One Nation. One Grid REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT & VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION POWER SYSTEM OPERATION CORPORATION LIMITED (A wholly owned subsidiary of Powergrid) (A GOVT. OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) NORTH EASTERN REGIONAL LOAD DESPATCH CENTRE SHILLONG Edition December 2014 Prepared by: System Operation - I department REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 1 6 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 17 20 Reactive Power Management and Voltage Control 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 3 4 5 Transmission Lines and Reactive Power Compensation 21 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 21 23 23 24 Introduction Surge impedance loading (SIL) Shunt compensation in line Line loading as function of line length and compensation Series and Shunt Capacitor Voltage Control 40 3.1 3.2 3.3 40 41 41 Introduction MeSEB capacity building and training document suggestion THE ASSAM GAZETTE, EXTRAORDINARY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 Transformer Load Tap Changer and Voltage Control 44 4.1 4.2 44 45 Introduction THE ASSAM GAZETTE, EXTRAORDINARY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 HVDC and Voltage Control 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 Introduction Analogy of Reactive Power Understanding Vectorially Voltage Stability Voltage Collapse Proximity to Instability Reactive reserve margin NER GRID – OVERVIEW Reliability improvement due to local voltage regulation Introduction HVDC Configuration Reactive power source ”Inter-regional Transmission system for power export from NER to NR/WR” 57 57 57 60 60 FACTS and Voltage Control 61 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 61 61 62 63 Introduction Static Var Compensator (SVC) Converter-based Compensator Series-connected controllers Page 1 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 7 Generator Reactive Power and Voltage Control 64 7.1 7.2 64 66 Introduction Synchronous condensers 8 CONCLUSION 91 9 SUMMARY 89 10 Statutory Provisions for Reactive Power Management and Voltage Control 94 10.1 94 10.2 10.3 11. Provision in the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standard for connectivity to the grid) Regulations 2007 [8]: Provision in the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC), 2010 94 99 THE ASSAM GAZETTE, EXTRAORDINARY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 Bibliography 103 Details of List LIST-1: LIST-2: LIST-3: LIST-4: LIST-5: LIST-6: LIST-7: LIST-8: LIST-9: LIST-10: 400 KV LINE DETAILS OF POWERGRID IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 400 KV LINE (CHARGED AT 220 KV) DETAILS OF POWERGRID IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 220 KV LINE DETAILS OF POWERGRID IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF POWERGRID IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF NEEPCO IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF AEGCL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF MANIPUR IN NORTH EAST 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF TSECL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF NAGALAND IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF MIZORAM IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-11: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF MeECL IN NORTH EAST 32 LIST-12: LIST-13: LIST-14: LIST-15: LIST-16: LIST-17: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH IN NORTH EAST 66 KV LINE DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION SHUNT COMPENSATED LINES IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SHUNT COMPENSATED INTER – REGIONAL LINES IN NORTH EASTERN REGION INTER-STATE LINE DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION FIXED, SWITCHABLE AND CONVERTIBLE LINE REACTORS IN NORTH EASTERN REGION BUS REACTORS IN NORTH EASTERN REGION TERTIARY REACTORS ON 33 KV SIDE OF 400/220/33 KV ICTS IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SUBSTATIONS IN NER SHUNT CAPACITOR DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF POWERGRID IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF NEEPCO IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF NHPC IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 32 33 34 35 35 LIST-18: LIST-19: LIST-20: LIST-21: LIST-22: LIST-23: LIST-24: Page 2 of 103 26 26 27 27 28 29 29 31 31 32 36 37 39 39 42 46 46 47 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-25: LIST-26: LIST-27: LIST-28: LIST-29: LIST-30: LIST-31: LIST-32: LIST-33: ICT DETAILS OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF AEGCL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF MANIPUR IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF MeECL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF MIZORAM IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF NAGALAND IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF TSECL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION ICT DETAILS OF OTPC IN NORTH EASTERN REGION TRANSMISSION/TRANSFORMATION/VAR COMPENSATION CAPACITY OF NER 47 47 52 52 53 54 55 56 56 List of Figures Fig1. Fig2. Fig3. Fig4. Fig5. Fig6. Fig7. Fig8. Fig9. Fig10. Fig11. Fig12. Fig13. Fig14. Fig15. Fig16. Fig17. Fig18. Voltage and Current waveforms Power Triangle Boat pulled by a Horse Direction of pull Vector representation of the analogy LABYRINTSPEL Vector representation Time frames for voltage stability phenomena PV curve and voltage stability margin under different conditions Average cost of reactive power technologies NER grid map SIL vs. Compensation Switching principles of LTC HVDC fundamental components Static VAR Compensators (SVC) STATCOM topologies Series-connected FACTS controllers D-Curve of a typical Generator 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 13 14 16 17 24 44 59 62 62 63 64 Annexure: Capability Curve of generating machines of NER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 LTPS UNIT 5, 6 & 7 CAPABILITY CURVE NTPS UNIT 1, 2 & 3 CAPABILITY CURVE NTPS UNIT 4 CAPABILITY CURVE NTPS UNIT 6 CAPABILITY CURVE LTPS CAPABILITY CURVE NTPS CAPABILITY CURVE UMIUM ST I CAPABILITY CURVE UMIUM STAGE II CAPABILITY CURVE UMIUM STAGE III CAPABILITY CURVE UMIUM STAGE IV CAPABILITY CURVE AGBPP UNIT 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 CAPABILITY CURVE AGBPP UNIT 1, 2, 3 & 4 CAPABILITY CURVE AGTPP CAPABILITY CURVE DOYANG HEP UNIT 1 CAPABILITY CURVE KHANDONG HEP UNIT 2 CAPABILITY CURVE KOPILI HEP UNIT 1 CAPABILITY CURVE KOPILI HEP UNIT 2 CAPABILITY CURVE KOPILI HEP ST II CAPABILITY CURVE RANGANADI HEP CAPABILITY CURVE Page 3 of 103 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 20 21 22 23 24 LOKTAK HEP CAPABILITY CURVE ROKHIA UNIT 3, 4 & 6 CAPABILITY CURVE ROKHIA & BARAMURA CAPABILITY CURVE OTPC PALATANA GTG CAPABILITY CURVE OTPC PALATANA STG CAPABILITY CURVE 86 87 88 89 90 List of Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Reactive power compensation sources Fault level at important sub-stations of NER Line Parameters and Surge Impedance Loading of Different Conductor Type Equipment preference List of units in NER to be normally operated with free governor action and AVR in service IEGC Operating Voltage Range Page 4 of 103 16 19 25 40 66 97 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Quality of power to the stakeholders is the question of the hour worldwide. Enactment of several regulations viz. IE act – 2003, ABT, Open access regulations, IEGC, DSM and several other amendments are in the direction towards improvement of system reliability and power quality. It is also significant to mention that due to the massive load growth in the country, the existing power networks are operated under greater stress with transmission lines carrying power near their limits. Increase in the complexity of network and being loaded non-uniformly has increased its vulnerability to grid disturbances due to abnormal voltages (High and Low). In the past, reason for many a black outs across the world have been attributed to this cause. Three objectives dominate reactive power management. Firstly, maintaining adequate voltage throughout the transmission system under normal and contingency conditions. Secondly, minimizing congestion of real – power flows. Thirdly, minimizing real – power losses. Also with dynamic ATCs, var compensation, congestion charges, if not seriously thought, it may have serious commercial implications in times to come due to the amount of bulk power transfer across the country. Highlights of the rolling year vis-à-vis NER grid includes commissioning of 400 kV Azara – Silchar S/C, 400/220 kV 315 MVA ICT I & II at Azara, 400 kV Balipara – Bongaigaon III & IV with convertible line reactors at both the ends, 400 kV Bongaigaon – Siliguri III & IV inter-regional lines have led to reinforcement in the NER grid elements and greater options of controlling grid parameters. With the increase in controllability compared to earlier years, grid operation has been smooth and grid parameters were maintained within the prescribed IEGC limits. This manual is in continuation to the previous edition to understand the basics of reactive power and its management towards voltage control, its significance and consequences of inadequate reactive power support. It also includes details of reactive power support available at present and efforts by planners from future perspective in respect of NER grid. Page 5 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1 1.1 Reactive Power Management and Voltage Control Introduction 1.1.1 W 1.1.2 Power flows, both actual and potential, must be carefully controlled for a power system to operate within acceptable voltage limits. Reactive power flows can give rise to substantial voltage changes across the system, which means that it is necessary to maintain reactive power balances between sources of generation and points of demand on a 'zonal basis'. Unlike system frequency, which is consistent throughout an interconnected system, voltages experienced at points across the system form a "voltage profile" which is uniquely related to local generation and demand at that instant, and is also affected by the prevailing system network arrangements. 1.1.3 In an interconnected AC grid, the voltages and currents alternate up and down 50 times per second (not necessarily at the same time). In that sense, these are pulsating quantities. Because of this, the power being transmitted down a single line also “pulsates” - although it goes up and down 100 times per second rather than 50. hat is Reactive Power ? Reactive power is a concept used by engineers to describe the background energy movement in an Alternating Current (AC) system arising from the production of electric and magnetic fields. These fields store energy which changes through each AC cycle. Devices which store energy by virtue of a magnetic field produced by a flow of current are said to absorb reactive power (viz. transformers, Reactors) and those which store energy by virtue of electric fields are said to generate reactive power (viz. Capacitors). Page 6 of 103 Fig 1. Voltage and Current waveforms REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1.1.4 To distinguish reactive power from real power, we use the reactive power unit called “VAR” - which stands for Volt-Ampere-Reactive (Q). Normally electric power is generated, transported and consumed in alternating current (AC) networks. Elements of AC systems supply (or produce) and consume (or absorb or lose) two kinds of power: real power and reactive power. 1.1.5 Real power accomplishes useful work (e.g., runs motors and lights lamps). Reactive power supports the voltages that must be controlled for system reliability. In AC power networks, while active power corresponds to useful work, reactive power supports voltage magnitudes that are controlled for system reliability, voltage stability, and operational acceptability. 1.1.6 VAR Management? It is defined as the control of generator voltages, variable transformer tap settings, compensation, switchable shunt capacitor and reactor banks plus allocation of new shunt capacitor and reactor banks in a manner that best achieves a reduction in system losses and/or voltage control. 1.1.7 Although active power can be transported over long distances, reactive power is difficult to transmit, since the reactance of transmission lines is often 4 to 10 times higher than the resistance of the lines. When the transmission system is heavily loaded, the active power losses in the transmission system are also high. Reactive power (vars) is required to maintain the voltage to deliver active power (watts) through transmission lines. When there is not enough reactive power, the voltage sags down and it is not possible to push the power demanded by loads through the lines. Reactive power supply is necessary in the reliable operation of AC power systems. Several recent power outages worldwide may have been a result of an inadequate reactive power supply which subsequently led to voltage collapse. 1.1.8 Voltage and current may not pulsate up and down at the same time. When the voltage and current do go up and down at the same time, only real power is transmitted. When the voltage and current go up and down at different times, reactive power is also gets transmitted. How much reactive power and which direction it is flowing on a transmission line depend on how different these two items are. Page 7 of 103 Fig 2. Power Triangle REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION Although AC voltage and current pulsate at the same frequency, they peak at a different time. Power is the algebraic product of voltage and current. Over a cycle, power has an average value, called real power (P), measured in volt-amperes, or watts. There is also a portion of power with zero average value that is called reactive power (Q), measured in voltamperes reactive, or vars. The total power is called apparent power or Complex power, measured in volt-amperes, or VA. 1.2 Analogy of Reactive Power 1.2.1 Why an analogy? Reactive Power is an essential aspect of the electricity system, but one that is difficult to comprehend by a lay man. The horse and the boat analogy best describe the Reactive Power aspect. Visualize a boat on a canal, pulled by a horse on the bank of the canal. Fig 3. Boat pulled by a Horse Fig 4. Direction of pull In actual the horse is not in front of the boat to do a meaningful work of pulling it in a straight path. Due to the balancing compensation by the rudder of the boat, the boat is made to move in a straight manner rather deviating towards the bank. This is in line with the understanding of the reactive power. Fig 5. Vector representation of the analogy Page 8 of 103 W REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1.2.1 In the horse and boat analogy, the horse’s objective (real power) is to move the boat straightly. The fact that the rope is being pulled from the flank of the horse and not straight behind it, limits the horse’s capacity to deliver real work of moving straightly. Therefore, the power required to keep the boat steady in navigating straightly is delivered by the rudder movement (reactive power). Without reactive power there can be no transfer of real power, likewise without the support of rudder, the boat cannot move in a straight line. 1.2.2 Reactive power is like the bouncing up and down that happens when we walk on a trampoline. Because of the nature of the trampoline, that updown bouncing is an essential part of our forward movement across the trampoline, even though it appears to be movement in the opposite direction. 1.2.3 Reactive power and real power work together in the way that’s illustrated very well by the labyrinth puzzle, LABYRINTSPEL: The description of the puzzle begins to show why this game represents the relationship between real and reactive power: The intent is to manipulate a steel ball (1.2cm in diameter) through the maze by rotating the knobs – without letting the ball fall into one of the holes before it reaches the end of the maze. If a ball does fall prematurely into a hole, a slanted floor inside the box returns the ball to the user in the trough on the lower right corner of the box. Fig 6. LABYRINTSPEL 1.2.4 The Objective is to twist the two knobs to adjust the angle of the platform in two directions, in order to keep the ball rolling through the maze without falling into any holes. Those twists are REACTIVE POWER, which helps propel the real power through to its ultimate goal, which is delivery to the user. Without reactive power, ball falls into holes along the way, which are NETWORK failures. 