Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 APPLICABILITY: Reliability Coordinator Transmission Operator I. Purpose Prepare Reliability Coordinator (RC) System Operators and Transmission Operators (TOP) to enable effective coordination of the System restoration process to ensure reliability is maintained during restoration and priority is placed on restoring the Interconnection. II. Introduction The RC System Operator (RCSO) has a coordinating role in system restoration to ensure reliability of the Bulk Electric System (BES) is maintained during restoration and that priority is placed on restoring the Western Interconnection. The RCSO accomplishes this task by coordinating the actions of the Balancing Authorities (BA) and Transmission Operators (TOPs) over a wide area. The wide area view of the RC Area gives the RCSO the distinct advantage of being able to recognize how widespread the problem is, what needs to be done to stabilize the remaining portion of the Interconnection, and how to efficiently restore and resynchronize any islands that may have been formed during the disturbance. The Shift Lead RCSO will be the single point of contact for the RCSOs regarding their restoration coordination activities. This restoration plan provides the RCSOs and TOPs with requirements and general guidelines to use to address system restoration conditions and is categorized into the following sections: • Communications • RCSO Roles and Responsibilities • TOP Roles and Responsibilities • System Restoration: Whole or Partial Transmission System Islanding • System Restoration: Blackout Restoration Using Connection to an Energized System • System Restoration: Black Start Restoration – Energizing a De-energized System • Post Restoration: Resuming Normal Operations Appendices, presented as separate attachments from this plan, contain various technical parameters and the individual TOP Restoration Plans. Additional information such as designated Black Start units and Nuclear Plants are included within the appendices. Classification: Public Page 1 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 Implementation of each TOP’s restoration plan, in coordination with the RCSO and the requirements and guidelines contained in this document will ensure the necessary coordination between RCSOs, BAs and TOPs and will enable the expeditious restoration of the BES. The scope of this RC Area Restoration Plan begins when either 1: • Blackstart Resources are utilized to re-energize a shut down area of the BES, or • Separation has occurred between neighboring RCs or with the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) Area, or • An energized island has been formed on the BES within the RC Area. Additionally, the RCSO will consider the system to be in an operational emergency condition when any RC Area TOP has implemented their System Restoration Plan(s). The RC Area Restoration Plan ends when all of the RC Area TOPs are interconnected. Note 2: It is impossible to predict all the possible combinations of problems that may occur after a major electric system failure or underfrequency load shedding event. If the restoration plan cannot be implemented as expected because actual system conditions do not match studied conditions, system operators shall utilize their restoration plan philosophies to implement alternative measures for achieving system restoration. This document is not intended to defer or replace professional operator judgment during conditions requiring restoration of the system. The RCSOs shall coordinate restoration activities, monitor restoration progress and coordinate any needed assistance. Communications3 The RCSO is the primary contact for disseminating information regarding restoration to neighboring RCs, TOPs, and BAs in its RC Area. Active communications regarding the status of the restoration effort will be established and maintained between the RCSO and the BAs and TOPs utilizing RC conference calls and the Reliability Messaging Tool (RMT) system. The RCSO will maintain close contact with the affected entities and TOPs should provide periodic updates on restoration progress. The RCSO will distribute messages via RMT to keep registered entities and AESO informed of the situation and via the Reliability Coordinator Information System (RCIS) and the NERC Reliability Coordinator Hotline to inform adjacent Reliability Coordinators. The Shift Lead RCSO will coordinate reporting to regulatory agencies and government agencies as applicable. 1 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1 2 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirements R7 and R8 3 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirements R1.6, R1.7 and R1.8 Classification: Public Page 2 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 RCSO communication, including directives, to the Generator Owners (GO) and Generator Operators (GOP) will be conveyed through the host BA/TOP. The RCSO, TOPs, and BAs will follow established protocols using three-part communications for all directives. III. RCSO Roles and Responsibilities The RCSO has the authority to coordinate restoration activities, monitor restoration progress and coordinate any needed assistance. The Shift Lead RCSO will be the single point of contact for the RCSOs regarding their restoration coordination activities. Following a major disturbance, the RC Area may be totally or partially shut down and contain isolated electrical islands consisting of load and generation. When such a Disturbance occurs, the RCSO shall complete an initial assessment to determine whether the RC Area Restoration Plan should be executed. The high level process to follow after an event occurs can be broken down into the following actions: analyze, stabilize, restore, and return to normal operations. 