Experiences in Integrating PV and Other DG to the Power System (Radial Distribution Systems) Prepared by: Philip Barker Founder and Principal Engineer Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Schenectady, NY Phone (518) 346-9770 Website: novaenergyspecialists.com E-Mail: pbarker@nycap.rr.com Presented at: Utility Wind Interest Group (UWIG) 6th Annual Distributed Wind/Solar Interconnection Workshop February 22-24, 2012 Golden, CO Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 1 Topics • Discussion of Distribution and Subtransmission Factors Considered in Basic DG integration Studies • Useful Ratios for Screening Analysis of DG Impacts • Review of Some System Impacts: – – – – Voltage Issues Fault Current Issues Islanding Issues Ground Fault Overvoltage Issues • Summary and Conclusions of PV Experiences Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 2 Discussion of Some Factors to Consider in DG Integration Alt. Feed Other Substations with Load and DG Subtransmission Line Substation Transformer LTC 12.47 kV Regulator and LTC Settings Subtransmission Source Adjacent Feeders Reclosing and Relay Settings Distribution Feeder Type of Grounding Voltage Regulator Other load and DG scattered on feeder Step Up Transformer DG Primary Feeder Point of Connection (POC) Alt. Feed Rotating Machine or Inverter based DG Customer Site Load Capacitor Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Bulk System Prime mover or energy source characteristics 3 Some Useful Penetration Ratios for Screening Analysis • Minimum Load to Generation Ratio (this is the annual minimum load on the relevant power system section divided by the aggregate DG capacity on the power system section) • Stiffness Factor (the available utility fault current divided by DG rated output current in the affected area) • Fault Ratio Factor (also called SCCR) (available utility fault current divided by DG fault contribution in the affected area) (Note: also called Short Circuit Contribution Ratio: SCCR) • Ground Source Impedance Ratio (ratio of zero sequence impedance of DG ground source relative to utility ground source impedance at point of connection) Note: all ratios above are based on the aggregate DG sources on the system area of interest where appropriate Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC NREL Workshop on High Penetration PV: Defining High Penetration PV – Multiple Definitions and Where to Apply Them Phil Barker, Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 4 Minimum Load to Generation Ratio (MLGR) Weekdays Peak Load Minimum Weekend Load Annual Minimum Load False Minimum Time (up to 1 year is ideal) • Try to use the annual minimum load (don’t just assume 1 week of measurements gives the minimum) Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 5 Some Helpful Screening Thresholds the Author Uses in His Studies Suggested Penetration Level Ratios(1) Name of Ratio What is Ratio useful for? (Note: these ratios are intended for distribution and subtransmission system impacts of DG for the types of impacts described below.) • MLGR used for Ground Fault Overvoltage Suppression Analysis Minimum Load to Generation Ratio [MLGR](2) (use ratios shown when DG is not effectively grounded) Very Low Penetration Moderate Penetration Higher Penetration(4) (Very low probability of any issues) (Low to minor probability of issues) (Increased probability of serious issues. >10 10 to 5 Less than 5 Synchronous Gen. Synchronous Gen. Synchronous Gen. >6 6 to 3 Less than 3 Inverters(3) Inverters(3) Inverters(3) >4 4 to 2 Less than 2 • MLGR used for Islanding Analysis (use ratios 50% larger than shown when minimum load characteristics are not well defined or if significant load dropout is a concern during sags.) Notes: 1. Ratios are meant as guides for radial 4-wire multigrounded neutral distribution system DG applications and are calculated based on aggregate DG on relevant power system sections 2. “Minimum load” is the lowest annual load on the line section of interest (up to the nearest applicable protective device). Presence of power factor correction banks that result in a surplus of VARs on the “islanded line section of interest” may require slightly higher ratios than shown to be sure overvoltage is sufficiently suppressed. 3. Inverters are inherently weaker sources than rotating machines therefore this is why a smaller ratio is shown for them than rotating machines 4. If DG application falls in this “higher penetration” category it means some system upgrades/adjustments are likely needed to avoid power system issues. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC NREL Workshop on High Penetration PV: Defining High Penetration PV – Multiple Definitions and Where to Apply Them Phil Barker, Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 6 Screening Ratios Type of Ratio Fault Ratio Factor (ISCUtility/ISCDG) Ground Source Impedance Ratio(2) Stiffness Factor (ISCUtililty/IRatedDG) What is it useful for? (Note: these ratios are intended for distribution and subtransmission system impacts of DG for the types of impacts described below.) • Overcurrent device coordination • Overcurrent device ratings • Ground fault desensitization • Overcurrent device coordination and ratings • Voltage Regulation (this ratio is a good indicator of voltage influence. Wind/PV have higher ratios due to their fluctuations. Besides this ratio, may need to check for current reversal at upstream regulator devices.) (Continued) Suggested Penetration Level Ratios(1) Very Low Penetration Moderate Penetration Higher Penetration(3) (Very low probability of any issues) (Low to minor probability of issues) (Increased probability of serious issues. >100 100 to 20 Less than 20 >100 100 to 20 Less than 20 >100 100 to 50 Less than 50 PV/Wind PV/Wind PV/Wind > 50 50 to 25 Less than 25 Steady Source Steady Source Steady Source Notes: 1. Ratios are meant as guides for radial 4-wire multigrounded neutral distribution system DG applications and are calculated based on aggregate DG on relevant power system sections 2. Useful when DG or it’s interface transformer provides a ground source contribution. Must include effect of grounding step-up transformer and/or accessory ground banks if present. 3. If DG application falls in this “higher penetration” category it means some system upgrades/adjustments are likely needed to avoid power system issues. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC NREL Workshop on High Penetration PV: Defining High Penetration PV – Multiple Definitions and Where to Apply Them Phil Barker, Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 7 What Does it Mean if it Falls Into the Higher Penetration Category? • If the DG application falls into these higher penetration categories , then a detailed study is generally recommended and may lead to the need for mitigation Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC NREL Workshop on High Penetration PV: Defining High Penetration PV – Multiple Definitions and Where to Apply Them Phil Barker, Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 8 In addition to the ratios discussed in the prior slides, also check for: • Reverse power flow at any voltage regulator or transformer LTC bank: if present, check compatibility of the controls and settings of regulator controls. • Check line drop compensation interaction: if employed by any upstream regulator, do a screening calculation of the voltage change seen at the regulator with the R and X impedance settings actually employed at the regulator. Generally, if ΔV < 1% seen by the regulator controller calculated for the full rated power change of DG, then line drop compensation effects and LTC cycling is not usually an issue. • Capacitor Banks: if significant VAR surplus on a possible islanded area study for potential impact • Fast Reclosing Dead Times: if less than 5 seconds (especially those less than 2 seconds) consider the danger of reclosing into live island. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 9 Caveats for Use of the Ratios & Checks • Ratios we have discussed on preceding slides are only guides for establishing when distribution and subtransmission system effects of DG become “significant” to the point of requiring more detailed studies and/or potential mitigation options. • They must be applied by knowledgeable engineers that understand the context of the situation and the exceptions where the ratios don’t work • It requires a lot more than just these slides here to do this topic justice. We have omitted a lot of details due to the short presentation format so this is just meant as a brief illustration of these issues. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC NREL Workshop on High Penetration PV: Defining High Penetration PV – Multiple Definitions and Where to Apply Them Phil Barker, Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 10 Voltage Regulation & Variation Issues • Steady State Voltage (ANSI C84.1 voltage limits) • Voltage Excursions and LTC Cycling • Voltage Flicker • Line Drop Compensator Interactions • Reverse Power Interactions • Regulation Mode Compatibility Interactions Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 11 High Voltage Caused by Too Much DG at End of Regulation Zone LTC SUBSTATION Feeder (with R and X) Large DG exports large amounts of power up feeder DG current at angle IDG V I DG X Sin R Cos IEEE 1547 trip Limit (132 Volts) ANSI C84.1 Upper Limit (126 volts) Light Load (DG at High Output) Voltage Heavy Load (DG High Output) ANSI C84.1 Lower Limit (114 volts) Heavy Load No DG Distance Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC End 12 Impact of Distributed Generation on Line Drop Compensation SUBSTATION LTC CT DG Supports most of feeder load Line drop compensator LTC Controller Large DG (many MW) ANSI C84.1 Upper Limit (114 volts) Heavy Load No DG Voltage Exporting DG “shields” the substation LTC controller from seeing the feeder current. The LTC sees less current than there is and does not boost voltage adequately. Heavy Load with DG Light Load No DG ANSI C84.1 Lower Limit (114 volts) Distance Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC End 13 Voltage Regulator Reverse Mode Confused by DG Reverse Power SUBSTATION LTC Normally Closed Recloser Supplementary Regulator with BiDirectional controls Normally Open R Recloser R Supplementary