1.2.5 Both of these examples illustrate how important it is to understand the system and how it works in order to meet our objectives effectively. In the LABYRINTSPEL game, if the structure of the system is not taken into account, winning would be really easy because one knob would be turned Page 9 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION all the way in one direction, and the other knob all the way in the other direction, and the ball would merely roll across the platform. If that’s the model how electricity works, then that would deliver the electrons to the end user in the form of real power. But in the game, on the trampoline, and in the electric power network, the system has more going on that means it’s essential to do things that seem counterintuitive, like bouncing up and down on the trampoline or turning the platform in the game towards west to avoid the hole to the east, even though we have to go east to win. 1.2.6 In electric power, the counterintuitive thing about reactive power is to use some power along the path to balance the flow of electrons and the circuits. Otherwise, the electricity just flows from the generator to the largest consumer (that’s Kirchhoff’s law, basically). In this sense, reactive power is like water pressure in a water network. 1.2.7 LABYRINTSPEL game and the trampoline are good examples that they capture the fact that mathematically, real power and reactive power are pure conjugates. 1.3 Understanding Vectorially 1.3.1 In practice circuits are invariably combinations of resistance, inductance and capacitance. The combined effect of these impedances to the flow of current is most easily assessed by expressing the power flows as vectors that show the angular relationship between the powers waveforms associated with each type of impedance. Figure 7 shows how the vectors can be resolved to determine the net capacity of the circuit needed to transfer the power requirements of the connected equipment. 1.3.2 The useful power that can be drawn from the electricity distribution system is represented by the vertical vector in the diagram and is measured in kilowatts (kW).The reactive or wattless power that is a consequence of the inductive load in the circuit is represented by the horizontal vector to the right and the reactive power attributable to the circuit capacitance by the horizontal vector to the left. These are measured in kilovars (kVAr). Page 10 of 103 Fig 7. Vector representation REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1.3.3 The resolution of these vectors, which is the diagonal vector in the diagram is the capacity required to transmit the active power, and is measured in kilovolts-ampere (kVA). The ratio of the kW to kVA is the cosine of the angle in the diagram shown as theta, and is referred to as the “power factor”. 1.3.4 When the net impedance of the circuit is solely resistance, so that the inductance and capacitance exactly cancel each other out, then the angle theta becomes zero and the circuit has a power factor of unity. The circuit is now operating at its highest efficiency for transferring useful power. However, as a net reactive power emerges the angle theta starts to increase and its cosine falls. 1.3.5 At low power factors the magnitude of the kVA vector is significantly greater than the real power or kW vector. Since distribution assets such as cables, lines and transformers must be sized to meet the kVA requirement, but the useful power drawn by the customer is the kW component, a significant cost emerges from having to over-size the distribution system to accommodate the substantial amount of reactive power that is associated with the active power flow. 1.4 Voltage Stability 1.4.1 Power flows, both actual and potential, must be carefully controlled for a power system to operate within acceptable voltage limits and vice versa. Not only is reactive power necessary to operate the transmission system reliably, but it can also substantially improve the efficiency with which real power is delivered to customers. Increasing reactive power production at certain locations (usually near a load center) can sometimes alleviate transmission constraints and allow cheaper real power to be delivered into a load pocket. 1.4.2 Voltage control (keeping voltage within defined limits) in an electric power system is Important for proper operation of electric power equipment and saving it from imminent damage, to reduce transmission losses and to maintain the ability of the system to withstand disturbances and prevent voltage collapse. In general terms, decreasing reactive power causes voltages to fall, while increasing reactive power causes voltages to rise. A voltage collapse occurs when the system is trying to serve much more load than the voltage can support. 1.4.3 As voltage drops, current must increase to maintain the power supplied, causing the lines to consume more reactive power and the voltage to drop further. If current increases too much, transmission lines trip, or go off-line, overloading other lines and potentially causing cascading Page 11 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION failures. If voltage drops too low, some generators will automatically disconnect to protect themselves. 1.4.4 Usually the causes of under – voltages are: • Overloading of supply transformers • Inadequate short circuit level in the point of supply • Excessive voltage drop across a long feeder • Poor power factor of the connected load • Remote system faults , while they are being cleared • Interval in re-closing of an auto-reclosure • Starting of large HP induction motors 1.4.5 If the declines continue, these voltage reductions cause additional elements to trip, leading to further reduction in voltage and loss of load. The result is a progressive and uncontrollable decline in voltage, all because the power system is unable to provide the reactive power required to supply the reactive power demand. 1.5 Voltage Collapse 1.5.1 When voltages in an area are significantly low or blackout occurs due to the cascading events accompanying voltage instability, the problem is considered to be a voltage collapse phenomenon. Voltage collapse normally takes place when a power system is heavily loaded and/or has limited reactive power to support the load. The limiting factor could be the lack of reactive power (SVC and generators hit limits) production or the inability to transmit reactive power through the transmission lines. 1.5.2 The main limitation in the transmission lines is the loss of large amounts of reactive power and also line outages, which limit the transfer capacity of reactive power through the system. 1.5.3 In the early stages of analysis, voltage collapse was viewed as a static problem but it is now considered to be a non linear dynamic phenomenon. The dynamics in power systems involve the loads, and voltage stability is directly related to the loads. Hence, voltage stability is also referred to as load stability. 1.5.4 There are other factors which also contribute to voltage collapse, and are as below: • • • Increase in load Action of tap changing transformers Load recovery dynamics Page 12 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION All these factors play a significant part in voltage collapse as they effect the transmission, consumption, and generation of reactive power. Usually voltage stability is categorized into two parts • • Large disturbance voltage stability Small disturbance voltage stability Fig 8. Time frames for voltage stability phenomena 1.5.5 When a large disturbance occurs, the ability of the system to maintain acceptable voltages falls due to the impact of the disturbance. Ability to maintain voltages is dependent on the system and load characteristics, and the interactions of both the continuous and the discrete controls and protections. Similarly, the ability of the system to maintain voltages after a small perturbation i.e. incremental change in load is referred to as small disturbance voltage stability. It is influenced by the load characteristics, continuous control and discrete controls at a given instant of time. 1.6 Proximity to Instability 1.6.1 Static voltage instability is mainly associated with reactive power imbalance. Thus, the loadability of a bus in a system depends on the reactive power support that the bus can receive from the system. As the system approaches the maximum loading point or voltage collapse point, both real and reactive power losses increase rapidly. Page 13 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1.6.2 Therefore, the reactive power supports have to be locally adequate. With static voltage stability, slowly developing changes in the power system occur that eventually lead to a shortage of reactive power and declining voltage. 1.6.3 This phenomenon can be seen from a plot of power transferred versus voltage at the receiving end. These plots are popularly referred to as P–V curves or ‘Nose’ curves. As power transfer increases, the voltage at the receiving end decreases. In the fig(9) eventually, a critical (nose) point, the point at which the system reactive power is out of usage, is reached where any further increase in active power transfer will lead to very rapid decrease in voltage magnitude. Knee point ∆v Fig 9. PV curve and Voltage stability margin under different conditions 1.6.4 Before reaching the critical point, a large voltage drop due to heavy reactive power losses is observed. The only way to save the system from voltage collapse is to reduce the reactive power load or add additional reactive power prior to reaching the point of voltage collapse. • • • • These are curves drawn between V and P of a critical bus at a constant load power factor. These are produced by using a series of power flow solutions for different load levels. At the knee point or the nose point of the V-P curve, the voltage drops rapidly with an increase in the load demand. Power flow solution fails to converge beyond this limit which indicates the instability. 1.7 Reactive Reserve Margin 1.7.1 The amount of unused available capability of reactive power static as well as dynamic in the system (at peak load for a utility system) as a percentage of total capability is known as Reactive reserve margin. 1.7.2 Voltage collapse normally occurs when sources producing reactive power reach their limits i.e. generators, SVCs or shunt reactors, and there is not much reactive power to support the load. As reactive power is Page 14 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION directly related to voltage collapse, it can be used as a measure of voltage stability margin. 1.7.3 The voltage stability margin can be defined as a measure of how close the system is to voltage instability, and by monitoring the reactive reserves in the power system, proximity to voltage collapse can be monitored. 1.7.4 In case of reactive reserve criteria, the reactive power reserve of an individual or group of VAr sources must be greater than some specified percentage (x %) of their reactive power output under all contingencies. The precincts where reactive power reserves were exhausted would be identified as critical areas. 1.7.5 Reactive power requirements over and above those which occur naturally are provided by an appropriate combination of reactive source/devices which are normally classified as static and dynamic devices. 1.7.6 • STATIC SOURCES: Static sources are typically transmission and distribution equipments such as Capacitors and Reactors that are relatively static and can respond to the changes in voltage – support requirements only slowly and in discrete steps. Devices are inexpensive, but the associated switches, control, and communications, and their maintenance, can amount to as much as one third of the total operations and maintenance budget of a distribution system. • DYNAMIC SOURCES: It includes pure reactive power compensators like synchronous condensers, Synchronous generators and solid-state devices such as FACTS, SVC, STATCOM, D-VAR, and SuperVAR which are normally dynamic and can respond within cycles to changing reactive power requirement. These are typically considered as transmission service devices. Static devices typically have lower capital costs than dynamic devices, and from a system point of view, they are used to provide normal or intact-system voltage support and to adapt to slowly changing conditions, such as daily load cycles and scheduled transactions. By contrast, dynamic reactive power sources must be deployed to allow the transmission system to respond to rapidly changing conditions on the transmission system, such as sudden loss of generators or transmission facilities. An appropriate combination of both static and dynamic resources is needed to ensure reliable operation of the transmission system at an appropriate level of costs. Page 15 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1.7.7 Reactive power absorption occurs when current flows through an inductance. Inductance is found in transmission lines, transformers, and induction motors etc. The reactive power absorbed by a transmission line or transformer is proportional to the square of the current. Sources of Reactive Power Static: Shunt Capacitors Filter banks Under ground cables Transmission lines (lightly loaded) Fuel cells PV systems Dynamic: Synchronous Generators Synchronous Condensers FACTS (e.g.,SVC,STATCOM) Sinks of Reactive Power Transmission lines (Heavily loaded) Transformers Shunt Reactors Synchronous machines FACTS (e.g.,SVC,STATCOM) Induction generators (wind plants) Loads • Induction motors (Pumps, Fans etc) • Inductive loads (Arc furnace etc) Table 1. Reactive power compensation sources 1.7.8 A transmission line also has capacitance. When a small amount of current is flowing, the capacitance dominates, and the lines have a net capacitive effect which raises voltage. This happens at night when current flows/Load is low. During the day, when current flow/load is high, inductive effect is greater than the capacitance, and the voltage sags. Fig 10. Average cost of Reactive power technologies Page 16 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1.8 NER GRID – Overview 1.8.1 NER grid with a maximum peak requirement of around 2100 MW and installed capacity of 2746 MW caters to the seven north eastern states. It is synchronously connected with NEW GRID through 400 kV QUAD/C BONGAIGAON – NEW SILIGURI, 220 kV D/C BIRPARA – SALAKATI and internationally through 132 kV SALAKATI – GELYPHU(Bhutan) and 132 kV Rangia - Deothang. The bottle neck of operating the NER grid arises because of the brittle back bone network of about 7666 Ckt Kms of 132 KV lines, 2084 Ckt Kms of 400 KV lines and 2925 Ckt Kms of 220 KV lines compared to other regional grids. Fig 11. NER Grid map 1.8.2 Almost 50% of the total NER load is spread out in 132 kV pocket of southern part of NER which were without the direct support of major EHV trunk lines. This part of the network was highly sensitive and was susceptible to grid disturbance in the past and demanded more operational acumen. Increase in the loading of major 132 kV trunk lines, in particular 132 kV DIMAPUR – IMPHAL S/C,132 kV JIRIBAM – LOKTAK S/C and 132 kV BADARPUR – KHLIEHRIAT S/C in peak hours has led to Page 17 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION many a grid incidents in the past in the form of cascade tripping accompanied by voltage sag. However, with system augmentation grid incidence in this part of the grid has become a matter of past. 1.8.3 NER system has been strengthened with the commissioning of 400 kV AZARA – Silchar S/C, 400/220 kV 315 MVA ICT I & II, 400 kV Balipara – Bongaigaon III & IV, 400 kV Bongaigaon – Siliguri III & IV. With the availability of greater options, grid operation has been smooth and grid parameters were maintained within the prescribe IEGC limits. 1.8.4 Relationship between frequency and voltage is a well known fact. Studies have revealed that though voltage is a localized factor, it is directly affected by the frequency which is a notional factor. Any lopsidedness in the demand/generation side leading to fluctuations in NEW grid frequency affects NER grid immensely, in particular the voltage profile of the grid, leading to sagging and swelling of voltage heavily during such occasions. Ironically, NER was synchronously connected with NEW grid for stretching the transmission capability to reduce the load – generation mismatch of the country. 1.8.5 FSC’s have been integrated with the NER system in the 400 kV Balipara – Bongaigaon III & IV at Balipara end . It is needed to be seen how far the +/-800 KV HVDC project in NER which is in the execution stage will help in maintaining a healthy voltage profile in the region with its reactive reserve support in the form of filters and capacitor banks. 1.8.6 Presently NER Grid is supported by 2383 MVAr from shunt reactors and 273 MVAr from shunt capacitors spread across the region. 