What Electrical System Is It? • • • • Based on secondary side of upstream transformer, NOT by how load is connected. Most SPD/TVSS order errors are misunderstandings related to grounding or neutrals. What Electrical System Is It? Grounded system means that the system is referenced toElectrical ground, NOT that there Based on secondary sideWhat of upstream transformer, NOTSystem by how load is connected Is It? is a safety ground. Most SPD/TVSS misorders are misunderstandings related to grounding or neutrals What Electrical System By convention, ground wires are notBased ‘counted’ of the wires (3-wire, 4-wire, What Electrical System It? etc.). on secondaryas sideone of upstream transformer, NOT by how load isIs connected Grounded system means that the system is referenced to ground, NOT that there is a safety ground Based secondary side of upstream transformer, NOT by how lo on secondary side ofmisunderstandings upstream transformer, NOT howon load connected MostBased SPD/TVSS misorders areare toby grounding orisneutrals By convention, ground wires not ‘counted’ as one related of the wires (3-wire, 4-wire, etc.) Most SPD/TVSS misorders are misunderstandings related to grou Most SPD/TVSS misorders are misunderstandings to grounding neutrals Grounded system means that the system is referenced related to ground, NOT that or there is a safety ground Grounded system means that the system is referenced to ground, Grounded means thatnot the‘counted’ system isas to ground, NOT4-wire, that there A are Breferenced B system By convention, ground wires one of the wires etc.) A (3-wire, Bis a safety ground 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye A 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye By wires convention, ground wires By convention, ground wires are not ‘counted’ as one of the (3-wire, 4-wire, etc.)are not ‘counted’ as one of the wires Neutral bonded to ground. Neutral pulled into NeutralA bondedWhat to ground.Electrical Neutral NOT pulled into A B B System Is A N AIt? B B A B N A B A B N B facility. Common system configurations. facility. Common system configurations MCC, Based on secondary side of upstream transformer, at NOT byAhow load is connected What Electrical System Is It? V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ Based on secondary side of upstream transformer, Most SPD/TVSS misorders are misunderstandings related to grounding or neutrals andiswater treatment. NOTpumping by how load connected N N N V V V N related to 120V grounding or neutrals N G to ground, NOT Grounded system means that theNsystem thatN there is a safety ground G (208Y/120V) G misunderstandings V = 277V (48OY/277V) APT ‘4’ Most SPD/TVSS misorders are V= APT ‘2’is referenced N Grounded system means that the systemBy is referenced to ground, NOT thatare there is a‘counted’ safety ground What Electrical S convention, ground wires not as one of the wires (3-wire, 4-wire, etc.) C C C V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ By convention, ground wires are not ‘counted’ 277V (48OY/277V) APT ‘4’ as one of V the=wires (3-wire, 4-wire, etc.) Based on secondary side of upstream transformer, NO 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye 3-phase 4-wire Ungrounded Wye 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye bonded to ground Neutral(600Y/347V) bonded to ground APT Neutral ground G V misorders are misunderstandings V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21 ‘ (non-USA) V NOT bonded V Mostto SPD/TVSS rela V V = 347V G Neutral G V B V A pulled into facilityVG V‘8’ B Neutral mayGor may A G not beA Neutral NOT pulled into facility B is referenced G pulled into facility ANeutral B A Grounded system means that the system AG system configuration at MCC, B Common system configuration Rare system configuration; Error/miss-wire? Common V = 220V (38OY/220V) APT ‘7’ (non-USA)B V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21 ‘Electrical (non-USA) C Cwires are not ‘counted’ as one o C C Is It? What System C By convention, ground V = 120V C(208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ Note NEC 285.3(2), pumping and water treatment C C V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ V = 120V (208Y/120V) Rare - Call V on = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye 3 3-phase 4-wire secondary side of upstream transformer, NOT by how load is connected V Based = 220V (38OY/220V) APT ‘7’Wye (non-USA) 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye 3-phase 4-wire Ungrounded WyeGrounded Wye 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye 4-wire Ungrounded 4-wire Grounded V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ (480Y/277V) APTNeutral ‘5’ V =3-phase 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’bonded Neutral to ground V = 277V 3-phase bonded toWye ground N N Neutral bonded to ground Neutral bonded to ground Neutral NOTto bonded A A B to SPD/TVSS misorders are misunderstandings grounding neutrals V = 127V (220Y/127V) (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ground V =Neutral 347V (600Y/347V) APTN ‘8’ Neutral bonded toNground APT ‘21’ (non-USA) Most bonded to ground Neutral NOT bonded to or ground Neutral into facility V = 347Vrelated Neutral NOT pulled into facility Npulled N N Neutral pulled into facility Neutral NOT pulled into Common facility Neutral may or may not be into into facility V = 220V (380Y/220V) V = 127V (220Y/127V) (non-USA) V =Neutral 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’the (non-USA) Neutral pulled into facility APT ‘7’ (non-USA) Grounded NOT pulled into facility Neutral may orCall may notpulled be system pulled facility system means that system is referenced to ground, NOT that there is a safetyatground system configuration Common configuration MCC, What Electrical System Is It? B N R V = 220V V =Common 220Vsystem (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’at(non-USA) (380Y/220V) Call (non-USA) Common system configuration RareRare system configuration; Error/miss-wire? Common configuration Electrical System Common system configuration Is It? 3-phase system configuration; Error/miss-wire? system configuration at MCC, Resistive or Impedance GroundedWhat Wye 4-wire Ungrounded Wye V = 120V (208Y/120V) ‘2’ N pumping and wateretc.) treatment By convention, ground wires areMCC, not ‘counted’ oneload of the (3-wire, 4-wire, Based on secondary side ofand upstream NOT APT byashow iswires connected V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ NoteNote NECNEC 285.3(2), water treatment V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT pumping and water treatment Vtransformer, = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ V V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’N B‘2’ is connected pumping Based on secondary side of upstream transformer, NOT by how load A 285.3(2), N V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ V = 120V (208Y/120V) Rare Call V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ Neutral bonded to ground via grounding resistor. Neutral NOT bonded to ground. Neutral mayor V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ V = 120V (208Y/120V) Rare Call V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ V V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ A Most SPD/TVSS misorders are misunderstandings related to grounding or neutrals V V Most SPD/TVSS V misorders are misunderstandings related to A grounding or neutrals A G G B = 277V B = (non-USA) V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ V 277V (480Y/277V) APTAPT ‘5’(600Y/347V) V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ (220Y/127V) B VG = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ V = 277V (480Y/277V) ‘5’ VA= 127V APT ‘21’ V V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ V VA= 347V APT ‘8’ V V G Grounded system means that the system is referenced to ground, NOT that there is a safety ground Grounded system means that the system is referenced to ground, NOT that there is a safety ground V G GV = 127V Neutral may, or may not, be pulled into facility. may not be pulled into facility. Rare system V = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ (non-USA) V V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ (non-USA) (220Y/127V) APT(non-USA) ‘21’ (non-USA) V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ V C