be a finite set of built-in types, TermVariable be a countable set of term variables, Constant be a countable set of constants and ( ExpansionVariable, U ) be a countable totally ordered set of expansion variables. Definition 2.1. The set of types Type is defined as follows: 1. ω ∈ Type ; 2. If α ∈ TypeVariable , then α ∈ Type ; 3. If s ∈ TypeConstant , then s ∈ Type ; 4. If e ∈ ExpansionVariable and τ ∈ Type , then eτ ∈ Type ; 5. If τ 1 ,τ 2 ∈ Type , then (τ 1 → τ 2 ) ∈ Type and (τ 1 ∩ τ 2 ) ∈ Type . The set of expansions Expansion is defined as follows: ∗ E-mail: Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. 43 1. ω ∈ Expansion ; 2. If σ is a substitution (we will define substitutions later), then σ ∈ Expansion ; 3. If e ∈ ExpansionVariable and E ∈ Expansion , then eE ∈ Expansion ; 4. If E1 , E2 ∈ Expansion , then ( E1 ∩ E2 ) ∈ Expansion . The set of terms Term is defined as follows: 1. If x ∈ TermVariable , then x ∈ Term ; 2. If c ∈ Constant , then c ∈ Term ; 3. If x ∈ TermVariable and M ∈ Term, then (λ x.M ) ∈ Term; 4. If (λ x.M ) ∈ Term, then ( M 1M 2 ) ∈ Term . The set of constraints Constraint is defined as follows: 1. ω ∈ Constraint ; 2. If τ 1 ,τ 2 ∈ Type , then (τ 1 = τ 2 ) ∈ Constraint ; 3. If e ∈ ExpansionVariable and Δ ∈ Constraint , then eΔ ∈ Constraint ; 4. If Δ1 , Δ 2 ∈ Constraint , then (Δ1 ∩ Δ 2 ) ∈ Constraint . The set of skeletons Skeleton is defined as follows: 1. If M ∈ Term , then ω M ∈ Skeleton ; 2. If c ∈ Constant and τ ∈ Type , then c:τ ∈ Skeleton ; 3. If x ∈ TermVariable and τ ∈ Type , then x:τ ∈ Skeleton ; 4. If e ∈ ExpansionVariable and Q∈Skeleton , then eQ ∈ Skeleton ; 5. If x ∈TermVariable and Q ∈ Skeleton , then (λ x.Q ) ∈ Skeleton ; 6. If Q1 , Q2 ∈ Skeleton , then (Q1 ∩ Q2 ) ∈ Skeleton ; 7. If Q1 , Q2 ∈ Skeleton and τ ∈ Type , then (Q1Q2 ):τ ∈ Skeleton . We assume that: 1. ((T1 ∩ T2 ) ∩ T3 ) = (T1 ∩ (T2 ∩ T3 )) ; 2. (T1 ∩ T2 ) = (T2 ∩ T1 ) ; 3. (ω ∩ T ) = T ; 4. e(T1 ∩ T2 ) = (eT1 ∩ eT2 ) ; 5. eω=e, where T1 , T2 , T3 ∈Type or T1 , T2 , T3 ∈ Constraint and e ∈ ExpansionVariable . Definition 2.2. Let α1 ,…,α n ∈ TypeVariable, e1 ,…, em ∈ ExpansionVariable, τ 1 ,…,τ n ∈ Type, E1 ,…, Em ∈ Expansion, n ≥ 0, m ≥ 0 . The set of pairs {α1 := τ1 ,…,α n := τ n , e1 := E1 ,… , em := Em } is called a substitution, if the following conditions are satisfied: 1. i ≠ j ⇒ α i ≠ α j , where i, j=1,… , n ; 2. i ≠ j ⇒ ei ≠ e j , where i, j=1,… ,m . We denote by ε the empty substitution. Definition 2.3. Let e1 ,… , en ∈ ExpansionVariable, n ≥ 0 . Then e1e2 … en is called E-path and is denoted by e . In case of n=0 E-path will be denoted by ε . Definition 2.4. Let e1=e1e2 … en and e2 =e1′e2′ … em′ , where n, m ≥ 0 . If ∃i s.t. 1 ≤ i ≤ min(n, m) and e j =e′j ∀j=1,… , i − 1 and ei ≺ ei′ ( ei ei′ ), then e1 U e2 ( e1 V e2 ). Else if n ≤ m (n ≥ m) , then e1 U e2 ( e1 V e2 ). It is easy to see that the set of E-paths with order U is a totally ordered set. Definition 2.5. A constraint Δ is singular, if it was constructed without using operation ∩ . Remark 2.1. Taking into account the definition of constraints, it is easy to see that each constraint has one of the following forms: Δ=e1 (τ11 = τ 21 ) ∩ … ∩ en (τ1n = τ 2n ) , n ≥ 1 , or Δ=ω , i.e. each constraint is an intersection of zero or more singular constraints. 