1.8.7 Skewness in the location of hydro stations and load centers in NER is another obstacle which aggravates the voltage problem further. Lines are long and pass through difficult terrains to the load centers. Northern part of NER grid which is well supported by some strong 400 KV and 220 KV network faces high voltage regime during lean hydro period as the corridor is not fully utilized and is usually lightly loaded. Supports from hydro stations in condenser mode are not available for containing low voltage conditions. D curve optimization is yet to be realized fully due to technical glitches. 1.8.8 Reactive power management and voltage control are two aspects of a single activity that both supports reliability and facilitates commercial transaction across transmission network. Controlling reactive power flow can reduce losses and congestion on the transmission system. Page 18 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1.8.9 Operationally in NER, Voltage is normally controlled by managing production and absorption of reactive power in real time : • • Switching in and out of Line reactance compensators such as capacitors and shunt reactors (Line/Bus Reactors) as and when system demands in co-operation with the constituents and the CTU. Circuit switching: Mostly one circuit of the lightly loaded d/c line is kept open keeping in mind the n-1 criterion during high voltage and high frequency period. Voltage differences as well as fault level of stations are taken into account before any switching operation of circuits. Fault levels of major substation in NER are as below: Three Phase Fault Level (Minimum Fault Level with IEC) of Major Sub-Stations of NER Off Peak Bus 3 ϕ Fault Current in kA Peak 3 ϕ Fault MVA 3 ϕ Fault Current in kA 3 ϕ Fault MVA 400 kV Substations Azara (Mirza) Balipara Bongaigaon Byrnihat Misa Palatana Ranganadi Silchar 3.2 5.9 8.2 3.5 5.6 4.3 3.8 4.8 2238 3.2 4093 6.0 5716 8.1 2403 3.4 3851 5.6 2977 4.3 2637 4.0 3222 4.6 220 kV Substations 2217 4178 5606 2384 3902 2966 2757 3189 AGBPP (Kathalguri) Agia Azara (Mirza) Balipara Boko BTPS Byrnihat Dimapur (PG) Kopili 5.6 6.6 6.3 6.3 4.8 9.3 6.7 4.5 8.5 2132 2497 2383 2397 1841 3543 2566 1716 3252 2103 2418 2355 2426 1818 3306 2540 1738 3238 Page 19 of 103 5.5 6.3 6.2 6.4 4.8 8.7 6.7 4.6 8.5 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION Langpi Mariani (AS) Mariani (PG) Misa NTPS Salakati Samaguri Sarusajai Tinsukia 3.8 5.1 3.1 11.9 4.2 9.5 9.5 5.8 5.0 1438 3.8 1931 5.0 1193 3.1 4537 11.9 1601 4.1 3630 8.9 3629 9.6 2207 5.8 1920 4.9 132 kV Substations 1437 1902 1189 4554 1573 3377 3643 2201 1888 Silchar Badarpur Khandong Khlierihat AGTPP (RC Nagar) Kumarghat Dimapur (PG) Jiribam Nirjuli Loktak Haflong Doyang Balipara Aizawl 10.1 9.3 8.2 7.8 2315 2134 1864 1792 9.9 9.1 7.7 6.9 2273 2080 1772 1576 7.5 5.7 5.6 4.4 4.4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 2.8 1716 1303 1273 1006 1000 732 734 738 720 646 7.5 5.7 5.7 4.5 4.6 3.7 3.2 3.3 3.2 2.8 1723 1306 1306 1032 1047 847 730 748 735 652 Table 2. Fault level at important Sub-Stations of NER • • • • The generating units provide the basic means of voltage control: The automatic voltage regulators (AVR) control field excitation to maintain the scheduled voltage levels at the terminals of the generators. In real time operation, connected generation should never be on reactive generation or absorption limits. By generation re-dispatch/rescheduling. Regulating voltage with the help of OLTC’s. By load staggering/shedding. Page 20 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1.9 Reliability Improvement Due to Local Voltage Regulation 1.9.1 Local voltage regulation to a voltage schedule supplied by the utility can have a very beneficial effect on overall system reliability, reducing the problems caused by voltage dips on distribution circuits such as dimming lights, slowing or stalling motors, dropout of contactors and solenoids, and shrinking television pictures. 1.9.2 In past years a voltage drop would inherently reduce load, helping the situation. Light bulbs would dim and motors would slow down with decreasing voltage. Dimmer lights and slower motors typically draw less power, so the situation was in a certain sense self-correcting. With modern loads, this situation is changing. 1.9.3 Today many incandescent bulbs are being replaced with compact fluorescent lights, LED lamps that draw constant power as voltage decreases, and motors are being powered with adjustable-speed drives that maintain a constant speed as voltage decreases. In addition, voltage control standards are rather unspecific, and there is a tremendous opportunity for an improvement in efficiency and reliability from better voltage regulation. Capacitors supply reactive power to boost voltage, but their effect is dramatically diminished as voltage dips. 1.9.4 Capacitor effectiveness is proportional to the square of the voltage, so at 80% voltage, capacitors are only 64% as effective as they are at normal conditions. As voltage continues to drop, the capacitor effect falls off until voltage collapses. The reactive power supplied by an inverter is dynamic, it can be controlled very rapidly, and it does not drop off with a decrease in voltage. Distribution systems that allow customers to supply dynamic reactive power to regulate voltage could be a tremendous asset to system reliability and efficiency by expanding the margin to voltage collapse. Page 21 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 2 2.1 TRANSMISSION LINES AND REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION Introduction 2.1.1 In moving power from generators to loads, the transmission network introduces both real and reactive losses. Housekeeping loads at substations (such as security lighting and space conditioning) and transformer excitation losses are roughly constant (i.e., independent of the power flows on the transmission system). Transmission-line losses, on the other hand, depend strongly on the amount of power being transmitted. 2.1.2 Real-power losses arise because aluminum and copper (the materials most often used for transmission lines) are not perfect conductors; they have resistance. The consumption of reactive power by transmission lines increases with the square of current i.e., the transmission of reactive power requires an additional demand for reactive power in the system components. 2.1.3 The reactive-power nature of transmission lines is associated with the geometry of the conductors themselves (primarily the radius of the conductor) and the geometry of the conductor configuration (the distances between each conductor and ground and the distances among conductors). 2.1.4 The reactive-power behavior of transmission lines is complicated by their inductive and capacitive characteristics. At low line loadings, the capacitive effect dominates, and generators and transmission-related reactive equipment must absorb reactive power to maintain line voltages within their appropriate limits. On the other hand, at high line loadings, the inductive effect dominates, and generators, capacitors, and other reactive devices must produce reactive power 2.1.5 The thermal limit is the loading point (in MVA) above which real power losses in the equipment will overheat and damage the equipment. Most transmission elements (e.g., conductors and transformers) have normal thermal limits below which the equipment can operate indefinitely without any damage. These types of equipment also have one or more emergency limits to which the equipment can be loaded for several hours with minimal reduction in the life of the equipment. Page 22 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 2.1.6 2.2 If uncompensated, these line losses reduce the amount of real power that can be transmitted from generators to loads. Transmission-line capacity decreases as the line length increases if there is no voltage support (injection or absorption of reactive power) on the line. At short distances, the line’s capacity is limited by thermal considerations; at intermediate distances the limits are related to voltage drop; and beyond roughly 300 to 350 miles, stability limits dominate. Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) 2.2.1 Transmission lines and cables generate and consume reactive power at the same time. The reactive power generation is almost constant, because the voltage of the line is usually constant, and the line’s reactive power consumption depends on the current or load connected to the line that is variable. So at the heavy load conditions transmission lines consume reactive power, decreasing the line voltage, and in the low load conditions – generate, increasing line voltage. 2.2.2 The case when line’s reactive power produced by the line capacitance is equal to the reactive power consumed by the line inductance is called natural loading or surge impedance loading (SIL) , meaning that the line provides exactly the amount of MVAr needed to support its voltage. The balance point at which the inductive and capacitive effects cancel each other is typically about 40% of the line’s thermal capacity. Lines loaded above SIL consume reactive power, while lines loaded below SIL supply reactive power. 2.2.3 A 400 kV, line generates approximately 55 MVAR per 100 km/Ckt, when it is idle charged due to line charging susceptance. This implies a 300 km line generates about 165 MVAR when it is idle charged. 2.3 Shunt Compensation in Line 2.3.1 Normally there are two types of shunt reactors – Line reactor and bus reactor. Line reactor’s functionality is to avoid the switching and load rejection over voltages where as Bus reactors are used to avoid the steady state over voltage during light load conditions. 2.3.2 The degree of compensation is decided by an economic point of view between the capitalized cost of compensator and the capitalized cost of reactive power from supply system over a period of time. In practice a compensator such as a bank of capacitors (or inductors) can be divided into parallel sections, each Switched separately, so that discrete changes Page 23 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION in the compensating reactive power may be made, according to the requirements of the load. 2.3.3 Reasons for the application of shunt capacitor units are : • • • • • • 2.4 2.4.1 Increase voltage level at the load Improves voltage regulation if the capacitor units are properly switched. Reduces I2R power loss in the system because of reduction in current. Increases power factor of the source generator. Decrease kVA loading on the source generators and circuits to relieve an overloaded condition or release capacity for additional load growth. By reducing kVA loading on the source generators additional kilowatt loading may be placed on the generation if turbine capacity is available. Line loading as function of Line Length and Compensation The operating limits for transmission lines may be taken as minimum of thermal rating of conductors and the maximum permissible line loadings derived from St. Clair’s curve. SIL given in table above is for uncompensated line. If k is the compensation then: • For a shunt compensated line: SIL modified =SIL x √ (1-k) • For a series compensated line: SIL modified=SIL/ √ (1- k) Fig 12. SIL VS Compensation Further to take into account the line length one needs to multiple the modified SIL with the multiplying factor derived from St. Clair's curve.The derived steady state limit for a line would be = SIL modified x factor from St. Clair's curve. Page 24 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION Page 25 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-1: 400 KV LINE DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. FROM TO UTILITY KM CKT NETCL 264 1 CONDUCTOR ACSR TWIN MOOSE ACSR MOOSE/AACSR ACSR MOOSE/AACSR ACSR MOOSE ACSR MOOSE ACSR TWIN MOOSE ACSR TWIN MOOSE AAAC QUAD MOOSE AAAC QUAD MOOSE 1 AZARA SILCHAR 2 BALIPARA MISA POWERGRID 95.4 1 BALIPARA MISA POWERGRID 95.4 2 BALIPARA BALIPARA RANAGANADI RANAGANADI POWERGRID POWERGRID 166.3 166.3 1 2 6 BONGAIGAON BALIPARA POWERGRID 289.8 1 7 BONGAIGAON BALIPARA POWERGRID 289.8 2 8 BONGAIGAON BALIPARA POWERGRID 305.0 3 9 BONGAIGAON BALIPARA POWERGRID 305.0 4 10 BONGAIGAON BTPS POWERGRID 3.1 1 TWIN MOOSE 11 BONGAIGAON BTPS POWERGRID 3.1 2 TWIN MOOSE POWERGRID 218 1 ACSR TWIN MOOSE POWERGRID 218 2 ACSR TWIN MOOSE POWERGRID 221 3 AAAC QUAD MOOSE POWERGRID 221 4 AAAC QUAD MOOSE 3 4 5 BONGAIGAON 12 BONGAIGAON 13 BONGAIGAON 14 BONGAIGAON 15 NEW SILIGURI (BINAGURI) NEW SILIGURI (BINAGURI) NEW SILIGURI (BINAGURI) NEW SILIGURI (BINAGURI) 16 BYRNIHAT SILCHAR NETCL 217.14 1 17 PALLATANA SILCHAR NETCL 246 1 18 PALLATANA SILCHAR NETCL 246 2 ACSR TWIN MOOSE ACSR TWIN MOOSE ACSR TWIN MOOSE LIST-2: 400 KV LINE (CHARGED AT 220 KV) DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 FROM MARIANI TO UTILITY KM CKT CONDUCTOR KATHALGURI POWERGRID 162.9 1 ACSR TWIN MOOSE Page 26 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 2 MISA NEW MARIANI POWERGRID 222.7 1 3 MISA MARIANI POWERGRID 220.0 1 4 NEW MARIANI KATHALGURI POWERGRID 160.5 1 ACSR TWIN MOOSE ACSR TWIN MOOSE ACSR TWIN MOOSE LIST-3: 400 KV LINE CHARGED AT 132 KV SR. NO. 1 FROM PALATANA TO UTILITY KM CKT CONDUCTOR SURJAMANIN AGAR POWERGRID 37 1 ACSR TWIN MOOSE LIST-4: 220 KV LINE DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 FROM TO AGIA AGIA AGIA AGIA AZARA AZARA BALIPARA BONGAIGAON AZARA BOKO BTPS BTPS BOKO SARUSAJAI SAMAGURI SALAKATI DEOMALI KATHALGURI KATHALGURI KATHALGURI MISA MISA MISA MISA MISA MISA MISA NTPS NTPS TINSUKIA TINSUKIA DIMAPUR DIMAPUR KOPILI KOPILI KOPILI BYRNIHAT BYRNIHAT TINSUKIA TINSUKIA BIRPARA (ER) BIRPARA (ER) BTPS BTPS SALAKATI SALAKATI SALAKATI SALAKATI UTILITY KM CKT CONDUCTOR AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL POWERGRID ARUNACHAL PRADESH AEGCL AEGCL POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID MeECL MeECL AEGCL AEGCL 1.0 70.0 67.0 67.0 38 48 55.0 5.4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 AAAC ZEBRA AAAC ZEBRA AAAC ZEBRA AAAC ZEBRA AAAC ZEBRA AAAC ZEBRA SINGLE ZEBRA SINGLE ZEBRA 19.0 1 SINGLE ZEBRA 22.0 22.0 121.9 121.9 72.8 72.8 75.9 115.0 115.0 40.0 40.0 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 SINGLE ZEBRA SINGLE ZEBRA ACSR ZEBRA ACSR ZEBRA ACSR ZEBRA ACSR ZEBRA AAAC ZEBRA SINGLE ZEBRA SINGLE ZEBRA SINGLE ZEBRA SINGLE ZEBRA POWERGRID 160.0 1 SINGLE ZEBRA POWERGRID 160.0 2 SINGLE ZEBRA AEGCL POWERGRID 2.7 2.7 1 2 ACSR ZEBRA ACSR ZEBRA Page 27 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SAMAGURI SAMAGURI SAMAGURI SAMAGURI SARUSAJAI SARUSAJAI SARUSAJAI JAWAHARN AGAR MARIANI MISA MISA JAWAHARN AGAR LANGPI SAMAGURI AEGCL 120 1 AAAC ZEBRA AEGCL POWERGRID POWERGRID 164.0 34.4 34.4 1 1 2 AAAC DEER ACSR ZEBRA ACSR ZEBRA AEGCL 10 1 AAAC ZEBRA AEGCL AEGCL 108.0 124.0 1 2 AAAC ZEBRA AAAC ZEBRA LIST-5: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF POWERGRID IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 FROM TO UTILITY KM CKT CONDUCTOR 66.1 1 AAAC PANTHER AIZWAL KOLASIB POWERGRID AIZWAL ZEMABAWK POWERGRID 7.0 1 ACSR PANTHER BADARPUR JIRIBAM POWERGRID 67.2 1 AAAC PANTHER BADARPUR KUMARGHAT POWERGRID 118.5 1 AAAC PANTHER BADARPUR PANCHGRAM POWERGRID 1.0 1 BADARPUR KOLASIB POWERGRID 172.3 1 AAAC PANTHER ACSR PANTHER BADARPUR SILCHAR POWERGRID 19 1 ACSR PANTHER BADARPUR SILCHAR POWERGRID 19 2 ACSR PANTHER DIMAPUR DOYANG POWERGRID 92.5 1 ACSR PANTHER DIMAPUR DOYANG POWERGRID 92.5 2 ACSR PANTHER HAFLONG POWERGRID 100.0 1 ACSR PANTHER POWERGRID 1.5 1 ACSR PANTHER IMPHAL JIRIBAM IMPHAL (MANIPUR) DIMAPUR POWERGRID 168.9 1 ACSR PANTHER JIRIBAM AIZWAL POWERGRID 170.0 1 ACSR PANTHER 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 IMPHAL 22 23 24 KHLEIHRIAT 25 26 27 JIRIBAM LOKTAK POWERGRID 82.4 2 ACSR PANTHER KHANDONG HAFLONG POWERGRID 64.0 1 ACSR PANTHER KHANDONG KOPILI POWERGRID 10.9 1 ACSR PANTHER KHANDONG KOPILI POWERGRID 10.9 2 ACSR ZEBRA KHLEIHRIAT KHANDONG POWERGRID 42.5 1 KHLEIHRIAT KHANDONG POWERGRID 40.9 2 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER KHLEIHRIAT POWERGRID 76.6 1 ACSR PANTHER POWERGRID 5.5 1 KUMARGHAT BADARPUR KHLEIHRIAT (MeECL) AIZWAL POWERGRID 131.0 1 ACSR PANTHER KUMARGHAT R C NAGAR 104.0 1 ACSR PANTHER LEKHI NIRJULI 4 1 LOKTAK IMPHAL POWERGRID POWERGRID, DoP,AP POWERGRID 35.0 1 ACSR PANTHER NIRJULI GOHPUR POWERGRID 42.5 1 ACSR PANTHER Page 28 of 103 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION PANCHGRAM SURAJMANI NAGAR BADARPUR R C NAGAR AGARTALA R C NAGAR AGARTALA 32 33 RANGANADI LEKHI RANGANADI ZIRO 34 35 RANGIA 36 37 28 PALLATANA 29 30 31 ACSR PANTHER 37 1 POWERGRID 1.0 1 AAAC PANTHER POWERGRID 8.4 1 ACSR PANTHER POWERGRID POWERGRID, DoP,AP POWERGRID 8.4 2 ACSR PANTHER 18 3 ACSR PANTHER 44.5 1 ACSR PANTHER POWERGRID 49 1 ACSR PANTHER POWERGRID 49.2 1 ACSR PANTHER SILCHAR MOTONGA GELYPHU (BHUTAN) SRIKONA POWERGRID 1 1 ACSR PANTHER SILCHAR SRIKONA POWERGRID 1 2 AAAC PANTHER SALAKATI LIST-6: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF NEEPCO IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 FROM BALIPARA BHALUKPANG KHUPI TO BHALUKPANG KHUPI KIMI UTILITY KM CKT CONDUCTOR NEEPCO NEEPCO NEEPCO 35 32 8 1 1 1 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER LIST-7: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF AEGCL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 FROM B CHARIALI BALIPARA BALIPARA BOKAJAN BORNAGAR CTPS DEPOTA DEPOTA DHALIGAON DHALIGAON DHALIGAON DHALIGAON DHALIGAON DHALIGAON DIBRUGARH DIPHU DISPUR TO GOHPUR DEPOTA GOHPUR DIMAPUR RANGIA JAGIROAD B CHARIALI SAMAGURI BTPS BTPS NALBARI BORNAGAR ASHOK PAPER MILL BRPL MORAN SANKARDEV NGR CTPS UTILITY KM CKT CONDUCTOR AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL 51.0 28.0 106.0 5.0 86.0 35.0 57.0 45.0 22.0 22.0 106.0 41.