POLK COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT CPA 15S-17 (Garringer CPA) DRC Date: PC Date: BoCC Date: Applicant: September 3, 2015 November 4, 2015 January 5, 2015 Gil Garringer Request: Location: Property Owner: Parcel Size (Number): Development Area: Nearest Municipality: DRC Recommendation: Planning Commission vote: Public Comment: Department of Economic: Opportunity Objections: Level of Review: Type: Case Number: Case Planner: 4 Small Scale Map Amendment CPA 15S-17/DMS# 58101 Tom Wodrich, AICP Change the Future Land Use designation on 1.92 +/- acres from Development of Regional Impact (DRI) to Residential Low (RL). West and north side of Imperial Lakes Blvd, south of Shepherd Road, north of the city of Mulberry, Florida, in Section 26, Township 29, Range 23. Melson Wayne Penniwell 1.92 +/- acres (232926-000000-011210 & -013060) Urban Growth Area (UGA) City of Mulberry. The city was notified on October 20, 2015. Approval. Approval (7-0). None. N/A Current Future Land Use Proposed Future Land Use RL RL RL RL DRI RL CAC BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CAC CPA 15S-17 Page 1 of 19 January 5, 2015 Summary of Analysis: This is an applicant initiated request to change the Future Land Use designation 1.92 +/- acres from Development of Regional Impact (DRI) to Residential Low (RL) in the Urban Growth Area (UGA). The currently vacant and undeveloped property is designated as Townhouse/Singlefamily attached housing on the DRI Map H and PUD 73-05 designated the site as commercial. In addition to this CPA, the developer will need to submit a Level 3 Review Major Modification to change the PUD designation of the site from commercial to residential in order to build the desired residential dwellings. Infrastructure and Urban Services Summary The proposed CPA is not anticipated to degrade the Level of Service (LOS) standard for transportation facilities. The subject site is located in the Urban Growth Area (UGA) which requires connection to centralized water and wastewater system and the infrastructure in this area is at sufficient levels to support the proposed density that will occur as a result of this map amendment. Public Safety Services in the surrounding area are adequate and operating at or above their adopted level-of-service (LOS). There are adequate public safety facilities (Fire, EMS and Sheriff) to serve the existing uses in the proposed Residential Low (RL) Future Land Use designation. The proposed amendment request is consistent with Comprehensive Plan policies related to the characteristics, compatibility, location criteria and development standards for the Residential Low (RL) land use. Compatibility Summary This site is located in an area where RL densities are the predominate development pattern. While the property was planned for Commercial development in 1973 (PUD 73-05), the site was never developed and market forces have changed in the 42 years since that plan was approved. The property is adjacent to offices to the north and east (across Imperial Lakes Blvd.) and residential subdivisions to the south (across Imperial Lakes Blvd.) and west (across a man-made lake). Residential subdivisions within Imperial Lakes contain lots and densities consistent with the Residential Low (RL) land use, which allows a maximum density up to five (5) units per acre with an approved Planned Development (PD). Environmental Conditions Summary There are no known limiting environmental conditions on the site. According to the Soil Survey of Polk County, on-site soils include Tavares, Smyrna, and Neilhurst, each of which have some limitations for residential development but none that are insurmountable through common development practices. The subject property is not located within one-mile of an endangered species habits (i.e., animals, communities, plants and rookeries). According to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Map Series Airport Impact District Map, the subject property is located outside of an airport impact districts which would place restrictions on development activity by limiting building height and any use that produces smoke, steam, glare, or other visual impairments of the runway and electronic interference. BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 2 of 19 January 5, 2015 Findings of Fact • This is an applicant initiated Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change 1.92 +/- acres from Development of Regional Impact (DRI) to Residential Low (RL) in the Urban Growth Area (UGA). • The property is located on the west side of Imperial Lakes Boulevard in Section 26, Township 29, and Range 23. • The property is currently vacant and undeveloped. • The property is designated Commercial within PUD 73-05. A Major Modification to PUD 73-05 will be required to allow the requested residential use. • The site is designated Townhouse/Single-family Attached on the Imperial Lakes Development of Regional Impact (DRI #4) Master Development Plan (Map H). • The property is surrounded by offices to the north and east (across Imperial Lakes Blvd.) and residential subdivisions to the south (across Imperial Lakes Blvd.) and west (across a man-made lake). • The proposed Future Land Use change is not expected to create adverse impacts to the local school system. • The site is located in an area that has adequate infrastructure in place to provide Sheriff, fire, and EMS services. • The School Board has indicated that currently there is no capacity at the zoned elementary and middle schools, but adjacent elementary and middle school zones may have capacity. The proposed RL land use designation will allow similar densities as the townhouse, single-family attached designation on the DRI Master Development Plan. • The environmental issues or features on site are not anticipated to limit development activity. • The site has road frontage on a collector road, Imperial Lakes Boulevard. The nearest roadway like monitored by the Polk County Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is Shepherd Road between Bailey Road and SR 37 (link 4144 E/W) which is operating within the adopted LOS. Sufficient capacity exists to support the proposed RL Future Land Use designation. Development Review Committee Recommendation: The Development Review Committee, based on the information provided, as well as, a visit to the subject site, finds that the proposed request IS COMPATIBLE with the surrounding land use designations and general character of the area and IS CONSISTENT with the Polk County Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the Development Review Committee recommends Approval of CPA 15S-17. BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 3 of 19 January 5, 2015 Planning Commission Decision: On November 4, 2015, in an advertised public hearing, the Planning Commission voted 7:0 to APPROVE CPA 15S-17. NOTE: This staff report was prepared without the benefit of testimony and evidence submitted by the public and other interested parties at a public hearing. Surrounding Land Use Designations and Current Land Use Activity Table 1: Surrounding Uses NW DRI - Townhome, single-family attached; Single-family attached homes N DRI – Office/Retail Offices NE DRI – Office; Offices W DRI - Townhome, single-family attached; Single-family attached homes Subject Property DRI - Townhome, single-family attached; Vacant, undeveloped site E DRI – Office; Offices SW DRI – Single-family detached; Large lot single-family detached homes S DRI – Multi-family, Townhome, Single-family attached; Large lot single-family detached homes SE DRI – Office, Multi-family, Townhome, single-family attached; Large lot single-family detached homes Source: Site Visit and Polk County GIS Data Explorer (June 25, 2015) This site is located in an area where RL densities are the predominate development pattern. While the property was planned for Commercial development in 1973 (PUD 73-05), the site was never developed and market forces have changed in the 42 years since that plan was approved. The property is adjacent to offices to the north and east (across Imperial Lakes Blvd.) and residential subdivisions to the south (across Imperial Lakes Blvd.) and west (across a man-made lake). Residential subdivisions within Imperial Lakes contain lots and densities consistent with the Residential Low (RL) land use, which allows a maximum density up to five (5) units per acre with an approved Planned Development (PD). Compatibility with the Surrounding Land Use Compatibility is often regarded as a subjective term used to express ones opinion or feeling about the appropriateness of locating differentiating uses rather than being based upon facts or evidence to support those opinions or feelings. The American Planning Association (APA) defines compatibility as “the characteristics of different uses or activities or design which allow them to be located near or adjacent to each other in harmony.” Some elements affecting compatibility include (but are not limited to): height, scale, mass and bulk of structures, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, landscaping, lighting, noise, odor, or whether or not something is aesthetically pleasing (Source: A Planner’s Dictionary; American Planning Association). According to Policy 2.102-A2 of Polk County’s Comprehensive Plan, “land shall be developed so that adjacent uses are compatible with each other, pursuant to the requirements of other policies in this Future Land Use Element, so that one or more of the following provisions are accomplished: a. there have been provisions made which buffer incompatible uses from BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 4 of 19 January 5, 2015 dissimilar uses; b. incompatible uses are made to be more compatible to each other through limiting the intensity and scale of the more intense use; and c. uses are transitioned through a gradual scaling of different land use activities through the use of innovative development techniques such as a Planned Unit Development.” The “development criteria” and the “density and dimensional regulations” of a land