By convention, ground wires are not as (380Y/220V) oneCof the (3-wire, 4-wire, etc.) Bywires convention, ground are (220Y/127V) notC ‘counted’ of the wires 4-wire, etc.) V V = 220V (380Y/220V) V = 220V APT(non-USA) ‘7’ (non-USA) V =(3-wire, 127V (220Y/127V) Call (non-USA) APT ‘7’ (non-USA) V = 127V ‘21’one (non-USA) V =‘counted’ 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ V = 127V (220Y/127V) Call (non-USA) V = wires 127V (220Y/127V) APT APT ‘21’ as (non-USA) N Becoming popular3-phase system4-wire on high-tech applications. configuration; Error/miss-wire?. Note NEC 285.3(2). C V(380Y/220V) V N Ungrounded CAPT APT C Grounded Wye Grounded Wye 3-phase 4-wire 3-phase 4-wire V = 220V V = 220V (380Y/220V) ‘7’ Wye (non-USA) G G V = 220V V = 220V (380Y/220V) ‘7’ (non-USA) (380Y/220V) Call Call (non-USA) N(non-USA) B Neutral bonded to ground Neutral bonded to ground Neutral A B N A B NOT bonded to ground R B Grounded A 3-phase 4-wire 3-phase 4-wire Ungrounded Grounded Wye V = 120V (208Y /120V) Rare Call APT A V =N120V (208Y/120V) - Call BB ANeutral A 3-phase B APT C Wye C B Wye A B Neutral pulled into -facility NOT pulled into facility Neutral may or 4-wire mayAnotRare be pulled into facility A A V G Ato ground Neutral bonded to ground Neutral bonded Neutral NOT bonded to ground A Common system configuration Rare system configuration; Error/miss-wire? Common system configuration at MCC, A 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye A V = 277V (48OY/277V) APT ‘5’ V = 277V (48OY/277V) APT ‘5’ G V Neutral pulled intowater facility Neutral NOT pulled into facility Neutral may orVmay not bonded be pulled into facility V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ Note NEC 285.3(2), and treatment Neutral bonded to ground Neutral to ground N pumping G C N V = 277V APT (480Y/277V) 120V (208Y/120V) Rare -VCallNeutral V = 120V (208Y/120V) B GAPT V N V =Common V into facility VError/miss-wire? pulled Neutral NOT pulled into facility G V configuration; Common system configuration Rare system system configuration at MCC, GAPT ‘2’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) ‘9’ APT ‘4’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) V ‘9’ N Single-Phase N V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘5’ V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ Common system configuration Note NEC 285.3(2), Common system configuration at MCC, V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ pumping and water treatment N N Resistive or Impedance Grounded Wye Split-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ Verify where Neutral and Ground are! V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ (non-USA) V = (220Y/127V) 347V (600Y/347V) ‘9’C (non-USA) V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ NCall C pumping and water treatment V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ N N C V = 127V APT RAPT N V = 277V (480Y/277V) ‘4’ V = of120V V bonded = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ Often for one leg or one piece Neutral bonded to groundAPT via grounding resistor Neutral to ground equip. (208Y/120V) Rare - Call V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ V = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ (non-USA) V = 127V (220Y/127V) Call (non-USA) V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ (non-USA) Neutral not, APT be pulled into facility Neutral usually pulled(480Y/277V) into facility 4-wire Neutral bonded to groundV =3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye 4-wireVUngrounded Wye APT ‘4’ V V may, or may 3-phase 3-phase Grounded Wye R(600Y/347V) V = 347V ‘8’ 277V (480Y/277V) ‘5’ = 277V APT V (600Y/347V) G G V = ‘4’ 347V APT ‘8’ = 277V APT (480Y/277V) VV =V 220V VBecoming = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ G(non-USA) (380Y/220V) CallAPT (non-USA) V = 220V (38OY/220V) Call (non-USA) R popular system on high-tech Very, very Common Less common than perceived!Neutral NOT bonded to ground Neutral bonded to ground Neutral bonded to ground V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ (non-USA) V = 347V (600Y/347V) ‘9’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT V = ‘8’ 127V (220Y/127V) APT G ‘21’ (non-USA) V = 347V APT (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ G V V = 120V (208Y/120V) Rare Call V = 120V (120/240V) APT ‘1’ V = 120V APT ‘11’ C Neutral pulled into facility Neutral NOT pulledV into facility Neutral may or may not be pulled into facility C C B V G = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ (non-USA) V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ (nonSplit-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ G A V ‘5’ V CAPT V B Error/miss-wire? V = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ (non-USA) 127V (220Y/127V) Call (non-USA) V 127V (220Y/127V) ‘21’V(non-USA) (480Y/277V) APT V =G 240V (240/480V) Rare - Call = 240V APT ‘12’ G V =Rare GV = 277V G =Wye Common system configuration system configuration; Common system configuration at MCC, A APT ‘9’ 3-phase 4-wire 3-phase 4-wire Ungrounded 3-phase 4-wire Grounded V = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ (non(600Y/347V) V = 127V (127/254V) APT ‘15’ (non-USA) V(non-USA) = 277V APT ‘16’ A Grounded Wye G GV = 347VWye V = 220V V = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ (380Y/220V) Call (non-USA) Sin V = 120V Neutral (208Y/120V) APTto‘2’ Note NEC 285.3(2), pumping and water treatment Single-Phase C Neutral bonded to ground Neutral usually pulled Neutral bonded NOT bonded ground Neutral bonded to ground. B V =Grounded 480V APT ‘17’ Call – almost always different Gto ground C C Impedance Wye ‘Single-Phase’ Ver V = 277V Neutral (480Y/277V) APT =C120V (208Y/120V) Rare - Call V = 120V Vor (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ Single-Phase B V Split-Phase Neutral pulled into facility Neutral NOT pulled into facility may or may not‘4’ be pulled into facilityCBResistive V = 127V APT ‘13’ (non-USA) V Neutral bonded to ground via grounding resistor Neutral bonded to ground Oft B A V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘5’ V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ Verify where neutral and ground are! Often this is used Common system configuration Rare system configuration; Error/miss-wire? Common system configuration at MCC, A Wye Single-Phase into facility. Very, very Common. V = 220V APT3-phase ‘12’ (non-USA) Resistive or Impedance Grounded Wye Split-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ A Verify where Neutral andUngrounded Ground are! 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Wye 4-wire 3-phase 4-wire Grounded Neutral may, orWye may not, be pulled facility usually pulled into facility Neu V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ Note NEC 285.3(2), pumping and water treatment V Grounded = 127V (220Y/127V) APTSplit-Phase ‘21’ (non-USA) V Neutral =one 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ into A Resistive or Impedance Wye ‘Single-Phase’ Verify where Neutral and Ground are! Neutral bonded to ground via grounding resistor Neutral bonded to ground Often for one leg or piece of equip. N A N 220V V (380Y/220V) Neutral bonded bonded toBecoming ground Neutral NOTVbonded to ground popular systemNeutral on high-tech Very, very Common V = (120/240V) 277V (480Y/277V)APT APT ‘1’ ‘4’ = 120V (208Y/120V) Rare - or Call V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’to ground Les forAPTone leg one piece ofintoequipment. is bonded ‘7’Neutral (non-USA) =piece 127V Call (non-USA) V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ (non-USA) V = 120V V bonded to‘4’ ground via grounding resistor Neutral bonded topulled ground Often forNeutral onebonded leg may or one of (220Y/127V) equip. Neutral may, or may not, be pulled into facility Neutral usually pulled facility BV = toor ground V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘5’ V = 277V Neutral (480Y/277V) APT Neutral pulled into facility Neutral NOT facility not be pulled into facility VV=into (208Y/120V) CallNeutral = 120V (120/240V) APT ‘1’ V= VV =may 220V =120V 220V (380Y/220V) Rare APT -‘7’ (non-USA) (380Y/220V) Call (non-USA) V R Becoming popular system on into high-tech Very, very pulled Common Less common than perceived! may, or may not, be pulled facility Neutral usually into facility A A Neutral bonded