4 Analyze – The RCSO will conduct a detailed assessment of the RC Area status to determine system conditions. Specifically, the RCSO must: • Determine if electrical islanding has occurred and, if so, identify the existing islands and their respective boundaries; • Determine if a portion of the RC Area has been shut-down and if Blackstart Resources are going to be used; • Identify TOPs impacted by the Disturbance and which TOPs must initiate their restoration plans to restore shut-down areas to service or to resynchronize energized islands; • Determine the status of transmission and generation facilities o At a minimum, the RCSO must identify major transmission and generation facilities that are no longer in service and evaluate the resultant impact to BES reliability; • Identify load required for the restoration effort; • Determine status of ties with neighboring RCs 5 and AESO; • Identify voltage levels and frequency; and • Identify any actual exceedances of both established limits and potential Interconnected Reliability Operating Limits (IROL). 4 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.1 5 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.4 Classification: Public Page 3 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 Stabilize – The RCSO will request or direct actions necessary to stabilize and maintain reliable operations of the RC Area as a whole and/or of existing electrical islands. The RCSO must ensure on-line generation and load is balanced to operate within established limits. Restore – The RCSO will coordinate with impacted TOPs to identify and track restoration objectives and goals. 6 The RCSO must coordinate restoration activities to ensure each TOP completes the actions necessary to 7: • Provide off-site power requirements to nuclear power plants, as applicable; • Use Blackstart Resources as required to restore shut-down areas to service with primary focus on providing start-up power to available generating units and restoring substation station service; • Re-establish interconnections with other TOPs within the RC Area including resynchronization of electrical islands; and • Transfer authority back to BAs o Identify when each TOP has restored its system to a state whereby the choice of the next Load to be restored is not driven by the need to control frequency or voltage. Return to normal operation – The RCSO will declare a return to normal operations when all TOPs are interconnected and each TOP has transferred authority back to its respective BA. The RCSO will determine when it is appropriate to synchronize electrical islands and reestablish interconnections between TOPs within its RC Area and with Adjacent RCs and AESO. 8 When determining if electrical islands should be synchronized, the RCSO must coordinate with the TOP System Operators to 9: • Determine if each island is stable and operating within acceptable limits; • Determine if, once combined, the resultant island will be capable of sustaining all credible contingencies (i.e., operating in an N-1 secure state); • Evaluate system conditions and determine: 6 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.6 7 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.3 8 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.5 9 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R8 Classification: Public Page 4 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan o Point(s) of synchronization; o Status of auto-reclosing and synchronization relays; o Status of Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) or relays that may affect the synchronization effort; o Automatic Generation Control (AGC) control mode(s) and unit(s) used for frequency control; and o Acceptable transfer limits and expected interchange upon synchronization • NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 Zero schedules on tie lines is expected; Ensure each island is operating within acceptable frequency and voltage ranges prior to approving synchronization of islands. Prior to granting permission to re-establish interconnections between TOPs within the RC Area, the RCSO must coordinate with the TOP System Operators to: • Identify the point of interconnection and evaluate anticipated impacts to system conditions; • Verify acceptable transfer limits and expected interchange; TOPs must notify the RCSO prior to transferring operations and authority back to their respective BA following a restoration event. Prior to returning to normal operation the RCSO and TOP shall 10: • Verify restoration objectives met and all BAs and TOPs are prepared to return to normal operations; • Verify the Interconnection is stable and frequency control and generation-load balancing responsibilities may be returned to the BA (i.e., the next Load to be restored is not driven by the need to control frequency and voltage); • Verify TOPs are operating synchronously (i.e., interconnected system operations); and • Verify the status of the ties with neighboring RCs 11 and AESO. The RCSO will work with the affected BAs and TOPs, including the GOPs via the host BA/ TOP, as well as neighboring RCs and AESO to monitor restoration progress, coordinate restoration and take actions to restore the BES frequency within acceptable operating 10 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.9 11 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.4 Classification: Public Page 5 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 limits. 