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 AEGCL 37.0 1 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER SINGLE ZEBRA ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL 1.0 36.0 72.0 29.0 1 1 1 1 Page 29 of 103 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 43 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 GOHPUR GOHPUR GOLAGHAT GOSAIGAON GOSAIGAON HAFLONG JAGIROAD JIRIBAM JORHAT KAHELIPARA KAHELIPARA KAHELIPARA KAHELIPARA KAHELIPARA KAHELIPARA LANKA LTPS LTPS LTPS LTPS LTPS LTPS MARIANI MARIANI MARIANI MOKOKCHUNG N LAKHIMPUR NALBARI NARENGI NAZIRA PANCHGRAM PANCHGRAM RANGIA RANGIA RANGIA RANGIA ROWTA ROWTA SAMAGURI SILCHAR SIPAJHAR SISUGRAM SRIKONA TINSUKIA TINSUKIA N LAKHIMPUR N LAKHIMPUR BOKAJAN DHALIGAON GAURIPUR HAFLONG HPC PAILAPOOL BOKAKHAT NARENGI SARUSAJAI SARUSAJAI SARUSAJAI SARUSAJAI DISPUR DIPHU NTPS NTPS NAZIRA NAZIRA MARIANI MORAN JORHAT JORHAT GOLAGHAT MARIANI DHEMAJI RANGIA CTPS SIBSAGAR SRIKONA SILCHAR SISUGRAM SIPAJHAR KAHELIPARA ROWTA DEPOTA DEPOTA SANKARDEV NGR DULLAVCHERRA ROWTA KAHELIPARA PAILAPOOL LEDO DIBRUGARH AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL Page 30 of 103 77.0 77.0 65.0 65.0 62.0 1.0 5.0 15.0 89.0 12.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 71.6 60.0 60.0 22.0 22.0 80.0 39.0 20.0 20.0 45.0 19.0 63.0 22.0 20.0 13.0 19.0 30.0 33.0 38.0 46.0 108.0 72.0 64.0 61.0 50.0 44.0 12.0 35.0 53.0 53.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION TINSUKIA 63 NTPS AEGCL 43.0 1 ACSR PANTHER LIST-8: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF MANIPUR IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FROM CHURACHANDPUR IMPHAL IMPHAL MANIPUR KAKCHING KONGBA LOKTAK LOKTAK NINGTHOUKONG NINGTHOUKONG NINGTHOUKONG RENGPANG YAINGANGPOKPI TO UTILITY KM CKT KAKCHING IMPHAL(PG) KARONG KONGBA YAINGANGPOKPI NINGTHOUKONG RENGPANG CHURACHANDPUR CHURACHANDPUR IMPHAL(PG) JIRIBAM IMPHAL MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR MANIPUR 38.0 2.3 60.0 45.0 33.0 20.0 42.0 23.0 23.0 26.2 40.4 42.0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 CONDUCTOR ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER LIST-9: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF TSECL IN NORTH SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FROM TO UTILITY KM CKT CONDUCTOR 8.0 35.0 35.0 14.0 7.0 45.0 25.0 15.0 32.0 18.0 1.0 45.0 31.0 35.0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER 6 1 40.0 1 AGARTALA AGARTALA AGARTALA BARAMURA BODHJ NGR DHALABIL GAMAITILLA JIRANIA KAMALPUR P K BARI P K BARI P K BARI P K BARI P K BARI BODHJ NGR ROKHIA ROKHIA GAMAITILLA JIRANIA AGARTALA AMBASA BARAMURA DHALABIL KAILASHOR KUMARGHAT AMBASA KAMALPUR DHARMA NAGAR PALLATANA UDAIPUR TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL ROKHIA UDAIPUR TSECL Page 31 of 103 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-10: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF NAGALAND IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FROM DIMAPUR DIMAPUR DOYANG KOHIMA KOHIMA KOHIMA MELURI WOKHA TO DIMAPUR (PGCIL) DIMAPUR (PGCIL) MOKOKCHUNG MELURI DIMAPUR (PGCIL) WOKHA KIPHIRI DOYANG UTILITY KM CK T CONDUCTOR NAGALAND NAGALAND NAGALAND NAGALAND NAGALAND NAGALAND NAGALAND NAGALAND 1 1 30 74 58 58 42 13 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER LIST-11: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF MIZORAM IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 FROM ZUANGTUI SERCHIP LUNGLEI AIZWAL BHAIRABI TO SAITUAL ZUANGTUI SERCHIP LUANGMUAL KOLASIB UTILITY KM CK T CONDUCTOR MIZORAM MIZORAM MIZORAM MIZORAM MIZORAM 50.0 54.0 69.0 6.7 30.0 1 1 1 1 1 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER LIST-12: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF MeECL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 FROM TO UTILITY KM CK T 1 AGIA NAGALBIBRA MeECL 92.0 EPIP I SHYAM CENTURY MeECL 0.15 1 EPIP I MAITHAN MeECL 0.2 1 EPIP I SAI PRAKASH MeECL 4.0 1 EPIP I GREYSTONE MeECL 0.7 1 EPIP II EPIP I MeECL 2.5 1 EPIP II EPIP I MeECL 2.5 2 EPIP II KILLING MeECL 10.0 1 EPIP II KILLING 10.0 2 EPIP II TRISHUL MeECL MeECL 0.2 1 EPIP II NALARI MeECL 0.2 1 Page 32 of 103 CONDUCTOR ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 KHLEIHRIAT MeECL KHLEIHRIAT MeECL KHLEIHRIAT MeECL KHLEIHRIAT MeECL LUMSHNONG LUMSHNONG MeECL MeECL LESHKA MeECL LESHKA 24.0 1 ACSR PANTHER 26.0 1 ACSR PANTHER 26.0 2 ACSR PANTHER 2 ACSR PANTHER KHLEIHRIAT MeECL 5.0 CMCL MeECL 0.16 1 LUMSHNONG MCL MeECL 3.0 1 LUMSHNONG ADHUNIK CEMENT MeECL 8.0 1 LUMSHNONG HILL CEMENT MeECL 8.0 1 LUMSHNONG JUD CEMENT MeECL 2.0 1 LUMSHNONG GVIL CEMENT MeECL 2.0 1 MAWLAI CHEERAPUNJI MeECL 41.0 1 MAWLAI NONGSTOIN MeECL 71.3 1 MAWLAI NEHU MeECL 9.2 1 NANGALBIBRA TURA MeECL 68.7 1 NEHU NEIGHRIMS MeECL 7.0 1 NEHU KHLEIHRIAT MeECL MeECL 52.6 1 NEIGHRIMS KHLEIHRIAT MeECL MeECL 64.8 1 NONGSTOIN NANGALBIBRA MeECL 56.0 1 UMIUM NEHU MeECL 7.0 1 UMIUM ST I UMIUM ST II MeECL 3.0 1 UMIUM ST I MAWLAI MeECL 12.0 1 UMIUM ST I UMIUM 5.0 1 UMIUM ST I MAWNGAP MeECL MeECL ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER 33 1 ACSR PANTHER UMIUM ST I MAWNGAP MeECL 33 2 ACSR PANTHER UMIUM ST III UMIUM ST I MeECL 17.5 1 UMIUM ST III UMIUM ST I MeECL 17.5 2 UMIUM ST IV UMIUM ST III MeECL 8.0 1 UMIUM ST IV UMIUM ST III MeECL 8.0 2 UMTRU UMIUM ST III MeECL 41.2 1 UMTRU UMIUM ST III MeECL 41.2 2 UMTRU UMIUM ST IV MeECL 37.6 1 UMTRU UMIUM ST IV MeECL 37.6 2 UMTRU EPIP II MeECL 0.7 1 UMTRU EPIP II MeECL 0.7 2 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER LIST-13: 132 KV LINE DETAILS OF AP IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 FROM TO UTILITY KM CK T CONDUCTOR AGBPP DEOMALI AP 19 1 ACSR ZEBRA DAPORIJO ALONG AP 81.7 1 HOZ CHIPMHU AP 30 1 ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER LEKHI HOZ AP 18 1 ACSR PANTHER Page 33 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 5 ZIRO DAPORIJO AP 87.2 1 ACSR PANTHER LIST-14: 66 KV LINE DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. FROM TO UTILITY KM CKT CONDUCTOR AEGCL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL TSECL AEGCL 34.0 30.0 24.0 8.0 36.0 29.0 8.0 15.0 39.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AGIA AMARPUR BADARGHAT BADARGHAT BAGAFA BAGAFA BARAMURA BELONIA BOKAJAN LAKHIPUR GUMTI ROKHIA AGARTALA SATCHAND UDAIPUR TELIAMURA BAGAFA DIPHU 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DIMAPUR POWER HOUSE NAGALAND 4.0 1 DIMAPUR DIMAPUR DULLAVCHERRA FCI FCI GOKULNAGAR GOLAGHAT GOLAGHAT GUMTI KHIPHIRE KHIPHIRE KOLASIB MARIANI MARIANI MARIANI MARIANI SINGRIJAN SINGRIJAN PATHARKANDI NTPS NTPS BADARGHAT BOKAJAN BOKAJAN UDAIPUR LIKHIMRO LIKHIMRO VAIRENGTE GOLAGHAT GOLAGHAT NAZIRA NAZIRA NAGALAND NAGALAND AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL TSECL AEGCL AEGCL TSECL NAGALAND NAGALAND MIZORAM AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL 5.4 5.4 .... 3.0 3.0 12.0 64.0 64.0 45.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 40.0 40.0 54.0 54.0 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 27 28 29 30 MOKOKCHUNG ZUNHEBOTO NAGALAND 46.0 1 MOKOKCHUNG MOKOKCHUNG NAGINIMORA NAZIRA NAZIRA NITO FARM PATHARKANDI POWER HOUSE RABINDRA NAGAR TULI TUENSANG TIZIT NTPS NTPS DAIRY FARM ADAMTILLA DAIRY FARM NAGALAND NAGALAND NAGALAND AEGCL AEGCL NAGALAND AEGCL NAGALAND 56.3 50.4 44.0 74.0 74.0 12.0 .... 5.0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 TSECL 38.0 1 31 32 33 34 35 36 BELONIA Page 34 of 103 ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 37 ROKHIA 38 SATCHAND 39 SINGRIJAN 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 SINGRIJAN TELIAMURA TINSUKIA TINSUKIA TINSUKIA TIZIT TUENSANG TULI UDAIPUR RABINDRA NAGAR SABROOM GANESH NAGAR CHUMUKIDIMA AMARPUR RUPAI NTPS NTPS MON KHIPHIRE NAGINIMORA GOKULNAGAR TSECL 23.0 1 TSECL 15.0 1 NAGALAND 21.4 1 NAGALAND TSECL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL NAGALAND NAGALAND NAGALAND TSECL 7.9 35.0 25.0 36.0 36.0 31.0 55.7 33.0 31.0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF ACSR WOLF LIST-15: SHUNT COMPENSATED LINES IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SENDING RECEIVING CKT END LINE END LINE REACTOR REACTOR FROM TO UTILITY KM BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON MISA MISA PALLATANA PALLATANA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA NEW MARIANI MARIANI SILCHAR SILCHAR POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID NETCL NETCL 289.9 289.9 305 305 382.9 220 247 247 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 50 50 63 63 50 50 63 63 63 63 63 63 NIL NIL 50 50 RANGANADI RANGANADI SILCHAR SILCHAR BALIPARA BALIPARA AZARA BYRNIHAT POWERGRID POWERGRID NETCL NETCL 166.3 166.3 264 217.1 1 2 1 1 50 50 63 63 50 50 63 63 LIST-16: SHUNT COMPENSATED INTER – REGIONAL LINES IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. FROM 1 BONGAIGAON 2 BONGAIGAON TO BINAGURI (ER) BINAGURI (ER) UTILITY KM CKT SENDING END LINE REACTOR RECEIVING END LINE REACTOR POWERGRID 218 1 63 NIL POWERGRID 218 2 63 NIL Page 35 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-17: INTER-STATE LINE DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. CONNECTING STATES 1 ARUNACHAL – ASSAM 2 ASSAM – MEGHALAYA ASSAM NAGALAND 3 ASSAM – TRIPURA 4 5 6 7 8 ASSAM – MANIPUR ASSAM – MIZORAM MIZORAM – MANIPUR MIZORAM – TRIPURA NAGALAND – MANIPUR OWNED BY FROM TO KV KM CKTS POWERGRID RANGANADI BALIPARA 400 166.3 D/C ARUNACHAL PRADESH NEEPCO POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID AEGCL & MeECL AEGCL & MeECL AEGCL & MeECL AEGCL & MeECL POWERGRID AEGCL & NAGALAND AEGCL AEGCL & NAGALAND DEOMALI KHUPI NIRJULI BADARPUR KHANDONG PANCHGRAM SARASUJAI AGIA KAHILIPARA MISA MARIANI BOKAJAN BOKAJAN KATHALGURI BALIPARA GOHPUR KHLIEHRIET KHLIEHRIET LUMSHNONG UMTRU NANGALBIBRA UMTRU DIMAPUR MOKOKCHUNG DIMAPUR DIMAPUR 220 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 220 132 132 66 19.0 67.2 42.5 76.6 42.5 23.4 37.0 9.0 123.5 50.0 5.0 8.0 S/C S/C S/C S/C D/C S/C D/C S/C D/C D/C S/C S/C S/C AEGCL & TRIPURA DULLAVCHERRA DHARMANAGAR 132 29.0 S/C POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID AEGCL BADARPUR BADARPUR HAFLONG PAILAPOOL KUMARAGHAT JIRIBAM JIRIBAM JIRIBAM 132 132 132 132 118.5 67.2 100.6 15.0 S/C S/C S/C S/C POWERGRID BADARPUR KOLASIB 132 107.2 S/C POWERGRID AIZWAL JIRIBAM 132 172.3 S/C POWERGRID AIZWAL KUMARAGHAT 132 131.0 S/C POWERGRID MANIPUR & NAGALAND DIMAPUR KOHIMA IMPHAL KARONG 132 132 168.9 50.0 S/C S/C Page 36 of 103 CONDUCTOR ACSR TWIN MOOSE ACSR ZEBRA ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR ZEBRA ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR WOLF ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER ACSR PANTHER REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-18: FIXED, SWITCHABLE AND CONVERTIBLE LINE REACTORS IN NORTH EASTERN REGION. SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 UTILITY FROM TO POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID BALIPARA BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON MISA MISA PALATANA PALATANA PALATANA PALATANA RANGANADI RANGANADI RANGANADI RANGANADI SILCHAR SILCHAR MISA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BINAGURI(ER) BINAGURI(ER) KATHALGURI MARIANI SILCHAR SILCHAR SILCHAR SILCHAR BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BALIPARA BYRNIHAT BONGAIGAON INSTALLED AT (STATION) MISA BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BALIPARA BALIPARA BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON BALIPARA BALIPARA BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON MISA MISA SILCHAR SILCHAR PALLATANA PALLATANA RANGANADI RANGANADI BALIPARA BALIPARA SILCHAR SILCHAR KV MVAR KM 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 220 220 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 50 50 50 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 50 50 50 50 63 63 50 50 50 50 63 63 95.4 289.9 289.9 289.9 289.9 305.0 305.0 305.0 305.0 218.0 218.0 382.9 220.0 247 247 247 247 166.3 166.3 166.3 166.3 217.14 N/A Page 37 of 103 CONVERTIBLE …. .... .... .... .... TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE .... .... .... …. TRUE TRUE …. …. …. …. TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FIXED TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE …. …. …. …. TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE …. …. …. …. TRUE TRUE .... .... …. …. REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 24 25 POWERGRID AEGCL SILCHAR SILCHAR AZARA AZARA SILCHAR AZARA 400 400 63 63 264 264 TRUE NOTE: CONVERTIBLE: LINE REACTORS WHICH CAN BE OPERATED UPON ONLY WHEN LINE IS IN OUT CONDITION. FIXED : LINE REACTORS WHICH ARE FIXED AND CANNOT BE OPERATED UPON AS A BUS REACTOR Page 38 of 103 …. REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-19: BUS REACTORS IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. UTILITY INSTALLED AT (STATION) KV RATING MVAR MAKE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID OTPC NEEPCO ASSAM ASSAM POWERGRID POWERGRID TRIPURA POWERGRID POWERGRID POWERGRID ASSAM ASSAM MEGHALAYA BALIPARA BALIPARA BONGAIGAON BONGAIGAON MISA SILCHAR PALATANA RANGANADI MARIANI SAMAGURI AIZWAL KUMARGHAT DHARMANAGAR ZIRO IMPHAL NEW MARIANI SAMAGURI AZARA BYRNIHAT 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 220 220 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 400 400 50 80 2 X 50 2 X 80 50 2 X 63 80 50 2 X 12.5 2 X 12.5 20 20 2X2 20 20 20 2X12.5 63 63 BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL BHEL CGL BHEL …. .... .... .... .... .... …. …. …. …. …. STATUS IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE IN SERVICE LIST-20: TERTIARY REACTORS ON 33 KV SIDE OF 400/220/33 KV ICTS IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. UTILITY INSTALLED AT (STATION) 1 POWERGRID BALIPARA 2 POWERGRID BONGAIGAON 3 POWERGRID MISA INSTALLED ON 33 KV SIDE OF ICT I 33 KV SIDE OF ICT I 33 KV SIDE OF ICT I Page 39 of 103 RATING MVAR MAKE STATUS 4 X 25 BHEL IN SERVICE 2 X 25 BHEL IN SERVICE 4 X 25 BHEL IN SERVICE REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 3 3.1 SERIES AND SHUNT CAPACITOR VOLTAGE CONTROL INTRODUCTION 3.1.1 Capacitors aid in minimizing operating expenses and allow the utilities to serve new loads and consumers with a minimum system investment. Series and shunt capacitors in a power system generate reactive power to improve power factor and voltage, thereby enhancing the system capacity and reducing the losses. 3.1.2 In series capacitors the reactive power is proportional to the square of the load current, thus generating reactive power when it is most needed whereas in shunt capacitors it is proportional to the square of the voltage. Series capacitors compensation is usually applied for long transmission lines and transient stability improvement. Series compensation reduces net transmission line inductive reactance. The reactive generation I2XC compensates for the reactive consumption I2X of the transmission line. This is a self-regulating nature of series capacitors. At light loads series capacitors have little effect. 3.1.3 There are certain unfavorable aspects of series capacitors. Generally the cost of installing series capacitors is higher than that of a corresponding installation of a shunt capacitor. 