regulator senses reverse power and erroneously assumes that auto-loop has operated – it attempts to regulate voltage on the substation side of the supplementary regulator Reverse Power Flow Due to DG DG What happens? Since the feeder is still connected to the substation, the line regulator once it is forced into the reverse mode will be attempting to regulate the front section of the feeder. To do this can cause the supplementary regulator to “runaway” to either its maximum or minimum tap setting to attempt to achieve the desired set voltage. This in turn could cause dangerously high or low voltage on the DG side of the regulator. This occurs because the source on DG side of regulator is voltage following (not aiming to a particular voltage set point) and is weak compared to the substation source. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 14 Fluctuating Output of a Photovoltaic Power Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Days Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 15 Flicker Screening: The GE Flicker Curve (IEEE Standard 141-1993 and 519-1992) Using the voltage drop screening formula to estimate the ΔV for a given DG current change (ΔIDG). Then plot ΔV on the flicker curve using expected time period between fluctuations System Impedance Infinite Source R ΔIDG X DG Starting Current and DG Running current fluctuations V Flicker Voltage Example DG V I DG X Sin R Cos Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Realize that this is a basic screening concept. For situations where there might be more significant dynamic interactions with other loads, or utility system equipment, a dynamic simulation with a program such as EMTP or PSS/E may be required to verify if flicker will be visible. 16 A Conservative Quick Screen for PV Flicker (Not as accurate as IEEE 1453 method but easy and quick for PV) This is the IEEE 519-1992 flicker curve, but with two new adjusted curves added by NES to conservatively approximate PV flicker thresholds. Note that for PV, the regular IEEE 519-1992 curves are generally too conservative from a flicker visibility perspective due to the fact that PV fluctuations are more rounded rather than square. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC IEEE 519-1992 Borderline of Irritation Curve Percent Voltage Change (V%) While the IEEE 1453 method based on Pst, Plt is still the most technically robust approach and should allow best results in tight situations, it is the author’s view that this adjusted IEEE 519-1992 curve approach shown here can serve as a cruder but easier alternative method to facilitate quick screens. Adjusted Borderline of Irritation Curve for PV: This curve used/developed by NES represents a conservative modification to the regular IEEE flicker irritation curve. This curve for PV is meant to capture the fact that PV is not square modulation, and is based on cloud ramping rates, and possible LTC interactions causing flicker. 519 Irritation Curve x 1.25X 519 Visibility Curve x 2.0 Adjusted Borderline of Visibility Curves for PV: This curve used/developed by NES represents a conservative modification to the regular IEEE flicker visibility curve. This curve for PV is meant to capture the fact that PV is not square modulation, and is based on cloud ramping rates, and possible LTC interactions causing flicker. IEEE 519-1992 Borderline of Visibility Curve 17 PV Flicker Experiences • Use of IEEE 1453 method is a technically very robust screening methodology for flicker when very accurate threshold levels need to be determined • However, a suggested modified GE flicker curve can work well for PV as a conservative tool for simple screening when less accuracy is required • It is the author’s experience that other voltage problems (LTC cycling, ANSI limits, etc.) related to PV become problematic at lower capacity thresholds than flicker – flicker is one of the last concerns to arise Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 18 Some DG Fault Current Issues • Impact of current on breaker, fuse, recloser, coordination. Affect on directional devices and impedance sensing devices. • Increase in fault levels (interrupting capacity of breakers on the utility system) • Nuisance trips due to “backfeed” fault current • Distribution transformer rupture issues • Impact on temporary fault clearing/deionization Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 19 Fault Currents of Rotating Machines 4-10 times rated current Separately-Excited Synchronous Generator Subtransient Period Envelope Fault Current Transient Period Envelope Steady State Period Envelope Time 4-10 times rated current 2 to 4 times rated current Induction Machine Transient Time Constant Fault Current 100% Current Decay Envelope 37% Time Current decays to essentially zero Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 20 Fault Current Contributions of Inverters i Pre-fault Fault Current Worst case t Irated Best Case: May last only a few milliseconds (less than ½ cycle) for many typical PV, MT and fuel cell inverters Typical Worst Case: may last for up to the IEEE 1547 limits and be up to 200% of rated current Note: The exact nature and duration of the fault contribution from an inverter is much more difficult to predict than a rotating machine. It is a function of the inverter controller design, the thermal protection functions for the IGBT and the depth of voltage sag at the inverter terminals. In the worst case if fault contributions do continue for more than ½ cycle, they are typically no more than 1 to 2 times the inverter steady state current rating. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 21 115 kV Fault Current Impacts: Fault Contribution from DG Might Trip The Feeder Breaker and Recloser (Nuisance trip) 13.2 kV Nuisance trips, fuse coordination issues, transformer rupture issues, etc. Transformer Rupture Limits (fault magnitude) Recloser A Fault Case 2 Utility The good news is that PV is much less likely than conventional rotating DG to cause issues since inverter fault contributions are smaller! IDG DG DG Fault Contribution from DG Might Interfere with Fuse Saving or Exceed Limits of a Device DG Fault Case 1 Utility Adjacent Feeder Iutility Fault Case 3 Recloser B Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 22 The Author’s Experiences Related to PV Fault Levels • In doing many projects, I have observed that fault current problems associated with PV in most cases are not an issue due to the low currents injected by the inverter (about 1-2 per unit of rating). • In general, only the largest PV (or large PV aggregations) can cause enough fault current to even begin to worry current impacts (there are some special exceptions). • As PV capacity grows on a circuit, voltage problems usually arise well before fault currents become an issue. A circuit without voltage problems is not likely to have fault current problems due to PV. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 23 Unintentional DG Islanding Issues • Incidents of energized downed conductors can increase (safety) • Utility system reclosing into live island may damage switchgear and loads • Service restoration can be delayed and will become more dangerous for crews • Islands may not maintain suitable power quality • Damaging overvoltages can occur during some conditions Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 115 kV 13.2 kV The recloser has tripped on its first instantaneous shot, now the DG must trip before a fast reclose is attempted by the utility Adjacent Feeder Recloser A Islanded Area DG Recloser B (Normally Open) 24 Islanding Protection Methods of DG Passive Relaying Approach (Voltage and frequency windowing relay functions: 81o, 81u, 27, 59 – if conditions leave window then unit trips) Active Approach (instability induced voltage or frequency drift coupled and/or actively perturbed system impedance measurement or other active parameter measurement) (UL-1741 utility interactive inverters) Communication Link Based Approach (use of direct transfer trip [DTT] or other communications means) Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 25 Islanding and PV Inverters • Inverters typically have very effective active antiislanding protection. • Unfortunately, the IEEE 1547 and UL-1741 islanding protection requirements (2 second response time) are not compatible with high speed utility reclosing practices used at many utilities • If minimum load is nearly matched to generation then provisions such as DTT and/or live line reclose blocking may be needed, especially with high speed reclosing situations. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 26 Start Screening for Islanding Issues No Is the DG equipped with at least passive relayingbased islanding protection? Yes No Is the reclosing dead time on the “Islandable” section ≥ 5 seconds? Yes No Is the annual minimum load on any “Islandable” section at least twice the rated DG capacity? Yes No Is the DG an Inverter Based Technology Certified Per UL1741 Non-IslandingTest? Yes No Islanding Protection May Need Careful Examination and Possible Enhancement Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Is the mix of (number of and capacity) inverters and other converters and capacitors on the “Islandable” section within comfortable limits of the UL1741 algorithms? Yes Islanding Protection is Adequate 27 Ground Fault Overvoltage Voltage swell during ground fault X 1, X 2 R1, R2 X 1, X 2 R1, R2 X 1, X 2 R1, R2 Phase A V(t) Phase B Source Transformer (output side) Phase C (t) Van Vbn Fault Vcn R0 X0 Neutral and earth return path Ground Fault Overvoltage can result in serious damaging overvoltage on the unfaulted phases. It can be up to roughly 1.73 per unit of the pre-fault voltage level. Before the Fault Van Van Voltage Increases on Van, Vbn Neutral Neutral Vcn Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC During the Fault Vbn Vcn Vbn 28 IEEE Effective Grounding • Effective grounding is achieved when the source impedance has the following ratios: Van Voltage includes 5% regulation factor Ro/X1 < 1 Xo/X1 < 3 • Effective grounding limits the L-G voltage on the unfaulted phases to roughly about 1.25-1.35 per unit of nominal during the fault • With ungrounded source, the voltage could be as high as 1.82 per unit. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Effectively grounded system ideally grounded system N N Vcn N Ungrounded system 1.82 VLN Vbn 29 Generator Step-Up Transformer Grounding Issues Distribution Transformer High Voltage Side (to Utility Distribution System Primary) Acts as grounded source feeding out to system Acts as grounded source feeding out to system only if generator neutral is tied to the transformer grounded neutral Acts as ungrounded source feeding out to system only if generator neutral is not connected to transformer grounded neutral* Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Neutral wye Low Voltage Side (DG facility) Gen. delta A N C C Neutral grounding of generator on low side of transformer does not impact grounding condition on high side B Gen. Neutral wye wye A *IMPORTANT: Generator neutral must be connected to the neutral/ground of the transformer to establish zero sequence path to high side N C C B Gen. Neutral wye wye A N C C B *neutral is not connected then the source acts as an ungrounded source even though transformer is grounded-wye to grounded-wye 30 Generator Step-Up Transformer Grounding Issues – Continued High Voltage Side Distribution Transformer (to Utility Distribution System Primary) Acts as ungrounded source feeding out to system Low Voltage Side (DG facility) Gen. delta delta A N C C B Neutral grounding of generator on low side of transformer does not impact grounding condition on high side No connection to Transformer Neutral Acts as ungrounded source feeding out to system Neutral wye Gen. delta A N C C Neutral grounding of generator on low side of transformer does not impact grounding condition on high side B Floating Neutral Acts as ungrounded source feeding out to system Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Gen. delta wye A N C C B Neutral grounding at generator on low side of transformer does not impact grounding condition on high side 31 PV Inverter – Neutral Is Typically Not Effectively Grounded Three Phase Inverter with Internal Isolation Transformer all inside an enclosure – a typical arrangement C Wye A Delta B Neutral Terminal Enclosure bond to safety ground Wye has high resistance neutral grounding or is essentially ungrounded 12,470V Utility Distribution Transformer A 480V Neutral B 277V Building Neutral C Safety Ground Usually bonded to earth ground at main service panel per NEC but this does not make it effectively grounded if inverter transformer is not so Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 32 Ground Fault Overvoltage Issues Subtransmission source transformer acts as grounded source suppressing ground fault overvoltage on subtransmission until subtransmission breaker opens. Utility System Bulk Source Substation transformer acts as grounded source with respect to 12.47 feeder suppressing ground fault overvoltage on distribution until feeder breaker opens. But it acts as an ungrounded source when feeding backwards into subtransmission! Feeder Breaker Subtransmission Breaker Subtransmission (46kV) Ground Fault DG 12.47 kV Line Ground Fault Distribution Substation Transformer Acts as ungrounded source (not effectively grounded) Distribution Substation DG Site 1 Transformer acts as ungrounded source or acts as high Z grounded source (if generator neutral is not grounded or high z grounded) DG Site 2 Load DG Distribution Substation Load Load Load Load Neutral is Ungrounded or High Z Grounded Need enough load on this island with respect aggregate DG at distribution level to suppress overvoltage – otherwise effective grounding or other solutions are needed! Need enough load on this island with respect aggregate DG at all connected distribution substations to suppress overvoltage – otherwise special solutions are needed! Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 33 Solutions to Ground Fault Overvoltage (any one of these alone will work) • Effectively ground the DG if possible (But be careful since too much effectively grounded DG can desensitize relaying and cause other issues. Also, see note 1 with regard to subtransmission impacts of distribution effective grounding of DG.) • If DG is not effectively grounded make sure to maintain a minimum load to aggregate generation ratio >5 for rotating DG and >3 for inverter generation • Don’t separate the feeder from the substation grounding source transformer until sufficient non-effectively grounded DG is “cleared” from the feeder (e.g. use a time coordinated DTT method.) • Use grounding transformer banks at strategic point(s) on feeder. Note 1: On subtransmission since the distribution substations usually feed in through delta (high-side) windings, effective grounding of DG at the distribution level does not make it effectively grounded with respect to subtransmission level. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 34 How Load Reduces Ground Fault Overvoltage Vag Before the Fault Vag Neutral Neutral Vcg Voltage Increases on Vag, Vbg Vbg Vcg=0 For inverters the excessive load will also trigger fast shutdown to protect transistors During Ground Fault (light load) X R Vbg Impedance of DG Source, its transformer and connecting leads Vag During Ground Fault (heavy load) 12.47 kV Feeder Neutral Vcg=0 Vbg Utility Source Open Breaker Load Ground Fault (phase C) Voltage does not rise much on Vag, Vbg because the overall size of the triangle has been reduced (phase to phase voltage has dropped) Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 35 Grounding Transformer Impedance Sizing Utility Source Open Xt=5% X1PV = 30% IEEE Effective Grounding Definition X 0 groundbank Utility Primary Feeder Inverter Grounding Transformer Bank X 1 pv R0 groundbank X 1 pv 3 1 X0groundbank, R0groundbank Assume inverter X1 is 30% for generic worst case 30% is not the actual impedance since the inverter impedance varies due to controller dynamics and operating state. But 30% is a conservative number that factors worst case conditions whether the inverter is a current controlled or voltage controlled PV source. A higher number can be used for some inverters, but care should be exercised if using a higher value (especially if it exceeds 50%). Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Engineering Targets to Provide Effective Grounding with Reasonable Margin X 0 groundbank X 1 pv R0 groundbank X 1 pv 2 0. 7 36 Ground Transformer Sizing/Rating • Must be sized such that: – X0/X1 and R0/X1 ratios are satisfied with some margin (see the targets prior slide) – Bank must be able to handle fault currents and steady state zero sequence currents without exceeding damage limits – Bank must not desensitize the utility ground fault relaying or impact ground flow currents too much – Bank may need alarming or interlock trip of DG if bank trips off. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC I0 Total I0 utility Utility Source Path I0 Ground transformer Grounding Transformer Path Zero Sequence Current Divider 37 Ferroresonance and Load Rejection Overvoltage with DG Conditions to Avoid: Islanded State (Feeder Breaker open) Generator Rating > minimum load on island Excessive Capacitance on island Reliable and fast anti-islanding protection that clears DG from line before island forms is a good defense against this type of ferroresonant condition! Reasonably high MLGR avoids it too. Waveform shown is Rotating Machine Type Overvoltage EMTP Simulation of Ferroresonant Overvoltage Load rejection, ground fault and resonance related overvoltage Unfaulted Phase Voltage Normal Voltage Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC Breaker Opens (island forms) 38 Outcomes of PV Projects (0.1 to 5 MW) the Author Has Been Involved With in Various Locations Type of Issue Typical Experience (over 30 projects studied) Voltage Regulation Interactions Most have not required changes to the regulator or regulation settings and no special mitigation. A few projects have required regulator setting changes to reduce the chance of LTC cycling or ANSI C84.1 voltage violations. The largest sites studied are considering reactive compensation to mitigate LTC cycling and voltage variations. Fault Current Interactions No sites except one caused enough additional fault current to impact coordination or device ratings in a significant manner. Islanding Interactions For islanding protection, roughly 1/3rd of the sites have required something special beyond the standard UL-1741 inverter with default settings. Some required more sensitive inverter settings or adjustments to utility reclosing dead time. A few have needed a radio based or hardwired DTT and/or live line reclose blocking added. Ground Fault Overvoltage About 1/3rd of the sites need some form of mitigation – usually a grounding transformer bank, a grounded inverter interface, or a time coordinated DTT Harmonics No sites have required any special provisions for harmonics yet Other Some sites are considering operating in power factor mode producing VARs to provide reactive power support. One site had a capacitor concern. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 39 Conclusions • PV and other types of DG today are being successfully interconnected on distribution feeders all over the country. In many cases the impacts are not enough to cause worrisome effects. • However, the size of projects is growing, especially now that many large commercial and FIT type projects are being considered at the distribution level. Also, the ongoing aggregation effects as PV becomes more widely adopted is leading to more substantial impacts. • Many projects can still be screened using simple methods, but increasingly, more detailed analytical methods are becoming necessary. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 40 Conclusions (continued) • The “relative size” of the PV (or DG) compared to the power system to which it is connected plays the key role in system impact effects. Key factors that gauge the relative size include: – The MLGR, FRF (SCCR), Stiffness Factor, and GSIR – The ratios will usually need to be gauged based on aggregate DG in a zone or region of concern • The settings of utility voltage regulation equipment and feeder overcurrent devices and system designs also play a key role. • The “absolute size” and “project class” (e.g. FIT, net metered) play a role only in that this impacts the scope and criticality of the project and may trigger certain regulatory requirements. Prepared by Nova Energy Specialists, LLC 41