to ground V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ (non-USA) V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ V = 347V Neutral (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ AVless V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT commonly ‘5’ V = 240V (240/480V) Rare - CallN V= to ground. This configuration is Common system configuration Rare than system configuration; Error/miss-wire? Common system configuration atused MCC, V = 240V (240/48OV) Rare Call APT V = 120V Rare V - Call Vvery = 120V APT ‘1’ = 120V than APTperceived! ‘11’V = 127V (127/254V) popular system on high-tech Very, Common V = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ (non-USA) =V127V (220Y/127V) Call (non-USA) V = 127V Becoming (220Y/127V) APT (208Y/120V) ‘21’ (non-USA) LessVcommon B pumping V V =treatment 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ APT ‘15’ (non-USA) V= A G(120/240V) V = 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ Note NEC 285.3(2), and water V V V V = 220V (380Y/220V) V = 220V V (380Y/220V) APT (480Y/277V) ‘7’ (non-USA) V = 277V V (non-USA) = 240V (240/480V) V = 240V = 120V Rare -APT Call‘5’ V =Call 120V (120/240V) APT Rare ‘1’ - Call A R V = 120V APT APT ‘11’ ‘12’ perceived (see “split-phase”). V= N - Call A APT G(208Y/120V) V = 127V (127/254V) APT ‘15’ (non-USA) V = V277V (480Y/277V) ‘4’‘9’ V = 120V (208Y/120V) Rare V= 120V (208Y/120V) APT ‘2’ (non-USA) N = 347V (600Y/347V) APT V = 127V (127/254V) APT ‘15’ V = 277V APT ‘16’ V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘5’ V = 240V (240/480V) Rare - Call V = 240V APT ‘12’ G V= V277V V = 347V (600Y/347V) BAPT ‘8’ V = (480Y/277V) APT ‘5’ V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘4’ A CB V V = 480V V = 120V ‘11‘ APT ‘15’ (non-USA) V = 347V V = 127VAPT (127/254V) VV= 277V APT APT ‘16’ ‘17’ Call – almost always different V= A (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ R A V = 127V (220Y/127V) APT ‘21’ (non-USA) V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT G ‘9’ V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘8’ Single-Phase V = 127V APT ‘13’ (non-USA) V = 480V APT ‘17’ Call – almost always different Resistive or Impedance Grounded Wye V = 220V Split-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ APT ‘7’ A (non-USA)V = 240V V = 127V VV = 127V APT are! ‘21’ G (non-USA) C V = 220V Verify where (220Y/127V) Neutral and Ground C (380Y/220V) APT (220Y/127V) ‘12’ (non-USA)Call N (non-USA) APT ‘12’ B VC= 127V APT (non-USA) V G C Call N V BN B ‘13’ (380Y/220V) B Bof equip. Neutral bonded to ground via grounding resistor Neutral bonded to ground Often for oneC leg or one piece V = 220V V = 220V (380Y/220V) APT ‘7’ (non-USA) (non-USA) VImpedance = 220V APT ‘12’ (non-USA) A G R Neutral may, or may not, be pulled into facility Neutral usually pulled into facility Resistive or Grounded Wye Split-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ Neutral bonded to ground N= 277V APT ‘16’ V A N B G Very, very B Neutral bonded toVground via grounding resistor Becoming popular system on high-tech Less common than perceived! A G A Neutral bondedVto ground C Common G GV Hi-Leg Grounded Delta V pulled into facility AAPT R V = 120V (208Y/120V) B - almost Neutral may, be Neutral usually pulled into facility Aor may not, A APT BG Rare - Call V = 120V (120/240V) APT ‘1’ V = 48OV ‘17’ always different V = 120V APT ‘11’ Call A G Single-Phase Becoming popular system on Open high-tech Very, very Common V NeutralAPT = 277V (480Y/277V) ‘5’ pulled into VHi-Leg = 240VGrounded (240/480V) Rare - Call V V GV Delta Delta A = 240V APT ‘12’ A G Neutral bondedVVto ground. often V V = 120V V A (208Y/120V) Rare3-phase Resistive or Impedance Grounded Wye Split-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ - Call 3 where Vand = 120V (120/240V) Verify Ground are! APT ‘1’ V 3-wire = 127V APTAPT ‘13’ 3-phase Delta 3-phase 3-wire BCorner = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ VNeutral = 127V (127/254V) ‘15’C(non-USA) bonded to groundAPT or 4-wireNeutralV VUngrounded = 277V ‘16’(non-USA) G V VDelta G V = 277V (480Y/277V) APTCould ‘5’ = 240V Single-Phase has no reference to ground Neutral