3.1.4 This is because the protective equipment for a series capacitor is often more complicated. The factors which influence the choice between the shunt and series capacitors are summarized in Table 3. Page 40 of 103 Table 4. Equipment preference REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 3.1.5 Due to various limitations in the use of series capacitors, shunt capacitors are widely used in distribution systems. For the same voltage improvement, the rating of a shunt capacitor will be higher than that of a series capacitor. Thus a series capacitor stiffens the system, which is especially beneficial for starting large motors from an otherwise weak power system, for reducing light flicker caused by large fluctuating load, etc. 3.2 MeSEB CAPACITY BUILDING AND TRAINING DOCUMENT SUGGEST (Sub title as given in the PFC document for corporatization of MeSEB): 3.2.1 Installation of Shunt-capacitors: Installation of capacitors is a low cost process for reduction of technical losses. The agricultural load mainly consists of irrigation pump motors. The PF of pump motors are generally below 0.6, which means the total reactive power demand of the system is high. The reactive power demand can be reduced by installation of suitable capacitors. However, proper maintenance has to be adopted to keep the system in order. In view of the maintenance problem, reactive compensation technique could be installed at the distribution transformer centers. Care has to be taken that it does not lead to over voltage problems during the off peak hours. To avoid this there should be switch off arrangement in the capacitor bank. The optimum allocation of LT capacitors at distribution substation by minimizing a cost function, which includes loss cost in the beneficiary system and the annual cost of the capacitor bank. The reactive compensation can also be carried out at the primary distribution feeders (11 KV) lines. The optimum number, size and location of online capacitors will depend on the following factors: • Type of load. • Quantum of load. • Load factor. • Annual load cycle. • Power factor. 3.3 AS PER THE ASSAM GAZETTE, EXTRAORDINARY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 IN CHAPTER 9: FREQUENCY AND VOLTAGE MANAGEMENT Sec 9.1 (d) System voltages levels can be affected by Regional operation. The SLDC shall optimize voltage management by adjusting transformer taps to the extent available and switching of Page 41 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION circuits/ capacitors/ reactors and other operational steps. SLDC will instruct generating stations to regulate MVAr generation within their declared parameters. SLDC shal also instruct Distribution Licensees to regulate demand, if necessary. LIST-21: SUBSTATIONS IN NER AGENCY 400KV 220 KV POWER GRID ARUNACHAL PRADESH AEGCL 4 3 132 KV & 66 KV 11 NIL 1 6 7 1 8 22 31 MANIPUR NIL NIL 7 7 MeECL 1 NIL 9 10 MIZORAM NIL NIL 6 6 NAGALAND NIL NIL 7 7 NEEPCO 1 2 4 7 NHPC NIL NIL 1 1 TSECL 1 NIL 9 10 OTPC 1 NIL NIL 1 TOTAL 9 14 82 105 Page 42 of 103 TOTAL 18 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-22: SHUNT CAPACITOR DETAILS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION SR. NO. UTILITY SUBSTATION INSTALLED ON CAPACITY (MVAR) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MeECL MeECL MeECL MeECL MeECL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL AEGCL 132 KV BUS BAR 132 KV BUS BAR 132 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 12.5 20 20 15 15 2X5 3X5 2X5 1X5 1X10 2X10 2X5 1X5 1X5 2X5 2X10 2X5 2X5 2X10 20 AEGCL 33 KV BUS BAR 2X5 21 22 AEGCL AEGCL MAWLAI EPIP I EPIP II EPIP II EPIP II BAGHJAB KAHELIPARA BARNAGAR GOSAIGAON GAURIPUR RANGIA MARGHERITA N LAKHIMPUR DULLAVCHERRA DEPOTA SARUSAJAI ROWTA DIPHU DIBRUGARH SHANKARDEV NAGAR RUPAI SRIKONA 33 KV BUS BAR 33 KV BUS BAR 2X5 2X5 Total Capacity of NER Page 43 of 103 273 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 4 TRANSFORMER LOAD TAP CHANGER AND VOLTAGE CONTROL 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.1.1 Transformers provide the capability to raise alternating-current generation voltages to levels that make long-distance power transfers practical and then lowering voltages back to levels that can be distributed and used. The ratio of the number of turns in the primary to the number of turns in the secondary coil determines the ratio of the primary voltage to the secondary voltage. By tapping the primary or secondary coil at various points, the ratio between the primary and secondary voltage can be adjusted. Transformer taps can be either fixed or adjustable under load through the use of a load-tap changer (LTC). Tap capability is selected for each application during transformer design. 4.1.2 The OLTC alters the power transformer turns ratio in a number of pre defined steps and in that way changes the secondary side voltage. 4.1.3 Each step usually represents a change in LV side no-load voltage of approximately 0.51.7%. Standard tap changers offer between ± 9 to ± 17 steps (i.e. 19 to 35 positions). The automatic voltage regulator (AVR) is designed to control a power transformer with a motor driven on-load tap-changer. Fig 13. Switching principle of LTC 4.1.4 Typically the AVR regulates voltage at the secondary side of the power transformer. The control method is based on a step-by-step principle which means that a control pulse, one at a time, will be issued to the onload tap-changer mechanism to move it up or down by one position. 4.1.5 The pulse is generated by the AVR whenever the measured voltage, for a given time, deviates from the set reference value by more than the preset dead band (i.e. degree of insensitivity). Time delay is used to avoid Page 44 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION unnecessary operation during short voltage deviations from the pre-set value. 4.1.6 Transformer-tap changers can be used for voltage control, but the control differs from that provided by reactive sources. Transformer taps can force voltage up (or down) on one side of a transformer, but it is at the expense of reducing (or raising) the voltage on the other side. The reactive power required to raise (or lower) voltage on a bus is forced to flow through the transformer from the bus on the other side. 4.1.7 The reactive power consumption of a transformer at rated current is within the range 0.05 to 0.2 p.u. based on the transformer ratings. Fixed taps are useful when compensating for load growth and other long-term shifts in system use. LTCs are used for more-rapid adjustments, such as compensating for the voltage fluctuations associated with the daily load cycle. While LTCs could potentially provide rapid voltage control, their performance is normally intentionally degraded. With an LTC, tap changing is accomplished by opening and closing contacts within the transformer’s tap changing mechanism. 4.2 AS PER THE ASSAM GAZETTE, EXTRAORDINARY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 IN CHAPTER 9: FREQUENCY AND VOLTAGE MANAGEMENT Sec 9.1(d) System voltages levels can be affected by Regional operation. The SLDC shall optimise voltage management by adjusting transformer taps to the extent available and switching of circuits/ capacitors/ reactors and other operational steps. SLDC will instruct generating stations to regulate MVAr generation within their declared parameters. SLDC shall also instruct Distribution Licensees to regulate demand, if necessary. Page 45 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-23: ICT DETAILS OF POWERGRID IN NORTH EASTERN REGION STEP %AGE KV SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA KV RATIO MAKE TT NT 1 BALIPARA POWERGRID 01 315 400/220 /33 kV TELK 17 9 1.25 5 10 2 BONGAIGAON POWERGRID 01 315 400/220 /33 kV TELK 17 9 1.25 5 12 3 SILCHAR POWERGRID 01 200 CGL 17 9 1.25 5 9B 4 SILCHAR POWERGRID 01 200 CGL 17 9 1.25 5 9B 5 MISA POWERGRID 01 315 TELK 17 9 1.25 5 05 6 MISA POWERGRID 02 315 CGL 17 9 1.25 5 05 7 DIMAPUR POWERGRID 01 100 TELK 17 13 1.25 2.75 12 8 DIMAPUR POWERGRID 02 100 ALSTOM 17 13 1.25 2.75 12 9 NIRJULI POWERGRID 01 10 132 /33 kV KANOHAR ELECT. 17 9 1.25 1.65 09 10 NIRJULI POWERGRID 01 10 132 /33 kV BBL 5 3 1.25 1.65 03 11 SALAKATI POWERGRID 01 50 NGEF 17 13 1.25 2.75 16 12 SALAKATI POWERGRID 02 50 EMCO 17 13 1.25 2.75 16 13 ZIRO POWERGRID 01 15 132 /33 kV AREVA /ALSTOM 17 9 1.25 1.65 02 14 KOPILI POWERGRID 01 160 220/132 kV …. …. …. …. …. 13 15 IMPHAL POWERGRID 01 50 132/33 kV …. …. …. …. …. …. 16 IMPHAL POWERGRID 02 50 132/33 kV …. …. …. …. …. …. 400/132 kV 400/132 kV 400/220 /33 kV 400/220 kV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV LIST-24: ICT DETAILS OF NEEPCO IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA 1 RHEP NEEPCO 01 7.5 2 RHEP NEEPCO 02 7.5 Page 46 of 103 KV RATIO 132/33 KV 132/33 KV STEP %AGE KV MAKE TT NT PT …. …. …. …. …. 02 …. …. …. …. …. 03 PT REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 3 BALIPARA NEEPCO 01 50 4 KOPILI NEEPCO 01 60 5 RHEP NEEPCO 01 360 6 RHEP NEEPCO 02 360 220/132 KV 220/132 KV 400/132 KV 400/132 KV …. …. …. …. …. 09 …. …. …. …. …. 09 …. …. …. …. …. 10 …. …. …. …. …. 09 STEP %AGE KV PT LIST-25: ICT DETAILS OF NHPC IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA KV RATIO MAKE TT NT 1 LOKTAK NHPC 01 5 132/33 KV …. …. …. …. …. 02 STEP %AGE KV PT LIST-26: ICT DETAILS OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION 1 ALONG 2 DAPORIJO 3 DAPORIJO 4 DEOMALI 5 DEOMALI 6 LEKHI 7 LEKHI AGENCY ARUNACHAL PRADESH ARUNACHAL PRADESH ARUNACHAL PRADESH ARUNACHAL PRADESH ARUNACHAL PRADESH ARUNACHAL PRADESH ARUNACHAL PRADESH ICT NO. MVA 01 15 01 5 02 5 01 100 01 16 01 15 01 20 KV RATIO 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 220/ 132 kV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV MAKE TT NT …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 02 …. …. …. …. …. 02 …. …. …. …. …. 09 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 STEP %AGE KV PT LIST-27: ICT DETAILS OF AEGCL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA 1 AGIA AEGCL 01 50 2 AGIA AEGCL 02 100 2 AGIA AEGCL 01 40 3 AGIA AEGCL 01 12.5 Page 47 of 103 kV RATIO 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV MAKE TT NT …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. 14 …. REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 09 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 17 …. …. …. …. …. 17 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 4 AZARA AEGCL 01 315 400/220 EMCO 5 AZARA AEGCL 02 315 400/220 EMCO AEGCL 01 12.5 AEGCL 01 16 6 7 ASHOK PAPER MILL ASHOK PAPER MILL 8 BAGHJHAP AEGCL 01 16 9 BAGHJHAP AEGCL 02 16 10 BALIPARA AEGCL 01 50 11 BOKO AEGCL 01 10 12 BOKO AEGCL 02 10 13 B CHARIALI AEGCL 01 16 14 B CHARIALI AEGCL 02 16 15 BORNAGAR AEGCL 01 25 16 BORNAGAR AEGCL 02 25 17 BOKAKHAT AEGCL 01 16 18 BOKAKHAT AEGCL 02 16 19 BOKAJAN AEGCL 01 16 20 BTPS AEGCL 01 10 21 BTPS AEGCL 02 10 22 BTPS AEGCL 01 80 23 BTPS AEGCL 02 80 24 BTPS AEGCL 03 160 25 CTPS AEGCL 01 16 26 CTPS AEGCL 01 30 27 DEPOTA AEGCL 01 31.5 28 DEPOTA AEGCL 02 31.5 29 DHALIGAON AEGCL 01 25 30 DHALIGAON AEGCL 02 25 Page 48 of 103 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 220 /132 kV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 08 08 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 31 DHEMAJI AEGCL 01 16 32 DIPHU AEGCL 01 16 33 DIPHU AEGCL 02 16 34 DIBRUGARH AEGCL 01 31.5 35 DIBRUGARH AEGCL 01 20 36 DIBRUGARH AEGCL 02 20 37 DISPUR AEGCL 01 16 38 DISPUR AEGCL 02 16 39 DULLAVCHERRA AEGCL 01 3.5 40 DULLAVCHERRA AEGCL 02 3.5 41 DULLAVCHERRA AEGCL 03 3.5 42 DULLAVCHERRA AEGCL 04 3.5 43 DULLAVCHERRA AEGCL 05 3.5 44 DULLAVCHERRA AEGCL 06 3.5 45 GAURIPUR AEGCL 01 10 46 GAURIPUR AEGCL 02 10 47 GOHPUR AEGCL 01 16 48 GOHPUR AEGCL 01 10 49 GOSSAIGAON AEGCL 01 16 50 GOLAGHAT AEGCL 01 25 51 GOLAGHAT AEGCL 02 25 52 HAFLONG AEGCL 01 10 53 HAFLONG AEGCL 02 10 54 JORHAT AEGCL 01 25 55 JORHAT AEGCL 01 16 56 KAHELIPARA AEGCL 01 30 57 KAHELIPARA AEGCL 02 30 58 KAHELIPARA AEGCL 03 30 Page 49 of 103 132/33 kV 132/66 kV 132/66 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 kV 132/33 KV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 KV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 06 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 59 KAHELIPARA AEGCL 01 10 60 KAHELIPARA AEGCL 02 10 61 LEDO AEGCL 01 10 62 LEDO AEGCL 02 10 63 LTPS AEGCL 01 7.5 64 LTPS AEGCL 02 7.5 65 MAJULI AEGCL 01 5.5 66 MARIANI AEGCL 01 20 67 MARIANI AEGCL 02 20 68 MARIANI AEGCL 01 100 69 MARIANI AEGCL 02 100 70 MORAN AEGCL 01 16 71 MORAN AEGCL 02 16 72 NALBARI AEGCL 01 16 73 NALBARI AEGCL 02 16 AEGCL 01 10 AEGCL 02 10 74 75 NALKATA (NORTH LAKHIMPUR) NALKATA (NORTH LAKHIMPUR) 76 NARENGI AEGCL 01 25 77 NARENGI AEGCL 02 25 78 NAZIRA AEGCL 01 25 79 NTPS AEGCL 01 25 80 NTPS AEGCL 02 25 81 PAILAPOOL AEGCL 01 10 82 PAILAPOOL AEGCL 02 10 83 PAILAPOOL AEGCL 03 10 84 PANCHGRAM AEGCL 01 16 85 PANCHGRAM AEGCL 02 16 Page 50 of 103 132/33/11 kV 132/33/11 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/66 kV 132/66 kV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 132/33 KV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV …. …. …. …. …. 02 …. …. …. …. …. 02 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 132/33 kV …. …. …. …. …. …. 132/33 kV …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 08 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/66 kV 132/66 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 kV REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 86 PANCHGRAM AEGCL 01 10 87 PANCHGRAM AEGCL 02 10 88 PAVOI AEGCL 01 16 89 PAVOI AEGCL 02 16 90 RANGIA AEGCL 01 25 91 RANGIA AEGCL 02 25 92 ROWTA AEGCL 01 25 93 ROWTA AEGCL 02 25 94 S NAGAR AEGCL 01 16 95 S NAGAR AEGCL 02 16 96 SAMAGURI AEGCL 01 50 97 SAMAGURI AEGCL 02 50 98 SAMAGURI AEGCL 03 50 99 SAMAGURI AEGCL 01 25 100 SAMAGURI AEGCL 02 25 101 SARUSAJAI AEGCL 01 31.5 102 SARUSAJAI AEGCL 02 31.5 103 SARUSAJAI AEGCL 01 100 104 SARUSAJAI AEGCL 02 100 105 SARUSAJAI AEGCL 03 100 106 SISUGRAM AEGCL 01 31.5 107 SISUGRAM AEGCL 02 31.5 108 SIBSAGAR AEGCL 01 16 109 SIBSAGAR AEGCL 02 16 110 SIPAJHAR AEGCL 01 16 111 SIPAJHAR AEGCL 02 16 112 SRIKONA AEGCL 01 25 113 SRIKONA AEGCL 02 25 Page 51 of 103 132/33 kV 132/33 kV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 220/132 KV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV …. …. …. …. …. 01 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 12 …. …. …. …. …. 12 …. …. …. …. …. 12 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 10 …. …. …. …. …. 12 …. …. …. …. …. 11 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 114 TINSUKIA AEGCL 01 20 115 TINSUKIA AEGCL 02 20 116 TINSUKIA AEGCL 03 20 117 TINSUKIA AEGCL 01 50 118 TINSUKIA AEGCL 02 50 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 220/132 kV 220/132 kV …. …. …. …. …. 02 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 16 …. …. …. …. …. 16 STEP %AGE KV PT LIST-28: ICT DETAILS OF MANIPUR IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA 1 CHURACHANDPUR MANIPUR 01 20 2 IMPHAL MANIPUR 01 20 3 IMPHAL MANIPUR 02 20 4 IMPHAL MANIPUR 03 20 5 KAKCHING MANIPUR 01 20 6 KARONG MANIPUR 01 20 7 NINGTHOUKHONG MANIPUR 01 12.5 8 NINGTHOUKHONG MANIPUR 02 12.5 9 YANGANGPOKPI MANIPUR 01 20 10 YANGANGPOKPI MANIPUR 02 20 11 JIRIBAM MANIPUR 01 6.3 KV RATIO 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV MAKE TT NT …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. LIST-29: ICT DETAILS OF MEGHALAYA IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA 1 CHERAPUNJEE MeECL 01 12.5 2 EPIP I MeECL 01 20 3 EPIP I MeECL 02 20 4 EPIP II MeECL 01 50 5 KHLIEHRIAT MeECL 01 20 Page 52 of 103 KV RATIO 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV STEP %AGE KV MAKE TT NT PT …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 05 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 6 KHLIEHRIAT MeECL 02 20 7 MAWLAI MeECL 01 20 8 MAWLAI MeECL 02 20 9 MAWLAI MeECL 01 10 10 MAWLAI MeECL 01 12.5 11 NANGALBIBRA MeECL 01 10 12 NANGALBIBRA MeECL 01 12.5 13 NEHU MeECL 01 20 14 NEHU MeECL 02 20 15 NEIGRIHMS MeECL 01 10 16 NEIGRIHMS MeECL 02 10 17 NONGSTOIN MeECL 01 12.5 18 UMIUM ST III MeECL 01 10 19 TURA MeECL 01 20 20 TURA MeECL 01 15 21 TURA MeECL 02 15 22 TURA MeECL 03 15 23 LUMSHNONG MeECL 01 10 24 UMTRU MeECL 01 20 25 BYRNIHAT MeECL 01 315 400/132 26 BYRNIHAT MeECL 02 315 400/132 27 NANGALBIBRA MeECL 01 12.5 132/33 28 NANGALBIBRA MeECL 02 12.5 132/33 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 07 …. …. …. …. …. 07 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 06 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 15 …. …. …. …. …. 15 …. …. …. …. …. 15 …. …. …. …. …. 15 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 02 LIST-30: ICT DETAILS OF MIZORAM IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. 1 2 SUBSTATION AIZAWL LUANGMUAL AIZAWL LUANGMUAL AGENCY ICT NO. MVA MIZORAM 01 12.5 MIZORAM 02 12.5 Page 53 of 103 KV RATIO 132/33 KV 132/33 KV STEP %AGE KV MAKE TT NT PT …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION AIZAWL ZUANGTUI AIZAWL ZUANGTUI 3 4 MIZORAM 01 12.5 MIZORAM 02 12.5 5 KOLASIB MIZORAM 01 12.5 6 KOLASIB MIZORAM 02 12.5 7 LUNGLEI MIZORAM 01 12.5 8 LUNGLEI MIZORAM 02 12.5 9 SERCHHIP MIZORAM 01 12.5 10 SERCHHIP MIZORAM 02 6.3 11 SAITUAL MIZORAM 01 6.3 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 10 …. …. …. …. …. 09 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 09 …. …. …. …. …. 