use district are often the measuring tools used by staff to determine compatibility and the appropriateness of locating differentiating uses. The adopted definition for compatibility states it is “a condition in which land uses or conditions can coexist in relative proximity to each other in a stable fashion over time such that no use or condition is unduly negatively impacted directly or indirectly by another use or condition.” Nearest Elementary, Middle, and High School Table 2 The proposed use will allow similar densities as the DRI designated use of townhouse, singlefamily attached. All residential development is subject to school concurrency once approved. No comments were provided by the School Board for this project indicating that the proposed RL development on 1.92 acres will not be able to meet school concurrency. While it is known that no capacity exists at the elementary and middle schools within the zone of this site, there is an unfunded elementary school designated in the 5 year capital plan that could relieve the elementary situation. In addition, the School Board has indicted in the past that creative reuse of the current elementary could provide relief at the middle school. Nearest Sheriff, Fire, and EMS Station Table 3 Name of Station Sheriff Fire EMS Distance from subject site Response Time 10 +/- miles 15 +/- minutes 2.9 +/- miles 5 +/- minutes 2.9 +/- miles 5 +/- minutes 4120 US Highway 98 South Lakeland, FL 33812 Fire Station 480 2523 Ewell Road Fire Station 480 2523 Ewell Road Source: Land Development Division and Public Safety *Response times are based from when the station receives the call, not from when the call is made to 911. The subject property is located in an area that has adequate infrastructure in place to provide Sheriff, fire, and EMS services for the proposed Future Land Use change. Given the quantities of acreage associated with this amendment and the character of the existing uses on them, the BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 5 of 19 January 5, 2015 land uses requested are not likely to adversely impact the delivery of emergency services in the area. Water and Sewer Capacity and Service Provider: A. Available Capacity: The subject property is not anticipated to create a deficiency in the existing Level of Service standard (LOS) for either potable water or wastewater services. Table 4 details the estimated impact to potable water and wastewater services based upon the maximum buildout of the current and proposed Future Land Use designation. The applicant is requesting a similar development pattern permitted by the DRI Townhome designation, so staff anticipates that there will be no increase in density or intensity over what is permitted by the DRI currently. Table 4 Proposed Site 1.92 ± acres RL Permitted Density/ Maximum Use Estimated Impact Analysis Existing Land Proposed Land Use Designation Use Designation DRI mapped for Townhouse/ RL in UGA ranges from attached single-family; 4 du/ac typical 0-5 du/acre; typical is 3 du/ac suburban townhome development for detached single-family Potable Water Consumption 7 * 360 = 2,520 GPD 5 * 360 = 1,800 GPD Wastewater Generation 7 * 270 = 1,890 GPD 5 * 270 = 1,350 GPD Source: Land Development Division – Rates are based on the County’s “Maximum Feasibility Buildout Methodology.” A single family residential unit is anticipated to consume 360 GPD of potable water services and generate 270 GPD of wastewater services. Single-family attached and detached homes use the same water and sewer generation rates. B. Service Provider: The subject site is within the Polk County Southwest Regional Utility Service Area (SWRUSA) for centralized sanitary sewer and potable water service. Polk County Utilities maintains a 20inch potable water line and an 18-inch gravity main wastewater line along the southern side of Shepherd Road. Reclaimed water is not currently available. The subject property is located in the Urban Growth Area (UGA) and will be required to connect to all available centralized systems per Policy 2.105-A5 of the Future Land Use Element in the Comprehensive Plan. C. Planned Improvements: There are no planned improvements at this time. BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 6 of 19 January 5, 2015 Roadways/Transportation Network: A. Capacity: T Table 5 (on the next page) provides information related to the anticipated impacts (maximum buildout scenario) to nearby roadway links based on the current and proposed Future Land Use designations. Table 5 Estimated Impact Analysis Existing Land Proposed Land Use Designation Use Designation 1.92 ± acres RL DRI mapped for Townhouse/ attached single-family; 4 du/ac typical suburban townhome development RL in UGA ranges from 0-5 du/acre; typical is 3 du/ac for detached single-family Average Annual Daily Trips (AADT) 7 * 5.86 = 41 AADT 5 * 7.81 = 39 AADT PM Peak Hour Trips 7 * 0.52 = 4 PM trips 5 * 1.01 = 5 PM trips Permitted/Maximum Density and Intensity Source: Land Development Division – Rates are based on the ITE Code for each identified land use category. 