12 Actions to take may include, but are not limited to, directing generation adjustments, placing additional generators on-line or shedding load. If any part of the restoration plan(s) cannot be implemented as expected because actual conditions do not match studied conditions, the RCSO shall utilize restoration plan philosophies to implement alternative measures for achieving system restoration. The RCSO shall approve, communicate and coordinate the re-synchronization of major system islands and/or synchronizing points so as not to cause a burden on adjacent TOPs, BAs, AESO or RC Areas. 13 The Shift Lead RCSO shall ensure that appropriate regulatory reports are provided. IV. TOP Roles and Responsibilities Each RC Area TOP shall have a restoration plan to re-establish its electric system in a stable and orderly manner in the event of a partial or total shutdown of its system. The plan should include the following information: • Strategies for system restoration that is coordinated with the RC Area high level strategy for restoring the Interconnection 14 of analyze, stabilize, restore and return to normal operations. o The plan must include a requirement to coordinate with the RCSO to assess initial conditions and to keep the RCSO informed of progress with key milestones, load/generation restored and remaining islands not yet synchronized to the Interconnection. • A description of how all Agreements or mutually agreed upon procedures or protocols for off-site power requirements of nuclear power plants, including priority of restoration, will be fulfilled during System restoration. 15 • Procedures for restoring interconnections with other TOPs under the direction of the RCSO. 16 o TOP plans should include a list of synchronizing locations and a provision to coordinate with neighboring entities when tie lines are affected, when there is any potential for cross border impact and when preparing to resynchronize islands. o Blackstart assistance that has been identified in the plan and is also included in the neighboring TOP plan needs to be compared such that the point of 12 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R7 13 NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R8 14 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.1 15 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.2 16 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.3 Classification: Public Page 6 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 interconnection for establishing the cranking path from the border is consistent. • o Identification of each Blackstart Resource and its characteristics including but not limited to, the name of the Blackstart Resource, its location, its megawatt and megavar capacity and the type of unit 17. o Fuel types and availability/duration of fuel supply need to be specified for Blackstart generators. o If no Blackstart generator is identified, a path needs to be identified from the external tie location to the unit(s) to be started and the external entity identified. Identification of Cranking Paths and initial switching requirements between each Blackstart Resource and the unit(s) to be started 18. o • • TOPs must consider the availability of the Blackstart units and the initial transmission switching requirements in assessing the viability of their individual Blackstart Restoration Plan. Identification of acceptable operating voltage and frequency limits during restoration. 19 o Acceptable operating voltages, voltage control considerations, and techniques for controlling voltage are included in the plan. o Frequency limits, frequency control considerations and techniques for controlling frequency are included in the plan. o For TOPs with no generation control, list the entity responsible for generation control as specified in the plan. Operating Processes to reestablish connections within the TOP’s system for areas that have been restored and are prepared for reconnection. 20 o The island resynchronization process described in the plan is consistent with the RC Interconnection restoration process. 17 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.4 18 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.5 19 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.6 20 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.7 Classification: Public Page 7 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 o The resynchronization process described in the plan specifies that the RCSO must be notified prior to synchronizing any internal/external islands. o The resynchronization process described in the plan specifies that resynchronization to neighboring TOPs or connecting to the Eastern Interconnection or to the Alberta System is under the direction of the RCSO. • Operating Processes to restore Loads required to restore the System, such as station service for substations, units to be started or stabilized, the Load needed to stabilize generation and frequency, and provide voltage control. 21 • Operating Processes for transferring authority back to the BA in accordance with the RC’s criteria. 22 o TOPs must notify the RCSO prior to transferring operations and authority back to their respective BA. o Verify restoration objectives met and all BAs and TOPs are prepared to return to normal operations. o Verify the Interconnection is stable and frequency control and generation-load balancing responsibilities may be returned to the BA (i.e., the next Load to be restored is not driven by the need to control frequency and voltage). o Verify TOPs are operating synchronously (i.e., interconnected system operations). o Verify status of interconnections with neighboring RCs and AESO. Each TOP will submit the most recent version of its individual TOP restoration plan, in accordance with EOP-005-2, to the RC either by uploading it through the secure portal on or by emailing it to . All submissions must include a completed RC Transmission Operator System Restoration Plan Worksheet. The latest version of the RC Transmission Operator System Restoration Plan Worksheet is located on both and • Upon approval of a new or revised procedure/plan the entity shall notify neighboring TOPs of the update. Additional TOP responsibilities include: • Establish and maintain active communications with the RCSO, other TOPs, hosted GOPs, and other load-serving entities within their operating areas. 