Sustainability Strategy 2013–2018 2 Page 1 Delivering sustainable transport solutions Page 2 Sustainability leadership Page 3 Communication Page 4 Passenger experience Page 6 Our people and our communities Page 8 Improving environmental performance Delivering sustainable transport solutions The purpose of this document is to set out our sustainability strategy for the ensuing five years. This strategy is designed to promote our vision to:- deliver the benefits of a sustainable transport system through supporting economic development, community wellbeing and continual environmental improvements. Introduction The purpose of this document is to set out the strategy and vision for the management of sustainability within Arriva Trains Wales for the next five years. Rail plays a central role in a sustainable transport system for Great Britain. To do so, sustainability has to have a central role in rail companies. It is our clear intention that this strategy and vision is embraced by all employees within the company and that appropriate ownership and accountability is allocated to all levels throughout the organisation. To underpin this strategy and vision, we have used the Rail Industry Sustainable Development Principles, and tailored our approach to support the sustainable development vision of key stakeholders, such as the Welsh Government. This programme will actively involve Directors and Senior Managers who will ensure sustainability is embedded throughout the business functions to make sustainability a central organising principle. This Sustainability Strategy provides the overview and guiding principles through which sustainability is woven into Arriva Trains Wales’ operations, processes and activities. It addresses the three key areas of sustainability:• Environmental - reducing impact on the environment from our operations, and reducing use of natural resources • Social - engaging the community, building workforce diversity, and providing an affordable, accessible service • Economic - Supporting the economic development of the region and providing good value for money. This strategy will be delivered through the appropriate procedures, functions and departments within the business. These key principle areas will therefore be translated into actions to be delivered within our appropriate work streams. The environmental objectives will be translated into actions within the annual Safety and Environment Plan and progress will be closely monitored through our periodic sustainability working group meetings. This strategy will be reviewed after year 1- (2013) year 3 - (2015) and year 5 - (2018). Ian Bullock Managing Director 1 1. Sustainability leadership The public and stakeholders are demanding more sustainable transport solutions and sustainable business practices. We must understand these demands and embed sustainability into our business strategy. Directors and senior managers have the collective and individual responsibility for delivering sustainability. Directors and senior managers must champion sustainability and be held accountable for delivery. During 2013 – 2018 our objectives will be: 1.0 1.1 2 We will promote strong leadership and lead by example. Directors will lead focused discussions with staff to identify relevant sustainability issues. All leaders will seek out and champion sustainability actions and initiatives, and challenge or be challenged on unsustainable behaviours or conditions. We will actively work with our key stakeholders such as the Welsh Government and Department for Transport to understand their sustainability drivers and priorities, as well as key performance targets, to enable our strategies to develop and deliver in parallel. 1.2 We will proactively engage and support strategic industry partners, such as Office of Rail Regulator, Network Rail, Railway Safety Standards Board, and other Train Operators to develop shared objectives to improve industry sustainability performance. 1.3 A Director will be identified to champion and support Sustainability. This will demonstrate to staff that senior management at the highest level are committed to sustainability. 1.4 To use regular sustainability meetings to ensure to ensure that management at the highest level are committed to delivering sustainability. All heads of functions are required to present on sustainability issues for discussion and resolution by the group. 2. Communication Providing information to the public, passengers and stakeholders on the benefits of Rail as a sustainable transport solution. Embedding a culture of sustainability through communicating the strategy and business benefits to staff. Measuring, monitoring and reporting publicly on our progress towards rail sustainability. During 2013 – 2018 our objectives will be: 2.0 2.1 2.2 To work with key stakeholders to provide information on our sustainability performance and that of the wider rail industry, to prove the benefits of rail as a sustainable transport solution. To provide training and other communications to enable staff to understand the sustainability strategy and to deliver leading sustainability performance and business benefits. 2.3 To monitor KPIs within appropriate forums to enable corrective actions to be taken should performance not deliver continual improvement. 2.4 To report performance internally to enable staff to understand and deliver changes to the businesses culture and performance. 2.5 To work with key stakeholders to determine appropriate sustainability indicators for external reporting, both industry-wide and publicly. To determine, and keep under review, appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and monitor our sustainability performance. To ensure senior managers are held to account for performance against agreed targets. 