100% new trips. The major roadway segments impacted by the proposed Future Land Use change are identified in Table 6 (below). There is capacity to serve the proposed uses within the 5-year infrastructure planning timeframe. Table 6 Link # Direction Road Name Current LOS Available Capacity Minimum LOS Standard 4144 E Shepherd RD: Bailey Rd to SR 37 B 901 D 4144 W Shepherd RD: Bailey Rd to SR 37 B 1,089 D Source: 2014 Polk County Roadway Network Database (October 2014) C. Roadway Conditions: Shepherd Road is a four-lane divided collector road in good condition. Imperial Lakes Boulevard along the project frontage is a four-lane collector road was recently repaved and is in good condition. D. Planned Improvements: There is no capacity improvements scheduled within the Polk County Capital Improvements Plan for roadways in this area. A traffic study may be required prior to Level 2 Review approval to address depending on the size and impact of the project. BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 7 of 19 January 5, 2015 Environmental Conditions: A. Surface Water: The site is adjacent to a man-made lake to the west. However, the elevation of the site is 10 feet above the surface of the water and is not anticipated to adversely affect the residential development of the site. In addition, connection to centralized sewer is required and therefore, the only impacts anticipated are related to pesticide and fertilizer usage by the homeowners in order to maintain their lawns. B. Wetlands/Floodplains: The southwestern 1/4 of the site is within a floodplain, where the back yards of the residences are anticipated. Therefore, no adverse impacts are anticipated. C. Wells (Public/Private): There are no public or private wells on site. D. Airports: The site is not located within any Airport Impact District (AID) for Airport's Height Notification and In-flight Visual Interference Zones. The Polk County Airport Zoning Regulation of the Polk County Joint Airport Regulation Board (JAZB) regulates airport impacts within Polk County. These regulations restrict development by limiting building height and any use that produces smoke, steam, glare, or other visual impairments of the runway and electronic interference. E. On-Site Soils According to the Soil Survey of Polk County, the soil types for the subject property are Tavares, Smyrna, and Neilhurst. Since the majority of the site is Smyrna which has severe limitations for residential dwellings, the developer will need to amend the soil to allow for the proposed development. Table 7 (below) summarizes the soil type and the limitations on development activity for the soil types on the subject property. Table 7 SOIL NAME DWELLINGS W/O BASEMENTS SMALL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS PERCENTAGE OF SITE Tavares Slight Moderate: wetness 25% Smyrna Severe: wetness Severe: wetness, poor filter 60% Neilhurst Severe: wetness Slight 15% Source: Soil Survey of Polk County Florida 1985 BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 8 of 19 January 5, 2015 F. Environmental Areas of Concern: According to the Florida’s Natural Inventory Map, the site does not fall within the one (1) mile buffer for endangered animals, plants and communities. Park Facilities: A. Location The County’s closest Regional Park, Loyce E. Harpe Park, is located on Carter Road approximately one mile east of the site. The proposed land use change is not expected to significantly impact the existing LOS of this facility. B. Services This park contains lighted soccer/football and baseball/softball fields, concession facilities, playground facilities, a dog park, and mountain bike trails. C. Planned Improvements There are no further recreation improvements scheduled for this quadrant of the County at this time. Economic Factors: In the short run, the proposed project is anticipated to increase the number of construction jobs for workers who develop single-family residential subdivisions. The County could see an increase in property tax revenue and sales tax revenue from the proposed development. Consistency with the Polk Vision: Polk Vision was formed in 2003 to examine and address issues faced by Polk County. The “visioning process” has resulted in a shared Vision of what Polk County citizens want their community to be in the next five to 20 years. The proposed future land use change is consistent with the Polk Vision because it moves the County closer to being a well-balanced work, live community with a mixture of residential and non-residential development. The proposed housing will be within close proximity and walking distance to the existing commercial, restaurants, and services, consistent with the Section III: Infrastructure goals. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: Many policies within the Comprehensive Plan are reviewed for consistency with an application. The most relevant policies for the proposed request are included in the staff report. The policy is first stated and then an analysis of how the request is provided to state that it may or may not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The request is consistent with the following policies of the Comprehensive Plan: BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 9 of 19 January 5, 2015 • • • Section 2.102 – General Growth Management policies Section 2.105 – Urban Growth Area (UGA) policies Section 2.120 – Residential Low land use policies When reviewing the Comprehensive Plan policies, the proposed land use change is consistent with many goals associated with the policies listed above. The proposed change meets the General Growth Management policies. The UGA allows the proposed land use category of Residential Low (RL) and the subject property has the urban services in place to support the proposed Future Land Use change. The site has access to adequate existing transportation facilities, emergency services, and is similar in nature to the surrounding developments as required by the Compatibility policies. The proposed Future Land Use designation change from Development of Regional Impact (DRI) to Residential Low (RL) is consistent with the policies listed below. • POLICY 2.102-A1: COMPATIBILITY - Land shall be developed so that adjacent uses are compatible with each other, pursuant to the requirements of other Policies in this Future Land Use Element, so that one or more of the following provisions are accomplished: a. there have been provisions made which buffer incompatible uses from dissimilar uses; b. incompatible uses are made to be more compatible to each other through limiting the intensity and scale of the more intense use; c. uses are transitioned through a gradual scaling of different land use activities through the use of innovative development techniques such as a Planned Unit Development. The proposed land use is similar in intensity and density to the single family residential subdivisions in the area, is similar in scale to the adjacent office uses, and is therefore compatible with the surrounding character of the area. • POLICY 2.102-A3: TIMING - The development of land shall be timed and staged in conjunction with the cost-effective and efficient provision of supporting community services which, at a minimum, shall require compliance with the Plan's Level of Service requirements and the County's concurrency management system. The site is located in an area of the County that has adequate urban services to support the uses allowed within the RL land use designation. The proposed RL designation is consistent with the distribution and timing policy because the site developed as RL will allow the efficient use of existing utility and transportation services. In addition, the maximum RL usage of the site is not anticipated to create a deficiency in level-of-service standards. • POLICY 2.105-A5: DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA FOR URBAN GROWTH AREAS – Development within the Urban Growth Areas shall conform to the following criteria: a. connect to centralized potable water unless this requirement is waived by the Board consistent with Policy 2.105-A6; b. connect to centralized sanitary sewer systems if available. If not available, the developer can provide onsite facility(s) and dry-line in compliance with the requirements of the Polk County Health Department and the County’s Utility Codes; BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 10 of 19 January 5, 2015 c. incorporate design features that promote healthy communities and green building practices, as established in Section 2.1251, Community Design, of this element; d. promote the implementation of “Complete Street’ and “Conservation Development” principles as established under Section 2.1251, Community Design, of this element; e. promote the integration of pedestrian-oriented features, including sidewalks, trails, or walkways into every development including appropriate pedestrian shelters or awnings; f. provide access to civic space, parks, green areas, and open space and other amenities; g. be supported by public safety (i.e., fire, EMS and law enforcement); h. have access to public schools; i. be encouraged to provide connectivity with adjacent uses within the TSDA, and facilitate connectivity between the TSDA and other urban centers and the rural development areas. j. encourage the inclusion of a variety of housing choices and mixed uses; k. if development is within the “Corridor and Center Overlay” (Section 2.124-A) additional standards supporting the transit system, such as no driveway or parking between the street and the structures, will be required provide transit oriented design, including adequate connectivity, access and amenities to support mass-transit services as established in Policy 2.124-A3; The site has centralized potable water and sanitary sewer available and direct frontage an urban collector road (Imperial Lakes Blvd). The proposed use is also supported by adequate levels of public safety and is located on an existing pedestrian network that is walkable to open space amenities. In