21 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.8 22 NERC Standard EOP-005-2 Requirement R1.9 Classification: Public Page 8 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan • NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 All TOPs will notify the RCSO: o Prior to synchronizing electrical islands; o Before establishing interconnections with adjacent TOPs; o Prior to taking actions that deviate from established restoration strategies or procedures (example: picking up load for reasons other than frequency or voltage control); o Before altering acceptable operating voltage or frequency limits; o If Blackstart resources or identified cranking paths become unavailable or inoperable; o If it is determined the TOP may be unable to or will have difficulty in meeting restoration milestones; or o If established limits have been exceeded (i.e., IROLS, System Operating Limits, acceptable voltage or frequency limits). • Implement area restoration following partial or complete blackout according to individual TOP restoration procedures. • When requested, communicate to the RCSO the extent of the blackout and status of the system. • Guide restoration of critical communications and computer links within their operating areas. System Restoration: Whole or Partial Transmission System Islanding23 V. The RCSO is responsible for the overall coordination of the system restoration. The Shift Lead RCSO will be the single point of contact for the RCSOs regarding their restoration coordination activities. Blackout boundaries should be identified by the RCSO and all entities notified. The RCSO will maintain the energized portion of the transmission system within established line loadings, voltages and first contingency protections. Once the RCSO has determined that islanded conditions exist within the RC Area, the RCSO will inform all BAs and TOPs of the islanded condition. To ensure a coordinated restoration following a disturbance, all TOPs will: 23 • Communicate if they had any underfrequency load shedding relay operations and • Follow instructions given by the RCSO. NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.2 Classification: Public Page 9 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 Before all systems have been synchronized: • All systems wholly within the separation zone will contact the RCSO to receive instructions on a coordinated restoration procedure. • All systems wholly within the separation zone will instruct remaining generation within the separation zone to increase generation until a frequency of at least 59.5 Hz but no greater than 60.5 Hz is achieved. At this point, each system operator can set their net interchange schedule to the value of their system’s actual net interchange and resume tie line control. • Systems partially affected by the separated zone may be requested by the RCSO to adjust generation in the zone as necessary to assist in reestablishing synchronized ties with the Interconnection. • If the above actions have not restored frequency to synchronizing range, it is the responsibility of the RCSO to instruct the deficient systems to increase generation, drop load or take other available action to promptly restore the frequency to synchronizing range. • At no time shall any affected system manually restore load, unless specifically instructed to do so by the RCSO. After all systems have been synchronized: • The RCSO shall notify all entities once synchronization has been accomplished. • The RCSO shall direct load restoration with the affected entities. • At no time shall a system manually restore load without verbal permission from the RCSO. • All operating reserves shall be reestablished. Classification: Public Page 10 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 VI. System Restoration: Blackout Restoration Using Connection to an Energized System 24 Assumptions: • One or more TOPs in the RC Area have experienced a blackout or islanded condition. • Other TOPs may be affected by the disturbance. • The restoration can be accomplished through the connection to another energized system. • Restoration will be through the implementation of individual TOP’s blackout restoration procedures in coordination with the RCSO. • All generators, transmission lines, breakers, reactive devices, SCADA, and telecommunications are available. Priorities: • If nuclear stations within the RC Area have lost access to off-site power, the RCSO shall coordinate with the affected TOPs to give top priority to restoration of off-site power to the affected nuclear stations. • Restore startup power to all available generating units. Units still running, but carrying only their own auxiliary load, can be synchronized as soon as the plant has stabilized and is ready and the transmission system is ready. • Notify the plant operator before energizing a system up to a generator. o • Synchronize with the Interconnection as soon as possible. • Energize major transmission circuits. o • 24 CAUTION: In restoring startup power to a unit in a blackout condition (unit did not stay on its own auxiliary transformer), the restoration must be done in such a way that the plant auxiliary busses are not energized