M P BHOJ (OPEN) UNIVERSITY, BHOPAL ASSIGNMENT QUESTION PAPER 2009-10 CLASS : B.Sc. Final Year SUBJECT : Botany PAPER : I &II funsZ'k %& 1- lHkh iz'u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- nksuksa l=h; iz'ui= gy djuk vfuok;Z gsa 3- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk ds vafre i`"B ij lacaf/kr fo"k; dh laiUu 4- vafre frfFk mijkar l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdkvksa dks ekU; ugha djrs laidZ d{kkvksa dh frfFk;ksa ,oa ijke'kZnkrk ds uke ,oa in dk gq, ewY;kafdr ugha dh tkosxhA vo'; mYys[k djsaA 5- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh vafre frfFk 20 6- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh jlhn vo'; izkIr dj ysaA vizsy 2010 gSA 7- nks l=h; dk;Z izkIrkadksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa vf/kdre vad dh iwoZ izpfyr O;oLFkk ds LFkku ij nksuksa l=h; dk;ksZa ds izkIrkadksa ds vkSlr vad l=kar ijh{kk ifj.kke esa tksM+s tk,axsA lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSaA First Assignment Max Marks - 30 Q 1. Explain Mechanism of Transpiration in plants ? ikS/kksa esa ok"iksRltZu dh iz.kkyh dks le>kb;sA OR Short note on (a) Source and sink relationship? (b) Absorption of water in plants? la{ksi esa fy[kks & ¼d½ lkslZ ,.M flad fjys'kuf'ki ¼[k½ ikS/kksa esa ikuh dk vo'kks"k.k Q 2. Describe Structure an d functions of Lipids? olk dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z dks of.kZr djsaA OR Short note on (a) Z- Scheme (b) C4 Cycle la{ksi esa fy[kks & ¼d½ Z- Ldhe ¼[k½ C4 pØ Q.3. Explain mechanism of action of enzymes ? ,atkbEl ds dk;Z iz.kkyh dks le>kb;sA OR Short note on : (a) Apoenzyme (b) Chemiosmotic Theory la{ksi esa fy[ksa & ¼d½ ,iks,atkbe ¼[k½ dsehUvkLeksVhd fl)kar Q 4. Write short essay on phytogeographical regions of India? Hkkjr ds QkbVksft;ksxzkQhdy jhtUl ¼ikni HkkSxksfyd {ks=½ ij fuca/k fy[kksA Q 5. Write general account of beverages plants? I;s; nsus okys ikS/kksa dk lkekU; ifjp; nsaA OR Write brief essay on Medicinal plants? vkS"k/kh; ikS/kksa ij laf{kIr fuca/k fy[kksA Second Assignment Max Marks – 30 Q 1. Explain biogeochemical cycles of carbon &,nitrogen? dkcZu] ukbVªkstu ds tSojlk;fud pØ ij fuca/k fy[kksA OR Short note on (a)Pyramid of energy flow (b) Food chain laf{kIr ys[k fy[kks & ¼d½ ÅtkZ izokg dk fijkfeM ¼[k½ [kk| J`a[kyk Q 2. Explain mechanism of Ecological succession ikni vuqØe.k dh izfØ;k le>kb,A Q 3. Describe Light, Temperature & soil factors? rki] izdk'k] e`nk dkjdksa dk o.kZu djsaA P.T.O. From Pre Page Q 4. Explain concept of Photoperiodism with diagrams? izdk'k nhfIrdkfyrk ij fuca/k fy[kksA OR Describe Plant movements in detail? Iys.V ewoesaV ¼ikni pyu½ ij fuca/k fy[kksA Q 5. Describe techniques of gene mapping? thu eSfiax dh rduhd dks le>k;saA OR Write short essay on Plant Tissue Culture? ikni Ård lao/kZu ij fuca/k fy[kksA M P BHOJ (OPEN) UNIVERSITY, BHOPAL ASSIGNMENT QUESTION PAPER 2009-10 CLASS : B.Sc. Final SUBJECT: Zoology ¼izk.kh 'kkL=½ PAPER : First & Second funsZ'k %& 1- lHkh iz'u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- nksuksa l=h; iz'ui= gy djuk vfuok;Z gsa 3- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk ds vafre i`"B ij lacaf/kr fo"k; dh laiUu 4- vafre frfFk mijkar l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdkvksa dks ekU; ugha djrs laidZ d{kkvksa