addition, there is an existing transit route (Citrus Connection Route # 32/33) within ½ mile walk at the intersection of SR 37 and Shepherd Road that is accessible via sidewalk pedestrian routes from this site. • POLICY 2.120-C3: LOCATION CRITERIA - Residential-Low areas shall be located only within the TSDAs, UGAs, SDAs, and UEAs and new Residential-Low development shall not be located within Activity Centers. The placement of Residential-Low shall be evaluated based on the general criteria listed in Policy 2.119-A2. The site is located in the UGA within an existing residential community with densities typical to those allowed in the RL land use. The subject site is not located within an Activity Center. Urban Sprawl Analysis Polk County’s Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.102-A10 establishes review criteria intended to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. Specific characteristics of urban sprawl have been examined throughout this staff report and are summarized in Table 7 (below/next page). Based on the findings of fact and analysis conducted, the proposed request does not meet the criteria to be considered as urban sprawl. Table 7: Urban Sprawl Criteria Rule 9J-5 Urban Sprawl Criteria Page(s) within report a. Promotes substantial amounts of low-density, low-intensity, or single use development in excess of demonstrated need. 1-5 b. Allows a significant amount of urban development to occur in rural areas. 1-5 BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 11 of 19 January 5, 2015 Table 7: Urban Sprawl Criteria Rule 9J-5 Urban Sprawl Criteria Page(s) within report c. Designates an urban development in radial, strip isolated, or ribbon patterns emanating from existing urban developments. 1-5 d. Fails to adequately protect and conserve natural resources and other significant natural systems. 9-11 e. Fails to adequately protect adjacent agricultural areas. 1-5 f. Fails to maximize existing public facilities and services. 5-9 g. Fails to minimize the need for future facilities and services. 5-9 h. Allows development patterns that will disproportionately increase the cost of providing public facilities and services. 5-9 i. Fails to provide a clear separation between urban and rural uses. 1-5 j. Discourages infill development or redevelopment of existing neighborhoods. 1-5 k. Fails to encourage an attractive and functional mixture of land uses. 1-5 l. Will result in poor accessibility among linked or related land uses. 1-5 m. Results in the loss of a significant amount of open space. 1-5, 9-11 Source: The following criteria are the primary indicators of urban sprawl per Rule 9J-5 of the Florida Administrative Code. Comments from Other Agencies: None. Exhibits: Exhibit 1: Location Map Exhibit 2: Aerial Exhibit 3: Current Future Land Use Map Exhibit 4: Proposed Future Land Use Map Exhibit 5: PUD 73-05 Zoning Map Exhibit 6: DRI Map H Exhibit 7: Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 12 of 19 January 5, 2015 Exhibit 1 LOCATION MAP BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 13 of 19 January 5, 2015 Exhibit 2 AERIAL MAP BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 14 of 19 January 5, 2015 Exhibit 3 SITE DRI CURRENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 15 of 19 January 5, 2015 Exhibit 4 SITE RL PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 16 of 19 January 5, 2015 Exhibit 5 Site Location Site Zoning PUD 73-05 ZONING MAP BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 17 of 19 January 5, 2015 Exhibit 6 Site Location BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 18 of 19 January 5, 2015 Exhibit 7 FLU PERMITTED (BY RIGHT) DRI #4 Townhomes, Single-family Attached RL Single-family Detached Home & Subdivision, Animal Grazing, Farming General, Recreation, Low Intensity, Utilities, Class I CONDITIONAL USE LEVEL 1 OR 2 REVIEW (STAFF REVIEW ONLY) CONDITIONAL USE LEVEL 3 REVIEW (1 PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED) Group Home, Small (6 or less residents), Individual Mobile Homes, Residential Infill Development, Animal Farm, Intensive, animal Farm, Specialty, Aquiculture, Emergency Shelter, Small (6 or less residents), Livestock Sale, Auction, Nurseries and Greenhouses, School, Elementary and Middle, Utilities, Class II Group Living Facility (15 or more residents), Multi-family, Residential Infill Development, Planned Development, Residentially Based Mixed Development (RBMD), Transitional Area Development, Adult Day Care Center (7 or more clients), Agricultural Support, Off-Site, Cemetery, Childcare Center, Community Center, Cultural Facility, Emergency Shelter, Large (15 or more residents), Government Facility, Helistops, Mining, Non-phosphate, Recreation, Active, High, Religious Institution, School, High, Riding Academies CONDITIONAL USE LEVEL 4 REVIEW (2 PUBLIC HEARINGS REQUIRED) Mobile Home Park & Subdivision, Bed and Breakfast, Utilities, Class III STANDARD USE TABLE BoCC Adoption Staff Report Level 4/tdw 12/9/2015 11:15:30 AM CPA 15S-17 Page 19 of 19 January 5, 2015