without plant operating personnel assuring that no equipment is unduly connected to the auxiliary bus. Failure to do this may result in equipment damage. CAUTION: The system operator must carefully watch generators and tie lines to avoid system separation or high/low voltage runaway during restoration. Restore service to all customers. NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.2 Classification: Public Page 11 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 General Procedures: • The RCSO will determine the boundaries of the blacked out area and its effect on the Interconnection. • TOPs will determine the extent of the blackout for their area and communicate this to the RCSO. • TOPs will determine a plan for restoration utilizing established priorities. • TOPs can begin restoration activities that do not affect the Interconnection. • The RCSO shall approve, communicate and coordinate the re-synchronizing of major system or synchronizing points so as not to cause a burden on adjacent TOPs, BAs or RC Areas. • The TOPs will begin restoration plans in coordination with the RCSO. If possible restore the de-energized system from the interconnected system. • TOP’s restoration activities should maintain proper frequency, voltage, line loading and generator loading within the emergency limits at all times. • o Any expected violation of these parameters should be coordinated with the RCSO and any affected entity. o Considerations should be made for cold load pickup normalization time of up to 30 minutes. In re-energizing the system, protect utility and customer equipment from damage due to overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, overfrequency or underfrequency. o Emergency voltage limits are +/- 10% nominal voltage. • Avoid energizing high voltage cables at the end of a long, lightly loaded system. • Open, or check to be open, breakers for transmission and substation capacitor banks during the initial re-energization process. Use shunt reactors as required to control voltage. o CAUTION: Until station service is restored to a substation, the breakers at that station can be operated only a relatively few times before they become inoperative due to loss of stored energy. • In restoring startup power to generating units, bypass bulk stations to speed up restoration, if possible, except where required to control voltage or provide relay protection. • When loading the system, in order to control the voltage, consideration should be given to Surge Impedance Loading. Classification: Public Page 12 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 • Switch lines necessary to provide synchronization at a plant location to the Interconnection or to another island. It is also possible to provide synchronization at an auto-synch location. • Adjust frequency and voltage to allow synchronization of the systems and utilize the RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet available in the referenced appendices. VII. System Restoration: Blackstart Restoration Energizing a De-energized System 25 Assumptions: • One or more TOPs of the RC Area have experienced a blackout condition. • Other TOPs may be affected by the disturbance. • The restoration through the connection to another energized system cannot be accomplished in a timely manner or at all depending on the state of the transmission system. • Restoration will utilize individual TOP Blackstart Restoration Plans in coordination with the RCSO. • All transmission lines, breakers, reactive devices, SCADA and telecommunications are available. Some generators are assumed to have Blackstart capability. • There is a defined process/method for synchronization of an island with the energized Interconnection or with another island. Priorities: 25 • Start an Island as close as possible to a nuclear plant. • If the nuclear plants have lost off-site power, restore it as quickly as possible. • Restore startup power to all available generating units. Units still running, but carrying only their own auxiliary load, can be synchronized as soon as the plant has stabilized and is ready and the transmission system is ready. • Notify the plant operator before energizing a system up to a generator. NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.2 Classification: Public Page 13 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan o NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 CAUTION: In restoring startup power to a unit in a blackout condition (unit did not stay on its own auxiliary transformer), the restoration must be done in such a way that the plant auxiliary busses are not energized without plant operating personnel assuring that no equipment is unduly connected to the auxiliary bus. Failure to do this may result in equipment damage. • Synchronize with the Interconnection as soon as possible. • Energize major transmission circuits. o • CAUTION: The system operator must carefully watch generators and tie lines to avoid system separation or high/low voltage runaway during restoration. Restore service to all customers. General Procedures • The RCSO will determine the boundaries of the blacked out area and its effect on the Interconnection. • TOPs will determine the extent of the blackout for their area and communicate this to the RCSO. • TOPs will determine a plan for restoration utilizing established priorities. • TOPs can begin restoration activities that do not affect the Interconnection. • Open the de-energized tie lines. • Start Blackstart capable generation. • Communicate Blackstart generator status to the RCSO as conditions change. • Energize transmission circuits with a few substations to minimize load pickup. • Pick up radial load areas while