oftenground pulled into facility ungrounded, Neutral bonded via grounding resistor Neutral ground Often for one legcorner or V one piece(240/480V) of equip. Rare - Call V = 480V APTbonded ‘17’ Call to –Grounded almost always different Csystem configuration. VSystem V V be facility. Common BCommonto Vreference = 347V to(600Y/347V) APTgrounded ‘9’ Verify = 127V (127/254V) APT ‘15’ (non-U Resistive or into Impedance Grounded WyeAPT Split-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ L-L voltages fixed but L-(non-USA) system configuration or Hi-leg where NeutralVand Ground are! V= 220V APT ‘12’ Systeminto has ground Vby=transformer, 127V ‘13’ (non-USA) Single-Phase Neutral may, or may not, be pulled facility Neutral usually pulled facility Neutral bonded to ground C A N because voltages vary; become V = 120/240V APT ‘3’ Very rare, tend toone be rural Neutral bonded to G ground viacan grounding resistor Neutral bonded to ground Often forN leg or one piece of equip. B phase N is grounded Resistive orAPT Impedance Split-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ Verify where Neutral and Ground are! toAPT V =Known 220V (non-USA) V = 120/240V ‘3’ Grounded Wye Cperceived! B B Becoming system on may, high-tech Very, very‘12’ Common LessNeutral common unstable. V popular = 240/480V Call’ Various solutions, Callthan for V =usually 240V APT ‘61’into facility Neutral orfor may not, pulled intooffacility Neutral pulled bonded toinfo ground Neutral bonded to ground via grounding resistor Neutral bonded to ground Often one leg be or one piece equip. R C A V = 240V APT ‘6’ V = 120V (208Y/120V) -popular Call bonded = 120V (120/240V) APT ‘1’ Vvery = 480V APT ‘51’ 120V APT than ‘11’ perceived! Becoming system on high-tech V 3-wire Very, Common common Neutral may, or may APT not, be pulled into facility Neutral usually pulled into facility to3-phase ground N Rare Neutral V = 240/48OV Call Ungrounded Delta C VV == Less B APT V = 480V APT ‘5’ B B - Call B ‘91’ C V = 600V APT (208Y/120V) Rare V = 120V (120/240V) APT ‘1’ Becoming popular system on high-tech Very, veryVCommon V240V = 120V APT‘12’ ‘11’ Less common than perceived! = 277V (480Y/277V)V =APT ‘5’ V = 240V C(240/480V) Rare - Call V120V G G G V APT = 600V APT C A V(480Y/277V) Note NEC 285.3(2) Rare - Call AGAPT V = 120V (208Y/120V) Rare - Call V = 120V V(120/240V) ‘1’ ‘11’ V =APT 277V APT ‘5’‘9’ has V = 240V (240/480V) V277V = 240VAPT APT‘16’ ‘12’ Bfixed by A285.3(2) = 347V AAPT (600Y/347V) ‘9’= 120V Note V = 127V (127/254V) ‘15’ (non-USA) V = System NO reference to ground. L-L voltages N NEC Occasionally seen at industrial G B C B‘12’ B C C V = 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘5’ V = 240V (240/480V) Rare - Call = 240V APT V = 347V V(600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ V = 127V (127/254V) APT ‘15’ (non-USA) V = 277V APT ‘16’ Hi-Leg Grounded Delta A V G system configuration at older V = V480V APT ‘17’ Call––almost almost always different G facilities, normally not used on new V V V = 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ V = 127V (127/254V) APT C ‘15’G (non-USA) V =V277V Common APT ‘16’G = 480V APT ‘17’ Call always different 3-phaseV3-wire Ungrounded Delta 3-phase 3-wire Corner transformer, but L-G voltages cantovary. bonded ground facilities, normally not different used onNeutral B construction V = 480V industrial APT ‘17’ Call – almost always V = V127V ‘13’ (non-USA) 127V APT ‘13’ (non-USA) 3/16/09 V APT V Single-Phase SystemRev hasDate: no = reference to ground Neutral Grounded Delta Hi-Leg Grounded Delta V = 127V new Open Delta APT ‘13’ (non-USA) Goften pulled into facility Gconstruction V = 220V APT ‘12’ (non-USA) V = 220V APT ‘12’ (non-USA) Voltage Diagrams RevC G This configuration is known to become unstable. L-L voltages by transformer, butare! LCommon configuration Resistive orbonded Impedance Wye Split-Phase ‘Single-Phase’ Verify where fixed Neutral and Ground System has reference to g V = 220V 3-phase APT ‘12’ (non-USA) 3-wire Ungrounded Delta system 3-phase 3-wire Corner Neutral to groundGrounded 3-phase 3 or 4-wire 3-phase 3-wire Corner Grounded Delta G voltages canleg vary; Known to become Vground = 