02 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 06 STEP %AGE KV PT LIST-31: ICT DETAILS OF NAGALAND IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA 1 DIMAPUR NAGALAND 01 20 2 DIMAPUR NAGALAND 02 20 3 DIMAPUR NAGALAND 03 20 4 KIPHIRE NAGALAND 01 6.5 5 KIPHIRE NAGALAND 02 6.5 6 KIPHIRE NAGALAND 03 6.5 7 KOHIMA NAGALAND 01 8 8 KOHIMA NAGALAND 02 8 9 KOHIMA NAGALAND 03 8 10 MELURI NAGALAND 01 5 11 MOKOKCHUNG NAGALAND 01 12.5 12 MOKOKCHUNG NAGALAND 02 12.5 13 WOKHA NAGALAND 01 5 Page 54 of 103 KV RATIO 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/33 KV MAKE TT NT …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 03 …. …. …. …. …. 01 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 03 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-32: ICT DETAILS OF TSECL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA 1 AGARTALA TSECL 01 15 2 AGARTALA TSECL 01 15 3 AGARTALA TSECL 02 15 4 AGARTALA TSECL 03 15 5 AGARTALA TSECL 04 15 6 AGARTALA TSECL 01 20 7 AGARTALA TSECL 02 20 8 AGARTALA TSECL 01 15 9 AMBASA TSECL 01 7.5 10 AMBASA TSECL 02 7.5 11 BARAMURA TSECL 01 30 12 DHALABIL TSECL 01 7.5 13 DHARMANAGAR TSECL 01 7.5 14 DHARMANAGAR TSECL 02 7.5 15 DHARMANAGAR TSECL 03 7.5 16 KAILASHOR TSECL 01 7.5 17 KAMALPUR TSECL 01 7.5 18 P K BARI TSECL 01 15 19 P K BARI TSECL 01 10 20 ROKHIA TSECL 01 30 21 UDAIPUR TSECL 01 15 22 UDAIPUR TSECL 02 10 23 UDAIPUR TSECL 03 10 24 UDAIPUR TSECL 04 15 25 UDAIPUR TSECL 05 10 Page 55 of 103 KV RATIO 132/66 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/11 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/66 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/33 KV 132/11 KV 132/33 KV 132/11 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 KV 132/66 kV 132/11 kV 66/33 kV STEP %AGE KV MAKE TT NT PT …. …. …. …. …. 09 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. 13 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 04 …. …. …. …. …. 07 …. …. …. …. …. 07 …. …. …. …. …. 07 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 08 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 …. …. …. …. …. 05 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION LIST-33: ICT DETAILS OF OTPC IN NORTH EASTERN REGION SL. NO. SUBSTATION AGENCY ICT NO. MVA KV RATIO MAKE TT NT 1 PALLATANA OTPC 01 125 400/132 kV BHEL …. …. STEP %AGE KV …. …. LIST-34:TRANSMISSION/TRANSFOMATION/VAR COMPENSATION CAPACITY OF NER TRANSMISSION LINE (CKT KM) AGENCY 400 KV 220 KV 132 KV 66 KV POWERGRID NEEPCO NETC STATES TOTAL 1719.2 NIL 973.14 37 2729.34 1317 NIL NIL 1639 2956 1988 67 NIL 5702 7757 NIL NIL NIL 1809 1809 TRANSFORMATION CAPACITY (MVA) POWERGRID/NEEPCO/ OTPC/NHPC STATES TOTAL 2375/860/125/5 MVA 7285 MVA 10650 REACTIVE COMPENSATION (MVAR) POWERGRID/NEEPCO/ OTPC STATES 1318/150/206 MVAR 117 MVAR CAPACITIVE COMPENSATION – 273 MVAR Page 56 of 103 PT …. REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 5 HVDC AND VOLTAGE CONTROL 5.1 INTRODUCTION 5.1.1 Basically for transferring power over a long distance or submarine power transmission, High voltage DC transmission lines (HVDC) are preferred which transmits power via DC (direct current). They normally consist of two converter terminals connected by a DC transmission line and in some applications, multi-terminal HVDC with interconnected DC transmission lines. Back-to-Back DC and HVDC Light are specific types of HVDC systems. HVDC Light uses new cable and converter technologies and is economical at lower power levels than traditional HVDC. 5.2 HVDC CONFIGURATION 5.2.1 Bipolar In bipolar transmission a pair of conductors is used, each at a high potential with respect to ground, in opposite polarity. Since these conductors must be insulated for the full voltage, transmission line cost is higher than a monopole with a return conductor. However, there are a number of advantages to bipolar transmission which can make it the attractive option. • • • • Under normal load, negligible earth-current flows, as in the case of monopolar transmission with a metallic earth-return. This reduces earth return loss and environmental effects. When a fault develops in a line, with earth return electrodes installed at each end of the line, approximately half the rated power can continue to flow using the earth as a return path, operating in monopolar mode. Since for a given total power rating each conductor of a bipolar line carries only half the current of monopolar lines, the cost of the second conductor is reduced compared to a monopolar line of the same rating. In very adverse terrain, the second conductor may be carried on an independent set of transmission towers, so that some power may continue to be transmitted even if one line is damaged. Page 57 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION A bipolar system may also be installed with a metallic earth return conductor. Bipolar systems may carry as much as 3,200 MW at voltages of +/-600 kV (viz., 2500 MW +/- 500 KV TALCHER – KOLAR HVDC link in INDIA connecting NEW GRID to SR GRID ) Submarine cable installations initially commissioned as a monopole may be upgraded with additional cables and operated as a bipole. 5.2.2 Back to back A back-to-back station (or B2B for short) is a plant in which both static inverters and rectifiers are in the same area, usually in the same building. The length of the direct current line is kept as short as possible. HVDC back-to-back stations are used for • • • Coupling of electricity mains of different frequency (as in INDIA; the interconnection between NEW GRID and SR GRID through 1000 MW HVDC BHADRAVATI and 1000 MW HVDC GAZUWAKA) Coupling two networks of the same nominal frequency but no fixed phase relationship (viz., HVDC SASARAM, HVDC VINDHYACHAL). Different frequency and phase number (for example, as a replacement for traction current converter plants) The DC voltage in the intermediate circuit can be selected freely at HVDC back-to-back stations because of the short conductor length. The DC voltage is as low as possible, in order to build a small valve hall and to avoid series connections of valves. For this reason at HVDC back-to-back stations valves with the highest available current rating are used. 5.2.3 A high voltage direct current (HVDC) link consists of a rectifier and an inverter. The rectifier side of the HVDC link is equivalent to a load consuming positive real and reactive power and the inverter side of the HVDC link as a generator providing positive real power and negative reactive power (i.e. absorbing positive reactive power). 5.2.4 Thyristor based HVDC converters always consume reactive power when in operation. A DC line itself does not require reactive power and voltage drop on the line is only the IR drop where I is the DC current. The converters at the both ends of the line, however, draw reactive power from the AC system. The reactive power consumption of the HVDC Page 58 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION converter/inverter is 50-60 % of the active power converted. It is independent of the length of the line. 5.2.5 The reactive power requirements of the converter and system have to be met by providing appropriate reactive power in the station. For those reason reactive power compensations devices are used together with reactive power control from the ac side in the form of filter and capacitor banks. 5.2.6 Both AC and DC harmonics are generated in HVDC converters. AC harmonics are injected into the AC system and DC harmonics are injected into the DC line. These harmonics have the following harmful effects: • • • • Interference in communication system. Extra power losses in machines and capacitors connected in the system. Some harmonics may produce resonance in AC circuits resulting in over voltages. Instability of converter controls. Basic Components of HVDC Terminal Converter Xmers DC Line Smoothing Reactor 400 kV AC PLC DC Filter DC Filter DC Filter DC Filter AC Filter AC Filter Valve Halls Electrode station -Thyristors -Control & Protection -Firing ckts -Telecommunication -Cooling ckt Control Room Fig 14. HVDC Fundamental components 5.2.7 Harmonics are normally minimized by using filters. The following types of filters are used: • AC filters. Page 59 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION • • DC filters. High frequency filters. AC Filters AC filters are RLC circuits connected between phase and earth. They offer low impedance to harmonic frequencies. Thus, AC harmonic currents are passed to earth. Both tuned and damped filter arrangements are used. The AC harmonic filters also provide reactive power required for satisfactory operation of converters and also partly injects reactive power into the system. DC Filters DC filters are similar to AC filters. A DC filter is connected between pole bus and neutral bus. It diverts DC harmonics to earth and prevents them from entering DC lines. Such a filter does not supply reactive power as DC line does not require reactive power. HIGH FREQUENCY FILTERS HVDC converters may produce electrical noise in the carrier frequency band from 20 Khz to 490 Khz. They also generate radio interference noise in the mega hertz range of frequencies. High frequency (PLC-RI) filters are used to minimize noise and interference with PLCC. Such filters are connected between the converter transformer and the station AC bus. 5.3 REACTIVE POWER SOURCE Reactive power is required for satisfactory operation of converters and also to boost the AC side voltages. AC harmonic filters which help in minimizing harmonics also provide reactive power partly. Additional supply may be obtained from shunt (switched) capacitor banks usually installed in AC side. 5.4 800 KV HVDC BI-POLE The first 800kV HVDC bi-pole line in INDIA has been planned from a pooling substation at Bishwanath Chariali in North-eastern Region to Agra in Northern region. This is being programmed for commissioning matching with Subansiri Lower HEP in 2016-17. The transmission line would be for 6000 MW capacity and HVDC terminal capacity would be 3000 MW between Bishwanath Chariali and Agra. In the second phase, for transmission of power from hydro projects at Sikkim and Bhutan pooled at Alipurduar, another 3000 MW terminal modules would be added between Siliguri and Agra. It is envisaged to take-up the proposed 800kV, 6000MW HVDC bi-pole line from Bishwanath Chariali to Agra under a scheme titled ”Inter-regional Transmission system for power export from NER to NR/WR” which is under execution. Page 60 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 6 FACTS AND VOLTAGE CONTROL 6.1 INTRODUCTION 6.1.1 The demands of lower power losses, faster response to system parameter change, and higher stability of system have stimulated the development of the Flexible AC Transmission systems (FACTS). Based on the success of research in power electronics switching devices and advanced control technology, FACTS has become the technology of choice in voltage control, reactive/active power flow control, transient and steady-state stabilization that improves the operation and functionality of existing power transmission and distribution system. 6.1.2 The achievement of these studies enlarge the efficiency of the existing generator units, reduce the overall generation capacity and fuel consumption, and minimize the operation cost. The power electronicsbased switches in the functional blocks of FACTS can usually be operated repeatedly and the switching time is a portion of a periodic cycle, which is much shorter than the conventional mechanical switches. 6.1.3 The advance of semiconductors increases the switching frequency and voltage-ampere ratings of the solid switches and facilitates the applications. For example, the switching frequencies of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) are from 3 kHz to 10 kHz which is several hundred times the utility frequency of power system (50~60Hz). Gate turnoff thyristors (GTOs) have a switching frequency lower than 1 kHz, but the voltage and current rating can reach 5-8 kV and 6 kA respectively. 6.2 Static Var Compensator (SVC) 6.2.1 Static Var Compensator is “a shunt-connected static Var generator or absorber whose output is adjusted to exchange capacitive or inductive current so as to maintain or control specific parameters of the electrical power system (typically bus voltage)” .SVC is based on thyristors without gate turn-off capability. 6.2.2 The operating principal and characteristics of thyristors realize SVC variable reactive impedance. SVC includes two main components and their combination: (1) Thyristor-controlled and Thyristor-switched Reactor (TCR and TSR); and (2) Thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC). Figure 15 shows the diagram of SVC. Page 61 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 6.2.3 TCR and TSR are both composed of a shunt-connected reactor controlled by two parallel, reverse-connected thyristors. TCR is controlled with proper firing angle input to operate in a continuous manner, while TSR is controlled without firing angle control which results in a step change in reactance. 6.2.4 TSC shares similar composition and same operational mode as TSR, but the reactor is replaced by a capacitor. The reactance can only be either fully connected or fully disconnected zero due to the characteristic of capacitor. With different combinations of TCR/TSR, TSC and fixed capacitors, a SVC can meet various requirements to absorb/supply reactive power from/to the transmission line. Fig 15. Static VAR Compensators (SVC): TCR/TSR, TSC, FC and Mechanically Switched Resistor 6.3 Converter-based Compensator 6.3.1 Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is one of the key Converter-based Compensators which are usually based on the voltage source inverter (VSI) or current source inverter (CSI), as shown in Figure 16 (a). Unlike SVC, STATCOM controls the output current independently of the AC system voltage, while the DC side voltage is automatically maintained to serve as a voltage source. Mostly, STATCOM is designed based on the VSI (VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER). Fig 16. STATCOM topologies: (a) STATCOM based on VSI and CSI (b) STATCOM with storage Page 62 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 6.3.2 Compared with SVC, the topology of a STATCOM is more complicated. The switching device of a VSI is usually a gate turn-off device paralleled by a reverse diode; this function endows the VSI advanced controllability. 6.3.3 Various combinations of the switching devices and appropriate topology make it possible for a STATCOM to vary the AC output voltage in both magnitude and phase. Also, the combination of STATCOM with a different storage device or power source (as shown in Figure 16b) endows the STATCOM the ability to control the real power output. 6.3.4 STATCOM has much better dynamic performance than conventional reactive power compensators like SVC. The gate turn-off ability shortens the dynamic response time from several utility period cycles to a portion of a period cycle. STATCOM is also much faster in improving the transient response than a SVC. This advantage also brings higher reliability and larger operating range. 6.4 Series-connected controllers 6.4.1 As shunt-connected controllers, seriescontrollers can also be divided into converter type. 6.4.2 The former includes Thyristor-Switched Series Capacitor (TSSC), Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), ThyristorSwitched Series Reactor, and Thyristor-Controlled Series Reactor. 6.4.3 The latter, based on VSI, is usually in the Compensator (SSSC). The composition and operation of different types are similar to the operation of the shunt connected peers. Figure shows the diagrams of various series-connected controllers. connected either impedance FACTS type or Fig 17. Series-connected FACTS controllers: (a) TCSR and TSSR; (b) TSSC; (c) SSSC Page 63 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 7 GENERATOR REACTIVE POWER AND VOLTAGE CONTROL 7.1 INTRODUCTION 7.1.2 An electric-power generator’s primary function is to convert fuel (or other energy resource) into electric power. Almost all generators also have considerable control over their terminal voltage and reactive-power output. 7.1.3 The ability of a generator to provide reactive support depends on its real-power production which is represented in the form of generator capability curve or D curve. Figure 18 shows the combined limits on real and reactive production for a typical generator. Like most electric equipment, generators are limited by their current-carrying capability. Near rated voltage, this capability becomes an MVA limit for the armature of the generator rather than a MW limitation, shown as the armature heating limit in the Figure. 