maintaining the ability to synchronize the Island to an energized high voltage transmission system. • It may be difficult to maintain a close tolerance on 60 Hz operation. Operation between 59.5 Hz and 60.5 Hz should be tolerable. • In re-energizing portions of the blacked out system from isolated generation, try to limit the frequency dip to a maximum of 0.2 Hz on each step of load pick up. A step load pick up of 5% of generation capacity of units on line in the Island is roughly equivalent to 0.2 Hz. o Considerations should be made for cold load pickup normalization time of up to 30 minutes. Classification: Public Page 14 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 • When possible, tie generation areas together to increase the amount of generation available to pick up load and minimize frequency variations. • In re-energizing the system, protect utility and customer equipment from damage due to overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, overfrequency and underfrequency. o Emergency voltage limits are =/- 10% nominal voltage • Avoid energizing high voltage cables at the end of a long, lightly loaded system. • Open, or check to be open, breakers for transmission and substation capacitor banks during the initial re-energization process. Use shunt reactors as required to control voltage. o CAUTION: Until station service is restored to a substation, the breakers at that station can be operated only a relatively few times before they become inoperative due to loss of stored energy. • In restoring startup power to generating units, ensure the Island capacity is large enough to withstand the impact of picking up subsequent auxiliary load. • In energizing the transmission system and restoring customer service, energize it in a step-by-step ladder sequence. • When loading the system, in order to control the voltage, consideration should be given to Surge Impedance Loading. • Switch lines necessary to provide synchronization at a plant location to the Interconnection or to another island. It is also possible to provide synchronization at an auto-synch location. • Adjust frequency and voltage to allow synchronization of the systems and utilize the RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet available in the referenced appendices. Post Restoration: Resuming Normal Operations 26 VIII. Assumptions: 26 • All RC Area TOPs that have the capability to be interconnected are interconnected and operating synchronously. • The interconnected RC Area TOPs are connected to the Alberta System or the Eastern Interconnection as appropriate. • The RCSO has verified that the RC Area BES is in a stable state NERC Standard EOP-006-2 Requirement R1.9 Classification: Public Page 15 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Version 5.0 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan NERC Standards EOP-006-2 and EOP-005-2 • The RCSO has verified with all RC Area BAs and TOPs that they are ready to return to normal operations mode. • The RCSO has verified the status of adjacent interconnections with the adjacent Reliability Coordinators and AESO and has confirmed that adjacent interconnections are ready to return to normal operations mode with RC Area operating entities. Priorities: • The RCSO has verified that the cause of the disturbance that initiated the restoration event is known and is no longer a threat to the BES. • The RCSO has verified that all major load centers have been restored prior to returning to normal operations. • Actual BES line flows and contingency analysis results should indicate that the BES is operating within applicable System Operating Limits (SOLs) and Interconnected Reliability Operating Limits (IROLs). General Procedures: • The RCSO shall communicate with all RC Area BAs and TOPs (or their designated agent) and verified the status of their systems and that they are ready to return to normal operations. • The RCSO shall contact AESO and the neighboring RCs to verify that the neighboring RC Areas and adjacent operating entities are ready to resume normal operations with the RC Area’s operating entities. • The RCSO shall issue a message on RMT and RCIS messaging systems announcing a return to normal operations. Classification: Public Page 16 of 17 Effective Date: June 1, 2016 Peak Reliability Version 7.1 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix List Appendix Description Classification 1 Technical Parameters: Nominal Voltage Ranges Surge Impedance Loading Public 2 RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet Public 3 Designated Blackstart Units Confidential 4 Nuclear Plants Confidential 5 TOP Arizona Electrical Power Co. Confidential 6 TOP Arizona Public Service Plan Confidential 7 TOP Avista Corporation Plan Confidential 8 TOP Black Hills Power Plan TOP Black Hills Corporation Plan Confidential 9 TOP Bonneville Power Administration Plan Confidential 10 TOP California Independent System Operator Plan (SDGE, PGAE, SCE, TBC, VEA) Confidential 11 TOP Chelan County PUD Plan Confidential 12 TOP Clark County PUD Plan Confidential 13 TOP Colorado Springs Utilities Plan Confidential Classification: Public Page 1 of 6 Effective Date: July 15, 2016 Peak Reliability Version 7.1 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix List 14 TOP CENACE Plan Confidential 15 Reserved Confidential 16 TOP Douglas County PUD Plan Confidential 17 TOP El Paso Electric Company Plan Confidential 18 TOP Eugene Water and Electric Board Plan Confidential 19 TOP Farmington Electric Utility Service Plan Confidential 20 TOP Grant County PUD Plan Confidential 21 TOP Hetch Hetchy Water and Power Plan Confidential 22 TOP Idaho Power Company Plan Confidential 23 TOP Imperial Irrigation