44 Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. Let us introduce the following notation: E − Path(e (τ 1 = τ 2 )) = e . Definition 2.6. A constraint Δ is solved, iff it is of the form Δ=e1 (τ1 = τ 1 ) ∩ … ∩ en (τ n = τ n ) n ≥ 1 or Δ=ω . The unsolved part of a constraint Δ , written unsolved (Δ ) , is the smallest part of Δ such that Δ=unsolved ( Δ) ∩ Δ′ and Δ′ is solved. Consequently Δ′ is the greatest solved part of a Δ , it is called solved part of a constraint Δ and is written solved (Δ ) . So each constraint is an intersection of its solved and unsolved parts: Δ=unsolved (Δ ) ∩ solved (Δ ). As we will see later, the Skeleton is an object, that contains all information about the type inference tree of some term. We can calculate the term corresponding to the Skeleton, using the following function. Definition 2.7. The function term:Skeleton → Term is defined as follows: 1. term(ω M ) = M ; 2. term(c:τ ) = c ; 3. term( x:τ ) = x ; 4. term(eQ) = term(Q) ; 6. term((Q1Q2 ):τ ) = (term(Q1 )term(Q2 )) ; 5. term((λ x.Q)) = (λ x.term(Q)) ; 7. If term(Q1 )=term(Q2 ) , then term((Q1 ∩ Q2 ))=term(Q1 ) , else term((Q1 ∩ Q2 )) is undefined. Definition 2.8. The skeleton Q is well formed, iff term(Q ) is defined, i.e. the corresponding term of skeleton exists. Convention 2.1. Henceforth only well formed skeletons are considered. The following two definitions define the application of expansions to types, constraints, expansions and skeletons. Definition 2.9. Let X ∈ Type ∪ Constraint ∪ Expansion ∪ Skeleton and σ be a substitution. Then the application of σ to X is denoted by [σ ] X and is obtained from σ and X by the following rules: 1. If α := τ ∈ σ , then [σ ]α =τ ; 2. If α := τ ∉ σ ∀τ ∈ Type , then [σ ]α =α ; 3. [σ ]s=s ; 4. [σ ]ω=ω ; 5. If e := E ∈ σ , then [σ ] eY=[ E ]Y ; 6. If e := E ∉ σ ∀E ∈ Expansion , then [σ ]eY=eY ; 7. [σ ](τ1 →τ 2 ) = ([σ ]τ1 → [σ ]τ 2 ) ; 8. [σ ]( X1 ∩ X 2 ) = =([σ ] X 1 ∩ [σ ] X 2 ) ; 9. [σ ]{α1 :=τ1,…,αn :=τ n , e1 := E1,…, em := Em} = {α1 := [σ ]τ1 ,…,α n := = [σ ]τ n , e1 := [σ ]E1 ,… , em := [σ ]Em } ∪ {α := τ |α ∉ {α1 ,… ,α n } and α := τ ∈σ } ∪ ∪{e := E|e ∉{e1 ,…, em } , e := E ∈σ } ; 10. [σ ](τ1 = τ 2 ) = ([σ ]τ1 = [σ ]τ 2 ) ; 11. [σ ]ω M =ω M ; 12. [σ ]x:τ =x:[σ ]τ ; 13. [σ ]c:τ =c:[σ ]τ ; 14. [σ ](λ x.Q) = (λ x.[σ ]Q); 15. [σ ](Q1Q2 ):τ = =([σ ]Q1[σ ]Q2 ):[σ ]τ , where α1,…,αn ,α ∈TypeVariable, e1,…, em , e ∈ ExpansionVariable, c ∈ Constant , s ∈ TypeConstant , E1 ,… , Em , E ∈ Expansion, τ1,…,τ n ,τ ,τ1,τ 2 ∈Type, Y, X1, X2 ∈Type ∪Constraint ∪ Expansion ∪ Skeleton, M ∈Term, n, m ≥ 0, Q,Q1,Q2 ∈Skeleton, and [ E ]Y will be defined now. Definition 2.10. Let X ∈ Type ∪ Constraint ∪ Expansion ∪ Skeleton and E ∈ Expansion . Then the application of E to X is denoted by [ E ] X and is obtained from E and X by the following rules: 1. If E=ω , then [ E ]Y=ω , where Y ∈ Type ∪ Constraint ∪ Expansion ; 2. If E=ω , then [ E ]Q=ω term(Q) , where Q ∈ Skeleton ; 3. If E=σ , then [ E ] X=[σ ] X , where σ is a substitution; 4. If E=eE ′ , then [ E ] X=e[ E ′] X , where Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. 