7.1.4 Fig 18. D-Curve of a typical Generator Production of reactive power involves increasing the magnetic field to raise the generator’s terminal voltage. Increasing the magnetic field requires increasing the current in the rotating field winding. This too is current limited, resulting in the field-heating limit shown in the figure. Absorption of reactive power is limited by the magnetic-flux pattern in the stator, which results in excessive heating of the stator-end iron, the coreend heating limit. The synchronizing torque is also reduced when absorbing large amounts of reactive power, which can also limit Page 64 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION generator capability to reduce the chance of losing synchronism with the system. 7.1.5 The generator prime mover (e.g., the steam turbine) is usually designed with less capacity than the electric generator, resulting in the primemover limit in Fig. 18. The designers recognize that the generator will be producing reactive power and supporting system voltage most of the time. Providing a prime mover capable of delivering all the mechanical power the generator can convert to electricity when it is neither producing nor absorbing reactive power would result in underutilization of the prime mover. 7.1.6 To produce or absorb additional VARs beyond these limits would require a reduction in the real-power output of the unit. Capacitors supply reactive power and have leading power factors, while inductors consume reactive power and have lagging power factors. The convention for generators is the reverse. When the generator is supplying reactive power, it has a lagging power factor and its mode of operation is referred to as overexcited. When a generator consumes reactive power, it has a leading power factor region and is under excited. 7.1.7 Control over the reactive output and the terminal voltage of the generator is provided by adjusting the DC current in the generator’s rotating field. Control can be automatic, continuous, and fast. The inherent characteristics of the generator help maintain system voltage. 7.1.8 At any given field setting, the generator has a specific terminal voltage it is attempting to hold. If the system voltage declines, the generator will inject reactive power into the power system, tending to raise system voltage. If the system voltage rises, the reactive output of the generator will drop, and ultimately reactive power will flow into the generator, tending to lower system voltage. 7.1.9 The voltage regulator will accentuate this behavior by driving the field current in the appropriate direction to obtain the desired system voltage. Because most of the reactive limits are thermal limits associated with large pieces of equipment, significant short-term extra reactive-power capability usually exists. Power-system stabilizers also control generator field current and reactive-power output in response to oscillations on the power system. This function is a part of the network-stability ancillary service. Page 65 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 7.2 SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS 7.2.1 Every synchronous machine (motor or generator) has the reactive power capability. Synchronous motors are occasionally used to provide voltage support to the power system as they provide mechanical power to their load. Some combustion turbines and hydro units are designed to allow the generator to operate without its mechanical power source simply to provide the reactive-power capability to the power system when the real power generation is unavailable or not needed. 7.2.2 Synchronous machines that are designed exclusively to provide reactive support are called synchronous condensers. Synchronous condensers have all of the response speed and controllability advantages of generators without the need to construct the rest of the power plant (e.g., fuel-handling equipment and boilers). Because they are rotating machines with moving parts and auxiliary systems, they may require significantly more maintenance than static alternatives. They also consume real power equal to about 3% of the machine’s reactive-power rating. That is, a 50MVAR synchronous condenser requires about 1.5 MW of real power. 7.2.3 As per planning philosophy and general guidelines in the Manual on Transmission planning criteria issued by CEA (MOP, India), Thermal / Nuclear Generating Units shall normally not run at leading power factor. However for the purpose of charging unit may be allowed to operate at leading power factor as per the respective capability curve. 7.2.4 Generator capability may depend significantly on the type and amount of cooling. This is particularly true of hydrogen cooled generators where cooling gas pressure affects both the real and reactive power capability Table 5. List of units in NER required to be normally operated with free governor action and AVR in service. SL. NO. STATION UTILITY UNIT NO. UNIT CAPACITY (MW) TYPE 1 KOPILI HEP NEEPCO 1,2,3 & 4* 50 HYDEL 2 RANGANADI HEP NEEPCO 1,2 & 3 135 HYDEL *Units running in 132 KV pocket is exempt from FGMO. Page 66 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 1. LTPS UNIT 5, 6 & 7 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 67 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 2. NTPS UNIT 1, 2 & 3 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 68 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 3. NTPS UNIT 4 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 69 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 4. NTPS UNIT 6 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 70 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 5. LTPS CAPABILITY CURVE Page 71 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 6. NTPS CAPABILITY CURVE Page 72 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 7. UMIUM ST I CAPABILITY CURVE Page 73 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 8. UMIUM STAGE II CAPABILITY CURVE Page 74 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 9. UMIUM STAGE III CAPABILITY CURVE Page 75 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 10. UMIUM STAGE IV CAPABILITY CURVE Page 76 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 11. AGBPP UNIT 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 77 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 12. AGBPP UNIT 1, 2, 3 & 4 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 78 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 13. AGTPP CAPABILITY CURVE Page 79 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 14. DOYANG HEP UNIT 1 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 80 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 15. KHANDONG HEP UNIT 2 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 81 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 16. KOPILI HEP UNIT 1 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 82 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 17. KOPILI HEP UNIT 2 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 83 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 18. KOPILI HEP ST II CAPABILITY CURVE Page 84 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 19. RANGANADI HEP CAPABILITY CURVE Page 85 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 20. LOKTAK HEP CAPABILITY CURVE Page 86 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 21. ROKHIA UNIT 3, 4 & 6 CAPABILITY CURVE Page 87 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 22. ROKHIA & BARAMURA CAPABILITY CURVE Page 88 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 23. OTPC PALATANA GTG CAPABILITY CURVE Page 89 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 24. OTPC PALATANA STG CAPABILITY CURVE Page 90 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 8 CONCLUSION 8.1 Generators, synchronous condensers, SVCs, and STATCOMs all provide fast, continuously controllable reactive support and voltage control. LTC transformers provide nearly continuous voltage control but they are slow because the transformer moves reactive power from one bus to another, the control gained at one bus is at the expense of the other. Capacitors and inductors are not variable and offer control only in large steps. 8.2 An unfortunate characteristic of capacitors and capacitor-based SVCs is that output drops dramatically when voltage is low and support is needed most. The output of a capacitor, and the capacity of an SVC, is proportional to the square of the terminal voltage. STATCOMs provide more support under low-voltage conditions than capacitors or SVCs do because they are current-limited devices and their output drops linearly with voltage. 8.3 The output of rotating machinery (i.e., generators and synchronous condensers) rises with dropping voltage unless the field current is actively reduced. Generators and synchronous condensers generally have additional emergency capacity that can be used for a limited time. Voltage-control characteristics favour the use of generators and synchronous condensers. Costs, on the other hand, favor capacitors. 8.4 Generators have extremely high capital costs because they are designed to produce real power, not reactive power. Even the incremental cost of obtaining reactive support from generators is high, although it is difficult to unambiguously separate reactive-power costs from real-power costs. Operating costs for generators are high as well because they involve realpower losses. Finally, because generators have other uses, they experience opportunity costs when called upon to simultaneously provide high levels of both reactive and real power. 8.5 Synchronous condensers have the same costs as generators but, because they are built solely to provide reactive support, their capital costs do not include the prime mover or the balance of plant and they incur no opportunity costs. SVCs and STATCOMs are high-cost devices, as well, although their operating costs are lower than those for synchronous condensers and generators. Page 91 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 9 SUMMARY 9.1 The process of controlling voltages and managing reactive power on interconnected transmission systems is well understood from a technical perspective. Three objectives dominate reactive-power management. First, maintain adequate voltages throughout the transmission system under current and contingency conditions. Second, minimize congestion of real-power flows. Third, minimize real-power losses. 9.2 This process must be performed centrally because it requires a comprehensive view of the power system to assure that control is coordinated. System operators and planners use sophisticated computer models to design and operate the power system reliably and economically. Central control by rule works well but may not be the most technically and economically effective means. 9.3 The economic impact of control actions can be quite different in a restructured/regulated industry than for vertically integrated utilities. While it may be sufficient to measure only the response of the system in aggregate for a vertically integrated utility, determining individual generator performance will be critical in a competitive environment. 9.4 While it reduces or eliminates opportunity costs by providing sufficient capacity, it can waste capital. When an investor is considering construction of new generation, the amount of reactive capability that the generator can provide without curtailing real-power production should depend on system requirements and the economics of alternatives, not on a fixed rule. 9.5 The introduction of advanced devices, such as STATCOMs and SVCs, further complicates the split between transmission- and generation based voltage control. The fast response of these devices often allows them to substitute for generation-based voltage control. But their high capital costs limit their use. If these devices could participate in a competitive voltage-control market, efficient investment would be encouraged. 9.6 In areas with high concentrations of generation, sufficient interaction among generators is likely to allow operation of a competitive market. In other locations, introduction of a small amount of controllable reactive support on the transmission system might enable market provision of the bulk of the reactive support. In other locations, existing generation would be able to exercise market power and would continue to require economic regulation for this service. Page 92 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 9.7 A determination of the extent of each type within each region would be a useful contribution to restructuring. System planners and operators need to work closely together during the design of new facilities and modification of existing facilities. Planners must design adequate reactive support into the system to provide satisfactory voltage profiles during normal and contingency operating conditions. Of particular importance is sufficient dynamic support, such as the reactive output of generators, which can supply additional reactive power during contingencies. 9.8 System operators must have sufficient metering and analytical tools to be able to tell when and if the operational reactive resources are sufficient. Operators must remain cognizant of any equipment outages or problems that could reduce the system’s static or dynamic reactive support below desirable levels. Ensuring that sufficient reactive resources are available in the grid to control voltages may be increasingly difficult because of the disintegration of the electricity industry. 9.9 Traditional vertically integrated utilities contained, within the same entity, generator reactive resources, transmission reactive resources, and the control center that determined what resources were needed when. Presently, these resources and functions are placed within three different entities. In addition, these entities have different, perhaps conflicting, goals. In particular, the owners of generating resources will be driven, in competitive generation markets, to maximize the earnings from their resources. They will not be willing to sacrifice revenues from the sale of real power to produce reactive power unless appropriately compensated. 9.10 Similarly, transmission owners will want to be sure that any costs they incur to expand the reactive capabilities on their system (e.g., additional capacitors) will be reflected fully in the transmission rates that they are allowed to charge. 9.11 Failure to appropriately compensate those entities that provide voltagecontrol services could lead to serious reliability problems and severe constraints on inter regional links and other congested areas as TTC (Total Transfer Capability) has a voltage limit function as a baggage with it which is directly linked to var compensation. With dynamic ATC’s (Available Transfer capability), Var compensation if not seriously thought of may have serious commercial implications in time to come due to the amount of bulk power trading happening across the country in today’s context. Page 93 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 10 10.1 Statutory Provisions for Reactive Management and voltage Control Power Provision in the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standard for connectivity to the grid) Regulations 2007 [8]: Extracts from this standard is as reproduced below for ready reference. Part II : Grid Connectivity Standards applicable to the Generating Units The units at a generating station proposed to be connected to the grid shall comply with the following requirements besides the general connectivity conditions given in the regulations and general requirements given in part-I of the Schedule:1. New Generating Units Hydro generating units having rated capacity of 50 MW and above shall be capable of operation in synchronous condenser mode, where ever feasible. 2. Existing Units For thermal generating unit having rated capacity of 200 MW and above and hydro units having rated capacity of 100 MW and above, the following facilities would be provided at the time of renovation and modernization. (1) Every generating unit shall have Automatic Voltage Regulator. Generators having rated capacity of 100 MW and above shall have Automatic Voltage Regulator with two separate with two separate channels having independent inputs and automatic changeover. 