Why do we need them? What are learning objectives?

2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Presented by Stefanie Pressl, QTS
What are learning objectives?
Why do we need them? 2
© 2016, Quality Training Systems
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Sample Learning Objectives
a) Explain alarm response
b) List all POWERCO procedures associated with transmission operations
c) Sketch the voltage profile along a transmission line for different line loadings and hence explain the concept of Surge Impedance Loading (SIL)
d) State the difference between static and dynamic reactive reserve and identify sources of dynamic reserve
What Is A Learning Objective?
1. Analyze
2. Design
3. Develop
4. Implement
5. Evaluate
A Learning Objective specifies: What the trainee will be able to do at the end of the training session (includes action verb).
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Why Use Learning Objectives?
 Help keep training focused on job performance.
 Guide selection of training content.
 Guide selection of training method (or job aid).
 Provide essential criteria for evaluation.
Learning Objectives for this Lesson
 Given the ABCD model as a framework, participants will identify the ABCD model components when provided with examples of learning objectives with 100% accuracy
 Given an overview of Bloom’s Taxonomy, participants will accurately explain different taxonomy levels for learning objectives with 100% accuracy
 Given an overview of learning objective taxonomy levels, participants will state examples of appropriate action verbs for learning objectives with 90% accuracy
 Given the ABCD model, participants will identify typical writing challenges and errors that occur when writing learning objective without the use of reference material with 100% accuracy
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
What is the ABCD Model? Audience
 Who?  Who are your learners?
 How much?
 How well will the behavior be performed and to what level?
 What?
 What observable behaviors are learners expected to do?
 How?
 Under what conditions/circumstances will learning occur?
ABCD Learning Objective Examined
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Exercise 1‐ Identifying ABCD Components in Learning Objectives
Activity: Review the learning objectives provided for this exercise. What are the ABCD components of each learning objective?
Time: 5 min
Please be prepared to share your answers!
Exercise 1: Answers
1. Using the ACE equation, the trainee will solve the equation without the use of notes, with 100% accuracy
2. Given an opportunity to visit the POWERCO generation plant, the trainee will accurately describe the purpose of five types of generation equipment on the POWERCO system with 80% accuracy (no more than 1 error)
3. Given a fire in the control room, the operators will gather all required items to take to the BUCC within five minutes
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Exercise 2: Good and Bad Learning Objectives
Activity: Using the ABCD model as a reference, review each learning objective and answer the following questions:
1. Is the learning objective written well?  If so, what characteristics make it a well‐
written learning objective?
2. Would the objective be approved by NERC for an ILA?
 If not, why?
 How would you fix the learning objective?
Time: 5 min
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains
Cognitive Domain
Learner’s ability to process information
Mental Activity
Psychomotor Domain
Learner’s ability to use motor skills to learn
Physical Activity
Affective Domain
Learner’s ability to recognize emotion and attitude as a result of learning
Feelings, values, motivation
Hierarchy •
Guided Response
Complex Overt Response
© 2016, Quality Training Systems
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Bloom’s Taxonomy‐ Cognitive Domain
Learning Objective Levels
Pull what learned together in new and innovative ways
Breaking what was learned into parts to understand how each part is related
Comprehension of what was learned‐making sense of what was learned
Make judgments on the value of the material Analyze
Using what was learned in new ways
Recalling knowledge from memory
Using Action Verbs to Write Learning Objectives
 An action verb is a verb that expresses a physical or mental action. The action verb tells us what the subject of a sentence is doing‐ physically or mentally.
 When writing learning objectives action verbs ensure the objective is measure and observable. 14
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Example‐ Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verb Table
The complete table is available as a handout in your workshop materials
Exercise 3: Identify the Purpose of Each Action Verb
Activity: For each learning objective, locate the action verb, and identify what action the learner should take. Which level of Bloom’s Taxonomy does the action verb belong under? Time: 10 min
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Exercise 4: Writing Learning Objectives to Each Taxonomy Level
Activity: Given the following concept, write a learning objective to each of Bloom’s Cognitive Domain Taxonomy levels Concept: ACE Equation
Time: 10 min
Writing Challenges and Typical Errors
While writing learning objectives, ask yourself: Is the objective:
too complex or broad in scope?
focused on the learner?
focused on the learning outcome?
observable or measureable? The ABCD Model is a good framework to keep in mind when developing learning objectives!
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Challenge Group Activity –
Activity: In assigned teams – analyze two issues/requests for training. Determine whether the issues/requests should be best resolved via performance management or if the issue/request should be addressed with training.
When your team decides whether the issue/request is a training or performance issue, you will receive additional information to move forward with the next exercise
Time: 15 min
Challenge Group Activity ‐
A. In your assigned teams, write learning objectives for the ILA – 30 min
B. Rotate learning objectives to neighbor to review and provide feedback – 20 min
C. Correct learning objectives based on feedback from neighbor– 15 min
D. Take learning objectives one taxonomy level up– 15 min
E. Rotate learning objectives to neighbor to review and provide feedback – 15 min
© 2016, Quality Training Systems
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Challenge Group Activity ‐ A
Activity: In your assigned teams, write learning objectives for the ILA that should be addressed with training
Time: 30 min
Challenge Group Activity ‐ B
Activity: Provide your learning objectives to your neighbor to review and provide feedback
Time: 20 min
© 2016, Quality Training Systems
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Challenge Group Activity ‐ C
Activity: Correct the learning objectives based on the feedback received from neighbor
Time: 15 min
Challenge Group Activity ‐ D
Activity: Choose one learning objective and re‐write the learning objective one taxonomy level up Time: 15 min
© 2016, Quality Training Systems
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2016 WECC Train‐the‐Trainer Workshop
Maximize Learning Impact with On‐Target Learning Objectives
Challenge Group Activity ‐ E
Activity: Provide your learning objective to your neighbor to review and provide feedback
Time: 15 min
1. What is the most challenging aspect of writing great ABCD Objectives?
2. What is the main thing that you are taking away from this lesson?
© 2016, Quality Training Systems
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