45 e ∈ ExpansionVariable and E ′ ∈ Expansion ; 5. If E=( E1 ∩ E2 ) , then [ E ] X=([ E1 ] X ∩ [ E2 ] X ) , where E1 , E2 ∈ Expansion . Let us introduce the following notations: 1. e/ σ ={e := eσ } ; 2. If e=e1e2 … en , then e / σ =e1 /e2 / … /en / σ , n ≥ 0 , where e1 ,…, en , e ∈ ExpansionVariable and σ is a substitution. It is easy to see that [e/ σ ]eX=e[σ ] X , [e / σ ]eX=e[σ ] X , where X ∈ Type ∪ Constraint ∪ Expansion ∪ Skeleton. Lemma 2.1 (property of expansions). Let E1 , E2 , E ∈ Expansion and X ∈ Type ∪ Constraint ∪ Expansion ∪ Skeleton , then [[ E1 ]E2 ] X=[ E1 ][ E2 ] X and [ E ]ε =E . Definition 2.11. A total function A : TermVariable → Type is called environment, if the following set is finite: {x|x ∈ TermVariable and A( x) ≠ ω} . Environment A can be written also as a set of pairs A={( x, A( x )) | x ∈ TermVariable} . Let us introduce the following notations: 1. A[ x → τ ] = {( y, A( y )) | y ∈ TermVariable and y ≠ x} ∪ {( x,τ )} ; 2. A ∩ B= 3. ={( x,( A( x) ∩ B( x))) | x ∈ TermVariable} ; eA={( x, eA( x)) | x ∈TermVariable} ; 4. [ E ] A={( x,[ E ] A( x)) | x ∈ TermVariable} ; 5. envω ={( x, ω )|x ∈ TermVariable} , E ∈ Expansion , e ∈ ExpansionVariable , where A, B are environments, x ∈ TermVariable and τ ∈ Type . Definition 2.12. The set CType ⊂ Type is the set, satisfying the following conditions: 1. If s ∈ TypeConstant , then s ∈ CType ; 2. If s ∈ TypeConstant and τ ∈ CType , then ( s → τ ) ∈ CType . Definition 2.13. The mapping Σ : Constant → CType is called a constant table. Convention 2.2. In order not to mention the constant table later, let us suppose that henceforth we are using some fixed constant table. 2.2. Type inference rules. Definition 2.14. The quintuple of term, skeleton, environment, type and constraint, written ( M Q ) : ( A A τ ) / Δ , is called a judgement. The intended meaning of judgement is that Q is a proof that M has typing ( A A τ ) , provided that the constraint Δ is solved. Now let us introduce type inference rules, that are used to derive judgements. Type inference rules are the following: , [CONST] , ( x x:τ ) : (envω [ x → τ ] A τ ) / ω (c c:τ ) : (envω A τ ) / ω where τ = Σ (c) , ( M Q) : ( A A τ ) / Δ , [OMEGA] , [E-VAR] ( M eQ ) : (eA A eτ ) / eΔ ( M ω M ) : (envω A ω ) / ω ( M Q) : ( A A τ ) / Δ [ABS] , ((λ x. M ) (λ x. Q )) : ( A[ x → ω ] A ( A( x) → τ )) / Δ [VAR] Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. 46 ( M 1 Q1 ) : ( A1 A τ 1 ) / Δ1 and ( M 2 Q2 ) : ( A2 A τ 2 ) / Δ 2 , (( M 1M 2 ) (Q1Q2 ):τ ) : ( A1 ∩ A2 A τ ) / Δ1 ∩ Δ 2 ∩ (τ 1 = (τ 2 → τ )) ( M Q1 ) : ( A1 A τ 1 ) / Δ1 and ( M Q2 ) : ( A2 A τ 2 ) / Δ 2 [INT] . ( M (Q1 ∩ Q2 )) : ( A1 ∩ A2 A (τ 1 ∩ τ 2 )) / Δ1 ∩ Δ 2 Definition 2.15. The pair ( A A τ ) of an environment and a type is called typing of the term M , if ∃Q ∈ Skeleton and ∃Δ ∈ Constraint s.t. judgement ( M Q ) : ( A A τ ) / Δ is inferable and Δ is