dh frfFk;ksa ,oa ijke'kZnkrk ds uke ,oa in dk gq, ewY;kafdr ugha dh tkosxhA vo'; mYys[k djsaA 5- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh vafre frfFk 20 6- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh jlhn vo'; izkIr dj ysaA vizsy 2010 gSA 7- nks l=h; dk;Z izkIrkadksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa vf/kdre vad dh iwoZ izpfyr O;oLFkk ds LFkku ij nksuksa l=h; dk;ksZa ds izkIrkadksa ds vkSlr vad l=kar ijh{kk ifj.kke esa tksM+s tk,axsA lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSaA First Assignment Max Marks - 30 uksV%& izR;sd iz'u vfuok;Z gSA iz'uksa ds mRrj iz'u i= esa fn, x, Øe esa fyf[k,A vko';drkuqlkj fp= cuk,A Note: Attempt all question write the answer in the order given in the question paper: (Give diagram where necessary) Vhi%& izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa eas fy[ksA izR;sd iz'u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSA Note:- Answer each question in about 600 words Each question carries 06 marks. Q.1 Write an essay prawn culture. ¼>haxk ikyu ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k;sA½ Q.2 Give an illnstroated account of maintenance of Aquarium ¼ty 'kkyk ds j[k j[kko ij ,d foLr`r ys[k fyf[k;sA½ Vhi%& izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa eas fy[ksA izR;sd iz'u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 03 gSA Note:- Answer each question in about 400 words Each question carries 03 marks. Q.3 Write in brief about Biological control of insect pests. ¼dhVksa dh >fYy;ksa ds tSfod fu;a=.k dk laf{kRi fooj.k nhft;sA½ Q.4 Describe the toxicity of mercury and lead in aquatic environment. ¼tyh; i;kZoj.k esa ikjk rFkk lhlk dh fo"kkDrrk dk o.kZu dhft;sA½ Q.5 Write an essay on occupational hazards and their control. ¼vthfodk ls lacaf/kr nq"izHkko rFkk muds fu;a=.k ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k;sA½ Q.6 Write a brief note on Chromatography. ¼ØkseksVksxzkQh ij ,d laf{kIr ys[k fyf[k;sA½ P.T.O. From Pre Page Q.7 What is microtomy ? ¼ekbZØksVkWeh D;k gS \½ Q.8 What is camp culture? ¼dk;Zikyu D;k gS \½ Second Assignment Max Marks - 30 Vhi%& izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa eas fy[ksA izR;sd iz'u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSA Note:- Answer each question in about 600 words Each question carries 06 marks. Q.1 Write an essay on population. ¼lef"V ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k;sA½ Q.2 Write a detailed note on ecological divisions of India. ¼Hkkjr ds ikfjfLFkrd [k.Mksa ij ,d foLr`r ys[k fyf[k;sA½ Vhi%& izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa eas fy[ksA izR;sd iz'u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 03 gSA Note:- Answer each question in about 400 words Each question carries 03 marks. Q.3 Describe fresh water habitant. ¼ehBs ikuh ds vkokl dk o.kZu dhft;sA½ Q.4 Explain Noise pollution. ¼/ofu iznw"k.k dks le>kb;sA½ Q.5 Describe Urbanization. ¼'kgjhdj.k dh o.kZu dhft;sA½ Q.6 Give an account of Darwinism. ¼MfoZfuok; dk fooj.k nhft;sA½ Q.7 Describe desert adaptation. ¼e:LFkyh; vuqdwyu dk o.kZu dhft;sA½ Q.8 What is formation of fossils. ¼thok'e dk fuekZ.k D;k gSA½ M P BHOJ (OPEN) UNIVERSITY, BHOPAL ASSIGNMENT QUESTION PAPER 2009-10 CLASS : B.Sc. Final Year Paper : First & Second SUBJECT: Physics