10.2 Provision in The Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC), 2010: 10.2.1 As per sec 3.5 of IEGC planning criterion general policy (a) The planning criterion are based on the security philosophy on which the ISTS has been planned. The security philosophy may be as per the Transmission Planning Criteria and other guidelines as given by CEA. The general policy shall be as detailed below: i) As a general rule, the ISTS shall be capable of withstanding and be secured against the following contingency outages Page 94 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION a. without necessitating load shedding or rescheduling of generation during Steady State Operation: Outage of a 132 kV D/C line or, Outage of a 220 kV D/C line or, Outage of a 400 kV S/C line or, Outage of single Interconnecting Transformer, or Outage of one pole of HVDC Bipole line, or one pole of HVDC back to back Station or Outage of 765 kV S/C line. b. without necessitating load shedding but could be with rescheduling of generation during steady state operationOutage of a 400 kV S/C line with TCSC, or Outage of a 400kV D/C line, or Outage of both pole of HVDC Bipole line or both poles of HVDC back to back Station or Outage of a 765kV S/C line with series compensation. ii) The above contingencies shall be considered assuming a pre-contingency system depletion (Planned outage) of another 220 kV D/C line or 400 kV S/C line in another corridor and not emanating from the same substation. The planning study would assume that all the Generating Units may operate within their reactive capability curves and the network voltage profile shall also be maintained within voltage limits specified (e) 10.2.2 CTU shall carry out planning studies for Reactive Power compensation of ISTS including reactive power compensation requirement at the generator’s /bulk consumer’s switchyard and for connectivity of new generator/ bulk consumer to the ISTS in accordance with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission ( Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in inter-state Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009. As per Sec 4.6.1 of IEGC, Important Technical Requirements for Connectivity to the Grid: Reactive Power Compensation a) Reactive Power compensation and/or other facilities, shall be provided by STUs, and Users connected to ISTS as far as possible in the low voltage systems close to the load Page 95 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION points thereby avoiding the need for exchange of Reactive Power to/from ISTS and to maintain ISTS voltage within the specified range. b) 10.2.3 The person already connected to the grid shall also provide additional reactive compensation as per the quantum and time frame decided by respective RPC in consultation with RLDC. The Users and STUs shall provide information to RPC and RLDC regarding the installation and healthiness of the reactive compensation equipment on regular basis. RPC shall regularly monitor the status in this regard. In chapter 5 of IEGC operating code for regional grids: 5.2(k) All generating units shall normally have their automatic voltage regulators (AVRs) in operation. In particular, if a generating unit of over fifty (50) MW size is required to be operated without its AVR in service, the RLDC shall be immediately intimated about the reason and duration, and its permission obtained. Power System Stabilizers (PSS) in AVRs of generating units (wherever provided), shall be got properly tuned by the respective generating unit owner as per a plan prepared for the purpose by the CTU/RPC from time to time. CTU /RPC will be allowed to carry out checking of PSS and further tuning it, wherever considered necessary. 5.2(o) All Users, STU/SLDC , CTU/RLDC and NLDC, shall also facilitate identification, installation and commissioning of System Protection Schemes (SPS) (including inter-tripping and run-back) in the power system to operate the transmission system closer to their limits and to protect against situations such as voltage collapse and cascade tripping, tripping of important corridors/flow-gates etc.. Such schemes would be finalized by the concerned RPC forum, and shall always be kept in service. If any SPS is to be taken out of service, permission of RLDC shall be obtained indicating reason and duration of anticipated outage from service. 5.2(s) All Users, RLDC, SLDC STUs , CTU and NLDC shall take all possible measures to ensure that the grid voltage always remains within the following operating range. Page 96 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION Voltage – (KV rms) Nominal Maximum Minimum 765 800 728 400 420 380 220 245 198 132 145 122 110 121 99 66 72 60 33 36 30 Table 6: IEGC operating voltage range 5.2(u) (ii) During the wind generator start-up, the wind generator shall ensure that the reactive power drawl (inrush currents incase of induction generators) shall not affect the grid performance. 10.2.4 In chapter 6 of IEGC Section-6.6 Reactive Power & Voltage Control: 1. Reactive power compensation should ideally be provided locally, by generating reactive power as close to the reactive power consumption as possible. The Regional Entities except Generating Stations are therefore expected to provide local VAr compensation/generation such that they do not draw VArs from the EHV grid, particularly under low-voltage condition. To discourage VAr drawals by Regional Entities except Generating Stations, VAr exchanges with ISTS shall be priced as follows: - The Regional Entity except Generating Stations pays for VAr drawal when voltage at the metering point is below 97% - The Regional Entity except Generating Stations gets paid for VAr return when voltage is below 97% - The Regional Entity except Generating Stations gets paid for VAr drawal when voltage is above103% Page 97 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION The Regional Entity except Generating Stations pays for VAr return when voltage is above 103% Provided that there shall be no charge/payment for VAr drawal/return by a regional Entity except Generating Stations on its own line emanating directly from an ISGS. 2. The charge for VArh shall be at the rate of 10 paise/kVArh w.e.f. 1.4.2010, and this will be applicable between the Regional Entity, except Generating Stations, and the regional pool account for VAr interchanges. This rate shall be escalated at 0.5paise/kVArh per year thereafter, unless otherwise revised by the Commission. 3 Notwithstanding the above, RLDC may direct a Regional Entity except Generating Stations to curtail its VAr drawal/injection in case the security of grid or safety of any equipment is endangered. 4. In general, the Regional Entities except Generating Stations shall endeavor to minimize the VAr drawal at an interchange point when the voltage at that point is below 95% of rated, and shall not return VAr when the voltage is above 105%. ICT taps at the respective drawal points may be changed to control the VAr interchange as per a Regional Entity except Generating Stations’s request to the RLDC, but only at reasonable intervals. 5. Switching in/out of all 400 kV bus and line Reactors throughout the grid shall be carried out as per instructions of RLDC. Tap changing on all 400/220 kV ICTs shall also be done as per RLDCs instructions only. 6. The ISGS and other generating stations connected to regional grid shall generate/absorb reactive power as per instructions of RLDC, within capability limits of the respective generating units, that is without sacrificing on the active generation required at that time. No payments shall be made to the generating companies for such VAr generation/absorption. 7. VAr exchange directly between two Regional Entities except Generating Stations on the interconnecting lines owned by them (singly or jointly) generally address or cause a local voltage problem, and generally do not have an impact on the voltage profile of the regional grid. Accordingly, the management/control and commercial handling of the VAr exchanges on such lines shall be as per following provisions, on case-by-case basis: Page 98 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION i) The two concerned Regional Entities except Generating Stations may mutually agree not to have any charge/payment for VAr exchanges between them on an interconnecting line. ii) The two concerned Regional Entities except Generating Stations may mutually agree to adopt a payment rate/scheme for VAr exchanges between them identical to or at variance from that specified by CERC for VAr exchanges with ISTS. If the agreed scheme requires any additional metering, the same shall be arranged by the concerned Beneficiaries. iii) In case of a disagreement between the concerned Regional Entities except Generating Stations (e.g. one party wanting to have the charge/payment for VAr exchanges, and the other party refusing to have the scheme), the scheme as specified in Annexure-2 shall be applied. The per kVArh rate shall be as specified by CERC for VAr exchanges with ISTS. iv) The computation and payments for such VAr exchanges shall be effected as mutually agreed between the two Beneficiaries. 10.3 THE AEGCL GAZETTE, EXTRAORDINARY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 10.3.1 IN CHAPTER 9: FREQUENCY AND VOLTAGE MANAGEMENT (9.1) Introduction (a) This section describes the method by which all Users of the State Grid shall cooperate with SLDC in contributing towards effective control of the system frequency and managing the grid voltage. (b) State Grid normally operates in synchronism with the NorthEastern Regional Grid and NERLDC has the overall responsibility of the integrated operation of the NorthEastern Regional Power System. The constituents of the Region are required to follow the instructions of NERLDC for the backing down generation, regulating loads, MVAR drawal etc. to maintain the system frequency and the grid voltage. Page 99 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION (c) SLDC shall instruct SSGS to regulate Generation/Export and hold reserves of active and reactive power within their respective declared parameters. SLDC shall also regulate the load as may be necessary to meet the objective. (d) System voltages levels can be affected by Regional operation. The SLDC shall optimise voltage management by adjusting transformer taps to the extent available and switching of circuits/ capacitors/ reactors and other operational steps. SLDC will instruct generating stations to regulate MVAr generation within their declared parameters. SLDC shall also instruct Distribution Licensees to regulate demand, if necessary. (9.2) Objective The objectives of this section are as follows: (a) To define the responsibilities of all Users in contributing to frequency and voltage management. (b) To define the actions required to enable SLDC to maintain System voltages and frequency within acceptable levels in accordance Planning and Security Standards of IEGC. (9.3) Frequency Management The rated frequency of the system shall be 50 Hz and shall normally be regulated within the limits prescribed in IEGC Clause 4.6(b). As a constituent of North-Eastern Region, the SLDC shall make all possible efforts to ensure that grid frequency remain within normal band of 49.5 – 50.2Hz (Presently IEGC band is 49.7-50.2 Hz). (9.4) Basic philosophy of control Frequency being essentially the index of load-generation balance conditions of the system, matching of available generation with load, is the only option for maintaining frequency within the desired limits. Basically, two situations arise, viz., a surplus situation and a deficit situation. The automatic mechanisms available for adjustment of load/generation are (i) Free governor action; (ii) Maintenance of spinning reserves and (iii) Under-frequency relay actuated shedding. These measures are essential elements of system security. SLDC shall ensure that Users of the State Grid comply with provisions of clause 6.2 of the IEGC so far as they apply to them. The SLDC in coordination with Users shall exercise the manual mechanism for frequency control under following situations: (9.5) Falling frequency: Page 100 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION Under falling frequency conditions, SLDC shall take appropriate action to issue instructions, in coordination with NERLDC to arrest the falling frequency and restore it to be within permissible range. Such instructions may include dispatch instruction to SSGS and/or instruction to Distribution Licensees and Open access customers to reduce load demand by appropriate manual and/or automatic load shedding. (9.6) Rising Frequency Under rising frequency conditions, SLDC shall take appropriate action to issue instructions to SSGS in co-ordination with NERLDC, to arrest the rising frequency and restore frequency within permissible range through backing down hydel generation and thermal generation to the level not requiring oil support. SLDC shall also issue instructions to Distribution Licensees and Open access customers in coordination with NERLDC to lift Load shedding (if exists) in order to take additional load. (9.7) Responsibilities SLDC shall monitor actual Drawal against scheduled Drawal and regulate internal generation/demand to maintain this schedule. SLDC shall also monitor reactive power drawal and availability of capacitor banks. Generating Stations within AEGCL shall follow the dispatch instructions issued by SLDC.Distribution Licensees and Open access customers shall co-operate with SLDC in managing load & reactive power drawal on instruction from SLDC as required. (9.8) Voltage Management (a) Users using the Intra State transmission system shall make all possible efforts to ensure that the grid voltage always remains within the limits specified in IEGC at clause 6.2(q) and produced below: Nominal Maximum Minimum 400 420 380 220 245 198 132 145 122 (b) AEGCL Gridco and/or SLDC shall carry out load flow studies based on operational data from time to time to predict where voltage problems may be encountered and to identify Page 101 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION appropriate measures to ensure that voltages remain within the defined limits. On the basis of these studies SLDC shall instruct SSGS to maintain specified voltage level at interconnecting points. SLDC and AEGCL Gridco shall coordinate with the Distribution Licensees to determine voltage level at the interconnection points. SLDC shall continuously monitor 400/220/132kV voltage levels at strategic substations to control System voltages. (c) SLDC in close coordination with NERLDC shall take appropriate measures to control System voltages which may include but not be limited to transformer tap changing, capacitor / reactor switching including capacitor switching by Distribution Licensees at 33 kV substations, operation of Hydro unit as synchronous condenser and use of MVAr reserves with SSGS within technical limits agreed to between AEGCL Gridco and Generators. Generators shall inform SLDC of their reactive reserve capability promptly on request. (d) APGCL and IPPs shall make available to SLDC the up to date capability curves for all Generating Units, as detailed in Chapter 5.indicating any restrictions, to allow accurate system studies and effective operation of the Intra State transmission system. CPPs shall similarly furnish the net reactive capability that will be available for Export to / Import from Intra State transmission system. (e) Distribution Licensees and Open access customers shall participate in voltage management by providing Local VAR compensation (as far as possible in low voltage system close to load points) such that they do not depend upon EHV grid for reactive support. (9.9) General Close co-ordination between Users and SLDC, AEGCL Gridco and NERLDC shall exist at all times for the purposes of effective frequency and voltage management. Page 102 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION 11. Bibliography: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Best practice manual of transformer for BEE and IREDA by Devki energy consultancy pvt. ltd. NERPC progress report August, 2010. Document on MeSEB capacity building and training document Manual on Transmission Planning Criteria, CEA, Govt. of India, June 1994 Indian Electricity Grid Code, CERC, India, 2010 The Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standard for connectivity to the grid) Regulations 2007. Operation procedure for NER January 2010. Document on Metering code for AEGCL grid. Principles of efficient and reliable reactive power supply and consumption, staff report, FERC, Docket No. AD05-1-000, February 4, 2005 th th Proceedings of workshop on grid security & management 28 and 29 April, 2008 Bangalore. Extra High Voltage AC transmission Engineering – R D Begamudre. Electrical Engineering Handbook – SIEMENS. C. W. Taylor, “Power System Voltage Stability”, McGraw-Hill, 1994. THE AEGCL GAZETTE, EXTRAORDINARY, FEBRUARY 10, 2005 Page 103 of 103 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT AND VOLTAGE CONTROL IN NORTH EASTERN REGION POWER SYSTEM OPERATION CORPORATION LIMITED (A wholly owned subsidiary of Powergrid) (A GOVT. OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) NORTH EASTERN REGIONAL LOAD DESPATCH CENTRE DONGTIEH-LOWER NONGRAH, LAPALANG, SHILLONG – 793 006 Page 104 of 103 MEGHALAYA