solved. Definition 2.16. The pair ( A A τ ) of an environment and a type is called a principal typing of the term M , if ( A A τ ) is a typing of M , and if ( A′ A τ ′) is a typing of M , then ∃E ∈ Expansion s.t. A′=[ E ] A and τ ′=[ E ]τ . In other words, all typings of the term are obtained from principal typing through expansion. Lemma 2.2. If the judgement ( M Q) : ( A A τ ) / Δ is inferable, then the judgement ( M [ E ]Q ) : ([ E ] A A [ E ]τ ) / [ E ]Δ is also inferable for any expansion E . The next lemma shows that each skeleton contains information about one and only one inferable judgement, i.e. represents one and only one derivation tree of some judgement. Lemma 2.3. Let Q ∈ Skeleton . Then there exist one and only one term M , an environment A , a type τ and a constraint Δ s.t. the judgement ( M Q ) : ( A A τ ) / Δ is inferable and M=term(Q ) . This Lemma allows us to introduce the following functions: env(Q) = A , type(Q ) = τ , constraint (Q)=Δ , typing (Q ) = ( A A τ ) . It is easy to present algorithms of calculating functions env , type , constraint and typing . 2.3. Initial skeleton. Type inference algorithm, that will be introduced in section 2.6, starts term typification by constructing initial skeleton of that term. Definition 2.17. Let us fix a type variable a0 and expansion variables e0 , e1 , e2 such that e0 ≺ e1 ≺ e2 . The function initial : Term → Skeleton maps [APP] terms to skeletons as follows: initial ( x) = x:a0 , initial (c) = c:Σ ( c ) , initial ((λ x.M ))=(λ x.e0initial ( M )) , initial (( M1M 2 )) = (e1initial ( M1 ) e2initial (M 2 )):a0 , where x ∈ TermVariable, c ∈ Constant and M , M 1 , M 2 ∈ Term . The range of initial is denoted by InitialSkeleton and elements of InitialSkeleton are called initial skeletons. Lemma 2.4. Let P ∈ InitialSkeleton . Then solved (constraint ( P )) = ω , and ∀x ∈ TermVariable ∃n ≥ 0 and ∃e1 ,…, en E-paths s.t. env( P)( x)=e1a0 ∩ … ∩ en a0 , and no ei is a proper prefix of e j , i, j ∈{1,… , n} . From the first part of Lemma 2.4 it is easy to see that all singular constraints, which are a part of constraint ( P ) , are unsolved, where P is an initial skeleton of some term. In section 2.6 we will see, that the type inference algorithm tries to solve some singular constraints by applying substitutions on them, and it starts solving the process from singular constraints, which are a part of constraint ( P) . Unification rules, introduced in the next section, are used to produce substitutions for solving singular constraints. Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. 47 2.4. Unification rules. In this section three unification rules will be presented. Definition 2.18. The set Type′ ⊂ Type is the set of types that are constructed without using type constants and operation → . Definition 2.19. The function Extract E : Type′ → Expansion maps types from the set Type′ to expansions as follows: Extract E (ω )=ω , Extract E (α )=ε , Extract E (eτ )=eExtract E (τ ), Extract E ((τ 1 ∩ τ 2 ))=( Extract E (τ 1 ) ∩ Extract E (τ 2 )) , where α ∈ TypeVariable , e ∈ ExpansionVariable