3 3. Passenger experience Understanding and responding to the requirements and expectations of our customers, we will position rail as an inclusive, affordable and accessible transport system, through provision of information and accessible facilities. To play our part in delivering an end to end journey service, linking ‘hard’ issues such as station facilities, parking and access, with ‘soft’ issues such as good journey information about interconnections, timetabling and through-ticketing encouraging all sections of the community to see rail as a potential part of their journey. This includes enhancements to accessibility and security of our stations, and support through information provision. Between 2013 and 2018, our objectives will be: 4 3.0 To deliver best in class customer satisfaction scores related to customer services. 3.1 To continue to deliver more than 95% PPM (Public Performance Measure) scores. 3.2 To deliver significant economic benefits to the communities we serve; getting tens of thousands of people to employment, education and leisure opportunities every day. Furthering these opportunities alongside our partners and stakeholders. 3.3 To continue to manage capacity to allow an increase in train travel across the network. 3.4 We will continue to actively work with stakeholders and special interest groups to remove barriers to travel by rail, 3.5 To proactively encourage improvement suggestions from staff and the public for customer experience, for example through running communication and consultation sessions. 3.6 We will encourage other transport providers, transport authorities and local authorities to deliver improvements in the quality of the ‘whole journey’ in response to customer needs. This includes providing information on sustainable and acceptable ways of completing the non-rail legs of the journey. 93% Customer satisfaction with Swansea station Passenger satisfaction at Swansea station increased from 50% to 93% following completion of the £7.2m refurbishment project. 5 4. Our people and our communities Providing a safe and secure working environment for staff and a safe and secure service to passengers and the wider public is our first priority. We will understand, respect and bring benefits to the communities impacted by our rail operations. We will encourage a diverse and inclusive workforce and support staff wellbeing, to be an employer of choice. During 2013 – 2018 our objectives will be: 4.0 6 Maintaining an industry-leading Safety Strategy. This will be developed and communicated in tandem with this Sustainability Strategy. 4.1 We deliver direct employment opportunities for hundreds of people and will monitor staff satisfaction and retention rates and provide training and development which achieves our business objectives. All staff will receive annual performance reviews which include a sustainability objective. 4.2 To deliver an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plan, including measuring and benchmarking staff diversity to ensure equal opportunities are being delivered and are not just an aspiration. 4.3 To deliver a health and wellbeing programme for our staff, appropriate to the occupational health and wellbeing needs of our job roles and a diverse workforce. 4.4 To deliver community partnerships and stakeholder engagement plans that enable the needs of local communities alongside our network to be involved and included in the business focus. Our Community Rail and Adopt a Station programmes involve local people in the development and promotion of local and rural routes, services and stations. 4.5 Cultural heritage, tourism and the Welsh Language (in Wales) will be supported and promoted, as appropriate. A Welsh Language Policy and supporting Strategy will be developed and delivered. Arriva Trains Wales is one of the largest private sector employers in Wales We provide access to employment and leisure opportunities for tens of thousands of people 7 5. Improving environmental performance Rail is widely recognised by the public as a low carbon, environmentally-friendly mode of transport. However, it cannot afford to stand still, or be overtaken as other modes improve their performance. The public and our staff expect sound environmental management. In addition, rising fuel costs, carbon taxes and more onerous waste regulations are increasingly important business drivers. Continual Improvement is an integral part of an effective environment management system (programme). Between 2013 and 2018, our objectives will be: 5.0 8 To implement ISO14001 across the business, as an internationally recognised environmental management system. 5.1 To identify and manage ongoing improvements in the carbon footprint of the business, through managing reductions in fuel and electricity use, both traction and non-traction related. We will use the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard to target a 5% reduction by 2018. 5.2 We will utilise smart metering at all properties that we manage to identify and deliver energy enhancements and work actively with Network Rail and other partners to ensure all station improvement works and upgrades enhance sustainability as part of the works. 5.3 To minimise potable water use, particularly where non-potable supply is appropriate. Water saving features to be introduced at all stations that we manage. 5.4 To reduce waste related environmental impacts though enhancing waste recycling and diversion of wastes away from landfill, following the waste hierarchy. Achieving leading recycling rates and zero to landfill by 2018. 5.5 To minimise, and wherever practicable, eliminate pollution incidents, including to the air, water or ground. 5.6 To actively participate in work with other stakeholders on climate change, noise, contamination and other rail related environmental issues. 5.7 To ensure our key supply chain partners support our sustainability strategy, through the contractual delivery of supporting measures to this programme. 5.8 Driver advisory systems will be installed on our fleet to provide real time advice to drivers. This will help promote fuel efficient driving, optimise journeys, increase punctuality and reduce our carbon emissions. 9 1 AW 2102 Published September 2013