funsZ'k %& 1- lHkh iz'u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- nksuksa l=h; iz'ui= gy djuk vfuok;Z gsa 3- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk ds vafre i`"B ij lacaf/kr fo"k; dh laiUu 4- vafre frfFk mijkar l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdkvksa dks ekU; ugha djrs laidZ d{kkvksa dh frfFk;ksa ,oa ijke'kZnkrk ds uke ,oa in dk gq, ewY;kafdr ugha dh tkosxhA vo'; mYys[k djsaA 5- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh vafre frfFk 20 6- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh jlhn vo'; izkIr dj ysaA vizsy 2010 gSA 7- nks l=h; dk;Z izkIrkadksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa vf/kdre vad dh iwoZ izpfyr O;oLFkk ds LFkku ij nksuksa l=h; dk;ksZa ds izkIrkadksa ds vkSlr vad l=kar ijh{kk ifj.kke esa tksM+s tk,axsA lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSaA First Assignment Vhi & Max Marks - 30 ÁR;sd Á’u dk mÙkj yxHkx 600 ‘kCnksa esa fy[ks A ÁR;sd Á’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 06 vad gSaA Note - Answer each question in about 600 words. Each question carries 06 marks. Q.1 Q.2 nzO;eku ÅtkZ lehdj.k fyf[k, rFkk bldh O;k[;k djks rFkk lR;rk ds Áek.k crkb;sA ( Write the mass energy equation and describe it. and proof of its correctness.) vkWijsVj ls D;k rkRi;Z gS ? laosx P rFkk E ÅtkZ ds fy, vkWijsVj fyf[k, rFkk bldh lgk;rk ls JksfMatj rajx lehdj.k ÁkIr djks A ( What is meaning of an operator ? Write the operator for momentum P and energy E. Find out Schrodinger’s equation with help of it.) Vhi & ÁR;sd Á’u dk mÙkj yxHkx 400 ‘kCnksa esa fy[ks A ÁR;sd Á’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 03 vad gSaA Note - Answer each question in about 400 words. Each question carries 03 marks. Q.3 fVIi.kh fyf[k, & 1½ cksj ekWMy 2½ ikWyh dk viotZu fu;e ( Write the note :- i) Bohr model ii) Pauli’s Exclusion principle. Q.4 jeu Áek.k D;k gS ? bls fpjlEer~ ;akf=dh }kjk le>kb;saA ( What is Ramann effect ? Explain it by classical machenics.) Q.5 fVIi.kh fy[kksa%& i½ vk;uu dks”B ii½ ukfHkedh; lalwpd iii½ ukfHkdh; beYlu ( Write the note :- i) Ionization chember ii) Nuclear detector iii) Nuclear emulsions) Q.6 Q.7 LVksd rFkk Áfr LVksd js[kkvks dh foospuk djksA ( Define stoke and anti stoke lines.) foHko lksiku ls d.k dk ijkorZu rFkk ikjxeu vko’;d fla)kr }kjk le>kb;sa A ( Explain Q.8 ekbdYlu eksysZ dk Á;ksx D;ks fd;k x;k ? lfoLrkj o.kZu djksaA ( Why Michelson - Morley reflection and trasmission of partical from potential berrier by necessary principle.) experiment is done ? Describe it. ) Second Assignment Max Marks - 30 Vhi & ÁR;sd Á’u dk mÙkj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa fy[ks A ÁR;sd Á’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 06 vad gSaA Note - Answer each question in about 600 words. Each question carries 06 marks. Q.1 X-fdj.k ds foorZu ds fy, czsax ds fu;e dk fuxeu djks A czsx ds X-fdj.k LisDVªksehVj dk o.kZu djks rFkk le>kb;s fd ikÅMj fof/k ls bldk mi;ksx fdzLVy lajpuk Kkr djus gsrq dSls fd;k tkrk gSA ( Obtain Bragg’s law for X-ray diffraction. Describe Bragg’s X-ray spectrometer. Explain its use for finding crystal structure by Pouder method.) P.T.O. From Pre Page Q.2 v’kq) v/kZpkyd D;k gS ? N rFkk P Ádkj ds v/kZpkydks dk cuuk ÅtkZ cS.M vkjs[kks dh lgk;rk ls le>kb;s A ( What is