and τ ,τ1 ,τ 2 ∈ Type′ . Definition 2.20. The function ExtractS : Type′ × Type → Substitution maps pairs of type from Type′ , and type to substitutions as follows: ExtractS (ω ,τ ′)=ε , ExtractS (α ,τ ′)={α := τ ′} , ExtractS (eτ ,τ ′) = e/ExtractS (τ ,τ ′) , ExtractS ((τ1 ∩ τ 2 ),τ ′) = = [ ExtractS (τ 2 ,τ ′)]ExtractS (τ 1 ,τ ′) , where τ ′ ∈ Type, e ∈ ExpansionVariable , α ∈ TypeVariable and τ ,τ1 ,τ 2 ∈ Type′ . Definition 2.21 ( unify β rule). Let Δ=e (e1 (e0τ 0 → e0τ 1 ) = (e2τ 2 → a0 )) be a singular constraint, where τ 0 ∈ Type′ and τ 1 ,τ 2 ∈ Type . Then the rule unifyβ is applicable to Δ , and the result of this application is the following substitution: σ =e / {a0 := [σ ′]τ 1 , e1 := {e0 := σ ′},e2 := E ′} , where E ′ = Extract E (τ 0 ) and σ ′=ExtractS (τ 0 ,τ 2 ). unify β The application of the rule unifyβ is written as Δ ⎯⎯⎯ →σ . Now let us explain the meaning of the rule unifyβ . Let ((λ x.M 1 ( M 2 )) be a subterm of some term M , where x ∈ TermVariable and M 1 , M 2 ∈ Term . The ( M1 ) initial skeleton of that subterm will be (e1 (λ x.e0 P1 )e2 P2 ):a0 , where P=initial 1 and P2 =initial ( M 2 ) . The part of constraint (initial ( M )) that corresponds the initial skeleton of subterm mentioned above will be e (e1 (e0τ 0 → e0τ 1 ) = (e2τ 2 → a0 )) , where τ 1 corresponds to the type of M1 (τ 1=type( P1 )) , τ 2 corresponds to the type of M 2 (τ 2 =type( P2 )) and τ 0 corresponds to the type of x in term M 1 (τ 0 =env( P1 )( x)) . Before applying substitution created by the rule unifyβ , the type a0 is associated with any free occurrence of variable x in the term M 1 . After applying substitution, all that a0 type variables will be replaced with the type τ 2 (this replacement is done by the substitution created by the function ExtractS ), and the type of x in term M 1 will be changed. The same type is obtained, when applying substitution created by the function Extract E to the type τ 2 (it makes as many copies of type τ 2 as there are free occurrences of variable x in term M1 ). It is easy to see that the process described above is very similar to the one step β reduction. Next two lemmas show the exact correspondence of the rule unifyβ with β -reduction. Lemma 2.5 (correspondence with β -reduction). Let M ∈ Term and Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. 48 P=initial ( M ) . If constraint ( P ) = Δ ∩ Δ′ , where Δ is a singular constraint, to unify β → σ , then ∃M ′ ∈ Term s.t. which the rule unifyβ is applicable and Δ ⎯⎯⎯ constraint ( P′)=[σ ]Δ′ , env( P′) = [σ ]env( P) , type( P′) = [σ ]type( P) and M →β M ′ , where P′ = initial ( M ′) . Lemma 2.6 (correspondence with β -reduction). Let M , M ′ ∈ Term , P=initial ( M ) and P′ = initial ( M ′) . If M →β M ′ , then ∃Δ singular constraint s.t. unify β →σ , constraint ( P) = Δ ∩ Δ′ the rule unifyβ is applicable to Δ and Δ ⎯⎯⎯ constraint ( P′) = [σ ]Δ′ , env( P′) = [σ ]env( P ) and type( P′) = [σ ]type( P ) . Definition 2.22 ( unifyx rule). Let Δ=e (e1a0 = (e2τ → a0 )) be a singular constraint, where τ ∈ Type . Then the rule unifyx is applicable to Δ , and