120/240V APT ‘3’ Delta because B phase is groun Neutral bonded to ground via grounding resistor Neutral bonded to Often for one or one piece of equip. System has no reference to ground Neutral often pulled into facility Could be ungrounded, corner Grounded Hi-Leg Grounded Delta Open Delta V = 240V ‘6’ B voltages unstable. V = L240/480V Call’ has reference toNeutral V = 240V APT ‘61’ Neutral may, orsystem may not, be pulled into facility Neutral usually pulled into facility L-L by APT transformer, but Common or Hi-leg bonded togrounded ground Bconfiguration C B to ground because A System 3-phase 3-wire fixed Ungrounded Delta 3-phase 3-wire Corner ground Neutral bonded to ground 3 or 4-wire System has reference V = 240V APT3-phase ‘6’ Very A AV = 480V APT ‘51’ N A A G voltages can vary; Known to become V = 120/240V APT ‘3’ rare, tend to be rural B Becoming popular system on high-tech Very, very Common A C Less common than perceived! B because B phase is grounded B C C C A A System hasVno= reference to Neutral often pulled into facility be ungrounded, corner VA= 600V APT ‘91’ Aground 48OV APT ‘5’ Grounded Delta = 480V APTCould ‘5’ Various NVVA unstable. V = 240/480V Call’ Rare - CallL-L voltages Call for info C B =has 240V APT ‘61’ VVtransformer, VCommon = 120V (208Y/120V) = 120V (120/240V) APTV‘1’ = 120V APT ‘11’ B V B phase is grounded. but Lsystem grounded or solutions, Hi-leg V Vto ground V V fixed by V V configuration System reference V = 600V APT ‘9’ Note NEC 285.3(2) V = 240V APT ‘6’= 240V 480VV APT ‘51’ VV== 277V (480Y/277V) APT ‘5’ V V (240/480V) RareV -=Call = 240V APT ‘12’ V =vary; 600V APT ‘9’ G voltages can Known to become 120/240V APT ‘3’ Very rare, tendVto be rural V480V NEC 285.3(2) because B phase is groundedVNote Occasionally seen at indus G G V = APT ‘5’ V‘15’ = 600V APT ‘91’ V = 240V APT ‘61‘ G VV== 347V (600Y/347V) APT ‘9’ V = 127V (127/254V) VAPT (non-USA) VCommon = 277V system APT ‘16’ unstable. 240/480V Call’ Various solutions, configuration at Call olderfor info facilities, normally G = 240V APT ‘61’ G not used V = 600V APT ‘9’ 285.3(2) G Note NEC 285.3(2) Note NEC Vindustrial = 480V facilities, APT ‘17’ Call – not almost different normally usedalways on V = 240V construction = 480V APT ‘51’ OpenVDelta Note APT NEC ‘6’ 285.3(2) V = 48OV APTHi-Leg ‘51’ Grounded Delta Occasionally seen at industrial VDelta = 127V APT ‘13’ (non-USA) new construction Hi-Leg Grounded V = 480V APT ‘5’ 3-phase 3-wire Ungrounded Delta 3-phase 3-wire Corner V = 600V APT ‘91’ Neutral bonded toAground 3-phase 3 or 4-wire C Common system configuration at older facilities, normally not used new APT3-phase Common systemCconfiguration atNeutral older industrial facilities. C A 3-wire Ungrounded Delta 3-phase 3bonded to ground V =on 220V ‘12’ (non-USA) Bfacilities, B VC= 600V APT ‘9’ System has C no reference to ground Could be ungrounded, corner N Delta NEC 285.3(2) Grounded V = 600V APTNeutral ‘91‘Noften pulled into facilityB industrial normallyBnot used on Note B CNeutral construction B into facility C has no reference C Grounded System often pulled Rev Date: 3/16/09 to ground Note has NEC 285.3(2) L-L voltages fixed by transformer, but LCommon system configuration grounded ornew Hi-leg Occasionally seen at industrial System to ground newreference construction Normally, this is not used on construction. C A L-L voltages fixed by transformer, but LCommon system configuration System has G voltages can vary; Known become V = 120/240V APT ‘3’ tend normally to be ruralnot used on new Common system configuration at older Very rare, Note NEC 285.3(2) Voltage Diagrams RevC because B phase is grounded facilities, G to B N G to become V = 120/240V B Known G = 240/480V Call’ C construction because Bp B normally notGused onVarious B info CG voltages can vary; C G APT ‘3’ unstable. V solutions, Call for facilities, VG =industrial 240V APT ‘61’ unstable. V = 240/480VACall’ A A V = 240V A Rev Date: 3/16/09 Occasionally seen atDelta industrial facilities. V = 240V APT ‘6’ Hi-Leg Grounded Open Delta V =new 480V APT ‘51’ construction V = 240V APT ‘6’ Open Delta V = 480V A Hi-Leg Grounded Open Delta 3-phase 3-wire VUngrounded 3-phase 3-wire Corner Neutral