extrinsic semiconductor ? Explain the formation of N and P type semiconduc tor by energy band diagram.) Vhi & ÁR;sd Á’u dk mÙkj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa fy[ks A ÁR;sd Á’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 03 vad gSaA Note - Answer each question in about 400 words. Each question carries 03 marks. Q.3 tsuj Mk;ksM ] Vuy Mk;skM rFkk Ádk’k mRltdZ Mk;ksM dks le>kb;s rFkk buesa varj fyf[k,A Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 (Explain Zener diode, tunnel diode and light emitting diode and write the difference in them.) h iSjkehVj ls D;k vfHkÁk; gS \ VªkaftLVj dh fofHkUu fo|kvks es h iSjkehVj lerqY; ifjiFk [khfp;saA (What is meaning of h parameter ? Sketch the equivalent cirrcuit of h parameter in different mode of transister.) RC ;qfXer Áo/kZd dk fo|qr ifjiFk [khfp;s rFkk bldh dk;Z fof/k dk o.kZu djksaA (Sketch electric cirrcuit of RC coupling amplifier and Describe its working.) fVIi.kh fy[kks %& 1½ Áo/kZd es foi:.k 2½ mHk;fu"B Mªsu JEET Áo/kZd 3½ Áo/kZd es 'kksj ( Write the note :- i) Distortion in amplifier ii) Common - drain JEET amplifier iii) Noise in amplifier JEET, MOSFET rFkk FET ij fVIi.kh fy[kskA ( Write the notes on JEET, MOSFET and FET.) vuqpqacdRo ds ySUtsfou fl)kar dh foospuk djks rFkk pqcadh; Áo`fr ds fy, D;wjh dk fu;e fuxfer djksA (Describe Lengavin principle of paramagnetism and Obtain curie’s law for magnetic susceptibility. ) M P BHOJ (OPEN) UNIVERSITY, BHOPAL ASSIGNMENT QUESTION PAPER 2009-10 CLASS : B.Sc. Final Year Paper - First & Second SUBJECT: Mathematics funsZ'k %& 1- lHkh iz- Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- nksuksa l=h; iz-i= gy djuk vfuok;Z gsa 3- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk ds vafre i`"B ij lacaf/kr fo"k; dh laiUu 4- vafre frfFk mijkar l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdkvksa dks ekU; ugha djrs laidZ d{kkvksa dh frfFk;ksa ,oa ijke'kZnkrk ds uke ,oa in dk gq, ewY;kafdr ugha dh tkosxhA vo'; mYys[k djsaA 5- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh vafre frfFk 20 6- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh jlhn vo'; izkIr dj ysaA vizsy 2010 gSA 7- nks l=h; dk;Z izkIrkadksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa vf/kdre vad dh iwoZ izpfyr O;oLFkk ds LFkku ij nksuksa l=h; dk;ksZa ds izkIrkadksa ds vkSlr vad l=kar ijh{kk ifj.kke esa tksM+s tk,axsA lHkh iz-ksa ds vad leku gSaA First Assignment Max Marks - 30 Vhi & ÁR;sd Á’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 06 vad gSaA Note - Each question carries 06 marks. Q.1 a) Prove that the product of eigen values of a square matrix is equal to the determinant of the matrix. fl) fdft, fd fdlh oxZ vkO;wg ds vkbxu ekuksa dk xq.kuQy mlds lkjf.kd ds cjkcj gksrk gSA b) State and prove Rank - Nullity theorem. dksfV&’kwU;rk Áes; fy[kks vkSj mls fl) fdft, A Q.2 a) Let f(x,y)= x2-y2/x2+y2+1 then find fx (0,0) and fy (00) ekuk f(x,y)= x2-y2/x2+y2+1 rc fx (0,0) rFkk fy (00) Kkr fdft, A b) Prove that √8 is irrational number. fl) fdft, fd √8 ,d ifjes; la[;k ugh gS A Vhi & ÁR;sd Á’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 03 vad gSaA Note - Each question carries 03 marks. Q.3 State and Prove additive law of probability Ákf;drk dk ;ksx’khy fu;e fy[ksa o mls fl) djsa A Q.4 Q.5 Find moment of the Narmal