BARKATULLAH VISHWAVIDHYALAYA, BHOPAL M.P. SYLLABUS FOR M.Sc APPLIED PHYSICS (ELECTRONICS& SEMICONDUCTORS) (ENGG. FACULTY) PH 201 ELECTRODYNAMICS & PLASMA PHYSICS TIME FOR THEORY PAPER = 3 HOURS. MAX.MARKS THEORY – 80 MINIMUM PASS MARKS THEORY – 28 MAX. MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL – 20 MINIMUM PASS MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL – 12 Review of Four vector and Lorentz transformation in four dimensional space. Electromagnetic field tensor in four dimensions and Maxwell’s equations. Wave equation for vector and scalar Potential and solution. Retarted potential and Lienard – Weichert potential. Electric and Magnetic fields due to a uniformly moving charge and an accelerated charge. Motion of charged particle in electromagnetic field: Uniform E abd B fields, Nonuniform Fields, Diffusion across magnetic fields, time varying E and B fields, Adiabatic invariants: First, Second and Third adiabatic invariants. Elementary concepts: derivation of moment equations from Boltzmann equation, Plasma oscillations, Debye shielding, Plasma parameters. Hydrodynamical description of plasma: Fundamental equations. Hydromagnetic waves: Magnetosonic and Alfven waves. Wave phenomena in magnetoplasma: Polarization, Phase velocity, group velocity, cutoffs, resonance for electromagnetic wave propagating parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, propagation at finite angle and CMA diagram, Appleton-Hartee formula and propagation through ionosphere and magnetosphere: Helicon, Whistler waves, Faraday rotation BARKATULLAH VISHWAVIDHYALAYA, BHOPAL M.P. SYLLABUS FOR M.Sc. APPLIED PHYSICS (ELECTRONICS& SEMICONDUCTORS) (ENGG.FACULTY) PH 202 PHYSICS OF MATERIALS TIME FOR THEORY PAPER = 3 HOURS. MAX.MARKS THEORY – 80 MINIMUM PASS MARKS THEORY – 28 MAX. MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL – 20 MINIMUM PASS MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL – 12 Optoelectronics Properties of Material Photoconductive: General mechanism of photoconductivity, linear and quadratic recombination, Demarcation between trapping levels and recombination levels, Effect of trapping, Example of simple photoconductor system. Luminescence: Configuration co –ordinate curve model and energy band model, Energy transfer in photoconducting and nonphotocoducting materials, Rise and decay of luminescence Preparation of ZnS and ZnSe phosphors. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Meissner effect-Flux quantization, persistent current, phenomenological theory, London equation, Type I and type II superconductors, thermodynamics, cooper pairs, BCS theory, Josephson effect-SQUIDS . Noncrystalline Solids Band structure of amorphous materials ,carrier transport process, Diffraction Pattern: Monatomic amorphous materials, Radial distribution function, Structure of vitreous silica,SiO2, Glasses: viscosity and hopping rate, amorphous ferromagnets, amorphous semiconductors. Crystal growth techniques Single crystals, thermodynamics, Nucleation, spherical and cylindrical shape of nucleus , Equilibrium phases diagrams ,Slow temperature solution growth, solubility diagram, slow cooling method, slow evaporation method, gel growth method structure and property of gel, Melt Growth ; Brideman method and Czochraski method. Thin film technology Deposition of Thin Film by Vacuum evaporation, Cathodic sputtering ,Chemical bath deposition (CBD),Electro chemical deposition(ECD), Thickness measurement-Electrical method ,Microbalance methods& Multiple beam Interferometer. Electrical properties, Size effect behavior, Fuchs- Sondheimer model(with out derivation). BARKATULLAH VISHWAVIDHYALAYA, BHOPAL M.P. SYLLABUS FOR M.Sc. APPLIED PHYSICS (ELECTRONICS& SEMICONDUCTORS) (ENGG.FACULTY) PH 