the result of application is the following substitution: σ =e / {e1 := {a0 := (e2τ → a0 ), e1 := e1e1ε , e2 := e1e2ε }} . unify x The application of the rule unifyx is written as Δ ⎯⎯⎯ →σ . Now let us explain the meaning of the rule unifyx . Let ( M 1M 2 ) be a subterm of some term M , where M 1 , M 2 ∈ Term . During the work of the type :a0 , inference algorithm the corresponding skeleton of that subterm can be (e1 Pe 1 2 P2 ) where P1 , P2 ∈ Skeleton and type( P1 ) = a0 . The singular constraint corresponding to the skeleton mentioned above is e (e1a0 = (e2τ → a0 )) , where τ corresponds to the type of M 2 , and a0 corresponds to the type of M1 in the current stage of the work of type inference algorithm. After applying substitution σ the type of M1 will be replaced with (e2τ → a0 ) , and the skeleton mentioned above will have the :a0 , where type( P1′)=(e2τ → a0 ) . following form: ( Pe 1′ 2 P2 ) Definition 2.23 ( unifyc rule). Let Δ=e (e1τ 0 = (e2τ → a0 )) be a singular constraint, where τ 0 ∈ CType and τ ∈ Type . Then the rule unifyc is applicable to Δ : 1. If τ 0 =s or τ ≠ s and τ ≠ a0 , where s ∈ TypeConstant , then application of the rule unifyc fails; 2. If τ 0 =( s → τ ′) and τ =s , where s ∈ TypeConstant and τ ′ ∈ CType , then the result of applying the rule unifyc is σ=e / {a0 := τ ′, e1 := {a0 := e1a0 , e1 := e1e1ε , e2 := e1e2ε }, e2 := {a0 := e2a0 , e1 := e2e1ε , e2 := e2e2ε}}; 3. If τ 0 =( s → τ ′) and τ =a0 , where s ∈ TypeConstant and τ ′ ∈ CType , then the result of applying the rule unifyc is σ =e / {a0 := τ ′, e1 := {a0 := e1a0 , e1 := e1e1ε , e2 := e1e2ε }, e2 := {a0 := s, e1 := e2e1ε , e2 := e2e2ε }}. unifyc In cases 2 and 3 application of the rule unifyc is written as Δ ⎯⎯⎯ →σ . Now let us explain the meaning of the rule unifyc . Let ( M 1M 2 ) be a subterm of some term M , where M 1 , M 2 ∈ Term . During the work of the type :a0 inference algorithm the corresponding skeleton of that subterm can be (e1 Pe , 1 2 P2 ) Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. 49 where P1 , P2 ∈ Skeleton and type( P1 ) = τ 0 ∈ CType . The singular constraint corresponding the skeleton mentioned above will be e (e1τ 0 = (e2τ → a0 )) , where τ corresponds to the type of M 2 , and τ 0 corresponds to the type of M 1 in the current stage of work of the type inference algorithm. After applying substitution σ the type of ( M 1M 2 ) will be replaced with τ ′ , and the type of M 2 will be replaced with s , if needed, and skeleton mentioned above will have the following form: ( P1′P2′):τ ′ , where type( P1′) = ( s → τ ′) and type( P2′) = s . Next lemma shows, that the substitution created by the rule unifyβ , unify x or unifyc solves the corresponding singular constraint. Lemma 2.7. Let Δ be a singular constraint, to which the rule unify y is y → σ , where y ∈ {β , x, c} . Then [σ ]Δ is solved. applicable and Δ ⎯⎯⎯ unify Let us now consider singular constraints that are a part of constraint corresponding to some initial skeleton. Next lemma shows, that one and only one unificitation rule is applicable to each of that singular constraints. Lemma 2.8. Let M ∈ Term , P=initial ( M ) and constraint (P) = Δ1 ∩…∩Δn , n ≥ 1 , where Δ i is a singular constraint, i=1,… , n . Then one and only one rule from rules unifyβ , unify x and unifyc is applicable to each Δi , i = 1,… , n . 