Distribution ÁlkekU; caVu ds vk?kw.kZ dks Kkr fdft, A If w1 and w2 are subspaces of the vector space v(F) then w1+w2 is a subspace of v(F) ;fn w1 vkSj w2 lfn’k lef"V v(F) ds nks milef"V gS rc w1+w2 Hkh v(F) ds milef"V gksaxsa A Q.6 cosθ Show that the eigen values of the matrix A = θ sin spaces. fn[kkb;s fd vkO;wg cosθ A= θ sin sinθ − cosθ sinθ are ±1 Find eigen − cosθ ds vkbxu eku ±1 gksxsa rFkk blds laxr vkbxu lef"V Kkr djsA P.T.O. From Pre Page Q.7 Every bounded infinite subset of R’ has at least limit point. R’ dk ÁR;sd ifjc) vuar mileqPp; dk ,d de ls de lhek fcUnq gksrk gSA Q.8 Let f[a,b]→ R be a bounded function and P is any Partition of [a,b] then L(p,f)<u(p,f) ekuk f[a,b]→ R ,d ifjc) Qyu gS vkSj P[a,b] dk foHkktu gS rc L(p,f)<u(p,f) Second Assignment Max Marks - 30 Vhi & ÁR;sd Á’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 06 vad gSaA Note - Each question carries 06 marks. Q.1 Q.2 a) If w be a subspace of a finite dimensional vector space v(F) then dim v/w=dim v-dim w. ekuk v(F) ,d ifjfer foeh; lfn’k le"Vh gS ftldk w ,d ifjfer foeh; milef”V gS rc foek v/w= foekv - foekw b) State and Prove cauchy-Schwarz’s ineauality in inner product space V(F). dkW’kh LoktZ vlfedk vkarj xq.ku lef"V V(F) esa fl) fdft, A a) State and Prove improved form of second fundamental theorem of calculus. Qyu dh f)rh; ewy Áes; dk la’kksf/kr :i dk dFku fy[kdj fl) djksA b) In a metric space, every open sphere is an open set. fdlh nwjhd lef"V esa foo`r xksyd foo`r leqPp; gksrk gSA Vhi & ÁR;sd Á’u ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 03 vad gSaA Note - Each question carries 03 marks. Q.3 a) Prove that the set of all vectors in a plane is vector space over the field of real number’s. fl) fdft, fd ,d lery ij lfn’kks dk leqPp; okLrfod la[;kvksa ds {ks= esa lfn’k lef"V gSA Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Prove that log sinx dx is convergent. n’kkZb;sa fd log sinx dx vfHklkjh gSA If f is Monotonic function at [a,b] then feR[a,b] ;fn f vrajky [a,b] esa ,dfn”B Qyu gS rc feR[a,b] Prove that mean of the series 1,2,22---------2n is 2n+1-1/n+1 n’kkZn;s fd Js.kh 1,2,22---------2n ds fy;s lekUrj ek/; 2n+1-1/n+1 gSA Find First moment about origin. ewy fcUnq ds ifjr ÁFke vk?kw.kZ Kkr djksaA Q.8 Show that the mapping f : v2(R)- v3(R) defined by f(a,b) = (a+b , a-b, b) is a linear trans formation from V2(R) into V3(R) fn[kkb;sa fd fuEu jSf[kd :ikUrj.k tks v2(R)- v3(R)rd ifjHkkf"kr gS jSf[kd gSA f(a,b) = (a+b , a-b, b) M P BHOJ (OPEN) UNIVERSITY, BHOPAL ASSIGNMENT QUESTION PAPER 2009-10 CLASS : B.Sc. Final Year SUBJECT: Chemistry PAPER : First, Second & Third funsZ'k %& 1- lHkh iz'u Lo;a dh gLrfyfi esa gy djuk vfuok;Z gSA 2- nksuksa l=h; iz'ui= gy djuk vfuok;Z gsa 3- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk ds vafre i`"B ij lacaf/kr fo"k; dh laiUu 4- vafre frfFk mijkar l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdkvksa dks ekU; ugha djrs laidZ d{kkvksa dh frfFk;ksa ,oa ijke'kZnkrk ds uke ,oa in dk gq, ewY;kafdr ugha dh tkosxhA vo'; mYys[k djsaA 5- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh vafre frfFk 20 6- l=h; dk;Z mÙkjiqfLrdk,a tek djus dh jlhn vo'; izkIr dj ysaA vizsy 2010 gSA 7- nks l=h; dk;Z izkIrkadksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa vf/kdre vad dh iwoZ izpfyr O;oLFkk ds