District Plan Confidential 24 TOP Intermountain Rural Electric Association Plan Confidential 25 TOP Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Plan Confidential 26 Reserved Confidential 27 TOP Modesto Irrigation District Plan Confidential Classification: Public Page 2 of 6 Effective Date: July 15, 2016 Peak Reliability Version 7.1 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix List 28 TOP Montana Alberta Tie LTD Plan (MATL) Confidential 29 TOP National Nuclear Security Administration – Los Alamos Plan Confidential 30 TOP Nevada Power Plan (NV Energy South, NVS) Confidential 31 TOP Northwestern Energy Plan Confidential 32 TOP PacifiCorp Plan Confidential 33 TOP Pend Oreille County PUD Plan Confidential 34 TOP Platt River Power Authority Plan Confidential 35 TOP Portland General Electric Plan Confidential 36 TOP Public Service of Colorado Plan Confidential 37 TOP Public Service Company of New Mexico Plan Confidential 38 TOP Puget Sound Energy Plan Confidential 39 TOP Sacramento Municipal Utility District Plan Confidential 40 TOP Salt River Project Plan Confidential 41 TOP Seattle City Light Plan Confidential Classification: Public Page 3 of 6 Effective Date: July 15, 2016 Peak Reliability Version 7.1 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix List 42 TOP Sierra Pacific Power Plan (NV Energy North, NVN) Confidential 43 TOP Silicon Valley Power Plan Confidential 44 TOP Snohomish PUD Plan Confidential 45 Reserved 46 TOP Tacoma Power Plan Confidential 47 TOP Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association Plan Confidential 48 TOP Tucson Electric Power Plan Confidential 49 TOP Turlock Irrigation District Plan Confidential 50 51 52 53 54 Classification: Public TOP Western Area Power Administration Colorado Missouri Region Plan (WACM) and Western Area Power Administration Lower Colorado Region Plan (WALC) TOP Western Area Power Administration Sierra Nevada Region Plan (WASN) TOP Western Area Power Administration Upper Great Plains Region Plan (WAUW) TOP BC Hydro Plan (BCHA) (Includes BMWL, DGP, and TMGP) TOP Catalyst Paper – Powell River Division Plan (CPPR) Page 4 of 6 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Effective Date: July 15, 2016 Peak Reliability Version 7.1 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix List 55 Reserved Confidential 56 TOP Fortis BC Plan (FBC) Confidential 57 Reserved Confidential 58 Reserved Confidential 59 TOP Teck Metals Plan (TECK) Confidential Classification: Public Page 5 of 6 Effective Date: July 15, 2016 Peak Reliability Version 7.1 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix List Version History Rev. Date Action By Change Tracking 1.0 06/21/2013 Issued for Implementation P Savage J Hoyt Original WECC RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix List 1.1 10/09/2013 Revised and Reissued P Savage Added TOP MATL 2.0 12/19/2013 Revised and Reissued M Granath Updated to Peak Reliability template and associated language, alphabetized TOP’s 3.0 3.26.2014 Revised and Reissued M Granath Milford (First Wind) removed, no longer a registered TOP 4.0 5/05/2014 Revised and Reissued M Granath Cedar Creek Wind Energy removed, no longer a registered TOP. New Harquahala is no longer a registered TOP. 5.0 5/28/2014 Revised and Reissued M Granath Arlington Valley is no longer a registered TOP, removed. 5.1 10/15/2014 Revised and Reissued M Granath Mesquite Power deregistered as a TOP, removed from list. 6.0 7/30/2015 Revised and Reissued M Granath CFE named changed to CENACE, Added Appendices 53 - 59 7.0 5/10/2016 Revised and Reissued M Granath SWTC renamed to AEPC 7.1 7/14/2016 Revised and Reissued B Taylor Innergex is no longer a registered TOP. Catalyst Paper- Crofton Division and Port Alberni Division (CPCD, CPPAD) are no longer registered TOP’s. Classification: Public Page 6 of 6 Effective Date: July 15, 2016 Peak Reliability Version 1.1 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix 1 Technical Parameters Nominal Transmission Voltage Ranges* Maximum Voltage (kV) Maximum Voltage (kV) Continuous Emergency 450 550 550 345 311 362 379 230 207 245 253 138 124 145 152 115 104 121 125 69 62 73 75 Nominal Voltage (kV) Minimum Voltage (kV) 500 * The values shown are general guidelines only. Individual TOPs should utilize their voltage range standards. Surge impedance Loading (SIL)** Nominal Voltage (kV) Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) 500 940 MW 345 420 MW 230 132 MW 138 48 MW 115 33 MW 69 12 MW **SIL values shown are to be used as general guidelines. The true SIL value will vary with the actual characteristic impedance of the line. A transmission line loaded to its surge impedance loading has no net reactive power flow into or out of the line and will have approximately a flat voltage profile along its length. The SIL of a line should be recognized during restoration because a line loaded below its SIL generates VARS, a line loaded above its SIL, absorbs VARS. Voltage control is a critical element of successful restoration efforts. Classification: Public Page 1 of 2 Effective Date: May 24, 2014 Peak Reliability Version 1.1 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix 1 Technical Parameters Version History Rev. Date Action By Change Tracking 1.0 12/19/2013 Issued for Implementation M. Granath Updated to Peak Reliability template and associated language. 