2.5. Unification algorithm. The unification algorithm tries to solve the given constraint that initially corresponds to some initial skeleton. It is called from the type inference algorithm and in fact is does the main work of type inference. Definition 2.24. Let Δ=Δ1 ∩ … ∩ Δ n ∈ Constraint , n ≥ 1 , where Δ1 ,… , Δ n are singular constraints and E − Path( Δ i ) ≠ E − Path(Δ j ) , i, j=1,… , n . Then leftmost/outermost constraint of Δ , written as LO (Δ ) , is a singular constraint from Δ1 ,… , Δ n that has the least E-path, i.e. LO(Δ ) = Δ k , where k ∈{1,…, n} and E − Path(Δ k ) ≺ E − Path(Δ i ) ∀i ∈{1,… , n} \ {k} . Definition 2.25. Let Δ=Δ1 ∩ … ∩ Δ n ∈ Constraint , n ≥ 1 , where Δ1 ,… , Δ n are singular constraints and E − Path( Δ i ) ≠ E − Path(Δ j ) , i, j=1,… , n . Then rightmost/innermost constraint of Δ , written as RI (Δ ) , is a singular constraint from Δ1 ,… , Δ n that has the greatest E-path, i.e. RI (Δ) = Δ k , where k ∈{1,… , n} and E − Path(Δ i ) ≺ E − Path(Δ k ) ∀i ∈{1,… , n} \ {k} . Let us explain the meaning of LO (Δ) and RI (Δ ) . Looking at the type inference rules, we can say that a new singular constraint is added to the constraint part of skeleton only after applying rule [APP]. Hence each singular constraint corresponds to one subterm of the form ( M 1M 2 ) , where M 1 , M 2 ∈ Term . Let us mention without proving that LO (Δ ) corresponds to the leftmost, outermost subterm of the form ( M 1M 2 ) and RI (Δ ) corresponds to the rightmost, innermost subterm of the form ( M 1M 2 ) . Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. 50 Definition 2.26. Let Δ=Δ1 ∩ … ∩ Δ n ∈ Constraint , n ≥ 1 , where Δ1 ,… , Δ n are singular constraints, I={i|, 1 ≤ i ≤ n , and rule unifyβ is applicable to Δ i } . Then filterβ (Δ )=∩ i∈I Δ i (we suppose that filterβ (Δ ) = ω for I=∅ ). Algorithm of unification(Unify). Input: constraint Δ such that solved (Δ ) = ω . Output: either returns the substitution that solves constraint or fails, or never returns. 1. If Δ=ω , then return ε . 2. If filterβ (Δ ) ≠ ω , then unify β LO ( filterβ ( Δ)) ⎯⎯⎯ →σ and returns [Unify (unsolved ([σ ]Δ ))]σ . unify β →σ and 3. If the rule unify x is applicable to RI (Δ ) , then RI (Δ) ⎯⎯⎯ returns [Unify (unsolved ([σ ]Δ ))]σ . 4. If the rule unifyc is applicable to RI (Δ ) and this application doesn’t fail, unify β →σ and returns [Unify (unsolved ([σ ]Δ ))]σ , else fail. then RI (Δ ) ⎯⎯⎯ Lemma 2.9 (correctness of the unification algorithm). Let M ∈ Term and Δ=constraint (initial ( M )) . Then if Unify (Δ ) = σ , [σ ]Δ is solved. It is easy to see that the unification algorithm first tries to solve singular constraints, to which the rule unifyβ is applicable. It means that during his work the unification algorithm does implicit β -reductions in initial term until reducing the initial term to β -normal form, which