LFkku ij nksuksa l=h; dk;ksZa ds izkIrkadksa ds vkSlr vad l=kar ijh{kk ifj.kke esa tksM+s tk,axsA lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSaA First Assignment Max Marks - 30 Vhi & izR;sd iz'u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSA bl [k.M ds izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft;sA Note - Each Question carries 06 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 600 wards. Q. 1 ijek.oh; vkfoZVyksa ls vkf.od vkfcZVy cuus dh n'kk, le>kb, rFkk LCAO }kjk MO'S dk cuuk le>kb, \ Explain the criteria for forming mdecular orbitals from atomic orbital and define the construction of Mo's by LCAO. Q. 2 ih;jlu dh HSAB /kkj.kk rFkk mlds vuqiz;ksx le>kb,A Write the concept of Pearson's HSAB and explain the applications. Vhi & izR;sd iz'u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 03 gSA bl [k.M ds izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft;sA Note - Each Question carries 03 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 400 wards. Q. 3 gkbtu cxZ dk vfuf'prrk fl)kar le>kb,A Describe the Heisenberg uncertainty Principal. Q. 4 izfrpqEcdRo] vuqpqEcdRo rFkk ykSgpqEcdRo dks le>kb,A Explain the diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and ferromagnetism. Q. 5 bysDVªkfud ladze.k ds izdkj dks le>kb, \ Describe the types of electronic transitions. Q. 6 tSfod izfdz;kvksa esa vko';d ,oa lw{e rRoksa ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,A Write notes on essential and trace elements in Biological process. Q. 7 jklk;fud foLFkkiu le>kb, rFkk bldksa izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dks fyf[k,A Explain the chemical shift and define the factors affecting. Q. 8 ik;jksy cukus dh fof/k;kW ,oa jklk;fud xq.k fyf[k,A Write the preparation method and chemical properties of pyrrole. P.T.O. From Pre Page Second Assignment Max Marks - 30 Vhi & izR;sd iz'u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 06 gSA bl [k.M ds izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj yxHkx 600 'kCnksa esa nhft;sA Note - Each Question carries 06 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 600 wards. Q. 1 JksfMatj rjax lehdj.k D;k gS\ bls O;qRiUu dj] bldk egRo le>kb,A rjax Qyu dh HkkSfrd O;k[;k fyf[k,A What is Schrödinger wave equation ? Derive it and give its importance. Give physical interpretation of the wave function. Q. 2 lqdzkst rFkk ekYVkst dh lajpuk dk foLrkj ls o.kZu dhft,A To the detail study of Sucrose and Maltose. Vhi & izR;sd iz'u ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vad 03 gSA bl [k.M ds izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj yxHkx 400 'kCnksa esa nhft;sA Note – Each Question carries 03 Marks. Attempt each question of this section in about 400 wards. Q. 3 ';ke oLrq fofdj.k rFkk izdk'k fon~;qr izHkko dks le>kb;sA Explain the Black Body Radiation and photo electric effect. Q. 4 ijklj.k nko ekius dh cdZys gkVZys fof/k le>kb,A Describe the Barkley Hartley Osmotic pressure Method. Q. 5 L-S ;qXeu ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,A Write note on L-S coupling. Q. 6 QkLQkthUl dh foospuk dhft,A Discuss phosphazenes. Q. 7 dkcZ&fyfFk;e ;kSfxdksa ds jlk;u dh foospuk dhft,A Discuss the chemistry of organo-carb-lithium compounds. Q. 8 izksVhu ij fVIi.kh fyf[k,A Write notes on Protein.