bonded to ground 3-phase 3 or 4-wire = 480V APTDelta ‘5’ V Voltage Diagrams RevC V = 600VVDelta APT ‘91’ VV = 480V APT ‘5’ V G V = 600V A System has no reference to ground 3-wire 3-phase 3-wire Corner Neutral oftenis pulled facilityon new Could be ungrounded, corner Ungrounded Delta Normally, this notintoused construction. ground 3-phase 3 or 4-wire Delta bonded G V = 600V APT ‘9’ Note to NEC 285.3(2) GGroundedNeutral V = 600V APT ‘9’ 3-phase 33-phase or 4-wire. Note NEC 2 Common system configuration V = 120/240V APT ‘3’ V = 240/480V Call’ L-L voltages fixed Note by transformer, but Lgrounded or Hi-leg has no reference to ground System has Neutral reference toOccasionally ground System often pulled into facility Could be ungrounded, corner Grounded Delta NEC 285.3(2) seen at industrial Note NEC 285.3(2) Occasionally G voltages can vary; Known to become Very rare, tend to be ruralfixed by transformer, but Lbecause phase is grounded L-L Common system configuration groundedDelta or Hi-leg System has reference to ground CommonHi-Leg system configuration atBolder facilities, normallyVarious not used onvoltages new Grounded Open Common system configuration at older unstable. solutions, Call for V = 240V Delta APT ‘61’ G voltages caninfo vary; Known to become V = 120/240V APT ‘3’ Very rare, tend to be rural facilities, nor because B phase is grounded facilities,bonded normallyto notground used on construction industrial facilities,3-phase normally not used on construction V = 240V APT ‘6’industrialNeutral 3-phase 3-wire Ungrounded Delta 3-phase 3-wire Corner 3 or 4-wire V = 480V APT ‘51’ unstable. V = 240/480V Call’ Various solutions, Call for info Rev Date: 3/16/09 V = 240V APT ‘61’ new construction V = 480V APT ‘5’new construction V = 600Vinto APT ‘91’ System has no reference to ground Neutral facility Could be ungrounded, corner Grounded Delta V = 240V APT ‘6’Voltage Diagrams C often pulled A APT ‘51’ RevCV = 480V V = 600V APT ‘9’ Note NEC N 285.3(2) V =by 480V APT fixed transformer, Common system configuration grounded orCHi-leg = 600V APT C ‘5’ but LB B System Vhas C ‘91’ reference to ground B Note NEC 285.3(2) Occasionally seen at industrial L-L voltages V = 600V APT to ‘9’ become NEC 285.3(2) Common system configuration older G voltages can vary; Known V =at120/240V APT ‘3’ Very rare, tend to be rural facilities, normally not used on new becauseNote B phase is grounded Note NEC 285.3(2) Occasionally seen at industrial industrial facilities, normallyV not=used on construction unstable.Rev Date:Common 240/480V Call’ Various solutions, Call for info V = 240V APT ‘61’ 3/16/09 system configuration new construction facilities, normally not used on new G at older G Could be ungrounded, corner grounded or Hi-leg. Very rare, tend to be rural. Various solutions. Call APT for information. G Hi-Leg Grounded Delta Neutral bonded to ground Neutral often pulled into facility Common system configuration V = 120/240V APT ‘3’ V = 240/480V Call’ “Protecting the electronic world from surges” V = 240V APTDiagrams ‘6’ Voltage APT ‘51’ industrial RevC facilities, normally not usedVon= 480V th construction Rev Date: 3/16/09 V = 480V APT ‘5’ new construction V = 600V APT ‘91’ Open Delta Voltage Diagrams RevC V = 600V APTUngrounded ‘9’ Note NEC Corner 285.3(2) 3-phase 3-wire Delta 3-phase 3-wire 3-phase 3 or 4-wire Note has NEC Occasionally System no285.3(2) reference to ground Grounded Delta seen at industrial Could be ungrounded, corner system configuration L-LCommon voltages fixed by transformer, butatL-older Systemfacilities, normally not used on new grounded or Hi-leg has reference to ground industrialcan facilities, normally not used onbecause G voltages vary; Known to become Very rare, tend to be rural construction B phase is grounded Rev Date: 3/16/09 unstable. Various solutions, Call for info new construction V = 240V APT ‘61’ 14550 58 Street North, Clearwater, Florida 33760 (727) 535-6339 • (800) 237-4567 • Fax (727) 539-8955 www.aptsurge.com • info@aptsurge.com V = 240V APT ‘6’ V = 480V APT ‘5’ V = 600V APT ‘9’ Note NEC 285.3(2) V = 480V APT ‘51’ V = 600V APT ‘91’ Note NEC 285.3(2) Occasionally seen at industrial Voltage Diagrams RevC