203 STATISTICAL MECHANICS & QUANTUM STATISTICS TIME FOR THEORY PAPER = 3 HOURS. MAX.MARKS THEORY – 80 MINIMUM PASS MARKS THEORY – 28 MAX. MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL – 20 MINIMUM PASS MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL – 12 Phase space, Ensembles, Liouville’s Theorem, Density distribution, equal a priori probabilities, law of equipartition, Classical Maxwell –Boltzmann distribution Law, Kinetic theory of gases, mean free path. Methods of ensembles : Micro canonical, Canonical and Grand canonical ensembles, their partition function and thermodynamic parameter, Gibbs Paradox, Sackur tetrode equation, Thermodynamic properties of diatomic molecule. Statistical weight, density matrix, Bose – Einstein and Fermi – dirac Quantum Statistics and their distribution laws. Properties of Bose –Einstein and Fermi- Dirac gases, degeneracy and condensation, Statistics applied to Metals electron gas, Specific heat, Einstein and Debye theories. Low temperature production and measurement, Liquid helium He-I and He-II, Landon theory. Landau theory of phase transition, critical indices, scale transformation and dimensional analysis. Onsager relations& applications, fluctuations in thermodynamic quantities, Brownian motion. The Fokker-Planck equation& solution. BARKATULLAH VISHWAVIDHYALAYA, BHOPAL M.P. SYLLABUS FOR M.Sc. APPLIED PHYSICS (ELECTRONICS& SEMICONDUCTORS) (ENGG.FACULTY) PH 204 APPLIED ELECTRONICS I TIME FOR THEORY PAPER = 3 HOURS. MAX.MARKS THEORY – 80 MINIMUM PASS MARKS THEORY – 28 MAX. MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL – 20 MINIMUM PASS MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL – 12 Microwave Devices: Klystrons, Magnetrons and Travelling wave tubes, velocity modulation, basic principles of two cavity Klystrons and Reflex Klystrons, principles of operation of magnetrons. Helix Travelling wave tubes, wave modes. Tunnel diode, Transferred electron devices: Gunn effect, principles of operation, modes of operation, IMPATT diode, TRAPATT diode. Microwave communications: Advantages and disadvantages of microwave transmission, loss in free space, propagation of microwaves, atmospheric effects on propagation, Fresnel zone problem, ground reflection, fading sources, detectors, component, natennas used in microwave communication systems. Radar systems: Radar block diagram and operation, radar frequencies, pulse considerations, Radar range equation, derivation of radar range equation, minimum detectable signal, receiver noise, signal to noise ratio, integration of radar pulses. Radar cross section. Pulse repetition frequency. Antenna parameters, system losses and propagation losses. Radar transmitters, receivers. Antennas, Displays. Satellite communications: Orbital satellites, geostationary satellites, orbital patters, look angles, orbital spacing, satellite systems. Link modules. BARKATULLAH VISHWAVIDHYALAYA, BHOPAL M.P. SYLLABUS FOR M.Sc. APPLIED PHYSICS (ELECTRONICS& SEMICONDUCTORS) (ENGG.FACULTY) PH 205 (II SEMESTER) LIST OF PRACTICALS: Electronics I EXAMINATION DURATION: 4 HOURS. MAX.MARKS FOR PRACTICAL - 80 MINIMUM PASS MARKS FOR PRACTICAL - 40 MAX.MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL - 20 MINIMUM PASS MARKS CLASS WORK/SESSIONAL - 12 1. To Study Modulation and Demodulation (Amplitude). 2. To Study & Plot the Characteristics curve of S.C.R. 3. Double stage RC Coupled Cum Feed back Amplifier. 4. Study of Emitter Follower Amplifier. 5. To Study & Plot Characteristics of F.E.T. 6. To study the h-Parameter of Transistor. 7. To Study & Plot Characteristics of U.J.T. 8. Study of R.F. oscillator. (A)Hartley (B) Colpitt’s . 9. Study of Push Pull Amplifier. 10. Study of JFET Amplifier.