1.1 4/15/2014 Revised and Reissued M. Granath Added 345 kV to tables Classification: Public Page 2 of 2 Effective Date: May 24, 2014 Peak Reliability Version 5.0 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix 2 RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet A. Island Definition and Contact Information Island “A” Balancing Authority List all BAs in this island: Island “A” contact name: Island “A” contact phone: Island “B” Balancing Authority List all BAs in this island: Island “B” contact name: Island “B” contact phone: B. Evaluate Stability of Existing Islands 1. Frequency range (preferred within 60.0 +/- 0.2 Hz) Island A: Island B: 2. Voltage range at boundary bus (preferred nominal within +/- 2%) Island A: Island B: 3. Total online capacity (maximum capability of all online units) Island A: Island B: 4. Spinning Reserve Island A: Island B: 5. UFLS restored Island A: Island B: 6. Largest generation contingency Island A: Classification: Public Island B: Page 1 of 6 Effective Date: July 1, 2015 Peak Reliability Version 5.0 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix 2 RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet 7. Verify total dynamic reserve (lines 4 & 5) equals or exceeds the largest contingency (line 6). Both numbers positive? If yes, OK. C. Evaluate Interconnection of Islands 1. Establish conference call st 2. Tie line voltage of 1 interconnect 3. Tie line voltage of 2 nd interconnect 4. Sync location to be used: Breaker ID: 5. Auto reclosing relays off? 6. Relaying or RAS concerns at sync? 7. Frequency control unit to be used (no more than 1 unit on 0% droop after sync): Preferably largest island: 8. AGC control modes (flat freq, flat tie, TLB): 9. Does sync point have synchronizing relays? 10. Apply island changes to accommodate synchronizing. 11. Confirm islands involved will avoid system changes during synchronizing. 12. Confirm schedules zero on tie lines. 13. The RC approves this interconnection: Time approved: RCSO initials: 14. Synchronize across the tie point and then close the tie. Time closed: 15. Establish additional ties as soon as possible. Classification: Public Page 2 of 6 Effective Date: July 1, 2015 Peak Reliability Version 5.0 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix 2 RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet 16. Each BA should not pick up more than 5% of its online capacity without notifying the RC. 17. BAs must agree on scheduled interchange. Flow should be maintained near zero if only one tie line. 18. As islands grow, AGC modes, reserves, tie line flows, etc. need to be reviewed with all BAs. D. Restoration Milestones Number of Islands identified and their boundaries. Islands stabilized – both frequency and voltage within limits. TOP Restoration Procedures started and monitored. Hourly RC conference calls to poll restoration progress (load/generation restored). Synchronizing Islands – BA to BA Re-establish interconnection with agreed upon flow limits. Resume normal operations. Complete reporting and notifications. Rules of thumb: Load pickup and load shed – a conservative estimate of load pickup is between three and five percent (3-5%) of synchronized generation on line. This avoids the hazard of picking up too much load and activating the UFLS relays. When stabilizing an island to bring the under frequency closer to 60 Hz, use 6-10% of load shed to increase frequency by 1 Hz. Classification: Public Page 3 of 6 Effective Date: July 1, 2015 Peak Reliability Version 5.0 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix 2 RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet Notes Classification: Public Page 4 of 6 Effective Date: July 1, 2015 Peak Reliability Version 5.0 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix 2 RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet Simplified Interconnection Restoration Checklist: Island 1 Island 2 BAs in Island Contact Person / Phone No. / SYNC’D Capacity / Load / Spin / / Armed UFLS MWs / MSSC Dynamic Reserve > MSSC / / / / / Spinning Reserve + Enabled UFLS > MSSC? (Yes) Spinning Reserve + Enabled UFLS > MSSC? (Yes) On Conference Call establish the following: SYNC PT: Location / CB / Method / / Tie Line / kV / Limit / / / / kV / Nominal ± 2% / (Yes / No) / (Yes / No) Frequency / 60 ± 0.2 Hz / (Yes / No) / (Yes / No) Auto Reclose disabled? (Yes) Concerns: Relaying / RAS? (Yes) / / Additional Tie(s) / kV Unit on 0% Droop AGC Mode Confirm: Tie Line Schedules zeroed / System changes to be avoided in Islands during synchronizing Time: Initials: SYNC Time: Parallel Time: RC Approval Notes: Establish additional ties as soon as possible. For load pickup greater than 5% of on-line capacity, notify the RCSO. BAs must agree on scheduled interchange. Flow should be maintained near zero if only one tie-line is available. As islands grow, AGC modes, reserves, tie-line flows, etc., need to be reviewed with all BAs. Rules of thumb: 6-10% change in load will change frequency by 1 Hz (shedding load will raise voltage, picking up load will lower voltage) Typical MVAR production: 500 kV 2MVAR/mile; 345 kV 0.75 MVAR/mile; 230 kV 0.33 MVAR/mile Classification: Public Page 5 of 6 Effective Date: July 1, 2015 Peak Reliability Version 5.0 RC Area Restoration Plan Appendix 2 RC Interconnection Restoration Check Sheet Version History Rev. Date Action By Change Tracking 0 04/06/2009 Issued for Implementation Reword and add communication data, rule of thumb. 1 7/08/2009 Issued for Implementation Added appendices, TOC 2 11/16/2009 Issued for Implementation Replaced CMRC/RDRC/PNSC ref. Removed ref. to RC-001 & applicable NERC Standards 3 3/24/2010 Issued for Implementation 4 6/19/2013 Revised and Reissued J. Hoyt Modified format, minor grammar changes 4.1 12/19/2013 Revised and Reissued M. Granath Updated to Peak Reliability template and associated language 5.0 04/16/2015 Revised and Reissued J Hoyt Added simplified Interconnection Restoration checklist Classification: Public Edited Interconnection Check sheet Page 6 of 6 Effective Date: July 1, 2015