happens when the unification algorithm first time arrives in point 3 or ends his work at point 1. Lemma 2.10. Let M ∈ Term , P = initial ( M ) , M \β M ′ ∈ β − NF and Δ=constraint ( P ) . Then for input Δ the unification algorithm does a finite number of recursive calles from point 2 and tries to return the following: [Unify (Δ′)][σ m ]…[σ 2 ]σ 1 , where σ 1 ,… ,σ m are created by the rule unifyβ during the work of the algorithm and Δ′ = constraint (initial ( M ′)) . Remark 2.2. It is very important that in point 2 the unification algorithm applies the rule unifyβ to LO ( filterβ (Δ )) . This choice ensures that in each step of the implicit β -reduction the unification algorithm will treat the leftmost, outermost β -redex. It is known that in this case β -normal form is reachable, if it exists. Lemma 2.11. Let M ∈ Term , P=initial ( M ) , Δ=constraint ( P ) and M hasn't a β -normal form. Then for input Δ the unification algorithm will infinitely call himself recursively in point 2 and will never return. Now let us consider the situation, when the term has a β -normal form. In this case we have no singular constraint, to which the rule unifyβ is applicable, and the unification algorithm tries to solve singular constraints, to which the rule unify x or rule unifyc is applicable. It is important that in each step of work the unification algorithm tries to solve the singular constraint RI ( Δ) . This choice ensures that Proc. of the Yerevan State Univ. Phys. and Mathem. Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. 51 during the next recursive calls of unification algorithm the rule unify x or the rule unifyc will be applicable to each singular constraint. Lemma 2.12. Let M ∈ Term , P=initial ( M ) , Δ=constraint ( P ) and M ∈ β – – NF . Then for input Δ the unification algorithm does a finite number of recursive calls from point 3 or 4, and succeeds in point 1 or failed in point 4, because the application of the rule unifyc was failed. 2.6. Type inference algorithm. Now let us present the type inference algorithm. Type inference algorithm(Typify). Input: term M . Output: either returns the typing of M or fails, or never returns. 1. P=initial(M) . 2. σ=Unify(constraint(P)) . 3. Return ([σ ]env( P) A [σ ]type( P)) . T h e o r e m 2 . 1 (correctness of the Typify algorithm). Let M ∈ Term . Then if Typify ( M ) = ( A A τ ) , then ( A A τ ) is the typing of term M . Received 06.04.2009 REFERENCES 1. Carlier S., Wells J.B. 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Sci., 2009, № 3, p. 42–51. λ -թերմերի տիպային կոռեկտության մասին: 1 Աշխատանքում դիտարկվում են պոլիմորֆ λ -թերմերը, որոնցում չկա ինֆորմացիա փոփոխականների տիպերի մասին: Աշխատանքի նպատակն է ընդլայնել այդպիսի թերմերի տիպայնացման ալգորիթմը [1] տիպերի հաստատունների և թերմերի հաստատունների գաղափարների ներմուծմամբ: О типовой корректности полиморфных λ -термов. 1 В работе рассматриваются полиморфные λ -термы, в которых отсутствует информация о типах переменных. Цель даной работы – расширить алгоритм типизации таких термов [1] введением понятий констант типов и констант термов.